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INFORMATION BOOKLET - sharkconservancy.org · INFORMATION BOOKLET ... The iconic year for Sharklady...

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INFORMATION BOOKLET The overarching goal of our work is to improve conservation & management strategies for these iconic animals. www.volunteerforsharks.com www.sharkconservancy.org



The overarching goal of our work is to improve conservation & management strategies for these iconic animals.




Introduct ion02

Locat ion04

Transportat ion06


Accommodat ion16

What we provide18

Excursions & Act iv i t ies19

Plan for your trip20

Work as a Volunteer22


Welcome to the Volunteers for Sharks Programme. The Programme is designed to be challenging & exciting. This programme is designed for passionate conservationist, students & early career scientists looking to gain holistic, hands-on experience in the field of shark research & conservation.

As an Volunteer you are in a position to contribute to conservation, education & research initiatives in a location unlike any in the world. We hope that your time with us will inspire you to enter your chosen career with confidence & continue to be involved in conservation, research & sustainable utilisation of natural resources, & to transfer what you have learned to others. Although scientific research is the backbone of management & conservation of resources, without the effective dissemination of information research is wasted.

Volunteer for Sharks endeavours to make your volunteer experience a personal & career building experience. Volunteer for Sharks & The South African Shark Conservancy launched an exciting collaboration through which we run a scientific experience focused on Great White Sharks & other shark species to understand their habitats & ecology. SASC is responsible for hands-on scientific training & skill development for Volunteers.

Our common goal is to bring foreign & local students together to put their skills & passion for the marine environment to good use whilst also providing the opportunity to explore the rich & diverse South African coastline. We want to give many researchers who are in the early stages of their careers an opportunity to gain experience not only in the data collection & analysis, but also in conveying that information to the general public.

We welcome you to be a part of this growing network of marine conservation scientists who dedicate their life’s passion to understanding complex marine processes & the people who rely on them. Volunteer for SharkS

Sharklady Adventures was founded by Kim ‘Sharklady’ MacLean in 1992 with her passion for great white Sharks and her dedication to care, protect & educate people about them. The company has thus always initiated & participated in educational & conservation projects within the community. The iconic year for Sharklady Adventures was in 2014 when the Shark Bay Research Trust was founded. Volunteer for Sharks has therefore joined forces with the experienced and passionate Sharklady as well as the Shark Bay Research Trust.

South african Shark conSerVancySince 2007, SASC has developed partnerships with academic & conservation organisations around the globe, & has become well-known for its inclusive and holistic approach to conservation & ecosystem based research. SASC is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting the conservation & sustainable utilisation of marine resources through research, education & outreach initiatives. While many researchers focus on charismatic megafauna, such as the great white shark, SASC has identified a lack of research directed toward commercially exploited elasmobranchs as well as the ecosystems they live in.

Volunteer for SharkS in partnerShip with South african Shark conSerVancy

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Volunteer For Sharks Info Pack Volunteer for Sharks info pack





Gansbaai is a fishing town & popular tourist destination in the Overberg, Western Cape, South Africa. It is known for its dense population of great white sharks & as a whale-watching location.

The original name of Dyer Island was Ilha da Fera (Island of wild creatures), so named by Portuguese seafarers in the 15th century. Dyer Island is the largest of a group of islands about 5 miles (8.0 km) offshore from Gansbaai & less than that from Danger Point peninsula. The island is home to a declining colony of African penguins (ca. 5000 individuals in 2015).

Geyser Rock is a smaller island nearby, & is home to thousands of Cape fur seals. The shallow channel between the two islands is popularly known as “Shark Alley”.

Dyer Island is a nature reserve & cannot be accessed by the general public, but boat tours leave from Kleinbaai on Danger Point peninsula to watch whales, stop at a shark-diving-boat, to cross Shark Alley & to go around Dyer Island.

The boats launch a few hundred metres from your accommodation where daily operations function. Field work takes place with our in-house marine biologist at the Shark Bay Research Trust as well as on board our research boat, Lamnidae & eco-tourism boat, Lady T. Our boats are permitted to work in specified coordinates in which the Great White Shark is abundant. These magnificent creatures are visible from the boat as well as the cage.

