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  • 7/30/2019 Infective Endocarditis in Adults


    Review Articles

    Medical Progress

    1318 N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 18

    November 1, 2001


    The New England Journal of Medicine












    , M.D.,




    B. C


    , M.D.

    From the Division of Infectious Diseases, Massachusetts General Hospi-tal, Boston (E.M., S.B.C.); and the Department of Microbiology and Mo-lecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston (S.B.C.). Address reprintrequests to Dr. Calderwood at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Massa-chusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114.

    NFECTIVE endocarditis, a microbial infectionof the endocardial surface of the heart, has beenclassified as acute or subacutechronic on the

    basis of the tempo and severity of the clinical pres-entation and the progression of the untreated disease.The characteristic lesion, a vegetation, is composed ofa collection of platelets, fibrin, microorganisms, andinflammatory cells. It most commonly involves heart

    valves but may also occur at the site of a septal de-fect, on the chordae tendineae, or on the mural en-docardium.

    This report will focus on progress made over thepast decade in the diagnosis and management ofendocarditis affecting native and prosthetic valves inadults. A discussion of antimicrobial prophylaxisagainst infective endocarditis is beyond the scope ofthis review, and readers are referred to the most recentguidelines for details (http://www.americanheart.org/Scientific/statements/1997/079701.html).




    Infective Endocarditis of Native Valves

    The epidemiologic features of infective endocardi-tis in developed countries are changing as a result ofincreasing longevity, new predisposing factors, andan increase in nosocomial cases. In the United Statesand western Europe, the incidence of community-acquired native-valve endocarditis in most recent stud-ies is 1.7 to 6.2 cases per 100,000 person-years.


    Men are more often affected than women (mean male-to-female ratio, 1.7:1). As increased longevity hasgiven rise to degenerative valvular disease, placementof prosthetic valves, and increased exposure to nos-

    ocomial bacteremia, the median age of patients hasgradually increased; it was 30 to 40 years during thepreantibiotic era and 47 to 69 years more recently.


    Among patients with infective endocarditis associat-ed with injection-drug use, there is a trend toward


    younger persons. The incidence of infective endo-

    carditis in this group is estimated at 150 to 2000 per100,000 person-years and can be higher among pa-tients with known valvular heart disease.


    Other conditions associated with an increased in-cidence of infective endocarditis include poor dentalhygiene, long-term hemodialysis, and diabetes mel-litus.


    Infection with the human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV) may independently increase the risk ofinfective endocarditis.


    However, among patients in-fected with HIV, infective endocarditis is usually asso-ciated with injection-drug use or long-term indwell-ing intravenous catheters. Staphylococcus aureusis themost frequent pathogen in these patients, and mortal-ity is higher among those with advanced HIV disease.


    Mitral-valve prolapse is now the most commoncardiovascular diagnosis predisposing patients to in-fective endocarditis; the frequency of mitral-valve pro-lapse in patients with infective endocarditis is morereflective of the high frequency of this lesion in thegeneral population than of the small-to-moderateincrease in the intrinsic rate of infection associated

    with this lesion. The incidence of infective endocar-ditis in persons with known mitral-valve prolapse isapproximately 100 per 100,000 patient-years; the riskmay be higher in men over 45 years of age.


    Riskfactors for infective endocarditis in patients with mi-tral-valve prolapse include the presence of mitral re-gurgitation or thickened mitral leaflets. In develop-ing countries, rheumatic heart disease, which occursprimarily among the young, remains the most fre-quent underlying cardiac condition predisposing pa-tients to infective endocarditis.


    Infective Endocarditis of Prosthetic Valves

    Prosthetic-valve endocarditis accounts for 7 to 25percent of cases of infective endocarditis in most de-

    veloped countries. In metropolitan Philadelphia, forexample, the frequency of infective endocarditis in-

    volving prosthetic valves was 0.94 per 100,000 pa-tient-years.


    Although mechanical heart valves areprobably at higher risk for infection than are bio-prostheses during the first three months after surgery,the rates of infection for the two valve types convergelater and are similar at five years.


    In 1985, Calder-wood et al.


    reported the cumulative risk of pros-thetic-valve endocarditis as 3.1 percent at 12 monthsand 5.7 percent at 60 months after surgery. In morerecent studies, this risk was approximately 1 percentat 12 months and 2 to 3 percent at 60 months.


    Cases with onset within two months after surgeryare called early prosthetic-valve endocarditis and areusually acquired in the hospital. Cases that occur more

    The New England Journal of MedicineDownloaded from nejm.org at RIVERSIDE METHODIST HOSP on March 18, 2011. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

  • 7/30/2019 Infective Endocarditis in Adults



    N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 18

    November 1, 2001



    than 12 months after surgery are called late pros-thetic-valve endocarditis and are largely community-acquired. Cases occurring between 2 and 12 monthsafter surgery are a mixture of hospital-acquired epi-sodes caused by less virulent organisms and commu-nity-acquired episodes.


    Nosocomial Infective Endocarditis

    In some series, 7 to 29 percent of all cases of en-docarditis seen at tertiary care hospitals were noso-comial.


    Infected intravascular devices give rise toat least half these cases.


    Other sources of nosoco-mial infective endocarditis include genitourinary orgastrointestinal tract procedures or surgical-woundinfection.


    In recent series, staphylococci, particularlyStaph.aureus,

    have surpassed viridans streptococci as themost common cause of infective endocarditis (Table

    1). In addition, coagulase-negative staphylococci, themost common pathogens in early prosthetic-valve en-docarditis, have also been well documented as an oc-casional cause of native-valve endocarditis. One speciesof community-acquired coagulase-negative staphylo-coccus, Staph. lugdunensis,

    is commonly associatedwith valve destruction and the requirement for valvereplacement.


