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z 0:: >- 0:: 0:: <( co I I I INSIDE: JOE . COCKER TINY TIM, FELICIANO " ·--·· HENDRIX COLOUR ' ' . .
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  • 1

    DUSlY •

    WALKER TOUR AMIDST the many "one-hjt wo~ THERE J1av& been a l'luml)er or derS" ttuat cooltantlr appe.ar letters prlottd, rrom people

    on our &-tale aod laded pop having nen the scou Walker s-,ene. lel's take Ume oul to muvel tour. c-lalmlna that they did not (lvtr the phenomenon that is Dust.¥. get a ralr deal. a, he only on.A

    For llvo years now she bas sung s:ix numbers. h-er wa)' through bit art.er hit, AU t c;,n sav is: "Whatever hap• always comios up wfth someth.ln, oened 10 the. saying 'Quality not fresh and ucltlotrly ..ew, an4 )•et l"•·~·· s 1 I 11 still her popularity SbOll'S no s .. lims quant "' · ure )' s x $41)fCrtecllon. must be tbi> most orlginat

    I WOULD like co draw all djs attenlion to 1he r~ct that ••e have with us, again, :>. ma&•

    niftecnt dJsc; a. value. tor mo~Y disc - ' ·'I'tle Da>· n1at LOrrainc Came Oown" - sun,,e by the sreal P. 1. Proby.

    Ch·e .:um ::1; Chanco 1his ume, don' t keep tl'IJ$ creat disc aod s-Jnger In cold s tnr:tl?C - be fa ir and out it on the turntable - play 1t o\·er and aver 1ga10. and >'OUI' re•·ard will sureh• 00 Jn the knowJeaic th~1 you 31"¢ helping to put lhe i::reatcst af •hem .ill in his re3J place .it the 1()p. - 1aekle Poster. • Mason RrAdbt.lr Coon. St. PAl.ll'S Road. ISIJ lliC(ln, N.1.

    of MY nre. _ JCtith West. Conrt• Anothtr point th;tl C don't tbtnk P.roup ot this ye:iir. J .i.m rererriog wooct Lant, AddlDJ:loD, h :·,,s o«urrell ro anyone i$ 01(' tact tUR fF PREFERRl!:D, Stl;ND t..OCK OF HAIR FOR MATCH.INC * f·ROM ONE OF LONDON'S TOP COIFI•'EURS

    send P.0./CheQue f()r 84/ Plus .:H i t>. & P. •



    t~ l,EON OF MAYFAIR L11). 74 DANSl•:Y Pw\CE WNDON W .J

    •monds: and no1v 1he (:r()11p .ire bringing o ut ,:m a lbum c;1UCd "8irthd:0t Puty", Wbtcb Is 6Ucd with more excellcn1 IJV3£ilta\ lVI,\ ~nd non-brafDW3ShlDS:' so11n!-:. rs 1tii11 to be subject t() the .s.lme fate a..,: the s-Jn,sles (which art featured)!

    Thl' Record Mirror reviC\l'il).: . panel ga,·e It 3 R, unaergrouD(I group wbose utt'm• btn are Paul Kossotr ($OR ol ac1or Oa\'ld), lead i,.-uUar; Simon Kerk, drums: Paul Rodgers, voul: H John May3fl b&S!il«.il Andy Frater. Frte are at prese11t rest, dtD.l at Che Marquee Club Mon• day eveamrs.

    ., Get

    "PERSONAL" by


    4{ Berwitk St., Lt:ado.a, W,1, 23(1 Portot>etlo Rd .. Loa.don, W,J,

    ror th~ largest scloction ot" American R&B and Soul mush: in Europe Vl$H Ute only shop in i-:-,1:.,.1i>e that setts nothing else 1>u1 :mu.sic in o~ n«n :rn4 soul groove

    17 MONMOUTH S1'R€E'f, LONDON, W.•rr,mno-1aur11$ ne,c. Fa.irpott Co1wCt11ion. F::amuy and JeUlro T\111. Maybe these records: are not bOUAht bt'!· cause ) b>• Famll)' to know what good sounds can be produced. - Duld AUm. 11 Chest• nut ,\\·eaue. Lelsti, Lanes.

    FONTANA FAN I SUGC EST the Uritish reoord• bu>·ing public go out and

    Ji&tl"O to " Never An Ever)•d::1;~• Thi~" b~• wayoe Jl"ontans. •ra me lhis singer ls 1:treat. I nave sttn him sing uve twice thts ye~r .at Shefflelel 31\d LSV('tPOOl ..... ,d ( am aneauy Impressed,

    Allhougll I tun pr.iisiog rum lll,ehlY I do n(>I intend to ntQ Other pop s1ars d()wO, T only want to s:,y J r.hlnl it'$ unfair how be's lielnk" t reated by Britain, - ROfnel' fltll. ' Oambureh Walk, Gosforth,. Newca,tle,()n.Tyae.

    Jtni, ~% Par!):Ons RAd, Reddltch. '1'0r($.- Wouh1 ~n)' rNtt.ltrs Posses· sm J: (:ovlt~ o( •:ihl Lulu re(ords :rnd v,h(I wish le, sell them. ple.:ise SCIHI 1hem to me :S$ ti~>· :sre "'·:inttd by her Amerlc-:in fan club se', 2l c.:wrl•Yl'·31.a ltd .• Eh·. Cardiff,-! h:we lh' 1he Moi>ll~· 8lu-0s. CarY Pul"kett and Ule Union Ga{t or the Doors. Also 1f anron:? has any POSlers adverlisin.: the Door&' "'Hello I LO\'e You". ()f' .-m· handouts of the Door,; arate)y at JSS. \Tach. \YIU .also ellch.inc:c tor s imon and (iarfunkel'll " P;,rSlcY. Sci!{'=' .. e tc-.

    Oa,·e Bourne. 3i.16 Quemstowu Koad, LOnOon S.\\'.3, - J ha\'c .i perrect cc,py of the Who's ··olred Hits" J.P . Will $WOP tor slx or less "OlditlS but (;oodies"' sin1des, like ..Se:1Jed with a Kk s' nr .. Alie>'· Oop··. Sffld li$l. -

    n. /litarlo. 38 Roieb,· Terrace, Htaton, Ncwtastlt'-Uoon~1')'11.e i,-1 ha,·c th(! " Cra.z~• world or Arl.hur Brown" LP Jn bran' 1he nnarln· St•Ues. would anyone wiSlli•t~ t el sell ur swop this reC'Qrd. Plea.$e oont3ct me 31 the above addre$s. I will 3Jlswer all Jcm:rs.

  • RECORD MIRROR, Wetk tndine November 9, 1968


    A SHORT while ago I mentioned Chrysalis, an organisation headed by Terry Ellis and Chris Wright and doing some very nice things. Jethro Tull Is busy building a solid reputation over here (a Chrysalis discovery), and Ten Years After. having made a name ror themselves here, are busy making an even bigger name for them~lves in the States.

    As a result of all this activity on both sides of the Atlantic, Chris Wright has be-come like a jet l(!t commuter flying regularly between London and New York. I'm more thun pleased that things are going well for Chry8'llis, having followed their develop, ment from· the early days only a year a_go when Ten Years After were just a bit more than u gleam In the Marquee's eye.

    And, needless to say, Chris Is more then pleused us well. We met tho other day !or a quiet drink and a chat,-l'd heard the rumours and reports of Ten Years Aflor's grea tnes.s in America at the momef'lt , and who better to eonftrm them than Chris (the group'• sUII in the land of plenty making plenty),

    Sald Chris: " I Ck>n't lhlnk that even Ttn Ytars Alter•• most a rdent l10J ovor Mre ru.11.se Jus t taow bll lht group ts In the State• a 1 1he mome111. It"• incrtdlbr.-4t's bt~min1 11 rnul1r lhln.R fo r lht' noup to be sh·e:n 1en1tby ,undina ovations. In one the.tre the other day they received :1 2S"01110 WIii llllffl le, )'OU," " We wanted tu aiftt out of our counlr>' to record. away from thlno:· added Todd. "And we feel we can Ktl lhe round ,.,., want h~ ...

    I was lntcirested to know l1ow Nuu would dncrU>l' their mutJ:iciAI Jlt)'le, whid1 h.s bffn adopted bJ I.be wut co.airt u "undervrout14•· and ,ceneully dt1cribed u roct 'n'mll.

    •·ffOcit and roll In the Stat~ " said 1'Jom, "1Ji a new term to caver up for IHI year's milltalce-,. People don't want lu be asaoclated wtth what l~J were dciiruc and 10 lhli!!J aa., ii'" now rock ' n' ron. At our IIVtt perfonnanctai: we play "hlrd'' music. Who and Small PaeH t1pe. we dO some hutrume-ntall. but we haven'! recorded any,"

    " We l)l l )'C!d an cH>en air conc:-ert l't'CitnUr.'' cun, unued su,wll:tY. --11 wu nry 1ood. but C1Ur •autinmnt deVelooed a faull and 'nKlm had to play a fifteen minute drum solo - whUe Canon dJd I little clanL'f'? wo·,·ti done 11ome Jammln- u wtll with people 1.ai.e R. o, Kina. Paul nuuerflcld, John EntWbl•U• llld Al Koooer."

    "We bnt.n'I played • lo l Of dates Ytl.'' added 111om, "a.s our m• naAement didn't want wi to be llv,.r-exP()ffd. 'rhlll mun1 we didn't onrola.r our-M-h•es. But w, lo•I a lot of AIIH techniaue whkh we had to fthd 11uin,

    " Wt may be m nk lnsr • Rim in Januairr. We'll hn-e lines 1h11 are more than live wgrd~ IODi!'," "Wt want





    10 p lay Pl"OP(lr pat1,5;• uiid TOcld. " no-I a: l)'pical JCNIUO ftlm, h c.·11.r, be a ttrCa\ taUdM>•WlsuaJ f lt:PCl"lf'tl('f'." II'~ • nolhcr c reauve lalont lhat yciu ~•n u~". lld drd SUtwlun,.

