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Intact spatial updating during locomotion after right posterior parietal … · 2020-03-03 ·...

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Intact spatial updating during locomotion after right posterior parietal lesions John W. Philbeck a, *, Marlene Behrmann a , Sandra E. Black b , Patricia Ebert b a Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA b Sunnybrook Health Science Center, Toronto, ON, Canada Received 26 February 1999; received in revised form 23 November 1999; accepted 1 December 1999 Abstract One function of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is to monitor and integrate sensory signals relating to the current pointing direction of the eyes. We investigated the possibility that the human PPC also contributes to spatial updating during larger-scale behaviors. Two groups of patients with brain injuries either including or excluding the right hemisphere PPC and a group of healthy subjects performed a visually-directed walking task, in which the subject views a target and then attempts to walk to it without vision. All groups walked without vision accurately and precisely to remembered targets up to 6 m away; the patient groups also performed similarly to the healthy controls when indicating egocentric distances using non-motoric responses. These results indicate that the right PPC is not critically involved in monitoring and integrating non-visual self-motion signals, at least along linear paths. In addition, visual perception of egocentric distance in multi-cue environments is immune to injury of a variety of brain areas. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Egocentric distance perception; Space perception; Perception/action; Path integration; Navigation; Walking 1. Introduction Many human activities require keeping track of, or updating, the current position of the body and its parts. To perceive a stable visual world, for instance, the visual system must take eye and body motions into account so that it does not incorrectly attribute all visual motion on the retina to motion in the external world. A striking example of human spatial updating ability on a larger scale is the accuracy with which the average observer can walk without vision to a pre- viously-viewed target location. After viewing a target in a well-lit environment, the average observer stops very near the target’s location when walking without vision, even when the target is up to 20 m or more away from the walking origin [11,17,44,51,58,62]. Because this task is performed without visual feedback, it is known as ‘‘visually-directed walking’’. By contrast, ‘‘visually-guided’’ actions are performed under direct visual control [34]. Good visually-directed walking performance is indeed impressive, given that the observer is prevented from fixing his or her location by referring to visible landmarks. When landmarks are directly perceptible, either through vision or through some other sensory modality, one may determine one’s position without reference to internally-generated self-motion infor- mation. This form of position-based navigation is known as ‘‘piloting’’ [37]. Without vision, however, one must update one’s movement through other sen- sory signals, such as proprioception (limb position in- formation), kinesthesis (limb movement information), eerence copy of the motor commands controlling muscle activation, and vestibular signals. The fact that healthy humans typically perform well despite the absence of vision suggests that they are quite adept at Neuropsychologia 38 (2000) 950–963 0028-3932/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0028-3932(99)00156-6 www.elsevier.com/locate/neuropsychologia * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-412-268-4237; fax: +1-412-268- 2798. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.W. Philbeck).
Page 1: Intact spatial updating during locomotion after right posterior parietal … · 2020-03-03 · Intact spatial updating during locomotion after right posterior parietal lesions John

Intact spatial updating during locomotion after right posteriorparietal lesions

John W. Philbecka,*, Marlene Behrmanna, Sandra E. Blackb, Patricia Ebertb

aDepartment of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USAbSunnybrook Health Science Center, Toronto, ON, Canada

Received 26 February 1999; received in revised form 23 November 1999; accepted 1 December 1999


One function of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is to monitor and integrate sensory signals relating to the current pointingdirection of the eyes. We investigated the possibility that the human PPC also contributes to spatial updating during larger-scale

behaviors. Two groups of patients with brain injuries either including or excluding the right hemisphere PPC and a group ofhealthy subjects performed a visually-directed walking task, in which the subject views a target and then attempts to walk to itwithout vision. All groups walked without vision accurately and precisely to remembered targets up to 6 m away; the patientgroups also performed similarly to the healthy controls when indicating egocentric distances using non-motoric responses. These

results indicate that the right PPC is not critically involved in monitoring and integrating non-visual self-motion signals, at leastalong linear paths. In addition, visual perception of egocentric distance in multi-cue environments is immune to injury of avariety of brain areas. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Egocentric distance perception; Space perception; Perception/action; Path integration; Navigation; Walking

1. Introduction

Many human activities require keeping track of, orupdating, the current position of the body and itsparts. To perceive a stable visual world, for instance,the visual system must take eye and body motions intoaccount so that it does not incorrectly attribute allvisual motion on the retina to motion in the externalworld. A striking example of human spatial updatingability on a larger scale is the accuracy with which theaverage observer can walk without vision to a pre-viously-viewed target location. After viewing a targetin a well-lit environment, the average observer stopsvery near the target's location when walking withoutvision, even when the target is up to 20 m or moreaway from the walking origin [11,17,44,51,58,62].

Because this task is performed without visual feedback,

it is known as ``visually-directed walking''. By contrast,

``visually-guided'' actions are performed under direct

visual control [34].

Good visually-directed walking performance is

indeed impressive, given that the observer is prevented

from ®xing his or her location by referring to visible

landmarks. When landmarks are directly perceptible,

either through vision or through some other sensory

modality, one may determine one's position without

reference to internally-generated self-motion infor-

mation. This form of position-based navigation is

known as ``piloting'' [37]. Without vision, however,

one must update one's movement through other sen-

sory signals, such as proprioception (limb position in-

formation), kinesthesis (limb movement information),

e�erence copy of the motor commands controlling

muscle activation, and vestibular signals. The fact that

healthy humans typically perform well despite the

absence of vision suggests that they are quite adept at

Neuropsychologia 38 (2000) 950±963

0028-3932/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S0028-3932(99 )00156 -6


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-412-268-4237; fax: +1-412-268-


E-mail address: [email protected] (J.W. Philbeck).

