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INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16

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  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16



    Tommy Boy Records Tom Silverman * Cool Kids * Sol Munki *

    Zoila Mendez * Roneshia Williams * Adam Falkner * Alex Wand*Jonathan Desir * Atiba Edwards * Ashlee Arder * Kimikaa *Alma Davila-Toro


  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    insightFebruary 2008

    Adam Falkner: Headline & Sinker.Ashlee Arder: Sl Munki. Cl KidsAlex Wand: Cntra DictinaryRoneshia Williams: The Night My Wrld ChangedJonathan Desir: The Hands f TimeAtiba Edwards & Alma Davila-Toro: Tmmy By Recrds Interiew

    Phtgraphy / Illustratins:Kimikaa: SlwAtiba Edwards: UntitledEmma Raynr: Untitiled

    Cer Illustratin by Zila Mendez

    Insight is back and we present the Change issue. Change is neithergd nr bad, it is simply change. We present t yu arius wrksrepresenting the theme f change in this issue.

    Additinally, we cntinue t add new segments f the magazine and inthis issue we present Sptlight which features arius art related

    pprtunities submitted t us by yu.

    Keep the ideas flwing and we are always lking t fr artists sub-missins.

    See yu in the May Issue.

    Yur Editrs,

    Anthny Baber

    Atiba Edwards

    Marja Lankien


  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    Slo by Kimikaa

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16



    wrds f a serice drier pitch-frkedheay like pig slp er his shulder

    bus full f white flk (except ne smudge)

    fall hush like furth quarter ful stripe

    the barrel f a military discharge

    shed dwn a yung bys thrat

    fr hlding grund in a frnt seat

    prud past gag-pint defiant

    the headline

    1st negro to crash majors!

    dodgers win: jackie breaks the color line!

    the alligatr nse f black america

    crackin the surface cleats up

    smethin serious a whitewashed pastime


    t be smudged the clr f suthern fruit

    but it was 1947 (ready t be cleaned)

    cming hard ff anther new deal

    suburbia birthed

    mama-bm bargain diggers

    buyin cars, buyin ts


    suthern whites shrug like

    change dne cme, cut the hang

    rpe but keep dem hunds hungry

    while the free states suck n they thumbs

    dumb-happy t finally be bandaging that


    scared that a dmin rally f brthers

    wuld shw up uninited t the nen

    f ur liing rms pregnant

    fr therebirth f a natin eery

    mrning cffee jurnal jam

    n tast tribune and weekly

    tailred up an image t be drstep ediblea ne in millin bedient patient kid

    that culd take it and say please jackie

    ask fr mrejackie

    sheshine smth

    slidin tween the lines f fine print

    newspaper lime-lit fire t a d-gder(neer t g back like climbin

    the ladder frm field t husewrk)

    caked up face in a day made famus

    erased all struggle like he stumbled

    and fell nt eery frnt prch in america


    and we were happy with that ckiecut clean, cut safe

    suburbia birthed

    mama-bm bargain diggers

    buyin cars, buyin t..s,

    frward with the stench f quta

    still sticking t ur fingers

    and we bit it


    and sinker

    with a bruised up set blender-battered

    plum-gut knuckles kncking, fr that hllw

    trap dr t slide quick

    steal smething,anything

    t turn a neck r tw t make

    an erripe name pluck-ready

    the black meteor

    we bubbled up naked and bldy

    a newbrn, baptized in bleacher-spat backwash

    we painted him ours

    like nthing befre him but rags

    and ignrance ours

    like culture-knapping jazz utta harlem

    r rap ut the hd when it utgrew

    the pt-bund fad f fedras ours

    like three-fifths american and ne-fifth black

    an image t clean t be muddied like that

    like bus laws pissed n chin upswallwed like gag-pint gun barrel ours

    as thugh turning ur heads was a chice

    Beware f thse wh speak f the spiral f histry;

    they are preparing a bmerang. Keep a steel helmet handy.

    - Ralph Ellisn, Inisible Man

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    amputating histry frm headline precise

    like fleet-fted sprints dwn the base path

    culd buff clean an uppity fuck yu cld cheek

    champin that picked picket fences in the


    we celebrate the naturef these triumphs extic t keep

    the clr brwn t dark t blend

    we snap these stries at

    the rt like ginger t

    chp and sell in textbks

    palms t sweaty t rub

    the truth ut the histry lampcause we dnt like what we cant wn

    nly let emerge what prgress

    wee learned t skin, strip

    and munt abe the fireplace as miracles

    rsas feet werent tired, shed been

    planning fr that afternn since she was twele

    but when the smell f ther clrs paint

    the air t thick, we panic, get t pluckin

    like rumrs frm the grapeine

    t turn r neck r tw t make an erripe

    name pluck-ready

    reeling heay is ur bite n this bait


    with the hk still ldged

    in ur cheeks


    line and

    sinker wee sunk line-heay

    (but smene can swim)


    line and

    sinker wee sunk line-heay

    (but smene is treading water)

    smene is hlding the stlen

    pens f histry scripting in the dark the liesthey want their kids t learn like

    white flks funded america

    instead f stealing the gael

    t play judge between brders like

    affirmatie actins a has-been crutch

    the ball games tied lk at the csbys

    (let it go)

    like grund zer reeks f terrrism, but


    rape, festered and chained carg stlen and


    ff crp bld mney well,

    we call that there clnizatin

    like the nly real accunt f what was is

    whats cked

    and bagged t slang in ur schls t ur


    like histry will eer be free

    frm the cnenient amnesia f its authrs

    like a headline

    n its wn

    is a stry

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    Do MoNKEYS HAvE SoULS?byAshlee Arder