    I Mtic.•ecl th;it N-u were dnl:"ecl in hisrhl)' CCIII• vcnoona1 c1-0tbts - r.i.nsinR from velvet tro11S(ll'$. 11tln ••Mt Cflltf,1n 5hlru, and • Jatjje pink re11 ha l! -consMlerlnr that 1hey are Americ:11n,

    "In Amerlea oo,opJe •Ull 1oc,ii on u11 u " fru Jut" aald Stewlcey, " and the.r ,nare al JOO. \\'hen I w11,: in l ht-Kll\#'S Road re:,terdn, I U kecl an • ldtrly OlAII for dlrett10»1 ahd he 1pen1 five minutes cumtabM.ng tMlll 10 mt. An Amt1r1C• n would 11.11)' 'I don' I wa nt to set involved. loCO away', or he'd Mtntl you 1he wrong way!" " Older PtP1e In America are friahlCf)Od of wti:i.t thti young- Me tryfn.11: to do," added C.irlk>n. ..The ,u.c,,o •sc ,8roup h.ave ,n the l111anci.al oower 1)()w: ·

    Nan WC!tt i,bviously Impressed With th(! lo(ood IJ"\l lll· mtnt tho)' h1vo r~cch·td ho~ and •re ketn 13 Whci11 I fefl, hOwever, • rathtr ·•11ilina" (;u s.on w111t delt, ~r•telf try1t11 to uu a; lluJ - ,. r11.lhcr hard t .isl at 5.30 In ttMt aflornoon, Arler being 1,uahed U lde b)' aoother would•be " fare·· ho wullu:d oway, u11haim ll)1 multertna " Hanrul acros1t 1ht 11ea "



    0 SML 1028 0 DML 1028 De,am


    12 Ston~u or Monu LP

    ... isn't thi i- whe:re we came in?

  • RECORD MIRROR, W••k •ndine Nov•mb,r 9, 19'9


    LOBS LURCHES • • • T

    HE tdlOC)' woven into Brian Auger's Trtnlty, nol excluding the Jovlal Jool1, t• becoming more widely known every llme Ibey open ~elr mouthfi. Don't misunderstand-they don't lack anythlng upstairs, In fact they're probably over-stocked. They Just

    exposure. I'm not really conscious of roaming cameras when on stage, so [ don't overact or abuse tho soul bit. t make no attempt lo over-expose myself. I'd rather Just lurch about on the bass, so there ts little reason lo spend much camera time on me,"

    JULIE DRISCOLL. BRIAN AUGER AND THE TRINITY-Left to rJeht, Clive. Brian, Dave and Jools .

    seem 10 survive on zaniness.

    l'd say over hall the Trlnlty trademarks emanate Crom the person of golden-haired golden-Upped bassist Dave Ambrose , otherwise referred to •• WBS.

    What about the new single " Road To Cairo"? Brian had to pull it back • few time• because he felt it wasn't rig ht. Do you ever exercise this pcrogative? Does it suit you as It 1tands?

    "J'D LlKE to be a success with somethin g I believe in-not something that is out

    and out commercial," said Truly Smith. TRULY SMITH STORY

    The obsession among the member for the word " lurch" stemmed from Dave. Says Brtan: LESS PUNCH

    Truly started singing whilst she was sUII at school at the age of fifteen. "I made my first appearance wit a vocal group at a local hop. My first professional appearance was with my brother's group In my home town of Warring ton, Then I was signed to a r ecord company by my manager. But In spite ol a f ew r ecords be.ing released nothing much happened. I appeared at the Knokke Song FcsUval two years ago and our team won. Engelbert was al$ a member or the learn.

    " Dave uS

    NO WORRY Jools and the Trinity seldom get free lime, as they work

    a seven-day week the majority or the year, But Dave, as he explains, is a great frequenter of extra-curricular scenes . . .

    .. I don' t worry too much about nol having ten-second c lose-up's on Top of the Pops and that sort of televised spol. I'm sallsfied If I show u p even In a group shot a couple of llmes. The only llme it upsets me Is when I d on't show up at all. Sometimes I think l'm g hastly anyway, Things are going nt n terrific pace at present. everyone Is happy, and there Is really no reason to dwe11 on demands like more

    "I don't go to the clubs much, as I haven't the time. I always say I'll see a pic ture, but I never seem to make iL All the people I know keep asking me if I've heard this or seen that, and I have to say no. I've got to get into some or the things that are happening: There are so many things I'm mis.sing out on. Got to lurch about some . ..


    Truly had come down from Warring ton to interviews. Also to do some modelling. (Looking at her, you can u nderstand why she models!) She now records lor M.G.M. and her debut single with them is entitled "1'hi1 Is 'Mic First Time",




    D O you want to know Lee Hozlewood'• panacea ror the world? It goes like this . . , "If everyone was a lush, there'd be no more wars," Lee main• tains. "People would be so drunk

    they wouldn't be able to ftght - they'd be falllng about all over the place". And so saylng we both had another drink.

    I was Interviewing Lee recently in his 26th floor suite at the London Hilton from where you had a magniftcent view of Hyde Parlt Lee explained: "I must have • pace to move about in."

    Lee Is a highly successful song wrlter and producer and h as recently added line• ing to hi.a bow. A new venture of his is televl1ion producing. He co-produced and acted as musical director for "Moving Wlth Nancy", a TV special starring Nancy Sinatra which received rave reviews from U.S. crilles and was shown here earlier thls year. Three other TV specials are being planned and should be filmed during the winter and early spring ,

    As far back as his school days, Lee had been writlng poetry. "I had this Interest but I couldn't write or read music. Orlgfnally, l used to play the tune on a z,ylophone and record It on a tape recorder, Since then rve learnt to write music and arrange. l started off as a disc jockey in Phoenix, Playing the discs lor a living increased my interest In song writing , and J also became interested In producing. At first we had lo get togethe r In the s tudio. The musicians didn't know what I wanted. I knew what J wanted but couldn't c.xplaln it. So I ended up playing them records which had more or less the sound 1 wanted and .somehow we got by."

    Lee sta rted his o wn record label called Jamle and s:lgncd a young, unknown guitar-ist named Duane Eddy, and for three years or so ho was r esponsible !or putting the


    'twang · into Eddy's gult.ar. He produced all of Duane's early hit discs, many of which he wrote himself.

    I asked Lee how he became involved with singing. "Accidentally," he replied. "I wrote some cngs tor male and female duets, but couldn't .And the right singers for the songs, At the lime I was recording Nancy Sinatra and she suggested that the two of us did one on her album. So we n-corded "Sand". It all started •• fun-ou r Joke. Later, we recorded "Summer Wine" and used lt as the B side or Nancy's next single. Suddenly we discovered lhat a D,J . in California was plugging "Summer Wine" all tlie time, so we ftlpped the sldes and lt became a hit. Then we dld "Jackson", which we recorded In two lakes, and it was a world-wide hit. "

    Repria)e Records recently relHHd Lee's new aJbum c1Ufd " l.ove And Other Crimts", " This i.s my ftfah album,?• exolatned Lee. '"1be llnl fgur wtre Cout lhO whOk ICIM, the ea.rty da)'• Of Radio OM, 1h41 execuUvu, the d l&C•JOClttrs and t ho produoel"III • nd a 1lab or tedtnlcal cuff for tht- cechnlcalb• minded.

    Fi>r Insta nce . he U1-u: the requirement• for be.Ina a ditt-Jocltey, One, tn be mate: two, lO have the aill of the lUlb: thrc-c, lo have a aood llrlkiruc PfrSf>na.llly ; four, 10 be •ble to communica te with your• audJence; ftve. Ill bf: able to nut Into practiet a g.elf,op s tudio,

    And, becauH they are bis ma;tft (or wer~. any• wa)' D, Keith oroduce,i liome rntere~un.ii Quotts and r har.cter s iddighta oo h.ia fe.Jlow dec•jays, Ilia Inter• Yk!Wt 100k place anywhere and everywhere: on a Boelna )et, during 1unaml1sloa of programmu, on a but, In • barbl!r'• chair, 111 .a lift

    Some qootff from dee•Ja)'1: David Alln : " My ambition Is to ~ country

    mu1Jc es-ta.bllahed In Britain." MICh•C!I AJlpel: " It'$ nice be.In, rec:O,tllllMtd. You can

    cot preuy M:ood tables In te11tau.ra.nia. ror eumpl• . Mind you. when you meet a pen&on who knnws )'OU, thC!n )'OU've g;ot to be palite lo them."

    Ala n Rlaca:: " PtopJe will probably comoue me to feUow Scotsman Sluart He.Dry, but ln ,iplto of rumwrs I don't rave and i hout. There's not room for t WO of UI."

    Tony Dlt id::bu.rn: " 14)' ambition lJ to ttu at UM l.onCIOn Palladium, hne a 11ucw~ru1 hll record and to run my own canimercta.l radio t.tauon."

    Tonv Brandon: "What notlal1 lc da,.-• w.:re mv &.ChOoldarll-

  • • RECQRO MIRROR. W"I have mCI rolllnw In lhe aisle.. I don'I lblnk their a ,,.,11 fortunately Tiny Tim·• lielf fihinf!ll thfflUlh. . Mr. Tim ,, at a peak Of l)OPII·

    larlty, I enJoyed the conc:ert. jnd I darflaf moll of the 111u1le1~ c:lkl. 11111 popularity won·t Int. 1hou1~t won't be Ionic before he's ou.l of fashlon and foraotten. nut he'll sUll be: around, .and he' ll ,uu ti.ave mo-re fans thar1 bt!fore. Thouah >eJ• than fl(IW. And Tin)' Tim woo Id be lbt firll 10 U J : "Well, t hat•a 51how bts , , ."


    -------------.--------------...1.-------------------------- ' NEXT


    SINGLES AMONG the new releues fa r Novr.mber 1, ar• record,

    rrom Cliff Richard, One Clark Five, Kenny 1..)'n(h. Per~y Sledtte. Gerry Mllniden. John Walker, and Geoo Wuhlnxton.

