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Insecta Report

Date post: 11-May-2015
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Insecta: Butterflies, Moths, and Dragonflies! Picture by flickr user: “Just Me....“DON’T TOUCH THAT BUTTERFLY, IF YOU DO IT WILL DIE!” Through my research, I have come to find that, that myth is not necissarily true. If you touch the butterfly and all the white ‘powder’ on its wings comes off, then it will not be able to fly anymore and therefore; it will die. But, if you touch it quickly, and the powder does not come off, it will not die because, it will still be able to fly. Basic Information All butterflies and almost all moths have two pairs of wings. On pair are the large front wings and the other is a pair of smaller hind wings. Moths and butterflies when combined together form the insect group Lepidoptera. The name Lepidoptera originates from two Greek words: Lepis, meaning scale; and Pteron, meaning wing. The name refers to the fine, powdery scales that cover the wings of butterflies and moths. Most insects have three parts to their body. (1) The head, (2) the thorax, and (3) the abdomen. Internal Systems ‘Respiratory System’ Insects have many internal systems. The respiratory system is one of the most important.The butterflies, moths and dragonflies are all ‘wired’ the same. They all have the same respiratory system. They have organs for breathing that are located in their abdomen. That is also where they have the ability to take in oxygen. Insects breathe through a much simpler passive respiration process. External Transport ‘Getting around’ External transport is how an animal moves fromone place to another. The butterfly, the moth, and the dragonfly all use the same means of ‘transportation’. They all use their wings to fly to different places. Theyall have a ‘front wing’ and a ‘back wing’ which help to make it easy for them to get around. They also use their little legs to walk on hard surfaces. Nutrition ‘Mmm..Food!’ The butterfly, the moth, and the dragon fly havea digestive system that is designed to handle a ‘liquid diet’. They have an organ called the ‘ pharynx’ that is at the base of its proboscis .’ (nose) It expands to create a ‘vacuum’ and that allows the liquid to be sucked up the length of the proboscis. After the food is sucked up, it is pushed through the thorax’ and then into the abdomen by contracting muscles that lineits digestive track. After that, the food is stored in an organ called the ‘ crop’ until the body needs its nutrients. When it is needed, the food will then travel to the mid‐gut where the nutrients are absorbed and digested by the blood or stored as fat.Then, when it is done in the mid‐gut, it travels to the hind‐gut where the water is absorbed into the rectum. They mostly eat, smaller bugs, and suck nutrients out of flowers, and fruits. Reproduction ‘The Mating Process’ Butterflies and moths have the same kind of mating system. They don’t reproduce until there are adults, obviously. The male attaches himself (using his ‘claspers’) to the female by linking their ‘abdomens’ together. The male’s reproduction organs are located inside of his abdomen. Themating occurs in the females ‘pouch’ that is located in her abdomen. This fertilizes the eggs. Dragonflies, on the other hand reproduce asexually. Asexual reproduction is a reproduction that does not involve meiosis. Response to Stimuli ‘Move!’ Site : t hey all have compound eyes as adults. Touch: The way that the butterfly, moth, and dragonfly respond to stimuliis, using their setae (sensory hairs) including the antennae to feel the environment around them. Those hairs also help to give the insect signs about the wind while it is flying. Smell and Taste : they use their antennae, palps, legs, and many other parts of their bodies that are studded with sense receptors that they use to smell. They use their sense of smell to find food which is usually flower nectar, and also to find mates.
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Picture by flickr user: “Just Me....”

“DON’T TOUCH THAT BUTTERFLY, IF YOU DO IT WILL DIE!” Through my research, I have come to find that, that myth is not necissarily true. If you touch the butterfly and all the

white ‘powder’ on its wings comes off, then it will not be able to fly anymore and therefore; it will die. But, if you touch it quickly, and the powder does not come off, it will not die because, it will still be able to fly.