    The most common streptococci iso-lated from patients with endocarditis continue to be

    Streptococcus sanguis,

    Strep. bovis,

    Strep. mutans,


    Strep. mitis.

    Infective endocarditis caused by Strep.bovis

    is prevalent among the elderly and is associatedwith preexisting colonic lesions. Enterococci are fre-

    quently implicated in nosocomial bacteremias and in-fective endocarditis that is resistant to medical thera-py. However, enterococcal endocarditis is much lesscommon than enterococcal bacteremia; the frequencyof infective endocarditis is less than 10 percent amongpatients with enterococcal bacteremia.



    bial infective endocarditis, although still uncommon,is encountered most often in association with injec-tion-drug use.

    New diagnostic approaches, including culture andmicrobiologic assessment of vegetations, have yieldeda better understanding of blood-culturenegativeinfective endocarditis.


    Only 5 to 7 percent of patientswho have been given a diagnosis of infective endo-carditis according to strict criteria and who have notrecently received antibiotics will have sterile bloodcultures. For example, blood cultures were negativein 88 of 620 cases (14 percent) of infective endocar-ditis documented in France during a one-year nation-

    wide survey. In 42 of 88 cases, negative cultures were

    associated with the administration of antibiotics be-fore blood was drawn for culture.


    Suppression ofbacteremia often persists longer than the antibioticis present in blood. Such suppression can be coun-tered in patients with subacute endocarditis by delay-ing empirical therapy and obtaining additional bloodcultures.

    The polymerase chain reaction can be used toidentify unculturable organisms in excised vegetationsor systemic emboli.


    This approach has been used todiagnose infective endocarditis due to Tropherymawhipplei

    and bartonella species and is a promisingtool for establishing a microbiologic diagnosis in se-

    *Patients whose blood cultures were rendered negative by prior antibiotic treatment are excluded. HACEK denotes haemophilus species(

    Haemophilus parainfluenzae, H. aphrophilus, and H. paraphrophilus), Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenel-la corrodens, and Kingella kingae.




































    2 MO

    15 YROF


    1660 YROF


    >60 YROF



    (12 MO




    approximate percentage of cases

    Streptococcus species 1520 4050 4565 3045 1 710 3033

    Staphylococcus aureus

    4050 2227 3040 2530 2024 1015 1520


    812 47 48 35 3035 3035 1012

    Enterococcus species

  • 7/30/2019 Infective Endocarditis in Adults



    N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 18

    November 1, 2001


    The New England Journal of Medicine

    lected patients with blood-culturenegative infectiveendocarditis.


    When blood cultures from patients with suspect-ed infective endocarditis remain sterile after 48 to 72hours of incubation, the clinician must advise thelaboratory of the suspected diagnosis. This will allow

    the laboratory, if the blood cultures remain negativeafter five to seven days, to intensify efforts to recoverfastidious organisms and initiate serologic assessmentof causation.


    These efforts could include prolongedincubation and the plating of subcultures on moreenriched mediums. Use of the lysis centrifugation sys-tem for blood cultures allows direct planting to specialsupportive mediums, with the potential to increasethe speed of recovery of more fastidious organisms. InTable 2, we outline some of the most common causesof blood-culturenegative infective endocarditis andsummarize approaches to diagnosis.


    The presentation of infective endocarditis often in-cludes extracardiac manifestations or findings that areassociated with intracardiac extension of infection. Fe-

    ver is the most common symptom and sign; however,it may be absent or minimal in patients with conges-

    tive heart failure, severe debility, chronic renal or liverfailure, previous use of antimicrobial drugs, or infectiveendocarditis caused by less virulent organisms. Othercommon symptoms of subacute infective endocardi-tis include anorexia, weight loss, malaise, and nightsweats. Most patients with infective endocarditis have

    a heart murmur (most commonly preexisting), andpatients may have petechiae on the skin, conjunctivae,or oral mucosa, as well as splenomegaly and other pe-ripheral manifestations (Fig. 1). Prosthetic-valve endo-carditis may be manifested as an indolent illness withlow-grade fever, or it can be an acute febrile and toxicillness. The high frequency of invasive infection inprosthetic-valve endocarditis results in higher ratesof new or changing murmurs and of congestive heartfailure. Unexplained fever in a patient with a prosthet-ic valve should prompt careful evaluation for pros-thetic-valve endocarditis. Isolated right-sided infec-tive endocarditis is not associated with peripheralemboli and other peripheral vascular phenomena; in-

    stead, pulmonary findings may predominate.The onset of nosocomial infective endocarditis is

    usually acute, and signs of endocarditis are infrequent.The diagnosis of infective endocarditis is suggestedby bacteremia persisting for days before treatment or

    *PCR denotes polymerase chain reaction; HACEK organisms haemophilus species (

    Haemophilus parainfluenzae,H. aphrophilus, and H. paraphrophilus

    ), Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella cor-rodens,

    and Kingella kingae;PAS periodic acidSchiff; and BCYE buffered charcoal yeast extract.

























