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Infotility Automated Demand Response for Network Operators of AutoDR... · 2019-06-05 · Automated...

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Description of AutoDR for Network Operators - Use Case v3_RB bdg 1 Printed 9/27/2012 Automated Demand Response for Network Operators 1 Description of AutoDR for Network Operators While an important capability for enhancing distribution network reliability, most Network Operators (NO)do not have the ability to identify, quantify, activate and monitor and track demand response resources. The NO interface of the Demand Response Control Center (DRCC) offers NO’s this ability by allowing them to search for curtailment opportunities within targeted portions of their network and deploy automated curtailment via the DRCC. These curtailments offer a near 1 probability of execution, and allow the NO to verify that the commands have been received and that the curtailments are being executed. 1.1 Narrative The automated Demand Response (DR) functionality for NO’s alludes to the ability of a utility’s distribution system to, upon identifying existing and impending contingencies, identify automated demand reduction opportunities within specifically targeted pockets of the distribution system. Furthermore, via the DRCC, these resources can be filtered and quantified in real-time in advance of deployment, then selected and deployed by the NO, subsequently monitored and eventually terminated. Such an application contains multiple views that correspond to three distinct users of the application: The NO, the Demand Response Operator (DRO) and the Facility Manager (FM). In brief, the NO, having identified a problem, selects, deploys and tracks the curtailment resources, eventually ceasing the curtailment when the network problem has been effectively mitigated. The DRO monitors the curtailment requests for his or her entire portfolio, and monitors to ensure compliance. Lastly, the FM approves or rejects curtailment requests and monitors the curtailments for specific buildings. 1.2 Actor (Stakeholder) Roles Grouping (Community) Group Description Utility Actor Name Actor Type (person, device, system etc.) Actor Description Network Operator Person Manages the operations of the distribution grid. Based on information
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Description of AutoDR for Network Operators - Use Case v3_RB bdg 1

Printed 9/27/2012

Automated Demand Response for Network Operators

1 Description of AutoDR for Network Operators While an important capability for enhancing distribution network reliability, most Network Operators (NO)do not have the ability to identify, quantify, activate and monitor and track demand response resources. The NO interface of the Demand Response Control Center (DRCC) offers NO’s this ability by allowing them to search for curtailment opportunities within targeted portions of their network and deploy automated curtailment via the DRCC. These curtailments offer a near 1 probability of execution, and allow the NO to verify that the commands have been received and that the curtailments are being executed.

1.1 Narrative The automated Demand Response (DR) functionality for NO’s alludes to the ability of a utility’s distribution system to, upon identifying existing and impending contingencies, identify automated demand reduction opportunities within specifically targeted pockets of the distribution system. Furthermore, via the DRCC, these resources can be filtered and quantified in real-time in advance of deployment, then selected and deployed by the NO, subsequently monitored and eventually terminated. Such an application contains multiple views that correspond to three distinct users of the application: The NO, the Demand Response Operator (DRO) and the Facility Manager (FM). In brief, the NO, having identified a problem, selects, deploys and tracks the curtailment resources, eventually ceasing the curtailment when the network problem has been effectively mitigated. The DRO monitors the curtailment requests for his or her entire portfolio, and monitors to ensure compliance. Lastly, the FM approves or rejects curtailment requests and monitors the curtailments for specific buildings.

1.2 Actor (Stakeholder) Roles Grouping (Community) Group Description


Actor Name Actor Type (person, device, system etc.)

Actor Description

Network Operator Person Manages the operations of the distribution grid. Based on information

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Printed 9/27/2012

(NO) concerning network contingencies, the Network Operator would search for available, curtailable resources in a targeted area. Once identified, he or she can dispatch those resources through the Network Operator interface of the DRCC application.

EE/DR Representative Person Upon the calling of a curtailment program, the Energy Efficiency (EE) or DR representative needs to be informed and keep track of the curtailments, and thus the earnings for the particular customers.