ABOUT USWhere we aresituated

Our boats also visit what is known as “shark alley” between Dyer Island & Geyser Rock. This area is known worldwide as the white shark capital of the world. Dyer Island is a sanctuary for many sea birds such as Gannets and Cape Cormorants and also provides the breeding grounds for many African Penguins. Nearby is Geyser Rock, a small island home to a large number of Cape Fur Seals. This environment provides the optimal setting for the great white shark however various whales & dolphins can also be spotted in season.


The South African Shark Conservancy (SASC) is based in Hermanus, Western Cape Province (South Africa) & is roughly one hour from the Cape Town International Airport. Our institute is situated meters from the sea in the Old Harbour Museum within Walker Bay, enabling us to have a fully operational saltwater laboratory from which our education and research programmes are conducted.

Walker Bay was once a productive commercial fishing area until unsustainable overfishing & a lack of fisheries management led to massive declines in commercially important species. Walker Bay is now a seasonally closed whale sanctuary dedicated primarily to eco-tourism enterprises. Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates and rays) are commonly targeted by commercial fishers to cover expenses and sustain livelihoods.

Hermanus, as part of the Cape Whale Coast, is renowned as the one of the best land-based whale watching destination in the world. Additionally Hermanus is a popular destination for SCUBA diving & serves as a gateway to the white shark cage diving industry in neighbouring Gansbaai.

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By the end of your stay we will make arrangements for your transport back to Cape Town. Departure transport will take place on Mondays so please make sure your flight departs on a Tuesday or late Monday night. If you need to be transported before or after Monday please contact our administrator to see if we can make alternative arrangements which will be at your own cost.

The cost of flights is not included in your project price. This means that you will need to book your own flights to Cape Town, South Africa. You may need to fly via Johannesburg in which case you will need to also book a domestic flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town..

Please make sure that you arrive in Cape Town over a weekend, no later than Sunday afternoon. Our programme starts and ends on a Monday. It is very important that the programme administrator receives your flight details in order for us to arrange your pick-up from the airport.

You will need to spend the Sunday night in Cape Town before our Monday morning pick-ups. We provide one night accommodation in Cape Town which is included in the price. We have recommended accommodations in Cape Town. If you don’t want to make use of our recommended accommodation you are welcome to book any alternative accommodation at your own cost, but please first check with our VFS administrator that the accommodation is up to standard before making your booking.

The VFS administrator will contact the reception of your chosen accommodation to make pick-up arrangements for the Monday morning. It is also important that the VFS administrator receives your contact number and email address prior to your arrival in South Africa. You will be picked up by VFS with a mini bus on the scheduled time provided by us.

The distance from Cape Town to Gansbaai is about 163km and is a around a 2h 30 min drive.


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On arrival you must have paid the full programme fee. Please get in contact with our administrator for payment options &

banking details. A welcoming briefing will take place which also includes all the rules, duties & responsibilities as a volunteer. Each volunteer will receive a welcome pack (includes branded

cap, T-shirts & info pack). The divemaster of Sharklady Adventures will introduce you to our

vessels & all the health & safety needed.



ELASMOBRANCH SURVEYS:reSearch motiVation: As marine apex predators, elasmobranchs are species who regulate the ecosystems they occupy. Using multiple fishing techniques, this study focuses on understanding the ecology of up to 60 species of elasmobranchs found in Walker Bay. Research uses mark-recapture, genetic analyses & dietary sampling to better understanding the role of sharks in ecosystems. Volunteer for Sharks will target demersal endemic elasmobranchs using a rod and reel, tag with a conventional spaghetti tag, collect biological data & genetic samples. proJect aimS & obJectiVeS: To establish the diversity, seasonal distribution, abundance and habitat use of endemic demersal inshore elasmobranchs in Walker Bay.reSearch calenDar: Year roundreSearch DayS per month: Eight research days (07h00 – 13h00) reSearch VeSSel: Currently shore-based research. Boat-based angling surveys are planned pending funding goals achievable in 2015. training & DutieS: Volunteers will be trained to fish with a rod & reel from the shore, to collect biological data, conventional spaghetti tagging methods, genetic sample collection, ethical angling, handling techniques & local species identification. Upon return to the SASC facility, volunteers will enter data, clean & maintain research gear.


Dark Shy Shark (Haploblepharus pictus) Elongated with no nasal barbels. Brown with about seven dark saddles extending over the head & body.MAxIMUM SIzE: 60 cm total length (Female)DISTRIBUTION: Southeast Atlantic; Namibia to Southwestern Cape Province.THREATS: Habitat destruction, inshore demersal fisheriesIUCN STATUS: Least Concern

Brown Shy Shark (Haploblepharus fuscus)No nasal barbels. Yellow-brown dorsally; small light spot along with indistinct brown saddles in some individuals.Maximum size: 73 cm total length (Female)Distribution: Southeast Atlantic: west of Cape Agulhas to southern NatalTHREATS: Habitat destruction, inshore demersal fisheriesIUCN STATUS: Vulnerable

Puffadder Shy Shark (Haploblepharus edwardsii) No nasal barbels. Sandy brown with 7 reddish-brown saddles bordered by black, & numerous small, dark brown & white spots between saddles.Maximum size: 60 cm total length (Female)THREATS: Habitat destruction, inshore demersal fisheriesIUCN STATUS: Near threatened

Leopard catshark (Poroderma pantherinum) Long nasal barbels. Highly variable color pattern of black spots, rings and lines in horizontal rows on a grey to whitish background.Maximum size: 73 cm total length (Female)THREATS: Habitat destruction, inshore fisheries.ICUN STATUS: Data deficient

Pyjama catshark (Poroderma africanum) Elongate, with long nasal barbels. Longitudinal black stripes extending along body onto head. Maximum size: 100 cm THREATS: Habitat destruction, inshore fisheriesIUCN STATUS: Near threatened

THE SASC MARINE ECOLOGY RESEARCH PROGRAMME:The SASC Marine Ecology Research Programme (MERP) encompasses various species-specific & ecology-based research projects within Walker Bay, Hermanus. Although we all have our favourite focal research species, gaining an ecological understanding of species within their habitats is crucial. As a member of the Volunteer for Sharks Programme, you will be expected to participate in all areas of research, education & outreach while at Volunteer for Sharks. Depending on the time of year you join the Volunteer for Sharks Programme, you will participate in the following components of the MERP programme:• Elasmobranch surveys;• Estuary Monitoring;• Estuarine macro-invertebrate surveys

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BAITED REMOTE UNDERWATER VIDEO (BRUV) PROJECT:motiVation for reSearch: Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) is a relatively new method used to monitor & understand seasonal habitat use, species abundance and diversity in marine ecosystems. Using standardised equipment & methods, the BRUV is a valuable tool used to attract & record organisms, including cryptic species which may be disturbed by traditional methods of research. Long term BRUV provides an efficient & reliable method of ongoing ecosystem assessment that can be used to inform fisheries & conservation management. From an educational perspective BRUV can be used as a powerful outreach tool offering the public a fascinating glimpse into the underwater world that most will never have been privy to. This unique insight can be used to foster a sense of stewardship amongst communities, encouraging responsible use of marine resources. proJect aimS & obJectiVeS: To measure species abundance, diversity & distribution across habitats and seasons in Walker BayreSearch calenDar: All year round reSearch DayS per month: Average of 4 per month but may vary.training & DutieS: As a volunteer you will be in charge of preparing & then deploying the BRUV at predefined locations in the Walker Bay area. Once retrieved, videos will be uploaded to the lab computer where it will be the duty of 2 volunteers to identify all species captured by the BRUV during deployment & enter data into the SASC BRUV database. Volunteers may be required to compile fun videos for the SASC You Tube channel for outreach & awareness purposes. bruV reSearch SpecieS: All species that enter the view of the camera are entered into the BRUV database. Common species include endemic sharks, octopus, rock lobster, teleosts and the list continues…..

ESTUARINE MACRO-INVERTEBRATE SURVEYS:motiVation for reSearch: Walker Bay has two ecologically important estuaries flowing seasonally into Walker Bay. Estuaries are critical habitats for many marine species for nursery grounds or seasonal feeding areas. Healthy estuarine ecosystems are essential to healthy marine ecosystems. The Klein River estuary, a seasonally closed estuary was until recently artificially opened due to river-side community fears of flooding. A recently developed Estuarine Management Plan has identified the artificial breaching as a risk to estuary health & the estuary is now left to open naturally. After years of anthropogenic interference, SASC is collecting baseline biodiversity & abundance indices of macro-invertebrates as the system begins to restore natural habitats. This exciting new addition (February 2015) research project is focussed on identifying critical habitats within the Klein River estuary and monitoring diversity & abundance of macro-invertebrates across these habitats. reSearch calenDar: Year round depending on safety & accessibility to estuary.reSearch DayS per month: 1 day per week (subject to seasonal & project development changes).reSearch VeSSel: 4m aluminum (“tinny”) boatintern training & DutieS: Interns will be trained & gain experience in macro-invertebrate collection techniques, environmental data collection & invertebrate identification using microscopes & species keys.

ESTUARY MONITORING:reSearch motiVation: Walker Bay has two estuarine systems that provide important habitats for many marine species during particular stages of their life histories. Cape Nature is the local environmental management for estuaries, marine protected areas and islands. As per the Memorandum of Understanding between CapeNature and SASC, environmental parameters (salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and NTU) are monitored bimonthly during spring tides using a multi-parameter sonde. Data collected is sent to the Department of Water Affairs, Cape Nature, the Department of Agriculture Forestry & Fisheries and presented to both estuarine forum meetings. The data collected is used by estuary forum members to determine whether artificial breaching of the system should occur. proJect aimS & obJectiVeS:• To strategically monitor estuarine environmental parameters of the Bot and Klein River estuaries;• To present data findings at the Bot and Klein Estuary Forums;• To contribute to the national estuarine monitoring programme;reSearch calenDar: Year round bimonthly monitoringreSearch DayS per month: 4 days per month (occasionally 6 days per month)reSearch VeSSel: Rubber duck/aluminium hull 4 meterstraining & DutieS: Volunteers assist with launching, YSI multi-sonde operation, general boat duties including anchor deployment and retrieval, data entry, boat cleaning & equipment maintenance.

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LABORATORY BASED RESEARCH:SASC is situated on the rocks of Walker Bay, an ideal location to maintain our wet laboratory equipped with three open-system tanks. In the past SASC students and interns have designed and implemented lab-based research projects. If you are a student interested in conducting a research project at SASC, please indicate your intention in the Internship Application document. Students who wish to conduct their own research must compile a research budget which may require outsourced funding. SASC will assist with securing funding where possible. The student will be responsible for funding application submission & research permit application.ongoing laboratory work which internS may be requireD to participate in:• Morphometric study of demersal endemic sharks to compare with genetic markers;• Isotope sample collection & processing for MERP• Genetic sample database & storage maintenancebelow are a few of the intereSting reSearch proJectS performeD at the SaSc Shark lab oVer the paSt few yearS: tonic immobility in DemerSal enDemic SharkS: A pilot study designed and implemented by SASC interns to determine whether tonic immobility differs between species (Scyliorhinids), maturity & sex of individuals. Guided by SASC scientists, interns were responsible for investigative literature reviews, project design, data collection processes & database management. inStrumental learning in DemerSal enDemic SharkS: Led by SASC student, Stephanie Löber as an undergraduate project, this exciting research used operant conditioning to “teach” sharks to hit a target for a food reward. The data is currently being analysed by Stephanie at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (Germany). behaVioural reSponSe anD Detection threSholDS of ScyliorhiniD SpecieS to changing geomagnetic fielDS: Piloted by SASC MSc student Matteo D’Angelo (Gothenburg University) and with assistance from the South African Space Agency, an electromagnet was designed & constructed around the laboratory tank. Matteo used the electromagnet to study changing in swimming behaviour of endemic Haploblepharus & Poroderma species with varying strengths of magnetism directed at the tank. other laboratory StuDent reSearch haS incluDeD:Age And growth of SpeArnoSe SkAteS (roStrorAjA AlbA): Sophie Edwards (Swansea University)the diet of Smoothhound ShArkS (muSteluS muSteluS): Nicola Jackson (South Hampton University)

WEEKENDS ON COMMERCIAL VESSELS:proJect aimS & obJectiVeS: Sharklady Adventures offers small exclusive shark diving trips and educational tours. This means that the trip is more informative & much more intimate. We are committed to being a responsible & eco-friendly operation. We do not interfere with the sharks and we do not pollute the environment. Sharklady Adventures complies with the strictest code of conduct and safety for our clients, our boat, & the great white sharks, as laid down by local Marine & Coastal Management. Sharklady Adventures conserve & protect the sharks and all marine life on our coastline. We are dedicated to creating awareness of Great White Sharks through education. Shark cage diving is an awesome experience from both above & below the surface. Getting close to this most magnificent apex predator leaves you feeling exhilarated to say the least. As a volunteer you will be able to experience some shark cage diving, but all our trips are weather dependant and trips for volunteers will also depend on availability.reSearch calenDar: All year roundreSearch DayS per month: 8 days per month (weather permitting)training & DutieS: Interact with clients & discuss sharks, projects, shark conservation, log individual sharks seen around the boat & identification photo’s.reSearch Vessel: Lady T


