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Integrated Annual Report 2014

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Page 1: Integrated Annual Report 2014














2014Laporan Tahunan TerintegrasiIntegrated Annual Report

PERTAMINA EPStandard Chartered Tower

Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164 Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia Telp: 021-57893199, Fax: 021-57946279


BBBLS Barel minyak Oil barrelsBCFG Miliar kaki kubik gas bumi Billion cubic feet gasBOPD Barel minyak per hari Barrel oil per day

DDelineasi Pemetaan suatu batas tertutup pada komponen tanah

Closed boundaries mapping of soil component

EExisting Sedang berjalan

FFault Tree Analysis (FTA) Metode identifikasi risiko dengan membuat panduan

berupa flow chart Top-Down yang memberikan informasi terstruktur perihal potensi risiko yang diturunkan dari Strategic Objective A risk identification method to create a guideline in the form of top-down flowchart that provides structured information about potential risks derived from Strategic Objective

LLifting Minyak/gas yang ditransaksikan dengan pihak ketiga

Oil/gas transacted with a third party

MMBBLS Ribu barel minyak Thousand barrelsMMBO Juta barel minyak mentah Million barrels of oilMMBOE Juta barel minyak ekuivalen Million barrels of oil equivalentMBOPD Juta barel minyak per hari Million barrels of oil per dayMMBOEPD Juta barel minyak ekuivalen per hari

Million barrels of oil equivalent per dayMSCF Ribu kaki kubik gas per hari Thousand cubic feet gasMMSCFD Juta kaki kubik gas per hari Million cubic feet gas per day

RRJPP Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan

Corporate Long Term PlanRKAP Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan

Corporate Work Plan and Budget

SSeismic Metode eksplorasi untuk memperkirakan bentuk, jenis dan

ketebalan lapisan-lapisan batuan bawah permukaan dengan cara mempelajari penjalaran gelombang getaran Exploration method to estimate the shape, type and thickness of subsurface rock by means of studying the vibrational wave propagation

Subsurface Berkaitan dengan aspek di bawah permukaan tanah. Related to subsurface aspects.

Surface Berkaitan dengan aspek di atas permukaan Related to surface aspects

Surfactant Bahan yang menurunkan tegangan permukaan, biasanya adalah senyawaan sintetik-organik yang memperlihatkan aktivitas permukaan dan berperan dalam pembahasan, pembersihan, perembesan, penembusan, pembusaan, dan sebagainya. Material that lowers the surface tension, usually synthetic-organic compounds that displays surface activities and serves as wetting, cleansing, infiltration, penetration, foaming, etc

Suspended Well Sumur yang operasinya telah dihentikan Well that has halted operations.

WWild cat Sumur eksplorasi yang dibor di daerah baru yang

berdasarkan pertimbangan geologis diharapkan mempunyai akumulasi hidrokarbon Exploration well drilled in the new area based on geological considerations, which is expected to have accumulated hydrocarbon


Keterangan:Rujukan referensi dari Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) disajikan dengan huruf dan angka dalam kurung berwarna biru, Suplemen Sektor Minyak & Gas dalam kurung berwarna merah, dan Kerangka Kerja Laporan Terintegrasi (IR) dalam kurung berwarna hijau. Pembaca dapat melihat rujukan lengkapnya dalam referensi silang yang terdapat dalam halaman 330.

Description:Reference of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is presented in letters and numbers within blue parentheses, Oil & Gas Sector Supplement within red parentheses, and the Integrated Framework Report (IR) within green parentheses. Readers can find out the full reference in the cross-reference section in the pages 330.

*) Istilah umum dalam laporan ini yang sering digunakan oleh industri minyak dan gas General terms in this report is often used by the oil and gas industry

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2014Laporan Tahunan TerintegrasiIntegrated Annual Report

PERTAMINA EPStandard Chartered Tower

Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164 Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia Telp: 021-57893199, Fax: 021-57946279


BBBLS Barel minyak Oil barrelsBCFG Miliar kaki kubik gas bumi Billion cubic feet gasBOPD Barel minyak per hari Barrel oil per day

DDelineasi Pemetaan suatu batas tertutup pada komponen tanah

Closed boundaries mapping of soil component

EExisting Sedang berjalan

FFault Tree Analysis (FTA) Metode identifikasi risiko dengan membuat panduan

berupa flow chart Top-Down yang memberikan informasi terstruktur perihal potensi risiko yang diturunkan dari Strategic Objective A risk identification method to create a guideline in the form of top-down flowchart that provides structured information about potential risks derived from Strategic Objective

LLifting Minyak/gas yang ditransaksikan dengan pihak ketiga

Oil/gas transacted with a third party

MMBBLS Ribu barel minyak Thousand barrelsMMBO Juta barel minyak mentah Million barrels of oilMMBOE Juta barel minyak ekuivalen Million barrels of oil equivalentMBOPD Juta barel minyak per hari Million barrels of oil per dayMMBOEPD Juta barel minyak ekuivalen per hari

Million barrels of oil equivalent per dayMSCF Ribu kaki kubik gas per hari Thousand cubic feet gasMMSCFD Juta kaki kubik gas per hari Million cubic feet gas per day

RRJPP Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan

Corporate Long Term PlanRKAP Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan

Corporate Work Plan and Budget

SSeismic Metode eksplorasi untuk memperkirakan bentuk, jenis dan

ketebalan lapisan-lapisan batuan bawah permukaan dengan cara mempelajari penjalaran gelombang getaran Exploration method to estimate the shape, type and thickness of subsurface rock by means of studying the vibrational wave propagation

Subsurface Berkaitan dengan aspek di bawah permukaan tanah. Related to subsurface aspects.

Surface Berkaitan dengan aspek di atas permukaan Related to surface aspects

Surfactant Bahan yang menurunkan tegangan permukaan, biasanya adalah senyawaan sintetik-organik yang memperlihatkan aktivitas permukaan dan berperan dalam pembahasan, pembersihan, perembesan, penembusan, pembusaan, dan sebagainya. Material that lowers the surface tension, usually synthetic-organic compounds that displays surface activities and serves as wetting, cleansing, infiltration, penetration, foaming, etc

Suspended Well Sumur yang operasinya telah dihentikan Well that has halted operations.

WWild cat Sumur eksplorasi yang dibor di daerah baru yang

berdasarkan pertimbangan geologis diharapkan mempunyai akumulasi hidrokarbon Exploration well drilled in the new area based on geological considerations, which is expected to have accumulated hydrocarbon


Keterangan:Rujukan referensi dari Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) disajikan dengan huruf dan angka dalam kurung berwarna biru, Suplemen Sektor Minyak & Gas dalam kurung berwarna merah, dan Kerangka Kerja Laporan Terintegrasi (IR) dalam kurung berwarna hijau. Pembaca dapat melihat rujukan lengkapnya dalam referensi silang yang terdapat dalam halaman 330.

Description:Reference of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is presented in letters and numbers within blue parentheses, Oil & Gas Sector Supplement within red parentheses, and the Integrated Framework Report (IR) within green parentheses. Readers can find out the full reference in the cross-reference section in the pages 330.

*) Istilah umum dalam laporan ini yang sering digunakan oleh industri minyak dan gas General terms in this report is often used by the oil and gas industry

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Perubahan struktur Perusahaan di tahun 2013 kembali menitikberatkan pengembangan kompetensi tenaga kerja dalam Pertamina Leadership

Model, tetap efektif dalam beroperasi dengan teknik pengeboran terkini

dan menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan.

Changes in the Company’s structure in 2013 reiterated the focus on

development of employee competencies in Pertamina Leadership Model, remain

effective in operation with the latest drilling techniques and generate added value for society and the environment.

Setiap penemuan dan eksploitasi sumber energi tidak hanya identik

dengan peningkatan profit perusahaan, tetapi juga semakin memberikan

perhatian kepada people dan planet. Pertamina EP menegaskan komitmen agar manusia dan lingkungan hidup

menjadi bagian dari dinamika pemenuhan energi di Indonesia.

Every discovery and exploitation of energy resources is not only synonymous with an increase in corporate profits, but

also paying more attention to people and the planet. Pertamina EP confirms the commitment to making people and environment as part of the dynamics of meeting the energy needs in Indonesia.

Aspek manusia, proses, dan teknologi, sebagai pendekatan yang dikembangkan dari ORBEX

(Organizing for Business Excellence).

Aspects of people, process, and technology, as an approach

developed from ORBEX (Organizing for Business Excellence)









SINERGI 2014: MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI, DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPSynergy 2014: People, Process, Technology and Environment

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KESINAMBUNGAN TEMA Sepanjang tahun 2011 hingga 2014 kegiatan usaha Pertamina EP difokuskan untuk membangun fondasi pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan. Pertumbuhan ini dinyatakan dalam bentuk komitmen para pimpinan perusahaan melalui tema laporan tahunan yang berkesinambungan.

THEME CONTINUITY Throughout 2011 to 2014 PT Pertamina EP’s business activities have been focused on building the foundations of sustainable growth. This growth is stated in the commitment of the company’s leadership through the continuity of annual report theme.

SINERGI: MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP‘Sinergi’ menjadi sebuah kata yang kuat, yang mencerminkan komitmen untuk bergabung bersama dalam menjalankan kegiatan yang positif. Di tahun 2014 ini, Pertamina EP menyatukan kegiatan untuk saling mendukung melalui sinergi keempat aspek People, Process, Technology, Environment.

Sebuah sinergi memang memerlukan waktu untuk membuahkan hasil menghadapi berbagai tantangan. Untuk itu, Pertamina EP optimis untuk bersama menghadapi tantangan di masa depan dengan terus menjaga pasokan energi melalui energi terbarukan. Tantangan lainnya adalah peraturan pemerintah, harga minyak bumi serta kondisi sosial dan lingkungan yang berubah cepat. Sejalan dengan ini, maka bentuk sinergi nyata telah disiapkan di tahun 2015 dalam menyambut Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN, sekaligus meneguhkan Perusahaan sebagai sebuah ‘world class company’.

SYNERGY: PEOPLE, PROCESS, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT‘Synergy’ is a powerful word that reflects the commitment to join together in carrying out positive activities. In 2014, Pertamina EP brought together its activities to support each other through the synergy of four aspects of People, Process, Technology, and Environment

A synergy does take time to bear fruit in the face of various challenges. Pertamina EP is optimistic to face future challenges together by continuing to maintain stable energy supply through renewable energy. Other challenges include the government regulations, oil prices as well as rapid changes in social and environmental conditions. In line with this, the real form of synergy has been prepared for 2015 to welcome the ASEAN Economic Community, as well as to strengthen the Company as a ‘world class company’.

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PERINGATAN ATAS PERNYATAAN-PERNYATAAN MENGENAI MASA DEPAN [G4-22]Dalam dokumen ini mungkin terdapat rencana, proyeksi, strategi dan tujuan Perseroan tertentu, yang bukan merupakan pernyataan fakta historis dan perlu dipahami sebagai pernyataan mengenai masa depan. Pernyataan mengenai masa depan tergantung pada risiko dan ketidakpastian yang dapat menyebabkan keadaan dan hasil aktual Perseroan di masa depan berbeda dari yang diharapkan atau diindikasikan. Tidak ada jaminan bahwa hasil yang diantisipasi oleh Perseroan atau diindikasikan oleh pernyataan-pernyataan mengenai masa depan, akan tercapai. Namun demikian dalam laporan ini tidak terdapat pernyataan kembali yang harus diungkapkan atas sajian laporan tahun sebelumnya.

CAUTION REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS [G4-22]This document may contain certain plans, projections, strategies and objectives of the Company that are not statements of historical fact and would be treated as forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events, and the Company’s future result, to be different than expected or indicated by such statements. No assurance can be given that the result anticipated by the Company, or indicated by such forward-looking statements, will be achieved. Thus, in this report there is no restatement which need to be disclosed from previous report.

Pasar berfluktuasi, prioritas bergeser, namun komitmen kami tetap teguh

untuk melakukan apa yang tepat bagi para pemangku kepentingan dan

kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia.

The market is fluctuating, the priorities are shifting, but our commitment remains firm to do the right things for our

stakeholders and the welfare of Indonesian society.

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KRITERIA PENYUSUNAN Pada tahun 2014 Pertamina EP melanjutkan komitmen untuk menyajikan laporan terintegrasi dengan menyusun Laporan Tahunan 2014 yang sesuai dengan Peraturan Bapepam LK No. KEP-431/BL/2012, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), dan mulai merujuk pada prinsip isi kerangka yang diterbitkan oleh International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). [G4-23]

Penulisan laporan keuangan merujuk pada Standar Akuntansi Keuangan yang berlaku di Indonesia, sedangkan ikhtisar dan semua informasi keberlanjutan merujuk pada ‘Sustainability Reporting Guidelines & Oil and Gas Sector Supplement - Versi 4’ yang dikeluarkan oleh GRI, khususnya dalam standar materialitas, kelengkapan, pelibatan pemangku kepentingan, dan konteks keberlanjutan. Opsi yang dipilih dalam penulisan laporan ini adalah ‘in accordance - core’. [G4-32]

MATERIALITAS DAN PELIBATAN PEMANGKU KEPENTINGAN Kami merumuskan aspek material sebagai dasar penentuan dan pengambilan kebijakan Perusahaan yang akan berdampak dan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pemangku kepentingan, baik internal maupun eksternal. Secara internal, dampak ini diyakini akan mempengaruhi kinerja keberlanjutan, baik dari sisi ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, secara eksternal, aspek material ditentukan melalui identifikasi setiap aspek yang dapat mempengaruhi secara signifikan penilaian dan pengambilan keputusan oleh pemangku kepentingan atas kinerja Perseroan. Gabungan hasil identifikasi aspek material dari pihak internal dan eksternal Perseroan digambarkan dalam sebuah matrik.

PREPARATION CRITERIA In 2014 Pertamina EP continued its commitment to publish integrated reporting by preparing the Annual Report 2014 in accordance with the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency Regulation No. KEP-431/BL/2012, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and started to refer to framework of content principles issued by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). [G4-23]

Financial statements are prepared with reference to Financial Accounting Standards applicable in Indonesia, while overview and all sustainability information refer to ‘Sustainability Reporting Guidelines & Oil and Gas Sector Supplement - Version 4’ issued by the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), with particular reference to the standards of materiality, completeness, stakeholder inclusiveness and sustainability context. This report has chosen ‘in accordance - core’ option. [G4-32]

MATERIALITY AND STAKEHOLDER INCLUSIVENESS We define material aspects as a basis for determining and making the Company’s policies that will have significant impact and effect on both internal and external stakeholders. Internally, this impact is believed to affect sustainability performance in economic, social and environmental aspects. In line with this, externally, material aspect is determined by identifying every aspect that can significantly affect stakeholders’ assessment and decision-making on the Company’s performance. The combined results of the identification of material aspects from the Company’s internal and external parties are described in a matrix.

CATATAN ATAS INFORMASI KEBERLANJUTAN Notes to Sustainability Information

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Identifikasi aspek material dilakukan melalui analisis materialitas, dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat kepentingan berbagai topik bagi para pemangku kepentingan serta signifikansinya bagi perusahaan minyak dan gas. Tingkat signifikansi internal ditentukan berdasarkan analisis jangka pendek, strategi dan tujuan jangka panjang, beserta evaluasi hasil dan kinerja keberlanjutan selama periode pelaporan.

Tingkat kepentingan eksternal dalam isu-isu keberlanjutan didapat melalui analisis yang mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor berikut: energi, ekonomi dan sosial, perbandingan antar sejumlah perusahaan migas dan sektor lain yang sejenis dengan Pertamina EP, analisis pers dan web, serta permintaan yang telah diajukan oleh pemangku kepentingan utama kepada Pertamina EP, dengan menggunakan berbagai metode dan saluran komunikasi.

Selain komunitas keuangan, para pemangku kepentingan yang dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan aspek material adalah pemerintah dan lembaga-lembaga lokal, asosiasi internasional dan nasional, LSM dan masyarakat yang memiliki kepentingan terhadap kegiatan usaha dan sumber daya manusia Pertamina EP (untuk informasi lebih lanjut lihat bagian ‘Pelibatan pemangku kepentingan’).

Penggabungan pertimbangan signifikansi eksternal dan internal menghasilkan identifikasi bidang-bidang yang menjadi prioritas dan penting bagi perusahaan.

Material aspects are identified through materiality analysis, taking into account the importance of the various topics for external stakeholders as well as their significance for oil and gas companies. The internal significance is determined based on short-term analysis, strategy and long-term goals, along with evaluation on the outcome and sustainability performance during reporting period.

The level of external significance in sustainability issues is identified through an analysis that considers the following factors: the energy, economic and social, the benchmarking on a panel of oil & gas companies and other sectors similar to Pertamina EP, analysis of the press and the web, as well as the requests from majority stakeholders to Pertamina EP, using different methods and communication channels.

In addition to the financial community, the stakeholders considered in determining material aspects are governments and local institutions, international and national associations, NGOs and citizens interested in Pertamina EP’s work and people (for further information see the section ‘Stakeholder engagement’).

The combined consideration of external and internal significance resulted in the identification of areas of priority and of material to the company.

Dampak penting aspek ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial bagi pemangku kepentingan internal

Significance of economic, environmental, and social impact for internal stakeholders

Dampak pada penilaian dan keputusan

pemangku kepentingan eksternal

Influence on external stakeholder assessment

and decision


2 3

4 5





Kinerja ekonomiEconomic performance

Pekerja People

Proses Process

Teknologi Technology

Lingkungan hidup Environment


Kurang penting Less Important Penting Important

Penting Important Lebih penting More Important

HASIL UJI MATERIALITAS [G4-19]Materiality Test Result

Rendah Low

Tinggi High

Tinggi H


Rendah Low

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PROSES PENENTUAN ISI LAPORAN [G4-18]Terdapat empat tahap dalam penentuan konten laporan. Tahap pertama, identifikasi aspek-aspek keberlanjutan yang relevan dengan karakteristik bisnis Pertamina EP dan menentukan batasan ruang lingkup (boundary) di mana aspek tersebut terjadi. Tahap kedua, pembuatan prioritas atas aspek-aspek keberlanjutan yang akan dilaporkan melalui proses FGD.

Tahap ketiga, validasi atas aspek material yang telah menjadi prioritas tersebut. Proses validasi bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa laporan memuat konten yang seimbang antara kinerja positif dan negatif. Validasi mendapat persetujuan dari Sekretaris Perusahaan dan pengesahan dari Direksi, selaku pejabat tata kelola Perseroan yang bertanggung jawab atas penyusunan dan penerbitan laporan ini. [G4-48]

REPORT CONTENT DEFINING PROCESS [G4-18]There are four steps in defining the content of the report. The first step is the identification of sustainability aspects that are relevant to the business characteristics of Pertamina EP and determines the boundary where these aspects occur. The second step is making priority of sustainability aspects that will be reported through the FGD.

The third step is the validation on material aspects that have become the priority. The validation process aims to ensure that the report contains balanced content between positive and negative performances. The validation is to be approved by Corporate Secretary and to be ratified by the Board of Directors as the corporate governance officers in charge of the preparation and publication of this report. [G4-48]

PROSES IDENTIFIKASI ASPEK MATERIALITAS [G4-18]Identifikasi isu keberlanjutan dan penentuan aspek material merupakan langkah awal dalam penentuan konten Laporan. Aspek material dan ruang lingkup dalam pelaporan ini ditentukan melalui uji materialitas dengan cara tanya jawab, yang dilaksanakan dalam grup diskusi terfokus (focus group discussion atau FGD). Pelaksanaan FGD melibatkan perwakilan unit kerja Pertamina EP yang berkontribusi dalam penyusunan laporan sebelumnya selaku pihak internal, dan akademisi selaku pihak eksternal.

Kegiatan FGD difokuskan pada identifikasi isu-isu keberlanjutan (sustainability context), untuk kemudian menentukan prioritas aspek material. Penetapan konten laporan didasarkan pada prinsip Stakeholders Inclusiveness (Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan), Materiality (Materialitas), Sustainability Context (Konteks Keberlanjutan) dan Completeness (Kelengkapan). Ke-empat prinsip ini sesuai dengan pedoman penulisan laporan keberlanjutan GRI-G4.

Dari hasil FGD, notulen menyiapkan laporan penilaian materialitas kepada Sekretaris Perusahaan selaku pejabat senior Perusahaan, guna menentukan persetujuan atas informasi kinerja keberlanjutan yang disampaikan dalam laporan ini. Hasil penilaian uji materialitas juga menjadi bagian dari penyampaian hal-hal yang sepatutnya menjadi prioritas dari kinerja keberlanjutan Perusahaan pada kurun waktu berikutnya. [G4-48]

Hasil identifikasi isu material untuk disajikan dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014 ini adalah ditentukannya tema sinergi antara aspek material Pekerja, Proses, Teknologi dan Lingkungan Hidup.

MATERIALITY ASPECTS IDENTIFICATION PROCESS[G4-18]Sustainability issues identification and material aspects determination are the first step in defining the content of the Report. Material aspects and boundaries of this report are determined through the materiality test through question and answer, which is implemented in a focus group discussion (FGD). The FGD is held by involving representatives of Pertamina EP’s working units that contribute to the preparation of the previous report as internal party, and academics as the external party.

The FGD is focused on identifying sustainability context, to determine the priority of the material aspects. The report content defining is based on the principles of Stakeholder Inclusiveness, Materiality, Sustainability Context and Completeness. All these four principles are in accordance with GRI-G4 sustainability reporting guidelines.

The transcriber of FGD results prepared the materiality assessment report and submitted it to the Corporate Secretary as the Company’s senior officer, for approval of the sustainability performance information presented in this report. Results of materiality test are also part of issues that should become priority to be disclosed as the Company’s sustainability performance in the next period. [G4-48]

The result of the identification of the material issues to be presented in the Integrated Annual Report 2014 is the determination of theme on synergy between the material aspects of People, Process, Technology and Environment.

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BATASAN PELAPORAN DAN KONTEKS KEBERLANJUTAN Laporan ini mencakup kinerja keuangan dan kinerja keberlanjutan Pertamina EP dalam kurun waktu 1 Januari hingga 31 Desember 2014. Keseluruhan materi yang disampaikan dalam Laporan ini berasal dari Pertamina EP (internal perusahaan) dan berdampak signifikan pada Kantor Pusat dan 5 Asset yang merupakan area operasi sendiri, termasuk 20 Field, 4 proyek pengembangan, dan 7 area unitisasi dan juga mencakup area operasi kemitraan TAC dan KSO. Informasi material yang diungkapkan dalam Laporan ini dinilai memberikan dampak signifikan kepada pemegang saham, masyarakat, pelanggan, pekerja, mitra kerja dan mitra usaha, pemerintah, media, universitas dan institusi pendidikan lain. [G4-17] [G4-20] [G4-21] [G4-28]


Informasi tentang keberlanjutan yang disajikan dalam Laporan ini merupakan kelanjutan dari Laporan tahun 2013 yang terbit pada 25 Februari. Laporan ini diungkapkan secara terintegrasi di beberapa bagian. Dalam Ikhtisar Kinerja Keuangan dan Operasional, informasi keuangan telah terintegrasi dengan informasi keberlanjutan yang berkaitan dengan pencapaian PROPER, jam kerja selamat, dan reduksi emisi. Selain itu, kinerja keberlanjutan juga secara khusus ditampilkan dalam Ikhtisar Keberlanjutan yang menyajikan kinerja masing-masing aspek material pekerja, proses, teknologi dan lingkungan, serta kinerja sumber daya sesuai dengan kriteria dalam acuan ‘Kerangka Internasional Laporan Terpadu’ yang diterbitkan oleh the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). [G4-29]

REPORTING BOUNDARY AND SUSTAINABILITY CONTEXT This report contains financial and sustainability performance of Pertamina EP in the period January 1 to December 31, 2014. The entire materials presented in this Report are collected from Pertamina EP’s internal organization and have a significant impact on the Head Office and 5 Assets of Own Operations area, including 20 Fields, 4 development projects, and 7 unitization areas, as well as TAC and KSO partnerships operating area. Material information disclosed in this report is considered to have significant impact on shareholders, communities, customers, employees, vendors and partners, governments, media, universities and other educational institutions. [G4-17] [G4-20] [G4-21] [G4-28]


Information about sustainability presented in this Report is the continuity of 2013 Report which was printed on February, 25. This Report is disclosed as an integrated information in some parts. In the Overview of Financial and Operational Performance, financial information has been integrated with sustainability information on the PROPER achievement, safe working hours, and emission reduction. In addition, the sustainability performance is also specifically displayed in Sustainability Performance Overview that presents each material aspect of people, process, technology and environment, as well as the performance of resources in accordance with the criteria in the International Integrated Reporting Framework’, issued by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). [G4-29]







1 2




Topics Aspects Management Approach Disclosure + Indicators







Topik Aspek Pengungkapan atas Pendekatan Manajemen + Indikator

Tahap keempat, kajian ulang atas laporan tahun sebelumnya dengan mempertimbangkan saran dari pemangku kepentingan. Demikian pula masukan dan saran atas laporan tahun ini akan digunakan sebagai pertimbangan dalam menentukan konten laporan tahun yang akan datang. Siklus pelaporan ini berlangsung selama periode berjalan dengan menyertakan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan.

The fourth step is a review on the previous year’s report taking into account suggestions from stakeholders. Similarly, feedbacks and suggestions on this year’s report are to be used as consideration in defining the content of the upcoming report. This reporting cycle takes place during the current period by including the stakeholder engagement.

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TOPIK MATERIAL Material Topics

Mitra Kerja dan Mitra UsahaVendors and Partners

Kinerja Ekonomi, Pekerja, Proses, Teknologi, Lingkungan HidupEconomic Performance, People, Process, Technology, Environment

Masyarakat Community Lingkungan Hidup Environment

Pelanggan Customers Kinerja Ekonomi Economic Performance

Media Media Lingkungan Hidup Environment

Pemerintah Government Kinerja Ekonomi, Lingkungan HidupEconomic, Environmental Performance

Universitas dan Institusi Pendidikan LainUniversities and Other Educational Institutions

Lingkungan Hidup Environment

PRINSIP PENJAMINAN KUALITAS UNTUK PELAPORAN KEBERLANJUTAN [G4-33]Data kinerja yang disajikan dalam laporan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran yang seimbang dan jelas tentang kegiatan perusahaan. Proses pengumpulan informasi dan data kuantitatif disusun sehingga menjamin data dapat diperbandingkan selama beberapa tahun, agar diperoleh informasi secara benar dan lengkap bagi para pemangku kepentingan.

Untuk menjamin kualitas informasi keuangan, maka pada bagian Laporan Keuangan disajikan pernyataan auditor independen dari Kantor Akuntan Publik PricewaterhouseCoopers. Namun demikian, kami belum menggunakan penjaminan untuk pelaporan keberlanjutan.

PRINCIPLES OF QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING [G4-33]The performance data presented in this report aims to provide a balanced and clear picture of the Company’s activities. The process of information and quantitative data collection has been formulated to ensure comparability of data across several years, to provide accurate and comprehensive information for all stakeholders.

To ensure the quality of financial information, the Financial Statements are presented with the independent auditor’s statement from public accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. However, we have not conducted an assurance for the sustainability reporting.



Material Aspects Refer to GRI and IIRC


Impact on Internal Stakeholders


Impact on External Stakeholders

Kinerja EkonomiEconomic Performance

Kinerja ekonomi, Modal keuangan Economic performance, Financial capital

Pemegang saham, Pekerja Shareholders, Employee

Mitra Kerja dan Mitra Usaha, Pelanggan, Pemerintah Vendors and Partners, Customers, Government


Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, Pelatihan dan pendidikan, Modal intelektualEmployment, Occupational Health and Safety, Training and Education, Intellectual capital

Pemegang saham, Pekerja Shareholders, Employee

Mitra Kerja dan Mitra Usaha Vendors and Partners


Kepatuhan CompliancePekerja Employee

Mitra Kerja dan Mitra Usaha Vendors and Partners


Penggunaan Teknologi Technology usage Pekerja Employee

Mitra Kerja dan Mitra Usaha Vendors and Partners

Lingkungan HidupEnvironment

Energi, Air, Keanekaragaman hayati, Emisi, Limbah, Modal alam, Modal SosialEnergy, Water, Biodiversity, Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Natural capital, Social capital

Pekerja Employee

Masyarakat, Mitra Kerja dan Mitra Usaha, Pemerintah, Media, Universitas dan Institusi Pendidikan Lain Society, Vendors and Partners, Government, Media, Universities and Other Educational Institutions




Mitra Kerja dan Mitra UsahaVendors and Partners

Universitas dan Institusi Pendidikan Lain

Universities and Other Educational Institutions





IDENTIFIKASI BATASAN DAN DAMPAK ASPEK MATERIAL [G4-19] [G4-20] [G4-21] Identification of Boundary and Impact of Material Aspects

Page 12: Integrated Annual Report 2014


DAFTAR ISITable of Content

2 Kesinambungan Tema Theme Continuity

5 Catatan atas Informasi Keberlanjutan Notes to Sustainability Information

01 | KINERJA PERTAMINA EP 2014 Pertamina EP 2014 Performance

14 Pencapaian Menghadapi Tantangan Achievement in Facing Challenges

16 Ikhtisar Keberlanjutan Overview of Sustainability

18 Ikhtisar Kinerja Keuangan & Operasional Overview of Finance & Operational Performance

22 Peristiwa Penting 2014 Significant Events 2014

24 Penghargaan & Pengakuan Eksternal Awards & External Accolades

26 Sekilas Pertamina EP Pertamina EP at a Glance

38 Visi, Misi Dan Nilai Perusahaan Vision, Mission and Corporate Values

40 Struktur Organisasi Organizational Structure

40 Pemegang Saham Utama, Entitas Anak, Entitas Asosiasi & Pengendalian Bersama Entitas Majority Shareholders, Subsidiaries, Associates and Jointly Controlled Entities

42 Pejabat Senior Perusahaan Corporate Senior Officers

52 Struktur Komposisi Saham Structure and Composition of Shares

54 Pekerja Pertamina EP Employee of Pertamina EP

02 | LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN LAPORAN DIREKSI Board of Commissioners’ Report and Board of Directors’ Report

60 Sambutan Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners’ Message

62 Laporan Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners’ Report

68 Profil Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Profile

70 Sambutan Direksi Board of Directors’ Message

74 Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

82 Profil Direksi Board of Directors’ Profile

84 Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Atas Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014 Statement of Responsibility for 2014 Integrated Annual Report

03 | ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN Management’s Discussion and Analysis

88 Tinjauan Industri Industrial Review92 Tinjauan Operasi Operational Review107 Pemasaran Marketing111 Pengelolaan Rantai Pasokan

Supply Chain Management114 Prospek Usaha Business Prospects116 Analisis Kinerja Keuangan

Financial Performance Analysis122 Analisis Posisi Keuangan

Financial Position Analysis132 Rasio Kemampuan Membayar Utang dan

Tingkat Kolektibilitas Piutang Perusahaan Solvency Ratio and Collectability Ratio of The Company

139 Perbandingan antara Target Awal Tahun Buku dengan Realisasi Tahun 2014 dan Proyeksi Tahun 2015 Comparison Between Beginning of Fiscal Year Target with Realization of 2014 And Projection of 2015

Page 13: Integrated Annual Report 2014










Information on Integrated Report of Pertamina EP refers to the criteria of Indonesian Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK), Financial Services Authority (OJK), GRI, and International

Framework Integrated Report published by The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)

04 | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN Corporate Governance

152 Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Good Corporate Governance

155 Peningkatan Penerapan Tata Kelola Improvement of Governance Implementation

156 Etika Kerja dan Bisnis Work and Business Ethics

158 Penilaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance Implementation Assessment

160 Struktur Tata Kelola

05 | KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI, DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP Integrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology, and Environment

06 | INFORMASI LAIN PERUSAHAAN Company’s Other Information

MEMBANGUN SINERGI / BUILDING SYNERGY238 Manusia People260 Proses Process272 Teknologi Technology286 Lingkungan Environment304 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

Serta Pengembangan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan Social and Community Development

318 Tonggak Sejarah Pertamina EP Pertamina EP Milestones

319 Kemitraan Perusahaan Company Partnership

328 Lembaga dan Profesi Penunjang Supporting Institutions and Professionals

329 Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan Tahun 2014 Company Health Indicators 2014

Corporate Governance Structure

162 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) General Meeting of Shareholders

168 Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners

174 Direksi Board of Directors184 Komite Audit Audit Committee188 Komite Investasi dan

Manajemen Risiko Investment and Risk Management Committee

192 Komite Penunjang Direksi BOD Supporting Committees

196 Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary

198 Penghindaran Benturan Kepentingan Avoidance of Conflict of Interest

200 Sistem Pengendalian Internal dan Audit Internal Internal Control System and Internal Audit

208 Pengelolaan Risiko Risk Management

220 Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran dan Whistle Blowing Whistleblowing

222 Keterbukaan Informasi Information Disclosure

224 Kepatuhan dan Perkara Hukum Legal Compliance and Litigations

226 Perubahan Regulasi Regulatory Changes

227 Pemenuhan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Social and Environmental Responsibility Fullfillment

330 Referensi Silang Peraturan Bapepam - LK No.X.K.6, Indeks Isi GRI, Suplemen Sektor Minyak & Gas, dan Kerangka Laporan Terintegrasi Cross Reference BAPEPAM - LK No.X.K.6 Regulation, GRI Content Index, Oil & Gas Sector Supplement, and Integrated Report Framework

Lembar Umpan Balik Feedback FormLaporan Keuangan Financial Statements

Page 14: Integrated Annual Report 2014


KINERJA 20142014 Performance

Page 15: Integrated Annual Report 2014








Sepanjang tahun 2011-2014 kegiatan usaha Pertamina EP difokuskan untuk membangun fondasi pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan. Pada tahun 2014, tema ‘Sinergi: People, Process, Technology, Environment’, menegaskan pencapaian pada setiap kegiatan operasi yang saling menunjang satu sama lain untuk mencapai peningkatan produksi dan target jangka panjang.

Throughout the years of 2011-2014, Pertamina EP business activities are focused to build the foundation of sustainable growth. In 2014, the theme of ‘Synergy: People, Process, Technology, Environment’, affirms the achievement at each mutually supporting operation activities in order to achieve increasing production and long-term targets.

Page 16: Integrated Annual Report 2014


PENCAPAIAN MENGHADAPI TANTANGANAchievements in Facing Challenges

PEOPLE PROCESSBagi Pertamina EP, pekerja adalah sumber daya sekaligus aset utama untuk memastikan kesinambungan bisnis dan operasional perusahaan. Sinergi People di tahun 2014 memampukan perusahaan memiliki sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang kompeten, berkeahlian dan unggul.

For Pertamina EP, employee is the resource as well as the main asset to ensure business and operational continuity of the Company. Synergy of People in 2014 has enabled the Company to possess competent, skilled and excellence human resources.

Pertamina EP melaksanakan grand strategy pembenahan simultan kondisi fasilitas produksi di seluruh area, sehingga memberikan dampak nyata hingga di tahun 2014, meliputi peningkatan produksi, peningkatan kompetensi pekerja, efisiensi energi dan waktu, serta terjaganya ketersediaan pasokan migas.

Pertamina EP implements the grand strategy of simultaneous improvement of production facilities conditions throughout the Company’s areas, thus providing a real impact in 2014, covering increasing production, improvement of employee’s competency, energy and time efficiency, as well as the security of oil and gas supply.

3,848 Pekerja


5 AssetMemenuhi

80% Permintaan

Migas Nasional

5 Assets meet 80% of national oil and

gas demand

PENCAPAIAN SEISMIK 2D SEBESAR 454 KM, 195% DI ATAS TARGET YANG SEBESAR 233 KM. Achievement of 2D seismic was 454 km, or 195% above the target of 233 km.

PENERAPAN PERTAMINA DRILLING WAY PADA LAPANGAN BUNYU, ASSET 5 SEBAGAI PERCONTOHAN UNTUK KEMUDIAN DIKEMBANGKAN DI LAPANGAN LAINNYA.Application of Pertamina Drilling Way on Bunyu Field, Asset 5 as a pilot project to be later developed at other fields.

PENEMUAN SUMUR TERBESAR LOUISE DENGAN PEROLEHAN MINYAK 8.280 BOPD.Discovery of the largest well, Louise, with the oil recovery of 8,280 BPOD.

PRODUKSI PADA LAPANGAN EKSISTING MENCAPAI SEBESAR 9.054 BOPD ATAU 169% DARI TARGET 5.438 BOPD.Productions on existing fields was 9,054 BOPD or 169% of the target of 5,438 BOPD.

1 2

5 6

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TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENTMelalui sinergi teknologi, Perusahaanterus berinovasi dalam proses produksinya hingga menghasilkan pemetaan kondisi produksi yang komprehensif untuk kemudian dapat dikelola lebih baik.

Through the synergy of technology, the Company continues to perform innovation on the production processes to produce a comprehensive production conditions mapping to be better managed.

Pertamina EP mengintegrasikan komitmen Deklarasi untuk Bumi dalam Program CSR sebagai wujudpelestarian lingkungan. Sinergi Environment memastikan Perusahaan menyelesaikan tantangan di tengah masyarakat dan lingkungan, serta menjaga ketersediaan pasokan migas.

Pertamina EP integrates the commitment of Declaration to the Earth in the CSR program as a form of environmental preservation. Synergy of Environment ensures the Company to complete the challenges from the community and the environment, as well as to maintain the availability of oil and gas supply.

20 Field

Menerapkan Sistem Operasi Terpadu

20 Fields implement Integrated

Operations System

155 Kabupaten Membangun

Kemandirian melalui Pusat Pemberdayaan

Masyarakat Pertamina

155 regencies build self-reliance through

Pertamina Community Empowerment Center

PENCARIAN SUMBER CADANGAN BARU MINYAK DENGAN EKSPLORASI LEPAS PANTAI (OFFSHORE) DI BLOK GLAGAH, KAMBUNA, SUMATRA UTARA.Search for new oil reserves source through offshore exploration in Glagah Block, Kambuna, North Sumatra.

PENYELESAIAN PROGRAM PUT ON PRODUCTION MENJADI PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT.Completion of Put on Production program to Plan of Development.

PENEMUAN CADANGAN EKSPLORASI (2C-INPLACE) MIGAS SEBESAR 522 MMBOE, 155% DARI TARGET RKAP 2014.Discovery of oil and gas exploration reserves (2C-Inplace) amounted to 522 MMBOE, or 155% of 2014 RKAP target.

TAMBAHAN CADANGAN MIGAS P1 YANG MENCAPAI 180,71 MMBOE MELEBIHI TARGET YANG SEBESAR 41 MMBOE. Additional oil and gas reserves P1 amounted to 180.71 MMBOE, above the target of 41 MMBOE.


7 8


Page 18: Integrated Annual Report 2014


IKHTISAR KEBERLANJUTANOverview of Sustainability




179 MMBOERealisasi temuan cadangan setara minyak

Realization of oil equivalent reserve discovery

86% +Rasio keberhasilan sumur pemboran

eksplorasi dan eksploitasiSuccess ratio of exploration and

exploitation drilling well

ASSET 3Inovasi penerapan pola stratigrafi

di Field SubangInnovation of stratigraphic play

application in Subang Field

95.03%Debt to equity ratio 117,030 BOPD

Realisasi produksi minyakRealization of oil production

USD 8 millionInvestasi Ketenagakerjaan

Employment Investment

43.74%Return on Investment

4 FIELD Field menerapkan SSOP

Field applied POSS

33.67% Net Profit Margin

1 1 1

22 2





2012 2013 2014

Pencapaian Achievement

Rata-rata Jam Pelatihan Learning Days Average per employeeHasil Survei Kepuasan Pekerja (Skala 5) Employee Satisfaction Survey Results (Scale 5)Jam Kerja Selamat Safe Working HoursEmployee Turnover Ratio Rata-rata penilaian HSE Kontraktor Contractor HSE assessment averageRealisasi Anggaran Ketenagakerjaan (USD) Employment budget realization











*) Sejak 5 tahun pelaporan terakhir, Perusahaan tidak pernah menghadapi tumpahan minyak > 15 BBLS*) Since the last 5 years of reporting, the Company had never experienced oil spills > 15 BBLs

2012 2013 2014

Proyek EOR, SSOP, Reaktifasi sumur, Tertiary Recovery (BOPD) EOR Project, POSS, Well reactivation, Tertiary RecoveryProduksi minyak (MBOPD) Oil produtionProduksi gas (MMSCFD) Gas productionTumpahan minyak <15 BBLS (kali)* Oil spill >15 BBLS (times)Kebakaran (Kerugian < USD10.000) Fire (Losses < USD10,000)Sertifikasi Fasilitas Produksi Production Facility CertificationPemanfaatan kembali air terproduksi Produced water reusePenghematan pengelolaan rantai pasokan Supply chain management saving











PROCESSPencapaian Achievement

Page 19: Integrated Annual Report 2014












155 Kabupaten RegenciesPenerima manfaat Pusat Pemberdayaan

Masyarakat PertaminaBeneficiaries of Pertamina Community

Empowerment Center

14Penghargaan PROPER Hijau

Green PROPER Award

3.06 (dari skala 5/from scale 5)Survei kepuasan pekerja

Employee satisfaction survey

425,986 Penanaman pohon

Tree planting14 Field Mendapatkan sertifikasi

internasional ISRSAchievement of ISRS

international certification

25.52 %Reduksi Emisi GHG sejak 2010

GHG Emission Reduction since 2010

88,455,377 Jam kerja selamat melalui

penerapan QHSEE Safe working hour through implementation of QHSSE

IDR 126 miliar billionBiaya pengelolaan lingkungan

Environmental management cost

1 1 1




3 3



IDR 89 miliar billion Biaya investasi kemasyarakatan

Social investment cost

68.46% Komposisi pemberdayaan

pemasok lokal melalui TKDN Composition of local supplier

development through TKDN

*Pohon yang ditanam 100% tumbuh dengan baik melalui teknik sulam yang dibantu masyarakat lokal*100% of the planted trees have grown well through replanting system with support from local community

Field menerapkan SSOP Field applied POSSField menerapkan iADMS Field applied iADMSEfisiensi biaya Managed Print Service Managed Print Service cost efficiency

2012 2013 2014

Pencapaian Achievement








ENVIRONMENT 2012 2013 2014

Pencapaian Achievement

Peringkat PROPER PROPER Rating Hijau Green Biru BlueReduksi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca sejak 2010 Greenhouse Gas Emisison Reduction since 2010Jumlah Pohon Ditanam Number of Planted Trees*Pemanfaatan Kembali Limbah Non-B3 Non-hazardous Waste ReusePemasangan Solar Cell Solar Cell InstallationRealisasi Anggaran CSR (IDR miliar) CSR Budget RealizationRealisasi Anggaran Pengelolaan Lingkungan (juta USD) Environmental Management Budget Realization (million USD)











Page 20: Integrated Annual Report 2014


IKHTISAR KINERJA KEUANGAN & OPERASIONALOverview of Finance & Operational Performance


REALISASI PRODUKSI SETARA MINYAK (MBOEPD)Oil Equivalent Production Realization


NET PROFIT MARGIN (%)Net Profit Margin

JUMLAH ASSET (JUTA USD)Total Asset (million USD)


Realisasi Produksi Setara MinyakRealization of Oil Equivalent Production

Return On Investment

Net Profit Margin

Reduksi Emisi sejak 2010Emission Reduction since 2010















39.78 2013








Page 21: Integrated Annual Report 2014








IKHTISAR KINERJA KEUANGAN (JUTA USD) [G4-9] [G4-EC1] [IR3] [IR4] Financial Performance Highlights (Million USD)


Laba Rugi Income StatementPendapatan Usaha Minyak Mentah, Gas Bumi, dan

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)5,044 5,319 5,001 4,710 Operating revenues from Crude Oil, Natural Gas

and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Beban Usaha Operating Expenses

Beban Eksplorasi - (106) (202) (145) (152) Exploration Expenses

Beban Produksi - (1,483) (1,698) (1,605) (1,623) Exploitation Expenses

Beban Umum dan Administrasi - (167) (242) (164) (162) General and Administration Expenses

Pendapatan Operasional Lainnya (3) 62 178 (33) Other Operating Revenues

Laba Sebelum Pajak 3,285 3,239 3,264 2,741 Earnings Before Tax

Beban Pajak Penghasilan (1,345) (1,293) (1,275) (1,154) Net Profit for the Year

Laba Bersih Tahun Berjalan 1,940 1,946 1,989 1,586 Profit attributable to owners of parent entity

Laba Komprehensif 1,040 1,946 1,989 1,586 Comprehensive Profit

Kurs Nilai Tukar Akhir Tahun per USD1,00 Rugi Laba 8,779 9,380 10,451 11,878 Year End Exchange Rate per USD1,00 – Income Statement


Jumlah Aset 10,920 12,924 8,604 Total Assets

Jumlah Kewajiban 3,663 3,677 4,192 Total Liabilities

Jumlah Ekuitas 7,258 9,247 4,412 Total Equity

Modal Kerja Bersih 5,304 6,765 1,548 Net Working Capital

Jumlah Investasi Pada Entitas Lain 0 0 0 Total Investment in Other Entities

Kurs Nilai Tukar Akhir Tahun per USD1,00 Neraca 9,670 12,189 12,440 Year End Exchange Rate per USD1,00 – Balance Sheet

Page 22: Integrated Annual Report 2014


IKHTISAR KINERJA KEUANGAN & OPERASIONALOverview of Finance & Operational Performance

RASIO Ratio 2012 2013 2014

Profitabilitas ProfitabilityReturn On Investment 36.04% 30.49% 43.74%

Return On Equity 36.65% 27.41% 56.14%Operating Profit Margin 59.73% 61.72% 58.88%

Net Profit Margin 36.60% 39.78% 33.67%Likuiditas Liquidity

Current Ratio 474.79% 574.85% 216.80%Cash Ratio 8.09% 14.70% 12.77%

Solvabilitas SolvencyDebt to Equity Ratio 50.47% 39.77% 95.03%Debt to Asset Ratio 33.54% 28.45% 48.73%

Long Term Debt to Equity 30.97% 24.36% 65.00%Long Term Debt to Asset 20.58% 17.43% 33.33%

Equity to Asset Ratio 66.46 71.55 51.27%Perputaran Turnover

Collection Period (CP) Hari/Days 22 15 15Perputaran Persediaan Hari/Days 8 11 12

Total Asset Turnover 55.56% 45.10% 67.47%

AKTIVITAS BISNIS / Business Activities 2012 2013 2014


Realisasi Survei Seismik Realization of Seismic Survey - 2D (Km) - 3D (Km2)





Realisasi Pemboran Sumur EksplorasiRealization of Exploration Well Drilling 24 17 143)

Rasio Keberhasilan Sumur EksplorasiExploration Well Success Ratio 79% 73% 89%

Realisasi Temuan Cadangan (2C) Inplace (MMBOE)Realization of (2P) Inplace Reserve Discovery (MMBOE)

455 432 522

Realisasi Temuan Cadangan (2C) RR (MMBOE)Realization of (2P) RR Reserve Discovery (MMBOE)

229 161 179

EKSPLOITASI* Exploitation*

Realisasi Sumur Kerja Ulang Pindah Lapisan Realization of Work Over Well 140 118 854)

Realisasi Pemboran Sumur PengembanganRealization of Development Well Drilling 148 156 1005)

Realisasi Produksi Gas (MMSCFD)Realization of Gas Production (MMSCFD) 1,054 1,031 1,044

Realisasi Produksi Minyak (MBOPD)Realization of Oil Production (MBOPD) 127.31 120.6 117.03

Realisasi Produksi Setara Minyak (MBOEPD)Realization of Oil Equivalent Production (MBOEPD)

309 298.5 296

Catatan:1) 454 = Operasi Sendiri Own Operation 260 & Mitra Partner 1942) 2,209 = Operasi Sendiri Own Operation 2,126 & Mitra Partner 833) 14 = (9 Selesai Completed + 5 Dalam Proses On Progress)4) 85 = (82 Selesai Completed + 3 Dalam Proses On Progress)5)100 = (89 Selesai Completed + 11 Dalam Proses On Progress)

KINERJA OPERASIONALOperational Performance


AREA 2012 AREA 2013 2014


Lifting Region Sumatera Sumatra Region Lifting

17,912 Lifting Asset 1 5,789 6,208

Lifting Region JawaJava Region Lifting

18,148 Lifting Asset 2 8,225 7,850

Lifting Region KTIEIR Region Lifting

9,757 Lifting Asset 3 5,028 5,080

Lifting Asset 4 9,814 9,052

Lifting Asset 5 7,491 8,007

Lifting Mitra (TAC & KSO)

6,812 6,125

Lifting Total Total Lifting 45,817 Lifting Total 43,159 42,322

GAS (MMSCF)Region Sumatra SalesSumatra Region Sales

156,630 Lifting Asset 1 31,771 31,160

Region Jawa SalesJava Region Sales

130,177 Lifting Asset 2 123,708 135,507

Region KTI SalesEIR Region Sales

2,124 Lifting Asset 3 115,191 100,968

Lifting Asset 4 5,677 12,271

Lifting Asset 5 1,658 2,285

Lifting Mitra (TAC & KSO)

9,168 2,645

Total Sales 290,931 Lifting Total 287,171 284,834

Keterangan : - Perusahaan melaksanakan restrukturisasi per 28 Februari 2013

The Company conducted restructuring as of February 28, 2013- Nilai Komersialitas menggunakan data field dan proyek pengembangan

Commerciality value based on field and development project data

Page 23: Integrated Annual Report 2014








INFORMASI HARGA SAHAMSampai dengan akhir tahun 2014, Pertamina EP tidak melakukan perdagangan saham sehingga tidak ada informasi harga saham tertinggi, harga saham terendah dan harga saham penutupan, volume saham yang diperdagangkan, serta informasi tentang aksi korporasi terhadap saham dan tindakan penghentian perdagangan saham.

INFORMASI OBLIGASI, SUKUK ATAU OBLIGASI KONVERTIBELSampai dengan akhir tahun 2014, Pertamina EP tidak menerbitkan obligasi, sukuk dan obligasi konversi sehingga tidak ada informasi terkait dengan jumlah obligasi/sukuk/obligasi konversi yang beredar, tingkat bunga/imbalan, tanggal jatuh tempo dan peringkat obligasi/sukuk

SHARE PRICE INFORMATIONUntil the end of 2014, Pertamina EP did not trade any shares, thus there was no information on highest share price, lowest share price, the closing share price and volume of traded shares as well as corporate action on shares and stock suspension.

BOND, SUKUK (ISLAMIC BOND) OR CONVERTIBLE BONDS INFORMATIONUntil the end of 2014, Pertamina EP did not issue any bonds, sukuk (Islamic bond) and convertible bonds, thus there was no information regarding the amount of outstanding bond/sukuk/convertible bonds, interest rate/yield, maturity date and ratings of bonds/sukuk

Pertamina EP adalah Perseroan Terbatas yang bersifat tertutup. Laporan ini tidak menyertakan informasi mengenai Biro Administrasi Efek dan Perusahaan Pemeringkat Efek.

Pertamina EP is a limited Liability Company. This report does not include information of Securities Administration Agencies and Credit Rating Company.

LEMBAGA PROFESI PENUNJANG PERUSAHAAN Akuntan PublikTanudiredja, Wibisana & Rekan (PWC)Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav C-3 Mega Plaza Lt 4,Karet, Setiabudi, Jakarta 12920 - IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 521 1134, Fax: (62-31) 531 4503website: pwcglobal.com

THE COMPANY'S SUPPORTING PROFFESIONAL INSTITUTIONPublic AccountantTanudiredja, Wibisana & Partners (PWC)Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav C-3 Mega Plaza 4th Floor, Karet, Setiabudi, Jakarta 12920 - IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 521 1134, Fax: (62-31) 531 4503website: pwcglobal.com

Page 24: Integrated Annual Report 2014


PERISTIWA PENTING 2014Significant Events 2014

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) diselenggarakan di Ruang Rapat Direksi Kantor Pusat PT Pertamina EP, Menara Standard Chartered, Jakarta dan dihadiri BOD, BOC, VP, GM, pemegang saham serta undangan lain termasuk Notaris.

General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) was held at the Meeting Room of the Board of Directors at PT Pertamina EP Head Office, Menara Standard Chartered, Jakarta, and was attended by BOD, BOC, VP, GM, Shareholders of the Company as well as other invitees including the Notary.

Pertamina EP melakukan aksi Tanggap Bencana di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Pertamina EP membantu para pengungsi Gunung Sinabung, para korban banjir Tarakan, dan para korban banjir di kawasan Pantura bekerja sama dengan Global Rescue Network

Pertamina EP carried out Disaster Response actions in various regions in Indonesia. Pertamina EP helped refugees of Mount Sinabung eruption, Tarakan flood victims, and the victims of flooding in the northern coast region in collaboration with the Global Rescue Network

Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Rantau menyelesaikan pengeboran Sumur RNT-DZ7 Struktur Rantau di Kecamatan Rantau, Aceh Tamiang yang membuktikan bahwa Struktur Rantau Zona Z-800 Blok A1 masih sangat prospektif untuk dikembangkan dan mengandung minyak yang sangat ekonomis.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Rantau Field completed the drilling of RNT-DZ7 Well, Rantau Structure in Rantau District, Aceh Tamiang, which proved that the Rantau Structure of Z-800 Zone, A1 Block, remains very prospective to be developed and contains highly economical oil

Penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama bidang keamanan antara Pertamina EP Asset 2 dengan Panglima Kodam Sriwijaya yang diwakili Danrem 0404 GAPO.

The signing of a cooperation agreement in security between PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 and Sriwijaya Regional Military Commander represented by 0404 GAPO Resort Military Commander.

Penetapan Pribadi Mahagunabangsa sebagai GM Asset 2.Penetapan Chalid Said Salim sebagai GM Asset 4.

Appointment of Pribadi Mahagunabangsa as GM Asset 2. Appointment of Chalid Said Salim as GM Asset 4.

Pertamina EP Rantau Field dan Cepu Field meraih penghargaan Indonesia Green Awards 2014 di bidang lingkungan untuk kategori pengembangan keanekaragaman hayati.

Pertamina EP Rantau Field and Cepu Field received Indonesia Green Awards 2014 in the environment for Biodiversity development category.

Penandatanganan berita acara pelaksanaan

pemenuhan kewajiban lahan kompensasi dari Pertamina EP kepada

Kementerian Kehutanan, di Jakarta.

The signing of minutes of the implementation of land

compensation obligation payment from PT

Pertamina EP to the Ministry of Forestry, in Jakarta.

Pertamina EP menemukan kandungan gas sebesar

16 MMSCFD dan kondensat sebesar 175

barel per hari (BPH) pada Proyek Pengembangan

Gas Matindok di Sulawesi Tengah.

Pertamina EP found 16 MMSCFD gas deposit

and175 barrels per day (BPD) condensate

at Matindok Gas Development Project in

Central Sulawesi.

Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih berhasil

meningkatkan produksi menjadi 24.801 barrel

oil per day (BOPD), yang merupakan produksi tertinggi

dibandingkan bulan-bulan sebelumnya.

Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih managed to

increase production to 24,801 barrels of oil per day (BOPD), which is the highest

production compared to previous months.

Field Jatibarang meraih Penghargaan Kecelakaan

Nihil (Zero Accident Award) dari Kementerian Tenaga

Kerja dan Transmigrasi.

Jatibarang Field achieved Zero Accident Award from

the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field bersama dengan

Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (KPH) Parengan

meresmikan Penangkaran Rusa Jawa (Cervus

timorensis) di Kecamatan Malo Bojonegoro Jawa


PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field and the Forest Management Unit (KPH) Parengan

inaugurated Java Deer (Cervus timorensis) Captive

Breeding in Malo District, Bojonegoro, East Java


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Pertamina EP menemukan potensi gas dan condensate di sumur eksplorasi PDL-1

Pertamina EP found gas and condensate potential in the PDL-1 exploration well

Pertamina EP meresmikan perjanjian kerja sama pengelolaan lapangan Mogoi Wasian dengan PT Petro Papua Mogoi Wasian yang dihadiri oleh Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP, Adriansyah, General Manager Asset 5 Abdul Khalik, dan Direktur PT Petro Papua Moggoi Wasian, Binsar Lumbantobing, beserta jajaran manajemen.

Pertamina EP formalized management cooperation agreement of Mogoi Wasian field with PT Petro Papua Mogoi Wasian which was attended by PT Pertamina EP President Director Adriansyah, General Manager Asset 5 Abdul Khalik, and PT Petro Papua Director Moggoi Wasian Binsar Lumbantobing, along with the management

Pertamina EP Asset 5 menemukan potensi migas di bawah sungai Mahakam melalui pengeboran sumur MRA-1065 (UMM-01)

Pertamina EP Asset 5 found potential oil & gas under the Mahakam river by drilling MRA 1065 (UMM-01) well

Pertamina EP meraih empat penghargaan dalam Annual Pertamina Subsidiary Award 2014 (APSA) yaitu The

Best Implementation

Community Involvement

& Development 2013,

The Implementation

of Enterprise Risk

Management 2013, The

Best Annual Report 2013 dan The Second Best

Chief Risk Officer 2013

melalui Lukitaningsih selaku Finance and Business Support Director Pertamina EP

Pertamina EP won four awards in the Annual Pertamina Subsidiary Award (APSA) 2014 namely The Best Implementation Community Involvement & Development 2013, The Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management, 2013, The Best Annual Report 2013 and The Second Best Chief Risk Officer in 2013 awarded to Lukitaningsih as Finance and Business Support Director of PT Pertamina EP

Pertamina EP meraih penghargaan The Best

Management dan The Best

Suggestion System dalam Annual Pertamina Quality (APQ) Awards 2014

Pertamina EP was awarded the Best Management and the Best Suggestion System in the Annual Pertamina Quality (APQ) Awards 2014

PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field menjadi

nominator pada ajang The 5thEthical Corporation’s

Annual Responsible Business Awardyang

diselenggarakan oleh Ethical Corporation

(EC)untuk kategori The Most Effective Domestic Community Investment

The Most Effective

Domestic Community


PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field was

nominated in the 5th Ethical Corporation’s

Annual Responsible Business Award organized

by Ethical Corporation (EC) for the category of The

Most Effective Domestic Community Investment

Pertamina EP Asset 5 Tarakan Field

mengembangkan teknologi pemanfaatan

tenaga sinar matahari (solar cell) untuk budidaya

rumput laut.

Pertamina EP Asset 5 Tarakan Field developed

solar energy utilization technologies (solar cell) for

seaweed cultivation.

Pertamina EP Asset 3 dan Kodam III Siliwangi menandatangani MoU

Pembinaan Teritorial dalam rangka bantuan Pengamanan Obvitnas


PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 and Siliwangi Military

Command III signed an MoU on Territorial

Development in order to support Strategic National

Vital Objects Protection

Pertamina EP meraih penghargaan ‘Special

Appreciations for Internal

Partner’ dalam Pertamina Lubricants Awards 2014

Pertamina EP was awarded the ‘Special Appreciations

for Internal Partner’ in Pertamina Lubricants

Awards 2014

Pertamina EP mendapatkan penghargaan di Hulu

Day yaitu dalam kategori peningkatan produksi yang signifikan diraih oleh Asset 5 dan kategori tim proyek

eksplorasi yang berhasil menambahkan angka

cadangan dengan angka resources tertinggi selama


Pertamina EP received an award on Hulu Day for the

category significant increase in production achieved

by Asset 5 and category exploration project team

who successfully increased the reserve number to the

highest number of resources during 2013-2014

Pertamina EP mengadakan Knowledge Sharing Forum

Upstream Expertise 2014 yang menghadirkan 12

ahli yang berpengalaman dari Direktorat Hulu untuk

memberikan materi kepada para pekerja Pertamina EP

Pertamina EP held Knowledge Sharing Forum Upstream

Expertise 2014 which presented 12 experienced

experts of the Directorate of Upstream to provide material

to the employees of PT Pertamina EP


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PENGHARGAAN & PENGAKUAN EKSTERNALAwards & external accolades

PENGHARGAAN DAN PENGAKUAN DARI EKSTERNALKinerja Pertamina EP tahun 2014 yang membanggakan mendapatkan apresiasi dari Perusahaan entitas induk dan pihak eksternal melalui raihan dari berbagai kategori dan berbagai ajang penyelenggaraan penghargaan, meliputi:


Pertamina EP’s encouraging performance in 2014 has garnered recognition from the parent Company and external parties through the achievements in various categories and various awards events, including:



1 The Best Implementation Community Involvement & Development 2013 Annual Pertamina Subsidiary Award 2014 (APSA) from PT

Pertamina (Persero)Diterima oleh Fungsi Legal & Relations dan FungsiStrategic Planning & Risk Management. Tanggal 22 Agustus 2014.Received by Legal & Relations Function and Strategic Planning & Risk Management Function. Date received August 22, 2014.

The Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management 2013The Best Annual Report 2013The Second Best Chief Risk Officer 2013

2 The Most Inspiring Leader APQ Award 2014 dari PT Pertamina (Persero) Jakarta, Tanggal 5 November 2014 APQ Award 2014 from PT Pertamina (Persero) Jakarta, on November 5, 2014.

Best Suggestion System (SS Tedy Rusdi)

3 Diamond Category for QCP JATIBARANG Qualcon 2014 Adelaide. October 20, 20154 Silver Category for QCP BACK PRESSURE dan SS PRIMA International Convention on QC Circles (ICQCC) Colombo.

Date received October 15, 20145 Silver Category for QCP CAPRES NEKAT dan SS KOMANG

& ANGGAInternational Conference on Quality (ICQ)Tokyo. Date received October 22, 2014

6 Three Stars Category for QCP FRACTOPS Asia Productivity Quality Organization (APQO) Kualalumpur. Date received November 25, 2014

7 Kategori Platinum untuk PKM RENCONGPlatinum category for PKM Rencong

Temu Karya Mutu dan Produktivitas Nasional (TKMPN) Batam. Date received November 21, 2014

8 Kategori Silver untuk PKM SINDANG Silver category for PKM Sindang

Temu Karya Mutu dan Produktivitas Nasional (TKMPN)Batam. Date received November 21, 2014

9 PROPER HIJAU untuk 14 FieldGreen PROPER for 14 Fields

PROPER dari Kementerian Lingkungan HidupKeputusan MENLH No. 180 Tahun 2014 tanggal 1 Desember 2014PROPER from Ministry of Environment, Decree of Minister of Environment Number 180 Year 2014dated December 1, 2014

PROPER BIRU untuk 10 FieldBlue PROPER for 10 Fields

10 Indonesia Green Awards 2014 for CSR implementation on the environmental sector, category biodiversity development by Rantau Field and Cepu Field

Penghargaan oleh La Tofi The School of CSR tanggal 18 Juni 2014Award by La Tofi the School of CSR on June 18, 2014

11 Benchmarking Implementasi Manajemen Risiko oleh PT AskrindoBenchmarking of Risk Management Implementation by PT Askrindo

Pelaksanaan tanggal 29 April 2014 berdasarkan permintaan Surat PT Askrindo No. 80/MRK tanggal 15 April 2014. Yang menerima dan melaksanakan Fungsi Strategic Planning & Risk ManagementCarried out in April 29, 2014 based on request letter of PT Askrindo Number 80/MRK dated April 15, 2014. Received and implemented by Strategic Planning & Risk Management Function

12 Certificate of Appreciation from Global Rescue Network for Legal and Relations Division

Memberikan bantuan bagi korban banjir Jakarta bulan Februari 2014Distributed assistance for Jakarta flood victims on February 2014.

13 Special Appreciations for Internal Partner fromPertamina Lubricants Lubricants Award 2014 Distributed October 31, 2014

14 Nominasi Ethical Corporation's Responsible Business Award 2014 London

The 5th Ethical Corporation’s Annual Responsible Business Award. Received by Asset 3 Subang Field on September 29, 2014

15 Pengguna Pelumas Dalam Negeri TerbesarThe largest domestic lubricants user

Anugerah Cinta Karya Negeri SKK Migas on June 17, 2014

16 Kerjasama Operasi Kategori Seluruh Aplikasi Oil & Gas Operational cooperation for whole oil and gas application category

Anugerah Cinta Karya Negeri SKK Migas on June 17, 2014

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KEPATUHAN PADA PRINSIP EKSTERNAL DAN SERTIFIKASI [G4-15]Sesuai dengan Kebijakan Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP tanggal 22 November 2013 melalui Memorandum tentang Integrasi ISO Series secara Vertikal dan Horisontal, pada tahun 2014 mulai dibangun Sistem Manajemen Pertamina EP terintegrasi yang bersifat dinamis untuk membangun process dan operational excellence, serta mendukung implementasi strategi perusahaan dengan misi sebagai berikut:• Membangun Sistem Manajemen Standar di

seluruh Pertamina EP yang Simple, Implemented, Terintegrasi dan Efektif (SITE).

• Membangun Proses Operasional mengacu kaidah Good Oil & Gas Engineering Best Practice kelas dunia.

• Mendukung peningkatan produktivitas perusahaan secara optimal.

Strategi yang digunakan untuk membangun Sistem Manajemen Pertamina EP tersebut adalah dengan menerapkan Standar Tata Kerja (STK) terpusat (Top Down), dimana Function Head adalah sebagai pengelola sistem dan fungsi OCOE sebagai pengendali dan standarisasi sistem.

Dengan adanya kebijakan tentang IntegrasiSistem Manajemen Pertamina EP pada Tahun 2014 tersebut, Perusahaan mampu mencapai hal-hal berikut:1. Pertamina EP berhasil menyusun STK Pertamina

EP yang terpusat sesuai dengan requirement best practice (KKEP, ISO Series, OHSAS dan ISRS7)

2. Pertamina EP berhasil mengurangi jumlah sertifikat yang berada di seluruh Pertamina EP dengan total jumlah 57 Sertifikat dengan mendapatkan sertifikat secara terintegrasi vertikal dan horizontal ISO 9001:2008; 14001:2007 dan OHSAS 18001:2004 di seluruh Pertamina EP.

COMPLIANCE WITH EXTERNAL PRINCIPLES AND CERTIFICATION [G4-15]In accordance with the Policy of President Director of Pertamina EP dated November 22, 2013 through a Memorandum on ISO Series Vertical and Horizontal Integration, in 2014 an integrated and dynamic Management System of Pertamina EP began to be developed to build process and operational excellence, as well as supporting the implementation of the company’s strategy with the following missions:• Develop Management System Standard

in the entire Pertamina EP, which is Simple, Implemented, Integrated and Effective (SITE)

• Establish Operational Process referring to the world class Good Oil & Gas Engineering Best Practice principle

• Support optimal improvement of the Company’s productivity

The strategy used to develop Pertamina EP Management System is the implementation of a centralized (Top Down) Standard Working Procedures (STK), in which the Function Head is a system administrator and OCOE function as a controller and system standardization.