Compact Network Load Pocket/Distribution Engineer

Person A load pocket, or series of contingencies within distribution networks, is the driver for a curtailment action being taken. This actor represents the initial step in a curtailment sequence. A Load Pocket is defined initially by the findings of a Distribution Engineer, in collaboration with a Network Operator.

Grouping (Community) Group Description

DR Aggregator

Actor Name Actor Type (person, device, system etc.)

Actor Description

DR Aggregator/Demand Response Control Center Operator (DRO)

Person The DR aggregator administers the DRCC application. As such the DR Aggregator needs to monitor program calls as they are made, assure that the buildings within their portfolio are available for curtailment, the information is received by the Network Operator and the buildings acknowledge and respond to a curtailment request.

DRCC Application/DRO View

System This interface allows the DRO to manage his or her actions within the DRCC and a curtailment call.

DRCC Database System The DRCC database houses information regarding all of the buildings within a DR Aggregators’ portfolio. Specifically, forecast models, for both demand and curtailment, buildings and associated eligible DR programs, all

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Printed 9/27/2012

necessary contact information, tracking, accounting and ultimately billing and settlement information.

Grouping (Community) Group Description


Actor Name Actor Type (person, device, system etc.)

Actor Description

Facility Manager (FM)

Person Facility Managers approve curtailment calls, monitor a buildings current or historical performance, and schedule a building for participation in programs.

Meter Device The meter is the device that measures the building’s load or demand.

Building Controller/On-site Generator

Device The on-site generator is the device in this function that allows the building to curtail its load for participation in a DR program call.

DRCC Application/FM View

System The FM View offers the FM the ability to view curtailment requests and history, approve or reject curtailments, as appropriate, track earnings, suspend participation and reactivate as needed on a scheduled or emergency basis.

1.3 Information exchanged Information Object Name Information Object Description

Curtailment Need An indication that the distribution system, or part of the distribution system, is encountering or expecting a reliability issue. That information is transformed into a curtailment action

Available Curtailments The amount of curtailment – by hour – available for each building in the function available within a five-minute window.

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Printed 9/27/2012

Information Object Name Information Object Description

Authentication For any user role within the DRCC application, authentication is required in order to login to the application and in some cases in order to either initiate or approve a curtailment.

Curtailment Request The signal transmitted by the Network Operator – initially – through the DRCC and DRO View to the Facility Manager.

Curtailment Acknowledgement The acknowledgement is generated by the building controller, indicating that a curtailment request has been received and understood. This signal is required in order for a curtailment to occur.

Approval When applicable and required, the Approval is a signal sent by the Facility Manager to the DRCC, indicating that the system has permission to activate a curtailment.

Demand The Demand value is retrieved by the DRCC from the building meter. This value is used to both monitor the current demand for the building, which is used as a relative reference for curtailment goals, but moreover, this value is collected at one-minute intervals during a curtailment to verify that a curtailment is underway and goals are being met.

End Curtailment Request This request is initiated by the NO when either conditions are such that a curtailment is no longer needed or if the curtailment period has exceeded limitations as defined by the DR program itself. This information is sent from the NO via the DRCC to the building controller.

End Curtailment Acknowledgement

Similar to the Curtailment acknowledgement, the End Curtail Acknowledgement is generated by the building controller, indicating that the End Curtailment signal request has been received and understood. This signal is required in order for a curtailment to be ended.

1.4 Activities/Services Activity/Service Name Activities/Services Provided

Available Curtailment filtering The NO can filter the buildings with available curtailment within the NO interface in a variety of ways, including by building name, network, feeder, customer, address, M&S Plate, Transformer, and

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Printed 9/27/2012

Activity/Service Name Activities/Services Provided

resource group if one is created.

Curtailment estimates These estimates are provided by the DRCC application and presented to the NO view. The estimates are either calculated by the DRO and entered directly into the DRCC database, or they can be generated by an advanced load model and fed into the DRCC database.

Curtailment Request A curtailment request is made by the NO via their DRCC NO interface. This request is then sent via the DRCC to both the building control system as well as the appropriate FM decision makers for each building within the collection.

