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Inspiration Motivation Yls(Amended)

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1 Inspiration and Motivation Inspiration and Motivation the driven force” the driven force” Presentation by Presentation by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail For Youth Leadership Seminar For Youth Leadership Seminar Theme: Da’wahpreneur: “Incubating Social Initiatives” Theme: Da’wahpreneur: “Incubating Social Initiatives” 15 May 2005 15 May 2005 RELC International Hotel RELC International Hotel Singapore Singapore ©2005ZhulkefleeHjIsmail.
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““ Inspiration and Motivation Inspiration and Motivation – the driven force”– the driven force”

Pre se ntation byPre se ntation byUstaz Zhulke fle e Hj IsmailUstaz Zhulke fle e Hj Ismail

For Youth Le ade rship S e minarFor Youth Le ade rship S e minarThe me : Da’wahpre ne ur: “Incubating S ocial Initiative s”The me : Da’wahpre ne ur: “Incubating S ocial Initiative s”

15 May 200515 May 2005RELC Inte rnational Hote l RELC Inte rnational Hote l

S ingaporeS ingapore


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The me : Da’wahpre ne ur: The me : Da’wahpre ne ur: “Incubating S ocial Initiativ e s”“Incubating S ocial Initiativ e s”

Reflecting the Theme ……point to Reflecting the Theme ……point to ponder…..!ponder…..!

What are we incubating?

“Social initiatives in Da’wah or Da’wah in Social initiatives?”


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Inspirational for Inspirational for Da’ wahDa’ wah

Truth and Beauty of IslamTruth and Beauty of Islam The model of our Prophet s.a.w.The model of our Prophet s.a.w. ““Rah-matan lil- ‘ aa-la-meenRah-matan lil- ‘ aa-la-meen”” Exemplary personalities in Exemplary personalities in

Islamic historyIslamic history Personal encountersPersonal encounters


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Motivational for Motivational for Da’ wahDa’ wah

““.. .. S hu-hadaa-a ‘alan-naasS hu-hadaa-a ‘alan-naas ”” Shahadahtain – self-activationShahadahtain – self-activation “ “ ....ma-’aas -S aa-diqe e nma-’aas -S aa-diqe e n” - peers ” - peers

and like-minded Muslimsand like-minded Muslims My teachers and our own My teachers and our own

Ulama’Ulama’ Appreciating our historyAppreciating our history


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Motivational for Motivational for Da’ wahDa’ wah

IMPORTANT LESSONSIMPORTANT LESSONS:: Knowledge – Knowledge – “parable of the circle”“parable of the circle”..


Black line indicates our encounter with knowledge which we now realize we do not know;Which motivates us to acquire them. The green area represents whatever

Knowledge that we have.

White space representsInfinite Knowledge“We don’t even knowthat we don’t know them”

The beginning of Wisdom is when you realize you do not know!

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Motivational for Motivational for Da’ wahDa’ wah

IMPORTANT LESSONSIMPORTANT LESSONS:: Knowledge – Knowledge – “parable of the circle”“parable of the circle”..


When new knowledge gain, the circleexpands. But with this expansion the circumference, black line, also increases.Remember: Black line indicates our encounter with knowledge which we now realize we do not know

The green area represents whateverKnowledge that we have.

White space representsInfinite Knowledge“We don’t even knowthat we don’t know them”

“The more we know, the more will we encounter aspects of knowledge which we do not know. And only realization of this which motivates us to grow in learning”

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Motivational for Motivational for Da’ wahDa’ wah

IMPORTANT LESSONS:IMPORTANT LESSONS: What I learn from the ways of my teachers: What I learn from the ways of my teachers:

““Sometimes a way to motivate action in Sometimes a way to motivate action in students is to tolerate their childish students is to tolerate their childish fantasy in regard to their having high fantasy in regard to their having high sense of self-esteem; but do not sense of self-esteem; but do not overlook to remind them of Adab*overlook to remind them of Adab*””

* “Adab” – sense of proportion and knowledge of placing things in their rightful place. Absence of which indicates injustice (zulm).


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Motivational for Motivational for Da’ wahDa’ wah

IMPORTANT LESSONSIMPORTANT LESSONS::““Da’wah has 3 pillars: Da’wah has 3 pillars: - - ‘ilm‘ilm (knowledge); (knowledge); tarbiyyah / ta’dibiyyahtarbiyyah / ta’dibiyyah

(training/education); and (training/education); and JihaadJihaad (striving with utmost).” (striving with utmost).”