    Abiotrophia species (previously

    classified as nutritionallyvariant streptococci)

    Grow in thioglycolate medium of blood culture and as satellite colonies around

    Staphylococcus aureus

    on blood agar or on medium supplemented with pyridoxalhydrochloride or L


    Bartonella species (usuallyBartonella henselae

    orB. quintana


    Serologic testsLysis-centrifugation system for blood culturesPCR of valve or embolized vegetations


    ; special culture techniques available,but organisms are slow-growing and may require a month or more for isolation

    Coxiella burnetii

    (Q fever) Serologic testsPCR, Giemsa stain, or immunohistologic techniques on operative specimens

    HACEK organisms Blood cultures positive by day 7; occasionally require prolonged incubation and sub-culturing

    Chlamydia species (usuallyChlamydia psittaci

    )Culture from blood has been describedSerologic testsDirect staining of tissue with use of fluorescent monoclonal antibody

    Tropheryma whipplei

    Histologic examination (silver and PAS stains) of excised heart valve; PCR


    or cul-ture of vegetation


    Legionella species Subculture from blood cultures, lysis-centrifugation pellet from blood cultures, oroperative specimens on BCYE agar; direct detection on heart valves with fluores-cent antibody

    Serologic tests

    Brucella species (usuallyBru-cella melitensisor B. abortus)

    Serologic testsProlonged incubation of standard or lysis-centrifugation blood cultures

    Fungi Regular blood cultures often positive for candida species; lysis-centrifugation systemwith specific fungal medium can increase yield; testing urine for Histoplasma cap-sulatumantigen or serum for Cryptococcus neoformanspolysaccharide capsularantigen can be helpful

    Accessible lesions (such as emboli) should be cultured and examined histologicallyfor fungi

    The New England Journal of MedicineDownloaded from nejm.org at RIVERSIDE METHODIST HOSP on March 18, 2011. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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    N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 18 November 1, 2001 www.nejm.org 1321

    Figure 1. Common Peripheral Manifestations of Infective Endocarditis.

    Splinter hemorrhages (Panel A) are normally seen under the fingernails or toenails. They are usually linear and red for the first twoto three days and brownish thereafter. Panel B shows conjunctival petechiae. Oslers nodes (Panel C) are tender, subcutaneous nod-

    ules, often in the pulp of the digits or the thenar eminence. Janeways lesions (Panel D) are nontender erythematous, hemorrhagic,or pustular lesions, often on the palms or soles.



    B D

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    1322 N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 18 November 1, 2001 www.nejm.org

    The New England Journal of Medicine

    for 72 hours or more after the removal of an infectedcatheter and the initiation of treatment, especially inpatients with an abnormal or prosthetic heart valve.31

    Among patients with prosthetic valves, nosocomialbacteremia or candidemia from sources other than

    valves carries risks of subsequent prosthetic-valve en-

    docarditis of approximately 16 percent and 11 per-cent, respectively.32,33


    The diagnosis of infective endocarditis requiresthe integration of clinical, laboratory, and echocardio-graphic data. Nonspecific laboratory abnormalities maybe present, including anemia, leukocytosis, abnormalurinalysis results, and an elevated erythrocyte sedimen-tation rate and C-reactive protein level.

    Patients with suspected infective endocarditis shouldhave electrocardiography performed on admission(and repeated during their course as appropriate).New atrioventricular, fascicular, or bundle-branch

    block, particularly in the setting of aortic-valve en-docarditis, suggests perivalvular invasion, and such pa-tients may need cardiac monitoring until they arestable. New atrioventricular block carries a moder-ately high positive predictive value for the formationof a myocardial abscess, but the sensitivity is low.34-36

    The Duke Criteria

    In 1994, a group at Duke University proposedstandardized criteria for assessing patients with sus-pected infective endocarditis.37 These criteria integrat-ed factors predisposing patients to the development ofinfective endocarditis, the blood-culture isolate andpersistence of bacteremia, and echocardiographic find-

    ings with other clinical and laboratory information.The usefulness of these Duke criteria in assessing pa-tients with potential infective endocarditis has been

    validated in several subsequent studies.38-43 The spec-ificity of the initially proposed criteria (the ability toreject the diagnosis correctly) was high (0.99, with a95 percent confidence interval of 0.97 to 1.0),43 andthe negative predictive value was greater than 92 per-cent.44 Also, a retrospective study of 410 patients withdiagnosed endocarditis found that the Duke criteriahad good (72 to 90 percent) agreement with clinicalassessment by infectious-disease experts.41 Most dis-crepancies occurred when the experts rejected casescategorized as possible endocarditis according to the

    Duke criteria. Misclassification of culture-negative cas-es, the increasing role of transesophageal echocardiog-raphy, the relative risk of endocarditis in Staph. aureusbacteremia, and the overly broad categorization of cas-es as possible were problems with the original cri-teria. A modified version of the Duke criteria has re-cently been proposed45 (Table 3).


    Transthoracic echocardiography is rapid and non-invasive and has excellent specificity for vegetations

    (98 percent).48 However, transthoracic echocardiogra-phy may be inadequate in up to 20 percent of adultpatients because of obesity, chronic obstructive pul-monary disease, or chest-wall deformities; the overallsensitivity for vegetations may be less than 60 to 70percent.48,49 Transesophageal echocardiography is

    more costly and invasive but increases the sensitivityfor detecting vegetations to 75 to 95 percent whilemaintaining specificity of 85 to 98 percent.49-51 Trans-esophageal echocardiography is particularly useful inpatients with prosthetic valves and for the evaluationof myocardial invasion.50 A negative transesophagealechocardiogram has a negative predictive value forinfective endocarditis of over 92 percent.44,52

