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Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the...

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Instruction Manual for Poll Workers Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners 215 N. Liberty St. Independence, Missouri 64050 (816) 325-4600 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. FAX: (816) 325-4609 Website: jcebmo.org Facebook: Jackson County Election Board
Page 1: Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll. An important

Instruction Manualfor

Poll Workers

Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners215 N. Liberty St.

Independence, Missouri 64050(816) 325-4600

8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.FAX: (816) 325-4609Website: jcebmo.org

Facebook: Jackson County Election Board

Page 2: Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll. An important


• All Jackson County Election Board (JCEB) Election Judges, E-Judges, Regular Judges and Supervisory Judges are trained judges, under oath, and are expected to uphold the laws and maintain order and decorum in each polling location.

• All judges are expected to work together as a team.

• No judge shall leave the polling location until all judges exit together after properly closing the polling location and ensuring the poll is left in the manner in which the judges found the poll.

• All judges will help each other when questions arise, stay calm, and treat other judges and voters with the utmost respect.

The Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners thanks you for your service.

INTRODUCTIONThis Instruction Manual for Poll Workers is produced by the staff of the Jackson County Board of

Election Commissioners (JCEB) for the benefit and use of their Poll Workers.

The effective date of this manual is July 1, 2019, and it shall be used until replaced by the JCEB. Each Poll Worker issued a copy of this manual shall read it upon receipt and refer to it on Election


Any questions about the information contained in this manual should be referred to the JCEB staff at 816-325-4600.

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Requirements of Election Judges on Election Day

On Election Day, you are working for and contracted with the Jackson County Election Board. You are serving your country, state, county, cities, and school districts by fulfilling a vital role in our democracy.

The Election Board staff and the citizens you will see throughout your day at the polls are grateful and appreciate your service.

It is important that you attend a training session before each election to address any changes in procedures or in Missouri State Law. On Election Day, you are given the responsibility, by the Jackson County Election Board, to follow every procedure to the letter of the law. Ensuring the fairness and equality of the elec-tion process and protecting each American citizen’s right to vote is paramount.

You are an important part of the team of judges at the poll. At all times, every Election Judge must maintain order in their poll and serve all voters impartially.

If, at any time, you are confronted with questions or issues of which you are unsure, if judges are unable to resolve issues among themselves or if you per-ceive that correct procedures are not being followed – you should contact the Election Board for guidance and direction. On Election Day, each poll has a cell phone and special election day phone numbers (provided to you in your training handouts and in your folder delivered to the poll). These phone numbers are only available to our judges and are to be used in situations noted above. Teams of election workers are standing by to assist any judge at the poll on these special election day phone numbers. These phone numbers should never be given to voters.

At each polling location, state election law provides for two Supervisory Judges, one from each of the two major political parties. Supervisory Judges should have outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll.

An important responsibility of the Supervisory Judges is the transport of the ballots and other materials to the proper ballot delivery location at the end of the day. BOTH Supervisory Judges MUST travel together - in the same vehicle – with the supplies listed in your handouts to the designated ballot delivery location. Supervisory Judge duties are not complete until all necessary items are trans-ferred to the Deputies or Election Officials at their assigned “delivery” location.

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Table of Contents• Basics• Election Day Equipment• Poll Set-Up• Election Day Positions• By-Pass Ballots• Curbside Voting• Electioneers• Challengers/Watchers• Closing the Poll• Emergency Plan• AppendixOPENING AND CLOSING CHECKLISTS CAN BE FOUND IN THE APPENDIX

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4:55 AM- Arrive at the poll you are working. Start setting up equipment as soon as the first BI-PARTISAN (see below) team arrives. 6:00 AM- Polls open. DO NOT TURN ANY VOTER AWAY BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT READY. CALL JCEB IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS. 7:00 PM- Polls close. Everyone in line at 7:00 PM has the right to vote. After the last voter leaves the poll you can take down signs, voting booths, and SIGNS OUTSIDE.


