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Inhalation Injury-epidemiology, Pathology, Treatment Strategies

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Revisión de Injuria inhalatoria
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REVIEW Open Access Inhalation injury: epidemiology, pathology, treatment strategies David J Dries 1* and Frederick W Endorf 2 Abstract Lung injury resulting from inhalation of smoke or chemical products of combustion continues to be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Combined with cutaneous burns, inhalation injury increases fluid resuscitation requirements, incidence of pulmonary complications and overall mortality of thermal injury. While many products and techniques have been developed to manage cutaneous thermal trauma, relatively few diagnosis-specific therapeutic options have been identified for patients with inhalation injury. Several factors explain slower progress for improvement in management of patients with inhalation injury. Inhalation injury is a more complex clinical problem. Burned cutaneous tissue may be excised and replaced with skin grafts. Injured pulmonary tissue must be protected from secondary injury due to resuscitation, mechanical ventilation and infection while host repair mechanisms receive appropriate support. Many of the consequences of smoke inhalation result from an inflammatory response involving mediators whose number and role remain incompletely understood despite improved tools for processing of clinical material. Improvements in mortality from inhalation injury are mostly due to widespread improvements in critical care rather than focused interventions for smoke inhalation. Morbidity associated with inhalation injury is produced by heat exposure and inhaled toxins. Management of toxin exposure in smoke inhalation remains controversial, particularly as related to carbon monoxide and cyanide. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment has been evaluated in multiple trials to manage neurologic sequelae of carbon monoxide exposure. Unfortunately, data to date do not support application of hyperbaric oxygen in this population outside the context of clinical trials. Cyanide is another toxin produced by combustion of natural or synthetic materials. A number of antidote strategies have been evaluated to address tissue hypoxia associated with cyanide exposure. Data from European centers supports application of specific antidotes for cyanide toxicity. Consistent international support for this therapy is lacking. Even diagnostic criteria are not consistently applied though bronchoscopy is one diagnostic and therapeutic tool. Medical strategies under investigation for specific treatment of smoke inhalation include beta-agonists, pulmonary blood flow modifiers, anticoagulants and antiinflammatory strategies. Until the value of these and other approaches is confirmed, however, the clinical approach to inhalation injury is supportive. Keywords: Smoke inhalation, Burns, Carbon monoxide, Cyanide, Bronchoscopy Introduction Respiratory injury resulting from inhalation of smoke or chemical products of combustion is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Even in isolation, inhalation injury can be associated with longstanding pulmonary dysfunction [1]. Combined with cutaneous burns, inhalation injury increases fluid resuscitation requirements, incidence of pulmonary complications and overall mortality of thermal injury. Unfortunately, a con- sistent diagnostic strategy is unavailable and treatment is largely supportive [2-4]. We will review pathology, diag- nostic options and medication strategies. The classic paper describing the effects of inhalation injury, and its principle complication, pneumonia, on mortality in burn patients comes from Shirani, Pruitt, Mason, and the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research in San Antonio, Texas [5]. A review of over 1,000 pa- tients was conducted, in which data were gathered on * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Department of Surgery, Regions Hospital, 640 Jackson Street, St. Paul, MN 55101, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2013 Dries and Endorf; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31

    Inhalation injury: epidemio

    Respiratory injury resulting from inhalation of smoke orchemical products of combustion is associated with

    overall mortality of thermal injury. Unfortunately, a con-sistent diagnostic strategy is unavailable and treatment is

    Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and EmergencyMedicine 2013, 21:31http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31tients was conducted, in which data were gathered on55101, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the articlesignificant morbidity and mortality. Even in isolation,inhalation injury can be associated with longstandingpulmonary dysfunction [1]. Combined with cutaneousburns, inhalation injury increases fluid resuscitation

    largely supportive [2-4]. We will review pathology, diag-nostic options and medication strategies.The classic paper describing the effects of inhalation

    injury, and its principle complication, pneumonia, onmortality in burn patients comes from Shirani, Pruitt,Mason, and the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Researchin San Antonio, Texas [5]. A review of over 1,000 pa-

    * Correspondence: [email protected] of Surgery, Regions Hospital, 640 Jackson Street, St. Paul, MNLung injury resulting from inhalation of smoke or chemical products of combustion continues to be associatedwith significant morbidity and mortality. Combined with cutaneous burns, inhalation injury increases fluidresuscitation requirements, incidence of pulmonary complications and overall mortality of thermal injury. Whilemany products and techniques have been developed to manage cutaneous thermal trauma, relatively fewdiagnosis-specific therapeutic options have been identified for patients with inhalation injury. Several factors explainslower progress for improvement in management of patients with inhalation injury. Inhalation injury is a morecomplex clinical problem. Burned cutaneous tissue may be excised and replaced with skin grafts. Injured pulmonarytissue must be protected from secondary injury due to resuscitation, mechanical ventilation and infection whilehost repair mechanisms receive appropriate support. Many of the consequences of smoke inhalation result from aninflammatory response involving mediators whose number and role remain incompletely understood despiteimproved tools for processing of clinical material. Improvements in mortality from inhalation injury are mostly dueto widespread improvements in critical care rather than focused interventions for smoke inhalation.Morbidity associated with inhalation injury is produced by heat exposure and inhaled toxins. Management of toxinexposure in smoke inhalation remains controversial, particularly as related to carbon monoxide and cyanide.Hyperbaric oxygen treatment has been evaluated in multiple trials to manage neurologic sequelae of carbonmonoxide exposure. Unfortunately, data to date do not support application of hyperbaric oxygen in this populationoutside the context of clinical trials. Cyanide is another toxin produced by combustion of natural or syntheticmaterials. A number of antidote strategies have been evaluated to address tissue hypoxia associated with cyanideexposure. Data from European centers supports application of specific antidotes for cyanide toxicity. Consistentinternational support for this therapy is lacking. Even diagnostic criteria are not consistently applied thoughbronchoscopy is one diagnostic and therapeutic tool. Medical strategies under investigation for specific treatmentof smoke inhalation include beta-agonists, pulmonary blood flow modifiers, anticoagulants and antiinflammatorystrategies. Until the value of these and other approaches is confirmed, however, the clinical approach to inhalationinjury is supportive.

    Keywords: Smoke inhalation, Burns, Carbon monoxide, Cyanide, Bronchoscopy

    Introduction requirements, incidence of pulmonary complications andtreatment strategiesDavid J Dries1* and Frederick W Endorf2

    Abstract 2013 Dries and Endorf; licensee BioMed CenCreative Commons Attribution License (http:/distribution, and reproduction in any mediumOpen Access

    logy, pathology,tral Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the/creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use,, provided the original work is properly cited.