Curtailment Approval In certain instances, depending upon the preference of the commercial building manager or the response time required by a specific program, FM may approve a curtailment before the system will engage the actual curtailment control sequence. This action can either be done via a handheld device, by replying to an email or by using the web interface for the FM

Curtailment activation A curtailment activation is initiated by signals that flow through the application, and are activated by the building controller interpreting the signal and conveying control signals directly to the load curtailment/generator at the building.

Curtailment This represents the load shed at the building level. This action is accommodated by either an on-site generator or a collection of loads that are instructed via an automated control sequence to reduce their demand.

Curtailment tracking Once a curtailment has been initiated, the meter is pinged on a one-minute interval frequency. These data point are stored in the DRCC database and used for presentation and tracking.

Stop curtailment This service is initiated by either the DRO, the NO or in some cases the FM. A signal is interpreted by the building controller and translated into a control signal for the curtailment devices.

Building scheduling All buildings once enrolled in curtailment program participation are assumed to be available for a curtailment event. However, if a building is for some reason unavailable for a specific period of time, the FM can remove a building from participation in a curtailment via a schedule feature,

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Activity/Service Name Activities/Services Provided

either in response to a scheduled or emergency servicing of important curtailment equipment.

Audit trail/reporting The DRCC tracks all curtailments and retains the audit trail in preparation of reporting this data to the curtailment-sponsoring entity. In this case, that is the utility.

1.5 Contracts/Regulations Contract/Regulation Impact of Contract/Regulation on Function

Distributed Load Relief Program (DLRP)

1. This is the Utility’s current Commercial DR program. This program, operated by the Utility seeks to give load relief to any or all of the Utility’s 58 distribution networks. The program is in effect May 1 through October 31, 24 hours per day.

Notifications – Two hour activation – resources must have their load off the system within two hours of the Activation notice

Notifications are made by a text e-mail

Payments – Reservation payments are made to suppliers monthly. Prices are set by tariff (SC-9 – Rider U). There are two tiers of payments depending upon the network. In addition to Capacity payments, which are made regardless of whether or not there is a Demand Response event, there are Energy payments that are made when there is an event. The payment rate is $500/ MWH of curtailed energy or the Locational Based Marginal Price, which ever is greater.

Frequency of events – On average – One test, of two hours duration, required per summer. Rarely are there activation calls

Duration of events – On average – five to twelve hours

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Contract/Regulation Impact of Contract/Regulation on Function

NSPS Standards For owners/operators of stationary generators, the EPA has established regulations limiting the emissions of such engines.1

1 EPA Technical Highlights - Emission Regulations for Stationary and Mobile Engines

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Printed 9/27/2012

2 Step by Step Analysis of AutoDR for Network Operators The following sections depict the initiation of a curtailment request, the monitoring of that request and the termination of the curtailment.

2.1 Steps to implement AutoDR for Network Operators Network Operator-initiated Curtailments

2.1.1 Preconditions and Assumptions In order for a NO to identify and deploy curtailment resources, the are several assumption and pre-conditions that are assumed, and required. These are:


Preconditions or Assumptions

ADLRP In order for the commercial automated demand response to be formalized, it is assumed that the Energy Efficiency & Demand Response division of the Utility, in conjunction with the Public Services Commission of New York State, will develop a formal program for automated demand response, replete with incentive-based award structures that make the action an appealing one for the perspective of business operations.

Network/Load Pocket Contingencies

In order for the NO to search for, select and deploy commercial demand response resources, they must have the authority to do so. One driver for such authority would be an N-2 condition on the network coupled with high probability impending contingencies that would threaten the reliability of the network. Or, if a triple contingency already exists, this would also serve as just cause for initiating a curtailment request.

Forecasted Congestion If the distribution engineers indicate that there is anticipated congestion within the system, this would also define a pre-condition assumed for a curtailment request to be initiated by the NO.

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2.1.2 Steps – Normal Sequence - AutoDR for Network Operators

# Event Primary Actor

Name of Process/Activi


Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

# Triggering event? Identify the name of the event.2

What other actors are primarily responsible for the Process/Activity? Actors are defined in section1.2.