Election Day TeamSupervisory Judge- Judges who work the poll and bring TM, ballots and supplies to drop off location after closing the poll. Judge- Judges who assist the E-Judges with ballots and assist voters in the poll. E-Judge- Judges who are specifically trained on tablets to process voter check-in. Deputies- Bi-Partisan team who make 4 rounds during the day to check on the judges and their poll.Bi-Partisan Teams-When working on Election Day the Judges must accomplish several tasks as a “Bi-Partisan Team”. This means that the judges who are working together to assist the voters must have two judges-one from each of the major political parties when assisting.

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Election Day Equipment

The Precinct Ballot Counter (PBC) counts all of the ballots for the polling location and tabulates the results for each contest. PBC’s are tested by bi-partisan teams before and after every election to ensure that the machine is tabulating and reading every ballot correctly.

PBC- Precinct Ballot Counter

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The ADA is a ballot marking device that can be used to help any voter mark their ballot. Ballots can be marked on the ADA by using the touch screen or with a controller that has headphones attached. When voting is com-pleted the ADA will produce (print) a paper ballot which will then be run through the PBC for tabulation.ADA’s are tested by bi-partisan teams before and after every election to ensure that the machine is marking ballots correctly.

ADA- Americans with Disabilities Act

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The Electronic Poll Book is used by E-Judges to check in voters before voters receive a ballot and to ensure all voter information is up to date. Electronic Poll Books are loaded the night before the election with the most current voter information that JCEB has on record. Reports are extracted to ensure voter information was updated and uploaded correctly after the election.

E-Poll Book- Electronic Poll Book(Tablet)

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SETTING UP THE PBC AND THE ADA UNITSThe PBC - Precinct Ballot Counter and the ADA –Americans with Disabilities Act Unit- must be set up immediately upon entering the poll. IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOUR POLL HAS NEVER HAD AN ADA VOTER, IT IS REQUIRED BY LAW TO HAVE THE ADA UNIT READY TO GO. Follow the instructions on the Opening Checklist and on the PBC screen. When the screen on the PBC instructs, you may insert the header ballot (or multiple header ballots in split & multiple polls) one time only and return it to the header ballot envelope in the white ballot box along with the printed zero report, after it is signed by both Supervisory Judges and Judges.

If the PBC fails to boot up or the PBC fails to print a zero report, first check that it is plugged in and the power switch is turned on. If it fails to print a zero report, check to make sure the printer paper is not jammed and is inserted correctly.

If the problem is not the power cord or the printer paper, CALL THE PBC EQUIPMENT HELP PHONE NUMBER IMMEDIATELY!

If phone tech personnel cannot immediately fix the problem, field tech personnel will be sent to assist in getting your PBC working as soon as possible. Judges must call and report any problems immediately, in the event that new equipment must be urgently dispatched to your location.

LAYOUT OF THE POLLThe PBC and ADA requires electricity. Your poll layout must begin where the electrical outlet is located. Each location has been reviewed prior to acceptance as a poll location. If there is any question regarding the layout of the poll call the Election Board.

POLLS DEFINEDA precinct is a geographical boundary of voters who are qualified to vote on the same issues or candidates.

A poll is a location in which one or more precincts may be assigned to vote.

Regular polls must have a minimum of four (4) judges. Judges are divided equally represent-ing the two major political parties. The number of judges and equipment assigned to a poll is based on the number of registered voters within the poll.

Multiple polls are large locations in which several polls are in the same building. These polls may share equipment or each have separate equipment and judge teams. Each poll works independent of the others.

Split Poll is a situation in which all or part of TWO or more subdivisions-- typically municipal, school, fire, and water districts exists geographically within a poll boundary and have ballot issues before the voters. These polls have multiple ballot styles available for the voters.

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Once one Election Judge from each party arrives, the Election Judges shouldquickly unpack the equipment and check for all supplies.

1. The equipment (ballot box, PBC, and ADA) will be placed next to the voting booths and blue box that are strapped together and placed on a wooden pallet.

