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Inspection Techniques

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  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    Inspection Techniques

    Lecture delivered by :

    Jawed AhsanPak Arab Fertilizer (Pvt ! Ltd

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques



    # $aterials# %eat Treat&ent#

    'eldin# Pressure )essel*%eat +,chan er "hecklist

    # -tora e tank Inspection "heck List# .T Procedure# PT Procedure

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    # Metal Properties# There is no si&ple de/inition o/ &etal0 however1

    any che&ical ele&ent havin 2&etallicproperties3 is classed as a &etal 2$etallicproperties3 are de/ined as ood ther&al and

    electrical conductivity1 and the capability o/bein per&anently shaped or de/or&ed at roo&te&perature "he&ical ele&ents lackin theseproperties are classed as non&etals A /ewele&ents1 known as &etalloids1 so&eti&esbehave like a &etal and at other ti&es like anon&etal -o&e e,a&ples o/ &etalloids are as/ollows: carbon1 phosphorus1 silicon1 and sul/ur

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    An 2alloy3 is de/ined as a substance havin&etallic properties that is co&posed o/ twoor &ore ele&ents The ele&ents used asalloyin substances are usually &etals or&etalloids The properties o/ an alloy di//er/ro& the properties o/ the pure &etals or&etalloids that &ake up the alloy and thisdi//erence is what creates the use/ulnesso/ alloys

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    # Mechanical Properties# -tren th1 hardness1 tou hness1 elasticity1

    plasticity1 brittleness1 and ductility and&alleability are &echanical properties used as&easure&ents o/ how &etals behave under aload These properties are described in ter&s o/the types o/ /orce or stress that the &etal &ustwithstand and how these are resisted

    # "o&&on types o/ stress are co&pression1tension1 shear1 torsion1 i&pact1 or a co&binationo/ these stresses1 such as /ati ue "o&pressionstresses develop within a &aterial when /orcesco&press or crush the &aterial A colu&n thatsupports an overhead bea& is in co&pression1and the internal stresses that develop within thecolu&n are co&pression

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    # -tren th is the property that enables a &etal toresist de/or&ation under load The ulti&atestren th is the &a,i&u& strain a &aterial can

    withstand Tensile stren th is a &easure&ent o/the resistance to bein pulled apart whenplaced in a tension load

    # Hardness%ardness is the property o/ a &aterial to resistper&anent indentation 4ecause there areseveral &eth5ods o/ &easurin hardness1 thehardness o/ a &aterial is always speci/ied inter&s o/ the particular test that was used to&easure this property .ockwell1 )ickers1 or4rinell are so&e o/ the &ethods o/ testin

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    # Toughness

    Tou hness is the property that enables a&aterial to withstand shock and to bede/or&ed without rupturin

    Tou hness &ay be considered as aco&bination o/ stren th and plasticity

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    # Elasticity'hen a &aterial has a load applied to it1 theload causes the &aterial to de/or& +lasticity isthe ability o/ a &aterial to return to its ori inalshape a/ter the load is re&oved Theoretically1the elastic li&it o/ a &aterial is the li&it to which

    a &aterial can be loaded and still recover itsori inal shape a/ter the load is re&oved# Plasticity

    Plasticity is the ability o/ a &aterial to de/or&per&anently without breakin or rupturin Thisprop5erty is the opposite o/ stren th

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    # Brittleness4rittleness is the opposite o/ the property o/plasticity

    # A brittle &etal is one that breaks or shattersbe/ore it de/or&s 'hite cast iron and lass areood e,a&ples o/ brittle &aterial

    # Ductility and Malleability

    6uctility is the property that enables a &aterial tostretch1 bend1 or twist without crackin orbreakin This property &akes it possible /or a&aterial to be drawn out into a thin wire Inco&parison1 &alleability is the property thatenables a &aterial to de/or& by co&pressive/orces without developin de/ects A &alleable&aterial is one that can be sta&ped1 ha&&ered1/or ed1 pressed1 or rolled into thin sheets

