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Ngongota Paren Physical Address: School Roa Ngongotaha 3010 Phone: 07-3574531 Fax: 07-3574921 Email:[email protected] Website: www.ngongotaha.sch aha Primary nt Informatio Booklet ad Postal Address: PO Bo a Ngong 3041 hool.nz hool.nz School on ox 195 gotaha
Page 1: info book

Ngongotaha Primary School

Parent Information

Physical Address: School Road Ngongotaha 3010

Phone: 07-3574531 Fax: 07-3574921 Email:[email protected]: www.ngongotaha.school.nz

Ngongotaha Primary School

Parent Information Booklet

Physical Address: School Road Postal Address: PO Box 195Ngongotaha Ngongotaha


Email:[email protected] Website: www.ngongotaha.school.nz

Ngongotaha Primary School

Parent Information

Postal Address: PO Box 195 Ngongotaha

Page 2: info book

Welcome to Ngongotaha School

To All Parents and Caregivers A very warm welcome to parents, whanau and pupils for whom this may be their first contact with our school and also to those who already have contact with us. The Ngongotaha School staff areto provide quality education for every pupil who attends our school. We are proud of our school environment, school culture and the quality of children’s learning achieved throughout the school. We aim to provide stimulating, enjoyable learning which will educate the whole child and create an independent learner for the future. All parents are most welcome to visit the school so that they can be aware and become involved in their child’s education. Effective communication between home and school can take many forms and assists in the development and achievement of your child. Iinstance parents keep regular contact with their child’s classroom teacher. Many queries or concerns can be resolved at this level. We urge you to attend the parent pupil discussions held during the year. Even if you know your child is doing well at school it is still important for you to have this confirmed and for your child to share their classroom and are interested and care about their schooling. Ngongotaha School has a proud history of whanaungatanga, belonging The school provides many opportunities for children to take part isports and interests that develop independence, perseverance, encourage your child to take up the challenges that come their way during their time here. We look forward to sharing this learning journey with you and your child. Mrs Cathryn Naera Principal

Tina Leach – Asso

Welcome to Ngongotaha School

To All Parents and Caregivers

parents, whanau and pupils for whom this may be their first contact to those who already have contact with us.

The Ngongotaha School staff are a hard working dedicated group of professionals who strive to provide quality education for every pupil who attends our school. We are proud of our school environment, school culture and the quality of children’s learning achieved throughout

We aim to provide stimulating, enjoyable learning which will educate the whole child and create an independent learner for the future.

All parents are most welcome to visit the school so that they can be aware and become involved in their child’s education. Effective communication between home and school can

assists in the development and achievement of your child. Iregular contact with their child’s classroom teacher. Many queries or

concerns can be resolved at this level.

We urge you to attend the parent pupil discussions held during the year. Even if you know well at school it is still important for you to have this confirmed and for

your child to share their classroom and their work with you. Children want to know that you are interested and care about their schooling.

Ngongotaha School has a proud history in the community and we enjoy the community sense belonging, that is fostered here

The school provides many opportunities for children to take part in a range of activities, interests that develop independence, perseverance, leadership and creativity. We

encourage your child to take up the challenges that come their way during their time here.

We look forward to sharing this learning journey with you and your child.

Associate Principal Cathryn Naera – PrincipalRahera Kiel – Associate Principal

parents, whanau and pupils for whom this may be their first contact

a hard working dedicated group of professionals who strive to provide quality education for every pupil who attends our school. We are proud of our school environment, school culture and the quality of children’s learning achieved throughout

We aim to provide stimulating, enjoyable learning which will educate the whole child and

All parents are most welcome to visit the school so that they can be aware and become involved in their child’s education. Effective communication between home and school can

assists in the development and achievement of your child. In the first regular contact with their child’s classroom teacher. Many queries or

We urge you to attend the parent pupil discussions held during the year. Even if you know well at school it is still important for you to have this confirmed and for

work with you. Children want to know that you

in the community and we enjoy the community sense

n a range of activities, leadership and creativity. We

encourage your child to take up the challenges that come their way during their time here.


Page 3: info book

Our Mission:

Our Vision:

We will provide quality teaching and learning opportunities to enable our students to be:-


Be comfortable with who they areDevelop goals for themselvesBe resourceful Be motivated and reliable

Connected Develop a positive attitude towards learning

Be caring, respectful and responsibleBe effective users of communication toolsBe responsible members of the community

Actively Involved Participate in a range of contexts to develop life skills Lifelong Learners

Develop skills to acquire learningMake lifelong choices – informed decision makersAre literate and numerate Are critical and creative thinkers

We will provide quality teaching and learning opportunities to enable our

they are Develop goals for themselves

Develop a positive attitude towards learning Be caring, respectful and responsible Be effective users of communication tools

the community

Participate in a range of contexts to develop life skills

Develop skills to acquire learning informed decision makers

and creative thinkers

We will provide quality teaching and learning opportunities to enable our

Page 4: info book

Our Values:

Growth for all, to improve what you doRespect for each other, because you are youEquality is here, so we all are strongAchievement to help us move alongTrust is what we need to do

We’re Ngongotaha a

rowth for all, to improve what you doespect for each other, because you are youquality is here, so we all are strongchievement to help us move alongrust is what we need to do

We’re Ngongotaha a “Great” schoolfor you

rowth for all, to improve what you do espect for each other, because you are you quality is here, so we all are strong chievement to help us move along

“Great” school

Page 5: info book

Beliefs About Learning:

Ngongotaha School has the following core beliefs about children’s learning:-

v All students can learn and have the right to do so

v Learning happens most effectively when intentions and outcomes are shared

v Students learn best when they take ownership and responsibility for their learning

v Learning is a shared experience which lasts a lifetime

v Learning is best when there is a purpose to learn

v Staff empower all students to achieve personal excellence

BOT Members:

The Ngongotaha School Board of Trustees comprises parent representatives, the principal and one staff trustee. Your representatives are:

Mr. Steve Smith – Chairperson Mr. Roger Ngatai – Parent Representative Mrs. Annabell Wharekura – Parent Representative Mrs. Liz Burton – Parent Representative Mrs. Jeanette Edwards – Parent Representative Mrs. Cathryn Naera – Principal Mrs. Ana Te Whata-Jacobs – Staff Trustee

All members of the Board work hard on your behalf to ensure staff work in a well resourced and supportive environment. Board meetings are held each term on a Tuesday evening. All board meetings are advertised in advance in our Kid Zone publication. All meetings start at 6.00pm. Our current timetable is as follows, but can change if the need arises:

Term One: Tuesday 15th February Tuesday 12th April

Term Two: Tuesday 31st May Tuesday 12th July

Term Three: Tuesday 23rd August Tuesday 27th September

Term Four: Tuesday 8th November Tuesday 6th December

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The 2011 School Year

Term 1 Tuesday 1st February to

Friday 15th April

Monday 31st January - Auckland Anniversary Friday 22nd April – Good Friday Monday 25th April – Easter Monday; ANZAC Day

Term 2 Monday 2nd May to

Friday 15th July

Friday 3rd June – Teacher Development Day Monday 6th June – Queen’s Birthday

Term 3 Monday 1st August to

Friday 7th October

Term 4 Wednesday 26th October to

Friday 16th December

Monday 24th October – Labour Day Tuesday 25th October – Teacher Development Day

THE SCHOOL DAY Session 1 8.55am to 10.30am Morning Tea 10.30am to 10.40am Children eat morning tea in their classes with teacher

supervision 10.40am to 11.00am Children have recreation time

Session 2 11.00am to 12.30pm Lunch 12.30pm to 12.45pm Children eat lunch in their classes with teacher

supervision 12.45pm to 1.15pm Children have recreation time, sports practices, club

time. Session 3 1.15pm to 2.15pm Afternoon Break 2.15pm to 2.30pm Recreation time, fruit time Session 4 2.30pm to 3.00pm


Staffroom Rooms 1, 2, 3 & 4 Rooms 5 & 6 Office, Principal, AP Resource Room

Rooms 7 & 8

Library ICT Suite Pool Whare Waananga

Physed Store Rooms 10, 11, 12 & 13

AP Room 14 & 15 Office Office Room


Dental Clinic Caretaker Courts - Play Area

Page 7: info book


Ø The office will open each day at 8.15am and close at 4.00pm TRANSITION TO SCHOOL - Getting ready for school.

Ø Enroll your child at school at the office. You need to have their birth certificate and

immunisation forms. You can do this at any time before they are due to start school.

Ø You will be given some forms to read and sign. Please fill these out and return them to school.

Ø On the day your child starts school, you need to come to the school office, before

going to your child’s classroom, so that the enrolment process can be completed.

Ø It is important that all your child’s belongings are named; shoes, uniform, togs, towel, lunch box and bag.

Ø You can purchase stationery before your child starts school, this is available at the school office.

Ø Uniforms can be purchased at Postie Plus. A small supply of some second hand items

can be purchased from the office. GREAT START Programme This consists of a five-week induction to school progamme. All children entering school within the term (and the following two weeks of the next term) will come on the GREAT start visits that are on Wednesday from 1.15pm to2.20pm, weeks 3-7 of each term, for mainstream children, and Wednesday 8.45am to 11.00am for children who wish to enter the Rumaki classes.

(Please contact the school office for the dates) Ø Week Three: Introduction to school, parent questions, meet the principal, walk

around the school and some activities related to school life. Ø Week Four: Oral Language Ø Week Five: Literacy (reading and writing) Ø Week Six: Numeracy, maths Ø Week Seven: A visit to the classroom that your child will be joining, meet the

Teacher and the other children. You are welcome to stay at school for the afternoon break so that the children can play on the playground with the other children. ENROLMENTS

Ø Are completed by the School Secretary, Julie Roker, through the Office.

Ø Once processed, parents and new arrivals are introduced to the Principal who in consultation with the Associate Principals will complete class placement.

Ø On enrolment, please inform us of any issues that may be a factor in your child schooling. We are more able to provide appropriate programmes when we are informed.

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NEW ENTRANTS (Enrolled on 5th birthday) We require the following:

Ø A birth certificate is required with all New Entrant

Ø Immunisation Certificate (available from your doctor).

Ø Parents are required to sign the enrolment form aschool rules and / or regulations.


Ø For those parents who wish their children to be expReo and Tikanga MaoriRumaki Units.

Ø Children who have ability in Maori Language

given priority. Parents should be aware that the leand 100%. This means the class of the time. Children will be encouraged to take this knowledge into the playground with them.

Ø We do run a GREAT startprogramme is run along the same format as the mainstis worked in Te Reo Maori and run on a Wednesday morning from 8.45am to 11.00am. Please call into the office to discuss this. If you require further information please arrange an appointmen

Ø Whanau Hui will be held each term so that communication is maintained. Class programmes, school direction and current professional development will be covered at these hui. We look forward to youof the school.

NEW ENTRANTS (Enrolled on 5th birthday).

A birth certificate is required with all New Entrant, 5 year olds.

Immunisation Certificate (available from your doctor).

d to sign the enrolment form as an expression of acceptance ofschool rules and / or regulations.


For those parents who wish their children to be exposed to a greater emphasis in Te aori, an opportunity exists for children to be enrolled in the

Children who have ability in Maori Language and attendance at Kohanga Reogiven priority. Parents should be aware that the level of immersion is between 80%

. This means the class programme will be in Te Reo Maori for the majority of the time. Children will be encouraged to take this knowledge into the playground

We do run a GREAT start programme for children in our Rumaki programme. Thisalong the same format as the mainstream induction programme but

worked in Te Reo Maori and run on a Wednesday morning from 8.45am to 11.00am. Please call into the office to discuss this. If you require further information please arrange an appointment with Rahera Kiel – Associate Principal.

Whanau Hui will be held each term so that communication is maintained. Class programmes, school direction and current professional development will be covered at these hui. We look forward to your involvement in your child’s schooling and the life

Top left photo: Past pupils who are now

staff at the school. Various school activities.

s an expression of acceptance of

osed to a greater emphasis in Te exists for children to be enrolled in the

and attendance at Kohanga Reo will be vel of immersion is between 80%

programme will be in Te Reo Maori for the majority of the time. Children will be encouraged to take this knowledge into the playground

programme for children in our Rumaki programme. This ream induction programme but

worked in Te Reo Maori and run on a Wednesday morning from 8.45am to 11.00am. Please call into the office to discuss this. If you require further information

Associate Principal.