    Recent guidelines suggest that among patients withsuspected infective endocarditis, transthoracic echo-cardiography should be used in the evaluation of those

    with native valves who are good candidates for imag-ing.53 In fact, the appropriate use of echocardiographydepends on the prior probability of infective endocar-

    ditis.54 If this probability is less than 4 percent, a neg-ative transthoracic echocardiogram is cost effectiveand clinically satisfactory in ruling out infective endo-carditis.51 For patients whose prior probability of infec-tive endocarditis is 4 to 60 percent, initial use of trans-esophageal echocardiography is more cost-effectiveand diagnostically efficient than initial use of transtho-racic echocardiography, which, if negative, is followedby transesophageal echocardiography. This categoryof intermediate prior probability includes patients withunexplained bacteremia with a gram-positive coccus,those with catheter-associated Staph. aureusbactere-mia, and those admitted with fever or bacteremia inthe setting of recent injection-drug use.51

    Clinical diagnosis of perivalvular extension of in-fective endocarditis is imprecise.55 Persistent bactere-mia or fever, recurrent emboli, heart block, conges-tive heart failure, or a new pathologic murmur in apatient with infective endocarditis may suggest suchextension. Transesophageal echocardiography is moresensitive than transthoracic echocardiography for de-fining perivalvular extension of infective endocarditisand the presence of a myocardial abscess.49,50,53,55-57

    Transesophageal echocardiography with spectral andcolor-flow Doppler techniques can also demonstratethe distinctive flow patterns of fistulas, pseudoaneu-rysms, or unruptured abscess cavities and is more sen-sitive than transthoracic echocardiography for iden-tifying valve perforations.58

    Patients with Staph. aureusBacteremia

    The prevalence of endocarditis among patients withStaph. aureusbacteremia is variable. In a study thatincluded 103 patients with fever and Staph. aureusbacteremia, all of whom underwent both transtho-racic and transesophageal echocardiography, infectiveendocarditis was diagnosed in 25 percent of all pa-tients (and in 23 percent of the 69 patients with in-

    The New England Journal of MedicineDownloaded from nejm.org at RIVERSIDE METHODIST HOSP on March 18, 2011. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

  • 7/30/2019 Infective Endocarditis in Adults



    N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 18 November 1, 2001 www.nejm.org 1323

    travenous-catheterassociated infection).59 Amonganother 262 patients with Staph. aureusbacteremia,34 (13 percent) were found to have definite infectiveendocarditis, and the frequency of infective endocar-ditis was similar whether or not bacteremia was as-sociated with an intravascular catheter.45 Factors as-sociated with an increased probability of infectiveendocarditis in patients with Staph. aureusbacteremiainclude community acquisition, absence of a primaryfocus, presence of metastatic sequelae, and fever orbacteremia persisting for more than three days afterthe removal of the catheter. Although these risk fac-tors are useful clinical aids, recent studies suggest thatthe use of transesophageal echocardiography to deter-mine the appropriate duration of therapy in patients

    with uncomplicated, intravascular-catheterassociated

    Staph. aureusbacteremia may be a more cost-effec-tive approach than an empirical choice of either twoor four weeks of therapy.51,59-63


    Cardiac Complications

    Congestive heart failure and neurologic events havethe greatest influence on the prognosis of infectiveendocarditis. The usual cause of congestive heartfailure in patients with infective endocarditis is infec-tion-induced valvular damage. Rarely, embolism offragments of vegetations can cause acute myocardialinfarction and subsequent congestive heart failure.

    Aortic-valve infection is more frequently associatedwith congestive heart failure than is mitral-valve in-fection.

    *Criteria are adapted from Li et al.45 Cases are defined clinically as definite if they fulfill two major criteria, one major criterion plus three minor criteria,or five minor criteria; they are defined as possible if they fulfill one major and one minor criterion, or three minor criteria. HACEK denotes haemophilusspecies (Haemophilus parainfluenzae, H. aphrophilus, and H. paraphrophilus),Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella cor-rodens, and Kingella kingae.



    Major criteriaMicrobiologic

    Typical microorganism isolated from two separate bloodcultures: viridans streptococci, Streptococcus bovis, HACEKgroup, Staphylococcus aureus, or community-acquiredenterococcal bacteremia without a primary focus

    orMicroorganism consistent with infective endocarditis isolated

    from persistently positive blood culturesor

    Single positive blood culture for Coxiella burnetiior phase IIgG antibody titer to C. burnetii>1:800

    In patients with possible infective endocarditis, at least two sets of cultures of bloodcollected by separate venipunctures should be obtained within the first 1 to2 hours of presentation. Patients with cardiovascular collapse should have threecultures of blood obtained at 5-to-10-minute intervals and thereafter receiveempirical antibiotic therapy

    C. burnetiiis not readily cultivated in most clinical microbiology laboratories

    Evidence of endocardial involvementNew valvular regurgitation (increase or change in preexisting

    murmur not sufficient)or

    Positive echocardiogram (transesophageal echocardiogramrecommended in patients who have a prosthetic valve,

    who are rated as having at least possible infective endo-carditis by clinical criteria, or who have complicatedinfective endocarditis)

    Three echocardiographic findings qualify as major cr iteria: a discrete, echogenic,oscillating intracardiac mass located at a site of endocardial injury; a periannularabscess; and a new dehiscence of a prosthetic valve

    Minor criteriaPredisposition to infective endocarditis that includes

    certain cardiac conditions and injection-drug useCardiac abnormalities that are associated with infective endocarditis are classified into

    three groups:High-risk conditions: previous infective endocarditis,46,47 aortic-valve disease, rheu-

    matic heart disease, prosthetic heart valve, coarctation of the aorta, and complexcyanotic congenital heart diseases

    Moderate-risk conditions: mitral-valve prolapse with valvular regurgitation or leaf-let thickening, isolated mitral stenosis, tricuspid-valve disease, pulmonary steno-sis, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    Low- or no-risk conditions: secundum atrial septal defect, ischemic heart disease,previous coronary-artery bypass graft surgery, and mitral-valve prolapse withthin leaflets in the absence of regurgitation

    Fever Temperature >38C (100.4F)Vascular phenomena Petechiae and splinter hemorrhages are excluded

    None of the peripheral lesions are pathognomonic for infective endocarditisImmunologic phenomena Presence of rheumatoid factor, glomerulonephritis, Oslers nodes, or Roth spotsMicrobiologic findings Positive blood cultures that do not meet the major criteria

    Serologic evidence of active infection; single isolates of coagulase-negative staphylo-cocci and organisms that very rarely cause infective endocarditis are excluded

    from this category.