    Th.: 11111 Of tlnl(Jta for th.at W(!(ltl HNI: DE·CCA: DERAM The Web wHh Jo hn L, WatlOr,-••oab)' Won' t Y(JU J..eave Me AIOM"; Ufe Aftd Soul " Htn Come, Yesterday Altaln": litONUMENT: R•Y Steverui-"ltn't II Lonel)' To• ..etMr .. : &Ml: COWMBIA Lace-"Pt'OOle. People": Kenny L.Ync-h-"Alonl,f CoMCII Love''; PARLO· PUONE K'rta lfct-"lma1,dn1UOn ' : Mole1-··w~ Are The Moles, Pl . I" ; CAPITOL: Dr. Peeltood and the lntem.

  • INCIIEDIBLE STRING BANO--Robin William-son and Mike Heron.

    T HUEE people came rrom nowhere with Plllem• ol melodlH collected while travclUng man.y counlr~L Thell' 1t,ylff were bom In ott,.,r

    cultures. thus rendulng lhe1r musical ten• denck-• Insubordinate to the rules ol !:ngllsh lolk, re1ulUn11 ln Ille Initials ISII spread ing throu£hout · the dubs like a new taste on a seOsitive tongue. They soon dlAppcarcd lrom the dub clreult and are now more often heard and nol attn. due to a meteoric rise lo fame. One ran~ instance occu rTcd Saturday last at the Alben Ha.II. wh

    She ,pent one day dol.ng Interviews and seeing New York rrom the back or a cu as she and her sister were rushed from radio sta:tlon to Journalist and back. The next day was spent rehearsing and then she did the show. She was on early to enable htr to rush back to airport and get n London plan~. Reason? She had to be on the De, O'Connor show.

    ""111csc trlp,s are always Uke thl.s." she told me.

    "I've been to places au over £urope plugglng the song and generally they are for one day al a time. J ust In and oul I nevc.r ace anything,"

    Mary told me •she w11 concentratina on her for1hcomina album although It • •a• nowhr.re near complete, Ye:s. 1h4:re wlJJ be a cou,ple of J ohn and Paul 10n.11 on it-plu1 some from Dono\•an, Paul Simon. J im Webb. etc. It pays to have • producer Hite Paul McCartney who can Just pick up Ille phone and ult people, • • •

    Donovan, ch1r·acte:ri1Uca.Uy, gave a t.ca pa.rty lor press and promotion people when he a rriV1'd In New Yok for his two conceru


    more lnstrun,ent, between thc,m tlla.n do most ottbcstras.. An offhand list includes acoustic ruitar. orcan, electric bus, recorder. dru1n1, -,acas, tambourine, vlolln. mandolin. kazoo. and nunw:rouM ot.hcr bowed, blown. or plclted articles. Each .. ng appeared to be -eral """IS. each consist • Ing of • different rhytbm. AU were spllced 10,-bal clumsll), but perluips atmospheric-ally (lbal. too, is a =tter or opinion). Each movement wu accompanied by a quid: change of Instrument-. and a l,lTand new concept was supPoledlJ developed. But Ille aonp had Utile pattern and lcu melody. Gr1n1"", they may have been tomposoo (II they weren"t Jammed) to l'Onvey mood or aid the mind toward cunalrucl Ing vlslons, bul as a llstenablc IOUnd that must rely on It.sell, most ol the wns:s dropped dea d quickly, Occaslonally they bordered on what I feel ls lhelr best e~rMnt: song-s In lhc, ~•In of ·Painting Box". All the praumed 11\)'ltlcism L, shed In this 10nit and a creditable aound Is produecd. But lhe majority of the t.imc w11.J 1pm1 on multi• inatrumcnla1 rages which fell Ju.rt short or lndla and 90mewhere In very uJty water. h"\len the somewhat Inspired but appattntly boneless lbeat rics failed to low them back to shore.

    The 1S8 are now shooting a mm concer n• Ing a magic Island which hu been optioned by Omnlbu._ and have a double t..P. ""' ...,leased any day now called "Wcc,tam And The Big Huge". Thay are due for n return trip to Amc!rica at the end of November,

    a t Carnegie Ha ll. t::Verybody At round and aaked Donovan what he thought ol lhe revolutionary portry ol Yea ta and 116 appllcatlon to curttnt trends In lludent Ille. Donovan said he preferred Yeats' l anla•y rather than revolution. Some students ga,·e him a robe made, ol vlnyl. Donovan said he liked l l

    He a.lao e,xplaincd that a lot of hil' song,s were very Sffllle and thl• mraed up any kind or Ima.go he ••• aupp,otied to have. "Bc,lng eenUc, Isn't aippooed to be • ma11e"• line tblng lor aomc, reuon," he .. Id. " 'l'hb meant that a cou_plc of yea.rs ago I was ateulled ol bei"Jl homose,ruaL Now people s.y I'm b~ual.

    "I suppoa, lbal'• progn,a of a sort." Very together and oriented Is Donovan.

    Clever loo. Local underground critic, have interprcltcd

    Ille " Hey Jude" 10n,i by the, lleatlea • • • meuage to Bob 0,lan. In some aort or code, It la really John and Paul betutlng Bob t.o gel back on stage end do contt.rt&. 11.mmmmn,t . . . Johnny CUh played t.o· a .en-out house at Carnegie attended by Jania Joplin and (It's tllought although nobody AW him and he was IUpPoled to be beardless and wearlni: a stra ight ault but nobody belleved It altbouah Cash made rele rencc to him by ealllnK him • dear friend on llage) Bob Dylan , , . Tom Paxton, back ln New York. says London Is hia favourite town but remembers with fond• ne1S a gig he did In Blackpool. The re w ... booked i.n a hall lbat adjoined. an all-England motor cycle rally. He couldn"l even hear hlmacll •..

    " 11 doesn't lntcral me lo rercord solo. I could probably mate more money by being • tolo act. But I want to get back with my group.•

    Speaker wu David Ruffin. SubJccl waa his la~r-UII......S spilt from the Temptations.

    l'hll Si>edor bu come out ol retirement with ey-. to produa, singles by American croup, tile Chednnalcs Lid, 5-tor lclt the sa,ne In a n,l)Or1ed huff over lallun, or Ike and T1na Turner's "1liver Dttp, Mountain Hlah" to mak~ It In the U.~. maru ...

    IIECOIID MlllllOll , Wttk •ndin& Nov•ml>or ' • 1961


    Countr~ f Music

    &LIEV& It or not, It's happened! TIie often pfflllctcd Country Music Boom ba,i llnaUy arrived and the fans ro ..,_.,ring Ibo ..,..,rd companies with p robe lor the lggeat .,.,.,,. Bonanza of cow,try releases. But let's not orget the Uue pioneers, both past and present. who

    fought long and hard for the acceptance of country music In Ille UK_ It's time for Chalk.er t o hand out bouquet, and lhty go to: Gcorae Tye, Dave &mes, Ceorce Hazell. Jim Manhall, Rodney Mc&lrea, Charles BeNOn, Alan cad

  • RECORD MIRROR. WHI< endmr N-mkr 9. 1968

    l>els Include the much heralded ol The Third Festival ol Brlllsh ~ntitled "Mountain Legend, ... 1avc been rumours oJ a "Country )le and allhOUJJh this has yet to 1aintain a fairly constant now of latest or which Includes relea11e11 ddy Arnold and Jim Ed Brown.

    off the mark, have recenUy s S(heduled for re.lease during JI Mc Country"~ndlord Clark .ocldin" (CW 133) and "Walkln• , (CW 1:14). 111d coal.fl' olhu&luc,: b Tbe U,ynla ,ens ~). AU Ulla UV laawf ... ,. &k: muuwr-and for aood mt~ two

    JIMMI HENDRIX AND NOEL REDDING tr-Kia "'Pntly Doy •'lo:1d'' ... .. , Arn A. PU.utm· ·, are ..... tM ID..,... t:rf'II~.

    All " wbktli ..... lo • IM'.&llby aane for C'OWlln' mlllh: - , ... UK-aod tkre·'a: fflOff IO ffllM: Jobn• y Calh'I Pallldillm lhOw Is 14 be i«-Gided Hd jpQd • a ''tiff." a.,.n.-oroct11cUon ts btlq handMd by 8ab JN , -. whO WU f tJi,Oi .. bk lor Cdll' s "f'Obom Prbon'' recordin.11:: West EN acirat Menn ca.a wu le M&lllYUle recenU7, MCUr-illc fiu1hu " bil u..ae·: coatr)' pcrton •ll!la ror llftMel&U.. ta lllc UK: aut ,-ar mould aN the relum 10 tllae ....... ol. 11111 Qlnoe: plu lllie debul o( Ceor•e .IOMI!

    Ollllt ut-.naa, Ndll • boom brlllp fortb I.be Uttlir army ol Mlf-..&7)ed ••tt1UCI'"' anll ••act aowlH&H auU1ot1t1es•• O .onder tMst wllo ~ llllem?) •IIO ~ oa attYb• lbe efforla of &IJ and 1..clry ~ willl IJN fl•unln' m..ac- Niu Fl ... .,he:. I\

  • 8 RECO RD MIRROR. Week ending Nov,mb•r 9, 1968

    new singles reviewed by Peter Jones new singles reviewed by Peter Jones new ~ingles rev,ewed by Pete r Jones new singles rev ie wed by Pe te r

    - .....

    • 1,,,.....,._ __ J\

    The flowerful RICHAR D HARR.IS seen here with arranaer composer ;;nd aeniut JIM W EBB.

