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Bond University's Humanities Students' Association's monthly publication
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Page 1: Insight
Page 2: Insight

If you have this issue of Insight in your hot little hands right now, please raise a glass to the Printing Gods who have been kind enough to allow us to produce hard copies for the first time in eight weeks. Hurrah! Special mention must go to the Social Media Gods who have bided us over with online Insight in the meantime...but gee, it’s nice to breathe in the sweet smell of toner once again.

Despite being in the midst of Week 11 craziness, this issue is jam-packed with fabulous student contributions. Two Bondies reflect on their experiences interning with the Gold Coast Airport Marathon (page 3), AnneMie Decatte shares her life-so-far story (page 12) and Julie Fox reports on a recent UN conference in Canberra (page 8). There’s also oodles of happy snaps from recent HSS happenings, and our good mate Andy Dennis is back to send you nauseous with envy with Part 2 of his Eurotrip series (page 20).

It’s been a hoot of semester but, sadly, there is no avoiding the nitty-gritty that heralds the end of it. The HSA sends loads of luck to everyone for the coming weeks and wishes you all a delicious (though short) break. ‘Til next time!Emma


The 2011 HSA Tutor Database is up and running!

If you fancy a bit of extra help in any of your HSS subjects, we have a team of students on board ready to share their tips and tricks.

Contact our Academic Affairs Director, Andrew Dibden, for more information:[email protected]

We’re here to help with last-minute exam cramming, too!Run by students who have received a High Distinction in HSS subjects,

HSA exam revision seminars turn gobbledy-gook into “I get it” moments. Keep your eyes on your student email inbox ...

we’ll be sending out more details soon.

Editor Emma Devlin Designer Emma Devlin & Callum Wood Cover Photo Jamie Lennox

Want to contribute to Insight?Send through your work to [email protected]

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The 2011 Gold Coast Airport Marathon held on the first weekend of July attracted record numbers and stood the city we call home in good stead to win the bid for the 2018 Commonwealth Games. The success of the event could not be realised without the help of over 1,000 volunteers, several of whom were student interns working in the areas of Registrations, Operations, Sports Services and Marketing. Bondies Jess Dowery and Linda Woelk were two of those interns and they share their experiences with us over the next three pages. Jess spoke to Insight about her Marketing internship and has also passed on her interview with Marketing & Communications Assistant Stephen Lock, while Linda’s account of her Sports Services internship could inspire you to apply for a position with the event next year...










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1. How did you find out about the internship?

I actually first heard about internship opportunities with Events Queensland Gold Coast in 2009 when I was still in Year 12. Cameron Hart, Events Queensland Gold Coast’s General Manager, was a guest speaker at an event I attended with school. After speaking with him on the day I found out about the Gold Coast Airport Marathon and the opportunities for gaining industry experience. Since then, I had an interest in working at the Marathon.

2. What was the application process like?

As soon as I saw the internship positions advertised on the Gold Coast Airport Marathon website, I sent through my resume for consideration for a marketing internship. Shortly after, I was contacted because I was shortlisted and was called in for an interview.

3. How often did you attend the internship?

I worked one full day in the office each week from March until the Marathon weekend in July. My supervisors were very flexible and had no problem working around any university commitments I had which was great because I could easily manage both full-time study as well as my internship.

4. What sort of duties did you perform in the lead-up to the event?

In the lead-up to the event, I was exposed to many different aspects of the planning of the event from the variety of tasks I was given. Having to work closely with many different departments to help coordinate the marketing for all areas of the event gave me invaluable experience in understanding how such a large event comes together. Specifically, I was given media tasks which involved compiling media releases, contacting media sources, and writing marketing briefs and marketing copy.

5. What was your direct supervisor like? How did you find working with this company in general?

To be honest, I could not have asked for a better group of people to work with. I was so fortunate to do an internship with a company which has such supportive staff with an encouraging office atmosphere. My supervisors Stephen and Jeremy were so willing to put in the time to mentor me and talk me through the marketing tasks I was assigned. In the four months of my internship, I learnt so many skills from Stephen and Jeremy, many of which I am sure I will use for many years to come.

6. What were your duties on event weekend?

The Marathon weekend was my favourite part of the internship. The event itself was so exciting and rewarding as it was an opportunity to see all the work I had done in my internship come together. Over the event weekend, I worked in the Corporate Hospitality Pavilion, the AirAsia X Legends Lunch, the Information Booth, and the Media Centre.

7. What have you taken away from the internship?

I think all university students at some stage question whether they have chosen an area of study they will enjoy working in. Doing this internship has made me certain that I would like a career in marketing. I went into my internship wanting to be able to apply some of the things I have learnt in uni and see how the theories are executed in the real world. This has given me a more well-rounded understanding of different marketing operations.