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  • 7/30/2019 Infective Endocarditis in Adults


    1324 N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 18 November 1, 2001 www.nejm.org

    The New England Journal of Medicine

    Extension of infective endocarditis beyond the valveannulus predicts higher mortality, the more frequentdevelopment of congestive heart failure, and the needfor cardiac surgery. Extension of infection into theseptum may lead to atrioventricular, fascicular, or bun-dle-branch block. Erosion of a mycotic aneurysm of

    the sinus of Valsalva can cause pericarditis, hemoperi-cardium and tamponade, or fistulas to the right orleft ventricle. Pericarditis can also occur as a compli-cation of myocardial infarction due to coronary-arteryembolization.

    Neurologic Complications

    Up to 65 percent of embolic events in infectiveendocarditis involve the central nervous system, andneurologic complications develop in 20 to 40 per-cent of all patients with infective endocarditis.61,64,65

    A stroke syndrome in a patient with fever and un-derlying valvular heart disease suggests the possibilityof infective endocarditis. The rate of embolic events

    in patients with infective endocarditis decreases rap-idly after the initiation of effective antibiotic therapy,from 13 per 1000 patient-days during the first weekof therapy to fewer than 1.2 per 1000 patient-daysafter two weeks of therapy.65-67

    Mycotic aneurysms result from septic embolizationof vegetations to the arterial vasa vasorum or the in-traluminal space, with subsequent spread of infectionthrough the intima and vessel wall. Arterial branch-ing points favor the impaction of emboli and are themost common sites of mycotic aneurysms. The clini-cal presentation of patients with intracranial mycoticaneurysms is quite variable. Some intracranial aneu-rysms leak slowly before rupture and produce head-

    ache and mild meningeal irritation, whereas in otherpatients, there are no clinically recognized premoni-tory findings before sudden intracranial hemorrhage.

    Imaging procedures to detect intracranial mycoticaneurysms may be useful in patients with localizedor severe headaches, meningitis with negative cultures,or focal neurologic signs. Contrast-enhanced com-puted tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance im-aging (MRI) may provide useful initial information;these techniques have approximately 90 to 95 percentsensitivity for intracerebral bleeding and may identifythe location of an aneurysm.27 Magnetic resonance an-giography is a promising new technique for the de-tection of intracranial mycotic aneurysms, but its sen-sitivity for aneurysms smaller than 5 mm is inferiorto that of conventional four-vessel cerebral angiog-raphy,27,68 which remains the standard for evaluation.

    Systemic Emboli and Splenic Abscess

    Systemic embolism is a frequent complication ofinfective endocarditis and most commonly involvesthe spleen, the kidney, the liver, and the iliac or mes-enteric arteries. Splenic abscess may develop from bac-teremic seeding of a previously infarcted area or direct

    seeding of the spleen by an infected embolus. Splen-ic abscess can be a cause of prolonged fever and maycause diaphragmatic irritation with pleuritic or leftshoulder pain; abdominal pain and splenomegaly maybe absent. Abdominal CT and MRI appear to be thebest tests for the diagnosis of splenic lesions, each with

    a sensitivity and specificity of 90 to 95 percent.27,69

    Prolonged Fever

    Fever associated with infective endocarditis oftenresolves within two to three days after the start ofappropriate antimicrobial treatment in patients withless virulent pathogens, and defervescence occurs in90 percent of patients by the end of the second weekof treatment. The most common causes of persistentfever (more than 14 days) are the extension of infec-tion beyond the valve (often with myocardial abscess),focal metastatic infection, drug hypersensitivity (par-ticularly if the fever resolves and then recurs), or anosocomial infection or other complication of hos-

    pitalization, such as pulmonary embolism.70


    Choice of Antimicrobial Agents

    Treatment of the most common causes of infectiveendocarditis is summarized in Table 4. Prolonged par-enteral administration of a bactericidal antimicrobialagent or combination of agents is currently recom-mended.27,71,72 Treatment is usually begun in the hos-pital, but it is often completed on an outpatient basisonce the fever has resolved and follow-up blood cul-tures are negative, as long as indications for cardiacsurgery are not present.

    The optimal therapy for infective endocarditis re-

    sulting from less common causes is still not adequate-ly defined. Aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolonesare bactericidal for bartonella species. However, mostpatients with reported cases of infective endocarditisdue to bartonella species have been treated with abeta-lactam antibiotic and an aminoglycoside.25 Mostpatients with infective endocarditis due to bartonellahave also required valve-replacement surgery for cure.Doxycycline with a second antimicrobial agent, of-ten given for three to four years until IgG antibodytiters drop below 1:400, has been the recommendedtreatment for infective endocarditis due to Q fever.

    A prospective study among 35 patients with Q feverinfective endocarditis suggested that the combina-tion of doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine (medianduration, 26 months) was associated with a lower rateof relapse than was therapy with doxycycline and afluoroquinolone for a median of 60 months.78,79 Erad-ication of Q fever infective endocarditis usually re-quires valve-replacement surgery, although relapse ofinfection on the replaced valve may occur.

