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Initial ideas

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Initial Ideas ?
Page 1: Initial ideas

Initial Ideas


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Appreciate life

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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The aim of the documentary is to inform

people about a very rare disease called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

It is also to raise awareness of the stem and gene therapy treatment that can partially cure the disease.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a fatal genetic disorder diagnosed in childhood, affecting approximately 1 in every 3,500 male births/infants.


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The idea came from talking to an individual

who is suffering from this condition and thinks that there is not much awareness of this disease.

He claims that people give more charities in research like cancer where as they should also raise money to research for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy because there has been individuals who were treated with stem therapy and they made significant improvements.

Idea development

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My idea is original because its very different

from the documentaries that already exist such as most of the documentaries I have seen had people with the condition on the summer camp and there was vox pox showing how they feel to be surrounded by people with similar condition.

Where as my documentary will have interview about how the individual feels about being surrounded by people who can walk and don’t have the condition.

Originality of the idea

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This documentary will follow a day in life of a an

individual with the condition and it will be an observational, biographical and investigational documentary.

It will be a participant led documentary. It will also have an interview with a doctor asking him

information about the condition I have also tried to contact The Muscular Dystrophy

Association (MDA) media department and if they reply then I can interview one of the experts who is involved in the research and treatment of the condition.

Topic area

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The documentary will start with text which will have

facts and figures about the condition. Then it will show the individual with the condition

doing daily tasks and talking about how he copes with condition while doing different tasks.

There will be cutaways of the interview with the doctor in the middle of the individual’s observation and the doctor will explain how he inherited the condition and why does it get worse as time pass by.

It will also have cutaways of the pictures of muscles and genes showing what is happening inside the body.


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Patient:Does it stop you form doing anything that you want to do?How does it make you feel?How was your college experience?How did you get all these awards? Doctor:What causes the condition? What causes the mutations?Why does it get worse? Expert (if possible):Why is it still not curable?Why don’t doctors use stem therapy to treat it?


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The target audience for this documentary will

be 25-35 years old who are interested in knowing more about the condition.

It can also appeal to people with the condition or families of people with the condition because it will have information about the stem and gene therapy treatment.

Target Audience

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The programme will be appealing to the target

audience because it will not just have one person sitting in front of the camera and telling people about their condition.

It will have three interviews put together that will change the person, change the information to keep the audience engaged. e.g. if the patient is telling about the muscles not moving and what it restricts them to do, then the doctor part will come to explain why the muscles are not moving and then the researcher part will come to explain what treatments they have in process to make those muscles move. so it will be a balance of experience, knowledge and research.

The music will also keep the audience engaged.


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It will have various different locations such as the

house of the patient who I will be observing because it will show the assistance he gets from the equipment's in his house and other facilities in house that helps him.

The interview with the doctor will take place in his surgery so the background will have books, posters and leaflets about various health issues.

The interview with the expert will take place in a lab where they do research about the condition.


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Interviews: with the patient, the

doctor and the expert. Cutaways: of muscles, genes,

chromosomes and labs with research material.

Participant: the patient, the doctor and the expert.


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There will be sad music throughout the

documentary because it is a serious and emotional topic.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlWRiZo7T4Ihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQswdWdJy6c The music will communicate with the audience

and give a sense of the emotional topic.

Music and Sound

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Primary Research

I gave out this questionnaire to 20 people and out of 20 only 2 people knew what the condition was because they were doing bio medical science and other 18 had no idea about the condition. They had never seen any documentary on this condition before but 100% of the people said that they would like to see a documentary on the condition and find out what causes it . More then 50% of the population said that they would like to see both the doctor and the patient which helped me because then I asked to a doctor to be part of my documentary which I didn’t had planned previously.

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Secondary Research

This article from 2014 suggests that if researchers do more research about the condition they can eventually find a cure to the condition.It helps my documentary because now I can add information about these drugs and ask the expert about why these drugs do and why don’t the cure the condition.

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This shows that researchers are focusing more on making drugs which is good but then if there has been improvements through stem therapy why don’t they use that and do more research on that.

The documentary will have information about what kind of drugs they are researching and why are they not using the stem therapy.

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This article shows that not many people know about the disease which is why parents get less support. This fact is also supported by the primary research which showed that only 20% of the population knew what the condition was.

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The agency that I tried to contact is Muscular Dystrophy UK.

They raise awareness of the disease and carry out research for treatments.

They also raise funds to do the research.

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This documentary will be on my YouTube

channel which will allow anyone to see it and I will spread the video link through social networks such as twitter and Facebook.