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using some combination of the remaining forms of in-formation to update their location while walking alonglinear paths. In this paper, we restrict our attention tonon-visual locomotion; this will allow us to excludepiloting as a method for spatial updating and to focuson forms of updating based on non-visual internally-generated self-motion signals.

Accurate visually-directed walking is also criticallydependent upon the visual information that speci®esthe target's location from the observer's initial view-point [35]. Previous work has shown that walking re-sponses are tightly coupled with the perceived distanceof the target [44,45]. Despite progress in analyzingvisually-directed walking into its component subpro-cesses, however, little is known about the neural sub-strates of these subprocesses in humans. One approachto studying such issues is to observe the behavior ofpeople with localized brain injuries and to use thosedata to make inferences about what brain structuresunderlie normal behavior in healthy humans. In thestudy described below, we evaluate the performance ofbrain-injured patients on tests of visual space percep-tion and spatial updating. Our primary interest is inthe neural substrates of spatial updating during non-visual locomotion, but because there has been so littlesystematic study of egocentric distance perception inbrain-injured humans, we will also emphasize thisaspect of our work. Visual perception of a target's lo-cation is a fundamental input to visually-directedwalking, and therefore one must test thoroughly apatient's ability to perceive egocentric distances inorder to evaluate the spatial updating component ofvisually-directed walking. The experiment we reportbelow addresses this issue and in so doing establishessome critical basic ®ndings.

A target's location, seen from an observer's view-point, is speci®ed by its visual direction and its ego-centric (or absolute) distance. Although considerablework has been devoted to investigating the perceptionof visual direction in brain-injured patients1, our con-cern here lies more in egocentric distance perception,which has rarely been studied systematically in neuro-logical populations [9]. Early reports were based on

informal clinical observations, and in some cases it ispossible that the patients' ability to perceive egocentricdistances was underestimated because reaching wasused as a behavioral response [30,49]. Reaching byitself is not su�ciently diagnostic because visuallyguided reaches can be impaired even when non-moto-ric indications of spatial relations remain relativelynormal [42,47]. However, other informal reports thatare not subject to this methodological criticismdescribe patients who are clearly profoundly impairedin judging spatial relations. In ``visual disorientation'',for example, patients have di�culty discriminatingbetween the egocentric distances of two points widelyseparated in depth, and some have been observed tocollide with objects while walking about, even thoughthey can apparently see and recognize those objects[12]. There is often bilateral parietal damage in casesof visual disorientation ([12,31]; see also [49]).

One type of spatial updating performed during visu-ally-directed walking that is particularly importantinvolves updating a representation of one's own lo-cation during the walk. This process is referred to aspath integration or dead reckoning [20,37,39]. In it,one ®xes one's current position with respect to thestarting position by updating an estimate of one's cur-rent velocity and/or acceleration. This self-motion in-formation could come from a variety of sources, suchas kinesthesis, the vestibular apparatus, or e�erencecopy of motor commands. Integrating velocity (ordoubly integrating acceleration) over time allows theorganism to update its change in position relative tothe starting position. This change in position providesa minimal representation of both the location of theorigin and the organism's spatial relationship to it.Aside from these minimal representations, however,path integration may be accomplished in the absenceof a speci®ed destination or indeed any other represen-tation of locations in the immediate environment.Other updating processes could also play a role, suchas updating the remembered location of a destinationor other environmental features [7,35,50].

The human posterior parietal cortex (PPC) isstrongly implicated in at least one type of spatialupdating. In particular, it has been found to play acrucial role in updating extra-retinal signals related toeye position [16,29]. This evidence comes from adouble-step saccade paradigm, in which two visual tar-gets are ¯ashed in sequence in an otherwise dark room[26]. The task is to ®xate the remembered target lo-cations in the order of presentation. In a critical ma-nipulation, the targets are ¯ashed so brie¯y thatsaccades cannot begin until after both targets havebeen extinguished; thus, after the ®rst saccade lands,there is a discrepancy between the head-centered coor-dinates of the second target location and the retinoto-pic coordinates. In order to accurately execute the

1 Patients with right hemisphere parietal lesions sometimes display

symptoms of ``hemispatial neglect'', in which targets on the left side

of the egocentric body midline are apparently mislocalized towards

the right or are ignored altogether [5]. The stimuli in these localiz-

ation studies are often arrayed on a ¯at piece of paper or a computer

monitor. Thus, from the observer's point of view, the stimuli vary

primarily in visual direction in the horizontal plane rather than ego-

centric distance. Sometimes these tasks are loosely called distance

perception tasks, perhaps to emphasize the lateral separation of the

stimuli within the plane of the testing surface. However, one should

not assume that de®cits in ``distance perception'' as revealed by these

tasks necessarily generalize to include de®cits in egocentric distance


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second saccade, the visuomotor system must take intoaccount the change in eye position that occurs duringthe ®rst saccade, and because the saccades are made incomplete darkness, this eye-position sensing must bemediated by extra-retinal information. When patientswith unilateral PPC damage attempt to perform thistask, their saccades to the second target are impairedwhen the ®rst saccade causes their eye to point intothe contralesional half of visual space [16,29]. Thus,PPC lesions are associated with de®cient eye positionupdating. Consistent with this lesion site, physiologicalstudies in the monkey implicate neurons in the lateralintraparietal area (LIP) in eye position monitoring[2,24].