    In the absence of clinical clues to a specific cause,therapy for culture-negative native-valve endocarditisshould be individualized and generally includes pen-

    The New England Journal of MedicineDownloaded from nejm.org at RIVERSIDE METHODIST HOSP on March 18, 2011. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

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    N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 18 November 1, 2001 www.nejm.org 1325

    icillin, ampicillin, ceftriaxone, or vancomycin, oftenin combination with an aminoglycoside. Therapy forculture-negative prosthetic-valve endocarditis withinthe initial 12 months after valve replacement oftenincludes at least vancomycin and gentamicin. For pa-tients with prosthetic-valve endocarditis that begins12 months or more after valve surgery, ceftriaxone or

    cefotaxime could be added to cover for so-calledHACEK organisms (haemophilus species [Haemophi-lus parainfluenzae, H. aphrophilus, and H. paraphrophi-lus], Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Cardio-bacterium hominis, Eikenella corrodens, and Kingellakingae). If fever due to infective endocarditis persistsafter empirical therapy, valve-replacement surgery for

    *Data are from Bayer et al.,27 Working Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy,71 and Wilson et al.72 MIC denotes minimal inhibitoryconcentration; HACEK organisms, haemophilus species (Haemophilus parainfluenzae, H. aphrophilus, and H. paraphrophilus), Actinobacillus actinomycetem-comitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella corrodens, and Kingella kingae;and HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

    Vancomycin therapy is indicated for patients with confirmed immediate hypersensitivity reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics.

    For patients who have infective endocarditis due to methicillin-susceptible staphylococci and who are allergic to penicillins, a first-generation cephalo-sporin or vancomycin can be substituted for nafcillin or oxacillin. Cephalosporins should be avoided in patients with confirmed immediate-type hypersen-sitivity reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics.




    Penicillin-susceptible viri-dans streptococci, Strep-tococcus bovis, and otherstreptococci with MICof penicillin 0.1 g/ml

    Penicillin G or ceftri-axone for 4 wk

    A 2-wk regimen of penicillin G(or ceftriaxone) and genta-micin can be used in somecases,73,74 but it is not rec-ommended for patients withmyocardial abscess, extra-cardiac foci of infection, orprosthetic-valve endocarditis.

    Penicillin G for 6 wkand gentamicin for2 wk

    Shorter duration of treatment withan aminoglycoside (2 wk) isusually appropriate for pros-thetic-valve endocarditis dueto penicillin-susceptible viri-dans streptococci, S. bovis, orother streptococci with MICof penicillin 0.1 g/ml.

    Relatively penicillin-resist-ant streptococci (MICof penicillin >0.1 to0.5 g/ml)

    Penicillin G for 4 wkand gentamicin for2 wk

    Penicillin G for 6 wkand gentamicin for4 wk

    Streptococcus species withMIC of penicillin >0.5g/ml, enterococcusspecies, or abiotrophiaspecies

    Penicillin G (or am-picillin) and genta-micin for 46 wk

    6 wk of therapy is recommendedfor patients with symptomslasting longer than 3 mo, my-ocardial abscess, or selectedother complications.

    Penicillin G (or ampi-cillin) and genta-micin for 6 wk


    Nafcillin or oxacillinfor 46 wk, with

    or without addi-tion of gentamicinfor the first 35days of therapy

    In the few patients infected witha penicillin-susceptible staphy-

    lococcus, penicillin G may beused instead of nafcillin oroxacillin.

    Nafcillin or oxacillinwith rifampin for

    6 wk and gentami-cin for 2 wk

    It may be prudent to delay initia-tion of rifampin for 1 or 2 days,

    until therapy with two other ef-fective antistaphylococcal drugshas been initiated.


    Vancomycin, with orwithout additionof gentamicin, forthe first 35 daysof therapy

    Vancomycin withrifampin for 6 wkand gentamicin for2 wk

    If the staphylococcus is resistant togentamicin, an alternative thirdagent should be chosen on thebasis of in vitro susceptibilitytesting.

    Right-sided staphylococ-cal native-valve endocar-ditis in selected patients

    Nafcillin or oxacillinwith gentamicinfor 2 wk

    This 2-wk regimen has beenstudied for infections due toan oxacillin- and aminoglyco-side-susceptible isolate. Exclu-sions to short-course therapyinclude any cardiac or extra-cardiac complications associat-ed with infective endocarditis,persistence of fever for 7 daysor more, and infection withHIV. Patients with vegetationsgreater than 12 cm accord-ing to echocardiographyshould probably be excludedfrom short-course therapy.75-77

    HACEK organisms Ceftr iaxone for 4 wk Ampicillin and gentamicin for4 wk is an alternative regimen,but some isolates may pro-duce beta-lactamase, therebyreducing the efficacy of thisregimen.

    Ceftriaxone for 6 wk Ampicillin and gentamicin for6 wk is an alternative regimen,but some isolates may producebeta-lactamase, thereby reduc-ing the efficacy of this regimen.

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    dbridement and to obtain material for microbiolog-ic and pathological evaluation may be considered.

    Antimicrobial-Susceptibility Testing

    Determination of the minimal inhibitory concen-tration (MIC) of penicillin is necessary to define op-

    timal therapy for streptococcal infection (Table 4).Susceptibility of staphylococci should be determinedfor oxacillin (or methicillin), vancomycin, rifampin,and gentamicin (or an alternative aminoglycoside).Strains of staphylococci that are resistant to oxacillin(or methicillin) are cross-resistant to all beta-lactamantibiotics, regardless of the results of in vitro antimi-crobial-susceptibility testing.

