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Inside huddersfield newsletter july edition online

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Huddersfield Partnership Newsletter - July 2015
1 Farnley Estates recently unveiled its proposal to create a country park for Huddersfield. By working in partnership with neighbouring landowners, there?s an opportunity to create a 17-mile, multi-purpose circular route for cycling, walking and riding. Family and rural attractions, such as aerial adventure courses, conservation areas and an education centre will also feature in the park?s plan. Farnley Country Park will give people a reason to visit this beautiful part of the world and provide a base from which to explore the wider area. It has the potential to put Huddersfield firmly on the tourist map, giving the town a greater share of the £70bn spent by visitors to Yorkshire every year. ?It could be one of the biggest changes to happen to Huddersfield in modern times. It could create employment, encourage a healthier way of life, and provide huge opportunities for outdoor education and conservation,? said Paul Sykes, Director Farnley Estates. This will be a country park without walls, and welcoming to all. The plan is for wheelchair and pram-friendly paths, plus dementia-friendly signage. ?We want Farnley Country Park to be something that the people of Huddersfield can be proud of,? said Paul. ?We want to give local people and those from further afield greater access to this huge green area of land, and give them a place to visit, live, work and play.? FARNLEY TYASCOUNTRY PARK Farming will continue on the Estate and, as members of Natural England?s Higher Level Stewardship, conservation will be at the heart of Farnley Country Park. But it can only happen if local people want it to happen. To find out more about the proposal for Farnley Country Park visit www.farnleycountrypark.co.uk
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Farnley Estates recently unveiled its proposal to create a country park for Huddersf ield. By working in partnership with neighbouring landowners, there?s an opportunity to create a 17-mile, multi-purpose circular route for cycling, walking and riding. Family and rural attractions, such as aerial adventure courses, conservation areas and an education centre will also feature in the park?s plan.

Farnley Country Park will give people a reason to visit this beautiful part of the world and provide a base from which to explore the wider area. It has the potential to put Huddersf ield f irmly on the tourist map, giving the town a greater share of the £70bn spent by visitors to Yorkshire every year. ?It could be one of the biggest changes to happen to Huddersf ield in modern t imes. It could create employment, encourage a healthier way of l ife, and provide huge opportunities for outdoor education and conservation,? said Paul Sykes, Director Farnley Estates. This will be a country park without walls, and welcoming to all. The plan is for wheelchair and pram-friendly paths, plus dementia-friendly signage. ?We want Farnley Country Park to be something that the people of Huddersf ield can be proud of,? said Paul. ?We want to give local people and those from further af ield greater access to this huge green area of land, and give them a place to visit, l ive, work and play.?


Farming will continue on the Estate and, as members of Natural England?s Higher Level Stewardship, conservation will be at the heart of Farnley Country Park. But it can only happen if local people want it to happen. To f ind out more about the proposal for Farnley Country Park visit www.farnleycountrypark.co.uk

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RIASCA GOES THAT EXTRA MILE FOR CHARITIES IN AFRICAIn January this year, Riasca sent a del ivery a bit further than their usual daily drop of fs. Having been moved by the work of the SuhoG Project ; Riasca sent f ive pal lets of exercise books overseas to Af rica.

The SuhoG Project, founded in 2001, is an international charity that strives to alleviate poverty and improve the quality of l ife for rural communities in Sierra Leone, Kenya and Nigeria through education and healthcare. The project is particularly important as it focuses on providing opportunities for children in poverty who are at huge risk of prostitution, forced labour or are living with aids. By providing a secure educational system for these children, they are alleviating exposure to the dangers that they so horribly have to face every day. Following on from their donation, Riasca have received photos all the way from Nigeria, showing just how important their contribution is.

