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Columbia University Biomedical engineering Graduate Programs The graduate curriculum in biomedical engineering employs the same three tracks that compose the undergraduate curriculum: biomechanics, cell and tissue engineering, and biosignals and biomedical imaging. Initial graduate study in biomedical engineering is designed to expand the student’s undergraduate preparation in the direction of the track chosen. In addition, sufficient knowledge is acquired in other areas to facilitate broad appreciation of problems and effective collaboration with specialists from other scientific, medical, and engineering disciplines. The Department of Biomedical Engineering offers a graduate program leading to the Master of Science degree (M.S.), the Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.), and the Doctor of Engineering Science degree (Eng.Sc.D.). Applicants who have a Master of Science degree or equivalent may apply directly to the doctoral degree program. All applicants are expected to have earned the bachelor’ s degree in engineering or in a cognate scientific program. The Graduate Record Examination (General Test only) is required of all applicants. Students whose bachelor’s degree was not earned in a country where English is the dominant spoken language are required to take the TOEFL test. M.S. degree candidates must reach level 8 on the English Placement Test (EPT) offered by Columbia’s American Language Program (ALP). Doctoral degree candidates must attain level 10 on the English Placement Test (EPT). The ALP examination must be taken at orientation upon arrival. It is strongly recommended the students enroll in an appropriate ALP course if they have not achieved the required proficiency after the first examination. In addition, the individual tracks require applicants to have taken the following foundation courses:  Biomechanics:  One year of biology and/or physiology, solid mechanics, statics and dynamics, fluid mechanics, ordinary differential equations.  Cell and Tissue Engineering: One year of biology and/or physiology, one year of organic chemistry or biochemistry with laboratory, fluid mechanics, rate processes, ordinary differential equations.  Biosignals and Biomedical Imaging: One year of biology and/or physiology and/or biochemistr y. Linear algebra, ordinary differential equations, Fourier analysis, digital signal processing. Applicants lacking some of these courses may be considered for admission with stipulated deficiencies that must be satisfied in addition to the requirements of the degree program. Columbia Engineering does not admit students holding the bachelor’s degree directly to doctoral studies; admission is offered either to the M.S. program or to the M.S. program/doctoral track. The Department of Biomedical Engineering also admits students into the 4-2 program, which provides the opportunity for students holding a bachelor’s degree from certain physical sciences to receive the M.S. degree after two years of study at Columbia.
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Columbia University

Biomedical engineering

Graduate Programs

The graduate curriculum in biomedical engineering employs the same three tracks that compose

the undergraduate curriculum: biomechanics, cell and tissue engineering, and biosignals and

biomedical imaging. Initial graduate study in biomedical engineering is designed to expand the

student’s undergraduate preparation in the direction of the track chosen. In addition, sufficient

knowledge is acquired in other areas to facilitate broad appreciation of problems and effective

collaboration with specialists from other scientific, medical, and engineering disciplines. The

Department of Biomedical Engineering offers a graduate program leading to the Master of Science

degree (M.S.), the Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.), and the Doctor of Engineering Science

degree (Eng.Sc.D.). Applicants who have a Master of Science degree or equivalent may apply

directly to the doctoral degree program. All applicants are expected to have earned the bachelor’s

degree in engineering or in a cognate scientific program. The Graduate Record Examination

(General Test only) is required of all applicants. Students whose bachelor’s degree was not earned

in a country where English is the dominant spoken language are required to take the TOEFL test.

M.S. degree candidates must reach level 8 on the English Placement Test (EPT) offered by

Columbia’s American Language Program (ALP). Doctoral degree candidates must attain level 10 on

the English Placement Test (EPT). The ALP examination must be taken at orientation upon arrival.

It is strongly recommended the students enroll in an appropriate ALP course if they have not

achieved the required proficiency after the first examination. In addition, the individual tracks

require applicants to have taken the following foundation courses:


Biomechanics:  One year of biology and/or physiology, solid mechanics, statics and

dynamics, fluid mechanics, ordinary differential equations.

  Cell and Tissue Engineering: One year of biology and/or physiology, one year of organic

chemistry or biochemistry with laboratory, fluid mechanics, rate processes, ordinary

differential equations.

  Biosignals and Biomedical Imaging:  One year of biology and/or physiology and/or

biochemistry. Linear algebra, ordinary differential equations, Fourier analysis, digital signal


Applicants lacking some of these courses may be considered for admission with stipulated

deficiencies that must be satisfied in addition to the requirements of the degree program.

Columbia Engineering does not admit students holding the bachelor’s degree directly to doctoral

studies; admission is offered either to the M.S. program or to the M.S. program/doctoral track.

The Department of Biomedical Engineering also admits students into the 4-2 program, which

provides the opportunity for students holding a bachelor’s degree from certain physical sciences

to receive the M.S. degree after two years of study at Columbia.

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Master’s Degree 

In consultation with an appointed faculty adviser, M.S. students should select a program of 30

points of credit of graduate courses (4000 level or above) appropriate to their career goals. This

program must include the course in computational modeling of physiological systems (BMEN

E6003); two semesters of BMEN E9700: Biomedical engineering seminar ; at least four other

biomedical engineering courses; and at least one graduate-level mathematics course. Students

with deficiency in physiology course work are required to take the BMEN E4001-E4002  sequence

before taking BMEN E6003. Candidates must achieve a minimum grade-point average of 2.5. A

thesis based on experimental, computational, or analytical research is optional and may be

counted in lieu of 6 points of course work. Students wishing to pursue the Master’s Thesis option

should register for BMEN E9100 Master’s Research and consult with their BME faculty adviser.

Doctoral Degree

Doctoral students must complete a program of 30 points of credits beyond the M.S. degree. The

core course requirements (9 credits) for the doctoral program include the course in computational

modeling of physiological systems (BMEN E6003), plus at least two graduate mathematics courses.

If a graduate level mathematics course has already been taken for the master’s degree, a technical

elective can be used to complete the core course requirements. Students must register for BMEN

E9700: Biomedical engineering seminar  and for research credits during the first two semesters of

doctoral study. Remaining courses should be selected in consultation with the student’s faculty

adviser to prepare for the doctoral qualifying examination and to develop expertise in a clearly

identified area of biomedical engineering.

All graduate students admitted to the doctoral degree program must satisfy the equivalent of

three semesters’ experience in teaching (one semester for M.D./Ph.D. students). This may include

supervising and assisting undergraduate students in laboratory experiments, grading, and

preparing lecture materials to support the teaching mission of the department. The Department of

Biomedical Engineering is the only engineering department that offers Ph.D. training to M.D./Ph.D.

students. These candidates are expected to complete their Ph.D. program within 3.5 years, with

otherwise the same requirements.

Doctoral Qualifying Examination

Doctoral candidates are required to pass a qualifying examination. This examination is given oncea year, and it should be taken after the student has completed 30 points of graduate study. The

qualifying examination consists of an oral exam during which the student presents an analysis of

assigned scientific papers, as well as answer questions in topics covering applied mathematics,

quantitative biology and physiology, and track-specific material. A written analysis of the assigned

scientific papers must be submitted prior to the oral exam. A minimum cumulative grade-point

average of 3.2 is required to register for this examination.

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Doctoral Committee and Thesis

Students who pass the qualifying examination choose a faculty member to serve as their research

adviser. Each student is expected to submit a research proposal and present it to a thesis

committee that consists of three to five faculty members. The committee considers the scope of

the proposed research, its suitability for doctoral research and the appropriateness of the research

plan. The committee may approve the proposal without reservation or may recommend

modifications. In general, the student is expected to submit his/her research proposal after five

semesters of doctoral studies. In accord with regulations of The Fu Foundation School of

Engineering and Applied Science, each student is expected to submit a thesis and defend it before

a committee of five faculty, two of whom hold primary appointments in another department.

Every doctoral candidate is required to have had accepted at least one first-author full-length

paper for publication in a peer-reviewed journal prior to recommendation for award of the


Courses: http://bulletin.engineering.columbia.edu/courses-2  

Chemical engineering

Graduate Programs

The graduate program in chemical engineering, with its large proportion of elective courses and

independent research, offers experience in any of the fields of departmental activity mentioned in

previous sections. For both chemical engineers and those with undergraduate educations in other

related fields such as physics, chemistry, and biochemistry, the Ph.D. program provides the

opportunity to become expert in research fields central to modern technology and science.

M.S. Degree

The requirements are (1) the core courses: Chemical process analysis (CHEN E4010), Transport

 phenomena, III (CHEN E4110), and Statistical mechanics (CHAP E4120); and (2) 21 points of 4000-

or 6000-level courses, approved by the graduate coordinator or research adviser, of which up to 6

may be Master’s research (CHEN 9400). Students with undergraduate preparation in physics,

chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, and related fields may take advantage of a special two-year

program leading directly to the master’s degree in chemical engineering. This program enables

such students to avoid having to take all undergraduate courses in the bachelor’s degree program. 

Doctoral Degrees

The Ph.D. and D.E.S. degrees have essentially the same requirements. All students in a doctoral

program must (1) earn satisfactory grades in the three core courses (CHEN E4010, E4110, CHAP

E4120); (2) pass a qualifying exam; (3) defend a proposal of research within twelve months of

passing the qualifying exam; (4) defend their thesis; and (5) satisfy course requirements beyond

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the three core courses. For detailed requirements, please consult the departmental office or

graduate coordinator. Students with degrees in related fields such as physics, chemistry,

biochemistry, and others are encouraged to apply to this highly interdisciplinary program.