  • status of inhalation injury on admission and develop-ment of pneumonia during hospitalization. Patients atrisk for inhalation injury were investigated by bronchos-copy, Xenon lung scans, or both. The diagnosis of inhal-ation injury was made in 373 patients. With increasingburn size, there was a corresponding rise in the inci-dence of inhalation injury. The diagnosis of pneumoniawas made at approximately 10 days for patients experi-encing this complication along with inhalation injury.Three dimensional plots were constructed to demon-strate the incremental mortality of inhalation injury andinhalation injury when complicated by pneumonia onpatients in this population. Expected mortality increasedby a maximum of 20% in the presence of inhalation

    improvements in critical care rather than focused inter-ventions for smoke inhalation. In fact, one consensusstatement indicates that treatment of inhalation injury hasnot kept pace with improvements in the care of cutaneousburns [9].A variety of factors explain slower progress for im-

    provement in management of inhalation injury. Burnedcutaneous tissue may be excised and replaced with skingrafts, but njured pulmonary tissue must merely be sup-ported and protected from secondary injury. The critic-ally ill burn patient has multiple mechanisms in additionto smoke inhalation that may contribute to lung injurysuch as sepsis, Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury (VILI) ora systemic inflammation in response to burns. Thus,



    Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 2 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31injury alone and 60% when both inhalation injury andpneumonia were present. The contributions of inhal-ation injury and pneumonia to mortality were found tobe independent and additive. Expected mortality in pa-tients with very small or very large burns was not af-fected by these pulmonary complications except at theextremes of age (Figures 1, 2 and 3).Two other papers support the observations of Shirani

    and coworkers. A more recent meta-analysis on prog-nostic factors in burn injury with smoke inhalation re-veals that overall mortality increased dramatically withinhalation injury (27.6% versus 13.9%). Extent of burnsize and age were predictive of mortality. Another studyincluded a predictive model of outcome with cutaneousinjury plus smoke inhalation. In a review of 110 pa-tients, percent Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) cutane-ous injury, age and PaO2/FiO2 ratio were mortalitypredictors [6-8].While many products and techniques have been devel-

    oped to manage cutaneous injury, relatively few diagnosis-specific therapeutic options have been identified forpatients with inhalation injury. Improvements in mortalityfrom inhalation injury are mostly due to widespread



    5 15 25 35











    Inhalation InjuFigure 1 Relationship between burn size and incidence of inhalationincreasing burn size [5].inhalation injury has a significant effect on burn patientoutcome but is difficult to separate from the contribu-tion of other mechanisms which also affect the lungs[2,10,11].A significant limitation for clinicians studying smoke

    inhalation has been the lack of uniform criteria for diag-nosis of inhalation injury, scaling its severity and identi-fying a common terminology to describe outcomes [2,9].Thus, comparative studies are difficult to evaluate. Somepractitioners describe patients requiring intubation andmechanical ventilation after smoke inhalation. Otherstudies emphasize nuclear medicine scans for the meta-bolic diagnosis of inhalation injury. Multicenter trialshave the confounding impact of differing local defini-tions of inhalation injury. The need for standardizeddiagnostic criteria and a quantifying system for inhal-ation injury have been recognized in the burn literaturefor many years.

    Anatomy and physiology of inhalation injuryInhalation injury may describe pulmonary trauma causedby inhalation of thermal or chemical irritants. Anatomic-ally, injuries are divided into three classes: 1) heat injury

    45 55 65 75 85 95an Burn Size

    y and Burn Sizeinjury illustrates the rise in occurrence of inhalation injury with

  • Figure 2 Burn size as percentage of total body surface area on X axis, age on Y axis, and percent increment in mortality due to thepresence of inhalation injury on Z axis are shown. Mortality, in the presence of inhalation injury alone, rose by a maximum of approximately


    Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 3 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31which is restricted to upper airway structures except inthe case of steam jet exposure, 2) local chemical irritationthroughout the respiratory tract and 3) systemic toxicityas may occur with inhalation of carbon monoxide orcyanide [3].

    Heat injury to the upper airwayAir temperature in a room containing a fire reaches1000F. Because of the combination of efficient heat dis-sipation in the upper airway, low heat capacity of air andreflex closure of the larynx, super-heated air usuallycauses injury only to airway structures above the carina.Injury to these airway structures may cause massiveswelling of the tongue, epiglottis, and aryeepiglottic foldswith obstruction. Airway swelling develops over a matterof hours as fluid resuscitation is ongoing. Initial evalu-

    20% in patients in midrange of severity of injury as indexed by age andation is not a good indicator of the severity of obstruc-tion that may occur later [3,12].

    Figure 3 Burn size as percentage of total body surface area on X axisshown. Mortality rose by a maximum of approximately 60% in patients inpneumonia were present [5].Respiratory status must be continuously monitored toassess the need for airway control and ventilator sup-port. If history and initial examination cause suspicionof significant thermal injury to the upper airway, intub-ation for airway protection should be considered.

    Chemical injury to the lower airwayMost substances when burned, generate material toxicto the respiratory tract [2,3,9]. Burning rubber and plas-tic produces sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammoniaand chlorine with strong acids and alkali when com-bined with water in the airways and alveoli. Laminatedfurniture contains glues and wall paneling also may re-lease cyanide gas when burned. Burning cotton or woolproduces toxic aldehydes. Smoke-related toxins damageepithelial and capillary endothelial cells of the airway.

    rn size [5].Histologic changes resemble tracheobronchitis. Mucociliarytransport is destroyed and bacterial clearance reduced.

    , age on Y axis, and percent increment in mortality on Z axis aremidrange of age and burn size when both inhalation injury and

  • Alveolar collapse and atelectasis occur due to surfactantloss. Alveolar macrophages are stressed leading to inflam-matory response with chemotaxins. Early inflammatorychanges occurring in the airway are followed by a period ofdiffuse exudate formation. Bronchiolar edema may becomesevere. A combination of necrotizing bronchitis, bronchialswelling, and bronchospasm causes obstruction of largeand small airways. Wheezing occurs with bronchial swellingand irritant receptor stimulation. Increased capillary perme-ability magnifies airway and pulmonary edema [13-15].Respiratory failure may occur from 12 to 48 hours after

    smoke exposure. Characteristics are decreased lung com-pliance, increased ventilation perfusion mismatch, and in-crease in dead space ventilation. Injury may progress tomucosal sloughing and intrapulmonary hemorrhage withmechanical obstruction of lower airways and flooding ofalveoli [16,17]. Because of necrosis of respiratory epithe-lium, patients are predisposed to secondary bacterial inva-

    with oxygen for hemoglobin binding which shifts the oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left and alters itsshape. Oxygen delivery to tissues is compromised becauseof reduced oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and lessefficient dissociation at the tissue level. Carbon monoxidecompetitively inhibits intracellular cytochrome oxidase en-zyme systems, most notably cytochrome P-450 resulting ininability of cellular systems to utilize oxygen (Figures 4 and5) [20,21].Inhaled hydrogen cyanide, produced during combus-

    tion of multiple household materials, also inhibits thecytochrome oxidase system and may have a synergisticeffect with carbon monoxide producing tissue hypoxiaand acidosis as well as a decrease in cerebral oxygenconsumption [3,21].Carbon monoxide poisoning may be difficult to detect.