2. Check all seals and equipment for any appearance that it may have been tampered with. If there is a problem, call the Election Board immediately.

3. Set up precinct ballot counter (PBC) and ADA units as outlined in “Opening Checklist”. 4. Follow the “OPENING CHECKLIST” to ensure that all procedures are completed before the poll(s) open. This checklist is found in the red judge’s folder.

5. A team of Election Judges (one from each political party) should check the Ballot Certification to see that the correct number of ballots match the total amount of ballots in the white ballot box. All judges will initial in the appropriate spaces to verify the ballot count at the beginning of the day is true and correct.

6. A team of Election Judges (one from each political party) must initial the upper left corner of each ballot -with the RED ballpoint pen only.


Voting booths should be placed to maximize privacy for the voters, create the best flow of voters through the poll, and where the Election Judges can view all of the booths at all times.

-Place the booths in a line, one or two feet apart, or back-to-back when possible. -When the booths are placed along the walls, leave sufficient room at the corners so a voter will not be able to watch the voter at the next booth. -Do not allow the electrical cords to be on the floor where any voter might walk.

CELLPHONESEach poll is issued a cell phone which can be found in the blue supply box. Special Election Day phone numbers have been given to judges in training class and can be found in the judge folders.

VOTING BEGINSAt exactly 6:00 a.m., the Election Judges should make sure the door is unlocked and open the door to the poll. A judge should exit the poll and reenter to ensure accessibility.

Poll Set-up

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Poll Set-upEvery polling location is different due to the space and room layout available. When setting up the polling location, judges should arrange equipment and tables in a manner where voters can move around the polling location with ease. Voters should not have to cross paths with other voters when trying to cast their ballot. Please keep the example below in mind when setting up your polling location.

There is one E-Judge table, one judge table, and one PBC at every poll. All judges (Regular and Supervisory) must know how to perform each task at every position.

Every two to four hours, the judges are encouraged to rotate through each of the positions at each poll. E-Judges will NOT rotate. It is the responsibility of every judge to be sure that the positions are rotated. The Election Board should be notified if any Election Judge is unwilling or unable to perform the tasks at any position.

On their rounds, Deputies are instructed to monitor rotation of duties in each polling place.

In polls with six or more judges, additional judges will work alongside assisting in each of the positions. Whenever there are two judges at one table, those judges must be of different political parties.

An additional judge can also become a “traffic control judge,” directing voters, assisting in any busy area or calling the Election Board when questions arise.

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Election Day PositionsTable A-E-Judge• Ask Voter for valid ID (Refer to current ID chart for a list of valid IDs)• Look up voter• Verify current address of voter• Make changes to voter’s address (IF NEEDED)• Have voter sign tablet confirming address is correct.• Complete Check-in on tablet.• Hand voter ID and BALLOT CARD (When applicable). Direct them to

judge table to receive a ballot.

Due to changes in the laws regarding what constitutes a proper and usable form of

identification, you must refer to the most current I.D. Chart provided by the Election Board. This will

be found on Election Day in the E-Judge’s blue folder and on the sign board set up inside the poll.

To be in compliance with Missouri State Law – all judges must strictly comply with Federal and State Law by requesting only the identification presented on the most recent approved I.D. Chart on Election Day. This is another reason why it is critical for all judges to attend a training session prior to each election.

If the voter has no acceptable identification, as presented on the most recent I.D. Chart, under no circumstance are you to send him or her away. Immediately call the Election Board office on the special election day phone number for further instructions.

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Table B-Judge Table• Make sure ballots are initialed in the top left corner in “Judges Initials”

box by a bi-partisan team.• Give ballot to voters who have been checked in at the E-Judge table.• Give demonstrations on how to vote to the voters and offer secrecey

sleeves to the voters. • Sign voters up to become Election Workers. • Fill out Supplemental Book when needed.

