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INFORMATION GUIDE - SABS · INFORMATION GUIDE 2015/2016 SABS Training Academy general...

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INFORMATION GUIDE 2015/2016 SABS Training Academy general infomation.indd 1 2015/05/05 09:36:42


2015/2016 SABS Training Academy

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FOREWORDOur beloved teacher and leader of all time, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon one can use to change the world. It is the engine of personal development. Through it, a daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, a son of a miner can become the head of a mine, a child of a farmer can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make of what we have, and not what we are given, that separates one person from another”.

It is with this philosophy that we take pride in our Training Academy. As the leader in professional train-ing, we draw on our 60 years of global experience to provide effective learning and development op-portunities. We make a difference to individuals, teams and businesses, nurturing talent and enabling continuous organisational progression.

The SABS Training Academy continues to maintain its registration with the Southern African Auditor and Training Certification Authority (SAATCA) and is in the process of renewing accreditation with the Services SETA. We are registered with SAATCA (Registration number is 003) for the following Lead Au-ditingModules:

• ISO 9001:2008 • OHSAS 18001:2011 and • ISO 14001: 2004

The programmes under review with SERVICES SETA, accreditation number 3842 are as follows:-

• Quality Management Systems: Implementation and evaluation of ISO 9001:2008 –NQF level 5 with 12 Credits

• Quality Management Systems: Auditing ISO 9001:2008 –NQF level 5 with 10 Credits

We have also been granted international accreditation by FSSC to offer Food Safety System Certification (FSSC 22000) training. The SABS is currently one of only 12 training institutions in the world carrying FSSC accreditation.

As our valued customer, improving service delivery and giving you the flexibility to develop your staff with minimal disruption to your business remains a key focus of the SABS Training Academy.

We understand that most organisations can’t afford for employees to be away from the jobs for too long. To alleviate the stress of releasing candidates from the workplace for consecutive extended periods we are now offering staggered training classes with the same quality content and fees structure as the full consecutive day’s course. During this trial we will assess the market response at our main Training Acad-emy in Pretoria before we launch the staggered classes at our regional centres. All courses listed in the brochure can be presented at your premises by arrangement with SABS Train-ing Academy. This will be dependent on the number of applicants interested and submitted application forms. The minimum number of learners required to conduct this is 10. Please also visit our website at www.sabs.co.za or send any training enquiries to [email protected]

Yours truly,



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Courses will only be conducted when the following criteria are met:• A minimum requirement of 6 – 10 delegates (this is dependent on the nature of the course and relevant region or campus)• A maximum class of 20 people ( for all courses except Module 2’s)• A maximum class of 16 delegates for Module 2’s Lead Auditor Programmes

Based on the above, please note that dates published may change. Written notification will be sent to relevant emails indicated on the registration forms advising of date changes, postponements or cancel-lations.

Courses will be presented in English only. Special needs will, however be considered in line with our language policy, especially in cases where in-house courses are presented. 100% ATTENDANCE IS A RE-QUIREMENT ON ALL OUR COURSES.

Courses are presented using a variety of training methods and techniques, and these include lectures, videos, assignments, handbooks and exercises. Group participation is encouraged throughout, as it en-hances the learning experience. Learners are continuously evaluated throughout the learning program.


The REGISTRATION form is attached at the back of each calendar and should be completed and faxed together with :1. Copy of Delegates Identity2. Purchase Order (if you hold a valid account with the SABS)3. Completed AA88 account application form (if you do not hold a valid account with the SABS) to 012

428 6623; alternatively, this can be scanned and e-mailed to the following addresses based on disci-pline being registered for:

• Quality Management Courses : [email protected]• Energy, Environment and Occupational Safety Courses : [email protected]• Food and General Courses : [email protected]

Upon receipt of the above, The Training Academy will

5. Verify account status ( if you are an account holder)6. Supply proformer (if cash payment is required). NB proof of payment is required to secure seat.

• Upon account verification / receipt of proof of payment, an email notification will be sent to appli-cant notifying them of seat confirmation within 2 – 4 working days prior to scheduled course date.

