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Bayport Items of Interest Mrs. Hirnm Darrow . Tel. BAvport 8-4937 Rosalie Durnif. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Donaif of Edge wa- tt r Avenue, rehb at'-d her c!e\ enth birthday Saturday with a trip to the Museum of Natural History in New York City and a luncheon treat at one of New York' s res- taurants. With hei as guests were Dale Rutkowski and Mary Vanik of Haypoi t , and her sister , Janet , Rosalie ' s father drove them in on Saturday morning and they re- turned home at 5:30 ]). m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swords of Snedccor Avenue entertained at their home Saturday morning with a Communion breakfest after theii grandson , Thomas O'Reilly, .h. received his First Holy commun- ion at Our Lady of the Snow R. C. Church. The guests were , Thomas ' parents. Mr. and M' rs. Thomas ()' Reilly, and three children of Gil- lette Avenue, and his other giand- mother , Mrs. Martin O'Reilly from Patchogue. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Toye of Brown 's River Road returned no me last Thursday after spending a week' s vacation at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farrell ot Purick Street celebrated their fif- teenth wedding anniversity Satur- day and their son , Micnael. re- ceived his First Holy communion at Our Lady of S n o w R. C. Church on Saturday morning. Sat- in day night . Mr. and Mrs. Farrell and Michael celebrated both events with dinner at Bronco Charlie ' s in Oakdale. The Advance is on sale at the Village Stationery, Kurt ' s Delica- tessen and Romaine ' s Grocery in Bayport. —Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leehner ann daughters , Wendy and Laurie , of Bayport Avenue spent Mother ' s day \isiting with Mr. Lechner ' s, parents , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leehner , in Spring field Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Will of Purick Street entertained Mother 's day with a dinner party at their home for their sons-in-law and daughters , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc Guire and children , Geoi gian- na , Maureen and Thomas , from Glendale , and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Connors of Eatondale Avenue ; al- so Mr. and Mrs. Will' s grandchil- dren. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mc Lean and son , Michael , from Bayview Avenue. There were four genera- tions at this family dinner party. Mr. and Mis. Fred Hoefer of oil Second Avenue entertained ai a buffet supper party Saturday af- ter their son Douglas had received his First Holy communion at Ou>- Lady oi the Snow R. C. Chuich. His guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Nickolson , Sr.. and daughter , Miss Linda and son , Wayne Nick- olson , from Bellmore ; also Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nickolson , Jr., from Islip; Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Dur- moytt and children. Gerald , Mar- garet , Mary and Jeannee , from Bethpage; Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Paolucci and Mrs. Margaret Reams of Bayport, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin of Ronkon- koma; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lutz and chiidien , Cai olyn , Christine , Thomas and Richard , and Mr. and Mis. Jack Hughes, all from Com- mack , and Douglas ' brothers , Ste- ven and Lawrence. Know-How Auto Instruction of 381 Mc Council Avenue , Bayport , is the first auto driver education school in Suffolk County to have their cars equi pped with safety belts. This school is a member of the New York Drivers Education Association and is licensed by the State of New York. The Ladies ' Auxiliary of the Fire Department met in the fire- house Monday night with the new president , Mrs. William Meyer , in charge. Plans w ere made to hold a cake sale May 27 in front of Shand' s Store at 10 a. m. with Mrs. Meyer as chairman. Three new members were welcomed , Mes- dames Howard Dumermuth . An- drew Kelly and Donald Home. Hostesses for the social hour were Mesdames Raymond Reilly and Charles Hollins. The hostesses for the next meeting will be Mrs. Rob- ert Zigrosser and Mrs. Stanley Gillette. Neighborhood One Girl Scouts Court of Awards program b?. s been changed from May 22 to June 13 and will be held at Camp Edey at 7:15 p. m . instead of at the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zigrosser , Sr., of Oakwood Avenue entertain- ed at a dinner part y May 7 in hon- or of their grandson , James , who made his First Holy communion at St. Ann ' s Episcopal Church in Sayville. The guests were James ' parents and sisters , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zigrosser , Jr., and Nancy and Kathy, Mr. and Mis. Robert Piatt and daughter , Suzanne , and his other grand parents , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nohowec all from Bayport. Also present were Mi. ann Mrs. Milton Nohowec , Jr., and son , John , and Gerald Nonowec , an uncle , all from Sayville. Mr. and .Mrs. Robeit Lee of Ea- tondale Avenue had as their I IOUM guests , Mrs. Lee ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Sobek , Jr., and their son , John Sobek , III , from Mount \einou , who came to attend the First Holv communion of their g/anddaug liter , Sharon , at Our Lady of the Snow R. C. Chuicn . Saturday. Another guest Saturday for dinner was her other grand- mother , Mrs. F. M. Lee , from Bab y ion. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson Van Or- stiand and child' en , Cindy and Da vid. of Eatondi.ie Avenue celebra- ted Mothers day with a dinnei paity at the Clviu-oal Grill in Coiam. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pierson Van Orsirand . Sr., . ' rem Holbrook. James Wilson Young of Bayport Avenue who was stricken ill at Ins Nt\\ \ ork office on Monday of last week was taken to the Ro isevelt Hospital in New York City where he ' .s recovering. Mrs. Young re- ports she hopes he will be home soon. Last Wednesday afternoon Dan- ny Newberg celebrated his I ' ouru birthday with a part y g iv- en by his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Newberg, at their home on Second Avenue. His guests were Mrs. Fred Lotz and daughter . Suzie , Mrs. William Scherff , and sons , Christopher and Gregory , Mrs. Richard Satava a n d son , Stephen , Mrs. Lloyd Bankston and children , Paul and Louise , Mrs. William Stumper and sons , William and James, and Mrs. Frank Zahradka and sons , Jeffrey and Chucky, all from Bayport. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith of Second Avenue entertained with a birthday party in celebration of the third birthday of their son , Richard , S a t u r d a y afternoon. Those in attendance were Jeffrey Smith , James Swamback , Christo- p her Scherff , Thomas Manfre , all of Bayport , and Richard' s sister , Cheryl. The Bayport Auxiliary to the Southside Hospital met on Tues- day afternoon fo>- dessert and cof- fee a < one o ' clock with hostesses Mi> Morten Nolcon and M rs. Na- thaniel Norton Other members present weie Mes nunes Geoi' ge Ma\ey, Henry Scileppi , George Suukey, Kenneth Jo^t , Chai le , No 'man , Frank W. Ar-tos , Oscar Gb.cke , Chailes li. tfogel , Sr., C.u l Sloye and Adojph Mowers. A discussion of p lans for next Fall was held and nil of the auxiliaries aie sponsoring a concert in the Bav Shore High School on May 24. " At the Methodist Church the Junior a n d Senior Methodist Youth Fellowship groups met to- gether in the Wesley House Sun- day evening with the Rev. Robert Haims. Tonight at 8 the Commis- sion on Membership and Evange- lism will meet at the church. Sat- urday night the Couples Club met in the Sunday School rooms tor their legtdav monthly meeting with piesident Robert Warnkcn. Plans were made for their pio- gressive dinner party June 10 and a mo\ ie , "The Atomic Bomb" was shown by Melvin Hill. Members present were Mrs. Melvin Hill , .Mrs. Robert Warnkcn , Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thornbloom , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leehner , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bernhard , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pulley, Mr. and Mrs. John Walters , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hus- zag h , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar- rett , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfister , Mr. and Mis. Frank Edmunds , Mr. and Mrs. William Bates , the Rev. and Mrs. Landon K. Owen , Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch. Mr. and Rodney Brovetto , and Mr. and Mrs. John Rook. The hosts at the social hour were Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Fink , Mr. and Mrs. John Rae , Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fleming and Mr. and Mrs. Hill. The Baypoi-t-Sayville Unit La- dies ' Auxiliary to the Brookhaven Memorial Hosp ital met Monday evening with President Mrs. Char- les Eldridge in charge. Mrs . J. LeRoy Smith , a member of the Hospital' s board of directors , and Mrs. Charles Smol , Council chairman , both of East Pat- chogue , were guests of the unit. Mrs. Smol explained the function of the council and spoke of the many projects that come under the council guidance. At present an Isolette is being purchased for the nursery and a fence has been erected at one wing of the hospi- tal. The chairs in the lobby have been upholstered and p lantings have been arranged o n the grounds of the hospital. Money raised through T.V. rentals and bab y picture sales will be used by the council for these improv- ments. Mrs. Smol also spoke of many extra facilities that are pro- vided at the hospital for the bene- fit of the public. Mrs. J. Leroy Smith , the only woman director on the hospital board , gave some highlights of the guidance and counsel that the directors give without cost. Mrs. George Knies , volunteer chairman , reported that 157 hours of service were given last month by eight members. Mrs. Clarence Rogers , seivmg chairman , reported that 30 hour- of sewing were given to the hos- pital last month. Hostesses for the social hour which followed weie Mesdames Oliver Pascou , William Williams and Brion De Voe. Miss Barbaia Lee Tortora daughte r of Mrs. Adele Tortoia oi Benson Avenue , was given a bri- dal shower Satuulay even.ng at th home of Mrs. Richard Kiuta oi Seamon Avenue With co-hoatesset Miss Marianna Chornoma of Eas< Moriches and Miss Susan Tortora of Seaman Avenue. A buffet sup- per was served and the decora- tions consisted of a p ink watering can , white flowers and white streamers. The guests were Mrs. Stanley Chornoma of East Mo i- ches , Mrs. Henry Goedtel and her daughter , Miss Janet , of Bay Shore , Mrs. Howard Rose , the Misses Doreen , Marilyn and Beat- rice Rose , Mesdames Frank Cal- lahan , Joseph Kelly, John Winter , John Barry, Raymond Mc Goi ry, John Schmitt , William Casey, Marvin Ehrenberg, Genevieve Sappio , James Caiv\ and th° Misses Mario Wahn and Betty and Cai ol Mc Elhinne\ , ah from Say- ville. Also Mesdames Albert Mar- tin , William Dm kin , Lester Fag- giani , Cornelius Van Weele ,iad John Desmond of Baypoit. Miss Darbara Bogel , daugbtei of Mr. and Mrs. Chai les H. J. Bo- gel of Conhetquot Ro.ul. pai liu- pated in the annual Spring Fes- tival at Ursiuus College , Collcge- \i.le . Pa , on Saturday. Mis- , l.ogel served on th" prog I am committee in preparation for the original production . "It' s New Yoik* ' A Junior political science major , Miss Bogel is active m the Coloi Guard , the Messiah Choir , The Young Republicans G' ub , Alpha Sigma Nu Sororit y, the Intercol- legiate Confeience on Government and PSEA. Mrs. Carl Rozycki of Middle Road is confined to her home with a torn ligament in her leg'. Karen Godel , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Godel of Edge- water Avenu n , celebrated her Bus Mitzvah Friday evening at Temple Shalom in Say\ille. Her guests for a buffet paity following the ceremony were her grand parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smolman and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Godel , both from, Brookl yn , and Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Godel from Livingston , N.J. Open house was held for about 100 friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Charles La Cour of Oakwood Avenue entertained at a buffet supper party Saturday at their home in honor of their sj n , Gerald , who took his First Holy Communion at Our Lady of the Snow R. C. Church on Saturday. His guests were his grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. William Westervelt and Mr. and Mrs. Metz La Cour. both of Bayport. Also Mr. and M r s. Theodore Kallmann and children , Elizabeth , Patricia and Theodore , of Connetquot Road. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkins from Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. William Westervelt , Jr., a n d daughter , Victoria of Gillette Ave- nue and the La Cour children , Michele , Renee , Gale , Charles and David. M)r. and Mrs. Frank W. Antos of Bayport Avenue left on Friday for a visit to their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hudson and family at their home in Wadsworth , Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rutow- ski of Fairview Avenue onto tabl- ed at their home Saturday night for dinner guests , Miss Nancy May of Merrick and her fiance , Richard Wiltsey, from Massape- qua. Mr. and Mis . Walter Hock of Lot'ts Road entertained at a din- nei pait> on Sunda\ aftei their (huightei , Laurie , had received her First Holy Communion at the St. Lawi ence R. C. Church on Sunday. The paity was held at the Hock home with the following guests: Giandparonts Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett of Biooklyn , and mu le and aunt , Mr. and Mrs . Arnold Uoepken , and sons , We-Jey and Gregoiy, from Franklin Square. Also Miss Rosalie Ben- nett fiom East Meadov , Mr . and Mrs . Gerald Bennett and children , Eric , Mark , William and James , from Sayville and the other Hock children , Johnathon , Matthew and Andrew. Last Tuesday night , Mrs. L y le Thoi nbloom. Mis. Reuel Rust of Bayport and Gerald Strickland of Blue Point, officers of the Bay- port Methodist Church , attended a confeience for church school , which was held for Sunday school and churc h offices. s at the River- head Methodist Church. Neighborhood One Girl Scout Troop 27 of seventh grade girls will hold a craft and cake sale Saturday at 9:30 p. m. at Mantha ' s Garage , on Middle Road with lea- ders , Mrs. Benjamin Kenney, Mrs. Barton Olson and Mrs. Clifford Follenius in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Hira m Darrow of Bayport Avenue entertained at a Mother ' s day dinner Sunday for their sons-in-law and daughters , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kindberg, and children , Karen , Judith , Nan- cy, Eric and Lance , from Isli p Terrace and Mr. and Mrs. Benja- min Rutowski and daughters , Dale , Robin and Jill , of Fairview Avenue. Mrs. Gesine Wiltsey of Bayport Avenue spent the weekend at the home of her son and daughter-in- law , Mr. and Mrs. George Wiltsey in Massapequa. Neighborhood One Senior Girl Scouts of the South Suffolk Girl Scout Council , Josette Mondanaro , Cath y be limit , Chiistine Williams , Marion Hester, Cathy Bain"U and Eleanor Maklos left Bay- port Friday night by bus along with '10 other senior scouts for a weekend trip to Youmen Flats , Bear Mountain Girl Scout Camp, where the girls pitched tents and cooked over open fires , and spent a weekend of very primitive camp ing. On Saturday the scouts took a bus ch ive to West Point where they saw a dress parade and also visited the West Point Chapel. Sunday was spent in hikes up the mountains and visiting- some of the many small waterfalls in the mountains. The leaders chaperoning the girls were Mrs. Vernon Havens and Mrs. James Walsh of Center Mor- iches and Mrs. Bernard Pagels fiom Bohemia. The local group arrived back home Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Monday evening- the Neighbor- hood One Senior Girl Scouts met at the Wesley House with their leaders , Mrs. Edward Divis and Mrs. Vincent Fleming' . It was Hob- by Night and the girls and lead- ers all brought samp les of their hobbies or gave an exp lanation of their particular hobbies. Mrs. Josep h Tritsch of Gerrit- sen Avenue is convalescing at the Harkness Hospital in New York after a six-week stay and surgery about a month ago. Mr. Tritsch reports that his wife hopes to re- turn home within a couple of weeks. DEDICATION CEREMONY was held at Post Hall recently, dur- ing which flag donated by Hammond-Bi ggs Post 111, Amvet Auxiliary, Patchogue , was presented to Troop 4 , Girl Scouts of America, Patchogue. Pictured in front row , left to right , are Dianne Phelan , Geraldine Merrill , Ethel Gerard and Gail Evans. Second row , Patricia Esser , Susan Gierer , Leonore Nogiewich , Karen Zelony, Eva Rose Delia and Judith Schneid. Top row , Mrs. Abraham Zelony, troop leader; Mrs. Robert Heiner , auxiliary president ; Mrs. Seymour Gierer , troop leader; Mrs. Adam Nogiewich , auxiliary junior vice president ; Mrs. Wilbur Biggs , auxiliary chaplain; Mrs. Morton Judelson , troop leader; Mrs. William Lewis , auxiliary senior vice president; Mrs. Edward Simecek , auxiliary treasurer and state public relations officer; and Mrs. Danjel Gillette, auxiliary honorary member. FOURTH GRADE of Medford Avenue School a.m. session , shown above, visited The Long Island Advance building Thursday. Chil- dren toured building and saw various departments of newspaper. In first row , from left to right , are Carolyn Cullitz , ,Mary Ann Paradiso, Linda O'Brien , June Morris , Richard Quappe , Alan Hastings , Richard Hallen , Kenneth Gardner , Roberta Farbstein , Kathy Butler and Beverly Francis. In second row , left to right! are Bruce Bovsen , Nan Engel , Marie Elena Bolender , Carol Hartman , How ard Reed , Gloria Gates , Robert Levine , Christo- pher Ki.stner , Kenneth Neubeck , David Hallock , John Gould and Bill y Berry. In third row , from left to right , are Rolf How ling, Guy Newham , Mrs. Polimeni , teacner; James Owens , Stephen Hengel and David Lowell. -,.,.. ,„„„ ,*>,, „„ t —Advance Photo Gordon Heights News Items Mrs. Alberta Beach. SElden 2-3796 {, Gordon Heig hts day will be ob- served June 4 at the Suffolk Home \ap hank. All chu.ches and oi ga- t izatioiis aie asked to take an active part in the affair. Christo- p her Henry is chairman. Mrs. David Simmons of Dour- land Road is convalescing at home altei a shoit illness. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. C' arencc Fischer of Northfleete Lane were Mr. and Mis. Lewis Jones and children , Diana and Lewis , Jr., Mr. and Mis. Herman Jon/'s and daughteis , Cynthia and Kathv. all of Brooklyn. 5> A number of paiv nts and ch.l- chen from here enjoyed the him 1 "Huckleberry Finn ' and "Seven Ways to Sundown , " last Wednes- day night at the Coiam Duve-i.i I heate , sponsoied by the Par-Mi t- Teacher Association of the Midd e Island Schools. The proceeds fiom the movie will be earouuked foi the high school scholarship fund recentl y initiated by th > joint council. Mr. and Mrs . Lewis Uollings worth of New Yoi k City spent the weekend at their home on Rose Lane. Miss Irene Biook of New Yoik Cit y was a leient hou-e gu"st o Mrs. Albe ta Beach of Hawkins Avenue. The Advance is on sale at Weir ' s Delicatessen and Alberta Beach' s Grocery in Gordon Heights. —Adv Mr. and Mis . ( hailes ll\ to: and Fail and Edwaid Pinto , all o Brooklyn , spent the week -nd at the home of Mis. Glad ys Ilyltoe of Mills Lane. Mr. and Mrs . Selah Scott of Hawkins Avenue gave a birthda\ narty Sunday in honor of their son . Selah , Jr . Among theii guest- were Gary, Paul , J ., Gai' , Paul Diana and Denise E' ezia of Port Jtffcr-on ; Ronnie Luthe" of Bay Shore; Steven Watson , Louise and Patricia Wilson . Fi ancine and De- bro Waters, Stanley and St