SUPPLEMENTAL BOOKWhen a Voter needs to change their address, vote a provisional ballot or vote curbside; • Hand write the voter’s information in the Supplemental Book. • Have the voter sign in the Supplemental Book.• Judges will initial in “Judges Initials” box and check “Address Change,

Provisional, or Curbside”SPOILED BALLOT PROCEDURE

• When a voter makes a mistake on a ballot write SPOILED on the ballot and place in SPOILED BALLOT envelope.

• Retrieve ballot with correct BALLOT STYLE from Table B-Judge table.

• Give demonstration to the voter. (Explain their error)

• Give voter NEW ballot to try again.

• ALWAYS retrieve and “spoil” first ballot before giving the voter a new ballot.

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1. “Sir or Ma’am this is an example of the JCEB ballot you have received.”(Showing the laminated DEMO BALLOT to the voter)

2. “It is very easy to see the categories you are voting on today.”(Point to the different races)

3. “When voting, please pay attention to if the category says Vote for One, Vote for Two, etc. this tells you how many candidates you may select in that race.”

4. “You may vote for as much or as little as you want on your ballot as long as you do not go over the number you are allowed to vote for in each race. You do not have to vote for every item on your ballot.”

5. “Once you are finished please take your ballot to our PBC/Ballot Box where the judge may assist you further. If you make a mistake and want to change your vote on your ballot please ask a judge for assistance to spoil your ballot with the incorrect vote to receive a new ballot.”

6. “Please check to see if there are questions on the backside of your ballot”

7. “There is a pen waiting for you in the booth.”8. “Thank You”

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PBC (Ballot Box)• Instruct the voter to deposit their ballot into the PBC.• The voter may place their ballot into the PBC any direction they wish as

long as it is not folded or sideways.• If the ballot comes back out of the PBC and the printer DOES NOT

print a “Ballot Alert,” have the voter deposit their ballot a different direction.

• If a “Ballot Alert” prints from PBC printer, read the “Ballot Alert” and explain what is wrong with that voter’s ballot and where the mistake was made. “Over vote” means the voter voted for more than what is allowed in that contest. If a voter chooses to cast an over voted ballot, whatever contest they over voted in WILL NOT count, however the rest of the ballot that is voted correctly will still count. “No Selection” means that the ballot has no selections made. A voter may cast a blank ballot if they wish.

• If a voter wishes to SPOIL their ballot, send them to Table B- Judge Table for a new ballot.

• Once the ballot is cast through the PBC give the voter an “I VOTED” sticker and thank him or her for voting.

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BY-PASS BALLOT(S)Should a PBC (Precinct Ballot Counter) fail to work for any reason, the Election Judges should utilize the By-Pass Ballot Envelopes included in the Blue Supply Box.

STEPS TO FOLLOW - SHOULD THE PBC FAIL1. First check the monitor for an error message.2. Check to see if the printer printed an error message.3. Call the HELP DESK for assistance.4. Give the voters waiting in line the option of waiting to place their ballot in the PBC when the problem is fixed or provide them with the By-Pass Envelope.5. Once the voter has placed their ballot in the By-Pass Envelope, the voter should place the By-Pass envelope into the By-Pass ballot slot of the PBC located on the back of the ballot box.6. Under no circumstances should the Ballot Box Judge allow the By-Pass Envelope near the PBC reader.7. If your PBC is operational after the polls close, the two Supervisory Judges will open the By-Pass ballot door and remove the By-Pass envelopes. One at a time, the Supervisors should remove each ballot from the By-Pass Envelope and place them through the reader on the PBC counting each By-Pass ballot.8. If you have questions – contact the Jackson County Election Board.

If you have By-Pass ballots at the end of the day please start at the VERY TOP of your CLOSING CHECKLIST. By-Pass Ballots will be run by the Supervisory Judges at the end of the day as long as your PBC is working.

