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Industry Capital Campaign Brochure

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  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of People:Graduate Student Competition 5Student/Young Professionals at ACE 7University Research Grant 9

    AAPG Digital Library 11

    The Power of Education:Educate the Teachers 13Teacher of the Year 15

    The Power of Science:AAPG Publications 17Special Publications Fund 19Online Technical Resources 21

    The Power of Public Outreach:Distinguished Lecturers 23Region Special Lecturers 25Web Development 27

    Corporate Financial Partnership Campaign:


  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure



    The AAPG Association and Foundation rely on the generosity of its members and their

    companies. That generosity deserves recognition, demands results, and is the basis of

    AAPGs corporate financial partnership campaign.

    It is a joint effort between geoscientists and industry to increase knowledge of

    geoscience and technology to find energy. In 2006, a few members of AAPG embarked

    on a mission to provide financial support for AAPGs programs well into the future

    Meeting Challenges, Assuring Success. Since that time, we have raised over $28 million

    toward a $35 million goal. More than ninety percent has been raised from individual

    members; especially from AAPGs leadership.

    The members of AAPG have spoken with their financial support. Now we ask our industry

    to be the closer and help us raise the remaining $7 million to complete the $35

    million goal. Funding options can be customized to fit your charitable preferences and

    corporate philanthropic goals.

    We are dedicated to working with you to maximize broad recognition tailored to your

    constituents for your contributions to this initiative.

    AAPG members and staff have developed programs in support of the geosciences,

    professionals and students. The compelling case for support of AAPGs financial plan is

    based on our focus of science and people.

    In the following proposal, we provide brief descriptions of several key successful

    programs at AAPG. Trustees, in their wisdom, decided to set aside funds to endow

    operating costs to cover overhead, salaries and benefits. All monies raised in this

    campaign go directly toward the program initiatives described herein.

    We invite you to partner with us for the future of our science and profession.


    Corporate Financial Partnership Campaign

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    In July of 2005, the AAPG Foundation Trustees and staff embarked on a crusade like

    none in its history a campaign to raise $35 million for the geosciences. Why such an

    undertaking? The requests for funding of research and worthy programs continue to

    exceed the ability of the Foundation to meet those requests.

    Why $35 million? An in-depth study identified major new initiatives and areas of

    improvement to current programs which could better meet the needs of our students,

    teachers and researchers. The achievement of this goal will provide new opportunities

    which will turn into accomplishments and impact the world.

    From an organization that boasts over 38,000 members, more than 6,300 donors have

    already shown their support by giving to this effort. Many show their dedication by giving

    on a yearly basis. The funds raised are already making a difference, but there is still more

    to raise.

    Please take a moment to consider areas in which there may be a corporate and personal


    The Foundation Trustees and staff will make a pact with you that in return for your

    support, we will provide progress reports and feedback so that you will see the full

    impact of your giving.

    This goal is attainable with your help as the closer. Join us in meeting the challenge

    and making an investment in the future.

    A Letter From the President


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    The Power of People:

    Graduate Student Competition

    The Imperial Barrel Award ceremony is the exciting culmination of AAPGs prospect

    and exploration evaluation and presentation competition. The contest is an annual event

    between teams of geoscience graduate students and their respective faculties from various

    universities. Students compete to win scholarship funds for their institutions, which are

    dedicated to petroleum geoscience education. The program is rigorous, incorporating

    real-life datasets and problem-solving, and contributes to AAPGs mission of promoting

    petroleum geoscience training and advancing the careers of geoscience students.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    Corporate support of the Imperial Barrel Award will help provide students with in-depth

    exposure to an interdisciplinary program that provides them with an understanding of how

    a prospect is developed. Commitments to the award will help buttress current support forthe program, and also provide the means for a 20% expansion of the initiative over the next

    five years.

    Corporate Benefit:

    Sponsors will have exclusive opportunities to interact with some of the top students

    and universities in the world, in addition to the prominent display of corporate logos on the

    Imperial Barrel Award website, publications and promotional materials.


    Cameron D. Campbell

    ExxonMobil Exploration Geoscientist

    2008 San Diego State University IBA Team

    After working for a whole three days, I see the importance of how the IBA project allowed me to get the

    experience needed.

    I couldnt realize it at the time, but the Imperial Barrel has just translated into a real-life experience here at

    work, as they have literally handed me a dataset and said, here you go. Apart from the mentoring and training,

    competing in the Barrel has given me the right tools and the required steps needed to make things happen, and

    in return I know I can contribute from day three!