    What started ut as a bys questin t his

    mther, has becme an array f ibrant clrs,

    sayings, and graphic pictures n hdies

    and T-shirts.

    Sl Munki, an urban clthing line based ut f

    Atlanta, Gergia, means Surir f Life

    Manufacturing Unity Newness Knwledge and

    Indiiduality. Wall St., the lines creatr and

    mastermind, spent sme time as a stckbrker

    (Hint: the name Wall St.), and later pened up

    a sneaker stre in Atlanta. Sl Munki wasriginally the name f the stre, and because f its

    increasing ppularity, Wall St. and yunger brther,

    Fruit, started the Sl Munki clthing line.

    viewed by its fllwers as nt nly a brand name,

    Sl Munki is a way f life. It represents excellence

    and creatiity. Sl Munki was frmed riginally as an

    effrt t change the mind f a mther wh saidmnkeys didnt hae suls. Nw in the clsets f

    cmmn flks and celebrities (Bw Ww, Yung Jeezy,

    BETs Terrance) alike, Sl Munki has nt nly changed

    the minds f nnbelieers, but has als intrduced

    a new swagger t urban clthing!

    The answer is Yes, mnkeys d hae Sls!

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16





  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    HIP HoP NEEDS ITS MESSIAHInteriew with Tm Silerman,

    funder f Tmmy By Recrds (dne in 05

    by Atiba Edwards & Alma Daila-Tr)

    F.o.K.U.S: Tm, walk readers thrugh the

    elutin f Tmmy By frm its disc days

    t Tmmy By Entertainment.

    TS: I went t graduate schl at Western

    Michigan in Enirnmental Gelgy after

    Clby Cllege. My rmmate frm Clby

    Cllege was the statin manager at

    Westerns radi statin and I was the music

    directr. He gt a jb in L.A. fr Cashbx,

    which was like Billbard at the time. Disc

    started t break ut and I was playing thatmusic befre and he said why dnt we g

    t NY and start a newsletter fr DJs.

    I left graduate schl befre I culd finish

    my master thesis and setup shp in Man-

    hattan. He quit his jb and med frm

    LA and we started this newsletter fr DJs

    called Disc News in 1978. Disc firststarted abut a year after Saturday Night

    Feer but it was a year befre Disc died.

    By 1979 - 80 they declared Disc dead.

    The press hated disc and we changed the

    name t Dance Music Reprt at that pint

    and in 1980 we als started an independent

    distributr fr music all different genres but

    it was mstly Indie Rck and a few therkinds f music.

    It was ding really well and turning er a

    lt f cash. Then my rmmate came t me

    and said oK, Im getting married t this girl

    and I dnt really want t d Dance Music

    Reprt anymre, s why dnt yu keep it

    and Ill keep the prfitable recrddistributin. I said why dnt yu pay ff

    at least half f the debt f Dance Music

    Reprt, and Ill let yu g. Ill keep the

    apartment and yu can g get anther ne

    (he wanted t take the apt als).

    It tk me abut a year t pay ff all the

    debt and I kept building it at the same time.

    Peple were bringing in music and I was

    reiewing recrds that werent ut yet rwere n little independent labels that were

    releasing a recrd fr the first time.

    I was watching what was happening with

    Rappers Delight and wuld g t the

    stres and see the stuff blwing up and said

    why nt start a recrd cmpany. S I setup

    Tmmy By arund 1980 as a label incase smene bught music in. In 1980 I

    released a recrd called Lets vte by Eric

    Nuri which was a Black ters registratin

    theme sng. It wasnt n my label, it was

    n a label called Trial and Park recrds but

    I funded and put it ut just s I culd learn

    hw t d it befre I started ding it myself.

    Then I started Tmmy By after I met

    Afrika Bambaataa. He turned me n t

    this recrd by a grup called Cttn Candy

    [named] Haing Fun that he was playing

    and that became ur first release.

    The secnd release was an Afrika

    Bambaataa recrd called Jazzy Sensatin.

    There was a big recrd the summer befre,

    Gwen McCraes Funky Sensatin and this

    was a rap ff f it that we sampled-

    actually it wasnt sampled we just played it.