    Optimal therapy for enterococcal infective endocar-ditis requires a synergistic bactericidal combination ofa cell-wallactive antimicrobial agent to which the or-ganism is susceptible (penicillin, ampicillin, or vanco-mycin), plus an aminoglycoside. Susceptibility testingof enterococci from patients with infective endocar-

    ditis should include determination of the MICs ofpenicillin (or ampicillin) and vancomycin and evalu-ation for the presence of high-level resistance to gen-tamicin and streptomycin.80 Optimal synergistic an-timicrobial therapy is not available for strains ofenterococci with high-level resistance to both genta-micin and streptomycin; therapy for infective endo-carditis due to such organisms (or to organisms high-ly resistant to penicillin or ampicillin and resistant to

    vancomycin) should be developed in consultationwith an infectious-disease specialist.

    Because of the frequency of adverse events in pa-tients treated for infective endocarditis and the asso-ciated need to revise therapy, the causative organism

    should ideally be retained until cure has been en-sured. In addition, to ensure the optimal therapeuticregimen, organisms recovered from surgical specimensor blood cultures at relapse should be studied forantimicrobial susceptibility.

    Anticoagulant Therapy

    Anticoagulant therapy has not been shown to pre-vent embolization in infective endocarditis and mayincrease the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. Anti-coagulant therapy for native-valve endocarditis is re-stricted to patients with a clear indication separatefrom infective endocarditis; in the presence of intra-cranial hemorrhage or mycotic aneurysm, anticoagu-lant therapy should be suspended until the complica-tions have resolved. In general, patients with infectiveendocarditis involving a prosthetic heart valve thatrequires maintenance anticoagulation are cautiouslygiven continued anticoagulant therapy during treat-ment of prosthetic-valve endocarditis. However, inthe presence of central nervous system emboli withhemorrhage, temporary discontinuation of anticoag-ulant therapy is appropriate.

    Patients with Staph. aureusprosthetic-valve endo-

    carditis who are receiving anticoagulant therapy areparticularly susceptible to central nervous system hem-orrhage61; indirect evidence from uncontrolled stud-ies in a limited number of patients suggests that an-ticoagulant therapy should generally be suspended insuch patients during the acute phase of the illness.81

    If cardiac surgery for infective endocarditis is planned,warfarin may be discontinued and replaced with hep-arin to allow more rapid reversal of anticoagulationat the time of surgery. The role (if any) of aspirin inthe prevention of embolism in infective endocarditisis still under evaluation.82

    Surgical Therapy

    Several studies suggest that combined medical andsurgical therapy for infective endocarditis can decreasemortality among patients who have congestive heartfailure, perivalvular invasive disease, or uncontrolledinfection despite maximal antimicrobial therapy; con-gestive heart failure is the strongest indication for

    surgery in infective endocarditis. For example, med-ically treated patients with moderate-to-severe con-gestive heart failure due to endocarditis-related val-

    vular dysfunction have a mortality rate of 56 to 86percent, as compared with 11 to 35 percent amongpatients treated with combined medical and surgicaltherapy.83-86 The hemodynamic status of the patientat the time of valve-replacement surgery is the princi-pal determinant of operative mortality87,88; the optimaltime to perform surgery is before severe hemody-namic disability or spread of the infection to perival-

    vular tissue has occurred.89 Serial echocardiogramsmay be helpful to monitor the need for valve-replace-ment surgery. In some patients, the presence of meta-

    static infection may need to be assessed before valve-replacement surgery so as to avoid relapse of infectionon the prosthetic valve that is seeded from these sites.

    Medical therapy for infective endocarditis causedby some microorganisms is usually unsuccessful, andsurgical therapy is generally advised. These pathogensinclude Pseudomonas aeruginosa, brucella species, Cox-iella burnetii, candida species,90,91 other fungi, andprobably enterococci for which there is no synergis-tic bactericidal regimen. Also, uncontrolled sepsis inspite of maximal antimicrobial therapy due to anypathogen is usually an indication for surgery.

    Infective endocarditis involving a prosthetic valveis another common indication for surgical evaluation.Patients with prosthetic-valve endocarditis who canbe treated with antimicrobial agents alone are usuallycharacterized by late onset of infection (more than12 months after implantation of a prosthesis); infec-tion by viridans streptococcus, HACEK organisms, orenterococci; and no evidence of perivalvular extensionof infection. Although the rate of recurrent pros-thetic-valve endocarditis after surgery for active infec-tive endocarditis was up to 7 percent over a mean fol-low-up period of six years,92 there is no compelling

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    evidence that delaying surgery in patients with pro-gressive infection or hemodynamic deterioration im-proves outcome.

    Relapse of prosthetic-valve endocarditis after appro-priate medical therapy should lead to careful echo-cardiographic assessment for perivalvular extension

    of infection or for metastatic foci of infection, such assplenic abscess or osteomyelitis. Some patients withrelapsed prosthetic-valve endocarditis may respond toa second course of antimicrobial therapy, but manysuch patients will require combined medical and sur-gical therapy for cure. More patients with Staph. au-reusprosthetic-valve endocarditis survive with medicaland surgical therapy than with medical therapy alone(relative risk of death, 0.18), suggesting that Staph.aureusprosthetic-valve endocarditis alone may be anindication for valve-replacement surgery.93