    J AMF.S ROYAL: Timt lh.ngs On M y Mind; A.naa•Ltt cCBS 27'7). '"'ls Is a riother aa:1onl.shit1MI¥ ~ood performance from J amet bul I have douhl• u • " ht: ther 1ht aoNC Ja rtallY likely to el k-le. Tremendoua vocal httild•III). 11ood lyr le!I , yes, a aood record, •• * * •

    T H E FOURMOST: APl-lft, Pek-bn Alld J>tal:Qllkln PM: I Cooln' I ilPCtU tt cce..q il!U) . very com pact and p rofe11ton11 performance nt not Pre• di(Ubb ' a h il 501\8'.. T he bo)'a an, on form. thoo,h, aM Ol"le never c an cell wllh lhl& k Jnd Of thtllt.; , ••••

    TONY CRANE: If I Hur Gel T o S11ln1• Alllln: ww, Of CllllJlle (P)'e nuu. Good ballade-er on a fa ir e.nouah son,, t>ut not, I a,uapec1, qttll~ 1-tood el)l)Uth In mi ke the ch1rt,1. Nkt arran1tmPl • nd Tony underlines h11 1,1em s . Off,bf!J t in part.'I, * * * *

    DANNY b"TR£ ET; l 'U ~ Alwan IA• lac You: o.·, Ra.lae TIie Bndn, Lo.wf.r The A.Iver ro1reu.. N~ harmonies and ffnN of 111'16 but the sons Is n 't re.Uy rtrht. * •••

    BILI..V BUDD: "°'' C•n ' I It RUii: Tbnt fPase One POF - ). Hl&h· vaked and 11en11tth t balladeer on a r ather lnternUn1 aoftl(. Not not•bly rn With c.·hart c:hanc:eli but • u us ry101 tori of ovenll oretentat~ n. * * * *

    RONNIE CARROLL: IAnrb' Af1e~: Wait U'alll O.utl Cl'lll.ln BF' Ifft>, Mo\l te mu•k' ' drnsed up aOkll)' bf Ro nnie who alttlM'.a that he does NOT 1n1enel aMn1 us, , haw,buslnea, canttary tt> paper ,epo,u, Good thlrut-tht 1nln11trel tlnttt well. * * * *

    TUESDAY"S CHILDR EN : She: 8rlt:ltt,lhtd APOIU (M trnr1 M F 1oa, . Good four-$tron.: " roup on a &elf•Ptnnt el tona. HraM>'. too-in fae t th l~ C'Ome1 1.11, u • Rec-on l of t he Week, Bohr l ake 11m e to d irk b ite, b ut ('i)UIO ,-o e111il~ l1apl')c.'n, • • • * •

    ALAN SHE!LLE V: l.ady Hlaor1m111doc Caerns.

    11'1 Of Ult Ul$0'1, Rock , Sk:Uflt , Pop. Latest lbt 1/•. 18' Record 8-.:-c-hange. 21 Mandc n SQuare, M•"· che.11 ter M• 211A. DON'T MISS out OU lttllltlona.l n, w Oeillcs doub le album , J1end 7J/, post trtt to Dept. B., Rhythrn A&enelt$. 30 Station Hoad. Red h ill. Surrtt,

    Continued ou page 11

    RICHARD HARRI~: The YaNI We.nt On Forever :

    Luct, Me (State5Udt OanbtU SS I HU). Thi• b a lhu11dertn1t srN,l UTaftll:f!fflffll and prodvetlon. wltll ia!ll about tVeN n rielY of soar.• sell)Q. C':IDPIO)'ed. ff'rln.kb I don't Ste II H a bll' co mmt rk al pruJetl, bul 1btn I was n' t all tbat s ure •1.11 " MacAnbur P trl". Almo,t on a d •u lcal kick ln parlf, with matdl't chorus and orcbt:Jltn and the lot Yes. \t.e loll Pllp: Scml-liPOken pkc,t, abo b)' Jlm Webb a nd tbf.refore rallller ama rt.


    SHIRLEY BASSEY: To Give; My Love l:ll ll T• u

    Fu es (Ullllfd ArtblS UP 22$4). WJl.b S tll.rle)' Olle nffi'llr taows. TIIIII b1l1i.d, I blule. •• In lhe ume sb'lt •• , ome ol Mr t.U1$tr hUit , . • bul of 111.a she II.a, 1101 n aJIY haCl the U


    THE NERVE: P~ by Plec:e: Sall11f)'ln1C Kind

    ,ran One l"OP' ot7) , GOOd lead voice bert - Hd the Ru PttSley 11rodutUtn fl dln!tll)' et mme.rtlal. Nolbh" t.oo dl« tre.nt, J1ts l • ht,: fll IOlllldl, .... u:eeUut bl'll.\11 ~ -llad. an• • nrr ca\tllr 11eme of rhytllm. GHS ••• rele11Ueu·1,. Mmb-1111:e. YH I think lllll'D mal:e It haadlsomely. FHP: Ltss d lNt'l. tMII bllltf)' lD If• ow• ••Y.


    THE FLIRTATIONS: Nt U!lbl 84,1 A Heart• c:.bf,;

    Cbrblm• it Time I ll He~ Aaaln (Dtran1 OM uu. Tkse «frb bunt a blr lollowll'.I• OU lb41 atrenc1h of their ftnl, whlcll ,tm,t missed out on Ult. rtatl)' blf u ln . fllll b a POwtrful mld-tempu healer , with somt ,:xttt.mr h · , erona: h• rmon~ . •. even thouah 111t.re' 11 • to•th or 8traln ln the main ••Ice. A ftne pNM111clW>n. f'llp: T lmtly bul ntlhlM COo IIJWt'III ..

    CHART POSSlnlt.lT\' .

    VANITY FARE: ti Re.member) Swruner Momtni:

    Deny Carter Cl' t.1e One POP ltO>. A moil tultable fOUO'llt'..UP, with the bO>'I bt nllw.r mort 1n1bdued and no1t1Jrte mood. Tk)' alna well, th•l't tho PObll. ll'• not Ml muc.ti lbe matert•l but l ht, tarrfru way lllf!Y ,o fo r the l )'Tia • • • very profn sl()QaJ and mu.sld u ly. Tim ls I t1.au1 ttna: Wf.O 1on1- hoPt YoU aJf'flt. FllP: Ratber qu.te.\tr J nd oklr, bul not really tor me.


    PAUL WILLIAMS SET: MY Sly Sadie; Stop The Wt ddlll8

    tDecc:a F 113«) Thl~ Ii. t~ Alan rrkt set, no w f~nlcd by 11 ln1er Paul. and I'd U Y that Ut1J P rk>e•)' produ.cUon will makt II fl.rst tlme In the d arts. n a t lon ly full • blooekid tn111rumenta l •Clund, •Hh braH biH •n· plttd , • nel the ,·olct COIDell through PrtllJ .11 ll"ODi;b. Chlnup)' lll abou , the r1atil deit, C'ripUon . Da mtd C:IIC' h)'. f1Jp : ·SIOwer. b lUt'l'>', a.nd p rett)' sallll · f)'lq.

    ( "HART N t08A81UT\'.

    THE FOUNDATIONS: llullel MC" Up .Buttercup; New

    DlrtcUon f P)'t I 7CU). GOOd 5011:nd from I.he re-formed a.nd re-vllall,ed S nklD with JI DH I lnstnimcnt• I bit or .-C:f'M•H lllnit lhen a llllHI volt f' lhal addJI a wru t deal of power tu o,e ProtttdblA~. I 'd JUL)' I.hill I$ JI. •nY co1nm cH l•I 11on1. cvcm thCMll h U dtM'Jin ' t havt mufh In 1erms or orig in.ally. Sbould m alC" II comfortably, Fllp: Slow. o raan, backed • ncl II bll C'CKltttrtfk•d In Uthtk, Out l.ntutsllna.


    TAl\1 WHITE : Gin Wal.Cher: Waltln,i TlU T bt'

    Nlt hl Cemf'S Jlctund Auln f0UC"-a f' lJSft) . Thrre'I all Amtr1tan hJl ' nn:lon or thb bul there Is s o m11cl1 det ermlnatk>n and $C)lle In Ttm ·~ N"adln,r or thl!I ra1ber unuu l 1on11 that M counkf ,:11it, m alle lhc clsart.s:. A hi« rbyUtmlc: approacb, wllb • brlJ.1$1 bnklftl', and • 11wln,r,1lon• lfC"fflt. Strtna:1 acld 1 nJce centra1t1. C.Uld be WNftK, bat I lblnk ll '11 b l .PPM. PIIP: Ptu,. bu ktd a nd • hll oou nlrHled l.n 1tyle.


    OION: Abr•ht m , MuUn and J11lln; D• dd:, Ronin (~Oun HLP IUH). En:1whilt' ('har1-coi,per 1n vtr)' retlrafnt d mO'ld. AC'lually he tackles t11it l11unon• lllt le 1tONl with u wre• t de.I o r 11lllll. Can'1 Mttl i'l as: • hit, lflouati, r:ooo 1>•rk.-s, • • •

    T'OGf.:TnBn: Htnn'111 Coml11a H•rne: LAn Mum An• Dad CCOlurnbl• OR Mtu. Re.U Mc(;art)' soruc of fair Charm, with a non-0b1nrslve baeklna, b\11 au ,.ther In a m inor lty and DrobablY no t t or the charts , However do aive a trial 11ptn, • * • •

    Rlt'KY flOWOKN: 1'11 Be Voor 6 wcelllleart: F arewdl, My Oarlin,11, Gootlb)'e 10.matn 0 1>, Br~lll:ly N IRJiein,c versiOfl of the oJdMI. with R iek )" in Pt.t80nable mood 11nd fo rm, Anln. Dn>bibl)' no hit-but Oka)' for • U thal.

    • *. * CINNAMON: Vw w~·, Stt Me l.enl11a; Uavo or Wwe (Reaec.111 Ill) .

    Cinnamon J• ,11: lually • a lr l. and 111ut 11n1s well, but thil l~ • u rel>' noi the rllrtlt ,or1 of tlOl\i to m a.ke t h1t1 proureu. N~ 1rra nnm, n1 thowrti 1nd Jhe Jt.llS It very well. • * * •

    FAMILY : Stto11d Gentralloa Woman: Home Town f ltQrise RS mu). A Record of lhe Week . Group hue s hown their prornlse: before and now t hey c:on.otolidate. u they so , 'MtiS ls a userul AOl'IJI , aun• r,lnUy In mournful manner, bu1 Ille b• ste irui:n-daen l$ ani very JOl)(I. Walch tt.

    * * * *

    LOCOMOTIVE'S TWO HOUR CHRISTMAS SKA ORGY! AN unusual record in our charts is ,;Rudy's In Love" by The Locomotive. Unusual because although it sounds like a colou red group playing, it is in fact performed by five white mu sicians from Birmingham.