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HUSBANDRY & FACILITY MAINTENANCE:As a Volunteer you will gain experience in collecting organisms for the facility touch tank, catching small demersal sharks using snorkel gear (for educational and research purposes), elasmobranch husbandry, tank system maintenance & general duties required in the facility. Volunteers are required to perform weekly cleanups of the facility & when required.

EDUCATION & OUTREACH PROGRAMMES:Volunteer for Sharks is passionate about sharing research & conservation knowledge with the public. The laboratory is open to the public & offers tours of the facility. Tours of the facility are led by Volunteers for Sharks and staff. You will be trained by a Volunteers for Sharks staff member to deliver interesting & educational information about us, shark biology & ecology, threats to sharks & marine ecosystems etc. to visitors to the facility. Volunteers for Sharks regularly invites school groups & other community members to the facility. Volunteers are expected to contribute to outreach & education initiatives when required. Please pay attention to the below events scheduled during your program. Also note that other events & education programmes may occur without prior notification.

GREAT WHITE SHARK RESEARCH:Our great white shark research is focused on non-invasive research techniques throughout our study area. These included platform-of-opportunity visual behaviour sampling, focal follows, predator prey, interactions, ect. Our research is focused over a 200km stretch of coastline known as the Cape Whale Coast Hope Spot (CWCHS). The CWCHS was declared by Dr. Sylvia Earle - renown oceanographer & conservationist - in 2014. The area stretches from Betty’s Bay MPA to Quoin Point & is globally recognized as biodiversity hotspot & important management area. Our two primary boat launching sites are Hermanus & Kleinbaai, enabling our team to have unparalleled access to this long stretch of coastline. reSearch DayS per month: 8 sea days per month are scheduled from Hermanus & 4 sea days per month are scheduled from Kleinbaai, in addition to weekend research trips on the commercial cage diving boat.


WHAT IS THE SEASONAL ABUNDANCE & DISTRIBUTION OF WHITE SHARKS IN WALKER BAY?proJect aimS & obJectiVeS: Quantify the spatio-temporal behaviour great white sharks in Walker Bay for management & bather protection purposes.reSearch methoDS: Boat-based transect surveys, drone surveys & baited remote underwater video (BRUV).

WHAT IS THE DEGREE OF RESIDENCY & SITE FIDELITY OF WHITE SHARKS IN WALKER BAY?proJect aimS & obJectiVeS: Use mark-recapture techniques to supplement acoustic telemetry data for estimating residency & site fidelity.reSearch methoDS: Photo identification to supplement National acoustic telemetry project on great white sharks

DOES THE SEASONAL AGGREGATION OF SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALES IN WALKER BAY IMPACT WHITE SHARK OCCURRENCE & BEHAVIOUR?proJect aimS & obJectiVeS: Quantify seasonal behaviour of white sharks in Walker Bay, quantify seasonal patterns in occurrence of white sharks in Walker Bay, determine whether white shark behaviour is influenced by seasonal whale aggregations & overlay spatial use & behavioural patterns with whale data from SASCs whale survey data.reSearch methoDS: Recording & coding white shark behaviour during transect surveys, drone surveys, recording & coding of whale behaviour during transect surveys.

DOES WHITE SHARK PREDATION RISK INFLUENCE THE OCCURRENCE AND HABITAT USE OF PRIMARY PREY SPECIES?proJect aimS & obJectiVeS: Quantify habitat use patterns of primary elasmobranch prey species, overlay prey spatial use patterns with observational white shark data, combine observational white shark data with WS acoustic telemetry data to quantify spatial use patterns, model prey behaviour & habitat use as a function of white shark presence & behaviour.reSearch methoDS: Active & passive acoustic telemetry of primary prey (incl. soupfin, smoothound, spotted gully sharks, and batoids), share telemetry data with Alison Towner’s white shark telemetry data, BRUV and crittercams on prey species.

