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inMission 45

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The Winter 2013 edition of CMS Ireland's inMission magazine. This edition marks the launch of CMS Ireland's 200th Anniversary year.
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Issue 45 Winter 2013 STILL COUNTING Our 200 th anniversary begins
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Issue 45Winter 2013

STILL COUNTING Our 200th anniversary begins

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our peoplepartners and staffGlobal Partners (by country)Burundi Dioceses of Gitega & Matana

DR Congo Dioceses of Bukavu, Kindu & N. Kivu

Egypt Diocese of Egypt

Kenya Diocese of Kajiado; Urban Development Programme, Nairobi

Nepal Human Development Community Services; SD Church

Rwanda Dioceses of Kibungo & Shyogwe

South Sudan Dioceses of Ibba, Kajokeji, Maridi & Yei

Uganda Dioceses of Luwero, Ruwenzori & Madi West Nile; Chilli Children

Zambia Diocese of Northern Zambia

Mission PartnersAart & Geesje den Breejen, with Anne-Fleur, Ruben, Jan Lucas & Lisa [Madi West Nile Diocese, Uganda]

Rory & Denise Wilson, with Gideon[Luwero Diocese, Uganda]

Paul & Tania Baker [Luwero Diocese, Uganda]

Mission AssociatesIsabelle Prondzynski [UDP, Kenya]

Deirdre & Mark Zimmerman, withZachary & Benjamin [Nepal]

Alison Gill [Province of Burundi]

StaffRonnie Briggs Mission Director

Rachel Brittain Mission Resource Coordinator

Anne Buckley Finance Assistant

Jenny Christie Administration Coordinator

Roger Cooke Mission Resource Manager

Brian Lavery Finance Manager

Gillian Maganda Personnel Coordinator

Jenny Smyth Partnership Coordinator

Kelly Yates Partnership Coordinator


snowball mission

On a train journey through Wales last week, I saw my first snow of the season, albeit on top of the mountains. It got me thinking about our chances of snow this winter.

Snow seems to be one of those ‘love it or hate it’ phenomena. Personally, I love it. I’m still amazed by the fact that every snowflake is unique – with a distinct structure and pattern. They seem so delicate and fragile and yet, when they combine with other flakes and accumulate, they become something altogether more substantial.

CMS Ireland has always been about people. Essentially, we have been, and continue to be, a society that helps people to help people. We are much more than the names on the panel that shares this page. We are the accumulation of many thousands of individuals, past and present, who have been committed to God and to mission…people who have seen the value of the ‘long-term’…people who make us who we are…people like you.

Our 200th anniversary is something to celebrate for the whole Church, in Ireland and beyond. As one of our supporters, it’s definitely something for you. So, as you read, be inspired to play your part, to pass it on…to help us create a different kind of snowball effect.

You are ‘our people’ and we are yours. Let’s celebrate together.

Roger CookeEditor

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all through the storm

As God has been faithful to CMS Ireland for 200 years, so we’ve sought to be faithful to the Church in parts of Africa and Asia during some very dark and difficult years. But God’s faithfulness has been – and continues to be – particularly evident through the witness of the Church in these places, where His people have shared love and offered hope in the midst of great strife.

Bishop Masimango from Kindu Dicoese in DR Congo shares some thoughts about God’s Faithfulness.

Bishop Masimango is one of 33 Global Delegates we’re hoping to bring to Ireland in May, to share in our anniversary

celebrations. In our spring edition of inMission, we’ll include an update from all our Global Partners.

Bishop Masimango Kindu Diocese

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God’s faithfulness in hard times

At the end of the 19th Century, a Ugandan evangelist, named Apolo Kivebulaya, was sent by God to the people living in the north-eastern corner of the Congo. He only relied on God’s faithfulness, so despite fierce opposition, severe beatings and being thrown in prison, he proclaimed the good news of Jesus. His preaching and the example of his life turned many to Christ, including the Chief who had opposed him so bitterly. This was the beginning of the Anglican Church in Congo, which has grown strongly, as faithful evangelists followed in the footsteps of Apolo in proclaiming the good news of Jesus, holding firmly to two declarations from the New Testament: ‘God is Faithful’ (1 Cor 1:9) and ‘Be faithful’ (Rev 2:9)

Today, most of the clergy here carry out their ministry travelling by foot or bicycle. Unpaid, they are supported by gifts of food given as offerings to God during the Sunday services of worship, and by what they grow themselves.