    You migh t wonder how the grqup came to play ska or rock-steady so convincingly. They certainly sound like the real thing, Organist and lead vocalist Norman Haines ex-plained how it happened. " We started playing together about a year ago. Originally we were a soul-based group then we came across ska. I was working in a record shop and heard all the d iscs which I liked. So the group rehearsed a lot and the ska thing exploded for us at a party last Christmas. We played "l{.a non•stop for two days-U was a Christmas orgy really. . .er that we played around Birmingham and were popular with lhe fans, Sometimes the fans didn't believe we we· ,, the Lot.-omoUvc beu1 11 month bf!forc we rec:ordtd ' Rudy 's In Love•. What happened wu we 101.md a D )'111111 n u rnber and .arranaed it our wa)'. T ht n lh inx, ooa •n 10 amo wball towarcts thct p ro.iru1iv e OOP b tl. Wben we pl ay date,; we s till u&e i k a. numbers, malnl.)' as .i b uild u p lO the hit record. llut we !lh• II be p laying mo ro progrenivo m aterial 111 the future ."

    t.lJce fl> m an y o f the ne wer arouPf lhe Locomo tive a re some what J.i.tt mffutnced. UUI Madae lh(; tenorl!:11 said, " I used t o be II b it uf • Ja.u 1nol>. At 01te time ,I d idn't want t o k now :.bout IKIP m ulik', I wo rk~d for I~ Civn Service fnr a whUe b ut C'Ven111all)' I wa...-t handed my reautnat io n

    " Vuu k rw>w Ute)' can't iu,~J( )IOU, bu t lhe)' did thl$ 10 me because I b roke Ille record ro r the 11umber or d ll)'JI I hnd on. I've alwaya bel,,n ln tenist4!d '" J:iu and Wll.11 ln.ftUtDCC!-d fi r1u b y P au l Gomtah•et. N0\11' II 1$ ArchlC! Shepp He aeu put d omi st>Quence~ and hns so nluc:h emotion 1n Ms 1>hay1n,1. On 11l1u(e I Qt>t 11. tor t ul Shepp thlnic 11ulnJC but the rh)'U1m 1n1lnt.a1n~ a 1'(1111tta 11t beat to the 11ud lenie,:; Cai• 11111 da1.c,, if the)' want 1(1,"

    Orum,ne r 8ab Lao1b (known as " b1g J(lhu Wayne") used to pl ay with a .Jau quar1et , He s:i.kJ, " l ' vt t>oon wnh IM.lP group,: now ror five yc:u s. I

    Oer,:k Bohwood and Ame r ica Awake

    THE FUGS Cl')'stal Uabon : When 111-t Mode

    Of TIie M1utc Cbu1e. (Trarui -• tllnllc BIC 11$) . Powerful ordltt· lt'• I o,penJq ud barnwu bll th• I i.ounclll llk~ 1omelbln1 ta do with the Mood)"$. SOllbds Ukt a \' et )' IOOd tttord, Wtll•product(I, t ic .• etc, Dul U'1 lhem damn f"ug,i. •,uln, ,o II mu,1 bt'I seme sorl of a pu H.>n - J1Ht Usl cn 10 detu tyr~1. n11n. thc-Y' rt'. re ally aw• r1• l l'H- 1ald, n p lell>' t:oru1u1Uns h i"' dk:Uo ru,,n • ul hlJ)py undtnuund 1aU1.). I IJUUI le-l • ftPW rttcin1 1d a )'ctr - lht only 1Tr1t'• I t"OUld mall:eo oul we.rc, " C"r ystal lltlAo n • • • toma10 tulce • . , dope: dOi>t dope, '•. And lbe FU,111 btlna what I.bey are (what are 1her?> tbtr~ must bt nume 10 tlle l)' rk-91 111111 lbal. Un man, )'W 'rt rc•.n, PUI• 11111 ffl f OIi.. F1.lp1 ttow very odd No. nally , lht)' 'TC' a k>Ur &Nd l'l'VUP I.bee •F\lrll, D.ubl ,·er,· much Whf'-lbN' 11'11 sc: t lnlo lbl-

    t llal'IS - but I 'm s u re lff.H '"" C" bapple1 arcn 'I too worrkd abet1c lhal, what?


    MAMA CASS Ca.Utomta Elrtbquab: T alklJt '

    To Your Too1hbru11h (Sta ttalck' Dunblll ss 8t0t) . LUWetl )' chunk)' 1111t1r work on lhb Uull conh.l JC'$ nJce ly with , • pl• no. Ratlic:r Gr(Un,r)' SOD,J, I.hat OWtS • lot h) Mam• C• u and a Yer)' arr• tall'· menl s ood ( I mtan JClod arr an&f'• meno . All about some t.1ndt r-1round blH I In Cllllfomla , and bu • \'ff)' ll!l lhem -lille Q'UllltY abcult It, 60r1 (I f t olky lhl:nJ w11h the. Re r11 Pllllharmon k Jam.mlna: away In Ole b1 cll,:round, FIJp: A ll1Wtllan t.alkln' h 1 your toolh-bn&Sb blots, U1• 1•11 s low and dr1:an1y 1utd r•11y and, man. tt·~ a re-al &J'OO\' " • I )i,,,e II,

    ' a nd hnlllt)' aQd aood 001 Ullln.qih'N.

    CUAI\T, I IIOJllt,

    INEZ A NO CHARLIE F OXX: Com,t, On In: Baby O rcip A Olmt 10 LrttUon SIi SSH) . Slow a nd d ram a llc open ln1i: 11.n' do11ti, Whlll one would ca ll a c l•Q record Ir one old Cha i aor-t or thlny: Mbtht CN!C!P iftlo lhe c:haru-wlll cert al nl)' Kf!t I 101 ()f p la)'I, 1hout h NieOunC')', '9Jtd IOUUdJi Uh a c:ombJnat~ n of a k'lt or thlna1 from D01M>n1n co Ro)' Orbison and sllll{dona lime i t Rtc:ord Mir ror. * • * *

    PEGGY SCOTT Ir JO JO BENSON; Plclin' WUd Mountain Btrrtf'S; Pure Love And Ple&• Ute tPol1dor U,,.0) . Oh funky ba,by , funk)'. ll'll a nJce duO-l)'pt lklUnd tb• t abOu'.ld ,o well lo d ikoth1;1'. I 11kt: lo 11(a)' song1 wllb woc>d tyrtc• " l>tcall!l4! you gel Ute ern1.1tlu 11•I f~ I mo re,"

    Mk l Hl(ka p la)'S bus xuita r and SUPPIICR lhe b"('ki!Ut Vl)C'als. He joined the 8'tOUj> silt. mon ths ago after beln& round In tb~ 3$. td. tr a)' a t a r c,ad.Sieki cafc-a.crordlnu to Nor m11nl ··1 •ve t rlolld lei Gtl my own thill.K IOICelhar o n bau 11.nd l uclUy ll 's 11cieml"d lt) l111vo worked OUC" M k k ll:lid "MW:-k is mc,re of a le,chnk ian on b.i.s~ •-hc s~k s the )'Onder" m1err11Pl f/d No r ma n, " When he firs t Joined WI lu.i Jiad five s tr lnas on a four s1rilljj ic.u llar- now he bu glxt lle 't 11 lwll)'II oxs>erlmentlna."

    Did Mldc p refer IM bail litJil lllt In l h(t Mr h1x b:t.'i!it "Ye~. f ('I n Mtl m

  • ' (,RECORD MIRROR, WHk endina November 9. 1968 ' new olbums reviewed by RM rc•iewing panel new albums reviewed by RM reviewing pane l new albums reviewed by RM reviewing panel new all


    ' I

    ' * NEW DOUBLE SET HENDRIX L.R ! * RE'M'Y £Vf.:RP.1'T: " U'I '" 11111

    Kl~i ' '.-H'II In Ill!! Kiss: Hands off: You're No C'ountry, Jo-, Iii. -.:,OR m, monciv. Ucu, I• on.: or r lhe ,ew lr\U:l:v lndiYldu.a.l i,ilrls

    In whO:I h l'II l1CCOl11'·1•'0 tr.lie-It$. Country. St)'leel 21mos:t all the wa>', :and when he dttldet 1n lel the hUJT10\lr bt141 :a bh • , • we.lJ, 11 b ltea VU )' dc.•(•t, indeed. Ill• nt'W /ldmlttn will like this.

    •••• n u t JOUNNLE SPSNC.S IIIG

    lSANO. " WhJ Not", - V~n'e VLP ms.

    WON'T both«-r to U)' thlll bhc band.I 11rt! ('(Imbue blck, though ll1trC1 la ~ hll o r

    \lVld ea('e tttat way. But h t re no: IM31 m,in Jahn s winics maNnlfi • (.'E'f\ llY with •om-, of th t! bt>St kno-.m ,11:.rs In lhe toUllltY , • , an YHY t t1 m J11ar Wllh 1he Spence ldc:u on urr:u1,ce1nt11ts. Thi• ltON Crtmtod, ouslY well, with p lt'nt)' room kh rnr 11(110 WOt'k even thOURh !:he aCC'('fl1 K on HeauUtulLY rc:1ax,d entrr, u,me.r.

    *** * *

    ~tAUYIN GA YB AND TAM M I TERRELL: " Yctti're All I Nfl.'d ' '.-Aln't Nothing Uh 11111 Rnl 1'11Jn.1; Kt'ep On 1L4wtn· Mt" none,: Yo11·rr AU I Nted 'To Cet n,: Bab)' l>Mcha Worry; You Ain' t Uvln' 1111 You' re t.o,,111·: 'Give tn. Y• 11 J ulll Can't Win: Whffl t.411'11 C•lhliet; Kni)Ckln« At M y Hurt: Cetne Oft And See Mt; I Ca• 't Rd» Dul l.ove V•u; Thar, Hew ll h: I 'll NM'er Stop 4.o,·lltl' You Baby: Memory Che,sl. - TAMLA MO· TOWN Stereo STML lttlt.