VERY IMPORTANT: • Quotations for group bookings of more than 3 delegates per organisation is subject to discounts.• For group quotations kindly email request to the relevant emails supplied under contact details• Application forms should reach the Training Academy 20 working days prior to the commencement

of the course to allow for the above verification process .• Your seat is not guaranteed until an email notification is received

Therefore it is extremely important that the email for the delegates are properly and clearly indicated on the registration form. If registration forms are completed on behalf of delegates, kindly indicate where notifications of seat confirmations should be sent.


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PAYMENT AND FEES Please note that the SABS has implemented a Credit Management Procedure to manage the credit risk we were previously exposed to. This requires that all customers applying for our training courses without an existing account (i.e. a credit account or cash account) with the SABS will be required to complete an account application form, AA88. (refer above)It ensures that all customers are billed on their own unique customer account number that will be or has been created in the SABS accounts system.

Should you or your company NOT have an account with the SABS, please ensure that your Training Course Application form is accompanied by the completed Account Application form (AA88).

All Credit Account holders will be expected to generate and send us a legitimate Purchase Order on their company’s official letterhead and signed by their company’s authorised personnel.

All Cash account holders will have to send us proof of payment a week before the training commences.

Note: All course fees are charged per person and per module [i.e. module 1 (Understanding and Implementation) is charged separately from module 2 (Lead Auditor)]

Refer to relevant course calendar ( QMS / OHSAS/ EMS & Energy Management / FOOD / General ) for course fees and further details.

Course fees are payable in full and in advance. Failure to provide proof of payment will lead to the learner being refused entry to the course. Proof of payment must be submitted to the Course Administrator 5 working days prior to attendance of class.

A discount could be negotiated where 3 or more learners from the same organisation, attending the same course, at the same time and are all paid for on the same date from the same account. (Not applicable to In-house courses, where a separate quote will be issued for the presentation of that course.)

A Tax Invoice can only be provided upon receipt of an authorised purchase order number (if the organi-sation has an account with SABS) and for Cash customers, it will be provided upon receipt of a proof of payment.


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POSTPONEMENT and CANCELLATIONS All cancellations and postponements of confirmed bookings must be received in writing at least 5 working days prior to the commencement of the course. If not, for postponement, a 10% of course fees shall be payable and for cancellation a 25% of course fees shall be payable.Should a learner not attend a course without providing prior notification of cancellation or postponement, then the full course fee will be payable.

Note: The SABS Training Academy reserves the right to cancel any course, but undertakes to inform all affected learners as early as possible regarding such cancellations. The only reason that a course would be cancelled and/or postponed is due to insufficient number of learners.

TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATIONLearners are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements. As per request, we can assist by supplying contact numbers of guesthouses, hotels or bed and breakfast establishments in the vicinity but the SABS will not be held liable if conditions of these places do not meet your expectations.

COURSE EXEMPTIONSWhere a course consists of more than one module, it is COMPULSORY that the modules be done in se-quence (i.e. Module 1 first and then Module 2) or alternatively if the learner has completed the module 1 with a different institution, he/she can apply for an exemption. The exemption would require a leaner to submit the following for evaluation at the SABS Academy:• Proof of attending the Understanding and Implementation Programme for the relevant Code Of

Practice i.e ( ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 or OHSAS 18001)• Proof that the course duration was a minimum of two days culminating with an examination• Proof of successful completion certificate with marks attained • Proof of accreditation status of the service provider and recognition by the South African Auditor and

Training Certification Authority ( SAATCA)

Should the above elements be satisfactorily provided, the delegate may be exempt from attending or be-ing subjected to the Module 1 examination and may gain direct entry into Module 2.

Should one or more of the above elements be lacking , the delegate may be subjected to a writ-ten Module 1 examination at the SABS Training Academy at a cost of R500-00. Upon successful completion with minimum score of 60% , the delegate can gain entry into Module 2.

This decision remains at the discretion of the discipline experts and Training Manager from the review of proof and documentation submitted.

Note: For ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007, the legal courses are strongly advised for better understanding of the legislation and by-laws governing the afore-mentioned courses. These will become compulsory for learners seeking the SAATCA certification.)