There is evidence that the PPC's role in updatingmotor signals extends beyond the extra-ocular musclesto include other muscles groups, but the limits of thegenerality of this updating function remain unknown.Neuropsychological work and transcranial magneticstimulation studies suggest that the PPC functions tomaintain an updated estimate of the current positionof the arms [15,65]. In both monkeys and humans,lesions to certain regions of the PPC can produce adisorder of reaching behavior, known in humans asoptic ataxia [19,27,32,42]. However, this de®cit is notthe result of a general impairment in updating limbposition, because the patients can accurately reachwithout vision to parts of their body indicated bytouch [42]. Taken together, these ®ndings suggest thatthe portions of the PPC involved in updating may bequite localized and perhaps anatomically segregatedaccording to the e�ector systems they monitor.

Evidence consistent with a parietal lobe role inmonitoring the locomotor e�ector system does exist,but important details have yet to be established. PPC-injured individuals have been found to perform poorlyon some tasks involving locomotion [4,28,55], but it isdi�cult to ascertain whether updating is the primarysource of the impairment. The tasks in these studiesnot only provided some degree of visual guidance, butalso involved complex paths that confounded lineartranslations and rotations. It is entirely possible thatbrain injuries might impair updating during one ofthese types of motions without a�ecting updatingduring the other, but few studies have addressed thisissue.

Another hint that the PPC may be involved inspatial updating during locomotion is that PPC-injuredindividuals have been found to be de®cient at tasksrequiring mental transformations of the body in space[57]. The PPC is also active when healthy humans per-form tasks involving mental transformations of certainbody parts [6,67]. It is possible that a similar processunderlies self-motion monitoring, and if so, one mightexpect damage to the PPC to result in generalizedimpairments in updating self-motion. However, the

possible connection between mental transformations ofbody parts and self-motion monitoring has not been®rmly established.

Our primary goal here was to explore the neuralsubstrates of the spatial updating underlying visually-directed walking, with particular emphasis placed onthe possible role of the PPC. The possible lateraliza-tion of this updating function has not been studied indetail, but there is some evidence that de®cits in updat-ing eye position may be more pronounced after rightPPC damage [29]; the right hemisphere dominates inother forms of spatial processing as well (for a review,see [14]). As a ®rst step toward addressing the possiblelaterality of self-location updating, we tested the hy-pothesis that the right PPC plays a crucial role in thisfunction. In addition, to shed some light on the poss-ible di�erential e�ects of brain damage on updatingduring translational versus rotational whole-bodymotions, we further restricted our focus to updatingduring walks along linear trajectories.

We asked three groups of participants to performthe visually-directed walking task: two groups ofbrain-injured patients, with injuries either including orexcluding the right PPC, and one healthy controlgroup. In visually-directed walking, the subject views atarget and then attempts to walk to its location with-out vision. To further explore the spatial updating per-formed during walking, we also tested updating underconditions in which no target was speci®ed beforewalking began. For this, we used an ``experimenter-guided walking'' task, in which subjects estimated dis-tances walked without vision while guided along astraight path by an experimenter [33,36,54]. As men-tioned above, a crucial step for interpreting the e�ectsof these manipulations is to rule out impairments inthe ability to visually perceive the target's initial lo-cation. We did this by asking subjects to indicate thedistance to targets using verbal distance estimationand distance matching, two methods that do not relyupon spatial updating.

2. Method

2.1. Participants

Three groups of participants consented to take partin this study. (1) Participants in the healthy controlgroup (N=12: seven females, ®ve males; mean age: 68years) had no history of neurological disease. (2)Patients in the brain-injured control group (N=7: onefemale, six males; mean age: 41 years) had brain inju-ries of mixed etiologies. Although one patient's lesionincluded a very small portion of the right hemisphereparietal lobe (less than 10%), this region was otherwiseentirely spared in the remaining six patients in this

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group. Three patients in this group were visually agno-sic and had right hemisphere occipito-temporal lesions;two others demonstrated pure alexia and had circum-scribed left occipital lesions. A sixth patient (JM) hada right fronto-temporal lesion with some involvementof the thalamus and basal ganglia. The seventh patienthad a large right fronto-temporal lesion resulting froma craniotomy. Three patients in this group (includingJM) were mildly hemiplegic at the time of testing, butcould walk with the assistance of a cane; the rest hadno obvious walking impairments. Four of thesepatients have been described in more detail elsewhere[3,21,38,63]. (3) Patients in the parietal group (N = 6,all males; mean age: 67 years) were selected for in-clusion in this group by the presence of a cerebral vas-cular accident involving the middle cerebral artery.With one exception, each had brain injuries con®nedto the right hemisphere with some involvement of theparietal lobe. One patient, in addition to his righthemisphere damage, had a small (3 cc) lesion in theleft putamen. Three patients in this group ordinarilywalked with a cane due to mild left-sided hemiplegia,while one other had less severe hemiplegia at the timeof testing and walked well without assistance. The lasttwo reported some temporary left hemiplegia followingtheir stroke, but this had resolved by the time of test-ing. An additional patient was excluded from theanalysis because in one experimental block sheappeared to be indicating the distance of one of the ex-perimenters, rather than the nominal target. Demo-graphic details and lesion information of the twopatient groups are reported in Table 1 and neuroima-

ging data for ®ve of the six patients in the parietalgroup are shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows neuroimagingdata for patient JM in the brain-injured control group,who, as we will see, was the only patient to manifestde®cits on any of the tests we conducted.

All participants were right handed, except for onepatient in the brain-injured control group; each hadvisual acuity of at least 20/40, corrected if necessary,and they all reported having normal color vision.Neither optic nor motor ataxia was evident upon clini-cal observation of the patients. Patients were medicallystable and ambulatory at the time of testing. Lesionsites and volumes were veri®ed by CT scans.

