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Influence of electromagnetic field on living organisms

Date post: 16-Jul-2015
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1.Physiotherapy and its types.

2.The influence of external sources of electromagnetic fields.



Today, in my opinion need to touch on the effects on the body electric and magnetic fields, because this knowledge is needed not only to me but also to other students in order to know what the consequences of this effect, for that would be able to use this knowledge in practice physician, not bringing harm to the health of the patient ...

Physiotherapy - is a specialized area of clinical medicine that studies the physiological and therapeutic effects of natural and artificially created physical factors on the human body. Physiotherapy is one of the oldest areas of curative and preventive medicine.

The goal of physiotherapy- to achieve the best effect in the treatment of any disease in the lower load on the patient, using, mainly physical treatment.

Physical therapy is widespread in medicine, particularly in gynecology and effective for the treatment of diseases such as adhesions, pain, chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages, preparation for IVF and pregnancy in general, uterine hypoplasia and genital infantilism, menstrual disorders, breast, condition after surgery, pelvic ganglionevrit, diseases of the spine and joints, injuries of the musculoskeletal system, urological diseases.

Laser therapy - treatment consisting in the application of light energy of the laser radiation with curative intent. Lasers - sources of light energy, allowing to obtain coherent, directional, high spectral density of radiation in the optical range, defined a new direction in various areas of medicine, laser medicine. Components of Laser Medicine: laser surgery, laser therapy and photodynamic therapy.

Electromiostimulation ( mioneyrostimulation , muscle toning ) - method of rehabilitation treatment , which is based on electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles , is implemented by means of current transfer with the specified characteristics of the human body miostimulators through the electrodes . Widely used for the rehabilitation of patients after trauma, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems , with urinary and fecal incontinence , in professional sports and cosmetology. Species: NMES ( Neuromuscular Electrical ) , TENS ( Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation ) treatment of incontinence.

Amplipulse therapy- is a treatment technique in which areas of the body affected by the simulated sinusoidal currents (SMT). They are alternating currents with a frequency direction of from 2 to 5 kHz, the amplitude modulated from 10 to 150 Hz. SMT have many applications in various fields of medicine, including cosmetics. They pass easily through the skin, penetrate deep into the tissue, stimulate nerve endings and muscle fibers.

Magnetic therapy - a method based on the effects on the human body magnetic fields with curative purposes. Used for medical purposes, magnetic fields can be variable (high or low frequency) or permanent. Method of alternative medicine under widespread name "magnetic therapy" implies the use of a static magnetic field (usually in the form of permanent magnets that are recommended to be worn on the body), which practically does not interact with the human body

Exposure to magnetic fields at the elementary currents in atoms and molecules out - and intracellular water , leads to changes in its quasi-crystalline structure . Changes occur in the properties of water : surface tension , viscosity, conductivity , permittivity and another due to a certain spatial orientation of the elementary currents in its atoms and molecules . This contributes to the performance of their specific functions of the protein molecules , nucleic acids, polysaccharides and other macromolecules which form a uniform system with water , transport and metabolism depend on the water-related condition.

One of the important regulatory mechanisms in living systems is the activity of the ions. It is determined primarily by their hydration and bond with macromolecules . Under the action of magnetic fields differ in their magnetic and electrical properties of the components of the system ( ion-water , ion - protein , protein- ion-water ) will oscillate , and they can not match. The consequence of this process is the release of ions from binding with macromolecules and reducing their hydration and, consequently , an increase in the ionic activity. Increase under the influence of the magnetic field of the ion activity in tissues is a prerequisite for the stimulation of cellular metabolism.

Magnetic field effect on the body is characterized by:

differences in individual sensitivity and instability reactions and systems to the effect of a magnetic field ;

corrective influence of the magnetic field on the organism and its functional systems .

Acting on a background of increased organ function or system , lead to its decline , and the application of a magnetic field under oppression function is accompanied by its rise ;

change of direction phase nature of reactions under the influence of the magnetic field is reversed ;

severity of therapeutic action , which is influenced by the physical characteristics of the magnetic field. Effect and changes in the organs are more pronounced at the alternating and pulsed magnetic field

than permanent ;

many reactions of the organism inherent threshold or resonance character , especially when using pulsed magnetic fields ;

trace the nature of the magnetic field . After a single exposure of the reaction of the organism persist for 1-6 days , and after 30-45 days exchange procedures , which leads to a break between repeated

courses of treatment for this period.

Organs and body systems react differently to the effect of the magnetic field. Selectivity response of an organism depends on electrical and magnetic properties of the tissues and their differences in

microcirculation and metabolic rate neurohumoral circulation state . According to the degree of sensitivity of different systems of the body to the magnetic field ranks first nervous , then the

endocrine system , sensory organs , cardiovascular , blood, muscular, digestive , excretory, respiratory and skeletal systems .

The human body always responds to an external magnetic field. In view of various wave composition and other factors the electromagnetic field of different sources operating on human health in various ways. The main sources of the electromagnetic field can be identified: power lines, wiring ( inside buildings ) , household appliances , personal computers , television and radio transmitting stations , satellite and cellular communications (devices , repeaters ) , electric transport , radar installations .

All appliances operating using electric currents to form around him electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields hazardous primarily in that the person does not feel their effects as feel , e.g. , a light or sound, and thus can not adequately assess their intensity and degree of danger. Our body is very sensitive to the above emissions , and, as shown by recent studies , most of them suffer from the impact of the brain, heart , and endocrine, immune and reproductive system of humans . Most common in everyday life is a low-frequency (50 Hz) alternating magnetic field . In descending order of risk to human health appliances can be positioned as follows: microwave , electric stove, TV, washing machine , refrigerator, electric , iron, electric kettle ( coffee ) . If all this is located in the kitchen , then your living environment can be called " miniChernobyl"

We - the people living in the 21st century with the times. This is evidenced by the development of new technologies that bring together with benefit and harm, dangerous to our health, such as computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, TVs. So let us be able to use instruments and engage in prevention Harm electromagnetic fields ....

Методическое пособие для студентов: Физиотерапия.

Рыженков А.П. Физика. Человек. Окружающая среда. – М.: Просвещение, 2000 г стр. 295-301

(http://www.elsmog.ru/index.php/mobtel/vliyanietel.html, www.wikipedia.ru, http://www.gorislava.mwland.ru/Default.aspx?tabid=5223 )

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