Label that would appear in a process diagram. Use action verbs when naming activity.

Describe the actions that take place in active and present tense. The step should be a descriptive noun/verb phrase that portrays an outline summary of the step. “If …Then…Else” scenarios can be captured as multiple Actions or as separate steps.

What other actors are primarily responsible for Producing the information? Actors are defined in section1.2.

What other actors are primarily responsible for Receiving the information? Actors are defined in section1.2. (Note – May leave blank if same as Primary Actor)

Name of the information object. Information objects are defined in section 1.3

Elaborate architectural issues using attached spreadsheet. Use this column to elaborate details that aren’t captured in the spreadsheet.

1 Sequence 1: Curtailment Initiated

NO If the NO determines that a curtailment is needed, then a curtailment is initiated through the NO interface

1.1 Curtailment Need Identification

NO Identify contingency

The NO identifies that there are existing and impending contingencies and determines that a curtailment is needed.

Distribution Engineer

NO Curtailment Need

1.2 Establish Curtailment Request

NO Using the NO interface, the NO initiates the curtailment

2 Note – A triggering event is not necessary if the completion of the prior step – leads to the transition of the following step.

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Printed 9/27/2012

# Event Primary Actor

Name of Process/Activi


Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

1.2.1 Log in NO Login The NO logs in DRCC NO Interface

DRCC Database


1.2.2 Create Curtailment List

NO Search and filter

The NO uses the interface to identify curtailment resources within the desired curtailment region. A master list is filtered by numerous attributes.

DRCC Database, DRCC NO Interface

DRCC NO Interface

Available Curtailments

1.2.3 Curtailment Initiation

NO Once the resources have been identified, the NO initiates the curtailment.

DRCC NO Interface

DRCC application, building controller

User Confirmation

NO Authenticate

The NO is prompted to re-enter his password in order to execute the curtailment.

DRCC NO Interface

DRCC Database


Submit Curtailment Request

NO Submit curtailment command

Once selected, the NO submits the desired resources for curtailment by clicking the “Curtail” button in the interface.

DRCC NO Interface

DRCC Application, DRCC Database, building controller

Curtailment Request

1.2.4 Curtailment Program Registered

DRO DRO sees curtailment appear in a program call list

DRCC Database

DRCC DRO Interface

Curtailment Request

Log in DRO Login The DRO logs into the DRO interface DRCC DRO Interface

DRCC Database


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Printed 9/27/2012

# Event Primary Actor

Name of Process/Activi


Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

Curtailment List Populated.

DRO Monitors The DRO evaluates each of the resources in the curtailment list.

DRCC DRO Database

DRCC DRO Interface

Curtailment Request, Curtailment Acknowledgement

1.2.5 Curtailment Approval

FM The FM evaluates and approves the curtailment request for his building(s)

DRCC Database

DRCC FM Interface

Log in FM Login The FM logs into the FM interface. DRCC FM Interface

DRCC Database


Facility Opt-in FM Opt-in The FM evaluates the curtailment request and by default opts in for all associated buildings

DRCC FM Interface

FM Curtailment Request

Submit Participation

FM Submit Once selecting the buildings for opting in, the FM submits the approval.

DRCC FM Interface

DRCC Database


Submissions and User Confirmation

FM Authentication

Prior to the submission being permitted, the FM must re-enter his password.

DRCC FM Interface

DRCC Database


2 Sequence 2: DRO, NO and FM Monitor Curtailment


Once a curtailment is underway, each application user monitors the performance of the active resources.

2.1 Network Operator Monitoring

NO The NO monitors the active curtailments

2.1.1 Log in NO Login The NO logs into the NO interface DRCC NO Interface,

DRCC Database


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Printed 9/27/2012

# Event Primary Actor

Name of Process/Activi


Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

2.1.2 Monitor Filter NO Monitor The NO evaluates the current demand for all active resources relative to the post curtailment demand goal

Building Controller, Meter

DRCC Database, DRCC NO Interface


2.1.3 End of10-minute compliance commitment

NO Verify After 10 minutes, the NO verifies that the demand goal has been met.