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

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    Program Status:

    The program has grown over the past four years from just 12 competitors to more than

    80 teams worldwide.

    Financial Considerations:

    The primary expenses of the IBA Program are travel and

    accommodations for the student teams; followed closely by

    scholarship awards to the teams. Sponsorships not only allow

    for funds to be awarded to geoscience programs worldwide, but

    also provide the means for the top teams to fully experience

    a top technical and scientific conference in AAPGs Annual

    Conference and Exhibition.

    This $400,000 yearly cost provides the support for 12

    semifinal rounds of IBA to be played throughout the world

    along with the global finals held at the Annual Conference andExhibition.

    The Power of People: Graduate Student Competition

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support of $50,000 at the patron level will help ensure continued success of this

    program. Please refer to the chart below for additional support and endowment options.

    In most universities, it is part of the curriculum, and when so, students receive credit

    hours for participating.

    It directly involves at least 600-plus students and over 100 professors and industry

    professionals interacting with the students.

    Indirectly, it is recognized by thousands of students around the world as a premier

    student development program.

    Level Annual Support 10-Year Endowment Lifetime Endowment

    Patron $50,000

    Titanium $30,000 $300,000 $750,000

    Platinum $25,000 $250,000 $625,000

    Gold $20,000 $200,000 $500,000

    Silver $15,000 $150,000 $375,000

    Bronze $10,000 $100,000 $250,000


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    The Power of People:Supporting Students at the Annual

    Conference and Exhibition

    AAPG is expanding student initiatives at its Annual Convention and

    Exhibition (ACE) to include the AAPG Student Leadership, Education, and

    Activities Program (LEAP).

    Participating students will have the opportunity to attend a 3-day

    mini-series of short courses and activities that will include one

    field trip and one forum-style session with supporting industry


    Subject matter will include basic training, cross-disciplinary exercises,

    and at least one current cutting-edge topic.

    Primary sponsors will be asked to provide instructors for the courses.

    Our goal is to engage and educate a broad cross-section of student

    leaders from around the world. Students will be selected based on

    past performance and activity with AAPG and/or other professional

    organizations. Students attending the Imperial Barrel Award finals will be


    A financial investment would provide funding for travel grants,

    accommodations and on-site expenses.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    LEAP is designed to expand professional training for students at ACEin addition to creating opportunities for

    students to develop more professional

    contacts. It also offers students the

    opportunity to experience the technical

    sessions and exhibits offered in conjunction with the


    Corporate Benefit:

    As the key to collective future success, the

    development of student leaders is critical to theenergy industry. LEAP is designed to help achieve

    this success. Representatives from participating

    companies will be introduced and have special access

    to students during the program. Additional benefits

    include the prominent display of corporate logos

    during ACE university activities and exclusive forum


    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

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    The Power of People:Supporting Students at the Annual Conference and Exhibition


















    Student Attendance at Annual

    Conference and Exhibition Meetings

    Program Status:

    While there are a number of student-related programs at an AAPG Annual Conference

    and Exhibition, currently there is no comprehensive educational and professional crosstraining program designed to prepare student leaders to be competent, business savvy

    young professionals. LEAP aims to fill this gap.

    Financial Considerations:

    Travel, accommodation and per diem funding is needed for 24 students each

    year. This will provide for up to two students from each of the U.S. sections and

    non-U.S. regions of AAPG.

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support of $60,000 per year for five years would provide a successful student

    leadership, education and activities program. Total support requested is $300,000.


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    The Power of People:University Research Grant

    Funding levels for petroleum-geoscience-related research projects are currently

    low or non-existent at many universities. Because research funding is

    still preferentially available for non-petroleum topics such as deep earth,environmental and renewable resources, students and faculty gravitate by

    financial necessity to these disciplines. As a result, many students enrolled

    in geoscience programs are not receiving the opportunity to develop the

    skills needed to populate a future energy workforce.

    AAPGs PetroGrant program, an initiative to fill this funding gap, is in its

    second year. It is designed to provide funds to undergraduate and graduate

    students engaged in petroleum research.

    The AAPG Foundation recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding

    with the National Science Foundation to jointly administer funds dedicated

    to this program.

    The project directly benefits a wide spectrum of U.S. university

    geoscience students while providing a unique opportunity to assure the

    availability of a well-qualified geosciences workforce for the future.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    This program will cultivate and build a new relationship among industry, academia

    and government, and help to maintain an active university program in petroleum

    education. It is an opportunity to apply a broad approach across many universities to

    develop new petroleum geoscientists and foster a much-needed future workforce.