    I didnt knw abut the publishing laws and

    we gt busted and had t pay peple. We

    just paid it and we made a lt f mney. It

    gt a cuple f spins by Mr. Magic n the

    radi HBI and we gt rders fr 5,000 the

    next week.

    The recrd explded and we sld 35,000.

    I paid my parents back the $5,000 lanthey gae me t start the label and that was

    the beginning.

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    I was writing abut Bambaata fr an article

    I was ding in Dance Music Reprt. There

    was a stre called Dwnstairs Recrds n

    6th and 42nd (where the subway statin

    and HBo are lcated) that had a rm called

    Break Beats r Break Rm.

    I went dwn t the [stre] and saw this

    rm with a table with all kinds f 45s and

    ld albums like The Eagles, Lng Run and

    Bb James. There were 15 and 16 year

    ld kids that wuld cme by, pl their

    mney and buy dubles f recrds. I asked

    Ry, the guy wh ran that rm at

    Dwnstairs, hw did these kids find utabut these recrds. He said thrugh a guy

    in the Brnx called Afrika Bambaataa and he

    has this thing called the Zulu Natin.

    I went t isit him at a teach-in where he

    was actually DJing nce a week n White

    Plains Rad at an place n the 2nd flr.

    Bambaataa, Red Alert and Jazzy Jay weresetup up there and they wuld take turns

    spinning. Jazzy Jay and Kl DJ Red Alert

    were srt f the prteges. There wuld be a

    guy up there called Recrd Lenny wh wuld

    cme with a bmbx, recrd eerything and

    then btleg it.

    I heard Bam playing recrds like Kraftwerk,

    James Brwn, Sly Stne and cntempary

    WBLS recrds then hed play The Mnkeys

    r Billy Squier. Hw culd yu mix all these

    recrds? but kids were getting ff n it.

    Smene wuld hk a mic up n stage and

    freestyle but the mst yu wuld nrmally

    get was thrw yur hands in the air which

    was basically t keep the party ging - it

    was all abut the party.

    That was the early beginnings f Hip Hp.

    Bambataa came ut f the Black Spades

    where eeryne was getting killed. He saw

    a lt f his friends get killed. He went n

    his wn and built the Zulu Natin a psitiereplacement fr what the gang was kicking

    and he gae peple smething t belng t.

    He was against the ilence - he was like

    the Ghandi f Hip Hp. When he wuld play

    a Zulu Natin party and a fight wuld break

    ut hed stp the music. Scratch a few beats

    and then stp the music and say yu like

    that then hed play a few mre times and

    say stp fighting.

    The guy is just like ne f the high priests

    f Hip Hp because he is s straight and he

    is ttally cmmitted t the future f Hip Hp.

    He is the ne wh put culture in Hip Hp and

    created the cncept f the 4 pillars f Hip

    Hp that KRS-one, Chuck D and eeryne

    are always talking abut.

    Hip-Hp is abut music, DJing, graffiti and

    break-dancing and his 5th pillar is

    knwledge because that is ery imprtant

    part f Hip Hp.

    I asked him can we make a recrd that

    sunds like the stuff yu are playing and

    he said sure. We sld abut 600,000 f

    Planet Rck in 1982 with abut 2

    emplyees and didnt knw what we were

    ding. We made it up as we went alng and

    gt ripped ff by prmters but it didnt

    matter because we were ding great; we

    had n er head and it gt us in the game.

    Bambaataa did the A&R and fund Jhnsn

    Crew, this grup frm Bstn that had sme

    electric (he led electric and Kraftwerk);

    Archie Baker prduced Jazzy Sensatin and

    fund this grup in Bstn called Planet

    Patrl. We used mst f same tracks frm

    Planet Rck, using the same 2-inch tape

    and replaced a few tracks and changed the

    cals. That was ery prductie 2-inchtape and we sld almst a millin 12-inches

    f that.

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    The business plan fr the label was t make

    12-inches. My cntract didnt allw me t

    make an album s I had t g back and

    renegtiate with Bambaataa. They had a

    tugh lawyer and asked fr stuff I culdnt

    gie and we kept negtiating. We gt an

    album ut tw years after Planet Rck was

    released and it was t late. In thse days12-inches nly sld in NY and NJ s fr

    me t sell 600,000 12-inches - if I had

    an album I culd hae sld 2 r 3 millin

    albums but I guess I wasnt suppsed t get

    that ht that quickly, it wuld hae made me

    stupid - I was suppsed t stay hungry.

    I was able t grw the cmpany and then wehad a cld perid. In 1985 I had t sell half

    the cmpany t Warner Brs t bring mney

    in and get access t pp radi and in 1988

    they bught the rest. We kept ur wn

    distributin and internatinal. The nly thing

    we ended up using them fr was

    manufacturing. It really didnt wrk ut s

    well fr us because they (WB) had all thebureaucracy and pliticking etc.

    F: Frm yur site: The suits upstairs, did

    their jb well: keeping sharehlders happy

    with rising stck prices, but ultimately there

    were cnflicting isins f the bttm line

    s. art. Tmmy By chse art.