With the policy on Pertamina EP Management System Integration in 2014, the achievements are as follows:1. Pertamina EP managed to draft a centralized

Pertamina EP STK in accordance with the requirements of best practice (KKEP, ISO Series, OHSAS and ISRS7)

2. Pertamina EP succeeded in reducing the number of certificates across Pertamina EP with a total number of 57 certificates by earning certificates in vertical and horizontal integration of ISO 9001:2008; 14001:2007 and OHSAS 18001:2004 in the entire Pertamina EP.

KEPATUHAN PADA PRINSIP EKSTERNAL DAN SERTIFIKASI [G4-15]Compliance with External Principles and Certification

SERTIFIKASI Certification KETERANGAN Description BERLAKU Received until

ISO 20000-1:2011Manajemen Layanan Teknologi Informasi Untuk Layanan Servis G&G Management of Information Technology Service for G&G Service

Pemberi Awarded by: British Standard InstitutionPenerima Received by: ICT PT Pertamina EP

Diperoleh sejak Received since : September 2013 Berlaku hingga Effective until: September 2016

ISO 9002:2008Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Procurement of Goods and Services

Pemberi Awarded by:British Standard Institution Penerima Received by: PT Pertamina EP

Diperoleh sejak Received since: Mei 2014 Berlaku hingga Effective until: September 2016

ISO 14001:2004Pemberi Awarded by:British Standard Institution Penerima Received by: PT Pertamina EP

Diperoleh sejak Received since : Mei 2014Berlaku hingga Effective until: 2016

OHSAS 18001:2007Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Occupational Health and Safety Management

Pemberi Awarded by:British Standard Institution Penerima Received by: PT Pertamina EP

Diperoleh sejak Received since: Mei 2014Berlaku hingga Effective until: 2016

ISO/IEC 27001:2006Sistem Keamanan Informasi untuk Manajemen Rantai Pasokan Information Security System for Supply Chain Management

Pemberi Awarded by: Bureau Veritas, London Penerima Received by: SCM & GS PT Pertamina EP

Diperoleh sejak Received since: Desember 2013Berlaku hingga Effective until: 2016

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SEKILAS PERTAMINA EPPertamina EP at a Glance

KEGIATAN USAHA PERUSAHAAN SESUAI ANGGARAN DASAR [G4-4] Sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan yang terakhir kali dan termuat dalam akta No.15 Tanggal 10 Juli 2013 yang dibuat notaris Marianne Vincentia Hamdani SH di Jakarta, dan telah memperoleh surat Persetujuan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar dari Menteri Hukum dan HAM No.AHU-47131.AH.01.01 Tahun 2013, Tanggal 6 September 2013, dinyatakan bahwa maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan adalah menyelenggarakan usaha di sektor hulu bidang minyak, gas bumi, coal bed methane dan shale gas, meliputi eksplorasi dan eksploitasi serta penjualan produksi minyak, gas bumi, coal bed methane dan shale gas, hasil kegiatan usaha eksplorasi dan eksploitasi.

Adapun produk yang dihasilkan Perusahaan pada kurun waktu periode pelaporan adalah minyak mentah dan gas bumi. [G4-4]

BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ACCORDING TO ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION [G4-4] According to the most recent Articles of Association and contained in the notarial deed Number 15 Dated 10 July 2013 by Marianne Vincentia Hamdani SH in Jakarta, and received a letter of Approval on Amendment of Articles of Association from the Minister of Justice and Human Rights No.AHU-47131.AH.01.01 of 2013, dated September 6, 2013, stipulates that purpose and goal of the Company are conducting business in the upstream sector of oil, gas, coal bed methane and shale gas, including exploration and exploitation, as well as sales of oil, gas, coal bed methane and shale gas production, results of exploration and exploitation operations.

The Company’s products during the reporting period are crude oil and natural gas. [G4-4]

KOMPOSISI KEPEMILIKAN SAHAM [G4-7]Shareholding Composition


Pertamina Dana Ventura99.99%

PT Pertamina (Persero)


Temuan cadangan 522 MMBOE(2C-Inplace) atau 179 MMBOE (2C-RR)

Reserve discovery of 522 MMBOE (2C-Inplace) or 179 MMBOE (2C-RR)

01 KOMERSIALITASCommerciality

Penjualan Minyak Mentah Crude Oil Sales

Penjualan GasGas Sales


42,322 MBBLS

284,834 MMSCF


Produksi GasGas Production

Produksi MinyakOil Production


1,044 MMSCFD

117,030 BOPD

REALISASI OPERASIONAL DAN KOMERSIALITASOperational and commerciality realization

NAMA PERUSAHAAN [G4-3] Corporate Name PT Pertamina EP

BIDANG USAHA Business Sector Minyak dan Gas Oil and Gas

PENDIRIAN PERUSAHAAN Company Establishment 13 September 2005

MODAL DASAR Authorized Capital Rp1., - ( Satu triliun rupiah) terbagi atas 1.000.000 (Satu juta lembar saham, masing-masing saham bernilai nominal Rp1.000.000)

IDR 1,000,000,000,000 - (One trillion rupiah) divided into 1,000,000 (one million shares, nominal value per share IDR 1,000,000)

MODAL DITEMPATKAN DAN DISETOR PENUH per 31 Desember 2014 ISSUED AND PAID-IN CAPITAL as of December 31, 2014 Rp (Dua ratus lima puluh milyar rupiah)

IDR250,000,000,000 (Two hundred and fifty billion rupiah)

DASAR HUKUM PENDIRIAN Legal Basis of Establishment Law Number 22 Year 2001

KANTOR PUSAT [G4-5] Head Office Jakarta

ALAMAT PERUSAHAAN [G4-5] Corporate Address Standard Chartered Tower Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164 Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia Telp: 021-57893199, Fax: 021-57946279

ALAMAT KONTAK [G4-31] Contact Address VP. Legal & Relations Standard Chartered Tower 12th Floor Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164 Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia

: (021) 57893199, : (021) 57946279

www.pertamina-ep.com Email: [email protected]

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SEJARAH SINGKAT PERUSAHAANPT Pertamina EP atau selanjutnya disebut Pertamina EP didirikan pada 13 September 2005, sebagai pelaksanaan Undang-Undang No.22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi (UU Migas). Sesuai UU tersebut, PT Pertamina (Persero) mendirikan anak perusahaan sebagai entitas bisnis, yang merupakan kepanjangan tangan dalam pengelolaan kegiatan usaha di sektor hulu, meliputi: eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak, gas dan panas bumi; pengelolaan transportasi migas; jasa pemboran; dan pengelolaan portofolio di sektor hulu.

Pada 17 September 2005, PT Pertamina (Persero) menandatangani Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKS) dengan Badan Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BP Migas) yang berlaku surut sejak 17 September 2003, atas seluruh Wilayah Kuasa Pertambangan Migas yang dilimpahkan melalui perundangan yang berlaku. Dengan demikian Wilayah Kerja (WK) Pertamina EP, adalah WK yang dahulu dikelola PT Pertamina (Persero) sendiri dan yang dikelola melalui Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) dan Joint Operating Body Enhanced Oil Recovery.

COMPANY BRIEF HISTORYPertamina EP was established on September 13, 2005, as the implementation of Law No. 22 of 2001 regarding Oil and Gas (Oil & Gas Law). Under the law, PT Pertamina (Persero) established a subsidiary as a business entity, which is an arm in the management of business activities in the upstream sector, which include: exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and geothermal; management of oil and gas transportation; drilling services; and portfolio management in the upstream sector.

On September 17, 2005, PT Pertamina (Persero) signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with the Upstream Oil and Gas Agency (BP Migas) retroactive since September 17, 2003, on the entire area of Oil and Gas Mining Concession handed over through applicable laws. Thus the Working Areas (WK) of Pertamina EP were previously managed by PT Pertamina (Persero) and were operated through the Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) and the Joint Operating Body Enhanced Oil Recovery (JOB EOR).








Pencapaian Produksi MinyakOil production achievement

Perusahaan DidirikanEstablished

Pencapaian Produksi MigasOil and gas production achievement

Penemuan Cadangan Migas 2C RecoverableDiscovery of oil and gas 2C recoverable reserves

Penemuan Cadangan Migas 2C RecoverableDiscovery of oil and gas 2C recoverable reserves

110.3 MBOPD





PembentukanOrganisasi BaruEstablishment of new organization

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WILAYAH KERJABerdasarkan Kontrak Kerja Sama, Pertamina EP mengelola wilayah kerja seluas 113.613,90 kilometer persegi, meliputi wilayah di Indonesia. Pola pengelolaan usaha di wilayah kerja dilakukan dengan cara dioperasikan sendiri (own operation) dan kerjasama kemitraan meliputi Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) dan Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO). [G4-6]

Selama tahun pelaporan, wilayah kerja Pertamina EP yang dioperasikan bersama mitra usaha, baik dalam bentuk TAC maupun KSO sebanyak 56 mitra usaha. Namun dalam perjalanan mengalami perubahan jumlah kemitraan. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya beberapa kontrak TAC/KSO yang berakhir dan diterminasi, sehingga pada akhir tahun jumlah mitra usaha menjadi 51 mitra. [G4-13]

Kontrak TAC/KSO yang berakhir dan diterminasi pada tahun berjalan terdiri dari :1. TAC P – Babat Kukui Energi (11 Juli 2014) 2. TAC P – BWP Meruap (11 Juli 2014)3. TAC P – Patrindo Persada Maju (11 Juli 2014)4. KSO Pertamina EP – Kamundan Energy (24 April 2014)5. KSO Pertamina EP – Indelberg Indonesia (24 Juni 2014)

WORKING AREABased on Production Sharing Contract, PT Pertamina EP operates the working area of 113,613.90 square kilometers, covering regions in Indonesia. The working areas are operated under the schemes of own operation and partnership that includes Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) and the Joint Operation (KSO). [G4-6]

During the reporting year, the number of partners who jointly operate Pertamina EP’s working area both under TAC and KSO contracts was 56 partners. However, there were changes in the number of partnerships. This was due to several contracts of TAC/KSO ended and terminated, so that at the end of the year the number of business partners changed into 51 partners. [G4-13]

TAC/KSO Contracts that ended and were terminated in the year consist of:1. TAC P – Babat Kukui Energi (July 11, 2014) 2. TAC P – BWP Meruap (July 11, 2014)3. TAC P – Patrindo Persada Maju (July 11, 2014)4. KSO Pertamina EP – Kamundan Energy (April 24, 2014)5. KSO Pertamina EP – Indelberg Indonesia (June 24, 2014)

Asset 1 Rantau, Pangkalan Susu, Lirik, Jambi, RambaAsset 2 Prabumulih, Pendopo, Limau, AderaAsset 3 Subang, Jatibarang, TambunAsset 4 Cepu, PolengAsset 5 Sangatta, Bunyu, Tanjung, Sangasanga, Tarakan, Papua



WILAYAH KERJA HINGGA AKHIR DESEMBER 2014 [G4-9]Working areas as of December 2014

Field 5 4 3 2 6 20 FieldProyek Pengembangan 0 1 1 1 1 4 Development ProjectArea Unitisasi 2 1 1 2 1 7 Unitization Area

*Per 31 Desember 2014 menjadi 22 TAC karena 3 TAC diterminasi** Per 31 Desember 2014 menjadi 29 KSO karena 2 KSO diterminasi

*As of 31 December 2014 become 22 TAC due to termination of 3 TAC ** As of 31 December 2014 become 29 KSO due to termination of 2 KSO


T 1



T 2


T 3


T 4


T 5








Area Kemitraan TAC 11 6 3 5 25*TAC Partnership AreaArea Kemitraan KSO 4 13 8 6 31** KSO Partnership Area

Page 31: Integrated Annual Report 2014









In 2014, Pertamina EP has re-managed two offshore fields, namely X Ray Field in Indramayu Offshore, West Java and Poleng Field in Gresik Offshore, East Java

Page 32: Integrated Annual Report 2014



1 2







3 P2P3 2





1 2 1

FIELD 1. Field Rantau, Aceh2. Field Pangkalan Susu,

Sumatera Utara3. Field Lirik, Riau4. Field Jambi, Jambi5. Field Ramba, Sumatera Selatan

UNITISASIUnitisasi Tanjung LabanUnitisasi Suban

FIELD 1. Rantau Field, Aceh2. Pangkalan Susu Field,

North Sumatra3. Lirik Field, Riau4. Jambi Field, Jambi5. Ramba Field, South Sumatra

UNITIZATIONTanjung Laban Unitization Suban Unitization

ASSET 1Area Operasi & Geografis Operation Area & Geographic

FIELD 1. Field Prabumulih,

Sumatera Selatan2. Field Pendopo,

Sumatera Selatan3. Field Limau, Sumatera Selatan4. Field ADERA, Sumatera Selatan

PROYEKP1. Proyek pengembangan Gas Paku Gajah

UNITISASIUnitisasi Air Serdang

FIELD 1. Prabumulih Field ,

South Sumatra2. Pendopo Field,

South Sumatra3. Limau Field, South Sumatra4. ADERA Field, South Sumatra

PROJECTP1. Paku Gajah Gas Development Project

UNITIZATIONAir Serdang Unitization

ASSET 2Area Operasi & Geografis Operation Area & Geographic

FIELD 1. Field Subang, Jawa Barat2. Field Jatibarang, Jawa Barat3. Field Tambun, Jawa Barat

PROYEKP2. Proyek Pengembangan Gas Pondok Makmur

UNITISASIUnitisasi MB Unit

FIELD 1. Subang Field, West Java2. Jatibarang Field, West Java3. Tambun Field, West Java

PROJECTP2. Pondok Makmur Gas Development Project

UNITIZATIONMB Unit Unitization

ASSET 3Area Operasi & Geografis Operation Area & Geographic

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FIELD 1. Field Cepu,

Jawa Tengah - Jawa Timur2. Field Poleng, Jawa Timur

PROYEKP3. Proyek Pengembangan Gas Jawa

UNITISASIUnitisasi Sukowati Unitisasi Jambaran - Tiung Biru

FIELD 1. Cepu Field,

Central Java - East Java2. Poleng Field, East Java

PROJECTP3. Java Gas Development Project

UNITIZATIONSukowati - UnitizationJambaran-Tiung Biru Unitization

ASSET 4Area Operasi & Geografis Operation Area & Geographic

FIELD 1. Field Sangatta,

Kalimantan Timur2. Field Bunyu, Kalimantan Timur3. Field Tanjung,

Kalimantan Selatan4. Field Sangasanga,

Kalimantan Timur5. Field Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur6. Field Papua, Papua Barat

PROYEKP4. Proyek Pengembangan Gas Matindok

UNITISASIUnitisasi Wakamuk

FIELD 1. Sangatta Field,

East Kalimantan 2. Bunyu Field, East Kalimantan 3. Tanjung Field,

South Kalimantan 4. Sangasanga Field,

East Kalimantan 5. Tarakan Field, East Kalimantan 6. Papua Field, West Papua

PROJECTP4. Matindok Gas Development Project

UNITIZATIONWakamuk Unitization

ASSET 5Area Operasi & Geografis Operation Area & Geographic



Page 34: Integrated Annual Report 2014



• Portofolio eksplorasi yang berpotensi tinggi• Sumber daya yang tangguh• Basis pelanggan Indonesia

• Pengeboran yang efisien• Reputasi Pertamina

• High potential exploration portfolio• Solid resource base

• Indonesia customer base• Drilling efficiency • Pertamina image

• Partnerships in the working area• Supply contracts renegotiation

• Regulations in Indonesia for oil & gas industry • Focus on new reserves and production growth

• Cooperation with government for country development

• Integration along the energy supply chain• Innovation in developing competitive solutions

• Excellence in conducting operations

• Kemitraan di wilayah kerja• Renegosiasi kontrak pasokan

• Peraturan Indonesia tentang minyak & gas• Fokus pada cadangan baru dan pertumbuhan


• Kerjasama dengan pemerintahan untuk pembangunan negara

• Integrasi sepanjang rantai pasokan energi• Inovasi dalam mengembangkan solusi yang

kompetitif• Keunggulan dalam melakukan operasi


Portofolio yang sangat baik dari Pertamina EP dengan biaya produksi yang kompetitif dan dengan sumber daya yang tangguh memastikan nilai yang kuat pada kegiatan hulu Pertamina EP. Integrasi vertikal dari semua anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) dan pengetahuan dalam sektor eksplorasi dan eksploitasi memungkinkan perusahaan untuk bersinergi dan menangkap peluang proyek yang berada di pasar.

Cara kami melakukan bisnis adalah berdasarkan kegiatan operasional yang unggul, fokus pada kesehatan, keselamatan, teknologi dan lingkungan, serta berkomitmen untuk mencegah dan mengurangi risiko operasional.

PERTAMINA EP BUSINESS MODEL: AGGRESSIVE EXPLORATION [IR6]Pertamina EP’s excellent portfolio with competitive production costs and the strong resource base has secured a robust value of Pertamina EP’s upstream activities. The vertical integration provided by all subsidiaries of PT Pertamina (Persero), and the know-how in exploration and exploitation sectors enable the company to synergize and seize the opportunities of projects available in the market.

Our way of doing business is based on operational excellence, focus on health, safety, technology and the environment, as well as commitment to preventing and mitigating operational risks.







Informasi yang disampaikan dalam laporan ini menggunakan istilah 'sumber daya' atau ‘modal’. Sumber daya utama yang digunakan dalam proses bisnis Pertamina EP diklasifikasikan sesuai dengan kriteria dalam acuan ‘Kerangka Internasional Laporan Terpadu’ yang diterbitkan oleh The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Hasil kinerja keuangan dan kinerja keberlanjutan di tahun 2014 merupakan hasil tanggung jawab kami dalam menggunakan sumber daya yang kami miliki.

The information disclosed in this report uses either the term ‘resource’ or ‘capital’. The main capital used for Pertamina EP’s business process is classified in accordance with the criteria stated in the “International Integrated Report Framework” guidelines issued by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Our 2014 financial and sustainability performance was the results of responsible use of our capitals.

Page 35: Integrated Annual Report 2014








Fokus Manajemen

Management Focus

Sumber DayaCapital

Struktur Sumber DayaStructure of Capital

Kegiatan Pertamina EPPertamina EP Actions

Penciptaan Nilai bagi Pertamina Ep

Value Creation for Pertamina EP

Penciptaan nilai bagi Pemangku Kepentingan

Value Creation for Stakeholders













ial C


l • Struktur keuangan • Cadangan likuiditas• Financial structure • Liquidity reserves

• Arus kas dari operasi• Menjaga strategi likuiditas• Hedging• Dividen• Optimasi sumber daya kerja• Cash flow from operations• Maintaining strategic liquidity• Hedging• Dividends • Working capital optimization

• Keberlangsungan usaha• Menurunkan biaya modal• Pengurangan modal kerja• Optimasi leverage• Mitigasi volatilitas pasar• Going concern• Lower cost of capital• Reduction of working capital• Leverage optimization

Mitigation of market volatility

• Pengembalian bagi pemegang saham

• Pertumbuhan sosial dan ekonomi• Returns for shareholders• Social and economica growth
















• Pengeboran darat dan lepas pantai

• Penampungan• Kilang minyak• Jaringan distribusi• Bangunan dan peralatan lainnya• Onshore and offshore drilling• Storage • Refineries• Distribution networks • Building and other equipment

• Peningkatan teknologi• Eksplorasi baru• Pengembangan Proyek• Investasi dalam bisnis baru• Kegiatan pemeliharaan dan

pengembangan• Meningkatkan sertifikasi

lingkungan dan keselamatan (PROPER, ISRS7, CSMS)

• Technological upgrade• New exploration • Project development • Investment in new business • Maintenance and development

activities• Increase environmental and safety

certifications (PROPER, ISRS7,CSMS)

• Kualitas produk• Memperbesar portofolio aset

dan nilai• Pengurangan risiko operasional• Kegiatan operasi yang efisien• Reputasi• Products quality• Enlarging asset portfolio and value• Reduction of operational risk• Operational efficiency• Reputation

• Menyediakan sumber energi• Menciptakan lapangan kerja• Mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca• Availability of energy sources• Employment• Reduction of GHG emission















ual C



• Teknologi dan kekayaan intelektual• Prosedur perusahaan dan sistem

tata kelola• Manajemen risiko terpadu• Manajemen dan sistem

pengawasan• Berbagi pengetahuan• Informasi, Komunikasi & Teknologi

(ICT)• Technology and intellectual property• Corporate procedures and

governance system• Integrated risk management• Management and control systems• Knowledge sharing• Information Communication &

Technology (ICT)

• Biaya penelitian dan pengembangan

• Kemitraan dengan pemangku kepentingan

• Penerapan prosedur dan sistem• Pemeriksaan• Research and development

expenditures• Partnership with stakeholders• Application of procedures and systems• Audit

• Keunggulan kompetitif• Mitigasi risiko• Transparansi• Kinerja• Ijin untuk beroperasi• Dukungan dari pemangku

kepentingan• Competitive advantage• Risk mitigation• Transparency• Performance• License to operate• Stakeholders’ acceptability

• Pengurangan dampak lingkungan dan sosial

• Ketersediaan teknologi dan informasi

• Kontribusi melawan korupsi• Reduction of environmental and social

impacts• Availability of technologies and

information• Contributing to fight against












an C



• Kesehatan dan keselamatan• Kompetensi dan keterampilan• Pengalaman• Keterlibatan• Keanekaragaman• Budaya Pertamina• Health and safety • Competency and skills• Experience• Engagement• Diversity• Pertamina culture

• Keselamatan di tempat kerja• Merekrut, mendidik, melatih• Mendukung hak asasi manusia• Keterlibatan dengan sesama• Berbagi pengetahuan• Menciptakan kesejahteraan• Memanfaatkan keragaman• Remunerasi sesuai dengan

peraturan• Safety at work• Recruiting, educating, training• Promotion of human rights• People engagement• Knowledge sharing• Creating welfare• Leveraging on diversity• Remuneration in accordance with


• Kinerja• Efisiensi• Daya saing• Inovasi• Manajemen risiko• Reputasi• Performance• Efficiency• Competitiveness• Innovation• Risk Management• Reputation

• Menciptakan lapangan kerja• Meningkatkan kesejahteraan

pekerja dan masyarakat• Berbagi pengetahuan• Create employment• Wellness of employee and

communities• Knowledge sharing










al h




n so




al a

nd re



p ca



• Hubungan dengan para pemangku kepentingan

• Nama baik Pertamina• Relationship with stakeholders • Pertamina Image

• Keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan

• Perjanjian kesepakatan dengan pemerintah pusat dan daerah

• Pusat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pertamina

• Kemitraan yang strategis• Stakeholders engagement• MoU with center and local

governments authorities• Pertamina Community Empowerment

Center • Strategic partnerships

• Ijin operasional & sosial• Pangsa pasar• Penyelarasan praktik terbaik

internasional• Reputasi• Keunggulan kompetitif• Retensi Pelanggan• Operational & social license• Market share• Alignment to international best

practice• Reputation• Competitive advantage• Customer retention

• Pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi lokal

• Kepuasan pelanggan dan pemasok

• Berbagi keahlian dengan masyarakat

• Menghormati keberagaman• Local social and economic

development• Customers and supplier satisfaction• Sharing expertise with communities• Respect in diversity







l cap


• Cadangan minyak dan gas• Air• Keanekaragaman hayati

dan ekosistem• Udara• Tanah• Oil and gas reserves• Water• Biodiversity and ecosystems• Air• Soil

• Pemeriksaan lingkungan• Eksplorasi, produksi,

pengangkutan, pengolahan, dan distribusi

• Investasi baru• Investasi dalam teknologi• Kegiatan pemulihan• Environmental assessment• Exploration, production, transporting,

refining, and distributing• New investment • Investment in technology • Remediation activities

• Pertumbuhan cadangan• Mitigasi risiko operasional• Reputasi• Ijin untuk beroperasi• Pengakuan pemangku kepentingan• Reserves growth• Mitigation of operational risk• Reputation• License to operate• Stakeholders recognition

• Pengurangan emisi• Pengurangan tumpahan minyak

dan ledakan• Pelestarian keanekaragaman

hayati• Konservasi Air (reinjeksi dan

penggunaan air kembali)• Efisiensi energi• Reduction of emission• Reduction of oil spills and blowout• Preservation of biodiversity• Water conservation (reinjection and

water reuse)• Energy efficiency

Page 36: Integrated Annual Report 2014



KEGIATAN USAHA EKSPLORASI Perusahaan dengan agresif melakukan upaya penemuan cadangan baru di wilayah kerjanya, yaitu Asset 1, Asset 2, Asset 3, Asset 4, dan Asset 5 melalui implementasi konsep eksplorasi yang baru.

Kegiatan eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi yang dilakukan Perusahaan diawali dengan kegiatan studi Geologi dan Geofisika (G&G) yang meliputi studi prospect generation, studi reservoir dan perangkap hidrokarbon, studi batuan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pematangan lead dan prospek, dan kegiatan survei seismik 2D dan 3D, untuk pemetaan cadangan sumber daya migas di bawah tanah.

Selanjutnya, untuk pembuktian potensi cadangan yang telah dipetakan, maka Perusahaan menargetkan untuk melaksanakan pemboran eksplorasi wild cat dan delineasi. Kegiatan pencarian dan penemuan cadangan migas berlangsung membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun sebelum dipetakan serta dilanjutkan dengan pembangunan fasilitas dan dibuktikan keberadaannya dengan aktivitas pemboran eksplorasi. Proses produksi baru berlangsung bila keberadaan cadangan yang ditemukan telah dipastikan memiliki potensi kandungan migas yang signifikan.

EXPLORATION BUSINESS ACTIVITIESThe Company aggressively seeks discovery of new reserves within its working areas which are Asset 1, Asset 2, Asset 3, Asset 4, dan Asset 5, through the implementation of new exploration concept.

Oil and natural gas exploration conducted by the Company starts with Geological and Geophysical (G&G) studies that include prospect generation study, reservoir and hydrocarbon trap study, as well as source rock study. The positive results of the studies are then followed by lead and prospect maturation, and 2D and 3D seismic surveys, for underground oil and gas reserves mapping.

Furthermore, to prove potential reserves that have been mapped, the Company sets a target to carry out wild cat exploration drilling and delineation. Oil and gas reserves search and discovery will take many years before being mapped and proceed with facility construction and prove its existence with exploration drilling. The new production process takes place when the discovered reserves has been confirmed to have significant oil and gas deposit potential.

Page 37: Integrated Annual Report 2014








PEMBORAN & PENGEMBANGANKegiatan eksploitasi diawali dengan pengembangan target dan fasilitas pemboran dengan kapasitas yang sesuai dengan potensi cadangan yang ditemukan. Dengan demikian, proses eksploitasi setiap area operasi, baik yang dimiliki sendiri dan kemitraan memiliki kapasitas fasilitas dan pola teknik pemboran yang berbeda berdasarkan kondisi geologi dan geofisika masing-masing.

Selanjutnya dalam masa pemboran, Pertamina EP selalu memantau perubahan permukaan di bawah tanah dan menyesuaikan teknik pemboran yang efektif. Kegiatan eksploitasi Pertamina EP meliputi kegiatan pemboran pengembangan sumur minyak dan gas; work over; operasi sumur meliputi reparasi, reopening, stimulasi, injeksi, penelitian, perawatan sumur; dan survei seismik eksploitasi.

Dengan memahami sifat penurunan alami cadangan minyak sepanjang masa pemboran, Pertamina EP menggunakan metode pengurasan minyak tahap lanjut dengan mengubah area pemboran dengan secondary recovery dan tertiary recovery. Dengan demikian minyak mentah dan gas yang dieksploitasi kemudian siap dikirim ke kilang dan konsumen.

Dalam kegiatan komersial, Pertamina EP tidak mengelola pipa transportasi gas, karena merupakan aset PT Pertagas dan difungsikan sebagai open access pipe. Perusahaan dikenakan biaya berdasarkan tarif penyaluran gas dari Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas), untuk pemanfaatan fasilitas tersebut guna transportasi gas ke konsumen.

DRILLING & DEVELOPMENTExploitation begins with development of targets and drilling facilities with a capacity according to the discovered potential reserves. Thus, the exploitation process of each area of operation, both own operation and partnership has the different facility capacity and drilling techniques based on their respective geological and geophysical conditions.

During drilling period, Pertamina EP constantly monitors subsurface changes and making adjustments to effective drilling techniques. Pertamina EP’s exploitation activities include oil and gas well development drilling; work over; well operations covering repairs, reopening, stimulation, injection, study, well service; and exploitation seismic surveys.

By understanding the character of natural decline of oil reserves during the drilling stage, Pertamina EP uses enhanced oil recovery method by changing the drilling area with secondary recovery and tertiary recovery. Thus the exploited crude oil and gas are then ready to be sent to refineries and consumers.

In commercial activities, Pertamina EP does not manage the gas transportation pipeline, as it is the asset of PT Pertagas and functioned as an open access pipe. The Company is charged based on gas distribution rates by the Downstream Oil and Gas Agency (BPH Migas), to use these facilities to transport gas to consumers.

Page 38: Integrated Annual Report 2014









TAC-KSO Contract / Unitization

Corporate Policy,Audit

Technology, Advisory& Standardization




ReservoirManagement Criteria

Plan of FurtherDevelopment (POFD)

Plan of Development(POD)

AuthorizedFinancial Expenditure


Work Program &Budget (WP&B)

Mining Authorization Area and Work Contract


PT Pertamina(Persero)



Other Stakeholders


• Regional Studies• Lead to Prospect Studies• Post Drill Evaluation Studies• Pre-POD Studies

• Survey Acquisition• Seismic Acquisition• Well Logging & Testing• Wells Planning, Execution & Delivery (Drilling)• Exploration POP• Permits • Land Acquisition• Location Preparation

• Exploration Portfolio Planning• Technical Assurance• HSSE• Technology Development• Risk Management• Partnership Support

• Finance & Accounting• Supply Chain Management










Page 39: Integrated Annual Report 2014








Crude Oil & Gas


Business Partners

Internal Customers

External Customers

• Oil and Gas Marketing• Oil and Gas Sales • Lifting Coordination

• Define POD/FEED/POFD/EOR• Well & Reservoir Management • Production Forecasting

• Survey & Seismic Acquisition• Wells Planning, Execution & Delivery (Drilling)• Pilot Tes / Early Prod. System• Development & EOR Execution• Operation Readiness, Commissioning, Handover

• Development Portfolio Planning• Technical Assurance• HSSE• Technology Development• Risk Management• Partnership Support

• Human Resources Development• Legal & Relation

• Operate Pilot / Early Production System

• Well Services / Repairs• EOR Operations Mgt• Maintenance / Reliability• Asset Integrity

• Transport & Sales• Technical Assurance• HSSE• Technology Development• Risk Management• Partnership Support

• MDGTI• Internal Audit Unit

• Production Planning & Programming• Well & Reservoir Management • Production Forecasting

• Survey & Seismic Acquisition• Wells Planning, Execution & Delivery (Drilling)• Pilot Tes / Early Prod. System • Dev. & Infill Drilling• Well Workovers• Modify Facilities








Page 40: Integrated Annual Report 2014


VISI, MISI DAN NILAI PERUSAHAAN [G4-56]Vision, Mission and Corporate Values

VISI (2014-2025) Menjadi perusahaan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas bumi kelas dunia Becoming World Class E & P Company

Melaksanakan pengusahaan sektor hulu minyak dan gas dengan penekanan pada aspek komersial dan operasi yang baik serta tumbuh dan berkembang bersama lingkungan hidup.Managing upstream oil and gas activities with emphasis on strongly commercial and operational excellence, which grow and evolve with the environment

REPETITA I (2006-2008) Menjadi perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi yang efektif dan efisien To be an effective and efficient oil and gas company

REPETITA II (2009-2011) Menjadi produsen migas nomor satu di Indonesia To be the number 1 oil and gas company in Indonesia

REPETITA III (2012-2014) Menjadi Pertamina EP Kelas Dunia To be World Class Pertamina EP


Berdasarkan RJPP periode 2006-2014, Pertamina EP telah menetapkan Visi utama yaitu menjadi 'World Class Company'. Meskipun telah ada rolling RJPP pada tahun 2011 dan 2012, Visi utama tersebut tetap digunakan. Dalam upaya mencapai Visi tersebut, telah ditetapkan Visi turunan atau 'quick wins' dalam tiga tahap, yaitu Repetita I, II, III yang berlangsung hingga 2014.

Based on Long Term Corporate Plan (RJPP) period 2006-2014, Pertamina EP has established the main vision to be a 'World Class Company'. Although RJPP has been rolling out in 2011 and 2012, the main vision is still used. In order to achieve the vision, 'quick wins' as derivative of the vision has been established in three stages, namely Repetita I, II, III, which lasted until 2014.

Building Human Capital Excellence Establishing Living Database & Asset Management System Enhancing Subsurface & Surface Facility Method, System & Technology Strenghtening HSSE Excellence & Society Trust



PENDEKATAN PEOPLE, PROCESS, TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT People, Process, Technology, and Environment Approach

PROGRAM TRANSFORMASI 2011-2014Transformation Program 2011-2014

2006 2008 2011 2014


Side & Social SideNUMBER 1

Oil and Gas Producer in Indonesia

RESPECTABLE COST Effective & Efficient Oil & Gas Producer

WORLD CLASS COMPANY People, Process, Technology

and Environment

Page 41: Integrated Annual Report 2014


Tata Nilai Perusahaan (6C) ditetapkan dan diberlakukan berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi No.Prin-030/EP0000/2013-S0, tertanggal 1 Maret 2013.

Company’s Corporate Values (6Cs) were determined and applied based on Decision of Board of Directors No. Prin-030/EP0000/2013-S0 dated 1 March 2013.



COSTUMER FOCUSEDFokus Pada Pelanggan




Menciptakan nilai tambah dengan orientasi komersial, mengambil keputusan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip bisnis yang sehat.Create added value to the commercial orientation, making decisions based on the principles of sound business.

Dikelola oleh pemimpin dan pekerja yang profesional dan memiliki talenta dan penguasaan teknis tinggi, berkomitmen dalam membangun kemampuan riset dan pengembangan.Managed by professional leaders and workers who have talent and high technical competencies, committed in building capacity for research and development.

6C Dikelola secara profesional, menghindari benturan kepentingan, tidak menoleransi suap, menjunjung tinggi kepercayaan dan integritas. Berpedoman pada asas-asas tata kelola korporasi yang baik. Professionally managed, avoiding conflicts of interest, zero tolerance to bribery, upholding trust and integrity. Guided by the principles of good corporate governance.

Mampu berkompetisi dalam skala regional maupun internasional, mendorong pertum-buhan melalui investasi, membangun budaya sadar biaya dan menghargai kinerja.Able to compete in the regional and international scale, encouraging growth through investment, build a cost conscious culture and appreciate performance.

Berperan dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional, menjadi pelopor dalam reformasi BUMN, dan membangun kebanggaan bangsa.Role in national economic development, becoming a pioneer in the reform of State Owned Enterprises, and build national pride.

Berorientasi pada kepentingan pelanggan dan berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada pelanggan.Oriented to customers’ interests and committed to providing the best service to customers.

Page 42: Integrated Annual Report 2014


STRUKTUR ORGANISASIOrganizational structure


PT Pertamina Dana Ventura Pemegang Saham Shareholder Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Pertamina Bina Medika Pengelolaan kesehatan pekerja & kerjasama dalam CSREmployee health management & cooperation in CSR Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Patra Jasa Management Building Management Building Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Pertamina Training & Consulting Tenaga kerja dan pelatihan Human resources and training Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia Asuransi kesehatan dan transportasiHealth insurance and transportation Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Pertamina Gas Transportasi gas Gas transportation Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Pertama Drilling Services Indonesia Jasa pemboran Drilling service Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Elnusa Jasa perminyakan Petroleum service Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Penyediaan BBM Oil fuel supply Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

Pertamina Trans Kontinental Transportasi laut Sea transportation Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

Pertamina Retail Penyediaan BBM Oil fuel supply Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PT Pertamina Lubricants Penyediaan pelumas Lubricants supply Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero)

PEMEGANG SAHAM UTAMA, ENTITAS ANAK, ENTITAS AFILIASI & PENGENDALIAN BERSAMA ENTITASMajority Shareholders, Subsidiary, Affiliates Entity & Jointly Controlled Entities

President Director ADRIANSYAH

Exploration & New Discovery Project Director DODDY PRIAMBODO

Development Director SATOTO AGUSTONO

PJ. Production & Operation Director RIYANTO SUWARNO Finance & Business Support Director


Treasury & Finance Operation ADI PRASETYANA MAHENDRADANI

Asset 1 General Manager: IRWANSYAH

Asset 5 General Manager: ABDUL CHALIK


Asset 3 General Manager: FACHRIZAL

Asset 4 General Manager: CHALID SAID SALIM


ExplorationINDRA PRASETYA Surface Facility



Controller & Partnership FinancialDARLIS


Business PartnershipTUBAGUS NASIRUDDIN



Stategic Planing & Risk Management






SCM & General ServiceELIZAR P.


Human ResourceBENI SYARIF



1. Jawa Gas Development Project CHALID SAID SALIM

2. Matindok Gas Development Project MEDIANTO BUDI SATYAWAN

3. Pondok Makmur Development Project ARIEF WAHIDIN SOEDJONO

4. Paku Gajah Development Project MUSALAM LATUCONSINA

Oil & Gas MonetizationLANDONG PARASI


Tehnical SupportRICKY ADI WIBOWO

*Vacant Sejak 9 Juni 2014, posisi sementara diduduki oleh pejabat setingkat di bawah VP sesuai surat penunjukan dari HR.*Vacant since 9 June 2014, temporary position is occupied by officials under VP based on letter of appointment from Human Resources.

Page 43: Integrated Annual Report 2014








PEMEGANG SAHAM UTAMA, ENTITAS ANAK, ENTITAS ASOSIASI & PENGENDALIAN BERSAMA ENTITASMajority Shareholders, Subsidiaries, Associates and Jointly Controlled Entities


Government of Indonesia




PT PERTAMINA EPAsset 1, Asset 2, Asset 3, Asset 4, Asset 5,

Development Project, KSO and TAC


Pertamina Participating Interest (PPI)Overseas Coal Bed Methane

PT PERTAMINA GEOTHERMAL ENERGIArea Sibayak - Sumatera UtaraArea Kamojang - Jawa Barat

Area Lahendong - Sulawesi Utara


2. Seismic Modelling;3. Reservois Simulation;

4. Production Optimization;5. Drilling Technology;

6. Geology;7. Geophysics ;

8. Geodetic Information System




PT PERTAMINA EP CEPUJoint Operation Agreement (JOA)

dengan International Oil Company (Exxonmobil)








Fuel, Lubricant,Shipping, Etc.





MENTERI ESDMEnergy and MineralResources Minister


















Directorate General of Mineral, Coal & Geothermal






Pertamina EP tidak memiliki anak perusahaan. Dengan demikian, kami

tidak melaporkan persentase kepemilikan entitas perusahaan.

Pertamina EP has no subsidiary. Therefore we do not report percentage of stake in

the Company’s subsidiary entities.

Page 44: Integrated Annual Report 2014



RICKY ADI WIBOWOVP Technical Support


ARIEF WAHIDIN SOEDJONOGM Pondok Makmur Development Project

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak 1990. Menjabat sebagai VP Technical Support sejak 1 Maret 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Geologi Umum, Master Geologi dari Institut Teknologi Bandung, dan gelar S3 Teknik Geologi dari Colorado School Of Mines, Amerika Serikat.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Chief of Geology dan Petrophysics Specialist.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990. He has served as VP Technical Support since March 1, 2014.

He earned a Bachelor of General Geological Engineering, Master of Geology from Bandung Institute of Technology, and the Doctoral Degree in Geological Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, US.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). Previously, he served as Chief of Geology and Petrophysics Specialist.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero)/Pertamina EP sejak 1989. Menjabat sebagai VP Exploration sejak 1 Juni 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Geologi Minyak dari UPN Veteran Yogyakarta dan Master Geologi dari Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai General Manager di JOB Pertamina Talisman Ogan Komering dan Pertamina Hulu Energi.

He started his career at PT Pertamina (Persero)/Pertamina EP in 1989. He has served as VP Exploration since June 1, 2014.

He earned a Bachelor of Petroleum Geological Engineering from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta and Master of Geology from Bandung Institute of Technology.

He has held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). Previously, he served as General Manager at JOB Pertamina Talisman Ogan Komering and Pertamina Hulu Energi.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1990 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai GM Pondok Makmur Development Project sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Geologi Umum di Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Manajer Senior PAFE Rengasdengklok.

He started his career at PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as GM of Pondok Makmur Development Project since 2013.

He earned a Bachelor of General Geological Engineering from Padjadjaran University, Bandung.

He has held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). At PT Pertamina EP he previously served as Senior Manager of PAFE Rengasdengklok.

Page 45: Integrated Annual Report 2014








CHALID SAID SALIMGM Jawa Gas Development Project


Development Project


Development Project

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak 1991. Menjabat sebagai Asset 4 General Manager sejak 12 Mei 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Pertambangan dari Universitas Sriwijaya.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Field Manager Limau.

He started his career at PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1991. He has served as Asset 4 General Manager since May 12, 2014.

He earned a Bachelor of Mine Engineering from Sriwijaya University.

He has held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Pertamina EP. He previously served as Limau Field Manager.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1990 dan bergabung di PT Pertamina EP tahun 2006.

Menjabat sebagai GM Matindok Gas Development Project sejak tahun 2013. Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Geologi Umum di UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Manajer Eksplorasi Region Jawa.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006.

He has served as GM of Matindok Gas Development Project since 2013. He earned a Bachelor of General Geological Engineering from Master of Geology from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). At PT Pertamina EP, he previously served as Java Region Exploration Manager.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1990 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai GM Paku Gajah Development Project sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Geologi Umum di Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai GM Pagardewa Development Project.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as GM of Paku Gajah Development Project since 2013.

He earned a Bachelor of General Geological Engineering from Hasanuddin University, Makassar.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). At PT Pertamina EP, he previously served as GM of Pagardewa Development Project.

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Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1990 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Exploitation sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Doktor Petroleum Engineering di University of Texas A&M, USA.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai General Manager UBEP Sanga-Sanga & Tarakan.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP Exploitation since 2013.

He earned a Doctor of Petroleum Engineering from University of Texas A&M, USA.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Pertamina EP. At PT Pertamina EP, he previously served as General Manager of UBEP Sanga-Sanga & Tarakan.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1990 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Surface Facilities sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Mesin di Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Manajer Senior Teknik & PF.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP Surface Facilities since 2013.

He earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from University of North Sumatra, Medan.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Pertamina EP. At PT Pertamina EP, he previously served as Senior Manager of Technical & PF.

WIT MULYAVP Enhanced Oil Recovery

Mengawali karir di Pertamina EP sejak 1990. Menjabat sebagai VP Enhanced Oil Recovery sejak 1 Agustus 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Tambang Minyak dari Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Asset 2 Exploitation Senior Manager di Pertamina EP Prabumulih

He started his career in Pertamina EP in 1990. He has served as VP Enhanced Oil Recovery since August 1, 2014.

He earned a Bachelor of Petroleum Mine Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina EP. He previously served as Asset 2 Exploitation Senior Manager at Pertamina EP Prabumulih.

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IRWANSYAHAsset 1 General Manager

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1991 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Drilling sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Geologi Umum di ITB, Bandung.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai General Manager Region Jawa.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1991 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP Drilling since 2013.

He earned a Bachelor of General Geological Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. At Pertamina EP, he previously served as General Manager of Java Region.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1989 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Business Partnership sejak 12 Mei 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Magister Teknik Perminyakan dari Norwegian Technology University, Throndheim, Norwegia.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Asset 2 General Manager di Pertamina EP.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP Business Partnership since May 12, 2014.

He earned a Master of Petroleum Engineering from Norwegian Technology University, Throndheim, Norway.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). At Pertamina EP, he previously served as Asset 2 General Manager.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1990 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai Asset 1 General Manager sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Master Pengendalian Management di Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Field Manager Prabumulih.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as Asset 1 General Manager since 2013.

He earned a Master of Management Control from Sriwijaya University, Palembang.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). At Pertamina EP, he previously served as Prabumulih Field Manager.

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FACHRIZALAsset 3 General Manager

CHALID SAID SALIMAsset 4 General Manager

Mengawali karir di Pertamina EP sejak 1989. Menjabat sebagai Asset 2 General Manager sejak 12 Mei 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Mesin dari Universitas Trisakti.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Asset 4 General Manager di Pertamina EP.

He started his career in Pertamina EP in 1989. He has served as Asset 2 General Manager since May 12, 2014.

He earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Trisakti University.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as Asset 4 General Manager at Pertamina EP.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1989 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai Asset 3 General Manager sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Mesin, Universitas Trisakti Jakarta.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Field Manager Jatibarang.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as Asset 3 General Manager since 2013.

He earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Trisakti University, Jakarta.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). At Pertamina EP, he previously served as Jatibarang Field Manager.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak 1991. Menjabat sebagai Asset 4 General Manager sejak 12 Mei 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Pertambangan dari Universitas Sriwijaya.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Field Manager Limau di Pertamina EP.

He started his career in Pertamina EP in 1989. He has served as Asset 2 General Manager since May 12, 2014.

He earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Trisakti University.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as Asset 4 General Manager at Pertamina EP.

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ABDUL CHALIKAsset 5 General Manager


VP Treasury & Finance Operation

DARLISVP Controller &

Partnership Financial

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1989 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai Asset 5 General Manager sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Geologi Umum di Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Manajer Senior Eksploitasi di Region KTI.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as Asset 5 General Manager since 2013.

He earned Bachelor of General Geological Engineering from Gadjah Mada, University, Yogyakarta.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). At Pertamina EP, he previously served as Exploitation Senior Manager, EIR Region.

Mengawali karir di Pertamina EP sejak 2007. Menjabat sebagai VP Treasury & Finance Operation sejak 1 Januari 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Manajemen dan Sarjana Akuntansi dari Universitas Indonesia dan Magister Manajemen dari STIE IPWIJA.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Internal Audit Corp & Central Area Manager di Pertamina EP.

He started his career in PT Pertamina EP in 2007. He has served as VP Treasury & Finance Operations since January 1, 2014.

He earned a Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Accounting from University of Indonesia, and Master of Management from STIE IPWIJA.

He held various key positions at Pertamina EP. He previously served as Internal Audit Corp & Central Area Manager at Pertamina EP.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak 1990. Bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Controller & Partnership Financial sejak 1 Oktober 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Akuntansi dari Universitas Andalas dan Magister Akuntansi dari Universitas Trisakti.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Upstream Finance Business Support Manager di PT Pertamina (Persero).

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP Controller & Partnership Financial since October 1, 2014.

He earned a Bachelor of Accounting from Andalas University, and Master of Accounting from Trisakti University.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as Upstream Finance Business Support Manager at PT Pertamina (Persero).

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BUDI WIDYARTAVP Information & Comm. Technology



Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak 1990 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2014, menjabat sebagai VP Information & Communication Technology.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Sipil dan Master Teknik Elektro dari Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai SAP System Solution Manager di PT Pertamina (Persero).

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined Pertamina EP in 2014, serving as VP Information & Communication Technology.

He earned a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Master of Electrical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as SAP System Solution Manager at PT Pertamina (Persero).

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1989 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Oil & Gas Monetization sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Magister Manajemen di Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Manajer Senior Technical Support.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP Oil & Gas Monetization since 2013.

He earned a Master of Management from University of Indonesia.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as Technical Support Senior Manager at Pertamina EP.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak 1991 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2014, menjabat sebagai VP Legal & Relation.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Hukum Perdata dari Universitas Padjajaran dan Master Hukum dari Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai VP Legal Counsel Upstream & Gas di PT Pertamina (Persero).

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1991 and joined Pertamina EP in 2014, serving as VP Legal & Relation.

He earned a Bachelor of Civil Law from Padjadjaran University and Master of Law from Gadjah Mada University.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). He previously served as VP Legal Counsel Upstream & Gas at PT Pertamina (Persero).

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NELSON SITOMPULVP Strategic Planning & Risk




Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak 1989 dan bergabung dengan Pertamina EP tahun 2014, menjabat sebagai VP Strategic Planning & Risk Management.

Memperoleh gelar Teknik Geologi Umum dari Institut Teknologi Bandung dan Magister Manajemen Ekonomi dari Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Upstream Strategic Planning Manager di PT Pertamina (Persero).

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and joined Pertamina EP in 2014, serving as VP Strategic Planning & Risk Management.

He earned a Bachelor of General Geological Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology and Master of Economic Management from Gadjah Mada University.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). He previously served as Upstream Strategic Planning Manager at PT Pertamina (Persero).

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1990 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP OC & OE sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Mesin di Universitas Brawijaya, Malang dan Master Management Pemasaran di STIE Indonesia.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai VP Transformasi.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP OC & OE since 2013.

He earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Brawijaya University and Master of Marketing Management from STIE Indonesia.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as VP Transformation at PT Pertamina EP.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1993 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2013 sebagai VP Internal Audit.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Kimia di Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya di PT Pertamina (Persero) menjabat sebagai VP Investigation Audit.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1993 and joined Pertamina EP in 2013 as VP Internal Audit.

He earned a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from Sriwijaya University, Palembang.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). He previously served as VP Investigation Audit at PT Pertamina (Persero).

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Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1991 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Health Safety Security & Environment sejak tahun 2013 sampai 9 Juni 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Magister Manajemen di STIE IBII, Jakarta.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai VP SCM.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1991 and joined Pertamina EP in 2006. He served as VP Health Safety Security & Environment from 2013 to June 9, 2014.

He earned a Master of Management from STIE IBII, Jakarta.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as VP SCM at Pertamina EP.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1990 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Supply Chain Management & General Services sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Mesin di Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta dan Master Ekonomi Manajemen dari Arizona State University, Amerika Serikat

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya di PT Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai Internal Support Manager.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1990 and joined Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP Supply Chain Management & General Services since 2013.

He earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from University of Indonesia, Jakarta and Master of Business Administration, majoring in Purchasing and Logistics Management from Arizona State University, US.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as Internal Support Manager at Pertamina EP.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1991 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2006. Menjabat sebagai VP Human Resources sejak tahun 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sosial Politik di Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya di Pertamina EP menjabat sebagai VP HRD.

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1991 and joined Pertamina EP in 2006. He has served as VP Human Resources since 2013.

He earned a Bachelor of Social Politics from Padjadjaran University, Bandung.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. He previously served as VP HRD at Pertamina EP.


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STRUKTUR KOMPOSISI SAHAMStructure and Composition of Shares


31 DESEMBER 2012December 31, 2013

31 DESEMBER 2013December 31, 2013

31 DESEMBER 2014December 31, 2013

Modal Dasar Authorized Capital

1,000,000 1,000,000

Nilai NominalNominal Value

Jumlah sahamTotal Shares

Nominal (Million IDR)

% Jumlah saham Total Shares

Nominal (Million IDR)

% Jumlah sahamTotal Shares

Nominal (Million IDR)


Modal ditempatkan & disetor Pemegang Saham Issued and paid-up capital of Shareholders

1. PT Pertamina (Persero) 249,975 lbr 249,975 99.99% 249,975 lbr 249,975 lbr 99.99% 249,975 lbr 249,975 99.99%

2. Koperasi Energi Indonesia 25 lbr 25 0.01% 0 0 0 0 0

3. PT Pertamina Dana Ventura 0 0 0 25 lbr 25 lbr 0.01% 25 lbr 25 0.01%

Jumlah Modal ditempatkan & disetor penuhTotal issued and paid in capital

250,000 250,000 100 250,000 250 100 250,000 250,000 100

STRUKTUR DAN KOMPOSISI SAHAM [G4-7]Structure and Composition of Shares

Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan RUPS Sirkuler pada 5 Februari 2013, RUPS menyetujui pengalihan 25 (dua puluh lima) lembar saham Perseroan yang dimiliki oleh Koperasi Energi Indonesia kepada PT Pertamina Dana Ventura.

Based on the results of Circular General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on February 5, 2013, the GMS approved the transfer of 25 (twenty-five) shares of the Company owned by Koperasi Energi Indonesia to PT Pertamina Dana Ventura.

Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) Indonesian Geologists Association (IAGI)

Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI) Association of Indonesian Geophysicists (HAGI)

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Association of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers (IATMI)

Institut Akuntan Manajemen Indonesia (IAMI) Indonesian Institute of Management Accountant (IAMI)

Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI)

KEANGGOTAAN ASOSIASI [G4-16]Association Membership


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KEBIJAKAN DEVIDENBerdasarkan Resolusi Pemegang Saham secara sirkuler tertanggal 23 April 2014 di Menara Standard Chartered, Jakarta telah diputuskan sebagai berikut:

Menetapkan dividen untuk Tahun Buku Yang Berakhir Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2012 kepada Para Pemegang Saham Perseroan sebesar USD,92 dengan rincian sebagai berikut :a. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina (Persero)

selaku pemegang 99,99% saham Perseroan adalah sebesar USD2.151.836.122,79 yang pembayarannya akan dilakukan dengan cara off setting piutang Perseroan kepada PT Pertamina (Persero)

b. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (PT PDV) selaku pemegang saham 0,01% saham Perseroan adalah sebesar USD215.205,13

Penyelesaian pembukuan dividen tahun 2012 tersebut dilakukan dalam tahun anggaran 2013.

Berdasarkan Resolusi Pemegang Saham tertanggal 24 Juli 2014, dividen sebesar USD4.269.558 (USD17/saham) telah dibagi. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) akan saling hapus dengan piutang dari PT Pertamina (Persero) dan dividen ke PDV akan dibayar tunai.

KRONOLOGIS PENCATATAN SAHAM DAN EFEK LAINNYASampai dengan tahun 2014, Pertamina EP belum pernah melakukan penawaran saham dan mencatatkan saham di Bursa Efek Jakarta, sehingga tidak menyertakan informasi terkait kronologis pencatatan saham dan efek lainnya. Informasi ini mencakup jenis tindakan korporasi, perubahan jumlah saham, perubahan jumlah efek, nama bursa, peringkat efek, beserta informasi lain sebagai uraian dari hal-hal tersebut diatas, seperti yang seharusnya disampaikan oleh Perseroan Terbatas (Terbuka atau Tbk).

DIVIDEND POLICY Based on the Circular Resolution of Shareholders dated April 23, 2014 at Menara Standard Chartered, Jakarta, the decisions are as follows:

Determine dividend for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2012 to the Shareholders of the Company of USD2,152,051,327.92 with the following details:a. Dividends to PT Pertamina (Persero) as the

shareholder of 99.99% of the shares of the Company amounted to USD2,151,836,122.79, which payment will be done by offsetting receivables of the Company to PT Pertamina (Persero)

b. Dividends to PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (PT PDV) as a shareholder of 0.01% shares of the Company amounted to USD215,205.13

The completion of accounting of dividend in 2012 was conducted in fiscal year 2013.

Based on the Resolution of Shareholders dated July 24, 2014, dividend amounted to USD4,269,558 (USD17/share) have been distributed. The dividends to PT Pertamina (Persero) have been offset by receivables from PT Pertamina (Persero), and the dividend was paid in cash to PDV.

CHRONOLOGY OF SHARE AND OTHER SECURITY LISTINGUp to 2014, Pertamina EP has never made an initial public offering and listed its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange, so it does not include information regarding chronology of listing of shares and other securities. The information includes the type of corporate actions, change in the volume of shares, change in the volume of securities, name of stock exchange, stock ratings, along with other information as a description of those mentioned above, which should be disclosed by a Limited Liability Company (Listed or Tbk).

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PEKERJA PERTAMINA EPEmployee of Pertamina EP

KOMPOSISI PEKERJAPencapaian atas kinerja Pertamina EP selama tahun 2014 juga merupakan buah kerja keras dari para pekerja yang berjumlah 3.848 orang. Keberadaan mereka tersebar di Kantor Pusat dan Lapangan yang ada di lima Asset Perusahaan. [G4-10]

Perusahaan terus melakukan pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Setiap tahun kami menerima pekerja baru untuk mendukung kesinambungan kegiatan operasional maupun kegiatan pendukung lain. Para pekerja baru menggantikan pekerja yang meninggalkan Pertamina EP karena pensiun maupun sebab yang lain.

Pada tahun 2014 kami menerima 372 pekerja baru. Sementara jumlah pekerja yang meninggalkan Perusahaan selama tahun 2014 ada 209 orang. Dengan demikian rasio jumlah pekerja yang pergi dibandingkan pekerja baru adalah hampir 1:2. [G4-LA1]

KOMPOSISI PEKERJA BERDASARKAN STATUS [G4-10]Composition of Employee by Status

Pekerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu (PWTT)*Permanent Employee*

Pekerja Waktu TertentuDirect Contract Employee

* PWTT mencakup rekrutmen Pertamina EP dan Pertamina (Persero) Permanent employee including recuitment by Pertamina EP and Pertamina (Persero)3,6463,184 3,8102198 38

20132012 2014

3,6673,286 3,848TotalTotal Total

EMPLOYEE COMPOSITIONPerformance achievement of Pertamina EP in 2014 is also the fruit of hard work of 3,848 employees. They are spread at the Head Office and Fields in five Assets of the Company. [G4-10]

The Company continues to develop its human resources (HR). Every year we hire new employees to maintain the continuity of operations and other support activities. The new employees are to replace those who leave Pertamina EP due to retirement or other reasons.

In 2014 we hired 372 new employees. While the number of employees who left the company during 2014 was 209 people. Thus the turnover ratio was almost 1:2. [G4-LA1]

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KOMPOSISI PEKERJA BERDASARKAN LOKASI PENEMPATAN [G4-10]Composition of Employee by Placement Location


KOMPOSISI PEKERJA BERDASARKAN TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN [G4-10]Composition of Employee by Level of Education

Kantor Pusat Head Office


2014 2014

2013Lokasi Location

2013 2013Umur Age Pendidikan Education

Asset 1

Asset 2

Asset 3

Asset 4

Asset 5Proyek PembangunanDevelopment Project

Jumlah Total




















31 – 40

41 – 50


Jumlah Total

SLTA dan setara

Diploma dan setara



Jumlah Total

High school and equivalent

Diploma and equivalent

Bachelor’s Degree

Master’s & Doctoral Degree



















KOMPOSISI MANAJEMEN [G4-LA12]Management Composition



PRIA Male WANITA Female <30 31-50 >51

Direksi Board of Directors 5 4 1 0 0 5

VP / GM 25 25 0 0 8 17

Manajer / Manajer Senior Manager / Senior Manager

189 181 8 0 116 71

JUMLAH Total 219 210 9 0 124 93

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KOMPOSISI PEKERJAEmployee composition

2013: 7,678 2014: 5,260

Peserta Participant



2013: 478 2014: 967

Peserta Participant

INHOUSE Certificate

2013: 10,077 2014: 6,429

Peserta Participant

SERTIFIKASI Certification

2013: 4,962 2014: 1,355

Peserta Participant

PENGEMBANGAN PEKERJAPengembangan SDM juga meliputi peningkatan kompetensi dan kapabilitas pekerja. Kami mewujudkan hal tersebut melalui penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi mereka.

Sepanjang tahun 2014, Pertamina EP menyelenggarakan 26.555 hari latihan meliputi 212.440 jam pelatihan, dengan besaran biaya yang dibayarkan adalah USD 8 juta. Adapun jumlah peserta pelatihan sebanyak 3.538 pekerja, sehingga jumlah rerata hari pelatihan per pekerja adalah 10,04 dan rerata jam pelatihan per pekerja sebanyak 60,04. [G4-LA9]

HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENTHuman Resources Development also includes improving the competence and capabilities of workers. We realized this by providing education and training for them.

Throughout 2014, Pertamina EP organized 26,555 training days covering 212,440 hours of training, with the costs amounted to USD 8 million. The number of training participants was 3,538 employees, so that the average training days per employee was 10.04 days and the average training hours per employee was 60.04. [G4-LA9]

JENIS PELATIHAN Type of Training


JUMLAH PESERTA Total ParticipantsRERATA Average


Domestik Domestic 6,788 1,050 250 4.92

Luar Negeri Overseas 967 86 17 9.39

Inhouse 11,116 1,450 290 6.39

Sertifikasi Certification 7,684 305 90 19.45

Jumlah Total 26,555 2,891 647 10.04

RERATA HARI PELATIHAN PEKERJA [G4-LA9]Training Days for Employees

RERATA PESERTA PEKERJA [G4-LA9]Average Employee Participants

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Realization of Employee Training Cost based on RKAP

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LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKSI [G4-1] [G4-2]Board of Commissioners’ Report and Board of Directors’ Report

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12%Kontribusi terhadap

Produksi Minyak NasionalContribution to National Oil Production

Meskipun target lifting belum terpenuhi, kontribusi perusahaan terhadap produksi minyak nasional masih signifikan dan menempati peringkat 2 nasional

Despite the lifting target has not been met, the Company’s contribution to thenational oil production is still significant and ranked 2nd nationwide

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SAMBUTAN DEWAN KOMISARISBoard of Commissioners’ Message

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.Salam Sejahtera.

Pemangku Kepentingan Yang Terhormat,Tahun 2014 menjadi tahun penting bagi Perusahaan karena menandakan tahapan terakhir dari Repetita III, yakni mewujudkan Visi Pertamina EP dalam transformasi menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia. Tahapan ini menjadikan kami terus berbenah untuk menghadapi perubahan global yang terjadi.

Merespon TantanganSepanjang tahun 2014, situasi di dalam negeri dihadapkan pada dinamika politik nasional dan perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kinerja sektor hulu migas mengalami penurunan yang terjadi di hampir seluruh Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS). Sementara di tataran global, berlimpahnya pasokan minyak mentah di pasar dunia karena keberhasilan produksi shale oil, berimbas pada turunnya harga jual minyak mentah.

Berkurangnya pendapatan karena turunnya harga jual minyak mentah di pasar dunia harus disikapi dengan kebijakan efisiensi dan inovasi yang sudah dilaksanakan sepanjang tahun 2014. Percepatan dan terobosan kian dikembangkan dalam mengelola tantangan penurunan alamiah cadangan minyak dan tantangan kilang minyak yang tergolong tua.

Prioritas kegiatan yang cermat dan sinergi yang kuat kiranya memberikan kemampuan bagi Direksi untuk mengusahakan target yang progresif dan memperlihatkan kinerja yang terjaga. Dengan

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.Greetings.

Dear Stakeholders,The year 2014 became an important year for the Company as it marked the final stage of Repetita III, which realized Pertamina EP’s Vision in its transformation into a world-class company. This stage makes us continue to improve to face the ongoing global changes.

Responding to ChallengesThroughout 2014, the situation in the country was faced with the dynamics of national politics and slowing economic growth. Upstream oil and gas performance experienced a decline in almost all Contractors of Production Sharing Contract (PSC). While globally, abundant supply of crude oil in the world market due to the success of shale oil production, caused the decline in crude oil prices.

Lower income due to the decline in crude oil prices on the world market was addressed with efficiency and innovation policies that have been implemented throughout 2014. Acceleration and breakthrough continued to be developed in managing the challenges of the ageing oil refineries and natural decline of oil reserves.

Prudent priority activities and strong synergies would enable the Board of Directors to pursue progressive targets and maintain the performance. By positioning Pertamina EP as a leading oil & gas company,

Responsif Terhadap PerubahanDi tengah dinamika yang berlangsung, Dewan Komisaris yakin bahwa keputusan dan tindakan yang diambil untuk tujuan organisasi yang lebih strategis akan mendukung keberlanjutan kinerja dan pertumbuhan, sesuai dengan harapan pemangku kepentingan kami.

Responsive To ChangeIn the midst of the ongoing dynamics, the Board of Commissioners believes that the decisions and actions taken for more strategic goals of the organization will support sustainability of performance and growth, according to our stakeholders’ expectations.

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memposisikan Pertamina EP sebagai perusahaan minyak dan gas yang terkemuka, kami terus berkomitmen memaksimalkan nilai aset perusahaan di tengah peluang sumber energi yang tetap tinggi.

Memandang ke DepanFokus strategi dan tingkat investasi modal akan terus kami jaga seiring dengan pertumbuhan pekerja dan aset. Sinergi antara pekerja, proses, teknologi dan lingkungan hidup memungkinkan kami untuk mempertahankan nilai bagi pemegang saham, melayani kebutuhan energi dan terus bertanggung jawab pada pembangunan berkelanjutan.

Kami percaya bahwa dengan penerapan strategi yang realistis dan iklim investasi yang mendukung, Pertamina EP dapat memposisikan diri sebagai perusahaan kelas dunia dan menjadi energi bagi masa depan Negara Indonesia.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.Salam Sejahtera

Dewan Komisaris PT Pertamina EPKomisaris Utama, Muhamad HusenPT Pertamina EP Board of CommissionersPresident Commisisoner, Muhamad Husen

we stay committed to maximize the value of corporate assets amid energy source opportunities that remain high.

Looking AheadWe will continue to keep the focus of the strategy and capital investment rate in line with the growth of our employees and assets. Synergy between employees, process, technology and the environment allows us to maintain value for shareholders, and to serve the needs of the energy and continue to be responsible for sustainable development.

We believe that with the implementation of a realistic strategy and a favorable investment climate, Pertamina EP can position itself as a world-class company and become the energy for the future of Indonesia.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.Best Regards

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LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS [G4-1] [G4-2]Board of Commissioners’ Report

PENILAIAN KINERJA DIREKSISelama tahun 2014, Direksi Pertamina EP telah berhasil meraih berbagai pencapaian yang membanggakan. Meskipun demikian, juga terdapat beberapa hal yang tidak dapat tercapai. Ketidakcapaian sebaiknya menjadi semangat untuk memperbaiki kinerja di masa mendatang. Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan penghargaan dan terima kasih atas semua kinerja jajaran Direksi selama tahun 2014.

Pencapaian target di tahun 2014 yang kami cermati, antara lain adalah efisiensi biaya operasi, pencapaian investasi, pengelolaan sumber daya manusia, ketaatan GCG, pencapaian PROPER, pengurangan emisi, dan berbagi pengetahuan. Pencapaian ini merupakan hal yang positif karena tidak hanya memperhatikan kinerja ekonomi, tetapi juga pada kinerja sosial dan lingkungan. Hal ini memberikan arti yang lebih, karena keberlanjutan Perusahaan selalu mensinergikan sumber daya ekonomi, manusia, proses, teknologi dan lingkungan hidup. Kami berharap agar semua capaian pada berbagai aspek ini membuahkan sinergi yang seimbang dalam konteks keberlanjutan yang menyeluruh.

