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Info literacy lesson plan farooqi

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Information Literacy Lesson Plan A. Farooqi Information Literacy Lesson Plan Aysha Farooqi FRIT 7136 Dr. Jones Table of Contents Please click on the links below to go to that topic. 1. The Lesson Plan 2. Pathfinder http://ayshafarooqi.pbworks.com/ 3. Reflection 4. Assessment of Student Learning 1
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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

Information Literacy Lesson PlanAysha Farooqi

FRIT 7136Dr. Jones

Table of Contents

Please click on the links below to go to that topic.

1. The Lesson Plan

2. Pathfinder


3. Reflection

4. Assessment of Student Learning


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

GRADE: 6th Grade- MathTEACHERS: A. Farooqi (Media Specialist)

A. Thompson (6th grade Math Teacher)

CONTENT TOPIC: Surface Area and Volume (2-2.5 weeks) - Two days of direct instructions from SLMS and then guiding and providing assistance.

STANDARDS FOR THE 21ST-CENTURY LEARNER GOALSInformation Literacy Standards for the Lesson:Standard 1—Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledgeStandard 2---Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.

Skills Indicator(s):1.1.2 Use prior and background as context for new learning.1.1.4 Find, evaluate and select appropriate sources to answer questions.1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry.2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess.

Benchmark(s):o State and support what is known about a topic, problem, or question and make

connections to prior knowledge.o Select a variety of credible sources in different formats relevant to research needs.o Select and use grade level appropriate electronic reference materials and teacher

selected websites to answer questions.o Identify and apply common utilities (for example pictures, movies, sound, and

charts in presentation tools) to enhance communication to an audience, promote productivity, and support creativity.

o Use appropriate media and formats to design and develop products that clearly and coherently display new understandings.

Dispositions Indicator(s):1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats.2.2.1 Demonstrate flexibility in the use of resources by adapting information strategies to each specific

resource and by seeking additional resources when clear conclusions can not be drawn.

Responsibilities Indicator(s):1.3.5 Use information technology responsibly.2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world.3.3.4 Create products that apply to authentic real world contexts.


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

Self-Assessment Strategies and Indicators1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process.1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.2.4.2 Reflect on systematic process, assess for completeness of investigation.2.4.3 Recognize new knowledge and understanding.3.4.2 Assess the quality and effectiveness of the learning product.


M6G2 Students will further develop their understanding of solid figures.a. Compare and contrast right prisms and pyramids.

b. Compare and contrast cylinders and cones.

c. Interpret and sketch front, back, top, bottom, and side views of solid figures.

d. Construct nets for prisms, cylinders, pyramids, and cones.

M6M2 Students will use appropriate units of measure for finding length, perimeter, area, and volume and will express each quantity using the appropriate unit.

b. Select and use units of appropriate size and type to measure length, perimeter, area, and volume.

c. Compare and contrast units of measure for perimeter, area, and volume.

M6M3 Students will determine the volume of fundamental solid figures (right rectangular prisms, cylinders, pyramids, and cones).

a. Determine the formula for finding the volume of fundamental solid figures.

b. Compute the volumes of fundamental solid figures, using appropriate units of measure.

d. Solve application problems involving the volume of fundamental solid figures.

M6M4 Students will determine the surface area of solid figures (right rectangular prisms and cylinders).

a. Find the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders using manipulative and constructing nets.

b. Compute the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders using formulae.

d. Solve application problems involving surface area of right rectangular

OVERVIEW: The 6th grade teachers approached the SLMS to help them plan a technology based lessons on surface area and volume. The teachers have attended the professional development session where they have seen the SLMS demonstrate the use of podcasts to teach


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

and review the concepts. The Math teachers decided to use this technology which will enhance the lesson and allow the students to review the lesson at their own convenience. The teachers and the SLMS plan the activities for the lesson and decide the role each will play in teaching and assessment. They also decide that the final product will be creating a 3-D model and a power point presentation. The teachers collaboratively created the two power points, one on finding the area of the plane figures and the other on determining the surface area and volume of the solid figures. Then, the SLMS showed the teacher how to put the sound effects and technology pieces into the podcasts. The teachers used the first podcast (area of plane figures) to introduce the lesson and review finding the area of the plane figures. The teacher’s class will go to the media center and the SLMS introduces the concept of solid figures using the picture book, “Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, and Spheres.” She uses the promethean board to create a chart to list the properties of the 3-D shapes with class discussion. The MS will challenge the students to discover how much paper is needed to wrap a box. The teacher would then introduce the concept of surface area by demonstrating the use of nets and the concept of finding area of plane figure making the connection of what they reviewed from the first podcast. She then shows the second podcast (surface area and volume) and has a discussion on the topic. The SLMS will explain the different resources available in the media center and demonstrate how to create a power point. The students will use resources discussed by SLMS to better understand the concept and to work on the project.

FINAL PRODUCT: The creation of a PowerPoint presentation and creating a 3-D model.

LIBRARY LESSON(S):Students will use internet resources, books, online databases, and audio visual aids to discover the formulas for the 3-dimensional figures. Students will work with the SLSM to learn how to use the features of PowerPoint and explore the various types of displays or presentations that can be made using the program. Students will use information gathered to add to these creations and use library resources as necessary for reference. Students will also learn from SLMS how to ethically credit the owners of intellectual property.

ASSESSMENT Product The SLMS, teachers, and students use the rubric created by the teachers in

collaboration with MS to assess the 3-D model and the power point presentation to check for accuracy, organization, visuals, and mathematical reflection.

Process The teacher and SLMS will use the model and power point created by the students to determine if they are able to

Analyze what it means to measure surface area and volume. Apply the area formula in computing surface area and volume. Compare volume of cones and cylinders & prism and pyramid. Use technology. Complete mathematical reflections and formal assessment on this unit

Student self-questions


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

How can I determine the appropriate units of measure that should be used when computing the volumes of fundamental solid figures?

How can I use surface areas of plane figures to derive formulas for the surface areas of solid figures?

How can I use formulas to compute the surface area and volume of right rectangular prisms and cylinders?

What kinds of problems can be solved using surface areas and volumes of right rectangular prisms and cylinders?

Compare the volumes of right rectangular prisms and pyramids as well as cylinders and cone.

Have I adequately answered the essential questions? Have I adequately described each source in the annotated works cited list?

INSTRUCTIONAL PLANResources students will use: Online subscription database(s) Web sites Books Reference Nonprint o Periodicals/newspaperso Other (list)


Direct instruction: Role of SLMS: The SLMS will introduce the topic by using the book, “Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, and Spheres”. She will teach the students how to use the available resources in the media center and explain how the pathfinder is a useful tool. The SLMS will also teach the students how to create power point presentations and how to cite the work.Role of Teacher: The teacher will introduce the lesson on Areas and perimeter using the first podcast that she created with the help of SLMS. She will explain to the students how they are going to use this concept to learn about surface area and volume. After the introduction of the topic by SLMS, the teacher will use the box and explain how to find the surface area using the net concept and area of plane figures. Then let the student watch the podcast on surface area and volume. Teacher discusses the project guidelines with the class.

Research and discover more about the surface area and volume of solid figures. Watch the video podcast “Surface Area and Volume” and clarify any questions

you have about the topic.

Complete practice problems on finding surface area and volume for the solid figures using formulae.


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

Read the directions and requirements of your project “Create a 3-D model.”

Create the blue print of your project.

Collect the shapes required for your project.

Measure the dimensions of the figures for your calculations.

Compute the surface area and volume.

Complete creating your model.

Create a power point presentation. (Guidelines for Power point are in the rubric)

Save your power point on the share drive under the teacher’s folder and bring your finished model on the due date for presentation.

Modeling and guided practice: The teacher demonstrate that the total area around the surface of the box is called the surface area and she lays the box flat to show the net of the box. She mentions that the net is a 2 –D form of the 3-D figures and then show them how the net consists of 6 rectangles and they need to find the area of those rectangle to get the surface area. The SLMS will demonstrate the use of resources and steps involved in the PPT. The teacher and SLMS assist the students as they develop their PPT and discover and apply formulas.

Independent practice: Students will use resources to research more on the concept, discover formulas, and apply the formula to calculate surface area and volume. They will work on the PPT in school and creating the model at home. They will go online to complete HW assignments assigned by the teacher or for more practice.

Sharing and reflecting: Students will present project and complete a self-evaluation rubric to monitor their progress and uncover problem areas in which they need assistance. They will also complete a self reflection form. After the presentations, students will use a “3, 2, 1” to talk about the project and their learning process. Each student will list three things learned, discuss with the person next to them to narrow down to two, and then choose one and put it on the sticky note and place it on the chart paper. They will also complete a peer reflection form.

Differentiating the task

The task has been differentiated in different ways by including the discovery using hands-on activity for kinesthetic learners, podcast for audio visual learners, which also includes a music piece to hook up the students who like music, and resources are provided in different formats. They can get peer help and the teacher and SLMS are always there to assist.