    THE arllllfY ot this tum la boond doubt. bY now. 6ut l'he orobl.em here seems to be

    that the material h:ndl 10 sound s o UmC')' , Wllh atmllar lyrical 1hemt 1 1nd nr.,u1 '#9II I.he ume t t 1nPOH 1111nona the way, Tammi ts :11 i,tn1on:111 fa;vourite but Marvin, wiU1 his t ,cperlt~ and llltUltlv, s l.Y'lt , br ines ou1 the ven belt or ht r Jl)f'le. "COhle And Set Me" Is an Wl tert1lbu1 lnck but ru lly 1111:,re IJ • untrorm stand.ard M per, rormanc-,• and .irran1u~o1tnt tbrou•h 1h, whole ~C' t, Teamwork t1 rtallY wti:u I' m lalk lnit :ll>OUI,

    * •• * DOROTHY S()UIRES: ''S.a)' It Willi! Flo-·tn"". - rre111de•I P"I"L , .... W ITH a rran.,.f'menta and l:.ICit• ifl.l(f from Nick )' W1:l!lh, the

    m u nJttttnt Dot 1acklet :. 1.11 o t ,mni.:~ based on llont phra~. l ' Vt 1h15 lhlni;i about J)urolh)' , • , I J.U!!l thlnle lhCI l,11 tile heal ball•deer thl• countr)' h i.II evtr 1>roduced, lier voice. dee(I and res.nnanl, i11 1m11ins;Jy H&>fe!l· ~IYf', Her whole heart and ~ ul ;.:11e$ mtn everYlhlnw .sl1e doe,, some of lhese tlltu are , tnw, aloni.t lll~te. but n,, matter. Thia II 11u1, r.iter ,Jm•1c11, wlvln.: n • * ..... THE BOXTOPS: ••N•stffl•' CHO CMO Tn11: l'ffl M•'"'' Oil: Sandaaan: She Shtt A Hele In M, SOul; Peo,le GoMa 1'.a.: I Mtt Her In Oillf't•• a.- Ile llalt )' t nouua· ID MY Slet:9: I C• Dia 111 YctlenllY Wbre'• Mr JIMI u I Had Ld v ... la CBtU IBLL HI).

    TJIJS group hlvt had eb1rt aucceq: •nd tbla a.lbum atvu lhtm a chu c:e to t.l'Pl ncl on

    their lbC'mt ot ver1,1tlltl)'. Strinu and hOrm 1n added to t1ve volume ()t)Wet tM.lt the m ain selllns ooint ts ubvlooaly tM d:isUncuve vocal woxi of the ftve bo)'I. •·1 C1n Ola It" aDCI '"SM $hot A Holt In M~ soul" are u«Oe,it u mpln Of the boys• scme of 1tYle and drn1nlic1. TiteY achieve a 1tron1 dean-cut 1ort of IC'!Und but that dou n·, eliminate what l!I eASen• llallY II party tlfflOl'iDMrt ,

    * * • * THE JOHNNY ORCUESTI\A. "TIit Of DGIMYU" Stereo Ill' ffH,

    A R T ll BV GoldNI SONi RCA Vlder

    V IRTUALLY lilt the Onooon golden scoodles . • . "Sun • shine 8u,i>erman" , " Mellow

    Ve.llow'". "Catch The Wind" " J ennifer Juniper" , all bcautlfull)' drttud up by one ot ltw! mo51 Inventive ;;and mu.slelanlY talr ntg on 1he scent, MO$t inelodlc .

    **** LltNNY DSE! "Gmlle 011 M)' Mlad'~ - MCA SteftO MUPS US.

    AS cnr, there ue ,races ot

    humour In l he o ru nlt t 'f 11YIIMI, but thttt l$ also a

    rather over~nlrtved s lrainlft.ll ror effec:t . He lll a virtuoso, rlJcht enoutetl, .1nd here 11tu • moN rtlall'.N than utual lelecUoa, such u "Time I Get Tn PbOtnix". .. Last waus·; -,.c. ***

    T HF! WIND IN THB WILLOWS : " WIN In 'l'1le WW.wt " - C.ap&• tel 5&erte 8T IIM,

    New Amtrlean lic:mup. com• prillnc two •Iris and ftve men. wbO "et s fair Yoca.l

    t10und icolns but 1.llO contribute aotn• UIIUIUlll and effectln 1ft, lltrumtnt&J ltlUndl. Plutt. b aUOOn., tiar-psic:Mrd, for example. MallllY titre 11,elr o-wn 1naterial - plu, a readln1 rmm Kfflllflh Grahame•• "Wlfld t n The WU• IOWJ . !"

    *** JIM EDWARD DROWN: " Just

    J lm.''-RCA Vlttor MMD flO '11:51.

    RECORDED in Nuhvlllc, ,Flin features 100111 Ille ··Have I Told You La.tel)> That I Lov~

    You." "There Coe• MY Ever,• Lhltut," ·•vou Ctin Ha\'e Her," and tMelJ hard 10 inJec:1 them with aomethlrui: new. Usual •trlJ'lAa aouno, atttl kUUar. CIC.. be.hind :ind ~ very warm aod &in~rc vo.lce, Coun1ry .iddlc-111 please no te ,l11n·r urlval,

    *** JACK J ONES: " If You F.Hr

    va,·t' Mr."- R CA Vlttor Mono no ,,u. "BY Tht1 Ttrno Of PhOl.'flh:" Is

    Included . • JurprlM, IUr • prlJe. Now ananRet'I and con-

    d1>e1ed bY M ar1y Pa lctl. Jat'k con• unuc:1 10 do no wronll. vocally •. . a llne $tns,r ot style and aom c 1norJMmt~ of \filUSUIII lh'\lllnus u on "'Ooo' t You Quu Now," lie haa a 11i1C"able followinff h~•ft' a.11d 1hl1 will ll'fll, but 'A'iUlOUI lt'Uin~ th!: c·hans oo fire . sundo11t· "(i,om· Ou! Of MY lle:td , ''-

    * * * *

    THE OEST OF COUNTRY MUSIC. Capitol SU!tN• 8 1. 11117.

    Vl:!RITARL.Y a Who"s WIii) of ""' coun try JICCIM • •• the 11am~s come up thiek and ru t. Er nlti

    1-·nrd, Hub~e m lhe old da.71 Of

    roc:ti. 'n' roll . • . puJJed out from b ac-kinit chore, Into the apM.11/11.hl b y none ocher than Jac:I Good. What with tl(J ''CharUe Girl" ataKe luettSi, Joe has realty devtJOPed llinte I.hen Hd thlJ Is • front,.etat _.le'w Clf h.18 cabaret l at.nu. Son.cl like "Lei The Hea.rtachel S.ill", "Sito IMJde Lo'lt" . .. ., I Wer• A C1rpenter", a mixed ba.c from • nor-Formby aos,roach 10 • plain• Uve ballad sctftl'I. Joe 111 qu.ltt a ,:uy, quJ.te Jn uttslt.

    ***** SANFORD ('I.ARK: ''.'l'M1 ('aN M• e SOme,,, '-1:,: DrtHIII': Weke.9NI ff• mt.

    THIS t, a aood ~rou •ectlon or P . P. Amold m.aterl1I. II lincl\Mltt son1t1 bY Lennon •

    McCartney, Tlln Hardin, JJ.1Cf:ler & Richard, Dee Otta u.nd Pat her• seU. In rac1 0011 of th~ nicest 1nclk• on lhll colourt'I.IIIY PIC:k• UUld fOld -OUt ~lbUm wa.a written by Pat. Ttle backlnA, «nstruc-Uon, and sln~lnit on "Dr eamin' " .11r(: so 1001.h.inic lhe so,1.: btc-omes al• 111oa:1 lllerapiutlc.

    01hcr POlma for a.cruun, ue or COUl'le, " Afli,iti l or llh· Momltt1t.'· her ,antque vcrsioo of "Elt11nor Rhtb)'." and " To l ..0". another 01.ano-leader and 101»41 hh1h-1p,o1 solo work tit tun• 1hlno •rr~11em4:flll, FnJnl lht! IYOR RAVMON"DE orchtalra and choru1: "Rock 'N' Roll Tan11oes" (De«• Sterfo SKL (9,ll), an in• 1r1auUl• b lend of two d.ance stylts -done well. a, ever. b)' th~ In• ddallalble Ivor. For 1.31. lld.: "Ttn Of Tht Bttl" from THE SPINNERS (Fonuna SPXL $1), 1JOme reconltd " Uve·• and some from lbt tlOOl~e vtluc.

    nlE Mt'l"&RMBN are Vic Peter• ton and MIike Pt1rte and oo the ,l.lbum narned s trnolt a rtc-r lh~m fRCA Mono RD 7141>, IUdlUonal •In. •ome nos11la:ic. som~ 11,iht• hearted. "Jamaica Ska" rAll11nt1c Mono 587075) ahouJd sell ver,., well on the blue-bt.al Udal wave -featured ht'.reln are audt uperu u Dyron Ltt, the BJut:1 But1er1 and the Ma.,tall -Otetl)' t'ICIUn.ic. Jo.!RWlN HALLETZ prfSf"llll: "Sort Mutic For sweet Dreams" i LHlk Mln SlraNe: LOU Hot Sunuaer Nllllt ; Ce11111 On.: Glc>SJ E1,ea;; '11M! RU:n• Of ne M'41•M Lamp: 8 011 ltatatn,:, SUU Dffflll• • : Heme aar-1.. 0.Wlll A;I Aloq Ille Wakll Towu: V..._ ChUe CSlllhl RtCVII); RalN' Da,, Ottam AWQ'; lln • • • (A Mer• ma• I Siw,.W 1'lra Tt Be); Melll. -r.ra ne Tldt1 . • c....u.,, GenU7 Awn. cTrac-lk 11""1 .,,... .. THIS •• Jlml't ftnl .elt• produced and prtcik:alb•

    tc!lf,written LP A IUH. ll'I • doubl• record aec $ dttKribed as a H'I o.•e IIOund.. " AU Al tlnlC Th• Wll('htower" 11 a very KDOd n ,n. drts LP 1raclk but won't I don'I thlnt stanll up H • I tru,t, . Mu.ch more deilth In It than IIW! otll,er 1racl a, •tide from " Mldnht.111 l..arrn," . A better Jll!)Und th.an U5'1H1 but do.Rn '1 s111nd IIP IO Jlmn, atand.ards or n11111n·• l)f'bcln•J NumtTous fa11111 are delttlablt.