Dewan Komisaris menjalankan tugas pengawasan dengan pendekatan pengawasan aktif, melalui pembahasan langsung atas pencapaian kinerja dan kunjungan kerja ke area operasi Perusahaan. Pendekatan lain adalah pengawasan pasif dengan melakukan evaluasi kinerja berdasarkan laporan yang telah disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Board of Commissioners performs oversight duties with active supervisory approach, through direct deliberation on the performance achievement and working visit to the Company’s area of operations. Another approach is a passive supervision by evaluating performance based on the report submitted to the Board of Commissioners.

BOD PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT During 2014, the Board of Directors has reached several encouraging achievements. however, there were some things that have not been achieved. This should be a drive to improve performance in the future. Board of Commissioners appreciated and thanked the members of Board of Directors for all of their performance during 2014.

Target achievements in 2014 are, among others, operating cost efficiency, investment achievement, human resource management, good corporate governance compliance, PROPER achievement, emission reduction, and knowledge sharing. These achievements are positive because they show the Company is not only paying attention to economic performance, but also on social and environmental performance. It gives a deeper meaning because the Company’s sustainability can be achieved by synergizing economic resources, people, process, technology and the environment. We hope all of these achievements in various aspects will lead to a balanced synergy in the context of sustainability as a whole.

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Tantangan di tahun 2014 telah kita lalui bersama, terutama terkait dengan rata-rata penurunan alamiah di seluruh lapangan yang sebelumnya 18%, kini mencapai 20% per tahun. Selain itu, fluktuasi harga migas di pasar internasional ikut mempengaruhi pendapatan perusahaan. Setiap perubahan akan mendapat dukungan dan tantangan, namun kami berharap agar perubahan ini semakin mensinergikan kinerja setiap individu dalam Perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, perkenankan kami jajaran Dewan komisaris mengucapkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada para pimpinan manajemen yang telah menyelesaikan masa baktinya dan mengucapkan selamat bertugas bagi pimpinan manajemen baru. Harapan kami agar kita semua dapat saling bersinergi dengan dilandasi semangat dan niat baik.

We have been through various challenges in 2014, especially in the average natural decline across the fields, which was 18% previously, now reaching 20% per year. In addition, fluctuations in oil & gas prices in the international market also affected the company’s revenue. Every change will have its support and challenges, but we hope that these changes will further synergize the performance of each individual in the Company. Therefore, allow us, the Board of Commissioners, express our appreciation and gratitude to the management leaderships who have completed their terms of office and best wishes for the new management leaderships on their new job. It is our hope that we can all work in synergy with a good spirit and goodwill.

INDIKATOR KINERJA UTAMAKey Performance Indicator


BOBOTWeight Value


Finansial Financial Bulanan Monthly 25 22.6

Operasional Operational Bulanan Monthly 55 58

Pengembangan Bisnis Business Development Bulanan Monthly 15 14.1

Pengelolaan SDM HR Management Bulanan Monthly 5 6

Total Bobot Total Weight Value 100 101

INDIKATOR KERJA LAINNYAKey Performance Indicator


SATUANWeight Value



Kepatuhan GCG GCG Compliance Triwulan Quarterly % 87 91.17

PROPER Tahunan Yearly Jumlah Total 18 PROPER Hijau18 Green PROPER

14 PROPER Hijau14 Green PROPER

Reduksi Emisi Emission Reduction Triwulan Quarterly % Reduksi % Reduction

16.52 25.52

Indeks PembelajaranLearning Index

Triwulan Quarterly % 90 93.68

Tindak Lanjut Temuan Audit Internal dan EksternalFollow up of Internal and External Audit Finding

Triwulan Quarterly % 80 84.83

Transfer Pengetahuan Transfer of Knowledge

Triwulan Quarterly % 13.5 14.29

REALISASI KESEPAKATAN KERJA DIREKSI TAHUN 2014 [G4-44]BOD Performance Agreement Realization 2014

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LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARISBoard of Commissioners Report


KEGIATAN EKPLORASIDewan Komisaris memberi rekomendasi agar kegiatan eksplorasi dilakukan dengan ekplorasi agresif, antara lain melalui penerapan peralatan teknologi terbaru dan penemuan new play exploration concept. Keberhasilan Tim Appraisal Project Jawa 2 menemukan cadangan baru sumber migas pada sumur di Jati Asri, Field Subang, Asset 3 merupakan pencapaian yang membanggakan. Keberhasilan mereka patut menjadi catatan karena melakukan inovasi melalui penerapan pola stratigrafi (stratigrafic play).

Dewan Komisaris mendukung kebijakan Pertamina Drilling Way yang digagas PT Pertamina (Persero) dalam menghadapi keterlambatan pelaksanaan pemboran. Pertamina Drilling Way merupakan strategi menciptakan pendekatan terstandar pelaksanaan praktik-praktik terbaik eksekusi pengeboran. Di tahun 2014, Pertamina EP menerapkan Pertamina Drilling Way pada Lapangan Bunyu, Asset 5 sebagai percontohan. Selanjutnya untuk tahun-tahun mendatang, Dewan Komisaris merekomendasikan penerapan Pertamina Drilling Way untuk lapangan-lapangan lainnya.

Dewan Komisaris selalu berperan aktif memberikan saran dan masukan terkait pencapaian target eksplorasi 2014. Saran ini disampaikan dalam 12 kali rapat antara Direksi dan Komisaris. Hal utama yang direkomendasikan oleh Dewan Komisaris adalah agar perusahaan mengupayakan:1. Pengeboran 87 sumur pengembangan dengan

investasi sebesar USD400.2. Pengeboran lebih banyak dilakukan di Kawasan

Timur Indonesia (KTI) mengingat masih terdapat potensi.

3. Pengeboran 14 sumur eksplorasi dengan investasi mencapai USD15 setiap sumurnya.

KEGIATAN EKSPLOITASIMemahami kondisi aset produksi yang sudah tua, Dewan Komisaris memberi rekomendasi untuk kembali mengembangkan lapangan X-Ray. Lapangan lepas pantai (offshore) ini awalnya disiapkan sebagai tempat pendidikan bagi proses pembelajaran pengeboran dan produksi migas lepas pantai. Namun karena potensi cadangan yang tersisa masih besar, maka lapangan ini direkomendasikan untuk dikembangkan kembali.

Selain itu, Dewan Komisaris juga memberikan dukungan atas pengembangan lapangan lepas pantai lainnya di Blok Madura, Jawa Timur, yaitu lapangan Poleng yang sebelumnya dikelola oleh Korea Development Ltd. (Kodev Ltd.) dan CNOOC. Pada tahun 2015, Dewan Komisaris merekomendasikan tiga pengeboran sumur baru dan sembilan pengeboran workover di lapangan Poleng.

Dewan Komisaris mendukung kebijakan Direksi dalam menghadapi tantangan lapangan yang tergolong tua dengan mengoptimalkan metode


EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES Board of Commissioners has recommended that the exploration activities are carried out with an aggressive exploration, among others, through the application of the latest technology equipment and the discovery of new play exploration concept. The success of Appraisal Team of Java 2 Project in finding new sources of oil and gas reserves in Jati Asri wells, Subang Field, Asset 3 is an encouraging achievement. Their success should be a record for innovation through the application of stratigraphic play.

Board of Commissioners supported Pertamina Drilling Way policy initiated by PT Pertamina (Persero) in the face of delays in the drilling execution. Pertamina Drilling Way is a strategy of creating a standardized approach to the implementation of best practices for drilling execution. In 2014, Pertamina EP applied Pertamina Drilling Way on Bunyu Field, Asset 5 as a pilot. Furthermore, for the coming years, the Board of Commissioners has recommended Pertamina Drilling Way to be applied at other fields.

Board of Commissioners has always played an active role in providing advice and input on the achievement of 2014 exploration targets. The advices were delivered in 12 meetings between the Board of Directors and Commissioners. The main recommendations made by the Board of Commissioners for the company to do include:1. Drilling of 87 development wells with an

investment of USD400 million.2. Drilling mostly to be done in the Eastern Indonesia

Region (KTI) considering there is still potential.3. Drilling of 14 exploration wells with an investment

of USD15 million per well

EXPLOITATION ACTIVITIESUnderstanding the conditions of aging production assets, the Board of Commissioners has made some recommendations to redevelop the X-Ray field. Offshore field was originally set up as a place of education for drilling learning process and offshore oil & gas production. However, due to the potential of remaining reserves are still large, this field is recommended to be redeveloped.

In addition, the Board of Commissioners also supported other offshore field development, Poleng field, in Madura Block, East Java, which was previously managed by Korea Development Ltd. (Kodev Ltd.) and CNOOC. In 2015, the Board of Commissioners recommended three new well drilling and nine workover drilling at Poleng field.

Board of Commissioners supported the Board of Directors’ policy in facing the challenges of relatively old fields by optimizing

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enhanced oil recovery method. This method is able to increase the oil recovery of 1,429 BOPD. In 2014, Tanjung Well has been prepared for the tertiary recovery stage with chemical injection. Board of Commissioners reiterated that the implementation of operations should always pay attention to the environmental and occupational safety aspects.

REVENUE AND EXPENSESBoard of Commissioners always provides recommendations and suggestions for the Company to be able to increase revenue from domestic sales of oil, gas and Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG). This is related to the Company's obligations in providing crude oil to meet the needs of domestic market in accordance with the Oil & Gas Cooperation Contract. On the other hand, we continue to carry our crude oil export sales in accordance with the unitization agreement that has been agreed, although the amount is only a small part of production.

CAPITALBoard of Commissioners recommended that the the company's capital growth can be optimized with sources from the Company’s profits.

BUSINESS UNIT STRUCTURE CHANGESBoard of Commissioners recommended to authorize General Manager as asset CEO and Field Manager as COO.

HUMAN RESOURCESBoard of Commissioners has provided various suggestions and recommendations to the Management on the HR compliance acceleration. The suggestions included the fulfillment of certification of required expertise/technical competency of human resources, including the competency enhancement of engineering, managerial and professionalism, by promoting the concept of solid teamwork and synergy. [IR1]

In addition, the Board of Commissioners also supported the policy improvement measures undertaken by the Management to support business strategies through operational and HSSE excellence. Board of Commissioners emphasized the need for the application of high-quality work culture and ethos as well as the role of technology to improve productivity.


Given the discovery of new oil & gas reserves and production processes are more complex than the previous period, the Board of Commissioners deemed it is necessary to develop and evaluate integrated and more accessible technologies. These technologies include innovations in stratigraphic play, Pertamina Drilling Way, and offshore drilling technology needed to support the execution of exploration and exploitation activities.

pengurasan minyak tahap lanjut. Metode ini mampu meningkatkan perolehan minyak 1.429 BOPD. Di tahun 2014, Sumur Tanjung telah diperisapkan untuk tahapan pengurasan lanjutan lapisan tersier (tertiary recovery) dengan injeksi kimiawi. Dewan Komisaris kembali menegaskan bahwa penerapan kegiatan operasi harus senantiasa memperhatikan aspek lingkungan dan keselamatan kerja.

PENDAPATAN DAN BEBANDewan Komisaris senantiasa memberi rekomendasidan saran agar perusahaan mampu meningkatkanpendapatan yang bersumber penjualan dari dalamnegeri, baik minyak bumi dan gas dan Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG). Hal ini terkait dengan kewajiban Perusahaan dalam menyediakan minyak mentah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar dalam negeri sesuai dengan Kontrak Kerjasama Migas. Di lain pihak, kami tetap melakukan penjualan ekspor minyak mentah sesuai dengan perjanjian unitisasi yang telah disepakati, walaupun jumlahnya hanya sebagian kecil dari produksi.

PERMODALANDewan Komisaris merekomendasikan agar pertumbuhan modal perusahaan dapat dioptimalkan dengan bersumber dari laba perusahaan.

PERUBAHAN STRUKTUR UNIT BISNISDewan Komisaris memberi rekomendasi penerapan pemberian wewenang sebagai CEO asset bagi General Manager dan COO bagi Field Manager.

SUMBER DAYA MANUSIADewan Komisaris telah memberikan berbagai saran dan rekomendasi kepada Manajemen terkait dengan akselerasi pemenuhan SDM. Saran ini di antaranya adalah pemenuhan sertifikasi keahlian/kompetensi teknis SDM sesuai yang diperlukan, termasuk peningkatan kemampuan engineering, manajerial dan profesionalisme, dengan mengedepankan konsep kerjasama kelompok yang solid dan bersinergi. [IR1]

Selain itu, Dewan Komisaris juga mendukung langkah-langkah perbaikan kebijakan yang telah dilakukan oleh Manajemen guna mendukung strategi bisnis melalui operational dan HSSE excellence. Dewan Komisaris menekankan perlunya penerapan budaya dan etos kerja yang berkualitas tinggi dan peran teknologi untuk meningkatkan produktifitas.


Mengingat proses penemuan cadangan baru migas serta proses produksi yang kian kompleks dibanding periode sebelumnya, maka Dewan Komisaris memandang perlu untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi teknologi yang terintegrasi dan lebih mudah diakses. Teknologi ini meliputi inovasi pola stratigrafi, Pertamina Drilling Way, dan teknologi pemboran lepas pantai yang diperlukan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi.

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LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARISBoard of Commissioners Report

PERUBAHAN KOMPOSISI DEWAN KOMISARIS [G4-13] [G4-38]Pemegang saham pada tahun 2014 telah memutuskan dan menetapkan perubahansusunan keanggotaan Dewan Komisaris, sebagai berikut:1. Mengangkat Denny Indrayana dan Eddy Mulyadi

Soepardi sebagai Komisaris Perseroan, berlaku efektif terhitung sejak 4 Maret 2014.

2. Pada 12 November 2014, Eddy Mulyadi mengundurkan diri sebagai Komisaris Pertamina EP, dengan alasan menjadi anggota Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Republik Indonesia.

3. Mengangkat Anny Ratnawati sebagai Komisaris Perseroan, berlaku efektif sejak 26 November 2014

Dengan demikian hingga 31 Desember 2014, jumlah pejabat Komisaris ada 4 orang.

CHANGES IN THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS’ COMPOSITION [G4-13] [G4-38]Shareholders in 2014 has decided and approved the changes in the membership of the Board of Commissioners, as follows:1. Appoint Denny Indrayana and Eddy Mulyadi as

Commissioners, effective from March 4, 2014.2. On November 12, 2014, Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi

resigned as Commissioner of Pertamina EP, due to his appointment as a member of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) of the Republic of Indonesia.

3. Appoint Anny Ratnawati as Commissioner, effective from November 26, 2014

Thus until December 31, 2014, there were 4 Commissioners.

ANGGOTA DEWAN KOMISARISBoard of Commissioners’ Members



Muhamad HusenKomisaris Utama President Commissioner Pria Male 12 Agustus 2011 – 31 Desember 2014

August 12, 2011-December 31, 2014

M Afdal Bahaudin Komisaris Commissioner Pria Male 12 Agustus 2011 – 31 Desember 2014August 12, 2011-December 31, 2014

Denny Indrayana Komisaris Commissioner Pria Male 4 Maret 2014 – 31 Desember 2014March 4, 2014 - December 31, 2014

Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi Komisaris Commissioner Pria Male 4 Maret 2014 – 12 November 2014March 4, 2014 - December 31, 2014

Anny Ratnawati Komisaris Commissioner Wanita Female 26 November - 31 Desember 2014November 26 -December 31, 2014

KOMPOSISI DEWAN KOMISARIS [G4-38]Board of Commissioners Composition


Memberhentikan dengan hormat Aji Prajudi sebagai Sekretaris Perseroan, berlaku efektif terhitung sejak 16 Juli 2014 melalui Surat Keputusan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) No. Kpts.P-189/C00000/2014-S8 tentang Mutasi Jabatan untuk melaksanakan penugasan dari PT Pertamina (Persero) dan mengangkat D. Yodi Priatna sebagai Sekretaris Perseroan.


Honorably dismissed Aji Prajudi as CorporateSecretary, effective as of 16 July 2014 based on the Decree of President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) No. Kpts.P-189/C00000/2014-S8 concerning Employee Transfer due to assignment from PT Pertamina (Persero), and appointed D. Yodi Priatna as Corporate Secretary.

TOPIK PENCAPAIAN Topic of achievement HALAMAN Page

Eksporasi & Eksploitasi Exploration & Exploitation Bab Analisis & Pembahasan ManajemenChapter Management Discussion & Analysis

Pendapatan, beban dan permodalanRevenues, expenses and capital Bab Analisis keuangan Chapter Financial Analysis

Sumber daya manusia Human capital Bab People Chapter People

Teknologi Technology Bab Teknologi Chapter Technology

RUJUKAN ATAS INFORMASI LEBIH LANJUTReference for further information

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Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Dewan Komisaris dibantu oleh komite-komite yang berada di bawahnya. Komite AuditMembantu Dewan Komisaris melaksanakan penga-wasan untuk memastikan telah terselenggaranya fungsi pengawasan atas proses penyelesaian Laporan Keuangan, Pelaksanaan Audit atas Laporan Keuangan dan Keandalan Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan. Komite Audit dipimpin oleh M. Afdal Bahaudin.

Komite Investasi dan Manajemen RisikoMembantu Dewan Komisaris melaksanakan evaluasi dan pengawasan bidang investasi serta mitigasi risiko, sehingga setiap investasi dan kegiatan operasi yang dilaksanakan dapat memberikan hasil optimal. Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko dipimpin oleh M. Afdal Bahaudin.


In performing its duties, the Board of Commissioners is assisted by some committees.

Audit CommitteeTo assist the Board of Commissioners to perform control to ensure the implementation of oversight function over the process of finalizing the Financial Statements, Audit of Financial Statements and Corporate Internal Control System Reliability. The Audit Committee is chaired by M. Afdal Bahaudin.

Investment and Risk Management CommitteeTo assist the Board of Commissioners carry out evaluation and supervision of investment and risk mitigation, to ensure any investments and operations can provide optimal results. Investment and Risk Management Committee chaired by M. Afdal Bahaudin.

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PROFIL DEWAN KOMISARISBoard of Commissioners Profile

MUHAMAD HUSENPresident Commissioner


Bergabung dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1985 dan menjabat sebagai Komisaris Pertamina EP sejak 2010.

Meraih gelar sarjana Akuntansi di Universitas Pajajaran dan gelar Master in Business Administration di University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA, tahun 1997.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama Pertamina EP, 24 November 2010, dan merangkap sebagai Investment Planning & Risk Management Director PT Pertamina (Persero), 2011. Usia Beliau per 31 Desember 2014 adalah 59 tahun.

Joined PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1985 and has been serving as Commissioner of PT Pertamina EP since 2010.

Earned a Bachelor of Accounting from Pajajaran University and Master in Business Administration from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US, in 1997.

Occupying various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. Previously, he had been appointed as President Commissioner at PT Pertamina EP on November 24, 2010, and concurrently as Investment Planning & Risk Management Director at PT Pertamina (Persero) in 2011. He is 59 years of age as of December 31, 2014.

Bergabung dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 2008 dan Pertamina EP pada tahun 2009. Menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama Pertamina EP sejak 12 Agustus 2011.

Meraih gelar Sarjana Geologi di ITB (1984) dan Magister Sains di University of London (1989).

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Pertamina EP. Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Komisaris Pertamina EP pada 1 Juli 2009 dan Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina (Persero) pada 5 Maret 2008. Usia Beliau per 31 Desember 2014 adalah 57 tahun.

Joined PT Pertamina (Persero) in 2008 and joined Pertamina EP in 2009. Serving as President Commissioner of PT Pertamina EP since August 12, 2011.

Earned a Bachelor of Geological Engineering from ITB (1984) and Master of Science from University of London (1989).

Occupying various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP. Previously, he had been appointed as Commissioner at PT Pertamina EP on July 1, 2009 and as Upstream Director at PT Pertamina (Persero) on March 5, 2008. He is 57 years of age as of December 31, 2014.

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Bergabung dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai Komisaris hingga tahun 2013 dan menjabat sebagai Komisaris Pertamina EP sejak 26 November 2014.

Meraih gelar sarjana dari Fakultas Agribisnis Institut Pertanian Bogor (1985), Master of Science in Agricultural Economics Institut Pertanian Bogor (1989) dan Ph.D in Agricultural Economics Institut Pertanian Bogor (1996).

Menempati berbagai posisi penting, yaitu dosen di Fakultas Ekonomi & Manajemen-Institut Pertanian Bogor, OPEC Fund for International Development Governor for Indonesia (2008), Direktur Jenderal Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan (2008-2010), Direktur Jenderal Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan merangkap Wakil Menteri Keuangan RI (2010-2011), Wakil Menteri Keuangan RI (2010 – 2014). dan Anggota Dewan Komisaris Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Ex- Officio Kementerian Keuangan sejak tahun 2012. Usia Beliau per 31 Desember 2014 adalah 52 tahun.

Joined PT Pertamina (Persero) as Commissioner until 2013 and serving as Commissioner of PT Pertamina EP since November 26, 2014

She earned Bachelor from Agribusiness Faculty, Bogor Institute of Agriculture (1985), Masters in Agricultural Economics Bogor Institute of Agriculture (1989), and a Doctoral degree with Cum Laude, in Agricultural Economics in 1996.

She previously occupied several important positions, among others, Lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Management Bogor Institute of Agriculture, OFID (OPEC Fund for International Development) Governing Board Representative for Indonesia (2008), Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance (2008-2010), serving concurrently as Director General for Budget at the Ministry of Finance and as Deputy Minister of Finance Deputy Minister of Finance (2010-2011), Deputy Minister of Finance Deputy Minister of Finance (2011 – recently) and Ex-officio member of the Board of Commissioner of Indonesia Financial Services Authority, the Ministry of Finance since 2012. She is 52 years of age as of December 31, 2014. served as Deputy Minister of Finance in 2010 - 2014. She is 52 years of age as of December 31, 2014.

Menjabat sebagai Komisaris Pertamina EP sejak 4 Maret 2014.

Meraih gelar Doktor di Universitas Padjadjaran Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi Akuntansi dan beliau dikukuhkan sebagai Guru Besar Ilmu Ekonomi - Akuntansi, dari Universitas Pakuan Bogor di tahun 2007.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di perusahaan BUMN. Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), 2014, dan merangkap sebagai Kepala Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) Bidang Investigasi, 2011. Usia Beliau per 31 Desember 2014 adalah 60 tahun.

Serving as Commissioner of PT Pertamina EP since March 4, 2014.

Earned his Doctoral degree from Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Padjadjaran University and he was inaugurated as Professor of Economics - Accounting, at Pakuan University, Bogor, in 2007.

He has occupied various key positions in state-owned enterprises. He previously served as a Commissioner of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2014, and concurrently served as the Chief of Finance and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP) in 2011. He is 60 years of age as of December 31, 2014.

Bergabung dan menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT Pertamina EP sejak 4 Maret 2014.

Meraih gelar Sarjana Hukum di Universitas Gadjah Mada, gelar Master di Universitas Minnesota – USA, serta Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) dari Universitas Melbourne - Australia. Ditahun 2010, beliau dikukuhkan sebagai Guru Besar Hukum Tata Negara, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM).

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di birokrasi. Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Wakil Menteri Hukum & HAM RI, Oktober 2014. Usia Beliau per 31 Desember 2014 adalah 42 tahun.

Joined and serving as Commissioner of PT Pertamina EP since March 4, 2014.

Earned a Law degree from Gadjah Mada University, a Master’s degree from University of Minnesota, US, and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the University of Melbourne, Australia. In 2010, he was inaugurated as Professor of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law at Gadjah Mada University (‘UGM’).

Occupying various key positions in the bureaucracy. He previously served as Deputy Minister of Justice & Human Rights, October 2014. He is 42 years of as of December 31, 2014.

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SAMBUTAN DIREKSIBoard of Directors Message

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.Salam Sejahtera.

Pemangku Kepentingan yang Terhormat,Tahun lalu merupakan tahun yang penting bagi Pertamina EP dalam membangun karakter sebuah perusahaan kelas dunia. Perubahan dinamika pasar dan tantangan produksi sepanjang tahun memberanikan kami untuk mencermati berbagai skenario di masa depan dan kemungkinan menjalankan berbagai strategi bagi Pertamina EP setelah tahun 2020.

Sinergi dan FokusLifting minyak sepanjang tahun 2014 mencapai 794.000 barel per hari atau 97% dari target APBN-P 2014. Belum terpenuhinya target lifting ikut dipengaruhi oleh situasi mundurnya jadwal pemboran, proyek onstream dan produksi KKKS. Meskipun demikian kontribusi Perusahaan terhadap lifting minyak nasional masih signifikan dan menempati peringkat 2 dengan produksi sekitar 12% terhadap produksi minyak nasional. Pada kurun waktu yang sama, lifting gas mencapai 1.218.000 barel setara minyak per hari.

Pencapaian ini tidak terlepas dari berbagai tantangan lapangan lain yang dihadapi, yaitu penurunan alamiah cadangan minyak rata-rata 20%, lahan produksi yang sebagian besar tergolong tua, dinamika perubahan harga pasar serta illegal tapping.

Sinergi di tahun 2014 telah memampukan kami berfokus pada terobosan dan memulai eksplorasi dan produksi di lepas pantai (offshore), mereformasi kilang tua, dan menerapkan Pertamina Drilling Way.

Sinergi Untuk Masa DepanMelanjutkan komitmen kami, Pertamina EP mencatat kinerja yang terjaga pada tahun 2014. Hal ini dicapai di tengah ketidakpastian ekonomi global, pasar komoditas dan ketidakstabilan sosial politik di kawasan regional. Oleh karena itu, ‘sinergi’ menjadi kata kunci bagi kami untuk melangkah menuju masa depan.

Synergy for the FutureContinuing our commitment, Pertamina EP recorded a maintained performance in 2014. This was achieved in the midst of global economic uncertainty, commodity markets as well as regional social and political instability. Therefore, the ‘synergy’ is the key word for us to step into the future.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.Greetings.

Dear Stakeholders,Last year was an important year for Pertamina EP in building the character of a world-class company. Changes in market dynamics and production challenges throughout the year encouraged us to observe various scenarios in the future and the possibility of implementing various strategies for Pertamina EP after 2020.

Synergy and FocusIn 2014, oil lifting was at 794,000 barrel per day or 97% of the target of Revised State Budget (APBN-P) 2014. The unaccomplished lifting target was affected by the delays of drilling schedule, on-stream project, and production of Production Sharing Contract Contractor (KKKS). Nonetheless, the Company’s contribution towards national oil lifting was still significant and ranked 2nd with the production approximately 12% of the total national oil production. In the same period, the gas lifting was 1.218 million barrels oil equivalent per day.

This achievement could not be separated from various challenges encountered by the Company, namely the natural decline of oil reserves at average of 20%, most of production sites are aging, the dynamics of changes in market prices and illegal tapping.

The synergy in 2014 has enabled us to begin offshore exploration and production, reforming old refineries, and to apply Pertamina Drilling Way.

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Dengan memperhatikan perubahan yang terjadi, kami tetap beroperasi sesuai inisiatif strategis yang telah dirumuskan dalam RJPP.

Menghadapi Masa Depan Dengan Percaya DiriWalaupun saat ini terlihat tren peningkatan produksi, namun pemenuhan kebutuhan minyak dalam jangka panjang masih menjadi tantangan. Pada saat yang sama, permintaan akan minyak diperkirakan terus meningkat seiring pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. Mengingat bahwa minyak dipergunakan dalam beraneka ragam aplikasi, fundamental pasar minyak dalam jangka panjang diperkirakan cukup baik.

Segenap anggota Direksi menghargai dan memahami bahwa kita tetap harus bersama memberikan hasil yang terbaik. Pasar berfluktuasi, prioritas bergeser, namun komitmen kami tetap teguh untuk melakukan apa yang tepat bagi para pemangku kepentingan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia.

Terima kasih atas semua dukungan dari pemangku kepentingan kami.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EPPresident Director of PT Pertamina EP


By paying attention to the changes, we still operate in accordance with the strategic initiative formulated in Company’s Long Term Plan (RJPP).

Facing the Future With ConfidenceAlthough currently there was a visible trend of increasing production, but the fulfillment of oil demand in the long term remains a challenge. At the same time, demand for oil is expected to increase in line with the growth of world economy. Considering that oil is used in a wide range of applications, the oil market fundamentals in the long term are estimated fairly well.

All the members of the Board of Directors appreciate and understand that together, we can give the best result. The market is fluctuating, the priorities are shifting, but our commitment remains firm to do the right things for our stakeholders and the welfare of Indonesian society.

Thank you for the support of our stakeholders.

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ADRIANSYAHPresident Director

SATOTO AGUSTONODevelopment Director

RIYANTO SUWARNO PJ. Production & Operation Director

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DODDY PRIAMBODOExploration and New Discovery

Project Director

BENI JAFILIUS IBRADI ADProduction & Operation Director

LUKITANINGSIHFinance & Business Support Director

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LAPORAN DIREKSIBoard of Directors Report [G4-1] [G4-2]

Tahun 2014 memiliki makna penting bagi Pertamina EP, karena menjadi penentu bagi upaya mewujudkan visi menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia. Beberapa pencapaian telah kami raih, yang menandakan berjalannya transformasi Perusahaan dalam menerapkan praktik-praktik terbaik sesuai standar dunia.

Sinergi yang terbangun antara manusia, proses, teknologi dan lingkungan hidup, menjadikan Perusahaan pada tahun 2014 mencatatkan kinerja yang tetap terjaga.

The year 2014 has significance to PT Pertamina EP, as a determinant for the realization of the vision to become a world-class company. Some of our achievements, which marked the proper implementation of Company transformation in applying best practices according to the world standard.

Synergies that have been developed between people, process, technology and the environment, have made the Company record a positive performance in 2014.

mencapai 79% dibandingkan realisasi tahun 2013 yang

sebesar USD1,989 juta

USD1,586 million91% dari target 2014 yang

sebesar 128.000 BOPD

117,030 BPOD97% dari target 2014 yang

sebesar 1.072 MMSCFD

1,044 MMSCFD

Reached 79% compared to realization of 2013 at USD1,989 million

91% of the target 128,000 BOPD 97% of the target 1,072 MMSCFD

REALISASI PRODUKSI GAS BUMI 2014Realization of natural gas production in 2014


REALISASI PRODUKSI MINYAK MENTAH 2014Realization of Crude Oil Production in 2014


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2013: 826,000 BPH 2014: 794,000 BPH

2013: 1,218 MBOEPD 2014: 1.218 MBOEPD

REALISASI PRODUKSI MINYAK & GAS NASIONALRealization of national oil & gas production

Sumber Source:Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas

Energy & Mineral Resources Ministry and SKK Migas

KONDISI PEREKONOMIAN DAN MIGAS INDONESIA 2014Sepanjang tahun 2014 kondisi ekonomi nasional cenderung mengalami pelambatan pertumbuhan, sebagai dampak dari pelemahan. Selain itu pada tahun 2014 Perusahaan juga dihadapkan pada situasi keterlambatan jadwal beberapa kegiatan produksi dan penurunan harga minyak di pasar dunia karena berlebihnya pasokan, serta kebijakan Pemerintah menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM).

Secara langsung situasi tersebut memang tidak mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan Pertamina EP, mengingat penjualan produksi minyak mentah sepenuhnya untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri yakni unit pengolahan PT Pertamina (Persero). Demikian pula dengan kenaikan harga BBM tidak memberikan pengaruh langsung kepada Perusahaan, karena kegiatan usaha kami berada di sektor hulu.

Namun demikian Pertamina EP tetap dituntut meningkatkan kemampuan maupun volume produksi minyak mentah dan gas bumi (migas). Hal ini untuk menjamin kesinambungan pasokan minyak mentah ke kilang-kilang PT Pertamina (Persero) dan memenuhi kebutuhan produksi migas nasional.

INDONESIAN ECONOMIC CONDITIONS AND OIL & GAS 2014Throughout 2014 the national economic conditions tend to experience a slowdown in growth, as the impact of the global economy. In addition, in 2014 the Company also faced with the decline in oil prices in the world market due to oversupply, as well as government policy in raising the price of fuel.

The situation did not directly affect Pertamina EP’s financial performance, considering the entire crude oil production were sold to meet domestic needs of the processing unit of PT Pertamina (Persero). Similarly, the increase in fuel prices did not give direct effect to the Company, as our business activities are in the upstream sector.

However Pertamina EP is still required to increase the capability and production volume of crude oil and natural gas (oil & gas). This is to ensure the continuity of crude oil supply to refineries belonging to PT Pertamina (Persero) and meet the needs of the national oil & gas production.



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LAPORAN DIREKSIBoard of Directors Report

PROSPEK USAHAKebutuhan migas secara nasional diprediksi akan terus memperlihatkan pertumbuhan, yang ditandai dengan permintaan yang meningkat signifikan, seiring bertumbuhnya perekonomian Indonesia. Kondisi ini menciptakan potensi pasar bagi optimalisasi perolehan pendapatan pada tahun-tahun mendatang.

Berbagai kendala maupun tantangan akan tetap kami hadapi dengan cermat, terutama fasilitas produksi yang sudah tua, infrastruktur yang kurang memadai, lahan produksi yang sebagian besar sudah mature/depleted, serta banyaknya struktur maupun sumur idle. Tahun 2014 menjadi catatan khusus bagi kami untuk berbenah diri atas tidak tercapainya target produksi akibat terlambatnya beberapa jadwal proyek yang direncanakan.

Dengan tetap memperhatikan perubahan yang terjadi, kami tetap beroperasi sesuai inisiatif strategis yang telah dirumuskan dalam mencapai target yang ditetapkan dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP). Upaya inisiatif strategis dimulai sejak tahun 2006 dan secara berkesinambungan akan terus dilaksanakan hingga tahun 2035 dengan target peningkatan produksi sebesar 10%.

Dalam hal pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial, Pertamina EP tetap berkomitmen melaksanakan program corporate social responsibility (CSR) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan berkegiatan. Dengan meningkatnya kesejahteraan, maka masyarakat akan memberikan dukungan bagi segala bentuk kegiatan Pertamina EP di lapangan.

BUSINESS PROSPECTSNational oil and gas needs are predicted to continue to show growth, characterized by a significant increase in demand, in line with the growing economy of Indonesia. This condition creates a potential market for revenue optimization in the coming years.

We will remain carefully face various obstacles and challenges, especially the old production facilities, inadequate infrastructure, most production land already mature/depleted, as well as the large number of idle structure and wells. The year 2014 became a special note for us to rectify the failure in meeting production targets due to delays in some project schedule plans.

With regard to the changes, we remain operating according to strategic initiative that has been formulated to achieve the targets set out in the Corporate Long Term Plan (RJPP). The strategic initiative efforts have begun since 2006 and will continue to be implemented continuously until 2035 with a target of production increase by 10%.

In social responsibility fulfillment, Pertamina EP has been implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, which aim to improve the welfare of the community in the vicinity of the Company’s activities. With improved welfare, the community will support all forms of Pertamina EP’s activities in the field.

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Pencarian sumber-sumber cadangan baru minyak dengan eksplorasi lepas pantai (offshore). Tahun 2015, Pertamina EP melakukan persiapan untuk pelaksanaan eksplorasi di Blok Glagah, Kambuna, Sumatra Utara, yang akan dilakukan pada tahun 2016. Blok Glagah sebelumnya dioperasikan Salamander Energy dengan status Technical Assistant Contract (TAC).

Penerapan Pertamina Drilling Way pada Lapangan Bunyu, Asset 5 sebagai percontohan untuk kemudian dikembangkan di lapangan lainnya. Pertamina Drilling Way merupakan strategi menciptakan pendekatan terstandar pelaksanaan praktik-praktik terbaik eksekusi pengeboran dan menjadi gagasan PT Pertamina (Persero) dalam menghadapi keterlambatan pelaksanaan pemboran.

Percepatan pengembangan (monetisasi) struktur temuan eksplorasi, dengan mempercepat tahapan eksplorasi ke tahap pengembangan melalui program percepatan POD yaitu dengan melaksanakan pemboran delineasi bagi struktur-struktur temuan eksplorasi.

Memaksimalkan proyek pengurasan lanjut atau enhanced oil recovery (EOR) pada sumur-sumur yang memasuki tahapan pengurasan lapisan sekunder (secondary recovery) dan lapisan tersier (tertiary recovery), serta mempercepat peak production. Realisasi produksi dari proyek EOR memperlihatkan peningkatan, dengan volume tahun 2014 sebesar 2,181 BOPD dari target 3.260 BOPD, dan pada tahun 2015 ditargetkan mencapai 2.378 BOPD.

Menjaga produksi pada Lapangan-Lapangan eksisting agar tidak mengalami penurunan produksi yang tajam, antara lain melalui pembenahan surface facility, perawatan sumur dan upaya pelaksanaan rencana kerja rendah (reparasi, stimulasi, reopening, reaktifasi, optimasi sumur) dengan perolehan produksi sebesar 9.054 BOPD atau 169% dari target 5.348 BOPD, peningkatan produksi gas bumi dengan mulai berproduksinya CPP Gas Gundih di akhir 2014 serta mengingat cadangan gas bumi terbukti di Indonesia menurut data BP Statistics 2014 mencapai 103,3 triliun kaki kubik. Selain itu, permintaan gas di Indonesia diperkirakan meningkat sekitar 4,8% per tahun antara 2015 hingga 2025.


Search for new sources of oil reserves through offshore exploration. In 2015, Pertamina EP is making preparations for the exploration execution in Glagah Block, Kambuna, North Sumatra, which will be conducted in 2016. Glagah Block was previously operated by Salamander Energy with the status of Technical Assistant Contract (TAC).

Application of Pertamina Drilling Way at Bunyu Field, Asset 5 as a pilot for later developed in other fields. Pertamina Drilling Way is a strategy of creating a standardized approach to the implementation of best practices and execution of drilling and become a concept for PT Pertamina (Persero) to face delays in drilling execution.

Acceleration of structure monetization from exploration discoveries, by accelerating exploration stage to development stage through POD acceleration program, which is conducting delineation drilling for exploration discovery structures.

Maximizing the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in the wells that entered the stage of secondary recovery and tertiary recovery, as well as accelerating the peak production. Production realization of EOR projects showed an increase, with volume in 2014 amounted to 2,181 BOPD from the target 3,260 BOPD, and in 2015 is expected to reach 2,378 BOPD.

Maintain the production at existing fields that did not experience a sharp decline in production, including through the improvement of surface facility, well service and work plan execution efforts (repair, stimulation, reopening, reactivation, well optimization) with production of 9,054 BOPD or 169% of the target at 5,348 BOPD, an increase in natural gas production with the start of production at Gundih Gas CPP by the end of 2014 as well as the proven natural gas reserves in Indonesia, according to data from Central Bureau of Statistics 2014 reached 103.3 trillion cubic feet. In addition, the gas demand in Indonesia is estimated to increase by approximately 4.8% per year between 2015 and 2025.






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LAPORAN DIREKSIBoard of Directors Report

KINERJA BISNIS PERTAMINA EP TAHUN 2014Sepanjang tahun 2014 kami telah berupaya memenuhi target Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2014, yang merupakan bagian dari Rencana Jangka Panjang (RJP) Pertamina EP.

PERTAMINA EP BUSINESS PERFORMANCE 2014Throughout 2014, we have strived to meet the target of the Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) in 2014, which was part of Pertamina EP’s Long Term Plan (RJP).


PEMENUHAN RKAP 2014Fulfillment of Corporate

Work Plan & Budget 2014



Survei Eksplorasi (3D) 2,125 2,209 104% Exploration survey (3D)

Studi G&G 13 11 85% G&G Study

Pemboran 12 9 75% Drilling

Produksi Minyak (BOPD) 128,000 117,030 91% Oil Production

Produksi Gas (MMSCFD) 1,072 1,044 97% Gas Production

Penemuan Cadangan Eksplorasi (2C-Inplace) 337 522 155% Discovery of exploration reserves

(2C-Inplace)Penemuan Cadangan Eksplorasi

(2C-RR) 179 179 100% Discovery of exploration reserves (2C-RR)

REALISASI RENCANA JANGKA PANJANG PERUSAHAAN DI TAHUN 2014 [G4-44]Realization of Long Term Corporate Plan in 2014

Realisasi RKAP Produksi Minyak

91%RKAP Realization of Oil Production

Realisasi RKAP Produksi Gas

97%RKAP Realization of Gas Production

Sepanjang tahun 2014, kegiatan eksplorasi telah menyelesaikan pemboran eksplorasi sebanyak 9 sumur. Besarnya realisasi tambahan cadangan (2C RR) adalah 79 MMBO dan 578 BCFG atau setara 179 MMBOE. Realisasi tersebut mencapai 100 % target RKAP Catatan penting dari upaya pencarian cadangan baru migas adalah keberhasilan penerapan pola stratigrafi (stratigrafic play) oleh Tim Appraisal Project Jawa 2, yang telah dapat menemukan sumber migas di Sumur Jati Asri-01 (JAS-01), Field Subang di area Asset 3. Penerapan stratigrafic play merupakan sebuah inovasi, karena selama ini lazimnya menggunakan pendekatan pola struktural (structural play). Sumur JAS-01 sukses menambah produksi migas Perusahaan menyusul selesainya program put on production pada 20 Juni 2014.

Throughout 2014, exploration activities have been able to complete exploration drilling for 9 wells. The volume of additional reserves (2C RR) realization was 79 MMBO and 578 BCFG or equivalent 179 MMBOE. The realization reached 100% of RKAP target.

The highlight of the search for new oil & gas reserves was the successful implementation of the stratigraphic play by the Appraisal Team of Java 2 Project, which has been able to find a source of oil & gas in Jati Asri-01 Well (JAS-01), Subang Field, in Asset 3. The application of stratigraphic play is an innovation, after having been normally using the structural play approach. JAS-01 Well successfully increased the Company’s oil & gas production following the completion of put on production program on June 20, 2014.

Realisasi produksi minyak mentah pada tahun 2014 mencapai 117.030 BOPD, yang mencapai 91% dari target RKAP. Angka tersebut merupakan realisasi produksi (observed) yang diukur di Stasiun Pengumpul (SP) dan Stasiun Pengumpul Utama (SPU) dari setiap Field, yang digunakan sebagai acuan untuk memonitor dan mengevaluasi kinerja operasi produksi. Sedangkan jika berdasarkan angka produksi minyak standard condition yang diukur di setiap Pusat Penampung Produksi (PPP) dan Terminal, oleh team operasi produksi dan Akuntansi Keuangan Minyak, realisasi produksi adalah sebesar 116.115 BOPD. Di sisi lain, produksi gas sebesar 1.044 MMSCFD, atau 97% dari target RKAP.

Realization of crude oil production in 2014 reached 117,030 BOPD, which was 91% of RKAP target. This figure was the observed production realization as measured at Gathering Station (SP) and the Main Gathering Station (SPU) of each field, which is used as a benchmark to monitor and evaluate the operating performance of production. Meanwhile, based on standard condition of oil production figures in each Container Production Center (PPP) and the Terminal measured by the operation team and the Oil Financial Accounting, the actual production amounted to 116,115 BOPD. On the other hand, gas production amounted to 1,044 MMSCFD, or 97% of the RKAP target.

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KEBIJAKAN UNTUK MENUNJANG PENCAPAIAN TARGET 2014Policy to Support Achievement of 2014 Target

Penyediaan fasilitas baru yang handal, aman, ramah lingkungan dan ekonomis di field existing dan field baru yang sesuai dengan standar industri perminyakan dan gas kelas dunia.

Pengelolaan sistem pemeliharaan dan improvement fasilitas existing sehingga mempunyai tingkat keandalan (reliability) dan ketersediaan (availability) operasi yang tinggi.

Optimalisasi penggunaan dan pemanfaatan fasilitas existing sehingga mempunyai tingkat pemakaian (utilisasi) yang cukup tinggi.

Peningkatan kompetensi dan keahlian tenaga kerja melalui pelatihan dan sertifikasi yang memenuhi standar industri perminyakan dan gas kelas dunia.

The provision of new facilities that are reliable, safe, environmentally friendly and economical in existing and new fields in accordance with world standard of oil and gas industry.

Management of maintenance system and improvement of existing facilities in order to have high reliability and high operational availability.

Optimizing the use and utilization of existing facilities in order to have fairly high utilization.

Increased competence and expertise of the workforce through training and certification that meet world standards of oil and gas industry.





Faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian tersebut adalah cuaca buruk, low & off sumur-sumur produksi, kenaikan kadar air yang tinggi di beberapa Field, serta belum optimalnya kinerja Fasilitas CPP Gundih.

Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi tidak tercapainya target lifting minyak:• Beberapa KKKS belum dapat melakukan

kegiatan karena gangguan fasilitas produksi dan offtaker, antara lain kendala sumur dan fasilitas produksi, unplanned shutdown dan kendala dari offtaker dalam proses lifting.

• Mundurnya jadwal proyek onstream, seperti Banyu Urip, Lapangan Bukit Tua, Lapangan Kerendan, Lapangan Ridho, Lapangan Bayan dan Lapangan Sampoerna.

• Kendala operasional, seperti hasil pemboran yang tidak sesuai target, kendala teknis operasi produksi, keterlambatan pengadaan fasilitas dan peralatan produksi, kendala perijinan dan gangguan pencurian dan keamanan serta illegal tapping.

Factors affecting the achievement are bad weather, production wells low & off, high rise of water content in several Fields, and not optima performance of CPP Gundih facility.

Some factors has affected unaccomplished target of lifting oil, as follows:• Some KKKS were not able to conduct activities due

to disruption of production facilities and off-taker, among others, constraints on wells and production facilities, unplanned shutdown and constraints from the off-taker during the lifting process.

• Delay of onstream project schedule, such as in Banyu Urip, Lapangan Bukit Tua, Kerendan Field, Ridho Field, Bayan Field and Sampoerna Field.

• Operational constraints, such unaccomplished drilling target, technical constraints on production operations, delays in procurement of facilities and equipment production, licensing constraints and disturbances of thievery and security as well as illegal tapping.

KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN PERUSAHAAN DI TAHUN 2014Segenap upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan volume produksi migas, tetap dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan praktik-praktik terbaik pengelolaan kualitas, kesehatan dan keselamatan, keamanan dan lingkungan. Pada bulan Maret 2014, Perusahaan memberlakukan Kebijakan Quality, Health, Safety, Security & Environment (QHSSE).

Objektivitas dari Kebijakan QHSSE adalah nihil insiden dan risiko keamanan yang terkelola serta mutu yang terpercaya sesuai QHSSE. Selanjutnya kebijakan ini menjadi hal yang harus dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan seluruh Asset maupun fungsi pendukung lainnya di lingkungan Pertamina EP, serta para mitra kerja.

CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE IN 2014All efforts to improve the capacity and volume of oil & gas production, continued to be carried out with due regard to best practices of management of quality, health and safety, security and environment. In March 2014, the Company enforces Quality, Health, Safety, Security & Environment (QHSSE) Policy.

The objectives of QHSSE policy are zero incident and manageable security risks, as well as trusted quality according to QHSSE. Furthermore, these policies must be adhered to and implemented in the entire Assets and other support functions within Pertamina EP, as well as business partners.

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LAPORAN DIREKSIBoard of Directors Report

Kami juga telah memulai proyek percontohan penerapan Pertamina Drilling Way (PDW) pada lokasi pengeboran di Field Bunyu, Asset 5. PDW digagas oleh PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai induk perusahaan, dan merupakan strategi untuk menciptakan pendekatan terstandar serta best practice untuk drilling execution end-to-end. Hasilnya berdasarkan penilaian dari Komite Drilling PT Pertamina (Persero), pengeboran Field Bunyu dinyatakan lolos passing grade dengan perolehan nilai 72,27 dari angka 60 sebagai batas minimal.

Sepanjang tahun 2014, Pertamina EP juga berupaya memenuhi tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. Hal tersebut diwujudkan antara lain melalui pelaksanaan program corporate social responsibility (CSR) yakni pembentukan Pusat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pertamina (PPMP). Keberadaan PPMP merupakan tempat pelatihan ketrampilan wirausaha masyarakat di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan berkegiatan, sesuai potensi sumber daya yang ada.

Komitmen Pertamina EP dalam mengelola lingkungan, diwujudkan dalam kesertaan masing-masing Lapangan pada proses penilaian PROPER 2014 oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Hasil penilaian menyatakan bahwa Lapangan yang dikelola Perusahaan maupun kemitraan, memperoleh peringkat PROPER Hijau dan PROPER Biru. Peringkat tersebut menandakan bahwa pengelolaan lingkungan yang dilaksanakan masing-masing Lapangan, telah memenuhi ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. [G4-15]

Kami juga meneruskan program konservasi satwa langka dan penanaman pohon, sebagai bentuk dukungan pada upaya bersama mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca yang pada tahun 2014 mencapai nilai 698.899,84 tonCO2eq. Total akumulasi penurunan dari tahun 2010 adalah 1.992.673,5 tonCO2eq atau 25,52%. Sementara di Field Subang, Asset 3 tengah dilakukan ujicoba pemanfaatan CO2 dalam proyek EOR, yang berpotensi mendatangkan keuntungan bagi Perusahaan berupa insentif karbon kredit. [G4-EN19]

We also have started a pilot project on the implementation of Pertamina Drilling Way (PDW) at drilling sites in Bunyu Field, Asset 5. PDW was initiated by PT Pertamina (Persero) as the parent company, and a strategy for creating a standardized approach and best practice of end-to-end drilling execution. The results based on an assessment by Drilling Committee of PT Pertamina (Persero), Bunyu Field drilling reached a passing grade 72.27 of minimum grade 60.

Throughout 2014, Pertamina EP also strived to meet social and environmental responsibility. This was manifested, among others, by the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) through establishment of Pertamina Pertamina Community Empowerment Center (PPMP). The PPMP is an entrepreneurship skills training center for the community around the Company’s operating sites, according to the existing potential resources.

Pertamina EP’s commitment in managing the environment was manifested in the participation of each field in 2014 PROPER assessment process by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The assessment results stated the Company's own operation and partnership fields earned, obtaining Green PROPER and Blue PROPER. The ratings indicate that the environmental management performed by each field has complied with the applicable legislation. [G4-15]

We are also continuing conservation programs of endangered species and tree planting, as a support to the joint efforts of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in 2014, which reached 698,899.84 tonCO2eq. Total accumulation emission reduction since 2010 was 1,992,673.5 tonCO2eq or 25.52%. While in Subang Field, Asset 3, utilization of CO2 trials in EOR projects are underway, which could potentially generate profit for the company in the form of carbon credit incentives. [G4-EN19]

TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAANPenerapan tata kelola perusahaan (GCG) di Pertamina EP dilaksanakan secara bertahap, dimulai dengan pemahaman secara mendalam dengan menyusun dasar etika kerja dan bisnis yang disesuaikan dengan visi perusahaan, hingga konsolidasi manusia dan sistem. Saat ini Perusahaan berada pada tahap ketiga, yaitu perbaikan terus menerus dilakukan untuk peningkatan awareness terhadap GCG, pengembangan GCG berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip GCG meliputi pengendalian internal, whistleblowing system dan GCG assessment.

CORPORATE GOVERNANCEGood Corporate Governance (GCG) in Pertamina EP is implemented gradually, starting with in-depth understanding by formulating basis of of work and business ethics that are tailored to the company's vision, to people and system consolidation. Currently the Company is at the third stage, ie continuous improvements to raise awareness of GCG, the development of GCG based on its principles, which include internal control, whistleblowing system and GCG assessment.

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Seiring upaya mewujudkan visi menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia, Pertamina EP terus meningkatkan penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik tata kelola. Setiap tahun kami melakukan pengembangan pada modul e-learning Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Compliance.

Di tahun 2014 Perusahaan memberlakukan modul e-learning GCG Compliance 2014, yang bersifat wajib bagi seluruh pekerja Pertamina EP. Proses pembuatan dan pengembangan e-learning GCG Compliance 2014 melibatkan para pekerja dari seluruh Asset.

Langkah strategis lain untuk mendorong penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik tata kelola, adalah memberlakukan tata kelola surat menyurat dan adminstrasi terpadu berbasis elektronik atau e-Correspondence. Penerapan e-Correspondence memiliki keuntungan yakni keamanan yang terjamin dan lebih efisien serta meniadakan hambatan komunikasi.

Sementara untuk bidang keuangan, Pertamina EP menerapkan inovasi PO-Tax Tracking. Melalui inovasi ini, maka informasi penghitungan pajak akan terintegrasi informasinya, sehingga bisa menghindarkan pembayaran yang seharusnya tidak ada atau sudah terbayarkan sebelumnya.

PERUBAHAN KOMPOSISI ANGGOTA DIREKSI [G4-13]Berdasarkan Keputusan Pemegang Saham secara sirkuler pada tanggal 10 November 2014, Pemegang Saham memberhentikan dengan hormat Beni Jafilius Ibradi AD sebagai Direktur Produksi dan Operasi dan mengangkat Riyanto Suwarno sebagai Pj. Direktur Produksi dan Operasi.

CHANGES IN BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ COMPOSITION [G4-13]According to the Circular Resolution of Shareholders on November 10, 2014, the Shareholders honorably dismissed Beni Jafilius Ibradi AD as Director of Production and Operation and appointed Riyanto Suwarno as Acting. Director of Production and Operation.

As an effort to realize the vision of becoming a world-class company, Pertamina EP continues to improve the application of governance best practices. Every year we develop e-learning module of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Compliance.

In 2014, the Company applied e-learning modules of GCG Compliance 2014, which is mandatory for all employees of Pertamina EP. The process of making and development of GCG Compliance e-learning 2014 involved the employees of all Assets.

Another strategic move to support the adoption of best practices of governance is to apply electronic-based integrated governance of correspondence and administration or e-Correspondence. The implementation of e-Correspondence has the advantage of guaranteed security, more efficient and to eliminate communication barriers.

As for the financial sector, Pertamina EP applies PO-Tax Tracking innovation. Through this innovation, the tax calculation information will be integrated, so they can avoid the payment that should not exist or have been paid in advance.

ANGGOTA DEWAN DIREKSIBoard of Directors’ Member




Adriansyah Presiden Direktur President Director Pria Male 20 November 2013 – 31 Desember 2014November 20, 2013 - December 31, 2014

Doddy Priambodo

Direktur Eksplorasi dan Penemuan Cadangan BaruExploration and New Discovery Project Director

Pria Male 10 Mei 2011 – 31 Desember 2014May 10, 2011 - December 31, 2014

Riyanto Suwarno PJ. Direktur Produksi dan OperasiActing Production and Operation Director Pria Male 10 November 2014 – 31 Desember 2014

November 10, 2014 - December 31, 2014

Beni Jafilius Ibradi AD Direktur Produksi dan OperasiProduction and Operation Director Pria Male 20 September 2013 – 9 November 2014

September 20, 2013 - November 9, 2014

Satoto Agustono Direktur PengembanganDevelopment Director Pria Male 20 September 2013 – 31 Desember 2014

September 20, 2013 - November 9, 2014

Lukitaningsih Direktur Keuangan dan Pendukung BisnisFinance & Business Support Director

Wanita Female

23 Februari 2012 – 31 Desember 2014February 23, 2012 - December 31, 2014

KOMPOSISI DIREKSI [G4-34]Board of Directors’ composition

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PROFIL DIREKSIBoard of Directors Profile

ADRIANSYAHPresident Director

DODDY PRIAMBODOExploration and New Discovery

Project Director

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1989 dan bergabung di PT Pertamina EP tahun 2005. Menjabatsebagai Direktur Eksplorasi dan Penemuan Cadangan Baru sejak tanggal 10 Mei 2011.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Geologi di Universitas GajahMada (1988) dan meraih gelar Master Geologi (2003) di Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Vice President Area Asia & South America di PT Pertamina Hulu Energi

He started his career at PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2005. Serving as Exploration and New Discovery Project Director since May 10, 2011.

Earned a Bachelor of Geological Engineering from Gajah Mada University (1988) and Master of Geology from Bandung Institute of Technology (2003).

Previously, he served as Vice President of Asia & South America Area at PT Pertamina Hulu Energi

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1988 dan mendapat mandat sebagai Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP pada 20 November 2013.

Meraih gelar Sarjana dan Magister Teknik Geosifisika dari Institut Tekhnologi Bandung dan PhD di bidang Geoscience dari University of Texas. Adriansyah aktif terlibat dalam kegiatan asosiasi IAGI, dan HAGI.

Pada tahun 2011 menjadi SVP Upstream Business Development, dan bulan Mei 2013 beliau bergabung dengan Pertamina Geothermal Energy sebagai Direktur Utama

He started his career at PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1988 and has been mandated as President Director of PT Pertamina EP on November 20, 2013.

He earned Bachelor and Master of Geophysics Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology and PhD of Geo-science from University of Texas. Adriansyah is actively involved in the activities of IAGI and HAGI associations.

In 2011 he was appointed SVP of Upstream Business Development, and in May 2013 he joined Pertamina Geothermal Energy as President Director

SATOTO AGUSTONODevelopment Director

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1989 dan bergabung di PT Pertamina EP tahun 2005. Menjabat sebagaiDirektur Pengembangan sejak September 2013.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Mesin Universitas Trisakti Jakarta (1988) dan Magister Manajemen Universitas DR.Soetomo Surabaya (2003).

Sebelumnya pada Februari 2009 dilantik sebagai General Manager UBEP Sangasanga & Tarakan PT Pertamina EP. Pada Maret 2011 dilantik sebagai General Manager Region KTI (sekarang Asset 5).

He started his career at PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2005. Serving as Development Director since September 2013.

Earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Trisakti University, Jakarta, in 1988 and Master of Management from DR. Soetomo University, Surabaya (2003).

Previously, he was appointed General Manager of UBEP Sangasanga & Tarakan at PT Pertamina EP in February 2009. In March 2011, he was inaugurated as General Manager of EIR (now Asset 5).

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LUKITANINGSIHFinance & Business Support Director

RIYANTO SUWARNO PJ. Production & Operation Director

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1989 dan menjabat sebagai Direktur Produksi dan Operasi pada 10 November 2014.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Geologi dari Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung di tahun 1985. Aktif mengikuti berbagai pelatihan antara lain Basic Fundamentals of Development Geology, Analisa Investasi Kasus Minyak Bumi for Eksekutif, dan Keekonomian Usaha Upstream Industri Migas.

He started his career at PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and serving as Production and Operations Director since November 10, 2014.

Earned a Bachelor of Geology from Padjajaran University, Bandung, in 1985. He actively participated in various training programs such as Basic Fundamentals of Development Geology, Oil Case Investment Analysis for Executives, and the Economy of Oil & Gas Upstream Industry.

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 1983 dan bergabung di PT Pertamina EP tahun 2008. Menjabat sebagai Direktur Keuangan pada 23 Februari 2012.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi Akuntansi Universitas Gajah Mada (1983) dan Magister Manajemen di bidang Ekonomi dari Universitas Gajah Mada (1998).

Sebelumnya pada tahun 2003, ditugaskan di Direktorat Keuangan Pertamina sebagai Manajer Pengadaan Valas dan Hutang Jangka Panjang.

She started her career at PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1983 and joined PT Pertamina EP in 2008. Serving as Finance Director since February 23, 2012.

Earned a Bachelor of Accounting from Gajah Mada University (1983) and Master of Management from Gajah Mada University (1998).

Previously in 2003, she was assigned at Finance Directorate of Pertamina as Foreign Exchange Procurement and Long term Debt Manager.

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PERNYATAAN TANGGUNG JAWAB ATAS LAPORAN TAHUNAN TERINTEGRASI 2014 [G4-48]Statement of Responsibility for 2014 Integrated Annual Report

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bahwa semua informasi dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi PT Pertamina EP tahun 2014 telah dimuat secara lengkap dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran isi Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi ini. Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya.

We, the undersigned acknowledge that all information contained in 2014 Integrated Annual Report of PT Pertamina EP is completely correct and take a full responsibility of the validity of this Integrated Annual Report. This statement is made truthfully.

DEWAN KOMISARISBoard of Commissioners

MUHAMAD HUSENKomisaris Utama

President Commissioners01 Agustus 2009 - 31 Desember 201401 August 2009 - 31 December 2014


Commissioner4 Maret 2014 - 31 Desember 20144 March 2014 - 31 December 2014


Commissioner12 Juli 2010 - 31 Desember 201412 July 2010 - 31 December 2014


Commissioner26 November 2014 - 31 Desember 201426 November 2014 - 31 December 2014


Commissioner4 Maret 2014 – 31 Oktober 20144 March 2014 - 31 October 2014

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DEWAN DIREKSIBoard of Directors

RIYANTO SUWARNOPJ. Direktur Produksi dan Operasi

PJ. Production & Operation Director10 November 2014- 31 Desember 201410 November 2014 - 31 December 2014

LUKITANINGSIHDirektur Keuangan dan Pendukung Bisnis

Finance & Business Support Director23 Februari 2012 - 31 Desember 201423 February 2012 - 31 December 2014

BENI JAFILIUS IBRADI ADDirektur Produksi dan Operasi

Production & Operation Director20 September 2013 - 10 November 201420 September 2013 - 10 November 2014

DODDY PRIAMBODODirektur Eksplorasi dan Penemuan Cadangan Baru

Exploration and New Discovery Project Director10 Mei 2011 - 31 Desember 201410 May 2011 - 31 December 2014

ADRIANSYAHPresiden DirekturPresident Director

20 November 2013 - 31 Desember 201420 November 2013 - 31 December 2014

SATOTO AGUSTONODirektur Pengembangan

Development Director20 September 2013 - 31 Desember 201420 September 2013 - 31 December 2014

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion and Analysis

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2,181BOPDRealisasi Produksi

Proyek EORProduction Realization

of EOR Project

Pertamina EP menjaga laju penurunan produksi alamiah melalui pembenahan surface facility, perawatan sumur dan memaksimalkan proyek pengurasan lanjut atau Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

Pertamina EP maintains natural decline rate through improvement of surface facility, well services and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) maximization

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion and Analysis

PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA 2014 DAN PROSPEK KE DEPANSepanjang tahun 2014, perekonomian Indonesia mengalami perlambatan, ditandai dengan menurunnya pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) menyebutkan realisasi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2014 sebesar 5,1 persen, lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan prediksi yang sebesar 5,3 persen. Kondisi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh lambatnya pemulihan investasi nasional setelah pelaksanaan Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2014, sementara pasar ekspor berada dalam kondisi tidak menentu. Selain itu, melemahnya ekonomi beberapa negara besar di Asia Tenggara, termasuk Filipina, Singapura, dan Thailand, turut mempengaruhi kondisi ekonomi Indonesia. Di sisi lain, kenaikan harga bahan bakar (BBM) juga memberikan ekspektasi peningkatan inflasi nasional.

Meskipun demikian, perlambatan perekonomian Indonesia diperkirakan tidak akan berlanjut pada tahun 2015. Bank Dunia memperkirakan bahwa pembelanjaan pasar domestik Indonesia dan kuatnya iklim investasi akan mampu menopang pertumbuhan di tahun depan. Hal ini senada dengan prediksi Bank Indonesia, yang menilai bahwa pengeluaran pemerintah dan investasi swasta menjadi kunci pertumbuhan ekonomi tahun depan. Bank Indonesia memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi mulai meningkat pada kuartal I/2015 dan mencapai 5,4-5,8 persen untuk sepanjang 2015.

INDONESIA'S ECONOMY IN 2014 AND FUTURE PROSPECTSThroughout 2014, the Indonesian economy experienced a slowdown, marked by a decline in national economic growth. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded the Indonesian economic growth in 2014 was at 5.1 percent, below the prediction at 5.3 percent. The condition was due to the slowdown of national investment recovery after General Election 2014, while export market was in uncertain condition. Moreover, the economic slowdown in the major countries of Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, also affected Indonesian economic condition. On the other hand, the fuel price hike also provided national inflation increase expectation.

Nevertheless, the Indonesian economy slowdown is not expected to continue in 2015. The World Bank estimates that spending of Indonesian domestic market and robust investment climate will be able to sustain growth in the following year. This is in line with the predictions of Bank Indonesia, which considered that government spending and private investment are the key of economic growth next year. Bank Indonesia forecasts the economic growth began to increase in the first quarter of 2015 and reached 5.4 to 5.8 percent throughout 2015.


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INFLASITingkat inflasi sepanjang tahun 2014 mencapai sebesar 8,36 persen, atau lebih tinggi dari target inflasi dalam APBNP Tahun 2014 yang sebesar 5,3 persen. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) bersubsidi pada November 2014 dan peningkatan harga barang impor akibat pelemahan nilai tukar Rupiah.

INFLATIONThe inflation rate during 2014 reached 8.36 percent, or higher than the inflation target in 2014 Revised State Budget of 5.3 percent. It is influenced by the increase in the price of oil fuel (BBM) in November 2014 and the increase in the price of imported goods due to the weakening of the rupiah.

NILAI TUKAR MATA UANGDi akhir tahun 2014, nilai tukar Rupiah mengalami pelemahan terhadap USD dan sempat dinyatakan berada di bawah tingkat harga keseimbangan pasar atau undervalued dalam titik terendah yaitu Rp12.900. Pelemahan nilai tukar Rupiah tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kondisi internal dan eksternal. Di lingkup internal, tingginya permintaan dalam USD menjadi pemicu melemahnya Rupiah, yang disebabkan oleh banyaknya perusahaan dalam negeri yang membayar utang dalam bentuk USD. Di sisi lain, perkembangan ekonomi dunia yang dinamis akibat ditariknya dana global dari negara-negara berkembang juga turut mempengaruhi nilai tukar Rupiah.

Pemerintah mengungkapkan bahwa dampakpelemahan kurs rupiah terhadap dolar baruakan terlihat dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) Tahun 2015.

Pada tahun 2015, tantangan global diprediksi masih akan dihadapi. Potensi penguatan USD masih akan tetap berlanjut. Namun, nilai tukar Rupiah diprediksi akan membaik sebagai akibat fundamental ekonomi Indonesia yang semakin baik.

CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATEAt the end of 2014, the rupiah weakened against the US dollar and was declared to be below the market equilibrium price level or undervalued at the lowest point of IDR 12,900. The weakening of rupiah was caused by internal and external conditions. Internally, the high demand for US dollar triggered the weakening rupiah, which was caused by a number of domestic companies who pay their debts in US dollar. On the other hand, the dynamic world economy development due to the global fund withdrawal from developing countries, also affected the value of rupiah.

The Government revealed that the impact of the weakening of rupiah against dollar would only be seen in the 2015 State Budget.