DRCC Database Meter

DRCC NO Interface, NO


2.2 DRO Monitoring` DRO The DRO monitors the active curtailments

2.2.1 Log in DRO Login The DRO logs into the DRO interface DRCC DRO Interface

DRCC Database


2.2.2 Monitor Filter DRO Monitor The DRO evaluates the current demand for all active resources relative to the post curtailment demand goal

Meter, Building Controller

DRCC Database, DRCC DRO Interface


2.2.4 End of10-minute compliance commitment

DRO Verify After 10 minutes, the DRO verifies that the demand goal has been met.

DRCC DRO Database, Meter

DRCC DRO Interface


2.3 Monitoring FM The FM monitors the active curtailments

2.3.1 Log in FM Login The FM logs into the FM interface DRCC FM Interface

DRCC Database


2.3.3 Program Call Filter

FM Monitor The FM evaluates the current demand for all active resources relative to the post curtailment demand goal

Building Controller, Meter

DRCC Database, DRCC FM Interface


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Printed 9/27/2012

# Event Primary Actor

Name of Process/Activi


Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

2.3.4 End of10-minute compliance commitment

FM Verify After 10 minutes, the FM verifies that the demand goal has been met.

DRCC FM Database, Meter

DRCC FM Interface


3 Sequence 3: NO terminates program call in DRCC application

NO If the contingencies are no longer present, the NO ends the curtailment.

3.1 Curtailment Termination

NO The NO takes all steps to terminate the curtailment.

3.1.1 Termination Determination

NO Verify The NO verifies that the contingencies are no longer present.

Distribution Engineer

NO Curtailment Need

3.1.2 Termination Selection

NO Select The NO selects all curtailment resources to be removed from curtailment.

DRCC Database

DRCC NO Interface

End Curtailment Request

3.1.3 Curtailment Termination Request

NO Authentication and Submit Termination

The NO submits the termination and is prompted to re-enter his password.

DRCC NO Interface

DRCC Database


3.1.4 Termination Message Receipt Acknowledgement

NO Verify The NO looks for an acknowledgement that the termination signal has been received.

Building Controller, DRCC Application

DRCC NO Interface

End Curtailment Acknowledgement

3.2 Curtailment Termination

FM The FM takes all necessary steps to confirm that the curtailment has been terminated.

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Printed 9/27/2012

# Event Primary Actor

Name of Process/Activi


Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

3.2.1 Log in FM Login The FM logs in. DRCC FM Interface

DRCC Database


3.2.2 Termination Notification posted

FM Verify The FM views alerts/notifications to determine that all participants have been removed and the program call has terminated

Building Controller, DRCC Database,

DRCC FM Interface

End Curtailment Acknowledgement

3.2.3 Curtailment Ends FM Verify The FM verifies in monitoring section that the demand is returning to forecasted levels

Building Controller, Meter

DRCC FM Interface


3.3 Curtailment Termination

DRO The DRO takes all necessary steps to confirm that the curtailment has been terminated.

3.3.1 Log in DRO Login The DRO logs in DRCC DRO Interface

DRCC Database


3.3.2 Termination Notification Posted

DRO Verify The DRO Observes that the program call is no longer listed in the Curtailments list and a curtailment termination notice has been posted.

DRCC NO Interface, DRCC Database

DRCC DRO Interface,

End Curtailment Request/End Curtailment Acknowledgement

3.3.3 Curtailment Ends DRO Verify The DRO verifies demand is returning to forecasted state for all buildings

Building Controller Meter

DRCC DRO Interface


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Printed 9/27/2012

# Event Primary Actor

Name of Process/Activi


Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

3.3.4 Audit DRO View The DRO views post-curtailment dispatch in history page

DRCC Database

DRCC DRO Interface

Curtailment Request, End Curtailment Request, Demand

2.1.3 Steps – Alternative / Exception Sequences Describe any alternative or exception sequences that may be required that deviate from the normal course of activities.