Areas of Concentration

After satisfying the core requirement of Chemical process analysis (CHEN E4010), Transport

 phenomena, III (CHEN E4110), and Statistical mechanics (CHAP E4120), chemical engineering

graduate students are free to choose their remaining required courses as they desire, subject to

their research adviser’s approval. However, a number of areas of graduate concentration are

suggested below, with associated recommended courses. Each concentration provides students

with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about a particular research field of central

importance to the department. Graduate students outside the department are very welcome to

participate in these course concentrations, many of which are highly interdisciplinary. The

department strongly encourages interdepartmental dialogue at all levels.

Science and Engineering of Polymers and Soft Materials. Soft materials include diverse organic

media with supramolecular structure having scales in the range 1 –100 nm. Their smallscale

structure imparts unique, useful macroscopic properties. Examples include polymers, liquid

crystals, colloids, and emulsions. Their “softness” refers to the fact that they typically flow or

distort easily in response to moderate shear and other external forces. They exhibit a great many

unique and useful macroscopic properties stemming from the variety of fascinating microscopic

structures, from the simple orientational order of a nematic liquid crystal to the full periodic

“crystalline” order of block copolymer mesophases. Soft materials provide ideal testing grounds

for such fundamental concepts as the interplay between order and dynamics or topological

defects. They are of primary importance to the paint, food, petroleum, and other industries as well

as a variety of advanced materials and devices. In addition, most biological materials are soft, so

that understanding of soft materials is very relevant to improving our understanding of cellular

function and therefore human pathologies. At Columbia Chemical Engineering, we focus on

several unique aspects of soft matter, such as their special surface and interfacial properties. This

concentration is similar in thrust to that of the “Biophysics and Soft Matter” concentration, except

here there is greater emphasis on synthetic rather than biological soft matter, with particular

emphasis on interfacial properties and materials with important related applications. Synthetic

polymers are by far the most important material in this class.

CHEE E4252: Introduction to surface and colloid chemistry

CHEN E4620: Introduction to polymersCHEN E4640: Polymer surfaces and interfaces

CHEN E6620y: Physical chemistry of macro-molecules

CHEN E6910: Theoretical methods in polymer physics

CHEN E6920: Physics of soft matter

Biophysics and Soft Matter Physics. Soft matter denotes polymers, gels, self-assembled surfactant

structures, colloidal suspensions, and many other complex fluids. These are strongly fluctuating,

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floppy, fluid-like materials that can nonetheless exhibit diverse phases with remarkable long-range

order. In the last few decades, statistical physics has achieved a sound understanding of the

scaling and universality characterizing large length scale properties of much synthetic soft

condensed matter. More recently, ideas and techniques from soft condensed matter physics have

been applied to biological soft matter such as DNA, RNA, proteins, cell membrane surfactant

assemblies, actin and tubulin structures, and many others. The aim is to shed light on (1)

fundamental cellular processes such as gene expression or the function of cellular motors and (2)

physical mechanisms central to the exploding field of biotechnology involving systems such as DNA

microarrays and methods such as genetic engineering. The practitioners in this highly

interdisciplinary field include physicists, chemical engineers, biologists, biochemists, and chemists.

The “Biophysics and Soft Matter” concentration is closely related to the “Science and Engineering

of Polymers and Soft Materials” concentration, but here greater emphasis is placed on biological

materials and cellular biophysics. Both theory and experiment are catered to. Students will be

introduced to statistical mechanics and its application to soft matter research and to cellular

biophysics. In parallel, the student will learn about genomics and cellular biology to develop anunderstanding of what the central and fascinating biological issues are.

CHAP E4120: Statistical mechanics

CHEN E6920: Physics of soft matter 

BIOC G6300: Biochemistry/molecular biology—eukaryotes, I

BIOC G6301: Biochemistry/molecular biology—eukaryotes, II

CHEN E4750: The genome and the cell

CMBS G4350: Cellular molecular biophysics

Genomic Engineering. Genomic engineering may be defined as the development and application

of novel technologies for identifying and evaluating the significance of both selected and all

nucleotide sequences in the genomes of organisms. An interdisciplinary course concentration in

genomic engineering is available to graduate students, and to selected undergraduate students.

The National Science Foundation is sponsoring the development of this concentration, which is

believed to be the first of its kind. Courses in the concentration equip students in engineering and

computer science to help solve technical problems encountered in the discovery, assembly,

organization, and application of genomic information. The courses impart an understanding of the

fundamental goals and problems of genomic science and gene-related intracellular processes;

elucidate the physical, chemical, and instrumental principles available to extract sequence

information from the genome; and teach the concepts used to organize, manipulate, andinterrogate the genomic database.

The concentration consists of five courses that address the principal areas of genomic technology:

sequencing and other means of acquiring genomic information; bioinformatics as a means of

assembling and providing structured access to genomic information; and methods of elucidating

how genomic information interacts with the developmental state and environment of cells in

order to determine their behavior. Professor E. F. Leonard directs the program and teaches CHEN

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E4750. The other instructors are Profs. D. Anastassiou (ECBM E4060), Jingyue Ju (CHEN E4700,

E4730), and C. Leslie (CBMF W4761). The departments of Chemical, Biomedical, and Electrical

Engineering and of Computer Science credit these courses toward requirements for their

doctorates. Students may take individual courses so long as they satisfy prerequisite requirements

or have the instructor’s permission. All lecture courses in the program are available through the

Columbia Video Network, which offers a certificate for those students completing a prescribed set

of the courses.

The course Introduction to genomic information science and technology (ECBM E4060)   provides

the essential concepts of the information system paradigm of molecular biology and genetics.

Principles of genomic technology (CHEN E4700)  provides students with a solid basis for

understanding both the principles that underlie genomic technologies and how these principles

are applied. The Genomics sequencing laboratory (CHEN E4760)  provides hands-on experience in

high-throughput DNA sequencing, as conducted in a bioscience research laboratory. The genome

and the cell (CHEN E4750) conveys a broad but precise, organized, and quantitative overview of

the cell and its genome: how the genome, in partnership with extragenomic stimuli, influences thebehavior of the cell and how mechanisms within the cell enable genomic regulation.

Computational genomics (CBMF W4761)  introduces students to basic and advanced

computational techniques for analyzing genomic data.

Interested parties can obtain further information, including a list of cognate courses that are

available and recommended, from Professor Leonard ([email protected]).

Interfacial Engineering and Electrochemistry.  Electrochemical processes are key to many

alternative energy systems (batteries and fuel cells), to electrical and magnetic device

manufacturing (interconnects and magnetic-storage media), and to advanced materials

processing. Electrochemical processes are also involved in corrosion and in some waste-treatment

systems. Key employers of engineers and scientists with knowledge of electrochemical/ interfacial

engineering include companies from the computer, automotive, and chemical industries.

Knowledge of basic electrochemical principles, environmental sciences, and/ or materials science

can be useful to a career in this area.

CHEN E4201: Engineering applications of electrochemistry

CHEN E4252: Introduction to surface and colloid science

CHEN E6050: Advanced electrochemistry

CHEN E3900: Undergraduate research project

Bioinductive and Biomimetic Materials. This is a rapidly emerging area of research, and the

department’s course concentration is under development. At present, students interested in this

area are recommended to attend Polymer surfaces and interfaces (CHEN E4640); and Physical

chemistry of macromolecules (CHEN E6620). Other courses in the “Science and Engineering of

Polymers and Soft Materials” concentration are also relevant. When complete, the concentration

will include courses directly addressing biomaterials and immunological response.

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Courses: http://bulletin.engineering.columbia.edu/courses-3  

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Graduate Programs

The Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research offers courses and M.S.programs in (1) industrial engineering and (2) operations research on either a full or part-time

basis and (3) financial engineering on a full-time basis only. The Department is launching the new

M.S. program in Management Science and Engineering in conjunction with the Columbia Graduate

School of Business. Graduate programs leading to a Ph.D. or Eng.Sc.D. in industrial engineering or

operations research, as well as one leading to the professional degree of Industrial Engineer, are

also available. In addition, the department and the Graduate School of Business offer combined

M.S./M.B.A. degree programs in industrial engineering, in financial engineering, and in operations


All degree program applicants are required to take the Aptitude Tests of the Graduate RecordExamination. M.S./M.B.A. candidates are also required to take the Graduate Management

Admissions Test.

A minimum grade-point average of 3.0 (B) or its equivalent in an undergraduate engineering

program is required for admission to the M.S. and professional degree programs. At a minimum,

students are expected, on entry, to have completed courses in ordinary differential equations,

linear algebra, probability, and a programming language such as C or Java.

M.S. in Management Science and Engineering - Program Chart  

The Master of Science program in Management Science and Engineering (MS&E), offered by theIEOR Department in conjunction with Columbia Business School, is the first such program between

Columbia Engineering and Columbia Business School. It reflects the next logical step in the

longstanding close collaboration between the IEOR Department at the Engineering School and the

Decision, Risk, and Operations (DRO) Division at the Business School.

This program was formed and structured following many interactions with corporations, alumni,

and students. It emphasizes both management and engineering perspectives in solving problems,

making decisions, and managing risks in complex systems. Students pursuing this degree program

are provided with a rigorous exposure to optimization and stochastic modeling, and a deep

coverage of applications in the areas of operations engineering and management.