In 2015, it is predicted that there will remain global challenges. The strengthening of US dollar potentially will continue. However, rupiah rate is expected to improve as a result of Indonesia's economic fundamentals that are getting better.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

INDUSTRI MIGAS NASIONALData Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyebutkan bahwa produksi minyak hingga Desember 2014 hanya mencapai 794.000 barel per hari (BPH), lebih rendah dibandingkan target yang tercantum dalam Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara-Perubahan 2014 (APBN-P) yang sebesar 818.000 BPH. Angka produksi gas bumi Indonesia tahun 2014 mencapai 1.218 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) atau masih di bawah target APBN-P 2014 yang sebesar 1.224 MMSCFD.

NATIONAL OIL & GAS INDUSTRYData from Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) showed that oil production up to December 2014 only reached 794,000 barrels per day (BPD), lower than the target set in the 2014 Revised State Budget which amounted to 818,000 BPD. Indonesia's natural gas production in 2014 reached 1,218 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or below the target in the 2014 Revised State Budget (APBN-P) amounted to 1,224 MMSCFD.

PRODUKSI MIGAS NASIONALNational Oil and Gas Production


Realization of Oil and Gas Revenue of 2014 Revised State Budget

794,000BOPD 1,218MMCFD


Realization of national oil production


Realization of national gas production


Salah satu kendala utama dalam pencapaian kinerja industri migas adalah masalah perizinan, baik di hulu maupun di hilir. Untuk menghadapi hal tersebut, mulai tahun 2014, Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan pembenahan dalam hal perizinan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi. SKK Migas mengungkapkan target produksi migas memangkas perizinan terkait minyak dan gas bumi, dari sebelumnya 289 bentuk perizinan menjadi hanya 69 perizinan.

Di sisi lain, pencapaian realisasi penerimaan Migas (PPh, SDA dan PNBP lainnya) hingga 31 Desember 2014 adalah sebesar Rp320,254 triliun atau 103% dari target APBN-P 2014 sebesar Rp309,933 triliun.

Di tahun 2015, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) memprediksi tidak tercapainya target produksi migas masih akan terjadi. IPA memperkirakan realisasi produksi minyak nasional tahun depan berada di angka 845 ribu barel per hari (BPH), di bawah target lifting minyak yang dicantumkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2015 sebesar 900 ribu BPH.

One of the major obstacles in performance achievement of oil & gas industry is licensing, both upstream and downstream. To address this, the Government of Indonesia in 2014 reformed the upstream oil & gas licensing. SKK Migas revealed that it had streamlined the oil & gas licensing process, from the previous 289 to only 69 forms of licenses.

On the other hand, the realization of oil & gas revenues (income tax, natural resources and other non-tax revenues) up to December 31, 2014 was IDR 320.254 trillion, or 103% of the 2014 Revised State Budget (APBN-P) target of IDR 309.933 trillion.

In 2015, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) predicted there would remain the shortfall of oil & gas production target. IPA estimated that next year's national oil production would be at 845,000 barrels per day (BPD), below the oil lifting target set in the 2015 State Budget (APBN) at 900,000 BPD.

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PROYEKSI ENERGI KE DEPAN DAN MASYARAKAT EKONOMI ASEANPenunjukan direksi baru PT Pertamina (Persero) memberikan arah prioritas kerja Pertamina EP, yaitu penciptaan dan peningkatan nilai tambah perusahaan, efisiensi dalam proses produksi ataupun bisnis, serta peningkatan transparansi bisnis. Dalam upaya mencapai target kinerja, Pertamina EP menetapkan proyeksi ke depan dalam eksplorasi, eksploitasi, dan komersialitas.

The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 menyebutkan posisi daya saing Indonesia berada di level 34, meningkat empat level dibandingkan posisi tahun sebelumnya yang berada di level 38. Hal ini memberikan modal penting bagi Indonesia untuk menghadapi diterapkannya kerja sama Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) akhir 2015. Pemberlakuan MEA akan memberikan peluang sekaligus tantangan bagi Pertamina EP.

ENERGY FORWARD PROJECTION AND ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY The appointment of new directors of PT Pertamina (Persero) has set a direction of Pertamina EP’s priority of works, which are the creation and enhancement of the company’s added value, efficiency in production processes or business, as well as increased business transparency. In an effort to achieve performance targets, Pertamina EP established forward projections in the exploration, exploitation, and commerciality.

The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 revealed that Indonesia's competitiveness ranked 34th, an increase by four levels compared to the previous year which was at 38. This becomes an important asset for Indonesia to face the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by the end of 2015. Implementation of AEC provides opportunity and challenge to Pertamina EP.

Tantangan Industri Migas

Pada tanggal 22 Mei 2014 Konferensi Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) yang ke 38, menyampaikan tantangan industri migas terkait dengan struktur geologi yang semakin

kompleks dan membuat jumlah penemuan migas semakin berkurang. Jarak antara

permintaan dan pasokan migas semakin melebar dan hal ini dapat mengancam

perekonomian Indonesia. Di tahun 2025, diperkirakan perbedaan ini melebihi 2 juta BOE

per hari.

Melihat kondisi ini, Pertamina EP berupaya memanfaatkan teknologi dan sumber daya

manusia yang kompeten untuk mencari cadangan minyak baru. Selain itu, Pertamina

EP juga aktif memberikan saran bagi para regulator agar mereka mampu menyusun

regulasi yang tepat sasaran dan memberikan rasa aman bagi pelaksana industri migas.

Oil & Gas Industry Challenges

On May 22, 2014, the 38th Conference of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) revealed oil & gas industry challenges due to geological structures that became increasingly complex and decreasing the number of oil & gas discoveries. The widening gap between demand and supply of oil & gas could threaten Indonesia’s economy. In 2025, the difference was estimated to exceed 2 million BOE per day.

Seeing this condition, Pertamina EP strives to utilize technology and competent human resources to find new oil reserves. In addition, Pertamina EP has also been active in providing advice to regulators so that they are able to draw up effective regulations and provide security for the oil & gas industry players.

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Pertamina EP mengelola industri hulu minyak dan gas (migas), dengan tiga kegiatan utama, yakni:1. Kegiatan ekploitasi, terbagi menjadi segmen

minyak mentah dan segmen gas bumi;2. Kegiatan eksplorasi serta pengembangan untuk

mendapatkan cadangan baru dan menunjang kesinambungan produksi;

3. Kegiatan komersialitas.

Proses bisnis Pertamina EP mengintegrasikan tiga aktivitas tersebut untuk meraih kinerja dan hasil yang optimal.

PT Pertamina EP operates upstream oil and gas industry (oil & gas), with three main activities, namely:1. Exploitation activities, divided into segments of

crude oil and natural gas;2. Exploration activities and development to

find new reserves and support the production continuity;

3. Commerciality activities.

Pertamina EP’s business process integrates the three activities to achieve optimal performance and results.

TINJAUAN OPERASIOperational Review

ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion and Analysis

Realisasi Temuan Cadangan (2P) RR

Realization of (2P) RR Reserves Discovery

Realization of Oil Equivalent Production


Realisasi Produksi Setara Minyak


01 KOMERSIALITASCommerciality



PROSES BISNIS PERTAMINA EPBusiness Process of Pertamina EP

• Regional Studies• Lead to Prospect Studies• Post Drill Evaluation• Land & Acquisition Permit

• Oil and Gas Marketing• Oil and Gas Sales • Lifting Coordination

• Integrated Activity Planning• Studies (POS, FEED, EOR, etc)• Production Planning• Survey & Seismic Acquisition• Wells Planning, Execution &

Delivery (Drilling)• Well Workovers, Well Services• Pilot Test/Early Prod. System• Development Execution• EOR Operations Management• O&M Production System

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KEGIATAN INVESTASISecara umum kondisi industri minyak dan gas (migas) di sektor hulu dihadapkan pada pertumbuhan investasi nasional, sebagai dampak dari pertumbuhan investasi global. Nilai investasi hulu migas di Indonesia menurut PT Pertamina (Persero), meningkat rata-rata 13,57 persen per tahun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.

Sebagai perusahaan migas nasional di sektor hulu, Pertamina EP melakukan meningkatkan investasi yang ditujukan untuk pengembangan produksi dan eksplorasi. Total investasi tahun 2014 mencapai USD989 juta, menurun dibanding tahun 2013 sebesar USD1.118 juta.

INVESTMENT ACTIVITIESIn general, the condition of the oil and gas industry (oil & gas) in the upstream sector is faced with the national investment growth, as a result of global investment growth. The value of upstream oil & gas investment in Indonesia by PT Pertamina (Persero), has been increasing by average of 13.57 percent per year in recent years.

As the national oil & gas company in the upstream sector, Pertamina EP increases investments aimed at expanding the production and exploration. Total investment in 2014 reached USD989 million, an increase compared to USD1,118 million in 2013.

KEGIATAN OPERASI PRODUKSIRealisasi produksi minyak mentah Pertamina EP pada tahun 2014 mencapai 117.030 BOPD, menurun dibandingkan produksi tahun 2013 yang sebesar 121.000 BOPD. Sementara, realisasi produksi gas bumi pada tahun 2014 mencapai 1.044 MMSCFD, turun dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 1.072 MMSCFD.

Cadangan minyak mentah terbukti pada tahun 2014 menjadi 1.351.273 MSTB, naik dari 1.166.994 MSTB pada tahun 2013.

PRODUCTION OPERATING ACTIVITIES Realization of Pertamina EP's crude oil production in 2014 reached 117,030 BOPD, decreased compared to production in 2013 at 121,000 BOPD. Meanwhile, the realization of natural gas production in 2014 reached 1,044 MMSCFD, down compared to 1,072 MMSCFD in 2013.

Proven reserves of crude oil in 2014 increased to 1,351,273 MSTB from 1,166,994 MSTB in 2013.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

REALISASI PRODUKSI 2014 DAN TARGET PRODUKSI 2015Produksi minyak mentah Pertamina EP diperoleh dari Lapangan yang dioperasikan sendiri maupun kemitraan. Seluruh minyak mentah yang diproduksi dijual kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan unit pengolahan mereka. [G4-8]

Realisasi produksi minyak mentah tahun 2014 adalah 117.030 barrel oil per day (BOPD), atau 91% dari target Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2014 sebanyak 128.000 BOPD. Kontribusi produksi terbesar didapat dari Asset 4 sebesar 24.146 BOPD atau 21% dari total produksi minyak mentah tahun 2014.

Target produksi minyak mentah tahun 2015 berdasarkan penetapan PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pemegang saham dan RKAP 2015 adalah 115.100 BOPD. Dengan demikian terjadi penurunan target produksi minyak dibandingkan target produksi tahun 2014.

2014 PRODUCTION REALIZATION AND 2015 PRODUCTION TARGET Pertamina EP’s crude oil production derives from own operation or partnership fields. The entire crude oil production is sold to PT Pertamina (Persero) to meet the needs of its processing units. [G4-8]

Realization of crude oil production in 2014 was 117,030 barrels of oil per day (BOPD), or 91% of the Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) target in 2014 at 128,000 BOPD. The biggest contribution to production was from Asset 4 of 24,146 BOPD or 21% of total crude oil production in 2014.

Crude oil production target in 2015 is determined by PT Pertamina (Persero) as shareholder and RKAP 2015 at 115,100 BOPD. Thus, there was a decrease in oil production target compared to the 2014 production target.


Produksi (BOPD) Production (BOPD)

2013 2014 2015

Realisasi Realization Realisasi Realization RKAP % RKAP

Jumlah operasi sendiri Total Own Operation 101,736 99,925 111,271 90% 100,857

Jumlah kemitraan Total partnership 18,851 17,105 16,729 102% 14,243


Jumlah Produksi Pertamina EPTotal Pertamina EP Production 120,588 117,030 128,000 91% 115,100

REALISASI PRODUKSI MINYAK 2014 DAN TARGET PRODUKSI 2015Oil Production Realization in 2014 and 2015 Production Target



Pemenuhan RKAP Produksi minyak

Oil production fulfillment of Corporate Work Plan and Budget


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PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI MINYAK MENTAHSepanjang tahun 2014 kami terus berupaya menambah volume produksi, dengan mempercepat penemuan dan produksi cadangan minyak mentah potensial. Upaya yang dilakukan antara lain menerapkan pola stratigrafi (stratigraphic play), yang merupakan inovasi karena lazimnya digunakan pendekatan pola structural (structural play).

Cara ini terbukti pada Sumur Jati Asri-01, Field Subang di area Asset 3, yang sukses menambah produksi minyak mentah setelah berhasil diproduksikan dari zona DST#3 pada lapisan TAF (interval 2776-2782 m) sebesar 642 BOPD dan dialirkan ke flow line yang dihubungkan ke fasilitas produksi eksisting trunk line Cilamaya - Balongan.

Pertamina EP mengoptimalkan pula produksi minyak mentah dari proyek pengurasan lapisan lanjut atau enhanced oil recovery (EOR) pada Lapangan yang sudah memasuki pengurasan lapisan sekunder (secondary recovery) maupun lapisan tersier (tertiery recovery). Pada tahun 2014 produksi minyak dari proyek EOR mencapai 2.181 BOPD, atau 67% dari target 3.260 BOPD.

CRUDE OIL PRODUCTION INCREASEThroughout 2014, we continued the efforts to increase the volume of production by accelerating the discovery and production of crude oil reserves potential. The efforts include applying stratigraphic play, which is considered an innovation because the approach commonly used was structural play.

This method was proven in Jati Asri-01 Well, Subang Field Asset 3 area, which successfully increased crude oil production after having managed to produce DST#3 zone in layer TAF (interval 2776-2782 m) of 642 BOPD and chanelled into the flow line connected to existing production facilities of Cilamaya - Balongan trunk line.

Pertamina EP also optimized crude oil production from the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project in the fields that have entered the secondary recovery and tertiary recovery. In 2014, oil production from EOR project reached 2,181 BOPD, or 67% of the target 3,260 BOPD.


2014 2015

Realisasi Realization Sasaran Target % Sasaran Target

Jumlah Operasi Sendiri Total Own Operation 2,181 3,255 67% 2,378

REALISASI PRODUKSI MINYAK EOR 2014 DAN TARGET PRODUKSI 2015 (BOPD)EOR Oil Production Realization in 2014 and 2015 Production Target

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

PENGEMBANGAN LAPANGAN OFFSHORE Pada tahun 2014 Pertamina EP menindaklanjuti terminasi kemitraan Technical Assistant Contract (TAC) Blok Glagah, Kambuna, Sumatra Utara dengan pengembangan eksplorasi lepas pantai (off shore). Pemboran pertama di Blok Glagah direncanakan tahun 2016, dan saat ini kami terus melakukan berbagai persiapan.

Pengembangan eksplorasi off shore terbilang baru bagi Pertamina EP. Namun kami telah memiliki pengalaman mengelola Lapangan lepas pantai, yakni Lapangan X-Ray di Indramayu dengan produksi tahun 2014 sebesar 1.351 BOPD. Lapangan lain adalah Poleng di Blok Madura dengan produksi tahun 2014 sebanyak 2.320 BOPD.

CADANGAN MINYAK TERBUKTIGuna menjaga kesinambungan produksi minyak mentah dan memastikan terjaganya ketahanan energi nasional, Pertamina EP sebagai bagian dari PT Pertamina (Persero), terus melakukan pencarian dan penemuan cadangan minyak mentah.

Beberapa upaya menemukan dan mendapatkan cadangan baru minyak mentah selama 2014 telah membuahkan hasil, sehingga cadangan minyak mentah terbukti yang dimiliki Perusahaan menjadi meningkat. Total ada 184.279 MSTB cadangan minyak baru yang ditemukan tahun 2014. Dengan demikian hingga akhir periode pelaporan besaran cadangan minyak terbukti yang dimiliki Pertamina EP adalah 1.351.273,47 MSTB, bertambah dibanding tahun 2013 sebesar 1.166.994 MSTB.

OFFSHORE FIELD DEVELOPMENT In 2014 Pertamina EP followed up the termination of the partnership Technical Assistant Contract (TAC) Glagah Block, Kambuna, North Sumatra with the offshore exploration development. The first drilling of Glagah Block is planned in 2016, and we currently continue to make preparations.

Offshore exploration development is relatively new to Pertamina EP. However we have had experience in operating offshore fields, such as X-Ray Field in Indramayu with production in 2014 amounted to 1,351 BOPD. Another field is Poleng in Madura Block with production in 2014 at 2,320 BOPD.

PROVEN OIL RESERVES In order to maintain continuity of crude oil production and ensure the preservation of national energy security, Pertamina EP as part of PT Pertamina (Persero), continues the search and the discovery of crude oil reserves.

Some efforts to discover and recover new reserves of crude oil during 2014 have paid off, which increased the Company’s proven crude oil reserves. A total of 184,279 MSTB of new oil reserves were discovered in 2014. Thus, by the end of the reporting period the amount of Pertamina EP’s proven oil reserves was 1,351,273.47 MSTB, increased from 1,166,994 MSTB in 2013.

AREA OPERASIOperation Area


2012 2013 2014


Asset 1


217,317 183,626.74

Asset 2 236,261 234,083.66

Asset 3 189,654 282,893.69

Asset 4 32,967 62,671.74

Asset 5 117,902 139,334.67

Proyek Pengembangan Development Project 103,261 5,300 828.82

TAC 190,865 164,255 115,627.34

KSO 69,085 203,918 300,009.83

Jumlah Cadangan Terbukti Pertamina EPTotal Pertamina EP Proven Reserves 1,105,339 1,167,574 1,319,076.49


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With growing production targets, the development of offshore fields is maximized in order to maintain reserve to production ratio

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

REALISASI PRODUKSI 2014 DAN TARGET PRODUKSI 2015Realisasi produksi gas bumi tahun 2014 adalah 1.044 MMSCFD, atau 97% dari target RKAP 2014 sebesar 1.072 MMSCFD. Kontribusi terbesar didapat dari Asset 2 sebanyak 456 MMSCFD, yang mencapai 43% dari total produksi gas bumi tahun 2014.

Adapun untuk target produksi gas tahun 2015 berdasarkan penetapan RKAP 2015, adalah 1.052 MMSCFD. Dengan demikian terjadi penurunan target produksi gas sebesar 1,8% dibandingkan tahun 2014.

PRODUCTION REALIZATION IN 2014 AND 2015 PRODUCTION TARGETRealized natural gas production in 2014 was 1,044 MMSCFD, or 97% of the 2014 RKAP target at 1,072 MMSCFD. The largest contribution was from Asset 2 of 456 MMSCFD, which reached 43% of total natural gas production in 2014.

Meanwhile the 2015 gas production target based on 2015 RKAP is 1,052 MMSCFD. Thus there was a decline in gas production target by 1.8% compared to 2014.

REALISASI PRODUKSI GAS 2014 DAN TARGET PRODUKSI 2015Gas Production Realization in 2014 and 2015 Production Target

Gas bumi yang diproduksi berasal dari sumur gas pada wilayah kerja Pertamina EP, baik di area operasi sendiri maupun kemitraan. Seluruh produksi gas bumi dijual untuk kebutuhan domestik. Sebagian gas bumi yang diproduksi disalurkan langsung kepada konsumen, dan sebagian lagi disalurkan melalui PT Pertagas untuk selanjutnya didistribusikan kepada konsumen.

Natural gas is produced from gas wells in the working area of Pertamina EP, both in the own operation and partnership areas. The entire production of natural gas is sold for domestic needs. Some of the gas production is distributed directly to consumers, and some other is channeled through PT Pertagas to be distributed to consumers.

SEGMEN GAS BUMINatural Gas Segment


Produksi (MMSCFD) Production (MMSCFD)

2013 2014 2015

Realisasi Realization Realisasi Realization RKAP % RKAP

Jumlah operasi sendiri Total Own Operation 992 1,019 1,054 97 1,034

Jumlah kemitraan Total partnership 38.43 26 18 144 18


Jumlah Produksi Pertamina EPTotal Pertamina EP Production 1,031 1,044 1,072 97 1,052

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PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI GAS BUMIMeski dihadapkan pada berbagai kendala, Pertamina EP senantiasa berusaha memenuhi target produksi gas bumi yang telah ditetapkan pemegang saham. Selama tahun 2014 beberapa upaya yang kami lakukan dalam rangka mencapai target produksi gas bumi telah membuahkan hasil.

Di antaranya Proyek Pengembangan Gas Matindok (PPGM) di Blok Matindok. Melalui proses stimulasi (acid job) yang pertama kali dilakukan di lingkungan Perusahaan, dipastikan sumur eksplorasi yang ada telah dapat memproduksi gas bumi. Selanjutnya gas bumi yang diproduksi akan dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi komitmen pasokan gas ke pembeli pada awal tahun 2016, dengan volume dari central processing plants (CPP) Matindok sebesar 55 MMSCFD.

Keberhasilan ini diharapkan mempercepat PPGM berproduksi, untuk menjamin pemenuhan kebutuhan gas domestik yang terus meningkat. PPGM memiliki fasilitas lengkap mulai dari memproduksi gas bumi dari sumur eksplorasi, maupun dari rencana sumur pengembangan meliputi lima Lapangan gas: Donggi, Matindok, Maleo Raja, Sukamaju, dan Minahaki. Hingga akhir tahun 2014 perkembangan pengerjaan PPGM diperkirakan mencapai 21%, dan ditargetkan akan on stream pada akhir tahun 2015, dengan rencana pasokan ke kilang LNG adalah sebesar 85 MMSCFD dan 20 MMSCFD untuk PT PLN (Persero).

NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION INCREASEAlthough faced with many obstacles, Pertamina EP always strives to meet natural gas production target set by shareholders. During 2014 some of our efforts in order to achieve the target of natural gas production has borne fruit.

Among others was Matindok Gas Development Project (PPGM) in Matindok Block. Through the stimulation process (acid job), which was the first to be performed in the Company, the existing exploration wells were ascertained to have been able to produce gas. The natural gas produced then will be used to meet the gas supply commitment to the buyers at the beginning of 2016, with the volume from the central processing plants (CPP) Matindok of 55 MMSCFD.

This success is expected to accelerate PPGM production, to ensure the increasing domestic demand for gas is met. PPGM has complete facilities ranging from producing natural gas from exploration wells, to the development well plan covering five gas fields: Donggi, Matindok, Maleo Raja, Sukamaju, and Minahaki. By the end of 2014, the work progress of PPGM was estimated to have reached 21%, and was targeted to be on stream by the end of 2015, with plans to supply LNG plants amounted to 85 MMSCFD and 20 MMSCFD to PT PLN (Persero).

CADANGAN GAS BUMI TERBUKTIPertamina EP juga meneruskan pencarian dan penemuan cadangan gas bumi, untuk memastikan keberlanjutan produksi gas bumi. Cadangan terbukti pada tahun 2014 sebesar 1.390.614 MBOE, menurun dibandingkan cadangan pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar 1.430.969 MBOE.

PROVEN GAS RESERVESPertamina EP also continued the search and discovery of natural gas reserves, to ensure the sustainability of natural gas production. Proven reserves in 2013 amounted to 1,390,614 MBOE, a decrease compared to 1,430,969 MBOE in 2013.


2012 2013 2014


Asset 1


151,513 204,249

Asset 2 465,230 428,242

Asset 3 197,778 205,512

Asset 4 7,066 84,504

Asset 5 114,140 119,598

Proyek Pengembangan Development Project 266,614 253,151 126,485

TAC 92,737 192,272 186,296.32

KSO 6,067 49,817 43,735.47

Jumlah Cadangan Terbukti Pertamina EPTotal Proven Reserves of Pertamina EP 1,256,799 1,430,967 1,398,622


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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

Produksi minyak mentah dan gas bumi (migas) yang menjadi bidang usaha Pertamina EP bersifat tidak bisa diperbaharui. Suatu saat cadangan yang ada pada sumur produksi-sumur produksi yang ada dapat saja habis. Untuk itulah Perusahaan secara berkesinambungan melakukan upaya pencarian dan penemuan cadangan baru migas melalui kegiatan eksplorasi.

Keberadaan cadangan baru migas akan menjamin kesinambungan kegiatan produksi di masa mendatang. Adapun tahapan kegiatan eksplorasi yang dilaksanakan Perusahaan, yakni:• Evaluasi subsurface secara regional, meliputi

evaluasi cekungan sedimen, pembelajaran petroleum system, pengembangan dan penentuan play concept;

• Identifikasi lead dan prospek, melalui penambahan data subsurface dengan melaksanakan kegiatan survei yaitu survei seismik (2D & 3D) maupun survei non seismik (survey gravity, survey magnetic & magnetotelurik);

• Pematangan kandidat pemboran atau penyiapan prospek siap bor melalui kegiatan funneling yaitu proses asesmen terhadap elemen petroleum system, besaran sumber daya serta tingkat resiko bagi setiap usulan prospek dan lead yang diajukan;

• Pemboran eksplorasi taruhan (wildcat) untuk membuktikan ada tidaknya sumberdaya migas di suatu area;

• Pemboran delineasi atau appraisal untuk menilai atau mencari pelamparan besaran volume sumberdaya migas yang ditemukan.

Kuantitas cadangan migas terbukti yang telah ditemukan, pada hakikatnya hanya berupa taksiran dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan nilai yang dapat direalisasikan dan/atau nilai pasar yang wajar dari cadangan Perusahaan. Taksiran ini dapat berubah tergantung ketersediaan informasi baru. Terdapat berbagai ketidakpastian inheren dalam mengestimasi cadangan migas, termasuk faktor-faktor yang berada di luar kendali Perusahaan.

Production of crude oil and natural gas (oil & gas) that becomes Pertamina EP’s business sector are non-renewable in nature. Someday the reserves in the existing production wells may be exhausted. Therefore, the Company continues the search and discovery efforts of new oil & gas reserves through exploration activities.

The existence of new oil and gas reserves will ensure the continuity of production activities in the future. The stages of exploration activities undertaken by the Company are as follows:• Regional subsurface evaluation, including

sedimentary basin evaluation, petroleum system learning, development and determination of the play concept;

• Identification of leads and prospects, through the addition of subsurface data by conducting surveys including seismic (2D & 3D) surveys as well as non-seismic surveys (gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric surveys);

• Maturation of drilling candidate or preparation of drill ready prospects through funneling, which is assessment process on petroleum system elements, the amount of resources and the risk level of each prospect and lead proposal;

• Wildcat exploration drilling to prove the existence of oil & gas resources in an area;

• Delineation drilling or appraisal to assess or search for the spreading of the volume of oil & gas resources discovery.

The quantity of proven oil & gas reserve discovery is only an estimate and is not intended to define the realizable value and/or the fair market value of the Company’s reserves. These estimates may change depending on the availability of new information. There are various inherent uncertainties in estimating oil and gas reserves, including factors that are beyond the control of the Company.

KEGIATAN EKSPLORASI DAN PENGEMBANGANExploration and Development Activities

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Ditemukannya lapisan baru dengan total berjumlah 8 lapisan pada Formasi Baturaja, Talang Akar serta Cibulakan Atas dari pemboran sumur Akasia Bagus (ABG)-2 di Area Jawa Barat

Terbuktinya konsep (play) baru di Area Papua dengan ditemukannya hidrokarbon pada Formasi Faumai dari Pemboran Kawista (KWT)-1

Evaluasi PSDM Struktur Donggi menghasilkan tambahan sumber daya (additional resources) terbesar selama tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar 49 juta barel ekuivalen (Recoverable Resources)

Hasil Uji Kandung Lapisan (UKL) terbesar selama tahun 2014 adalah sebesar 573 barel per hari (bopd) serta 15 juta kubik kaki per hari (MMSCFD) dari test Sumur ABG-2

Penyiapan Prospek Siap Bor selama tahun 2014 dari 4x funneling adalah sebanyak 13 usulan dengan resources P50 sebesar 214 juta barel minyak ekuivalen (RR)

Hingga Desember 2014 telah selesai dilaksanakan pemboran sebanyak 4 sumur yaitu 2 di Papua (Kawista dan Kuansu), 1 di Matindok (Kenari Raja dan Penyu) serta 1 penyiapan lokasi yang sedang berjalan di Kalimantan (Piraiba)

Realisasi Survei Seismik 3D hingga bulan Desember tahun 2014 mencapai lebih dari 2.000 km2


The discovery of a total of 8 layers at Baturaja Formation, Talang Akar and Cibulakan Atas from drilling of Akasia Bagus (ABG) -2 well in West Java Area

The new play has been proven in Papua Area with the discovery of hydrocarbons in Faumai Formation from Kawista (KWT)-1 Drilling

PSDM Evaluation on Donggi Structure generated the largest additional resources during 2014, which was 49 million barrels equivalent (Recoverable Resources)

Results of Drill Stem Testing (DST) were the largest during 2014 amounted to 573 barrels oil per day (bopd) and 15 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) from ABG-2 Well test

Preparation of Drill Ready Prospects during 2014 from 4x funneling resulted in 13 proposals with P50 resources of 214 million barrels of oil equivalent (RR)

As of December 2014 drilling of 4 wells has been completed, consisting of 2 in Papua (Kawista and Kuansu), 1 in Matindok (Kenari Raja and Penyu) and 1 ongoing site preparation in Kalimantan (Piraiba)

Realization of 3D Seismic Survey until December 2014 has reached more than 2,000 km2

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

Kegiatan eksplorasi dilaksanakan dengan tetap memperhitungkan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan. Biaya pemboran sumur eksplorasi dihitung per tapak (cost per foot) berdasarkan dry hole basis, yakni biaya yang harus dikeluarkan selama pemboran sampai logging terakhir pada trayek produksi.

Besaran realisasi cost per foot rata-rata untuk pemboran sumur eksplorasi tahun 2014 adalah USD1.517/ft, lebih rendah dari rencana biaya sebesar USD1.848/ft. Besaran realisasi biaya per tapak tahun 2014 juga lebih lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun 2013, sebesar USD1.021/ft.

Exploration activities are carried out while considering the costs to be incurred. The cost of drilling exploration wells is calculated per site (cost per foot) based on dry hole basis, which is the cost to be incurred during the drilling until the last logging on the production route.

The amount of average cost per foot realization for exploration well drilling in 2014 was USD1,517/ft, lower than cost plan of USD1,848/ft. The amount of cost per foot realization in 2014 was higher than in 2013, which was USD1,021/ft.

REALISASI PENEMUAN CADANGAN BARUTarget pada tahun 2014 untuk mendapatkan temuan cadangan 2C-Inplace minyak adalah 173 MMBO, cadangan gas 948 BCFG dan cadangan setara migas 337 MMBOE. Sedangkan target temuan cadangan 2C-RR minyak adalah 54 MMBO, cadangan gas 717 BCFG, atau cadangan setara migas 179 MMBOE.

Realisasi penemuan cadangan baru dari kegiatan eksplorasi sepanjang tahun 2014, untuk temuan cadangan 2C-RR adalah 79 MMBO untuk cadangan minyak, 578 BCFG untuk cadangan gas, atau 179 MMBOE setara cadangan migas.

Pencapaian tersebut mencapai 100% dari target RKAP 2014. Kontribusi terbesar berasal dari Evaluasi PSDM Struktur Donggi yang mencapai 27% dari total penemuan cadangan baru dengan hasil uji kandung lapisan (UKL) menghasilkan cadangan migas sebesar 49 MMBOE.

Selama tahun 2014, kami melaksanakan kegiatan survei seismik 2D sepanjang 454 Km, yang terdiri dari Own sepanjang 260 km dan Mitra 194 km atau 195% dari target RKAP. Sementara survei seismik 3D meliputi luas 2.209 Km2, yang terdiri dari Own 2.126 Km2 dan mitra 83 Km2,atau 104% dari target RKAP. Kegiatan survei seismik dilaksanakan untuk mengkonfirmasi prospek area baru.

Jumlah kegiatan pemboran eksplorasi pada tahun 2014 adalah 14 sumur dimana 9 sumur selesai dan 5 sumur masih dalam pelaksanaan pemboran, atau 75% dari target RKAP. Adapun pemboran yang tidak berhasil menemukan kandungan hidrokarbon atau dry hole sebanyak 1 sumur.

REALIZATION OF NEW RESERVE DISCOVERYTarget for discovery of 2C-Inplace oil reserves in 2014 was 173 MMBO, gas reserves of 948 BCFG and oil & gas equivalent reserves of 337 MMBOE. Meanwhile, the target for discovery of 2C-RR oil reserves was 54 MMBO, gas reserves of 717 BCFG, or oil & gas equivalent reserves of 179 MMBOE.

Realization of new reserve discovery from exploration activities in 2014 consist of 2C-RR reserve discovery amounted to 79 MMBO for oil reserves, 578 BCFG gas reserves, or 179 MMBOE oil & gas equivalent reserves.

The achievement reached 100% of the 2014 RKAP target. The largest contribution came from PSDM Evaluation of Donggi Structure, which reached 27% of the total discovery of new reserves with result of drill stem testing (DST) at 49 MMBOE.

During 2014, we have been conducting 2D seismic survey along 454 km, consisting of own operation area covering 260 km and partners' area covering 194 km or 195% of the RKAP target. Meanwhile, 3D seismic operation area covering covered 2,209 km2, consisting of own survey 2,126 km2 and operation area covering 83 km2 or 104% of the RKAP target. The seismic survey activities were carried out to confirm the new area prospect.

Total exploration drilling in 2014 was 14 wells, which 9 wells completed and 5 wells in the process of drilling,, or 75% of the RKAP target. The drilling that failed to find hydrocarbon deposit or dry hole was in one well.

KEGIATAN PENGEBORAN DAN PENGEMBANGANSelama tahun 2014 Perusahaan juga telah menjalankan sejumlah kegiatan pada berbagai Lapangan eksisting, guna memastikan terjaganya tingkat produksi. Kegiatan dimaksud adalah: 1. Pemboran 141 sumur pengembangan; yang

terdiri dari 123 sumur telah selesai dan 18 sumur dalam pelaksanaan.


During 2014, the Company also has conducted a number of activities in the existing fields, in order to ensure stable production. The activities are:1. Drilling of 141 development wells; consisting

of 123 wells completed and 18 wells were in progress.

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KEGIATAN EKSPLORASIExploration activities 2013 2014


Comparison with RKAP 2014



Survei eksplorasi Exploration survey

• Seismik 2D (Km) 2D Seismic (Km) 926 454 195% 509

• Seismik 3D (Km2 ) 3D Seismic (Km2) 1,830 2,209 104% 658

Pemboran Drilling

• Wild Cat (Well) 13 6 67% 6

• Delineasi Sumur (Well) Delineation 2 3 100% 13

• On progress 15 5 N/A N/A

Studi geologi geofisika (G&G) Geological & Geophysical Study 6 11 85% 11

Penemuan cadangan eksplorasi (2C-Inplace) Discovery of Exploration Reserves (2C-Inplace)

• Minyak Oil (MMBO) 300 382 220% 432

• Gas Bumi Natural gas (BCFG) 766 816 86% 871

• Migas Oil & gas 70% (MMBOE) 432 522 155% 583

Penemuan cadangan eksplorasi (2C- RR) Discovery of Exploration Reserves (2C-RR)

• Minyak Oil (MMBO) 66 79 146% 109

• Gas Bumi Natural gas (BCFG) 550 578 81% 590

• Migas Oil & gas 61% (MMBOE) 161 179 100% 90

AKTUALISASI KEGIATAN EKSPLORASI BERDASARKAN PROSES [OG1] [OG6]Actual exploration activities based on process

AREA OPERASIOperational area

PEMBORAN SUMUR PENGEMBANGANDevelopment well drilling



Asset 1 23 21 23 46

Asset 2 18 19 15 19

Asset 3 13 13 5 9

Asset 4 0 0 0 0

Asset 5 23 29 0 0

Proyek Pengembangan Development Project 7 8 3 8

Jumlah operasi Sendiri Total own operation 84 1002 46 851

Jumlah Kemitraan Total Partnership 36 41 31 78

Jumlah Pertamina EP Total Pertamina EP 120 1413 77 1634

REALISASI KEGIATAN OPERASIONAL 2014Realization of 2014 Operations Activities

Catatan Note: 1) 85 = 82 selesai Completed, 3 dalam proses in progress2) 100 = 89 selesai Completed, 11 dalam proses in progress3) 141 = 123 selesai Completed, 18 dalam proses in progress; 4) 163 = 160 selesai Completed, 3 dalam proses in progress

2. Kerja ulang pindah lapisan (work-over) KUPL 163 sumur pengembangan; yang terdiri dari 160 sumur selesai dan 3 sumur dalam pelaksanaan.

3. Kegiatan operasi sumur meliputi optimasi produksi, reparasi, reopening, stimulasi dan fracturing sebanyak 5.231 kegiatan, terdiri dari 4.158 kegiatan own dan 1.073 mitra.

2. Work over of 163 development wells; consisting of 160 well completed and 3 were in progress.

3. Well operations covering production optimiza-tion, repair, reopening, stimulation and frac-turing of 5,231 activities. consisting of 4,158 activities of own operation and 1,073 partners' activities.

Page 106: Integrated Annual Report 2014


ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

KINERJA PROYEK PENGEMBANGANDevelopment Project Performance




PROYEK PENGEMBANGAN PAKU GAJAHPaku Gajah Gas Development Project


Lapangan ini terletak di Cekungan Ciputat yang merupakan salah satu dari sub cekungan yang ada di Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara, ± 35 km arah timur laut kota Jakarta, wilayah Kecamatan Cabang Bungin, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat. This field is located in Ciputat Basin, which is one of the sub-basins in the North West Java Basin, ± 35 km northeast of Jakarta, Cabang Bungin District, Bekasi Regency, West Java.

Lapangan ini terletak di Area Matindok pada lapangan Donggi, Matindok, Maleo Raja, Minahaki, yang berada di Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah.

This field is located in Matindok Area at Donggi, Matindok, Maleo Raja, Minahaka fields in Banggi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.

Lapangan ini terletak di struktur-struktur Kedungtuban, Randublatung dan Kedunglusi di Area Gundih, yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Blora, Jawa Tengah. This field is located in Kedungtuban, Randublatung and Kedunglusi structures in Gundih Area, Blora Regency, Central Java.

Lokasi:Secara geografis berada di dua Kabupaten yaitu Muara Enim dan Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), berjarak kurang lebih 50 km dari Kota Prabumulih Sumatera Selatan . Location:Geographically located in two regencies, Muara Enim and Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), located approximately 50 km from Prabumulih City, South Sumatra.


Pengembangan lapangan Pondok Makmur dengan target puncak produksi minyak sebesar 2.913 BOPD dan Gas 37 MMSCFD pada tahun 2013.Pondok Makmur field development with peak production target of crude oil at 2,913 BOPD and gas at 37 MMSCFD in 2013.

Monetisasi gas dari area tersebut dengan total sales gas sebesar 105 MMSCFD (nett) dengan rincian: 85 MMSCFD dari Area Senoro dan 29,20 MMSCFD bersama-sama dengan gas dari lapangan JOB P-MTS (5 MMSCFD)Gas monetization of the area with a total net sales of gas at 105 MMSCFD consisting of 85 MMSCFD from Senoro Area and 29.20 MMSCFD, collectively with gas from JOB P-MTS (5 MMSCFD) fields.

Mengembangkan, memproses, dan memproduksi gas di Area Gundih berdasarkan keekonomian lapangan, agar siap untuk dijual sebesar 50 MMSCFD (netto) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangkit listrik PT PLN (Persero) di Tambak Lorok, Jawa Tengah.Developing, processing, and producing gas at Gundih Area based on the field’s economy, in order to be ready for sale at 50 MMSCFD (net) to supply power plant of PT PLN (Persero) in Tambak Lorok, Central Java.

Untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen gas di Sumatera Selatan & Jawa Barat yang dialirkan melalui pipa gas PGN. Produksi gas berasal dari struktur Pagardewa (PDW), Pagardewa Selatan (PDS), Karangdewa (KRD), Prabumenang (PMN), Tasim (TSM) dan Kuang Selatan dengan total Recoverable Reserves sebesar 147,94 BCFG. Lapangan ini juga akan memproduksikan kondensat yang akan dialirkan ke PPP Prabumulih. To meet consumers'; needs for gas in South Sumatra and West Java, distributed through PGN gas pipeline. The gas production is from structures of Pagardewa (PDW), South Pagardewa (PDS), Karangdewa (KRD), Prabumenang (PMN), Tasim (TSM) and South Kuang with a total of 147.94 BCFG Recoverable Reserves. This field will also produce condensate that will be distributed to the PPP Prabumulih.


1. Persetujuan POD Fase-1:• Pemboran 3 sumur (PDM-8, PDM-9, PDM-10).• Workover 2 sumur (PDM-5 dan PDM-2).• Perijinan AMDAL.• Rental fasilitas produksi temporary (7500 BLPD).

2. Penyusunan Revisi POD Fase-1:• Pemboran 4 sumur

(PDM-11, PDM-12, PDM-13 dan PDM-14).• Workover 2 sumur ( PDM-3 dan PDM-7).• Flowline 8 jalur (PDM-01, PDM-02, PDM-03, PDM-08, PDM-10L, PDM-

10S, PDM-11 dan PDM-12).• Satellite line PDM-05 dan PDM-09.• Trunkline migas 6” (oil) dan 10”(gas) sepanjang 8km.• Trunkline air terproduksi dari Fasilitas Produksi PDM – SP Tambun.• Rental fasilitas produksi temporary (3000 BLPD, 15 MMSCFD dilanjutkan

4000 blpd dan 35 MMSCFD).• Pembangunan fasilitas produksi permanen (Kap. 4000 BLPD dan 42

MMSCFD).• Relokasi Kompresor kap. 20 MMSCFD.

1. Approval of POD Phase-1:• Drilling of 3 wells (PDM-8, PDM-9, PDM-10).• Workover of 2 wells (PDM-5 and PDM-2).• AMDAL licensing.• Rental of temporary production facilities (7,500 BLPD).

2. Preparation of Revised POD Phase-1:• Drilling of 4 wells (PDM-11, PDM-12, PDM-13 and PDM-14).• Workover of 2 wells (PDM-3 and PDM-7).• 8 lines of flowline (PDM-01, PDM-02, PDM-03, PDM-08, PDM-10L, PDM-

10S, PDM-11 and PDM-12).• Satellite line of PDM-05 and PDM-09.• Oil & gas 6" trunkline (oil) and 10" trunkline (gas) along 8 km.• Trunkline of produced water from Production Facilities of PDM - SP

Tambun.• Rental of temporary production facilities (3,000 blpd, 15 MMSCFD

continued with 4,000 blpd and 35 MMSCFD).• Construction of permanent production facilities (Capacity 4,000 BLPD

and 42 MMSCFD).• Relocation Compressor with capacity 20 MMSCFD.

Kegiatan dan Perkembangan 2014:1. Pemboran

• Pemboran MTD-4 tajak 25 Nov 2013. Rig released 3 Februari 2014.

• Pemboran MTD-7 tajak 20 Feb 2104. Rig Release 23 April 2014.

• Pemboran MTD-6, tajak tanggal 7 Mei 2014. Rig release 3 Juli 2014.

• Pemboran MLR-2ST, tajak tanggal, 6 Oktober 2014. Rig Release 29 Oktober 2014.

• Pemboran MTD-8, tajak 28 November 2014.2. Surface Facilities

• EPC DNG, Pelaksana Rekind, Progress EPC overall 43,66% vs plan 39,37% (+4,29%).

• EPC MTD, Pelaksana Wika-Technip Consortium, Progress EPC overall 28,31% vs plan 31,6% (-3,29%).

1. Drilling• MTD-4 drilling, excavation on November 25, 2013. Rig

release on February 3, 2014.• MTD-7 drilling, excavation on February 20 2104. Rig

Release on April 23, 2014.• MTD-6 drilling, excavation on May 7, 2014. Rig release

on July 3, 2014.• MLR-2ST drilling, excavation on October 6, 2014. Rig

Release on October 29, 2014.• MTD-8 drilling, excavation on November 28, 2014.

2. Surface Facilities• EPC DNG, Operator: Rekind, EPC overall progress

43.66% vs. plan 39.37% (+4.29%).• EPC MTD, Operator: Wika-Technip Consortium, EPC

overall progress 28.31% vs. plan 31.6% (-3.29%).

Gas in CPP Gundih (buka sumur) tgl. 1 Maret 2014• Gas on stream ke PT SPP mulai tgl. 8 Mei 2014• Mechanical Completion selesai tgl. 22 Desember 2014

Gas in CPP Gundih (well opening) on March 1, 2014• Gas on stream to PT SPP starting on May 8, 2014• Mechanical Completion completion on December 22,


• Workover Pagar Dewa Selatan (PDS)-1: 3 Januari 2014– 22 januari 2014

• Workover karang Dewa (KRD)-01 : 5 sep 2014 – 1 Okt 2014

• Workover Tasim (TSM) 01: 13 Nopember 2014 – 11 Desember 2014

• Workover sumur Pagardewa (PDW)-6 : 23 Des (masih dalam pelaksanaan)

• Pemboran Sumur Prabumenang (PMN)-09 : 6 Nop 2014 – 11 Des2014

• Pemboran sumur Pagardewa (PDW)-7 : 31 Desember 2014 (masih dalam pelaksanaan)

• Workover of Pagar Dewa Selatan (PDS)-1: January 3, 2014- January 22, 2014

• Workover of Karang Dewa (KRD)-01: September 5, 2014 - October 1, 2014

• Workover of Tasim (TSM) 01: November 13, 2014 - December 11, 2014

• Workover of Pagardewa (PDW)-6: December 23 (work in progress)

• Drilling of Prabumenang (PMN)-09 well: November 6, 2014- December 11, 2014

• Drilling of Pagardewa (PDW)-7 well: December 31, 2014 (work in progress)

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PROYEK PENGEMBANGAN PAKU GAJAHPaku Gajah Gas Development Project


Lapangan ini terletak di Cekungan Ciputat yang merupakan salah satu dari sub cekungan yang ada di Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara, ± 35 km arah timur laut kota Jakarta, wilayah Kecamatan Cabang Bungin, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat. This field is located in Ciputat Basin, which is one of the sub-basins in the North West Java Basin, ± 35 km northeast of Jakarta, Cabang Bungin District, Bekasi Regency, West Java.

Lapangan ini terletak di Area Matindok pada lapangan Donggi, Matindok, Maleo Raja, Minahaki, yang berada di Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah.

This field is located in Matindok Area at Donggi, Matindok, Maleo Raja, Minahaka fields in Banggi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.

Lapangan ini terletak di struktur-struktur Kedungtuban, Randublatung dan Kedunglusi di Area Gundih, yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Blora, Jawa Tengah. This field is located in Kedungtuban, Randublatung and Kedunglusi structures in Gundih Area, Blora Regency, Central Java.

Lokasi:Secara geografis berada di dua Kabupaten yaitu Muara Enim dan Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), berjarak kurang lebih 50 km dari Kota Prabumulih Sumatera Selatan . Location:Geographically located in two regencies, Muara Enim and Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), located approximately 50 km from Prabumulih City, South Sumatra.


Pengembangan lapangan Pondok Makmur dengan target puncak produksi minyak sebesar 2.913 BOPD dan Gas 37 MMSCFD pada tahun 2013.Pondok Makmur field development with peak production target of crude oil at 2,913 BOPD and gas at 37 MMSCFD in 2013.

Monetisasi gas dari area tersebut dengan total sales gas sebesar 105 MMSCFD (nett) dengan rincian: 85 MMSCFD dari Area Senoro dan 29,20 MMSCFD bersama-sama dengan gas dari lapangan JOB P-MTS (5 MMSCFD)Gas monetization of the area with a total net sales of gas at 105 MMSCFD consisting of 85 MMSCFD from Senoro Area and 29.20 MMSCFD, collectively with gas from JOB P-MTS (5 MMSCFD) fields.

Mengembangkan, memproses, dan memproduksi gas di Area Gundih berdasarkan keekonomian lapangan, agar siap untuk dijual sebesar 50 MMSCFD (netto) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangkit listrik PT PLN (Persero) di Tambak Lorok, Jawa Tengah.Developing, processing, and producing gas at Gundih Area based on the field’s economy, in order to be ready for sale at 50 MMSCFD (net) to supply power plant of PT PLN (Persero) in Tambak Lorok, Central Java.

Untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen gas di Sumatera Selatan & Jawa Barat yang dialirkan melalui pipa gas PGN. Produksi gas berasal dari struktur Pagardewa (PDW), Pagardewa Selatan (PDS), Karangdewa (KRD), Prabumenang (PMN), Tasim (TSM) dan Kuang Selatan dengan total Recoverable Reserves sebesar 147,94 BCFG. Lapangan ini juga akan memproduksikan kondensat yang akan dialirkan ke PPP Prabumulih. To meet consumers'; needs for gas in South Sumatra and West Java, distributed through PGN gas pipeline. The gas production is from structures of Pagardewa (PDW), South Pagardewa (PDS), Karangdewa (KRD), Prabumenang (PMN), Tasim (TSM) and South Kuang with a total of 147.94 BCFG Recoverable Reserves. This field will also produce condensate that will be distributed to the PPP Prabumulih.


1. Persetujuan POD Fase-1:• Pemboran 3 sumur (PDM-8, PDM-9, PDM-10).• Workover 2 sumur (PDM-5 dan PDM-2).• Perijinan AMDAL.• Rental fasilitas produksi temporary (7500 BLPD).

2. Penyusunan Revisi POD Fase-1:• Pemboran 4 sumur

(PDM-11, PDM-12, PDM-13 dan PDM-14).• Workover 2 sumur ( PDM-3 dan PDM-7).• Flowline 8 jalur (PDM-01, PDM-02, PDM-03, PDM-08, PDM-10L, PDM-

10S, PDM-11 dan PDM-12).• Satellite line PDM-05 dan PDM-09.• Trunkline migas 6” (oil) dan 10”(gas) sepanjang 8km.• Trunkline air terproduksi dari Fasilitas Produksi PDM – SP Tambun.• Rental fasilitas produksi temporary (3000 BLPD, 15 MMSCFD dilanjutkan

4000 blpd dan 35 MMSCFD).• Pembangunan fasilitas produksi permanen (Kap. 4000 BLPD dan 42

MMSCFD).• Relokasi Kompresor kap. 20 MMSCFD.

1. Approval of POD Phase-1:• Drilling of 3 wells (PDM-8, PDM-9, PDM-10).• Workover of 2 wells (PDM-5 and PDM-2).• AMDAL licensing.• Rental of temporary production facilities (7,500 BLPD).

2. Preparation of Revised POD Phase-1:• Drilling of 4 wells (PDM-11, PDM-12, PDM-13 and PDM-14).• Workover of 2 wells (PDM-3 and PDM-7).• 8 lines of flowline (PDM-01, PDM-02, PDM-03, PDM-08, PDM-10L, PDM-

10S, PDM-11 and PDM-12).• Satellite line of PDM-05 and PDM-09.• Oil & gas 6" trunkline (oil) and 10" trunkline (gas) along 8 km.• Trunkline of produced water from Production Facilities of PDM - SP

Tambun.• Rental of temporary production facilities (3,000 blpd, 15 MMSCFD

continued with 4,000 blpd and 35 MMSCFD).• Construction of permanent production facilities (Capacity 4,000 BLPD

and 42 MMSCFD).• Relocation Compressor with capacity 20 MMSCFD.

Kegiatan dan Perkembangan 2014:1. Pemboran

• Pemboran MTD-4 tajak 25 Nov 2013. Rig released 3 Februari 2014.

• Pemboran MTD-7 tajak 20 Feb 2104. Rig Release 23 April 2014.

• Pemboran MTD-6, tajak tanggal 7 Mei 2014. Rig release 3 Juli 2014.

• Pemboran MLR-2ST, tajak tanggal, 6 Oktober 2014. Rig Release 29 Oktober 2014.

• Pemboran MTD-8, tajak 28 November 2014.2. Surface Facilities

• EPC DNG, Pelaksana Rekind, Progress EPC overall 43,66% vs plan 39,37% (+4,29%).

• EPC MTD, Pelaksana Wika-Technip Consortium, Progress EPC overall 28,31% vs plan 31,6% (-3,29%).

1. Drilling• MTD-4 drilling, excavation on November 25, 2013. Rig

release on February 3, 2014.• MTD-7 drilling, excavation on February 20 2104. Rig

Release on April 23, 2014.• MTD-6 drilling, excavation on May 7, 2014. Rig release

on July 3, 2014.• MLR-2ST drilling, excavation on October 6, 2014. Rig

Release on October 29, 2014.• MTD-8 drilling, excavation on November 28, 2014.

2. Surface Facilities• EPC DNG, Operator: Rekind, EPC overall progress

43.66% vs. plan 39.37% (+4.29%).• EPC MTD, Operator: Wika-Technip Consortium, EPC

overall progress 28.31% vs. plan 31.6% (-3.29%).

Gas in CPP Gundih (buka sumur) tgl. 1 Maret 2014• Gas on stream ke PT SPP mulai tgl. 8 Mei 2014• Mechanical Completion selesai tgl. 22 Desember 2014

Gas in CPP Gundih (well opening) on March 1, 2014• Gas on stream to PT SPP starting on May 8, 2014• Mechanical Completion completion on December 22,


• Workover Pagar Dewa Selatan (PDS)-1: 3 Januari 2014– 22 januari 2014

• Workover karang Dewa (KRD)-01 : 5 sep 2014 – 1 Okt 2014

• Workover Tasim (TSM) 01: 13 Nopember 2014 – 11 Desember 2014

• Workover sumur Pagardewa (PDW)-6 : 23 Des (masih dalam pelaksanaan)

• Pemboran Sumur Prabumenang (PMN)-09 : 6 Nop 2014 – 11 Des2014

• Pemboran sumur Pagardewa (PDW)-7 : 31 Desember 2014 (masih dalam pelaksanaan)

• Workover of Pagar Dewa Selatan (PDS)-1: January 3, 2014- January 22, 2014

• Workover of Karang Dewa (KRD)-01: September 5, 2014 - October 1, 2014

• Workover of Tasim (TSM) 01: November 13, 2014 - December 11, 2014

• Workover of Pagardewa (PDW)-6: December 23 (work in progress)

• Drilling of Prabumenang (PMN)-09 well: November 6, 2014- December 11, 2014

• Drilling of Pagardewa (PDW)-7 well: December 31, 2014 (work in progress)

Page 108: Integrated Annual Report 2014


ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

PENJUALAN MINYAK DAN GASSektor hulu migas global pada tahun 2014 juga dihadapkan pada kondisi penurunan harga minyak mentah di pasar dunia, karena berlimpahnya produksi melebihi permintaan. Kondisi ini mempengaruhi harga penjualan minyak Pertamina EP ke PT Pertamina (Persero) pada tahun 2014, yang ditetapkan berdasarkan weighted average price (WAP) sebesar USD94,74/BBLs. Harga tersebut turun dibandingkan WAP tahun 2013 sebesar USD104,97/BBLs.

Penurunan harga jual minyak mentah produksi Pertamina EP berimbas pada perolehan pendapatan Perusahaan pada tahun 2014. Selama tahun 2014, Perusahaan membukukan pendapatan usaha USD4.710 juta, turun 6% dari tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD5.001 juta. Pendapatan tersebut berasal dari hasil penjualan minyak dan gas di dalam negeri, serta penjualan luar negeri (ekspor).

Perolehan pendapatan mempengaruhi besaran laba Perusahaan. Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan tahun 2014 turun USD524 juta atau turun 16% dari tahun 2013, sementara laba tahun berjalan tahun 2014 turun USD403 juta atau turun 20% dari tahun 2013 menjadi USD1.586 juta.

Kinerja operasional di tahun 2014 menunjukkan penurunan dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013. Hal ini dapat menjadi tantangan baru bagi Pertamina EP untuk terus tumbuh dan berkembang. Kinerja ekonomi yang terjaga dapat dilihat dari profitabilitas, solvabilitas dan likuiditas.

OIL AND GAS SALES Global upstream oil and gas sector in 2014 was also faced with the conditions of the decline in crude oil prices in the world market, due to the over production that exceeded demand. This condition affected the oil sales price of Pertamina EP to PT Pertamina (Persero) in 2014, which is determined based on weighted average price (WAP) at USD94.74 /BBLs. The price fell compared to WAP in 2013, which was USD104.97/BBLs.

The decline in prices of Pertamina EP’s crude oil production had an impact on the Company's revenues in 2014. During 2014, the Company recorded revenues of USD4,710 million, down 6% from USD5,001 million in 2013. The revenues were from the domestic sales of oil and gas, as well as export sales.

Revenues affected the amount of the Company's profits. Profit before income tax in 2014 was down to USD524 million or 16% from 2013, while the profit for the year 2014 was down by USD403 million or 20% from 2013 to USD1,586 million.

Operational performance in 2014 showed a decrease compared to 2013. This can be a new challenge for Pertamina EP to continue to grow and thrive. The stable economic performance can be seen from the profitability, solvency and liquidity.


Penjualan Gas Gas SalesPenjualan Minyak Oil Sales

2012: 4,042,651

2013: 3,565,282

2014: 3,250,637

Δ : (10%)

2012: 1,275,881

2013: 1,435,601

2014: 1,459,853

Δ : (7%)

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STRATEGI PEMASARAN DAN PANGSA PASARStrategi pemasaran produk minyak dan gas Pertamina EP diatur oleh Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Undang-Undang dan Peraturan Pemerintah yang mengatur bahwa pengelola Blok harus entitas yang berbeda dari perusahaan/kelompok perusahaan yang memenangkan hak pengelolaan Blok dari Pemerintah. Produksi minyak mentah Pertamina EP akan disalurkan untuk diolah ke kilang domestik PT Pertamina (Persero), sedangkan hasil produksi gas bumi akan disalurkan kepada konsumen. Dengan demikian, Pertamina EP tidak menghadapi persaingan usaha di pangsa pasar minyak dan gas, tetapi berhadapan dengan persaingan di bidang keunggulan eksplorasi, produksi, dan distribusi. [G4-8]

Melalui fungsi Monetisasi/Commercial minyak mentah dan gas, Perusahaan melakukan evaluasi pasokan dan ekonomi, melakukan kegiatan beauty contest, proses negosiasi penjualan, pembuatan dokumen formal dan Perjanjian Jual Beli migas, produk sampingan dan produk turunannya serta persetujuan kepada pemerintah dalam rangka memperolah keuntungan yang maksimal bagi Perusahaan dari proses monetisasi produk migas, produk sampingan dan produk turunannya.

Selama tahun 2014, fungsi Oil & Gas Monetization telah meninjau ulang harga penjualan gas kepada SKK Migas, pemerintah dan sejumlah konsumen sehingga menghasilkan kesepakatan perubahan harga jual gas rata-rata dari kurun waktu sebelumnya. Dasar pertimbangan atas perubahan harga adalah untuk pemenuhan kelangsungan operasi dalam mencari cadangan baru. Selain itu, ada beberapa perjanjian, kontrak maupun kesepakatan baru yang ditandatangani serta amandemen sejumlah perjanjian maupun kontrak lama.

MARKETING STRATEGY AND MARKET SHAREThe marketing strategy of Pertamina EP’s oil and gas products is set by the Government of Indonesia through Laws and Regulations that stipulate a Block operator must be a different entity from the company/group of companies that wins the right to operate the block from the Government. Pertamina EP’s crude oil production is to be distributed for processing to domestic refineries belonging to PT Pertamina (Persero), while natural gas production is distributed to consumers. Thus, Pertamina EP does not face business competition in the market share of oil and gas, but faced with competition in the advantages of exploration, production, and distribution. [G4-8]

Through crude oil and gas Monetization/Commercial function, the Company carries out supply and economic evaluation, beauty contest, sales negotiation process, formal document preparation, Sale and Purchase Agreement of oil & gas products, byproducts and derivatives as well as the government's approval in order to gain maximum profit to the Company from the monetization of oil and gas products, byproducts and derivatives.

During 2014, Oil & Gas Monetization function has reviewed the gas sales prices to SKK Migas, the Government and a number of consumers that resulting in change of average gas price agreement from previous period. Basic consideration of price changes is for the continuity of operations in the search for new reserves. In addition, there are several new signed agreements, contracts and deals as well as amendments of a number of old agreements and old contract.

TIPE PERJANJIAN Type of Agreement PEMBELI Buyer LOKASI Location

Gas Sale Purchase Agreement 3rd Amendment PT Sumber Petrindo Perkasa Jawa Tengah Central JavaGas Sale Purchase Agreement 3rd Amendment PT Sumber Petrindo Perkasa Jawa Tengah Central Java

AMANDEMEN PERJANJIAN JUAL BELI GAS (PJBG)Amendment of Gas Sale Purchase Agreement


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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

TIPE PERJANJIAN Type of Agreement


HARGA AWALInitial Price


Gas Sale Purchase Agreement PT Jabar Energi 2.97 3.06Gas Sale Purchase Agreement PT PLN (Persero) Keramasan 5.35 5.51Gas Sale Purchase Agreement PT Sinergi Patriot Bekasi 2.88 2.96Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Gasuma Corporindo 1.46 2.80Gas Sale Purchase Agreement PT PLN (Persero) - Tanjung Batu 2.93 2.94Gas Sale Purchase Agreement PT PLN (Persero) - Bunyu 4.74 4.88Gas Sale Purchase Agreement PT PLN (Persero) - Sembakung 3.80 3.91Gas Sale Purchase Agreement Amendment PT PLN (Persero) - Gelam - Jambi 5.20 5.35Gas Sale Purchase Agreement Amendment PT Bina Bangun Wibawa Mukti 6.00 6.18Gas Sale Purchase Agreement Amendment PT Fajar Surya Wisesa 6.15 6.34Gas Sale Purchase Agreement 3rd Addendum PT Cikarang Listrindo 4.12 4.24Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Banten Inti Gasindo 3.00 6.30Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Energasindo Heksa Karya - Cilegon 2.95 6.55Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Indo Raya Kimia 4.17 6.75Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Indocement Tunggal Prakasa 2.81 6.55Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT PGN (Persero) Tbk. - Jatirarangon 4.60 6.55Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Rabana Gasindo Makmur 2.71 6.55Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Tatajabar Sejahtera 2.80 5.92Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT PLN Tarakan 5.15 5.30Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Bayu Buana Gemilang 2.85 6.55Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Manggala Gita Karya 6.50 6.70Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Pelangi Cakrawala Losarang 5.74 6.70Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Sadikun Niaga Mas (Cilegon) 3.00 6.55Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Sadikun Niagamas Raya (Karawang) 3.00 6.55Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Titis Sampurna 3.71 4.00Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Media Karya Sentosa 7.30 7.41Gas Distribution Joint Agreement 3rd Amend-ment

PT PGN (Persero) Tbk. - Sunyaragi 7.06 7.50

Gas Distribution Joint Agreement 3rd Amend-ment

PT PGN (Persero) Tbk. - Cirebon 5.00 5.50

AMANDEMEN PERJANJIAN JUAL BELI GAS (PJBG)Amendment of Gas Sale Purchase Agreement (PJBG)

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TIPE PERJANJIANType of Agreement



Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Pura Daya Prima Sumatera Selatan South SumatraGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk BantenGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Titis Sampurna Jawa Tengah Central JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Pelangi Cakrawala Losarang Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT PLN (Persero) Sumatera Utara North SumatraGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Sadikun Niagamas Raya Banten dan Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT PLN Tarakan Kalimantan Timur East KalimantanGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Indo Raya Kimia Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Gasuma Corporindo Jawa Timur East JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Bayu Buana Gemilang Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Banten Inti Gasindo BantenGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Rabana Gasindo Makmur Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Tatajabar Sejahtera Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Energasindo Heksa Karya - Cilegon BantenGas Distribution Joint Agreement - Jatirarangan Field

PT PGN (Persero) Tbk Jawa Barat West Java

CO2 Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Aneka Gas Industri Jawa Barat West JavaProcessed Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Pertamina Gas Jawa Barat West JavaShort Term Gas Distribution Joint Agreement PT Pupuk Kujang Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement Addendum PT Manggala Gita Karya Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Medco E&P Indonesia Sumatera Selatan South SumatraGas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Ogspiras Basya Pratama Sumatera Selatan South SumatraGas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Sadikun Niagamas Raya Banten dan Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Titis Sampurna Jawa Tengah Central JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT PLN (Persero) Sumatera Utara North SumateraGas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Pelangi Cakrawala Losarang Jawa Barat West JavaFlare Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment PT Pertiwi Nusantara Resources Jawa Barat West JavaGas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment - BDL-1 Well

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk - Medan

Sumatera Utara North Sumatra

Gas Distribution Joint Agreement Amendment - Poleng Field

PT Media Karya Sentosa Jawa Timur East Java

AGas Distribution Joint Agreement 3rd AmendmentPT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk - Cirebon

Jawa Barat West Java

Gas Distribution Joint Agreement 3rd AmendmentPT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk - Medan

Sumatera Utara North Sumatera

Ex-NGL Plant Condensate Sale Purchase Joint Agreement 3rd Addendum

PT Pertamina (Persero) Sumatera Selatan South Sumatra

AMANDEMEN PERJANJIAN JUAL BELI GAS (PJBG)Amendment of Gas Sale Purchase Agreement (PJBG)

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

PELANGGANSeluruh minyak yang diproduksi Perusahaan diolah di kilang milik PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai pembeli tunggal minyak yang diproduksi. Meski demikian, kami tetap menempatkan relasi komersial yang bersifat khusus ini secara profesional. Perusahaan berupaya menjaga kepuasan pelanggan dengan menerapkan mekanisme untuk melayani komplain dari PT Pertamina (Persero) terkait produk minyak yang diserahkan. Komplain disampaikan melalui surat kepada Perusahaan dan ditembuskan kepada SKK Migas. [G4-PR5]

Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014 ada beberapa komplain yang disampaikan kepada Pertamina EP langsung maupun melalui SKK Migas. Komplain tersebut terdiri dari komplain mengenai volume minyak yang diserahkan, komplain mengenai spesifikasi minyak yang diserahkan, dan komplain mengenai demurrage saat pengapalan.

Komplain yang diterima perusahaan langsung ditindaklanjuti melalui :1. Verifikasi, bila komplain menyangkut jumlah

volume yang berbeda.2. Analisa di laboratorium independen, bila komplain

terkait spesifikasi minyak.

Selain pengaduan melalui surat, secara berkala kami juga mengadakan koordinasi penyaluran minyak dan gas, gas coordination meeting, shipper coordination, dan workshop optimalisasi lifting secara berkala. Hal tersebut dilakukan sebagai tindak lanjut dari keluhan konsumen dan sebagai kontrol optimalisasi lifting untuk masa-masa mendatang. [G4-PR5]

CUSTOMERThe entire oil produced by the Company is processed in refineries owned by PT Pertamina (Persero) as the sole buyer of the oil. However, we still maintain the special commercial relations professionally. The company strives to maintain customer satisfaction by implementing a handling mechanism of complaints from PT Pertamina (Persero) on oil products delivered. Complaints submitted by mail to the Company with a copy to SKK Migas. [G4-PR5]

Until the end of 2014 there were several complaints submitted to Pertamina EP directly or indirectly through SKK Migas. The complaints consist of complaints on the oil volume delivered, oil specification, and demurrage on shipment.