    Good ooenlni;c nn "Vo(1(11,n Chilf' dmcht Return>" " 'h i

  • 10

    Sara Rt1-blrnM1n, 11, 13 Sprb1J n4!1d Road, Sell-11.111U1,10I, Pi>nll'PCIOI, ]tfon , South Walr.ll", Stars nnd llobbftt -T M Monli', Lh'erpo.11 11. Stars llnd Hobbles - Heal.It:$, A.01tn O,mer, U.e.e Cecs. Grai>e• Int.It, Mary ll4>Pllln. Lulu, Swim• m lq, rc:c:cm11, d a11chl1, OOOU.


    rarmrl4 an•.•1n.t1. 2 t , IJ SI. M111th• ew·~ Strte•. ctttntli, Malla, G.C. Stan .ind llt1 l>l>l~- "1r. Atkt r llllk, F'n.nllle L.11 lnt,. I 1ilay d arint•I $1)10 wllh St. Mary's Band Ch1b, Ql'lmdl.

    Marlly11 ,·ur1Uffe, IS, U Allon Clo.u. A, h1ort, l11,~hkrrfteld , Near Wl1an, l,IUU' $, Sta.ti, and H llbblf.5 - Small F ilrn. Amen Comer, Rte Ge,e,s, Gr111>NruU. Ree•1rds. lape rf't'ONIIU;:, collt'Ctho: Small Vactt• 1,1lt1uret1. w rllln.c klhlr!I, &,ewl n,, nnd b'r l< \\tUl.ltl ,

    BilJy W1mt, 17. 11, l.anchOtm s,, Gl1u.-.gow W'4, Sc':Ct lUl.r'ICI, Slar5 n.od l lt)bb lt-s-lll'"drlx. C'rt'llltl, neatJ1!5, 1'1l~.l'OA'oot'n pal,,

    John WUIOH, 19, 1 Kent House ltd .. Syd cnham, S.E.H. Stan atid llnb• bl-,,._Eddle C.ocbr11n, f; t f!\' tr Vln• ('1,111, Hudd)' 110117 mvl11, Bia 00111:lfr, J,m 1-ee tAwls. The " r1111 Anc,t!I. Bl.kt% roek ' n' ron film! and "how-' and befn.J a ''llclfo J\9'J t l" ,

    Je11n T lt0111p~n. II, l2 Mt•d1n v Hank, Ou&lllf!N ld~, Afi"patrla , Cum, bffland . Sta,•, and Hobbitt-Amt n Com ~r. ~ntclffs:. Un' on G••••

    Tony lllait •burn. Poi• m11J le. dAnt • ins;, w·r ll111.1, bon:

    I.lam (*h ),tjll(')' , 22, $t Cc11h~ll A~·c: I\Uf' , $ 11'1)tll·l' Gtl'('b , Ll)hllon, E .1 St .in an.I Hobh lu - 1 di. nnnd11 l ,t'C" tile m.oli l, Shr'~ lhc: w1, r-hl '8 c,,eal('_oi l llvln' tf:mal(' sfnxu. 1 IIISO Uk(' P.h•is 11.od all roc• •11'ro!J

    11tan. wrttJn1;, •ll"Js. r tt.



  • RECORD MIRROR, W••k •n·d;ng November 9. 1968


    DAYS• l ff) )fary fl•l:ln (Apo,lf)

    2 HEY JVDE' 1 ch Btall" CAJl.,it)

    26 Kf.llP ON LOVIN' ME H0N£Y tt ff.) Marrin Gay• AM TlllllMf 1'enll (TUil• Motown,

    27 HARPER VAUXY PTA' 11 CU) JOUie C, IWt:J tl'llaltl ... ) 3 U'M'l.>: GREEN APPLES'

    # (t) O. C. S.nllh 1('oll11'1,-la) 28 REVOWTION• U (t) 'I'll& (&Ulk,r; ( AMlit}

    MV SPECIAi, ANGEL-U ( t) \'OCUH ( 8~ritit)

    4 LOVE CHILO 29 u ci, 0t1u JlO" u11 5'1,n.-.u (Tallllla MOtO-•)

    eu~NORE· 5 5 11'1 Tuttlo (WMlt Wbalt) 6 MAGIC CARPET RIDE•

    U «4) Sk1JptawOlf (Du.MIi)

    7 WIUTE ROOM• It 01 .C1t1• (Alti!)

    8 MJONlGUT CONFESSIONS' l (U) Tk GrlS§ R..,h ( 01111hOO

    9 OVER YOU ~ m l,'ni.n G IJI, (Cohmli,lfll)

    1 Q HOU> ME TIGHr 12 m Joi..m->' N• ~ U ad)

    11 FIRE• 4 ftl Artllllr IJ,-v.-n IAlbJrtlt)

    12 r VE GOITA (;£T A MESSAGE TO YOU• t (lh Rec (;~ (Al('(I)

    3 GIRL WATCHER I , m Q'Kay!.:lom tABCl 14 IIIGII HEEL

    SNEAKERS It 14) J •~ f"dki111to

    32 l'M IN A DlFFER&NT WORt.D• $i (S} •·•ut To~ cT .. il• Moi.own)

    3 3 UTrLE ARJIOWS • f.i fl1 W aai> tAe (Otto)

    34 T HE STRAIGHT un• tt CU e.\lbJ C.litsllloro




    2 L'tr°t~·t'ffl1~Ati< OP THE TOWN J !lttl:tn (Coturn,lfll)

    3 BOOKENDS S Shon t: Ga~I tC&'i)

    4 SOUND OF MU8JC I &ou.dtr1itl: I.RCA>

    5 GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY 1 s.u.dttHII

    6 10&4 • 8ft Gtt, ( Pllln!OI')

    7 JVNGLE IIOOI[ IS St,u,i&raclr. (WUI Duatr>

    8 A MAN WlTHOVT LOVE It ialdbt'rt R..._Nllntt tOkta>

    9 DELILAH s To• Jenn c~•>

    10 BEST or 'IIIE BEACH BOYS VOL. 1 H 8udl Bon (Ca,tloOI)

    11 TOM JONES UV£ A1' THE TALK OF THE TOWN 11 Tom JMN lDttt•>


    8 J.ia.iy Cull CCftS) 13 TRAFflC

    ' Tnalt (lai.nd) 14 ARETHA NOW , ., Aredla Frurilllll

    15 COME THE DAY JT Sfflltn cec.i..w11

    16 THE GRADUATE H SlmM 6 Garf\mM!l cC8S)

    17 WHEELS OF PlRE (Do•ble LP) It Oum ( PolfflM')

    18 PARSLEY, SAGE. ROS!!MAJIY & 'nlYM£ ·n St.on .. Gamnllfl fC S..'il

    19 11118 WAS U Jclllnl 'h.Q tnk - The Halld (Capllol)

    BICClrie L;all)'blrll -Jlmi Hendrix Experlent'c

    , ·r rack)

    2 SHE. LOVl!S YOU I Tbt Bc.1.lld fPa~) 3 BLUE BAYOV/ MEAN

    WOMAN BLUES '- lley OrtileH tW•>

    4 SUGAR f< SPICE • ~ (P,t)

    5 DO YOU LOVE ME i 8nu hOle a Tftmdon , ..... ,

    6 IIEMY BABY, 11 .RoDtil1tt {Lta,tOII)

    1 LET IT IIOCK/ MEMPIDS. TBNNESS££ t a.el: lkrn- (P,cc)

    8 I WHO HAVE NOTBJNG 1 Sblrle1 Baut1 (coa-Wdda)

    9 MEN HE KISSED ME , t'rn&all (Loedoe)


    11 111B Pll1ST 'nME 11 A•Ull f'alilli (P~)

    12 FOOLS R USH IN 1f llklr. Ntl50a fBl'U:JWktl

    13 HELLO U'T'fLE GIRL U Foe,-051 (PU...,._..)

    14 BOSSA NOVA BABY U BIVl!I Prt&ltY d\CA)

    15 MISS YOU 17 Jl.rmttY Yoaif (COflllmla>

    • BLOWING IN THF; WIND - f't4.tr, P1\d uct Mary Ofamtr BN4Mn)

    17 E,1ERVBOD\' U T untnly Jloe (ffMV)

    18 SHINDIG Ill SllldiltW$ (c.i\lmbll)

    - 1\1€MPIIJS TENNESSEE - Dno -,trrr • ., t.M Cn1ISrN mceu>

    20 STILL








    a 9








    WITH A Lim.£ HELP 26 MAGIC BUS FROM JIIY FRIENDS It flit c .. ....._ (Ot«,I) ff ff1 T-. ikf'TOII ICalshtJ L&S BICYCLETl'ES DE (~I.I) 8 ELS1Ul 36 ICE IN THE 8VN I (7) Ea,dbffl Hwn,,cNafk u m, sui., 4• L'fll.fiu a-,,. Aelllln ( B"""'trick)

    • 1432 FRANl(LJN BIKE CIRCLE HERO - m 8Mb)' Jtuudl (BW) CINDEIUlLLA 47 SUNSWNE u m r,.a a..,~re • ._.,.,, i Coa.allda) •





    4 24 HEY \\o'E:ST ERN UNION • l LOVE BOW YOU

    rit.u,J• LOVE ME U U) J c:rry tkllltt (MU(u.r y) - Ch e.MIJ YlaCta C~kl 5

    25 TIME HAS COME TODAY - !_~ 18:!~ IV Otll!Ptf'Wl u t t) C1uuntwr1 Bws, · 6 (Oi,Ju•l.1)

    •A.a Mlelfn 4Wlet rtttNl relellN la Brttala. 1


    tUde M>1 See-Sa'A•-Moogy Blu~ (D:train) Good>' GoodY Gu.n, Drops-1910 Fnutrum co. (Buddab) f'or Once In Pt{)' ure-Stnle: Wondtr (Tamla)


    9 Soul T rippi11.-- Man•e1s (Mercun•) Shame Sbame-Ma&1c Lanterns (AtlanU.e) Kcnluf!ky W'on1a.n-Deep P urple Star S11aac·1ec1 Banne.r-lose Fcllctano (RCA> Funk>' Judge.-6Wl and Ule Matadors (TOCfdUn Town) Sb.akc-Sbadtn,•s Of Night ('t'um)


    The Yard Wene On Fort ,•er-lUe.h•rd Harrii. fDunhUh

    CLASSIFIED Continued from 1)0f}e 2 RRROCK BOOK/OiSc Auctio n/ 'Trado Crom ONLY 1955!! s.a.e. 31 Cbambcrl.l.io Way, Pinner, Middle. ,ell'. " REWARD" RECOHO AUCTION (incl. set -prices). R •n•, H/ R & Bl POP/GOSP£L 45s, BPs, LP$, (some 78s.1. PRESLEY. SH£LLS. CANNON. CHARLES PIUS hundreds more. oe . 1eted and uniSsued U.S. oldies. SPBCIALITY label Ck, Many " ha rd rodt" instrumenta.ls. Sptei.11 AUTH~ BNTIC U.S. C & W section. MJN'l' COlldllioo.. send l arge, S.A.E . for lis:1.s 10: J ohn & Phil, ,10 Cbartcr• house Avenue, Wembley. Mlddx.

    e penfriend1 FRENCU peafrlenda, All aa:H rrom 12 to 21. Send , .a.e·. tor t ree de • 1a1.1s - Ansto French C-Qr re!JPOndence Club , Burnlf'Y.

