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Integer and Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithm Complexity John E. Mitchell Department of Mathematical Sciences RPI, Troy, NY 12180 USA January 2019 Mitchell Algorithm Complexity 1 / 23
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Integer and Combinatorial Optimization:Algorithm Complexity

John E. Mitchell

Department of Mathematical SciencesRPI, Troy, NY 12180 USA

January 2019

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How run-time grows as problem size grows


1 How run-time grows as problem size grows

2 Polynomial time algorithms and the class PExamples of problems in P

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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Big-O notation

DefinitionLet f and g be functions from the set of integers or the set of reals to

the set of real numbers. The function f (k) is O(g(k)) whenever there

exist positive constants C and k 0 such that

|f (k)| C|g(k)| 8 k � k0.

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106×4 i s 01×4) 106×3 e 10-6×4 i s


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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Size of an instance

The size of an instance is the number of binary characters required tostore the problem.For example, given a positive integer x , we set p = blog2(x)c. Then

2p x < 2p+1 and x =pX


�i2i for some binary �i .

For example, 42 = 0⇥ 20 + 1⇥ 21 + 0⇥ 22 + 1⇥ 23 + 0⇥ 24 + 1⇥ 25.So we need O(log(x)) bits to store x .

We don’t need to specify the base for the logarithm here, because

if x > 0 and y = loga(x), z = logb(x) then y = z loga(b).

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4 2 = 2 + 8 + 3 2

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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Data representation

The major classification of algorithm efficiency is insensitive to thechoice of data representation, for the most part.

There are two restrictions:1 The alphabet used to represent the data must contain at least two

symbols. So the space to store a positive integer x is O(log(x)),instead of x with a unary alphabet.

2 The “data” can’t contain information that requires a lot ofcalculation. For example, can’t store the length of all tours as partof the representation of a traveling salesman problem.

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4 1 - # # # # # # # # 1 1

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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Data representation

The major classification of algorithm efficiency is insensitive to thechoice of data representation, for the most part.

There are two restrictions:1 The alphabet used to represent the data must contain at least two

symbols. So the space to store a positive integer x is O(log(x)),instead of x with a unary alphabet.

2 The “data” can’t contain information that requires a lot ofcalculation. For example, can’t store the length of all tours as partof the representation of a traveling salesman problem.

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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Computation time

The time required for an elementary operation (addition, subtraction,multiplication, division, comparison) is counted as unit time.

(Need to be a little careful if multiply very large numbers together.)

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How run-time grows as problem size grows


Perfect matching, linear programming, and node packing are allexamples of optimization problems.

An optimization problem X consists of an infinite number of instancesd1, d2, . . . where the data for instance di is given by a binary string oflength l(di).

For example, an instance of a perfect matching problem is given bylists of the vertices and edges of the graph G = (V ,E).

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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Worst case running time

Let A be an algorithm the solves every instance of X in finite time.

Let gA(di) be the running time of A on instance di .

Measure performance of A on X using the worst-case running time, foreach problem size k :

fA(k) := max{gA(di) : l(di) = k}.

Advantages of using worst-case performance measure:Gives a guarantee of performance of the algorithmIndependent of the probability distribution of the instances.Appears to be the easiest to analyze.

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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Worst case running time

Let A be an algorithm the solves every instance of X in finite time.

Let gA(di) be the running time of A on instance di .

Measure performance of A on X using the worst-case running time, foreach problem size k :

fA(k) := max{gA(di) : l(di) = k}.

Advantages of using worst-case performance measure:Gives a guarantee of performance of the algorithmIndependent of the probability distribution of the instances.Appears to be the easiest to analyze.

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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Worst case running time

Let A be an algorithm the solves every instance of X in finite time.

Let gA(di) be the running time of A on instance di .

Measure performance of A on X using the worst-case running time, foreach problem size k :

fA(k) := max{gA(di) : l(di) = k}.

Advantages of using worst-case performance measure:Gives a guarantee of performance of the algorithmIndependent of the probability distribution of the instances.Appears to be the easiest to analyze.

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How run-time grows as problem size grows

Klee-MintyFor example, the simplex algorithm solves any linear optimizationproblem in finite time (provided we use an anti-cycling rule).

In the worst case, it may require O(2n) iterations to solve a problem inn nonnegative variables with n inequality constraints (namely, theKlee-Minty cube).




(0, 0, 0)(0, 100, 0)

(0, 0, 10000)

(1, 0, 0)

(1, 80, 0)

(0, 100, 8000)

(1, 80, 8200)(1, 0, 9800)

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P


1 How run-time grows as problem size grows

2 Polynomial time algorithms and the class PExamples of problems in P

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

Feasibility problems

For example, an instance of the perfect matching feasibility problem

consists of a graph G = (V ,E) and asks the question “Does there exista perfect matching on this graph”? The answer is either Yes or No.