Complaints received by the Company are immediately followed by:1. Verification, when the complaint concerns volume

difference.2. Analysis in independent laboratories, if the

complaints related to oil specifications.

In addition to the complaint submitted by mail, periodically we also carry out coordination of oil and gas distribution, gas coordination meetings, shipper coordination and lifting optimization workshops regularly. These were done as a follow-up of consumer complaints as well as lifting optimization control in the future. [G4-PR5]

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PT Pertamina EP manages the supply chain of goods and services through the Supply Chain Management (SCM) function. The function arranges and manages the supply chain of goods and services to meet the Company's operational needs which includes the outsourcing service of material and services, logistics services, (warehouse, toolhouse, custom clearance, land transportation), as well as office and residential services.

During 2014, SCM has processed 42 applications for procurement plan permit and approval for procurement winner to SKK Migas. In these activities, SCM's recommendations to the Asset, technical assistant contract (TAC) and operational cooperation (KSO) partners through Auction Settlement Assessment Team (TPPL) in terms of procurement process and issues have been provided 234 times and consultancy to SKK Migas have been conducted 240 times.

The value of procurement of goods and services in 2014 that were agreed and realized reached IDR29.91 trillion. The value was below the budget value at IDR30.93 trillion or equivalent with 3.29% cost saving of the budgeted value.

Pertamina EP mengelola rantai pasokan barang maupun jasa melalu Fungsi Supply Chain Management (SCM). Fungsi tersebut mengatur dan mengelola rantai suplai barang dan jasa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasional perusahaan, yang mencakup jasa outsource material dan jasa, jasa kelogistikan (warehouse, toolhouse, custom clearance, angkutan darat), layanan jasa perkantoran dan perumahan.

Selama tahun 2014, SCM telah memproses 42 pemintaan ijin rencana pengadaan dan persetujuan pemenang pengadaan ke SKK Migas. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, SCM memberikan rekomendasi kepada Asset, kemitraan technical assistant contract (TAC) dan kerjasama operasional (KSO) melalui Tim Pengkaji Penyelesaian Pelelangan (TPPL) dalam hal proses dan permasalahan pengadaan sebanyak 234 kali dan konsultansi ke SKK Migas sebanyak 240 kali.

Nilai pengadaan barang dan jasa pada tahun 2014 yang disepakati dan direalisasikan mencapai equivalent Rp29,91 triliun. Nilai tersebut berada dibawah nilai yang dianggarkan yaitu equivalent Rp30,93 triliun atau setara 3,29% penghematan biaya (cost saving) dari nilai yang dianggarkan.

PENGELOLAAN RANTAI PASOKAN [G4-12]Supply Chain Management



Keterangan Description 2012 2013 2014

Persentase Penghematan Saving Percentage 5.25% 5.47% 3.29%

Keterangan Description 2012 2013 2014

Jumlah Dokumen Pengadaan Total Procurement Document

8,857 7,924 5,890

Kreativitas dan pelayanan yang fokus dari internal customer pekerja SCM dalam pengelolaan pengadaan barang dan jasa membuat jumlah proses pengadaan dapat dikurangi. Hal ini menjadikan dokumen pengadaan barang dan jasa berkurang tanpa mengurangi ketersediaan barang dan jasa.

Creativity and internal customer-focused service of SCM employees in the management of procurement of goods and services have streamlined procurement process. This made the documents of goods and services procurement decreased without reducing the availability of goods and services.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis


Owner EstimateOwner Estimate (eqv IDR trillion)

PO / KontrakPO / Contract (eqv IDR trillion)

PenghematanSaving (eqv IDR trillion)


2012 13.91 13.18 0.73 5.25%

2013 16.73 15.81 0. 91 5.47%

2014 30.94 29.92 1.01 3.29%

PEMANTAUAN PROSES PENGADAANSecara berkesinambungan Fungsi SCM melakukan pemantauan proses pengadaan yang menjadi bagian pengelolaan rantai pasokan. Pemantauan dilakukan untuk memastikan jaminan kualitas barang dan jasa, melalui penerapan sistem pengawasan pengadaan, sertifikasi mutu serta ketentuan keselamatan, kesehatan dan lindung lingkungan (health, safety and environment atau HSE).

Beberapa terobosan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan yaitu pembuatan perjanjian jangka panjang dengan penyedia barang dan jasa, salah satunya barang dan jasa strategis yaitu:• Casing & Tubing (High grade & Low Grade).• Wellhead & Christmastree (High grade & Low Grade).• Total Vendor Maintenance (TVM) engine Caterpillar,• Drilling Service (PJP Rig, EWLPP, PSPU, MLU, Coring,

OBM / WBM, Directional Drilling, Top Drive).• Vendor Held Stock untuk BBM dan Pelumas.• Perawatan kompresor merk Ajax, White Superior

dan Cooper Beesemmer.• Perawatan gas engine merk Waukesha.

Some breakthroughs have been made to improve the service, such as establishing long term agreement with the suppliers of goods and services, owhich include the following strategic goods and services:• Casing & Tubing (High grade & Low Grade).• Wellhead & christmastree (High grade & LowGrade).• Total Vendor Maintenance (TVM) Caterpillar

engines,• Drilling Service (PJP Rig, EWLPP, PSPU, MLU,

Coring,OBM / WBM, Directional Drilling, Top Drive).• Vendors Held Stock for fuels and lubricants.• Maintenance of Ajax compressor, White Superior

and Cooper Beesemmer.• Maintenance of Waukesha gas engines.

PROCUREMENT PROCESS MONITORINGSCM function continuously monitors the procurement process that is part of supply chain management. The monitoring is conducted to ensure quality assurance of goods and services, through the implementation of procurement surveillance system, quality certification and the provision of safety, health and environment (HSE).

• Sertifikasi Mutu [G4-15]

Pertamina EP menerapkan proses pengadaan dalam pengelolaan rantai pasokan yang memenuhi standar internasional, melalui sertifikasi:1. ISO 9001:2008 di SCM & GS Kantor Pusat untuk

pengadaan barang dan jasa.2. ISO 27001:2005 di SCM & GS Kantor Pusat untuk

keamanan data dan informasi. 3. ISO 27001 : 2013 di SCM & GS Kantor Pusat

untuk keamanan data dan informasi terkait fisik dokumen (termasuk softcopy document).

4. ISO 9001 : 2008 di SCM & GS Asset 3 untuk Penyediaan Barang dan Jasa serta Pengelolaan Hubungan dengan Pelanggan.

5. ISO 9001 : 2008 di SCM & GS Asset 2 Field Pendopo untuk kegiatan Kelogistikan meliputi Penerimaan Barang, Inventory dan Angkutan.

6. ISO 9001 : 2008 di SCM & GS Asset 2 Field ADERA untuk kegiatan Kelogistikan meliputi Penerimaan Barang, Inventory dan Angkutan.

7. ISO 9001 : 2008 di SCM & GS Asset 2 Field Limau untuk kegiatan Kelogistikan meliputi Penerimaan Barang, Inventory dan Angkutan.

• Quality Certification [G4-15]

Pertamina EP implementing procurement processes in supply chain management that meets international standards, through the following certifications:1. ISO 9001: 2008 in SCM & GS of the Head Office for

the procurement of goods and services.2. ISO 27001: 2005 in SCM & GS of the Head Office

for the security of data and information.3. ISO 27001: 2013 in SCM & GS of the Head Office

for the security of data and information related to physical documents (including softcopy document).

4. ISO 9001: 2008 in SCM & GS of Asset 3 for the Provision of Goods and Services and Customer Relations Management.

5. ISO 9001: 2008 in SCM & GS of Asset 2 Pendopo Field for logisticals activities including Receiving of goods, Inventory and Transportation.

6. ISO 9001: 2008 in SCM & GS of Asset 2 Field ADERA for logisticals activities including Receiving of goods, Inventory and Transportation.

7. ISO 9001: 2008 in SCM & GS of Asset 2 Limau Field for logisticals activities including Receiving of goods, Inventory and Transportation.

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• Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) Ketentuan mengenai HSE tercantum dalam kontrak jasa dan kesepakatan kerja dengan vendor yang diantaranya menjamin menjamin pemenuhan kesehatan dan keamanan kerja bagi pekerja kontraktor, mengurangi angka kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja, serta membangun citra positif perusahaan. Perusahaan ikut bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan para penyedia jasa telah mendapatkan Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Health, Safety & Environment (SMHSE) untuk Pekerjaan Jasa beresiko tinggi kepada Penyedia Jasa. Hingga akhir periode pelaporan tidak ada vendor atau mitra TAC dan KSO mitra mengabaikan kewajiban mereka dalam pemenuhan kinerja HSSE Pertamina EP HSSE yang menyebabkan penerimaan sanksi. Informasi mengenai HSSE dapat dilihat dalam Bagian "Manusia" pada Laporan ini.

• Health Safety Environment (HSE)HSE provisions stipulated in the contract of service and work agreement with vendors as well as TAC and KSO partners, among others, ensure compliance with occupational health and safety for the contractors’ workers, reduce the number of occupational accidents and disease, as well as build the Company's positive image. However, the Company is responsible to ensure the vendors, TAC and KSO partners, maintain the performance of Pertamina EP Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE). By the end of reporting period there were no vendors or TAC and KSO partners that neglected their obligation to comply with Pertamina EP HSSE performance, thus received sanctions. HSSE information can be viewed in the “People” chapter of this report.

Tahun Year Jumlah Vendor Number of Vendor

2013 206

2014 286

Tahun Year Komitmen TKDN TKDN Commitment

2012 86.71%

2013 66.26%

2014 68.46%

• Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri adalah suatu batasan atau nilai yang mereprentasikan berapa tingkat kandungan lokal dalam negeri dalam suatu produk barang/jasa.

• Domestic Component LevelDomestic Component Level is a threshold or a value that represents the level of local content of good/ services.



8. ISO 9001 : 2008 di SCM & GS Asset 2 Field Prabumulih untuk kegiatan Kelogistikan meliputi Penerimaan Barang, Inventory dan Angkutan.

Selain itu Perusahaan mematuhi standarisasi kontrak, proses, form, dan instruksi kerja sesuai ketentuan SKK Migas dan PTK 007 Revisi 2. Ketentuan keharusan pemenuhan standar mutu kemudian disosialisaikan kepada vendor, sehingga mereka bisa ikut menerapkan sebagai praktik terbaik tata kelola perusahaan.

8. ISO 9001: 2008 in SCM & GS Asset 2 Prabumulih Field for logisticals activities including Receiving of goods, Inventory and Transportation.

The Company also complies with standards of contract, process, form, and working instructions in accordance with SKK Migas and PTK 007 Revision 2. The requirements for compliance with these quality standards are then disseminated to vendors, TAC and KSO partners, thus they can participate in applying best practices of good governance.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

PROSPEK USAHABusiness Prospects

Perekonomian Indonesia masih akan menghadapi tantangan di tahun mendatang, baik karena kondisi global maupun karena dampak perubahan harga BBM. Meskipun demikian, industri migas berada dalam kondisi yang optimis. Hasil riset PT Bahana Securities menyebutkan bahwa industri minyak dan gas menjadi salah satu sektor yang paling tahan dalam menghadapi dampak kenaikan BBM, dengan kinerja yang tetap positif baik sebelum dan sesudah kenaikan harga BBM. Berdasarkan hasil riset tersebut, sektor migas mencatatkan kenaikan rata-rata 25 persen pada 3 bulan sebelum kenaikan harga BBM, dan 10 persen sesudahnya.

Industri migas juga semakin mendapatkan dukungan kuat dari Pemerintah, yaitu dengan rencana pemberian sejumlah insentif bagi investor dan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS), penghapusan pengenaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) di masa eksplorasi, dan penyempurnaan mekanisme perizinan dalam program Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PTSP). Pemerintah juga akan memperpanjang periode survei wilayah kerja (WK) migas yang selama ini menjadi salah satu penghambat kegiatan eksplorasi. Khusus untuk proyek-proyek yang sulit dan membutuhkan investasi besar, Pemerintah akan memperbesar split bagi hasil produksi migas.

Indonesia's economy will continue to face challenges in the coming years, both because of global conditions and the impact of changes in fuel prices. Nevertheless, the oil and gas industry is in optimistic state. Results of research conducted by Bahana Securities said that the oil and gas industry to be one of the most resistant sectors in dealing with the impact of the fuel price hike, with performance that remained positive both before and after the increase in fuel prices. Based on the results of such research, oil and gas sector recorded an average increase of 25 percent in the three months prior to the increase in fuel prices, and 10 percent thereafter.

Oil and gas industry has also been receiving stronger support from the Government, with the plan of a number of incentives for investors and Production Sharing Contractors (PSC), the abolition of Land and Building Tax (PBB) in a period of exploration, and refinement of the licensing mechanism in the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP). The government will also extend oil & gas period of the survey work area (WK), which has been one of the obstacles in exploration activities. Especially for projects that are difficult and require a large investment, the Government will increase oil and gas production sharing split.

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Dukungan dari Pemerintah tersebut diharapkan akan mampu meningkatkan kinerja Pertamina EP agar mampu sejalan dengan target produksi PT Pertamina (Persero), yang meningkat sekitar sembilan persen dibandingkan prognosa 2014. Apalagi, pada tahun 2014, Pertamina EP menghadapi berbagai tantangan yang berpengaruh pada kinerja produksi, termasuk penurunan cadangan secara alamiah, masalah perizinan, tumpang tindih lahan, hingga naiknya nilai tanah.

Pada tahun 2025, Pertamina EP menargetkan produksi minyak dan gas bumi mencapai 2,2 juta BOEPD yang akan bertumpu pada produksi dari lapangan eksisting dan ekspansi internasional. Untuk mencapai target tersebut, produksi harus tumbuh 7% per tahun sehingga produksi dari lapangan eksisting diproyeksikan mencapai 900.000 BOEPD dan tambahan produksi dari ekspansi internasional ditargetkan mencapai 600.000 BOEPD. Sisanya akan diperoleh dari peningkatan hak partisipasi, pengembangan shale gas dan CBM, dan pengelolaan wilayah kerja domestik yang sudah berakhir masa kontraknya.

Untuk mendukung pencapaian target, Pertamina EP mulai mengembangkan offshore. Pengeboran eksplorasi pertama Pertamina EP di laut akan dilakukan pada tahun 2016 di Blok Glagah, Kambuna, Sumatera Utara. Selain itu, upaya penemuan sumber-sumber baru masih terus dilakukan di seluruh Indonesia.

Support from the government is expected to be able to improve the performance of Pertamina EP to be in line with a production target of PT Pertamina (Persero), which is an increase of approximately nine percent compared to the prognosis of 2014. Moreover, in 2014, Pertamina EP faced various challenges that affected the production performance, including decline in natural reserves, licensing issues, overlapping land, to increasing land value.

In 2025, Pertamina EP is targeting oil and gas production to reach 2.2 million BOEPD which will rely on production from existing fields and international expansion. To achieve these targets, the production must grew 7% per year so that the production from existing fields is projected to reach 900,000 BOEPD and additional production from international expansion is expected to reach 600,000 BOEPD. The rest will be obtained from the increase in participation rights, the development of shale gas and CBM, and management of domestic working areas whose contract have expired.

To support the achievement of the target, Pertamina EP began to develop offshore. Pertamina EP's first offshore drilling exploration will be conducted in 2016 in Glagah Block, Kambuna, North Sumatra. In addition, the efforts to find new sources are still carried out throughout Indonesia.

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ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGANFinancial Performance Analysis

Pembahasan dan analisis mengenai tinjauan kinerja keuangan Perusahaan dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014, mengacu kepada Laporan Keuangan Pertamina EP untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2014, serta tahun buku 2013 dan 2012, sebagai pembanding. Laporan Keuangan disusun sesuai Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) di Indonesia.

Laporan Keuangan telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Tanuredja, Wibisana, dan Rekan (member of Price Waterhouse Coopers), dengan opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (unqualified Opinion).

Kinerja Keuangan Pertamina EP tahun 2014 menggambarkan pencapaian kinerja hasil kegiatan bisnis Perusahaan, selama periode 1 Januari sampai dengan 31 Desember 2014.

The discussion and analysis of the Company's financial performance review in the Integrated Annual Report 2014 refer to the Financial Statements of PT Pertamina EP for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, as well as the fiscal years 2013 and 2012, for comparison. The Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) of Indonesia.

Financial Statements have been audited by Public Accounting Firm Tanuredja, Wibisana, and Partners (member of Price Waterhouse Coopers), with an unqualified opinion.

Financial Performance of PT Pertamina EP in 2014 described the performance achievement results of the Company's business operations, during the period January 1 to December 31, 2014.

PENDAPATAN USAHAPendapatan usaha Perusahaan berasal dari hasil penjualan minyak mentah, gas bumi dan liquid petroleum gas (LPG) di dalam negeri, serta penjualan luar negeri (ekspor). Selama tahun 2014 Perusahaan membukukan pendapatan usaha USD4.710 juta, turun 6% dari tahun 2013 sebesar USD5.001 juta.

Tidak ada pendapatan usaha yang didapat dari bantuan finansial Pemerintah, maupun penerimaan lain sebagai keuntungan dari upaya Perusahaan menyikapi fenomena perubahan iklim global.[G4-EC2] [G4-EC4]

Total penjualan dalam negeri tahun 2014 adalah USD4.656 juta, turun USD213 juta atau turun 4% dibanding penjualan tahun 2013 sebesar USD4.870 juta. Sedangkan total penjualan luar negeri (ekspor) tahun 2014 adalah USD54 juta, turun USD76 juta atau turun 59% dibanding tahun 2013 sebesar USD131 juta.

OPERATING REVENUESThe Company's operating revenue derived from the domestic sales of crude oil, natural gas, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as well as overseas sales (exports). During 2014, the Company recorded operating revenues of USD4,710 million, down 6% from USD5,001 million in 2013.

There were no revenues derived from government financial assistance, or any other revenues as gains from the Company's efforts to address global climate change phenomena. [G4-EC2] [G4-EC4]

Total domestic sales in 2014 amounted to USD4,656 million, down 4% compared to USD4,870 million in 2013. Whereas, total overseas sales (export) in 2014 amounted to USD54 million, down USD76 million or 59% compared to USD131 million in 2013.

ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagements' Discussion and Analysis

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagements' Discussion and Analysis

Berkurangnya pendapatan tahun 2014 disebabkan karena penjualan minyak mentah tahun 2014 sebesar 42.322 MBBLs mengalami penurunan sebesar 836 ribu Barrel atau turun 2% dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar 43.158 MBBLs. Harga minyak mentah Perusahaan yang dijual kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) berdasarkan Weighted Average Price (WAP) tahun 2014 adalah USD94,74/BBLs mengalami penurunan sebesar USD10,23/BBLs atau turun 10% dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar USD104,97/BBLs. Penurunan WAP perusahaan tahun 2014 merupakan efek dari penurunan harga minyak dunia pada akhir tahun 2014.

Penjualan gas bumi dan LPG Perusahaan pada tahun 2014 sebesar 284.834 MMSCF mengalami penurunan sebesar 2.336 MMSCF atau menurun sebesar 0,81% dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar 287,171 MMSCF. Meskipun penjualan gas bumi dan LPG di tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan, Perusahaan mampu menaikkan harga jual rata-rata gas ke konsumen menjadi USD6,16/MSCF di tahun 2014 atau meningkat sebesar 4% dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar USD5,92/MSCF.

The lower revenues in 2014 was due to crude oil sales in 2014 at 42,322 MBBLs, decreased by 836,000 barrels or down 2% compared to 43,158 MBBLs in 2013. Crude oil price sold to PT Pertamina (Persero) based on weighted average price (WAP) in 2014 was USD94.74/BBLs, decreased by USD10.23/BBLs or down 10% compared to USD104.97/BBLs in 2013. The decrease of WAP in 2014 was an impact of the world oil price decrease in at the end of 2014.

Gas and LPG sales in 2014 were 284,834 MMSCF, a decrease by 2,336 MMSCF or 0.81% compared to 287,171 MMSCF in 2013. Even though gas and LPG sales in 2014 decreased, the Company was able to raise gas average sales price to consumers to USD6.16/MSCF in 2014, an increase by 4% compared to USD5.92/MSCF in 2013.

PENDAPATAN USAHA Operating Revenues




Penjualan dalam negeri minyak mentah, gas bumi, dan liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

4,869,684 4,656,151 (4)Domestic sales of crude oil,

natural gas and liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Penjualan ekspor minyak mentah dan gas bumi

131,198 54,339 (59)Export sales of crude oil and

natural gas

TOTAL 5,000,882 4,710,490 (6) TOTAL

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

BEBAN USAHABeban usaha Perusahaan terdiri dari beban eksplorasi, beban produksi, beban administrasi dan umum, keuntungan lainnya-bersih, pendapatan keuangan, dan biaya keuangan. Beban usaha tahun 2014 adalah USD1.969 juta, naik USD233 juta atau 13% dibanding tahun 2013 sebesar USD1.737 miliar.

Pada tahun 2014, beban eksplorasi adalah sebesar USD152 juta meningkat sebesar 5% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 sebesar USD145 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh adanya kenaikan biaya untuk kegiatan seismik 3D di tahun 2014.

Beban produksi terdiri dari biaya untuk memproduksi minyak dan gas bumi serta biaya penyusutan aset yang dikelola Perusahaan. Pada tahun 2014, biaya untuk meproduksikan minyak dan gas bumi adalah sebesar USD1.623 juta meningkat sebesar 1% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 sebesar USD1.605 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan biaya kontrak dan lainnya pada tahun 2014. Biaya penyusutan aset tahun 2014 adalah sebesar USD319 juta meningkat 9% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 sebesar USD292 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan adanya tambahan biaya depresiasi dari kapitalisasi aset selama tahun 2014.

Beban umum dan administrasi adalah biaya yang terdapat di Head Office Perusahaan. Pada tahun 2014, beban umum dan administrasi adalah sebesar USD162 juta menurun sebesar 1,57% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 sebesar USD164 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh penurunan biaya tenaga kerja ditahun 2014.

Keuntungan lainnya-bersih merupakan transaksi dari perhitungan selisih kurs dan pendapatan denda (penalty) kepada pemasok karena keterlambatan penyerahan barang dan jasa. Pada tahun 2014, keuntungan lainnya-bersih adalah sebesar USD31 juta menurun sebesar 87% dibandingkan dengan

OPERATING EXPENSESOperating expenses consist of exploration expenses, production expenses, general and administrative expenses, other gains-net, finance income and finance costs. Operating expenses in 2014 were USD1,969 million, up USD233 million or 13% compared to USD1,737 billion in 2013.

In 2014, exploration expenses amounted to USD152 million, increased by 5% compared to USD145 million in 2013. This increase was due to an increase in costs for 3D seismic activities in 2014.

Production expenses consist of costs to produce oil and gas as well as depreciation expense of assets managed by the Company. In 2014, the costs for oil and gas production amounted to USD1,623 million million, increased by 1% compared to USD1,605 million in 2013. This increase was due to an increase of contract cost and other costs in 2014. Assets depreciation in 2014 amounted to USD319 million, increased 9% compared to USD292 million in 2013. The increase was due to the additional depreciation expenses from the asset capitalization during 2014.

General and administrative expenses are expenses incurred at the Head Office of the Company. In 2014, general and administrative expenses amounted to USD162 million decreased by 1,57% compared to USD164 million in 2013. This decrease was due to a decline in labor costs in 2014.

Other gains-net is transactions of foreign exchange differences and revenue from penalties to vendors due to delays in delivery of goods and services. In 2014, other gains-net amounted to USD31 million, decreased by 87% compared to 2013. This decrease

BEBAN USAHAdalam ribuan USD



Beban eksplorasi 145,590 152,279 5% Exploration expenses

Beban produksi 1,604,691 1,623,084 1% Production expenses

Beban umum dan administrasi 164,142 161,567 (2%) General and administration expenses

Keuntungan lainnya-bersih (246,103) (30,766) (87%) Other gains-net

Pendapatan keuangan (5,067) (9,318) 84% Finance income

Biaya keuangan 73,409 73,008 (1%) Finance cost

TOTAL 1,736,662 1,969,854 13% TOTAL

BEBAN USAHA Operating Expenses

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PENDAPATAN LAIN-LAIN BERSIHPendapatan lain-lain bersih merupakan transaksi dari perhitungan selisih kurs dan pendapatan denda (penalty) kepada pemasok karena keterlambatan penyerahan barang dan jasa. Pada tahun 2014, keuntungan lainnya-bersih adalah sebesar USD31 juta, menurun sebesar 87% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 sebesar USD246 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan beban selisih kurs akibat melemahnya nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika di tahun 2014 (rate neraca 31 Desember 2014 USD1 = Rp12.196) dan penurunan pendapatan lain-lain di tahun 2014

OTHER INCOME NETOther income-net is transactions of foreign exchange differences and revenue from penalties to vendors due to delays in delivery of goods and services. In 2014, other income-net amounted to USD21 million decreased by 87% compared to the year 2013 amounted to USD246 million. The reduction was due to an increase in the foreign exchange expense difference due to the weakening rupiah against US dollar in 2014 (December 31, 2014 balance sheet rate USD1=Rp12,196) and the decrease of net other income in 2014

2012 2013 2014

(121,439) (246,103) (30,766)

PENDAPATAN LAIN-LAIN BERSIH (dalam ribuan USD)Net Other Income (in thousands USD)

BEBAN KEUANGANBeban keuangan merupakan beban akresi ARO (asset retirement obligation), beban sewa atas penggunaan Barang Milik Negara dan beban sewa pembiayaan LPG plant dan instalasi pipa gas dari pihak ketiga. Pada tahun 2014, beban keuangan adalah sebesar USD73 juta menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh perubahan parameter perhitungan beban akresi ARO di tahun 2014.

FINANCE COSTFinance cost is accretion expenses of ARO (asset retirement obligation), rent expenses on State Property utilization and rent expenses on financing of LPG plant and installation from third parties. In 2014, finance cost amounted to USD73 million, an increase compared to 2013. This increase was due to a change in the parameter of ARO accretion expenses calculation in 2014.


KETERANGAN Description 2012 2013 2014 Δ (%)

Beban Bunga – leasing (dalam ribuan USD)Interest Expenses - Leasing (in thousand USD) 36,545 33,769 26,307 (22%)

Beban Akresi ARO ARO Accretion Expenses 27,593 39,640 46,701 18%

Total 64,138 73,409 73,008 (1%)

tahun 2013. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan beban selisih kurs akibat melemahnya nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika di tahun 2014 (rate neraca 31 Desember 2014 USD1 = Rp12.196) dan penurunan pendapatan lain-lain di tahun 2014.

Pendapatan keuangan merupakan penerimaan jasa giro dan deposito dari penempatan dana perusahaan di bank. Pada tahun 2014, keuntungan bersih adalah sebesar USD9 juta meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan tingkat suku bunga dan kenaikan saldo penempatan fixed term deposit selama tahun 2014.

was due to an increase in the foreign exchange expenses due to the weakening rupiah against US dollar in 2014 (December 31, 2014 balance sheet rate USD1=Rp12,196). and a decrease of other gains in 2014.

Finance income is revenues of giro accounts and deposits from the placement of funds in the bank. In 2014, net profit amounted to USD9 million, increased compared to 2013. This increase was due to increased interest rates and an increase in the fixed-term deposit balances during 2014.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

LABA USAHALaba sebelum pajak penghasilan merupakan hasil pengurangan pendapatan usaha dengan beban usaha. Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan tahun 2014 sebesar USD2.740 juta, turun USD524 juta atau turun 16% dari laba sebelum pajak penghasilan tahun 2013 sebesar USD3.264.221.

Penurunan laba sebelum pajak penghasilan pada tahun 2014 disebabkan oleh penurunan pendapatan usaha dan kenaikan beban usaha dibandingkan tahun 2013.

Beban pajak penghasilan tahun 2014 adalah USD1.154 juta, turun USD120 juta atau turun 9% dibanding tahun 2013 sebesar USD1.275 juta.

Dengan demikian laba tahun berjalan tahun 2014 yang diperoleh Perusahaan adalah USD1,586 juta. Jumlah tersebut berkurang USD403 juta atau turun 20% dari laba tahun berjalan tahun 2013, sebesar USD1.989 juta.

OPERATING INCOMEProfit before income tax is the result from operating revenues deducted by operating expenses. Profit before income tax in 2014 was USD2,740 million, decreased by USD524 million or 16% from profit before income tax in 2013 which was USD3,264,221.

The decrease in profit before income tax in 2014 was due to a decrease in revenue and increase in operating expenses compared to 2013.

Income tax in 2014 amounted to USD1,154 million, down USD120 million or 9% compared to USD1,275 million in 2013.

Thus the Company's profit for the year 2014 was USD1,586 million. This amount decreased USD403 million or down by 20% from profit for the year 2013 amounted to USD1,989 million.

LABA USAHAOperating Income




Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan 3,264,221 2,740,636 (16%) Profit before income tax

Beban pajak penghasilan (1,274,759) (1,154,451) (9%) Income tax expenses

Laba tahun berjalan 1,989,462 1,586,185 (20%) Profit for the year

BEBAN PAJAKBeban Pajak terdiri dari taksiran pajak kini dan taksiran pajak tangguhan. Beban pajak pada tahun 2014 sebesar USD1.154 juta, menurun sebesar USD128 juta dibandingkan dengan beban pajak pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD1.274 juta. Penurunan tersebut disebabkan oleh penurunan gross revenue karena penurunan harga minyak mentah dan penurunan perhitungan taksiran pajak tangguhan di tahun 2014.

TAX EXPENSESTax expenses consist of estimated current tax and deferred tax. Tax expenses in 2014 amounted to USD1,146 million decreased by USD128 million compared to income tax expenses in 2013, which amounted to USD1,274 million. The decline was caused by a decrease in gross revenue due to the decline in crude oil prices and a decrease in the calculation of estimated deferred tax in 2014.

KETERANGAN Description 2012 2013 2014 Δ (%)

Pajak Kini Current Tax 1,110,109 969,093 866,418 (11%)

Pajak Tangguhan Deferred Tax 182,430 305,666 288,033 (6%)

Total 1,292,539 1,274,759 1,154,450 (9%)

PERKEMBANGAN BEBAN PAJAK (dalam ribuan USD)The Development of Tax Burden (in thousands USD)

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LABA RUGI KONSOLIDASIPada tahun 2014, pencapaian laba rugi komprehensif adalah sebesar USD1.586 juta menurun dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD1.989 juta. Penurunan tersebut disebabkan oleh penjualan minyak mentah tahun 2014 sebesar 42.322 MBBLs mengalami penurunan sebesar 836 mbbls atau turun 2% dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar 43.158 MBBLs. Harga minyak mentah Perusahaan yang dijual kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) berdasarkan weighted average price (WAP) tahun 2014 adalah USD94,74/BBLs mengalami penurunan sebesar USD10,23/BBLs atau turun 10% dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar USD104,97/BBLs. Penurunan WAP perusahaan tahun 2014 merupakan efek dari penurunan harga minyak dunia pada akhir tahun 2014.

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTIn 2014, the achievement of comprehensive income amounted to USD1,586 million, lower than USD1,989 million in 2013. The decrease was due to crude oil sales in 2014 amounted to 42,322 MBBLs, decreased by 836 MBBLs or 2% compared to 43,158 MBBLs in 2013. The Company’s crude oil price sold to PT Pertamina (Persero) in 2014 was USD94.74/BBLs based on the weighted average price (WAP). It decreased by USD10.23/BBLs or 10% compared to USD104.97/BBLs in 2013. The Company’s WAP down in 2014 due to the effect of the decline in world oil prices at the end 2014.

KETERANGAN Description 2012 2013 2014 Δ (%)

Pendapatan Usaha Operating Revenues 5,318,532 5,000,883 4,710,490 (6%)

Beban Eksplorasi Exploration Expenses 201,589 145,590 152,279 5%

Beban Produksi Production Expenses 1,698,389 1,604,691 1,623,084 1%

Beban Umum dan Administrasi General and Administrative Expenses 241,616 164,142 161,567 (2%)

Beban Keuangan Finance Cost 64,138 73,409 73,008 (1%)

Pendapatan Keuangan Finance Income 4,691 5,067 9,318 84%

Pendapatan Lain-lain, Bersih Other Income, Net (121,439) (246,103) (30,766) (87%)

Laba sebelum Pajak Penghasilan Profit before Income Tax 3,238,930 3,264,221 2,740,636 (16%)

Beban Pajak PenghasilanIncome Tax Expenses 1,292,539 1,274,759 1,154,451 (9%)

Laba Bersih Net Profit 1,946,391 1,989,462 1,586,185 (20%)

Pendapatan Komprehensif LainnyaOther Comprehensive Income 0 0 0 0

Jumlah Pendapatan KomprehensifTotal Comprehensive Income 1,946,391 1,989,462 1,586,185 (20%)

LABA RUGI KONSOLIDASI (dalam ribuan USD)Consolidated Income Statement (in thousands USD)

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

ANALISIS POSISI KEUANGANFinancial Position Analysis

Analisis posisi keuangan merupakan bagian dari laporan keuangan yang mencerminkan kekayaan perusahaan pada periode tertentu. Pada tahun 2014, kinerja Pertamina EP mengalami penurunan. Jumlah aset pada tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan sebesar 33% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013, ekuitas mengalami penurunan sebesar 52% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013. Sementara, liabilitas mengalami peningkatan sebesar 14% dibandingkan tahun 2013

Analysis of financial position is part of the financial statements that reflects the company's assets in a particular period. In 2014, Pertamina EP’s performance saw a decreas. Asset decreased by 33% compared to 2013. Equity decreased by 52% compared to 2013. Meanwhile, liabilities increased by 14 % from 2013.

Total aset Perusahaan tahun 2014 adalah USD8.604 juta, terdiri dari aset lancar USD2.873 juta (33%) dan aset tidak lancar USD5.731 juta (67%). Aset tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan dibandingkan dengan total aset pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD12.924 juta.

Total assets of the Company in 2014 amounted to USD8,604 million, consisting of current assets of USD2,873 million (33%) and non-current assets of USD5,731 million (67%). Asset in 2014 decreased compared to total assets in 2013, which amounted to USD12,924 million.

ASET LANCARAset lancar Pertamina EP pada tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan sebesar 65% dibandingkan dengan aset lancar pada tahun 2013. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh berkurangnya piutang usaha pihak berelasi akibat adanya pembagian deviden kepada para pemegang saham Perusahaan.

Piutang usaha berkontribusi paling besar terhadap total aset lancar Pertamina EP pada tahun 2014 dengan penurunan sebesar USD5.354 juta atau turun 72%.

CURRENT ASSETSCurrent assets of Pertamina EP in 2014 decreased by 65% compared to current assets in 2013. This decrease was due to a decrease in trade receivables from related parties as a result of the dividend distribution to the Company’s shareholders.

Trade receivables contributed most to total current assets of Pertamina EP in 2014 with a decrease of USD5,354 million or 72%.

KETERANGAN DescriptionPeriode Pelaporan Reporting Period

2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Kas dan Setara Kas Cash and Cash Equivalent 114,554 209,461 169,235 (19%)

Piutang Usaha Trade Receivables 6,115,794 7,448,323 2,094,589 (72%)

Piutang dari Pemerintah Amount due from the Government 103,573 71,514 78,767 10%

Piutang Lain-lain Other Receivables 22,098 45,955 15,295 (67%)

Persediaan Inventories 115,916 148,550 150,051 1%

PPN yang Dapat Ditagihkan Kembali Reimbursable VAT 200,101 232,107 314,471 35%

Uang Muka dan Biaya Dibayar Di MukaAdvances and prepayments 47,100 33,656 50,426 50%

Total 6,719,135 8,189,566 2,872,834 65%

KOMPOSISI ASET LANCAR (dalam ribuan USD)Current Asset Composition (in thousands USD)

ASET [IR4]Asset

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Piutang UsahaPiutang Usaha adalah jumlah tagihan dari pelanggan untuk penjualan minyak dan gas bumi yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan usaha Perusahaan. Pada tahun 2014, Piutang Usaha adalah sebesar USD2.095 juta menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD7.448 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh berkurangnya piutang usaha pihak berelasi akibat adanya pembagian deviden kepada para pemegang saham Perusahaan.

Kebijakan Pertamina EP dalam Piutang Usaha adalah diharapkan tertagih dalam satu tahun atau kurang, piutang tersebut dikelompokkan sebagai aset lancar. Jika tidak, piutang tersebut disajikan sebagai aset tidak lancar.

Trade ReceivablesTrade Receivables are the amount of bills to customers for the sales of oil and natural gas in the Company's business activities. In 2014, Trade Receivables amounted to USD2,095 million, a decrease compared to USD7,448 million in 2013. The decrease was due to the lessening trade receivables of related party due to dividend share to the Company's shareholders.

Pertamina EP’s policy in Trade Receivables is expected to be collectible within one year or less, the receivable is classified as current asset. If not, the receivables are presented as non-current assets.

PIUTANG USAHA (dalam ribuan USD)Trade Receivables (in thousands USD)

Kas dan Setara KasPada tahun 2014, Kas dan Setara Kas adalah sebesar USD169 juta menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD209 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh penurunan penerimaan dari penjualan gas kepada pihak ketiga dan tidak ada penerimaan dana atas DMO fee dari Kementrian Keuangan.

Cash and cash equivalentsIn 2014, Cash and Cash Equivalents were USD169 million, a decrease compared to 2013, which amounted to USD209 million. The decrease was due to the declining revenue from gas sales to third party and there was no DMO fee revenue from Ministry of Finance.


2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Arus Kas dari aktivitas operasiCash flow from operations activities 652,978 1,119,466 897,674 (25%)

Arus Kas dari aktivitas investasiCash flow from investment activities (681,341) (1,004,712) (932,351) (14%)

Arus Kas dari aktivitas pendanaanCash flow from financing activities (23,682) (4,507) (1,279) (73%)

(Penurunan)/kenaikan bersih kas dan setara kasNet (Decrease)/Increase cash and cash equivalent (52,045) 110,246 35,956 (67%)

Saldo Kas dan setara kas pada awal tahun Balance Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

171,999 114,554 209,461 83%

Efek perubahan nilai kurs pada kas dan setara kasEffect of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents

(5,400) (15,339) (4,270) (72%)

Saldo kas dan setara kas pada akhir tahun Total Cash and Cash Equivalents 114,554 209,461 169,235 (19%)

KAS DAN SETARA KAS (dalam ribuan USD)Cash and cash equivalents (in thousands USD)


2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

6,115,794 7,448,323 2,094,589 (72%)

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

PersediaanPersediaan merupakan material umum yang digunakan Perusahaan untuk menjalankan akitivitas operasi.

Persediaan terdiri dari suku cadang, bahan bakar, pelumas, bahan kimia dan perlengkapan yang dinilai dengan harga perolehan dikurangi provisi persediaan using dan bergerak lambat.

Pada tahun 2014, persediaan telah diasuransikan terhadap risiko kebakaran, pencurian, dan risiko lain yang mungkin terjadi. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa nilai pertanggungan tersebut cukup untuk menutup kemungkinan kerugian yang timbul dari persediaan yang diasuransikan.

Pada tahun 2014, jumlah Persediaan adalah sebesar USD150 juta meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD149 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh adanya kenaikan pembelian material untuk mendukung kegiatan operasi Perusahaan selama tahun 2014.

Piutang Lain-lainPiutang Lain-lain terdiri atas tagihan-tagihan yang tidak termasuk dalam hasil penjualan minyak, dalam hal ini merupakan piutang dari pihak berelasi maupun dari pihak ketiga.

Pada tahun 2014, Piutang Lain-lain adalah sebesar USD15 juta menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD46 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh adanya pemenuhan kewajiban dari para pihak terkait yang berhubungan dengan Perusahaan.

InventoriesInventories are general materials used by the Company to carry out its operations.

Inventories consist of spare parts, fuel, lubricants, chemicals and supplies valued at acquisition price net of provision for obsolete and slow moving inventory.

In 2014, inventories are insured against fire, theft, and other risks that may arise. Management believes that the coverage is sufficient to cover possible losses arising from the insured inventories.

In 2014, the Inventory amounted to USD150 million, an increase compared to 2013, which amounted to USD149 million. The increase was due to an increase in the purchase of materials to support the Company's operations during 2014.

Other receivablesOther receivables consist of bills that are not included in the revenues from oil sales, which are receivables from related parties and third parties.

In 2014, Other Receivables amounted to USD15 million decreased compared to 2013, which amounted to USD46 million. This decrease was due to the fulfillment of the liabilities from related parties of the Company.

KETERANGAN Description 2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Pihak yang Berelasi Related Party 4,615 3,502 2,307 (34%)Pihak Ketiga Third Party 17,482 42,453 12,988 (69%)Jumlah Piutang Lain-lain Total Other Receivables 22,097 45,955 15,295 (67%)

PERSEDIAAN (dalam ribuan USD)Inventory (in thousands USD)

PIUTANG LAIN-LAIN (dalam ribuan USD)Other Receivables (in thousands USD)

Piutang Dari PemerintahPada tahun 2014, Piutang dari Pemerintah adalah sebesar USD79 juta meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD72 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan piutang underlifting tahun 2014.

Amount due from the GovernmentIn 2014, amount due from the Government was USD79 million increased compared to 2013, which amounted to USD72 million. The increase was due to the increase of underlifting receivables in 2014.

PIUTANG DARI PEMERINTAH (dalam ribuan USD)Amount due from the Government (in thousands USD)

PERIODE PELAPORAN Reporting Period2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

103,573 71,514 78,767 10%

2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)115,916 148,550 150,051 1%

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2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

200,101 232,107 314,471 35%

2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

47,100 33,656 50,426 50%

Uang Muka dan Biaya Dibayar DimukaPada tahun 2014, Uang Muka dan Biaya Dibayar Dimuka adalah sebesar USD50 juta meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD34 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan cash call, uang muka pihak ketiga dan prepaid rent selama tahun 2014.

ASET TIDAK LANCARAset Tidak Lancar terdiri dari Aset Minyak dan Gas dan Aset Lain-lain. Aset Tidak Lancar pada tahun 2014 sebesar USD5.704 juta meningkat dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD4.735 juta. Peningkatan tersebut disebabkan oleh penambahan kapitalisasi aset tetap dan penambahan saldo ASR selama tahun 2014.

Dana Yang Dibatasi PenggunaannyaPada tahun 2014, dana yang dibatasi penggunaannya adalah sebesar USD160 juta meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD123 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh penambahan saldo ASR (abandon site restoration) di tahun 2014.

Restricted FundIn 2014, restricted funds amounted to USD160 million, an increase compared to USD123 million in 2013. This increase was due to additional ASR (abandoned site restoration) balance in 2014.

Advances and PrepaymentsIn 2014, Advances and Prepayments amounted to USD50 million, an increase compared to 2013, which amounted to USD34 million. This increase was due to higher cash calls, third party advances and prepaid rent during 2014.

NON-CURRENT ASSETSNon current Assets consist of Oil and Gas Assets and Other Assets. Non-Current Assets in 2014 amounted to USD5,704 million, an increase compared to 2013, which amounted to USD4,735 million. The increase was due to additional fixed asset capitalization and additional ASR balances during 2014.

Keterangan Description 2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Dana Yang Dibatasi PenggunaannyaRestricted Funds 76,281 122,818 159,924 30%

Aset Minyak dan Gas Oil and Gas Asset 4,117,287 4,611,866 5,571,209 21%Aset Lain-lain Other Assets 8 90 82 -8%Total 4,201,357 4,734,774 5,731,215 21%

UANG MUKA DAN BIAYA DIBAYAR DIMUKA (dalam ribuan USD)Advances and Prepayments (in thousands USD)

KOMPOSISI ASET TIDAK LANCAR (dalam ribuan USD)Non-current Assets Composition (in thousands USD)

PPN yang Dapat Ditagihkan KembaliPada tahun 2014, PPN yang Dapat Ditagihkan Kembali adalah sebesar USD314 juta meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD232 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh adanya penambahan reimbursement PPN ke pemerintah selama tahun 2014.

Reimbursable VATIn 2014, Reimbursable VAT amounted to USD314 million, an increase compared to 2013, which amounted to USD232 million. This increase was due to additional VAT reimbursement to the government during 2014.

PPN YANG DAPAT DITAGIHKAN KEMBALI (dalam ribuan USD)Reimbursable VAT (in thousands USD)

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

Liabilitas perusahaan terdiri dari Liabilitas Jangka Pendek dan Liabilitas Jangka Panjang. Total liabillitas Perusahaan tahun 2014 adalah USD4.192 juta, terdiri liabilitas jangka pendek sebesar USD1.325 (32%) dan liabilitas jangka panjang sebesar USD2.867 juta (68%). Total liabilitas tersebut meningkat sebesar 14% dibandingkan dengan total liabilitas tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD3.677 juta.

Peningkatan liabilitas terbesar terjadi pada utang lain-lain sebesar 270% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013. Hal ini disebabkan oleh reklasifikasi selisih utang lease BMN akibat pemenuhan kewajiban Perusahaan kepada Pemerintah di tahun 2014.

LIABILITAS JANGKA PENDEKLiabilitas lancar adalah utang-utang yang harus dipenuhi dalam tempo satu tahun. Jenis Liabilitas Lancar terdiri dari Utang Usaha, Utang kepada Pemerintah, Biaya yang Masih Harus Dibayar, Utang lain-lain, Uang Muka Pelanggan, Utang pajak, dan Utang sewa pembiayaan porsi jangka pendek.

The Company’s Liabilities consist of Current Liabilities and Long Term Liabilities. The Company’s Total Liabilities in 2014 amounted to USD4,192 million, consisting of short-term liabilities of USD1,325 (32%) and long-term liabilities of USD2,867 million (68%). Total liabilities increased by 14% compared to total liabilities in 2013, which amounted to USD3,677 billion.

The largest liability increase was at other payables of 270% compared to 2013. This was due to the reclassification of difference of State Property lease payables due to the fulfillment of the Company's liabilities to the Government in 2014.

CURRENT LIABILITIESCurrent liabilities are debts that must be repaid within one year. Current liabilities consist of Trade Payable, Amount Due to the Government, Accrued Expenses, Other Payables, Customer Advances, Tax Payable, and Finance Lease Payables, Current portion.

Keterangan DescriptionPeriode Pelaporan Reporting Period

2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Utang Usaha Trade Payables 306,340 444,027 679,227 53%Utang Kepada Pemerintah Amount Due to the Government 377,439 293,451 99,926 (66%)

Biaya Yang Masih Harus Dibayar Accrued Expenses 432,632 469,757 462,758 (1%)Utang Lain-lain Other Payables 57,770 5,379 4,991 (7%)Uang Muka Pelanggan Customer Advances 14,056 23,228 20,564 (11%)Pajak Penghasilan dan Deviden Income Tax and Dividends 193,808 172,401 38,053 (78%)

Utang Pajak Lainnya Other Tax Payables 28,339 15,772 18,830 19%Utang Sewa Pembiayaan Porsi Jangka Pendek Finance Lease Payables, Current portion 4,507 637 777 22%

Utang Deviden Dividend Payable 286 0 0 0Total 1,415,177 1,424,652 1,325,126 (7%)

KOMPOSISI LIABILITAS JANGKA PENDEK (dalam ribuan USD)Current Liabilities Composition (in thousands USD)


Aset Minyak dan Gas BumiPada tahun 2014, Aset Minyak dan Gas Bumi adalah sebesar USD5.571 juta meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD4.612 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh penambahan kapitalisasi aset minyak dan gas bumi selama tahun 2014.

Aset Lain-lainPada tahun 2014, Aset Lain-lain adalah sebesar USD83 ribu menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD90 ribu. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh berkurangnya saldo piutang pegawai di tahun 2014.

Oil and Gas AssetsIn 2014, Oil and Gas Assets amounted to USD5,571 million, an increase compared to 2013, which amounted to USD4,612 million. The increase was due to additional oil and gas asset capitalization during 2014.

Other AssetsIn 2014, Other Assets amounted to 83,000, a decrease compared to 2013, which amounted to USD90,000. The decrease was due to decrease in employee receivables balance in 2014.

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Utang UsahaPada tahun 2014, Utang Usaha sebesar USD679 juta meningkat sebesar 53% dibandingkan dengan Utang Usaha pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD444 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya transaksi dengan para pihak berelasi dan pihak ketiga sebagai upaya untuk menjaga produksi minyak dan gas bumi Perusahaan.

Utang Kepada PemerintahUtang kepada Pemerintah sebesar USD100 juta menurun sebesar 66% dibandingkan dengan Utang kepada Pemerintah pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD293 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh pemenuhan kewajiban current portion utang lease BMN sampai dengan 30 Juni 2014 kepada Pemerintah.

Biaya yang Masih Harus DibayarBiaya yang Masih Harus Dibayar pada tahun 2014 sebesar USD463 juta menurun sebesar 1% dibandingkan dengan biaya yang masih harus dibayar pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD470 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh menurunnya transaksi accrual kepada pihak ketiga (pemasok) selama tahun 2014.

Trade PayablesIn 2014, Trade Payables amounted to USD679 million, increased 53% compared to Trade Payables in 2013, which amounted to USD444 milion. The increase was due to increased transactions with related parties and third parties in an effort to maintain the Company’s oil and gas production.

Amount Due to the GovernmentAmount Due to the Government amounted to USD100 million decreased 66% compared to Amount Due to the Government in 2013, which amounted to USD293 million. The decrease was due to liability fulfillment of State Property lease payables, current portion up to June 30, 2014 to the Government.

Accrued expensesAccrued expenses in 2014 amounted to USD463 million, decreased 1% compared to Accrued expenses in 2013, which amounted to USD470 million. The decrease was due to a decrease in the accrual transactions to the third parties (vendors) during 2014.

Keterangan DescriptionPeriode Pelaporan Reporting Period

2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Pemasok dan Kontraktor Suppliers and Contractors 303,855 373,036 348,528 (7%)Bonus dan Insentif Bonus and Incentives 30,933 28,983 39,128 35%Lain-lain Other 97,844 67,738 75,102 11%Jumlah Biaya yang Masih Harus DibayarTotal Accrued Expenses 432,632 469,757 462,758 (1%)

BIAYA YANG MASIH HARUS DIBAYAR (dalam ribuan USD)Accrued expenses (in thousands USD)

Utang Lain-lainUtang Lain-lain terjadi akibat dari transaksi kepada Pihak Berelasi dan Pihak Ketiga. Utang lain-lain sebagian besar merupakan transaksi atas penggantian biaya kesehatan, konsultasi pelatihan, dan biaya perjalanan.

Pada tahun 2014, Utang Lain-lain sebesar USD5 juta menurun sebesar 7% dibandingkan dengan Utang Lain-lain pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD5 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh reklasifikasi selisih utang lease BMN dari utang kepada Pemerintah.

Uang Muka PelangganPada tahun 2014, Uang muka pelanggan sebesar USD21 juta menurun sebesar 11% dibandingkan dengan uang muka pelanggan pada tahun 2013 sebesar 23 juta.

Pajak Penghasilan dan DevidenPajak Penghasilan dan Deviden sebesar USD38 juta menurun sebesar 78% dibandingkan dengan pajak penghasilan dan dividen pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD172 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh penurunan saldo current tax liabilities sehubungan dengan penurunan laba Perusahaan di tahun 2014.

Other PayablesOther Payables are resulted from transactions to the Related Parties and Third Parties. Other payables are mostly transactions on the reimbursement of medical expenses, training consultancy and travel expenses.

In 2014, Other Payables amounted to USD5 million, decreased by 7% compared to Other Payables in 2013, which amounted to USD5 million. The decrease was due to the reclassification of finance lease on State Property difference of amounts due to the Government.Customer AdvancesIn 2014, customer advances amounted to USD21 million, decreased by 11% compared to customer advances in 2013 amounted to USD23 million.

Income Tax and DividendIncome Tax and Dividend amounted to USD38 million, decreased 78% compared to Income Tax and Dividend in 2013, which amounted to USD172million. The decrease was due to the decrease in current tax liabilities balance in respect with the decrease of the Company's profits in 2014.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

LIABILITAS TIDAK LANCARLiabilitas Jangka Panjang terdiri dari utang kepada pemerintah, utang sewa pembiayaan porsi jangka panjang, utang jangka panjang lain-lain kepada pemerintah, pendapatan yang ditangguhkan, liabilitas pajak tangguhan, provisi imbalan kerja, provisi untuk biaya pembongkaran, restorasi lokasi asset (ASR). Pada tahun 2014, Liabilitas Jangka Panjang sebesar USD2.867 juta meningkat sebesar 27% dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD2.253 juta.

Peningkatan terbesar terjadi pada provisi untuk biaya pembongkaran dan restorasi lokasi asset (ASR) yang sebesar 34% dibandingkan tahun 2013. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya perubahan estimasi waktu dan jumlah kas yang akan dikeluarkan serta perubahan tarif diskonto di tahun 2014.

NON-CURRENT LIABILITIESNon-current liabilities consist of Amount due to the government; Finance lease payables, non-current portion; other non-current payables to the government; deferred revenue; deferred tax liabilities; provisions for employee benefits, provision for decommisioning and asset site restoration (ASR). In 2014, Long-Term Liabilities amounted to USD2,852 million, increased 27% compared to USD2,253 million in 2013.

The largest increase was in the provision for decommisioning and asset site restoration (ASR), which was up 34% compared to 2013. This was due to changes in the time estimate and amount of cash that will be disbursed as well as changes in the discount rate in 2014.

Keterangan DescriptionPeriode Pelaporan Reporting Period

2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Utang Kepada Pemerintah Amounts Due to the Government 183,283 144,454 140,782 (3%)

Utang Sewa Pembiayaan Porsi Jangka PanjangFinance Lease Payables, Non-current Portion 4,224 3,587 2,811 (22%)

Pendapatan yang Ditangguhkan Deferred Revenue 66,560 67,064 68,582 2%Liabilitas Pajak Tangguhan Deferred Tax Liabilities 744,607 1,050,273 1,338,307 27%Provisi Imbalan Kerja Provision for Employee Benefits 30,562 38,895 41,423 7%Provisi Untuk Pembongkaran dan Restorasi Lokasi AsetProvision for Decommisioning and Asset Site Restoration 1,218,549 948,423 1,275,450 34%

Total 2,247,785 2,252,696 2,867,355 27%

KOMPOSISI KEWAJIBAN JANGKA PANJANG (dalam ribuan USD)Non-current Liabilities Composition (in thousands USD)

Utang Pajak LainnyaUtang Pajak Lainnya sebesar USD19 juta meningkat sebesar 19% dibandingkan dengan Utang Pajak Lainnya pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD16 juta Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan saldo utang pajak penghasilan (PPh 21, PPh 4, PPh 23, PPh 15) dan saldo utang PPN selama tahun 2014.

Other Tax PayablesOther Tax Payables amounted to USD19 million increased 19% compared to Other Tax Payables in 2013, which amounted to USD16 million. The increase was due to higher balance of income tax payables (PPh 21, PPh 4, PPh 23, PPh 15) and VAT payable balance during 2014.

Utang Sewa Pembiayaan, Porsi Jangka PendekUtang Sewa Pembiayaan, Porsi Jangka Pendek sebesar USD777 ribu meningkat sebesar 22% dibandingkan dengan Utang Sewa Pembiayaan, Porsi Jangka Pendek pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD637 ribu. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh pembebanan biaya bunga lease LPG plant di tahun 2014.

Finance Lease Payables, Current PortionThe finance lease payables, current portion was USD777,000, increased 22% compared to finance lease payables, current portion in 2013, which amounted to USD637,000. The increase was due to the charging of finance lease interest on LPG plant in 2014.

Utang Kepada PemerintahUtang Kepada Pemerintah sebesar USD141 juta menurun sebesar 3% dibandingkan dengan Utang Usaha pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD144 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh adanya pembayaran utang lease BMN di tahun 2014 kepada Pemerintah.

Amounts due to the GovernmentAmounts due to the Government amounted to USD141 million decreased 3% compared to those in 2013, which amounted to USD144 million. The decrease was due to payment of finance lease payables on BMN in 2014 to the Government.

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Utang Sewa Pembiayaan, Porsi Jangka PanjangUtang Sewa Pembiayaan, Porsi Jangka Panjang sebesar USD3 juta menurun sebesar 22% dibandingkan dengan Utang Sewa Pembiayaan, Porsi Jangka Panjang pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD4 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh adanya finalisasi kontrak lease asset LPG plant.

Liabilitas Pajak TangguhanLiabilitas Pajak Tangguhan sebesar USD1.338 juta meningkat sebesar 27% dibandingkan dengan Liabilitas Pajak Tangguhan pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD1.050 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh penambahan penghapusan deffered tax atas cadangan pesangon dan settlement porsi jangka pendek lease asset BMN sampai dengan Juni 2014. Provisi Imbalan KerjaProvisi Imbalan Kerja sebesar USD41 juta meningkat sebesar 7% dibandingkan dengan Provisi Imbalan Kerja pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD39 juta. Peningkatan/penurunan ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan biaya past service liabilities sampai dengan Desember 2014 berdasarkan actuary report.

Provisi Untuk Pembongkaran dan Restorasi Lokasi AsetProvisi Untuk Pembongkaran dan Restorasi Lokasi Aset sebesar USD1.275 juta meningkat sebesar 34% dibandingkan dengan Provisi Untuk Pembongkaran dan Restorasi Lokasi Aset pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD948 juta. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh adanya perubahan estimasi waktu dan jumlah kas yang akan dikeluarkan serta perubahan tarif diskonto di tahun 2014.

Finance lease payables, Non-current PortionFinance Lease Payables, Non-current Portion amounted to USD3 million, decreased 22% compared to those in 2013, which amounted to USD4 million, The decrease was due to finalization of lease contract on LPG plant asset.

Deferred Tax LiabilitiesDeferred Tax Liabilities amounted to USD1,338 million, increased 27% compared to those in 2013, which amounted to USD1,050 million. The increase was due to additional write-off of deferred tax on severance pay allowance and settlement of lease on State Property assets current portion as of June 2014.

Provision for Employee BenefitsProvision for Employee Benefits increased 7% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD39 million. The increase was due to the increasing past service liabilities cost until December 2014 based on actuary report.

Provision for Decommissioning and Asset Site restorationProvision for Decommissioning and Asset Site restoration amounted to USD1,275 increased 34% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD948 million. The increase was due to a change in the time estimates and amount of cash to be disbursed as well as changes in the discount rate in 2014.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

Kebijakan permodalan dan pendanaan Pertamina EP sepenuhnya diatur oleh PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pemegang saham utama. Sebagai anak perusahaan, Pertamina EP tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan pinjaman, naik pinjaman jangka pendek maupun pinjaman jangka panjang. Oleh karena itu, penerimaan modal Pertamina EP bergantung pada PT Pertamina (Persero).

PT Pertamina (Persero) melakukan monitor permodalan berdasarkan rasio jumlah utang terhadap modal. Utang neto dihitung dari jumlah pinjaman termasuk jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, sedangkan modal dihitung dari “ekuitas” yang ada pada laporan posisi keuangan. Sasaran Pertamina adalah untuk mencapai rasio utang terhadap ekuitas sebesar 89,76%.

Pada tahun 2014, total ekuitas Pertamina EP sebesar USD4.412 juta menurun sebesar 52% dibandingkan dengan ekuitas tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD9.247 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh adanya pembayaran deviden kepada para pemegang saham di tahun 2014.

Capital and funding policies of Pertamina EP is fully governed by PT Pertamina (Persero) as the main shareholder. As a subsidiary company, Pertamina EP does not have the authority to get any loans, both short-term and long-term loans. Therefore, Pertamina EP’s capital depends on PT Pertamina (Persero).

PT Pertamina (Persero) monitors the capital based on the debt to capital ratio. Net debt is calculated from total loans, including short-term and long-term loans, while capital is calculated from the 'equity'.in the statement of financial position. Pertamina has set the target to achieve debt to equity ratio at 89.76%.

In 2014, Pertamina EP’s total equity amounted to USD4,412 million, decreased 52% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD9,247 million. The decrease was due to the payment of dividends to shareholders in 2014.

Keterangan DescriptionPeriode Pelaporan Reporting Period

2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Modal Saham Share Capital 24,730 24,730 24,730 0

Saldo Laba Retained Earnings 7,232,800 9,222,262 4,386,838 (52%)

Total 7,257,530 9,246,992 4,411,568 (52%)

KOMPOSISI EKUITAS (dalam ribuan USD)Equity Composition (in thousands USD)


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Keterangan DescriptionPeriode Pelaporan Reporting Period

2012 2013 2014 Δ(%)

Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Operasi Cash Flows from Operating Activities 652,978 1,197,406 897,674 (25%)

Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas InvestasiCash flows from invesing Activities (681,341) (1,082,368) (932,351) (14%)

Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas PendanaanCash flows from Financing Activities (22,682) (4,792) (1,279) (73%)

(Penurunan/Kenaikan) Bersih Kas dan Setara KasNet (Decrease) Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (52,045) 110,246 (35,956) (67%)

Saldo Kas dan Setara Kas Pada Awal TahunCash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 171,999 114,554 209,461 83%

Efek Perubahan Nilai Kurs Pada Kas dan Setara KasEffect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents

(5,400) (15,339) (4,270) (72%)

Saldo Kas dan Setara Kas Pada Akhir TahunEffect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents

114,554 209,461 169,235 (19%)

LAPORAN ARUS KAS (dalam ribuan USD)Cash Flow (in thousands USD)

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi diantaranya meliputi Penerimaan kas dari pelanggan, penerimaan kas untuk penggantian biaya, pembayaran kas kepada pemasok, dan karyawan, pembayaran pajak penghasilan, dan penerimaan dari pendapatan bunga. Pada tahun 2014 jumlah kas yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas operasi adalah sebesar USD897 juta atau menurun 25% dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD1.197 juta. Penurunan ini terutama disebabkan oleh Penurunan lifting gas di tahun 2014 sehingga target penerimaan penjualan gas tidak tercapai.

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi terjadi sebagai akibat dari Pembayaran untuk perolehan aset minyak dan gas bumi. Pada tahun 2014 jumlah pengeluaran kas dari aktivitas investasi adalah sebesar USD932 juta menurun sebesar 14% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD1.082 juta. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh realisasi pencapaian Investasi di tahun 2014 lebih rendah dari tahun 2013.

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan disebabkan oleh adanya aktivitas pendanaan yaitu penerimaan dari pihak yang berelasi dan pembayaran kas kepada pihak berelasi. Pada tahun 2014 jumlah pendapatan kas aktivitas pendanaan sebesar USD1 juta menurun sebesar 73% dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD5 juta.

Posisi kas dan setara kas per 31 Desember 2014 sebesar USD169 juta menurun sebesar 19% dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD209 juta. Penurunan tersebut disebabkan oleh penurunan penerimaan arus kas dari aktivitas operasi.

Cash Flows from Operating Activities include Cash receipts from customers, cash receipts for reimbursement, cash payments to suppliers, and employees, income tax payments and receipts from interest income. In 2014 the amount of cash generated from operating activities amounted to USD897 million or decreased 25% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD1,197 million. The decrease was mainly due to the declining of 2014 gas lifting that caused gas revenue fell short of its target.

Cash Flows from Investing Activities are resulted from the payment for the acquisition of oil and gas assets. In 2014 total cash disbursements from investing activities amounted to USD932 million, decreased by 14% compared to those in 2013, which amounted to USD1,082 million. The decrease was due to the lower investment achievement in 2014 compared to 2013.

Cash Flows from Financing Activities are resulted from financing activities, which are revenues from related parties and cash payments to related parties. In 2014 total cash income from financing activities amounted to USD1 million, decreased by 73% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD5 million.

Cash and cash equivalents position as of December 31, 2014 was USD169 million, decreased by 19% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD209 million. The decrease was due to declining cash flow revenue from operations activities.

LAPORAN ARUS KASStatements Of Cash Flow

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

SOLVABILITASRasio Solvabilitas adalah Rasio yang digunakan untuk melihat kemampuan perusahaan membayar seluruh utang, yang ditunjukkan dalam bentuk Debt to Total Assets Ratio dan Debt to Total Equity Ratio. Debt to Total Assets Ratio digunakan untuk memastikan atau menjamin berapa persentase aset yang mampu menutupi jumlah utang.

Pada tahun 2014 jumlah Debt to Total Assets Ratio Pertamina EP sebesar 48,73%, meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 28,45%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa 48,73% dari total aset mampu membiayai jumlah utang yang dimiliki. Peningkatan Debt to Total Assets Ratio pada tahun 2014 disebabkan oleh adanya pembagian deviden kepada para pemegang saham, sehingga menyebabkan total asset di 2014 menjadi lebih kecil dibandingkan tahun 2013.

Sementara, Debt to Total Equity Ratio digunakan untuk mengukur bagian modal sendiri yang dijadikan jaminan untuk keseluruhan kewajiban atau hutang. Pada tahun 2014 Debt to Total Equity Ratio Pertamina EP sebesar 95,03% meningkat dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 39,77%.

LIKUIDITASLikuiditas adalah rasio yang mencerminkan tentang kemampuan untuk memenuhi kewajibannya, terutama kewajiban dana jangka pendek. Tingkatlikuiditas dapat dilihat dengan cash ratio, acid ratio, dan current ratio.

SOLVENCYSolvency ratio is the ratio used to see the company’s ability to pay all of its debts, which is shown in the Debt to Total Assets Ratio and Debt to Total Equity Ratio. Debt to Total Assets Ratio is used to ensure or guarantee the percentage of assets that can cover total debts.

In 2014 the Debt to Total Assets Ratio of Pertamina EP was 48.73%, increase compared to that in 2013, which was 28.45%. This showed that 48.73% of total assets can afford to pay the company’s debts. Increased Debt to Total Assets Ratio in 2014 was due to distribution of dividends to shareholders, resulting total assets in 2014 was lower than in 2013.

Meanwhile, Debt to Total Equity Ratio is used to measure the equity portion, which serves as collateral for total liabilities or debts. In 2014 Debt to Total Equity Ratio of Pertamina EP was 95.03%, an increase compared to that in 2013, which was USD39.77%.

LIQUIDITYLiquidity is a ratio that reflects the company’s ability to meet its liabilities, especially short-term funding liabilities. The liquidity rate can be seen through cash ratio, acid ratio and current ratio.