For children in the UK, a mere exercise book is nothing more than a school essential. However, for these children, who do not have the same privileges, this exercise book offers them something more. An aspect of l ife we all take for granted: a good education. A chance to learn, create and f lourish. Stewart Marshall, Managing Director of Riasca, commented on their success with the project, stating ?This may be a small gesture in the grand scheme of things, but we couldn?t be happier that we have brought l ight to a handful of children who are overshadowed by poverty?. He followed with ?Our exercise books will make it a litt le easier for the children of Nigeria to reach their true potential?. Riasca take great interest in supporting people whose opportunities are overpowered by poverty. They hope to continue to support the SuhoG Project and help many more in need.

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We?ve heard about the delay in the Trans Pennine electri f icat ion, and we read every day of problems on the M62, both of which must have an impact on Town Centre businesses.

It?s up to others in higher places to sort out this mess but in the meanwhile I believe we should think how we as members can help the Town Centre move forward. The easiest and best option is to give Huddersf ield Partnership more clout and voice to raise the prof ile of the Town. One simple way we can achieve this is to have more members to represent which at the same time


means more funding. As a business man and a business fan, I would ask you all to talk to your trading neighbours, shop owners and other businesses that are nearby or known to you and

encourage them to join the Huddersf ield Partnership. Here at the Huddersf ield Central Lodge Hotel we are an independent family run business without the advertising or marketing budgets of the national chains. However the partnership has been a big benefit to us over the years. Please pop in next door to your place at lunchtime and ask them to join. The more the merrier and hopefully a bigger voice will lead to better business.

Joe Marsden, Director of the Huddersf ield Central Lodge Hotel

A plea from a fellow member

Wilkinson Woodward Norclif fe are supporting Huddersf ield Partnership this year by sponsoring the small business enterprise stall at Hudds Food Fest 2015.

The small business stall aims to support four entrepreneurs from Huddersf ield in widening the brand of their foodie products by giving them the opportunity to engage with the festival. As part of the 15th anniversary the festival team wanted to offer support to budding entrepreneurs who would not otherwise be able to access the festival because they either are starting out on their entrepreneurial journey or have limited capacity. In order to create this opportunity the team joined forces with Wilkinson Woodward to promote how local the Solicitors are interested supporting the emerging business community.

Karen Hobson, Partnership Manager said, ?Supporting new businesses is a key objective of the Partnership going forward and to acquire the support from one of our members is fantastic. The festival is a great event for all and a way for local businesses to give back to the community. Wilkinson Woodward?s support will certainly help our four entrepreneurs in growing their business and promoting their brand?.

Laura Kurowski, a Director at Wilkinson Woodward commented ?Wilkinson Woodward are proud to support the Food and Drink Festival for another year and hope that our involvement in 2015 will enable smaller businesses to showcase their products. We believe that this is a fantastic way of promoting local suppliers who may otherwise have been unable to participate.?

From Thursday 6th August to Sunday 9th August a dif ferent small business will exhibit in the small business stall so support why not visit, and purchase some goods to show your support to the entrepreneurs involved.   

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MEMBER OF THE MONTHWelcome to member of the Month. For our Jammin July edit ion we are so pleased to int roduce to you Russel l Beverley , f rom Empire Brewing

7. Have you ever met anyone famous, please tel l us about i t (keep it short )?

Ray Winston, complete with Tyrolean hat in Nuremburg , at an England football game.

8. If you could pass on one single piece of advice to anyone about a subject of your choice, what would it be?

Dont ask me for advice , the answer wont be orthodox.

9. If you could change something about Huddersf ield what would it be?

Dont really think it needs changing, it as a few rough edges, { haven` t we all } but thats not always a bad thing

10. If you could give the Partnership some advice what would it be?

I` m not the best at giving or for that matter Taking advice.............. Just ask Lorraine.

Please give a descript ion of your business/organisat ion:

We are a small micro brewery based in Slaithwaite, we seek to brew the best quality beer using the f inest ingredients. Ingredients are locally sourced when we can e.g. malt from T F Fawcetts in Castleford.