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CURBSIDE VOTINGCurbside voting is available for disabled voters. Two Election Judges (different political parties) must work together.1) Check voter in on tablet using valid form of ID.2) When checking in voter write “Curbside Voter” or “C-V” on signature line in tablet.3) Judges will copy information from ID to the SUPPLEMENTAL BOOK. 4) Retrieve correct BALLOT STYLE from E-Judge.5) Judges walk SUPPLEMENTAL BOOK and BALLOT out to the voter’s car. 6) Have voter sign SUPPLEMENTAL BOOK and return voter’s ID7) Give the voter a demonstration if needed.8) STEP AWAY from the car and let the voter vote.9) Retrieve the ballot from the voter and assure the voter that you (the two judges) will cast their ballot.10) Give them an “I VOTED” sticker and thank them for voting.

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VOTER ASSISTANCEIf a voter is at the voting booth and asks for additional help, a Bi-Partisan team (two Election Judges of different political parties) shall provide the additional instruction. The judges shall not approach the voting booth unless they cannot help the voter without doing so. If the judges must approach the booth, care must be taken to ensure the secrecy of the voter’s ballot.

Voter assistance is NOT to include any interpretation or explanation of any issue on the ballot. If there is additional information given to Election Judges by the Election Board, it may be given to the voter to read (i.e. write-in candidates who have filed). No further explanation may be given at the poll by any Election Judge or any other person assisting a voter.

Any voter who cannot read or is visually impaired may choose to use the ADA device.Judges will enter the correct corresponding 5 digit ballot ID number for that voter to use the ADA device to vote. When the ADA Ballot is completed and printed, one judge must assist the visually-impaired voter in placing his or her ballot into the PBC unit.

Any voter must declare under oath that he or she cannot read or write, is blind, or has any other physical disability and cannot mark the ballot. That voter may be assisted by the Election Judges (different political parties) or by any person the voter chooses. If the voter asks for the assistance, two Election Judges, (different political parties), shall go to the voting booth and cast the vote as directed by the voter. A “Voters Oath for Assistance” form must be filled out and signed or a mark made by the voter.

PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO BE IN THE POLLOnly authorized persons are allowed in the poll on Election Day. This includes Election Judges, challengers or watchers with proper credentials, law enforcement officers at the request of the JCEB, minor children under the age of eighteen accompanying an adult who is in the process of voting, members of the news media who have been approved to enter the poll by JCEB Directors, Election Board personnel and voters in the act of voting. State Law is specific about who can be in the poll, and this law is to be strictly enforced. NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS ALLOWED TO LOITER IN THE POLL.

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ELECTIONEERINGMissouri State Law states that anyone passing out literature, talking to voters, or otherwise trying to influence voters must be at least 25 feet from the outside entrance to the poll. Election Judges should report any infractions to the Deputies or the Election Board staff.

ELECTIONEERING BY VOTERS• Voters carrying flyer’s/cards have the right to have these in the poll but cannot use them to

campaign inside the poll. • Voters cannot wear campaign material (Shirts, Hats, Buttons) that relates to anything that

is on the ballot for that election. • Voters cannot wear any slogans that are related to any candidate or question that is on the


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CHALLENGERSA challenger is a person with credentials signed by the county chairman of the political party or ballot question committee as well as authorized signatures of the Jackson County Election Board Directors. The credentials will identify the township and precinct authorized for the challenger. The challenger and a Supervisory Judge must complete the oath found at the bottom of the credential. The bottom half of the signed oath must be filed in the “Completed Forms” envelope.

A challenger must be a qualified registered voter within the jurisdiction of the Jackson County Election Board. The judges should check the challenger’s identification against their credentials to ensure it is the same person approved by JCEB.

Only one challenger from each political party is allowed in a poll. The challengers sit next to Table A and may keep a list of the names of those who have voted. However, the Election Judges are prohibited from sharing the voter’s actual piece of identification with the challenger.

If a challenger challenges a voter’s right to vote, the Election Judge should contact the Election Board Office immediately for further instructions. All challengers must leave when the last voter exits the poll. Watchers may remain inside the polling location until judges exit.