Modifying the assignment for students with disability6

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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

Provide calculators for calculations. Graphic organizer with the steps

Peer help

One –one help by the teacher.

Create a book in place of power point.

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Link to the Pathfinder:


Podcast1 (back)

Podcast2 (back)

“Creating a 3-D Model” Project (Back to instruction activities)

Create a 3-D model (robot, truck, house…) using (real world) everyday used solid figure. Complete the following steps to exceed the standards for this project.

1. Use at least 5 different solid figures. 2. Create a blueprint of your model. 3. Create your model using your design. 4. Decorate your model. 5. Create a power point presentation. The guidelines are provided in the Rubric

Rubric and Guidelines for the assignment:

Topic # Points Available Points Earned

Model 30


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

Power Point

a) Slide1-



b) Slide2- Name of the figures

Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5


c) Slide3- Blueprint of the model 10

d) Slide4- Describe and find the area of 2 plane figures of your choice from your model.


e) Slide5- Describe and find the surface area of 2 solid figures of your choice from the model.


f) Slide6- Describe and find the volume of 2 solid figures of your choice from the model.


g) Slide7- Write 2 facts about the surface area and volume. Also describe how surface area and volume will help you in everyday life.


h) Citations 5

Total 100 Points

Rubric for Teacher CommentaryUnacceptable

(69% and below)Acceptable

(85% -70%)Exceptional

(100% - 86%)

Content Students failed to apply appropriate formulas and as a result had errors in the final calculations.

The process was undefined

Appropriate formulas were applied, most of the final calculations were correct.

The simple process was demonstrated.

Appropriate formulas were used so that the final calculations were correct.

The process was described sequentially and could be easily followed.

Layout The model was not complete.

The model was good. The model was complete and well designed.


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

Presentation was missing elements.

Presentation was simple but contained the essential elements: Pictures, formulas, and a description of the process

Presentation was very professional and included images, formulas, and descriptions.

Technical No attempt made to create and/or present the slide show.

Technology was used in the power point like inserting images and sound.

Technology was used as a tool for developing the model, searching the web for further resources in addition to inserting images and sound.

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

CATEGORY Exceeds Meets Did not Meet

Attention level5points 3 points 1 point

I was paying attention at all times and was very focused in the project.

I was attentive most of the time and concentrated on the work with few reminders

I was not attentive and demonstrated very little effort towards the task.

Task completion

Completes all the tasks assigned on time and correctly

Completes most of the things by the time allotted and may be there are some signs of negligence

Have difficulty completing the tasks.

Team player During class discussions I followed directions, listened, presented my views and respected others views.

I followed directions and respected the views of others to most extend and participated in discussions most of the time

Does not listen and participate in discussions and does the own things most of the time.

Student Reflection Form: Student reflect on their 3-D Model/ PPT

Student Name: _____________________________________ Teacher: _________________

Date: ________________________ Subject: _________________

I am reflecting on the following assignment(s):

Title of Assignment Concept/Topic Score Standard(s) Addressed


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

One thing I liked about the assignment __________________________________________________


One thing I learned from completing the assignment ________________________________________


Upon review of this assignment, I believe that I need to improve ____________________________________________________________________________

Peer Reflection Form : Students will reflect about the 3-D model

I ______________________ (Your name), reviewed ___________________ (Student’s name whose work you are reviewing) assignment on _____________________ (assignment’s name) which covers the standard of ______________ (standard covered).

The one thing I liked about your assignment is _________________________________


The one thing you can improve on your assignment is ____________________________

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Assessment of Student Learning

Pre/post test: the teacher gave them the Pre test at the beginning of this unit and she gave them the same test at the end of the unit and we saw great improvements. There was an increase of 27%.

Pre Assessment- Before starting a topic pre- assess the students by asking them questions, K-W-L Chart, initiating activities (reading a book), discussions, and development of vocabulary. Use of graphic organizers.

Oral Discussion- This is a very effective and engaging way of quickly getting the evidence of learning. The questions asked were higher order thinking skills showing the students understanding of the concept.

Ticket out of the door- Students also complete the little ticket out of the door to show the evidence of learning and it gives teacher and SLMS to provide assistance if needed immediately. They answer everyday

Today I learned___________________


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

I really understand__________________

I need more help with_________________

Quizzes – Teacher was giving them quiz at least once a week to get the evidence of their understanding quickly. The questions come from Check up, Quiz of the textbook

Online Assessments- The students had access to log on to websites like www.PHschool.com/cmp2, www.studyisland.com, www.brainpop.com to complete online quizzes on the chapter and review what they don’t understand. They can use the resources provided in the pathfinder for assistance.

