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Industry Analysis

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February 24, 2010 [MARKETING TRATEGY] 1.0 INTRODUCTION The rubber industry in Malaysia has since evolved through the years and has transformed itself into a more integrated industry where the rapid developments of the mid- and downstream industries have made the industry a multi-billion ringgit one. This was vastly aided by the tremendous progress made in the R&D of rubber cultivation & harvesting as well as rubber processing. The invention of technically specified rubber (the SMR) in 1965 and the introduction of the three Industrial Master Plans, (IMP) (1986- 2020) gave greater impetus to the growth of the rubber processing and manufacturing sectors. Currently NR rubber industry is a 25- billion ringgit industry. Being a largest exported of raw natural rubber (Standard Malaysian Rubber) in the 80’s, Malaysia now becomes one of the biggest importer & consumer of raw rubber and a major exporter of rubber products. Malaysia has been recognized as one of the biggest producer of natural rubber of the world with the production of 3.13 million tons in 2006. The rubber cultivation scattered in every regions of the country. Natural rubber (NR) was introduced in Malaysia in 1877 when 22 seedlings from a batch of 70, 000 seedlings that Sir Henry Wickham collected from the Amazon jungles in 1876 were dispatched to Singapore Botanical Garden. The arrival of 22 Seedlings in Singapore did not create the Malaysian plantations overnight. Hevea 1 Analysis on Malaysian Rubber Company
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The rubber industry in Malaysia has since evolved through the years and has

transformed itself into a more integrated industry where the rapid developments

of the mid- and downstream industries have made the industry a multi-billion

ringgit one. This was vastly aided by the tremendous progress made in the R&D

of rubber cultivation & harvesting as well as rubber processing. The invention of

technically specified rubber (the SMR) in 1965 and the introduction of the three

Industrial Master Plans, (IMP) (1986- 2020) gave greater impetus to the growth

of the rubber processing and manufacturing sectors. Currently NR rubber

industry is a 25-billion ringgit industry. Being a largest exported of raw natural

rubber (Standard Malaysian Rubber) in the 80’s, Malaysia now becomes one of

the biggest importer & consumer of raw rubber and a major exporter of rubber


Malaysia has been recognized as one of the biggest producer of natural rubber

of the world with the production of 3.13 million tons in 2006. The rubber

cultivation scattered in every regions of the country. Natural rubber (NR) was

introduced in Malaysia in 1877 when 22 seedlings from a batch of 70, 000

seedlings that Sir Henry Wickham collected from the Amazon jungles in 1876

were dispatched to Singapore Botanical Garden. The arrival of 22 Seedlings in

Singapore did not create the Malaysian plantations overnight. Hevea seedlings

were initially planted in the Residency gardens at Kuala Kangsar where they

were nurtured by the Resident, Hugh Low. The large scale planting of Hevea by

the government was only started in 1888 when Henry Ridley was appointed

Director of the Singapore Botanic Gardens.

(Nutchanart et.al. 2007)

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1.1 Rubber Types and Grades

Pale Crepe. After coagulation, the wet slabs are passed through a creping

machine, and the crepe varies from off-white to pale yellow color. The

crepe sheets are largely used in making the crepe soles of shoes.

Ribbed Smoked Sheets. Slab rubber can also be passed through a series

of rollers; one of the last set prints a simple pattern, such as crisscross.

The sheet is, then, hung on rocks, in smoking shed, for 48 hours or more

to dry. The smoke is obtained by burning wood or oil. The ribbed smoked

sheets are of a dark amber colour. In trade, they are popularly known as

"Ribbed Smoked Rubber". A huge quantity of ribbed smoked sheets is

exported to all parts of the world.

Hevea Crumb. It is made of adding some chemicals in the latex. It is

produced in the form of a mass of crumb-like pieces instead of sheets.

This new brand is popularly known as the Standard Malaysian Rubber

(SMR) or Hevea-crumb rubber. In this form, the rubber can be

conveniently compressed and packed for export.