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CLOSING THE POLLCLOSING PROCEDURESImmediately after the last voter has left the poll, the Election Judges should complete the closing procedures as outlined on the closing checklist located in the “Red Folder”. Make sure both Supervisory Judges run ALL By-pass ballots after the poll is empty and secured before you shut down the PBC. After completing ALL PBC closing procedures, begin collecting your ballots and filling out your Ballot Certification form.


YOU MUST return the TM (memory stick) in the clear plastic pouch that is in the clear black zipper pouch in the grey ballot carrier with the ballots.

Closing procedures must be completed quickly and accurately. Everything needs to be taken to the ballot delivery location as quickly as possible. Many people are waiting for the election results. Any time the Supervisory Judges are late in delivering the ballots, there is a concern that there is a problem at their poll.

Use the judge’s “CLOSING CHECKLIST” found in the red folder to ensure that all procedures have been completed at the close of the day.



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RETRIEVING THE BALLOTSBefore the PBC is shut down and ballot box is opened, all voters, challengers and all persons except the Election Judges, technicians, deputies and watchers must leave the poll.

Judges need to perform the following tasks:1. Open the By-pass door and take out all the By-pass envelopes if any were cast. 2. Supervisory Judges will run all the By-pass ballots through the PBC.3. Once all By-pass ballots have been run you may start the closing procedure. Instructions are on the “Closing Checklist” in the “Red Folder”4. Break all seals and unlock the PBC to lift the PBC unit off of the ballot box.5. Cut the ZIP TIE seal to lift the lid from the ballot box. 6. Unlock the back doors on the Black Ballot Box and carefully remove all ballots by hand – do not count ballots. Place voted ballots into the Grey Ballot Carrier.



AT LAST All Election Judges should make sure the Supervisory Judges leave for the location indicated on the current Election Ballot Delivery Schedule (in the same vehicle) with all of the specified items.

Please check for anything utilized during the day and still left turned on – i.e., coffee pots and lights. Please leave the facility in the condition you found it. When all judges leave (all at the same time), the building should be secure. The doors are locked per the instructions for that particular building.

Remember: We are guests in all poll facilities. We cannot afford to be evicted from a site because of judges’ lack of respect for our host’s property.

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Emergency PlanYour safety is very important to us. Please follow the instructions below in case of an emergency at any Jackson County Election Board polling location.

• Fire & Tornado

If there is no immediate danger to you and time allows please take the following to a safe/secure location until you receive the all clear.

1) Retrieve PBC/Ballot Box (unplug – two judges roll to safety2) Retrieve Unused Ballots 3) E-Judge IPads4) Supplemental Book

Once all poll workers and equipment are in a safe/secure place, please call the Election Board to report the situation. Your safety is more important to us than the equipment, if there is not enough time to gather the items listed above please assist voters and other judges to the designated safe area.

• Angry Person in Polling Location

In the event of disgruntled person(s) please call the Election Board so we can get personnel to your location to assist in removal of that person(s). (This includes voters, challengers and watchers, building staff, poll worker or strangers).

The Election Board will determine on the phone if the Police need to be contacted and dispatched to your location.

• Weapons

Weapons are not allowed in the polling location. This goes for the Election Judges and Voters. If you notice there is a weapon in the polling location please politely ask the person to take it back to their vehicle. If the voter has already waited in line and exits to place their weapon in their vehicle that voter may come back to the front of the line to check in.

Law enforcement personnel are permitted a weapon in the polling location while voting. Law enforcement is not permitted in the polling area unless they are voting or have been called to the location by the Jackson County Election Board.


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Many of the things done by Election Judges on Election Day need to be documented and, as a

result, there are a number of forms to be completed. These forms are shown throughout this Appendix.

Please make sure to print neatly on everything so that the Election Board Staff can read the

information accurately.

REMEMBER: The Jackson County Election Board is here to help if you are unsure of how to fill out any forms or have any questions. Make sure to

call the correct phone number listed on your specific election day phone number card.