HOW DOES THE BEHAVIOUR OF WHITE SHARKS DIFFER BETWEEN CHUMMED & non-cHummed areaS?proJect aimS & obJectiVeS: Compare behaviour types of white sharks in the non-chummed area of Walker Bay to the chummed area of Dyer Island, determine if differences in behavioural strategies exist, quantify the effect of size & sex on behavioural strategies between areas. reSearch methoDS: Behavioural observations of white sharks in Walker Bay, behavioural observations of white sharks at Dyer Island and share data with Alison Towner for incorporation into her PhD thesis on white sharks.

ANNUAL EDUCATION & OUTREACH DATES:June: 40Fathoms Film Festival in celebration of World Oceans Day is held each year over a weekend. Volunteers at Volunteer for Sharks will participate in organising of opening gala event, screening of films and breaking down after the event. Volunteers may be required to secure films for the 40Fathoms Film Festival in the months leading up to the event. July: Mandela Day. An international day of service, Volunteer for Sharks & members of the public to donate 67 minutes of their time (or pick up 67 pieces of litter) in memory of Nelson Mandela. Volunteers assist with cleanups, public education, litter classification & other duties as required. September: International Coastal Cleanup Week (ICCW). Volunteer for Sharks organises & co-ordinates various cleanup initiatives in Walker Bay. Volunteers assist with organising, litter classification & data entry. october: Hermanus Whale Festival is a local celebration attracting around 100 000 tourists to the area. Volunteers for Sharks conducts hourly tours of the SASC facility including presentations, dissections & shark lab tours. Volunteers are required to assist with the set up of the facility, handing out flyers to the public, delivering educational information & other duties as required.

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AccommodationThe volunteer house is situated right next to Sharklady Adventures, which is the main hub of the business. The house is less than 100 meters from the harbour where we launch our boats on a daily basis.

The volunteer house sleeps 7 people. The spacious house contains three bedrooms, two double rooms & a dorm room. There is also a large patio, a huge living area, open plan kitchen, two showers, two toilets. Please note that there are no single rooms so please prepare yourself for same sex communal living. The communal kitchen allows volunteers to cook their own meals or to plan meals together. Volunteer for Sharks provides breakfast but you will need to please prepare it yourself. Volunteers are also welcome to make use of the barbecue facilities across the road.

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What we provide

• One night accommodation included in Cape Town pre-Monday pick up

• Monday transfer from Cape Town- Gansbaai return included

• Frequent presentations & hands on research experience

• Centrally located self-catering accommodation (Wi-Fi, cleaning)

• Full introduction to the local area & authentic South African braai

• Welcome pack (Includes cap, tee-shirts, local guide-book and a map of the area)

• Transport to shops

• Shark cage diving experience, diving equipment (ie wetsuit and mask) & boat

tour of nearby “Shark Alley” and Dyer Island

• Educational community excursions & outreach on non-sea-going days

• Assistance with arranging your own Cape Town or Garden Route tours

• Reference letters and certificates

• Breakfast, light lunches on sea-going days

• A trip to Cape Agulhas – the most southern point of Africa

(on a non sea-going day)

• A trip to Betty’s Bay to see the Stony Point penguin colony

(on a non sea-going day)

• SASC research project orientation & training;

• Work related activities & research travel;


EXCURSIONS & ACTIVITIESAssistance will be available for the arranging of excursions & activities. If you are interested in doing any other activity not listed below, we will be more than happy to arrange for you.

Please take note that these act iv i t ies can only be done on bad weather days, or you can apply for a certa in amount of leave days. P lease note that there is no formal publ ic t ransport system that runs between towns in the Overberg area. Car rental fac i l i t ies are avai lable in Hermanus, a popular town 40km from Gansbaai .

• Horseback Riding Trips • Hikes • Quad Biking • The Danger Point Lighthouse

• Cave Tours in Gansbaai • Shopping and Wine Tasting Tours in Hermanus

• Zipline Tours with Cape Canopy Tours

• Sea Kayaking in Hermanus

• Fat Bike Tours • Visit the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town

• Diving and Snorkelling in Cape Town

• Beer Tasting at the Birkenhead Brewery

• Meals – some meals/most ly d inners

• Fl ights

• Travel & medical insurance

• Visa (where required)


• Laundry – which cost R15 per kg

• Extra spending money

• Socia l t ravel & act iv i t ies

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Plan for your trip


Please be familiar with all the information in this document before you arrive at Volunteers for Sharks. To stay up to date with what’s happening at Volunteers for Sharks & SASC, please join our Facebook groups & like our Facebook pages.