    TS: 1999 was the peak f the music

    business. and by 2002 the entire music

    industry was ff 15%; nw its dwn arund

    40% frm peak.

    our business was changing and ur ability t

    cmpete in Hip Hp was being undermined

    by viacm and Def Jam spending 3x what

    we culd and they didnt really care because

    they had a lt f mney. I culdnt really

    be cmpetitie s I wasnt able t sign and

    break the biggest Hip Hp acts after Cli

    and Eerlast. Thse were the tw biggest

    recrds we eer had and thse were in the

    early 90s.

    We built that cmpany up until we had t

    sell millins f recrds just t cer ur

    erhead. When yu get t this place where

    yu hae t make and put recrds ut t

    feed yur machine and pay fr yur

    erhead, then yu start ding things fr

    mney as ppsed t art.

    I wanted t sign crazy music and d fun

    things, but instead f becming fun we feltthe pressure f generating incme. and the

    reasn I gt int the business was nt just

    t generate incme but t generate culture

    and ideas. When it turned t just generating

    incme we became machines and we werent

    that fit. That was neer my speciality but I

    gt sucked int it. I neer wanted the

    cmpany t be that big but I neer stppedit s its my fault fr letting it get that big.

    F: What is yur gal fr

    Hip Hp Essentials?

    TS: I hae a few different gals. My main

    gal is fr it t be perceied as the mst

    imprtant Hip Hp cmpilatin f all time

    and becmes the de fact standard that

    defines the histry f Hip Hp musically. Im

    cncerned, Bam is cncerned and Kl Herc

    is cncerned that viacm and Def Jam are

    trying t rewrite Hip Hp Histry.

    Bambaataa cined the term lyingeers instead

    f pineers because they are lying. We are

    really thinking abut the Russell Simmns

    wh are saying Hip Hp started when he

    started and LL cl J was the first Hip Hp

    artist. If yu lk at the vH1 Hip Hp

    Hnrs prgram, they leae ut eerything

    imprtant befre Def Jam like nthing

    happened until smebdy put n a Kangl

    hat r Russell walks in with Run DMC. vH1

    prbably asked Russell t d it and they just

    fllwed whateer he said but what abutHlly Rbinsn, Jerry Rbinsn and Steie

    Rbinsn frm Sugar Hill Recrds, peple

    wh really started it?

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    Where is Sleeping Bag, Select, Prfile, Tm-

    my By and Pririty and s many imprtant

    independent labels that created an incredible

    crnucpia f imprtant music and it is all n

    Hip Hp Essentials.

    S that is what I hpe is ging t happen,

    that this becmes the sund bar nne f HipHp cmpilatins. What I shuld try t d

    is get this in libraries and nce the full 12

    lumes are ut it becmes an academic set.

    I remember when i was ging t schl at

    Clby there was a jazz hrn player, Marin

    Brwn, wh came t teach as a isiting

    prfessr. Its been 25 years nw, when arethey ging t d that with Hip Hp?

    I cant een get Grandmaster Flash int the

    Rck and Rll Hall f Fame and Im n the

    bard. I put him up eery year and he gets

    the mst tes in the rm and when it ges

    t the 600 he gets the least amunt. Tw

    years nw and n Hip Hp artist in the Rckand Rll hall f Fame. See this is what we

    are up against - the lyingeers n ne side

    and the peple wh dnt cnsider Hip Hp

    Rck and Rll. Hip Hp is mre Rck and

    Rll than fucking Billy Jel r Eltn Jhn.

    At least it stands fr smething and defines

    a generatin like Chuck Berry and Little

    Richie did and they knw it. All these guys

    (writers, mangers etc) knw it and cant

    deny it but when it ges t the heads f the

    label wh te, they all te fr their wn.

    F: D yu think an answer is starting a Hip

    Hp Hall f Fame and pushing it?

    TS: That is like creating a separate bus

    fr Rsa Parks. Yu gtta say fuck it, Im

    sitting in the frnt f the bus and thats

    what Im ging t d. If the sutherners

    were smart then they wuld hae created

    a whle separate bus line just as gd as

    the nes fr Whites fr Rsa Parks. It may

    hae allwed racism t cntinue dwn theret tday but they were stupid and she was

    smart and brae.

    F: With Tmmy By Entertainment. There is

    a bigger sense t braden the hrizn. D

    yu think that is the best idea?

    TS: There is n new genre that defines a

    generatin the way Hip Hp used t define

    a generatin back in the early perid. After

    that perid it became s mainstream thatthe Times liked it and radi understd it.

    The marketers, labels and big crpratins

    all embraced it. They sld ut any way s

    it wasnt really defining anything it was just

    lining the pckets f smebdy. It became a

    questin f wh gt the prfits.

    The idea f free and unchecked rganicsystem where the cream rse t the tp was

    histry by 1992. It was a mney game at

    that pint.