    Corporate Benefit:

    The PetroGrant program will help develop new petroleum geoscientists by:

    Increasing interest and research in petroleum-related programs at the university


    Creating a better-equipped and more educated workforce.

    Improving public relations between industry, academia and government.

    An additional important benefit forsponsors is the opportunity to have

    the first look at many new research

    projects and the students involved with

    them. From an overarching perspective, it

    will also increase the general support of

    university geoscience departments.

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

























    Percent of Total Federal Research FundingApplied to the Geosciences


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    Financial Considerations:

    With a goal to have a sustained program of at least $3 million in grant awards

    per year, as many as 50 projects could receive funding consideration. This program

    embodies our most ambitious goal, as $10-$15 million is needed to commence the

    geoscience-related research initiative.

    The Power of People: University Research Grant

    Program Status:

    In an environment of declining government research for the geosciences, coupled with

    projected industry demand for geoscientists, PetroGrant provides a unique opportunity to: Strengthen the geosciences workforce.

    Develop viable new geosciences research.

    Improve the relationships among industry, academia and government.






















    Shortage of


    Total DemandCurrent WorkforceCurrent Workforce + US New EntriesCurrent Workforce with US & Non-US New Entries







    Oil & Gas Industry Demand for Geoscientists


    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support at the $1,000,000, $250,000 or $50,000 level would provide

    broad industry support for this program.


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    The Power of People:AAPG Digital Library

    Decades of hard-working geologists have carefully written about

    their oil and gas discoveries, leaving a priceless legacy of knowledge

    so that those who followed could more effectively explore for


    These articles are forever captured in AAPGs digital library,


    AAPG is the only major society that actively seeks to find,

    preserve and digitally republish geoscience and other industry-related

    publications. Datapages is the repository for these treasures.

    In addition to all of AAPGs publications, Datapages contains the

    archives of nearly 30 other societies from around the globe.

    The Association funds the capture and publishing of all digitized

    publications in addition to paying each contributing society a royalty

    from subscription sales.

    One of the ways to access the Datapages library is through Digital Products University

    Subscriptions. This online portal provides faculty and students with unlimited access to

    nearly one million pages of geoscience publications and geological information at the

    touch of a computer key. AAPG Datapages is continually updating this digital library to

    include additional discoveries and new publications worldwide.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    Participation in Datapages University Subscriptions helps guarantee three major


    Generations of students will receive digital access to whole collections of geological data.

    The selected university will continue to educate the future leaders in our industry.

    Your organization will be recognized each time a student or faculty accesses the data.

    Best of all, this partnership provides the digital subscription to the university in

    perpetuity as long as the geosciences or earth sciences department exists at the


    Corporate Benefit:

    The University Subscriptions program is an incredible opportunity for corporate

    recognition. A participating companys prominent logo is located on the universitys

    access page and viewed each time a student, faculty member or university visitor utilizes

    the Datapages subscription.

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

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  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of Education:Educate the Teachers

    Each students secondary education is a critical

    time in which to foster an interest in the geosciences.

    AAPGs Educate the Teachers (ET) Program provides

    educator access to a series of low-cost earth science

    courses that utilize the highly regarded American

    Geological Institute (AGI) educational materials.

    The ET Program offers several unique features:

    Program courses are scheduled to conveniently fit

    a teachers availability, such as during weekends

    and school holidays.

    The courses provide credit hours applicable towards

    many teachers annual certification requirements.

    Teaching materials are selected from the best, most recently available resources.

    This initiative has been successfully offered since 2007 at the Ellison Miles Geotechnology

    Institute at Brookhaven College in Dallas. Major funding has been provided by AAPG member

    John Bookout (see reverse).

    Partnership Opportunity:

    AAPG plans to expand the program to reach 1,000 teachers over the next five years. An

    investment in this program will provide the funding needed to offer the program in other selectedareas, as well as providing capital for the necessary printed materials. Funding will also help

    maintain a low enrollment cost for participating teachers.

    Corporate Benefit:

    Support of the ET Program offers:

    An organization naming opportunity for the


    Contact with hundreds of teachers.

    Prominent display of supporting companies logo onthe programs website and during each Educate the


    An opportunity to foster favorable perspectives

    regarding the energy industry within the educational

    community and the public they serve.