r, ve" Vaughn , Nadine Young, Edward [ Rivers , Jr., Nicky Scott , Nancy I and Margaret Taylor . CHURCH NEW S At the Ebenezei Sabbath Day Church services aie as follows: Sabbath School is held at 11 a. in. followed b y divine woiship at 1 p. m. Young Peoples meeting is held at 4 p. m. Saturday and piayer meet ng at 8 p. m. Wed- nesday. Sunday activities include Sunday School at 10 a. m. follow- ed by divine worship at 11:45 a. m. Bible Class is held at 8 p. m. Tuesday with Elder John White in charge. The Mary A. M. E. Zion Church services are as follows : Sunday school is held at 10 a. m. followed by divine worship at 12 noon. Young Peop les meeting is held at 6 p. m. with Nathan Johnston in charge. Prayer meeting- is held at 8 p. m. Thursday. At the Church of God in Christ services ar n as follows: Sunday school is held at 11 a. m.. followed b y divine worshi p at 12:45 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday. 1 he Community Baptist Church seivices are as follows : Sunday school is held at 10 a. m., followed b y dmne woiship at 12 noon. Piayer meeting - is held at 8 p. m. Wednesday and choir rehearsa l at 7 :. 'i0 p. m. Thursday. At St. Michael and All Angel- Episcopal Chuich Sunday a Fami- l y Eucharist and Sunday schoo, aie held at 8:45 a . m. The Goidon Heig hts Seventh Day Adventist Chinch set vices ai< as follow-: Sabbath School is held at !>:4" > a. m., Home Mis-ion a! 10: to a. m., divine worshi p is held at 11:45 a. m. Young Pe op le- meeting is held at 4 p. m. Satur- day. Piayer meting is he 'd at 8 j). m. Wednesday. Mount Olivet Baptist Church -ei vices aie as follow- : Sunday school is held at 10 a. m. followed b y divine wore-hip at 12 noon and 8 p. m. Prayei meeting is held at <S p. m. Fi iday . Come to us for all sickroom supplies See us for professional help in choosing from all the best in sickroo m supplies and equipment. CALL US FOR SERVICE Slater Pharmacy R & S DRUG, INC. Mam Street , Center Moriches Phone ATlantic 4-0090 NEW MODERN SELF-SERVICE DRUG STORE Short of HOT WATER? flf ' l^^fefen fe ®£$ " ' * l^? f?®£all " blissful ' 'Mita-i - i n t U%i%» m If you are inconveniently short of hot water , a new oil fired hot water heater is the answer to your prob- lem. ¦ You'll have all the hot wate r you want—torrents of it—by opening a tap. Plenty of hot water for bathing... dishwashing and laundry. It's ful- ly automatic. ¦ Costs only pennies a day to operate. We can install one ii tomorrow. B Any AAmmxi size you wish. % .BSmW ^Li Why not call us* M^^ VM WML% Call BUS heating oil M AZZOTTI RUSSO GR 5 ^T* jfcH ^ ir mmw 30 RAILROAD AVENUE PATCHOGUE Our Gulf Fuel Oil supply trucks are always ready to serve you. Complete Oil Burner and Water Pump Service. ALSO CALL OUR BRANCH MAZZOTT I BROS. Jericho Turnp ike SElden 2-3110 PLUMBING HEATING WELL DRILLING ^F j PROTECTION IS A JOB FOR PROFESSIONALS 1 Call on us for profess ional 1 insuiance ser\ ice backed by the policies with the P. S. Personal Service. GEORGE C. STROM INSURANCE AGENT BROKER CONSULTANT Farm-to-Market Road Holtsville SElden 2-3232 Representin g fS^ T^NB /ETNA CASUALTY IfflJN&l AND SURETY COMPANY PjUlJ^fl Hartford , Connecticut pBter«St y{ FAST ACTION FROM WANT ^ amamY^J The Patchogue Fire Dept. Bv D.itt. Chief Frank Mutton ___ l LAST ALARM E\-captain oi the I'i r Police . Al Caliero , answered hi-, last alarm at J a. m. Friday. Hr- w .is an aj i i v e member of the Van Guard Iio.se C m p a n ;.. Fir Depai tmcnl ser\ ices w ere h dd at 7:30 p. :u. Mondav , with wed over 100 nun in attendance. He will be great- ly missed by the depart m ir and especially by the fellow s at the round table. Funeral <-or\ iocs were held Tuesday, ui.d ii was burled at Pinelaw n Cemetery, Fan.iiii L dale. HEADQUARTERS There ha been a new inte. -com system in stalled in the conlr'd booth ani connected to the upstans room. 'Ibis will enable the custodian t< contact the members upstair^ wiui out lea\ ins the booth . Captain Richard Thompson of the Hook and Ladder Com- pany was married this past Sun- day to Carol yn Rearn?y of Hi g h- land A\enue. Lots of luck!! This week we are sending ? donation to the Fireman ' s Home on the tiuuson to have a tiee w.t plaque p lanted on the e; 'ounds in memory of all the departed mem- bers of the Patchogue Fire De- partment. All volunteer firemen in New York State are eli gible to retire to this home if they are left alone in the world and need a home . The members of the Engine Hose Company are painting their m"eting room. The men are working c\enings on this project in an effort to spruce up for Sprirg. Euclid Hose Company No. 2 will hold its annual dinner and Old Timers ' Nite June li. Thi- , din ner is held once a \tai to honoi the older members of this com- pany. We understand that "Cuddles '' of the Euclid Company No . 1 has made a U out of one section of hose again. Watch out , fellows, he 'll do it e\ery time! RACING TEAM This year the companies w ill partici pate in the old fashioned racing tour- naments. They consist of hand draw n racing carts which are being built at the present time by the members. These teams w ill take part in tournaments in and around Brookhav en Town along with other lire depart- ments. Engine Hose Company and the Hook and Ladder Company com- bined will be known as "The Jolly Tinkers. " The captain of this team will be Gecuge Wilson and the co- captains a r e Chiuchiolo and Schulz. Robert Smith and Dan Gillette , Jr., are in charge of building the cait. Euclid Company will be known as "The St wing Circle , " with Captain Ed Riley and Co-cap tain Vinnie Felice. There is a rumor yomg around that Robeit Gould has been elected chief elrh er of the Sewing Circle 's racing cart. Van Guard Hose Company will be known as "The Forty Thieves , ' with Captain Murray Go.tfwed and Assistant Captain Bob Safranek. Jake Parris and Adam Metz have iHiilt the lacing cart. All three teams are chafing at the bit anel raring to go when the ournaments start i;i .Tulv. ALARMS There were two sill alarms and one general last week as follows: Still alarm , grass at Rider Avenue and Smith Street , at 7 :30 p. m. last Wednesday; general , a false alarm at Rider Avenue and Car- man Street at 1 :20 p. m. last Thursday ; still , car tire at Med- ford Avenue and Main Street at 11:30 a. m. Friday. The light truck was called to the scc-n* of an automobile accident on the Sunrise Highwaj at 9.30 p. in. last Thursday. AMBULANCE CALLS - Last week , the Ambulance Company answered 17 calls. Seven or these calls were answered last Thurs - day. The men of the Ambulance Company deserve a word of thanks for the time they voluntaril y give to serv e those in need. CHIEF'S CORNER ! i