Participants in all groups were screened for hemispa-tial neglect using the conventional sub-test of theBehavioral Inattention Test [64], which includes linebisection, line cancellation, letter cancellation, ®gurecopying, and ®gure drawing tasks. The cut-o� scorefor normal performance is 129 out of a total of 146points; four patients in the parietal group scoredbetween 103 and 120, indicating mild hemispatialneglect, and the rest scored within normal limits.

2.2. Apparatus

2.2.1. LaboratoriesThe experiment took place in a well-lit indoor gym-

nasium (33 � 13 m). Four participants in the parietalgroup were tested in a di�erent room (18 � 11 m) inanother city. Stimulus locations were marked on the¯oor with transparent tape and were not visible fromthe observation location.

Table 1

Demographic, lesion and neglect details for patients in the parietal and brain-injured control groupsa

Patient Group Sex Age Handb Time testc Volumed Neg. scoree 39 involvef 40 involvef

JB Parietal Male 68 Right 41 123 103 50±89% >90%

RRB Parietal Male 65 Right 57 90 108 <10% >90%

KW Parietal Male 77 Right 5 186 120 50±89% <10%

RB Parietal Male 79 Right 4 19 114 10±49% <10%

AA Parietal Male 59 Right 16 138 131 50±89% 50±89%

ST Parietal Male 53 Right 11 31 143 10±49% 10±49%

JW Control Male 41 Left 37 g none none

EL Control Female 49 Right 24 143 none none

SM Control Male 24 Right 41 144 none none

DK Control Male 68 Right 68 143 none none

JS Control Male 26 Right 69 141 none none

JM Control Male 54 Right 72 126 139 none none

RD Control Male 24 Right 31 252 146 none < 10

a Note: Except for JM and RD, lesion volumes were not calculated for the brain-injured control group.b Preferred hand.c Time of testing, post-onset (months).d Total lesion volume (cc).e Neglect score (maximum score=146). Bold indicates below-normal performance.f Percentage of Brodmann parietal areas 39 and 40 involved in the lesion. Only JBs lesion involved Brodmann parietal areas 5 and 7.g Not measured; JW is likely to perform poorly on standard neglect tests because of his perceptual impairments, but this poor performance

would not be di�erentiated by side (left or right).

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Fig. 1. Neuroimaging data for ®ve of the six patients in the parietal group; the images were obtained by computerized tomography. Images of

patient RRB were not available for publication. Each row of images is from the same patient, and the sequence of patients follows the same

order as that in Table 1. From top to bottom: AA, RB, JB, ST, and KW. Radiological coordinates are used, with the right hemisphere appearing

on the left side of the images and the anterior of the brain appearing on the top.

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2.2.2. StimuliThe visual target was a small rectangular or spheri-

cal object (less than 13 cm square). Because wethought de®cits in the parietal patients might be morepronounced on the contralesional side, we presentedthe targets equally often at 458 to the left or right ofthe egocentric body midline. During the visual phaseof each trial, viewing was binocular and head motionwas unconstrained. Some individuals in the parietalgroup demonstrated mild hemispatial neglect andmight potentially have had di�culties detecting targetson the contralesional side. Measuring the impact ofneglect on target detection was not a goal in the cur-rent experiment, so we veri®ed that all subjects haddetected the target by having them report the target'scolor before attempting to walk to it; the target coloron these trials was randomly chosen out of ®ve possi-bilities. Participants were instructed to base their re-sponses on the physical distance of the target, asmeasured from the tip of the toes to the front surfaceof the target.

2.3. Design

Each subject participated in ®ve treatment con-ditions, which consisted of various combinations ofstimulus and response modalities: vision/verbal, vision/match, vision/walk, proprioception/verbal, and pro-prioception/walk. During visual input trials, the sub-ject viewed a target, then indicated its distance eitherby verbal estimation, by picking out a location markerwith a matching distance, or by attempting to walk tothe target without vision (visually-directed walking).During proprioception input trials (experimenter-guided walking), the stimulus distance was speci®ed byguiding the blindfolded observer along a straight pathof a certain length. The ``proprioception'' label empha-sizes that the stimulus distance was speci®ed non-visu-ally, but other forms of self-motion information mayalso have contributed during these trials. After beingguided along the stimulus path, the subject then gave averbal estimate of that path length and attempted toreproduce the path length by walking without vision.

In addition to the between-groups ``neurological sta-tus'' factor (healthy control, brain-injured control, andparietal) and the ®ve within-subject treatment con-ditions, stimulus orientation (458 left/458 right) andstimulus distance (2.5 m/5 m) were varied within sub-jects. Each combination of the within-subject factorswas measured three times. Four other stimulus dis-tances (2, 3, 4, and 6 m) were tested once apiece onthe left and right in all ®ve treatment conditions. Thispermitted an increased range and density of distancessampled while keeping the number of trials manage-ably small.

The experiment was conducted in three blocks, such








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that the two visual-input conditions were blockedtogether (vision/verbal and vision/match) and the twoproprioception-input trials were blocked together (pro-prioception/verbal and proprioception/walk). Vision/walking trials were conducted in a separate block.Trials within each block were presented in a pseudor-andom order, such that the ®rst two trials in the blockused one of the four additional stimulus distances. Theblock order was counterbalanced for the healthy con-trol group, with two participants randomly assigned toeach of the six possible orders of the three blocks. Thiscounterbalancing was not strictly possible for the othertwo participant groups, as there were fewer partici-pants in these groups, but subjects were randomlyassigned to participate in di�erent block orders to theextent possible.