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

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    The Power of Education: Educate the Teachers

    Bookout Initiative

    Ellison Miles Geotechnology Institute Outreach Fund(40 60 teachers per program)

    Financial Considerations:

    To meet the demands of geosciences education for students, it is essential to

    provide certified teacher education training. The successful Bookout Initiative became

    a fast growing and successful program after only three years. These efforts need to be

    expanded to select locations around the world. The cost is $10,000 per course in the

    United States and $16,000 per course outside the United States.

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support of at least eight courses per year in the United States and six courses

    per year outside of the United States would advance this program in meaningful ways.

    The total request is $176,000 per year or $880,000 over the course of five years.

    Program Status:

    John Bookout established the Bookout Initiative in 2007 and contributed $150,000 to

    Ellison Miles Geotechnology Institute Outreach Program to support teacher training.

    Year Teachers Trained Cost

    2007 223 $15,000

    2008 665 61,900

    2009 710 73,100

    Total 1,598 $150,000
















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    The Power of Education:Teacher of the Year

    The AAPG Foundations Teacher of the Year Awardis one

    of AAPGs most remarkable awards, and its presentation is

    during the ACE All-Convention Luncheon.

    The award is presented to a primary or secondary

    school educator for excellence in the teaching of natural

    resources in the earth sciences.

    The award includes $2,500 for educational purposes

    under the teachers supervision, $2,500 for the

    recipients personal use, and an expense-paid trip to the

    AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition.

    Requirements for award eligibility include a minimum

    of three years of full-time teaching experience, specifically

    teaching at least one unit per year on natural resources. Nominations are only accepted

    from the United States; however, with increased funding, the nomination process would be

    expanded to include nominations of teachers worldwide.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    AAPG plans to expand the program to support 12 Teacher of the Year Awards - one

    awardee from each of the Associations six U.S. sections and six non-U.S. regions.

    Contributions to the Teacher of the Yearinitiative have the potential to greatly expand our


    Corporate Benefit:

    Financial support of the Teacher of the Year Awardincludes name and logo displays in

    all award publications, website materials, and on stage during the awards ceremony. A

    contributor will also reap the benefits of recognizing quality earth science teachers at the

    primary and secondary education levels, helping to engage students early in recognizing

    the value and importance of the earth sciences, which will

    benefit future generations.

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

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    The Power of Education: Teacher of the Year















    Number indicates nominees

    indicates winners

    Pacific Rocky Mid South West Gulf Eastern

    Teacher of the Year Recipients and Nominees(13 recipients) (38 nominees)


    Financial Considerations:

    To select a qualified Teacher of the Yearwinner from each AAPG U.S. section and

    each AAPG non-U.S. region through expanding the program globally.

    The yearly cost for providing a Teacher of the Yearprogram in the United States is

    $50,000 and the non-U.S. program is $90,000.

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support of $140,000 per year will fund 12 Teacher of the Yearawards

    annually. The requested total is $700,000 over a five-year period.

    Program Status:

    The AAPG Teacher of the Year Awardwas established in 1996 to recognize excellence in the

    teaching of natural resources in the earth sciences from kindergarten through 12th grade.Each AAPG section nominates one candidate and the judges select one recipient annually.


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    The Power of Science:AAPG Publications

    Bulletin Sponsorship:

    The Bulletin is AAPGs flagship of science. Every

    month, tens of thousands of association members

    and subscribing institutions receive this publication,recognized worldwide as the leading geologic periodical

    of petroleum geoscience.

    Each year, AAPG members and other scientists submit

    more than 200 technical manuscripts, resulting in the

    publication of over 100 peer-reviewed papers on global

    topics ranging in scope from field development to

    regional exploration, and on technology-specific areas as

    source-rock characterization.

    Some of the most popular Bulletins are the special issues

    on topical subjects such as shale gas reservoirs.

    Also popular are the field study papers primarily

    published as E&P Notes.

    The Bulletin is read worldwide by professionals in

    industry, government and academia, and is a standard

    research journal for students as well. It is subscribed to

    by universities worldwide, either directly through AAPG or via its participation in

    the GeoScienceWorld subscription program. It is distributed both in hardcopy, and

    digitally via CD and online. Bulletin archives are available to all AAPG members

    through the AAPG Datapages library.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    The Bulletin significantly reduced costs by moving to digital distribution in 2005.


    and distribution capabilities is necessary to remain competitive in todays scientific

    publishing market. AAPG seeks a sponsor that will financially support these


    Corporate Benefit:

    Primary sponsors will see their company logo and an acknowledgement

    displayed inside the Bulletins front cover. Additionally, sponsorship will include an

    annual thank you published in the AAPG Explorer, the sponsoring companys

    logo displayed on the Bulletin website, and in e-announcements. A foundation and

    association website sponsorship announcement will be made, as well as a listing in

    the AAPG Foundations Annual Report.