    That is why this is beautiful because all the

    stuff that happened naturally. Stu (Fine f

    Wild Pitch Recrds) and I were careful in

    making sure we cer all the reginal scenesf that perid because yu culd watch hw

    Hip Hp wuld sprut in different places. I

    was just in Mrcc and [met] the biggest

    Hip Hp grup frm there. They were

    rapping in Arabic and yu culd see the

    influence and hw far its cme. I kept

    asking themhow comeI dont hear more of

    your own instruments? Why are you using

    their tracks to rap over? Do your own shit.

    Still all arund the wrld they are making

    Hip Hp recrds that sund like ur Hip Hp.

    They hae the pprtunity t make sme

    new shit that culd be big er here but nt

    if they imitate us because were nt ging t

    buy back secnds f ur shit, we want sme

    new stuff. These are guys wh are just

    ding their wn thing and le Hip Hp.

    Fr them it defines a generatin. They

    le American Hip Hp and they wuld le

    America if it didnt hae a fucked up

    President. But they understand that there is

    a difference between the peple that run urcuntry and the peple in ur cuntry and

    the reasn they understand it is because f

    Hip Hp.

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    Jay-Z shuld g er there and d a tur

    f all f the places that hate America- Id

    call it the I Hate America tur and we

    wuld g with Chuck D and ther peple and

    tur all f these places. Jesse Jacksn cant

    g there, they dnt care abut him. They

    want t hear what Jay-Z has t say, they

    wrship him.

    There wuld be mre diplmacy dne if we

    culd get a rap squad wh actually gae a

    fuck t g er t the really scary places

    where they dnt like Americans and say

    look thats not America, this is America.

    We are America too and because of our

    Democratic process misfunctioning, we havesome fucked up shit happening over here.

    F: D yu feel music r art in general is

    being heaily cmmdified in a factry type

    setting where they want ne-hit wnders

    using what has wrked befre?

    TS: They dnt want ne hit wndersbecause they cant make enugh mney n a

    ne hit wnder. The majrs are still lking

    fr an artist that can hae multiple hits but

    as sn as they think it might nt be, they

    bail n it. They [majr labels] cant affrd

    t take any risks. If yu had a recrd that

    sld 1 millin recrds last time but they

    dnt think yu can sell 500,000 this time

    they might drp yu because it culd be

    cstly fr them t bring it ut. They lk at

    their numbers and they are ery bttm line

    riented and ery risk aerse. They spend

    s much mney because they built this whle

    cst structure that they are aligning right

    nw with higher expenses s they hae t be

    careful f what they get behind.

    That is why they nly want t get behind

    artists that hae already blwn up n sme

    scene, are already selling recrds and hae

    a base s all the label has t d get is their

    name. They dnt hae t d the hard wrk

    f deelping an artist.

    Hw many majr labels hae signed a new

    artist frm scratch, ne wh hasnt had a

    recrd ut that peple are checking fr.

    What if the A&R guy says I just le this.

    Let me get behind it, spend tw years

    building it and turning it int smething

    great. That is nt what majr labels are

    ding. The indies are ding it, where they

    can, and thse artists just hae t be patient

    and pr fr as lng as it takes fr it thappen.

    It wrks better in the Suth because they

    can d a lt f shws and make mney.

    Als there are a lt f Black radi statins

    that will supprt lcal stuff - thats hw

    we brke Gucci Mane and Big Kap. [Dwn

    there] yu can get 2,000 spins a week justff f Black radi and a few crsser

    statins and that is enugh t set expsure

    fr the rest f the cuntry.

    F: Describe the peple wh wrte linings and

    prided phts fr Hip Hp Essentials.

    TS: originally artists wanted t d riginalphtgraphy f kids wearing gazelle glasses

    r name belts but we thught it wasnt ging

    t lk real - that wuld hae been the way

    majrs might hae dne it.

    I said the best thing wuld be t find

    classic things frm that perid f time, like

    fat laces and adidas shell tes and sht

    that. But Stu didnt like that idea and said

    lets find smene wh chrnicled the riginal

    stuff. We called Bill Adler wh was the head

    f PR fr Def Jam thrugh the glden ages.

    I mentined a few peple including Martha

    Cper. Martha was ne f the peple wh

    we culd get all the images frm. She was

    happy t d it and d it within ur budget

    which was really tiny due t ur sales

    expectatins fr Hip Hp Essentials.

    I felt a quarter millin peple shuld hae

    this kind f knwledge but peple dnt want

    t take a spnful f medicine. All I knw iswhen I played a ne fr Queen Latifah, she

    flipped ut and almst went int a trance.

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    If yu were arund during that perid it is

    fabulus and nstalgic but the yung kids

    that are int Hip Hp tday arent

    necessarily the cre demgraphic that we

    expect t buy it because we understand

    ignrance and hw hard it is t break

    thrugh it. But peple wh hae a nstalgic

    attachment t this perid- when they hearthis they are ging t g h my gd, I hae

    t hae this. Ill buy them all and relie that

    perid that was s amazing. Yu talk t

    peple wh were int Hip Hp in the glden

    days and play any f these recrds fr them

    and its like they hae a heart attack.