Whanau Hui will be held each term so that communication is maintained. Class programmes, school direction and current professional development will be covered at

in your child’s schooling and the life

Page 9: info book

School Organisation 2011

Principal: Mrs Cathryn Naera Associate Principal: Mrs Tina Leach Associate Principal: Miss Rahera Kiel Area Year Room Teacher Te Whanau Manu 6 & 5 1 Mr Dean Henderson – Team Leader 6 & 5 3 Miss Jamie Thompson 6 & 5 4 Mrs Ana Te Whata-Jacobs Te Whanau Wai 4 & 3 5 Mrs Jane Nunn 4 & 3 6 Mrs Christine Lim Yock – Team Leader 4 & 3 7 Mr Linton Mascord 4 & 3 8 Miss Meryn Southen Te Whanau Ngahere 2 9 Miss Michaela Muncaster 2 11 Miss Lesley McCauley 2 & 1 12 Mrs Kathryn Piesse 1 14 Mrs Nerida Bowater 1 & 0 15 Miss Kylie Coles Mrs Alison Astwood – Team Leader Te Whanau Maunga 6 & 5 2 Mrs Tina Leach – Associate Principal 4 & 3 10 Miss Tamara Simpkins 2, 1 & 0 13 Miss Rahera Kiel – Team Leader Specialist Teachers Mrs Alison Astwood – Reading Recovery Mrs Evelyn Elsmore – Literacy junior school Mrs Kath Henderson – Literacy senior school Mrs Rosalie Palmer – ORS Specialist Teacher- Choir Mrs Veronica Fraser - ORS Specialist Teacher of the Deaf Teacher Aide Mrs Sue Falconer Mrs Tracey Papuni Mrs Val McCollum Mrs Jacqui Stevens Mrs Larissa Checkley Mrs Rebecca Breitler Mrs Bev Oakley Kaiawhina Mrs Gail McCorkindale Miss Tawi Roberts School Secretary Mrs Julie Roker Resource Room Mrs Elaine Whyte Librarian Mrs Lyn Le Lievre PE & Sports Programmes Mrs Donna Ngatai IT Centre Technician Mr Mark Smith Caretaker Mr Bruce McNaught Dental Therapist Mrs Judy Hardy

Page 10: info book

ATTENDANCE (appendix 1 truancy protocol)

Ø The Ministry has placed much emphasis on attendance in their efforts to address student achievement. procedures in place to monitor and track attendance at school.

Ø Regular attendance at school is fuschool regularly are morecareer and life options.

Ø At Ngongotaha School each child has an attendance graph

they can track their own attendance and so you can see at a glance how their attendance is going.

Ø Each term we celebrate 100% attendance with acknowledgment at assembly and a celebration time at school.

Ø Each year the Rotorua District Council acknowledges 100% attand holds a celebration for schools. 100% Attendance Pupils with Rotorua Mayor

Ø The following Ministry of Education each absence. Justified absence - Absence that is explained to the satisfactionCommon forms of justifiedbereavement, or personal orUnjustified absence - satisfaction of the Principal.Intermittent unjustified absencelate to class or misses partTruancy - The total of all of a particularunjustified absences. Frequent truancy - Truancy that occurs three or more times in

Ø Included with this information bookle

(appendix 1 truancy protocol)

The Ministry has placed much emphasis on attendance in their efforts to address student achievement. For most children “Attendance = Achievementprocedures in place to monitor and track attendance at school.

Regular attendance at school is fundamental to student learning. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve educational success, and increasecareer and life options.

At Ngongotaha School each child has an attendance graph, on display in the classtrack their own attendance and so you can see at a glance how their

Each term we celebrate 100% attendance with acknowledgment at assembly and a celebration time at school.

Each year the Rotorua District Council acknowledges 100% attendance for theand holds a celebration for this achievement in town with the mayor and Rotorua

100% Attendance Pupils with Rotorua Mayor – Mr Kevin Winters

Ministry of Education definitions are provided to help

Absence that is explained to the satisfactionCommon forms of justified absence include medical appointmentsbereavement, or personal or family circumstances.

Absence that is either unexplained, or notrincipal.

Intermittent unjustified absence - Absence that is periodic – that is, wherelate to class or misses part of a period or a full school day, with no justified reason.

The total of all of a particular student’s unjustified and intermittent

Truancy that occurs three or more times in any one week.

Included with this information booklet is a copy of the procedure for non

The Ministry has placed much emphasis on attendance in their efforts to address chievement”. We have

Students who attend likely to achieve educational success, and increase their

on display in the class, so track their own attendance and so you can see at a glance how their

Each term we celebrate 100% attendance with acknowledgment at assembly and a

endance for the year achievement in town with the mayor and Rotorua

Mr Kevin Winters - 2010

provided to help schools classify

Absence that is explained to the satisfaction of the Principal. absence include medical appointments, illness,

Absence that is either unexplained, or not explained to the

that is, where a student is justified reason.

student’s unjustified and intermittent

any one week.

t is a copy of the procedure for non-attendance.

Page 11: info book


Ø It is essential, in today’s climate, that we know where our pupils are on any given day. If your child is not attending school, for any reason, please phone the office ANSWER PHONE facility and leave specific details or text the school on Mobile phone 027 675 7565 with details.

Ø Office staff will ring parents, at home or work, if absence is noted and no reason has been received.

Ø Upon return, your child should hand a letter of explanation (for absence) to the class teacher.

Ø Staff complete a register of attendance twice each day – morning and afternoon. If children are absent this is recorded and followed up through the office.


Ø School starts at 8.55am. If your child is late please ensure they come to the office first so they can be checked off the absentee register. Regular late comers are monitored and liaison with families will be initiated. Children need to be in school by 8.45am to prepare for the day’s work.

Ø If collecting your child from his/her classroom, please wait outside until the class teacher has dismissed the children.

Ø If your child is being picked up during the day please come to the office and sign

them out, if they return later in the day please call back into the office. ILLNESS or ACCIDENT AT SCHOOL

Ø In the event of your child becoming ill or injured at school the office will contact parents to collect the child. If a child cannot be collected he/she will be cared for in our medical room. It is most important that families upgrade any changes in home circumstances – telephone numbers, change of address, mobile numbers and after school arrangements. In times of emergency we need immediate access to accurate information.


Ø If your child requires any medication, on a daily or regular basis, you are required to complete a parental consent for assistance in administering drugs form. This is held in the school office.

Ø Any medication will be administered by Mrs Julie Roker or Mrs Elaine Whyte through the school office.

Ø If your child suffers from asthma we hold their pump or spacer in the office or medical room. Please ensure you check expiry dates on a regular basis. We will check these at the end of each year and follow up with parents.

Ø No medication is administered without parental consent. If your child brings medication, for a short period, it needs to be handed into the office and collected each day. This will be administered by office staff, not classroom teachers.

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Ø Every child is liable for a $10& Newsletters. This cost is included in the

Ø Class teachers will issue a when children join a class

Ø Payment can be made through the school office.


Ø The Board of Trustees has resolved that compulsory for all students.

Ø The uniform can be purchased from Posti Plus situated in the Rotorua Central Mall.

Ø From 2011 we have made a change from the yellow polo shirt to a maroon polo shirt. A time period will be allowed to phase in the new maroon shirts.

Ø Long trousers and polar fleece are available when the weather turns cooler.

Ø Any suitable footwear is afor shoe storage during the day.

Ø We do have some items of second hand uniform, if interested please ask at the office.

Ø We encourage students to wear a sun hat during the summer months.

There is no specific schofrom Mainfreight, for new 5 year olds. These will be issued to the children each year and can be maintained for their school life.