8. Would you recommend an internship program to other Bondies?

I would most definitely recommend an internship program to other students. It is such a great opportunity to be able to get a taste of what’s ahead in the future. Doing this internship has also helped me in deciding more specifically what direction to take in marketing by being involved in many different areas. Not only does it look great on your resume but also exposes you to employer expectations and the standards in the marketplace.

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1. What is your favourite thing about the preparation of the Gold Coast Airport Marathon and also the event weekend itself? I really enjoy seeing a long-term marketing plan and its strategies come to fruition through the participation of thousands of people from all over the world. It is motivating and inspiring to see the runners cross the finish line with so many different emotions on display – jubilation, joy, pain, excitement, fatigue. Completing a running event is all about achieving a personal goal, whether that is a time, just finishing, fundraising or doing something healthy with family and friends. 2. What is the benefit for Events Queensland Gold Coast in having interns assist with the event? Events Queensland Gold Coast provides interns with essential hands-on experience and the opportunity to put theory into practice in a real world situation. The contribution that interns make towards the event is tremendous across all areas of event management and has become a valuable asset for the event over the past few years. 3. What are the main criteria that you look for when selecting a student for an internship role? We put interns through an application and interview process which has become essential given the amount of interest to be an intern with Events Queensland Gold Coast. It also gives students good practice in applications and interviewing so they know what to expect when applying for employment. The criteria we look for are how the students meet the specifications for the role, their personal presentation and punctuality and, importantly, enthusiasm and interest in the role. 4. Where and what did you study at university and what did you hope to do once you graduated? I studied a Bachelor of Arts majoring in journalism, public relations and communications at the University of Southern Queensland. My goal back then was to secure a job in sport leading up to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Within two years of graduating, I was Media Manager for Athletics Australia – a role which involved being a Media Liaison Officer for the Australian Olympic Team with the sport of athletics. 5. How did you get into your current position? I have worked for nearly 12 years now in sports and events management with previous roles as Media Manager for Athletics Australia and then the Gold Coast Indy 300. Through experience and contacts made in these roles, I took up an opportunity to work with Events Queensland Gold Coast in 2007. 6. What do you hope your interns will take away from their experience? Valuable experience of course, plus valuing voluntary work experience as a step to becoming employed.

This is Jess. Meet Jess. Hi Jess.










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RUN!On the first weekend of July each year, the Gold Coast Airport Marathon steals the spotlight on our local stage. Thousands of people participate in the race to prove to themselves that all their training was worth it once they cross that elusive finish line. It makes for an incredible atmosphere and this year I was right in the middle of it. No, I wasn’t one of the participants in the Marathon. Instead, I had the opportunity to experience what was happening behind the scenes as an intern with Events Queensland Gold Coast. It was an amazing and unforgettable experience.

Many of my friends wondered how I managed to get an internship after studying just one semester at Bond and, I must admit, it was luck more than anything else. I initially planned on volunteering with the Gold Coast Airport Marathon on the day of the event and applied online. Having never applied for a volunteer position, I attached my resume to the application which, fortunately for me, was seen as an application for an internship in the Sports Services department. A week after submitting my application, I received a call from Events Queensland Gold Coast’s Human Resources manager, who invited me to an interview for an internship position. Completely surprised, I accepted the invitation and went to the interview the following week. With a little bit of luck and my international charm, I convinced them of my skills and was chosen to begin work as an intern.

Throughout my time as an intern, I gained a great deal of experience and a realistic view on the workplace. Organising and planning an event, whether it be big or small, is not always as easy and fun as it seems. During my internship, there were several issues that had to be dealt with, such as late delivery of prizes and even failures in the production of the Marathon medals, which placed a lot of pressure on the team to correct this mistake in time for the event. However, apart from some difficulties, a lot of tasks involved great creativity and enjoyment, such as selecting the starting music for each of the races. This task involved listening to the newest music and some oldies to match the songs to the various events. Furthermore, as part of my duties I liaised with entertainers who would play on-course on event weekend, making sure that they were prepared and well informed about the event. Probably the most interesting and exciting task during my internship was to plan and help out with the run-sheets for the presentations on the event days. This included outlining and mapping every step of the presentations, assigning an action to every minute of the day. In doing so, I realised how much effort goes into such a plan and how important the little details are.

