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Information Infrastructure to support interdisciplinary environmental studies of Siberia E. P....

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Information Infrastructure to Information Infrastructure to support interdisciplinary support interdisciplinary environmental studies of Siberia environmental studies of Siberia E. P. Gordov E. P. Gordov Siberian Center for Environmental research and Training and Siberian Center for Environmental research and Training and Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS RAS A.M. Fedotov A.M. Fedotov Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS N.A. Kolchanov N.A. Kolchanov Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS

Information Infrastructure to support Information Infrastructure to support interdisciplinary environmental interdisciplinary environmental studies of Siberiastudies of Siberia

E. P. GordovE. P. GordovSiberian Center for Environmental research and Training and Siberian Center for Environmental research and Training and Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RASInstitute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS

A.M. FedotovA.M. FedotovInstitute of Computational Technologies SB RASInstitute of Computational Technologies SB RAS

N.A. KolchanovN.A. KolchanovInstitute of Cytology and Genetics SB RASInstitute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS

Siberia environment reaction on Global Change as well as its possible influence on operation of the whole Earth system is one of hot topics nowadays.

A number of national and international projects devoted to different aspects of this theme are performed now. These projects involve multidisciplinary teams located in different geographic places. Significant input into understanding of dynamics of Siberia environment is getting from Interdisciplinary integrated projects funded by SB RAS.

Both basic and applied environmental researches in this area require and produce a lot of environmental data and badly need in their handling. Till now not all of gathered data are properly structured and organized. Also an access to this kind of data is not formalized yet. That is why recently SB RAS has initiated development of consisted environmental data policy.

In this paper we describe the state of the art with environmental information resources in SB RAS with special emphasis on developed information system on biodiversity (http://www-sbras.nsc.ru/win/elbib/bio/ ) and web portal on atmospheric and environmental sciences ATMOS (http://atmos.iao.ru/ and http://atmos.scert.ru/ ) and provide details on the adopted strategy and the first steps chosen for its execution realization.

In particular the dedicated centers aimed at support, handling and dissemination of thematic environmental data and chosen to this end IT tools will be presented as well as plans for development of relevant metadata databases.


1. Scientific and IT background

2. The state of the art

3. SB RAS information resources (examples)

Electronic atlas “Biodiversity”

Web portal on environmental sciences ATMOS

SB RAS virtual museum of science and tecnology

Web site of the Siberia Geosphere-Biosphere Program

4. SB RAS concept on environmental data handling, storage and access

5. Dedicated environmental data Centers


1.Scientific and IT background

Environmental Sciences and IT

Environmental sciences are becoming quantitative sciences now

Three direction:

New instrumentation

Physical/Mathematical/Numerical modeling

Structuring and organization of available information into information and information-computational systems

Computational and informational technologies are instrument for environment researches and form their infrastructure

a new global infrastructurea new global infrastructure

the Grid is an emergent infrastructure to deliver the Grid is an emergent infrastructure to deliver dependable, pervasive and uniform access to globally dependable, pervasive and uniform access to globally distributed, dynamic and heterogeneous resourcesdistributed, dynamic and heterogeneous resources

problems of scalability, interoperability, fault problems of scalability, interoperability, fault tolerance, resource management and securitytolerance, resource management and security

sensor nets

data archives





information on demand - like power from a socketinformation on demand - like power from a socket information on demand - like power from a socketinformation on demand - like power from a socket

The GridThe GridThe Semantic WebThe Semantic Web

““Resource sharing & coordinated problem solving Resource sharing & coordinated problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations”organizations”

Интернет технологии


•Semantic Web

sensor nets

data archives





IT background

• Alaska Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Facility (ASF) DAAC Polar processes and SAR products

• EROS Data Center (EDC) Land Processes DAAC Land processes • Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) DAAC Upper atmosphere, global biosphere, atmospheric dynamics, and geophysics

• Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) DAAC Physical Oceanography(PO-DAAC) Physical oceanography

• Langley Research Center (LaRC) DAAC Radiation budget, tropospheric chemistry, clouds,

and aerosols • National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) DAAC Snow and ice, cryosphere (non-SAR) and climate


The state of the art

Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment (AAOE-87) , Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition (AASE), Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition II (AASE II), Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Experiment (ASHOE), Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR-I) , Atmospheric Chemistry studies in the Ocean Environment (ACSOE) , Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection (CIDC) , ….