    Martha was the first phtgrapher that shtHip Hp. Shes been arund since the

    beginning dcumenting the pillars. It was

    the same thing fr the writers. We wanted

    peple wh hae been writing abut it fr

    a lng time r wrte abut it during that

    perid and were champins f it when there

    werent many champins f it. Yu lk

    fr the early pineers nt the lyingeers. Yuwant the nes wh really put there ass n

    the line trying t push music that really was

    ffensie t a lt f peple and a threat.

    F: Whats the plan after the set is cmplete.

    TS: Exprt it and get it int ther territries

    because it is imprtant t get it t the rest

    f the wrld t knw that Hip Hp grws

    here and this is where it came frm. I hpe

    that peple dnt just burn them and gie

    them t their friends. That is anther reasn

    we did the liner ntes and the art because it

    makes it smething peple want t wn.

    We picked the the big hits and the

    crssers that still get play nw and then

    we picked nes that were really imprtant

    in the perid but neer crssed. Thse that

    were nly big in a scene; like if yu were in

    NY but neer heard Egypt Egypt, which

    was a gigantic recrd n the West Cast.

    S we tried t make sure we cered neslike that and Luke Skywalker.

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    We shw Hip Hp fr the cultural and

    amazing eent that it was and is tday. It

    is nw a lifestyle and a whle business but

    in thse days it was really an amazing grup

    f eents that all happened at the same time

    and the same place. What were the dds

    that graffiti writers, breakdancers, mcs and

    turntablists wuld be in the same lcatinin the Brnx. Then a small infectin wuld

    take ff frm there and spread t the whle

    wrld. It neer has happened befre- jazz

    and maybe the blues were clse - but this is

    bigger than anything else

    Why wnt the mre articulate f these guys

    get hnrary degrees, like Chuck D rKRS-one? Why arent they speaking at

    institutins like Uniersity f Michigan? Why

    arent they getting hnrary degrees like Bill

    Csby r jazz players? Hw are they

    different? Hw ld d yu want them t

    get? Wh deseres it mre than an mc r a

    writer. Yu guys are in a place t d it and

    nce yu d it eeryne will fllw. Prettysn all f these guys will start ding it and

    this changes the perceptin that [Hip Hp] is

    an art frm. We are nt just talking abut

    50 Cent and Eminem. We are talking abut

    peple like Grandmaster Flash, Queen

    Latifah and Will Smith.

    Spread the wrd abut Hip Hp Essentials.Radi isnt ging t play it and its nt ging

    t be n Tv. The nly way t knw abut it

    is t tell peple. Each n teach ne. This is

    ur histry. Yu think abut Black

    Histry mnth and yu can g back t

    Harriet Tubman but we hae Black histry

    within last 25 years that we wrte and is

    still resnating with current generatin. S

    where did it cme frm and hw can we use

    it as a teaching mechanism. once yu g

    back t that, yu can g back t funk and

    jazz and it gets kids int it. I can see

    academic institutins really embracing it.

    This culd be the beginning f smething

    ery exciting. The mst imprtant newcultural statement that has been made in

    prbably a century is Hip Hp and yu hae

    these peple wh are still alie.

    Hip Hp can d a lt mre than it is

    currently ding. It has becme ery

    cmplacent. The peple wh are running

    Hip Hp and are at the tp f the game are

    thinking hw they can get paid mre as if

    they dnt hae enugh nw.

    They are asking whats in it fr me rather

    than asking hw can I share r sere. Until

    that dialgue changes we still will hae a

    ery big prblem in the Hip Hp cmmunity.

    When Hip Hp started it was nly hw can

    I sere that was asked. That was the spirit

    that created Hip Hp and all f the artssurrunding it. Nbdy was making mney

    ding it back then s what ther questin

    culd yu ask. If they were saying whats

    in it fr me, then they wuld hae gtten a

    jb ding smething else. [Instead] they just

    led what they were ding and were ding

    it as a means f self expressin which was

    pure. Then mney fucked it up, it alwaysdes. I like t beliee there is a way t g

    back undergrund and blast them with that

    kind f creatiity but there can be

    alternate segments, different ersins and

    ther things that make it wrk.

    With 1 billin peple ging at it, there has t

    be ne r tw peple that are int differentthings and ding smething radical. Then

    yu need peple t get behind them and all

    f a sudden there is a fllwing and

    hpefully a majr desnt sign them and put

    them n the shelf r misunderstand it all.

    Hip Hp needs its messiah.

    There needs t be smene wh cmes back

    and says smething but flips it in a way that

    nbdy has eer dne befre and all f a

    sudden peple will say h my gd, we neer

    thught abut this.

    Hip Hp will hae a whle new lease n life.