When the weekend of the Marathon finally arrived, I was extremely excited to see how everything would fit into place. However, participating in such an event also involves some sacrifices, such as getting up at 5:00 in the morning. On the Saturday, several smaller events took place, such as the Junior Dash, Wheelchair Half Marathon and 10km Run, which prepared me for the next big day. The Marathon on Sunday was definitely the most interesting part of my internship. When I arrived very early in the morning, I observed thousands of runners preparing themselves for the big race. It was an incredible atmosphere filled with excitement and joy. My first task was to follow up all the entertainers scheduled to play on that day. This might sound easy, but entertainers are a special type of people who have to be taken by the hand. As such, most of the time they were either late or didn’t know their set-up positions, despite my having provided them with detailed maps.

Then the race finally began, accompanied by a motivational speech by Rob de Castella and loud applause and cheering. I can’t even describe what a feeling it was to be in the middle of all of that - you just had to be there. After approximately two hours, the first presentations started, which meant I could finally take responsibility and put into place what I had planned for so long. Being on stage and seeing the happiness of the placegetters when receiving their trophies was definitely one of the best moments of the day. In addition, knowing that I was involved in planning the presentations and entertainment and then seeing it all go so well filled me with pride.

It is a weird truth that once you get involved in such an event you become really attached to it, so that the event’s success becomes a personal success. On that day, I definitely felt a personal success and I recommend everyone, no matter how far into your degree you are, to try out for any volunteer or internship positions as soon as you can. It sometimes only takes a little bit of luck and confidence!


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Over weeks 4-6 of this semester, 24 talented advocates participated in the HSA andBUUNSA Debating Competition.The students put forward some impressive arguments over the course of the three-week competition with the victorious team of each debate receiving two points and the defeated team one point. The points were tallied to constitute a ladder for the finals in Week 6.

Topics over the course of the competition centred around issues at the forefront of current affairs and saw students advocating issues ranging from the legitimacy of Osama bin Laden’s execution by US forces through to the advantages and disadvantages of principle over falsehood.

The debates were kindly judged by Professor Jo Hintz who provided each of the students with extensive feedback aimed at developing their competence as skilled debaters. A special mention must also be made to Adjunct Tutor Caroline Graham who provided her time to assist in judging some debates. It was truly rewarding to see a marked improvement in not only the structure of the student’s arguments each week but also the development of their confidence in presenting their argument. Each week, Professor Hintz awarded one student from each debate with the "Best Speaker Award” in recognition of their aptitude in public speaking.

After the final round of debates in Week 6, students Gloria Vicario, Tawanda Biti andInsiyah Adamjee proved victorious. This team gave their time to debate each week, gathering significant points to allow them to debate for first and second place. In a tough final, they proved successful in taking out the title of Debating Competition winners for 112. The winning team received a $150 voucher for Picture Lounge Bar and Dining in Surfers Paradise while second and third Runners Up each received entertainment vouchers courtesy of TravelSim.

The HSA would like to thank BUUNSA for its assistance in running this competition and looks forward to developing the debating culture at Bond in the future.

On another note, all avid debaters are encouraged to register their interest for the Human Genetics Society of Australasia rival debate against UQ. This debate is set to take place on August 2, 2011 and we will be sending three students to compete on behalf of Bond.

For further information or to register your interest, email [email protected]


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The Week that Was…AMUNC 2011In Week 9, while most Bond students were just getting over the rush of mid-semester exams and assignments, 12 brave Bondies braved the freezing cold of our nation’s capital to partake in the Australian Model United Nations Conference, or AMUNC as it is affectionately known. After the relative warmth of the Gold Coast, the shocking cold that greeted me upon leaving the Canberra Airport was not the welcome I was hoping for.

Once we had settled into our hotel on Saturday night, my roommate and I set out to find something to eat at one of the many restaurants that Canberra is supposedly famous for. This soon proved difficult however, because most were actually closed. It was a far cry from the busy nature of a weekend on the Gold Coast, though we soon found a small square that was open and had some amazing Thai food. There was even a mini skating rink set up, though I decided falling on ice was probably not the best way to get used to the Canberra weather on my first night.

However, my mood was soon improved when we set off to register at the ANU campus the following day. For those who haven’t been to ANU, it is about 10 times as big as Bond. It takes about 20 minutes to walk from one side to the other (as we found out after our taxi dropped us at the opposite side of the university to where we were supposed to be). Once we did finally arrive though, it was great to meet up with the rest of the Bondies attending, and giggle together at the matching jumpers the Griffith delegate was sporting.

After we had a rules briefing, we all set off to listen to the Czech Republic Ambassador to Australia talk about his time in the UN. His insight was extremely funny, and he gave some great anecdotes about the way specific countries act. Apparently, if you don’t want to do much work it is a good idea to be a part of the second GA – they’re never actually in the office.