Keterangan Description 2012 2013 2014

Debt to Total Assets Ratio 33.54% 28.45% 48.73%

Debt to Total Equity Ratio 50.47% 39.77% 95.03%

Keterangan Description 2012 2013 2014

Cash ratio 8.09% 14.70% 12.77%

Current ratio 474.79% 574.85% 216.80%




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CASH RATIOCash ratio pada tahun 2014 sebesar 12,77% menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 14,70%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan memiliki kemampuan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 dalam menyelesaikan kewajiban jangka pendeknya dengan menggunakan kas dan surat berharga yang dimiliki. Penurunan cash ratio pada tahun 2014 disebabkan oleh adanya penurunan penerimaan dari hasil penjualan gas ke konsumen.

CURRENT RATIOPada tahun 2014, current ratio berada di angka 216,80% menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 574,85% Hal ini menggambarkan kemampuan perusahaan yang lebih rendah dalam menyelesaikan kewajiban jangka pendeknya dengan menggunakan total asset lancar yang dimiliki. Penurunan current ratio pada tahun 2014 disebabkan oleh berkurangnya piutang usaha ke pihak berelasi khususnya ke Pertamina (Persero) karena offsetting pembagian deviden kepada pemegang saham.

CASH RATIOCash ratio in 2014 was 12.77%, a decrease compared to that in 2013, which was 14.70%. This indicated the company’s ability was lower in settling its short-term liabilities with the use of its cash and marketable securities. Decreased cash ratio in 2014 was due to a decline in revenues from gas sales to consumers.

CURRENT RATIO In 2014, the current ratio was 216.80% , a decrease compared to that in 2013, which was 574.85%. This indicated the company’s ability was lower in settling its short-term liabilities with the use of its cash and marketable securities. Decreased current ratio in 2014 was due to a decline in trade receivables from related parties, especially to Pertamina (Persero) for offsetting the distribution of dividends to shareholders.

KOLEKTIBILITASKolektibilitas adalah tingkat kemungkinan diterimanya kembali dana yang ditanamkan dalam surat-surat berharga atau lainnya. Kolektibilitas menggambarkan kemampuan perusahaan dalam menagih piutang (collection period).

Pada tahun 2014, nilai collection period sebesar 15 hari dan tidak mengalami perubahan dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 15 hari. Selama tahun 2014 Perusahaan dapat mempertahankan tingkat kolektibilitas.

COLLECTIBILITYCollectibility is the revenue probability of returns from fund investments in securities or others. Collectibility indicates the company's ability to collect debts (collection period).

In 2014, the collection period was 15 days, which did not change from that in 2013, which was 15 days. During 2014, the Company was able to maintain collectibility level.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

PROFITABILITASRasio profitabilitas mengukur tingkat kemampuan Perusahaan dalam menghasilkan keuntungan dari semua potensi atau sumber daya yang dimiliki. Tingkat Profitabilitas dilihat dari Margin Pendapatan Operasi, Margin Laba Bersih, Imbalan Investasi, dan Imbalan Kepada Pemegang Saham.

Margin Pendapatan OperasiPada tahun 2014, Margin Pendapatan Operasi sebesar 58,88% menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 61,72%. Hal ini disebabkan oleh berkurangnya pendapatan usaha di tahun 2014 karena adanya penurunan lifting minyak mentah dan gas bumi dan peningkatan beban usaha sebagai upaya untuk mempertahankan produksi minyak mentah dan gas bumi.

Margin Laba BersihPada tahun 2014, Margin Laba Bersih sebesar 33,67% menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 39,78%. Hal ini disebabkan oleh berkurangnya pendapatan usaha di tahun 2014 karena adanya penurunan lifting minyak mentah dan gas bumi, peningkatan beban usaha dan beban lain-lain bersih sebagai upaya untuk mempertahankan produksi minyak mentah dan gas bumi.

Imbalan InvestasiPada tahun 2014, Imbalan Investasi sebesar 43,74% meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 30,49%. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penurunan total asset di tahun 2014 karena berkurangnya piutang usaha ke pihak berelasi khususnya ke Pertamina (Persero) hasil dari offsetting pembagian deviden kepada pemegang saham.

Imbalan Kepada Pemegang SahamPada tahun 2014, Imbalan Kepada Pemegang Saham sebesar 56,14% meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 27,41%. Hal ini menunjukkan komitmen Perusahaan yang lebih baik kepada pemegang saham di tahun 2014.

PROFITABILITYProfitability ratio measures the Company's ability to generate profits from all its potentials or resources. The Profitability rate is seen from Operating Income Margin, Net Profit Margin, Return on Investment and Return on Equity.

Operating Income MarginIn 2014, Operating Income Margin was 58.88%, a decrease compared to that in 2013, which was 61.72%. This was caused by lower operating revenues in 2014 due to a decline in lifting of crude oil and natural gas and an increase in operating expenses in an effort to maintain the production of crude oil and natural gas.

Net Profit MarginIn 2014, Net Profit Margin was 33.67%, a decrease compared to that in 2013, which was 39.78%. This was caused by lower operating revenues in 2014 due to a decline in lifting of crude oil and natural gas, the increase in operating expenses and other expenses-net in an effort to maintain the production of crude oil and natural gas.

Return On InvestmentIn 2014, Return on Investment was 43.74%, an increase compared to that in 2013, which was 30.49%. This was due to the decline of total assets in 2014 due to decrease in trade receivables to related parties, especially to PT Pertamina (Persero), the result of offsetting the distribution of dividends to shareholders.

Return on equityIn 2014, Return on Equity was 56.14%, an increase compared to that in 2013, which was 27.41%. This showed a better commitment of the Company to the shareholders in 2014.

Keterangan Description 2012 2013 2014

Margin Pendapatan Operasi Operating Income Margin 59.73% 61.72% 58.88%

Margin Laba Bersih Net Profit Margin 36.60% 39.78% 33.67%

Imbalan Investasi Return on Investment 36.04% 30.49% 43.74%

Imbalan kepada Pemegang Saham Return on Equity 36.65% 27.41% 56.14%


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RASIO PERPUTARANRasio perputaran digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat efisiensi dan efektifitas pengelolaan sumber daya yang dimiliki Perusahaan. Rasio perputaran terdiri dari tiga, yaitu Perputaran Piutang, Perputaran Persediaan, dan Perputaran Aset.

Perputaran PiutangPada tahun 2014, Perputaran Piutang sebesar 15 hari sama dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 15 hari. Selama tahun 2014 Perusahaan dapat mempertahankan perputaran piutangnya dan menjaga tingkat kepercayaan konsumen.

Perputaran PersediaanPada tahun 2014, Perputaran Persediaan sebesar 12 hari meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 11 hari. Peningkatan tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya peningkatan pembelian persediaan sebagai upaya untuk mempertahankan tingkat produksi minyak dan gas bumi selama tahun 2014.

Perputaran AsetPada tahun 2014, Perputaran Aset sebesar 67,47% meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar 45,10%. Peningkatan tersebut disebabkan oleh berkurangnya piutang usaha ke pihak berelasi khususnya ke PT Pertamina (Persero) hasil dari offsetting pembagian deviden kepada pemegang saham.

TURNOVER RATIOTurnover ratio is used to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the Company’s resource management. Turnover ratio consists of Receivable Turnover, Inventory Turnover, and Asset Turnover.

Receivable TurnoverIn 2014, receivable turnover was 15 days, similar with that in 2013, which was 15 days. During 2014, the Company was able to maintain its receivable turnover and maintain consumer confidence.

Inventory TurnoverIn 2014, Inventory Turnover was 12 days, an increase compared to that in 2013, which was 11 days. The decrease was due to an increase in the purchase of supplies in order to maintain the level of oil and natural gas production during 2014.

Asset TurnoverIn 2014, Asset Turnover was 67.47%, an increase compared to that in 2013, which was 45.10%. The increase was due to decreased receivables to related parties, especially to PT Pertamina (Persero) as a result of offsetting the distribution of dividends to shareholders.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

Investasi berupa Barang Modal (Capital Expenditure) merupakan aktivitas pengeluaran dana yang digunakan untuk membeli Aset Tetap atau untuk menambah nilai Aset Tetap yang diharapkan dapat memberikan nilai manfaat di masa depan.

PERIKATAN PENTINGSepanjang tahun 2014, sejumlah perjanjian dilakukan antara Pertamina EP dengan beberapa pihak lain, termasuk perjanjian-perjanjian unitisasi.

Perjanjian UnitisasiSebagai tindak lanjut pemberlakuan Peraturan Pemerintah No.35 Tahun 2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Pertamina EP telah melakukan perikatan Perjanjian Unitisasi (Unitisation Agreement/UA) dan Kesepakatan Operasi (Unit Operating Agreement/UOA) dengan beberapa pihak. Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014, ada 7 Perjanjian Unitisasi dan Kesepakatan Operasi.

Perjanjian Unitisasi dan Kesepakatan Operasi, wajib dilakukan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKS) apabila terbukti adanya pelamparan reservoir yang memasuki wilayah kerja Kontraktor KKS lainnya. Penentuan operator pelaksana unitisasi mengacu pada penetapan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), dengan memperhatikan kesepakatan di antara para kontraktor yang melakukan unitisasi setelah mendapatkan pertimbangan SKK Migas.

Investment in Capital Goods (Capital Expenditure) is an expenditure of funds used to purchase Fixed Assets or to increase the value of Fixed Assets that are expected to provide value in the future.

IMPORTANT TIESThroughout 2014, there were a number of agreements made between Pertamina EP with several other parties, including unitization agreements.

Unitization AgreementAs a follow-up to the Government Regulation No.35 of 2004 on the Upstream Oil and Gas Activities, Pertamina EP has made Unitization Agreement (UA) and the Unit Operating Agreement (UOA) with multiple parties. Until the end of 2014, there were 7 Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements.

The Contractors of Production Sharing Contract (KKS) are required to make Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements if it is proven that there is reservoir spreading that enters other KKS’s working area. Determination of operator for unitization refers to the decision made by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), with regard to the agreement between contractors who carry out the unitization after receiving consideration from SKK Migas.

BELANJA DAN IKATAN PENTING INVESTASI BARANG MODALExpenditure and Material Ties for Capital Good Investment

PERJANJIAN UNITISASI YANG DIMILIKI HINGGA 2014Unitization agreement as of 2014





Air Serdang Talisman Ogan Komering Ltd Oil 21.96% & Gas 19.93% Air Serdang, South Sumatra

Wakamuk PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd Oil & Gas 50% Sorong, Papua

Sukowati JOB Pertamina PetroCHina East Java Oil & Gas 80% Tuban, East Java

Suban PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd Oil & Gas 10% Suban, Jambi

Tiung Biru Pertamina EP Cepu Gas 8.06% Jambaran, East Java

MB Unit PT Pertamina Hulu Energi-Offshore North Oil & Gas 47.4% Karawang, West Java

West Java (PHE ONJW)

Tanjung Laban Pertamina EP Oil & Gas 74.99% Ramba, South Sumatera

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KEBIJAKAN ATAS STRUKTUR PERMODALANStruktur modal (capital structure) menggambarkan pembiayaan permanen Perusahaan yang terdiri atas utang jangka panjang dan modal sendiri. Manajemen menetapkan kebijakan struktur modal yang optimal untuk menghasilkan pendanaan yang efisien.

POLICY OF CAPITAL STRUCTURECapital structure describes the Company’s permanent funding, which consists of long-term debt and equity. The management established optimal capital structure policy in order to produce efficient funding.

REALISASI PENGGUNAAN DANA HASIL PENAWARAN UMUMHingga tahun 2014, Pertamina EP belum menjadi perusahaan terbuka atau belum melakukan Penawaran Umum di bursa efek sehingga tidak ada informasi terkait dengan total perolehan dana, rencana penggunaan dana, rincian penggunaan dana, saldo dana dan tanggal persetujuan RUPS atas perubahan penggunaan dana.

REALIZATION OF PUBLIC OFFERING PROCEEDS USESUp to 2014, Pertamina EP has not become a public company or conducted public offering on the stock exchange, thus there is no information regarding total proceeds, the planned use of funds, details of the use of funds, fund balances and the date of GMS approval on the change of use of funds.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

TRANSAKSI DERIVATIF DAN AKTIVITAS LINDUNG NILAILindung nilai diartikan sebagai suatu investasi yang dilakukan khususnya untuk mengurangi timbulnya risiko pada suatu investasi lain. Lindung nilai digunakan sebagai strategi untuk mengurangi timbulnya risiko bisnis yang tidak terduga. Pada tahun 2014, Pertamina EP tidak melakukan transaksi derivatif dan aktivitas lindung nilai.

Transaksi valuta mata uang dilakukan dengan selalu mempertimbangkan kurs yang menguntungkan Perusahaan. Perusahaan mengatur risiko dengan berusaha menyelaraskan penerimaan dan pembayaran untuk setiap jenis mata uang.

INFORMASI PENINGKATAN YANG MATERIAL DARI PENJUALAN ATAU PENDAPATAN BERSIHKinerja Pertamina EP tahun 2014 ditunjukkan dengan penurunan pendapatan menjadi USD4.710 juta menurun dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD5.001 juta.

Penurunan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh penurunan pendapatan yang berasal dari penjualan minyak mentah dan DMO fee.

DERIVATIVE TRANSACTIONS AND HEDGING ACTIVITIESHedging is defined as an investment made in particular to reduce the incidence of risk in another investment. Hedging is used as a strategy to reduce the incidence of unexpected business risks. In 2014, Pertamina EP did not conduct derivative transactions and hedging activities.

Currency exchange transactions are carried out by taking into account favorable exchange rate to the Company. The company manages risks by trying to align receipts and payments for each type of currency.

MATERIAL IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION OF SALES OR NET INCOME Pertamina EP’s 2014 performance was demonstrated by a decrease in income to USD4,710 million, down compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD5,001 million.

The decrease was due to decrease in income from crude oil sales and DMO fee.

Keterangan Description 2012 2013 2014

Penjualan Minyak Mentah Crude Oil Sales 4,042,651 3,565,282 3,250,637


Pada tahun 2014, penjualan minyak mentah Pertamina EP sebesar USD3.250 juta menurun sebesar 10% dibandingkan dengan penjualan minyak mentah pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD3.565 juta. Penurunan terutama disebabkan oleh penjualan minyak mentah tahun 2014 sebesar 42.322 MBBLs mengalami penurunan sebesar 836 ribu Barrel atau 2% dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar 43.158 MBBLs.

Harga minyak mentah Perusahaan yang dijual kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) berdasarkan weighted average price (WAP) tahun 2014 adalah USD94,74/BBLs mengalami penurunan sebesar USD10,23/BBLs atau 10% dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar USD104,97/BBLs. Penurunan WAP perusahaan tahun 2014 merupakan efek dari penurunan harga minyak dunia pada akhir tahun 2014.

In 2014, sales of Pertamina EP’s crude oil amounted to USD3,250 million, decreased by 10% compared to crude oil sales in 2013, which amounted to USD3,565 million. The decline was mainly due to crude oil sales in 2014 amounted to 42,322 MBBLs , which decreased by 836,000 Barrels or 2% compared to 43,158 MBBLs in 2013.

The Company’s crude oil prices sold to PT Pertamina (Persero) in 2014 was USD94.74/BBLs based on the weighted average price (WAP). It decreased by USD10.23/BBLs or 10% compared to USD104.97/BBLs in 2013. The Company’s WAP down in 2014 due to the effect of the decline in world oil prices at the end 2014.

Pada tahun 2014, DMO Fee Pertamina EP sebesar USD687 juta menurun sebesar 8% dibandingkan dengan DMO Fee pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD751 juta. Penurunan terutama disebabkan oleh penurunan penjualan minyak mentah di tahun 2014.

In 2014, Pertamina EP’s DMO Fee amounted to USD687 million, decreased by 8%compared to DMO Fee in 2013, which amounted to USD751 million. The decrease was mainly due to a decline in sales of crude oil in 2014.

Keterangan Description 2012 2013 2014

DMO Fee 889,902 750,688 687,392


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PERBANDINGAN ANTARA TARGET AWAL TAHUN BUKU DENGAN REALISASI TAHUN 2014 DAN PROYEKSI TAHUN 2015Comparison between the Fiscal Year Initial Target with Realization of 2014 and Projection of 2015

Keterangan DescriptionRealisasi

Realization 2013

RKAP 2014Realisasi


% Pencapaian Realisasi 2014% 2014 Realization Achievement

Realisasi Realization

2013RKAP 2014 Projection


1 2 3 4 5=4/3 6=4/2 7

Pendapatan Usaha Operating Income 5,000,883 5,673,034 4,710,490 94% 83% 5,673,884

Beban Eksplorasi Exploration Expenses 145,590 151,410 152,279 105% 101% 156,884

Beban Produksi Production Expenses 1,604,691 1,725,373 1,623,084 101% 94% 1,958,857

Beban Umum dan AdministrasiGeneral and Administration Expenses 164,142 169,303 161,567 95% 98% 140,167

Beban Keuangan Finance Cost 73,409 25,123 73,008 99% 291% 43,543

Pendapatan Keuangan Finance Income 5,067 N/A 9,318 184% N/A N/A

Pendapatan Lain-lain, BersihOther Income, Net 246,103 N/A 30,766 125% N/A N/A

Laba Sebelum Pajak PenghasilanProfit Before Income Tax 3,264,221 3,601,825 2,740,636 84% 76% 3,374,432

Beban Pajak PenghasilanIncome Tax Expenses 1,274,759 1,458,739 1,154,451 91% 79% 1,309,432

Laba Bersih Net Profit 1,989,462 2,143,086 1,586,184 80% 74% 2,065,000

Jumlah Pendapatan KomprehensifTotal Comprehensive Income 1,989,462 2,143,086 1,586,184 80% 74% 2,065,000

PERBANDINGAN REALISASI LABA RUGI TAHUN 2014 DENGAN TARGET RKAP 2014 SERTA PROYEKSI TAHUN 2015 (dalam ribuan USD)Comparison of Realization of 2014 Income Statement with RKAP Target 2014 and Projection of 2015 (in thousands USD)

Realisasi laba sebelum pajak pada tahun 2014 sebesar USD2.741 juta. Hal ini mencapai 76% dari target yang sebesar USD3.602 juta atau 84% dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD3.264 juta.

Pencapaian laba bersih mengalami penurunan yaitu terealisasi sebesar USD1.586 juta. Angka tersebut memenuhi target sebesar 74% yang sebesar USD2.143 juta atau mencapai 80% dibandingkan realisasi tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD1.989 juta.

Realization of profit before tax in 2014 amounted to USD2,741 million. It reached 76% of the target of USD3,602 million or 84% compared to the realization in 2013 that amounted to USD3,264 million.

The net profits decreased with realization of USD1,586 million. These figures meet the target of 74% which amounted to USD2,143 million or reached 80% compared to the realization in 2012, which amounted to USD1,989 million.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

PROYEKSI TAHUN 2015Pada tahun 2015, Pendapatan Usaha diproyeksikan naik sebesar 20% dari realisasi Pendapatan 2014 yaitu menjadi sebesar USD5.674 juta. Untuk mencapai sasaran Pendapatan Usaha tersebut, diperlukan Beban Usaha sebesar USD2.299 juta. Oleh karena itu, target Laba Bersih Sebelum Pajak sebesar USD3.374 juta. Dengan Beban Pajak sebesar USD1.309 juta, maka target Laba Bersih menjadi sebesar USD2.065 juta atau meningkat sebesar 30% dari realisasi Laba Bersih tahun 2014.

Posisi Neraca pada akhir tahun 2015 diproyeksikan dengan jumlah Aset sebesar USD13.115 juta, Liabilitas sebesar USD3.809 juta, dan Ekuitas sebesar USD9.306 juta.

2015 PROJECTIONSIn 2015, Operating Revenues are projected to increase by 20% of the estimated Revenues in 2014, which amounted to USD5,674 million. To achieve the targets of the Operating Revenues, Operating Expenses required are USD2,299 million. Therefore, Net Profit Before Tax target was at USD3,374 million. With Tax Expenses amounted to USD1,309 million, Net Profit target was set at USD2,065 million or increased by 30% of the Net Profit realization in 2014.

Balance Sheet position at the end of 2015 is projected with total Assets at USD13,115 million, Liabilities at USD3,809 million and Equity at USD9,306 million.

Realisasi total Aset tahun 2014 adalah sebesar USD8.604 juta. Angka tersebut sebesar 65% terhadap anggarannya yang sebesar USD13.155 juta atau sebesar 67% dibandingkan realisasi tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD12.924 juta.

Realisasi total Liabilitas tahun 2014 adalah sebesar USD4,192 juta Angka tersebut sebesar 110% terhadap anggarannya yang sebesar USD3.809 juta atau sebesar 114% dibandingkan realisasi tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD3.677 juta.

Realisasi total Ekuitas tahun 2014 adalah sebesar USD4.412 juta Angka tersebut sebesar 47% terhadap anggarannya yang sebesar USD9.345 juta atau sebesar 48% dibandingkan realisasi tahun 2013 yang sebesar USD9.247 juta.

Realization of total Assets in 2014 was USD8.604 million. The figures represent 65% of its budget of USD13,155 million or 67% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD12,924 million.

Realization of 2014 total Liabilities was USD4.192 million. The figures represent 110% of its budget of USD3,809 million or 114% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD3,677 million.

Realization of total Equity in 2014 was USD4,412 million.The figures represent 47% of its budget of USD9,345 million or 48% compared to that in 2013, which amounted to USD9,247 million.

PERBANDINGAN REALISASI STRUKTUR MODAL TAHUN 2014 DENGAN TARGET RKAP 2014 SERTA PROYEKSI TAHUN 2015 (dalam ribuan USD)Comparison of Capital Structure Realization of 2014 with 2014 RKAP Target and 2015 Projections (in thousands USD)


Realisasi 2013Realization RKAP 2014 Realisasi 2014

Realization% Pencapaian Realisasi 2014 terhadap

% Realization Achievement

% USD % USD % USD Realisasi 2013Realization RKAP 2014 Proyeksi 2015


Liabilitas Liabilities 28% 3,677,348 29% 3,809,088 49% 4,192,481 114% 110% 3,809,088Ekuitas Equity 72% 9,246,992 71% 3,809,088 51% 4,411,568 48% 47% 4,411,568Aset Assets 100% 12,924,340 100% 13,154,541 100% 8,604,049 67% 65% 13,115,087

Aset yang dibiayai oleh Liabilitas pada tahun 2014 adalah 49% menunjukkan peningkatan sebesar 10% dibandingkan dengan target RKAP tahun 2014.

Aset yang dibiayai oleh Ekuitas pada tahun 2014 adalah 51% menunjukkan penurunan sebesar 53% dibandingkan dengan target RKAP tahun 2014.

Assets financed by Liabilities in 2014 was 49% indicating an increase of 10% compared to 2014 RKAP target.

Assets financed by Equity in 2014 was 51% indicating a decrease of 53% compared to 2014 RKAP target.

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Realisasi 2013Realization RKAP 2014 Realisasi 2014


% Pencapaian Realisasi 2014 terhadap % 2014 Realization Achievement

Realisasi 2013Realization RKAP 2014 Proyeksi 2015

Projection1 2 3 4 5=4/3 6=4/2 7

Aset Assets

Aset Lancar Current Assets

Kas & Setara Kas Cash & Cash Equivalents 209,461 262,922 169,235 81% 64% 344,559

Piutang Usaha Trade Receivables 7,448,323 5,036,528 2,094,589 28% 42% 4,495,258

Piutang dari Pemerintah Government Receivables 71,514 90,151 78,767 110% 87% 93,129

Piutang Lain-lain Other Receivables 45,955 1,086,827 15,295 33% 1% 1,371,087

Persediaan Inventories 148,550 118,246 150,051 101% 127% 118,246

PPN yang dapat ditagihkan kembaliAdvances and Prepayments 232,107 204,123 314,471 135% 154% 204,123

Uang Muka dan biaya Dibayar di MukaTotal Current Assets 33,656 48,046 50,426 149% 105% 48,046

Total Aset Lancar Total Current Assets 8,189,565 6,846,842 2,872,834 35% 42% 6,674,448

Aset Tidak Lancar Non-current Assets

Dana yang dibatasi penggunaannya Restricted Fund 122,818 N/A 159,924 130% N/A N/A

Aset Minyak dan Gas Bumi Oil and Gas Assets 4,611,866 6,299,754 5,571,209 120% 88% 6,432,693

Aset Lain-lain Other Assets 90 7,945 82 92% 1% 7,945

Total Aset Tidak Lancar Total Non-current Assets 4,734,774 6,307,699 5,731,215 121% 91% 6,440,638

Jumlah Aset Total Assets 12,924,340 13,154,542 8,604,049 67% 65% 13,115,086

Liabilitas Liabilities

Liabilitas Lancar Current Liabilities

Utang Usaha Trade Payables 444,027 462,812 679,227 153% 147% 462,401

Utang Kepada Pemerintah Government Payables 293,451 385,025 99,926 34% 26% 385,025

Biaya yang masih harus dibayar Accrued Expenses 469,757 441,328 462,758 98% 104% 441,328

Utang Lain-lain Other Payables 5,379 59,223 4,991 93% 8% 59,223

Uang Muka Pelanggan Customer Advances 23,228 14,338 20,564 88% 143% 14,338

Pajak penghasilan dan deviden Income tax and dividend 172,401 207,619 38,053 22% 18% 151,593

Utang Pajak Lainnya Other Tax Debt 15,772 18,993 18,830 119% 99% 75,019

Utang Sewa pembiayaan, porsi jangka pendekFinance lease payable, current portion 637 4,598 777 123% 17% 4,598

Jumlah Liabilitas Lancar Total Current Liabilities 1,424,652 1,593,936 1,325,126 93% 83% 1,593,525

Liabilitas Tidak Lancar Non-current Liabilities

Utang Kepada Pemerintah Shareholder Loan 144,454 186,967 140,782 97% 75% 186,967

Utang sewa pembiayaan, porsi jangka panjangDebt finance leases, long-term portion 3,587 4,310 2,811 78% 65% 4,310

Pendapatan yang ditangguhkan Deferred revenue 67,064 67,897 68,582 102% 101% 67,897

Liabilitas pajak tangguhan Deferred tax liabilities 1,050,273 759,574 1,338,307 127% 176% 759,574

Provisi Imbalan Kerja Provision for Employee Benefits 38,895 31,176 41,423 106% 133% 31,176

Provisi untuk pembongkaran dan restorasi lokasi asetProvision for Decommisioning and Site Restoration 948,423 1,165,228 1,275,450 134% 109% 1,165,228

Jumlah Liabilitas Tidak Lancar Total non current Liabilities 2,252,696 2,215,152 2,867,355 127% 129% 2,215,152

Jumlah Liabilitas Total Liabilities 3,677,348 3,809,088 4,192,481 114% 110% 3,808,677

Ekuitas Equity

Modal Disetor Paid-up Capital 24,730 24,730 24,730 100% 100% 24,730

Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan Profit (Loss) for the Year 1,989,462 N/A 1,586,185 N/A N/A N/A

Saldo Laba Retained Earnings 9,222,262 9,320,723 4,386,838 48% 47% 9,281,680

Jumlah Ekuitas Total Equity 9,246,992 9,345,453 4,411,568 48% 47% 9,306,410

Jumlah Liabilitas dan Ekuitas Total Liabilities and Equity 12,924,340 13,154,541 8,604,049 67% 65% 13,115,087

PERBANDINGAN REALISASI POSISI KEUANGAN TAHUN 2014 DENGAN TARGET RKAP 2014 SERTA PROYEKSI TAHUN 2015 (dalam ribuan USD)Comparison of Financial Position Realization of 2014 with 2014 RKAP Target and 2015 Projections (in thousands USD)

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

INFORMASI PENTING YANG MENGANDUNG BENTURAN KEPENTINGAN DAN/ATAU TRANSAKSI DENGAN PIHAK AFILIASIPihak-pihak berelasi adalah orang atau entitas yang terkait dengan Perusahaan (entitas pelapor).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT CONTAINS CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND/OR TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATED PARTIESRelated parties are persons or entities associated with the Company (the reporting entity).

Pihak yang BerelasiRelated Party

Hubungan dengan Pihak yang Berelasi

Relationship with Related Party

Sifat TransaksiTransaction

PT Pertamina (Persero) Pemegang Saham Shareholder Penjualan Minyak dan GasOil and Gas Sales

Pertamina Energy Services Pte Ltd (Petral) Entitas Sepengendali Entity under Common Control

Ekspor Minyak Oil Export

PT Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI) Entitas SepengendaliEntity under Common Control

Sewa Rig Rig rent

PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) Entitas SepengendaliEntity under Common Control

Penjualan gas dan toll fee Gas sales and toll fee

PT Pertamina Bina Medika (Pertamedika) Entitas SepengendaliEntity under Common Control

Kesehatan Medical

PT Elnusa Tbk Entitas SepengendaliEntity under Common Control

Layanan Seismik dan PengeboranSeismic and drilling services

PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) – Jasindo Entitas Berelasi dengan PemerintahGovernment Related Entity

Jasa asuransi Insurance services

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) – PLN Entitas Berelasi dengan PemerintahGovernment Related Entity

Penjualan Gas Gas sales

PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Persero) Entitas Berelasi dengan PemerintahGovernment Related Entity

Penjualan Gas Gas sales

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk Entitas Berelasi dengan PemerintahGovernment Related Entity

Penjualan Gas Gas sales

PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk Entitas Berelasi dengan PemerintahGovernment Related Entity

Penjualan Gas Gas sales

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Entitas Berelasi dengan PemerintahGovernment Related Entity

Transaksi Perbankan Banking Transactions

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Entitas Berelasi dengan PemerintahGovernment Related Entity

Transaksi Perbankan Banking Transactions

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Entitas Berelasi dengan PemerintahGovernment Related Entity

Transaksi PerbankanBanking Transactions


Pada tahun 2014, jumlah transaksi Aset yang berkaitan dengan pihak berelasi adalah sebesar USD2.620 juta. Dari seluruh transaksi tersebut, manajemen menilai bahwa semua transaksi berada dalam batas wajar sesuai dengan Bapepam-LK No.IX E.1 “Benturan Kepentingan” dan PSAK No.7 “Pengungkapan Pihak- Pihak Berelasi” .

In 2014, the number of asset related transactions with related parties amounted to USD2,620 million. Of all these transactions, the management considers that all transactions are within reasonable limits in accordance with Bapepam-LK No.IX E.1 on 'Conflict of Interest' and SFAS No. 7 on 'Related Party Disclosure'

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Entitas Pihak BerelasiRelated Party Entity

Nilai Transaksi Transaction Value Kewajaran Transaksi

Transaction Fairness2013 2014


Kas dan Setara Kas Cash and Cash Equivalents

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 99% 83,473 98% 37,238 wajar fair

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk 0.03% 24 0.14% 52 wajar fair

PT Bank Negara Sub total Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

0.97% 983 1.86% 798 wajar fair

Sub Jumlah 100% 84,480 100% 38,088 wajar fair

Piutang Usaha Receivables

PT Pertamina (Persero) 98.17% 7,181,527 94.88% 1,879,334 wajar fair

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk 0.31% 22,756 1.43% 28,400 wajar fair

PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Persero) 0.39% 28,574 1.42% 28,192 wajar fair

PT Pertamina Gas 0.47% 34,441 0.74% 14,636 wajar fair

Lain-lain Other 0.64% 46,724 1.53% 30,215 wajar fair

Sub Jumlah Sub Total 100% 7,314,022 100% 1,980,777 wajar fair

Rekening Bank dan Deposito berjangka yang dibatasi penggunaannya Restricted Bank Account and Time Deposit

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk 67.78% 84,574 64.40% 84,416 wajar fair

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 31.49% 39,290 35.04% 45,933 wajar fair

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk 0.73% 915 0.55% 727 wajar fair

Sub Jumlah Sub Total 100% 124,779 100% 131,076 wajar fair

Utang Usaha Trade Payables

PT Pertamina (Persero) 23.35% 59,951 62.15% 292,019 wajar fair

PT Drilling Services Indonesia 27.75% 71,253 14.88% 69,932 wajar fair

PT Pertamina Gas 33.41% 85,784 10.97% 51,548 wajar fair

PT Elnusa Tbk 2.49% 6,389 6.70% 31,467 wajar fair

PT Rekayasa industry 0 0 3.03% 14,229 wajar fair

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 12.82% 32,858 0.23% 1,065 wajar fair

Lain-lain Others 0.19% 489 2.05% 9,627 wajar fair

Sub Jumlah Sub Total 100% 256,724 100% 469,887 wajar fair

JUMLAH Total 7,780,005 2,619,828 wajar fair

TRANSAKSI TERKAIT ASET DENGAN PIHAK-PIHAK BERELASI TAHUN 2013-2014 (USD)Asset Related Transactions with Related Parties of 2013-2014 (USD)

INFORMASI DAN FAKTA MATERIAL SETELAH TANGGAL LAPORAN AKUNTANPada tahun 2014, tidak terdapat kejadian penting setelah tanggal laporan akuntan termasuk dampaknya terhadap kinerja dan risiko usaha di masa mendatang.

INFORMATION AND MATERIAL FACTS AFTER THE DATE OF ACCOUNTANT’S REPORTIn 2014, there were no significant events after the date of the auditor's report, including its impact on performance and business risks in the future.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis


INVESTASIPada tahun 2014, aktivitas investasi Pertamina EP sebesar USD989 juta, menurun dibanding tahun 2013 sebesar USD1.118 juta.

DIVESTASIDivestasi adalah strategi untuk mencapai tujuan jangka panjang. Strategi bisnis dapat berupa perluasan geografis, diversifikasi, akuisisi, pengembangan produk, penetrasi pasar, rasionalisasi karyawan, divestasi, likuidasi dan joint venture.

Tahun 2014, Pertamina EP tidak melakukan kegiatan divestasi sehingga tidak ada informasi terkait tujuan, nilai transaksi, dan sumber dana dari hasil kegiatandivestasi.

AKUISISIAkuisisi adalah pembelian suatu perusahaan oleh perusahaan lain atau oleh kelompok investor. Akuisisi sering digunakan untuk menjaga ketersediaan pasokan bahan baku atau jaminan produk.

Tahun 2014, Pertamina EP tidak melakukan kegiatan akuisisi sehingga tidak ada informasi terkait tujuan, nilai transaksi, dan sumber dana dari hasil kegiatan akuisisi.

RESTRUKTURISASI PRIVATISASI Tahun 2014, Pertamina EP tidak melakukan kegiatan restrukturisasi sehingga tidak ada informasi terkait tujuan, nilai transaksi, dan sumber dana dari hasil kegiatan restrukturisasi.

EKSPANSITahun 2014, Pertamina EP tidak melakukan kegiatan ekspansi sehingga tidak ada informasi terkait tujuan, nilai transaksi, dan sumber dana dari hasil kegiatan ekspansi.


INVESTMENTIn 2014, Pertamina EP’s investments amounted to USD989 million, a decrease compared to 2013, which amounted to USD1,118 million.

DIVESTMENTDivestment is a strategy to achieve long-term goals. The business strategy may be geographical expansion, diversification, acquisition, product development, market penetration, employee downsizing, divestments, liquidation and joint ventures.

In 2014, Pertamina EP did not carry out divestments, thus there was no relevant information regarding purposes, transaction value, and the source of funds of divestments.

ACQUISITIONAn acquisition is the purchase of a company by another company or by a group of investors. Acquisitions are often used to maintain the supply of raw materials or product security.

In 2014, Pertamina EP did not make any acquisitions, thus there was no relevant information regarding purposes, transaction value, and the source of funds of acquisition activity.

PRIVATIZATION RESTRUCTURING In 2014, Pertamina EP did not undertake restructuring activities, thus there was no relevant information regarding purposes, transaction value, and the source of funds of restructuring activities.

EXPANSIONIn 2014, Pertamina EP did not carry out any expansion activities, thus there was no relevant information regarding purposes, transaction value, and the source of funds of expansion of activities.

KEBIJAKAN DIVIDENSebagai bagian dari anak Perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh Negara, Pertamina EP memiliki kewajiban menyetorkan sebagian dari laba bersih sebagai deviden, walaupun tidak secara langsung disetorkan kepada Negara.

Sesuai dengan resolusi pemegang saham pada tanggal 23 April 2014, perusahaan telah membagikan deviden sebesar USD2.152 juta dengan nilai deviden per saham sebesar USD8.6/lembar saham.

Sesuai dengan resolusi pemegang saham pada tanggal 24 Juli 2014, perusahaan telah membagikan deviden sebesar USD4.270 juta dengan nilai deviden per saham sebesar USD17/lembar saham.

DIVIDEND POLICYAs part of the subsidiary owned by the State, Pertamina EP has an obligation to deposit a portion of net income as dividends, although it was not directly paid to the State.

In accordance with a resolution of the shareholders on January 23, 2014, the company has paid dividends amounting to USD2,152 million with the value of dividend per share amounted to USD8,6/share.

In accordance with a resolution of the shareholders on July 24, 2014, the company has paid dividends amounting to USD4,270 million with the value of dividend per share amounted to USD17/share.

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KESEPAKATAN KINERJA DAN TINGKAT KESEHATAN PERUSAHAANPengukuran dan penilaian tingkat kesehatan dan kinerja Perusahaan dilakukan berdasarkan Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

KPI tersebut dilihat dari 3 perspektif sebagai berikut:1. Kinerja Keuangan2. Kinerja Pertumbuhan3. Kinerja Administrasi

Berdasarkan penilaian tersebut, tingkat kesehatan Perusahaan pada tahun 2014 digolongkan dalam kategori 'SEHAT AA' dengan nilai '82,00'.

Adapun tingkat kesehatan perusahhaan dalam waktu tiga tahun terakhir adalah sebagai berikut:

PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT AND THE COMPANY’S HEALTH LEVELMeasurement and assessment of performance agreement and health level was carried out based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

KPI was reviewed based on 3 perspectives, as follows:1. Financial Performance2. Growth Performance3. Administration Performance

Based on this assessment, the Company’s level of health in 2014, was declared as 'HEALTHY AA' with the score '82.00'.

The Company’s health level within the last three years are as follows:

KETERANGAN Description 2012 2013 2014

Tingkat Kesehatan PerusahaanThe Company's Health Level

SEHAT AHealthy A

SEHAT AHealthy A



KEWAJIBAN KEPADA NEGARAPertamina EP memiliki kewajiban berkontribusi kepada Negara, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Kontribusi langsung yang diberikan oleh Pertamina EP berupa penerimaan negara yang bersumber dari pendapatan pajak, setoran dividen dan privatisasi.

Sedangkan kontribusi tidak langsung berupa multiplier effect bagi perkembangan perekonomian nasional. Pertamina EP memiliki peranan yang cukup signifikan dalam APBN, sebagaimana ditunjukkan dengan terus meningkatnya kontribusi Pertamina EP terhadap APBN. Kontribusi tersebut antara lain terdiri dari pajak dan deviden.

PAJAK PERTAMINA EPBentuk komitmen Perusahaan kepada Negara diwujudkan dalam pemenuhan kewajiban perusahaan sebagai wajib pajak dan sebagai pemotong pajak. Kontribusi Perusahaan kepada negara dari tahun ke tahun menunjukkan peningkatan.

Sedangkan sebagai pemotong pajak, Perusahaan secara aktif berperan dalam melakukan pemotongan terhadap setiap objek kena pajak. Selama tahun 2013 Perusahaan tidak pernah melakukan keterlambatan penyampaian dokumen kewajiban perpajakan (SPT tahunan maupun bulanan), tidak pernah melakukan keterlambatan pembayaran kewajiban Pajak, baik PPH karyawan, PPH Badan, PPN Masa dan Rampung serta PBB, serta tidak terdapat keterlambatan penyampaian dokumen kewajiban pada lembaga regulator.

OBLIGATION TO THE STATEPertamina EP has an obligation to contribute to the State, either directly or indirectly. Direct contribution provided by Pertamina EP is in the form of state revenue generated from income taxes, dividend and privatization.

Meanwhile, its indirect contribution is the multiplier effect for the development of the national economy. Pertamina EP has a significant role in the State Budget, as indicated by the increasing contribution of Pertamina EP to the State Budget. The contribution consists of taxes and dividends.

PERTAMINA EP TAXThe Company's commitment to the State is embodied in the fulfillment of its obligations as a taxpayer and as a tax collector. The Companyhas shown increasing contribution to the state over the years.

Meanwhile, as a tax collector, the Company actively participates in collecting tax of each tax object. During 2014, the Company has never been late in submitting tax liabilities documents (annual or monthly SPT), in tax payment obligations, either employee income tax, corporate income tax, Period and Completion VAT, Land & Building Tax, and there was no late submission of liability documents to regulators.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

DIVIDENDividen adalah pembagian laba kepada pemegang saham berdasarkan banyaknya saham yang dimiliki. Sebagai bagian dari anak Perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh Negara, Pertamina EP memiliki kewajiban menyetorkan sebagian dari laba bersih sebagai deviden, walaupun tidak secara langsung disetorkan kepada Negara.

Berdasarkan Resolusi Pemegang Saham tertanggal 23 April 2014, dividen sebesar USD2.152.051 (USD8,6/saham) telah dibagi. Dividen kepada Pertamina akan saling hapus dengan piutang dari Pertamina dan dividen ke PDV akan dibayar tunai.

Berdasarkan Resolusi Pemegang Saham tertanggal 24 Juli 2014, dividen sebesar USD4.269.558 (USD17/saham) telah dibagi. Dividen kepada Pertamina akan saling hapus dengan piutang dari Pertamina dan dividen ke PDV akan dibayar tunai.

DIVIDENDSDividends are distribution of profit to shareholders based on the number of shares held. As part of the subsidiary owned by the State, Pertamina EP has an obligation to deposit a portion of net income as dividends, although they are not directly paid to the State.

Based on the Resolution of Shareholders dated April 23, 2014, dividends of USD2,152,051 (USD8.6/share) have been distributed. Dividends to Pertamina were to be offset by receivables from Pertamina and dividends to PDV were paid in cash.

Based on the Resolution of Shareholders dated July 24, 2014, a total of dividends valued USD4,269,558 (USD17/share) have been distributed. The dividends to Pertamina will be offset by receivables from Pertamina and dividends to PDV will be paid in cash.

KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSIKebijakan akuntansi telah diterapkan secara konsisten dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan tahunan untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2014 dan 2013 dan telah sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia (PSAK). Penyusunan laporan keuangan sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia mengharuskan penggunaan estimasi dan asumsi. Hal tersebut juga mengharuskan manajemen untuk membuat pertimbangan dalam proses penerapan kebijakan akuntansi Perusahaan.

Pertamina EP telah mulai melaksanakan Program Konvergensi International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) sejak akhir tahun 2010 dalam rangka mencapai laporan keuangan kelas dunia. Pelaporan keuangan berstandar internasional mencerminkan akuntabilitas dan transparansi Perusahaan. Program Konvergensi IFRS ini tidak hanya berdampak kepada aspek akuntansi, tetapi juga difokuskan pada berbagai aspek meliputi implikasi akuntansi dan pelaporan perpajakan, implikasi pada data dan sistem informasi serta dampaknya pada perubahan proses bisnis.

ACCOUNTING POLICYAccounting policy has been consistently applied in the preparation of annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, and are in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS). The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards in Indonesia requires the use of estimates and assumptions. It also requires management to make judgments in the process of applying the Company's accounting policy.

Pertamina EP has started to implement the Convergence Program of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) since the end of 2010 in order to achieve world-class financial statements. International financial reporting standards reflect the accountability and transparency of the Company. The IFRS Convergence Program does not only affect the accounting aspects, but also focuses on various aspects including accounting and tax reporting implications, implications on the data and information systems as well as their impact on business process changes.

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Dasar Penyusunan Laporan KeuanganLaporan Keuangan telah disusun sesuai Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia.

Laporan keuangan disusun berdasarkan konsep harga perolehan, yang dimodifikasi oleh revaluasi tanah dan bangunan, aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual dan aset dan liabilitas keuangan (termasuk instrumen derivatif) diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi, serta menggunakan dasar akrual kecuali untuk laporan arus kas.

Laporan arus kas disusun dengan menggunakan metode langsung dan mengklasifikasi arus kas menjadi kegiatan operasi, investasi dan pendanaan.

Laporan keuangan disajikan dalam ribuan Dolar Amerika Serikat (USD atau Dolar AS), kecuali dinyatakan lain.

Basis Of Preparation Of Financial StatementsFinancial Statements have been prepared in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards in Indonesia.

The financial statements are prepared based on acquisition cost principle, modified by the revaluation of land and buildings, available-for-sale financial assets, assets and liabilities (including derivative instruments) at fair value through profit or loss statement, as well as using the accrual basis except for the statements of cash flows.

Statements of cash flows are prepared using the direct method and classifying cash flows into operating, investing and financing activities.

The financial statements are presented in thousands of United States Dollars (USD or US Dollars), unless otherwise stated.

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ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMENManagement's Discussion & Analysis

Perubahan Pada Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Dan Interpretasi Standar Akuntansi KeuanganPenerapan dari Interpretasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan ('ISAK') 27, 'Pengalihan Aset dari Pelanggan', ISAK 28, 'Pengakhiran Liabilitas Keuangan dengan Instrumen Ekuitas” dan ISAK 29, 'Biaya Pengupasan Lapisan Tanah Tahap Produksi pada Pertambangan Terbuka' yang berlaku efektif sejak 1 Januari 2014 tidak menghasilkan perubahan kebijakan akuntansi Perusahaan dan tidak memiliki dampak terhadap jumlah yang dilaporkan periode berjalan atau tahun sebelumnya.

Perusahaan telah melakukan analisa dampak penerapan PSAK dan ISAK baru, revisi dan interpretasi yang telah diterbitkan, namun belum berlaku efektif untuk tahun buku yang dimulai pada 1 Januari 2014 adalah sebagai berikut:- PSAK 65 'Laporan keuangan konsolidasian'- PSAK 66 'Pengaturan bersama'- PSAK 67 'Pengungkapan kepentingan dalam

entitas lain'- PSAK 68 'Pengukuran nilai wajar' - PSAK 1 (revisi 2013) 'Penyajian laporan keuangan' - PSAK 4 (revisi 2013) 'Laporan keuangan tersendiri'- PSAK 15 (revisi 2013) 'Investasi pada entitas

asosiasi dan ventura bersama'- PSAK 24 (revisi 2013) 'Imbalan kerja' - PSAK 46 (revisi 2014) 'Pajak penghasilan'- PSAK 48 (revisi 2014) 'Penurunan nilai aset'- PSAK 50 (revisi 2014) 'Instrumen keuangan:

penyajian' - PSAK 55 (revisi 2014) 'Instrumen keuangan:

pengakuan dan pengukuran'- PSAK 60 (revisi 2014) 'Instrumen keuangan:

pengungkapan'- ISAK 26 (revisi 2014) 'Penilaian ulang derivatif

melekat'Penerapan dini revisi dan standar baru di atas sebelum 1 Januari 2015 tidak diijinkan. Pada saat penerbitan laporan keuangan, Perusahaan masih mempelajari dampak yang mungkin timbul dari penerapan PSAK baru dan revisi tersebut serta pengaruhnya pada laporan keuangan Perusahaan.

Penjabaran Mata Uang AsingAkun-akun tercakup dalam laporan keuangan Perusahaan, diukur menggunakan mata uang dari lingkungan ekonomi utama dimana entitas beroperasi ('mata uang fungsional'). Laporan keuangan disajikan dalam Dolar AS (USD), yang merupakan mata uang fungsional dan penyajian Perusahaan.

Transaksi dalam mata uang selain mata uang Dolar AS dijabarkan menjadi Dolar AS menggunakan kurs yang berlaku pada tanggal transaksi. Keuntungan dan kerugian selisih kurs yang berasal dari pembayaran atas transaksi-transaksi tersebut dan dari penjabaran aset dan liabilitas moneter dalam mata uang selain Dolar AS menggunakan kurs yang berlaku pada akhir tahun diakui dalam laba rugi. Kurs yang digunakan pada tanggal 31 Desember, berdasarkan kurs tengah yang diterbitkan Bank Indonesia.

Changes In Statement Of Financial Accounting Standards And Interpretation Of Financial Accounting Standards The application of the Interpretation of Financial Accounting Standards ('IFAS') 27, 'Transfer of Assets from Customers', IFAS 28, 'Termination of Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments' and IFAS 29, 'Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mining' effective from January 1, 2014 did not result in any changes in accounting policies of the Company and has no impact on the amounts reported for the year or the previous year.

The Company has conducted analysis on impact of new SFAS and IFAS application, revisions and interpretations that have been issued, however not yet effective for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2014 as follows:- SFAS 65 'Consolidated Financial Statements'- SFAS 66 'Joint arrangements'- SFAS 67 'Disclosure of interests in other entities'- SFAS 68 'Fair value measurement'- SFAS 1 (revised 2013) 'Presentation of financial

statements'- SFAS 4 (revised 2013) 'Separate Financial

Statements'- SFAS 15 (revised 2013) 'Investments in associates

and joint venture'- SFAS 24 (revised 2013) 'Employee benefits'- SFAS 46 (revised 2014) 'Income tax'- SFAS 48 (revised 2014) 'Impairment of assets'- SFAS 50 (revised 2014) 'Financial instrument:

presentation'- SFAS 55 (revised 2014) 'Financial instrument:

recognition and measurement'- SFAS 60 (revised 2014) 'Financial instrument:

disclosure'- IFAS 26 (revised 2014) ' Reassessment of embedded

derivatives'Early application of the revised and new standards above before January 1, 2015 is not allowed. At the time of issuance of the financial statements, the Company was still evaluating the possible impact of the adoption of this new and revised SFAS and its effect on the Company's financial statements.

Foreign Currency TranslationThe accounts included in the Company's financial statements are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates ('functional currency'). The financial statements are presented in US Dollars (USD), which is the functional and presentation currency of the Company.

Transactions in currencies other than the US dollar are translated into US dollars using the exchange rates prevailing at the transaction date. Gains and losses on foreign exchange derived from the payment of such transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities in currencies other than US dollars using the exchange rates prevailing at the end of the year are recognized in profit or loss The exchange rates used as of December 31 was based on the middle rate published by Bank Indonesia.

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& P








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91.17%Kinerja Kepatuhan GCG

GCG Compliance Performance

Pertamina EP melakukan pemantauan kinerja kepatuhan GCG setiap empat bulan untuk memastikan penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik di seluruh aspek Perusahaan

Pertamina EP monitors GCG compliance performance every four months to ensure the implementation of good corporate governance in all aspects of the Company

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Sebagai entitas bisnis berkelas dunia, Pertamina EP terus meningkatkan penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik atau Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Penerapan meliputi seluruh aspek Perusahaan, baik dari sisi struktur organisasi maupun proses bisnis.

PEDOMAN TATA KELOLA Secara umum, penerapan dan pelaksanaan GCG oleh Pertamina EP mengacu pada:1. Undang-Undang RI No.40 Tahun 2007 Tentang

Perseroan Terbatas2. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No.PER-01/

MBU/2011 Tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang baik pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara

3. Anggaran Dasar Pertamina EP4. Board Manual5. Code of Corporate Governance (CoCG)6. Buku Pedoman ECBC (Code of Conduct)7. Pedoman Penerapan ECBC dan GCG No.

A-001/EP6000/2011-S0/Rev00 8. Tata Kerja Organisasi Sistem Pelaporan

Pelanggaran (Whistle Blowing System) No. B-001/EP6000/2011-S0/Rev00

9. Tata Kerja Organisasi Pemberian dan Peneri-maan Cinderamata serta Keramahtamahan No. B-002/EP6000/2011-S0/Rev00

10. Tata Kerja Individu Penyusunan Laporan Tindak Lanjut Pengaduan Etika & GCG No. C-001/EP6000/2011-S0/Rev00

As a world class business entity, Pertamina EP continues to improve the application of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). The application covers all aspects of the Company, both in terms of organizational structure and business processes.

GOVERNANCE GUIDELINESIn general, the application and implementation of GCG by Pertamina EP refer to:1. Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 on

Limited Liability Company2. State Ministry of State-owned Enterprises

(BUMN) Regulation No.PER-01/MBU/2011 on Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State Owned Enterprises

3. Pertamina EP Articles of Association4. Board Manual5. Code of Corporate Governance (CoCG)6. Manual Book of ECBC (Code of Conduct)7. Guideline for ECBC and GCG Implementation

No. A-001/EP6000/2011-SO/Rev008. Organization Work Procedure on Whistleblowing

System No. B-001/EP6000/2011-SO/Rev009. Organization Work Procedure on Souvenir and

Hospitality Provision and Acceptance No. B-002/EP6000/2011-SO/Rev00

10. Individual Work Procedure on Preparation of Ethics and GCG Complaint Follow Up Report No. C-001/EP6000/2011-SO/Rev00


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Pertamina EP juga menyesuaikan praktik-praktik terbaik GCG, sesuai dengan perkembangan terkini penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik tata kelola, di antaranya: [G4-15]

• ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard• Ketentuan Umum dari Komite Nasional Kebijakan

Governance (KNKG)

Pertamina EP also adopts the best practices of good corporate governance, according to the latest development, including: [G4-15]

• ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard• General Provisions of the National Committee on

Governance ('KNKG')

TUJUAN DAN MANFAAT TATA KELOLA Purpose and Benefits of Governance

TUJUAN TATA KELOLA Purpose of Governance MANFAAT TATA KELOLA Benefit of Governance

Mendorong tercapainya kesinambungan Perusahaan melalui pengelolaan yang didasarkan pada prinsip transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, independensi serta kewajaran dan kesetaraan.Encourage the achievement of the Company's sustainability through a management based on the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, fairness and equality.

Kejelasan tugas, kewenangan dan tanggung jawab antarfungsi baik di organ utama maupun organ pendukung, sehingga mengarah pada iklim kerja dan budaya koordinasi yang lebih baik. Clarity of duties, authority and responsibilities across functions both in main organs and support organs, in order to lead to a better working climate and coordination culture.

Mendorong pemberdayaan fungsi dan kemandirian masing-masing organ Perusahaan.Encourage empowerment of function and independence of each organ of the Company.

Terciptanya komitmen bersama yang kuat dalam pencapaian visi Perusahaan. The creation of a strong collective commitment in achieving the Company's vision.

Mendorong pemegang saham, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi agar dalam membuat keputusan dan menjalankan tindakannya dilandasi nilai moral yang tinggi dan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan.Encourage shareholders, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in decision making and carry out actions based on high moral values and compliance with laws and regulations.

Meningkatnya kepercayaan pemangku kepentingan, terutama pemangku kepentingan utama yakni PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pemegang saham dan pemerintah.Increased confidence of stakeholders, especially key stakeholder, PT Pertamina (Persero) as shareholder and the government.

Mendorong timbulnya kesadaran dan tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan terhadap masyarakat dan kelestarian lingkungan terutama di sekitar Perusahaan. Raise the Company's awareness and social responsibility towards community and the environment, especially around the Company.

Terciptanya iklim kerja yang kondusif yang mendorong pada peningkatan kinerja Perusahaan, yang dibuktikan dengan peningkatan angka produksi serta keuntungan Perusahaan.The creation of a conducive working climate that leads to the Company's improved performance, as evidenced by the increase in the figures of production and profits of the Company.

Mengoptimalkan nilai Perusahaan bagi pemegang saham dengan tetap memperhatikan pemangku kepentingan lainnya.Optimize the Company's value for shareholders while remaining to pay attention to other stakeholders.

Mendorong timbulnya kesadaran nilai moral dan tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan terhadap masyarakat dan kelestarian lingkungan terutama di sekitar Perusahaan. Raise the Company's awareness of moral values and social responsibility towards community and the environment, especially around the Company.

Meningkatkan daya saing Perusahaan.Raise the Company's competitiveness.

Mengoptimalkan nilai Perusahaan bagi pemegang saham dengan tetap memperhatikan pemangku kepentingan lainnya.Optimize the Company's value for shareholders while remaining to pay attention to other stakeholders.

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TAHAPAN PENERAPAN GCGStage of GCG Implementation

Pemahaman mendalam• Kegiatan pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip

tata kelola perusahaan oleh Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Manajemen, Sekretaris Perusahaan, Satuan Pengawasan Internal dan Komite Etika;

• Internalisasi GCG kepada manajemen;• Pembentukan Komite Etika & GCG dan

pelatihan GCG kepada Komite Etika & GCG.

Konsolidasi Manusia dan Sistem• Pembangunan sarana dan prasarana tata

kelola perusahaan serta komitmen manajemen melalui penyusunan Etika Kerja & Bisnis, serta Board Manual; Internalisasi GCG kepada manajemen;

• Pelaksanaan sosialisasi dan penilaian GCG.

Perbaikan Terus Menerus• Perusahaan telah memiliki kompetensi dalam

praktek bisnis berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip GCG;

• Melaksanakan perbaikan berkelanjutan praktik bisnis GCG yang baik;

• Learning & sharing GCG;• Internalisasi & sosialisasi GCG kepada seluruh

manajemen dan pekerja;• Assesment GCG setiap tahun oleh assessor

independen hingga menjadi budaya perusahaan.

Continuous Improvement• The Company already has competencies in

business practices based on the GCG principles;• Implement continuous improvement of proper

GCG business practices;• GCG learning & sharing;• GCG internalization & dissemination to all

members of management and employees;• Annual GCG Assessment by an independent

assessor until it becomes the Company’s culture.

Consolidation of People and System• Development of corporate governance

infrastructure and facilities as well as management commitment through the formulation of Work Ethics & Business Conduct, Board Manual, and GCG Internalization to management

• GCG dissemination and assessment.

In-depth Understanding • The activities to gain in-depth understanding

of corporate governance principles by the Shareholders, Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Management, Corporate Secretary, Internal Control Unit and Ethics Committee;

• GCG internalization to the management,;• The establishment of Ethics & GCG Committee,

and GCG training to the Ethics & GCG Committee.




• Pedoman Umum GCG KNK

• Hukum & Peraturan Perundangan

• Visi & Misi Pertamina EP

• Praktik Terbaik Eksternal

• Praktik Terbaik Internal

• KNK GCG General

• Laws and Regu-lations

• Vision & Mission of Pertamina EP

• External Best Practice

• Internal Best Practice

• Technical Rules & Implementation

• Business Process & Procedure

• Committee Charter

• Dissemination & Internalization

• Implementation• Corporate Culture

Visi & Misi Pertamina EP• Hukum &

Peraturan• Perundangan• Visi & Misi• Pertamina EP• Praktik Terbaik


Vision & Mission of Pertamina EP• Regulation &

Legislation• Vision & Mission of

Pertamina EP• External Best


• Peraturan Teknis & Pelaksanaan

• Prosedur & Proses Bisnis

• Laws & Regula-tions

• Sosialisasi & Internalisasi

• Implementasi • Budaya Perusahaan

PENERAPAN TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAANSesuai tahapan penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik GCG, segenap upaya yang dilaksanakan Pertamina EP pada tahun 2014 merupakan bagian dari perbaikan berkelanjutan tata kelola perusahaan.

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IMPLEMENTATION According to stages of implementation of GCG best practices, all efforts undertaken by Pertamina EP in 2014 have been part of the continuous improvement of corporate governance.

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Kami terus berikhtiar meningkatkan praktik-praktik bisnis berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip GCG, sebagai budaya Perusahaan. Upaya yang dilakukan antara lain melalui learning & sharing GCG, internalisasi dan sosialisasi GCG kepada manajemen maupun pekerja, serta pengujian (assesment) GCG berkala oleh penguji (assessor) independen.

PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI [IR8]E-CorrespondencePada tahun 2014, kami menerapkan E-Correspondence, yang merupakan sistem elektronik manajemen pedoman administrasi terpadu Pertamina (PATP). Penerapan E-Correspondence memiliki keuntungan, yakni keamanan yang terjamin dan mengurangi penggunaan kertas sehingga turut mendukung pelestarian lingkungan. Secara bertahap, E-Correspondence akan diterapkan pada seluruh manajemen dan pekerja Pertamina EP. Penerapan E-Correspondence diharapkan dapat meniadakan hambatan komunikasi antara manajemen dan para pekerja.

Inovasi PO-Tax TrackingDi bidang keuangan, Perusahaan berinisiatif melakukan inovasi PO-Tax Tracking. Inovasi ini diterapkan untuk memudahkan klarifikasi data perhitungan pajak dan meningkatkan keakuratan data dalam tahap klarifikasi. Melalui inovasi ini, semua informasi terkait perhitungan dan pembayaran pajak akan terintegrasi sehingga dapat mencegah kerugian akibat pembayaran pajak yang sebenarnya tidak perlu dibayar.

Penerapan GCG Compliance Online [G4-57] [G4-58]

Kami melanjutkan penerapan GCG Compliance Online, yang merupakan perangkat daring sosialisasi serta pembelajaran GCG dan Etika Kerja dan Bisnis (ECBC). GCG Compliance Online diakses melalui portal Pertamina EP, dan berisi:1. E-Learning ECBC2. LP2P (Laporan Pajak-Pajak Pribadi)3. Code of Conduct4. Gratifikasi5. Conflic of Interest

GCG Compliance Online wajib diikuti oleh seluruh pekerja dan diperbaharui setiap tahunnya. Pembaruan GCG Compliance Online yang dilakukan pada tahun 2014 meliputi sosialisasi tata nilai 6 C dan pendalaman pemahaman materi PKB dan GCG dengan studi kasus.

Melalui CGC compliance, pencapaian mencapai 91,17% yang artinya terdapat peningkatan kesadaran para pekerja atas peran pentingnya tata kelola yang baik dalam menunjang tercapainya kinerja Perusahaan yang lebih baik.

We continue the efforts to improve business practices based on the principles of good corporate governance, as corporate culture. The efforts that have been made, among others, GCG learning and sharing, GCG internalization and dissemination to the management and employees, as well as GCG assessment periodically by independent assessors.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION [IR8]E-CorrespondenceIn 2014, we have applied E-Correspondence, which is an electronic management system of Pertamina integrated administrative guidelines (PATP). The application of E-Correspondence has the advantages, which are guaranteed security and reduce the use of paper that contributes to the preservation of the environment. The E-Correspondence will be gradually applied to all management and employees of Pertamina EP. The E-Correspondence application is expected to eliminate communication barriers between management and employees.

PO-Tax Tracking InnovationIn the financial sector, the Company has taken the initiative to innovate PO-Tax Tracking. This innovation is applied to ease clarification for tax calculation data and improve data accuracy in the clarification stage. Through this innovation, all information related to the calculation and payment of taxes will be integrated so as to prevent losses caused by unnecessary tax payment.

GCG Compliance Online Application [G4-57] [G4-58]

We continue with implementation of GCG Compliance Online, which is the online dissemination and learning of GCG as well as Ethics Code and Business Conduct (ECBC). GCG Compliance Online is accessed through Pertamina EP portal, and contains:1. ECBC e-Learning2. LP2P (Personal Tax Reports)3. Code of Conduct4. Gratification5. Conflict of Interest

GCG Compliance Online is mandatory for all employees and will be updated every year. The updates of GCG Compliance Online conducted in 2014 covering socialization of 6C and deepening of understanding of CLA and GCG through case study.

Through GCG Compliance Online, the achievement reached 91.17%, which indicated improvement of employee awareness on the importance of good governance in supporting better performance achievement of the Company.

PENINGKATAN PENERAPAN TATA KELOLAGovernance Application Improvement

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Penerapan GCG Compliance Online ditujukan agar pekerja memiliki pemahaman atas apa yang akan diterapkan dalam aktivitas kerja setiap hari. GCG Compliance Online juga menyediakan fasilitas pelaporan atas pelanggaran terhadap ECBC.

Pertamina EP memiliki Etika Kerja & Bisnis (ECBC) yang berisi tujuh aspek aturan perilaku yang dinyatakan dalam definisi, batasan, dan perilaku yang harus dilakukan (DO) dan tidak boleh dilakukan (DON’T).

ECBC berlaku untuk manajemen dan pekerja dari seluruh organisasi Pertamina EP tanpa pengecualian, termasuk Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Hal ini diperkuat dengan penandatanganan Lembar Pernyataan ECBC & Pakta Integritas. Untuk memastikan penerapan dan penegakan aspek-aspek yang tercantum dalam ECBC, Pertamina melakukan upaya-upaya:1. Sosialisasi e-learning PKB dan pemberian

induction kepada pekerja baru2. Pernyataan PKB (code of conduct) dan tidak

berbenturan kepentingan (conflict of interest) oleh seluruh pekerja

3. Kewajiban pelaporan gratifikasi oleh seluruh pekerja yang dilakukan setiap bulan

Penerapan dan penegakan ECBC tersebut mencerminkan nilai-nilai unggulan yang menjadi budaya Perusahaan dan identitas nilai keunggulan perusahaan yang bersih, kompetitif, percaya diri, fokus kepada pelanggan, komersial, dan berkemampuan. Budaya perusahaan dan nilai keunggulan mendukung pencapaian visi dan misi Pertamina EP.

SERTIFIKASI ISO 20000Pertamina EP berusaha menjadikan fungsi-fungsi di Perusahaan memenuhi kriteria tata kelola berstandar internasional melalui sertifikasi ISO. Pada kurun waktu periode pelaporan, Fungsi Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) sukses mempertahankan ISO 20000, setelah melalui proses audit surveillance oleh auditor dari British Standard Institution (BSI).

GCG Compliance Online implementation is intended to enable employees to have awareness on what to be applied in daily work activities. GCG Compliance Online also provides whistleblowing facility on violations of ECBC.

Pertamina EP has Ethics Code & Business Conduct (ECBC), which contains seven aspects of the code of conduct stated in the definition, boundaries, and behavior of DOs and DON’Ts.

ECBC is applicable to the management and employees of Pertamina EP’s entire organization without exception, including the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. This is reinforced with the signing of the ECBC Declaration Sheet and Integrity Pact. To ensure the implementation and enforcement of the aspects stipulated in the ECBC, Pertamina EP undertakes the following efforts:1. Socialization of PKB e-learning and provision of

induction of new employee2. Statement of PKB (code of conduct) and no

conflict of interest from all employee3. Obligation of gratification reporting by all

employee every month

ECBC implementation and enforcement reflect the core values that become corporate culture and identity of the corporate core values of clean, competitive, confident, customer focused, commercial, and capable. The corporate culture and core values support the achievement of Pertamina EP’s vision and mission.