A few pairs of plain shorts and work slacks to be worn with branded t-shirt on the boat

Sunscreen 30+, a wide brim hat/peak cap;

Non slips shoes such as boots, slip slops or ‘croc’ type shoes


Sunglasses & sunglass strap


All Volunteers are to bring a laptop for daily use.

You will be spending the majority of work week in the field conducting research. Pack sensible field gear that will reduce wind chill & possible out of season rainfall conditions (see: World Weather). Old jeans, tops, shoes, warm clothing, a wind breaker jacket & good waterproof clothing

Daily toiletries, equired medications sea sick tablets & insect repellent (these can be bought locally)

Please bring the following if you are able: Snorkel gear (excluding weight belt). Most divers use 7mm wetsuits in the Western Cape as water temperatures can sink to 11 °C. Also bring SCUBA/Commercial diving certification, and/or skippering licence, and/or VHF certificate.


RSA VISA REQUIREMENTS:South African law allows visitors to remain in the country for 90 days using a holiday visa. Most tourists get 90 day Tourist/Visitor visa upon entry in South Africa. We do recommend that you contact the South African Embassy or Consulate in your area to confirm you country of origins RSA visitor visa requirements. Do not leave this enquiry for too late. If you plan to travel within South Africa prior or after your internship for a period exceeding 90 days, you will have to make alternative provisions for your visa. Due to recent RSA visitor visa law changes we recommend you consult a travel agency or RSA consulate.

TRAVEL & MEDICAL INSURANCE:Travel & medical insurance is not included in the Volunteer for Sharks fee & is the responsibility of the intern. Upon arrival at Volunteer for Sharks you will be required to sign liability as well an agreement that you are knowingly partaking in potentially dangerous activities. You will not be covered for accidents or illnesses, so please purchase your own medical & health insurances. Hermanus is fully equipped with reputable medical facilities. SCUBA divers must be insured by the Divers Alert Network (DAN).

RSA VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS:The Western Cape (including Hermanus and Cape Town) are far from Malaria zones, & there are no strange African diseases which you could pick up (that is if you respect the same safety rules as anywhere else in the world). If you plan on travelling to other areas of South Africa before/after your volunteer programme you should speak to your local health practitioner to make appropriate arrangements. Please check with your local travel agency for reliable updates on disease outbreaks and recommended precautions in the RSA. There have been no diagnosed Ebola Virus cases in South Africa to date (11 March 2015).

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Work as a Volunteer

ACCEPTANCE INTO THE VOLUNTEERS FOR SHARKS PROGRAMME:If you are accepted into the Volunteers for Sharks Programme you will receive an acceptance letter from the administrator Please continue to correspond with the administrator regarding flight arrival & departure etc in the months leading up to your internships.

PROJECT ORIENTATION & VOLUNTEER TRAINING:The Volunteer for Sharks Programme Orientation is typically 2 full days of research & facility training. Although the orientation may be intensive, you will be fully aware of what our expectations of your volunteer programme are. On the first day of your programme you will be required to fill out indemnity forms, make a certified copy of your passport if the administrator has not received a copy already (in case you lose your passport) & fill out emergency contact & medical insurance details.

WORKING HOURS & DAYS OFF: Depending on research ongoing during your programme it may be required that volunteers conduct lab or field based research on weekends. Outreach, awareness & educational activities may require after hour/weekend work. If possible, Volunteers for Sharks Volunteers will have at least one day off per week, although weekends off is not unusual. Each month Volunteer for Sharks issues a Volunteer activity calendar which will give you the opportunity to plan social activities although weather conditions or arising issues may alter the calendar with short notice.

IMPORTANT VOLUNTEER FOR SHARKS RULES:The Volunteer for Sharks has a zero tolerance policy regarding illegal substance use or failure to attend work due to alcohol consumption. Failure to comply with the above will result in expulsion from the programme without refund. Volunteers who break RSA laws will not be supported in any way by Volunteers for Sharks and your next of kin will be notified to deal with any arrest or court appearances. All Volunteers will sign a house rule document on arrival.

12 geelbek Street, kleinbaai, gansbaai 7220

+27 (0) 724467688 or +27 (0) 83 746 8985

[email protected]


www.volunteerforsharks.com www.sharkconservacy.org

Volunteer for Sharks South africa










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