Ø Please ensure all clothing is named, including shoes, togs a

swimming months)

Ø Some earrings can be extremely dangerousTo ensure our students remain safe from accidental injury while playing, parents are asked to monitor the type or earring worn by their


Ø We welcome your support for our class programmes and your child’s education. Please see your child’s teacher to discuss how you can provide support and assistance, at any time.

Ø If interested please discuss how

Ø In anticipation of your help


Every child is liable for a $10.00 Paper Resources Charge to cover Worksheets Newsletters. This cost is included in the Stationery List.

Class teachers will issue a Stationery List during week one, or when children join a class.

made through the school office.

The Board of Trustees has resolved that the school uniform is compulsory for all students.

The uniform can be purchased from Posti Plus situated in the Rotorua

From 2011 we have made a change from the yellow polo shirt to a

A time period will be allowed to phase in the new maroon shirts.

Long trousers and polar fleece are available when the weather turns

Any suitable footwear is acceptable. All classrooms have shoe racks for shoe storage during the day.

We do have some items of second hand uniform, if interested please

We encourage students to wear a sun hat during the summer months. There is no specific school hat for this. Each year we do receive a donation of hats, from Mainfreight, for new 5 year olds. These will be issued to the children each year and can be maintained for their school life.

se ensure all clothing is named, including shoes, togs a

extremely dangerous in the school environment. To ensure our students remain safe from accidental injury while playing, parents are

the type or earring worn by their child.

We welcome your support for our class programmes and your child’s education. Please see your child’s teacher to discuss how you can provide support and assistance,

If interested please discuss how you might assist your child’s class teacher.

In anticipation of your help - sincere thanks!

Paper Resources Charge to cover Worksheets

the school uniform is

The uniform can be purchased from Posti Plus situated in the Rotorua

From 2011 we have made a change from the yellow polo shirt to a

Long trousers and polar fleece are available when the weather turns

cceptable. All classrooms have shoe racks

We do have some items of second hand uniform, if interested please

We encourage students to wear a sun hat during the summer months. ol hat for this. Each year we do receive a donation of hats,

from Mainfreight, for new 5 year olds. These will be issued to the children each year

se ensure all clothing is named, including shoes, togs and towel (during

in the school environment. To ensure our students remain safe from accidental injury while playing, parents are

We welcome your support for our class programmes and your child’s education. Please see your child’s teacher to discuss how you can provide support and assistance,

’s class teacher.

Page 13: info book


Ø The Board of Trustees sets these each year. This donation is set at which equates to $1.00 a week. Rotorua area this is very

Ø The funds generated are used specifically to enhance playground and sporting activities, provide extra class materialsprogrammes at all levels.

Ø An EFTPOS facility is available to make payments.up, please call in and see the secretary, Julie R

Immediate payment would be greatly appreciated.


Ø Your child is able to order lunch from the available menu. A list of available items is included in enrolment packs and is available from the school office.

Ø Parents/Caregivers write

and class and place the money inside.

Ø The pupil places the envelope in the

Ø All lunches are delivered to the classrooms from

Ø If you wish your child to order items that deliver this to your child’s class yourself.


Ø Children need to develop an inresponsibility for their property. time to name all of your childincluding shoes, togs and towel during swimming months.

Ø Lost property boxes are located on the verandah of the Whare Waananga

Ø Towards the end of each term all lost property will be displayed for children

parents to check through.


tees sets these each year. This donation is set at which equates to $1.00 a week. When compared with most other schools in the wider Rotorua area this is very reasonable.

The funds generated are used specifically to enhance playground and sporting , provide extra class materials, as well as supporting special learning

ammes at all levels.

An EFTPOS facility is available to make payments. Direct payments can n and see the secretary, Julie Roker, if you wish to follow this up.

Immediate payment would be greatly appreciated.

Your child is able to order lunch from the available menu. A list of available items is included in enrolment packs and is available from the school office.

Parents/Caregivers write, on an envelope, the lunch order required, the pupil’s nand class and place the money inside.

e pupil places the envelope in the locked box outside the school office

e delivered to the classrooms from 12.30pm.

If you wish your child to order items that are not on the school list you deliver this to your child’s class yourself.

Children need to develop an independent responsibility for their property. Please take

all of your child’s clothing, togs and towel during

Lost property boxes are located on the verandah of the Whare Waananga.

of each term all lost property will be displayed for childrento check through.

tees sets these each year. This donation is set at $40.00 per pupil, When compared with most other schools in the wider

The funds generated are used specifically to enhance playground and sporting well as supporting special learning

Direct payments can also be set oker, if you wish to follow this up.

Your child is able to order lunch from the available menu. A list of available menu items is included in enrolment packs and is available from the school office.

the lunch order required, the pupil’s name

locked box outside the school office

are not on the school list you will need to

of each term all lost property will be displayed for children and

Page 14: info book


Ø This school newsletter publication will go home each fortnight on a Thursday.Kidzone includes messages from the principal, student work, photographs, staff messages and, if there is space, community notices.


Ø We have a dental clinic Hardy is available dailschool clinics. Parents should phone for an appointment. The clinic number is

357 4645 if you require her services.

Ø From 2012 a mobile dental clinic service will be provided for the pupils, we will no longer have a clinic on site all year.


Ø During 2005 we joined the Cool School Programme promoted by the Peace Foundation.

Ø As part of the programme se

mediators in the playground.

Ø These students provide askills. Whaea Jamie Thompson


Ø The law requires every cyclist to wearsafety helmet.

Ø Children who are classified as Year 5 or 6 permitted to ride cycles to school younger students are able to ride if accompanied by an adult

Ø Please ensure your child

Ø Bike racks are located beside the Whare

Ø We ask that children walk their bikes within the school grounds.


Ø Senior students, carefully selected and Police Officers, contr8.20am until 8.40am and again from 2.55pm until approximately 3.15pm.a staff member.

Ø Parents are asked to Respondpolite and courteous manner.

Ø Their one purpose is to provide a

newsletter publication will go home each fortnight on a Thursday.Kidzone includes messages from the principal, student work, photographs, staff messages and, if there is space, community notices.

dental clinic on site to deal with the everyday needs of our children. Judy is available daily, when on site. At times Judy is required to work in other

school clinics. Parents should phone for an appointment. The clinic number is 357 4645 if you require her services.

From 2012 a mobile dental clinic service will be provided for the pupils, we will no longer have a clinic on site all year.

During 2005 we joined the Cool School Programme promoted by the Peace

As part of the programme senior students are trained and supported to act as peer mediators in the playground.

students provide a valuable service to the school, and develop life long social Jamie Thompson is responsible for this programme during 2011

every cyclist to wear an approved

are classified as Year 5 or 6 are permitted to ride cycles to school younger students are able to ride if accompanied by an adult.

Please ensure your child has suitable locking facilities for their bike.