2.4. Procedure

2.4.1. Verbal and matching responsesWhile facing straight ahead, subjects viewed the tar-

get and gave a verbal estimate of its distance, usingtheir choice of unit. The experimenter then guidedthem in a rotation of 1808 (randomly to the left orright), until they faced a strip of white paper 0.61 mwide and about 8 m long. On the strip were 16 11 �11 cm squares of colored paper, spaced in 0.36 mincrements. Each square had a di�erent common colorname (``pink'', ``dark blue'', etc.) The task was to givethe color name of the patch whose distance matchedthat of the target seen before the 1808 rotation.

2.4.2. Visually-directed walkingSubjects viewed a target, reported its color, then

covered the eyes with a blindfold and attempt to walkto the target location. All subjects held onto the upperarm of the experimenter for support during walking.The experimenter remained blind to the target distanceon each trial by closing his eyes until an assistantremoved the target immediately before walking began.Subvocal pace counting was discouraged by requiringsubjects to repeat aloud a nonsense phrase. In ad-dition, on each trial the experimenter walked at one ofthree randomly selected speeds: slow, medium, or fast(approximately 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m/s, respectively).Because the subjects did not know which speed wouldbe used until after vision of the target was obscured,pace counting would be an unreliable strategy. Sub-jects remained blindfolded during the outbound andreturn paths and did not receive any error feedback.

2.4.3. Experimenter-guided walkingEach of these trials was conducted in three phases

Ð a stimulus phase followed by two responses phases(verbal and walked reproduction), each of which wasbased on the same stimulus phase. Before each trial,

subjects were oriented such that the walking path wasapproximately 458 to the right or left and allowed toraise the blindfold to view the workspace. The walkingpath was denoted by a tape measure that stretched outfrom the starting position to a distance of 18.3 m.After viewing the workspace for several seconds, sub-jects lowered the blindfold and were oriented in thedirection of the walking path. Thus, walking wasalways performed in the same direction, but during thepreview of the workspace before walking, the path layeither on the subjects' left or right. We did this becausewe thought that, as is the case in updating eye move-ments [16,29], parietal patients may update morepoorly in regions of space that lay on their contrale-sional side during the visual preview. During thestimulus phase, all subjects grasped the experiment'supper arm as he walked along a straight path between2 and 6 m long. After the experimenter stopped, sub-jects verbally estimated the distance walked (verbal re-sponse phase). After giving that verbal estimate,subjects then attempted to reproduce the distancewalked, again by walking blindfolded (walked repro-duction phase). The starting point of the reproductionphase began at the terminal location of the stimulusphase, and the stopping point of the reproductionphase was determined by the subject. During thereproduction phase, subjects continued walking in theinitial direction while holding onto the experimenter'sarm. The subjects repeated aloud a di�erent nonsensephrase during the stimulus and the reproductionphases, and again, the experimenter walked at one ofthree randomly selected speeds. At the end of thereproduction phase, the subjects were led back to thestarting location, still without vision.

2.5. Data analysis

Constraints on subject availability did not allow usto select a healthy control group that was strictly sex-matched with the parietal group, so we ®rst comparedthe responses of the seven women and ®ve men in thehealthy control group. There were no main e�ects orinteractions involving the gender variable revealed byan analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the raw data, sowe ignored gender in subsequent analyses.

In analyzing the data, we looked for di�erences inwithin-subject variability as well as in the mean re-sponses between subjects. To test for mean di�erences,we used ANOVA to analyze the signed error scoresfrom the responses to the 2.5 and 5 m stimulus dis-tances, with stimulus side (left or right) included as avariable. Using these responses allowed us to take ad-vantage of the multiple measurements per conditionobtained for each subject at these distances. We ana-lyzed variability by ®nding the straight line that best®t the relation between the physical and indicated dis-

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tances for each subject; we then calculated standarderrors of estimate (SEE) for each subject, one for eachcondition (e.g., ``vision/verbal''), and analyzed theseSEEs in an ANOVA. For this analysis, we used datafrom all stimulus distances to take advantage of theincreased range of distances. In addition, we pooledthe data across stimulus side because the analyses ofthe mean responses showed there to be neither a maine�ect of side nor a group x side interaction, as wereport below.

We grouped the data into two sets. The ®rst set con-tained the verbal and matching indications of the dis-tance of visual targets. This allowed us to comparevisual space perception between groups using twodi�erent responses that did not require spatial updat-ing. The other set addressed the issue of spatial updat-ing, and compared verbal distance estimates andwalking as two response modalities crossed with visionand proprioception as two stimulus modalities. Thisyielded four conditions (vision/verbal, vision/walk,proprioception/verbal, proprioception/walk) in a 2 � 2design. For each of these two sets of data (distanceperception and spatial updating) we performed oneANOVA to test mean di�erences and another to assesswithin-subject variability (SEE).

3. Results

3.1. Visual space perception

There was no overall e�ect of group (F(2,22)=0.36,p > 0.05) in the two non-motoric measures of visualspace perception. Fig. 3 shows the average verbal andmatching responses to the 2.5 and 5 m targets. Therewas a tendency toward underestimation in verbal dis-tance judgments, by about 20% of the physical targetdistance. Matching responses were more accurate andindicated only a slight overestimation of about 6%.This di�erence in response modes was reliable(F(1,22)=28.35, p < 0.0001). Signi®cant responsemode di�erences are a common ®nding in space per-ception studies and are often attributed to di�erencesin the cognitive processes used to generate the re-sponses (e.g., memory of the length of the unit used todescribe the observed distance) [13,23]. For our pur-poses, however, the critical question was whether theresponse modes di�ered among groups: they did not(F(2,22)=2.41, p > 0.05). Although there was a ten-dency for the parietal group to verbally underestimatelarger distances more than did the other groups, thisinteraction did not reach signi®cance (F(2,22)=1.94, p> 0.05). Similarly, there was neither a main e�ect ofthe side of stimulus presentation nor a group� side in-teraction (F(1,22)=3.54 and F(2,22)=0.75, respect-ively, both ps > 0.05). Collapsing across responsemodality, the groups did not di�er in the precision ofresponses as measured by the standard errors of esti-mate (F(2,22)=0.48, p> 0.05). However, the precisionwith which the groups used each response type did dif-fer (F(2,22)=3.60, p < 0.05). Tukey post-hoc analyses( p = 0.05) con®rmed that the parietal group's match-ing responses were more variable than those of theother two groups. This was primarily due to onepatient's matching responses. His verbal and walkingresponses were much more consistent, and an analysisof his matching errors indicated that he may havebeen confusing color names (e.g., he gave a responseof ``gray'' when the correct response was ``light blue'').These errors, however, were not representative of thegroup as a whole.