The MS&E program is a three semester program (36 points) that can be completed in a single

calendar year. Students enter in the fall term and can either finish their course work at the end of

the following August, or alternatively, have the option to take the summer term off (e.g., for an

internship) and complete their course work by the end of the following fall term. Students are

required to take the equivalent of 12 3-point courses (36 points), provided they have adequate

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preparation in the areas of probability/statistics. In the absence thereof, they are required to take

one additional 3-point course.

Students must take at least 6 courses within the IEOR Department, 4 to 6 courses at the Business

School, and the remaining courses (if any) within the School of Engineering, the School of

International and Public Affairs, the Law School, or the Departments of Economics, Mathematics,and Statistics. Students in residence during the summer term take 2 to 4 Business School courses

in the third (summer) semester in order to complete their program.

Graduates from this program are expected to assume positions as analysts and associates in

consulting firms, business analysts in logistics, supply chain, operations, or revenue management

departments of large corporations, and as financial analysts in various functions (e.g., risk

management) of investment banks, hedge funds, credit-card companies, and insurance firms.

M.S. in Financial Engineering - Program Chart  

The department offers a full-time only M.S. in Financial Engineering. This program is intended toprovide a unique technical background for students interested in pursuing career opportunities in

financial analysis and risk management.

In addition to the basic requirements for graduate study, students are expected, on entry, to have

attained a high level of mathematical and computer programming skills, particularly in probability,

statistics, linear algebra, and the use of a programming language such as C or JAVA. Work

experience is desirable but not required.

The program consists of 36 points (12 courses), which can be taken over a 12-month period of full-

time studies, starting with a Part II six-week summer session (July 2 –August 28, 2012). Students

may elect to complete the program in May, August, or December of the following year. The

requirements include eight required core courses and additional elective courses chosen from a

variety of departments or schools at Columbia including the Graduate School of Business,

International Affairs, Computer Science, Statistics, and Economics. A sample schedule is available

in the department office and on the IEOR website. 

The seven required core courses for the financial engineering program are   IEOR E4007 , E4701,

E4703, E4706, E4707 , E4709, and E4729.

In addition, students select two semicore courses from a group of specialized offerings in the

spring term. Electives are chosen with the approval of an adviser.

The department requires that students achieve grades of B –  or higher in each of the four

fundamental core courses offered in the first summer. Poor performance in these courses is

indicative of inadequate preparation and is very likely to lead to serious problems in completing

the program. As a result, students failing to meet this criterion may be asked to withdraw from the


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M.S. in Industrial Engineering

The department’s graduate program in industrial engineering are generally intended to enable

students with industrial engineering bachelor’s degrees to enhance their undergraduate training

with studies in special fields such as production planning, inventory control, scheduling, and

industrial economics. However, the department also offers broader master’s and professionaldegree programs for engineers whose undergraduate training is not in industrial engineering.

M.S. degree candidates are required to satisfy a core program of graduate courses in production

management, probability theory, statistics, simulation, and operations research. Students with B.S.

degrees in industrial engineering will usually have satisfied this core in their undergraduate

programs. All students must take at least 18 points of graduate work in industrial engineering and

at least 30 points of graduate studies at Columbia. Master’s degree programs may include

concentrations in:

  engineering and management systems

  production and operations management


  industrial regulation studies

Additional details regarding these concentrations are available in the department office. A thesis is

not required. Students who plan post –master’s degree studies should give due consideration to

the course, examination, and admission requirements of these programs.

The department requires that students in the program achieve grades of B – or higher in each of

the fundamental core courses (IEOR E4004  and E4106). Poor performance in these courses is

indicative of inadequate preparation and is very likely to lead to serious problems in completing

the program. In addition, students must maintain a cumulative GPA equivalent to a B –  during

every term enrolled. A student failing to meet these criteria may be asked to withdraw from

his/her program.

The professional degree of Industrial Engineer requires a minimum of 60 points of graduate credit

with at least 30 points beyond the M.S. degree in industrial engineering. The complete 60-point

program includes (a) 30 points completed in ten core courses, (b) a concentration of at least four

courses, (c) other electives and (possibly) deficiencies. A minimum of twelve courses, providing 36

points of credit, must be industrial engineering courses taken from departmental course offerings

or at other institutions where advanced standing is given. A thesis is not required.

M.S. in Operations Research - Program Chart  

The graduate program in this area is designed to enable students to concentrate their studies in

methodological areas such as mathematical programming, stochastic models, and simulation.

However, the department also has a broadly based master’s degree program  that enables

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students with engineering or other undergraduate majors that include strong mathematics

preparation to complete work in two terms of full-time study.

M.S. degree candidates are required to satisfy a core set of graduate courses in probability,

statistics, linear programming, and simulation. All students must complete at least 18 points of

operations research courses and at least 30 points of graduate work at Columbia.

The department considers it desirable that students construct balanced programs involving

deterministic and stochastic models, as well as substantive areas for application.

The M.S. degree program may be constructed to include the following areas of focus:

  applied probability

  financial and managerial application of operations research

  logistics and supply chain management


Additional details regarding these concentrations are available in the department office. A thesis is

not required. Students who plan to continue their studies beyond the master’s degree level should

give due consideration to the course, examination, and grade-point requirements of doctoral

programs. The M.S. degree program can be taken on a part-time basis or completed in one year of

full-time study. Students planning to complete this program in one year are expected, on entry, to

have completed courses in ordinary differential equations, in linear algebra, and in a programming

language such as C or Java.

The department requires that students in the program achieve grades of B – or higher in each of

the fundamental core courses (IEOR E4004  and E4106). Poor performance in these courses is

indicative of inadequate preparation and is very likely to lead to serious problems in completing

the program. In addition, students must maintain a cumulative GPA equivalent to a B –  during

every term enrolled. A student failing to meet these criteria may be asked to withdraw from

his/her program.

Joint M.S. and M.B.A.

The department and the Graduate School of Business offer joint master’s programs in financial

engineering, industrial engineering, and operations research. Prospective students for these

special programs must submit separate applications to the School of Engineering and Applied

Science and the Graduate School of Business and be admitted to both schools for entrance into

the joint program.

Admissions requirements are the same as those for the regular M.S. programs and for the M.B.A.

These joint programs are coordinated so that both degrees can be obtained after five terms of full-

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time study (30 points in two terms while registered in SEAS and 45 points in three terms while

registered in the Graduate School of Business).

Students in joint programs must complete certain courses by the end of their first year of study.

Students in the IE or OR joint program should take IEOR E4000, E4004, and SIEO W4150. If a

substantial equivalent has been completed during undergraduate studies, students should consultwith a faculty adviser in order to obtain exemption from a required course.

Doctoral Studies

The requirements for the Ph.D. in industrial engineering and operations research are identical.

Both require the student to pass two qualifying examinations—  respectively covering stochastic

and deterministic models—as well as submit and defend a dissertation based on the cand idate’s

original research, conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. The dissertation work

may be theoretical or computational or both. Doctoral students are also required to select a

concentration for their studies and complete a certain amount of course work in one of the

following fields: applied probability, mathematical programming, financial engineering, or supply

chain management and logistics. Doctoral candidates must obtain a minimum of 60 points of

formal course credit beyond the bachelor’s degree. A master’s degree from an accredited

institution may be accepted as equivalent to 30 points. A minimum of 30 points beyond the

master’s degree must be earned while in residence in the doctoral program. Detailed information

regarding the requirements for the doctoral degree may be obtained in the department office or

online at  www.ieor.columbia.edu/pages/graduate/phd_industrial_eng/index.html.

Courses: http://bulletin.engineering.columbia.edu/courses-1  

Doctoral Program

Doctoral Student Require 30 credits beyond M.S. degree

Doctoral candidates are expected to complete 30 credits beyond the master's degree, pass an oral

and written qualifying examination, and successfully defend their doctoral dissertations, which are

based on individual research. In addition, all doctoral students must demonstrate teaching

competence as part of their training.

Two courses in computational modeling of physiological systems are required. At least one

graduate mathematics course must be taken in addition to the mathematics course required for

the M.S. degree. Students must attend our Biomedical Engineering seminar series and complete

research rotations during the first two semesters of graduate study. Remaining courses should be

selected in consultation with the student’s faculty adviser to prepare for the doctoral qualifying

examination and to develop expertise in a clearly identified area of biomedical engineering. Up to

12 credits of research may be applied toward doctoral degree course requirements.

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Doctoral Student Requirements

30 credits beyond M.S. degree


1 advanced math course required

  Up to 12 credits can be research

  Other courses can be selected in consultation with adviser

For information on specific courses see http://www.columbia.edu/cu/bulletin/uwb/ and

http://bulletin.engineering.columbia.edu/graduate-programs-1 . 

Doctoral Qualifying Exam

Doctoral candidates are required to pass a qualifying examination. This written examination is

given once a year, in January. It should be taken after the student has completed 30 points of

graduate study.

Students must declare a track (biomedical imaging, biomechanics, or cellular and tissue

engineering) at the time of registration for the qualifying examination. The qualifying examination

consists of a written examination, and at a later date an oral exam. The written examination

covers three areas: applied mathematics, quantitative biology and physiology, and a track-specific

examination. The oral examination consists of the analysis and presentation of assigned scientific

papers in the student’s thesis research area. 

A minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.2 is required to register for this examination. A

candidate who fails the examination may be permitted to repeat it once at the time of the next


• Student needs at least 30 credits (3 semesters) 

• Must take qualifying examination when 45 credits are completed 

• Minimum GPA of 3.2 

• Given in January of each year 

Examples of examinations from previous years can be found here (login required, email Prof

Hayden Huang [email protected] for further details).