Bike racks are located beside the Whare Waananga in view of the school office.

We ask that children walk their bikes within the school grounds.

Senior students, carefully selected and trained by Police Officers, control the school crossing from

am until 8.40am and again from 2.55pm until approximately 3.15pm. They are also supported by

Respond to their signals in a polite and courteous manner.

purpose is to provide a SAFE ENVIRONMENT for your children.

newsletter publication will go home each fortnight on a Thursday. The Kidzone includes messages from the principal, student work, photographs, staff

ay needs of our children. Judy is required to work in other

school clinics. Parents should phone for an appointment. The clinic number is

From 2012 a mobile dental clinic service will be provided for the pupils, we will no

During 2005 we joined the Cool School Programme promoted by the Peace

nior students are trained and supported to act as peer

valuable service to the school, and develop life long social this programme during 2011.

has suitable locking facilities for their bike.

in view of the school office.

for your children.

Page 15: info book

Ø We ask that you do not park on the dotted yellow lines beside the crossing as this hinders the students ability to see oncoming traffic.

Ø Traffic Officers ensure that parents respect the parking laws. Regular random checks

are carried out. SCHOOL BUSES

Ø Please enquire in the office about your child’s eligibility for bus transport. Approximate bus pick up times are available in the office or directly from the bus company providing the service.

Ø A high standard of behaviour is expected while waiting at bus stops and travelling –

with bus wardens monitoring and reporting back to the school.

Ø Children who travel on a bus are to remain in the school grounds at the end of each day. A bus bell will ring at 3.25pm at which time all children will assemble in the Whare Waananga. Bus monitors will complete a roll check which duty staff will check. If it is wet bus children will remain in their own class until the bus bell rings.

Ø Concerns about buses are to be directed, in the first instance, to your child’s teacher

who will follow this up with management staff.

Ø If you collect your child after school, and they do not travel on the bus, please ensure his/her absence is recorded in the appropriate Bus Book held in the office.

Ø Misbehaviour on the bus may result in the service

being withdrawn from your child. If this occurs the school will make contact with you to follow this up.


Ø No child will be permitted to leave the school grounds during school time or the break times without permission from the class teacher via prior parent arrangement.


Ø Please ensure you and your child makes any arrangements to go to friends homes after school, before they come to school in the morning. Children will not be permitted to do this from the office at the end of the day. They must go home first and organise this with you.


Ø A service is provided by Ngongotaha Out Of School Care Programme and is based in the Community Hall. Registered children are collected from school each day and walk to the community hall where they are supervised until pick up. We have information forms in the office. This service is not a school based service.

Page 16: info book


Ø Through the generosityschool receives additional funding to provide additional instruction and support for Maori students.

Ø The funds enable us to enhance Literacyprovision of one on one and smallEvelyn Elsmore facilitates this programme for area of the school.

Ø The funds also allow us to enhance Te Reo programmes in the rumaki classes by the

provision of small groupthis programme.

Ø Both programmes are overseen by senior staff. If your child is part of these programmes we encourage you to come in and discuss your child’s progress at any time.

Ø Milestone reports are completed twice a year which are sent to Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust and to the School Board of Trustees.


Ø At Ngongotaha we endeavour to provide assistance to those students who are in need. These programmes are supported, and frequently funded, by the Board of Trustees. This year we have a focus on students who have literacy needs. Specific programmes in place in 2011 are Reading Recovery and Toe by Toe. We also run school based literacy support programmes for


Ø We have a well resourced library on site for students. Mrs. Lyn Le Lievre, the librarian,is available to parents who wish to discuss reading material for their children.

Ø During 2010 / 2011 wUpgrade programme. This has seen an injection of $10worth of books purchased for the library and provides professional development to staff in tenhance literacy development.

Ø Each year student librarians are traineddevelop library skills for themselves.

Ø If you wish to volunteer time to the library Mrs. Le Lievre would welcome your assistance. Please call in and see her to discuss how you can provi


Through the generosity of the local Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trustschool receives additional funding to provide additional literacy or numeracy

ruction and support for Maori students.

The funds enable us to enhance Literacy programmes across the school throughprovision of one on one and small-group instruction by a fully qualified teacher. MrsEvelyn Elsmore facilitates this programme for Maori students in the junior and middle

The funds also allow us to enhance Te Reo programmes in the rumaki classes by the provision of small group Te Reo instruction. Whaea Gail McCorkindale facilitate

programmes are overseen by senior staff. If your child is part of these programmes we encourage you to come in and discuss your child’s progress at any

Milestone reports are completed twice a year which are sent to Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust and to the School Board of Trustees.


At Ngongotaha we endeavour to provide assistance to those students who are in need. grammes are supported, and frequently funded, by the Board of Trustees.

This year we have a focus on students who have literacy needs. Specific programmes in place in 2011 are Reading Recovery and Toe by Toe. We also run school based

ogrammes for pupils.

We have a well resourced library on site for students. Mrs. , the librarian, has a wealth of knowledge and

is available to parents who wish to discuss reading material

During 2010 / 2011 we are part of a National Library Upgrade programme. This has seen an injection of $10,000 worth of books purchased for the library and provides professional development to staff in the use of the library to

literacy development.

brarians are trained to provide assistance in the library and to develop library skills for themselves.

If you wish to volunteer time to the library Mrs. Le Lievre would welcome your assistance. Please call in and see her to discuss how you can provide support to the school.

of the local Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust, this literacy or numeracy

programmes across the school through the group instruction by a fully qualified teacher. Mrs.

Maori students in the junior and middle

The funds also allow us to enhance Te Reo programmes in the rumaki classes by the instruction. Whaea Gail McCorkindale facilitates

programmes are overseen by senior staff. If your child is part of these programmes we encourage you to come in and discuss your child’s progress at any

Milestone reports are completed twice a year which are sent to Ngati Whakaue

At Ngongotaha we endeavour to provide assistance to those students who are in need. grammes are supported, and frequently funded, by the Board of Trustees.

This year we have a focus on students who have literacy needs. Specific programmes in place in 2011 are Reading Recovery and Toe by Toe. We also run school based

to provide assistance in the library and to

Page 17: info book


Ø Ngongotaha School’s IT Centre, which Computer Suite, is a well full advantage of everything it has to offer.

Ø All classrooms have one or moreallowing immediate access to programmes which have been loaded onto the server.

Ø Students at all levels rec

regular class programme and the schooensures that teachers receive regular continue to challenge students and enhance learning opportunitie

Ø Cyber Safety agreements will be sent home each year for your signature. This covers

the use of the internet and the production and presentation of photographic material. SWIMMING POOL

Ø The solar-heated Learners’ Pool is available to all classes in

Ø Swimming is an integral part of our Physical Education Programme and New Zealand National Curriculum and accordingly every child will be expected participate fully.