3.2. Spatial updating during locomotion

As mentioned above, spatial updating was assessedin ANOVAs on the signed error scores and SEEs, withstimulus mode (vision/proprioception) crossed with re-sponse mode (verbal/walking). The groups did not dif-fer signi®cantly across the four treatment conditions inthese analyses (Fig. 4). The analyses of signed errorscores showed no main e�ect of group (F(2,22)=0.56,p > 0.05). Walked responses were generally numeri-cally larger than verbal responses (F(1,22)=39.41, p<

Fig. 3. Average indicated distances of visual targets, for the healthy

control group, the parietal group and the brain-injured control

group. Verbal estimates and matching responses are shown in panels

a and b, respectively. Data have been collapsed over side of presen-

tation (left or right of egocentric body midline). The data from

stimulus distances of 2.5 and 5 m are shown. Error bars denote 21

one standard error of the mean; solid horizontal lines indicate the

physical stimulus distance in each condition.

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0.0001); direct comparisons between these two re-sponse types in past work has shown them to be nu-merically quite similar [44], so it is possible that in thecurrent study the walking speed manipulation and/orthe requirement of holding onto another person whilewalking systematically in¯uenced the walked responsessomewhat. However, the response mode � group com-parison, which was more critical for our purposes, wasnot signi®cant (F(2,22)=2.95, p > 0.05). All partici-pants performed well when attempting to walk withoutvision to a previously-viewed target, although therewas a tendency toward overwalking Ð up to 10% ofthe physical target distance in the case of the controlgroup (Fig. 4b). Responses under proprioceptive input(experimenter-guided walking) were about 8% smallerthan those for visual targets (F(1,22)=6.01, p < 0.05).Underestimation of proprioceptively speci®ed distancesis not uncommon [36]. Again, however, this did notdi�er between groups (F(2,22)=2.41, p > 0.05). Therewas no interaction of group � stimulus mode � re-sponse mode (F(2,22)=1.12, p>0.05).

Analysis of the variability (SEE) generally showed asimilar lack of di�erentiation by group (group:F(2,22)=1.63; group � stimulus mode: F(2,22)=1.26;group � stimulus mode � response mode: F(2,22)=

0.24; all ps > 0.05). There was, however, a generalincrease in variability under proprioceptive input(F(1,22)=11.19, p < 0.01), as well as a group �response mode interaction (F(2,22)=3.73; p < 0.05).Tukey post-hoc tests ( p = 0.05) indicated thatalthough the parietal and healthy control groups per-formed the same in terms of variability, the brain-injured control group's verbal responses were some-what more variable. This increased variability is at-tributable to patient JM in the brain-injured controlgroup, whom we will examine in more detail below.

Several interactions involving group were statisti-cally reliable. When collapsing across the four combi-nations of stimulus and response modalities in theerror scores, the groups di�ered in their responses totargets at di�erent distances (F(2,22)=9.07, p <0.001). This was further quali®ed by a group � stimu-lus mode � response mode � distance interaction(F(2,22)=3.69, p < 0.05). When verbally estimatingthe distance of visual targets, the parietal group under-estimated far distances more than did the other twogroups (see Fig. 4a). Two of the parietal patients con-sistently reported the distance of the 5 m target as ``5feet'' (about 1.5 m). Because their visual matches andvisually-directed walking responses did not re¯ect this

Fig. 4. Average indicated distances for the three subject groups; data from the four combinations of stimulus input modality (vision or proprio-

ception) and response modality (verbal distance estimation or walked reproduction) are shown. Vision/verbal data are repeated from Fig. 3; data

have again been collapsed over side of presentation. The data from stimulus distances of 2.5 and 5 m are shown. Error bars denote21 standard

error of the mean; solid horizontal lines indicate the physical stimulus distance.

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underestimation, we suspect that these patients mayhave been inconsistent in their choice of units whengiving verbal responses, perhaps using yards instead offeet for the far target distances.

Although the parietal and the brain-injured controlgroups on the whole performed similarly to the healthyparticipants, one patient in the brain-injured controlgroup (JM) showed clear de®cits in trials in exper-imenter-guided tasks in which the stimulus distanceswere presented through proprioception. These de®citsmanifested themselves as a greatly in¯ated variabilityunder proprioceptive input than under visual input. Toillustrate this, we calculated for each subject the di�er-ence between the SEEs in ``vision'' and ``propriocep-tion'' stimulus conditions. This is analogous tocalculating the SEEs di�erences between the conditionsrepresented in Fig. 4c and 4a for verbal responses andbetween Fig. 4d and 4b for walking. The resultingSEE di�erences for verbal and walking responses areshown in Fig. 5. JM walked accurately and preciselywithout vision to previously-viewed targets, but ifasked to estimate distances walked without visionwhile guided by the experimenter, his verbal estimatesand walked reproductions became quite erratic. JM'sverbal and walking SEE di�erence scores (circledpoints in Fig. 5) fell 2.31 and 2.86 standard deviations,respectively, above the mean of the control group.Thus, JM's performance falls unmistakably outside therange of the other subjects. Fig. 6a and 6b show JM'swalking performance on visual and proprioceptiveinput trials; note that Fig. 6a corresponds with theconditions in Fig. 4b, and Fig. 6b with those in

Fig. 4d. For comparison, the corresponding data of arepresentative subject in the healthy control group areshown in Fig. 6c and 6d.