Community Data Portal (CDP)

Earth System GridEarth System Grid


Географическое расположение и сферы ответственности организаций в проекте ESG- 1 1

The state of the art in SB RAS

There are examples of matured environmental There are examples of matured environmental Information systems.Information systems.There is involvement into large Projects on There is involvement into large Projects on development of distributed information and development of distributed information and computational environmentcomputational environment ( (Meta-Meta-DataGrid, DataGrid, GLORIADGLORIAD),),

HOWEVERHOWEVER “Privatization” of data by groups of


Old traditions and technologies of data storage and lack of legal norms for data exchange.

Electronic atlas “Biodiversity”

Web portal on environmental sciences ATMOS

SB RAS virtual museum of science and tecnology

Web site of the Siberia Geosphere-Biosphere Program

SB RAS information resources (examples)

Electronic atlas “Biodiversity”

Dynamic system of electronic


Information structure (metadata) of document in the e-library “Vegetation communities of Northern Eurasia”

Название типаНазвание типа Название типа растительностиНазвание типа растительности

Название классаНазвание класса Название класса растительностиНазвание класса растительности

Эколого-географическое название Эколого-географическое название единицыединицы Название единицы, содержащее признаки экологии и географииНазвание единицы, содержащее признаки экологии и географии

СинонимикаСинонимика Известные синонимы данного типаИзвестные синонимы данного типа

ПорядкиПорядки Подчиненные синтаксономические единицыПодчиненные синтаксономические единицы

Характерные виды классаХарактерные виды классаВиды ответственные за диагноз данной единицы, связь с базой данных Виды ответственные за диагноз данной единицы, связь с базой данных “Электронный каталог растений Сибири”“Электронный каталог растений Сибири”Дифференциальные видыДифференциальные виды

Диагностические видыДиагностические виды

Установленный географический ареалУстановленный географический ареал Текстовое описание установленного ареала единицыТекстовое описание установленного ареала единицы

Карта-схема ареалаКарта-схема ареала Связь с базой данных ареалов растительных сообществСвязь с базой данных ареалов растительных сообществ

Экологическая характеристикаЭкологическая характеристика Текстовая характеристика местообитания сообществаТекстовая характеристика местообитания сообщества

Климатические особенностиКлиматические особенности Текстовая характеристика климата на ареале сообществаТекстовая характеристика климата на ареале сообщества

Поясно-зональная приуроченность и Поясно-зональная приуроченность и условия экотоповусловия экотопов Приуроченность сообщества к определенной зоне, подзоне, поясуПриуроченность сообщества к определенной зоне, подзоне, поясу

Фитоценотическая характеристикаФитоценотическая характеристика Поле-заголовокПоле-заголовок

Характеристика древесного ярусаХарактеристика древесного яруса Текстовая характеристика древесного ярусаТекстовая характеристика древесного яруса

Особенности древесного ярусаОсобенности древесного яруса Связь с таблицей таксационных показателейСвязь с таблицей таксационных показателей

Характеристика кустарникового ярусаХарактеристика кустарникового яруса Текстовая характеристика кустарникового ярусаТекстовая характеристика кустарникового яруса

Характеристика травяного ярусаХарактеристика травяного яруса Текстовая характеристика травяного ярусаТекстовая характеристика травяного яруса

Характеристика мохового ярусаХарактеристика мохового яруса Текстовая характеристика мохового ярусаТекстовая характеристика мохового яруса

Сукцессионные связиСукцессионные связи Текстовая характеристика особенностей динамики сообществаТекстовая характеристика особенностей динамики сообщества