Ø Junior children are timetabled to swim in the afternoon, when the air temperature is warmer.

Ø With so many opportunities for Rotorua children to be in or around water it is essential that children have water confidence. Please support the school swimmingattend your child’s pool sessions at school to see how they are doing and discuss any needs they may have.

Ø Some children may benefiFeel free to discuss this wyour child’s confidence when swimming at school.


Ø Each class will provide a balanced programme covering all areas of the New Zealand Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Curriculum learning objectives are set each year and are based around school wide themes.

Ø The New Zealand Curriculum gives schools

through vision and guiding priEnglish, The Arts, Health and PScience, Social Sciences and Technologyintegration of values and key competencies.


Ngongotaha School’s IT Centre, which includes the Library, Multi Media Suitewell resourced facility and our students are encouraged to take

advantage of everything it has to offer.

All classrooms have one or more personal computers networked to the IT Centre allowing immediate access to programmes which have been loaded onto the server.

Students at all levels receive “hands on” tuition in the computer suite as part of their regular class programme and the school’s professional development pensures that teachers receive regular up skilling so that classroom programmes

students and enhance learning opportunities.

Cyber Safety agreements will be sent home each year for your signature. This covers the use of the internet and the production and presentation of photographic material.

heated Learners’ Pool is available to all classes in Term 1

Swimming is an integral part of our Physical Programme and a component of the

ational Curriculum and ild will be expected to

Junior children are timetabled to swim in the afternoon, when the air temperature is warmer.

With so many opportunities for Rotorua children to be in or around water it is essential that children have water confidence. Please support the school swimming programme. You are more than welcome to attend your child’s pool sessions at school to see how they are doing and discuss any

Some children may benefit from swimming instruction throughFeel free to discuss this with your child’s teacher as they will be able to advise you of your child’s confidence when swimming at school.

Each class will provide a balanced programme covering all areas of the New Zealand Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

ulum learning objectives are set each year and are based around school wide themes.

The New Zealand Curriculum gives schools direction for learning vision and guiding principles. Key learning areas;

English, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Technology are taught with the integration of values and key competencies.

Multi Media Suite and students are encouraged to take

omputers networked to the IT Centre allowing immediate access to programmes which have been loaded onto the server.

uite as part of their s professional development programme

so that classroom programmes

Cyber Safety agreements will be sent home each year for your signature. This covers the use of the internet and the production and presentation of photographic material.

Term 1

children to be in or around water it is essential that children have water confidence. programme. You are more than welcome to

attend your child’s pool sessions at school to see how they are doing and discuss any

t from swimming instruction through outside agencies. ith your child’s teacher as they will be able to advise you of

of the New Zealand Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

Page 18: info book

Ø We are implementing a thinking / inquiry model called SOLO – Structured Overview of Learning – which develops student’s ability to talk about their learning, set goals, evaluate their work and identify their next learning steps.

Ø Children can learn in a variety of approaches and styles and teachers endeavour to deliver motivating and stimulating programmes that assist students to develop and enjoy their learning.



Parent evening to discuss the year overview, consult about aspects of school and outline class procedures.


Interim progress reports are sent home. If you wish to discuss any aspect of this report you can arrange a time with the class teacher.


P.P.D’s – Pupil Progress Discussions. These usually take 15 to 20 minutes and are a formal time when parents can discuss their child’s learning progress and needs. Children are invited to attend these discussions.


End of Year achievement report. If you wish to discuss any aspect of this report you can arrange a time with the class teacher.

An “open door” policy exists for parents being aware that all teachers are responsible for teaching 9.00am to 3.00pm. Any issues can be addressed by meeting outside of these times or by arranging a suitable time with the class teacher. ASSESSMENT

Ø Children are assessed regularly to monitor progress and identify learning needs. A range of methods and strategies will be used to gather information.

Ø Children are tested on entry to school, again at 6 years of age, in basic literacy and numeracy. Interviews are set up after each of these assessments to discuss findings and programmes with families.

Ø The assessment carried out at entry and 6 years is also carried out in Te Reo Maori for students who have their education in this medium.

Ø Reporting against National Standards was introduced to schools in 2010 and we are working on this process. Regular feedback from families will assist us in the future development of this process.

Ø Reporting against Nga Whanaketanga is being introduced in 2011 for students working in Maori medium education.

Page 19: info book


Ø Parents want to be a part of their child’s education and this can be done through a number of ways.

Ø Developing oral language is a critical factor for children and we have regular conversations with your child about their learning.speak in a sentence, ask and answer questionsout household activities like cooking, shopping etc. Explain to them wdoing so they develop the language specific to these tasks.

Ø In the early years children will bring reading material home to support class instruction. This can be read to, with or by the child in a positive manner.

Ø Reading to your child revocabulary.

Ø Class teachers and the school librarian can recommend a range of books that can be read to children.

Ø Number knowledge is vitally important to numerabeing able to count from 1 to 10 in thnumerals to 5, know basic colours and shapes and ability to sort by colour, shape or size can be extremely beneficial to your child’s maths development.

Ø Teams will have various otherchange dependent on the class unit of work or theme.

Ø Feel free to meet with your child’s teacher to follow


Ø We employ a physical educatworks alongside class teachers to provide a balanced physed programme for students. Mrs Donna Ngatai carries out this role. She also assistschool sport initiatives and interests, team coaching and Jump Jam (a fitness programme set to music).

Ø Interschool sport is arranged in Term 2 with similar sized scho

day in Term 3. This involves senior students participating in netball, hocrugby and miniball.

Parents want to be a part of their child’s education and this can be done through a

Developing oral language is a critical factor for children and we have regular conversations with your child about their learning. Encourage them to speak in a sentence, ask and answer questions, and talk to them as you are carrying out household activities like cooking, shopping etc. Explain to them wdoing so they develop the language specific to these tasks.

In the early years children will bring reading material home to support class instruction. This can be read to, with or by the child in a positive manner.

Reading to your child regularly will assist in the development of word knowledge and

Class teachers and the school librarian can recommend a range of books that can be

Number knowledge is vitally important to numeracy development. In the early yeafrom 1 to 10 in the correct order, make sets to 5basic colours and shapes and ability to sort by colour, shape or

size can be extremely beneficial to your child’s maths development.

various other activities to support learning at home and these may change dependent on the class unit of work or theme.

Feel free to meet with your child’s teacher to follow up any questions you may have.

We employ a physical education support staff member who works alongside class teachers to provide a balanced physed programme for students. Mrs Donna Ngatai carries out this role. She also assists with the development of school sport initiatives and interests, team coaching and mp Jam (a fitness programme set to music).