The world of these congregational leaders you can barely imagine. Theirs is the world of singular things: one shirt, one pair of trousers, one coat, one pair of plastic flip flops, one pen, one exercise book, one worn and well used bible, one plastic bag to carry these things. Because of God’s faithfulness to them, they are not giving up. They totally depend on God and His permanent expression of love for them.

It is because God is faithful that we can trust Him to do what He has said He would do. He does not shut his eyes to the very great difficulties of the situation that Christians are facing in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

As Paul writes to the Christians at Thessalonica:

“The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” (1 Thess 5:24)

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it’s personalpeople: our past, present and future

The immediate cause of the founding of the Hibernian Church Missionary Society was a message sent in May, 1814, from an Irishwoman, Lady Lifford, then at the very sensible age of fifty-two, to the Church Missionary Society in London. And the matter of it was briefly this: that C.M.S. should send a deputation over to Ireland with the view to establishing a branch of the Society in her Church and country. 1

And so, CMS came to Ireland!

I am delighted to present you with our 200th Anniversary Programme – a copy of which is enclosed with this edition of inMission. As I write, the staff team are preparing for our Impact event (29th Nov), at which Archbishop Richard Clarke will formally launch our special year of activities. I’m very excited about the year ahead, but I’m also grateful for all that has come before – for the people, the prayers, the passion, the faithfulness, the sacrifice and the blessings that have brought CMS Ireland to where it is today.


As I consider our beginnings, I find myself wondering what prompted Lady Lifford to send her message? I know that around that time – and for a few years before – there was a significant evangelical movement across the whole of Ireland and no doubt this was a significant factor to motivate her. But why CMS? I am sure this was not a random choice on her part, but rather a conscious decision. Presumably, Lady Lifford not only knew about CMS, but clearly thought it had sufficient worth and value to make a significant impact on the people living and worshipping in Ireland.

Lady Lifford and Dr. Christine Matthews

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We can really only surmise what influenced Lady Lifford to write to CMS in London. But what about you and me? Why am I writing this article and why are you reading this magazine? Who and what has influenced us to make us take time to read and write about CMS Ireland? I think these are significant questions and I’m sure their answers would reveal compelling stories.

My own journey with CMS Ireland started in 1968, when I was 12, and a special speaker came to our Sunday school in Lisburn Cathedral. I was at the back of the hall so couldn’t see her very clearly – but she wore the most beautiful and striking Indian sari and she captured my whole attention. She spoke in church afterwards and I was fascinated with her stories of being a doctor in rural India. So, Dr Christine Matthews had a deep impact on me – although she never knew it.

“God has been faithful in the past, God is faithful today and we can trust Him to be faithful tomorrow!”

Then, in 1978, Cecil Wilson asked Maggie and myself to go on a META team to Kajiado in Kenya – and the rest, as they say, is history. However, what made us stay with CMS Ireland was the influence of many other people: Raymond and Audrey Smith, Gwen Williams (née Kerr), John and Margaret McCammon to name but a few. These people – and many others – moulded and shaped my understanding of mission and their influence has lasted a lifetime.

I wonder if you, the reader, share a similar story. I am sure you can identify someone who had a significant influence on developing your own interest in mission – and in CMS Ireland. If so, we would love to hear your own stories, either in writing or in person at one of our events in the coming months.

When we look back over the past 200 years, we can only wonder, and be humbled, at how God has used so many people to influence others and allow the Society to grow and flourish. We are who we are today because of God’s grace and faithfulness and because of many hundreds of individuals who responded to His call.

Of course, we do face challenges today, particularly with finances. But this probably isn’t the first time CMS Ireland has faced such challenges, and it’s unlikely to be the last time. God has been faithful in the past, God is faithful today and we can trust Him to be faithful tomorrow!

I see it as a great privilege that you and I are here today, at this time in our history, as those who can make a difference. It is up to us to ensure that CMS Ireland has a secure foundation for the future. If we don’t do it, then who will? If someone has influenced us, then who can we influence? If we see the value and worth of partnering with the Global Church in a meaningful relationship – then how best can we pass this on to others?