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

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    Financial Consideration:

    In 2006, AAPG implemented a program to encourage electronic delivery to its

    members in place of hardcopy. This significantly improved the cost structure of the

    Bulletin. Today, we print and mail approximately 7,400 hardcopy versions per month

    with 750 of those going to university and library subscribers. Expenses for the Bulletin

    continue to exceed revenue by $150,000 to $200,000 per year.

    The Power of Science: AAPG Publications

    Program Status:

    The Bulletin enjoyed a record 210 manuscripts submitted in 2009, and

    indications suggest 2010 will be higher. This is one of many indicators of theBulletins reputation. In fact, for 2009, the Bulletinscitation index ranked #1

    among a group of 23 Petroleum and engineering journals tracked by Thomson

    Reuters. The Bulletin content has a global perspective. In 2009, 44% of its content

    was technology/non-region specific.

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support of $1,000,000 would fully fund the Bulletin for five years. Your

    support of $200,000 would fully fund the Bulletin for one year.

    Costs in Excess of Income for AAPG Bulletin

    Excludes Extraordinary Items

    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010











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    AAPG is one of the top petroleum geoscience publishers in the world.

    AAPG special publications provide AAPG members and other industry

    professionals with focused and timely studies on critical scientific topics.

    Special Publication Memoir 26 on seismic stratigraphy was a pivotal point

    in the evolution of our science, and started a revolution of new ideas in

    exploration. Other classic AAPG special publications include:




    Rocks: Grains, Textures, Porosity, Diagenesis

    AAPGs Special Publications manuscripts are peer-reviewed, followed by a

    rigorous editorial evaluation by top geoscientists in the subject. Most of AAPGs

    Special Publications are available both in hardcopy and digital formats. Some new

    publications are hybrids, consisting of both hardcopy printed abstracts and a

    CD-ROM. This approach helps reduce printing costs and allow for the use of more


    According to the legendary oil finder Robert M. Sneider, AAPGs 35-volume special

    publication, Treatise of Petroleum Geology, is one of the most amazing collections ever

    printed. It contains hundreds of petroleum papers on how to explore for oil and gas,

    and is an indispensable resource to all geoscientists regardless of experience level or


    Partnership Opportunity:

    An investment in AAPGs Special Publications Fund will help advance

    the Associations publishing capacity. In addition, sponsorship will

    allow AAPG to improve the quality, look and feel of their publications,

    and to implement new cost-effective publishing technologies necessary

    to stay competitive in the scientific marketplace.

    Corporate Benefit:

    Each AAPG special publication that utilizes sponsorship funds will

    feature each sponsoring companys logo, and provide a personalized


    The Power of Science:Special Publications Fund

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    Financial Considerations:Book sales, however, are much like the production curve of an oil well individual

    product sales decline with time, and new products need to be brought on stream.

    Publication costs on recent books have averaged over $96,000, with one publication

    exceeding $246,000.

    The Power of Science: Special Publications Fund

    $40,975Memoir 91


    $246,903Studies 56

    Range of Publicaon Costs

    AAPG Books


    Program Status:

    Whether it is for books on the basics of well log analysis

    or the cutting edge science of carbon dioxide sequestra-

    tion, AAPG continues to strive to bring science to the

    geoscience community at reasonable costs. Over the last

    five years, the AAPG publication committee has yielded


    2009, over 15,000 individual books or CDs were sold.

    Since 2005 AAPGs Publication Committee has yielded the releaseof 48 new publications in print, CD, or DVD

    Annual Releases

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support of $25,000-$50,000 per book will enable AAPG to significantly increase

    its scientific offerings to the geoscience community. The total request is $125,000-

    $250,000 over five years.


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    The Power of Science:Online Technical Resources

    Sometimes a tremendous result comes from a

    very small seed. AAPG Search and Discoverywas a

    small idea generated by an AAPG member more

    than a decade ago. The idea was to digitally capture

    and make available online many of the talks, posters

    and audiovisual presentations made at AAPGs many

    meetings. Selected presentations from educational


    Distinguished Lecture Series, and others also have

    been captured. Many of these valuable contributions

    to geoscience will never make their way into print.

    The goal of Search and Discoveryis to make these

    cutting-edge presentations digitally available in a timely manner.

