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Date post: 19-Nov-2021
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WEATHERFORD, TX 76086 817-596-9585

Fr. Michael O’Sullivan, SCA, Pastor

[email protected]

Fr. Emmet O’Hara, SCA,

Associate Pastor

[email protected]

Diacono Carlos Frías,


Deacon Steve Dixon,

[email protected]

Emmafae Lemons,

Director of Youth Ministry

[email protected]

Lilia Arevalo,

Safe Environment Coordinator

[email protected]

Ron Westendorf, Business Manager

[email protected]

Dorothy Mendolia, Admin. Assistant

[email protected]

St. Stephen Website:


Saturday, October 16th

5 PM (English)

Deceased members of the parish

Sunday, October 17th

8 AM (English)

Bronsilav & Alice Czuwit, RIP

10:45 AM (English)

People of Our Parish

12:30 PM (Spanish)

Gente de nuestra parroquia

Tuesday, October 19th

For the catechists and volunteers

of our parish

Wednesday, October 20th

For the Pallottine Fathers

Thursday, October 21st

For the respect of life from

conception to natural death

Friday, October 22nd

For twins, Robert & Rose Conner


Saturday, October 23rd

5 PM (English)

Patricia (Pat) Tracey, RIP

Pat Kos, RIP

Sunday, October 24th

8 AM (English)

People of Our Parish

10:45 AM (English)

Candice Allen, Sp. Int.

Mary Katherine Velleca, RIP

12:30 PM (Spanish)

Gente de nuestra parroquia

Temporary Church Office Hours

Monday thru Friday: 9 AM—Noon Daily Mass Schedule

Tuesday—Friday at 9:00 AM

Daily Masses are live streamed

All are welcome to Eucharistic

Adoration from 6:00—7:00 PM on

Mondays and Thursdays

in the Church

October 9-10

Online: $11,875.31

Regular: $12,145.77

Total Contributions:


Parish Giving

60 Plus Luncheon

October 27, Mass at 11am.

Covered dish luncheon

immediately following Mass.

Bring your favorite dish, enjoy

lunch and afternoon of good

food, good friends and just

swope stories of good times.

Medical Mission

Trip to Uganda

Invites You to

Join the Mission

by Prayer and


Please help send a team of 12

students from Benedictine College to

Nkumba Village, Uganda to serve the

community with medical clinics,

supplies, and prayer! As a team we

need $39,000 to be able to arrive,

serve, and return home. The link to

donate directly is below. For cash or

check donations, you may contact me

directly, or donations can be received

after Mass.

We are also in need of medical

supplies; please see the list below for

the items requested by the Ugandan

community. Any medical supply

donations can be sent to my school

address, or hand delivered to the local

address below.

Link to donate: https://





Supplies Needed:

• Toothbrushes and pastes

• Gauze pads, gloves, tape, coban -

any wound care supplies

• Triple antibiotic cream

• Vitamin A

• Iron Supplements

• Antifungal cream

• Deworming

• Soap

• Vitamin E / scar cream

• Fiber source

• Tylenol

• Vaseline

• Prenatal vitamins

• Acne medication

• Tums

• Glucometer

Contact: Theresa Ruflin at

817-658-9398 or

[email protected]

School Address: 1126 N. 3rd St.

Atchison, KS 66002

Local Address: 101 Redtail Hawk

Dr. Aledo, TX 76008

Local Contact: Tammy Ruflin


Bulletin Notices- Deadline is noon

Wednesday the week prior to the

bulletin date. Please use the electronic

bulletin submission form located on the

church website. Email your bulletin

submission forms to:

[email protected]

Mass Intentions– Contact the office to

have a Mass dedicated to a friend or

loved one. Suggested donation is $10.

Quinceañera- Six-month notice

required - young lady must be

attending Religious Education classes

and Mass regularly. Contact Lilia

Arevalo at [email protected].

Quinceañera- Se requiere un aviso de

seis meses: la joven debe asistir a

clases de Educación Religiosa y a misa

regularmente. Para mas información

favor de contactar a Lilia Arevalo al

[email protected].