    MARV l)LAIR RUREAU. Jntroduc• Uon, ever1whe.re. Detall1 fre.e. -'3.1$2 Ship Street, Orfghton. 523 FENFRIENOS at home an(I 111:>ro:1d. H od S.a .e. for tree deu.us.-Euro .. pun Frlendshlp SoclelJ', Burolo. ...

    INTRODUCTIONS to MW friends of 1he OPP0$1te $ex. arr anaed by post. Members: aaed lt_6 upwards everywhere. Wrlle far detaJJs. st.11.una u e: Ma>1ra1r lnlroductlons: n, W.C.t. ROMANCE OR PB.NFRIBNOS. En1land / Abroad. T1to uaand.l or me,mbet9. Oelall.1 World F rlend9blp Bntert>rtsu. MC14. Amhurtt PArt. N.tS.

    JBANS lNTROOUCflON9, lS Quttn Street, Exeter. 17 to 70. Worldwide sutces:stul roma.nee9.

    OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Mate new frlenO's thrui'h POSTAL PEN• li'KmNOS - Send s.a.o. ror de• 1ails: 52 Earl, Court Road, Lon• dtm W.8. TP.:ENS / 1'WENTlES. Penfrlendt. Rametabroad. M.F ,C. o 'l'he Arbour Parnhlll, Kfl lghle1. Yorkshire.

    UNDER 21. Penpats 1 , ... 111)' J 1me. 2 1111S lS SOUL WITH A 1,.ITl'U:i HELP Alld tbe ' 'atabolld, 4 \,'UWIIJI A f 11$tt$ Fl«>M MY FRIENDS BABY I NEED YOUR

    (AtlMtl~ fll30l)

    s JH t.ck.tr 14 LOV6 3 QUEf.:N OF SOUL 1 Art(ll.1 t 'TUlllla (llca:9' ,.....,.._., Bl au, It Bobflr WIW,.._• 1t1flllba1t11 SD n o






    ' 22


    MEXICO ll (U t.olll Jtlln B•Wr, 42 SA\' A Lr1TI-E PRA \'ER (Pfc) ff (U) o\,tlhl f'r'udlbl \\'RECK .OF TRE IAdaillll~l AN'TOINEITE 43 M'LADY 1'- (ll Dll't OU fr c .. 40 m Sb' 11H llte PunDY ltttdOa) LAOY WI.LL POWER 1'HE URBAN SPACEMAN H (U) l'nien G,p (CB.'il - m Boiuo Dor 000 o,i. CLASSICAL GAS fwld CLl&tJ1t') 11 ( 11) Jdl llOft ft'IWHU 45 t PRETEND IWIJ'!Mr Bro .. ) o l'IO) 0es o•c.u.r YOU'RE ALL I NERD 1'0 6 $\(:VIC 'l\'oedtr 25 MlLES • I YOU.ND A TRUE LOVE

    8 cTaml• Mo .. n 8TkL uen,

    I Ecl•th 8'arr • BUBBLING UND£R One 1'\v1.1 n ,re-e O'Lean•..:.oes O'Cc.nnur cParlophon~• CTUIU ...... 1111G ffl) - W11JIGQ ~H OANCE TO THE MUSIC Sofll,•. S(l(Uy-1?..Qu.als (Pre-81dtn0· YOV'BI! ALL 1 NtBo

    MlllMk ~ l) 10 Si¥ • TIW hllllll,- !to11t

    19 M'LADY (DCrttU1111 1-4$4U) TO GET BY H Sly A •'11tt F•••J' SIINlt 9 SOUL SERllNADE 4 Man'la G fllJt -* Ta.mllll t Directloa Mmt> I Wll»le M.Htbdl

    I An, A Cathedral-Peter Sars1edt m.o F«.lln' Alrlgbt?-Trafflc ( h:laod) . . noao To Cairo-Julie Dr1$" LIS UIN• (Siu NU tA.Cladt $NIM)

    PROFESSIO'NAL MANUSCRIPTS f rom t.11~. Photostats. Demonstra• Uon Records by RecorcUns: Stars.-Mor1t:1n Jo~. 27 Denmark Street . l.ondo11. W.C.2. 01-836 1186. EARN MONEY - soNGWRJTING. Amazing free: bOOk tells how. L.S.S .. 10-11 R , OO'dl'O Chambers. 119 o:r.rord Street, LONDON, W. 1. AMATEUR SONGWRITERS. Sond your sones or IYriCS to: 57A Bel• monr Roa.d, Uxbridge. M4ddx.

    GROOVY AMERICAN, CanadJan and Japanese femalo pop luvvers seek tab British guys aoa Ra.IS for pen friends. For tree details. s .a.e. to: Pen F rtenct League, Dept. RM. Ull corporallnn Stree1. Birmini::-ham 4.

    e fan club1 00 YOU UKE GRAPBFRUIT? If

    &0 send a a.3.c. to Dee Mttl1.in. H 8.aker St .. Londinn, W.L GEORGIE FAME FAN CLUB -Sec~-lart. 5& Old C-Qmpton Street. London, W.1. KENN\' BALL i\.PPRECJATION SOCIETY. - s .•. e . 1() MISS Pat sandert, J8 Carlisle S1rect , LMdon, W.1.

    LO\'E AFFA.IR FAN CLUB, S.:u. to s ue. Clo Harold Davison Ltd., 235 1tecent Street, Londoa. w.1.

    DAVE CLARK FIYB. S,a.e. Maureen, c/o Harold Daviaon Ltd., 2.35/241 Regent St., London, w.t.

    "BRITISH COUNTRY ,msac ASSO· CIATION"-2/&d. sub&Cription or s.a.c. for aetans crnm 38 Cu»crofl, OTLEY, Y-Qrks.

    JOIN FAMILY Fan Club. S.a.e. 3nd 5/. tor )'ear's membership. Lee Whiting, 88 Queens Walk, Sou th R ulsJlp, Mlddx.

    YOU WANT SOUL? You·ve got Action: t ho records for R&D fans. Join the Appreciation Socieb•, :and keep abe3d with Action. S.A.E, Sue. 13 Grantock Road, London. 8.17.

    e for sole BNCELBER1· HOMPER OINC'K medallions wltll chain, g i11 timsh, ;, esch. .Ion+.$. J Vlcara~e Close. Kilu :~w

  • 12

    T HIS ls one or those occasions where I'd like lo be able co write "I told you so". What I c:ould have told you-well

    over a year ago - was that Jose Feliciano had the makings of greatness. Greatness in a commercial. and in a chart-conquering, commercial sense. t knew this because I'd heard him play, In private and in public, and had talked to him at length. Unfortunately, I c hose not to wrlle a word about him at the lime. Now, he's made It (with his kno

    "I don't care whether I am liked by a big public . .. j u&t so long as I om contribut ing something to music. J don't really care whether or not I make t.hat much money .. .

    " I can't sing. I sta rted out as an accompanist and now I actompany my. self. It's the guitar I'm interested In ... Som etimes It seetll.i to me that peopl(' don't want to hear yau l! you can play a Uttle decent. They prefer music that's not so good.

    "I'd rather tal lhlna s u an t'IIIOtlou.l bulk that YOU ctn kt low out el you when y,,u 1111:11:. H IMIN. but you doe't ruUy h lVII' to be boffl a lll".O'O, II·, nre 1n aeaenL f Wftlt lhffe are CJUlte • few pnutne White ,iM.11 •inaen.."

    Root wu ioril:tnally cti,r. drum mtr wt111 UM 11.lahttmtn. blll, u he HPw.d. • be-a lhlllCli ~011 10 haJIOMI ht lolnrd Jenny In. r,0111. Pl'O"lidN Urie alfflMPhttir .)11'11 Pll'rinl tlle way tor ht-r ~rf\11 ......

    Root and , •• ,. IIYe in 11ooa,rs• ..Id aad an parUc:11larly pnpular Ill Olo ~ . Leed• and Sauth SIIWdl •"•· TIM,- IN now ,w,p. .... .....,ff, Jo coricentn te on llllll lffl u welL Ont< l..ondM ......,.._. alN.adJ' a.I fnr them Is UM Klookt ltkift, We5t llamp, awa4 • Nnember 7th,

    VAI • .ElllE MARHS



    JIM REEVES on R.C.A. 1750

    Recorded by THE MOODY BLUES

    on Deram D.M. 213 BURLI NGJON-PALACE MUSIC GROUP, 9 Albert Emb,n km1n1, London, Sf I Rtllance 2692 an d HALDEN 7507 Sol• S, llln& Ac••u: Sou1h1rn Music, I D•••ark St., London, wc2

    llegis ten,d ., lho G.P 0 . as • newspaper

    Prullefl$ a Dd P\lbUtaUon.- (Printers) Ltd ., IT. U.), Swlln Clos., 8 .11.ubun , Oron. for Ca.r'Ofoo t r-'UbUShtn Ltd. , Ill Shaftesbury AV(f:nut', l..ondoo. W.l (Te leot,one; Gerr-ard 194:U-!l/• J SOIC! 01.stribUl ltl& Atenll ror Great Br1taln. Surrtda e. 0Jlwson 6 Co. Lid- ISl--142 Hew Kent Road, l.ondon. S.EC. 1.