Doctoral Committee and Thesis

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Students who pass the qualifying examination choose a faculty member to serve as their research

adviser. Each student is expected to submit a research proposal and present it to a thesis

committee that consists of at least four faculty members.

The committee considers the scope of the proposed research, its suitability for doctoral research

and the appropriateness of the research plan. The committee may approve the proposal withoutreservation or may recommend modifications.

In general, the student is expected to submit his/her research proposal after five semesters of

doctoral studies. In accord with regulations of the School, each student is expected to submit a

thesis and defend it before a committee of five faculty, two of whom hold primary appointments

in another department.

Every doctoral candidate is expected to have had accepted at least one full-length paper for

publication in a peer-reviewed journal prior to recommendation for award of the degree.

Proposal Defense 

• Expected after four semesters of doctoral studies (2 years after qualifying exam) 

• Committee of at least four faculty members 

Thesis Defense 

• Committee of at least five faculty members, two of whom hold primary appointments outside



Chair of the Graduate Affairs Committee

Professor Helen Lu [email protected]

Student Coordinator

Jarmaine Lomax ([email protected]

Graduate Student Council

Andrew Kang ([email protected]

Individual Professors/Advisors

Columbia University Bulletin


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Kansas University

Chemical Engineering

Graduate Programs

Chemical Engineering Graduate Report

The distinctive characteristics of the chemical engineering graduate program at Kansas State

University include the following:

Emphasis on educating Ph.D. students

Since 2007, the Department has admitted primarily Ph.D. candidates to increase its research

productivity, thereby enhancing its recognition among peer institutes. In the Fall of 2010, the ratio

of Ph.D. to M.S. candidates was 10:1.

Strong financial support for graduate students

All on-campus students receive competitive stipends in addition to their tuition. The Department

is, therefore, selective in accepting the highest quality, most committed applicants to the graduate

program. The solid financial support makes it possible for students to focus on their studies and

research. Funding comes from industrial contracts or donations, government grants, and private


Extensive multidisciplinary collaborations

Faculty and graduate students collaborate with a wide variety of other disciplines and institutions

(both universities and government laboratories) to access needed expertise for their projects.Over 75% of the papers from the Department in 2010 involve coauthors from other disciplines and

institutions. Collaborators included faculty and researchers from countries such as Hungary, the

Netherlands, Germany, the UK, and Poland, and from disciplines such as chemistry, biochemistry,

grain science, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science.

These collaborative efforts are tremendously beneficial to students’ educational experience by

providing wide-ranging perspectives.

Excellent educational and professional development opportunities for students

The courses taken by students comprise a combination of advance core chemical engineering

courses in thermodynamics, reaction engineering, transport phenomena, and process systems

engineering that develop depth, and electives courses in mathematics, sciences, and engineering

fields that enable students to acquire expertise in their specialties. Through research, students

learn new analytical and experimental skills by practice, strategies for problem solving, and the

ability to work independently as well as collaboratively. Students learn effective oral and written

communication through presentations at professional meetings and publications in technical

 journals. They also work closely with their advisors and collaborators, learning from their

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experiences and expertise. This frequently involves traveling to attend meetings or visiting

government laboratories and other universities, where students can interact with colleagues in

their fields. Upon completing their education, they find a multitude of unique employment

opportunities in academia, private industries, public institutions, and government agencies.

Research with major impact

Research in the Department addresses problems of foremost societal significance and of vital

economic importance. Major topics addressed encompass: sustainable energy production,

storage, and transmission; the environment; homeland security; health; catalysis; semiconductors;

separations; nanoparticles; and process synthesis. Studies are both fundamental - generating new

knowledge, and applied - developing new processes and technologies. The research advances

existing industries and spawns new enterprises. Graduates from the program are capable of

becoming leaders in their respective fields of choice.

Chemical Engineering (Ph.D.)

Return to: Chemical Engineering 

For more information about the Ph.D. program, see the Chemical Engineering section of this


Doctoral degree requirements

The Ph.D. degree requires 90 credit hours. This is divided among major course work, minor

subjects, and research work. Students enrolled in 12 hours per semester during the regular

semesters and 3 hours during the summer term would achieve this total in just over 3 years. A

diversified and flexible choice of minor subjects and a good selection of research topics are

available. Qualified students may bypass the master’s degree and work directly toward the Ph.D.


Requirements specific to the Department of Chemical Engineering (please see below) are as


  Satisfactory completion of specified coursework.

  Satisfactory performance in a qualifying examination covering the field of Chemical


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  Submission of a written thesis proposal and satisfactory oral defense of this proposal.

  Submission of an acceptable dissertation, and satisfactory oral defense of this dissertation.

  Presentation of research results at a departmental seminar.

Required Courses

Ph.D. students are expected to be well grounded in the fundamentals of Chemical Engineering and

must successfully complete the following courses (or their equivalents).

  CHE 735 - Chemical Engineering Analysis I Credits: (3)

  CHE 815 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Credits: (3)

  CHE 822 - Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering Credits: (3)

  CHE 862 - Advanced Transport Phenomena I Credits: (3)

  CHE 875 - Graduate Seminar in Chemical Engineering Credits: (1)

Elective Requirements (18 hours)

Elective Graduate Courses - all students are required to demonstrate a mastery of some body of

knowledge in their research field by completing elective courses. At least fifteen hours of work is

required in addition to those listed above.

No more than 6 hours of course work at the 500-level are permitted.

Thesis Hours

A Ph.D. must include at least 30 hours of research credits. All students on stipends must be

enrolled 9 hours per semester. Students receive research credit for those hours not taken as

coursework. Thus, reaching this minimum is not difficult.

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Chemical Engineering (M.S.)

Return to: Chemical Engineering 

A M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering  requires 30 credit hours, and can be earned with either

the thesis or report options. In the thesis option, 24 hours of course work and 6 hours of thesis are

required. The thesis is based on directed research performed by the student. In the report option,

28 hours of course work and 2 hours of report are required. The report is based on a literature

review or design project performed by the student.

Master's degree requirements

Required Curriculum

M.S. students are expected to be well grounded in the fundamentals of Chemical Engineering and

must successfully complete the following courses (or their equivalents).

CHE 735 - Chemical Engineering Analysis I Credits: (3)

CHE 815 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Credits: (3)

CHE 822 - Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering Credits: (3)

CHE 862 - Advanced Transport Phenomena I Credits: (3)

CHE 875 - Graduate Seminar in Chemical Engineering Credits: (1)

Elective Graduate Courses - all students are required to demonstrate a mastery of some body of

knowledge in their research field by completing elective courses. At least nine hours of work is

required in addition to those listed above.

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One of these two courses:

ChE 57000 Seminar 1 credit

ChE 58990 Doctoral Dissertation Research 2 credits

For current electives see the graduate student bulletin. The following electives have

been offered through the ChE Department. Please, check the current schedule for

information as to which courses are offered in which semester.

ChE I3000 Chemical Process Simulation

ChE I5200 Powder Science and Technology

ChE I5500 Interfacial Phenomena

ChE I5700 Advanced Materials Engineering

ChE I5800 Molecular Simulation

ChE I5900 Nanotechnology

ChE I6100 Advanced Topics in Polymer Science

ChE I8600 Equilibrium Stage Separations

ChE I8800 Bioseparations

ChE I9000 Bioprocess Engineering

ChE G4000 Modeling in Chemical Engineering

ChE G1500 Rheology

ChE G1600 Energy Engineering Systems

ChE G1700 Polymer Processing

ChE G5500 Soft Materials Laboratory

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Cornell University

School of Chemical and biomolecular engineering

Graduate Studies

The Cornell School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering offers graduate students an

education in a first-class research environment. Renowned faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and

highly collaborative and interdisciplinary culture make Cornell CBE a premier graduate program.

Although the goal is to deliver a world-class education, it is strongly believed that learning and

collaboration occur more naturally when people feel comfortable, valued, and appreciated. So yes,

Cornell deliberately perpetuates the legacy “the friendly school.” 

Degree Programs

We offer three graduate degrees: the one-year professional Master of Engineering  (M.Eng.) in

Chemical Engineering, two-year Master of Science (M.S.), and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).

The M.Eng. program  is designed to enable students to achieve one of two goals. Pursued to add

skills and ramp up professional engineering careers, the M.Eng. degree generally commands a

higher starting salary than a B.S. degree, and Cornell   M.Eng. graduates typically earn higher

starting salaries than peers from other schools. A smaller number of students use this degree

program to develop a background in chemical and biomolecular engineering, particularly if one

has majored in another area. It can also be preparation to apply for a Ph.D. degree program.

In the M.Eng. program, students may enroll in one of two industry-oriented specializations: Energy

Economics and Engineering or Medical & Industrial Biotechnology, or one may tailor the program

to suit particular needs and interests in chemical and biomolecular engineering.

The M.S. and Ph.D. programs are designed to be flexible research-oriented degrees. CBE enables

students to conduct research with any Cornell faculty member with similar research interests  – 

this may or may not be a member of the CBE faculty. A students' special committee can also

include faculty from outside CBE. In this way, as well as through courses, seminars, and other

activities, one becomes immersed in a collaborative environment and a way of thinking that leads

to shared discovery.

As an M.S. or Ph.D. student in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, one may specialize in the

following areas of research:

  Biomolecular Engineering

  Complex Fluids and Polymers

  Nanoscale Electronics, Photonics and Materials Processing

  Sustainable Energy Systems

Read more in our graduate brochure. 