As we spend the next year looking back and looking forward, I’d ask for your prayers, your ongoing support and your enthusiastic participation. Let the celebration begin!

Ronnie BriggsMission Director

Ronnie and Maggie Briggs with Walter Love

Ronnie in the more recent past

1. F.E. Bland (1935) How the Church Missionary Society Came to Ireland. p9

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long term view

Denise and I have been married for five years. For anyone who doesn’t know, being married is so much better than ‘dating.’ Well, at least if you are married to Denise – I can’t really speak from experience of being married to anyone else! Marriage certainly involves more commitment and initially more risk and, as you spend time together, the warts and weaknesses that are easily hidden in superficial meetings become more apparent. However, the fun of being with someone who knows you well and yet still loves you and even wants to know you more, far surpasses the intermittent inconveniences that being imperfect brings to relationships.

CMS Ireland Mission Partners Rory and Denise Wilson live and work at Kiwoko Hospital in Uganda, with their son Gideon. Rory is Medical Director of the hospital and both he and Denise are passionate about long-term commitment to mission overseas.

The popularity of short-term mission trips has hugely increased in recent years. When wisely directed, they can be of great benefit to the receiving project and also to the team members and their sending parishes. Engaging longer-term in a project overseas is less straightforward and can take a lot more effort – be it a parish developing an ongoing link or an individual or family moving overseas for a longer period. The cultural differences in such relationships certainly create the possibility of misunderstandings and disappointments. Like a marriage though, there are lots of blessings to be found in long-term commitment: sharing more deeply with others, learning much about

Rory, Denise and Gideon

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yourself, discovering that truths you assumed to be fixed are merely cultural perspectives, journeying together with others who love you and love Jesus.

CMS Ireland’s involvement in Kiwoko began in 1987. A young GP from County Down, who was supported by CMS Ireland, moved here to start Christian medical work in an area decimated by the civil war, which had finished just a year earlier. Over 26 years later, CMS Ireland is still involved here.

Kiwoko has changed hugely – the piles of skulls have been buried, a new Anglican diocese has been created, roads exist, a 250-bed hospital stands beside the church building which once doubled as the clinic and Kiwoko is now a thriving small town rather than a crossroads in the African Bush.

CMS Ireland has played a significant role in the development of Kiwoko Hospital and Luwero Diocese - financially, sending professionals, giving advice, encouraging the Kiwoko team through hard times, occasionally challenging the Hospital Management if they were taking the wrong direction. Many others have played their role too and have come and gone, but few have continued to support the hospital for as long, or as deeply, as CMS Ireland.

Denise and I have both been in Uganda for nearly eight years. We now know some language, how to greet, eat properly, drive through mud or over roundabouts and how to pick up on the extensive non-verbal communication here. We are still not Ugandans, and we never will be, but we do now understand life in rural Ugandan better than some Ugandans who have lived their whole life in this country but are based in Kampala city.

Whether it is moving from Bangor to Kiwoko, or from Cork to Coleraine, it can take some time to get used to another culture. However gifted you are, nothing other than time can teach many of the subtle lessons that move you from being an outsider to being one of ‘us.’ God certainly works through the powerful, prophetic teaching of great preachers such as Billy Graham or Tom Wright, but most of us have experienced greater influence on our lives through knowing spiritual individuals who took time with us to play football or drink cups of tea.

There is a need for visiting teams and bishops who can come to a place like Kiwoko and present God’s word with power and authority and speak into our situation. However, there is also a need for those who can gently come alongside people to mentor and develop their gifts and characters. There is a need for people to live examples of humble leadership and to model family values. These things take time and effort.

“…there are lots of blessings to be found in long-term commitment..” As a doctor, it is hugely rewarding to occasionally bump into patients whose life was saved by our care at Kiwoko. It is, however, even more rewarding to watch leaders developing in the hospital and church and know that some of that can be attributed to gentle, persistent mentoring and discipleship over our years here, and from other Ugandans and expatriates who have invested many of their years in this place.