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    # CORROSION RESIST NCE"orrosion resistance1 althou h not a&echanical property1 is i&portant in thediscussion o/ &etals "orrosion resistance isthe property o/ a &etal that ives it the abilityto withstand attacks /ro& at&ospheric1

    che&ical1 or electroche&ical conditions"orrosion1 so&eti&es called o,idation1 isillustrated by the rustin o/ iron

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    # Metal TypesThe &etals that steelworkers work with aredivided into two eneral classi/ications: /errousand non/errous

    # !ERRO"S MET #SFerrous &etals include all /or&s o/ iron and steel

    alloys A /ew e,a&ples include wrou ht iron1cast iron1 carbon steels1 alloy steels1 and toolsteels Ferrous &etals are iron5base alloys withs&all percenta es o/ carbon and other ele&ents

    added to achieve desirable properties 7or&ally1/errous &etals are &a netic and non/errous&etals are non&a netic

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    # C ST IRON$% "ast iron is any ironcontainin reater than 89 carbon alloy"ast iron has a hi h5co&5pressive

    stren th and ood wear resistance0however1 it lacks ductility1 &alleability1 andi&pact stren th Alloyin it with nickel1chro&iu&1 &olybdenu&1 silicon1 or

    vanadiu& i&proves tou hness1 tensilestren th1 and hardness A &alleable castiron is produced throu h a easily as thelow5carbon steels They are used /orcrane prolon ed annealin processhooks1 a,les1 sha/ts1 setscrews1 and soon

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    # Carbon steel is a ter& applied to a broad ran eo/ steel that /alls between the co&&ercially purein ot iron and the cast irons This ran e o/

    carbon steel &ay be classi/ied into /our roups:# Low5"arbon -teel ;9 to < 9carbon

    # $ediu&5"arbon -teel < 9 to =;9

    carbon# %i h5"arbon -teel =;9 to >;9

    carbon# )ery %i h5"arbon -teel >;9 to ? > 9


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    # ST IN#ESS STEE#$% This type o/ steel is clas5si/iedby the A&erican Iron and -teel Institute (AI-I! into two

    eneral series na&ed the 8 5< series and =

    series +ach series includes several types o/ steel withdi//erent characteristics# The 8 5< series o/ stainless steel is known as

    A@-T+7ITI" This type o/ steel is very tou h and

    ductile in the as5welded condition0 there/ore1 it is ideal/or weldin and requires no annealin under nor&alat&ospheric conditions The &ost well5known types o/steel in this series are the < =

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    # ##O& STEE#S$% -teels that derive their propertiespri&arily /ro& the presence o/ so&e alloyin ele&entother than carbon are called ALLDE- or ALLDE

    -T++L- 7ote1 however1 that alloy steels alwayscontain traces o/ other ele&ents A&on the &oreco&&on alloyin ele&ents are nickel1 chro&iu&1vanadiu&1 $an nese1 and tun sten Dne or &ore o/these ele&ents &ay be added to the steel durin the&anu/acturin process to produce the desiredcharacteristics

    # Alloy steels &ay be produced in structural sections1

    sheets1 plates1 and bars /or use in the 2as5rolled3condition 4etter physical properties are obtained withthese steels than are possible with hot5rolled carbonsteels

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    # NON!ERRO"S MET #S# 7on/errous &etals contain either no iron or only

    insi ni/icant a&ounts used as an alloy -o&e o/the &ore co&&on non/errous &etalssteelworkers work with are as /ollows: copper1brass1 bronze1 copper5nick

    # Monel$onel is an alloy in which nickel is the &a orele&ent It contains /ro& B=9 to BC9 nickel1about < 9 copper1 and s&all percenta es o/iron1 &an anese1 and cobalt $onel is harderand stron er than either nickel or copper and

    has hi h ductility It rese&bles stainless steel inappearance and has &any o/ its qualities

