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Innovations in Advancing Healthcare - Arizona State University · •Nanobots •Robotic Surgery...

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Innovations in Advancing Healthcare July 2015

Innovations in Advancing HealthcareJuly 2015

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Dan Berger

Director of Business Architecture

Optum Consumer Solutions Group - Behavioral Solutions

• Over 30 years of experience in Healthcare Informatics

• Arizona Coalition for Cost Effective Quality Healthcare

• Developed solutions in every healthcare domain (Inpatient, Outpatient,

Physician, Home Health, Behavioral, and Managed Care) including:

– the 1st integrated behavioral health information system in Maricopa

County (Impact/ABSolute)

– One of the first Jail Data Links in the Nation

– the 1st integrated behavioral health information systems for the New

Jersey System of Care for Kids

– the 1st Residential Bed Tracking system in New Jersey

– the 1st fully integrated Braided Funding reimbursement system in

New Mexico

– the 1st social media recovery based personal journaling system


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UnitedHealth Group at-a-glance

Serving members in all 50 states in the U.S. and over 125 other countries

A broad spectrum of products and services through two distinct platforms



$130.5B2014 Revenues

individuals served





185,000employees worldwide ra


No. 14Fortune 500

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Serving 59% of Fortune 100,

and 40% of Fortune 5002

Serving 5,000+ organizations

in 125 countries 1

Members worldwide



About Optum Behavioral Solutions

Most comprehensive

performance-tiered behavioral

network of more than 130,000

providers nationally3

130k+Unmatched clinical bench

Staff of 950+ licensed Care

Advocates and 70 board-

certified psychiatrists4



Behavioral Health


Integration Capabilities

Global EAP and

Work-Life Services

Largest network in the U.S.

Behavioral Solutions

Innovations in Advancing Healthcare

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Innovations in Advancing Healthcare

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• Digestible & Embedded Sensors

• Optogenetics

• Bio-3D Printing

• Enterprise Cloud based Health


• Nanobots

• Robotic Surgery Simulator

• Holographic Input Devices

• Semantic Electronic Health Records

• Mitochondrial DNA Transfer (Three

Parent Baby)

• Micro-blood sampling

• Stem Cell Reconstructive Surgery

• Hybrid/Enhanced Operating Theater

• Telemedicine

• Wearable Devices

• Artificial Organs

• Home Diagnostics

• Adherence Mobile Apps

• Microchips Modeling Clinical Trials

• Web & Mobile based Health &

Wellness Education

• Gamification based Wellness

• Personalized Genomics

• Meaningful Use of Social Media

• A.I. Medical Decision Support

• Mind Controlled Prosthetic Limbs &


24 Innovations that will advance the delivery of Healthcare

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• Digestible & Embedded Sensors

• Optogenetics

• Bio-3D Printing

• Enterprise Cloud based Health


• Nanobots

• Robotic Surgery Simulator

• Holographic Input Devices

• Semantic Electronic Health


• Mitochondrial DNA Transfer (Three

Parent Baby)

• Micro-blood sampling

• Stem Cell Reconstructive Surgery

• Hybrid/Enhanced Operating Theater

• Telemedicine

• Wearable Devices

• Artificial Organs

• Home Diagnostics

• Adherence Mobile Apps

• Microchips modeling Clinical Trials

• Web & Mobile based Health &

Wellness Education

• Gamification based Wellness

• Personalized Genomics

• Meaningful Use of Social Media

• A.I. Medical Decision Support

• Mind Controlled Prosthetic Limbs &


24 Innovations that will advance the delivery of Healthcare

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Digestible and Embedded Sensors

• First digestible sensor approved in 2011

• Provides real-time data on how treatment is effecting organ systems

• Supports highly customizable care solutions

• Can provide timely alerts to healthcare professionals

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Bio-3D Printing

• Applications for 3D printing of biological materials:

– Skin

– Blood Vessels

– Heart Tissue

– Cartilage & Bone

– Embryonic Stem Cells

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Wearable and Home Diagnostic Devices

• Activity monitors (Fitbit, Apple Watch/iPhone6)

• Heartrate, Pulse Oximetry, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar

• Wirelessly communicates with health systems using mobile devices

• Home based sleep apnea testing

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Enterprise Cloud based Health Informatics

• Software as a Service (SaaS)

• Available from anywhere (Web & Mobile)

• Shared best of class capabilities

• Ability to mix-and-match capabilities to meet business needs

• Imbedded HIPAA compliant role based security

• Highly business configurable

• 99.9 percent available

• Reduces the need for computer hardware and software experts

• Salesforce

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Semantic Electronic Health Records

• Patient and Provider based Electronic Health Records

• Meaningful Use Stage 3 will include:

– Protected electronic health information

– e-Prescribing

– Clinical decision support

– Computerized provider order entry

– Patient electronic access to their data

– Coordination of care through patient engagement

– Health Information Exchange (HIE)

– Public health reporting

• Future innovation will include the ability to integrate health information from multiple

sources into one cohesive semantic health story, that will be consumable by configurable

rules engines as well as support healthcare decision making

• Ability to convey health information in the appropriate context and language which is

understandable by the end user

• CentriHealth is an example of a technology that currently supports Semantic Integration

of EHR data

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• Remote access to healthcare professionals

• Supported by software that can optimize the user experience over

varying bandwidth

• Available on mobile devices via Apps

– Supports immediate access to a doctor

– Costs are generally equal to or less than a normal copay

– Prescriptions can be provided and immediately sent to the patient’s


– Examples include:

• Doctor on Demand

• Amwell: Live Doctor Visit

• Mobile Doctor Visit

• Spruce – your online Dermatologist

“Convergence of Innovations”

Reimagining the Doctor Visit

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“Convergence of Innovations”

Reimagining the Doctor Visit

• Healthcare access 24/7 from everywhere

– Telehealth from mobile devices

– Asynchronous communication with health professionals

• Multi-disciplinary team of health professionals

– Staffed to meet unique health needs

– Reduced reliance on General Practitioner for coordination of care

• Patient owned and controlled Integrated Health Record

– Shared health record

– Automated alerts to appropriate health team members

• Instant access to biometric data from wearable, implanted, and

injectable devices

• Transformation from scheduled visit based to “on demand” based


• Will promote further specialization

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Mitochondrial DNA Transfer (Three Parent Baby)

• Two parents contribute to an in vitro fertilization and a third-party

contributes mitochondrial DNA

• Will have the potential of eliminating a number of gene related

diseases, improve health, and possibly increase lifespan

• Innovations in Mitochondrial DNA Transfer are expected to increase

exponentially in the coming years

• Moral and ethical implications will impact acceptance

• One possible future would include required DNA screenings and a form

of this innovation to prevent disease.

Thank you.