    The complete interview is available at


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  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16



    Handsmely awkward and ilent, impulsie serenity, idealemma,

    lust and le turning in circles, lking each ther in the eyes, each ne ready t attack,

    ready t make mushrm cluds in the sky ut f the ther

    peaceful and playful atmic bmb, silent last scream fr help,

    lcked in cages, staring in stark and utter blankness

    and cnsumed by a desperate insatiable hunger fr liberatin-

    the feeling f drwning with n ne arund t sae yu.

    Slw-mtin chas, the Sahara desert glazed with a sheet f petrified, crystal ice, Antarc-

    tica blazed with the fire and smke f the ancient Aztec gds returning frm their caskets,Siberia melting and burning with the spice and passin f lukewarm laa straight frm the

    center f the earth. The sun turing int a circular ice cube and falling ff the freckled face

    f a timid unierse. The Black frest grwing at the rate f bamb shts t the mn, as

    if t escape the atmsphere t becme the first nes t enter the pearly gates f heaen.

    Calm and cllect, stp, drp and (egg) rll, place xygen mask er muth, help yurself

    befre assisting thers. Deep euphric breaths s as t surie up until the mment yu

    becme a firewrks display fr a lnely Atlantic ocean.

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    THE NIGHT MY WoRLD CHANGEDbyroneshiAWilliAms

    Maam, license and registratin please

    Thse fie wrds spinnin my head,

    Ttal dread ,

    Realizin that the sweet life I had inherited

    was n lnger affrded by the nice jb my

    parents Had r the ties I had t the higher

    academic cunsels.

    N, t this fficer I was just anther nigga

    wit a nice ride,

    N jb in sight,

    Wit braided lcks and n future.

    My free flwing signal had nw been inter-

    rupted by white nise,

    Spirit frm the ther side inading my priacy.

    Scared I flipped thrugh all my belngings,

    only t find my infrmatin sitting n thether side f the dashbard.

    Smehw adjusted t the idea that at any

    gien mment,

    My blundering fllies culd be sptted and

    penalized .

    Still shuttering n the inside

    The mements were all t cmmn and h

    s autmatic,With shrt ns

    And quick yeses

    N sudden mes

    And with eyes straight frward;

    This was a typical night n the ther side

    f twn.

    Hailed as a citizen,But nt really,

    Just as lng as the taxes were paid

    And there was bld mney t be made.

    Thughts f the family I left behind,

    All sure that the wrld was better nw,

    That we n lnger had t struggle frm day

    t dayAs thse in the past had dne fr s lng.

    vices frm the years befre, penetrated my


    As I flipped back and frth frm the

    memries f the past t the idyllic missins

    f the future.

    S straight laced and aplgetic I was t

    that man,

    The ne wh held my freedm, securedfirmly in his hands

    And while minutes earlier I felt s free,

    I culdnt help but wnder if that night I

    wuld just becme anther statistic, a

    distant memry.

    Thse 5 shrt minutes felt like 50 lng

    daysAnd Lrd knws I een imagined the trture

    in jail

    Cause I figured the inmates knew s many


    Re-fcusing my attentin t the reariew,

    The man apprached my car and all time

    std still.The snw cascading frm the sky slwed in

    its curse

    And I cunted the secnds until my life was


    I waited fr the dreaded news that smene

    reprted my car as stlen

    or that I was smehw withhlding

    recreatinal gds

    or that I een had a mysterius busted tail


    The man lked at me and smiled.

    He said yu werent din anything wrng,

    But next time yu might nt be s lucky.

    He walked away,

    And with each exhale I thanked the Hly

    Father that all had been frgtten.

    What nce was secnd nature

    Became a planned adenture

    And while thse fie wrds I heard nce and

    was dne,I knew they wuld hld real weight fr

    thers just like me

    Fr many years t cme.

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    CooL AS A FANbyAshlee Arder

    Chuck English and Mikey Rcks, als knwn as The Cl Kids, hae taken the undergrund

    Hip Hp scene by strm. The Chicag rap du deliers catchy, psitie lyrics er beats

    infused with sul trembling bass. What began as a Myspace friendship has transfrmed int

    a mement. Just as many ther musical cllabratins, by bth big names and lcal artists,

    hae riginated n Myspace, Mikey and Chuck English swapped music ia Myspace befre

    eer hking up.

    Besides their ability t rap (especially abut smething ther than bitches and hes) The

    Cl Kids hae incrprated BMX bikes int their creatie equatin. With their ppular sng

    Black Mags, the grup brags nt abut the rims n their luxury cars, but abut the wheels

    n their BMX bikes.

    The Cl Kids are nt nly fun t listen t,

    but als t lk at. Its as if these guys

    hpped int a time machine, went shppingin a 1988 street butique, and then

    returned t 2008. Their wardrbe,

    cmplete with thick, gld rpe chains and

    windbreaker jackets, is a statement n its


    These guys are all abut change. They hae

    shwn that its nt nly cl t rap abutbikes, but that self expressin can cme in

    any frm. Its k t sund, lk and act

    differently frm thse arund yu. Many

    wuld say that the rap game has been in

    need f a change fr quite sme time. Hw

    many mre peple are there t kill, bitches

    t fuck and ways t spend mney? And

    althugh the dance-inspired sngs thathae taken er ur teleisins and radis are fun t imitate, hw many mre f thse can

    we endure? The Cl Kids hae nt nly thrwn a mnkey wrench int tdays rap scene,

    but hae dne s genuinely and psitiely.