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““Da’wah” – what it means to Da’wah” – what it means to me….me….

ٱدع إلى سبيل ربك بٱلحكمةوٱلموعظة ٱلحسنة‌ وجـدلهمبٱلتى هى أحسن‌ إن ربك هو

أعلم بمن ضل عن سبيلهۦ‌ وهوأعلم بٱلمهتدين

((Q: an-Nahl : 16 : 125Q: an-Nahl : 16 : 125))©2005ZhulkefleeHjIsmail.

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““Da’wah” – what it means to Da’wah” – what it means to me….me….

““ Call thou (all mankind) unto the way of Thy Lord, Call thou (all mankind) unto the way of Thy Lord, with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in the most kindly manner: for behold, with them in the most kindly manner: for behold, thy Lord knows best as to who strays from His thy Lord knows best as to who strays from His

path, and best knows He as to who are the right-path, and best knows He as to who are the right-guided”guided”

((Q: an-Nahl : 16 : 125Q: an-Nahl : 16 : 125))


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““Da’wah” – what it means to Da’wah” – what it means to me….me….


With Wisdom,With Wisdom, With goodly exhortation,With goodly exhortation, If argument must be in the must If argument must be in the must

kindly manner.kindly manner.


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““Da’wah” – what it means to Da’wah” – what it means to me….me….

لقد جاءڪم رسول من أنفسڪمعزيز عليه ما عنتم حريص

عليڪم بٱلمؤمنين رءوف رحيم

((Q: at-Tawbah : 9 : 128Q: at-Tawbah : 9 : 128))©2005ZhulkefleeHjIsmail.

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““Da’wah” – what it means to Da’wah” – what it means to me….me….

““ Indeed, there has come unto you (O mankind) a Indeed, there has come unto you (O mankind) a Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) from among Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) from among

yourselves: heavily weighs upon him [the yourselves: heavily weighs upon him [the thought] that you might suffer [in the life to thought] that you might suffer [in the life to

come]; full of concern for you [is he, and] full of come]; full of concern for you [is he, and] full of compassion and mercy towards the believers”compassion and mercy towards the believers”

((Q: at-Tawbah : 9 : 128Q: at-Tawbah : 9 : 128))


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““Da’wah” – what it means to Da’wah” – what it means to me….me….

محمد رسول ٱل‌ وٱلذين معه ۥأشداء على ٱلكفار رحماء بينہم‌

هم ركعا سجدا يبتغون فضل ترمن ٱل ورضوٲنا‌ سيماهم فى

وجوههم من أثر ٱلسجود‌ ((Q: al-Fath : 48 : 29Q: al-Fath : 48 : 29))


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““Da’wah” – what it means to Da’wah” – what it means to me….me….

““ Muhammad is Allah’ s Messenger; and those who Muhammad is Allah’ s Messenger; and those who are [truly] with him are firm and unyielding are [truly] with him are firm and unyielding towards all deniers of the truth, [yet] full of towards all deniers of the truth, [yet] full of

mercy towards one another. You can see them mercy towards one another. You can see them bowing down, prostrating themselves [in prayer], bowing down, prostrating themselves [in prayer], seeking favor with Allah and [for His] goodly seeking favor with Allah and [for His] goodly

acceptance: their marks are on their faces, traced acceptance: their marks are on their faces, traced by prostration”by prostration”

((Q: al-Fath : 48 : 29Q: al-Fath : 48 : 29))


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The title or appellation of “Da-’i” – The title or appellation of “Da-’i” – a reflectiona reflection ………….. …………..


the (exemplary) DA-’I (par the (exemplary) DA-’I (par excellence)excellence)

“ …“ …ad-Daa-’iyan ilaAllaaha bi-idz-nihi….”ad-Daa-’iyan ilaAllaaha bi-idz-nihi….”


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“Da-’i” – title indicating a high station in the hierarchy of ranks amongst ‘ulama’ of Islam.

title accorded with certain criteria. “the title or appellation of a “Da-’i”

should not be carelessly used just because a Muslim is doing or helping in work of Da’wah”

The title or appellation of “Da-’i” – The title or appellation of “Da-’i” – a reflection …………..a reflection …………..


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“The learned and wise among Muslims must use constant vigilance in detecting

erroneous usage in language which impinges upon semantic change in major

key elements and creates general confusion and error in the understanding

of Islam and of its worldview.”