I can put my documentary on BBC Three Fresh because it can go under the topic of health. BBC Three has a wide range of audience so it will raise awareness of the condition.


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Should Teachers be allowed to

have a social life

Fired for putting pictures on social network

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The aim of the

documentary is to find out what teachers think of the idea of getting fired for putting their pictures up on social networks?

The aim is also to find out what students think of their teachers putting their pictures of them socialising in a pub?


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The idea came from the news where a teacher

got fired from her job because she had a picture of herself holding a glass of beer while she was away for her summer holiday.

The reason why I chose to make a documentary on this news is that when I researched more into it, I found out that she was not the only one who was fired for putting pictures up on social network but there has been quite a few cases before.

Idea development

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My idea is very original because there has

been no documentaries asking teachers and students about there point of view on this rule.

It is also original and different because I personally think that teachers have a right to freedom and personal life.

All the articles I have read are against it but I want the documentary to give a message that teachers should be allowed to have a drink and put pictures of it online if they wish to.

Originality of the idea

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The documentary will be investigational as it will be

investigating what people think. The documentary will start with the presenter (a 17 year

old student) introducing the topic so she will give all the facts and figures about teachers getting fired.

Then it will have a 1min interview with the former head teacher asking if she thinks its inappropriate

Then it will have vox pops asking teachers and students for their opinions.

The interview and the vox pops will be participant led but the ending will have the presenter again telling the conclusion.


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Interview: It will have an interview with a former head

teacher (miss Neilson) asking her what is inappropriate in holding a glass of beer and why is it necessary to fire the teacher if they put a picture online?

Vox pops: It will have vox pops of teachers and students asking them their point of view. I will ask them what do think is appropriate and I will ask the students if teachers should be allowed to put pictures of them in a pub.

Cutaways: It will have cutaways of teachers just holding a glass of beer.


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The target audience for this documentary will

be both students and teacher so it will cover a range of ages from 18-35 years old.

It will appeal to adults specifically teachers because it will probably be in their favour and they will be able to see what other teacher think.

It will also appeal to the students because they get to see what other students think of their teachers putting pictures.

Target Audience

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It will be appealing to my target audience because it will have: A young presenter Teachers, adult participants Students, young participants Interviews and vox pops Appealing music Cutaway images to keep them engaged


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The interview with the head will take place in her

office beside a pile of wok which will reflect how stressing it is to be a teacher and how they need to relax over the weekend.

The vox pops with the teacher will take place in their class rooms so that shows a teaching environment.

The vox pops with students will be in the study room or mac room with a computer in the background that shows the news of teacher getting fired.


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The music that I decided to use is peaceful

and relaxing instrumental music. The reason I chose this music is because the

participants will be talking most of the time and I just want a music in the background to play throughout the documentary to appeal to the audience by keeping them engaged.



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There was a focused group of 4 people and I showed them the news of teacher getting fired and asked them if they think it was right to fire her?

All the students said no and they said teachers are humans they have a right to freedom and they need to relax as well. Whereas , one of the student did say that looking at inappropriate pictures of teachers will end up in them not respecting the teacher or may be respect them less.

Students said that they would like to hear the head teacher talk about it which is why I chose to interview Miss Neilson

Primary Research

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Secondary Research

This is the article that shows the teacher who got fired and this is the news that I had my idea from.

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This is another article that shows that a teacher got fired for posting her pub pictures on Facebook.

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These are comments on the news of the teacher and all three of them suggested that the teacher shouldn't have been fire because she is an adult and she did not do anything illegal.

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This documentary will be on my YouTube

channel which will allow anyone to see it and I will spread the video link through social networks such as twitter and Facebook.

I can put this documentary on BBC One because the topic is quite current and because the channel has a wide range of audience which matches my target audience because the documentary needs to reach people from the age of 18-35.


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Hidden Homeless

People who sleep on streets and do sofa surfing

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The aim of the documentary is to raise awareness about the hidden homeless.

The number of people that are not registered homeless but they don’t have a permanent house to live in and end up doing sofa surfing.

Young adults who have to live in shared council accommodations that are so poor that they actually choose to be on the street rather then live there.

Young adults who choose to be homeless because of abuse at home

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The idea came from looking at homeless people in

real life who sit on streets and sleep on street because they are not registered as homeless people.

When I looked into homelessness, I found out that there are so many people who are hidden homeless; they go to work, live a normal life in daytime but at night they come back to sleep on sofa because they don’t have any permanent home to live in.

Some of them decide to live under bridges so they can hide.

