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Inside an animals world

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Page 1: Inside an animals world


Page 2: Inside an animals world

Contents PageBarn Owls………….03Leopards………….04Toucans………….06


Weekly Weather………….11Penguins………….12Dolphins………….13

Monthly Weather…………14Elephants………….15

Most popular pet in Australia………….17We interview a zookeeper………….18Most visited animal in zoos………….19


Page 3: Inside an animals world

Barn Owls←←← They’re found everywhere except desert and Polar Regions.← They’re birds.← Their scientific name is Tyto Alba.← Can you guess what it is?← [Waiting]… ← [Still Waiting]…← Give up? [Finally!]← Here is a really big clue:← It’s called a Barn Owl!←← Barn Owls are Carnivores; they eat and love small animals such as fish and birds. You can find them in open plains and low-lying wood. They are commonly found in the colours of:← Black, white, grey, orange and brown. ← Foxes, racoons and wild dogs hunt them.← Most of the time Barn Owls will live anywhere between 5 and 10 years.←← Have you ever heard a cat or a snake hiss?← Well Barn Owls can do much the same. When they feel threatened they will hiss. Did you know that a Barn Owls wingspan depend on what species of Barn Owl it is? Some Owls might be bigger some much, much smaller. Barn Owls themselves, can measure between 25cm and 40cm tall and adults can have a wingspan of up to 110cm long.←← If you ever go looking to see a Barn Owl you have to go at night because Barn Owls are most active at night. A similar species is the Masked Owl.←← Did you know?← Barn Owls hunt at night, and although they have very good eyesight, they rely mostly on their sense of hearing!


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←← Leopards

Do you know what kind of animal lives in America or Asia? Well I can tell you it’s not a lion or a horse. It’s a leopard.

Fun Facts:. Male leopards weigh about 91 kilograms. . They eat baboons and deer’s.. Leopards have about 1000 spots on their body. . Leopards tend to be lighter in colour than found in grassland.

Leopards are mostly found in rainforests and deserts. Did you know that leopards are closely related to lions, tigers and jaguars?

Also, did you know that there are leopards called black panthers? And that some leopards don’t have spots.

The leopard is not the fastest of large cats but it is the strongest climber.


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Who wants bugs getting to your pet, I know I don’t, so choose Advantix because it’s the number one bug repellent for your dog!

Page 6: Inside an animals world


When you or someone else think “toucan” the picture that comes to your mind is probably a small bird with a beak bigger then its body. It’s true that toucans’ beaks are more then 1/3 of its body, but that’s not all. It can also amazingly use the colours of its beak to tell when it’s ready to mate.

Toucans could not live without their beaks. They could not live without the size of their beak either because they have to grab fruit from branches that can’t support their weight. Their beak is big, but it is also very light and hollow. Their beak is up to 19cm long and as I said before, toucans use the colours of their beak to tell when they’re ready to mate.

Toucans make large croaking sounds, much like a frog. They are tropical birds and prefer to fly around the more open areas of the forest. They make their nests in small tree holes. There can be no difference between the male and female, unlike some other various animals.

Toucans eat more different than humans. They eat by tossing fruit in the air and swallowing it. Toucan mates play games of catch by tossing berries to one another.

← Toucans are very interesting. Did you know that they’re one of the world’s most popular birds because of their beaks? And that both female and male catch and eat food in the exact same way?


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Monkeys←←← Humans talk to communicate← Chimps bark, pant and grunt to communicate← Humans show emotion through facial movement ← Chimps send messages through sounds and signs←← Chimps spend most of their time in trees. Monkeys are so smart!!!!!! Apes monkeys and humans are the most well known members of a group called primates. An orang-utan mother and her baby will stay together for eight years, much like a human mother. Like I said before monkeys are really smart just like us humans but there are some differences, and here is just one of them:← We sleep in beds, while an Orang-utan mother [for instance] makes her and her baby beds made out of leaves for the night ahead!←← Gorillas have a similar lifestyle to us, they live in family groups just like us! They also weigh in as the most heaviest of all primates. They may look scary but Gorillas are actually vegetarians. Humans score the highest for intelligence but coming close behind is Chimps who come in a close second! Some smart Chimps use stones to break open palm nuts. Did you know that the Orang-utan’s name comes from the Malay words ‘man of the wood’. Many primates pull faces to show their feelings.←← Wow Fact!:Scientists have found that Chimps treat themselves for illness using plants from the forest as Medicines! Wild Chimps also use leaves to soak up water to drink! WOW!!!!!!


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To help keep your pet happy and healthy!


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Did you know that another name for frogs is amphibians? Also did you know frogs can found all around the world (even in Antarctica) they eat bugs and worms.

Frogs that spend a lot of time in the water get webs on their feet that help them swim better. Frogs can be different colours and sizes for example frogs can be yellow, black, green and many more colours.

Some frogs are very big and other frogs are small (there is a frog that is 1.5cm.)

Did you know frogs jump by kicking back with their hind legs?

When frogs are born they are called tadpoles and have a very long tale and tiny eyes. When they grow up there tales shrinks and their eyes grow bigger and they turn into frogs.