Interschool sport is arranged in Term 2 with similar sized scho ols, with a major field day in Term 3. This involves senior students participating in netball, hoc

Manaia Wharekura and Daniel Simpkins, the fastest 7 year olds in Rotorua following 2011 Interschool Athletics.

Parents want to be a part of their child’s education and this can be done through a

Developing oral language is a critical factor for children and we encourage you to Encourage them to

, and talk to them as you are carrying out household activities like cooking, shopping etc. Explain to them what you are

In the early years children will bring reading material home to support class instruction. This can be read to, with or by the child in a positive manner.

gularly will assist in the development of word knowledge and

Class teachers and the school librarian can recommend a range of books that can be

nt. In the early years e correct order, make sets to 5, recognise

basic colours and shapes and ability to sort by colour, shape or size can be extremely beneficial to your child’s maths development.

activities to support learning at home and these may

up any questions you may have.

ols, with a major field day in Term 3. This involves senior students participating in netball, hockey, soccer,

kura and Daniel Simpkins, the

fastest 7 year olds in Rotorua following 2011

Page 20: info book

Top Town co-operative activities SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES

Ø Assemblies are held on Fridays at from our front gate, weather permitting.

Ø Classes take turns in hosting the celebrations and we always recognise behaviours by awarding books to children who Without doubt, these awards provide a very positive platform on which to encourage

appropriate behaviour and to acknowledge positive role modeling.

Ø Every assembly acknowledges Bithe Library Award (for best behaved class using this facility), the Tidy Kiwi Award (for the best kept classroom) and the Sports Award (for the best behaved class at Physed).

Ø Principal certificates, cas “FISH Certificates”, are awarded once a child has 30 stickers on their class fish. These stickers are awarded for appropriate behaviour, good work ethic, achievement, progress, use of te reo and evidence of our GREAT values in action.

Ø Parents are warmly invited to come and share in these celebrations.

Jump Jam Competition team who were selected for nationals in 2010.

operative activities

held on Fridays at 9.15am in the Community Hallfrom our front gate, weather permitting.

Classes take turns in hosting the celebrations and we always recognise behaviours by awarding books to children who are CAUGHT BEING GOOD!Without doubt, these awards provide a very positive platform on which to encourage appropriate behaviour and to acknowledge positive role modeling.

Every assembly acknowledges Birthdays, the Library Award (for best behaved class using this facility), the Tidy Kiwi Award (for the best kept classroom) and the Sports Award (for the best behaved

Principal certificates, commonly known as “FISH Certificates”, are awarded once a child has 30 stickers on their class fish. These stickers are awarded for appropriate behaviour, good work ethic, achievement, progress, use of te reo and evidence of our GREAT values in action.

rents are warmly invited to come and share in these celebrations.

Jump Jam Competition team who were selected for nationals in 2010.

in the Community Hall—across the road

Classes take turns in hosting the celebrations and we always recognise good CAUGHT BEING GOOD!

Without doubt, these awards provide a very positive platform on which to encourage

rents are warmly invited to come and share in these celebrations.

Page 21: info book


Ø As a Duffy School we receive financial support from MAINFREIGHT (NZ) LTD which enable us to provide every child on the roll with four books (of their per year.

Ø We have enjoyed being on the Books in Homes Programmes since 1995 and our major sponsor is keen to continue their support of our children.

Ø We celebrate with Duffy assemblies at which role models speak to the children about their choices in life. highlight for the children.

Ø Parents are warmly invited to come and share in these ce IF—FOR ANY REASON, YOUR CHILD HAS PROBLEMS AT SCHOOL

Ø In the first instance - see your child’s class teacher

Ø If not resolved, discuss the problem with the Team Leader (DeanChristine Lim Yock, Alison

Ø If still not resolved - make an appointment to speak with either the Associate

Principals, Tina Leach,

Ø In almost every case—do with your child his or her

BEHAVIOUR We have three school wide systems in place to support school culture and behavio ONE:

We recognise positive behaviourcertificates. Each child has a fish, in their classroom10 stickers are received the child receives a certificate from his/her class teacher. Once 30 stickers are received the child receives a certifrom the Principal at assembly.children who are making progress, showing a positive attitude;actions and positive behavior role modeling. In this way we acknowledge the vast majority of students who have a good attitude towards their schooling.


As a Duffy School we receive financial support from MAINFREIGHT (NZ) LTD which enable us to provide every child on the roll with four books (of their own choosing)

We have enjoyed being on the Books in Homes Programmes since 1995 and our major sponsor is keen to continue their support of our children.

We celebrate with Duffy assemblies at which role models speak to the children about Senior students facilitate these assemblies which


Parents are warmly invited to come and share in these celebrations.


see your child’s class teacher

If not resolved, discuss the problem with the Team Leader (DeanAlison Astwood, Tina Leach or Rahera Kiel).

make an appointment to speak with either the Associate, Rahera Kiel or the Principal, Cathryn Naera.

—the problem goes no further than the person who has most to do with your child his or her class teacher.

school wide systems in place to support school culture and behavio

ognise positive behaviour and attitude through our fish

, in their classroom, with 30 spaces. Once are received the child receives a certificate from teacher.

Once 30 stickers are received the child receives a certificate om the Principal at assembly. This system acknowledges those

children who are making progress, demonstrating achievement, attitude; demonstrate our values in their

actions and positive behavior role modeling. In this way we owledge the vast majority of students who have a good

attitude towards their schooling.

We celebrate with Duffy assemblies at which role models speak to the children about facilitate these assemblies which are always a



If not resolved, discuss the problem with the Team Leader (Dean Henderson,

make an appointment to speak with either the Associate Cathryn Naera.

the problem goes no further than the person who has most to

school wide systems in place to support school culture and behaviour.

Page 22: info book


Each class has set up either a set of coloured cards with names stuck on that can be moved or named pockets in which coloured cards can be placed. GREEN Good behaviour. On task workers. The aim is to be on green each day.

Some staff award fish stickers for staying on green all day, especially at the start of the year when classes are settling into new routines.

YELLOW A warning is received and the child changes their colour card or moves

their name. This signals to the child it is time to get back on task and modify their behavior, attitude or work ethic.

ORANGE Further warning and 10 minutes time out within the class. This is

another signal to the child that it is time to modify their actions.

BLUE Half an hour time out in a buddy class. This gives the child time to think about their actions and gives the teacher time to think about appropriate follow up for the child.

RED At which time a phone call or letter will be sent home by the teacher so

that parents can be involved to provide support and assistance. Support agencies may be an option if concerns arise.

You are able to view this in your child’s class at any time, and discuss it with the teacher. THREE:

Ø If a child acts in a violent manner on 3 or more occasions he/she will be stood down for one to two days.

Ø If the child acts in a violent manner on 3 further occasions he/she will be stood down for two to three days.