Later in the day, we went to the amazing auditorium of the School of Music at the ANU campus, where we heard speeches from the Chancellor of ANU, the Federal Member for Frasier, and Hilary Charlesworth who is an advocate for international law and human rights, and was Australia’s ad hoc judge in the ICJ whaling case. All gave excellent speeches that were followed by many others throughout the week.

Following the opening ceremony, we headed over the road to UniPub – five levels of pub gloriousness with a whole floor of pool tables complete with jukebox. After a few beers and meeting some great people, we finally headed back to the hotel and set our alarms for an early start the next day – the first day of committee sessions.

While most committees were over at the ANU campus, the legal committees were given the very special privilege of being hosted by the High Court of Australia. Not only were we given access to the courtrooms to use for the week, but we were actually allowed to sit at the bench in the judges’ chairs. Any law student can appreciate how awesome such an experience would be. We felt very official and judicious sitting up there, and there were more than a few covert photos taken (apparently we weren’t technically allowed to take photos).

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We began discussing our first topic, which was the legality of France’s actions during the Rwandan genocide. First the justices heard evidence and arguments from both Rwanda and France, and both advocates were grilled on points of law (possibly because of a power trip by law students who finally had a chance to question instead of being questioned). After all the evidence had been presented, the debate began. If you can imagine 14 law students who like putting their point forward in a room together, it’s no wonder things got a little tense. Our amazing and patient directors stepped in a few times to calm the tensions, but on the whole we cooperated fairly well. A more relaxed atmosphere followed that night at our committee dinner, where we were able to get to know our fellow justices better over a great meal.

On Tuesday, debate over the finer points of law ensured but, by the end of the day, we had come to a fairly good consensus on the main issues. We then went off to the Golden Age of Hollywood party held at the Australian War Memorial. It was an amazing venue with planes and other war memorabilia hanging overhead. Due to a mix-up by the War Memorial, the legal committees were seated in a separate room. Although it was annoying to be separated from the rest of the committees, it was clear that law students can party hard. We soon made up for the lack of decorations with bottles of wine and some dancing to a fairly decent DJ.

More than a few people were nursing mild headaches the next day, but we started to write our majority judgement to present to Chief Justice French on Friday. It seemed that our second topic was not going to be discussed, as we frantically worked to finish our judgement to a standard of which CJ French would be proud. After a hard day of work, we celebrated at the Meche Nightclub circus-themed party complete with acrobats and fire breathers.

With slight headaches again on Thursday, we went back to our deliberation room in the secure area of the High Court (which the public isn’t allowed to enter) to finish our judgement for the next day. Finally, after much sweat and tears, it was complete. Friday saw us sitting in the Main Courtroom with CJ French listening to our presentations of judgements. He gave a short speech and handed out the best delegate awards. The lucky few to shake his hand jokingly said they would never wash their hand again (at least I hope they were joking). Following the awards was the closing ceremony at which CJ French made a short speech and then it was all over. No more debating and arguing, no more pretending to be a justice. It was a bit depressing really.

I soon cheered up while getting ready for the Finale Ball, which was to be held in the Great Hall of Parliament House that night. Many photos were taken, committee jokes were made, and there were more than a few check-ins on Facebook to commemorate the event. There was a slightly awkward moment when Monash University was accidently announced as the host of next year’s AMUNC instead of La Trobe, but it was amusing to see them do the walk of shame back to their seats after cheering only minutes before. The host of the 2013 AMUNC was also announced, and the Victoria University of Wellington, NZ showed their enthusiasm by celebrating with a traditional haka. All too soon we were kicked out so the staff could clean up, and we had to deal with the fact that AMUNC really was over.

It was one of the most amazing experiences, and one I will not forget in a hurry. I met so many people that I’m sure will be lifelong friends, and I am eagerly counting down the months to next year’s AMUNC in Melbourne. If you have ever thought of doing AMUNC I’d definitely recommend that you do. You won’t regret it.

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You would have seen him around campus. He’s the guy in the grey beanie, whether it’s a chilly mid-Winter evening, or a perfectly warm Gold Coast afternoon. He makes it his duty to know everyone’s name and has a killer grin. He carries a little more confidence than the average 18-year-old high school graduate … that might be because he’s 24 years old and has already completed a triple major and worked in the corporate world for two years.

His name is Tim “Soho” Parry-Jones and he is one of Bond’s entrepreneurial stars. As if studying a Bachelor of Communications with majors in Marketing and Advertising as well as mixing delicious drinks at one of the Gold Coast’s most popular bars isn’t enough, TPJ is also running his own business. This Victorian ex-pat conceived the idea for One Society, a not-for-profit student discount provider, early this year in response to the financial difficulties faced by the average tertiary student. “I wanted to get students a better deal,” he explains. “Being one myself, I know how difficult it is for students to live on minimal funds and I wanted to do something about it.”