    Some authorities recommend surgery if there havebeen two episodes of embolization or one episode

    with residual large vegetations. However, there are no

    data from prospective, controlled trials to support afirm recommendation. The development of embolicneurologic complications during infective endocar-ditis is associated with an increase in mortality by afactor of two to four. Large vegetations on the mitral

    valve, especially on the anterior leaflet, are associatedwith a higher risk of embolism than vegetations ofsimilar size elsewhere. An increase in the size of veg-etations that is detected by echocardiography duringthe course of therapy may identify a subgroup of pa-tients with a higher rate of complications. However,there is no size or location threshold that suitablypredicts increased mortality associated with embo-lization in such a way that the risk-to-benefit ratio of

    surgery for the prevention of embolization can becalculated. Also, the persistence of vegetations, as de-termined by echocardiography, is common after suc-cessful medical treatment of infective endocarditisand is not necessarily associated with late complica-tions.94 The characteristics of the vegetations alonerarely justify surgical intervention; rather, data on veg-etations should be weighed in the context of theoverall clinical picture to assess the benefits of surgery.Because the frequency of emboli decreases rapidly

    with effective antimicrobial therapy, the benefit of sur-gery in preventing further emboli is greatest if it is per-formed early in the course of infective endocarditis.

    Because of the potential for postoperative neuro-logic deterioration or death, a recent neurologic com-plication of infective endocarditis has been consid-ered a relative contraindication to valve-replacementsurgery. A retrospective study of 181 patients withcerebral complications who underwent surgery for in-fective endocarditis found that the proportion of pa-tients who had postoperative neurologic deterioration(including death) depended on the interval betweenthe preceding cerebral event and cardiac surgery.

    Among those who had had nonhemorrhagic cere-

    bral infarcts 7 days or less before surgery, neurologicdeterioration occurred in 44 percent; among thoseundergoing surgery 8 to 14 days after the central nerv-ous system event, only 16.7 percent had neurologicdeterioration. The risk of a worsening neurologic def-icit after cardiac surgery fell to 2.3 percent when the

    operation was performed four weeks or more afterthe central nervous system event. However, the risk ofa worsening central nervous system deficit after cardi-ac surgery persisted for up to four weeks after intra-cerebral hemorrhage.64 In contrast, other studies havesuggested that valve-replacement surgery can be un-dertaken with minimal risk of neurologic deteriorationin patients who have left-sided endocarditis withoutcentral nervous system hemorrhage.95,96 A conserva-tive approach is to delay valve-replacement surgery, iffeasible, for two to three weeks after an embolic in-farct in the central nervous system and for at least amonth after intracerebral hemorrhage.64,97,98

    The duration of antimicrobial therapy after valve-

    replacement surgery for active infective endocarditishas not been assessed in carefully controlled trials,but it should depend on the length of preoperativetherapy, the presence of perivalvular extension of in-fection, and the microbiologic and pathological find-ings at surgery. The duration of combined preopera-tive and postoperative therapy for patients undergoingsurgery should be at least as long as that recom-mended in Table 4. In patients with a positive intra-operative culture, a myocardial abscess, or a positiveGrams stain for organisms on a prosthesis removedfrom a patient with prosthetic-valve endocarditis, a fullcourse of postoperative therapy is a reasonable, con-servative approach.


    The mortality rate among patients with infectiveendocarditis varies according to the following fac-tors: the causative microorganism (4 to 16 percentmortality for viridans streptococci and Strep. bovis,15 to 25 percent for enterococci, 25 to 47 percentfor Staph. aureus, 5 to 37 percent for Q fever, andmore than 50 percent for P. aeruginosa, Enterobac-teriaceae, or fungi); the presence of complications orcoexisting conditions (for example, congestive heartfailure, neurologic events, renal failure, or severe im-munosuppression due to HIV infection); the devel-opment of perivalvular extension or a myocardial ab-scess; and the use of combined medical and surgicaltherapy in appropriate patients. The overall mortali-ty rates for both native-valve and prosthetic-valve en-docarditis remain as high as 20 to 25 percent, withdeath resulting primarily from central nervous systemembolic events and hemodynamic deterioration. Themortality rate for right-sided endocarditis in injec-tion-drug users is generally lower, approximately 10percent.76

    Relapse of infective endocarditis usually occurs

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    within two months of the discontinuation of antimi-crobial therapy. The relapse rate for patients withnative-valve endocarditis caused by penicillin-suscep-tible viridans streptococcus who have been treated

    with one of the recommended courses of therapy isgenerally less than 2 percent. The relapse rate for pa-

    tients with enterococcal native-valve endocarditis af-ter standard therapy is 8 to 20 percent. Among pa-tients with infective endocarditis caused by Staph.aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, or fungi, treatment failureoften occurs during the primary course of therapy.

    A positive culture at the time of valve-replacementsurgery, particularly in patients with staphylococcalendocarditis, is a risk factor for subsequent relapse.99

    The relapse rate in prosthetic-valve endocarditis isapproximately 10 to 15 percent, and relapse of infec-tion may be an indication for combined medical andsurgical therapy.


    Over the past decade, substantial improvementshave been made in the diagnosis and managementof infective endocarditis. Treatment of this infectionrequires a multidisciplinary approach among healthcare providers from a variety of backgrounds. Thesame multidisciplinary approach should be used toguide the design of new clinical-research studies. Suchstudies should increasingly use, as much as feasible, aprospective, randomized, double-blind, multicenterdesign that will provide definitive answers to several ofthe remaining questions about this complex infection.

    Dr. Mylonakis is the recipient of a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship forPhysicians from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

    We are indebted to Dr. A.W. Karchmer for many very helpfulcomments, suggestions, and references, as well as for the photographin Figure 1C; and to Dr. Mary Jane Ferraro for a critical review ofthe manuscript.


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