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    # InconelInconel is co&posed o/ >C ;9 nickel1 ?=9chro&iu&1 B ;9 iron1 and ?9 o/ otherele&ents It o//ers ood resistance tocorrosion and retains its stren th at hi h5operatin te&peratures

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    Heat Treat'ent# The process o/ heat treatin is the &ethod by

    which &etals are heated and cooled in a series

    o/ speci/ic operations that never allow the &etalto reach the &olten state The purpose o/ heattreatin is to &ake a &etal &ore use/ul bychan in or restorin its &echanical propertiesThrou h heat treatin 1 we can &ake a &etal

    harder1 stron er1 and &ore resistant to i&pact Also1 heat treatin can &ake a &etal so/ter and&ore ductile The one disadvanta e is that noheat5treatin procedure can produce all o/ thesecharacteristics in one operation -o&e

    properties are i&proved at the e,pense o/others0 /or e,a&ple1 hardenin a &etal &ay&ake it brittle

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    # Heat(Treating Theory# The various types o/ heat5treatin processes

    are si&ilar because they all involve the heatinand coolin o/ &etals0 they di//er in the heatinte&peratures and the coolin rates used andthe /inal results The usual &ethods o/ heat5

    treatin /errous &etals (&etals with iron! areannealin 1 nor&alizin 1 hardenin 1 andte&perin $ost non/errous &etals can beannealed1 but never te&pered1 nor&alized1 orcase5hardened

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    # Stages o) Heat Treat'ent# %eat treatin is acco&plished in three

    &a or sta es:# -ta e lG%eatin the &etal slowly to

    ensure a uni/or& te&perature# -ta e 8G-oakin (holdin ! the &etal at a

    iven te&perature /or a iven ti&e andcoolin the &etal to roo& te&perature

    # -ta e

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    # '+L6I7H# -$A'# -hielded &etal arc weldin is per/or&ed by

    strikin an arc between a coated5&etal electrodeand the base &etal Dnce the arc has beenestablished1 the &olten &etal /ro& the tip o/ theelectrode /lows to ether with the &olten &etal/ro& the ed es o/ the base &etal to /or&a sound

    oint This process is known as fusion $Thecoatin /ro& the electrode /or&s a coverin overthe weld deposit1 shieldin it /ro& conta&ination0there/ore the process is called shielded metal

    arc welding $The &ain advanta es o/ shielded&etal arc weldin are that hi h5quality welds are&ade rapidly at a low cost

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    # *E#D OINTS

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    # *E#D +OINTS# The weld joint is where two or &ore &etal

    parts are oined by weldin The /ive basictypes o/ weld oints are the butt1 corner1tee1 lap1 and ed e

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    *E#DIN, S&MBO#S

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    '+L6I7H $A"%I7+-

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    '+L6I7H +L+"T.D6+-

    P.+--@.+ )+--+L*%+AT + "%A7H+.

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    P. @. ) L % AT %A7H ."%+" LI-T

    # ? Thickness Hau in or @T -cannin# 8 76T i/ required# < )isual Inspection

    # = "orrosion .ate 6eter&ination# ; "orrosion $ini&u& Thk +valuation# B .e&ainin Li/e 6eter&ination# > .epair Procedure 6evelop&ent i/ required# C .e ratin# K %ydro testin

    TD AH TA7 I7 P "TID7

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    -TD.AH+ TA7 I7-P+"TID7"%+" LI-T