Short-term teams and support from Ireland in terms of prayer and giving is very important. However, Denise and I both have no doubt at all that more people should take the risk and enjoy the blessings of longer-term work overseas. Go on, you know you want to....

The Wilson’s Wedding in 2008

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your anniversary opportunities to get involved

This is a description from the first meeting of CMS supporters in Dublin, on 22nd June 1814.

Imagine if CMS Ireland advertised for a meeting in 2014 that had 22 speeches and lasted three hours, with no mention of tea, coffee or traybakes? Do you think we would manage to attract only 500 supporters?

You’ll be glad to learn that our Anniversary programme offers something for everyone, whatever your attention span! As you’ll see, there’s a wide range of activities, from Advent Prayer Gatherings to marathon running, from CMS Chai Coffee mornings to our main conference and celebration event in Armagh, and much, much more.

Mission Resource Coordinator Rachel Brittain highlights the opportunities for all of us to get involved in CMS Ireland’s anniversary programme.

We are looking for people who are interested in volunteering at our events throughout the year – so if you feel you have some spare time to give to supporting our work, please contact the Belfast office.

As someone who takes an interest in our work by reading this magazine, you are very much part of CMS Ireland – this is your anniversary as much as it is mine. So, please do get involved over the next year – even if it’s just committing to one or two things from the programme.

We’d especially encourage you to join us as we begin our anniversary with a special prayer focus during Advent. The enclosed booklet provides some prayers for the coming weeks, but we’d also love you to attend one of our prayer gatherings on 11th December (11.12.13) or even organise a small prayer gathering of your own.

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how long?

We’re looking for 200 people to join our Time Team at the Belfast City Marathon on 5th May 2014 - and to help us raise funds to bring our partners to Ireland.

So the big question is: how long do you have to help?

45 minutes? (To run a 4-mile relay leg) 2.5 hours? (To complete a 9-mile walk)5 hours? (To run a full marathon)

Why not try and get a small team together from your parish – with a full relay team and/or a

few walkers? You could work together to raise enough support for one of our Global Partner delegates to make the journey.

We’re asking every participant to raise £200 in sponsorship. In return, you’ll get:

• Free entrance to the marathon • A fundraising pack• A time-team t-shirt• An invite to our post-race Big 200 Barbecue• A chance to enjoy a lunch with one of our

Global Partner delegates• Fitter and healthier!

If CMS Ireland’s Global Partners walk to Ireland for next year’s 200th Anniversary Celebrations - we’re in for a long wait. We’d rather they flew here. That’s where you come in!

So, get recruiting, get training and get registered by contacting us at [email protected] or visiting www.cmsireland.org

1859 hours? (Kathmandu to Armagh) 2002 hours? (Nairobi to Belfast)

1876 hours? (Kampala to Dublin) 1554 hours? (Cairo to Cork)

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building momentuminvesting in people in rwanda

Leaving Kigali, the capital city, we embarked on our journey through the lush green hills of Rwanda, accompanied by Pastor Nathan, a leader in one of the 33 parishes of Kibungo Diocese. As we travelled, Bishop Emmanuel shared with me about the ministry in Kibungo, where the diocese is reaching out to the local community through evangelism, education and community empowerment programmes. As I listened, it became clear that the diocese invests in people, having a lasting value over time. Pastor Nathan reflected on his time at Kabuga Theological College. Later in the visit, I was encouraged to visit this college and meet a group of six pastors who are currently studying there thanks to support from CMS Ireland. This opportunity is vital in tackling the issue of untrained leaders, especially as the demand for churches within Kibungo Diocese is growing. These six pastors lead new parishes that were formed to meet this demand. The value of this investment in key individuals is evident, having a lasting impact not just with one pastor or one church, but a whole community. As you build up people and equip them to share God’s love and build the ministry

of the church, it trickles out into other people and groups. A good example of such ‘wider impacts’ was the Hands of Hope craft project, which helps train, support and empower struggling mothers to provide for their families. Some of their beautiful handicrafts can be seen in CMS Ireland’s Marketplace – keep a look out for them!