ISO 20000 CERTIFICATION Pertamina EP tries to make the Company’s functions meet the governance criteria in accordance with international standards through ISO certification. During the reporting period, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Function successfully maintained ISO 20000, after going through surveillance audit process by the British Standards Institution (BSI) auditor.

ETIKA KERJA DAN BISNIS [G4-56]Work Ethics and Business Conduct

Sistem Operasi Terpadu (SOT) Kami mengelola proses pencatatan data produksi melalui Sistem Operasi Terpadu (SOT) yang dicatatkan secara on-line day to day oleh Operator. Data produksi dicatat dari SPU hingga Terminal dan akan disetujui secara berjenjang mulai dari Supervisor sampai dengan FM.

Dengan pemberlakuan SOT ini, diharapkan data yang diperoleh memiliki confidence level yang tinggi (auditable dan accountable) sebagai dasar untuk melakukan evaluasi/ re-evaluasi.

Integrated Operating System (SOT) We manage the process of production data recording through Integrated Operating System (SOT) that are registered on-line day to day by the Operator. Production data are recorded from SPU to Terminal and will be gradually approved ranging from Supervisor to FM

Through the application of SOT, it is expected that the data recorded has high confidence level (audit-able and accountable) as a basis for evaluation/reevaluation.

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Kesetaraan & ProfesionalismeProses menuju Pertamina EP World Class dibangun melalui pengembangan pekerja yang profesional berlandaskan tata nilai, berintegritas, berwawasan luas dan saling menghargai serta didukung oleh lingkungan kerja yang kondusif.

Integritas BisnisPertamina EP menjalankan seluruh kegiatan bisnisnya secara transparan, wajar, dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan bersikap independen.

Pengamanan Data dan InformasiPertamina EP mengelola dan menjaga kerahasiaan data dan informasi bisnis dengan baik serta memanfaatkannya secara optimal hanya untuk kepentingan Perusahaan.

PolitikPertamina EP dikelola secara profesional dan tidak terkait dengan kegiatan politik.

Finansial, Kinerja & Perlindungan AsetPertamina EP mencatat dan melaporkan transaksi bisnis secara akurat, lengkap, dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan dipercaya serta mengelola dan melindungi aset perusahaan dalam rangka menjamin kelangsungan usahanya.

Kepedulian Terhadap KomunitasPertamina EP selalu mengutamakan aspek keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan.

Persaingan UsahaPertamina EP menyadari pentingnya kegiatan rantai suplai secara efektif, efisien, kompetitif, transparan, adil, bertanggung jawab, mendukung dan menumbuhkembangkan kemampuan nasional serta berwawasan lingkungan.

Equality & ProfessionalismThe process towards World Class Pertamina EP is built through the professional employee development based on values of integrity, knowledgeable, respectful and supported by a conducive working environment.

Business IntegrityPertamina EP carries out the entire business activities in a transparent, fair, accountable and independent manner.

Data and Information ProtectionPertamina EP manages and maintains data and business information confidentiality as well as making optimal use only for the benefit of the Company.

PoliticsPertamina EP is professionally managed and is not associated with political activities.

Financial, Performance & Asset ProtectionPertamina EP records and reports business transactions accurately, completely, accountably and trustworthy as well as manages and protects the company’s assets in order to ensure its business continuity.

Care for CommunityPertamina EP always prioritizes occupational safety, health and environment.

Business CompetitionPertamina EP is aware of the importance of effective, efficient, competitive, transparent, fair, responsible supply chain activities, which support and promote national capacity and environmentally sound.









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Secara berkesinambungan Pertamina EP melaksanakan penilaian penerapan GCG. Melalui penilaian ini, kami memastikan terjadi peningkatan kualitas penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik tata kelola perusahaan, termasuk oleh Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi sebagai pejabat tertinggi tata kelola. [G4-44]

Pertamina EP melakukan penilaian/assessment terhadap penerapan GCG secara berkala setiap 2 (dua) tahun sekali, sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor: PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011. Penilaian terakhir dilakukan oleh Instansi Pemerintah (BPKP) tahun 2013 dengan capaian sangat baik (88,85). Pada tahun 2014, penilaian penerapan GCG dilakukan oleh pihak internal Perusahaan.

Pertamina EP continuously conducts GCG implementation assessment. Through this assessment, we ensure quality improvement of corporate governance best practices implementation, including by the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors as the highest officials of governance. [G4-44]

PT Pertamina EP regularly conducts assessment of the GCG implementation every 2 (two) years, as stipulated in the Regulation of the State Minister of State-owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1, 2011. The last assessment carried out by the Financial and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP) in 2013 received ‘very good’ category with score of 88,85. In 2014, assessment of GCG implementation was carried out by internal party of the Company.


Tahun Year Aspek Pengujian GCG GCG Assessment Aspect Nilai Capaian Score Kategori Category

2013Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan PembangunanFinancial and Development Supervisory Board 88.85 Sangat Baik Very Good

2012Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan PembangunanFinancial and Development Supervisory Board 81.58 Baik Good

PENILAIAN PENERAPAN TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAANCorporate Governance Implementation Assessment

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Assessment of Governance Application


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STRUKTUR TATA KELOLACorporate Governance Structure

Sesuai Undang-Undang (UU) No.40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas, struktur tata kelola Pertamina EP terdiri atas Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Masing-masing organ tata kelola mempunyai peran penting dalam penerapan GCG dan menjalankan fungsi, tugas, dan tanggung jawabnya untuk kepentingan Perusahaan.

In accordance with Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company, Pertamina EP’s governance structure consists of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. Each governance organ has a critical role in GCG implementation and performing the functions, duties, and responsibilities for the interest of the Company.

INFORMASI PEMEGANG SAHAM UTAMA [G4-7] Main Shareholders Information

RUPS merupakan wadah para Pemegang Saham yang memiliki wewenang yang tidak dilimpahkan kepada Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

Dewan Komisaris melakukan pengawasan terhadap pengelolaan yang dilakukan Direksi serta melakukan penasihatan agar kinerja Perusahaan menjadi lebih baik.

Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengelolaan Perusahaan sesuai amanah yang diberikan. Baik Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh RUPS.

GMS is a forum for shareholders whose authorities are not delegated to the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.

Board of Commissioners performs oversight on the management carried out by the Board of Directors and provides advisory role for better performance of the Company.

Board of Directors is fully responsible for the Company’s management in accordance with its mandate. The Board of Commissioners and Directors are both appointed and discharged by the GMS.

PEMERINTAH INDONESIA 100%Government of Indonesia


PDV 0.01%


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ORGANISASI TATA KELOLACorporate Governance Organization









Presiden Director ADRIANSYAH

Exploration & New Discovery Project Director


Development Director SATOTO AGUSTONO

PJ. Production & Operation Director


Finance & Business Support Director


Treasury & Finance Operation ADI PRASETYANA MAHENDRADANI

Asset 1 General Manager: IRWANSYAH

Asset 5 General Manager: ABDUL CHALIK


Asset 3 General Manager: FACHRIZAL

Asset 4 General Manager: CHALID SAID SALIM





Controller & Partnership FinancialDARLIS


Business PartnershipTUBAGUS NASIRUDDIN



Stategic Planing & Risk Management







Human ResourceBENI SYARIF



1. Jawa Gas Development Project CHALID SAID SALIM

2. Matindok Gas Development Project MEDIANTO BUDI SATYAWAN

3. Pondok Makmur Development Project ARIEF WAHIDIN SOEDJONO

4. Paku Gajah Development Project MUSALAM LATUCONSINA

Oil & Gas MonetizationLANDONG PARASI


Tehnical SupportRICKY ADI WIBOWO

Page 164: Integrated Annual Report 2014



RUPS merupakan organ Perusahaan tertinggi dan memfasilitasi Pemegang Saham dalam membuat keputusan-keputusan penting atas segala keputusan strategis dan operasional, yang menentukan arah investasi Pertamina EP. Pemberitahuan dan undangan RUPS disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham 14 hari sebelum waktu pelaksanaan. Setiap Pemegang Saham memiliki hak yang sama untuk terlibat dalam proses setiap keputusan yang diambil dalam RUPS. [G4-49]

RUPS juga menjadi mekanisme bagi Pemegang Saham untuk melakukan penilaian kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, termasuk juga kinerja tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan, yang antara lain disampaikan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi. [G4-44]


RUPS terbagi atas RUPS Sirkuler dan RUPS Fisik/Tahunan. Selama tahun 2014, Pertamina EP bersama Pemegang Saham telah menyelenggarakan 14 kali RUPS Sirkuler dan 1 kali RUPS Fisik/Tahunan.

GMS is the supreme organ of the Company and facilitates the shareholders in making important decisions on all strategic and operational decisions, which determines the direction of Pertamina EP’s investments. GMS notifications and invitations are sent to the Shareholders 14 days prior to the time of event. Each Shareholder has equal right to be involved in any decisions made in the GMS. [G4-49]

The GMS is a mechanism for shareholders to assess the performance of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, including their performance of social and environmental responsibility, which is presented by the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in the Integrated Annual Report. [G4-44]


GMS consists of Circular and Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. During 2014, Pertamina EP together with shareholders held 14 times of Circular GMS and one Annual GMS.

PELAKSANAAN RUPS SIRKULER 2014Implementation of GMS Circular 2014

Tempat : Gedung Standard Chartered, Jakarta / Place: Standard Chartered Building, Jakarta


1 23 Januari 2014 / 23 January 2014

Menetapkan dividen untuk Tahun Buku Yang Berakhir Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2012 kepada Para Pemegang Saham Perseroan sebesar USD2.152.051.327,92 dengan rincian sebagai berikut :a. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pe-

megang 99,99% saham Perseroan adalah sebesar USD2.151.836.122,79 yang pembayarannya akan dilaku-kan dengan cara off setting piutang Perseroan kepada PT Pertamina (Persero)

b. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (PT PDV) selaku pemegang saham 0,01% saham Perseroan adalah sebesar USD215.205,13

Penyelesaian pembukuan dividen tahun 2012 tersebut dilakukan dalam tahun anggaran 2013.

Resolve that dividends for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2012 to the Shareholders of the Company amounted to USD2,152,051,327.92 with the following details:

a. Dividends to PT Pertamina (Persero) as shareholder of 99.99% of the Company’s shares amounted to USD 2,151,836,122.79 which payment will offset the Compa-ny’s receivables to PT Pertamina (Persero)

b. Dividends to PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (PT PDV) as shareholder of 0.01% of the Company’s shares amounted to USD 215,205.13

Completion of 2012 dividend recording was conducted in fiscal year 2013.

2 4 Maret 2014 / 4 March 2014

1. Mengangkat Sdr. Denny Indrayana sebagai Komisaris Perseroan, berlaku efektif terhitung mulai tanggal Keputusan Pemegang Saham secara Sirkuler ini ditandatangani, atau sampai dengan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perseroan memutuskan lain.

2. Mengangkat Sdr. Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi sebagai Komisaris Perseroan, berlaku efektif terhitung mulai tanggal Keputusan Pemegang Saham secara Sirkuler ini ditandatangani, atau sampai dengan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perseroan memutuskan lain.

Dengan demikian susunan Komisaris Perseroan menjadi :• Komisaris Utama : Sdr. Muhamad Husen• Komisaris : Sdr. M. Afdal Bahaudin• Komisaris : Sdr. Denny Indrayana• Komisaris : Sdr. Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi

1. Appoint Mr Denny Indrayana as Commissioner of the Company, effective as of the date of the Shareholders’ Resolution Circular is signed, or until the General Meeting of Shareholders decides otherwise.

2. Appoint Mr Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi as Commissioner of the Company, effective as of the date of the Shareholders’ Resolution Circular is signed, or until the General Meeting of Shareholders decides otherwise.

Thus the composition of Commissioners of the Company is as follows:• President Commissioner : Mr Muhamad Husen• Commissioner : Mr M. Afdal Bahaudin• Commissioner : Mr Denny Indrayana• Commissioner : Mr Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi

RAPAT UMUM PEMEGANG SAHAM (RUPS)General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)

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3 4 Maret 2014 / 4 March 2014

1. Menyetujui Direksi Perseroan untuk Penetapan Wilayah Kerjasama Operasi (KSO), Penetapan Mitra KSO dan Penandatanganan Perjanjian KSO Produksi EOR Area Operasi Meruap, pasca terminasi TAC PEP-BWP Meruap Pte. Limited.

2. Memerintahkan Direksi Perseroan untuk melaksanakan pengawasan operasional atas pelaksanaan KSO.

Dalam melaksanakan perjanjian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir 1 (satu) diatas, Direksi Perseroan agar memperhatikan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan kaidah-kaidah tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (GCG).

1. Approve that the Board of Directors establish Area for Joint Operation (KSO), Determination of KSO Partner and Signing of KSO Agreement for EOR Production of Operations Area Meruap, post-termination of TAC PEP-BWP Meruap Pte. Limited.

2. Instruct Board of Directors to conduct the operational supervision on KSO implementation.

In implementing the settlement as referred to in point 1, the Board of Directors shall observe the provisions of the applicable laws and the principles of good corporate governance (GCG).

4 7 Maret 2014 / 7 March 2014

1. Meminta Direksi Perseroan menyelesaikan permasala-han dengan PT Lirik Petroleum melalui jalur perdamaian dengan menandatangani dan melaksanakan Perjanjian Damai (Dading).

2. Meminta Direksi Perseroan mencabut upaya hukum Pen-injauan Kembali (PK) atas gugatan Perbuatan Melawan Hukum dan Perlawanan Eksekusi (Partij Verzat) yang saat ini masih dalam proses di Mahkamah Agung.

3. Meminta Perseroan untuk menanggung seluruh biaya penyelesaian sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Perjanjian Damai (Dading).

Dalam melaksanakan penyelesaian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir 1 sampai dengan butir 3 diatas, Direksi Perse-roan agar memperhatikan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan kaidah-kaidah tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (GCG).

1. Request the Board of Directors resolve problems with PT Lirik Petroleum through peaceful measures by signing and implementing the Deed of Settlement (Dading).

2. Request the Board of Directors repeal Judicial Review a lawsuit over Unlawful Act and Resistance against Execution (Partij Verzat) which is currently in process in the Supreme Court.

3. Request the Company to bear the entire cost of comple-tion as stipulated in the Deed of Settlement (Dading).

In implementing the settlement as referred to in point 1 to point 3, the Board of Directors shall observe the provisions of the applicable laws and the principles of good corporate governance (GCG)

5 19 Maret 2014 / 19 March 2014

1. Menyetujui Direksi Perseroan untuk Penetapan Wilayah Kerjasama Operasi (KSO), Penetapan Mitra dan Penanda-tanganan Perjanjian KSO Wasian Mogoi,pasca terminasi TAC Pertamina EP-PT. Patrindo Persadamaju.

2. Memerintahkan Direksi Perseroan untuk melaksanakan pengawasan operasional atas pelaksanaan KSO.

Dalam melaksanakan perjanjian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir 1 (satu) diatas, Direksi Perseroan agar memper-hatikan ketentuan perundang- undangan yang berlaku dan kaidah-kaidah tata kelola prusahaan yang baik (GCG).

1. Approve that the Board of Directors establish Area for Joint Operation (KSO), Determination of KSO Partner and Sign-ing of KSO Agreement for Wasian Mogoi, post-termination of TAC Pertamina EP- PT. Patrindo Persadamaju.

2. Instruct Board of Directors to conduct the operational supervision on KSO implementation.

In implementing the settlement as referred to in point 1, the Board of Directors shall observe the provisions of the appli-cable laws and the principles of good corporate governance (GCG).

6 23 April 2014 / 23 April, 2014

1. Menetapkan dividen untuk Tahun Buku Yang Berakhir Sam-pai dengan 31 Desember 2012 kepada Para Pemegang Saham Perseroan sebesar USD2.152.051.327,92 dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

a. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pe-megang 99,99% saham Perseroan adalah sebesar USD2.151.836.122,79 yang pembayarannya akan dilakukan dengan cara off setting piutang Perseroan kepada PT Pertamina (Persero)

b. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (PT PDV) se-laku pemegang saham 0,01% saham Perseroan adalah sebesar USD215.205,13

2. Penyelesaian pembukuan dividen tahun 2012 tersebut dilakukan dalam tahun anggaran 2014.

3. Mencabut dan membatalkan Keputusan Pemegang Saham Secara Sirkuler Perseroan tanggal 23 Januari 2014 tentang Penetapan Dividen sebagaimana dimaksud.

1. Resolve that dividends for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2012 to the Shareholders of the Company amounted to USD2,152,051,327.92 with the following details:

a. Dividends to PT Pertamina (Persero) as shareholder of 99.99% of the Company’s shares amounted to USD 2,151,836,122.79 which payment will offset the Compa-ny’s receivables to PT Pertamina (Persero)

b. Dividends to PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (PT PDV) as shareholder of 0.01% of the Company’s shares amount-ed to USD215,205.13

2. Completion of 2012 dividend recording was conducted in fiscal year 2013.

3. Revoke and annul the Circular Decision of Shareholders of the Company dated January 23, 2014 on Determination of Dividend referred.

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7 24 April 2014 / 24 April, 2014

1. Menetapkan dividen untuk Tahun Buku Yang Berakhir Sam-pai dengan 31 Desember 2013 kepada Para Pemegang Saham Perseroan sebesar USD4.269.558.332 dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

a. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pe-megang 99,99% saham Perseroan adalah sebesar USD4.269.131.377 yang pembayarannya akan dilakukan dengan cara off setting dengan hutang Pertamina.

b. Dividen kepada PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (PT PDV) selaku pemegang saham 0,01% saham Perseroan ada-lah sebesar USD426.956, yang pembayarannya akan dilakukan dengan cara cash settlement.

2. Penyelesaian pembukuan dividen tahun 2013 tersebut dilakukan dalam tahun anggaran 2014.

1. Resolve that dividends for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2013 to the Shareholders of the Company amounted to USD4,269,558,332 with the following details:

a. Dividends to PT Pertamina (Persero) as shareholder

of 99.99% of the Company’s shares amounted to USD 4,269,131,377 which payment will offset the Company’s receivables to PT Pertamina (Persero)

b. Dividends to PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (PT PDV) as shareholder of 0.01% of the Company’s shares amounted to USD426,956

2. The 2013 dividend recording was finalized in fiscal year 2014.

8 14 Mei 2014 / 12 May 2014

1. Menetapkan dan mengesahkan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Perseroan Tahun Buku 2014 (duaribu empatbelas) sebagaimana dimaksud dalam lampiran yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Pemegang Saham secara Sirkuler ini,dengan ringkasan sebagai berikut :a. LABA (RUGI) (USD Ribu):

Pendapatan Usaha 5.673.034Beban Usaha (2.046.086)Laba Usaha 3.626.948Pendapatan (Beban) lain-lain (25.123)Laba (Rugi) Sebelum Pajak 3.601.825Pajak Penghasilan (1.458.739)Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan 2.143.086

b. INVESTASI (USD):1. Asset 1 139.516.0562. Asset 2 181.858.6703. Asset 3 186.569.7364. Asset 4 4.061.0175. Asset 5 220.308.9176. Eksplorasi 176.946.2807. EOR KP EP 14.983.0708. PMDP 45.690.3169. JGDP 33.744.19810. MGDP 288.500.02711. PGDP 27.389.04312. Tiung Biru-Jimbaran 90.716.36113. ICT 4.568.14614. KP HSSE 8.543.495 Total Investasi 1.423.395.332

2. Menyetujui tingkat kesehatan yang merupakan lampiran tidak terpisahkan dari RKAP Perseroan Tahun Buku 2014 dengan perusahaan kategori 'Eksplorasi’ dan Klasifikasi Tingkat Kinerja Perusahaan Sehat 'A', sebagai berikut :Nilai Kinerja Keuangan (NKK): 63.21 SehatNilai Kinerja Pertumbuhan(NKP): 5.00 Tumbuh TinggiNilai Kinerja Administrasi (NKA): 10.00 TertibTotal (NKK+NKP+NKA) 78.21 Sehat A

3. Menugaskan Perseroan segera menyusun Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang akan disetujui oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Perseroan secara terpisah dan akan menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari RKAP Perseroan Tahun Buku.

4. Direksi bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaan RKAP Tahun Buku 2014 dan Dewan Komisaris bertanggung jawab terhadap pengawasan pelaksanaan RKAP Tahun Buku 2014.

1. Resolve and authorize Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for Fiscal Year 2014 (two thousand and fourteen) as referred to in the attachment of this Shareholders Resolution Circular, as follows:

a. PROFIT (LOSS) (Thousands USD) :Operating Revenues 5,673,034Operating Expenses (2,046,086)Operating Income 3,626,948Other Income (Expenses) (25,123)Profit (Loss) Before Tax 3,601,825Income Tax (1,458,739)Profit (Loss) for the Year 2,143,086

b. INVESTMENT (USD)1. Asset 1 139,516,0562. Asset 2 181,858,6703. Asset 3 186,569,7364. Asset 4 4,061,0175. Asset 5 220,308,9176. Exploration 176,946,2807. EOR KP EP 14,983,0708. PMDP 45,690,3169. JGDP 33,744,19810. MGDP 288,500,02711. PGDP 27,389,04312. Tiung Biru-Jimbaran 90,716,36113. ICT 4,568,14614. KP HSSE 8,543,495 Total Investments 1,423,395,332

2. To approve the level of health as an integral attachment of RKAP for the Fiscal Year 2014, the company category of 'Exploration' and Classification of Company Performance Health Level as 'A', as follows:Financial Performance Score (NKK) : 63.21 HealthyGrowth Performance Score (NKP) : 5.00 High GrowthAdministrative Performance Score (NKA): 10.00 In OrderTotal (NKK+NKP+NKA) 78.21 Healthy A

3. Assign the Company immediately prepare Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to be approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of the Company separately and will be an integral part of RKAP for Fiscal Year 2014.

4. The Board of Directors is responsible for the implementation of RKAP for Fiscal Year 2014 and the Board of Commissioners is responsible for oversight of execution of RKAP for Fiscal Year 2014.

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9 3 Juni 2014 / 3 June 2014

1. Menetapkan penghargaan atas kinerja tahunan (Tantiem) kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan untuk tahun buku 2013 sesuai dengan Permen BUMN Nomor 04/2014.

Tantiem tersebut diberikan kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan yang menjabat dalam Tahun Buku 2013 (dua ribu tiga belas), secara proporsional sesuai dengan lamanya yang bersangkutan menduduki jabatannya masing-masing.

2. Pajak atas Tantiem ditanggung oleh penerima.3. Bagi anggota Direksi dan Pekerja PT Pertamina (Persero)

yang menjadi anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan pada tahun buku 2013 tidak berhak atas Tantiem sebagaimana diatur dalam Surat Keputusan (SK) Direktur Utama Pertamina No.Kpts-20/C00000/2011-S0 tanggal 31-03-2011, dan oleh karena itu Tantiem yang bersangkutan dibayarkan kepada PT Pertamina (Persero).

1. Determine performance-based bonus (Tantiem) to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners for the fiscal year 2013 in accordance with Regulation of Minister of SOEs No. 04/2014. The performance-based bonus is given to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners who served in the Fiscal Year 2013 (two thousand and thirteen), in proportion to the length of the each terms of office respectively.

2. Tax on performance-based bonus borne by the recipient.3. For members of the Board of Directors and Workers

of PT Pertamina (Persero) who become members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company in fiscal year 2013 are not entitled to a performance-based bonus as stipulated in the Decree (SK) of Pertamina President Director No.Kpts-20/C00000/2011-S0 dated 31-03-2011, and therefore their bonuses are paid to PT Pertamina (Persero).

10 13 Agustus 2014 / 13 August 2014

1. Merevisi bagian judul RUPS Semula : 'Penyelesaian Permasalahan Ganti Kerugian kepada PT.

Lirik Petroleum Berdasarkan ICC Arbitration Final Award Tanggal 29-02-2009.

Menjadi : 'Penyelesaian Permasalahan Ganti Kerugian kepada PT.

Lirik Petroleum Berdasarkan ICC Arbitration Final Award Tanggal 27-02-2009.

2. Merevisi bagian keputusan RUPS butir 3: Semula : '3. Meminta Perseroan untuk menanggung seluruh

biaya penyelesaian sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Perjanjian Damai (Dading)'.

Menjadi : '3. Menyetujui seluruh biaya penyelesaian sebagaimana

disebutkan dalam Perjajian Damai (Dading) ditanggung oleh PT Pertamina (Persero)".

3. Merevisi bagian keputusan RUPS butir 4 : Semula : '4. Dalam melaksanakan penyelesaian sebagaimana

dimaksud dalam butir 1 (satu) sampai dengan butir 3 (tiga) diatas, Direksi Perseroan agar memperhatikan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan kaidah-kaidah tata kelola perusahaan yang baik Menjadi :

'4. Dalam melaksanakan penyelesaian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir 1 (satu) dan 2 (dua) diatas, Direksi Perseroan agar memperhatikan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan kaidah-kaidah tata kelola perusahaan yang baik.

1. Revise the title of GMS Previous: 'Settlement of Compensation to PT Lirik Petroleum based on ICC Arbitration Final Award dated February 29, 2009. Revised into: Settlement of Compensation to PT Lirik Petroleum based on ICC Arbitration Final Award dated February 27, 2009.

2. Revise GMS Resolution point 3: Previous: '3. Request the Company to bear all costs of resolution

as stipulated in the Deed of Settlement (Dading)'. Revised into:

'3. Approve all costs of settlement as stipulated in the Deed of Settlement (Dading) are borne by PT Pertamina (Persero)'.

3. Revise GMS Resolution point 4: Previous: '4. In implementing the settlement as referred to in point

1 (one) to point 3 (three), the Board of Directors shall observe the provisions of the applicable laws and the principles of good corporate governance'. Revised into:

'4. In implementing the settlement as referred to in point 1 (one) and point 2 (two), the Board of Directors shall observe the provisions of the applicable laws and the principles of good corporate governance'.

11 13 Agustus 2014 / 13 August 2014

Menyetujui pembayaran honorarium Dewan Komisaris Perseroan sesuai Permen BUMN No.PER-04/MBU/2014 terhitung mulai tanggal 01-04-2014 (satu April tahun duaribu empat belas) atas Penugasan Direksi/Pekerja PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas di Perseroan.Antara lain dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :a. Faktor Jabatan Honorarium Komisaris Utama adalah

45% (empat puluh lima persen) dari Gaji Direktur Utama Perseroan.

b. Faktor Jabatan Honorarium Komisaris 90% (sembilan puluh persen) dari Honorarium Komisaris Utama Perseroan.

Approve the payment of honorarium for the Board of Commissioners in accordance with Regulation of Minister of SOEs No.Per SOE-04/MBU/2014 as of April 1, 2014 (April one two thousand and fourteen) on Assignment of Directors/Workers of PT Pertamina (Persero) as the Board of Commissioners/Oversight Board in the Company.The provisions are as follows:a. President Commissioner Honorarium factor is 45% (forty

five percent) of the Salary of President Director of the Company.

b. Commissioner Honorarium factor is 90% (ninety percent) of the honorarium of the President Commissioner of the Company.

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12 24 September 2014 / 24 September, 2014

Menyetujui pembayaran honorarium untuk Dewan Komisaris Perseroan sesuai Permen BUMN No.PER-04/MBU/2014 terhitung mulai tanggal 01-04-2014 (satu April tahun dua ribu empat belas) dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :a. Faktor Jabatan Honorarium Komisaris Utama adalah

45% (empat puluh lima persen) dari Gaji Direktur Utama Perseroan.

b. Faktor Jabatan Honorarium Komisaris 90% (sembilan puluh persen) dari Honorarium Komisaris Utama Perseroan.

Approve the payment of honorarium for the Board of Commissioners in accordance with Regulation of Minister of SOEs No.Per-04/MBU/2014 as of April 1, 2014 (April one two thousand and fourteen) The provisions are as follows:a. President Commissioner Honorarium factor is 45% (forty

five percent) of the Salary of President Director of the Company.

b. Commissioner Honorarium factor is 90% (ninety percent) of the honorarium of the President Commissioner of the Company.

13 23 Oktober 2014 / 23 October 2014

1. Menyetujui Perseroan untuk melaksanakan penawaran kerjasama dengan pihak lain dalam bentuk Kerjasama Operasi (KSO) untuk area operasi di Perseroan sebagai berikut :

a. Area Operasi Babat Kukui untuk dikerjasamakan dengan bentuk KSO Produksi

b. Area Operasi Ngrayong, Wonocolo, Dandangilo – Brojonegoro untuk dikerjasamakan dengan bentuk KSO Produksi

c. Area Operasi Mambang Sebasa untuk dikerjasamakan dengan bentuk KSO Produksi

d. Area Operasi Tanjung Miring Barat untuk dikerjasamakan dengan bentuk KSO Produksi

e. Area Operasi Lampung Onshore untuk dikerjasamakan dengan bentuk KSO Eksplorasi

2. Memberikan kuasa kepada Presiden Direktur Perseroan untuk menandatangani Perjanjian KSO atas Area Operasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir 1 diatas.

1. Approve the Company to carry out cooperation with other parties under Joint Operation (KSO) for operating area of the Company as follows:

a. Operating Area Babat Kukui for cooperation under KSO Production

b. Operating Area Ngrayong, Wonocolo, Dandangilo - Brojonegoro for cooperation under KSO Production

c. Operating Area Mambang Sebasa for cooperation under KSO Production

d. Operating Area Tanjung Miring Barat for cooperation under KSO Production

e. Operating Area Lampung Onshore for cooperation under KSO Exploration

2. Authorize President Director of the Company to sign KSO Agreement on Operating Areas referred to in point 1.

14 10 November 2014 / 10 November, 2014

1. Memberhentikan dengan hormat Sdr. BENI JAFFILIUS IBRADI AD sebagai Direktur Operasi dan Produksi Perse-roan, berlaku efektif terhitung mulai tanggal Keputusan Pemegang Saham Secara Sirkulerini ditandatangani dan disertai ucapan terima kasih atas jasa-jasanya terhadap Perseroan.

2. Mengangkat Sdr. RIYANTO SUWARNO sebagai PJ.Direktur Operasi dan Produksi Perseroan berlaku efektif terhitung mulai tanggal Keputusan Pemegang Saham Secara Sirkuler ini ditandatangani, untuk jangka waktu 1 (satu) periode sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan atau sampai dengan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perseroan memutuskan lain. Dengan demikian, susunan Direksi Perseroan menjadi :• Presiden Direktur : Sdr. ADRIANSYAH;• PJ. Direktur Operasi dan Produksi :

Sdr. RIYANTO SUWARNO;• Direktur Eksplorasi dan Penemuan Cadangan Baru:

Sdr. DODDY PRIAMBODO;• Direktur Keuangan dan Pendukung Bisnis : Sdri.

LUKITANINGSIH;• Direktur Pengembangan : Sdr. SATOTO AGUSTONO;

1. Honorably discharge Mr BENI JAFFILIUS IBRADI AD as Operation and Production Director, effective as of the date of the Shareholders’ Circular Resolution is signed with appreciation for his services to the Company.

2. Appoint Mr RIYANTO SUWARNO as Acting Operation and Production Director effective as of the date of the Share-holders’ Circular Resolution is signed, for a period of 1 (one) term as referred to in the Articles of Association or until the General Meeting of Shareholders decides otherwise. Thus, the Board of Directors of the Company consists of:• President Director : Mr ADRIANSYAH;• Acting Operation and Production Director:

Mr RIYANTO SUWARNO;• Exploration and New Reserve Discovery Project

Director: Mr DODDY PRIAMBODO;• Finance and Business Support Director :

Mrs LUKITANINGSIH;• Development Director : Mr SATOTO AGUSTONO;

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15 12 November 2014 / November 12, 2014

Memberhentikan dengan hormat Sdr. EDDY MULYADI SOEPARDI sebagai Komisaris Perseroan, Pemegang Saham Secara Sirkuler ini ditandatangani dan disertai ucapan terima kasih atas jasa-jasanya terhadap Perseroan.Dengan demikian susunan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan

menjadi :• Komisaris Utama : Sdr. MUHAMAD HUSEN;• Komisaris : Sdr. M. AFDAL BAHAUDIN;• Komisaris : Sdr. DENNY INDRAYANA;

• Honorably discharge Mr EDDY MULYADI SOEPARDI as Commissioner. The Shareholders' Circular Resolution is signed along with gratitude for his services to the Company.Thus the composition of Board of Commissioners is as follows:• President Commissioner: Mr MUHAMAD HUSEN;• Commissioner : Mr M. AFDAL BAHAUDIN;• Commissioner : Mr DENNY INDRAYANA.

16 26 November 2014 / November 26, 2014

Mengangkat Sdr. Anny Ratnawati sebagai Komisaris Perseroan, berlaku efektif terhitung mulai tanggal Keputusan Pemegang Saham secara Sirkuler ini ditandatangani, atau sampai dengan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perseroan memutuskan lain.Dengan demikian susunan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan menjadi :• Komisaris Utama : Sdr. MUHAMAD HUSEN;• Komisaris : Sdr. M. AFDAL BAHAUDIN;• Komisaris : Sdr. DENNY INDRAYANA;• Komisaris : Sdr. ANNY RATNAWATI.

Appoint Mrs Anny Ratnawati as Commissioner as of the date of the Shareholders’ Circular Resolution is signed, or until the General Meeting of Shareholders decides otherwise. Thus, the Board of Commissioners of the Company consists of:• President Commissioner : Mr MUHAMAD HUSEN;• Commissioner : Mr M. AFDAL BAHAUDIN;• Commissioner : Mr DENNY INDRAYANA;• Commissioner : Mrs ANNY RATNAWATI.

17 5 Desember 2014 / 5 December 2014

Menyetujui Perseroan untuk melaksanakan penawaran area operasi pada Wilayah Kerja Perseroan untuk dilaku-kan kerjasama dengan pihak lain dalam bentuk Kerjasama Operasi (KSO) untuk area operasi sebagai berikut : a. Area Operasi Malo penawaran KSO diputuskan sesuai

hasil kajian Perseroan.b. Area Operasi Tanjung Lontar, Sengkuang, Arahan

Banjarsari, penawaran KSO akan dikerjasamakan dalam bentuk KSO Produksi EOR kepada Mitra TAC Existing.

c. Area Operasi Ramok Senabing untuk dikerjasamakan dalam bentuk KSO Produksi yang dilaksanakan dengan mekanisme beauty contest.

d. Area Operasi Semberah penawaran KSO akan dikerjasa-makan dalam bentuk KSO Produksi kepada Mitra TAC Existing.

Approve the Company to execute operation area offeringin the Company's Work Area to be cooperate with other parties in the form of Operational Cooperation (KSO) in the following operations areas:a. Operation Area Malo, KSO offering was determined in

accordance with the Company's assessment result.b. Operation Area Cape Lontar, Sengkuang, Arahan Ban-

jarsari, KSO offering will be cooperated under KSO EOR Production under the Existing TAC partner

c. Operation Area Ramok Senabing to be cooperated in the form of KSO Production that will be executed through beauty contest mechanism

d. Operation Area Semberah, KSO offering to be cooper-ated in the form of KSO Production under Existing TAC Partner Existing TAC.

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Dewan Komisaris bertugas mengawasi dan memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi. Pelaksanaan tugas, kewenangan dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar.

Penentuan dan penetapan anggota Dewan Komisaris merupakan hak prerogatif pemegang saham, dengan memperhatikan kompetensi, kapasitas dan kapabilitas setiap kandidat, termasuk dalam hal komitmen pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. Selain itu juga mempertimbangkan kebutuhan organisasi PT Pertamina (Persero), sebagai entitas induk dan pemegang saham. [G4-40]

Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang telah dipilih dan ditetapkan membuat surat pernyataan tidak memiliki benturan kepentingan di awal tahun pengangkatannya. Selama tahun 2014, tidak ada anggota Dewan Komisaris yang dihadapkan pada situasi dengan potensi benturan kepentingan, yang mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan, baik dalam hal rangkap jabatan eksekutif, afiliasi dengan pemegang saham pengendali Perusahaan dan pemegang saham pengendali pemasok, maupun relasi kekerabatan semenda. [G4-41]

Board of Commissioners oversees and provides advices to the Board of Directors. The duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners are stipulated in the Articles of Association.

Election and appointment of the Board of Commissioners’ members are the shareholders prerogative, with regard to the competence, capacity and capability of each candidate, including in terms of fulfillment of commitment to social and environmental responsibility. The other consideration is the organizational needs of PT Pertamina (Persero), as the parent entity and shareholder. [G4-40]

Members of the Board of Commissioners who have been elected and appointed are to make a statement and have no conflict of interest in the early years of their appointment. During 2014, no member of the Board of Commissioners was faced with a situation with potential conflicts of interest that affect decision making, both in terms of executive dual positions, affiliation with the controlling shareholder of the Company and the controlling shareholder of the supplier, and the relation of kinship by marriage. [G4-41]

DEWAN KOMISARISBoard of Commissioners

RUPS TAHUNAN FISIK/TAHUNAN 2014 2014 Physical Annual/Annual GMS

19 Februari 2014 Akta No. 12 19 February 2014 Deed No. 12

1. a. Laporan Kinerja Tahunan Perseroan 2013 b. Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris

2. Usulan Persetujuan Atas Laporan Tahunan dan Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan Perseroan Tahun Buku 2013 disertai pemberian pelunasan dan pembebasan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan.

3. Usulan Penetapan Penggunaan Laba4. Usulan Penunjukkan Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk

melakukan Audit Laporan Keuangan Tahun Buku 2014.5. Usulan Penetapan Penghargaan atas Kinerja (Tantiem)

kepada Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan (tahun buku 2013)

6. Usulan Remunerasi Tahun Buku 2014, Usulan Adjustment Fixed Pay kepada Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan

1. a. Corporate Annual Performance Report 2013 b. Board of Commissioners’ Oversight Report

2. Proposal for Approval of Annual Report and Establishment of Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year 2013 with the provision of full release and discharge of to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

3. Proposal for Profit Appropriation Approval4. Proposal of Public Accounting Firm appointment to con-

duct Audit on Financial Statements Fiscal Year 20145. Proposal for approval of Performance-based bonus to

Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors6. Proposals for Remuneration for Fiscal Year 2014, Adjust-

ment Fixed Pay to Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of the Company

KEPUTUSAN RUPS TAHUN 2013 YANG BELUM DIREALISASIKAN DAN ALASANNYAUnrealized 2013 GMS Resolutions and ExplanationSelama tahun 2014, tidak ada Keputusan RUPS Pertamina EP tahun 2013 yang belum direalisasikan.

During 2014, there was no GMS resolutions of Pertamina EP in 2013 that has not been realized.

KOMPOSISI DEWAN KOMISARISKomposisi Dewan Komisaris pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014 terdiri atas empat orang, dan seorang di antaranya adalah perempuan. Belum ada penetapan anggota Komisaris Independen baru oleh Pemegang Saham. [G4-38]

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS’ COMPOSITION The composition of the Board of Commissioners as of December 31, 2014 consisted of four members with one of them is female. There has been no appointment for new Independent Commissioner by Shareholders. [G4-38]

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Pemegang Saham pada tahun 2014 telah memutuskan dan menetapkan perubahan susunan keanggotaan Dewan Komisaris, sebagai berikut:1. RUPS pada 4 Maret 2014 mengangkat Denny

Indrayana dan Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi sebagai Komisaris Pertamina EP.

2. Pada 17 November 2014, Eddy Mulyadi mengundurkan diri sebagai Komisaris Pertamina EP, dikarenakan menjadi anggota Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Republik Indonesia.

3. RUPS pada 26 November 2014 mengangkat Anny Ratnawati sebagai Komisaris Pertamina EP.

Shareholders in 2014 have decided and approved change in the membership of the Board of Commissioners, as follows:1. GMS on March 4, 2014 appointed Denny Indrayana

and Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi as Commissioners of PT Pertamina EP.

2. On November 12, 2014, Eddy Mulyadi resigned as Commissioner of PT Pertamina EP, due to his appointment as a member of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) of the Republic of Indonesia.

3. GMS on November 26, 2014, appointed Anny Ratnawati as Commissioner of PT Pertamina EP.

KOMPOSISI DEWAN KOMISARIS PER 31 DESEMBER 2014 [G4-34] [G4-38] Board of Commissioners Composition as of December 31, 2014

Members of Board of Commissioners Position Dasar Penetapan

Basis of AppointmentPeriode Period

Muhamad Husen Komisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner Keputusan RUPS GMS Resolution 01 Agustus 2009 – 31 Desember 2014

August 1, 2009 – December 31, 2014

M Afdal Bahaudin Komisaris Commissioner Keputusan RUPS GMS Resolution 12 Juli 2010 – 31 Desember 2014 July 12, 2010 – December 31, 2014

Denny Indrayana Komisaris Commissioner Keputusan RUPS GMS Resolution 4 Maret 2014 – 31 Desember 2014March 4, 2014 - December 31, 2014

Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi Komisaris Commissioner Keputusan RUPS GMS Resolution 4 Maret 2014 – 31 Oktober 2014 March 4, 2014 - October 31, 2014

Anny Ratnawati Komisaris Commissioner Keputusan RUPS GMS Resolution 26 November 2014 – 31 Desember 2014November 26, 2014 – December 31, 2014

TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWABDEWAN KOMISARIS1. Melakukan pengawasan terhadap kebijakan

dan tindakan Direksi dalam melaksanakan pengurusan Perusahaan dan melaporkan hasil pengawasannya secara tertulis kepada pemegang saham.

2. Memberi nasihat kepada Direksi termasuk pelaksanaan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP), Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP), Program Kerja dan Anggaran (Work Program and Budget atau WP&B), Anggaran Dasar dan Keputusan RUPS dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

3. Menyusun rencana kerja setiap tahun yang memuat sasaran yang ingin dicapai dan mengkomunikasikan hasilnya kepada pemegang saham.

4. Meninjau kebijakan dan strategi manajemen risiko, serta memberikan masukan atau arahan kepada Direksi terkait dengan pengelolaan risiko.

5. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya tersebut, Dewan Komisaris harus:

• Mematuhi Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta wajib melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme, efisiensi, transparansi, kemandirian, akuntabilitas, pertanggung-jawaban serta kewajaran.

• Bertindak sewaktu-waktu untuk kepentingan dan usaha Perusahaan serta bertanggung jawab kepada Perusahaan yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh RUPS.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS1. Oversee the policies and actions of the Board

of Directors in carrying out the management of the Company and submit a written report on the results of oversight to the shareholders.

2. Provide advice to the Board of Directors including on the execution of Long Term Corporate Plan (RJPP), Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP), Work Program and Budget (WP&B), Articles of Association, GMS resolutions and applicable laws and regulations.

3. Prepare annual work plan that includes targets to be achieved and communicating the results to shareholders.

4. Review risk management policies and strategies, as well as provide input or direction to the Board of Directors regarding risk management.

5. In performing these duties, the Board of Commissioners shall:

• Comply with Articles of Association and applicable laws and regulations as well as required to apply the principles of professionalism, efficiency, transparency.

• Act at any time for the Company’s interest and business, as well as answer to the Company, in this case represented by the GMS.

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REALISASI PENGAWASANMelaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya namun tidak terbatas pada hal-hal sebagai berikut :a. Mengarahkan, memantau dan mengevaluasi

pelaksanaan kebijakan strategis dan pengurusan Perseroan, yaitu antara lain mengevaluasi dan menyetujui RKAP 2014, memantau dan mengevaluasi kinerja perusahaan secara periodik dengan Rapat BoC-BoD secara rutin serta mengevaluasi rancangan RKAP 2015.

OVERSIGHT REALIZATIONCarry out its duties and responsibilities, but not limited to the following:a. Directing, monitoring and evaluating the

implementation of strategic policies and management of the Company, among others, evaluating and approving the 2014 RKAP, monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Company periodically through regular BOC-BOD Meetings and 2015 RKAP draft.

6. Dewan Komisaris tidak boleh mengambil keputusan kegiatan operasional, kecuali dalam keadaan tertentu pada saat Dewan Komisaris menjabat sebagai Direksi sementara.

7. Memastikan bahwa tidak ada jabatan Direksi yang lowong.

8. Melakukan pemanggilan dan penyelenggaraan RUPS Tahunan dan RUPS Lainnya jika Direksi berhalangan atau terdapat pertentangan kepentingan antara Direksi dengan Perusahaan.

9. Bertanggung jawab secara pribadi atas kerugian Perusahaan apabila yang bersangkutan bersalah atau lalai menjalankan tugasnya.

10. Bersama dengan Direksi memastikan bahwa Auditor Internal maupun Eksternal dan Komite Audit memiliki akses terhadap informasi mengenai Perusahaan yang dianggap perlu dalam melaksanakan tugasnya.

11. Anggota Dewan Komisaris bertanggung jawab secara bersama:

• Bersama dengan anggota Direksi terhadap pihak yang dirugikan apabila laporan keuangan yang disediakan ternyata tidak benar dan/atau menyesatkan.

• Bersama dengan anggota Direksi, apabila setelah tahun buku berakhir ternyata Perusahaan menderita kerugian dan pemegang saham tidak dapat mengembalikan dividen interim yang telah dibagikan sebelum tahun buku berakhir.

• Bersama dengan anggota Direksi membayar seluruh kewajiban Perusahaan akibat kepailitan yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan atau kelalaian Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi jika kekayaan Perusahaan tidak cukup untuk membayarnya.

• Bersama dengan anggota Direksi atas persetujuan dan/atau rekomendasi tertulis yang diberikan terhadap perbuatan tertentu.

12. Memantau efektivitas penerapan praktik tata kelola perusahaan yang baik.

13. Memantau implementasi tanggung jawab sosial.

14. Mengesahkan uraian tugas Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris dan menetapkan indikator kinerjanya.

15. Melaporkan pengangkatan Anggota Komite Audit kepada pemegang saham.

6. Board of Commissioners is not allowed to make operational decisions, except under certain circumstances when the Board of Commissioners serves as interim Board of Directors.

7. Ensure that there is no vacant position in the Board of Directors.

8. Summon and organize the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and other General Meeting of Shareholders if the Board of Directors is absent or there is a conflict of interest between the Board of Directors and the Company.

9. Personally liable for the Company’s losses if the concerned party is guilty or negligent in performing their duties.

10. Together with the Board of Directors ensures that the Internal and External Auditors as well as the Audit Committee have access to necessary information about the Company while performing their duties.

11. Members of the Board of Commissioners are collectively responsible of the following:

• Together with members of the Board of Directors to the aggrieved party if the financial statements provided are found incorrect and/or misleading.

• Together with members of the Board of Directors, if after the fiscal year end the Company suffers losses and shareholders are unable to return the interim dividend which has been distributed before the fiscal year ends.

• Together with members of the Board of Directors settle all obligations of the Company due to bankruptcy caused by the fault or negligence of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors if the Company’s assets are insufficient for the payment.

• Together with members of the Board of Directors, with written approval and/or recommendations given to certain acts.

12 Monitor the effectiveness of the good corporate governance practices.

13. Monitor the implementation of social responsibility.

14. Authorize the job descriptions of the Board of Commissioners Secretary and establish performance indicators.

15. Report the appointment of the Audit Committe members to the shareholders.

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Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris pada Tahun Buku 2013, antara lain berupa Laporan Tugas Pengawasan dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014. [G4-44]

REKOMENDASI PADA PEMEGANG SAHAM DAN DIREKSISelama tahun 2014, Dewan Komisaris juga telah menyampaikan beberapa rekomendasi kepada Pemegang Saham dan Direksi sebagai berikut :a. Kepada Pemegang Saham sebanyak 6 kali.b. Kepada Direksi sebanyak 1 kali.

KUNJUNGAN KE LAPANGANDewan Komisaris telah melakukan kunjungan ke berbagai Lapangan. Kunjungan dilakukan untuk melihat perkembangan pelaksanaan pekerjaan sesuai dengan Rencana Kerja, dan melihat operasi Perusahaan secara faktual. Selama tahun 2014, Lapangan yang dikunjungi antara lain:a. Tarakanb. Luwukc. Cepud. Sanga-sanga

The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners in Fiscal Year 2013, include Oversight Duty Report in the Integrated Annual Report 2014. [G4-44]

RECOMMENDATIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS AND BODDuring 2014, the Board of Commissioners also has submitted several recommendations to the Shareholders and Board of Directors as follows:a. Six times to the Shareholders.b. One time to the Board of Directors.

FIELD VISIT BOC has made visits to various Fields. The visits were made to see the progress of implementation of the work in accordance with the Work Plan, and look factually Company operations. During 2014, Field visited include:a. Tarakanb. Luwukc. Cepud. Sanga-sanga

b. Secara rutin melalui rapat bersama BoD, Dewan Komisaris memantau kinerja BoD dalam hal:• Proses dan kinerja eksploitasi• Proses dan kinerja produksi• Proses dan kinerja EOR• Proses dan kinerja keuangan• Kinerja health, safety, security and environment

(HSSE), pengadaan/supply chain management (SCM), information and communication technology (ICT), tata kelola perusahaan (GCG), dan sumberdaya manusia (SDM).

c. Dengan prinsip kehati-hatian dan secara independen, memantau dan mengawasi kebijakan Direksi dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan strategis dan mendorong Direksi agar terus berupaya meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi serta memperhatikan aspek safety dan aspek lingkungan (termasuk lingkungan sosial masyarakat sekitar daerah operasi).

d. Melalui Komite Audit, melaksanakan pengawasan untuk memastikan telah terselenggaranya fungsi pengawasan atas proses pengurusan perusahaan, proses penyelesaian Laporan Keuangan, pelaksanaan audit atas Laporan Keuangan dan keandalan Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perseroan.

e. Melalui Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko, melaksanakan evaluasi dan pengawasan bidang investasi serta manajemen risiko risiko sehingga setiap investasi dan kegiatan operasi yang dilaksanakan mempunyai ekspektasi memberikan hasil yang optimal.

f. Melalui Fungsi Sekretaris, Dewan Komisaris juga melakukan tertib administrasi dan kegiatan Kesekretariatan sesuai Anggaran Dasar dan Tata Kelola Perseroan yang baik dan benar.

b. Board of Commissioners regularly monitoring BOD’s performance through meetings with BOD in the following matters:

• Exploitation process and performance • Production process and performance • Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) process and

performance • Financial process and performance • Performance of Health, safety, security and

environment (HSSE), procurement/supply chain management (SCM), information and communication technology, (ICT), good corporate governance (GCG), and Human Resources

c. With the prudential principle and independently, monitoring and overseeing Board of Directors’ policies in making every strategic decision and encourage them to continue increasing productivity and efficiency as well as safety and environmental aspects (including social environment of the community around operating area).

d. Through the Audit Committee, ensuring the implementation of oversight function over the management process of the company, the completion of financial statements, audit of Financial Statements and the reliability of the Company’s Internal Control System.

e. Through Investment and Risk Management Committee, carried out the evaluation and supervision of investment and risk management so that any operation undertaken can be expected to provide optimal results.

f. Through Secretary function, Board of Commissioners also carrying out administrative and secretarial activities in accordance with Articles of Association as well as good and proper Corporate Governance.

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PEMBAGIAN TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DEWAN KOMISARISPembagian tugas Dewan Komisaris ditetapkan berdasarkan peran masing-masing anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagai Ketua dan Wakil Ketua komite yang berada di bawah Dewan Komisaris, yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan, ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman.

PENILAIAN KINERJA DEWAN KOMISARISSecara berkesinambungan juga dilakukan penilaian atas kinerja Dewan Komisaris oleh Pemegang Saham. Penilaian didasarkan pada board manual dan pencapaian atas target yang ditetapkan dalam indikator-indikator kinerja kunci atau key performance indicators (KPI), termasuk perihal pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. [G4-44]

SEGREGATION OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF BOCThe segregation of duties Of the Board of Commissioners is based on the role of each member of the Board of Commissioners as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee under the Board of Commissioners, which is adapted to the abilities, knowledge and experience.

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTThe Board of Commissioners’ performance assessment is conducted continuously by Shareholders. The assessment is based on the board manual and the accomplishments of targets set in the key performance indicators (KPIs), including the implementation of social and environmental responsibility. [G4-44]

PEMBAGIAN TUGAS DEWAN KOMISARIS Board of Commissioners’ Segregation of Duties

Fokus Pengawasan Pada Bidang Focus of Oversight Area

Muhamad Husen 1. Mengkoordinasikan tugas-tugas seluruh Dewan Komisaris2. Mengawasi Kinerja Direksi dalam aspek temuan cadangan dan


1. Coordinate duties within Board of Commissioners 2. Oversee BOD performance in reserve discovery and production


M Afdal Bahaudin1. Mengawasi kinerja Direksi dalam aspek finansial dan bisnis2. Mengawasi kinerja Direksi dalam aspek audit dan manajemen


1. Oversee BOD performance in financial and business aspects 2. Oversee BOD performance in audit and risk management


Denny Indrayana1. Mengawasi kinerja Direksi dalam aspek kepatuhan terhadap

peraturan dan perundang-undangan

2. Mengawasi kinerja Direksi dalam bidang Pengembangan

1. Oversee BOD performance in compliance with laws and regula-tions aspect

2. Oversee BOD performance in Development aspect

Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi1. Mengawasi Kinerja Direksi dalam aspek operasi dan project2. Mengawasi Kinerja dalam aspek HSE

1. Oversee BOD performance in operations and project aspects2. Oversee BOD performance in audit and risk management


Anny Ratnawati 1. Mengawasi Kinerja Direksi dalam aspek operasi dan project2. Mengawasi Kinerja dalam aspek HSE

1. Oversee BOD performance in operations and project aspects2. Oversee BOD performance in HSE aspect

PENYELENGGARAAN RUPSDewan Komisaris memimpin pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan pada tanggal 19 Februari 2014 pukul 09.00 WIB bertempat di Ruang Rapat Direksi Pertamina EP Menara Standard Chartered lantai 27 dengan agenda pembahasan Laporan Tahunan Pertamina EP Tahun Buku 2013.

PROGRAM PELATIHAN KEAHLIAN DEWAN KOMISARISSelama tahun 2014, Pertamina EP tidak melaksanakan program pengembangan dan pelatihan bagi Dewan Komisaris. [G4-43][IR1]

GMS IMPLEMENTATIONBOC led the implementation of the Annual GMS on February 19, 2014 at 09.00 AM in the BOD Meeting Room of Pertamina EP, Menara Standard Chartered, 27th floor with an agenda on Annual Report of Pertamina EP for Fiscal Year 2013.

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS’ COMPETENCY TRAINING PROGRAM During 2014, Pertamina EP did not carry out training and development program for Board of Commissioners. [G4-43][IR1]

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PERTEMUAN DEWAN KOMISARISPertemuan Dewan Komisaris diselenggarakan paling sedikit sekali dalam setiap bulan. Pengambilan keputusan yang bersifat mengikat dinyatakan sah apabila dihadiri atau diwakili lebih dari 1/2 (satu per dua) jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris. Pelaksanaan rapat juga menjadi salah satu mekanisme evaluasi pelaksanaan tugas, kewenangan dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris, termasuk dalam hal pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. [G4-47]

Rapat Dewan Komisaris dapat mengundang Direksi, Komite Audit serta Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko.

PROSEDUR PENETAPAN REMUNERASI DEWAN KOMISARISBesaran remunerasi Dewan Komisaris ditentukan dan diberikan berdasarkan basis formula yang ditetapkan oleh RUPS yang sebelumnya, atas rekomendasi yang diberikan Direksi serta Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pemegang saham dan induk perusahaan. Pemegang Saham adalah satu-satunya pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam penentuan dan penetapan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris.[G4-52] [G4-53]

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETINGBoard of Commissioners (BOC) meeting is held at least once a month. A binding resolution is declared valid if the attendance or is represented by one-half of total members of the Board of Commissioners. The meeting is also used as mechanism for BOC Board of Commissioners to assess their duty, authority and responsibility implementation performance, including social and environmenral responsibility fulfillment. [G4-47]

Board of Commissioners meeting may invite Board of Directors (BOD), Audit Committee as well as Investment and Risk Management Committee.

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REMUNERATION DETERMINATION PROCEDUREThe amount of remuneration for the Board of Commissioners is determined and provided based on a formula established by the previous GMS, upon recommendations from the Board of Directors as well as Nomination and Remuneration Committee of PT Pertamina (Persero). Shareholders are the only stakeholder involved in the determination and approval of the Board of Commissioners’ remuneration. [G4-52] [G4-53]


Angota Dewan KomisarisMember of BOC

Bulan dan Tanggal Month and Date Jml HadirNumber ofAttendance

Jml RapatNumber of


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Muhamad Husen 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 10 12 83

M Afdal Bahaudin 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 12 66

Denny Indrayana 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 10 60

Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 8 50

Anny Ratnawati 0 0 1 0


Agenda rapat sebanyak 12 kali, tingkat kehadiran rata-rata 64.75%

meeting agenda of 12 times, average attendance 64.75%


Agenda rapat sebanyak 12 kali, tingkat kehadiran rata-rata 80 %meeting agenda of 12 times, average attendance 80%


BOC performance is measured in several stages, namely data collection, examination of relevant documents, and interviews with representatives of the Board of Directors. The results of these stages are then measured based on the criteria stipulated in Secretary of Ministry of SOEs Decree No.: SK-16/S.MBU/2012 on the indicators/parameters of Assessment and Evaluation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Implementation in SOEs.

Pengukuran kinerja Dewan Komisaris dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu pengumpulan data, pemeriksaan dokumen terkait, dan wawancara dengan perwakilan Direksi. Hasil tahapan tersebut kemudian diukur berdasarkan kriteria dalam Sekretaris Kementerian BUMN Nomor: SK - 16/S.MBU/2012 tentang indikator/parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN.

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DIREKSI Board of Directors

Mengevaluasi dan memberikan masukan.Mengusulkan kepada Pemegang SahamEvaluate and provide input Propose to Shareholders

STRUKTUR REMUNERASI DEWAN KOMISARISDewan Komisaris menerima remunerasi yang terdiri dari: honorarium, tunjangan transportasi, fasilitas telepon, kesehatan, konsesi terbang, uang perjalanan dinas dan santunan purnajabatan, yang masing-masing jumlahnya diputuskan dalam RUPS Tahunan. [G4-51]

DIREKSIDireksi bertugas dan bertanggung jawab secara kolegial mengelola Perusahaan. Setiap anggota Direksi dapat melaksanakan tugas dan mengambil keputusan sesuai pembagian tugas dan wewenangnya. Namun, pelaksanaan tugas oleh masing-masing anggota Direksi tetap merupakan tanggung jawab bersama.

Sebagai anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero), anggota Direksi Pertamina EP dipilih dan diangkat melalui prosedur sistematis oleh Dewan Pertimbangan Karir Pekerja (DPKP) Pertamina, yang diketuai oleh Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina (Persero), dan kemudian ditetapkan dalam RUPS Pertamina EP. Anggota Direksi saat ini merupakan kandidat terbaik yang telah dipilih berdasar perencanaan suksesi PT Pertamina (Persero), serta telah mengikuti uji kelayakan dan kepatutan DPKP Pertamina. [G4-40]

Seluruh anggota Direksi telah membuat surat pernyataan tidak memiliki benturan kepentingan yang diperbaharui setiap awal tahun. Selama tahun 2014 tidak ada anggota Direksi yang dihadapkan pada situasi terjadinya benturan kepentingan, baik dalam pengambilan keputusan maupun kedudukannya. Masing-masing anggota Direksi dipastikan tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan pemegang saham pengendali maupun relasi kekerabatan semenda sampai derajat ketiga dengan Dewan Komisaris maupun sesama anggota Direksi. [G4-41]

Komposisi komponen remunerasi yang diberikan kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk tahun buku 2014, terdiri atas 71% biaya remunerasi dan fasilitas, 6% biaya tunjangan hari raya (THR) dan 23% biaya pajak.

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REMUNERATION STRUCTUREThe Board of Commissioners receives remuneration consisting of honorarium, transport allowance, telephone facilities, health, concession flights, business trip allowance and retirement benefit, in which each amount is decided in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. [G4-51]

The composition of remuneration components of the Board of Commissioners for the fiscal year 2014 consisted of 71% of remuneration and facilities, 6% religious holiday allowance (THR) and 23% of tax expenses.

BOARD OF DIRECTORSBoard of Directors (BOD) is assigned and collegially responsible for managing the Company. Every member of Board of Directors may carry out their duties and make decision according to their respective duties and authority. However, the implementation of duties by each member of the Board of Directors remains a shared responsibility.

As a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), members of Pertamina EP’s Board of Directors are elected and appointed through a systematic procedure by Career Advisory Board for Workers of Pertamina (DPKP), which is chaired by the Upstream Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), and then are approved in the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Pertamina EP. The current members of the Board of Directors are the best candidates who have been selected based on succession planning of PT Pertamina (Persero), and have undergone the fit and proper test by DPKP Pertamina. [G4-40]

Each member of the Board of Directors has made a statement of no conflict of interest that is updated at the beginning of the year. During 2014, there were no members of the Board of Directors faced with a situation of conflict of interest, both in making decision and position. Each member of the Board of Directors confirmed not to have any affiliated relationship with a controlling shareholder or any relation by marriage to the third degree of kinship with members of the Board of Commissioners and fellow members of Board of Directors. [G4-41]

DIREKSIBoard of Directors

KOMITE NOMINASI & REMUNERASI PT Pertamina (Persero)Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Menyusun usulan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris rata-rataPreparation of Board of Commissioners’ remuneration proposal


23% 71%


Tunjangan Hari Raya KeagamaanReligious Holiday Allowance

Pajak Tax Remunerasi dan FasilitasRemuneration and Facilities

HONORARIUM, TUNJANGAN DAN FASILITAS DEWAN KOMISARISHonorarium, Allowance, and Facility of Board of Commissioners


Menetapkan besaran remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris, dan disahkan dalam RUPS TahunanDetermine the amount of remuneration for Board of Commissioners and approved in the Annual GMS

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• Board Manual merupakan pedoman mengenai kedudukan dan fungsi hubungan antara tiga organ utama Perusahaan yaitu Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Para Pemegang Saham, serta dengan organ pendukung Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi untuk memastikan terlaksananya fungsi setiap organ Perusahaan secara efektif. Board Manual disetujui pemberlakuannya oleh suatu Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham.

• Pedoman Hubungan Korporasi antara PT Pertamina (Persero) dengan dan antar-Anak Perusahaan Hulu No.A-001/d00000/2011-S0, tanggal 31 Mei 2011, dengan tujuan mengatur pembagian tugas, wewenang, sinergi, koordinasi dan komunikasi antara PT Pertamina (Persero) terutama Direktorat Hulu sebagai penanggung jawab dan pengawas usaha/kegiatan di bawah Direktorat Hulu di PT Pertamina (Persero) dengan Anak Perusahaan Hulu sebagai operating arm dalam pencapaian strategi maupun pelaksanaan operasional.

• Board Manual is a guideline regarding the position and function of the relationship between 3 (three) main organs of the Company, namely Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders as well as BOC and BOD’s supporting organs to ensure the effective implementation of each company organ’s function. The Board Manual‘s enactment is approved by a Shareholders’ Resolution.

• Guidelines for Corporate Relations between PT Pertamina (Persero) with and between Upstream Subsidiaries No. A-001/d00000/2011-S0, dated May 31, 2011, which is aimed to regulate the segregation of duties, authority, synergy, coordination and communication between PT Pertamina (Persero), particularly Upstream Directorate as party in charge and supervisor of business/activities under Upstream Directorate of PT Pertamina (Persero) with Upstream Subsidiary as the operating arm in achievement of strategy and operations.

PEDOMAN KERJA DIREKSIBoard of Directors' Guidelines

KOMPOSISI DIREKSIKomposisi Direksi pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014, terdiri dari lima Direktur, dan seorang di antaranya perempuan. Anggota Direksi menjabat untuk jangka waktu terhitung sejak tanggal yang ditetapkan oleh Keputusan Pemegang Saham secara Sirkuler berakhir pada penutupan RUPS Tahunan yang ke-tiga setelah pengangkatannya atau apabila ditetapkan lain oleh Pemegang Saham. Tidak ada perubahan anggota Direksi selama kurun waktu periode pelaporan. [G4-38]

Persyaratan dan tata cara pemberhentian dan pengangkatan anggota Direksi Perusahaan sesuai ketentuan PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai BUMN, harus mengikuti Peraturan Menteri No:PER- 16/MBU/2012 Tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan Menteri No:PER-01/MBU/2012 tanggal 1 Oktober 2012 Tentang Persyaratan dan Tata Cara Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian Anggota Direksi BUMN. [G4-40]

BOD COMPOSITIONComposition of the Board of Directors on December 31, 2014, consisted of five Directors, and one of them female. Members of the Board of Directors serve for a period starting from the date of appointment by the Shareholders' Circular Resolution and ends at the closing of the third Annual GMS after the appointment or when otherwise determined by the Shareholders. There was no change in membership of the Board of Directors during the reporting period. [G4-38]

Requirements and procedures for discharge and appointment of the Company’s BOD members are in accordance with the provisions of PT Pertamina (Persero) as an SOE, which shall follow the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Regulation No. PER-16/MBU/2012, on the Second Amendment to Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Regulation No. PER-01/MBU/2012 dated October 1, 2012 regarding the terms and procedures of appointment and discharge of members of the Board of Directors of State-Owned Enterprises. [G4-40]

KOMPOSISI DIREKSI [G4-34] [G4-38] Board of Directors Composition

Nama Anggota Direksi Name of BOD Member Jabatan Position Periode Period

AdriansyahPresiden Direktur President Director

20 November 2013 – 31 Desember 2014November 20, 2013 – December 31, 2014

Doddy PriambodoDirektur Eksplorasi dan Penemuan Cadangan BaruExploration and New Reserve Discovery Project Director

10 Mei 2011 – 31 Desember 2014May 10, 2011 - December 31, 2014

Riyanto SuwarnoPJ. Direktur Produksi dan OperasiProduction and Operation Director

10 November 2014 – 31 Desember 2014November 10, 2014 –December 31, 2014

Beni Jafilius Ibradi ADDirektur Produksi dan OperasiProduction and Operation Director

20 September 2013 – 9 November 2014September 20, 2013– November 10, 2014

Satoto AgustonoDirektur PengembanganDevelopment Director

20 September 2013 – 31 Desember 2014 September 20, 2013– December 31, 2014

LukitaningsihDirektur Keuangan & Pendukung BisnisFinance and Business Support Director

23 Februari 2012 – 31 Desember 2014February 23, 2012 – December 31, 2014

Dasar Penetapan Keputusan RUPS Basis for Determination of GMS Resolution

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TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DIREKSI1. Memimpin dan mengurus Perusahaan sesuai

dengan kepentingan dan tujuan Perusahaan.2. Menguasai, memelihara dan mengurus kekayaan

Perusahaan.3. Mematuhi peraturan perundang-undangan yang

berlaku.4. Bertanggung jawab penuh secara pribadi

apabila yang bersangkutan bersalah atau lalai menjalankan tugasnya untuk kepentingan dan usaha Perusahaan.