It is also advised that clients with no quality management background or experience attend the Intro-duction Courses to gain some ground on the subject matter prior to attending the Module 1 courses


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CERTIFICATION AND RE-WRITE PROCESS100% attendance is compulsory from each learner for certification purposes.Where examinations are required, the following rules will apply:The pass mark for all courses is 60% for a SABS Successful Completion Certificate, except the lead Audi-tor Module 2 courses. For Lead Auditor Module 2 courses where SAATCA certification is sought, a pass mark of 70% is required.

Should a delegate attain 60% - 69%, they will be awarded with a “Non SAATCA” approved SABS successful completion certificate, however this will not facilitate registration with SAATCA as a third party auditor.Should a learner achieve between 50% - 59%, one re-write of the examination will be allowed within a 4-month Period from the date of the initial examination at no charge. Should a learner request a re-write beyond the 4 months Period, a cost of R500 will be payable. This is only allowed within the year of attendance, otherwise learners will be required to re-attend the entire course at the regular fee.If a learner achieves less than 50% for the specific module or course, no re-write will be allowed. He/she will be required to re-attend the course at own cost prior to the next exam attempt. Where no examinations are required, certificates of attendance will be issued.

CERTIFICATES WILL NO LONGER BE SUPPLIED IN HARD COPY OR POSTED.In an attempt to improve our lead times and remain technologically innovative, we will be launching the new electronically generated certification process as of April 2015. This electronic version will be perpet-ually available (Life Long), to all candidates trained at our academy through the retention of these records in individual vaults created per delegate. The delegate will receive the access codes via mail and sms and these certificates will remain therein for easy, secure accessibility at all times. Should hard copies be re-quired, and upon written request, the academy will provide this at a charge of R150-00 per printed copy.

ISSUE/RE - ISSUE OF CERTIFICATESCertificates will be issued within 3 months of completion of training, provided all necessary requirements have been fulfilled, including payments. All re-issue requests done after the stipulated period or a year after the training was conducted will be at a cost of R500 per certificate and proof will be required of successful completion.NOTE: In all cases where certificates have been issued and posted, and a delegate /organization is in possession of the advised tracking number, it remains the responsibility of the delegate to ensure that the certificate is received. The Training Academy cannot carry the responsibility of keeping certificates which have either not been collected by the delegates themselves OR claims are made of non-receipt.

IN-HOUSE PRESENTATION OF COURSESAn in-house presentation means, a trainer representing SABS is sent to the customer’s site or their pre-ferred venue at the customer’s cost to conduct the requested training. All SABS Training Academy cours-es can be presented as In-house training courses. These training courses can be customized to suit the customer’s requirements.

Only written requests for In-house training will be accepted. A quotation will then be sent. Upon receipt of a signed quotation from a customer, accompanied by the proposed training dates (3 options at least), the training confirmation will be sent upon the receipt of the documented purchase order number. This should be on the company letter-heads (if they have an account with SABS) alternatively, they may apply for a credit or cash account by completing the AA88 form.

Note: In-house courses will be presented to maximum of 20 learners per session. Pricing : In-house training may be presented to groups of less than 10 delegates however a minimum charge of 10 delegates will be applicable. Part thereof charges will apply for all delegates exceeding 10 up to a maximum of 20 per session.

To facilitate professional service, efficient planning and supply of competitive quotation, a customer is requested to provide notification of where the training will be presented and a number of People to be quoted on. Remember, the minimum number required to conduct an in-house training is 10.

The customer or organisation will be responsible for providing a suitable training room with audio-visual equipment and all necessary training tools (including projectors, flip charts etc.) as well as refreshments and any amenities they see fit.


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For additional course information and quotes for group bookings contact relevant departments:

1. Quality Management: [email protected]

2. Environment, Occupational Health & Energy Management : [email protected]

3. Food Management and General Course Offerings: [email protected]

For on-site and specially arranged project bookings,

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +27 (0) 12 428-6334

Training Coordinators (For Queries)Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 – 6877 (Training Centre Main Reception Pretoria)Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 – 6568 (QMS Courses)Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 – 6761 (EMS / OHSAS and Energy Management Courses)Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 – 6190 (Food and General Courses)

Training Academy General Manager Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6243

Call CentreTel: 0861-277-227

Website: www.sabs.co.za


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