Quote: S M Naquib al-Attas “The Concept of Education in Islam” pp. 37-38



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DA’AWAHDA’AWAH – today, has been – today, has been understood generally, to refer to understood generally, to refer to every initiatives to call people every initiatives to call people towards adhering to every towards adhering to every teachings of Islam, without any teachings of Islam, without any distinction with regards to the distinction with regards to the audience concerned (al-mad’uun). audience concerned (al-mad’uun).


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DA’WAH DA’WAH – in the original sense refers to – in the original sense refers to the calling of mankind (unbelievers).the calling of mankind (unbelievers).

For Muslims, For Muslims, DA’WAH DA’WAH (the call) is still (the call) is still continuously done but more towards continuously done but more towards their gradual improvement and their gradual improvement and perfection in Islam. This, technically is perfection in Islam. This, technically is regarded as “regarded as “ISLAHISLAH” – to distinguish it ” – to distinguish it from the original meaning of Da’wah from the original meaning of Da’wah which is directed to non-Muslims.which is directed to non-Muslims.


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Muslim activists’ understanding of meaning of Muslim activists’ understanding of meaning of DA’WAH should not be only the general, but must DA’WAH should not be only the general, but must know its detail connotation, so as to be able to know its detail connotation, so as to be able to distinguish between:distinguish between:

DA’ WAHDA’ WAH – directed towards non-Muslims, which – directed towards non-Muslims, which primarily this term is meant for. Unfortunately this primarily this term is meant for. Unfortunately this aspect has now been almost totally neglected. Some aspect has now been almost totally neglected. Some called it “called it “direct da’wahdirect da’wah””

ISLAHISLAH – for every initiatives to bring about – for every initiatives to bring about improvements towards Muslims, through calling, improvements towards Muslims, through calling, educating and carrying out their social duties. Those educating and carrying out their social duties. Those who know, regards these efforts as “who know, regards these efforts as “indirect da’wahindirect da’wah””



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ISLAH ’DA WAH Objectives are Objectives are

towards our own towards our own people; we can people; we can easily determine easily determine their needs which their needs which usually are of usually are of immediate nature, immediate nature, short term; tends to short term; tends to become seasonal.become seasonal.

Objectives are Objectives are towards non-towards non-Muslims; we have to Muslims; we have to develop their need develop their need for Islam; programs for Islam; programs usually have to be usually have to be long-term and long-term and prioritize towards a prioritize towards a long-term objective long-term objective and require and require commitment for commitment for ‘long hauls’.‘long hauls’.


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““Clients” generally Clients” generally homogeneous, with homogeneous, with many similar values many similar values and they may and they may already be ready to already be ready to receive intervention receive intervention and easily and easily supportive of supportive of program.program.

““Clients” are diverse Clients” are diverse with differing values with differing values and may even have and may even have ‘hostile’ attitude. ‘hostile’ attitude. Need to be sensitive Need to be sensitive and we cannot and we cannot assume receptivity. assume receptivity.


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Exclusive (i.e. tends to Exclusive (i.e. tends to be inward looking be inward looking primarily for Muslim primarily for Muslim community.) Thus community.) Thus activists’ knowledge, activists’ knowledge, comfort level and comfort level and confidence in dealing confidence in dealing with their clients easily with their clients easily developed to suit their developed to suit their work with clients or work with clients or audience.audience.

Inclusive (i.e. must look Inclusive (i.e. must look outside our community). outside our community). Thus activists’ Thus activists’ knowledge, comfort level knowledge, comfort level and confidence in dealing and confidence in dealing with their clients cannot with their clients cannot be assumed but require be assumed but require specific and intensive specific and intensive preparation, especially preparation, especially their knowledge of other their knowledge of other communities.communities.


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Activists’ Activists’ developmental needs developmental needs can be only focused on can be only focused on the project at hand; the project at hand; need not have to know need not have to know bigger picture. Can bigger picture. Can have different activist. have different activist. Can harness their Can harness their personal professional personal professional expertise, as high level expertise, as high level of religious knowledge of religious knowledge need not be so crucial a need not be so crucial a requirement.requirement.

Activists’ developmental Activists’ developmental needs must all be needs must all be focused on Da’wah and focused on Da’wah and therefore require therefore require commitment for commitment for continuous training. continuous training. Need to utilize same Need to utilize same activists’ involvement in activists’ involvement in various projects. various projects. Relatively high level of Relatively high level of religious knowledge is religious knowledge is crucial.crucial.