  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16


    THE HANDS oF TIMEbyJonAthAn desir

    once upn these hands, the sands f my

    essence was hastened by life

    Nw it seems like life, is merely time, merely


    I marel at hw I define yur eternity but

    nly humanity is my prey

    Yu see, mankind depends n its predatr

    Since the dawn f my birth the unierse was

    cursed with the wrst plague that will ne

    day put the earth in a hearse

    There is nt a single piece f matter that

    isnt effected by me

    Thugh time is cntingent n its

    enirnment, I am ut f harms way

    I speak in sign language because actins

    speak luder than wrds

    And because I lathe the blackhles acuum

    ce with the darkness and slight current f

    atmsphere whisping thrugh the id,

    whispering taunts f times kryptniteThis lack f presence disgusts me

    Its resistance prmpted me t pummel the

    presence with a pwerful persistence pushed

    upn pens

    Smetimes driing me t a glbe f times

    cliche, time after time, I time trael thrugh

    time znes just t stp time, but im always

    n time time and time again, wndering whenis irreleant

    My father time and grandfather clck

    nicknamed me sundial

    My head gt s big that if yu dialed nine

    144,445 times yud get an utside line

    which wuld shw yu hw many f yur

    planets culd fit inside

    And nce I g big bang, existence n lngerexists

    In realizing this I am nw taking er, its

    shwtime, histry desnt repeat itself, I d

    Secnd after secnd, yu better watch yur

    watch cause nly time will tell

    I am f the essence, I heal all wunds, I am

    running ut, dnt let me pass yu by

    Pathetically yu try t trick me by trippingmy leap year tracks

    Crdinating yur csmic clcks with NASA

    trying t defy the aging prcess with speed

    A glrius plan indeed but yu cannt escape

    my clutch

    I will find yu, light frm a distant star may

    take years fr yu t see, but thats k, I

    will find yu, because I rchestrate that fact

    I le t trture yu, truth is I am why time

    feels shrter each and eery day f yur lifeI am why time flies when yu are haing fun

    and s slw when yu are bred, waiting t

    get up and g

    Seems like I was always arund during

    childhd, just think back fr a mment, this

    nes n me

    Didnt days feel like endless imaginatin

    jurneys thrugh my fabricNw its a shame yu cant buy sme time

    with yur fixatin n the almighty multi-

    clred new American dllar

    And they say time is mney, yu will neer

    be able t affrd me

    s keep wrshiping the dw jnes dwn

    syndrme, but yu nw shall sin alne

    Dnt yu just le time, time is like leYu cannt see me but yu must admit that

    im there, unfrtunately chclate cannt

    replicate my cmpnents

    G ahead and try t figure me ut thrugh

    yur chrnlgical chrnemics, try t

    cmmunicate with me thrugh yur sched-

    ules, palm pilts, cmputers, calendars and

    clcks, day planners and data banks

    I am nt listening, keep trying t find what

    makes me tick, yur big business is small

    time and yur ticking me ff, eeryday yu

    questin me, what time is it? what time is

    it? what time is it? Yur manmade answers

    are meaningless, I will nt respnd

    I will nly cntinue n my uninterupted path

    tward freer, I am infatuated with the

    cycle f infinity, she has gt the best f me

    until we reach the white dwarf at the end f

    this timelines timeless rad that is


  • 8/3/2019 INSIGHT Magazine | Issue #16



    This June, fifteen American artists and students between the ages f 18-

    30 will be selected t participate in GYPAs Internatinal Art Schl Immer-

    sin. This is a unique pprtunity t learn frm Ugandas best and brightest

    artists and instructrs frm the Makerere Uniersity Schl f Industrial and

    Fine Arts. The Art Schl will take place n the shres f Lake victria at

    the Nagenda Internatinal Academy f Art and Design (NIAAD).

    Since the funding f the Schl f Fine Arts in 1937, Ugandas MakerereUniersity has been East Africas leader in innatie fine arts educatin,

    prductin and schlarship.

    Art Schl participants will experience a 2.5 week art-intensie prgram

    fcusing n a ariety tpics including: African fine art techniques in disci-

    plines such as painting, drawing and sculpture; African art histry; African

    culture and its encuragement f industriusness and artistic expressin;

    and mre. These curses will take place in a ariety f class settings that

    will include the incrpratin f Ugandas lush and beautiful landscapes.

    Cntact Internatinal Art Schl Immersin Crdinatr, Sharn Wlf, fr

    mre infrmatin: [email protected]; phne: 847.769.1338.


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