Bayport Items of InterestMrs. Hirnm Darrow . Tel. BAvport 8-4937

Rosalie Durnif . daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Paul Donaif of Edge wa-tt r Avenue , r e h b at'-d her c!e\ ent hbirthday Saturday with a trip tothe Museum of Natural History inNew York City and a luncheontreat at one of New York's res-taurants . With hei as guests wereDale Rutkowski and Mary Vanikof Haypoi t , and her sister , Janet ,Rosalie 's father drove them in onSaturday morning and they re-turned home at 5:30 ]). m.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swords ofSnedccor Avenue entertained attheir home Saturday morning witha Communion breakfest after theiigrandson , Thomas O'Reil ly , .h.received his First Holy commun-ion at Our Lady of the Snow R. C.Church. The guests were , Thomas 'parents . Mr. and M'rs. Thomas ()'Reilly, and three children of Gil-lette Avenue , and his o ther g i a n d -mother , Mrs. Mart in O'Reilly fromPatchogue.

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Toye ofBrown 's River Road returned no melast Thursday after spending aweek's vacation at At lant ic City.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farrell otPurick Street celebrated their f i f -teenth wedding anniversity Satur-day and their son , Micnael. re-ceived his First Holy communionat Our Lady of S n o w R. C.Church on Saturday morning. Sat-in day night . Mr. and Mrs. Farrelland Michael celebrated both eventswith dinner at Bronco Charlie 's inOakdale.

The Advance is on sale at theVillage Stationery, Kurt 's Delica-tessen and Romaine's Grocery inBayport.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leehnerann daughters , Wendy and Laurie ,of Bayport Avenue spent Mother 'sday \ is i t ing with Mr. Lechner 's,parents , Mr. and Mrs. JosephLeehner , in Spring field Gardens.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Albert Will ofPurick Street entertained Mother 'sday with a dinner party at theirhome for their sons-in-law a n ddaughters , Mr. and Mrs. ThomasMc Guire and children , Geoi gian-na , Maureen and Thomas , fromGlendale , and Mr. and Mrs. DanielConnors of Eatondale Avenue ; al-so Mr. and Mrs. Will ' s grandchil-dren. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mc Leanand son , Michael , from BayviewAvenue. There were four genera-tions at this family dinner party.

Mr. and Mis. Fred Hoefer of oilSecond Avenue entertained ai abuffet supper party Saturday af-ter their son Douglas had receivedhis First Holy communion at Ou>-Lady oi the Snow R. C. Chuich.His guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mar-tin Nickolson , Sr.. and daughter ,Miss Linda and son , Wayne Nick-olson , from Bellmore ; also Mr. andMrs. Martin Nickolson , Jr., fromIslip; Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Dur-moytt and children. Gerald , Mar-garet , Mary and Jeannee , fromBethpage; Mr. and Mrs. Ray-mond Paolucci and Mrs. MargaretReams of Bayport, and Mr. a n dMrs. Richard Martin of Ronkon-koma; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lutzand chiidien , Cai olyn , Christine ,Thomas and Richard , and Mr. andMis. Jack Hughes , all from Com-mack , and Douglas ' brothers , Ste-ven and Lawrence.

Know-How Auto Instruction of381 Mc Council Avenue , Bayport ,is the first auto driver educationschool in Suffolk County to havetheir cars equi pped with safetybelts. This school is a member ofthe New York Drivers EducationAssociation and is licensed by theState of New York.

The Ladies ' Auxiliary of t h eFire Department met in the fire-house Monday night with the newpresident , Mrs. William Meyer , incharge. Plans w ere made to hold acake sale May 27 in front ofShand' s Store at 10 a. m. with Mrs.Meyer as chairman. Three newmembers were welcomed , Mes-dames Howard Dumermuth . An-drew Kelly and Donald Home.Hostesses for the social hour wereMesdames Raymond Reilly andCharles Hollins. The hostesses forthe next meeting will be Mrs. Rob-ert Zigrosser and Mrs. StanleyGillette.

Neighborhood One Girl ScoutsCourt of Awards program b?.sbeen changed from May 22 to June13 and will be held at Camp Edeyat 7:15 p. m. instead of at the highschool.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zigrosser ,Sr., of Oakwood Avenue entertain-ed at a dinner part y May 7 in hon-or of their grandson , James , whomade his First Holy communion atSt. Ann 's Episcopal Church inSayville. The guests were James'parents and sisters , Mr. and Mrs.Albert Zigrosser , Jr., and Nancyand Kathy, Mr. and Mis. RobertPiatt and daughter , Suzanne , andhis other grand parents , Mr. a n dMrs. Milton Nohowec all f r o m

Bayport. Also present were Mi .ann Mrs. Milton Nohowec , Jr., andson , John , and Gerald Nonowec , anuncle , all from Sayville.

Mr. and .Mrs. Robei t Lee of Ea-tondale Avenue had as their II O U Mguests , Mrs. Lee's parents , Mr. andMrs. John Sobek , Jr., and t h e i rson , John Sobek , I I I , from Mount\ e i n o u , who came to attend theFirst Holv communion of the i rg/anddaug liter , Sharon , at OurLady of the Snow R. C. Chu icn .Saturday. Another guest Saturdayfor d inner was her other grand-mother , Mrs. F. M. Lee , from Baby ion.

Mr. and Mrs. Pierson Van Or-st iand and child ' en , Cindy and David. of Eatondi. ie Avenue celebra-ted Mothers day with a d i n n e ipa i ty at the Clviu-oal Gri l l inCoiam. Their guests were Mr. andMrs. Pierson Van Orsirand . Sr.,.'rem Holbrook.

James Wilson Young of BayportAvenue who was stricken ill at InsN t \ \ \ ork office on Monday of lastweek was taken to the Ro iseveltHospital in New York City wherehe '.s recovering. Mrs. Young re-ports she hopes he will be homesoon.

Last Wednesday afternoon Dan-ny Newberg celebrated his I'ourubirthday with a part y g iv-en by his parents , Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Newberg, at their home onSecond Avenue. His guests wereMrs. Fred Lotz and daughter .Suzie , Mrs. William Scherff , andsons, Christopher and Gregory ,Mrs. R i c h a r d S a t a v a a n dson , Stephen , Mrs. Lloyd Bankstonand children , Paul and Louise ,Mrs. William Stumper and sons ,William and James, and Mrs.Frank Zahradka and sons , Jeffreyand Chucky, all from Bayport.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith ofSecond Avenue entertained with abirthday party in celebration ofthe third birthday of their son ,Richard , S a t u r d a y afternoon.Those in attendance were JeffreySmith , James Swamback , Christo-pher Scherff , Thomas Manfre , allof Bayport , and Richard's sister,Cheryl.