TOWNSHIPS (Abbreviations)Blue Subdistrict’s 1 - 8

Brooking (BR)

Fort Osage (FO)

Prairie (PR)

Sni-A-Bar (SN)

Van Buren (VB)

Washington (WA)

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When a Voter needs to change their address, vote a provisional ballot, vote curbside or other if instructed by the Election Board: • Hand write the voter’s information: Voter ID, Phone #, Date of Birth,

Name, Address and Mailing Address (if different than registered address) in the first available space in the Supplemental Book.

• Have the voter sign on the signature line and initial in the “Voter Initials” box.

• Bi-Partisan Judges will initial in “Judges Initials” box.• Check “Address Change, Provisional, Curbside or Other”

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VOTERS OATH OF ASSISTANCEIf someone needs voting assistance, use the “Voter’s Oath for Assistance” form. Remember to use only one of the options—either the “Assistance by Election Judges” section or the “Assistance by Person Designated by Voter” section.

Once completed by Bi-Partisan team this form is placed in the “Completed Forms” envelope before the judges assist that voter. If you need additional help in completing this form, contact the Election Board office

Page 35: Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll. An important


Name Change: If someone needs to change their name because of their marital status or maybe they want to be registered under a different name, fill out a registration card. Fill out the name the voter wishes to be registered as on the top line of this card. Complete the voter’s address on the line under their New* name. Make sure to get the voter’s last four digits of their Social Security number and their Date of Birth so the Election Board can verify the change for the correct voter. Near 2/3 of the way down on the left side of the card it says “What Name”. Fill out the voter’s old name where it says “What Name” that is “What Name” the Election Board needs to look up in order to find the voter and change their name to their New* name. You are the Election Official, make sure to sign this card where it says “Election Official Signature”. Write down the voter’s phone number in the correct box so the Election Board can contact the voter with any questions. Last you will have the voter sign and date this card after they have read the oath. Once the card is filled out, place completed registration card in the judges “Completed Forms” envelope.

Refer to next page for registering a new voter.


Page 36: Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll. An important

The letters on the sample affidavit correspond with the lettered steps below.Begin by asking the applicant if he/she is a United States Citizen and 18 years of age on or before the next Election Day.

If YES, mark the appropriate boxes. If NO, do not complete the affidavit.

When an applicant is previously registered, complete items a-c. If he or she has not been registered before, begin with item d.

Fill in the county where the applicant was previously registered.Complete the address of the previous registration, including mailing address, city, state and zip code.Ask if the applicant was registered under a different name. If so, fill in this name. This is particularly important if they were registered in Jackson County under a different name (for example, a married or maiden name.)NAME. Ask the applicant how he/she signs his/her name; and print the name that way. For example, a person’s name could be Joseph William Smith, and he could sign his name any of the following ways: Joseph William Smith, Joseph Wm. Smith, Joseph W. Smith, Joe W. Smith, J.W. Smith, Joe Smith, Joseph Smith, J. Smith, Joey Smith, J. William Smith, J. Wm. Smith, and Joey W. Smith.LEGAL ADDRESS. Ask the applicant for the address at which he/she resides. Do NOT use the address on the identification, as it may not be current. NOTE: Applicants must give a legal address. We cannot register someone with only a P.O. Box address.MAILING ADDRESS. Ask the applicant if he/she has a mailing address different from his/her legal address. This could be a post office box, or other address at which he/she receives mail.SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Enter the applicant’s Social Security Number. The law now requires an applicant to furnish at least the last four digits of their Social Security Number in order to be a registered voter.DATE OF BIRTH. Enter the applicant’s date of birth. Use the numerical format of 1/1/97.NOTE: Applicants who are 17-1/2 years of age may register.PLACE OF BIRTH. Enter the applicant’s city and state of birth. If born outside the USA, enter the country.HOME TELEPHONE. Enter the applicant’s home telephone number (if available).WORK TELEPHONE. Enter the applicant’s work telephone number (if available). This is very helpful if we need to contact the applicant during business hours.DATE. Enter date.SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. Ask the applicant to raise his/her right hand. Read the oath to the applicant. Then ask the applicant to verify the information on the card before signing his/her name. Check to see that the signature matches the way the name was printed at the top of the card. If the applicant is unable to write, have him/her sign by making an “X” while you watch. Print the name of the applicant next to the “X” and write “Witnessed by” in the remarks area above your signature.IDENTIFICATION. Enter the type of identification checked.MISSOURI DRIVERS LICENSE. Enter the Applicant’s Current and Valid Missouri Driver’s License or State Identification number.ELECTION OFFICIAL. Sign your name.REGISTRATION SITE. Enter the site where registration is taking place. If registration is at a special event, please name the event (Example: Santa Cali-Gon).