    The absorbent spectrum of carboxyhemoglobin and oxy-hemoglobin are very similar and pulse oximeters cannot

    Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 4 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31sion and superimposed bacterial pneumonia [5]. Recoverymay require several months [18].

    Carbon monoxide and cyanide exposureCarbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, nonirritatinggas produced by incomplete combustion. Carbon mon-oxide poisoning is a major source of early morbidity inburn-injured patients with many fatalities occurring atthe scene of the fire due to this mechanism. Carboxy-hemoglobin levels exceed 10% in a closed space fire.Significant injury may occur in a short period of timewith the exposure with as little as 10% carboxyhemoglo-bin [3,19].The affinity of carbon monoxide for hemoglobin is 200

    times greater than for oxygen. Carbon monoxide competesFigure 4 Hemoglobin is converted rapidly to carboxyhemoglobin in tdistinguish between the two forms of hemoglobin. ThePaO2 measure from an arterial blood gas reflects theamount of oxygen dissolved in plasma but does notquantitate hemoglobin saturation, the most importantdeterminant of oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.Carboxyhemoglobin levels may be measured directly butthis test is rarely available at the incident scene. Becauseof the inevitable delay between smoke exposure andcarboxyhemoglobin testing, levels measured on arrival ata healthcare facility do not reflect the true extent of in-toxication [3,22,23].Half-life of carboxyhemoglobin is 250 minutes for the

    victim breathing room air. This is reduced to 40 to 60 -minutes with inhalation of 100% oxygen [3,15]. Whilehyperbaric oxygenation will further reduce the half-lifehe presence of carbon monoxide [3].

  • ogtionde

    Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 5 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31Figure 5 Carboxyhemoglobin-induced changes in the oxygen-hemdiminished when carboxyhemoglobin values reach 40% to 50%. In addicurve makes the oxygen that is bound to hemoglobin less available forof carboxyhemoglobin, the hyperbaric chamber is a diffi-cult environment in which to monitor the patient, per-form fluid resuscitation, and provide initial burn care.Patients with the greatest need for hyperbaric oxygentherapy are frequently the most difficult to manage inthis environment [24].

    Diagnosis of inhalation injuryFor the clinician, the diagnosis of inhalation injury is asomewhat subjective decision based largely on a historyof smoke exposure in a closed space. Physical findingsincluding facial injury, singed nasal hairs, soot in theproximal airways, carbonaceous sputum production andchanges in voice may help support the diagnosis[2,3,9,22]. These findings may be confirmed by diagnos-tic studies including fiberoptic bronchoscopy, typicallyperformed within 24 hours of admission [25]. History in-cludes mechanisms of exposure such as flame, electri-city, blast injury, steam or hot liquid, quality of inhaledirritants (house fire or industrial toxins) and duration ofexposure with further complications caused by loss ofconsciousness or physical disability. Physical examin-ation may include findings such as visible injury to therespiratory tract, airway edema or evidence of pulmon-ary parenchymal damage and dysfunction.Diagnostic criteria for inhalation injury are compli-

    cated by heterogeneous presentation and distinguishingbetween exposure to inhaled irritants and injury basedlobin dissociation curve. Oxygen-carrying capacity is markedly, the leftward displacement of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociationlivery to tissues [3].on heated gas exposure [9,26]. Progressive respiratoryfailure may not be directly proportional to the degree ofsmoke exposure. Such differences are likely due to com-position of inhaled materials and differences in hostresponse.Multiple burn centers have demonstrated that patients

    with inhalation and burn injuries require increased fluidvolumes during immediate resuscitation when comparedto individuals with burn injury alone [4,9,27]. Changesin lung compliance and airway resistance have also beenproposed as predictors of outcome and scales for sever-ity of inhalation injury. Scoring systems, based on bron-choscopic evaluation, have been used for inhalationinjury and attempts to identify the relationship of thisdata to the development of Acute Respiratory DistressSyndrome have been made. Endorf and Gamelli, in re-cent work, examine the degree of inhalation injury,PaO2/FiO2 ratio, and effects on fluid requirements dur-ing acute resuscitation. Table 1 demonstrates a typicalset of bronchoscopic criteria for grading of inhalationinjury [25].These workers reviewed 80 patients from a single cen-

    ter with suspected inhalation injury requiring intubation,mechanical ventilation, and fiberoptic bronchoscopy dur-ing the first 24 hours of hospitalization. Details of burninjury were collected and patients categorized accordingto a bronchoscopic grading system. Pulmonary mechanicsand gas exchange were examined at regular intervals

  • Table 1 Bronchoscopic criteria used to grade inhalationinjury

    Grade 0 (No Injury): Absence of carbonaceous deposits,erythema, edema, bronchorrhea, orobstruction.

    Grade 1 (Mild Injury): Minor or patchy areas of erythema,carbonaceous deposits in proximal ordistal bronchi. [any or combination]

    Grade 2 (ModerateInjury):

    Moderate degree of erythema,carbonaceous deposits, bronchorrhea,with or without compromise of thebronchi.

    Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 6 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31including lung compliance and PaO2/FiO2 ratio. Totalfluid volume infused was noted for the first 48 hours afterburn injury [25].Patients with more severe bronchoscopic injury on

    initial bronchoscopy (Grades 2, 3, 4) had significantlyworse survival than patients with bronchoscopic Grades0 or 1 (p = 0.03). Contrary to reports of other investiga-tors, these workers noted that high-grade bronchoscopicfindings were not associated with increased fluid require-ments. Initial pulmonary compliance also did not correlate

    [any or combination]

    Grade 3 (Severe Injury): Severe inflammation with friability,copious carbonaceous deposits,bronchorrhea, bronchial obstruction.