The Bayport Auxil iary to theSouthside Hospital met on Tues-day afternoon fo>- dessert and cof-fee a < one o'clock with hostessesMi> Morten Nolcon and M rs. Na-thaniel Norton Other memberspresent weie Mes nunes Geoi'geMa\ey, Henry Scileppi , GeorgeSuukey, Kenneth Jo^t , Chai le ,No 'man , Frank W. A r - t o s , OscarGb.cke , Chailes li. tfogel , Sr.,C.u l Sloye and Ad oj ph Mowers. Adiscussion of p lans for next Fallwas held and nil of the auxiliariesaie sponsoring a concert in theBav Shore High School on May24. "

At the Methodist Church theJunior a n d Senior MethodistYouth Fellowship groups met to-gether in the Wesley House Sun-day evening with the Rev. RobertHaims. Tonight at 8 the Commis-sion on Membership and Evange-lism will meet at the church. Sat-urday night the Couples Club metin the Sunday School rooms tortheir legtdav monthly meetingwith piesident Robert Warnkcn.Plans were made for their pio-gressive dinner party June 10 anda mo\ ie , "The Atomic Bomb" wasshown by Melvin Hill. Memberspresent were Mrs. Melvin Hill ,.Mrs. Robert Warnkcn , Mr. andMrs. Lyle Thornbloom , Mr. andMrs. Russell Leehner , Mr. and Mrs.Richard Bernhard , Mr. and Mrs.Walter Pulley, Mr. and Mrs. JohnWalters , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hus-zag h , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar-rett , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfister ,Mr. and Mis. Frank Edmunds , Mr.and Mrs. William Bates , the Rev.and Mrs. Landon K. Owen , Mr.and Mrs. William Lynch. Mr. andRodney Brovetto , and Mr. andMrs. John Rook. The hosts at thesocial hour were Mr. and Mrs.Seymour Fink , Mr. and Mrs. JohnRae , Mr. and Mrs. VincentFleming and Mr. and Mrs. Hill.

The Baypoi-t-Sayville Unit La-dies' Auxiliary to the BrookhavenMemorial Hospital met Mondayevening with President Mrs. Char-les Eldridge in charge. Mrs. J.LeRoy Smith , a member of theHospital's board of directors , andMrs. C h a r l e s Smol , Councilchairman , both of East Pat-chogue, were guests of the unit.Mrs. Smol explained the functionof the council and spoke of themany projects that come underthe council guidance. At presentan Isolette is being purchased forthe nursery and a fence has beenerected at one wing of the hospi-tal. The chairs in the lobby havebeen upholstered and plantingsh a v e been arranged o n thegrounds of the hospital. Moneyraised through T.V. rentals andbaby picture sales will be used byt h e council f o r these improv-ments. Mrs. Smol also spoke ofmany extra facilities that are pro-vided at the hospital for the bene-fit of the public. Mrs. J. LeroySmith , the only woman director onthe hospital board , gave somehighlights of the guidance andcounsel that the directors givewithout cost. Mrs. George Knies ,volunteer chairman , reported that157 hours of service were givenlast month by eight members.Mrs. Clarence Rogers , seivmgchairman , reported that 30 hour -of sewing were given to the hos-pital last month. Hostesses for thesocial hour which followed weieMesdames Oliver Pascou , WilliamWilliams and Brion De Voe.

Miss Barbaia L e e Tortoradaughte r of Mrs. Adele Tortoia oiBenson Avenue , was given a bri-dal shower Satuulay even.ng at thhome of Mrs. Richard Kiu ta oiSeamon Avenue With co-hoatessetMiss Marianna Chornoma of Eas<

Moriches and Miss Susan Tortoraof Seaman Avenue. A buffet sup-per was served and the decora-tions consisted of a pink wateringcan , white flowers and whitestreamers. The guests were Mrs.Stanley Chornoma of East Mo i-ches , Mrs. Henry Goedtel and herdaughter , Miss Janet , of BayShore , Mrs. Howard Rose , theMisses Doreen , Mari lyn and Beat-rice Rose , Mesdames Frank Cal-lahan , Joseph Kelly, John Winter ,John Barry, Raymond Mc Goi ry,John Schmitt , Wi l l iam Casey,Marvin Ehrenberg, G e n e v i e v eSappio , James Caiv\ and th°Misses Mario Wahn and Betty andCai ol Mc E lhinne\ , ah from Say-ville. Also Mesdames Alber t Mar-t in , Wil l iam Dm kin , Lester Fag-giani , Cornelius Van Weele ,iadJohn Desmond of Baypoi t .

Miss Darbara Bogel , daugbt e iof Mr. and Mrs. Chai les H. J. Bo-gel of Conhetquot Ro.ul. pai l iu -pated in the annual Spr in g Fes-tival at Ursiuus College , Collcge-\ i . le . Pa , on Saturday. Mis-, l.ogelserved on th " prog I am c o m m i t t e ein preparation for the originalproduction . "It's New Y o i k * ' AJunior po li t ical science major ,Miss Bogel is active m the ColoiGuard , the Messiah Choir , TheYoung Republicans G' ub , AlphaSigma Nu Sororit y, the Intercol-legiate Confeience on Governmentand PSEA.

Mrs. Carl Rozycki of MiddleRoad is confined to her home witha torn l igament in her leg'.

Karen Godel , daugh te r of Mr.and Mrs. Jules Godel of Edge-water Avenu n , celebrated her BusMitzvah Friday evening at TempleShalom in Say\il le. Her guestsfor a buffet pai ty following theceremony were her grand parents ,Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smolman andMr. and Mrs. Samuel Godel , bothfrom, Brookl yn , and Dr. and Mrs.M. D. Godel from Livingston , N.J.Open house was held for about100 friends and neighbors.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles La Courof Oakwood Avenue entertained ata buffet supper party Saturday attheir home in honor of their sj n ,Gerald , who took his First HolyCommunion at Our Lady of theSnow R. C. Church on Saturday.His guests were his grandparents ,Mr. and Mrs. William Westerveltand Mr. and Mrs. Metz La Cour.both of Bayport. Also Mr. andM r s. Theodore Kallmann a n dchildren , Elizabeth , Patricia andTheodore , of Connetquot Road.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkins

from Springfield and Mr. and Mrs.William Westervelt , Jr., a n ddaughter , Victoria of Gillette Ave-nue and the La Cour children ,Michele , Renee , Gale , Charles andDavid.

M)r. and Mrs. Frank W. Antosof Bayport Avenue left on Fridayfor a visit to their son-in-law anddaughter , Mr. and Mrs. DouglasHudson and fami ly at their homein Wadsworth , Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rutow-ski of Fairview Avenue onto tabl-ed at their home Saturday nightfor dinner guests , Miss NancyMay of Merrick and her fiance ,Richard Wiltsey, f rom Massape-qua.

Mr. and M i s . Walter Hock ofLot 'ts Road enter ta ined at a din-nei pa i t > on Sunda\ af te i their(hui ghtei , Laurie , had receivedher First Holy Communion at theSt. Lawi ence R. C. Church onSunday. The p a i t y was held at theHock home with the fo l lowin ggues ts : G iandpa ron t s Mr. and Mrs.Wi l l i am Bennet t of B iook lyn , andmu le and aun t , Mr. and Mrs .Arnold Uoepken , and sons , We-Jeyand Gregoiy, f r o m FranklinSquare. Also Miss Rosalie Ben-nett f iom East Meadov , Mr . andMrs . Gerald Bennett and children ,Eric , Mark , Wil l iam and James,from Sayville and the other Hockchi ldren , Johnathon , Matthew andAndrew.

Last Tuesday night , Mrs. LyleThoi nbloom. Mis . Reuel Rust ofBayport and Gerald Strickland ofBlue Point , off icers of the Bay-port Methodist Church , attended aconfeience f o r church school ,which was held for Sunday schooland churc h o f f i ce s . s at the River-head Methodist Church.

Neighborhood One Girl ScoutTroop 27 of seventh grade girlswill hold a craft and cake saleSaturday at 9:30 p. m. at Mantha 'sGarage , on Middle Road with lea-ders , Mrs. Benjamin Kenney, Mrs.Barton Olson and Mrs. CliffordFollenius in charge.

Mr. and Mrs. Hira m Darrow ofBayport Avenue entertained at aMother 's day dinner Sunday fortheir sons-in-law and daughters,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kindberg,and children , Karen , Judith , Nan-cy, Eric and Lance , from Isli pTerrace and Mr. and Mrs. Benja-min Rutowski a n d daughters ,Dale, Robin and Jill , of FairviewAvenue.

Mrs. Gesine Wiltsey of BayportAvenue spent the weekend at thehome of her son and daughter-in-

law, Mr. and Mrs. George Wiltseyin Massapequa.

Nei ghborhood One Senior GirlScouts of the South Suf fo lk GirlScout Council , Josette Mondanaro ,Cath y be l imit , Ch i i s t i ne Wil l iams ,Marion Hester, Cathy Bain"Uand Eleanor Maklos left Bay-port Friday night by bus alongwith '10 other senior scoutsfor a weekend trip to YoumenFlats , Bear Mountain Girl ScoutCamp, where the girls pitchedtents and cooked over open fires ,and spent a weekend of veryprimitive camp ing. On Saturdaythe scouts took a bus ch ive toWest Point where they saw adress parade and also visited theWest Point Chapel. Sunday wasspent in hikes up the mountainsand visiting- some of the manysmall waterfalls in the mountains.The leaders chaperoning the girlswere Mrs. Vernon Havens andMrs. James Walsh of Center Mor-iches and Mrs. Bernard Pagelsf iom Bohemia. The local grouparrived back home Sunday at 7:30p. m.

Monday evening- the Neighbor-hood One Senior Girl Scouts metat the Wesley House with theirleaders , Mrs. Edward Divis andMrs. Vincent Fleming'. It was Hob-by Night and the girls and lead-ers all brought samples of theirhobbies or gave an explanation oftheir particular hobbies.

Mrs. Joseph Tritsch of Gerrit-sen Avenue is convalescing at theHarkness Hospital in New Yorkafter a six-week stay and surgeryabout a month ago. Mr. Tritschreports that his wife hopes to re-turn home within a couple ofweeks.

DEDICATION CEREMONY was held at Post Hall recently, dur-ing which flag donated by Hammond-Bi ggs Post 111, AmvetAuxiliary, Patchogue, was presented to Troop 4 , Girl Scouts ofAmerica, Patchogue. Pictured in front row , left to right , areDianne Phelan, Geraldine Merrill , Ethel Gerard and Gail Evans.Second row , Patricia Esser, Susan Gierer , Leonore Nogiewich ,Karen Zelony, Eva Rose Delia and Judith Schneid. Top row , Mrs.

Abraham Zelony, troop leader; Mrs. Robert Heiner, auxiliarypresident ; Mrs. Seymour Gierer , troop leader; Mrs. AdamNogiewich, auxiliary junio r vice president ; Mrs. Wilbur Biggs ,auxiliary chaplain; Mrs. Morton Judelson , troop leader; Mrs.William Lewis, auxiliary senior vice president; Mrs. EdwardSimecek, auxiliary treasurer and state public relations officer ;and Mrs. Danj el Gillette, auxiliary honorary member.

FOURTH GRADE of Medford Avenue School a.m. session, shownabove, visited The Long Island Advance building Thursday. Chil-dren toured building and saw various departments of newspaper.In first row, from left to right , are Carolyn Cullitz , ,Mary AnnParadiso, Linda O'Brien , June Morris, Richard Quappe , AlanHastings, Richard Hallen , Kenneth Gardner , Roberta Farbstein ,Kathy Butler and Beverly Francis. In second row, left to right!

are Bruce Bovsen , Nan Engel , Marie Elena Bolender , CarolHar tman , How ard Reed , Gloria Gates , Robert Levine, Christo-pher Ki.stner, Kenneth Neubeck , David Hallock , John Gould andBill y Berry. In third row , from left to r ight , are Rolf How ling,Guy Newham , Mrs. Polimeni , teacner; James Owens, StephenHengel and David Lowell. -,., . . ,„„„ ,*>,, „„ t

—Advance Photo

Gordon Heights News ItemsMrs. Alberta Beach. SElden 2-3796 {,

Gordon Heig hts day will be ob-served June 4 at the Suffolk Home\ a p hank. All chu.ches and oi ga-t izatioiis a ie asked to take anactive part in the affair. Christo-pher Henry is chairman.

Mrs. David Simmons of Dour-land Road is convalescing at homeal te i a shoi t illness.

Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.C' arencc Fischer of NorthfleeteLane were Mr. and Mis. LewisJones and children , Diana andLewis, Jr., Mr. and Mis. HermanJon/' s and daughteis , Cynthia andKathv. all of Brooklyn.

5> A number of paiv nts and ch.l-chen from here en j o y e d the him

1 "Huckleberry Finn ' and "SevenWays to Sundown ," last Wednes-day n i ght at the Coiam Duve-i.iI heate , sponsoied by the Par -Mi t-Teacher A ssoci at ion of the Midd eIsland Schools. The proceeds f i o mthe movie wil l be earouuked foithe high school scholarship fundrecentl y in i t i a ted by th > j o in tcouncil.

Mr. and Mr s . Lewis Uol l in g sworth of New Yoi k Ci ty spentthe weekend at their home onRose Lane.

Miss Irene Bi ook of New Y oikCit y was a l e i e n t hou-e gu "st oMrs. Albe ta Beach of H a w k i n sAvenue.

The Advance is on sale at Weir 'sDelicatessen and Alberta Beach'sGrocery in Gordon Heights.—Adv

Mr. and M i s . ( h a i l e s l l \ to:and Fa i l and E d w a i d P i n t o , all oBrooklyn , spent the week -nd atthe home of Mis . Glad y s I ly l toeof Mills Lane.

Mr. and Mrs . Selah Scott ofHawkins Avenue gave a b i r thda \narty Sunday in honor of th eirson . Selah , Jr . A m o n g theii guest-were Gary, Paul , J ., Gai' , PaulDiana and Deni se E' ezia of PortJ t f fcr -on ; Ronnie Luthe" of BayShore; Steven Watson , Louise andPatricia Wilson . Fi ancine and De-bro Waters, Stanley and St r,ve"Vaughn , Nadine Young, Edward

[ Rivers , Jr., Nicky Scott , NancyI and Margaret Taylor .

CHURCH NEW SAt the Ebenezei Sabbath Day

Church services aie as fo l lows:Sabbath School is held at 11 a. in.followed by divine w o i s h i p at 1p. m. Young Peoples meet ing isheld at 4 p. m. Saturday andpiayer meet ng at 8 p. m. Wed-nesday. Sunday activities includeSunday School at 10 a. m. follow-ed by divine worship at 11:45 a.m. Bible Class is held at 8 p. m.Tuesday with Elder John Whitein charge.

The Mary A. M. E. Zion Churchservices are as follows : Sundayschool is held at 10 a. m. followedby divine worship at 12 noon.Young Peop les meeting is held at6 p. m. with Nathan Johnston incharge. Prayer meeting- is held at8 p. m. Thursday.

At the Church of God in Christservices arn as follows: Sundayschool is held at 11 a. m.. followed

by d iv ine worshi p at 12:45 p. m.and 8 p. m. Sunday.

1 he Communi ty Baptist Churchseiv ices are as follows : Sundayschool is held at 10 a. m., followedby dmne w o i sh i p at 12 noon.P i a y e r meet ing- is held at 8 p. m.Wednesday and choir rehearsa l at7 :.'i0 p. m. Thursday.

At St. Michael and All Angel-Episcopal Chuich Sunday a Fami-l y Euchar i s t and Sunday schoo,a ie held at 8:45 a. m.

The Goidon Heig hts SeventhDay Adventist Chinch set vices ai<as fol low-: Sabbath School is heldat !>:4"> a. m., Home Mis - ion a!10: to a. m., divine worshi p isheld at 11:45 a. m. Young Pe op le-meeting is held at 4 p. m. Satur-day. P iayer meting is he 'd at 8j ) . m. Wednesday.

Mount Olivet Baptis t Church-ei v ices a ie as follow- : Sundayschool is held at 10 a. m. followedby divine wore -h ip at 12 noon and8 p. m. Prayei meeting is held at<S p. m. Fi iday .

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^a m a m Y ^ J

The Patchogue Fire Dept.

Bv D.itt. Chief Frank Mut ton___ l

LAST A L A R M — E\-captainoi the I'i r • Police. Al Caliero,answered hi- , last alarm at Ja. m. Friday. Hr- w .is an aj i iv emember of the Van Guard Iio.seC < ¦ m p a n ;.. F i r • Depai tmcnlser\ ices w ere h dd at 7:30 p. :u.Mondav , w i t h wed ove r 100 n u nin at tendance. He w i l l be great-ly missed by the depart m ir andespecially by the fellow s at theround table. Funeral <-or\ iocswere held Tuesday, ui.d ii wasburled at Pinelaw n Cemetery ,Fan.iiii L dale.

HEADQUARTERS — There habeen a new inte. -com system installed in the conlr'd booth aniconnected to the upstans room.'Ibis w i l l enable the custodian t<contact the members upstair^ wiuiout lea\ ins the booth .

Captain Richard Thompsonof the Hook and Ladder Com-pany was married this past Sun-day to Carol yn Rearn?y of Hi gh-land A\enue. Lots of luck!!

This week we are sending ?donation to the Fireman 's Homeon the t i uuson to have a tiee w.tplaque planted on the e; 'ounds inmemory of all the departed mem-bers of the Patchogue Fire De-partment. All volunteer firemenin New York State are eligible toretire to this home if they areleft alone in the world and needa home.

The members of the EngineHose Company are paintingtheir m "eting room. The menare working c \enings on thisproject in an effort to spruce upfor Sprirg.

Euclid Hose Company No. 2will hold its annual d inne r andOld Timers ' Nite June li. Thi- , dinner is held once a \ t a i to honoithe older members of this com-pany.

We understand that "Cuddles ''of the Euclid Company No . 1 hasmade a U out of one section ofhose again. Watch out , fellows,he 'll do it e \ery time!

R A C I N G TEAM — This yearthe companies w ill partici patein the old fashioned racing tour-naments. They consist of handdraw n racing carts which arebeing built at the present timeby the members. These teamsw ill take part in tournaments inand around Brookhav en Townalong w i t h other lire depart-


Engine Hose Company and theHook and Ladder Company com-bined will be known as "The JollyTinkers." The captain of this teamwill be Gecuge Wilson and the co-captains a r e Chiuchiolo andSchulz. Robert Smith and DanGillette , Jr., are in charge ofbuilding the cait.

Euclid Company will be knownas "The St wing Circle ," withCaptain Ed Riley and Co-captainVinnie Felice. There is a rumoryomg around that Robeit Gouldhas been elected chief elrh er ofthe Sewing Circle 's racing cart.

Van Guard Hose Company willbe known as "The Forty Thieves , 'with Captain Murray Go.tfwed andAssistant Captain Bob Safranek.Jake Parris and Adam Metz haveiHiilt the lac ing cart.

All three teams are chafing atthe bit anel raring to go when theournaments start i;i .Tulv.

ALARMS — There were twosill alarms and one general lastweek as follows: Still alarm ,grass at Rider Avenue andSmith Street , at 7 :30 p. m. lastWednesday; general , a falsealarm at Rider Avenue and Car-man Street at 1:20 p. m. lastThursday ; still , car tire at Med-ford Avenue and Main Street at11:30 a. m. Friday. The lighttruck was called to the scc-n* ofan automobile accident on theSunrise Highwaj at 9.30 p. in.last Thursday .

AMBULANCE CALLS - Lastweek, the Ambulance Companyanswered 17 calls. Seven or thesecalls were answered last Thurs -day. The men of the AmbulanceCompany deserve a word of thanksfor the time they voluntaril y giveto serve those in need.