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Page 38: Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll. An important


In order to properly prepare this Ballot Card Certification, the following steps must be taken:

5:00 a.m. Three items need to be handled before you open the poll.

1. Before the poll opens, verify the number of ballots received by counting packages of ballots and checking the box next to “Total” if correct. If not correct, change the number to the correct number of ballots for that style.

2. Add all ballots received together and place number in “Total Ballots Received”

3. Place initials in the proper box on the top half of the certification.

7:00 p.m. Complete the ELECTION EVENING section. Record the number on the Zip-tie seal on the left side of the ballot card certification before you seal the grey carrier.

(A) Enter the PBC Closing Report Total (Pages Cast).

(B) Enter total number of VOTERS- (Ask E-Judge- number of check-ins on the tablet.)

(C) Enter number of SPOILED ballots.

(D) Answer Yes or No if you have any ADA ballots and place in box D. (Do not count number of ADA ballots)

(E) Enter number of UNUSED ballots.

(F) Answer Yes or No if you have any Write-In ballots and place in box F.

(G) Number of Provisional Envelopes (when applicable)

If PBC Closing Report and Total Number of Voters match, the judges shall sign the bottom of the Certification. Please make a note at the bottom of the certification of any problems with the certification. Make sure no voter leaves the polling location with a ballot.

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MORNING LIST OF SUPPLIESWhere to find items in the MORNING on

Election DayBlue Supply Box-• Orange Provisional Bag• Judge Manual• Forms Envelope• Flashlight & Magnifier• Flag and Stand• Clipboard• Extension Cord• Power Strip(s)• By-Pass Envelopes• “I Voted” Stickers• Cell Phone

White Ballot Box-• Ballots• Opening Envelope -Header Ballot(s) -Ballot Certification• Closing Envelope -Closing Ballot• Clear Black Zipper Pouch -Key Pouch with Keys -Seal Bag

Judges Red Folder-• Opening Checklist• Closing Checklist• Demo Ballot• Payroll Envelope• Spoiled Ballot Envelope• Sample Ballots• Start Here Sign• Vote Here Sign• Demo/Privacy Sleeve Sign• Misc. Information

E-Judges Blue Folder-• ID Chart• Photo ID Flowchart• Provisional Information• Text Log• Tablet Receipt• E-Judge Checklist• Misc. Information

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Page 42: Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll. An important
Page 43: Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll. An important
Page 44: Instruction Manual for Poll Workers - Jackson County€¦ · outstanding behavior and set the example for serving the voters. These judges are the leaders in a poll. An important

Quick QuestionsThese should be answered before you leave the poll!

1. Did you get the PBC TM?

2. Is your poll clean and in the same condition you found it? Coffee pots turned off? Lights turned off?

3. Is the equipment stacked where and how you found it? Check picture for example.

Please do not use the strap. Once everything is stacked correctly (like the picture) lay the strap on top of the blue supply box.

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Please make sure when you leave the polling location it is clean and left how you found it. All equipment should be stacked how and where you found it. Double check that you pulled the PBC TM (memory stick) from the PBC unit and place it in the Grey Ballot Carrier. Remember that BOTH Supervisory Judges are to ride in the same car to their specific ballot delivery location.

The Jackson County Election Board would like to THANK YOU for working as

an Election Judge.