I was also excited to learn about the diocese’s annual youth camp, where more than 700 young people learn from God’s word and are enthused about church involvement and local mission. They then return home to put their learning into action. Of course, without strong and wise church leaders, such ministries could not become so successful. I met many more people whose lives have been transformed through the Church’s ministry, changing the course of their lives. Through discipleship and encouragement of church leaders, new initiatives are rising up within the church and God is changing lives.

Thank you to all who support our Global Partners in these ways – please be encouraged!

Earlier this year, CMS Ireland Partnership Coordinator, Kelly Yates, visited Kibungo Diocese in Rwanda. She reflects on the time spent with Bishop Emmanuel Ntazinda, learning about the work of the diocese. Bishop Emmanuel with his wife Joyce

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On our first evening together, we chose a theme for our visit: Come See, Go Tell. It was based on Matthew 28, where the women who visited the tomb that first Easter Sunday were invited to ‘come and see’ for themselves that Jesus was not there. They were then instructed to ‘go and tell’ the others what they’d seen.

As the Acizu Tualu team (meaning ‘journey together’), our hope was simply to come alongside our sisters in Arua, to experience a little of what life was like for them, to see something of their work, to hear some of their faith stories and maybe even to share some of ours. We would then of course come back and tell others what we’d seen, heard and learned.

When we arrived in Arua to the most tremendous all-singing, all-dancing African welcome, the first (and dare I suggest the most important) partnership was formed, as our hearts really connected with the hearts of the women we’d only just met.

The local MU ladies touched our hearts with their absolute zest for life and their passion for worship, Bible study and prayer. Rev Alice, the

Diocesan Representative of the MU, also touched our hearts – to us, she was something else! She encouraged the young girls to take pride in themselves, their abilities and their bodies, she encouraged the female prisoners in Arua jail to never lose hope, she encouraged the medical staff in the hospital to work with diligence and not be lazy.

Over the ten days, we visited the Diocesan Centre, the schools, the hospitals, the health centres, the cathedral, the churches, the in-house prayer meetings, the Blind School, the prison, the Life Stitches Craft Project, the Demonstration Farm and the Vocational Training Centre, to name but a few. The women we met are doing great ministry, albeit on a budget that was often limiting them in what they hoped to achieve!

And so, having ‘gone and seen’, we’ve come back home to pray, to process, to ‘go tell’ and to wait for our God to show us clearly what to do next.

Rev Carmen HayesSt Columba’s, Ballynascreen (Kilcronaghan)

come see, go tell

In response to the challenge of our Bishop, Ken Good, a group of seven ladies from the Mothers’ Union in Derry and Raphoe Diocese recently embarked on the journey of a life-time, when we visited Arua and the ladies in our link diocese of Madi-West Nile, Uganda.

Photo courtesy of the Londonderry Sentinel

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our people, your people mission partners in training

Dr. Caroline FitzGerald

Caroline is a qualified doctor with Tropical Medicine training, from Westport, Co Mayo and is currently a member of Holy Trinity Church, Westport.

Previously, Caroline has worked extensively in South Africa and Zimbabwe in rural hospitals, and is a resourceful and experienced medical professional. In recent years, she has been working with the HSE in an asylum seeker/refugee initiative, in Athlone as well as working part-time as a GP.

Caroline has been selected to serve in the Diocese of Kajiado in Kenya, working in the Health for All Clinic. The clinic aims to provide a good quality medical service to those living around the Township of Kajiado and also to provide a mobile clinic services to remote parts of the diocese.

Tony Moffett Tony is from Dromore in Co. Down. He has a background in business and currently attends Dromore Cathedral. Having moved on from his family’s furniture making business, he began to explore possible mission service with CMS Ireland, which culminated in him being selected as a Mission Partner in Training.

As preparation for potential ministry in the Diocese of Madi West Nile, Uganda, CMS Ireland’s selectors recommended that Tony spend two terms at Belfast Bible College, including a one-month placement (in January), in Uganda. Tony writes:

“The time I have spent with CMS Ireland so far has been a real blessing, as their support and prayers have brought a new depth in my relationship with God. In starting a one-year undergraduate certificate at Belfast Bible College, I am enjoying a wealth of fellowship, Bible study, and so much more. As I now prepare for my trip out to Uganda in January, I feel confident that through CMS Ireland and the community spirit of the Belfast Bible College, God will continue to work out His calling on my life and to mission service in Uganda”.