    # ? Actual thickness deter&ination# 8 4otto& Plate thickness deter&ination# < 4otto& Leak detection

    # = Inspection o/ Tank .oo/ # ; tank Foundation Inspection# B "athodic Protection -urvey

    # > .epair o/ de/ects and Inspection# C Peakin 1 bendin Plu&b ness inspection

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    .T Procedure

    S"R! CE PREP R TION# T%+ '+L6 .IPPL+- D. '+L6 [email protected]"+

    [email protected]+- D7 4DT% T%+ I7-I6+ A76D@T-I6+ -%ALL 4+ .+$D)+6 4E A7E -@ITA4L+$+T%D6 TD -@"% A 6+H.++ T%AT T%+.+-@LTI7H .A6IDH.AP%I" I$AH+ 6@+ [email protected]+- "A7 7DT $A- D. 4+"D7F@-+6 'IT% T%+ I$AH+ DF A7E6I-"D7TI7@ITE

    # SE#ECTION O! SO"RCE - !I#M# APP.DP.IAT+ -D@."+ A76 FIL$ -%ALL 4+

    -+L+"T+6 A""D.6I7H TD T%+ TEP+ A76T%I" 7+-- DF T%+ $AT+.IAL

    # I6+7TIFI"ATID7 $A. I7H

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    # T%+ FDLLD'I7H I7FD.$ATID7 -%ALL APP+A. D7 T%+ .A6IDH.AP% A-.A6IDH.AP%I" I$AH+- ALD7H -I6+T%+ '+L6 A76 AT A 6I-TA7"+ ;$$F.D$ T%+ +6H+ DF T%+ '+L6 -+A$

    # 6.A'I7H 7@$4+.# PD-ITID7 7@$4+.# "D$PA7E 7A$+# '+L6+. 7@$4+.# JDI7T 7@$4+.# 6AT+ D7 '%I"% T%+ .A6IDH.AP% I-

    TA +7# 6IA$+T+. D. T%I" 7+-- DF -P+"I$+7

    # IM ,E ." #IT& INDIC TORS /I.I0

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    # APP.DP.IAT+ 'I.+ TEP+ I$AH+ @ALITEI76I"ATD. -%ALL 4+ -+L+"T+6 A- P+.T%I" 7+-- DF T+-T -P+"I$+7 T%+ $AT+.IAL DF

    I I TD 4+ @-+6 -%ALL 4+ T%+ -A$+ A- T%AT DFT%+ T+-T -P+"I$+7!I#M P# CIN,

    # T%+ FIL$ -%ALL 4+ PLA"+6 A- "LD-+ A-PD--I4L+ TD T%+ T+-T -P+"I$+7 A76 IT- PLA7+-%ALL 4+ A- P+.P+76I"@LA. A- PD--I4L+ TDT%+ A I- DF T%+ 4+A$


    # FIL$- 'IT% L+A6 -".++7 -%ALL 4+ @-+6 TD$I7I$IM+ T%+ +FF+"T DF -"ATT+.+6 .A6IATID7


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    # T%D-+ I6+7TIFI"ATID7 $A. +.- '%I"% %A)+TD APP+A. A- .A6IDH.AP%I" I$AH+- -%ALL 4+PLA"+6 D7 T%+ T+-T -P+"I$+7 AT A 6I-TA7"+DF AT L+A-T ;$$ D7 +A"% -I6+ F.D$ T%+ +6H+DF T%+ '+L6$+7TP# CEMENT O! I.I

    # 'I.+ TEP+ I I -%ALL 4+ PLA"+6 A".D-- T%+'+L6 A76 AT T%+ +76 DF T%+ L+7HT% DF T%+'+L6 TD 4+ .A6IDH.AP%+6 I7 -@"% A 'AE T%ATT%+ T%I77+-T 'I.+ I7 T%+ I I I- [email protected]%+-TF.D$ T%+ 4+A$ A I- A76 T%+ I6+7TIFI"ATID7$A. - DF T%+ I I 6D 7DT $A- A7E PD.TID7 DFT%+ I$AH+ DF T%+ '+L6 TD 4+ I7T+.P.+T+6T%+ I I -%ALL AL'AE- 4+ PLA"+6 D7 T%+-D@."+ -I6+ (+ "+PT I7 6D@4L+ 'ALL -I7HL+I$AH+ T+"%7I @+ I7 PIP+- P.D)I6+6 7D

    A""+-- I- PD--I4L+ TD T%+ I7-I6+ DF T%+ PIP+!