    [any or combination]

    Grade 4 (MassiveInjury):

    Evidence of mucosal sloughing, necrosis,endoluminal obliteration. [any orcombination]

    Endorf and Gamelli [25].Reproduced with permission from J Burn Care Res and Endorf, et al.with acute fluid requirements. Notably, patients with aPaO2/FiO2 ratio 350 (p =0.03) (Tables 2 and 3).Most writers agree that a consensus regarding the

    diagnosis of inhalation injury will be based on modalitieswhich are widely available and do not require highly spe-cialized skills. A consistent vocabulary for description of

    Table 2 Comparison for bronchoscopic grade ofinhalation injury

    Group 1 Group 2 PValue(Grades 0 and 1) (Grades 2, 3, 4)

    25 Patients 35 Patients

    mL/kg/%TBSA 6.6 (0.7) 6.7 (0.4) .88

    Ventilator days 8.6 (1.4) 12.8 (2.2) .11

    Survival 21 (84%) 20 (57%) .03

    Initial compliance 49.9 (4.4) 49.7 (3.1) .98

    Initial P:F Ratio 371.5 (32) 329.7 (29) .33

    Endorf and Gamelli [25].Reproduced with permission from J Burn Care Res and Endorf, et al.injury and its physiologic effects is also required alongwith reliable description of the composition and dispos-ition of inhaled irritants with some grading of intensityof exposure [28].The best tools presently available for diagnosis of inhal-

    ation injury are clinical presentation and bronchoscopicfindings. Difficulty comes with attempts to predict whichpatients are vulnerable to resuscitation complications, in-creased pulmonary dysfunction, respiratory failure andmortality. Attempts to identify prognostic factors for pa-tients with smoke inhalation have been made. It has beendifficult to identify reliable indicators of progressive respira-tory failure in patients with smoke inhalation. Moreover,proximal injury observed by bronchoscopy is frequentlygreater than peripheral pulmonary parenchymal injury. Sev-eral investigative teams show lack of correlation betweenseverity of bronchoscopic findings, fluid resuscitation re-quirements, development of Acute Respiratory DistressSyndrome (ARDS) and other clinical outcomes [25,28-31].Other diagnostic modalities such as 99-technetium scan-ning and xenon scanning may confirm inhalation injurybut due to logistical reasons are not widely used in the ini-tial evaluation of smoke inhalation [32].

    Treatment strategiesBronchoscopyIn many centers, bronchoscopy has a role limited toobtaining lavage fluid for culture and assessing the de-gree of airway injury which may predict outcome [33].Severe inhalation injury is in part a mechanical processcharacterized by pulmonary edema, bronchial edema,and secretions, can occlude the airway leading to atelec-tasis and pneumonia. Aggressive use of bronchoscopy ishighly effective in removing foreign particles and accu-

    Table 3 Comparison by P:F ratio

    P:F 350 PValue(30 Patients) (30 Patients)

    mL/kg/%TBSA 7.4 (0.4) 5.9 (0.5) .03

    Ventilator days 12.2 (2.4) 0.9 (1.5) .21

    Survival 18 (60%) 23 (77%) .17

    Endorf and Gamelli [25].Reproduced with permission from J Burn Care Res and Endorf, et al.mulated secretions that worsen the inflammatory re-sponse and may impede ventilation [34,35]. While itseems intuitive that bronchoscopy could improve pul-monary hygiene and outcomes by removing secretionsand epithelial slough in burn patients, only recently hasthis question been addressed by a review of the NationalBurn Repository of the American Burn Association [33].Carr and coworkers reviewed the National Burn Reposi-

    tory from 1998 to 2007 to determine outcome differencesin burn patients with inhalation injury and pneumoniawho did and did not receive bronchoscopy [33]. Patients

  • Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 7 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31with a 30-59% Total Body Surface Area burn and pneu-monia who underwent bronchoscopy had a decreasedduration of mechanical ventilation compared to patientswho did not have bronchoscopy. Patients with larger in-juries and pneumonia did not have improved outcomeswith bronchoscopy. When patients having at least onebronchoscopy procedure were compared with those whodid not undergo bronchoscopy, the patients receiving thistest had a shorter length of intensive care unit and hos-pital stay. Hospital charges were higher in patients whodid not undergo bronchoscopy compared with those whoreceived this procedure. When compared with patientswho did not undergo bronchoscopy, patients who didhave one or more bronchoscopic procedures had a re-duced risk of death by 18%. However, while strong trendswere present, the mortality benefit associated with bron-choscopy and the reduction in hospital cost representedtrends which did not reach statistical significance.

    Carbon monoxide toxicityMorbidity and mortality associated with carbon mon-oxide toxicity are the result of hypoxic states associatedwith interference with oxygen transport at the cellularlevel and compromise of electron transport withincells. Other potential mechanisms include binding tomyoglobin or hepatic cytochromes and peroxidation ofcerebral lipids. The extent of injury is dependent on theconcentration of carbon monoxide, duration of expos-ure and underlying health status of the exposed individ-ual [36,37].Short- and long-term morbidity of carbon monoxide

    toxicity involves neurologic and vascular consequences.Neurologic sequelae are divided into two syndromes: 1)persistent neurologic sequelae and 2) delayed neurologicsequelae. Persistent neurologic sequelae involve neuro-logic deficits occurring after carbon monoxide exposurethat may improve over time. Delayed neurologic sequelaeis a relapse of neurologic signs and symptoms after atransient period of improvement. Distinguishing betweenthese conditions may be difficult. Symptoms of chroniccarbon monoxide toxicity may include fatigue, affectiveconditions, emotional distress, memory deficits, difficultyworking, sleep disturbances, vertigo, neuropathy, pares-thesias, recurrent infections, polycythemia, abdominalpain and diarrhea [37-39].Neuropsychological sequelae are common after carbon

    monoxide poisoning. In some trials, 40% of involved pa-tients treated with normobaric oxygen had cognitive se-quelae when evaluated six weeks after carbon monoxideexposure and a similar number had affective sequelae.Other potential consequences include gait and motordisturbances, peripheral neuropathy, hearing loss and

    vestibular abnormalities, dementia and psychosis. Thesechanges may be permanent [37,40-42].Immediate management of carbon monoxide toxicityis administration of normobaric oxygen by means of anonrebreather reservoir facemask supplied with highflow oxygen or 100% oxygen by means of an artificialairway. Administration of normobaric oxygen hastenselimination of carbon monoxide but one trial did notshow reduction in cognitive sequelae after inhalation ofnormobaric oxygen as compared with no supplementaloxygen therapy [36,37]. Since normobaric oxygen is safe,readily available and inexpensive, however, it should beprovided until a carboxyhemoglobin level is less than 5%.Initial support of the exposed patient should emphasizeadequate ventilation and perfusion, neurologic examin-ation, exposure history and measurement of arterial bloodgases by co-oximetry to assess gas exchange, metabolicstatus and carboxyhemoglobin level. A carboxyhemoglo-bin level greater than 3% in nonsmokers or greater than10% in smokers confirms exposure to carbon monoxide.The carbon monoxide level does not correlate with thepresence or absence of initial symptoms or with later out-comes [35,43,44].Carbon monoxide exposure can exacerbate angina and

    cause cardiac injury even in persons with normal coron-ary arteries. Thus, exposed patients may require cardio-vascular investigation including electrocardiogram andmeasurement of cardiac enzymes. If cardiac injury ispresent, cardiology consultation should be considered[37,45,46].The use of hyperbaric oxygen has been advocated to

