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Ingegneria del software I

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Ingegneria del software I. Seminario 2: Microsoft .NET. Microsoft .NET piattaforma. Visual Studio.NET. .NET Enterprise Servers. .NET Building Block & Services. .NET Devices, User Experience. Microsoft .NET piattaforma. Visual Studio.NET. .NET Enterprise Servers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
1 Università La Sapienza Ingegneria del Software I Ingegneria del software I Seminario 2: Microsoft .NET
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1Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

Ingegneria del software I

Seminario 2: Microsoft .NET

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2Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

Microsoft.NET piattaforma

Visual Studio.NETVisual Studio.NET .NET Enterprise Servers.NET Enterprise Servers

.NET Building Block & Services

.NET Building Block & Services

.NET Devices, User Experience

.NET Devices, User Experience

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3Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

Microsoft.NET piattaforma

Visual Studio.NETVisual Studio.NET .NET Enterprise Servers.NET Enterprise Servers

.NET Building Block & Services

.NET Building Block & Services

.NET Devices, User Experience

.NET Devices, User Experience

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Ingegneria del Software I

Visual Studio.NET

• Framework per sviluppo ed integrazione dei .NET Enterprise Servers sia con .NET building block services che .NET devices. [6]

VBVB C++C++ C#C# ScriptsScripts ……

CLS (Common Language Specification)CLS (Common Language Specification)


Web ServiceWeb Service Web FormWeb Form

ADO.NET : Data and XMLADO.NET : Data and XML

Base Class LibraryBase Class Library

CLR (Common Language Runtime)CLR (Common Language Runtime)

Integrates intothe system

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CLS (Common Language Specification)

• È un insieme di specifiche per l’interoperabilità tra linguaggi. [7]

• È un insieme di specifiche di compilazione per l’indipendenza dai linguaggi. [8]

• Sono definiti: tipi, metodi, campi, proprietà, enumerazioni, eccezioni, interfacce, eventi, etc.

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Ingegneria del Software I

CLR (Common Language Runtime)

• Carica ed esegue codice scritto in runtime-aware per i linguaggi di programmazione. [14]

• Le caratteristiche dell’ambiente runtime [14] :– cross-language integration– self-describing components– simple deployment and versioning – integrated security services.

• Un unico framework per il progetto, lo sviluppo, l’implementazione, e l’esecuzione di componenti ed applicazioni distribuiti. [9]

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Microsoft.NET Platform

Visual Studio.NETVisual Studio.NET .NET Enterprise Servers.NET Enterprise Servers

.NET Building Block & Services

.NET Building Block & Services

.NET Devices, User Experience

.NET Devices, User Experience

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8Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

Mainframe / Other

Data Sources

Supplier / Consumer

of XML e-documents

.NET Enterprise Server Configuration

Internet Security

& Acceleration

Server 2000

Internet Security

& Acceleration

Server 2000

SQL Server 2000SQL Server 2000

Host Integration

Server 2000

Host Integration

Server 2000


Server 2000


Server 2000

Application Center 2000Application Center 2000

Internet Information ServerInternet Information Server


Server 2000


Server 2000


Mobile Information

Server 2000

Mobile Information

Server 2000

Clients on the web

Mobile Devices

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Microsoft .NET Framework

System ServicesSystem Services

Common Language RuntimeCommon Language Runtime

Services FrameWorkServices FrameWorkBase Data Debug . . .

ASP+ASP+Web Forms Web Services

Win FormsWin Forms

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Ingegneria del Software I

Service Framework• Fornisce classi di oggetti a supporto degli

sviluppatori per .NET. [14]

Base ClassesBase Classes

Type System

Component Model

I/O and Network

Drawing (GDI+)





Programming Tools

Programming ToolsDebugging/Trace




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11Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

Il linguaggio C#

• Caratteristiche del C# [16]

– Semplicità– Type safe– Consistenza– Supporto alle versioni– Object Orientation– Flessibilità

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12Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

C# - caratteristiche

• Complessità del C++,1) “->” / “::” / “.” notazioni criptiche2) Particolari tipo di dato “wchar_t”, “__int64”

…3) Utilizzo degli interi come booleani, 4) problema del ‘==‘ e ‘=‘

• In C#,1) Notazione principale è il “.”.2) È stato introdotto il tipo bool per eliminare


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C# - caratteristiche

• In C# non ci sono puntatori.• La gestione della memoria è a

carico del garbage collector fornito con l’ambiente .NET

• Usando la modalità “unsafe” si può comunque accedere alla memoria direttamente.

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Ingegneria del Software I

C# - Object Orientation

• Incapsulamento, ereditarietà, polimorfismo

• I metodi della classi non sono virtual per default

• public, private, protected e internal

• L’ereditarietà permessa è singola

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C# - Type Safety

• Le variabili non inizializzate non sono ammesse

• Il casting dei tipi ad UNSAFE non è permesso

• Data overflow, array index boundary checking

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Un semplice esempio in C#

• hello world.

using System;class Hello { public static void Main(string[] args) {

Console.WriteLine(“hello, world”);

// print the command line argumentsfor (int i = 0; arg < args.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine(“arg [0],[1]”, i, args[i]);


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SDC (Self-Describing Components)

• I servizi forniti dal runtime sono metadata driven, questi metadati aggiungono informazioni agli eseguibili, come le definizioni di interfacce che prima specificate in IDL, TLB, proxy/stubs.

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18Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

Web ServerWeb Server

Architettura dei Web Services

Web Service DeveloperWeb Service Developer

Web Service : ASMXWeb Service : ASMX

Web Application : ASMXWeb Application : ASMX

Author class, ASMX

Deploy Application

Web Application DeveloperWeb Application Developer

Request SCL Author Page that calls the Proxy


Run Proxy Generator


C#, VBC#, VB

Web ServerWeb Server


Deploy Application

Web FormWeb Form

Call Methods

Deploy Application

Run Method

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Ingegneria del Software I

Web Service, ASMX

• Web service server salvato come “asmx” file.

• Richieste di web services basate su comunicazioni XML / SOAP.

• Oggetti e risorse accessibili via URL

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20Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

Web ServerWeb Server

Web Service Development

Web Service DeveloperWeb Service Developer

Web Service : ASMXWeb Service : ASMX

Web Application : ASMXWeb Application : ASMX

Author class, ASMX

Deploy Application

Web Application DeveloperWeb Application Developer

Request SCL Author Page that calls the Proxy


Run Proxy Generator


C#, VBC#, VB

Web ServerWeb Server


Deploy Application

Web FormWeb Form

Call Methods

Deploy Application

Run Method

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1 Author Class, ASMX<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class=“MyService" %>

using System;using System.Web.Services;

public class MyService {

[WebMethod]public String MyServiceFunction1(String strParm1, String strParm2) {


[WebMethod]public void MyServiceFunction2(Integer intParm) {



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Deploy Application

• Per implementare l’applicazione web va copiato il file ASMX nel web folder.

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Web Application, ASPX

• Per utilizzare i web services va creato un “Proxy”.

• Proxies sono creati in DLL compilando il codice stub genrato dal proxy generator.

• Il proxy generator genera il codice stub dal SDL che è esportato dai web services.

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24Università La Sapienza

Ingegneria del Software I

Web ServerWeb Server

Web Application Development

Web Service DeveloperWeb Service Developer

Web Service : ASMXWeb Service : ASMX

Web Application : ASMXWeb Application : ASMX

Author class, ASMX

Deploy Application

Web Application DeveloperWeb Application Developer

Request SCL Author Page that calls the Proxy


Run Proxy Generator


C#, VBC#, VB

Web ServerWeb Server


Deploy Application

Web FormWeb Form

Call Methods

Deploy Application

Run Method

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Request SCL + Run Proxy Generator

• Creazione del codice del Proxy da SDL.

• Webserviceutil/c:proxy

/pa:http://hostname/MyService.asmx?SDL /l:Csharp


/c:proxy Crea codice del Proxy dal SDL/pa:URL Specifica URL per il SCL(SDL)/l:language Specifica il linguaggio sorgente/n:namespace Specifica il namespace del proxy

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Deploy (Proxy) Application

• Compila il codice generato e copia il file DLL nel web folder per implementare il proxy.

• csc /out:..\bin\MyService.dll /t:library

/r:system.data.dll /r:system.web.services.dll

/r:system.xml.serialization.dll MyService.cs

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Author ASPX<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" %>

<%@ Import Namespace=“MyServices" %>



<TITLE>My Service Page</TITLE>


MyService s = new MyService(); // my service

String strResult;

strResult = s.MyServiceFunction1(“Hello”, “World”);



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Deploy (Web) Application

• Per implementare l’applicazione web va copiato il file ASPX nel web folder.

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The innovative featureMyService.ASPX...<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="C#" RUNAT="SERVER">

Calendar c;SelectedDatesCollection dtSelectedPeriod;...c = CALENDAR;...dtSelectedPeriod = calendar.SelectedDates;...


CellPadding="3" CellSpacing="1" DayNameFormat="FirstLetter"FirstDayOfWeek="Default" NextMonthText=">“...


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Servizio web scheduler

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References[1] “Microsoft.NET”, http://www.microsoft.com/net/default.asp[2] “The simplest way to define .NET”, http://www.microsoft.com/net/defining.asp[3] “An Introduction to Microsoft Hailstorm”,

http://www.microsoft.com/net/hailstorm.asp[4] “Bill Gates’ Web Site – Speeches”,

http://www.microsoft.com/billgates/speeches/2001/03-19hailstorm.asp[5] “Microsoft Announces ‘Hailstorm’, a New Set of XML Web Services Designed …,

http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2001/mar01/03-19hailstorm.asp[6] G. Lee, “Paradigm shift in software development environment, MS Visual

Studio.NET”, Microsoftware, pp. 202 ~ 213, Korea, Jan. 2001.[7] “Introduction to the Common Language Specification (CLS)”,


[8] “What is Common Language Specification?”, http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/dotnet/cpguide/cpconwhatiscommonlanguagespecification.htm

[9] “Overview of the Common Language Runtime”, http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/dotnet/cpapndx/_cor_overview_of_the__common_language_runtime.htm

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References[10] “Microsoft.NET in Retail and Hospitality”,

http://www.microsoft.com/technet/net/NETRetal.asp[11] “Microsoft.NET for Manufacturing: Extending the Enterprise Through Open

Protocols”, http://www.microsoft.com/technet/ecommerce/netmanu.asp[12] “Microsoft .NET Platform – What it is”, http://www.microsoft.com/ISN/IndOutlook_Trends/NET_Platform_what_it_is.asp[13] “Overview of Microsoft.NET”,

http://www.microsoft.com/ISN/IndOutlook_Trends/ms_net_overview.asp[14] “The Programmable Web”,

http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/0900/webplatform/webplatform.asp[15] “Build Web Applications Faster and Easier Using Web Services and XML”,

http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/0900/VSNET/VSNET.asp[16] “Sharp New Language : C# Offers the Power of C++ and Simplicity of Visual

Basic”, http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/0900/csharp/csharp.asp[17] G. Kim, “The announcement of Hailstorm composed of XML web services”,

Microsoftware, p. 172, Korea, Apr. 2001.