1. Why did you join the partnership?

To keep abreast of what is happening locally

2. What are your aspirat ions for the remainder of 2015?

The installation of another Fermentation vessel, and teaching our son to brew.

3. Give three words to describe your business?

Traditional yet innovative.

4. Give us three words about yoursel f?

Very Laid Back

5. What do you think are the main chal lenges for micro breweries?

Creating ales that separate you from all the new breweries that seem to open every week.

6. What was your proudest achievement of 2014?

We are very pleased with the re-branding, that we had done last year


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FOOTBALL FUNDING FOR GIRL'S JUNIOR TEAMSWhile now sadly over, England's heroic Women's World Cup campaign is set to inspire many women and girls across the country to take up the game of football.

Across Kirklees, One Community, the Kirklees Community Foundation, is invit ing girl?s junior football teams to make a funding application to the Davy Fund, which could help the club with their development, or to purchase kit and equipment.

The Davy Fund was established in 2010 to support voluntary and community organisations across Kirklees, and to encourage the participation of children and young people in sport, with an emphasis on team sports and activit ies.

Applications are invited up to a maximum of £500 and must be received by Tuesday 25th August. Successful teams will be informed of their grants in October.

To download an application form, please visit the Foundation?s website www.one-community.org.uk. For more information about available funding in Kirklees, please contact the (01484) 468397.

One Community, the Kirklees Community Foundation, celebrated its 5th anniversary with a Gala Dinner at the John Smiths Stadium in Huddersf ield, last month.

Over the last 5 years, the Foundation has distributed over 225 grants to help local voluntary groups with activit ies, outings and core costs. The f irst grant of £1,900 was made to the Huddersf ield based ?WISH? Project (Women into Single Housing) back in 2011, to support their ?pre-loved furniture? shop.

The anniversary Gala Dinner was sponsored by Robertson Baxter Limited, independent f inancial advisers based in Shelley.

Stephen Baxter, Director of Robertson Baxter, said: ?We were delighted to have been able to support One Community over the past 5 years, and the Gala Dinner was a great evening and a f itt ing tribute to the great work undertaken by the Foundation.?

Guests enjoyed a 4-course meal followed by opera from the Serenata quintet, and fantastic il lusions from international magician, ?High Jinx?.

Gerry and Irene Murphy Gala Guests

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KC COMMUNICATIONS CELEBRATES ITS FIRST YEAR IN BUSINESS WITH A HAT TRICK OF NEW CLIENTSLindley based market ing consul tancy, KC Communicat ions has celebrated its f irst year in business with a hat-t rick of new cl ients wins.

The latest client appointments include Huddersf ield based visual and seasonal display company The WonderWorks who have selected KC Communications to manage their full PR remit. Huddersf ield Partnership have also sought social media marketing services in the lead up to the 15th Huddersf ield Food and Drink Festival in August, whilst Leeds based Temple Moor High School have appointed the business to manage a design refresh across all its l iterature.

The company based at the Heritage Exchange was founded in July 2014 by Katrina Clif fe and now employs two additional members of staff to provide marketing consultancy and management services to SME?s and educational establishments. In the last 12 months Katrina has been nominated for a Women of Achievement in Business Award, the business has also received a Certif icate of Recognition for its commitment to apprenticeships, whilst Marketing Assistant, Johanna Green has received the Ambassador of the Year Award from Kirklees Apprenticeship Hub.

Managing director, Katrina Clif fe commented: ?It is a delight to be celebrating our f irst year in business. The last 12 months have been hard work but we are fortunate enough to work with a fantastic client base. We look forward to the next 12 months and beyond as we continue with our growth plans?.

To celebrate their f irst year KC Communications hosted a fundraiser at The Grosvenor Casino in Huddersf ield. The money raised was all in aid of Tommy?s The Baby Charity. Local f irms came together to create a wealth of prizes to back the charity that is close to Managing Director Katrina Clif fe. They managed to raise a total of £500, which has made a signif icant dent into the £10K target set at the start of May 2014.

