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Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Date post: 20-Jan-2017
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Page 1: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Special Guest Beki Winchel, @PRDaily

Carrie Morgan, author, chat moderator

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

Page 2: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

We know what influencer marketing is... but is it worth the hype? #PRprochat

Page 3: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

Whether it's "worth it" depends on how you measure its value. Does it move the needle on your business goals?#PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 4: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Influencer relationships help us fill our editorial pipeline when traditional media coverage can’t. Critical! #PRprochat

Page 5: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

A1. Influencer relationships help us fill our editorial pipeline when traditional media coverage can’t. Critical! #PRprochat 92% of consumers turn to people they know for referrals above any other source, and 81% of referrals are found online. #PRprochat

Page 6: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

People LISTEN to social media rock stars and bloggers. Plus, they can end up being your brand's/client's lifeblood. #PRprochat

Page 7: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Influencers are to online visibility like print media are to editorial placements. Different channels, same importance. #PRprochat

Page 8: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Influencers need exposure, content and community growth/activity – so do you. We can help each other. #PRprochat

Page 9: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

How are B2C influencers different than B2B influencers? #PRprochat

Page 10: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

B2C influencers often focus on building traffic to support advertising, sponsors, revenue sources. #PRprochat

Page 11: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

B2B influencers often focus on building traffic for other reasons. Less pay-to-play, more organic. #PRprochat

Page 12: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

When PR pros pitch editors and reporters, show what's in it for THEM. Same with influencers. It's NOT ABOUT YOU. (It never was.) #PRprochat

Page 13: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

@morgancarrie Being authentic works in ANY relationship building effort...right?! #PRprochat

Page 14: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

B2B "influencers" look different than B2C influencers in many ways, but it comes down to knowing your audience. #PRprochat

Page 15: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

The methods/channels also differ from B2B and B2C influencers. Ex: LinkedIn vs. Snapchat. But it's a case-by-case basis. #PRprochat

Page 16: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Just how important is size of influencer audience? #PRprochat

Page 17: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Pitching influencers with the wrong audience or no audience is a waste of time. Yours and theirs. #BadDogNoBiscuit #PRprochat

Page 18: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Audience size is a factor, but how engaged it is--& about what--& how it meshes w/your stakeholders are important, too. #PRprochat

Page 19: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

A huge audience of non-relevent readers is less valuable than a small audience of perfect targeting. #PRprochat

Page 20: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Size depends on your goals and who you're trying to reach. What is the action you want taken by the audience? #PRprochat

Page 21: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Find influencers w/ passionate followings who are interested in what you sell. 200 of those are worth 2,000 random peeps. #PRprochat

Page 22: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Honestly, find your nerds, PR pros. The ones who insanely love what your brand/client stands for. #PRprochat

Page 23: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

How do you create an influencer strategy? #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

Page 24: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer strategy should start first with your goal, your audience, then match influencers to these. #PRprochat

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 25: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

A3. A huge audience of non-relevent readers is less valuable than a small audience of perfect targeting. #PRprochat

Make sure your foundation is strong. Create a solid PR strategy that incorporates digital and traditional tactics. #PRprochat

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 26: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Remember that finding an ambassador won’t fix a failing system (customer service, bad media relations, etc.)#PRprochat

Page 27: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Influencer strategy should clearly define your goals, who you want to reach, how to accomplish those goals. Who, what, why? #PRprochat

Page 28: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

No one-size-fits-all strategy here, but start by identifying influencers you can create mutually valuable relationships with. #PRprochat

Page 29: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Also, metrics. Look at audience each others audience demos. #PRprochat

Page 30: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

How can we create strong influencer relationships beneficial to BOTH sides? #PRprochat

Page 31: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

If the influencer "relationship" isn't beneficial to BOTH sides, it isn't a relationship. It's a flash in the pan.#PRprochat

Page 32: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Invest time in creating great pitches. Sloppy pitches hurt all of us. Make it sharp, relevant, perfectly written. #PRprochat

Page 33: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

It really comes down to listening and setting goals. Both sides should come to the table with reasonable expectations. #PRprochat

Page 34: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

PR pros, if an "influencer" tries to take you hostage (demanding too much $$$ or other things), cut 'em loose.#PRprochat

Page 35: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

In like manner, don't hand influencers your crap pitches and treat them like it's a gift from Tiffany's. It's not. #PRprochat

Page 36: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Influencer PR with Beki Winchel

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

A3. A huge audience of non-relevent readers is less valuable than a small audience of perfect targeting. #PRprochat

Don’t think of how to use influencers, think of how a relationship can help both. Be authentic, not just a taker.#PRprochat

Page 37: Influencer PR with Carrie Morgan and Beki Winchel

Carrie Morgan,author, digital PR consultant, chat moderator

First Thursdays @ 3pm EST