DefinitionA feasibility problem X consists of a set of instances D and a set of

feasible instances F ✓ D. Given an instance d 2 D, determine

whether d 2 F. The answer is either Yes or No.

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÷⇒ .

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

Binary searchMany instances of optimization problems can be solved using binarysearch on a sequence of instances of feasibility problems.

For example, can solve the 0� 1 linear optimization problem



x : Ax � b, x 2 Bn}

by repeatedly solving the 0� 1 linear feasibility problem

Does there exist x 2 Bn with Ax � b, cT

x z?

At each iteration, we have upper and lower bounds on the optimalvalue z⇤. The initial bounds on z⇤ can be taken to be

zUB =



cj , zLB =




since x is binary. We solve the feasibility problem withz = 1

2(zLB + zUB). We assume all the data is integral, so the optimal

value is integral, so we can maintain integral values for zLB, zUB, and z.Mitchell Algorithm Complexity 12 / 23

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m m Tx , - T x , t 7x , -6×4 = : z

s t . A x > b

x binary.

Then 2 3 - 9 (assuming feasible)

a n d z e 1 2 (achievedi f onlyfealibl. solutioni s

x = (491,0).)

- Doe,Ixe lB"Initial guns: 2 = 1 f L'¥9))). w i n Axes,I f N O : love bound→ 2 . exez?i f Y E S : upperbound→ I .

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

Binary search algorithm

1 Initialize zUB, zLB.2 If zLB = zUB, STOP and return the optimal value

z⇤ = zLB = zUB.3 Let z =


LB + zUB)⇧.

4 Solve the 0� 1 linear feasibility problem

Does there exist x 2 Bn with Ax � b, cT

x z?

5 If answer is YES: update zUB z, return to Step 2.6 If answer is NO: update zLB z + 1, return to Step 2.

Let z0 be the initial value of zUB � zLB. The number of iterations of thealgorithm is O(log2(z

0)), since the difference between the bounds ishalved at each iteration.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

Binary search algorithm

1 Initialize zUB, zLB.2 If zLB = zUB, STOP and return the optimal value

z⇤ = zLB = zUB.3 Let z =


LB + zUB)⇧.

4 Solve the 0� 1 linear feasibility problem

Does there exist x 2 Bn with Ax � b, cT

x z?

5 If answer is YES: update zUB z, return to Step 2.6 If answer is NO: update zLB z + 1, return to Step 2.

Let z0 be the initial value of zUB � zLB. The number of iterations of thealgorithm is O(log2(z

0)), since the difference between the bounds ishalved at each iteration.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

Binary search algorithm

1 Initialize zUB, zLB.2 If zLB = zUB, STOP and return the optimal value

z⇤ = zLB = zUB.3 Let z =


LB + zUB)⇧.

4 Solve the 0� 1 linear feasibility problem

Does there exist x 2 Bn with Ax � b, cT

x z?

5 If answer is YES: update zUB z, return to Step 2.6 If answer is NO: update zLB z + 1, return to Step 2.

Let z0 be the initial value of zUB � zLB. The number of iterations of thealgorithm is O(log2(z

0)), since the difference between the bounds ishalved at each iteration.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

Binary search algorithm

1 Initialize zUB, zLB.2 If zLB = zUB, STOP and return the optimal value

z⇤ = zLB = zUB.3 Let z =


LB + zUB)⇧.

4 Solve the 0� 1 linear feasibility problem

Does there exist x 2 Bn with Ax � b, cT

x z?

5 If answer is YES: update zUB z, return to Step 2.6 If answer is NO: update zLB z + 1, return to Step 2.

Let z0 be the initial value of zUB � zLB. The number of iterations of thealgorithm is O(log2(z

0)), since the difference between the bounds ishalved at each iteration.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

Binary search algorithm

1 Initialize zUB, zLB.2 If zLB = zUB, STOP and return the optimal value

z⇤ = zLB = zUB.3 Let z =


LB + zUB)⇧.

4 Solve the 0� 1 linear feasibility problem

Does there exist x 2 Bn with Ax � b, cT

x z?

5 If answer is YES: update zUB z, return to Step 2.6 If answer is NO: update zLB z + 1, return to Step 2.

Let z0 be the initial value of zUB � zLB. The number of iterations of thealgorithm is O(log2(z

0)), since the difference between the bounds ishalved at each iteration.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

Binary search algorithm

1 Initialize zUB, zLB.2 If zLB = zUB, STOP and return the optimal value

z⇤ = zLB = zUB.3 Let z =


LB + zUB)⇧.

4 Solve the 0� 1 linear feasibility problem

Does there exist x 2 Bn with Ax � b, cT

x z?

5 If answer is YES: update zUB z, return to Step 2.6 If answer is NO: update zLB z + 1, return to Step 2.

Let z0 be the initial value of zUB � zLB. The number of iterations of thealgorithm is O(log2(z

0)), since the difference between the bounds ishalved at each iteration.