‘Do something’ is somewhat of an understatement. Just months after beginning his search for local industry support, Tim has secured student discounts from 14 Gold Coast businesses. Thus far, One Society offers its members between 10 and 30 per cent off goods and services from restaurants including Yellowfin and Sage, foodie favourites such as Starberry Frozen Yoghurt and Freshly Stacked, and accommodation at Paros on the Beach. With big names Zarraffa’s and Wahoo Burgers now on board, One Society doesn’t look like slowing down its generous offerings any time soon. “I’m using the businesses I’ve already secured as leverage in getting others on board,” Tim says. “Most are pretty keen because of the effects of the GFC and the fact that students are traditionally a difficult market niche to break into. I choose not to cross-advertise so that I’m offering these businesses exclusivity, but at the same time they have to offer something pretty spectacular that is actually going to be attractive to students. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship because we’re essentially advertising these businesses and sending students their way.”

The business is predominantly marketed to students via Facebook but Tim has also made personal approaches on campus and will expand the student base by attending Griffith University Open Day in August. From there, he hopes to develop into Brisbane before taking on the big guns in Sydney and Melbourne, with a long-term goal of at least 25 different business discounts on offer in each capital city. On top of that, a website is currently in design and Tim is keen to recruit like-minded students to assist with further business development. “I’ve found that students who understand the aims and goals of the business have been very receptive and positive about the idea,” he says. “It’s important to me that One Society is run by students for students. It provides an opportunity for students to become ambassadors for the brand as well as to get experience with real business in an area that interests them.”

The success of One Society rests on student interest and, ultimately, the actual use of the discounts on offer. Tim recently celebrated the attainment of 300 student members, all of whom are now proud owners of the exclusive One Society key – the vital item required to unlock the many local specials now on offer. However, with almost $5000 of his personal savings already committed to the initiative with no financial return and the complications of the accounting side of business taking its toll, Tim says his not-for-profit venture may soon have to charge students a small amount for the benefits it offers. “I’ve been passionate about this since the get-go … the role of representing and supporting students has been a real driver,” he says. “But as the business grows and we offer more, we will need to charge businesses to advertise with us and students may have to pay a small amount for a one or two-year membership. Obviously, I want to keep costs low so I’ll be making sure it’s worth it with even better benefits for students.”

Those benefits look likely to include retail discounts, free competitions and even opportunities for One Society members to gain free access to graduate recruitment firms in order to be placed in great jobs straight out of university.

Meanwhile, TPJ will be finding a few hours in the week to keep plugging away at his degree with dreams of a job with top advertising firm Leo Burnett. “It’s left-of-centre advertising … they’re all about thinking outside the box which is what I perceive advertising to be in the 21st century,” he describes. “Of course, I’d love to keep working on One Society but that depends on whether it continues to grow and be financially viable.”

If you fancy helping to make that growth happen, check out the One Society page at www.onesociety.com.au and “like” the Facebook page to become a member. Tim encourages input from students and businesses alike to keep moving in a positive direction. “I’d really like students to take a look and to spread the news if they like the idea,” he says. “Equally, I want to know what interests them and what sort of discounts they want the most so the business can make a real difference.”


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BINGE SESH 112Photographer: Madeline Wardleworth

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Isn’t it weird when you look back, stand still, and find yourself on the complete opposite side of the world as to where you were born?That is my story. I was born in Belgium and spent most of my childhood in Europe, passing most summer holidays with my family in the south of France and having winter fun, skiing in Switzerland. At the time I was studying Latin and Greek at school, which I still enjoy today. My parents have always encouraged me to be myself and after enough convincing from my side, gave me the freedom to explore the world. We also traveled a lot with school, exploring mainly Italy, Spain and France, and during the summer holidays I travelled with friends, exploring Northern Africa, the Canary Islands, the Caribbean and Central America.

Things were really shaken up when I was involved in a very serious traffic accident. I broke virtually every bone one could break and was in a coma for quite some time, consequently spending a lengthy time in hospital. From that point onwards, everything changed! It felt as if someone had turned a switch in me and I started to live life to the fullest, enjoying every moment. My view on life was one with endless possibilities, and my journey to finding the perfect balance started there. I was unstoppable!