Project: Creating a 3_Dimensional Model and the power point presentation. Please click here for all the guidelines and rubrics.

Reflection Forms: The self reflection form and the peer reflection form help the teacher and SLMS to know what the students think and what improvements are needed.

Sample Test Questions

1. Sally’s swimming pool is 12 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 6 feet deep. She will fill it to the top. How much water will be in the pool?

a. 576 square feet b. 576 cubic feet c. 576 yards d. 576 square yards

2. A cube is enlarged so that the length of each edge is doubled. What effect does this have on the volume of the cube?a. The volume doubles. b. The volume increases by a factor of 4. c. The volume increases by a factor of 8. d. The volume increases by a factor of 16.

3. An aquarium with the dimensions of 48 x 18 x 24 is filled 2/3 full with water. What is the volume of water in the aquarium?

a. 6,144 cubic centimeters b. 9,216 cubic centimeters c. 13,824 cubic centimeters d. 20,736 cubic centimeters

4. The surface area of a cube of side is given by the formula. What is the surface area in square centimeters of a cube with side centimeters?

a. 25/36 b. 5/6 c.4 1/6 d. 25

5. What is the surface area of the can of soup?


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

a. 157.07 b. 628.32 c. 164.93 d. 282.74

6. When Tyson opens a cereal box and lays it out flat, he sees that both the top and the bottom of the box measure 3 inches by 9 inches. Both sides of the box measure 3 inches by 12 inches, and both the front and back of the box measure 9 inches by 12 inches. What is the surface area of the cereal box?

a. 171 in. 2 b. 342 in. 2 c. 306 in. 2 d. 234 in. 2

7. Laurie needs to find the surface areas of solid figures. For which solid figure will she need only the formula for the area of a triangle? (M6G2 a)

a. triangular prism b. rectangular pyramid c. triangular pyramid d. rectangular prism

8. The square in the figure below represents the faces of a cube which has been cut along some edges and flattened. When the original cube was resting on face x, which face was on top?

a. A b. B c. C d. D

9. Which solid figure has ONLY 1 flat face?a. Cube b. cone c. sphere d cylinder


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

My Reflection

I have to admit that I love COLLABORATION!! It was so much fun planning this unit. This lesson gave all the math teachers an opportunity to come together with the SLMS, a great resource in our school to do something different from regular math lessons. The content area teacher does collaborate and plan the activities together but they never thought that SLMS will be so helpful.

Since I am in the classroom too, I chose to work with the teachers on my grade level so that we have the same planning time. We all met to sketch out a plan and then the teachers said that they will collaborate and put all the information together on the power point. We decided that once the power point is done we can follow the steps of converting it to a podcast. But it was really not easy as TIME was the biggest issue because we had meetings, conferences, SST, and trainings.

We worked for 3 planning periods and got the two power points ready and spent the other two days recording and finishing the podcast. We were so proud of ourselves when the podcasts were actually ready. While the teachers were doing the power point I pulled all the resources on this topic and created the pathfinder. It was not easy to decide what to choose and what not to for the pathfinder but I did try to accommodate all learning styles. Then we sat down to set up the schedule and decide our roles. The schedule was a problem too as we have a flexible scheduling system, it was getting difficult to work it out and also handle other things. I realized that this is something that I will have to do on a daily basis but it was hard. We started with the whole group instruction but I realized very soon that it is not effective as many students did not know how to do power point or to use resources. I made a note that next time we can actually divide them in two groups and the teacher can work with one and I can work with the other and then swap the groups.

The students were very excited as they were going to create something and use technology in math besides going to practice websites. The math teacher said that she likes the pathfinder and would learn to create it for other topics and put it on her webpage. She also mentioned that the presence of another person in the room assisting them makes a big difference. The use of video podcasts was Excellent! Even parents were able to view and understand the concept and were able to help their child more. Some parents emailed the teacher and asked her to do this for other topics as it was so helpful.

The teacher and I did formal and informal assessments all through the lesson. We used oral discussion, peer help, quiz, journal entry, reflection and self test on computer. The data collected was used to develop different strategies to help the students as necessary based on the need of the students throughout the lesson. We modified the work for the students as needed.


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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

A. Farooqi

As we worked on this lesson there were some things we needed to improve like we could actually plan to do parallel teaching where the teacher can teach one group of students the math and the other group can get the technology lesson from me. I should have known the subject matter better to assist them. The teacher and I should have done the mock lesson, but again TIME is the problem. We will work it out though

The 3-D models created and PPT came out really good and students enjoyed working on it

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