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Program can Program can have a general have a general approach; can approach; can assume wide assume wide catchments of catchments of audience.audience.

Program must be Program must be carefully planned, carefully planned, specific and must specific and must be sensitive in be sensitive in approach; no approach; no ready audience ready audience for our program.for our program.


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* these are just only some of the * these are just only some of the examples (not exhaustive), important examples (not exhaustive), important to be considered ….. to be considered ….. without which there may be without which there may be possible occurrence of : over or possible occurrence of : over or under utilization of human under utilization of human resources; blurring resources; blurring specific/general needs into one; specific/general needs into one; mismatch; etc. mismatch; etc.


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What is the real concern?What is the real concern?- Suggestions :- Suggestions :

(A)(A) Lack of social initiativesLack of social initiatives

(B) Lack of effective Da’wah(B) Lack of effective Da’wah


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Themes for Social initiatives which falls under improving the lives of Muslim - “ Islah”

Um-matan wa-so-taaUm-matan wa-so-taa““Building a balanced and just society”Building a balanced and just society”

Ee-man wa -amal-Swo-li-hEe-man wa -amal-Swo-li-h ““Moulding of a citizen : upon conviction and Moulding of a citizen : upon conviction and good deeds”good deeds”

Al-birr- wat-taq-waaAl-birr- wat-taq-waa ““Let us help in every good works and in piety”Let us help in every good works and in piety”

Al-khay-raat Al-khay-raat ““Let us compete in charity and good works”Let us compete in charity and good works”


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Themes for Social initiatives which falls under improving the lives of Muslim - “ Islah”

Al-IhsanAl-Ihsan ““A Society that exudes benevolence and A Society that exudes benevolence and

righteous conduct”righteous conduct”

‘‘Amr ma’ruf Nahi munkarAmr ma’ruf Nahi munkar “ “ Vigilance through community service”Vigilance through community service”

Taw-Swi bil-Haqq was- SwobrTaw-Swi bil-Haqq was- Swobr““A civil society that up hold Truth and display A civil society that up hold Truth and display steadfastness with Patience.”steadfastness with Patience.”


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A reflection and suggestions …..A reflection and suggestions …..


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REMINDER… .REMINDER… .““ Whosoever has no concern for the Whosoever has no concern for the affairs of this ummah, then he is not affairs of this ummah, then he is not

from amongst them .”from amongst them .”((Hadith reported by Abu DawudHadith reported by Abu Dawud))


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REMINDER… .REMINDER… .““ When the affair is given to one who is When the affair is given to one who is not its rightful person for it (ah-liha), not its rightful person for it (ah-liha),

then wait for the time (of its then wait for the time (of its destruction).”destruction).”

((Hadith reported by BukharyHadith reported by Bukhary))


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REMINDER… .REMINDER… .ربنا ل تؤاخذنا إن نسينا

أو أخطأنا‌ ربنا ول تحمل علينا إصراكما حملته ۥ على ٱلذين

من قبلنا‌ ربنا ول تحملنا ما ل طاقة

لنا بهۦ‌ وٱعف عنا وٱغفرانا لنا وٱرحمنا‌ أنت مول

فٱنصرنا على ٱلقومٱلڪـفرين


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REMINDER… .REMINDER… .““ Ya Allaah!”Ya Allaah!”

O our Lord! Take us not to task if we forget or O our Lord! Take us not to task if we forget or unwittingly fall into error,unwittingly fall into error,

O our Lord! Lay not on us a burden such as Thou didst O our Lord! Lay not on us a burden such as Thou didst lay upon those who lived before us!lay upon those who lived before us!

O our Lord! Make us not bear burdens which we have O our Lord! Make us not bear burdens which we have no strength to bear!no strength to bear!

And efface Thou our sins and grant us forgiveness, and And efface Thou our sins and grant us forgiveness, and be merciful to us! be merciful to us!

Thou art our Lord Supreme: Help us against people Thou art our Lord Supreme: Help us against people who deny the truth!who deny the truth!


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This is not the end … … … we must continue to This is not the end … … … we must continue to discuss and exhort one another to the Truth, discuss and exhort one another to the Truth, exhort one another towards patience and exhort one another towards patience and steadfastness!steadfastness!

WaAllaahu a’ -lamWaAllaahu a’ -lamWa-billaahi taufiq wal-HidaayahWa-billaahi taufiq wal-Hidaayah