Prayer Chain Coordinators

Ann Allen 817-594-8637

Paula Allen 817-597-4522

Prayer Shawl Ministry- For information

about how you can get involved in this

ministry by either making the shawls or

donating supplies contact Francie

Tucker at 972-841-4807 or

[email protected].

Ministry of Care Team- Please contact

the office if you have a family member

or friend who is homebound, in a

nursing home, or rehab center and

would like a visit from a member of our

team. We offer prayer and Holy

Communion on a weekly basis to those

in our Catholic community who request

sacramental services. For more info call

the office at 817-596-9585.

RCIA- For information about how to

become Catholic or the Catholic faith,

contact Deacon Steve Dixon at



Bulletin Date

Noon Bulletin



10/31/21 10/20/21

11/7/21 10/27/21

11/14/21 11/3/21

Information on

Live Streamed Masses

Masses will be live streamed from the

parish Facebook page.

Go to saintstephencc.org The Mass–Live Stream tab is at the

top of the home page.

Once inside click the Facebook link,

the live streamed Mass will appear.

Previously recorded Masses are on the


The option is below the Facebook link.

Live Stream Mass Schedule

Tuesday thru Friday—9:00 AM

Sunday—10:45 AM

Domingo a las—12:30 PM

Protocols For Attending Mass in Person

•If sick or exhibiting symptoms of any illness, stay home.

•Masks are highly encouraged at all Masses and in the Holy Spirit Center and other church events and activities.

•Sanitize hands before entering the church and respect social distancing of 3 feet.

•Holy Communion will be received in the hand. If you want to receive on the tongue, you must be in Fr. Mike's line after those who received by hand.

Reconciliation Tues—Fri: 8:30—9:00 AM

Sat: 3:30—4:30 PM

*Please practice social


Masks and face coverings

are highly encouraged.

Schedule is also located

on saintstephencc.org

The Society of St. Vincent

De Paul Conference is

ready to help friends in

need in

Weatherford. The

Society offers assistance to those who

have fallen on times of hardship or

personal crisis. We can assist with

basic necessities such as utilities and

rent. If in need of help please call our

warm line at 682-803-0713 leave a

message. Your call will be returned as

soon as possible.

La sociedad de San Vicente de Paul

esta lista para servir a las personas

mas necesitadas aquí en

Weatherford. La sociedad ofrece

asistencia a todas aquellas personas

que por algún motivo u otro

están pasando por momentos

difíciles. Nosotros podemos ayudarle

a pagar la luz o agua o renta. Si

necesita ayuda, favor de llamar al

teléfono 682-803-0713, favor de

dejar mensaje y nosotros le

devolveremos la llamada lo antes


Trunk o Treat

Queridos Padres de familia, ¡Con un corazón agradecido damos inicio a este año de doctrina 2021-2022!

¡Padre Mike quiere que los estudiantes y padres tengan un año inolvidable! Muy pronto se aproxima el 1 de noviembre, Dia de los Santos. Así que estaremos

celebrando el Dia de los Santos el 31 de oct, con el evento llamado “Trunk or Treat.” Esto se llevará a cabo después de la misa dominical de las 12:30.

Este evento requiere la participación de cada familia. Si deciden participar van a decorar la cajuela de su vehículo con detalles e información sobre el santo de su

preferencia. Se invita que todos se vistan como un santo. También se les invita a los estudiantes que se vistan como un santo ese día de

doctrina. Todos los niños disfrazados participaran en el desfile de todos los Santos al entrar a la Iglesia.

Los requisitos para participar en el Trunk or Treat son:

• Por favor regístrense antes del 24 de octubre. Entregando su forma adjunta con esta carta a sus catequistas. • Solamente utilicen disfraces correspondientes a su tema. Por favor no usen disfraces afuera del tema de los

Santos. ¡Habrá caramelos y golosinas para los niños y premios para los mejores vestidos y los que tengan las cajuelas más creativas! ¡Este es un evento familiar y esperamos verlos ahí! Tendremos más información sobre este evento en

unas cuantas semanas.

¡Gracias y Bendiciones! Atentamente Párroco, Coordinadora y mentores.