Skim Rubber. In the process of coagulation, some ten percent rubber is

left behind in the liquid of coagulation tank. That residual rubber is

recovered by skimming; it is known as Skim Rubber. Skim rubber contains

a much higher proportion of impurities, and so it is less desirable.

Vulcanized Rubber. It is to be noted that the rubber is graded according to

International Standard published by the Rubber Manufacturers

Association of New York.

The starting of rubber plantations in Malaysia has resulted in the rapid economic

development of the area. Roads, railway lines and ports have been developed,

and new areas, with all modern amenities, have been settled by the people. The

population has increased, and the people now maintain a high standard of living.

Source: (kisaso.com)

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1.2 Disadvantages/Problems of the Rubber Industry

At present, based on the author’s research and analysis the policies of the

Malaysian Government are not as favorable to foreign investors as previously.

The Government regulations, regarding benefits and wages to native workers,

are more strict, and the taxes are higher. The rubber planters also face the

problem of surplus production (it is because the huge areas are available for the

rubber plantation), which results in lowered prices and profits. The abundant

production of synthetic rubber in the U.S.A. and other countries has also given a

great set back to marketing. The synthetic rubber, which is made from petroleum,

coal, alcohol or other materials, is obtained at a very low cost of production.

Another problem is the need to replace a large proportion of the trees, which are

very old, with new ones of very high yield. The Government has laid a special tax

on exported rubber, and the money, thus, raised is utilized for the cost of

replanting trees. Because of all these hazards, the rubber planters are now

converting the rubber estates to that of palm. But it does not mean that the

rubber plantation system will discontinue. The synthetic rubber is excellent for

certain purposes, but it is not yet as satisfactory as natural rubber for general

purposes, such as tyres. As such, with an expanded role of the Government in

the management of the rubber plantation, the production of rubber in Malaysia

will undoubtedly continue, and, perhaps even increase in importance.

Source: (kisaso.com)

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1.4 Comparison of Natural Rubber production and yield between Malaysia

and other countries

In 2005, the six leading producers -Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, China

and Vietnam - accounted for roughly 89% of world NR production. Combined

output in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia alone represented around 70% of the

global output. Despite the substitution effect with SR, world natural rubber

production increased from roughly 2,1 million tonnes in 1961 to over 9,1 million

tonnes in 2005. According to IRSG's predictions for 2009, the world's production

rise for NR should not overcome 3.6% and 3.5% for SR. As more, Indonesia

should stay the most dynamic market with a rise of 6.8%.

NR production (thousand tonnes) - largest producers, 1961-2005

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1.4.1 Malaysia, NR area, production and yields, 1961-2005

Malaysia had been the largest NR producing country for most of the 20th

century, until it was relegated to third position in the early 1990s. Back in the mid-

1970s, Malaysia accounted for almost half of the world's NR output. Following

the steady decline in production since the second half of the 1980s, its share

dropped to 11.5% in 1999. It has been argued that as the Malaysian economy

advanced, the cost of opportunity of producing NR increased. Higher wages in

the city attracted workers, which made labour scarce as well as land and capital

relatively expensive for NR production.

Source: UNCTAD secretariat (Data: FAOSTAT database)

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1.4.2 World natural rubber exports

The three major NR producing countries (Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia)

accounted for more than 82 per cent of the world’s net exports. During the period

2000-2006, Thailand’s net exports expanded by 16.3 per cent from 2.2 million

tones to 2.5 million tonnes. Indonesia recorded a greater increase of 59.7 per

cent, from 1.4 million tonnes in 2000 to 2.2 million tonnes in 2006. Meanwhile,

during the same period, net exports from Malaysia increased by 52.6 per cent

from 0.43 to 0.66 million tonnes. Vietnam, the emerging NR producing country,

has increased its net exports of NR by 102.0 per cent from 254,000 tonnes in

2000 to 513,000 tonnes in2006

1.4.3 Contribution to GDP

The Malaysian economy is highly trade-oriented, having initially relied on the

agriculture and mining sectors. Although the agriculture sector constituted about

40per cent of our GDP in the late 1950s, the economy became gradually more

diversified, arising from the implementation of various industrial and development

policies in the 1960s and 1970s, with greater focus on export diversification. In

the early 1980s, the government implemented several measures to develop

selected heavy industries in order to broaden the industrial base and to develop

indigenous capabilities in the manufacturing sector.