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Contact information for the Graduate Program Coordinator in the School of Chemical and

Biomolecular Engineering:

Shelby Clark-Shevalier 

214 Olin Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, New York 14853-5201

Phone: (607) 255-4550

Fax: (607) 255-9166

Email: [email protected] 

M.Eng in Chemical Engineering

The Master of Engineering (M.Eng) degree enables new as well as practicing engineers to

earn a professional degree in chemical engineering while building expertise in related

fields such as:

  Energy Economics and Engineering 

  Medical and Industrial Biotechnology (NEW) 


  Soft Materials (colloids, foams, etc.)

  Microchemical and microfluidic systems

  Mathematical modeling and simulation

  Biomolecular Engineering

Intent of the Master of Engineering program: This degree is intended to enhance the

technical skills of the students and their value to industry by focusing its curriculum on

industrial practice and design. Its advanced coursework is also a valuable preparation foradvanced degree programs.

Requirements of the M. Eng program: The program requires thirty credit-hours of course

work, including a project that allows deeper study of a focus area of the student’s interest.

  Students with an undergraduate education in chemical engineering typically finish the

program in two semesters

  Students with a different training (other engineers, chemists, etc.) may require extra time.

For instance, click here for some guidance for chemistry B.S. graduates transitioning to a

chemical engineering master's program. 

What attracts students to the M.Eng degree program?

  Students who wish to gain specialized focused knowledge in areas central to chemical

engineering. We offer two such specializations within the M.Eng (Chem.) degree that

address the most demanding challenges of this century: health care and sustainable

energy systems through specializations in medical and industrial biotechnology and energy

economics and engineering 

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  Students who wish to deepen their knowledge of one topical area related to chemical

engineering by specializing in an area of study, such as polymers, electronic materials,

engineering management, food engineering, etc.

  Practicing engineers who wish to update their knowledge of the latest developments in

their field

  Graduates with B.S. degrees in other scientific areas who want a career in chemical


  Prospects for higher compensation, increased supervisory control, etc.

What are the areas of specialization and a typical Curriculum?

The attached document describes the curriculum for the coming year:

2012-2013 MEng Curriculum 


School of Chemical Engineering

214 Olin HallCornell University

Ithaca, New York 14853-5201


Phone: (607) 255-4550

Fax: (607) 255-9166

It is the policy of Cornell University to support equality of education. No person shall be denied

admission to any educational program or activity on the basis of any legally prohibiteddiscrimination involving, but not limited to, factors such as race, color, creed, religion, national or

ethnic origin, sex, age, or physical disability. The University is committed to the maintenance of an

affirmative action program that will assure the continuity of equal opportunity.

A brochure describing services for students with physical disabilities may be obtained from the

Office of Equal Opportunity, Cornell University, 217 Day Hall, Ithaca, New York, 14853. Other

questions or requests for special assistance may also be directed to that office.

This master Specializations


Bioengineering Minor

The Bioengineering Minor is administered by the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Students

intending to complete the minor must file a course plan with the Biomedical Engineering office in

115 Weill Hall. The minor requires three approved courses, either two in bioengineering and one

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in biological sciences, or three in bioengineering. Students must also take the Bioengineering

Seminar for one semester. Also, students selecting this option must select a bioengineering-

related M. Eng. project.

The following curriculum is an example that satisfies the chemical engineering requirements and

the bioengineering minor requirements.

Fall Spring

CHEME xxxx CHEME Elective 3 Pollution Control option 3



Biomolecular Engineering of



5650M. Eng. Project 3

Business Practices option 3CHEME Applications


Biological Sciences Elective 3 Bioengineering Elective 3

Bioengineering Elective 3

15  15 

Examples of Electives:

Bioengineering Electives: 

  CHEME 4010 Molecular Principles of Biomedical Engineering (fall)

  CHEME 4020 Cellular Principles of Biomedical Engineering (spring)

  CHEME 4810 Biomedical Engineering (spring)

  CHEME 6310 Engineering Principles for Drug Delivery (fall)

  BME 5600 Biotransport and Drug Delivery (spring)

Biological Sciences Electives: 

  BIOBM 3300 Biochemistry (fall and spring)

  BIOBM 3340 Computer Graphics and Molecular Biology (fall and spring)

  BIOBM 4400 Laboratories in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (fall and spring)

  BIOBM 4320 Survey of Cell Biology (spring)

  BIOBM 6330 Biosynthesis of Macromolecules (fall)

  BIOBM 6360 Functional Organization of Eukaryotic Cells (spring)

  BIOMI 4160 Bacterial Physiology (spring)

  BIOMI 4850 Bacterial Genetics (fall)

PhD. In Chemical Engineering

The Master of Science and the Doctoral Degree Programs are flexible so as to accommodate the

needs and interests of individual students. The MS is normally completed in two years; the PhD, in

about four to five. Students are rarely admitted directly to a terminal MS program; students

accepted into the MS/PhD program are normally expected to complete a PhD degree. A student's

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research project and major course work are chosen from those available in chemical engineering;

minors are chosen in fields related to their project and career aspirations.

There are no specific credit requirements and fixed degree requirements are few. See the course

offerings for the courses on offer and the course requirements for PhD students.

Doctoral candidates must pass a qualifying exam on chemical engineering fundamentals and

practice (typically after the first year), and an examination for admission to candidacy (typically in

the third year), which confirms the student's ability to undertake original research and to present

an appropriate plan for their thesis project. Eventually, each candidate must present a satisfactory

thesis defense.

Each student's program is guided by a special committee, whose members are selected by the

student, with guidance from their advisor, from among virtually any of the 1,600 members of the

Cornell faculty. This system, a feature of graduate education at Cornell, enables you to work with

faculty members who best match your academic interests, irrespective of your home field. The

committee supervises the student's program and monitors their progress toward a degree. The

chairperson of the special committee is the thesis adviser, and either one (for Master's candidates)

or two other professors represent the major and minor subjects. For the PhD, a student must have

two minors; one of these may be an internal minor in some subspecialty of chemical engineering.

For new students, choosing the special committee is perhaps their single most important decision.

It is this committee, not the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering or the Graduate

School, that recommends a program of courses, conducts examinations, and approves the thesis.

New students will need to devote time to meeting faculty members, reviewing their research

publications, consulting with senior graduate students, and investigating research facilities in

order to make an appropriate choice of thesis committee members.

Research Areas

The faculty in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering have diverse research

interests. Our four focus areas are:

  Biomolecular Engineering

  Complex Fluids and Polymers

  Nanoscale Electronics, Photonics and Materials Processing

  Sustainable Energy Systems

Biomolecular Engineering

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The advent of molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, and related technology has spawned a

revolution in biology and offers numerous opportunities for new commercial developments.

Increasingly, the biotechnology industry is turning to chemical engineers to bring promising

research to market. To bridge this gap, a subset of chemical engineering known as biomolecular

engineering has emerged that reflects the interface between biology and chemical engineering.

Biomolecular engineering focuses on the molecular length scale, and seeks to convert molecular-

level knowledge of biological phenomena into potentially useful biochemical and chemical

products and processes that are derived from living cells or their components. Further,

biomolecular engineers are adept at integrating descriptions of molecular-level events into a

systems-level understanding of complex biological systems and at creating the next generation of

tools necessary for rapid, accurate and cost-effective analysis of biomolecules. Read more. 

Click here to see the faculty involved in this area.

Complex Fluids and Polymers

Understanding the structure, rheology, interfacial and transport behaviors of complex fluids and

polymers is among the foremost challenges of chemical engineering science. Faculty at Cornell are

addressing this challenge through analytical theory, numerical simulation and experiments that

span length scales from nanometers to meters. Inspired by the success of integrated electronics,

scientists and engineers have initiated an effort to miniaturize chemical processes. This scaling

down exaggerates the importance of interfacial forces and inspires studies of a rich set of

transport processes. Read more. 

Click here to see the faculty involved in this area.

Nanoscale Electronics, Photonics and Materials Processing

Chemical engineers have traditionally adopted an integrated approach to problem solving,

applying their specialized knowledge in chemistry, kinetics, transport phenomena, reactor design

and thermodynamics to the study of dynamic systems and processes. Therefore, it is only natural,

for chemical engineers to apply their expertise to develop new processes for the next generation

of electronic materials. For example, the processing of microelectronic and optoelectronic devices,

traditionally the domain of electrical engineers, has been enriched by chemical process analyses

that describe the underlying physico-chemical phenomena at the molecular level. In fact, much of

the tremendous success of modern electronics is based on processing technologies such as plasma

etching and chemical vapor deposition. Chemical engineers have played a lead role in this

development and continue to push the frontiers of this field with the introduction of new

technologies such as laser processing and atomic layer deposition. The success of these

technologies builds on the chemical engineers integrated understanding of fundamental physical

and chemical materials properties. Read more. 

Click here to see faculty involved in this area.

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Sustainable Energy Systems

Growth in world population and continual improvements in living standards in many developing

countries will dramatically increase demands for energy in the next 40 years, posing tremendous

challenges for providing affordable energy. Together with the economic and geopolitical issues

surrounding energy security, there is a compelling need to minimize the environmental

consequences that accompany supplying energy globally. Alternative methods of generating and

converting energy with reduced greenhouse gas emissions are required. Although the scope and

urgency of these tasks are daunting, new technologies and materials present chemical engineers

and scientists with exciting opportunities to participate in discovering and developing sustainable


Cornell University is committed to being a leading institution in the field of sustainable

development. In addition to the Cornell Energy Institute, several Cornell Centers coordinate efforts

in related research and including the Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future, and the Cornell Fuel

Cell Institute. The School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is a key part of these efforts.