4. Discussion

Two clear ®ndings emerged from this experiment.First, none of the patients with cortical lesions showedany evidence of impairment in the visual perception ofegocentric distance, even though some of them exhib-ited mild hemispatial neglect or more severe de®citsthat precluded the visual recognition of faces or otherobjects. Good performance was manifested in bothmotoric and non-motoric responses. Thus, visual per-ception of egocentric distance, at least under con-ditions which a�ord many sources of distanceinformation, is immune to injury of a variety of brainareas. The good performance of the parietal group isespecially noteworthy, because there is ample evidencethat the PPC is responsible for encoding at least someaspects of egocentric space [10,14,59]. Our results con-

Fig. 6. Distances indicated by blindfolded walking. a and b, Data

from subject JM, in the brain-injured control group; c and d, data

from subject C3 in the healthy control group. The standard error of

estimate (SEE) of the best ®tting line through the data in each panel

is also noted. Unlike the other participants in this study, JM's per-

formance was precise when a visual target was speci®ed before walk-

ing but became dramatically more erratic when no target was

speci®ed beforehand. Subject C3 was chosen as a representative of

the healthy control group because C3's SEEs, across walking and

verbal responses (not shown), lay at approximately the median of

those of the control group (see also Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Standard error of estimate (SEE) di�erences of the verbal

and walking responses of all subjects in the study. To obtain these

di�erence scores, SEEs were ®rst computed as described in Section

2.5; then, di�erence scores were obtained by subtracting the verbal

and walking SEEs under the ``vision'' conditions from those under

the ``proprioception'' conditions. Thus, the preponderance of positive

values here indicates that response variability (as measured by SEE)

tended to be greater when stimulus distances were speci®ed by pro-

prioception than by vision. The circled data points indicate SEE

di�erences for subject C3 in the healthy control group (x symbols)

and subject JM in the brain-injured control group (plus symbols).

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®rm that the right PPC's role in spatial representationis limited, and ®rmly establishes that this structuredoes not play a fundamental role in the visual percep-tion of egocentric distance. Egocentric distance percep-tion may be subserved by structures that are moredi�usely distributed in the brain; one possibility,suggested by the lesions that typically underlie visualdisorientation, is that bilateral structures are involved[12,14].

A second clear ®nding is that the parietal group per-formed normally in all our tasks requiring spatialupdating during walking. This indicates that the rightPPC is not critically involved in updating self-locationalong straight paths. We found this surprising, consid-ering the aggregation of evidence for impaired eye andarm position updating after PPC lesions [15,16,29,65].Before abandoning the notion that the PPC is a criticalstructure for updating during locomotion, however,other types of locomotion and more complex trajec-tories should be tested. Speci®cally, the role of thePPC in updating during whole-body rotations has notbeen conclusively established; updating during ro-tations could conceivably be impaired even thoughupdating along linear paths remains intact. Consistentwith this view, several studies implicating the PPC inperforming mental transformations of the body inspace (an activity potentially related to self-motionupdating) employed rotations as their critical manipu-lation [6,57,67]. The Locomotor Maze test alsoinvolves whole-body rotations, and has been found toelicit de®cits in PPC patients [55]. Preliminary work inour laboratory suggests that although some patientswith PPC lesions are indeed impaired at sensing theirmotion during passive whole-body rotations, othersare not [43]. One way to reconcile these ®ndings is toassume that di�erent regions of the PPC are special-ized for updating particular muscle groups and/or par-ticular sensory systems. As mentioned in theIntroduction, there is other evidence to support thisnotion. This important issue could be clari®ed infuture work by using within-subjects designs to testPPC-injured individuals in updating tasks that system-atically target a variety of speci®c muscle groups.

Our results leave open several possibilities concern-ing the potential neural substrates of self-locationupdating. Left hemisphere PPC patients have not yetbeen tested on these tasks, so it is possible that the leftPPC is the critical structure. Several investigators haveproposed that distinct neural circuits underlie the pro-cessing of spatial regions very near the body (periper-sonal space) versus more distant regions (extrapersonalspace) [8,46,52]. In particular, Previc [46] has proposedthat the right hemisphere plays a greater role in peri-personal operations, with the left hemisphere morespecialized for extrapersonal operations. This frame-work provides a good account of the apparently

greater incidence of de®cits in eye position updatingafter right PPC damage [29], and leads to the strongprediction that updating during walking should bemore disturbed after left PPC lesions. Future testingwith left hemisphere patients promises to shed light onthis issue. Evidence is scant for lateralization of theneural substrates of arm position updating, but thereare reports that lesions to or stimulation of the leftPPC can lead to de®cits in updating during reaches[15,65], at least for reaches made by the contralateralarm.