    Search and Discoverynow receives over one million unique visits per year,

    allowing users unlimited access to over 30,000 papers, posters, abstracts and

    videos. Geoscientists from around the world both contribute to and utilize this

    valuable resource along with AAPG members, students, industry and members of

    the general public through Google searches. Search and Discoveryis a great public

    outreach tool that is accessed by people of all walks of life from around the world.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    AAPGs goal is to maintain existing and add new content to Search and Discovery,

    and improve its website deliverability. To achieve these

    goals, additional financial support is needed from the

    corporate community.

    Corporate Benefit:

    Search and Discoveryis a unique sponsorship

    opportunity. Participating companies will reap the benefits

    of their logo appearing on the Search and Discovery

    home page, knowing that it will be viewed, and company

    information potentially accessed, more than one milliontimes per year.


    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of Science: Online Technical Resources

    Program Status:

    Search and Discoverysaw very wide usage from its roots as a small volunteer program.

    As a result, it has evolved into a fully staffed online publication with an AAPG appointed

    editorial board. Search and Discoverycontinues to enjoy increased usage by the geoscience

    community and academia. Meeting this demand also requires addition of new content. In

    2009, almost 500 new articles were added.

    Financial Considerations:

    In late fiscal year 2009-2010, a full time staff member was appointed to handle the

    increased administrative work required for new content development. It is estimated that

    program costs will exceed $170,000 in 2011.

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your gift of $50,000 per year for five years will provide much needed funding and

    will enable AAPG to maintain existing and add new content to Search and Discovery.

    Total support requested is $250,000.

    Search and DiscoveryExpenses

    Annual Additions of Articles toSearch and Discovery









    Search and DiscoveryUser sessions per year


  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    One of the Associations most popular initiatives, the annual

    Distinguished Lecture series, reaches more geoscientists and engineers

    than any other AAPG program, with the exception of ACE and ICE.

    Distinguished Lecturers are unpaid volunteers who embark on two- or

    three-week tours to speak before local geological societies and

    university groups around the world.

    They are selected for their expertise in topics of current interest to

    geoscientist professionals, and are held in high regard by their peers.

    Although they are not compensated for their time, Distinguished

    Lecturers necessarily incur substantial expenses in traveling to their

    global audiences. There is enough current financial support for only

    10 to 14 Distinguished Lecture tours, which results in the rejection of anumber of tour requests.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    AAPGs goal is to significantly expand the program to achieve a more

    global reach by increasing the number of lecturers to at least 20 per year.

    Corporate Benefit:

    A sponsoring entity may choose to sponsor a geographic area, a specific

    Distinguished Lecturer, or both. A sponsoring companys name will be

    displayed in conjunction with a Distinguished Lecture tour in a specific area.The organizations logo will be displayed on tour promotional materials,

    including company name and/or logo placement on the Distinguished

    Lecturer website and printed brochures, and displayed during the sponsored

    Distinguished Lecture presentation. A sponsoring company also will receive

    recognition on the specifically-sponsored Distinguished Lecturers webpage.

    The Power of Public Outreach:Distinguished Lecturers

    United States











    New Zealand

    Saudi Arabia





    Countries Visited by Distinguished Lecturers

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of Public Outreach:Distinguished Lecturers

    U.S. and non-U.S. Distinguished Lecturers

    Program Status:

    The attendance rate for the Distinguished Lecture program has experienced an 80%

    growth rate over the last five years. The impact of the program continues to increase.

    Financial Considerations:

    In order to achieve growth targets and extend the global impact of the popular DL

    series, funds for travel, technical support and facilitation are needed.

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support would fund either a single tour, a full year of U.S. or non-U.S. tours,or would endow the Distinguished Lecture program. The cost per U.S. tour is $18,000

    and the cost per non-U.S. tour is $27,000. Your support of $350,000 would endow and

    name a U.S. Distinguished Lecture program. To endow and name a non-U.S. tour, the

    cost would be $675,000.

    Year U.S. DL's Non U.S. DLs U.S. Stops Non U.S. Stops

    20052006 7 3

    20062007 7 3

    20072008 10 5 208 57

    20082009 11 6 102 5

    20092010 9 6 88 81


  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of Public Outreach:Region Special Lecturers

    Geoscience lecturers in the AAPG regions are in continuous demand, especially

    from universities and AAPG affiliated societies. It is the highest honor to be chosen asa Distinguished Lecturer. The annual Distinguished Lecturer program provides excellent

    lecturers, but they are limited in the number of venues they can reach during a year.