Still happily studying linguistics, I specialised in Roman languages, a field closely related to my passion for ancient history, Greek mythology and Latin. When the time came to find a job, I was offered an opportunity to work for the European Union as simultaneous translator, but my eye was caught by an advertisement in the paper instead. The Virgin Group was recruiting airline staff in Brussels and offering the option to be based at any base of your choice worldwide. This was without question the right job for me at the time! I applied and was hired a week later. I had an amazing time working for the Virgin Group as they had a nose for individuals with drive and a passion for people, and I saw my career take off with high speed. Within a year, I was working in quality performance and airline safety and had the choice to be based anywhere I wanted. I accepted this opportunity with both hands, and chose to move around, from base to base, every three months. It was a marvellous way to see the world while contributing and getting so much in return. What I enjoyed most during my time at Virgin was the opportunity to work with a wide diversity of nationalities and cultures, all bringing unique values to the table, to create a strong bond and distinct closeness among employees. During my Virgin experience, I met numerous celebrities, top athletes, politicians and royalty. I also had the privilege to meet Sir Richard Branson on many occasions and even worked with him on a number of projects, spending time in the States and Africa.

For one of these projects I was sent to Japan, where I fell in love with the culture and the people and where I decided to add a new dimension to my life. Life in Japan was a true ‘experience’. It was a totally different world where ancient culture met the newest technology, a world of respect and honour. Having mastered the language, I decided to stay for a while longer and truly experience Japanese culture. I made a lot of friends, mostly Japanese who had studied overseas, and who treated me like family. Osaka was my home for a while, where I worked closely with engineers and doctors on projects to improve cardiovascular equipment. This gave me great fulfillment, as operations involving saving lives would be made easier. My journey continued to Hong Kong where I stayed only briefly to then make my way to Australia.

I cannot describe the feeling, but arriving in Brisbane was like coming home. It was perfect timing for a well-deserved break to reassess and consider the next move, and that was Bond. I would go back to university to learn new tricks while leaning on my experience.

Along the way, I have learned many things, such as the fact that celebrities and high- profile people are human just like everyone else - they can be tired and grumpy, or full of joy with their accomplishments. Through my extensive travels, I have also discovered that true happiness is in the heart, not in the wallet. And when visiting Europe, I realised that it is a marvellous place, a great excuse to go to for any kind of holiday, but I also know that my heart belongs in Australia. What I appreciate most are the good things, which may not seem the best at the time, but which help us to embrace culture and its differences and make it work. I have no doubt that the future holds some wonderful surprises for all of us and I look forward to finishing my degree at Bond, and to getting into the ‘real world’ again, as it has been a while…

My advice to everyone is: Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back from materialising your dreams, and please know that those dreams may change along the way. That is okay. This change is actually a sign you have grown and are able to see alternatives. Sometimes by diverting, or even changing course completely, you find yourself where you really belong and where you will find satisfaction in life. Good luck!

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This semester’s Bondy was another spectacular success, putting to the test the brains, brawn and

bellies of six teams all over the Gold Coast. Congratulations to our winners:

FIRST PLACE - BedrockSCAVENGER HUNT - Terminal Speed

BONDY SPIRIT - Team Lycra BEST DRESSED - Wizard of Oz

CUT-THROAT - Team Falafel

Photographer: Madeline Wardleworth

Page 16: Insight

Bella Baldwin

1. Donald Trump’s

ex-wife2. CEO of

Co-Production Film and

Television Investment

and Production


3. Film Producer

Maddy Cassidy

1. Big cat handler2. Journalist for “60 Minutes”3. Photographer for “National Geographic”

Hardy Awadjie

1. Dictator

2. DJ3. Musician

Lalitha Monisha

1. Professor at Hogwart’s2. Award winning performing artist3. Elite secret service agent

Tara Clarke1. Astronaut2. Famous artist/band manager3. Promoter

Perri Blain

1. CEO of the American Hockey League2. Personal trainer to the Titans

3. Contortionist

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If the sky really was the limit,

what would be your top three jobs?

Chantal McNaught

1. Jurist of the ICJ2. Legal consultant at the Grotius Institute3. Attorney-General/Solicitor-General

Emma Lago

1. Willy Wonka

2. “Getaway” host

3. Play Velma Kelly in


Adam Roberts

1. Working for Bond

2. Working for Shooters3. Working for James J


Boom Chamnarnkit

1. Manager of Miami

Heats2. CEO of Ferrari

3. Managing Director

for Virgin

Brock Phyland

1.James Bond2. Island resort owner3. Travel/Historian presenter

Callum Wood

1.Travel Show Host

2. Madeline

Wardleworth (aka:


3. Trophy Wife

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The pièce de résistance of the Bond University Latin Society's calendar for 2011, the 10th Latin Society Masquerade Ball, took place on the Friday of Week 8. The 10th Masquerade Ball was held at the Watermark Hotel, Surfers Paradise and was attended by staff, students and alumni.