In the coming months, CMS Ireland staff will be working hard to raise the necessary support (prayer, friendship and finance) for Caroline and Tony. We’re looking for at least 10 link churches (each), as well as individuals, who will play their part in supporting the Global Church through these two mission placements.

At a recent CMS Ireland selection conference, two new Mission Partners were selected to serve with our Global Partners in Africa.


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our people, your people mission associates

Alison Gill (Burundi)

Alison recently returned to Burundi to continue her work with Harvest for Christ in Trauma Healing, as well as teaching in a local Bible College and exploring new opportunities to help

send Burundian missionaries to work in North Africa. While Alison continues to support clergy from Gitega and Matana Diocese through her training, the emphasis of her work is increasingly wider than CMS Ireland’s main partnerships with Burundi. During her recent year of study in England, it was therefore agreed that Alison would become a Mission Associate. As such, she’ll continue to be an ambassador for CMS Ireland in Burundi.

The Zimmerman Family (Nepal)

Before marrying Dr Mark Zimmerman, Deirdre (Lloyd) was a CMS Ireland Mission Partner, working as a Nutritionist in Nepal. Today, Mark and Deirdre are United Methodist Missionaries assigned to Kathmandu, where they continue to serve the poor and marginalised throughout Nepal. Deirdre currently works part-time as an advisor with an organisation called Nutrition, Promotion and Consultancy Services, as well as looking after Zachary and Benjamin who attend Kathmandu International Study Centre. Mark is a medical doctor from USA, specializing in internal medicine. Currently, he is the Director of the Nick Simons Institute, an organisation working in Nepal with a mission to train and support skilled, rural healthcare workers.

Isabelle Prondzynski (Kenya)

Isabelle divides her time between her ‘day job’ at the European Commission in Brussels, her home in Westmeath and her adopted home in Nairobi. E-mail and the internet

help her to stay in constant contact with events in the Urban Development Programme (UDP). Isabelle enjoys working together across the distance with Louise Githire and Lucy Irungu – who head-up UDP – and she spends around seven weeks per year in Nairobi. Isabelle feels that God is still ‘calling’ her, along with her co-workers, to continue the development work she started well over 20 years ago in Nairobi’s slums.

CMS Ireland’s Mission Associates are former Mission Partners who have maintained their connection with the society and who continue to provide some support to our Global Partners, but no longer serve with them directly. They’re very much part of the CMS Ireland family, providing us with regular updates for prayer and sharing at focus events when they are in Ireland.

Please keep praying for our Mission Associates and do let us know if you want details of how to support them financially.


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Seeds of life at a Maize Growing Cooperative (Kibungo Diocese, Rwanda)

snippets from supporters and staff

New(ish) arrivalIn November, the CMS Ireland staff team welcomed its newest member – but as new arrivals go, this one was very familiar! Jenny Smyth – Partnership Coordinator for Dr Congo, Egypt, South Sudan and Zambia – has been part of the CMS Ireland family for many years and will be well known to most of those reading this magazine.

Having already served as a CMS Britain Mission Partner for 8 years, Jenny joined the ranks of CMS Ireland in 1996 when she married Billy and the two returned to Uganda as joint CMSB/CMSI Mission Partners, working first in Kampala, then


Arua (after Abigail was born) before moving to Yei Diocese in Sudan (after Caleb was born).

The Smyths returned to Ireland in 2006 and it wasn’t long before Jenny was elected to the Board of Trustees, with whom she served until 2012. She brings a wealth of varied experience to her new role and we’re delighted to have her on the team.

Speaking about her appointment, Jenny says:

“Having been involved in global mission through CMSI and CMSB as a supporter, Mission Partner, Board member and now in joining the staff as Partnership Coordinator, it feels as if I am completing a circle. I am very thankful for the opportunity to be involved in world mission in a new capacity, facilitating links between local parishes and our Global Partners. I look forward to working with parishes around Ireland and exploring mission links with them.

As I face the new challenges involved, please pray that I will know God’s leading and wisdom.”

2014 Photo CalendarsStill looking for Christmas presents? Look no further! Our 200th Anniversary (2014) Calendar is a perfect gift for others, or even as a treat for yourself. It features 12 stunning images – selected by the staff team – reflecting some of the work of our partners.