    AAPGs new Region Special Lecturerprogram (RSL) is designed to enable the regional

    offices to select top scientists from each region to make a tour within the region. This

    will provide more opportunity for AAPG to disseminate

    science and information about our profession to

    students, professors, industry professionals and

    the general public. The Region Special Lecturers will

    focus on regional exploration plays and development

    projects or on current geoscience/technologicalissues. Although most RSLs will be geoscientists,

    these expert speakers can be from a wide range of


    Partnership Opportunity:

    AAPGs goal is to develop this program within all

    six non-U.S. regions of AAPG to provide a broader

    program of education and public outreach. Our goal is to provide up to five named RSLs

    per year for each region.

    Corporate Benefit:

    This is an excellent naming opportunity. Sponsors may choose a region and their

    corporate name will be associated for a specific lecture series within the period of

    funding. In addition, the organizations logo will be displayed on tour promotional

    materials, including company name and/or logo placement on the region website

    and printed brochures, and displayed during the sponsored Region Special Lecturer

    presentation. A sponsoring company will also receive recognition on the specifically-

    sponsored RSL web page.

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of Public Outreach:Region Special Lecturers

    Program Status:

    The Region Special Lecturerprogram is new, and as such, does not have any

    history. A few of the AAPG regions have experimented with this program with somesuccess limited by budgetary constraints. Our only statistic is the high interest in

    AAPG Distinguished Lecturers and the constant request for more.

    Financial Consideration:

    The primary cost of the Region Special Lecturerprogram is for travel and

    accommodations.The cost per stop ranges from $1,200 in Europe to $2,000 in the Asia

    Pacific region. Each Region Special Lecturermakes 5-10 stops in a tour.

    Sponsorship Request:

    Your support is needed in the amount of $18,000-$30,000 per year for special

    lecturers to make at least five visits per year. A gift of $54,000-$90,000 would fund a

    three-year tour.










  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The portal to our professions future is through Web services.

    Online resources represent the primary method for dissemination of scientific

    information, and represent the key to future geoscience education andnetworking.

    AAPG has been a pivotal leader in the digitization

    of geoscience publications and materials as well as

    providing a known and trusted online site for the

    distribution of digital petroleum geoscience knowledge

    and information.

    The need for new and additional electronic information

    currently exceeds available funding. With generations of

    available information waiting to be digitized, AAPG has

    barely scratched the surface on this opportunity.

    Partnership Opportunity:

    AAPG desires a financial partner that will invest in the

    building of a high-quality Web portal, one that is necessary

    to meet the scientific and informational needs of our profession, industry, students,

    government and society.

    Corporate Benefit:

    Financial partners would benefit from the display of their corporate name on

    AAPG products and websites created with their assistance.

    The Power of Public Outreach:Web Development

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    P.O. Box 979Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979 (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642e-mail: [email protected] 1444 S. Boulder AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of Public Outreach: Web Development

    Program Status:

    The Web is vital for communicating with many audiences of the association and

    industry. AAPG maintains two public websites aapg.org and petroleumgeology.org. AAPG.org is the mainstay for the organization and development is continuous in creating

    and orchestrating over 12,000 individual pages on the non-scientific areas of the site.

    Petroleumgeology.org was created for use by students and teachers and would be a

    prime area for development of teaching and informational materials.

    Factsaboutenergy.org is another site under construction and is focused on the

    information-consuming public, such as investors, lawmakers, industry planners and others

    interested in the macro and micro numbers of the industry as well as other pertinent

    facts. Content development is continuing.

    Financial Considerations:

    To create an internet community, a robust software platform is required with

    hardware able to handle the hard drive capacity and bandwidth necessary for multiple

    web growth opportunities. And, as always, content is what drives the power of the

    Internet. The initial development and maintenance of fresh editorial items is essential.

    Sponsorship Request:

    This request has two distinct and separate components.

    Your support of $100,000 per year over three years would purchase the hardware

    and software needed.

    Your annual gift of $200,000 would fund ongoing content development.

    AAPG.org Website Traffic


    Visitors & Average Length of visit


  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of People:

    Graduate Student Competition

    Your support of $50,000 at the patron level will help ensure continued success of this

    program. Please refer to the chart below for additional support and endowment options.

    Level Annual 10-Year Lifetime

    Support Endowment Endowment

    Patron $50,000

    Titanium $30,000 $270,000 $600,000

    Platinum $25,000 $240,000 $500,000

    Gold $20,000 $200,000 $400,000

    Silver $15,000 $155,000 $300,000Bronze $10,000 $90,000 $200,000

    Student/Young Professionals at ACE

    Your support of $60,000 per year for five years would provide a successful student

    leadership, education and activities program. Total support requested is $300,000.