2.0Nature of the Industry

Kuala kangsar province is suitable area for rubber central market development

because the province can be connected to other major rubber import countries

such as China, Japan, USA, South Korea, and Europe by the convenient road

network to other provinces and other regions. Study on rubber production and

marketing competency of Kuala kangsar province, the government should

provided the better supporting rubber policy to farmers, traders, and related

officers and synchronized with the Indo-China Intersection policy as well as the

present economic and social characteristic.

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Data Collection applied with information and data survey, interview, mail survey

and telephone survey. The large numbers of problems were prioritized and its

importance were discussed and concluded on production and marketing aspects

of each focus group within the cluster.

The study also used SWOT, TOWS matrix, Five Forces and Porter’s Diamond

Models analysis and synthesis the data to reach the conclusion on production,

market strategy and policy.

2.1 The study applied to analyze the industrial competition using Porter’s

Five Forces Model consisted of 5 factors as follow.

(1.) Threat of New Entrants

(2.) Competitive Rivalry with an Industry

(3.) Threat of Substitute Product

(4.) Bargaining Power of Customers

(5.) Bargaining Power of Suppliers

These 5 factors will indicated the opportunity of profit gain in the industry so the

company should understand the component of each factor to analyze the

opportunity and risk among the industry.

Figure 1 Model of Five Forces Analysis

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Figure 2 Model of Porter’s Diamond

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Results of research study

1. Analysis comparison on the problem level and urgent need in production and

marketing management among the farmers, traders, and government officials

The hypothesis was the level of serious problem and level of urgent need in

production and marketing management among the farmers, traders, and

government officers was significantly different.

The comparison focused on these three groups of farmer, trader and

government officers. Then only 46 rubber farmers were reselected due to

their related to production and marketing, while another 311 rubber

farmers were still new planting area without production and marketing


(Michael E Porter’s theory (Porter, 2000)

2.2 Table 1 Difference level of serious problems in production of rubber

farmers, traders, and government officers

Level of serious

problems in





Farmers Traders Government


Low 6(13.04%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 6(5.45%)

Moderate 24(52.17%) 12(63.16%) 29(64.44%) 65(59.09%)

High 16(34.78%) 7(36.84%) 16(35.56%) 39(35.45%)

Total 46(100%) 19(100%) 45(100%) 110(100%)

The results from Table 1 indicated that the level of major problems in production

aspect from government officers, traders, and farmers were in moderate level

according to 64.44, 63.16, and 52.17 %, respectively.

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2.3 Analysis of Strategic Factors and Environment

The SWOT and TOWS matrix were analyzed with the cluster participation to

reach the production, marketing strategy and policy. The analysis process


(1) General External Factor Analysis Summary: GEFAS

(2) Industrial and Competitive Factor Analysis Summary: ICFAS

(3) Internal Factors Analysis Summary: IFAS

(4) Strategic Factors Analysis Summary: SFAS

(5) TOWS Matrix

Internal Factor Analysis Strength (S) Weakness (W)