B a s i c I n f o r m a t i o n


I n t e r n a l S y s t e m s

‘ R e s p i r a t o r y S y s t e m ’


E x t e r n a l T r a n s p o r t

‘ G e t t i n g a r o u n d ’


N u t r i t i o n

‘ M m m . . F o o d ! ’


R e p r o d u c t i o n

‘ T h e M a t i n g P r o c e s s ’

Butterfliesandmothshavethesamekindofmatingsystem.Theydon’treproduceuntilthereareadults,obviously.Themaleattacheshimself(usinghis‘claspers’)tothefemalebylinkingtheir‘abdomens’together.Themale’sreproductionorgansarelocatedinsideofhisabdomen.Thematingoccursinthefemales‘pouch’thatislocatedinherabdomen.Thisfertilizestheeggs.Dragonflies,ontheotherhandreproduceasexually.Asexualreproductionisareproductionthatdoesnotinvolvemeiosis.R e s p o n s e t o S t i m u l i

‘ M o v e ! ’


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Hearing:Theyusetheirwingsto‘hear’things.Balance:theyusetheJohnston’sorganthatislocatedatthebaseoftheirantennae.TheJohnston’sisresponsibleformaintainitssenseofbalanceduringflight.A d a p t a t i o n

‘ W h a t C h a n g e s ? ’

Thebutterfly,themoth,andthedragonflyhaveallchangedovertheyears.ThemainadaptationIcouldfindwas,forthebutterfly.Thereisatypeofbutterflycalledthe‘Viceroy’that‘pretends’tobethemonarchbutterflyinordertosaveitselffrompredators.They‘know’thatthemonarchbutterflytastesbadtootheranimalssotheypretendtobeonetokeepfrombeingeaten.Themoths,theyadaptbyblendinginwiththeirsurroundingstokeepfromgetting‘caught’bypredators.Theyblendintotrees,andotherenvironments.Dragonflies,thewaytheyadaptis,theycantiptheirwingsinordertoregulatetheirbodytemperature.Theyarebulletshapedwhich,helpsthemflyfast.Theyareabletoflyforwardsandbackwardsandcanchangedirectionquickly.Theycanflyupto30mph.F o o d C h a i n

‘ W h e r e a r e y o u a t ? ’

Thebutterflies,moths,anddragonflies,areatthebottomofthefoodchain.Theyareprettymuchthesameasanyinsects.Therearesomanyanimalsthatarelargerthanthemandthatwouldeatthemupin‘onebite.’Ifyoucomparethemonarchbutterflytosay,agreatwhiteshark,there’sprettymuchnocomparison.Thesharkandthingslikeitaresomuchhigherupinthefoodchainthantinylittleinsects.G e n e r a l B o d y S t r u c t u r e

‘ W h a t p a r t s a r e w h a t ? ’




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B a c k g r o u n d I n f o r m a t i o n

‘ C l a s s i f i c a t i o n ’

Thegroup,‘Insecta’(insects)isaclassofthelargeanimalphylum‘Arthropoda’whichreferstothejointedlimbsthatit’smembershas.Becauseinsectshavedifferent‘sections’totheirbodies,theyareconsideredtobe‘Arthropoda.’O t h e r O r g a n i s m s

‘ B r o t h e r s a n d S i s t e r s ’


T y p e o f S y m m e t r y

‘ A r e w e s y m m e t r i c a l ?

Butterflies,Moths,andDragonfliesallhavebilateralsymmetry.E x t i n c t o r E n d a n g e r e d I n s e c t s

‘ A r e w e d y i n g o f f ?

Someinsectsthatareendangeredare:TheAntiochKatydid,BayCheckerspotButterfly ElSegundoBlueButterfly OregonSilverspotButterfly Lange'sMetalmarkButterfly MissionBlueButterfly PalosVerdesBlueButterfly KernPrimroseSphinxMoth DelhiSandsFlower‐lovingFly Smith'sBlueButterfly LotisBlueButterfly Myrtle'sSilverspotButterfly SanBrunoElfinButterfly CallippeSilverspotButterfly QuinoCheckerspotButterfly Behren'sSilverspotButterflyI m p o r t a n c e

‘ W h y d o t h e y m a t t e r ? ’





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Sources:Butterfly’s internal systems:

http://www.naturemuseum.org/online/thebutterflylab/anatomy/internalorgans.html Moth’srespiratorysystem:

