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Instruments & Indications

Date post: 10-Apr-2015
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Indications 1. Prolonged 2 nd stage of labor. 2. Shorten 2 nd stage of labor for maternal benefit. 3. Fetal Compromise. 4. Stabilize head during breech. Kielland Forceps Simpson Forceps Vacuum Extraction Prerequisites 1.Fully dilated cervix, ruptured membrane and engaged head into pelvis. 2.No doubt regarding position of fetal head. 3.Adequate anesthesia. 4.Empty bladder. Two Extra for vacuum: 5. Pretem labor is contraindication. 6. Face or breech presentation is contraindication.
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1. Prolonged 2nd stage of labor.

2. Shorten 2nd stage of labor for maternal benefit.

3. Fetal Compromise.

4. Stabilize head during breech.

Kielland Forceps

Simpson Forceps

Vacuum Extraction

Prerequisites 1. Fully dilated cervix, ruptured

membrane and engaged head into pelvis.

2. No doubt regarding position of fetal head.

3. Adequate anesthesia.

4. Empty bladder.

Two Extra for vacuum:

5. Pretem labor is contraindication.

6. Face or breech presentation is contraindication.

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Complications Forceps

1. Traumatic vaginal and uterine injuries.

2. Trauma to maternal anal sphincter.

3. Facial Palsy.

4. Fetal Skull fracture

Complications Ventose

1. Cephalohematomas.

2. Subgaleal hematoma

3. Scalp bruising and lacerations

4. Maternal perineal lacerations

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1. History of STD or PID

2. Prior ectopic pregnancy

3. Previous Tubal Surgery

4. Endometriosis

5. IVF and ART

6. IUD

Surgical Rx1. Exploratory laproscopy

2. Salpingostomy

3. Salpingectomy

4. Cornual Resection

Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy

Medical Rx1. Methotrexate

Symptoms1. Lower abdominal pain

2. Amnenorrhea followed by vaginal bleeding

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Maternal Complications

1. Anemia

2. Hydramnois

3. Hypertension

4. PPH

5. Preecalmpsia

6. C/S

Fetal Complications

1. Malpresentation

2. Placenta previa



5. Prematurity.

6. Umbilical cord prolapse

7. Increase perinatal M&M

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Indications1. Contraception.

2. Dysmenorrhia.

3. Menorrhagia.


1. Active cervical infection.

2. Cervical cancer

3. Distortion of uterine cavity

4. Uterine cavity that is not correct size.


1. Unscheduled bleeding

2. Spotting in early months

3. Expulsion

4. Uterine perforation during insertion.

5. Ectopic pregnancy

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1. Uterine Prolapse

2. Vaginal Prolapse

3. Stress urinary incontinence

Risk factors of prolapse

1. Postmenopausal (2nd to decrease estrogen).

2. Multiparity and traumatic delivery.

3. Caucasian (ethnicity)

4. Hysterectomy and pelvic surgery

5. Connective tissue defect

Hodge (Ring) Pessary


1. Low back pain

2. Urinary urge incontinence

3. Sensation of bulging

4. Constipation

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DiagnosisSingle-blade speculum examination asking the patient to strain down.

StagingHymen plane is defined as zero

0 No prolapse (-3 cm)

1 Above hymen (-1)

2 Level of hymen (-1 to +1)

3 Beyond hymen (> +1)

4 Complete eversion

Complete Procidentia Uterine prolapse through vaginal hymen represents failure of all

the vaginal supports. Complications: excessive purulent discharge, decubitus ulcers,

bleeding, and rarely carcinoma of the cervix.

Managements1) Nonsurgical: Kegel excersise and pessaries (unfit or refusing

surgery, during pregnancy, post-partum)

2) Surgical: Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy (cystocele & enterocele), colpopexy (apical prolapse)

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Elective C/S

1. Previous classical C/S

2. Placenta previa.

3. Active herpes.

4. HIV

5. Breech .

6. Twins not in cephalic-cephalic or more than three fetuses

Emergency C/S1. Dystocia

2. Fetal distress

3. Cord prolapse

4. Uterine rupture

Complication C/S

1. Hemorrhage

2. Fetal injury

3. Injury to surrounding organs

4. Blood clots.

5. Increase risk during future pregnancies.

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Uses1. Monitor fetal heart rate.

2. Repetitive decels.

3. Difficult external trace (obesity)

4. Twins

Contraindications1. Hepatitis or HIV

2. Fetal thrombocytopenia

Fetal scalp electrode (FSE)


Indication for AROM1. PET, DM, Heart disease.

2. Prolonged pregnancy


4. Chorioamnionities

Complication of Oxytocin for Ind. & Aug.1. Hyperstimulation (excessive infusion) possible rupture of uterus

and fetal distress.

2. Severe water intoxication with convulsions (antidiuretic effect).

3. Post-delivery uterine atony.

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Sims SpeculumGraves Speculum

Cusco SpeculumDevilbiss Speculum


1. Pap smear

2. Endometrial biopsy

3. Prolapse


4. D&C

5. Abortion

6. Hystrectomy


1. Vaginal laceration

2. Urethral damage

3. Patient discomfort

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Hegar’s Cervical Dilators

Cervical Spatula and Cytobrush

Doytens Retractor