With a framework that includes physical, chemical and biological energy transformations,

transport of heat and mass in fluids and solids, materials for energy capture and storage, process

analysis, design, and simulation, and full life cycle analysis of energy and mass flows, a chemical

engineering education provides the ideal skill set ideal for tackling a wide range of energy

problems. Read more. 

Click here to see the faculty involved in this area.

Click here to go to College of Engineering energy site.

A new PhD program in Earth-Energy Systems will be introduced in fall 2010.

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Polytechnic Institute of New York University

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Majors and Programs - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Campus Location

Bachelor of Science

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, BS

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Biomolecular Science, BS

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Master of Science

Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship, MS

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Chemical Engineering, MS

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Chemistry, MS

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Biomedical Engineering, MS

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Biotechnology, MS

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Doctor of Philosophy

Chemical Engineering, PhD

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Materials Chemistry, PhD

Learn MoreBrooklyn

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Biomedical Engineering, PhD

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Certificate Program

Bioinstrumentation, CT

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Biomedical Materials, CT

Learn MoreBrooklyn

Biomedical Engineering, MS

Biomedical engineers are behind some of the most important medical breakthroughs today.

Together with biologists and doctors, they’re developing artificial organs, prosthetics, and othermedical devices, helping us live longer, healthier lives.

Our MS program in Biomedical Engineering proudly merges the best from our chemistry,

engineering, and computer science divisions, with the biomedical science offerings from SUNY

Downstate Medical Center. The partnership allows our students to take advantage of both

facilities, faculties, and associated research programs, which share coextensive initiatives.

Noteworthy areas of overlapping scientific investigation include neurorobotics, tissue engineering,

and telemetry, among others.

It’s an exciting alliance, and we ensure access for both full- and part-time students by scheduling

many 3-credit courses as 2 ½-hour nightly lectures held once per week. Evening researchopportunities are also available.

The Biomedical Engineering MS program offers 3 tracks: Biomaterials Track, Medical Imaging

Track, Bioinstrumentation Track.

Goals and Objectives

The goal of the MS in Biomedical Engineering program is to give you an in-depth, advanced

education that provides you with the analytical tools to perform fundamental and applied

research in biomedical engineering. Alternatively, you will gain the requisite technical knowledge

to apply to management, marketing, sales and other entrepreneurial activities related to

biomedical engineering. Specific objectives of the program include the following:

  The program accommodates students with a BS or a more advanced degree in chemical

engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, computer

engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, premedical, bioengineering and biotechnology.

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  Students acquire the skills to engage in technological innovations that give people longer,

healthier, and more productive lives.

  Students choose courses in topics that include biomedical instrumentation, biomaterials,

drug delivery, orthopedic biomechanics and devices, protein engineering, anatomy and

physiology, biochemistry, immunology, bioinformatics, systems analysis and mathematics,medical imaging and material science.

  Giving students the option of doing research in laboratories at NYU-Poly, NYU Medical and

Dental Schools, NYU-affiliated hospitals or SUNY Downstate Medical Center. Students may

also substitute research credits with course electives.

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the master’s program should have BS or a more advanced degree in any engineering

discipline, mathematics; or any of the natural sciences.

You should also have:

  a minimum of 2 semesters of college-level calculus (see MA 1024 Calculus I, Credits: 4.00

and MA 1124 Calculus II, Credits: 4.00)

  2 semesters of college-level physics (see PH 1004 Introductory Physics I, Credits: 4.00 and

PH 2004 Introductory Physics II, Credits: 4.00)

  2 semesters of college-level chemistry (see CM 1014 General Chemistry I, Credits: 4.00 and

CM 1024 General Chemistry II, Credits: 4.00).

For those focusing on the Biomaterials track, additional background in organic chemistry and

biochemistry is desirable. For those choosing the Medical Imaging or Bioinstrumentation tracks,

additional advanced mathematics courses (e.g., MA 2132 Ordinary Differential Equations, Credits:

2.00, MA 2112 Multivariable Calculus A, Credits: 2.00, and MA 2122 Multivariable Calculus B,

Credits: 2.00) are recommended. Students lacking undergraduate courses described above may be

admitted contingent upon the student’s satisfying the courses necessary for success in the


To help students raise their level of knowledge in chemical and biochemical concepts specific to

advanced courses in the Medical Imaging or Bioinstrumentation tracks, the program developed BE

6653 Principles of Chemical and Biochemical Systems, Credits: 3.00. A program adviser reviewswith successful applicants what undergraduate

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Curriculum - Biomedical Engineering, MS

The Biomedical Engineering MS program offers 3 tracks:

  Biomaterials Track 


Medical Imaging Track   Bioinstrumentation Track 

Each track includes 2 options. The first specifies course requirements that include a thesis option

and a second that specifies courses only. If you choose the master’s thesis option, you must

register for at least 3 credits of  BE 997x Ms Thesis in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: Variable and

then write and defend a master’s thesis according to Institute guidelines. You will also be required

to take CM 5040 Chemical Laboratory Safety, Credits: .00.

To meet graduation requirements in your chosen track, you must achieve an overall B average in

all courses (including MS thesis, research, or guided studies) and must not have more than two

grades of C in required (core) subjects.

Biomaterials Track - Total Credits: 31

Required Courses

BE 6013 Molecular Immunology, Credits: 3.00

BE 6103 Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Credits: 3.00

BE 6113 Anatomy, Physiology, & Biophysics II, Credits: 3.00

G23.2303 Intro to Biostatistics, Credits: 4.00


G23.2030 Statistics in BiologyI, Credits: 4.00

BE 6703 Materials in Medicine, Credits: 3.00

BE 6753 Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Biomaterials, Credits: 3.00

BE 9433 Protein Engineering, Credits: 3.00

BE 9443 Tissue Engineering, Credits: 3.00

BE 9730 Colloquium in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: .00 (taken once per year)

BE 9740 Seminar in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: .00 (taken once per year)


Choose 6 credits from this list of electives.  With permission from a graduate adviser, you may

substitute a course not listed. Alternatively, you may elect to take research in biomedical

engineering courses (873x, 3 to 6 credits) without writing a thesis.


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BE 997X Ms Thesis in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: Variable

Medical Imaging Track - Total Credits: 30

Required Courses

BE 6103 Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Credits: 3.00

BE 6113 Anatomy, Physiology, & Biophysics II, Credits: 3.00

BE 6203 Biomedical Imaging I, Credits: 3.00

BE 6223 Image Processing, Credits: 3.00

BE 6453 Probability Theory, Credits: 3.00

CBE 6153 Applied Mathematics in Engineering, Credits: 3.00

BE 6403 Signals Systems Transforms, Credits: 3.00

BE 9730 Colloquium in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: .00 (taken once per year)

BE 9740 Seminar in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: .00 (taken once per year)


Choose 6 credits from this list of electives.  With permission from a graduate adviser, you may

substitute a course not listed. Alternatively, you may elect to take research in biomedical

engineering courses (873x, 3 to 6 credits) without writing a thesis.


BE 997X Ms Thesis in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: Variable

Bioinstrumentation Track - Total Credits: 30

Required Courses

BE 6103 Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Credits: 3.00

BE 6113 Anatomy, Physiology, & Biophysics II, Credits: 3.00

BE 6303 Bio-Optics, Credits: 3.00

BE 6453 Probability Theory, Credits: 3.00

BE 6503 Biomedical Instrumentation, Credits: 3.00

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CBE 6153 Applied Mathematics in Engineering, Credits: 3.00

BE 6403 Signals Systems Transforms, Credits: 3.00

BE 9730 Colloquium in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: .00 (taken once per year)

BE 9740 Seminar in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: .00 (taken once per year)


Choose 6 credits this list of electives. With permission from a graduate adviser, you may substitute

a course not listed. Alternatively, you may elect to take research in biomedical engineering courses

(873x, 3 to 6 credits) without writing a thesis.


BE 997X Ms Thesis in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: Variable

Elective Courses

Courses available to students pursuing an MS degree in either the Biomaterials, Medical Imaging

or Bioinstrumentation tracks.

BE 6013 Molecular Immunology, Credits: 3.00

BE 6023 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, Credits: 3.00

BE 6203 Biomedical Imaging I, Credits: 3.00

BE 6213 Biomedical Imaging II, Credits: 3.00

BE 6223 Image Processing, Credits: 3.00

BE 6303 Bio-Optics, Credits: 3.00

BE 6403 Signals Systems Transforms, Credits: 3.00

BE 6453 Probability Theory, Credits: 3.00

BE 6483 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Credits: 3.00

BE 6503 Biomedical Instrumentation, Credits: 3.00

BE 6603 Drug Delivery, Credits: 3.00

BE 6653 Principles of Chemical and Biochemical Systems, Credits: 3.00

BE 6703 Materials in Medicine, Credits: 3.00

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BE 6753 Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Biomaterials, Credits: 3.00

BE 8713 Guided Studies in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: 3.00

BE 8733 Guided Studies in Biomedical Engineering, Credits: 3.00

BE 9433 Protein Engineering, Credits: 3.00

BE 9443 Tissue Engineering, Credits: 3.00

BE 9753 Bioethics Seminar, Credits: 3.00

CBE 6153 Applied Mathematics in Engineering, Credits: 3.00

CS 6643 Computer Vision and Scene Analysis, Credits: 3.00

EL 5013 Wireless Personal Communication Systems, Credits: 3.00

MA 6283 Mathematical Modeling in Biology, Credits: 3.00

ME 7863 Special Topics, Credits: 3.00

PH 6403 Physical Concepts of Polymer Nanocomposites, Credits: 3.00

G23.2303 Intro to Biostatistics, Credits: 4.00

G23.2030 Statistics in Biology, Credits: 4.00

Biomedical Engineering, PhD

In 2005, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasted jobs in biomedical engineering would grow

twice as fast as jobs in all industries between 2006 and 2016. That prediction only lends greater

weight to our longtime commitment to the field and NYU-Poly’s latest initiative: a PhD program in

Biomedical Engineering.