For more information about KC Communications visit www.kccomms.co.uk

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WHAT'S IN STORE FOR OUR 15TH ANNIVERSARY 15 years and st i l l going st rong....

Thanks to an amazing legacy, the festival has grown from strength to strength and has put Huddersf ield on the map as the Food Fest central of Yorkshire and ?the place to be for food traders across the country having had record enquiries. With the emphasis on local and regional traders Hudds Food Fest is proud of promoting the Yorkshire gems of the food industry as well as supporting local entrepreneurs, just starting out on the road of business.

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IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FRINGE!The fringe event to the festival kicks off this weekend Saturday 18th July across 18 venues?

Make sure you visit one of the listed venues from 18th July ? 9th August to collect your stamp along your trail journey. Collect 10 or more and you will be a prize winner of a special edition engraved festival glass which you can collect at Hudds Food Fest. Thanks to our sponsors at Kings Head, Saltaire Brewery and Discovery Lounge for supporting this event!

Join us at Discovery Lounge for an evening of fun and tropical f lavours on Tuesday 28th July from 5pm to network with other members and Hudds Food Fest Traders. Please RSVP on our website huddersf ieldpartnership.co.uk

The main festival Thursday 6th ? Sunday 9th August will include an impressive line-up of free cookery demonstrations, managed by Jamie?s Ministry of Food with some amazing guests. Children's workshops supported by the Packhorse Centre, street entertainment by High Jinx- watch our for the roar! Plus a giant main stage sponsored by Dawsons Music and Huddersf ield University hosting the cooking demonstrations by day and entertainment with Festival at Dusk Friday & Saturday from 6pm.

The festival is expanding for our 15th anniversary with the introduction of Food Avenue on Northumberland Street ? bringing a litt le bit of VIP to the festival. This year you can purchase an off icial 15th anniversary programme which will include the stall holders map, festival information, schedules and vouchers all for some loose change at 50p. Special anniversary merchandise will be on sale at the information point, we have cotton shopper bags for only £1.50 so you can enjoy buying more produce and goods to takeaway in your Hudds Food Fest tote bag!



- Litt le and Often

- Retro Fire

- Fiery Biscuits  

- Ricky?s School of Rock Choir

The Man in the Street

Headl iners:- Storm (Friday) - Helter Skelter (Saturday)       

The l ine-up for Fest ival at Dusk is:

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PARTNERSHIP?As a not for prof it organisat ion, the Huddersf ield Partnership does its best to facil i tate the development of the town by working with Kirklees Council , businesses and communit ies within the area ensuring that together, Huddersf ield can be a great and safe place to l ive, work and do business.

Previously focusing on the town centre, the Partnership now has a wider remit to support Huddersf ield as a whole. The Partnership has diverse membership of businesses and organisations from across Huddersf ield. Through the f inancial contribution of our membership, it enables the Partnership to offer businesses and stakeholders specif ied benefits and services. All of our prof its are re-invested back into the town and local businesses through the organisation of events, crime prevention activit ies and promotional activit ies.

- All members have the opportunity to promote their businesses every month via the Inside Huddersf ield Newsletter (database email)

- All members have the opportunity to attend regular network meetings and open evenings.

- All members are included in our on-line Membership Directory with a link to their own website.

- All eligible members can benefit from signif icant discounts for membership of the Radio Link Scheme and DISC Intranet to that aims to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.

- All members can benefit from a discount of 20% off membership fees if they introduce a new member.

- All members can take advantage of signif icant member to member discounts and offers.

- All members benefit from being part of an organisation that acts as one voice in our town.

- All eligible members can benefit from a 10% discount off bookings for Huddersf ield Food and Drink Festival

- Access to ?inside knowledge? about what is happening in the town before it actually happens.

For more informat ion visit : huddersf ieldpartnership.co.uk or email :info@huddersf ieldpartnership.co.uk