General external factor

analysis summary

1.Malaysia rubber industry

is highly competitiveness

on geographical transport


2. Best infrastructure and

convenient communication

3. High quality of products

1. Limited of suitable

cultivation area

2. The farmer lack of

knowledge on

cultivation and harvest

3. No central rubber

market within the area

4. Lack of group

establishment with

strong bargaining to

traders and suppliers

Opportunities (O) SO WO

1. Demand of natural

rubber in the world

market: China, Japan,


2. Market situation within

partner countries

3. Production and market

-Research and

development and rubber

quality preservation to

maintain the existing

market and expand market

to new partners

-World supply and price

- Continuously training

and rubber information

from government


- The government

sector set up the

rubber central market

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4. Production capacity of

rubber industry

5.Appropiate environment

for production

6. Entrance of new


7. Competitive market of

other farmers

positioning in the north region


- Establish the rubber

farmer group to create

the advantage on cost

reduction and effective


Threat (T) ST WT

1.The expansion of

rubber cultivation area

and rubber export of the

foreign competitors

2. The advantage on

factor of production of the


3. Investment in rubber


4. Property of agricultural


5. Bargaining power on

rubber supply to rubber


6. Bargaining power on

the raw materials buying

in rubber cultivation.

-Focus on good quality

rubber production and

research on rubber product

new diversity,

differentiation and value


- Research on rubber clone

development for good

quality and reduce the lost

after the harvest.

- Establish the farmer

group and central

market in province for

stronger bargaining to

rubber traders and


The results from Table establish the strategic competency as follow

(1.) SO: more-more, use the strength to create the advantage from opportunity.

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Government sector, Private sector, education institutes and related organizations

should conduct further research, develop and maintain the rubber production

quality in order to maintain the old partners and expand market to new partners

under IRCO policy and activities.

(2.) WO: less more, creates the advantage to overcome the weakness.

Government sector launch the training program and provide necessary

information related to rubber to the farmers continuously. Government sector set

up the central market in the north region especially in kuala sangsar province.

Setting up of the rubber corporative group in malysian rubber (kuala sangsar) will

create the advantage on cost reduction and effective factors of production.

(3.) ST: more-less, use the strength to overcome or avoid the threat, focus on

quality of rubber production, research on new rubber product for product

differentiation and value adding, and research on rubber clone development for

area suitability, high quality and standard, and reduce lost after harvest

(4.) WT: less less, improvement from the weakness and threat, create the

strength and opportunity, and encourage the rubber group to set up in the

province to empower the bargaining.

The results from strategic analysis, general environment analysis, industrial

competitiveness analysis, and internal environment analysis could be create the

strategic results to increase the potential of rubber production and market in

Malaysian rubber industry as follow

The government sector should set up the rubber central market in the north

region and within Kuala kangsar province on logistic and advantage.

The government sector, private sector, educational institution, and related

organization should conducted research, develop and produce good

quality for maintaining the old partner and expand the market to the new


The government sector should launch the training on advance technology

and provide information about rubber to the farmers.

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Establishing the grower groups create higher competitiveness in cost

reduction and possible factors of production. Focus on produce good

quality product and research on new rubber product for varying, product

differentiation and value added.

Research the new rubber clone development suit for the new area, high

quality and standard, and reduce lost during harvest

Promote the rubber group and market forming in the province for bargaining

empowerment to the rubber traders and suppliers under IRCO network.

2.2.1 SWOT Summary

Regarding to rubber production and market problem, it was found that the major

problems on production were lack of rubber information, distance of rubber

delivery, lack of cultivation knowledge, high cost of production, no property rights

on land, and lack of standard storage house.

The problems on marketing were lack of auction market and low with poor price

bargaining power. The market activity fluctuated simultaneously with problems

such as of enhancement of the competitiveness of rubber production and

marketing 14problem on supply bargaining change in marketing system. The real

cost change because uncertain price and it is likely that the rubber price at

growers and local traders will lower than the market price. To setting up the

strategic or policy should be the activity supporting the rubber price in the market

matching to the real cost.

The results from the higher of population and area analysis found that Kuala

kangsar province could be developed in competitive competency regarding to the

province located in the center of the country with good infrastructure and

communication network (land, water, airport, and railway). Particularly, the

province located in the center of Indo-china intersection which close to major

world market such as China, Japan and India, if the government and private

sectors can establish the strategic planning for rubber central market in the north

region. These will reduce the logistic cost which influenced to rubber price.

Stakeholder should receive the information on rubber market from the central

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market that will lead to development and improvement in rubber competency in

international market.

3.0 Market Summary

3.1 Market Factors – PESTLE Analysis

There are several major changes in the external business environment which

have major impact on the industry which create both opportunities and threats for

Sonic. These external changes can be analyzed through PESTLE analysis.

PESTLE framework that involved the political, economical, social, technological,

environment and legal factors will also be an important tool to analyze the

external nature of the business environment (Baron, 2003).

3.1.1 Political Factor

Firstly, a number of aspects such as the political system, government activities

and others which consist in the political environment clearly impinge on business

activity (Worthington & Britton, 2006). Policies from the Malaysia government that

support information technology product will become a positive impact for the

sales of Sonic PDA and will become a great opportunity for Sonic.

3.1.2 Economic Factor

Rubber sales revenue will be affected by the efficiency of financial markets and

poor financial condition of the market will lead to decrease in sales volume.

When the economy is not performing well, the buying power of consumer will

decrease which will result in the decreeing of market demand. This can become

a potential threat for MRI(Malaysia rubber industry) as well. In fact, growth of the

Malaysian economy slowed to 0.1% (3Q 08: 4.7%) in the fourth quarter of 2008

as global economic conditions worsened significantly. Growth was affected by

the sharply weaker external demand, that has resulted in a further decline in net

real exports of goods and services by 40.1% (3Q 08: -14.8%). Nevertheless,

domestic demand continued to provide support to growth, driven mainly by

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private consumption and public spending. For the year as a whole, the Malaysian

economy expanded by 4.6% (2007: 6.3%):

Sources: Bank Negara Malaysia (27th February 2009), available at


3.1.3 Social-cultural Factor

Both demand and supply are influenced by social and cultural factors. In order for

Rubber industry to survive in Malaysia market, they need to take culture into

account and consider the cultural differences when doing business aboard.

Culture is undeniable an important force that have major impact on how Rubber

industry position and market their product and inadequate of business model or

product design/features that fail to cope with the local preferences will only

caused damage in profit for rubber. Thus, Rubber industry malaysia must realize

that social-culture has a significant impact on their product design/features and

the ability to identify and understand the local preferences and adapt to it will

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become one of the major success factor to gain sustainable growth in Malaysia

market. In fact, the spending powers of consumer in Malaysia are high.

3.1.4Technological Factor

Technology is both an input and an output of organizations as well as being an

environmental influence on the nature of business (Vranesevic et al, 2006). For

example, technological development such as the emergent of e-business or hand

held computer devices are growing significantly around the world and is

becoming an important trend within the global arena. Consumers are more likely

to be connected to the Internet 24/7 with their Pc’s and deal with business or

personal tasks anytime and anywhere they want. So, the rubber industry can

take advantages of these advanced technologies and create opportunity out of

the technological environment.

3.1.5 Environment Factor

Changes in the external environment as described in this marketing plan will

directly affect the sales of Rubber. If the demand of consumer changes or there

are change in the economic condition of the market, it will have direct impact on

the rubber industry.

3.1.6 Legal Factor

Regulation and legal system can be a potential disadvantages for Malaysian

rubber industry as well since the industry will be unfamiliar with the legal

environment in Malaysia. More on legal perspective, governments can also

influence the industry and the profitability of the rubber industry can be greatly

influence by the level of taxation in the host country and by any restrictions on

profit repatriation (Thomas, 2002). Moreover, Thomas (2002) and Hodgetts &

Luthans (2003) argue that unpredictable changes in governmental regulations

can be a death knell to businesses operating abroad.

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4.0 Marketing Strategies

Specific action plan, also known as marketing strategy is an important factor to

Malaysian rubber industry since it gives direction for the industry on which route

they should take in order to success.

4.0 Target Market

Kotler & Keller (2006) suggest that company’s most important decision concerns

the target market. Until the target market is defined and profiles, company cannot

make effective marketing strategy. Malaysian Rubber major market segment is

the rubber industry and they target the middle to high income consumer.

4.1 Positioning Strategy

Positioning is the art of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a

distinctive place in the mind of the target market (lecture notes). The goal is to

locate the brand in the minds of the consumers to maximize the potential benefits

to the firm (Kotler & Keller, 2006). In today’s competitive business environment,

positioning is extremely important to create positive prejudice in the mind of

customer that is distinctive and pre-emptive. Malaysian rubber positioned

themselves as “multi-functional and high-quality rubber producers at moderate


4.2 Generic Strategy

Moreover, Porter (1985) suggest that competitive advantage is at the heart of a

firm’s performance in competitive markets and how organization position their

company in its competitive environment is critical and emphasize on the

importance of positioning view. He argues that organization can sustain

competitive advantages by implementing the generic strategies by position

themselves either being cost-leadership, differentiation or focus (Porter, 1985).

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The generic strategies can help the industry to achieve sustainable competitive

advantages and compete more effectively with their competitors. Sonic can

implement both cost-leadership and differentiation strategy in order to become

more competitive in the industry. Malaysian rubber is going to sell cheaper than

other competitors to satisfy the demand of the price sensitive market. Although

other competitors also compete on low pricing strategy, Malaysian rubber can

excel the others by taking high quality and unique handwriting recognition system

to differentiate them from the competitors.

4.3 Marketing Mix

Furthermore, the marketing activities of rubber can include the marketing mix that

consist of product, price, place and promotion, which must be integrated to make

marketing strategy of sustaining business growth to be effective (Harrell, 2002).

Sources: QuickMBA, available at


PLC is a new product progresses through stages which consist of introduction to

growth, maturity and decline. PLC is associated with changes in the external

environment and will affect the marketing activities of rubber (Sutherland &

Canwell, 2004; Kotler & Keller, 2006).

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As for price, Rubber focus on the mid-range pricing strategy and they had

positioned themselves to became the cost-leadership (Porter, 1985) in the

Rubber market by implementing market-penetration pricing to offer the lowest

price ever compared to the competitors in order to increase market share (Kotler

& Keller, 2006). In order for rubber malaysia to maximize its market share, Kotler

& Keller (2006) suggest that market-penetration pricing with higher sales volume

will lead to lower unit costs and higher long-run profit by setting a lowest price,

assuming the market is price sensitive. Malaysian rubber prices are cheaper than

other they should remain their pricing level at a low pricing to win a large market

share and to stimulate market growth, as well as discourage actual and potential


In order to expand to other countries, Malaysian must improve the distribution

network at overseas and appoint reliable personal representation. The most

effective ways is to acquire or form partnership/alliances with overseas

representative company to improve the distribution network. Improving the

overseas distribution will directly enhance sales and profit as well.

Lastly, promotion is communication process of organization to facilitate exchange

by informing and persuading an audience to accept the business’s product

(Sutherland & Canwell, 2004). The industry need to be promotionally orientated

and use various advertising method and organize promotional sales extensively

to attract customer attention. Nowadays, Kotler & Keller (2006) suggest that

there are more innovative and creative place advertising, also called out-of-home

advertising that Sonic can implement which include billboards, public space,

product placement, and point-of-purchase (P-O-P). All the promotional tools

above will stimulate the response from customer and enhance sales.

4.4 Relationship and Internal Marketing

Besides, the industry can also emphasize on relationship marketing as they need

to have good contacts and relationships with their customer and need to be

successfully in meeting perceived needs. This can create word of mouth for the

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industry and they must emphasis on building longer term relationships with

existing and new customers.