Idea Development

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My idea is original because it’s different from

the documentaries on homelessness. There are so many documentaries on

homelessness but they all show how people survive on the street.

My documentary will talk about how and why people end up on the streets and if they chose to be homeless, why did they choose to do so.

Originality of the idea

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The documentary will be presenter led. It will start with a text that shows the figures of hidden

homeless people in UK. The presenter will start the documentary by showing places

where people live (under the bridges, footpaths, public benches, and sofa surfing)

Then there will be an interview with two adults from centre point (an organisation that give homeless young people a future)

The documentary will end by the presenter asking people to raise awareness of the hidden homeless and try to help them.


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Interview: It will have interviews with the two

homeless people asking them how they ended up on the streets.

Cutaways: It will have cutaway images of people on a street and on the sofas.

Presenter: It will have a presenter who will introduce and end the documentary.

Music: It will have a sad and emotional music to reflect the topic and engage the audience.


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The target audience for this documentary will

be young adults aged between 25-35. It will specifically appeal to people who care

about homeless people. It will also appeal to people who wonder why

people are sitting on streets.

Target Audience

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It will appeal to the target audience because it

will emotional but it will also be informative. It will give them information about why people

choose to be homeless. The cutaways will keep them engaged. The music will also appeal to the audience


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I will film the homeless people in the shelter

home that they are living in and then I will film them on the streets showing how they got on the street and from there to the shelter home.


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Primary Research

I asked 15 people to fill out the questionnaire. Out of 15, 10 of them knew what hidden homelessness was but none of them knew why people especially teenagers become homeless. 5 of them had seen a documentary on homelessness before and liked the mise en scene the most because the documentaries were made on the streets.That tells me that I need to do some filming on the streets as well.

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Secondary Research

An article that talks about a girl who became homeless and had to go work everyday dressed up nicely but would come back to sleep on a sofa.

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The article shows how people who own their own homes can end up becoming a hidden homeless.

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This article shows how there is a massive increase in hidden homeless.

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This article mentions 10 reasons why people choose to be homeless.

This contributes to my idea because I want to know why people choose to be homeless and ask in the interview if these are any of the reasons.

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I have contacted centre point and they don’t have a problem with me talking to homeless people but they want me to talk to individuals to find out if they will be willing to be part of the documentary.

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This documentary will be on my YouTube

channel which will allow anyone to see it and I will spread the video link through social networks such as twitter and Facebook.

I will put this documentary on Channel 4 and BBC Three fresh because they have a wide range of audience who would like to know, why people choose to be homeless.


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Designer Babies

Should society accept designer babies?

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The aim of the documentary is to tell people

about genetically modified (GM) babies. It is also to ask people about their opinion on

GM. To find out if people think it’s okay to use

genetic modification to stop the baby from getting a disease?


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The Idea came from the news where leading

scientists told the BBC “Rapid progress in genetics is making "designer babies" more likely and society needs to be prepared’.

The idea developed because people are still not ready for genetically modified babies as their believes stop them from doing so.

The idea of a debate for against and favour has made me want to find out more and make a documentary on it.

Idea Development

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There are no

documentaries on GM babies because only recently has scientists started talking about it after the progress in rats modification.

My documentary will people’s view on what they think rather then what scientists think

Originality of the idea

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Presenter: It will have a presenter who will tell

people what scientists say and then ask for people’s opinions on scientists view.

Vox pops: There will be vox pops to ask about publics opinion on GM/Designer Babies.

Music: It will have music with a same tone throughout which reflects that the presenter/producer is not biased about any one opinion


Content & Conventions

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The target audience for this documentary will

be 20-35 years old, specifically people with a biological interest.

It can also appeal to people who want to know more about designer babies and are may be in favour or against.

It will appeal to the target audience because it will vox pops and people will have different voices and their different opinion which will keep the audience engaged.

Target Audience

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Street Park Shopping centre

It doesn’t have to be a specific location, it can be filed at different places where people are willing to give their opinions


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Interview with a student:She did know a bit about genetic modification and thought it is very wrong to genetically modify human beings. However, she did want to hear other people’s opinion in a documentary.She would like to hear opinions of the parents of children with diseases and disabilities that scientists say can be stopped by genetically modifying their kids.

Primary Research

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article clearly states that Humans are now becoming objects to design

Secondary Research

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The article that

delivers the message of scientists saying we should be ready for a debate which is what made me do a promo debate through my documentary

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This articles mentions the ethical implications of designer babies

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Scientists think they have made enough progress and are now ready to make

humans babies.

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