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Inflation and GDP Fuzzy Numbers.pdf

Date post: 02-Jun-2018
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GUEST EDITION Login Regist er Enroll New user? Start here. Search Bl og In si de r Fe at ur ed Voi es D ai l ! Di ge st T od a !" s #a r$ets T%E &R'S% &OURSE LE'RN T'(E '&TI ON DIS&USS )RE)'RE FOLLO* US %o+e &rash &ourse &ha,ter -/ Fu00! Nu+1ers What if it’s true, as Kevin Phillips recently stated in an article in Harpers’, that “[e]ver since the 1960s, Washint!n has ulled its citi"ens and credit!rs #y de#asin !fficial statistics, the vital instru$ents %ith %hich the vi!r and $uscle !f the &$erican ec!n!$y are $easured'( What if it turned !ut that !ur individual, c!rp!ra te, and !vern$ent decisi!n)$a*in was #ased !n deeply $isleadin , if n!t pr!va#ly false, data' +hat’s %hat %e’re !in t! ta*e a l!!* at here, #y ea$inin the %ays that inflati!n and -r!ss .!$estic Pr!duct, !r -.P, are $easured/  &s y!u n!% *n !%, inflati!n is a $atter !f active p!licy/ +! ! little and !ur curr ent #an*in sys te$ ris*s failure/ +!! $uch and the $a!rity !f pe!ple n!ticea#ly l!se their savins, %hich $a*es the$ p!litically restive/ S! *eepin inflati!n at a !ldil!c*s te$peratu re 2 n!t t!! h!t and n!t t!! c!ld 2 is the na$e !f the a$e/ 3nflati!n has t%! c!$p!nents/ +he first is the si$ple pressure !n prices due t! t!! $uch $!ney fl!atin ar!und/ +he sec!nd c!$p!nent lies %ith pe!ple’s expectations !f future inflati!n/ 3f epectati!ns are that inflati!n %ill #e ta$e, they are said t ! #e %ell)anch!red/ 3f pe!ple expect  prices t! rise, they tend t ! spend their $!ney now, %hile the ettin is still !!d, and this serves t! fuel further inflati!n in a self)reinf!rcin $anner/ +he faster pe!ple spend, the faster inflati!n rises/ 4i$#a#%e is a perfect $!dern ea$ple !f this dyna$ic in play/  &cc!rdinly, ! fficial inflati!n p!licy has t%! c!$p!nents 2 the first is re ulatin the $!ney supply and th e sec!nd is anch!rin y!ur epectati!ns/  &nd h!% eac tly is this anchoring  acc!$plished' 5ver ti$e, this has ev!lved int! little $!re than tellin y!u that inflati!n is a #it l!%er, !r even a l!t l!%er, than it actually is/ +he details !f h!% this is d!ne are $!re c!$plicated #ut %!rthy !f y!ur attenti!n/ et $e #e clear, the tric*s and su#versi!ns %e %ill ea$ine did n!t arise %ith any particular ad$inistrati!n !r p!litical party/ 7ather, they ar!se incre$entall y durin every ad$inistrati!n y!u care t! ea$ine !ver the past 80 years/ nder Kennedy, %h! disli*ed hih une$pl!y$ent nu$#ers, a ne% classificati!n %as devel!ped that scru##ed s!)called :disc!urae d %!r*ers’ fr!$ the headline data, causin une$pl!y$en t fiures t ! dr!p/ ;!hns!n created the “unified #udet( that %e currently en!y, %hich r!lls surplus S!cial Security funds int! the eneral #udet , %here they are spent #ut then n!t rep!rted as part !f the deficit y!u read a#!ut/ <0 Reo++end Reo++end Tweet 9  3 Share Share 2 Pea* Pr!sperity Wee*ly =e%sletter SIGN U) GET OUR NE*SLETTER  & c!$plete di est !f the articles > rep !rts %e pu#lish durin the %ee*/ ?$ail &ddress @018A Binancial Celtd!%n ?c!n!$ic D!llapse in @018 !utsiderclu#/c!$E?c!n!$icFD!llapse .!llar D!llapse/ Car*et D!llapse/ -et !ur H!use 3n 5rder =5W 6 St!c*s t! H!ld B!rever Page 1 of 5 Crash Course Chapter 16: Fuzzy Numbers | Peak Prosperity 3/2/201 http://!!!"pea kprosperity"#om/#rash#ourse /#hapter$16$fuzzy$%u"""
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