The Ball was the product of several months of planning by a small group of dedicated organisers. It was certainly most rewarding to revive what had once been a well-known tradition at Bond University. Previous Balls have seen themes ranging from Moulin Rouge, through to International and Venetian. This Ball ran with the theme of Marie-Antoinette's Court, a French theme due to the Ball's proximity to Bastille Day, the national day of France.

The evening was certainly one to remember, as were several of the more elaborate masks worn by guests. Following pre-drinks and mingling, the night was officially opened by Professor Raoul Mortley. A three course feast 'fit for a queen' then followed, along with waltz and tango performances from New York Ballroom. After a tango lesson, guests were treated to entertainment from Julio Molina's Band, Revolucion, as well as music courtesy of DJ Paul Collide.

Later in the evening, winners of the raffle and other prizes were announced. Chris Kearney won first prize in the raffle, which consisted of one night's accommodation at the Watermark Hotel, a dinner voucher to La Porte Verte and a bottle of French champagne. Second prize, courtesy of the Boutique of Cosmetic Dermatology, was won by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Stable. As third prize winner, Gerry Patron received a Varsity Lakes Travel voucher and a Detour Hair Package. Congratulations to Donna Fredericks for receiving the lucky door prize of a semester of French lessons, kindly donated by the Alliance Française of the Gold Coast. Prizes were also awarded for best masks and best dancers on the night.

In the bringing about of this Ball, the Latin Society effectively defied the laws of physics and created something out of nothing. However, the success of the Ball is due largely to the generous support of our many sponsors. It would be remiss not to acknowledge the support of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Careers Development Centre and BUSA. Our sincere thanks must also go to businesses who donated other prizes given on the night. These businesses are The Hat Store, Designer Forum, Lake Cafe, BWS, AMF Bowling, Cucina Gourmet Pizza/Pasta and Body 2 Fit. The Ball certainly would not have been as successful without this greatly appreciated support.

Although the organisation of such an event is not without many hours of planning for weeks on end, the Latin Society is most keen to see this fine tradition continue. Keep your eyes out for an 11th Latin Society Masquerade Ball and for the myriad of other Latin Society events - including an end of semester dinner at La Porte Verte at the end of week 12, as well as our weekly conversation groups and movie nights.

10th LATIN SOCIETY MASQUERADE BALL- Nick Domrow (President)

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Welcome to the 10th Latin Society Masquerade Ball, “Marie Antoinette’s Court”.

Dr Marie-Claire Patron founded the French and Spanish Club at Bond in 1992, with a view to promote the Latin languages and French and Hispanic cultures at the university. Three years later, the inaugural Latin Masquerade Ball was held at the Ramada Hotel in Surfers Paradise.

The Bond University Latin Society attended Club Sign-On Day for the first time last semester and now has almost 200 members. The society has provided assistance with conversational practice groups in French and Spanish with the generous help of native speakers. It also organises end-of-semester dinners for students and assistants, as well as on-campus film nights in both languages.

The Latin Society has proudly sponsored prizes for French and Spanish students at the Humanities & Social Sciences Awards ceremonies since 2001 and has itself been a four-time winner of BUSA’s Best Event or Best Cultural Club awards.

Tonight, together with the faculty of HSS, the Bond University Latin Society is proud to present Marie Antoinette’s Court, a wonderful evening of entertainment, prizes and fun.

Thank you to our performers, sponsors, guests from Bond staff and students, alumni and friends of the university, and to the committee which has worked very hard to make this evening a success:President: Nicholas DomrowVice-President for French: Kit RichardsVice-President for Spanish: Mark HeinerTreasurer: Peter ThomasEvents Director: Julie Fox

10th LATIN SOCIETY MASQUERADE BALL- Nick Domrow (President)

Photographer: Julian Jantos

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EUROTRIP:PART 2- Andrew Dennis

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Ola chicas and amigos!

I hope you are all travelling along well back in the bubble. It being Week 11 there and all, I would assume things are going rather smoothly. Now, enough about you and let me teach you about something that you will not learn on the manicured grounds of Bond University: San Fermin, the world’s craziest festival.

I am writing to you from the airport on the quiet Spanish Island of Ibiza. Tonight my travel amigo, Jack, and I conclude our three-week tour of Spain. In that time, we have experienced a mixture of Spanish culture, R’n’R and plenty of sleepless nights. I write to you not so I can boast about my amazing travels but rather to entice you to someday make the same pilgrimage we made to San Fermin.