    University Research Grant

    Your support at the $1,000,000, $250,000 or $50,000 level would provide broad industry

    support for this program.

    AAPG Digital Library

    Your support is needed for non-U.S. universities represented by AAPG student chapters.

    We request at least $30,000 per year for lifetime endowments for 10 universities. Donor

    may specify universities to be supported. Total support requested is $150,000 over five


    The Power of Education:Educate the Teachers

    Your support of at least eight courses per year in the United States and six courses per

    year outside of the united States would advance this program in meaningful ways. Thetotal request is $176,000 per year or $880,000 over the course of five years.

    Teacher of the Year

    Your support of $140,000 per year will fund 12 Teacher of the Yearawards annually. The

    requested total is $700,000 over a five-year period.

    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    Sponsorship Request Summary

    P.O. Box 979

    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979

    (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642

    e-mail: [email protected]

    1444 S. Boulder Avenue

    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

    The Power of People:

    Graduate Student Competition

    Your support of $50,000 at the patron level will help ensure continued success of this

    program. Please refer to the chart below for additional support and endowment options.

    Level Annual 10-Year Lifetime

    Support Endowment Endowment

    Patron $50,000

    Titanium $30,000 $270,000 $600,000

    Platinum $25,000 $240,000 $500,000

    Gold $20,000 $200,000 $400,000

    Silver $15,000 $155,000 $300,000

    Bronze $10,000 $90,000 $200,000

    Student/Young Professionals at ACE

    Your support of $60,000 per year for five years would provide a successful student

    leadership, education and activities program. Total support requested is $300,000.

    University Research Grant

    Your support at the $1,000,000, $250,000 or $50,000 level would provide broad industry

    support for this program.

    AAPG Digital Library

    Your support is needed for non-U.S. universities represented by AAPG student chapters.

    We request at least $30,000 per year for lifetime endowments for 10 universities. Donor

    may specify universities to be supported. Total support requested is $150,000 over five


    The Power of Education:Educate the Teachers

    Your support of at least eight courses per year in the United States and six courses per

    year outside of the united States would advance this program in meaningful ways. The

    total request is $176,000 per year or $880,000 over the course of five years.Teacher of the Year

    Your support of $140,000 per year will fund 12 Teacher of the Yearawards annually. The

    requested total is $700,000 over a five-year period.

  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    The Power of Science:AAPG Publications

    Your support of $1,000,000 would fully fund the Bulletin for five years. Your support of

    $200,000 would fully fund the Bulletin for one year.

    Special Publications Fund

    Your support of $25,000-$50,000 per book will enable AAPG to significantly increase its

    scientific offerings to the geoscience community. The total request is $125,000-$250,000

    over five years.

    Online Technical Resources

    Your gift of $50,000 for five years will provide much needed funding and will enable AAPGto maintain existing and add new content to Search and Discovery. Total support requested

    is $250,000.

    The Power of Public Outreach:Distinguished Lecturers

    Your support would fund either a single tour, a full year of U.S. or non-U.S. tours, or would

    endow the Distinguished Lecture program. The cost per U.S. tour is $18,000 and the cost

    per non-U.S. tour is $27,000. Your support of $350,000 would endow and name a U.S.Distinguished Lecture program. To endow and name a non-U.S. tour, the cost would be


    Region Special Lecturers

    Your support is needed in the amount of $18,000-$30,000 per year for special lecturers

    to make at least five visits per year. A gift of $54,000-$90,000 would fund a three-year


    Web Development

    This request has two distinct and separate components.

    Your support of $100,000 per year over three years would purchase the hardware and

    software needed.

    Your annual gift of $200,000 would fund ongoing content development.

    Sponsorship Request Summary


  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure


    A A P G F O U N D A T I O N

    Emerging Opportunities Fund

    P.O. Box 979

    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-0979

    (918) 584-2555 Fax: (918) 560-2642

    e-mail: [email protected]

    1444 S. Boulder Avenue

    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3604

    During the course of any year there are new, exciting emerging opportunities. This page

    represents a blank slate to provide a place for those opportunities not listed in the

    brochure. The AAPG Foundation staff stands ready to customize a program to fit the

    goals and interests of your company and its people. We look forward to discussing new

    ideas with you.

  • 8/8/2019 Industry Capital Campaign Brochure