Proceeds from the sale of these calendars will help us bring over 30 Global Delegates to Ireland in May, to share their stories, contribute to our Changing Times Conference and join our anniversary celebrations.

The calendars cost £8/€10 each and can be ordered via our offices. Embracing new beginnings at Kiwoko Hospital (Luwero Diocese, Uganda)

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autumn 2012

Picturing Generosity When the CMS Ireland Board met in January, they approved the proposed 200th Anniversary Programme. Given the costs involved, Trustees were encouraged to do their bit to help raise some funds towards the programme. Patricia Pearson (Kill O’ The Grange, Dublin) responded to this challenge by deciding to sell some of her artwork for the cause. Patricia is a talented artist, working mainly in oils, and to date she has raised thousands of Euros through her skill and generosity.

Making Money CountIn recent weeks, we’ve been reminded again of the generosity and creativity of many of CMS Ireland’s supporters, as they do their bit to help raise money for the society. Here are just a few examples that have encouraged and delighted us.

Give and Take

Joan Farrell (St Gall’s, Bangor) has been doubling-up on her fundraising efforts recently – by selling things that we have provided and by providing things for us to sell! Joan has been doing a great job of promoting and selling our special 2014 calendars – and she keeps coming back for more. But she’s also been producing ‘taggies’ for young children, which we’ve been selling alongside our Marketplace crafts, providing even more support for our craft-makers in Africa and Nepal.

Winter Warmer We received a cheque this week from someone who has donated part of her Winter Fuel allowance to support our partners in South Sudan. At a time when there have been many debates about the balance of supporting ‘our own needs’ and the needs of those in other parts of the world, this was an extremely touching donation.

Feel inspired? If so, do get in touch.

Lasting Legacy In the past couple of weeks, we’ve received notice of two substantial legacies, which have been left to CMS Ireland by faithful and generous supporters of the society. Every year, such legacies play a significant part in ensuring that our work can continue, despite declines in other income. We’re hugely thankful for all those who have remembered the Society in this way.

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God’s Big Family

CMS Ireland Annual Project 2014

God’s Big Family

CMS Ireland Annual Project 2014Church Mission Society Ireland is registered in Dublin, Ireland - Reg No. 26905 - as a Company Limited by Guarantee, with permission to omit the word ‘Limited’. Charity Ref No: CHY 910 Recognised in the UK as a Charity by the Inland Revenue - Ref No. XN 48809. CMS Ireland is a registered business name - Registered Office: Dublin Office, as above.

Belfast33 Dargan Road, Belfast, BT3 9JUTel +44 (0) 28 9077 5020 Email [email protected]

DublinChurch of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6Tel +353 (0) 1497 0931 Email [email protected]



CMS Ireland’s Annual Project is a specially produced resource for Sunday Schools and youth groups. It provides original, creative material to help children and young people explore the biblical message of mission.

Annual Project LaunchesTuesday 28th January 7.30pm St Mark’s, Dundela, BelfastWednesday 29th January 8pm Tallaght (St Maelruain’s), Dublin

Annual Project Pit stops Drop-in at any time to pick up a pack and meet the Annual Project team Sunday 2nd February 3.30–5pm, Ballymena (St Patrick’s)Monday 3rd February 7.30-9pm, Coleraine (St Patrick’s)Wednesday 5th February 8-9.30pm, Banbridge (Seapatrick)Thursday 6th February 4.30-6.30pm, Enniskillen (St Macartin’s)Tuesday 11th February5-6.30pm, Castlederg (St John’s)Tuesday 11th February 8-9.30pm, Dungannon (Drumglass)

This year’s project, God’s Big Family, explores what it means to be part of the worldwide church and offers a glimpse into life and faith in the 10 countries where CMS Ireland currently work. Using bible stories from Acts about the early Church, the resource pack looks at how we can worship and work together in our world today.

As part of CMS Ireland’s 200th Anniversary, the 2014 Annual Project aims to support all of our Global Partners, as we celebrate and work together as part of God’s Big Family.

God’s Big Family

CMS Ireland Annual Project 2014

CMS Ireland Annual Project 2014