Our Spanish adventure began in Pamplona for the festival most famous for the daily ‘Running of the Bulls’. This tradition began back in the 14th century when the bulls were walked to the market or bullfights. Many of the local men, wanting to prove how tough they were, would begin walking or running in front of the bulls. Nowadays, thousands of people line the streets from 5am to take part in the stupid, yes, but exhilarating experience. The running of the bulls is only part of the festival, which stretches from July 6 - 14. I think the Spanish have the right idea - they cram all of their public holidays into one large festival and, in this time, nobody goes to work and it is basically party, party, party!

The festival kicked off at midday on July 6 when the locals and vulnerable tourists crammed in front of the town hall and waited for the mayor to finish his morning work, step out onto his balcony and let off a rocket. Three stories below, 4,000 people stood in what could only be described as a moshpit on steroids chanting, dancing and squirting each other with Sangria until their festival whites were stained purple. Our tour guide warned us that we should only enter the town square if we were comfortable in moshpits, as she had been there the year before and thought she was going to die in the crowd.

All dressed up in the traditional festival clothing (white pants and t-shirt with a red waist sash and the red Panuelo or neck tie) topped off with our camel pack-esque bag full of Sangria, we made our way to the town square. We arrived an hour before midday to make sure we had a good spot before the locals pushed their way in. For the first half hour, the atmosphere was electric. Everyone was squirting Sangria at each other, teenagers were running around throwing eggs, locals were throwing mustard powder and those on the balconies overlooking the square were tipping buckets of water into the crowd.

It wasn’t until 11.30, when the locals started to roll in, that things started to escalate. Immediately the crowd was in gridlock. I got stuck with one hand up in the air and the other reaching down to take my camera from my pocket. I didn’t even have enough room to pull my hand out of my pocket. At 11.45, the pushing began and we were pushed from side to side about 20 metres, without any control of where we were going and without the ability to use our hands to stop ourselves from falling over. We relaxed once we realised that there was no way we were going to fall over considering how tightly we are all packed in together. Despite the ‘life-threatening’ conditions of the moshpit, everyone continued to enjoy themselves, girls remained on shoulders flashing crowds for upwards of five minutes at a time, everyone jumped around to familiar Spanish chants and, most importantly, the Sangria kept flowing, even if we couldn’t free our hands to feed it to ourselves.

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At midday, the mayor left his luxurious office and stood on his spacious balcony laughing at the crowd below. He raised his Panuelo and set off a rocket and, with that, San Fermin Festival was alive! The partying began, markets were set up throughout the city, street performers entertained the thousands of drunkards roaming the streets and everyone geared up to see an obnoxious American tourist get slammed by a 600kg bull.

At 8.00 each morning for the next eight days, another rocket went off to signify that the bullpen had been opened, and a second rocket was let off to let those running know that all bulls were on the track and running. The run generally lasted between three and five minutes, ending in the main arena. As quickly as the bulls arrived into the arena, they were escorted out. The runners celebrated their newfound appreciation for life and, one by one, a teenage bull was let into the arena with its horns corked and tapped to provide some entertainment. There was one basic rule for the runners: do not touch, tease or taunt the bull. Of course, with the combination of alcohol, adrenaline, and tourists generally wanting to make an experience of the event, we saw a lot of idiots jumping on the bulls and pulling their tails. Whilst it was funny to watch these tourists taunt the bulls, it was even funnier to watch the Spaniards punch, kick and even fly-kick the tourists who attempted to touch the bulls.

We ran on the second day. After a 4.30 wake-up, we took our spots at the beginning of the track and waited for a painful three hours. As soon as the rocket went off, it was every man for himself. The hands went up and I pushed my way through the hordes of people, expecting a bull to ram up my arse at any moment. I was lucky enough to dart into a doorway just before the bulls caught up to me, but the guy next to me wasn’t so lucky - he got pushed to the ground and trampled by at least three of the beasts.

There was so much adrenaline pumping that my memory of the run is just small snapshots along the lines of the following:– rocket goes off mid-conversation (I don’t see Jack again for another hour) – I hit dead man’s corner and see a pile of people tripping over one another – I hear the screams of bulls and duck into a doorway – I see the bulls stampede past, I chase them– one stops and turns around, staring me dead in the eye before turning back around and running on

Again, I will end by encouraging you to spend the next few weeks procrastinating by doing a bit of research into this fantastic festival. You might come for the bulls but what you get is much more. So get on youtube, google a Sangria recipe and get together with some friends to organise your next holiday: Pamplona, Spain July 6 - 14. You won’t regret it. I think it was the best thing I have done in my life.

Adios amigos. It’s time to party with Cadel in Paris!

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good luck foryour assignmentsand exams.

much love,your hsaxoxo

One day you could be as cool as Billy