Alternatively, some structure other than the PPCmay be crucial for self-location monitoring. The factthat patient JM did show remarkably speci®c de®citsin updating supports this view, particularly becausethese de®cits arose after lesions con®ned to the righthemisphere. This suggests, at least, that this function isnot subserved by a highly distributed, bilateral net-work of brain structures. In rats, lesions to brainregions in and around the hippocampal formationhave been shown to impair path integration perform-ance (for a review, see [48]), although as yet no singlestructure has been identi®ed as critical [1,48,61]. In ad-dition, a small proportion of cells in the monkey hip-pocampus have been shown to respond to linear and/or rotational whole-body motion [41]. This region doesnot appear to be damaged in JM. He does, however,have extensive lesions in the right thalamus, particu-larly the anterior portion. The anterior thalamic nucleiin rats are thought to play a crucial part in updatinghead orientation [60,61], but in humans its relevancefor updating along linear paths is unknown. The hom-ology of the circuitry and functional architecturebetween rats and humans is far from established, andalthough JM's injuries include regions that have beenassociated with some forms of updating, he also hasextensive lesions elsewhere. Therefore, we remain cau-tious about further speculation on the causal linkbetween his brain lesions and his updating de®cits.

Another possibility is that the PPC is involved inupdating self-location during walking, but the walkingtasks we used were not su�ciently sensitive to detectits in¯uence. One reason this might be true is that ourvisually-directed walking task was performed withoutvision and took several seconds to execute. There isevidence that the PPC is fundamental for the controlof visually-guided behaviors, while a distinct neuralstream (running from primary visual cortex to termi-nate in the temporal lobe) controls actions conductedwithout visual guidance [40]. In general, when a delayis imposed between the occlusion of a visual targetand the onset of an action directed to that target,there are distinct changes in the accuracy and kin-ematics of the action, consistent with the hypothesizedin¯uence of the temporal processing stream [25,53].The amount of delay required to recruit involvement

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of the temporal stream depends to some extent uponthe scale of the action: small scale behaviors such aseye movements show evidence of temporal stream in-¯uence after very short latencies (e.g., less than 500ms) [22,66], whereas larger scale behaviors such asreaching do not begin to show the in¯uence until 2 sor more [25,53]. Because visually-directed walking is arelatively large scale behavior, the required delay couldbe su�ciently long that walks of several seconds con-tinue to be controlled by the PPC despite the absenceof visual guidance. The fact that our parietal patientswere not impaired at walking to previously-viewed tar-gets, however, suggests that this is not the case. In thisview, updating during the walk could have been con-trolled by the temporal stream of visual processing,which presumably remained intact in these patients.Interestingly, the three patients in our brain-injuredcontrol group who had occipito-temporal lesions alsoperformed the walking tasks normally. Although someversion of the notion of functional specialization in thedorsal and ventral streams may be able to account forour data, a more de®nitive answer will await futuretesting.

JM could walk accurately and precisely to pre-viously-viewed targets, and yet was quite imprecise atestimating self-motion of approximately the sameextent when the walk was guided by the experimenter.The precision of responding also dropped signi®cantlyfor the other participants in the study, although to alesser degree. What di�erences between the two tasksbest accounts for these performance decrements? Goodperformance in walking to previously-viewed targetsrules out general de®cits in spatial memory. One poss-ible distinction is that in goal-directed walking, targetlocations may be represented in a more concretefashion than are distances speci®ed through time vialocomotion, which by contrast must be synthesizedthrough a more abstract process. Any task requiringspatial updating that is not performed in the service ofgoal-directed action may have a negative impact on re-sponse precision by virtue of this abstraction process.We consider this possibility to be unlikely, however.One task that requires such an abstraction is indicatingthe egocentric distance of a target by walking anequivalent distance in another direction instead ofdirectly to the target. This abstraction does not a�ectthe overall accuracy or precision of healthy humans,even when they turn 90 or 1808 before pacing o� anequivalent distance [18,56]. Thus, abstraction processesinvolved in performing non-goal-directed walking donot provide a good account of why our participantswere less precise when indicating distances presentedby experimenter-guided locomotion. Although it ispossible that JMs much larger drop in precision is dueto such an abstraction process, we feel this is unlikelybecause he was able to perform the abstractions

necessary to verbally estimate distances and to choosematching distances after a delay.

Another way of characterizing the di�erencesbetween the two tasks is that in visually-directed walk-ing, the observer actively produces locomotion towardthe target, whereas when the stimulus distance is speci-®ed by blindfolded locomotion, the extent of walkingis controlled by the experimenter. Strictly speaking,walking is not passively controlled in the latter case,because just as in visually-directed walking, the obser-ver actively generates the muscular commands to pro-duce locomotion; only the extent of locomotion isdetermined by the experimenter. Thus, as the walkbegins, the observer has virtually no knowledge aboutthe magnitude of the upcoming trajectory. Duringvisually-directed walking, on the other hand, vision ofthe target provides the observer with knowledge of theextent of the walking path before updating begins.This prior knowledge could have an important facili-tory e�ect upon updating. One possibility is that thisinformation is used to generate a neural representationof the predicted extent of self-motion (i.e., a goal statefor the path integrator) [65]. During the walk, the self-motion that is sensed on-line can then be comparedwith the predicted value. An error signal such as thismay prove to play a central role in facilitating self-lo-cation updating. We hope to pursue this importantissue in future testing of our patient JM, whose re-sponses showed a strong dissociation on updatingtasks with and without a speci®ed target.


This work was supported by NIH grant F32MH11791 and JSMF grant 97-17 to JWP and NIHMH54246 to MB. A preliminary report of this workwas presented in November, 1998 at the annual meet-ing of the Psychonomics Society in Dallas, TX. Wethank Jack Loomis, Carl Olson, Carol Colby and twoanonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlierversions of this paper. We also thank Catherine Ewellfor assistance in conducting the experiment, Peter Gaofor help in preparing the imaging scans, the Pat AratoAphasia Center for the use of its facilities, andAnthony Wingen and Kira Barbour for scheduling as-sistance.


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