Its curriculum proudly combines the best from our chemistry, engineering, and computer science

divisions with the biomedical science offerings from SUNY Downstate Medical Center. That

partnership allows our students to take advantage of the facilities, faculties, and associated

research programs at each school.

We also offer interdisciplinary thesis tracks in which both institutions have been strong for severalyears:

  Biomaterials and Polymer Therapeutics | track description 

  Bioimaging and Neuroengineering | track description 

Lab rotations at industrial sites provide additional opportunities for students to explore potential

career paths in biomedical engineering, ensuring broad exposure to the field’s many applications. 

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Applying to this Program

You can apply to either NYU-Poly or SUNY Downstate for consideration into the Biomedical

Engineering, PhD program. The admission committee of the school to which you apply will

evaluate your application.

Curriculum - Biomedical Engineering, PhD

The PhD Biomedical Engineering program run jointly by NYU-Poly and SUNY Downstate consists of

46 course credits (a list of bridge, core, and elective courses can be found below), exclusive of the

required thesis research. The program has 3 separate, entry-level pathways to accommodate

students entering with a bachelor's degree in any of the following disciplines:

  Chemical engineering

  Mechanical engineering


Electrical engineering

  Computer science engineering




  Premedical studies

Accommodating students with a variety of academic backgrounds is in keeping with theinterdisciplinary nature of biomedical engineering.

Advanced PhD BME students select one from the following 2 thesis tracks:

  Biomaterials and Polymer Therapeutics | track description 

  Bioimaging and Neuroengineering | track description 

Additional tracks may be added in the future. In the event that a student wishes to transfer

between tracks during the first 2 years of the program, the Program Director will review the

student's request.

The required PhD thesis research may be conducted under the supervision of a faculty member

from either NYU-Poly or SUNY Downstate. It is expected that these students need 6 years after

their bachelor's degree to complete the doctoral program.

Students are required to complete 2 laboratory rotations, each of 3 to 4 months' duration, prior to

selection of a thesis laboratory. In keeping with the goal of preparing graduates for the changing

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career marketplace, it is recommended that 1 rotation be in an industrial setting; the other should

be in an academic setting, i.e., in a basic science laboratory of either NYU-Poly or Downstate, or in

a laboratory of a Downstate clinical department engaged in translational research.

Both types of settings provide mentor-based, individualized training of the highest quality. Both

basic science and clinical faculty with active research and graduate school appointments maysupervise rotations, and ultimately, thesis projects. Senior scientists in companies of Downstate's

Advanced Biotechnology Park, located adjacent to the Downstate campus, are eligible for adjunct

faculty status and, as such, may be supervisors of rotations and co-supervisors of thesis projects.

In order to become a thesis supervisor, a sufficient level of extramural funding (i.e., grants,

contracts, or clinical revenues) must be demonstrated.

Students whose thesis research advisors are NYU-Poly faculty are required to register at

Polytechnic, whereas those whose thesis research advisors are Downstate faculty are required to

register at Downstate. The same joint PhD is conferred regardless of the campus at which the

student registers; the requirements for all graduate students in the program are identical.

While the PhD BME curriculum is designed to enroll students who have completed only a

bachelor's degree, the program can accommodate students who have already completed a MS in

Biomedical Engineering.

A qualifying examination, scheduled for no later than the end of the second year, is required to

advance to candidacy for the PhD.


Biomaterials and Polymer Therapeutics

Research in this area focuses on the development of new generation biomaterials and structures.

Polytechnic has for long been an international leader in polymer chemistry. In one approach,

materials are being designed to stimulate specific cellular responses at the molecular level.

Examples are bioresorbable materials that cue specific biological responses to activate genes,

guide cell growth and differentiation, and alter extracellular matrix production and organization.

The ability to "tailor" polymer structures, analyze the physical properties of new biomaterials, and

then process these polymers into various forms allows collaborative intercampus teams to pursue

a wide range of applications. These applications include synthesis of materials for tissue

engineering, drug delivery, bone screws, and more. Other research focuses on the development of

biosensors for rapid detection and analysis of biological markers, ranging from single nucleotidepolymorphisms to anthrax spores. Through their collaborations, investigators have developed low

molar mass and high molecular weight glycolipids. Results have demonstrated the potential of the

new glycolipid analogs to function as effective modulators of the immune response, anticancer

agents, and as adjuvants in vaccine formulations. These studies have stimulated researchers to

investigate the role of sophorolipids, in particular, in decreasing sepsis related mortality and other

inflammatory diseases. Another Polytechnic/Downstate collaborative team has made significant

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progress in the development and targeted delivery of protease (e.g., calpain) inhibitors to treat

muscular dystrophy.

Bioimaging and Neuroengineering

The collaborative approach harnesses Polytechnic's extraordinary strengths in wireless technology

(Wireless Internet Center for Advanced Technology ["WICAT"]) for applications in biotelemetry.

For example, Downstate neuroscientists are working on federally funded research in

neurorobotics, spatial learning, and computational neuroscience including brain modeling. The

goals of these biomedical research projects are to advance therapies for spinal cord injury,

Alzheimer's disease, and epilepsy, respectively. These projects will benefit greatly from advanced

wireless technology, either directly as in the case of neurorobotics and navigational studies, or

indirectly through data acquisition from on-line patients suffering from intractable seizures.

Studies pioneered at Downstate involving remotely controlled "search and rescue" rats that can

navigate rubble heaps, such as those associated with terrorist attacks or natural disasters, have

and will continue to benefit from advances in wireless cell phone technology to improve

communication with base stations. Bioimaging has historically been a strong suit at Downstate; Dr.

Raymond Damadian made the first MRI image in his Downstate campus laboratory. A long-

standing collaborative project of Downstate and Polytechnic investigators is in the area of optical

tomography, a method of imaging biological tissue using light at near infrared wavelengths.

Applications include development of a diagnostic tool for breast tumors, brain lesions, and stroke-

associated ischemic brain lesions.


A. Bridge Courses

Biomedical Science

BME G 650 Biomedical Instrumentation, Credits: 3.00

BME G 945 Recombinant DNA Technology: A Practical Approach, Credits: 3.00

BME G 950 Principles of Biological Systems, Credits: 3.00

Computer Science Engineering

CS 530 Introduction to Computer Science, Credits: 3.00

CS 580 Computer Architecture and Organization, Credits: 3.00

Chemical Engineering

CH 900 Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering I, Credits: variable

CH 901 Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering II, Credits: variable

Electrical Engineering

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EL 536 Principles of Communication Networks, Credits: 3.00

EL 547 Introduction to VLSI System Design, Credits: 3.00

EL 641 Analog & High Frequency Amplifier Design, Credits: 3.00

B. Core Engineering Courses

Biomaterials and Polymer Therapeutics Track

BE 670 Materials in Medicine, Credits: 3.00

BE 952 Natural Polymers and Materials, Credits: 3.00

CM 771 Introduction to Polymer Science, Credits: 3.00

CM 782 Macromolecules in the Solid State, Credits: 3.00

MT 600 Structure-Property Relationships in Materials, Credits: 3.00

MT 620 Plastic Deformation and Fracture, Credits: 3.00

BE 660 Drug Delivery, Credits: 3.00

BE 650 Tissue Engineering, Credits: 3.00

CH 633 Transport Phenomena, Credits: 3.00

CH 773 Thermodynamics I, Credits: 3.00

CH 781 Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, Credits: 3.00

Bioimaging and Neuroengineering Track

CS 667 Neural Network Computing, Credits: 3.00

EL 501 Wireless Personal Communication Systems, Credits: 3.00

EL 536 Principles of Communication Networks, Credits: 3.00

EL 512 Image Processing, Credits: 3.00

EL 522 Sensor Based Robotics, Credits: 3.00

BME G 220 Mathematical Modeling in Life Sciences: Computational Neuroscience, Credits: 3.00

BME G 620 Biomedical Imaging I, Credits: 3.00

BME G 621 Biomedical Imaging II, Credits: 3.00

C. Core Biomedical Science Courses

Biomaterials and Polymer Therapeutics Track

MCIM G105 Seminar Series in Microbiology and Immunology, Credits: 1.00

ANCB G109 Seminar Series in Lipid and Vascular Biology, Credits: 1.00

MCB G113 Molecular Genetics, Credits: 4.00

MCB G120 Work in Progress Seminars, Credits: 0.00

MCB G201 Molecular and Cellular Biology I, Credits: 6.00

MCB G203 Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar Series, Credits: 1.00

BIOC G203 Graduate Biochemistry, Credits: 4.00

CM 941 Biochemistry I (graduate level), Credits: 3.00

CM 942 Biochemistry II (graduate level), Credits: 3.00

CORE G300 Research Techniques (laboratory rotations), Credits: 3.00

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MCB G500 Directed Readings in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Credits: 1.00-3.00