Ø On the seventh incident of violence, in any school year, he/she will be suspended for an unspecified period at which time the Board of Trustees will meet to follow Ministry procedures.

Ø At each step parents will receive a letter advising them of the incident and guidance

will be offered through available services e.g. RTLB, GSE or any other agencies that are available.

Your support for each system is necessary and appreciated so that home and school can work together in partnership to ensure your child enjoys educational success at Ngongotaha School. Please make contact with your child’s teacher if you ever have questions, positive comments or concerns. CELL PHONES:

Ø We ask that children do not bring cell phones to school. If your child does bring a cell phone to school please hand it into the office for collection at the end of the day.

Page 23: info book


Ø Staff volunteer to organise sporting, cultural, educational or recreational activities throughout the term. We endeavour to provide activities that develop motor skills, educational achievement, perseverance and a “can do” attitude.

Ø We have traditional activities along with non traditional. Children have stilts, unicycles, petanque, croquet, chess, draughtthem in their free time. It is great to see children supporting and teaching each other, developing social skills and having a go through these activities.

Ø The school library will be open during some lunch breaks for those children who wish to have extra time in this facility.


Ø Mrs. Rosalie Palmer works with three choirpart in this and perform at school assemblies throughout the year. We currently have a senior, middle and junior school choir.

Ø The choirs also get the opportunity to perform for a range of audiences throughout tyear with a number of concerts at the end of the year as well.

2010 Senior Choir s

Staff volunteer to organise sporting, cultural, educational or recreational activities throughout the term. We endeavour to provide activities that develop motor skills, educational achievement, perseverance and a “can do” attitude.

l activities along with non traditional. Children have stilts, unicycles, petanque, croquet, chess, draughts to challenge and motivate

in their free time. It is great to see children supporting and teaching each other, developing social

aving a go through these activities.

The school library will be open during some lunch breaks for those children who wish to have extra time in this facility.

Mrs. Rosalie Palmer works with three choirs in the school. Children choose to take part in this and perform at school assemblies throughout the year. We currently have a senior, middle and junior school choir.

also get the opportunity to perform for a range of audiences throughout tyear with a number of concerts at the end of the year as well.

2010 Senior Choir sing to patients at the Rotorua Hospital Dialysis Unit.

breaks for those children who wish to have extra time in this facility.

in the school. Children choose to take part in this and perform at school assemblies throughout the year. We currently have

also get the opportunity to perform for a range of audiences throughout the

ospital Dialysis Unit.

Page 24: info book


Ø Each year a group partMaori Festival – Ahurei. This is non the school gets the opportunity to take part in this festival on a rotation basis.

Ø Every two years the school takes part in the Primary/Intermediate Kapa Haka competitiontime commitment from all.


Ø Each year we hold a nonChildren from 6 years can take part in this event which is run in school time and widely supported by children and families. The challenge of completing the course is one the c

2011 Participants in the triathlon WHANAU DAY

Ø Each year we hold a whanau / family sportduring school time. comprising children and adults. uniform for themselves and take part in a range of top town and sporting activities. Participation and sportsmanship are the focus of the day. We have the support of high school students who carrsupervision and refereeday which has become a feature on our school calendar.

Each year a group participates in the annual Rotorua Primary Schools Ahurei. This is non – competitive and each area of

the school gets the opportunity to take part in this festival on a

Every two years the school takes part in the Primary/Intermediate Kapa Haka competition. This requires dedication, perseverance and

m all.

Each year we hold a non-competitive triathlon at school, usually in term one. Children from 6 years can take part in this event which is run in school time and widely supported by children and families. The challenge of completing the course is one the children like to take up.

2011 Participants in the triathlon

Each year we hold a whanau / family sports day Family teams are entered,

comprising children and adults. Teams create a uniform for themselves and take part in a range of top town and sporting activities. Participation and sportsmanship are the focus of the day. We have the support of high school students who carry out the supervision and refereeing of games. This is a fun day which has become a popular, regular, family feature on our school calendar. 2010 Winning Whanau Team

Schools competitive and each area of

the school gets the opportunity to take part in this festival on a

Every two years the school takes part in the Primary/Intermediate and

competitive triathlon at school, usually in term one. Children from 6 years can take part in this event which is run in school time and

2010 Winning Whanau Team

Page 25: info book


Ø We encourage and provide opportunities for children to take on roles of responsibility. Senior children can apply for a range of roles which assist in the development of school culture.

Ø Some of these roles are: lunch monitors, bus monitors, flag responsibilities, bresponsibility, junior librarians, buddy class representatives, peer mediators, sports equipment monitors, recycling responsibilitiesschool councillors and Duffy assembly roles. Each of these roles develops communication, participation, contribution and social skill development and continues to develop of sense of whanaungatanga, sense of belonging.

Ø At the end of each year we celebrate

students. We have a number of awards that are presented at this assembly. Many of these Ngongotaha School for many years.

Ø Each class teacher presents book awards for “Good Citizenship” and “Applica

Ø Students with 100% Attendance are recognised at this assembly.

Ø Trophies are awarded for and Girl”

Ø Trophies are awarded for “Maori Culture”

Ø A Mainfreight sponsored awarded is presented for “Excellence in Attitude”

Ø The “Kelso Award” is presented to the most all round Year 6 Boy and Girl

Photos are of 2010 award recipients.


d provide opportunities for children to take on roles of responsibility. Senior children can apply for a range of roles which assist in the development of school culture.

Some of these roles are: lunch monitors, bus monitors, flag responsibilities, bell ringing responsibility, junior librarians, buddy class representatives, peer mediators, sports equipment monitors, recycling responsibilities,

and Duffy assembly roles. Each of these roles develops communication,

ribution and social skill development and continues to develop of sense of whanaungatanga, sense of belonging.

Senior & junior buddies interact together

Flag monitors 2011


d of each year we celebrate the school year with the students. We have a number of awards that are presented at this assembly. Many of these awards have been presented at Ngongotaha School for many years.

Each class teacher presents book awards for “Good and “Application to Studies”.

Students with 100% Attendance are recognised at this assembly.

Trophies are awarded for “Most Promising Sports Year 3 or 4 Boy

Trophies are awarded for “Maori

A Mainfreight sponsored awarded is presented for “Mainfreight

The “Kelso Award” is presented to the most all round Year 6 Boy

Photos are of 2010 award

d provide opportunities for children to take on roles of responsibility. Senior children can apply for a range of roles which assist in the

Senior & junior buddies interact together



The “Kelso Award” is presented to the most all round Year 6 Boy

Page 26: info book

“We look forward to sharing Ngongotaha School with you”.

We look forward to sharing Ngongotaha School with you”.

Page 27: info book

This table outlines the procedures that are in place for non-attendance at Ngongotaha

School - Unjustified Non- Attendance.

This procedure is based on Ministry Guidelines