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    # 3IE*IN,

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    # T%+ .A6IDH.AP%- -%ALL 4+ + A$I7+6 I7 A6A. +7+6 .DD$ D7 A7 ILL@$I7AT+6 6IFF@-I7H-".++7 A76 T%+ ILL@$I7AT+6 A.+A -%ALL 4+

    $A. +6 TD T%+ $I7I$@$ .+ @I.+6 FD.)I+'I7H T%+ .A6IDH.AP%I" I$AH+ T%+4.IH%T7+-- DF T%+ )I+'I7H -".++7 -%ALLP.+F+.A4LE 4+ A6J@-T+6 -D A- TD ALLD'-ATI-FA"TD.E .+A6I7H DF T%+ .A6IDH.AP%-


    I7T+.P.+T+6 4E @ALIFI+6 I7-P+"TD. T%+I7T+.P.+T+. -%D@L6 %A)+ HDD6 +E+5-IH%T

    'IT% D. 'IT%D@T HLA--+-

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    PT Procedure

    # T%+ T+$P+.AT@.+ .A7H+ FD.P+7+T.A7T T+-TI7H -%ALL 4+ F.D$ ?BN"TD ;8N"

    # T%+ P+.-D7 '%D "A..I+- D@TP+7+T.A7T T+-TI7H -%ALL 4+ @ALIFI+6

    # T%+ + A$I7+. -%ALL %A)+ A77@AL)I-ID7 T+-T1 'IT% "D..+"TID7 IF

    7++6+61 AL-D %+ -%ALL 4+ "APA4L+ DF6I-TI7H@I-%I7H "D7T.A-T 4+T'++7"DLD.-

    # [email protected]"+ TD 4+ T+-T+6 4E LI @I6

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    @ @P+7+T.A7T -%ALL 4+ "L+A7+6 'IT%-DL)+7T- TD .+$D)+1 H.+A-+1 DIL6I.T +T" [email protected]"+ "A7 4+4.@-%+6 D. H.I76+6 4@T -A764LA-TI7H I- P.D%I4IT+6

    # [email protected]"+ TD 4+ + A$I7+6 -%ALL 4+T%D.D@H%LE 6.E AFT+. "L+A7I7H

    # P+7+T.A7T "A7 4+ APPLI+6 4E

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    -P.AEI7H D. 4.@-%I7H P+7+T.ATID7 TI$+ FD. P+7+T.A7T

    -%ALL 4+ I7 A""D.6A7"+ 'IT% T%+.+"D$$+76ATID7- DF$A7@FA"T@.+.

    # + "+-- P+7+T.A7T -%ALL 4+.+$D)+6 4E 'IPI7H 'IT% "LDT% D.

    A4-D.4+7T PAP+. @-I7H -DL)+7T1

    AFT+. T%+ +LAP-I7H DFP+7+T.ATID7 TI$+

    # AFT+. "D$PL+T+ .+$D)AL DF

  • 8/9/2019 Inspection Techniques


    )+ "+-- P+7+T.A7T [email protected]"+ -%ALL4+ 6.I+6 4+FD.+ APPLI"ATID7 DF6+)+LDP+.

    # T%+ 6+)+LDP+. -%ALL 4+ APPLI+6 AFT+. '+LL AHITATI7H1 T%+ 7DMML+

    -%ALL 4+ +PT AT A 6I-TA7"+1 $D.+T%A7 < $$5FD.$ [email protected]"+

    # FI7AL I7T+.P.+TATID7 -%ALL 4+

    $A6+ 'IT% I7 > TD < $I7@T+- AFT+. APPLI"ATID7 DF 6+)+LDP+.