There are frogs that live up high in trees they are called tree frogs.

When it is hot frogs dig a hole into the ground and live in there until it rains then they go hunting for food.


Page 10: Inside an animals world


Tigers have a very keen nose that helps them hunt. They are built to hunt and they have excellent hearing and great eyesight. Although hunting is not the only thing they do.

The tiger is the largest cat species. Male tigers can reach 3.35. The females are smaller, 2.75 meters long at the most. A full-grown male tiger can reach over 300 kilograms, but female tigers are yet again smaller only reaching 150 kilograms. Canines are the sharp pointed teeth on either side of their front teeth. Tigers use them for piercing and gripping their prey. No two tigers have the same pattern on their fur.

Tigers only seem recognize humans who are standing up. If a person is bending down a tiger may mistake it for an animal and attack. To catch their prey, they crawl on their bellies very slowly and try to blend in. Then when in distance they pounce and charge. They prefer to hunt alone.

Tigers are carnivores, which means they eat meat. They can eat up to 35 kilograms of meat, which is equivalent to over 300 hamburgers! Another fact is that female tigers keep their cubs with them for 2 years. She will protect them from anything, even things she knows are stronger then her. But when they’re two they leave their mother and face the world.

Tigers are super cool! Fun fact: If a tiger pees on a tree another tiger can distinguish who it is by one smell.


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Weekly weather


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How weird is this!:Penguins are birds but they don’t fly! Kind if like Emus or Ostriges!

Emperor Penguins:Emperor Penguins are the biggest living Penguins on Earth. Emperor Penguins are usually 1 metre tall and weigh 38kg! Emperor Penguins also mate in may and their eggs hatch in August. Did you know that Emperor Penguin chicks have extra down under their feathers to keep them warm?

Adelie Penguins:Antarctic Penguins scientific name is Aptendytes Foresteri and the Adelie Penguins scientific name is Pygoscelis Adeliae. Adelie Penguins have a very curious nature and are very cute little Penguins. Adelie Penguins make their nests out of small stones instead of like an Emperor Penguin [they keep their eggs under a flap of skin until a certain age or time]. The completion for stones if so fierce that some Penguins turn to stealing and fights break out. Adelie Penguins eat krill which turns their poo red!

Fun Fact!:Penguins don’t jump they bounce!


Page 13: Inside an animals world


Did you know there are more than 30 kinds of dolphins and 6 kinds of porpoise?

Also there are dolphins called river dolphins. They are known for their long beaks and tiny eyes. They are usually grey, creamy white and pink!

There are dolphins that help people catch fish.

Did you know that there are dolphins that save people when they are drowning?

There are dolphins that leap out of the water and can spin 7 times until they fall back in.

All baby dolphins swim straight away when they are born.

Did you know a hector dolphin is very playful? They love to play with swimmers and kids!


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Monthly Weather 2012


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Most humans don’t walk until approximately 1 year old. Elephant calves walk at an amazing 1 hour old. Elephants are awesome and are full of fun facts like how an African elephants ear is the same shape of Africa! Weird….

Imagine you’re a baby elephant, a calf. You, to other elephants, are one of the most important things on the planet. Baby elephants are cherished. When it is hot, adult elephants shade you with their big ears. If something comes to attack, fully-grown elephants will create a barrier around you, shielding you from the enemy. Speaking of calves, female elephants have their baby at 12-15 years old!

Elephant tusks are made out of bone. They are made of an extremely strong and bony skeleton. Some elephant’s ears are as big as tablecloths! I bet you that you haven’t seen anyone with ears that are that big. Did you know that baby elephants have no tusks and that they are much, much too heavy to jump?

African elephants weigh a lot more than Asian elephants. Yet Asian elephants are pregnant for 609 days! Both have amazing knowledge and cool facts about them. So do other elephants. For example:. Elephant days are mostly about finding and consuming food.. Baby elephants grow tusks at 2 years old.

Elephants are amazing creatures. They belong to a family called a herd.


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Come and choose a cat or dog! There’s lots too choose from, so come and take one!


Gracie St North Melbourne

Lost Dogs Home

Page 17: Inside an animals world

Most popular pet in Australia


Page 18: Inside an animals world

Werribee Open Range Zoo Interview:

What’s your favourite animal? I love all animals, but owls are one of our favourites.

What would you like to adopt out of a monkey, lion or a zebra?A lion.

Do you like being a zookeeper?Yes because I love animals!

Why did you choose to work at a zoo?Because I’m passionate about protecting animals and caring about them.

What would you do if an animal escaped?I would let the other workers know and then contact the media and police.

Have you ever made a mistake working with animals?I always try to do my best by them.

Do you wish there were more sea animals in your zoo?It would be fantastic but at this stage we don’t have the room.

Do you ever feel like the zoo is your home?My job is my home, I love my job!

If you had an option of getting one million dollars or being a zoo keeper what would you choose and why?Being a zookeeper and the million dollars! Haha

Have you ever tamed a tiger?Yes we have been lucky enough to tame lots of tigers! They are beautiful!


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Dogs go wacko for Schmackos!

Available in Coles for $19.45



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Most visited animal in a zoo


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