    treat carbon monoxide exposure under the hypothesis thatrapid displacement of carbon monoxide from hemoglobinat 100% oxygen using hyperbaric pressures will reduceduration of the cellular hypoxic state [36,37]. Use ofhyperbaric oxygen results in more rapid displacement ofcarbon monoxide. Absolute indications and outcomes forhyperbaric oxygen remain controversial because of lack ofcorrelation between the only available diagnostic tool,carboxyhemoglobin levels, and the severity of the clinicalstate and outcomes of the initial insult or therapies [36].In addition, there is no standard for duration or intensityof hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen haspotential complications including barotrauma, tympanicmembrane disruption, seizures and air embolism [47-50].Among published clinical trials of hyperbaric oxygen

    therapy, few satisfy all consolidated standards for thereporting of trials guidelines including double-blinding,enrollment of all eligible patients, a priori definitions ofoutcomes and high rates of follow-up [37,49,51,52]. Onesingle center prospective trial showed that the incidenceof cognitive sequelae was lower among patients whounderwent three hyperbaric oxygen sessions (initial ses-sion of 150 minutes, followed by two sessions of 120 -

    minutes each, separated by an interval of 6 to 12 hours)within 24 hours after acute carbon monoxide poisoning

  • Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 8 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31than among patients treated with normobaric oxygen(25% versus 46%, p = 0.007 and p = 0.03 after adjustmentfor cerebellar dysfunction and stratification). Use of hyper-baric oxygen in this trial reduced the rate of cognitive se-quelae at 12 months (18% versus 33% with normobaricoxygen; p = 0.04). This trial did not, however, clearly iden-tify subgroups of patients in whom hyperbaric oxygen wasmore or less beneficial [37].A Cochrane review of six trials including two published

    in abstract form did not support the use of hyperbaric oxy-gen for patients with carbon monoxide poisoning [53]. Amore recent Cochrane review also failed to demonstrateconvincing benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy [54].However, multiple flaws in the reviewed trials were identi-fied [36,37]. The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for car-bon monoxide victims continues to be guided by standardsof the community rather than scientific consensus.Patients with carbon monoxide poisoning should be

    followed medically after discharge. Extent and rate of re-covery after poisoning are variable and recovery is oftencomplicated by sequelae which can persist after expos-ure or develop weeks after poisoning and which may bepermanent. Specific therapy for sequelae after carbonmonoxide exposure is not available. Patients with seque-lae should have symptoms addressed through cognitive,psychiatric, vocational, speech, occupational and physicalrehabilitation. Data on these interventions in patientswith carbon monoxide sequelae are lacking [37,40].An important trial examined long-term outcomes of

    patients with acute carbon monoxide poisoning [55].Over 1,000 patients treated over a 30 year period wereexamined. Patients studied were treated with hyperbaricoxygen and survived the acute poisoning episode. Long-term mortality was compared to a standard population.Survivors of acute carbon monoxide poisoning experi-enced excess mortality in comparison to the general popu-lation. Excess mortality was highest in the group initiallytreated for intentional carbon monoxide poisoning. Forthe entire group, major causes of death were mental andpsychiatric disorders, injuries and violence. Other morespecific causes of death were alcoholism, motor vehiclecrash with pedestrians, motor vehicle crashes of unspeci-fied type, accidental poisoning and intentional self-harm.Consistent with data mentioned above, no difference insurvival was observed by measure of carbon monoxidepoisoning severity after controlling for age, gender, raceand intent of carbon monoxide poisoning.

    Cyanide toxicityCyanide is produced by combustion of natural or syn-thetic household materials including synthetic polymers,polyacrylonitrile, paper, polyurethane, melamine, wool,

    horsehair and silk [56,57]. Cyanide can be detected intrace amounts in smoke at house fires and in the bloodof smokers and fire victims. Ingestion of cyanide prod-ucts produces metabolic acidosis which is also seen inburn patients during resuscitation. Cyanide is a normalhuman metabolite which the body can detoxify. Cyanidecan be produced in vitro by normal human blood and insitu in certain organs after death. Much of the interestin cyanide as a toxin related to inhalation injury stemsfrom the availability of a cyanide antidote kit.Barillo recently reviewed the evidence regarding test-

    ing of smoke inhalation victims for cyanide [57,58]. Un-fortunately, a simple and rapid blood assay for cyanide islacking and may be of limited utility as cyanide is anintracellular toxin. As noted above, cyanide is a normalmetabolite in humans and can be produced and de-graded in blood samples in vitro. Erythrocytes convertthiocyanate to cyanide in vitro and because blood cyan-ide is mainly bound to erythrocytes, autolysis of redblood cells may elevate blood cyanide levels. In normalindividuals, blood cyanide levels range from up to 0.3 mg/L in nonsmokers to 0.5 mg/L in smokers. Firefighters, des-pite chronic smoke exposure, have relatively normal bloodcyanide levels. Cyanide is mildly elevated in both fire sur-vivors and fire fatalities. Survival with blood cyanide levelsof 79 mg/L has been documented after cyanide ingestionor inhalation. Recommendations for treatment of cyanideintoxication in smoke victims are extrapolated from lim-ited industrial experience or from suicide and homicidevictims. Overt cyanide poisoning is uncommon and littlehuman data is available [57,59].A popular cyanide antidote kit utilizes a series of reac-

    tions with oxidation of hemoglobin to methemoglobinwhich binds cyanide forming cyanomethemoglobin [60,61].As cyanomethemoglobin dissociates, free cyanide isconverted to thiocyanate by hepatic mitochondrial en-zymes using colloidal sulfate or thiosulfate. Thiocyanateis then excreted in the urine. Despite popularity of thecyanide antidote kit, documented effectiveness is limited[57,58,62]. Notably, a methemoglobin level of 20-30% isrequired to optimally bind cyanide. Additionally, this iscontraindicated in patients with concurrent carbonmonoxide poisoning as the conversion of carboxyhemo-globin to methemoglobin may exacerbate hypoxia. An-other management strategy utilizes sodium thiosulfateas a substrate in conversion of cyanide to thiocyanateand is reported to be an effective antidote when usedwith or without nitrite. Prospective trials utilizing thisstrategy are lacking apart from case studies. Administra-tion at recommended doses is without serious side ef-fects while nausea, retching and vomiting have beenreported [57,63].European data suggests treatment of cyanide poison-

    ing with chelating agents such as dicobalt edetate or

    hydroxycobalamin. Dicobalt edetate is associated withanaphylaxis and can produce hypertension, rhythm

  • Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 9 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31changes or cobalt poisoning. At present, dicobalt edetate isnot available in the United States. It has been used in GreatBritain [57,64,65]. Hydroxycobalamin is an effective cyan-ide antidote at a dose of 100 mg/kg. Unfortunately, in theUnited States, hydroxycobalamin has been available at1 mg/mL concentrations which limits usefulness as ap-proximately 10 L of material would be needed to neutralizea fatal cyanide dose [58,66]. The European approach tocyanide poisoning is quite aggressive relative to the UnitedStates. In Europe, 1 mg/L blood cyanide level is consideredsignificant or fatal. Hydroxycobalamin and dicobalt edetateare used together to manage cyanide exposure in France[58,65].Cyanide antidotes have recently been reviewed by Hall

    and coworkers. Scattered investigators in the UnitedStates and French clinicians continue to study a varietyof agents available for management of this problem. Anumber of agents are available with differing mechanismsof action. Most of the clinical work, originating from fire-fighters in Paris emphasizes the use of hydroxycobalaminin smoke inhalation victims with high risk smoke expos-ure. Various antidotes available for cyanide have varied tol-erability and safety profiles. For example, dicobalt edetateuse is limited by toxicity concerns. Another cyanide anti-dote used in Germany is 4-dimethylaminophenol. Like so-dium nitrate and amyl nitrite, 4-dimethylaminophenol isthought to neutralize cyanide by inducing methemoglobin.Unfortunately, methemoglobin concentrations and tox-icity can be significant with this agent. Use of dicobaltedetate is limited by cobalt toxicity. Of studied agents,hydroxycobalamin has the smallest toxicity profile apartfrom allergic reactions. Because of a favorable side effectprofile, this agent has been used in small studies ofprehospital and empiric treatment of smoke exposure.Hydroxycobalamin has rapid onset of action and neutral-izes cyanide without interfering with cellular oxygen use.At present, multiple investigators suggest that if employed,hydroxycobalamin is the antidote of first resort in cyanideexposure [67,68].Hydroxycobalamin therapy has been used to prevent

    cyanide toxicity in patients receiving intravenous nitro-prusside and to treat toxic amblyopia and optic neuritiscaused by cyanide in tobacco smoke. In these applica-tions, hydroxycobalamin is generally well tolerated butmay be associated with side effects of headache, allergicreactions, skin and urine discoloration, hypertension orreflex bradycardia [58,63,69]. Hyperbaric oxygen therapyfor cyanide has also been advocated. There is little ob-jective data to support this application [58,70,71]. Inlight of recent experience with hyperbaric oxygen in car-bon monoxide toxicity, a role for this modality in cyan-ide exposure is questionable [54].

    In summary, the need for specific antidotes in cyanide

    toxicity is unclear. Aggressive supportive therapy directedto restoration of cardiovascular function with provision ofsupplemental oxygen augments hepatic clearance of cyan-ide without specific antidotes and should be first linetreatment. Even with severe cyanide poisoning (bloodlevels of 59 mg/L), after cyanide ingestion or smoke in-halation, survival has been documented with aggressivesupportive therapy provided without cyanide antidotes[58,72,73]. Another critical issue is the lack of a rapidcyanide assay to document actual poisoning before anti-dote administration is considered. If an accurate andrapid cyanide assay is available, prospective studies canthen be designed to address the efficacy of various treat-ment options.

    Mechanical ventilationThere is no ideal respiratory support strategy for the pa-tient with inhalation injury. Consensus recommendationsfor mechanical ventilation continue to serve as generalguidelines [74]. Ventilator strategies must support oxygen-ation and ventilation and reflect the experience of theclinical team managing the patient. Limitation of pressure,acceptance of permissive hypercapnia and strategies tomanage secretions are important. A significant number ofpatients with smoke inhalation will develop pneumonia inassociation with mechanical ventilation. Routine preventionstrategies include elevation of the head of the bed, frequentposition changes and oral care. Antibiotic prophylaxis hasno role and may increase infection rates. Extracorporealmembrane oxygenation is perhaps the most dramatic res-cue therapy and clearly not applicable as a standard therapyat this time [75-77]. Simple strategies such as prone posi-tioning are more practical in the hypoxic patient [78].A number of ventilation modes have been recommended

    for specific application to the patient with burn injury.High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) supportsthe lung at a mean airway pressure above that used in con-ventional ventilation. Oscillations may cause significantpressure swings in the endotracheal tube while pressurefluctuations are attenuated at the alveolar level. Smallstudies suggest modest improvement in oxygenation withHFOV over conventional ventilation strategies. Two recentmajor trials do not support widespread use of HFOV[79-81]. Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV) usescontinuous positive airway pressure applied at a high levelwith intermittent releases of airway pressure. Spontaneousbreathing during APRV more closely mimics gas distribu-tion of normal breathing as opposed to mechanicallycontrolled breaths which produce a less physiologic gasdistribution. APRV has been used in a variety of criticallyill patients. A number of physiologic concerns remain tobe addressed before widespread application of APRV canbe recommended. For example, APRV can be associated

    with significant elevation in mean airway pressure whileallowing lung collapse between episodes of continuous

  • Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 10 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31positive airway pressure. In patients with critical illness,spontaneous breathing through an open ventilator circuitmay not be feasible. Finally, pulmonary transmural pres-sure in APRV is not controlled and can be elevated signifi-cantly. It appears that APRV can be used effectively byclinicians familiar with its rationale and experienced in itsuse. However, advantages of APRV over optimized conven-tional ventilation have not been demonstrated and its ul-timate role for management of patients with respiratoryfailure has yet to be proven [82,83].

    Noninvasive ventilationMany studies report benefit with noninvasive ventilationdue to avoidance of endotracheal intubation and its as-sociated complications. Without an endotracheal tube,patients communicate more effectively, require less sed-ation and are more comfortable. In addition, patients areable to continue with standard oral care. Trauma associ-ated with endotracheal tube insertion is avoided alongwith sinusitis and impaired swallowing after extubation.The benefit of noninvasive ventilation most discussed inthe literature is reduction in incidence, cost impact andsubsequent mortality of pneumonia [84,85].A key component of the success of noninvasive venti-

    lation has been selection of awake, cooperative, spontan-eously breathing patients. These individuals must beable to protect their airway. Hemodynamic or electrocar-diographic instability or an unstable airway argue againstthe use of noninvasive ventilation. The unconscious pa-tient with significant facial injuries is not a candidate fornoninvasive ventilation. Further contraindications in-clude compromised cough and the need for significantclearance of secretions. High secretion load and facialtrauma are often seen with inhalation injury. Relativecontraindications include inability to fit and seal masksand helmets secondary to injury or facial deformityincluding facial hair. Uncooperative patients or thosewho will not leave a mask in place, not cough whenprompted or are unable to remove the mask in the eventof emesis are not good candidates for noninvasive venti-lation. If pressures used to ventilate the patient aremaintained below 30 mmHg, the closing pressure of thelower esophageal sphincter should not be overcome andaerophagia should be relatively uncommon. Finally, mor-bid obesity is a relative contraindication due to increasedventilator pressure requirements arising from body hab-itus and weight of the chest wall or abdominal viscerawith the patient in bed [84].The optimal time to consider use of noninvasive venti-

    lation in the burn injured patient is unclear. Historically,other patient groups have been treated with noninvasiveventilation when signs of hypoxemia or hypercarbia are

    present. Unlike other patient groups where respiratorycompromise is generally progressive, the insult faced bythe burn patient may be great in the initial hours afterinjury during high volume fluid resuscitation. Duringthese initial hours, the risk of edema to burned and un-burned tissue is signficiant. Noninvasive ventilation maybe considered as a prophylactic strategy during resusci-tation in high risk patients even before frank signs of re-spiratory insufficiency appear.The most serious complication of noninvasive ventila-

    tion is failure to recognize when this therapy is notproviding adequate ventilation, oxygenation or airwaysupport. Delayed intubation may cause continued deteri-oration of the patient. Never lose a patient for failure tointubate [84,85].

    VentilationPatients with various forms of lung injury are now beingtreated with ventilator strategies involving limitation ofminute ventilation through use of low tidal volumesresulting in a tendency toward hypercapnia. While hy-percapnia in the setting of acute lung injury may beaddressed in various ways, there is growing evidence thatacceptance may be a better alternative than aggressivepursuit of normal carbon dioxide tension [86].Airway pressures as low as 30 cmH2O have been asso-

    ciated with lung injury in animal models. This pressurecorresponds with a normal static inflation pressure fortotal lung capacity in humans. Thus, maintaining plateaupressure 75without hemodynamic consequences. At greater degreesof hypercapnia and acidosis, hemodynamic instability maybecome a limiting factor [89-92].

    OxygenationApplication of positive airway pressure is intended to re-place or supplement respiratory muscle function and cor-rect hypoxemia associated with alveolar hypoventilation.

    Reversal of hypoxemia caused by intrapulmonary shuntrequires interventions that open lung units for gas

  • Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 11 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31exchange. In patients with lung edema, atelectasis or otherinjury, Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) may in-crease arterial oxygenation by increasing functional re-sidual capacity, reducing venous add mixture, shiftingtidal volume to a more compliant portion of the pressurevolume curve and preventing loss of lung compliance dur-ing mechanical ventilation. Work of breathing may alsobe reduced [89,93-95].PEEP also has a value beyond maintaining airway pa-

    tency. In patients with obstructive respiratory disease,lungs may fail to deflate to functional residual capacityat end expiration. Alveolar pressure remains positive inthese individuals to an extent dependant on the volumeof trapped air. This phenomenon is referred to as auto-PEEP or extrinsic PEEP. In the presence of auto-PEEP,application of external PEEP is beneficial during spon-taneous breathing as respiratory work is reduced andduring patient-triggered modes of ventilation wherebreath initiation is supported. Optimal administration ofexternal PEEP in the setting of auto-PEEP reduces in-spiratory muscle effort and improves patient ventilatorinteraction [96].PEEP has hemodynamic effects as well. Increased in-

    trathoracic pressure causes a fall in cardiac output dueto reduced venous return. In patients with poor leftventricular function, application of PEEP may serve todecrease left ventricular afterload and improve left ven-tricular performance. A small number of studies alsosuggest that maintaining airway patency with PEEP mayfacilitate clearance of secretions [94].The general physiologic approach to hypoxemia in the

    absence of confounding factors is to increase mean air-way pressure. Elevation in PEEP, the immediate meansto this end, has been studied in a variety of multicentertrials. In addition, application of PEEP in patients withchronic obstructive pulmonary disease appears to improvegas flow and mainten airway patency. In the chemicalpneumonitis and secretion accumulation, which accom-panies smoke inhalation, airway pressure managementstrategies may do more than optimize oxygenation; gasflows and secretion movement can be favorably affected[89,97].In the 1980s, intrapulmonary percussion with diffusion

    of oxygen via subtidal breaths and convective washoutof carbon dioxide was introduced by Dr. Forrest Bird.This technology is now marketed as High FrequencyPercussive Ventilation (HFPV). The percussive nature ofthis support enhances clearance of secretions. Cioffi andothers have reported improved outcomes with HFPV inpatients with inhalation injury for two decades [98-100].As presently marketed, HFPV machines deliver high

    frequency subtidal volume breaths followed by a passive

    exhalation to a baseline preset continuous positive air-way pressure. Respiration is time-cycled and pressurelimited with frequency, amplitude, inspiratory to expira-tory time ratios and waveforms designed to maximizeventilation and perfusion. Pulse frequency of subtidalvolume breaths can be varied to assist in providing max-imal oxygenation. Typically rates of 500600 are usedinitially, but rates can be increased to a maximum of700750 if necessary. Amplitude of subtidal volumebreaths can also be adjusted to correlate with patientpeak inspiratory pressure. Interruption of percussive res-piration permits passive CO2 elimination. A mandatoryrespiratory rate is created by variable inspiratory and ex-piratory times. Initially, a ventilator rate of approximatelyone-half to two-thirds that of conventional respiration isused for this background pressure. Ventilator variables aresubsequently adjusted based on patient response tooptimize gas exchange. Conventional ventilator modes aretypically used for weaning and extubation. More recentexperience with HFPV comes from Hall and coworkers atthe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.Mortality benefit with HFPV was observed in patientswith burns

  • Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 12 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31Pulmonary blood flowThere are two potential targets for modifying pulmonaryblood flow in inhalation injury. The first is diminishingbronchial arterial blood flow and thus, decreasing theflow of systemic inflammatory mediators to the lung.Hamahata et al., again working with a sheep model, sur-gically ligated the bronchial artery in one group of sheep.They surgically exposed the bronchial artery in thesecond group but left it intact rather than ligating the ar-tery. They then exposed both groups to a combinedburn and smoke inhalation injury. This combined injuryincreased bronchial blood flow, pulmonary edema, andpulmonary dysfunction in both groups, but all thesechanges were less severe in the group that had under-gone bronchial artery ablation [104]. Building on theseinitial findings, the same group then exposed the sheepto the burn/smoke inhalation injury first, then used acatheter to inject 70% ethanol into the bronchial arteryone hour after injury and compared it to groups with sa-line injection and with no injury. Again, the injuredgroups showed markedly worse blood gas analyses andpulmonary mechanics, but those undergoing bronchialartery sclerosis with ethanol had decreased bronchialblood flow and less severe changes in their blood gasesand pulmonary mechanics [105].Another promising modulator of pulmonary blood

    flow is inhaled nitric oxide (NO). NO is a potent vaso-dilator that when inhaled will be delivered selectively toventilated lung and vasodilate the capillaries servingthose areas. This results in decreased ventilation/perfu-sion mismatch, decreased shunting, and decreased pul-monary hypertension [106]. Enkhbataar et al. studiedinhaled NO in an ovine model compared to controls notreceiving NO. Their model of inhalation injury resultedin increased lung water, increased pulmonary micro-vascular resistance, and increase pulmonary artery pres-sures. The NO group had less severe changes in thesevariables when compared to the control group [107]. Qiet al. studied inhaled NO in a canine model and foundthat there was also less damage to the myocardium ofdogs receiving inhaled NO when compared to a controlgroup. The NO group also had improved cardiac energymetabolism [108].

    AnticoagulantsSignificant airway obstruction is one of the hallmarks ofinhalation injury. Airway casts are formed by a combin-ation of sloughed epithelial cells, mucus, inflammatorycells, and fibrin. Fibrin in particular has been a target forresearchers to attempt to prevent formation of these air-way casts.Enkhbataar et al. used nebulized tissue plasminogen ac-tivator (TPA) as a fibrinolytic agent in an experiment withsheep subjected to a combined burn/smoke inhalationinjury. They found that TPA-treated sheep had less severeimpairment of pulmonary gas exchange, less pulmonaryedema, less of an increase in airway pressures, and less air-way obstruction than control animals [109]. The samegroup used a combination of aerosolized heparin and re-combinant human antithrombin in another burn andsmoke inhalation ovine model. They found that the twoagents in combination resulted in better lung compliance,less pulmonary edema, and less airway obstruction thancontrols. Interestingly, neither agent used alone had thesame ameliorating effect [110].Heparin in combination with N-acetylcysteine gained

    widespread use after a study by Desai et al. showed de-creased mortality in pediatric patients with inhalation in-jury [111]. However, a subsequent retrospective reviewby Holt et al. of 150 patients with inhalation injury showedno significant improvement in clinical outcomes in pa-tients treated with inhaled heparin and acetylcysteine[112]. In addition, there has been at least one case reportof coagulopathy in a patient receiving aerosolized heparinand acetylcysteine for inhalation injury [113].Heparin was also combined with the anti-inflammatory

    agent lisofylline in an ovine model by Tasaki et al. Theyused three groups of sheep, one receiving nebulized salineonly, one getting nebulized heparin only, and the third re-ceiving both nebulized heparin and intravenous lisofylline.The combined heparin/lisofylline group had decreasedshunt and less of an increase in alveolar-arterial oxygentension gradient after a smoke inhalation injury. Theheparin-only group did not exhibit these same benefits[114]. The efficacy of aerosolized heparin in the adult burnand inhalation injury population is still unclear.

    Antiinflammatory agentsReducing the localized inflammatory response after in-halation injury could theoretically decrease the mechan-ical burden of biomaterials obstructing the airways, aswell as decreasing the long-term fibrotic reaction afterinhalation injury. There are a number of agents thathave been used to reduce inflammation, primarily in ani-mal models.Thromboxane A2 is an important inflammatory medi-

    ator in lung injury, and inhibition of thromboxane syn-thase has been shown to ameliorate lung injury in bothdogs and guinea pigs [115,116]. Westphal et al. usedOKY-046 (Ozagrel, 3-[4-(1H-imidazol-1ylmethyl)phenyl]-2E-propanoic acid; Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Osaka,Japan) as a thromboxane synthase inhibitor in a sheepmodel of smoke inhalation injury. In a group of 16 sheep,eight received the drug and eight received only the drugdelivery vehicle. They found that the treatment group haddecreased pulmonary thromboxane, and in turn had de-

    creases in pulmonary vascular resistance and less of a de-crease in cardiac output [117].

  • Dries and Endorf Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:31 Page 13 of 15http://www.sjtrem.com/content/21/1/31Free oxygen radicals also trigger inflammation duringinhalation injury. Scavengers of these reactive oxygenradicals may help attenuate the pathologic inflammatoryresponse to smoke inhalation. Yamamoto et al. usednebulized gamma-tocopherol (in ethanol) in six sheepwith severe burns and smoke inhalation and comparedthem to five sheep with the nebulized ethanol alone.They saw significant improvements in the P:F ratio ofthe tocopherol group, as well as decreases in pulmonaryshunt and airway pressures [118].The parasympathetic nervous system also contributes

    to the physiologic response to airway injury by secretingacetylcholine, which acts on muscarinic receptors toconstrict smooth muscle in the airways and stimulate ac-tivity of submucosal glands. Inhibition of these muscar-inic receptors blocks these effects as well as decreasingproduction of inflammatory cytokines during lung injury[119,120]. Jonkam et al. tested the muscarinic antagonisttiotropium bromide in sheep with no injury, with smoke/inhalation injury, and with smoke/inhalation injury receiv-ing tiotropium bromide. Sheep with a combined burn andinhalation injury showed increases in ventilatory pressuresand upper airway obstruction, as well as decreases in P:Fratio. Treatment with this muscarinic receptor antagonistresulted in a lesser degree of pathologic change in all thesevariables [121].

    Competing interestThe authors declare that there are no competing interests.

    Authors contributionsFE and DD performed the literature review and wrote the initial draft of themanuscript. DD conceived of the report and edited and rewrote portions ofthe manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

    Authors informationDavid J. Dries, MSE, MD, FACS, FCCM, FCCP is the Assistant Medical Directorof Surgical Care for HealthPartners Medical Group and Division Head forSurgery at Regions Hospital, the Level I Trauma and Burn Center, in St. Paul,Minnesota, USA. He is also Professor of Surgery, Professor of Anesthesiologyand Clinical Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University ofMinnesota. Dr. Dries also holds the John F. Perry, Jr. Chair of Trauma Surgeryat the University of Minnesota.Frederick W. Endorf, MD, FACS is Staff Surgeon at Regions Hospital, the LevelI Trauma and Burn Center, in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. He is also ClinicalAssistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Minnesota.

    Author details1Department of Surgery, Regions Hospital, 640 Jackson Street, St. Paul, MN55101, USA. 2The Burn Center, Regions Hospital, 640 Jackson Street, St. Paul,MN 55101, USA.

    Received: 26 November 2012 Accepted: 11 April 2013Published: 19 April 2013

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    doi:10.1186/1757-7241-21-31Cite this article as: Dries and Endorf: Inhalation injury: epidemiology,pathology, treatment strategies. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma,Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013 21:31.

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    AbstractIntroductionAnatomy and physiology of inhalation injuryHeat injury to the upper airwayChemical injury to the lower airwayCarbon monoxide and cyanide exposure

    Diagnosis of inhalation injuryTreatment strategiesBronchoscopyCarbon monoxide toxicityCyanide toxicity

    Mechanical ventilationNoninvasive ventilationVentilationOxygenation

    Medical adjuncts for treatment of smoke inhalationBeta-agonistsPulmonary blood flowAnticoagulantsAntiinflammatory agents

    Competing interestAuthors contributionsAuthors informationAuthor detailsReferences

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