MCB G510 Current Topics in Cellular and Developmental Biology, Credits: 1.00

MCB G512 Developmental Biology, Credits: 3.00

BME G518 Genomics and Proteomics, Credits: 3.00

BME G945 Recombinant DNA Technology: A Practical Approach, Credits: 3.00

Bioimaging and Neuroengineering Track

NBSC M100 Neuroscience, Credits: 6.00

NBSC G100 Journal Club in Neural and Behavioral Science, Credits: 1.00

NBSC G102 Neural and Behavioral Science Seminar Series, Credits: 1.00

NBSC G105 Journal Club - Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Credits: 1.00

BME G610 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, Credits: 3.00

NBSC G120 Work in Progress Seminars, Credits: 0.00

NBSC G200 Discussions in Behavioral Neuroscience, Credits: 2.00

NBSC G202 Selected Topics in the Limbic System, Credits: 3.00

NBSC G210 Dendritic Spines: Structure, Function, Plasticity, Credits: 2.00

CORE G300 Research Techniques (laboratory rotations), Credits: 3.00

NBSC G500 Directed Readings in Neuroscience 3.0, Credits: 3.00

MCB G520 Advanced Immunology, Credits: 3.00

BME G620 Biomedical Imaging I, Credits: 3.00

BME G621 Biomedical Imaging II, Credits: 3.00

D. Other Courses

CORE G500 Responsible Conduct in Research, Credits: 1.00

 _________ Advanced Topics in Responsible Conduct in Research, Credits: 3.00 _________ SUNY/Poly BME Seminars, Credits: 1.00

E. Elective Courses

PATH G103 Current Topics in Experimental Pathology, Credits: 1.00

PATH G106 Immunological Aspects of Atopic and Related Diseases, Credits: 3.00

PHRM G106 Current Topics in Neuropharmacology, Credits: 1.00

CM 753 Bioinformatics I: Sequence Analysis, Credits: 3.00

CM 754 Bioinformatics II: Protein Structure, Credits: 3.00

MCB G202 Molecular and Cellular Biology II, Credits: 6.00

MCB G203 Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar Series, Credits: 1.00

BE 601 Molecular Immunology, Credits: 3.00

BE 630 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems, Credits: 3.00

CM 905 Enzyme Catalysis in Organic Synthesis, Credits: 3.00

CM 906 Combinatorial Chemistry, Credits: 3.00

CORE G520 Entrepreneurship in Academia, Credits: 1.00

PATH G508 Immunopathology of Virus Infections, Credits: 2.00

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PATH M110 Human Immunology, Credits: 2.00

PHRM G100 Pharmacology Methods and Exp. Pharmacology, Credits: 2.00

BME G640 Modern Drug Discovery, Credits: 3.00

BME G650 Biomedical Instrumentation, Credits: 3.00

F. Management of Technology Courses

MG 865 Managing Innovation, Credits: 3.00

MG 603 Organizational Behav. and Mgmt. Processes in Innovative Corps., Credits: 3.00

MG 693 Information Technologies, Systems and Mgmt. in Organizations, Credits: 3.00

MG 786 High-Technology Entrepreneurship, Credits: 3.00

MG 775 Operations Mgmt. for Knowledge-based Enterprises (1/2 semester), Credits: 3.00

MG 795 Global Innovation (1/2 semester), Credits: 3.00

MG 820 Project Management and Assessment for Technology Managers, Credits: 3.00

MG 785 High-Technology Leadership, Credits: 3.00

MG 784 Negotiation in Technology-Intensive Sectors, Credits: 3.00

MG 787 Intellectual Property for Technology and Information Managers, Credits: 3.00

MG 797 Financing the Value Creation, Credits: 3.00

G. Thesis Research

BME G999 Ph.D. Thesis Research in Biomedical Engineering @ Downstate

 ________ Ph.D. Thesis Research in Biomedical Engineering @ Polytechnic

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Rensselear University

Graduate Study in Chemical & Biological Engineering at Rensselaer

Coordinator of Graduate Studies: B. Wayne Bequette 

Student Coordinator: Ms. Lee Vilardi 

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers the Master of Science (M.S.), the

Master of Engineering (M.E.), and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees (Ph.D), each of which is

tailored to fulfill the varying educational needs of its graduate students.

Master’s Programs 

  Master of Science 


Master of Engineering 

The master’s degree represents an intermediate level of academic preparation. It is often the

optimal degree for careers in engineering design.

Doctoral Programs

The Ph.D. degree represents the highest level of academic preparation. With it, a student can

expect to maintain technical competence and contributions throughout a professional career. It is

usually the preferred degree for research and development in industry and government and for


Within the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department, 72 credits of graduate-level studies,

including the dissertation, are required for a Ph.D. The emphasis is on advanced study in a

specialty with major focus on the dissertation. A doctoral student must pass a comprehensive

examination, prepare a dissertation proposal and the dissertation itself, and present and defend

the dissertation.

Additional details of the Doctoral Program 

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Syracuse University

Biomedical and Chemical Engineering

Graduate Student Handbook 

Masters of Science in Bioengineering 

(30 credit thesis or non-thesis program, 36 credit non-thesis with cognate field program) 

Course Catalog

The Master of Science (MS) in Bioengineering is a flexible program with three options to help

students develop careers in this field. The MS can be a terminal degree or an introduction to

research before pursuing the Ph.D.

There are three options that students can choose. Plan 1 has a minimum requirement of 30 credit

hours of graduate study, including 24 credits of coursework plus 6 credits of thesis. A master’s

thesis must be completed and defended in an oral examination. Plan 2 also has a minimum

requirement of 30 credits with at least 27 credits of coursework plus 3 credits of independent

study. Plan 3 is a non-thesis program with cognate field. It requires a total of 36 credits with a

minimum of 24 credits of technical coursework and 12 credits of tailored, non-technical

concentrations. All three programs are designed to be completed in about two years.

Masters of Science in Chemical Engineering 

Course Catalog 

The Master of Science (MS) degree in Chemical Engineering is a flexible and individually-structured

program, determined by the student and his/her advisor. The MS can be a terminal degree or an

introduction to research before pursuing the Ph.D.

There are two degree plans a student can choose. Plan 1 has a minimum requirement of 30 credit

hours of graduate study, including 24 credits of coursework and 6 credits of thesis, with at least 12

credits of coursework in chemical engineering. A master's thesis must be completed and defended

in an oral examination. Plan 2 also has a minimum requirement of 30 credit hours of graduate

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study, including at least 3 credits of an independent study course, with at least 15 credits in

chemical engineering. After completion of coursework, the student must pass an oral examination

based on the independent study and the coursework. Both plans are designed to be completed in

less than two years.

Masters of Engineering in Bioengineering

(This program is currently dormant. No applications are being accepted at this time.) 

The Master of Engineering (ME) in Bioengineering is a 36-credit hour professional degree. In

addition to the traditional, primarily technical, Masters curriculum, we offer students

opportunities for advanced study in allied areas (called Cognate Fields). Students have the

opportunity to design a specialized curriculum to achieve greater skill in solving complex

bioengineering problems by drawing from the breadth of other schools and colleges at Syracuse

University , such as technology transfer and law, engineering management, manufacturing

engineering, and design.

The ME degree typically takes three semesters to complete. Coursework requirements include: a

24-credit Technical Core, 12 hours of specialized curriculum, a capstone project, and participation

in the Bioengineering seminar. The capstone project is based on an independent study project

done under the guidance of a faculty member, typically over the course of one semester, or a

report from a Cognate Field option.

Masters of Science in Neuroscience

(This program is currently dormant. No applications are being accepted at this time.) 

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The Master of Science (MS) in Neuroscience is for students who want to expand their studies in

sensory neuroscience. Typically, these are individuals from health-related fields, education and

industry, and premedical students who already possess a baccalaureate degree.

Completion of the MS in Neuroscience requires 30 credit hours, including an independent study

project. This degree can be completed in one calendar year.

Biomedical and Chemical Engineering

Graduate Student Handbook

Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering (42 credit program)

Course Catalog 

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research-based degree program involving a high level of

training in advanced bioengineering. A dissertation consisting of original research in a specialty

area within the bioengineering program is required.

A minimum of 42 credit hours is required for the completion of the PhD degree. No credits are

given for dissertation research. A student entering the PhD program with a MS degree may apply

up to 30 credits toward the required coursework, with the approval of the program director. A

minimum of three years of graduate study is required and students typically complete all

requirements within five years.

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering (42 credit program)

Course Catalog

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Engineering is designed for students interested in

research and teaching. The program of study consists of coursework, a screening (qualifying)

examination, an oral comprehensive (candidacy) examination, and preparation and defense of the


A minimum of 42 credit hours is required for the completion of the PhD degree, including at least

24 credits in chemical engineering. No credits are given for dissertation research. A student

entering the PhD program with a MS degree may apply up to 30 credits toward the required

coursework, with the approval of the program director. A minimum of three years of graduate

study is required and students typically complete all requirements within five years.

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New! Soft Interfaces IGERT @ SU (updated 10/20/2011)

Syracuse University has been awarded $3M by NSF to develop an Integrative Graduate Education

and Research Training Program (IGERT) in Soft Interfaces over the next five years. This is an

excellent opportunity to train PHD scientists and engineers in the areas of biological membranes,

biomaterials and nanostructured interfaces.