Trunk or Treat

Dear Parents, With a grateful heart we begin this year of doctrine 2021-2022! Father Mike wants

students and parents to have an unforgettable year! Very soon, November 1, All Saints Day, is approaching. So we will be celebrating All Saints Day on Oct 31, with the event called "Trunk or Treat." This will take place

after Sunday Mass at 12:30 pm. This event requires the participation of each family. If they decide to participate, they will decorate the trunk of their vehicle with details and information about the

saint of their choice. Everyone is invited to dress like a saint.

Students are also invited to dress up as a saint on that day. All costumed children will participate in the All Saints parade upon entering the Church.

The requirements to participate in the Trunk or Treat are:

• Please register before October 24th. Delivering your enclosed form with this letter to your catechists.

• Only wear costumes corresponding to your theme. Please do not wear costumes outside of the Saints theme.

There will be candy and treats for the kids and prizes for the best dressed and those with the most creative boxes! This is a family event and we look forward to seeing you there! We will have more information on this

event in a few weeks.

Thanks and blessings! Yours sincerely Pastor, Coordinator and mentors.

Registración para el Trunk or Treat Nombre de familia____________________________________________________________ # de Personas participando _____________________________________________________ Grado(s) de los estudiantes: ____________________________________________________ Número de teléfono: __________________________________________________________

Regsitration for Trunk or Treat Family Name____________________________________________________________ # People participating _____________________________________________________ Grade(s) of the students: ____________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________

Volunteers Needed to Serve

St. Stephen will be serving lunch at the Center of Hope on:

Monday October 25th, Tuesday October 26th, & Wednesday October 27th, from 9:00-2:30 p.m.

Volunteers and desserts are needed for these dates. Please sign up after mass.

Donations are appreciated to cover the expense of meals.

You may also contact Diane Garcia 817-929-6184 or Joe Garcia 817-228-4993.

We are very grateful that this ministry exists from the generosity of time and talents due to the

parishioners of St. Stephen.

All Volunteers must be in compliance with "Protecting God's Children"


Center of Hope Christmas Baskets

The Center of Hope has asked St. Stephen's to supply 700 packages of Fried Onions this year for the

Christmas Baskets. The container bins will be placed on each side of the front doors. We will collect the

Fried Onions October 16th thru November 7th.

Save the Date Saturday December 18th! The Center of Hope Christmas Basket give away is Saturday

December 18th. Location will be at the Center of Hope. Volunteers are needed to hand out items. More

information to come. Volunteers must be 18 or older, no children.

Thank you for you generosity and support.

Information contact Diane Garcia 817-929-6184

Created by Knights of Columbus

17 de octubre de 2021 29o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

El itinerario de Jesús sigue y sigue preparando a sus discípulos para los

eventos futuros. Sin embargo, ellos tienen aún una forma muy diferente

de pensamiento de lo que Jesús quiere de ellos. Hasta el grado de que

Santiago y Juan piden los primeros puestos cuando Jesús llegue a su

reino. ¡Que muchachos tan listos! Antes que nadie se les adelante ellos

preguntan. La respuesta de Jesús ante tal petición es la siguiente:

“¿Pueden beber la copa que yo estoy bebiendo o ser bautizados como

yo soy bautizado?” (Mateo 10:38). A razón de

esta pregunta, Jesús les vuelve a repetir que él no

camina hacia el triunfo sino a hacia la muerte.

Pero, ellos seguían sin comprender tan

importante mensaje.

Señor, ten misericordia de nosotros y de nuestras

pretensiones de poder, de dinero y de triunfo. Es lógico que todos

queramos los primeros puestos, erróneamente en muchas ocasiones, y

por eso luchamos en esta vida, sin importar a quien aplastamos o

dejamos atrás. Por esa razón, Jesús explica por qué ha venido al

mundo. “Sepan que el Hijo del Hombre no ha venido para ser servido,

sino para servir y dar su vida como rescate por una

muchedumbre” (Marcos 10:45). ¿Crees tú que ahora sí se comprende

el mensaje? ¿Crees que con todo lo que se ha vivido durante la

pandemia, aun se busquen los primeros puestos? Pidamos, al Señor,

que se aparte de nuestro diario vivir la envidia, el egoísmo, el odio y el

racismo. Que al participar en la Eucaristía nos demos cuenta que todos

somos iguales y que todos ocuparemos un puesto importante en su

Reino. Created by CDA

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