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Influence and impact across all channels - Keller Fay Group

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Influence & impact across all channels How digital advertising triggers action online and offline The Consumer Conversaon Experts Keller Fay Group
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Influence  &  impact  across  all  channelsHow  digital  advertising  triggers  action  online  and  offline

The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

The  business  challenge

The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

What  we  already  know…

The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

What  we  already  know…

The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

What  we  already  know…

The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

What  we  already  know…

1014 12



No.  of  conversations  per  day

Total  GB  16-­‐69

+27% +60%

No.  of  brands  mentioned  per  day

+45% +56%

Source:  Keller  Fay’s  TalkTrack  Britain  – 12  months  to  May  2015 The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

What  we  already  know…

“The  tablet  multiplier  effect”

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Looking  deeper…

Environment/relationship  driving  action?

Online/Offline  effect?

Impact  on  brand  advocacy?

The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

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In  a  world  obsessed  by  final  click  attribution,  we  believe  that  what  you  read  has  a  major  influence  on  what  you  go  on  to  do,  both  online  and  offline.

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

MethodologyA  4-­week   study  of  the  online   and  offline   behaviour   of  a  sample  of  Times  subscribers   throughout  November

Passive  Tracking  Meters  

Diary  App

Content...  Advertising...  Search...Social...  Conversations…Offline  activity...  Purchases…




70  The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Advertising  ExposureTimes  readers   were  exposed   to  a  wide  range   of  advertising   across   the  month  with  the  retail,   auto   and  travel   categories   especially   prominent

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Big  Data:  1,300,000  rows  of  data  collected

44,000+  interactions

183,427pages  consumed


1,400WOM impressions   for  


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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Category  behaviour brought  to  life



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Driving  Brand  ChoiceHow  Brian  turned  towards  BMW

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Brian’s  exposure  to  Auto  advertising  during  November

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Brian’s  Journey

Land  Rover

BMW  /   Jaguar


BMW  Winter   Tyres  and  Wheels

New  BMW  i3,  2  day  free  trial   through  brochure

Search  for  Land  Rover

Search  for  BMW



Car  camera  sounds  alarm  if  driver  nods  off

Petrol  prices  on   the  slide

Huge  pothole   turns   M25  into   ‘road   to  hell’  

Road  signs   ‘discriminate  against the  elderly’

Court   ruling  will   speed  curbs  on  diesel   cars  

Driverless   cars  ‘at   risk  of  cyberattack’  

Wife’s   traffic  rage  drove  man  to  build   road  

Dirty  diesel   death   toll  hits  60,000

Mini  Countryman  4X4

Smoking  ban   in  cars  with  children

Outcome:  Decides  on  BMW  as  brand  choice  for  next  purchase  &  would  recommend  BMW  

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Brian’s  Journey

BMW  Winter   Tyres  and  Wheels

New  BMW  i3,  2  day  free  trial   through  brochure

Search  for  BMW


Road  signs   ‘discriminate  against the  elderly’

Court   ruling  will   speed  curbs  on  diesel   cars  

Driverless   cars  ‘at   risk  of  cyberattack’  

Wife’s   traffic  rage  drove  man  to  build   road  

Dirty  diesel   death   toll  hits  60,000

Outcome:  Decides  on  BMW  as  brand  choice  for  next  purchase  &  would  recommend  BMW  

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Online  behaviour


We  learned…advertising  works  across  several  dimensions

…advertising   works   strongly   for  Auto  category

Ad  exposure

Reinforces Primes



Stimulates Provokes

65%  of  auto  brand  advocates  saw  ads  from  their  preferred  car  brand  

Exposure  to  BMW advertising  drove  300%  uplift   in  site  visitation/search  for  BMW

16%  of those  exposed  to  an  Audi  ad  took  some  form  of  offline  action  for  

Audi  during  the  month

Those  exposed  to  a  VW  ad  had  67%higher  conversation  levels  about  VW

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Ad  exposure  strongly  correlates  with  Brand  Advocacy

See  the  ad

Recommend  the  brand

More  likely   to More  likely   to

86% 65%95% 75%

Supermarkets Banking Airlines Cars

Represents  %  of  brand  advocates  who  viewed  ad  for  brand


AdvocacyBeneficial  regardless  of  causality

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Ad  exposure  drives  higher  Conversation   levels

+150% +114% +67%

+36% +28% +16%

Note:  Uplifts  based  on  %  talking  about  brand,  comparing  ad  exposed  versus  non  ad  exposed  groups

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Ad  exposure  drives  higher  Online  Behaviour








%  searching  or  visiting  advertiser  site.  

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Ad  exposure  drives  higher  Offline  Action

72%   took  action 18%   took  action

16%   took  action

21%   took  action

11%  took  action

Note:  Uplifts  based  on  %  taking  offline   action  (purchasing  or  making  brand  choice),  comparing  ad  exposed  vs.  non  ad  exposed  groups

(+7%  vs.  non   exposed) (+163%  vs.  non  exposed) (+80%  vs.  non  exposed)

(+33%  vs.  non  exposed) (+10%  vs.  non  exposed)

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

The  holy  grail…advertising   that  generates  Multiple  Effects

Over   just  one  month,   the  proportion   of  total   exposed   respondents   both  having  a  conversation  and visiting/searching   online   in  a  variety   of  categories   were:  

40% 14% 13% 7%

Banking AutoFilmRetail

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Creating  an  impact  in  the  marketplace

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Key  Learnings

Benefits  of  Collaboration

Broader  focus,  beyond  digital

Role  of  brand  advocacy

Importance  of  Brand  presence

Right  time,  right  place

Digital’s  full  value

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The Consumer Conversa!on ExpertsKeller Fay Group

Sean  Adams,  Head  of  Insight,  Commercial,  News  UK  @SeanAdams13@NewsUK_Sales

Steve  Thomson,  Managing  Director,Keller  Fay  UK  @kellerfay

“It’s  the  best  research  we’ve  done  in  years”

Paul  Hayes,  MD,  News  UK  Commercial