# Event Primary Actor Name of Process/Activity

Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

1 Building Scheduled Offline

FM Scheduled Opt Out

FM uses scheduling feature to remove a building from eligibility for participation in DR programs for a given, defined time period.

FM NO/DRO Building Status In terms of the NO, this information manifests as a passive piece of information in that the building simply does not show up as an available curtailment resource.

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Printed 9/27/2012

# Event Primary Actor Name of Process/Activity

Description of Process/Activity

Information Producer

Information Receiver

Name of Info Exchanged Additional Notes

2 Building Unscheduled Offline

DRO Communication Failure

A curtailment signal did not get communicated to the building. This could be do to a variety of reasons, but the result is that the ability to initiate a curtailment at a given property cannot be done via an automated means. At this point, the DRO would contact the FM directly to initiate a manual override.

DRCC DRO Communication Failure Alert

3 Curtailment Declined/Rejected

FM Unscheduled Opt Out

In this instance, the FM rejects a curtailment request. The information is presented via a DRCC alert directly to the DRO and NO. There is no subsequent sequence, but the curtailment estimate is adjusted accordingly.

FM DRO/NO Curtailment Rejection Alert

2.1.4 Post-conditions and Significant Results Actor/Activity Post-conditions Description and Results

NO/Verify Curtailments Stopped

The NO must verify that the Stop Curtailment signal was received, acknowledged and enacted by all buildings within a curtailment. Verification is determined by the demand values returning to forecast levels and the lack of alerts.

FM/Verify Curtailments Stopped

The FM must verify that the Stop Curtailment signal was received, acknowledged and enacted by all buildings within a curtailment. Verification is determined by the demand values returning to forecast levels

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Actor/Activity Post-conditions Description and Results

and the lack of alerts

Distribution Engineer/Verify Network Conditions Improved

Distribution Engineers, upon completion of the curtailment, need to assess the condition of the network, state of contingencies or other relevant expected positive outcome on the state of the network.

DRO/Verify Curtailment Stopped

DRO verifies that the curtailment has been terminated and the demand levels are returning to forecasted levels.

DRO/Verify Curtailment History

DRO evaluates the curtailment history in the DRO view to ensure that the programs calls are properly registered and that the details for each building’s curtailment have been recorded correctly.

DRO/Settlement The DRO prepares all curtailment data for each building’s curtailment. This data is then presented to the Utility for settlement.

2.2 Architectural Issues in Interactions Elaborate on all architectural issues in each of the steps outlined in each of the sequences above. Reference the Step by


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2.3 Diagram

3 Auxiliary Issues

3.1 References and contacts ID Title or contact Reference or contact information

[1] Craig Gruber – Principle, Innoventive Power 973-762-5560

[email protected]

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[2] Eric Breen – Opto 22 (Building Controller) Integrator 631-433-9250

[email protected]

[3] Leon Buckman – Utility Network Operator [email protected]

[4] EPA - Emission Regulations for Stationary and Mobile Engines


[5] Distribution Load Relief Program Manual http://www.coned.com/energyefficiency/DLRP_Manual.pdf

3.2 Action Item List ID Description Status

[1] Pre-conditions and permissions: In order for the NO to feel comfortable and confident in his or her authority to engage automated commercial demand response resources, definition around the specific conditions and internal protocol for approvals must be defined and disseminated with the Utility’s Network Operations hierarchy.


[2] ADLRP Program Definition: As a more refined approach to commercial demand response, including targeted resources, quantified curtailments, and measurable curtailments, the EE & DR unit needs to define the rules and awards for this new program type.


[3] PSC Aggregation Ruling: The ability for the Utility to move forward with an ADLRP program is dependent upon the PSC authorizing the Company to allow for aggregation, as well as the approval for offering financial

In process

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Printed 9/27/2012

awards for participation of such programs.

3.3 Revision History For reference and tracking purposes, indicate who worked on describing this function, and what aspect they undertook.

No Date Author Description

0.1 January 25, 12 Rich Barone Initial Draft

0.2 September 27, 2012

Brian D. Green Add diagram