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I f c a n solve fearibility problem i npolynomial t ime f(di) forinsta.. d i :

Then time t o solve ophinication problem

i s f (di) log(initialgap)

i n i npolynomial polynomial

i n storage i n storage

i npolynomial i n storage.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P

The Class P

DefinitionAlgorithm A is a polynomial time algorithm for the feasibility problem

X if fA(k) is O(kp) for some fixed p.

P denotes the class of feasibility problems that can be solved in

polynomial time.

Problem X 2 P if and only if there is a polynomial time algorithm for X.

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µk : storage.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P


1 How run-time grows as problem size grows

2 Polynomial time algorithms and the class PExamples of problems in P

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Minimum spanning tree with upper boundGiven a graph G = (V ,E), edge weights we for e 2 E , and an integerz, does there exist a spanning tree with total weight no greater than z?

Use a greedy algorithm.










351 5








3 5

Weight 25?
















YES (weight 23)

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Minimum spanning tree with upper boundGiven a graph G = (V ,E), edge weights we for e 2 E , and an integerz, does there exist a spanning tree with total weight no greater than z?

Use a greedy algorithm.










351 5








3 5

Weight 25?
















YES (weight 23)

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Shortest path with upper boundGiven a graph G = (V ,E), edge weights we for e 2 E , source node s

and sink node t , and an integer z, does there exist a path from s to t

with total length no greater than z?Use Dijkstra’s algorithm if edge weights are nonnegative.





tcs2 = 2, xs2 = 1

cs3 = 6

c24 = 1, x24 = 1

c32 =5

c3t = 3, x3t = 1

c43 = 2, x43 = 1

c4t= 6

Path 6? NO

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Perfect matching feasibility problemGiven a graph G = (V ,E), does there exist a perfect matching?Use Edmonds blossom (alternating path) algorithm.







No alternating path between unmatched vertices 2 and 6

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Linear programming with bound

Given m ⇥ n matrix A, vectors b 2 IRm and c 2 IRn, and a scalar z,does there exist a nonnegative x 2 IRn satisfying Ax = b and cT x z?

Use the ellipsoid algorithm or some interior point algorithms.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Exponential functions

DefinitionThe function f (k) is exponential if there exist positive constants

c1, c2 > 0, constants d1, d2 > 1, and a positive constant k 0 such that


1 f (k) c2dk

2 8 k � k0.

For example, let b be the largest integer for an instance of anoptimization problem X , so this requires storage O(log2(b)).

Assume the total storage is also O(log2(b)).

If algorithm A runs in time O(b) then it requires exponential time forthis instance, since

b = 2log2(b).

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

The knapsack problem

The knapsack problem max{cT x : aT x b, x binary} can be solvedin O(b) iterations using dynamic programming.

However, the storage requirement is only O(log(b)), assuming b is thelargest integer in the problem definition.

So the runtime is exponential in the storage requirement.

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b - 24¥....,..f:::::"?"")


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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Max Flow

Consider a max flow problem on the following graph. We seek tomaximize flow from node 1 to node 4. The arc capacities are indicated.








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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Solve with augmenting path method




4t t






(M, 1)

(M, 0)

(1, 1)

(M, 0)

(M, 1)

take t = 1

(ue, xe)

Next iteration:











(M, 1)

(M, 1)

(1, 0)

(M, 1)

(M, 1)

take t = 1

(ue, xe)

Need 2M iterations to get to optimal solution, which is exponential inthe storage requirement. To get polynomial algorithm, need to selectaugmenting path with fewest edges.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Solve with augmenting path method




4t t






(M, 1)

(M, 0)

(1, 1)

(M, 0)

(M, 1)

take t = 1

(ue, xe)

Next iteration:











(M, 1)

(M, 1)

(1, 0)

(M, 1)

(M, 1)

take t = 1

(ue, xe)

Need 2M iterations to get to optimal solution, which is exponential inthe storage requirement. To get polynomial algorithm, need to selectaugmenting path with fewest edges.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Solve with augmenting path method




4t t






(M, 1)

(M, 0)

(1, 1)

(M, 0)

(M, 1)

take t = 1

(ue, xe)

Next iteration:











(M, 1)

(M, 1)

(1, 0)

(M, 1)

(M, 1)

take t = 1

(ue, xe)

Need 2M iterations to get to optimal solution, which is exponential inthe storage requirement. To get polynomial algorithm, need to selectaugmenting path with fewest edges.

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Polynomial time algorithms and the class P Examples of problems in P

Solve with augmenting path method




4t t






(M, 1)

(M, 0)

(1, 1)

(M, 0)

(M, 1)

take t = 1

(ue, xe)

Next iteration:











(M, 1)

(M, 1)

(1, 0)

(M, 1)

(M, 1)

take t = 1

(ue, xe)

Need 2M iterations to get to optimal solution, which is exponential inthe storage requirement. To get polynomial algorithm, need to selectaugmenting path with fewest edges.

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