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Installing Squid Web Proxy

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0 tweets tweet Talk Web ID All the Buzz Around the Web Home News How-To Work Review Development Downloads Subscribe via Email Installing Squid Web Proxy Server on Windows 7 Posted at August 19, 2009 Squid is a caching proxy server that can help reduce internet bandwidth usage and improving response time of loading a website by caching and re-using frequently opened web page. Squid reduce the bandwidth usage and accelerate the website loading by caching static website objects such as images, flash objects and text files, with some modification Squid can cache larger files such as PDF, MP3, executables, flash videos, etc. In this tutorial we will install Squid NT which is a fork from Linux version of Squid to Windows 7 (seven). To begin with the installation, first download the package from here: Squid NT and then extract it to C:\ drive. After extracting the content of package you should see a folder named ‘squid’ on C:\ drive, the full path should be C:\squid. Another way is first extract the zip package on where you save it and then move the ‘squid’ directory to C:\ Modifying configuration file Now we need to modify some files before we configuring Squid. Go to ‘etc’ folder on C:\squid\etc\ you’ll see these files: cachemgr.conf.default mime.conf.default squid.conf.default squid_radius_auth.conf.default Installing Squid Web Proxy Server on Windows 7 | Talk Web ID http://www.talk.web.id/2009/08/installing-squid-web-proxy-server-on-w... 1 of 14 10/6/2010 4:44 PM
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Installing Squid Web Proxy Server on Windows 7

Posted at August 19, 2009

Squid is a caching proxy server that can help reduce internet bandwidth usage and improving

response time of loading a website by caching and re-using frequently opened web page. Squid

reduce the bandwidth usage and accelerate the website loading by caching static website objects

such as images, flash objects and text files, with some modification Squid can cache larger files such

as PDF, MP3, executables, flash videos, etc.

In this tutorial we will install Squid NT which is a fork from Linux version of Squid to Windows 7 (seven). To

begin with the installation, first download the package from here: Squid NT and then extract it to C:\ drive.

After extracting the content of package you should see a folder named ‘squid’ on C:\ drive, the full path

should be C:\squid. Another way is first extract the zip package on where you save it and then move the

‘squid’ directory to C:\

Modifying configuration file

Now we need to modify some files before we configuring Squid. Go to ‘etc’ folder on C:\squid\etc\ you’ll see

these files:





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You need to copy and rename these files:

cachemgr.conf.default -> cachemgr.conf

mime.conf.default -> mime.conf

squid.conf.default -> squid.conf

From the three configuration files we only need to configure squid.conf file. The configuration file

cachemgr.conf and mime.conf by default will be sufficient for our basic setup.

The default setting on squid.conf generally is ready to use, but you need to make note on these parts:

1. Search for ‘acl localnet src’ you’ll see:

acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal networkacl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal networkacl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network

You can comment out the settings that are not applicable for your network configuration, in my case I use network configuration so I’ll comment out the other two lines as I don’t need it. You can comment

by adding hash key ‘#’. The end result would be like this:

acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network#acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network

#acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network

2. Search for ‘dns_nameservers’

Under the explanation, you should add your ISP dns nameservers. The format should look like this:

dns_nameservers <ip_dns_nameserver_1> <ip_dns_nameserver_2>

Now save the changes and close the file. Until these steps, it should be enough to start Squid, you can modify

the configuration later on.

Installing Squid service

These steps will install the Squid service so we can restart Squid from Windows’ Control Panel.

1. First we have to disable User Account Control (UAC) settings to be able to install Squid service. Go to:

“Control Panel > System and Security > Change User Account Control settings” and move the bar to

“Never Notify”, you need to restart Windows 7 to make the settings effective.

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Change UAC settings to be able to setup Squid as service

2. After reboot, open command prompt by clicking on Windows Logo (start), then type ‘Command Prompt’

on the search box and press enter.

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Search for "Command Prompt" and press enter

3. Go to Squid’s sbin directory by typing:

cd c:\squid\sbin

4. Install Squid service with this command (please re-types this and not copy paste to make sure you have the

correct character code):

squid.exe -i

You should get this information:

c:\squid\sbin>squid -iRegistry stored HKLM\SOFTWARE\GNU\Squid\2.6\Squid\ConfigFile value c:/squid/etc/squid.confSquid Cache version 2.7.STABLE6 for i686-pc-winntinstalled successfully as Squid Windows System Service.To run, start it from the Services Applet of Control Panel.Don't forget to edit squid.conf before starting it.

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Squid service installation

5. Setup Squid’s cache (please re-types this and not copy paste to make sure you have the correct character


squid.exe -z

You should get this information:

c:\squid\sbin>squid -z2009/08/18 22:50:33| Creating Swap Directories

6. After Squid service is installed and the cache is created, now let’s start the service by going to Control

Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services. Look for ‘Squid’, select it and press the

start button.

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Open the service manager

Start Squid service

Now if you see on the Task Manager > Services, you can see Squid service have a Running status.

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Squid process on task manager

7. As Squid service is up and running, we need to configure the browser to access the internet via proxy

server. On Internet Explorer go to Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings, give check on

“Use a proxy server for your LAN …” and fill the Address field with your Squid server IP Address (in this

case your PC IP address) with the Port 3128 (standard Squid port, you can modify this on squid.conf), click

OK twice to save the settings.

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Internet Explorer options

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Click on LAN Settings

Add your PC IP address and Port 3128

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8. Next step is to test whether our configuration is correct. Go to this site: www.whatismyipaddress.com and

you should see “Proxy Server Detected!” message, something similar like this:

Check whether Squid working correctly

9. As everything is working, now we need to re-enable User Account Control (UAC). Go to: “Control Panel

> System and Security > Change User Account Control settings” and move the bar to “Default” it’s the

3rd bar, you need to restart Windows 7 to make the settings effective.

I hope this tutorial is clear enough, but in case you still have question please sign-up and post a comment.

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5 Responses to “Installing Squid Web Proxy Server on Windows 7”

saurabh says:

23 September 2009 at 17:18

sir i need full detail of squid configration (like some pdf ,video)

if you have some training material plz send me on my mail.



markus says:

23 September 2009 at 17:33

the configuration file template come with the installation package.

more detailed documentation can be found on Squid Proxy website: http://www.squid-cache.org

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Michael says:

8 April 2010 at 19:56

Nice tutorial. A little tip: If you run cmd with an right-klick and choose “run as admin” you don’t need

to disable UAC in order to install the service – no reboot required at all


Marco Antonio Lopez says:

29 May 2010 at 13:14

Good tutorial.

But if you want to use your Windows 7 computer as the proxy of your other computer at home or

office, you must “open” the input TCP 3128 port in the Windows 7 firewall.


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