Особенности состава ценофлорыОсобенности состава ценофлоры Связь с базой данных показателей флористического разнообразияСвязь с базой данных показателей флористического разнообразия

Природоохранная информацияПриродоохранная информация Связь с базой данных природоохранной значимости сообществСвязь с базой данных природоохранной значимости сообществ

Литературные источники по Литературные источники по синтаксономиисинтаксономии Связь с базой данных литературных источниковСвязь с базой данных литературных источников

АвторАвтор Связь в базой данных авторов документов электронной библиотеки Связь в базой данных авторов документов электронной библиотеки

Class nameClass name

Diagnistical typesDiagnistical types

Map of arealMap of areal

ATMOS starting page

Web portal on environmental sciences ATMOS

Gelio-Geophysical Measuring Data in Siberia http://solter.atmos.iao.ru

Gelio-Geophysical Measuring Data in Siberia http://solter.atmos.iao.ru

Atmospheric Chemistryhttp://atchem.atmos.iao.ru

Dynamics of the ozone concentration

Phase portrait of the Chapman cycle

Atmospheric Radiationhttp://atrad.atmos.iao.ru

Atmospheric spectroscopy  http://saga.atmos.iao.ru

CO2 absorption coefficient in 4,3 mkm domain

Atmospheric Dynamics http://climate.atmos.iao.ruGCM INM RAS, Parallel version, grid: 2° (lat.) x 2,5 ° (long.),

to calculate 3 model months 20 nodes cluster needs in 24 hours.

SB RAS virtual museum of science and tecnology

Distributed system of metadata exchange to support Distributed system of metadata exchange to support access to documents on SB RAS historyaccess to documents on SB RAS history

Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and YakutskNovosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and YakutskSB RAS Scientific CentersSB RAS Scientific Centers

Web site of the Siberia Geosphere-Biosphere Program

Activity of 20 research organizations within the Project is coordinated via the project site (http://sgbp.scert.ru)

Access to metadata on results of measurements/observationsIs developing now.


The project intranet as a tool for data and information resources sharing









ИркутскИркутскУлан-УдеУлан-Уде ЧитаЧита

Russian Academy of SciencesRussian Academy of SciencesSiberian BranchSiberian Branch

Telecommunication infrastructure of SB RASTelecommunication infrastructure of SB RAS


Moscow-RASMoscow-RAS45 45 MbpsMbps

SB RAS LAN2-10 Mbps

Rostelecom and TransTelecom channels are rented

Центр сети СО РАН

Akademgorodok1 Gbps backbone

LANs of Institutes


LAN for supercomputers



SB RAMS and SB RAAS SSC “Vector”»

Logical structure

SB RAS Scientific Centers


To develop of corporative information-computational system as distributed information infrastructure (instrument) of regional environment study

To elaborate relevant standards for data formats, storage and access

The system should be accessible via Internet and be open for SB RAS researchers, providing them with environmental data, models and relevant information resources

It should be integrated into national and international environmental information resources.

SB RAS concept on environmental data handling, storage and access

SB RAS Designated Data Centres

It is planned that SB RAS delegates responsibility for its environmental data, and implementation of its data policies, to seven Designated Data Centres as follows

1. Climate data center/Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Tomsk

(Data and resources on atmosphere and land cover)2. GIS Center/Joint Institute Geology, Geophysics

and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk(Geo-information resources and data) 3. Biodiversity data center/ Institute of Cytology

and Genetics, Novosibirsk(Data and resources on biodiversity)

4. Remote sensing data center/ Institute of Forest, Krasnoyarsk

(Satellite remote sensing data and resources) 5. Geomagnetic data center/ Institute of Solar-

Terrestrial Physics, Irkutsk(Data and resources on geomagnetic characteristics and

solar-terrestrial relationship)6. Hydrology data center/ Institute of Water and

Ecology Problems, Barnaul(Data and resources on regional hydrology)7. Criology data center / Institute of Criolisphere,

Tyumen(Data and resources on permafrost and Arctic)


Being adopted the SB RAS Concept might be used as backbone for SIRS