Furthermore, in order for the marketing strategies to be more effective, internal

marketing can be implementing by the industry. Internal marketing (IM) is an

ongoing process that occurs strictly within a company or organization whereby

the functional process aligns, motivates and empowers employees at all

management levels to consistently deliver a satisfying customer experience

(Pervaiz, 2005). George, W (1990) also argues that an effective internal

marketing program is a prerequisite for effective external marketing efforts

4.5 Internal Resources and Key Competences

Internal resources and key competences are essential for the industry to create

competitive advantages and for them to stay beyond their competitors.

4.5.1 Effective relationship with suppliers and buyers

Malaysian rubber need to have strong personal contacts with their main suppliers

and biggest customers. This will create potential opportunity for the industry to

get high-quality materials from its suppliers for new product developments and an

existing customer base to promote its new products in the future.

4.5.2 Effective human resources

The industry need to maintain a very strong task culture with dedicated staff

working all hours to meet customer satisfaction by performing after sales

services and answer all questions from the customer. All key staffs must have

efficient product knowledge and dedicated to help customer as a determinant of

the industry future success. This strength can create opportunities for the

industry to produce high quality outputs.

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4.5.3 Effective business growth

The industry needs a steady increasing in turnover and profits. Rubber Malaysia

profitability not only depends on their product, but also on the after sales services

to create brand equity and after their first product reach maturity level, they can

launch a new product to stimulate the profit.

4.5.4 Effective production and operation control

The industry need to gain maximum control of the operation to ensure that they

have the abilities to satisfy the increasing demand of the Malaysia markets.

4.5.5 Effective distribution/communication network

The industry can gain strength in its flexible distribution/communication network

that includes distribution to various agents, phone store and direct selling to

working professional. This creates opportunities for the industry to have sufficient

distribution channel to sell its new products in the future and sustain market

growth as well as stimulate greater responses and demand through effective

advertising through various multimedia such as billboard, TV advertisement and


4.5.6 Effective marketing activities

Producing high quality rubber is strength for them since it can stimulate

responses and direct order which create great opportunities for the industry to

increase its sales.

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1. Kotler, P. (2003), Marketing Management, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall.

2. Harrell G.D. (2002), Marketing: Connecting With Customers, 2nd Edition,

Prentice Hall.

3. Johnson, G. et al (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases,

7th Edition, Prentice Hall.

4. Kotler ,P. and Keller, K.L. (2006), Marketing Management, 12th Edition,

Prentice Hall.

5. Dibb, S. & Simkin, L. (2004), Marketing Briefs: A revision and study guide,

2nd Edition, Butterworth Heinemann.

6. Lynch, R. (2006), Corporate Strategy, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall.

7. Pervaiz , J. (2005), Internal Marketing, Butterworth-Heineman.

8. Porter, M. E. (1985), Competitive Advantage, New York Free Press.

9. Sutherland, J. & Canwell, D. (2004), Key Concept in Marketing, Palgrave


10.Thomas, D.C. (2002), Essentials of International Management: A Cross-

Cultural Perspective, Sage Publications.

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11.Vranesevic, T. et al (2006), Marketing and Retailing Strategy, Accent.

12.Vyakarnam, S. & Leppard, J.W. (1999), A Marketing Action Plan for the

Growing Business, 2nd Edition, Kogan Page.

13.Worthington, I. & Britton, C. (2006), The Business Environment, 5th

Edition, Prentice Hall.


14.George, W. (1990), "Internal marketing and organizational behaviour",

Journal of Business Research, Vol. 20, No. 1

Internet Resources

15.Bank Negara Malaysia (27th February 2009), available at


16.QuickMBA, available at


17.Vivian Yeo (5 June 2008), “M'sians enjoy greater salaries, opportunities”,

available at





23 Analysis on Malaysian Rubber Company

Page 24: Industry Analysis

February 24, 2010 [ ]

24 Analysis on Malaysian Rubber Company