5. Mewakili Perusahaan di dalam dan di luar pengadilan serta melakukan segala tindakan dan perbuatan, baik mengenai pengurusan maupun mengenai pemilikan kekayaan Perusahaan serta mengikat Perusahaan dengan pihak lain dan atau pihak lain dengan Perusahaan, sesuai dengan batasan-batasan yang ditetapkan Anggaran Dasar.

6. Melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan tertentu yang membutuhkan persetujuan tertulis dari Dewan Komisaris.

7. Mengalihkan, melepaskan hak atau menjadikan jaminan hutang seluruh atau sebagian besar harta kekayaan Perusahaan (yang bukan merupakan barang dagangan), baik dalam satu transaksi atau beberapa transaksi yang berdiri sendiri ataupun yang berkaitan satu sama lain, dengan persetujuan RUPS.

8. Mengalihkan atau menjadikan sebagai jaminan utang atau melepaskan hak atas harta kekayaan Perusahaan sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar.

9. Melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan tertentu yang membutuhkan rekomendasi tertulis dari Dewan Komisaris dan persetujuan RUPS.

10. Menetapkan kebijakan pengurusan Perusahaan melalui Rapat Direksi.

11. Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh anggota Direksi di luar yang diputuskan oleh Rapat Direksi menjadi tanggung jawab pribadi yang bersangkutan sampai dengan tindakan dimaksud disetujui oleh Rapat Direksi.

12. Presiden Direktur berhak dan berwenang bertindak untuk dan atas nama Direksi serta mewakili Perusahaan dengan ketentuan semua tindakan Presiden Direktur dimaksud telah disetujui oleh Rapat Direksi.

13. Anggota Direksi bertanggung jawab secara bersama:• Bersama dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris, terhadap pihak yang dirugikan apabila laporan keuangan yang disediakan ternyata tidak benar dan/atau menyesatkan.

• Bersama dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris, apabila setelah tahun buku berakhir ternyata Perusahaan menderita kerugian dan pemegang saham tidak dapat mengembalikan dividen interim yang telah dibagikan sebelum tahun buku berakhir.

• Bersama dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris, membayar seluruh kewajiban Perusahaan akibat kepailitan yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan atau kelalaian Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi jika kekayaan Perusahaan tidak cukup untuk membayarnya.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. Lead and manage the Company in accordance

with the interests and goals of the Company.2. Control, maintain and manage the Company’s

assets.3. Comply with applicable laws and regulations.

4. Personally liable if the concerned party is guilty or negligent in carrying out their duties for the Company’s interest and business.

5. Represent the company in and out of court and carries out all acts and deeds, both in administration as well as ownership of the Company’s assets and bind the Company with other parties or other parties with the Company, within limits stipulated in the Articles of Association.

6. Perform certain actions that require written approval from the Board of Commissioners.

7. Transfer, release of rights or make as collateral of all or majority of Company assets (which is not inventory), either in a single transaction or several individual transactions or are related to one another, with the approval of the GMS.

8. Transfer or make as collateral debt or release of rights of the Company’s assets in accordance with the Articles of Association.

9. Perform certain actions that require a written recommendation from the Board of Commissioners and GMS approval.

10. Establish corporate policy management through the Board of Directors Meeting.

11. Actions taken by the Board of Directors out of which is decided by the Board of Directors Meeting is the concerned individual’s responsibility until the action is approved by the Board of Directors.

12. President Director is entitled and authorized to act for and on behalf of the Board of Directors and represent the Company with the provisions that all actions of the President Director is approved by the Board of Directors.

13. The Board of Directors are collegially responsible:• Together with members of the Board of

Commissioners to the aggrieved party if the financial statements provided are found incorrect and/or misleading.

• Together with members of the Board of Commissioners, if after the fiscal year end the Company suffers losses and shareholders are unable to return the interim dividend which has been distributed before the fiscal year ends.

• Together with members of the Board of Commissioners, settle all obligations of the Company due to bankruptcy caused by the fault or negligence of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors if the Company’s assets is insufficient for the payment.

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• Bersama dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris, atas persetujuan dan/atau rekomendasi tertulis yang diberikan terhadap perbuatan tertentu.

• Apabila 2 (dua) anggota Direksi atau lebih bersalah atau lalai dalam menjalankan tugasnya.

• Setiap anggota Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh secara pribadi atas kerugian Perusahaan apabila yang bersangkutan bersalah atau lalai menjalankan tugasnya.

14. Bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya apabila Direksi bertindak tanpa persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, dimana tindakan tersebut merugikan Perusahaan atau pihak ketiga.

15. Bersama dengan Dewan Komisaris memastikan bahwa Auditor Internal maupun Eksternal dan Komite Audit memiliki akses terhadap informasi mengenai Perusahaan yang dianggap perlu dalam melaksanakan tugasnya.

16. Mengkaji dan mengelola risiko usaha.17. Menerapkan praktik tata kelola perusahaan

yang baik secara efektif.18. Memastikan Perusahaan melaksanakan

tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku.

19. Melaksanakan petunjuk yang diberikan oleh RUPS.

PROGRAM PELATIHAN KEAHLIAN DIREKSISelama tahun 2014, Perusahaan telah menyertakan anggota Direksi dalam beberapa kegiatan, yang ditujukan untuk pengembangan kompetensi. Termasuk dalam hal pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. [G4-43][IR1]

BOD COMPETENCY TRAINING PROGRAMDuring 2014, the Company has sent BOD members to a number of activities for the purpose of competency development. The activities include the social responsibility fulfillment. [G4-43] [IR1]

PELATIHAN/LOKAKARYA/SEMINAR DIIKUTI DIREKSI 2014 Training/Workshop/Seminar Participated by BOD in 2014

No Pelatihan/Lokakarya/SeminarTraining/Workshop/Seminar

Tanggal Date

Anggota Direksi PesertaBOD Member Participant

1 Gastech Conference & Exhibition Seoul 24-26/3/2014 Lukitaningsih

2 38th IPA Convention & Exibition Jakarta 21-23/05/2014 Adriansyah

3 38th IPA Convention & Exibition Jakarta 21-23/05/2014 Doddy Priambodo

4 38th IPA Convention & Exibition Jakarta 21-23/05/2014 Satoto Agustono

5 38th IPA Convention & Exibition Jakarta 21-23/05/2014 Beni J. Ibradi

6 38th IPA Convention & Exibition Jakarta 21-23/05/2014 Lukitaningsih


Konvensi Nasional Div. Penunjang Operasi SKKMIGASNational Convention of Operations Support of SKKMIGAS

Jakarta 16/06/2014 Lukitaningsih

8Asean Global Leadership Development Program

San Francisco 16-20/06/2014 Adriansyah

9 Offshore Technology Conference 2014 San Diego 5-8/08/2014 Beni J. Ibradi

10Workshop Upskilling Pertamina Upstream Development Way

Bandung 09/06/2014 Satoto Agustono

11 Indonesia Energy Forum Jakarta 21/07/2014 Adriansyah

12 Drilling Technology Forum Jakarta 15-17/09/2014 Adriansyah

13 Drilling Technology Forum Jakarta 15-17/09/2014 Doddy Priambodo

• Together with members of the Board of Commissioners, with written approval and/or recommendations given to certain acts.

• If two (2) members of the Board of Directors or more are guilty or negligent in performing their duties.

• Each member of the Board of Directors personally liable for the Ccompany’s losses if the concerned party is guilty or negligent in performing their duties.

14. Fully liable if the Board of Directors acts without the approval of the Board of Commissioners, in which such action is detrimental to the Company or a third party.

15. Together with the Board of Commissioners make sure that the Internal and External Auditors and the Audit Committee have access to necessary information about the Company while carrying out their duties.

16. Review and manage business risks.17. Apply good corporate governance practices

effectively.18. Ensure the Company implements corporate

social responsibility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

19. Carry out the directives given by the GMS.

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PELAKSANAAN TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DIREKSIPembagian tugas dan wewenang setiap anggota Direksi ditetapkan berdasarkan jabatan masing-masing, sebagaimana ditetapkan berdasarkan pengangkatan anggota Direksi oleh RUPS. Pelaksanaan tugas oleh masing-masing anggota Direksi tetap merupakan tanggung jawab bersama.

Direksi bertanggung jawab pada RUPS. Direksi membuat laporan berkala sebagai pertanggungjawaban kinerja yang disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Presiden DirekturMenetapkan dan mengendalikan kebijakan dan sasaran strategis kegiatan eksplorasi, pengembangan, operasi dan produksi migas di wilayah kerja Pertamina EP melalui tata kelola kegiatan yang efektif, efisien, aman dan berwawasan lingkungan untuk memaksimalkan nilai tambah bagi pemangku kepentingan dalam pencapaian sasaran strategis Perusahaan.

Direktur Eksplorasi dan Proyek Penemuan BaruMenetapkan dan mengendalikan kebijakan serta sasaran strategis kegiatan eksplorasi dan tindak lanjut temuan sumberdaya kontijen (contingent resources) di wilayah kerja Pertamina EP melalui tata kelola kegiatan yang efektif, efisien, aman dan berwawasan lingkungan untuk memastikan ketersediaan cadangan migas dan percepatan produksi dari pengembangan Lapangan baru bagi kelangsungan operasi Perusahaan.

Direktur Produksi dan OperasiMenetapkan dan mengendalikan kebijakan serta sasaran strategis kegiatan operasi dan produksi migas di wilayah kerja Pertamina EP, baik yang dioperasikan sendiri maupun yang dikerjasamakan serta kegiatan operasi pemboran eksplorasi, eksploitasi dan workover melalui tata kelola kegiatan yang efektif, efisien, aman dan berwawasan lingkungan untuk memastikan pencapaian target produksi sesuai sasaran strategis perusahaan.

Direktur PengembanganMenetapkan dan mengendalikan kebijakan serta sasaran strategis pengelolaan surface facilities, kegiatan eksploitasi dan enhanced oil recovery (EOR) melalui tata kelola kegiatan yang efektif, efisien, aman dan berwawasan lingkungan untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan kegiatan rekayasa dan pengembangan Lapangan serta eksekusi proyek sesuai kaidah good oil and gas engineering practice dan standar operation excellence.

BOD DUTY AND RESPONSIBILITY IMPLEMENTATIONThe segregation of duties and responsibilities among BOD members are determined based on position of each member of BOD in accordance with their appointment by the GMS. Duty implementation by each member of BOD remains a shared responsibility.

The BOD is responsible to the GMS. BOD prepares periodic reports, as performance accountability to be submitted to the Board of Commissioners.

President DirectorEstablish and control policies and strategic goals of oil & gas exploration, development, operations and production at PT Pertamina EP’s working areas through effective, efficient, safe and environmentally sound activity governance to maximize added value for stakeholders in achieving the Company’s strategic goals.

Exploration and New Discovery Project DirectorEstablish and control policies and strategic goals of exploration activities and follow-up contingent resources discovery at PT Pertamina EP’s working areas through effective, efficient, safe and environmentally sound activity governance to ensure the availability of oil & gas reserves and production acceleration of new field development for the Company’s operations sustainability.

Production and Operations DirectorEstablish and control policies and strategic goals of oil & gas operations and production at PT Pertamina EP’s working areas, both own operations and operated under partnerships, as well as xploration, exploitation and workover drilling operations, through effective, efficient, safe and environmentally sound activity governance to ensure the production target achievement is in line with the Company’s strategic goals.

Development DirectorEstablish and control policies and strategic goals of surface facility management, exploitation and Enhanced Oil Recovery activities through effective, efficient, safe and environmentally sound activity governance to increase the success of engineering activities and field development, as well as project execution according to good oil and gas engineering practices and standard operation excellence.

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PENILAIAN KINERJA DIREKSIPenilaian dan evaluasi kinerja Direksi dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris, berdasarkan kriteria target pencapaian dalam indikator kinerja kunci (KPI) yang telah disepakati. Selanjutnya hasil penilaian dan evaluasi, disampaikan dan dilaporkan kepada Pemegang Saham dalam RUPS Tahunan. [G4-44]

BOD PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT BOD performance assessment and evaluation are performed by the Board of Commissioners, based on the criteria in the target achievement of key performance indicators or KPIs that have been agreed upon. Furthermore, the results of assessment and evaluation are presented and reported to the Shareholders in the Annual GMS. [G4-44]

INDIKATOR KINERJA UTAMAKey Performance Indicator


BOBOTWeight Value


Finansial Financial Bulanan Monthly 25 22.6

Operasional Operational Bulanan Monthly 55 58

Pengembangan Bisnis Business Development Bulanan Monthly 15 14.1

Pengelolaan SDM HR Management Bulanan Monthly 5 6

Total Bobot Total Weight Value 100 101

INDIKATOR KERJA LAINNYAKey Performance Indicator


SATUANWeight Value



Kepatuhan GCG GCG Compliance Triwulan Quarterly % 87 91.17

PROPER Tahunan Annually JumlahTotal

18 PROPER Hijau Green PROPER

14 PROPER Hijau Green PROPER

Reduksi Emisi Emission Reduction Triwulan Quarterly % ReduksiReduction

16.52 25.52

Indeks Pembelajaran Learning Index Triwulan Quarterly % 90 93.68

Tindak Lanjut Temuan Audit Internal dan EksternalInternal and External Audit Finding Follow up

Triwulan Quarterly % 80 84.83

Transfer Pengetahuan Transfer of Knowledge Triwulan Quarterly % 13.5 14.29

REALISASI KESEPAKATAN KERJA DIREKSI TAHUN 2014 [G4-44]BOD Performance Agreement Realization 2014

Direktur Keuangan & Pendukung BisnisMenetapkan dan mengendalikan kebijakan serta sasaran strategis kegiatan pengelolaan keuangan, komersialitas minyak dan gas serta teknologi informasi komunikasi, melalui tata kelola kegiatan yang efektif, efisien, aman dan berwawasan lingkungan untuk memastikan pemenuhan dukungan finansial dan sarana informasi serta komunikasi bagi pencapaian sasaran strategis Perusahaan.

Finance & Business Support DirectorEstablish and control policies and strategic goals of financial management, oil & gas commerciality as well as communication information technology, through effective, efficient, safe and environmentally sound activity governance to ensure fulfillment of financial support and means of information as well as communication for the achievement of the Company’s strategic goals.

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Pengukuran kinerja Direksi dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu pengumpulan data, pemeriksaan dokumen terkait, dan wawancara dengan perwakilan Direksi. Hasil tahapan tersebut kemudian diukur berdasarkan kriteria dalam Sekretaris Kementerian BUMN Nomor: SK - 16/S.MBU/2012 tentang indikator/parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN.

PERTEMUAN DIREKSIDireksi secara berkala maupun sewaktu-waktu dapat melaksanakan pertemuan, baik bersifat internal maupun rapat dengan satuan kerja terkait. Pelaksanaan pertemuan menjadi salah satu mekanisme evaluasi pelaksanaan tugas, kewenangan dan tanggung jawab Direksi, termasuk dalam hal pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. Selama tahun 2014 Direksi telah melakukan pertemuan sebanyak 19 kali, dengan rata-rata tingkat kehadiran 90,54%. [G4-47]

Directors Performance measurement is done through several stages, namely data collection, examination of relevant documents, and interviews with representatives of the Board of Directors. The results of these stages is then measured by the criteria of the Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs Number: SK - 16 / S.MBU / 2012 on the indicators / parameters of Assessment and Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in SOEs.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGDirectors periodically or at any time can hold meetings, both internal and meetings with relevant work units. The meetings are held to be one of the mechanisms for evaluation of the implementation of tasks, authority and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, including the fulfillment of social and environmental responsibility. During 2014 the Board of Directors have held 19 times of meetings, with an average attendance of 90.54%. [G4-47]

DAFTAR HADIR RAPAT DIREKSIBoard of Directors Meeting Attendance

Anggota Dewan Direksi

Member of BOD

Bulan dan Frekuensi Rapat Months and Frequency of MeetingJml HadirNumber of Attendance

Jml RapatNumber of

Meeting%1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Adriansyah 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 17 19 89.5

Doddy Priambodo 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 17 19 89.5

Beni Jafilius Ibradi 2 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 16 19 84.2

Satoto Agustono 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 19 19 100

Lukitaningsih 2 2 1 2 2 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 17 19 89.5

Riyanto Suwarno 1 1 1 100%



Agenda rapat sebanyak 19 kali, tingkat kehadiran rata-rata 92,1%

meeting agenda of 19 times, attendance average 92.1%


Agenda rapat sebanyak 12 kali, tingkat kehadiran rata-rata 80 %meeting agenda of 12 times , average attendance 80%

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Besaran remunerasi untuk Direksi diberikan berdasarkan rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris dan ditetapkan pemegang saham dalam RUPS Tahunan. Pemegang Saham adalah satu-satunya pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam penentuan dan penetapan remunerasi Direksi. [G4-52] [G4-53]

Prosedur penetapan remunerasi Direksi adalah sebagai berikut:

STRUKTUR PENETAPAN REMUNERASI DIREKSIDireksi menerima remunerasi yang terdiri atas gaji, fasilitas rumah jabatan/kompensasi, kendaraan jabatan, kesehatan, fasilitas air, gas, listrik, telepon, konsesi terbang, bantuan istirahat tahunan, pakaian representatif, tunjangan harian dan perjalanan serta santunan purnajabatan. Besaran remunerasi Direksi untuk tahun buku 2014 terdiri atas 66% biaya remunerasi dan fasilitas, 5% biaya tunjangan hari raya (THR), 5% biaya tunjangan cuti dan 23% biaya pajak. [G4-51]

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REMUNERATION DETERMINATION PROCEDUREThe amount of remuneration for the Board of Directors is provided based on recommendation of Board of Commissioners and determined by shareholders on Annual GMS. Shareholders are the only stakeholder involved in the determination and approval of the Board of Directors’ remuneration. [G4-52] [G4-53]

The procedure for Board of Directors remuneration determination is as follow:

BOD REMUNERATION DETERMINATION STRUCTUREDirectors receive remuneration consisting of salary, housing facility/compensation, vehicle, health allowance, facilities of water, gas, electricity, telephone, concession flights, annual leave allowance, representative clothing, daily and travel allowance and retirement benefit. The amount of remuneration of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2014 consisted of 66% remuneration and facilities costs, 5% religious holiday allowance (THR) expenses, 5% leave allowance expenses, 23% tax expenses. [G4-51]


23% 66%


Tunjangan Hari Raya KeagamaanReligious Holiday Allowance

Pajak Tax Remunerasi dan FasilitasRemuneration and Facilities



Leave allowance

DIREKSI Board Of Directors

Mengevaluasi dan memberikan masukan.Mengusulkan kepada Pemegang SahamEvaluate and provide input Propose to Shareholders

KOMITE NOMINASI & REMUNERASI PT Pertamina (Persero)Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Menyusun usulan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris rata-rataPreparation of Board of Commissioners’ remuneration proposal


Menetapkan besaran remunerasi bagi Direksi, dan disahkan dalam RUPS Tahunan.Determine remuneration amount for Board of Directors, and approved in the Annual GMS


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HUBUNGAN PEKERJAAN Sesuai Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas serta Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki fungsi maupun tanggung jawab terpisah. Kami memastikan tidak ada anggota Dewan Komisaris yang merangkap jabatan sebagai Direksi maupun anggota eksekutif lain di lingkungan Pertamina EP, serta perusahaan migas lain. Namun, khusus untuk Komisaris Utama secara langsung dijabat oleh Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina (Persero), sebagai perwakilan pemegang saham. [G4-34] [G4-39]

Baik Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi secara bersama-sama memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memelihara kesinambungan kegiatan usaha dan operasi Perusahaan dalam jangka panjang. Oleh karenanya, baik Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi harus memiliki kesamaan pandangan atas Visi, Misi dan Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan.

Secara berkala Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi mengadakan pertemuan sebagai bentuk koordinasi yang dilandasi pada prinsip keterbukaan serta saling menghargai. Dalam pertemuan berkala dibahas upaya menghadapi isu-isu strategis yang memerlukan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. Koordinasi dan kerjasama antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi diperlukan untuk mencapai target Perusahaan serta menjaga keberlanjutan bisnis di masa mendatang.

RAPAT BERSAMA DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKSIDewan Komisaris dan Direksi menyelenggarakan rapat bersama, untuk memutuskan hal-hal bersifat strategis dan berkaitan dengan kepentingan Perusahaan yang membutuhkan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. Rapat bersama juga menjadi mekanisme bagi Direksi untuk menyampaikan pelaksanaan kinerja, dan meminta pendapat, catatan maupun nasihat yang didokumentasikan dalam notulensi (minutes of meeting).

Putusan rapat bersama bersifat mengikat dan diperoleh berdasarkan kesepakatan atau pemungutan suara. Selanjutnya, putusan rapat akan ditindaklanjuti dan dilaksanakan. Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang memiliki benturan kepentingan tidak disertakan dalam proses pemungutan suara, dan hal tersebut harus dinyatakan di dalam notulensi rapat.

Selama tahun 2014 telah diselenggarakan 12 rapat bersama antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi.

WORK RELATIONSIn accordance with Limited Liability Company Law and the Articles of Association, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors have separate functions and responsibilities. We make sure there are no members of the Board of Commissioners who concurrently hold a position as an executive member of the Board of Directors and the other at Pertamina EP, as well as other oil and gas companies. However, for the President Commissioner directly held by Upstream Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), as representatives of shareholders. [G4-34] [G4-39]

Both the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors are collectively responsible to maintain the continuity of the business and operations of the Company in the long term. Therefore, both the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors shall have the same views on the Vision, Mission and Values Company.

Periodically the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors hold meetings as a form of coordination which is based on the principle of transparency and mutual respect. The regular meetings discuss efforts to face strategic issues that require the approval of the Board of Commissioners. Coordination and cooperation between the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of the Company is required to achieve the targets and maintain business continuity in the future.

BOC AND BOD JOINT MEETING Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors hold a joint meeting, to decide on strategic matters and related to the interests of the Company, which require the approval of the Board of Commissioners. The joint meeting is also a mechanism for BOD to deliver performance report, and ask for opinions, notes and advice, documented in the minutes of meetings.

The decision of the joint meeting is binding and is made by consensus or voting. Furthermore, the decision of the meeting will be followed up and implemented. BOC members who have a conflict of interest is not included in the voting process, and it should be stated in the minutes of the meeting.

During 2014, 12 joint meetings have been held between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors.

HUBUNGAN ANTARA DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKSIBoard of Commissioners and Board of Directors Relationship

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HUBUNGAN FINANSIAL DAN KELUARGATidak ada anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang merangkap jabatan sebagai komisaris, direktur, maupun pejabat eksekutif pada perusahaan migas lain. Meskipun demikian, sebagai entitas usaha, maka Komisaris Utama Perusahaan dijabat secara langsung oleh Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai perwakilan Pemegang Saham. [G4-39]

Kami juga memastikan tidak ada hubungan keluarga semenda di antara anggota Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi, sampai dengan derajat ketiga. Dengan demikian masing-masing anggota Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi adalah independen, dan tidak memiliki benturan kepentingan dalam melaksanakan tugas serta tanggung jawab masing-masing. [G4-39]

FINANCIAL AND FAMILY RELATIONSThere were no members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors who concurrently hold a position as commissioner, director, and executive officer in other oil & gas companies. However, as a business entity, the Company’s President Commissioner is held directly by Upstream Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) as the representative of Shareholders. [G4-39]

We also ensure there is no family relations by marriage between members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, up to the third degree. Thus each member of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors is independent and has no conflict of interest in carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities. [G4-39]


Nama Name

Hubungan Finansial Financial Relation Hubungan Keluarga Family Relation

Dewan KomisarisBOC


Pemegang Saham PengendaliControlling Shareholder

Dewan KomisarisBOC


Pemegang Saham Pengendali Controlling Shareholder

YA Yes


YA Yes


YA Yes


YA Yes


YA Yes


YA Yes


Dewan Komisaris BOC

Muhamad Husen • • • • • •

M Afdal Bahaudin • • • • • •

Denny Indrayana • • • • • •

Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi • • • • • •

Anny Ratnawati • • • • • •

Direksi BOD

Adriansyah • • • • • •

Doddy Priambodo • • • • • •

Beni Jafilius Ibradi AD • • • • • •

Satoto Agustono • • • • • •

Lukitaningsih • • • • • •

Page 186: Integrated Annual Report 2014



Komite Audit dibentuk oleh Dewan Komisaris dan secara struktural berada langsung di bawah Dewan Komisaris. Komite dibentuk untuk membantu dan memperkuat Dewan Komisaris dalam menjalankan fungsi pengawasan atas proses penyusunan laporan keuangan, pemilihan auditor eksternal dan proses auditnya, termasuk melakukan evaluasi independensi dari auditor eksternal, proses audit oleh Internal Audit, assessment control dan risiko serta penerapan GCG. [G4-57]

Komite Audit secara kolektif mempunyai kompetensi dan pengalaman di bidang akuntansi, keuangan dan operasional. Semua anggota komite adalah independen terhadap Direksi, auditor internal maupun auditor eksternal. Untuk memenuhi syarat independensi, maka anggota Komite Audit tidak ditunjuk dari anggota eksekutif kantor akuntan publik yang memberikan jasa audit dan/atau jasa non-audit kepada Perusahaan dalam jangka waktu enam bulan terakhir. Sesuai Peraturan Bapepam-LK tentang Komite Audit, maka struktur keanggotaan Komite Audit sedikitnya terdiri dari tiga orang.

KEANGGOTAAN KOMITE AUDITStruktur Anggota Komite Audit per 31 Desember 2014 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris Pertamina EP No. Kpts-046/DK-PEP/2013 tanggal 30 Mei 2013 tentang Pengangkatan Ketua dan Anggota Komite Audit di Lingkungan Dewan Komisaris Pertamina EP, adalah:• Ketua : M. Afdal Bahaudin• Anggota : 1. Prof. Dr. Lindawati Gani CMA

2. Dr. Erna Hernawati

Audit Committee was formed by the Board of Commissioners and structurally under direct supervision of the BOC. The Committee was formed to assist and strengthen BOC in exercising oversight function over the process of financial statements preparation, the selection of external auditors and their audit process, including performing evaluation of the external auditor’s independence, audit by the Internal Audit Unit, control and risk assessment as well as GCG implementation. [G4-57]

Audit Committee collectively has the competence and experience in accounting, finance and operations. All committee members are independent of BOD and auditors, both internal and external. To meet the independence requirements, Audit Committee’s members are not selected from the executive officers of public accounting firms that provide audit and/or non-audit services to the Company within a period of six months. In accordance with Bapepam-LK regulation on Audit Committee, the structure of Audit Committee membership consists of a minimum three members.

Guna mendukung fungsi pengawasan dan memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dibantu oleh Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris dan dua komite penunjang Dewan Komisaris, yaitu Komite Audit; serta Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko. [G4-34]

In order to support the oversight and advisory function to the Board of Directors (BOD), the Board of Commissioners (BOC) is assisted by Secretary of the Board of Commissioners and two supporting committees, namely Audit Committee; and Investment and Risk Management Committee. [G4-34]

KOMITE AUDITAudit Committee


AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPStructure of Audit Committee membership as of December 31, 2014 based on the Board of Commissioners of PT Pertamina EP Decree No. Kpts-046/DK-PEP/2013 dated May 30, 2013 on the Appointment of the Chairman and Members of Audit Committee within the Board of Commissioners of PT Pertamina EP, is as follows:Chairman: M. Afdal BahaudinMembers: 1. Prof. Dr Lindawati Gani CMA

2. Dr. Erna Hernawati

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SUSUNAN DAN PROFIL KEANGGOTAAN KOMITE AUDITComposition and Profile of Audit Committee Members

KETUA KOMITE AUDITAudit Committee Chairman

ANGGOTA KOMITE AUDITAudit Committee Member

PROF. DR. LINDAWATI GANI CMAAnggota Komite Audit (2013-2014)Audit Committee Member (2013-2014)

DR. ERNA HERNAWATIAnggota Komite Audit (2013-2014)Audit Committee Member (2013-2014)

M. AFDAL BAHAUDINKetua Komite Audit (2013-2014)Audit Committee Chairman (2013-2014)

Bergabung sebagai Ketua komite audit Pertamina EP pada tahun 2013, mendapatkan gelar Master of Business Administration dari University of Illinois, USA dan Sarjana Ekonomi (Akuntasi) dari Universitas Padjajaran, Pengalaman sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Corporate Senior VP dan CFO PT Pertamina (Persero).

Joining as Chairman of Pertamina EP’s Audit Committee in 2013, he earned his Master of Business Administration from University of Illinois, US and Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) from Padjadjaran University. He previously served as Corporate Senior VP and CFO of PT Pertamina (Persero).

Bergabung sebagai anggota komite audit Pertamina EP sejak tahun 2011 Mendapatkan gelar Doktor of Philosophy dari Universitas Indonesia Pengalaman sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Ketua Program Jurusan Master Akuntansi Universitas Indonesia

Joining as member of Pertamina EP’s Audit Committee since 2011. She earned her Doctor of Philosophy from University of Indonesia. She previously served as Head of Master of Accounting Program at University of Indonesia.

Bergabung sebagai anggota komite audit Pertamina EP sejak tahun 2011 Mendapatkan gelar Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi dari Universitas Airlangga Pengalaman sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Veteran Jakarta.

Joining as member of Pertamina EP Audit Committee since 2011. She earned her Doctor of Economic Science from Airlangga University. She previously worked as lecturer at Faculty of Economics, Veteran University, Jakarta.

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TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB KOMITE AUDITKomite Audit melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya dengan berpedoman pada Piagam Audit yang dituangkan dalam bentuk Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kerja Komite Audit (Audit Committee Charter) No.A-011/DK-PEP/2010-50. Secara keseluruhan lingkup tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Audit meliputi:

• Pemantauan Komite Audit Terhadap Audit Internal Secara rutin satu kali dalam setiap bulan, Komite Audit melakukan pertemuan bersama Internal Audit. Pertemuan membahas kinerja bulanan Internal Audit yang meliputi audit operasional dan kepatuhan untuk lapangan yang dioperasikan sendiri dan lapangan kemitraan, audit khusus, serta audit terminasi dan konsultasi. Dalam audit khusus dibahas penanganan laporan pengaduan (whistleblower), terutama pengaduan yang berkaitan dengan masalah akuntansi, pengendalian internal dan audit, dan pengaduan tanpa nama yang disampaikan berkaitan dengan masalah akuntansi dan audit, sesuai dengan peraturan.

Fungsi review dilakukan terhadap sistem pengendalian internal mengenai temuan audit rutin dan pemantauan proses penyusunan Internal Control Over Financial Reporting (ICoFR), serta menelaah laporan audit eksternal oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Rekan (PWC) mengenai efektivitas pengendalian internal atas pelaporan keuangan.

• Pemantauan Komite Audit Terhadap Audit Eksternal Komite Audit bertugas meyakinkan apakah Auditor Eksternal telah melaksanakan auditnya sesuai dengan Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik (SPAP) dan Aturan Etika. Pada tahun 2014, KAP yang ditugaskan mengaudit laporan keuangan Perusahaan adalah KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Rekan (PWC).

Komite Audit ikut terlibat dalam penyusunan kerangka acuan kerja (KAK) dan penetapan jumlah fee audit yang masih dalam batas kewajaran. Komite Audit memberi usulan kepada Dewan Komisaris atas pemilihan External Auditor.

Dalam melakukan pemantauan atas proses audit eksternal, Komite Audit melakukan koordinasi dalam entry meeting dengan KAP PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC); penilaian independensi; informasi Auditor Eksternal tentang hal-hal yang berdampak pada perkembangan Perusahaan di masa datang serta risiko bisnis yang dapat menyebabkan material misstatement; hambatan yang dijumpai selama pelaksanaan audit; kelengkapan dokumentasi laporan keuangan Perusahaan untuk tahun 2014; kepatuhan terhadap standar akuntansi yang berlaku umum dan penyelesaian laporan keuangan yang diaudit (audited financial statements) untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2014.

AUDIT COMMITTEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESAudit Committee carries out duties and responsibilities based on the Audit Committee Working Implementation Guidelines (Audit Committee Charter) No.A-011/DK-PEP/2010-50. The Audit Committee’s scope of duties and responsibilities include:

• Audit Committee’s Monitoring on Internal Audit Once in every month, the Audit Committee regularly meets with the Internal Audit Unit. The meeting is held to discuss about Internal Audit’s monthly performance of operational audit and compliance for own operations and partnership fields, special audit, termination audit and consulting. Special audit discusses the whistleblower report handling, particularly reports relating to accounting, internal control and audit, as well as anonymous reports on accounting and audit matters, in accordance with the regulations. Review function is performed on the internal control system regarding routine audit findings and monitoring of the process of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting (ICoFR) preparation, as well as review on external audit report by the Public Accounting Firm Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Partners (PWC) regarding the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.

• Audit Committee’s Monitoring on External Audit The Audit Committee is assigned to ensure whether the External Auditor has conducted its audit in accordance with the Public Accountants Professional Standards (SPAP) and Code of Ethics. In 2014, the PAF assigned to audit the Company’s financial state-ments was Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Partners (PWC). The Audit Committee is involved in the preparation of terms of reference (TOR) and the determination of the amount of reasonable audit fees. The Audit Committee proposes to the Board of Commissioners for the selection of the External Auditor. In monitoring the external audit process, the Audit Committee coordinates with PAF PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) in the entry meeting; independence appraisal; External Auditor information about matters that have impact on the Company’s development in the future as well as business risks that could lead to material misstatements; obstacles encountered during the auditing process; documentation of the Company's financial statements for the year 2014; compliance with generally accepted accounting standards and the completion of the audited financial statements for year Ended

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Komite Audit melalui pertemuan secara rutin dengan Fungsi Keuangan & Internal Audit memastikan bahwa penyajian Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan telah disusun dan disajikan secara cermat, akurat, wajar dan terbebas dari adanya salah saji yang material. Selain itu Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan juga telah memenuhi prinsip-prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku di sektor industri minyak dan gas bumi, dan kebijakan akuntansi yang telah ditetapkan serta peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

• Pemantauan Komite Audit Terhadap Pengawasan Internal dan Manajemen Risiko Komite Audit secara berkala melakukan pemantauan jalannya pengawasan internal melalui fungsi Internal Audit dan mengevaluasi laporan Internal Audit perihal pelaksanaan pengawasan internal. Komite Audit juga aktif memonitor dengan mengadakan pertemuan dan diskusi bersama pemilik Perusahaan (business owner), Internal Audit dan Konsultan Delloite serta memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan-perbaikan atas perkembangan penerapan ICoFR. Komite Audit juga melakukan pemantauan pelaksanaan manajemen risiko dengan komunikasi dan diskusi dengan Fungsi Manajemen Risiko terkait pelaksanaan manajemen risiko Perusahaan. Saat ini, Fungsi Manajemen Risiko telah membuat program dan melakukan assessment terhadap potensi kejadian risiko dari seluruh fungsi dan juga telah membuat mitigasi risiko yang dimonitor Fungsi Manajemen Risiko guna memastikan bahwa mitigasi risiko telah telah dijalankan oleh masing-masing pemilik risiko (risk owner).

• Pemantauan Komite Audit terhadap Penerapan GCG Komite Audit melakukan pemantauan penerapan GCG melalui pertemuan rutin bersama Internal Audit, dengan agenda khusus membahas perbaikan yang telah diupayakan manajemen mengacu rekomendasi tim eksternal dari Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) pada saat melakukan assessment GCG. Komite Audit bersama Internal Audit telah memiliki mekanisme untuk pemantauan pelaporan pengaduan kepada Perusahaan (whistleblower) serta penanganan setiap pelaporan. Selanjutnya Internal Audit melaporkannya di dalam rapat mengenai tindak lanjut serta hasil pelaporan whistleblower. Sebagian besar kasus yang dilaporkan terkait dengan kepatuhan terhadap aturan yang berlaku, dan semua telah diselesaikan oleh Internal Audit.

December 31, 2014. Audit Committee through regular meetings with the Finance & Internal Audit Function ensures that the Company’s Financial Statements have been prepared and presented carefully, accurate, fair and free from any material misstatement. In addition, the Company’s financial statements have also met the accounting principles applicable in the oil and gas industrial sector, and the established accounting policies as well as applicable laws and regulations.

• Audit Committee’s Monitoring on Internal Control and Risk Management. The Audit Committee regularly monitors the internal control implementation through Internal Audit function and evaluates Internal Audit report on internal control implementation. The Audit Committee also actively performs monitoring through meetings and discussions with business owner, Internal Audit unit and Delloite Consultant as well as recommends improvements on ICoFR application development. The Audit Committee also monitors implementation of risk management through communication and discussion with the Risk Management function regarding the Company’s risk management implementation. Currently Risk Management function has made a program and conducts assessment of potential risk events of all functions as well as risk mitigation monitored byRisk Management function in order to ensure that every risk owner has implemented risk mitigation.

• Audit Committee Monitoring on GCG implementation. Audit Committee monitors GCG implementation through regular meetings with the Internal Audit unit, with a special agenda to discuss improvements that have been made by management with reference to recommendations from the external team of Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) during GCG assessment. The Internal Audit Committee and Internal Audit unit have a mechanism to monitor reports from whistleblowers to the Company as well as the handling of each report. Internal Audit unit will report it in meetings regarding follow-up actions and results of the whistleblower report. Most of the reported cases have been about compliance with applicable rules, and the Internal Audit unit has resolved them.

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PERTEMUAN KOMITE AUDITSelama tahun 2014 Komite Audit melaksanakan rapat sebanyak 10 kali, dengan tingkat kehadiran rapat rata-rata 83,33%.

Berdasarkan program kerja tahun 2014, realisasi program kerja Komite Audit sepanjang tahun 2014 meliputi: 1. Monitoring efektivitas pelaksanaan GCG2. Monitoring efektivitas pelaksanaan ICoFR3. Monitoring dan review efektivitas pelaksanaan

fungsi Internal Audit a. Efektivitas pengendalian internal b. Efektivitas pelaksanaan risk based audit c. Efektivitas penanganan pengaduan d. Efektivitas atas fungsi pendukung4. Review atas pencapaian kinerja perusahaan a. Evaluasi atas RKAP Perusahaan tahun 2014 b. Evaluasi atas pencapaian kinerja perusahaan5. Monitoring dan review efektivitas pelaksanaan

audit eksternal

AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETINGDuring 2014, the Audit Committee has held 10 meetings, with average attendance rate of 83.33%.

Based on 2014 work program, the realization of Audit Committee work program during 2014 include:

1. Monitoring the effectiveness of GCG implementation

2. Monitoring the effectiveness of ICoFR implementation

3. Monitoring and review the effectiveness of internal audit function, including:

a. Effectiveness of internal control b. Effectiveness of risk based audit c. Effectiveness of complaint handling d. Effectiveness of support functions4. Review of the company’s performance a. Evaluation of 2014 RKAP b. Evaluation of the company’s performance

achievement5. Monitoring and review the external audit

implementation effectiveness

Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko dibentuk oleh Dewan Komisaris. Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko bertugas untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam hal pelaksanaan tugas-tugas sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, khususnya dalam bidang review serta pengawasan investasi dan Manajemen Risiko. Hal ini untuk memastikan tercapainya tujuan investasi dan pelaksanaan manajemen risiko dengan efektif sehingga dapat menjamin tercapainya target kinerja perusahaan.

Struktur Anggota Komite Investasi & Manajemen Risiko per 31 Desember 2014 dibentuk berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris Pertamina EP No. 084/DK-PEP/2013 tentang Pengangkatan Ketua dan Anggota Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko di Lingkungan Dewan Komisaris Pertamina EP.

Investment and Risk Management Committee was established by the Board of Commissioners. The Committee is assigned to assist the Board of Commissioners in performing its duties according to the Company’s Articles of Association, especially in conducting review and oversight on Investment and Risk Management. This is aimed to ensure the achievement of investment goals and effective implementation of risk management to ensure achievement of the Company’s performance targets.

Investment & Risk Management Committee’s Membership Structure as of December 31, 2014 was formed based on PT Pertamina EP Board of Commissioners Decree No 084/DK-PEP/2013 on Appointment of Chairman and Members of Investment and Risk Management Committee within Board of Commissioners of PT Pertamina EP.




Status IndependensiIndependence Status

Jumlah RapatTotal Meeting

Jumlah KehadiranTotal Attendance %

M. Afdal BahaudinKetua

ChairmanNon IndependenNon-independent 10 5 50%

Prof. Dr. Lindawati Gani CMAAnggotaMember

Independen Independent 10 10 100%

Dr. Erna HernawatiAnggotaMember

IndependenIndependent 10 10 100%

KOMITE INVESTASI DAN MANAJEMEN RISIKOInvestment And Risk Management Committee

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SUSUNAN DAN PROFIL KEANGGOTAAN KOMITE INVESTASI DAN MANAJEMEN RESIKOComposition and Profile of Investment and Risk Management Committee

IR. MIRMA FADJARWATI MALIK MBAAnggota Komite Investasi dan Manajemen RisikoMember of Investment and Risk Management Committee (2013 - 2014)

MUHAMMAD DANIAL SE AK, MM, CPAAnggota Komite Investasi dan Manajemen RisikoMember of Investment and Risk Management Committee (2013 - 2014)

Bergabung sebagai anggota Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko Pertamina EP pada tahun 2013. Mendapatkan gelar Master of Business Administration dari Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas, U.S.A. dan First degree of Industrial Engineering dari Institut Teknologi Bandung. Pengalaman sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Direktur Operasi dari PT Surveyor Indonesia.

Joining as member of Pertamina EP’s Investment and Risk Management Committee since 2013. She earned her Master of Business Administration from Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas, US, and First degree of Industrial Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology. She previously served as Operation Director at PT Surveyor Indonesia.

Bergabung sebagai anggota Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko Pertamina EP pada tahun 2013. Mendapatkan gelar Magister Manajemen dari Universitas Padjajaran dan Sarjana Ekonomi (Akuntasi) dari Universitas Indonesia Pengalaman sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Komite Audit di PT Waskita Karya (Persero) dan Pimpinan di KAP Muhammad Danial.

Joining as member of Pertamina EP’s Investment and Risk Management Committee since 2013. He earned a Master of Management from Padjajaran University and Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) from University of Indonesia. He previously served as a member of Audit Committee at PT Waskita Karya (Persero) and Leader of PAF Muhammad Danial.

KETUA KOMITE INVESTASI DAN MANAJEMEN RESIKOInvestment and Risk Management Committee Chairman

ANGGOTA INVESTASI DAN MANAJEMEN RESIKOInvestment and Risk Management Committee Member

M. AFDAL BAHAUDINKetua Komite Audit (2013-2014)Audit Committee Chairman (2013-2014)

Bergabung sebagai Ketua komite audit Pertamina EP pada tahun 2013, mendapatkan gelar Master of Business Administration dari University of Illinois, USA dan Sarjana Ekonomi (Akuntasi) dari Universitas Padjajaran, Pengalaman sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Corporate Senior VP dan CFO PT Pertamina (Persero).

Joining as Chairman of Pertamina EP’s Audit Committee in 2013, he earned his Master of Business Administration from University of Illinois, US and Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) from Padjadjaran University. He previously served as Corporate Senior VP and CFO of PT Pertamina (Persero).

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Lingkup tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Investasi & Manajemen Risiko adalah sebagai berikut:• Komite melakukan review dan pengawasan

pelaksanaan terhadap rencana investasi Pertamina EP agar sesuai dengan sasaran yang diharapkan;

• Mengevaluasi dan mengawasi pengelolaan manajemen risiko Perusahaan, baik risiko investasi maupun risiko operasi yang dapat berdampak terhadap penurunan pendapatan atau kenaikan biaya, sehingga berisiko menurunkan tingkat pencapaian laba Perusahaan;

• Mengidentifikasi hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan manajemen investasi dan manajemen risiko yang memerlukan perhatian Dewan Komisaris;

• Melaksanakan tugas lainnya yang diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris sesuai dengan ketentuan berlaku;

• Melaporkan hasil pelaksanaan tugasnya kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko dalam melaksanakan tugasnya melakukan komunikasi dan rapat dengan Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko Pertamina EP. Pada saat penyusunan Rencana Kerja 2014, Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko telah mendapatkan penjelasan dari Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko dan memberikan pengarahan atas rencana investasi, Risk Register dan Top Risk, pemetaan Top Risk, rencana Mitigasi risiko Top Risk serta kondisi lingkungan kerja internal/eksternal pada Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran (RKAP) 2014.

PERTEMUAN KOMITE INVESTASI DAN MANAJEMEN RISIKOSelama tahun 2014 Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko melaksanakan rapat komite sebanyak enam kali, meliputi rapat koordinasi Komite-komite Penunjang Dewan Komisaris dengan Dewan Komisaris. Berdasarkan program Kerja tahun 2014, realisasi program kerja telah melampaui agenda pembahasan yang direncanakan dan tingkat kehadiran rapat rata-rata 94%. [G4-47]

INVESTMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGDuring 2014, the Investment and Risk Management Committee held 6 meetings, consisting of coordination meetings of BOC Supporting Committees with the Board of Commissioners. Based on the work program in 2014, its realization has exceeded the planned agenda and average meeting attendance rate was 94%. [G4-47]

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INVESTMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEEThe Committee reviews and oversees the implementation of PT Pertamina EP’s investment plan to be in line with the expected goals.• Committee to review and supervise

implementation of Pertamina EP investment plan to be in accordance with expected target

• Evaluate and oversee the Company’s risk management, both investment and operations risks that may cause decrease in income or increase in expenses, which pose the risk of lowering the achievement level of the company’s profit.

• Identify matters relating to investment management and risk management that require the Board of Commissioners’ attention.

• Carry out other tasks given by the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the applicable provisions.

• Report its duty performance to the Board of Commissioners.

Investment and Risk Management Committee in carrying out its duties holds communications and meetings with the Risk Management Unit of PT Pertamina EP. At the time of drafting the Work Plan 2014, the Investment and Risk Management Committee has received explanation from Risk Management Unit and provided guidance on the investmen plans, Risk Register and Top Risks, Top Risk mapping, Top Risk Mitigation plans as well as internal/external working conditions of the Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) 2014.

RAPAT KOMITE INVESTASI DAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO 2014Investment And Risk Management Committee Meeting In 2014



Status IndependensiIndependence Status

Jumlah RapatTotal Meeting

Jumlah KehadiranTotal Attendance %

M. Afdal BahaudinKetua

ChairmanNon IndependenNon-independent 6 5 83

Muhammad Danial SE Ak, MM, CPAAnggotaMember

Independen Independent 6 6 100

Ir. Mirma Fadjarwati Malik MBAAnggotaMember

IndependenIndependent 6 6 100

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REALISASI PROGRAM KERJA KOMITE INVESTASI DAN MANAJEMEN RISIKOPada seluruh kegiatan yang dilaksanakan Pertamina EP tahun 2014, Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko telah mendapatkan informasi dan penjelasan dari Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko Pertamina EP terhadap realisasi penerapan rencana mitigasi atas 10 Risiko Utama (Top 10 Risk), dan risiko lainnya yang telah diidentifikasi pada saat penyusunan Rencana Kerja (RK) 2014. Uraian lanjut mengenai realisasi implementasi mitigasi risiko tersaji pada bagian yang menjelaskan tentang Manajemen Risiko.

Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris adalah organ Dewan Komisaris yang diangkat oleh Dewan Komisaris, yang bertugas membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris.

Secretary of the Board of Commissioners is the organ of the Board of Commissioners appointed by the Board of Commissioners, which helps facilitate the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners.

INVESTMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAM REALIZATIONIn all activities carried out by Pertamina EP in 2014, Investment and Risk Management Committee has received information and explanation from Pertamina EP Risk Management Unit for realization of mitigation plan on Top 10 Risks and other risks that have been identified during the preparation of Work Plan 2014. Implementation of Top 10 Risks mitigation plan in Work Plan 2014. Further description on realization of risk mitigation implementation is presented in the Risk Management section.

SEKRETARIS DEWAN KOMISARISSecretary of the Board of Commissioners

Secara garis besar, tugas Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam membuat risalah rapat Dewan Komisaris;

2. Mengkoordinasikan tugas Sekretariat Dewan Komisaris;

3. Melakukan koordinasi pelaksanaan rapat-rapat Dewan Komisaris;

4. Mengkoordinasikan tugas-tugas administratif, kesekretariatan, dan protokoler Dewan Komisaris;

5. Mengkoordinasikan dan tindak lanjut atas permintaan dan/atau pengumpulan data/informasi dari dan/atau kepada pihak manajemen dan eksternal yang tidak tercakup dalam tugas-tugas Komite, termasuk informasi mengenai peraturan dan ketentuan yang relevan dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris;

6. Mengkoordinasikan penyusunan rancangan anggaran dan menyampaikan anggaran tahunan Lembaga Komisaris;

7. Mengkoordinasikan penyusunan saran dan pendapat mengenai agenda dan materi Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham;

8. Mengkoordinasikan dan tindak lanjut atas tugas lain yang tidak tercakup dalam tugas-tugas Komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris.

In general, the duties of the Secretary of BOC are as follows:

1. Assist the Board of Commissioners in making the BOC minutes of meetings;

2. Coordinate duties of Board of Commissioners Secretary;

3. To coordinate the implementation of BOC meetings;

4. Coordinate administrative tasks, secretarial services, and protocols of BOC;

5. Coordinate and follow up on the request and/or collect data/information from and/or to the management and the external parties that are not included in the Committee’s duties, including information on the rules and regulations that are relevant to the duties and responsibilities of BOC;

6. Coordinate the preparation of the draft budget and present the annual budget of the Commissioners institution;

7. Coordinate the preparation of suggestions and opinions on the agenda and materials of General Meeting of Shareholders;

8. Coordinate and follow up on duties that are not included in the duties of the Committees under the Board of Commissioners.

ARSIL S. YANSekretaris Dewan Komisaris Secretray of the Board of Commissioners

Menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris Pertamina EP sejak 1 Juni 2014. Mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Teknik Mesin dari Institut Sains Dan Teknologi Nasional. Sebelumnya menempati posisi sebagai General Affairs Manager dan Upstream Subsidiary Mgt Manager di PT Pertamina (Persero).

He has been serving as Secretary of the Board Commissioner EP since June 1, 2014. Earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Science and Technology. He previously served as General Affairs Manager and Upstream Subsidiary Mgt Manager at PT Pertamina (Persero).

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KOMITE ETIKA DAN GCG Komite Etika dan GCG bertanggung jawab kepada Direksi dalam memberikan rekomendasi atas pelanggaran ECBC dan GCG, serta melakukan penyesuaian dan menjadi role model dalam penerapan ECBC dan GCG.

KEANGGOTAAN KOMITE ETIKA & GCGKeanggotaan Komite Etika & GCG melekat pada jabatan tertentu. Anggota Komite Etika & GCG diangkat berdasarkan Surat Perintah (SP) Presiden Direktur No: Prin-030/EP0000/2013-S0, tanggal 1 Maret 2013 tentang Komite Etika & GCG dan Pengawas.

Komite Etika & GCG beranggotakan 14 personel. Baik Ketua maupun Anggota Komite menandatangani Piagam Komite, yang merupakan kesepakatan bersama untuk menjalankan nilai dan norma sesuai dengan ECBC serta mengawasi dan menindaklanjuti pelaksanaan ECBC.

ETHICS AND GCG COMMITTEEThe Ethics and GCG Committee is under the supervision of BOD and resposible for making recommendations over violation of ECBC and GCG, as well as exemplary acts in ECBC and GCG implementation.

ETHICS AND GCG COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPMembership of Ethics & GCG Committee is attached to a particular position. Ethics & GCG Committee members are appointed based on President Director Letter of Instruction (SP) No. Prin-030/EP0000/2010-S0 dated March 1, 2013 on Ethics & GCG Committee and Superintendents.

The Ethics & GCG Committee has 14 personnel. Chairman and members of the Committee sign the Committee Charter, which is a mutual agreement to carry out all values and norms in accordance with the ECBC as well as oversee and follow up the ECBC implementation.


Untuk membantu pelaksanaan praktik-praktik terbaik tata kelola Perusahaan, termasuk kepatuhan terhadap Etika Kerja dan Bisnis (ECBC) serta penerapan GCG di lingkungan Pertamina EP, Direksi membentuk Komite Etika dan GCG. Selain itu Direksi juga dibantu oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan.

Dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnis Perusahaan, Direksi dibantu manajemen yang terdiri dari pejabat senior setingkat Vice President (VP). Masing-masing VP memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab yang telah ditentukan Pertamina EP, yang merupakan penjabaran dari pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan meliputi aspek ekonomi, lingkungan maupun sosial. [G4-35] [G4-36]

In order to support the implementation of corporate governance best practices, including compliance with the Ethics Code and Business Conduct ('ECBC') as well as the implementation of GCG within Pertamina EP, the Board of Directors established the Committee for Ethics and GCG. In addition, BOD is also assisted by Corporate Secretary.

In carrying out the Company's business activities, BOD is assisted by the management consisting of senior officials of Vice President (VP) rank. Each VP has duties and responsibilities that have been determined by Pertamina EP, which enunciate the fulfillment of social and environmental responsibility in economic, environmental and social aspects. [G4-35] [G4-36]

FIRDAUS BAMBANG SAPUTRAVP Internal Audit & Ketua Komite Etika dan GCGInternal Audit VP & Ethics and GCG Committee Chairman

Bergabung dengan Pertamina EP sejak Mei 2013 dan menjadi pekerja PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak tahun 1993. Selama kurun waktu tersebut, Firdaus Bambang Saputra menduduki posisi kunci: • Manajer Audit Bidang Pemasaran & Niaga PT

Pertamina (Persero) (2009-2010)• Manajer Business Group M&T Internal Audit PT

Pertamina (Persero) (2011-2012)• VP Investigation Audit PT Pertamina (Persero)

(2012- April 2013)• VP Internal Audit Pertamina EP (Mei


Joining PT Pertamina EP since May 2013 and has become employee of PT Pertamina (Persero) since 1993. During this period, Firdaus Bambang Saputra occupying key positions:• Audit Manager of Marketing & Trade at PT

Pertamina (Persero) (2009-2010)• Business Group Manager of M&T Internal Audit at

PT Pertamina (Persero) (2011-2012)• VP of Audit Investigation at PT Pertamina (Persero)

(2012 - April 2013)• VP Internal Audit of PT Pertamina EP (May 2013 -


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TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB KOMITE ETIKA & GCG1. Mempersiapkan perangkat, mekanisme dan

sistem yang dibutuhkan dalam implementasi ECBC.

2. Mengevaluasi dan mengembangkan secara berkesinambungan ECBC di lingkungan Pertamina EP.

3. Mengawasi dan memastikan pelaksanaan ECBC berjalan dengan baik di seluruh wilayah kerja Pertamina EP.

4. Mensosialisasikan ECBC agar dapat dipahami, dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan dalam setiap aktivitas kerja.

5. Membantu tugas Direksi dalam pembinaan dan pengawasan efektivitas penerapan praktik GCG di Perusahaan sebagai upaya meningkatkan nilai pemegang saham, termasuk sosialisasi dan internalisasi.

6. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap efektivitas penerapan GCG oleh organ utama dan organ pendukung dan memberikan masukan penyempurnaan serta upaya-upaya pemantapannya.

7. Memberikan rekomendasi peningkatan penerapan GCG di Perusahaan, sesuai dengan asas-asas GCG di bidang energi.

8. Meningkatkan keyakinan para pemangku kepentingan bahwa Perusahaan dikelola dengan baik, profesional dan terpercaya.

9. Mengevaluasi dan melakukan penyempurnaan terhadap pedoman-pedoman yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan GCG sekurang-kurangnya 1 (satu) tahun sekali atau disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan.

10. Membuat rencana kerja dan laporan tahunan pelaksanaan GCG bersama fungsi manajemen GCG organ Direksi, sebagai bagian dari Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.

11. Menelaah praktik-praktik terbaik GCG di Perusahaan lain untuk dapat diimplementasikan di Pertamina EP.

12. Mengumpulkan laporan pelanggaran ECBC dan memberi rekomendasi sanksi kepada atasan langsung anggota berwenang sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.

13. Memberi rekomendasi terhadap contoh teladan implementasi ECBC beserta reward/award yang layak diberikan kepada pekerja atau tim kerja.

14. Memberi rekomendasi mengenai isu-isu yang berkenaan dengan ECBC kepada fungsi-fungsi terkait.

15. Memantau kinerja para Pengawas Etika di Area serta menindaklanjuti pelanggaran-pelanggaran ECBC yang terjadi di Pusat maupun Area, sesuai dengan sanksi yang telah ditetapkan.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ETHICS & GCG COMMITTEE1. Prepare the required framework, systems and

mechanisms to implement the ECBC2. Evaluate and continuously develop the ECBC

within PT Pertamina EP.3. Supervise and ensure that the ECBC is properly

implemented in the entire working areas of PT Pertamina EP.

4. Disseminate ECBC to all employees so that it can be understood, complied with and applied to every work activity.

5. Assist the Board of Directors in promoting and supervising the effectiveness of the GCG implementation in the Company as part of the effort to provide added value to shareholders, including the dissemination and internalization.

6. Evaluate the effectiveness of GCG implementation by the primary body as well as support bodies, and provide input regarding improvements and consolidation.

7. Make recommendations for improvement of GCG implementation in the Company in accordance with GCG principles in the energy sector.

8. Increase the confidence of the stakeholders that the Company is being managed properly, professionally and reliably.

9. Evaluate and make improvements to guidelines related to the implementation of GCG at least once a year, or according to the Company’s needs.

10. Develop work plan and annual report regarding GCG implementation together with GCG management function of the Board of Directors, as part of the Annual Report of the Company.

11. Analyze the best practices of GCG in other companies to be implemented in PT Pertamina EP.

12. Collect reports of ECBC violations and recommend sanctions to immediate superior of authorized member in accordance with applicable regulations.

13. Make recommendations regarding exemplary implementation of ECBC along with appropriate rewards or awards for employee or working team.

14. Make recommendations regarding issues related to ECBC to the relevant functions.

15. Monitor the performance of Ethics Superintendents in the Areas, as well as address the ECBC violations that occur at the Head Office, and Areas, according to sanctions that have been set.

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PERTEMUAN KOMITE ETIKA DAN GCGSelama tahun 2014 Komite Etika dan GCG melaksanakan rapat komite sebanyak 6 kali. Berdasarkan program Kerja tahun 2014, realisasi program kerja telah melampaui agenda pembahasan yang direncanakan dan tingkat kehadiran rapat rata-rata 68%.

ETHICS AND GCG COMMITTEE MEETINGDuring 2014, the Ethics and GCG Committee held 6 meetings. Based on the Work Program 2014, the realization of the work program has exceeded the planned agenda and meeting average attendance rate was 68%.

REKAPITULASI RAPAT DAN TINGKAT KEHADIRAN KOMITE ETIKA DAN GCG Meeting Recapitulation and Attendance Rate of Ethics and GCG Committee

Jabatan pada PerusahaanPosition in the Company

Jabatan Position Nama Name Jumlah Rapat

Total MeetingsJumlah KehadiranTotal Attendance %

VP Internal Audit Ketua Chairman Firdaus Bambang Saputra 6 6 100%

VP Legal & Relation Anggota Member Aji Prayudi


2 33%

Anggota Member Indra Priyatna (Pjs) 1 17%

Anggota MemberD. Yodi Priyatna

(Sertijab Agustus 2014)1 17%

VP Human Resource Anggota Member Beni S. Hidayat 6 4 67%

VP SCM & GS Anggota Member Elizar Hasibuan 6 3 50%

VP Exploitation Anggota Member Herutama Trikoranto 6 2 33%

VP Exploration Anggota Member Nanang A. Manaf


0 0%

Anggota Member Edward (Pjs) 1 17%

Anggota MemberIndra Prasetya

(Sertijab Mei 2014)3 50%

VP Health, Safety, Security, & Environment

Anggota Member Lelin Eprianto6

1 17%

Anggota Member Indra P. Sembiring (Pjs) 1 17%

VP Information & Communica-tion Technology

Anggota Member Lukito Suwarno6

3 50%

Anggota MemberBudi Widyarta

(Sertijab September 2014)1 17%

VP Controller & Partnership Financial

Anggota Member Ery Krisnanto6

3 50%

Anggota Member M. Priadi 1 17%

VP Organization Capabilities & Operating Exellence

Anggota Member Tolingul Anwar 6 4 67%

VP Strategic Planning & Risk Management

Anggota Member Nelson Sitompul 6 6 100%

VP Drilling Anggota Member Bambang Widjanarko 6 4 67%

System&Process Manager Anggota Member Deri Safari 6 4 67%

Internal Audit East Area Manager

Sekretaris merangkap

anggotaSecretary and


Sambodo Handojo H. 6 6 100%

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REALISASI PROGRAM KERJA KOMITE ETIKA & GCGSelama tahun 2014, Komite Etika & GCG telah melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan, meliputi:

• Melaksanakan Rapat Kerja Komitea. Evaluasi atas Board Manual, Code of Corporate

Governance, GCG Compliance dan nilai perusahaan serta visi misi perusahaan.

b. Updating e-learning ECBC dan GCG terkait dengan Value Based Development Program 6C

c. Penanganan Pengaduan Masyarakat dan pelanggaran pekerja.

d. Kondisi yang berkembang dalam lingkungan Pertamina EP.

• Tindak lanjut rekomendasi atas assessment GCG tahun 2013

a. Review dan merevisi Board Manual dan Code of Corporate Governance.

b. Internalisasi dan sosialisasi ECBC, GCG dan Nilai Perusahaan melalui e-learning.

• Pemantauan pelaksanaan GCG CompliancePengisian form pelaporan gratifikasi dalam GCG Compliance dilakukan setiap awal bulan. Selama tahun 2014, jumlah pelaporan penerimaan dan pemberian gratifikasi sebanyak 87 kasus. Pemberian dan penerimaan gratifikasi tersebut telah diketahui dan disetujui oleh atasan masing-masing. Komite Etika dan GCG setiap saat dapat melakukan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan GCG Compliance tersebut.

• Penanganan pengaduanSelama tahun 2014, jumlah pengaduan yang melalui email kepada Komite Etika & GCG sebanyak 3 pengaduan. Atas pengaduan tersebut sudah ditindaklanjuti oleh fungsi terkait.

ETHICS & GCG COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAM REALIZATIONDuring 2014, the Ethics Committee & GCG has been carrying out various activities, including:

• Carry out Committee working meetinga. Evaluation on Board Manual, the Code of

Corporate Governance, GCG Compliance and corporate values as well as the company’s mission and vision.

b. Updating ECBC and GCG e-learning related to Value Based Development of 6C Program

c. Handling of Public Complaint and employee violations.

d. Developing conditions within PT Pertamina EP.

• Follow-up recommendations on GCG assessment 2013

a. Review and revision of Board Manual and the Code of Corporate Governance.

b. Internalization and dissemination of ECBC, GCG and Corporate Values through e-learning.

• GCG Compliance implementation monitoring Gratification reporting form in the GCG Compliance is filled at the beginning of every month. During 2014, the number of receiving and giving gratification reports were 87 cases. The report of gratification cases have been acknowledged and approved by each superior. Ethics and GCG Committee may conduct oversight at any time over GCG Compliance implementation.

• Complaint handlingDuring 2014, the number of complaints sent via email to the Ethics and GCG Committee was 3 complaints. The complaints have been followed up by relevant function.

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Sekretaris Perusahaan berperan penting sebagai anggota penghubung antara Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan pemangku kepentingan. Sekretaris Perusahaan juga bertindak sebagai sumber informasi dan senantiasa meningkatkan hubungan komunikasi internal dan eksternal terkait dengan kegiatan usaha Pertamina EP.

Sekretaris Perusahaan dijabat oleh Vice President (VP) Legal & Relations, dan secara struktural berada di bawah Presiden Direktur. Kegiatan Sekretaris Perusahaan terbagi dalam tiga kelompok utama, yakni pengelolaan aspek hukum, hubungan dengan pemangku kepentingan, dan keamanan.

Dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya, Sekretaris Perusahaan dibantu dan membawahi empat manajer, yakni:1. Legal Manager: Teguh Pambudi2. Public Relations Manager: Muhammad Baron3. Formalities Manager: Agustinus4. Government Relations Manager: Indra Priatna

Corporate Secretary plays an important role as a liaison officer between the Shareholders, the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and stakeholders. Corporate Secretary also acts as the source of information and constantly improve internal and external communication relations regarding business activities of Pertamina EP.

Corporate Secretary is held by Vice President (VP) Legal & Relations and structurally under President Director. Corporate Secretary’s activities are divided into three main groups, namely legal aspect management, stakeholder relations, and security.

In carrying out his duties, Corporate Secretary is assisted by and oversees four managers, namely:1. Legal Manager: Teguh Pambudi2. Public Relations Manager: Muhammad Baron3. Formalities Manager: Agustinus4. Government Relations Manager: Indra Priatna


D. YODI PRIATNASekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary

Sejak 1991 dan bergabung di Pertamina EP tahun 2014, menjabat sebagai VP Legal & Relation.

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Hukum Perdata dari Universitas Padjadjaran dan Master Hukum dari Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai VP Legal Counsel Upstream & Gas di PT Pertamina (Persero).

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1991 and joined Pertamina EP in 2014, serving as VP Legal & Relation.

He earned a Bachelor of Civil Law from Padjadjaran University and Master of Law from Gadjah Mada University.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). He previously served as VP Legal Counsel Upstream & Gas at PT Pertamina (Persero).

TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN1. Bertindak sebagai anggota penghubung

(liaison officer), dengan cara memfasilitasi dan mengatur tata cara komunikasi yang transparan dan efektif di antara Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan pemangku kepentingan sebagai berikut:

a. Melakukan tinjauan terhadap konsistensi kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, serta mengkoordinasikannya dengan fungsi-fungsi terkait tentang kebijakan tersebut;

b. Mempunyai program pengenalan dan dapat mengkoordinasikan keseluruhan proses pengenalan dan pelantikan anggota Dewan Komisaris baru, anggota Direksi baru dan anggota komite baru;

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CORPORATE SECRETARY1. Act as a liaison officer by facilitating and

organizing transparent and effective communication procedures between shareholders, the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors and other stakeholders as follows:

a. Conduct a review of the consistency of the policies issued by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, as well as coordinate the functions regarding the policies;

b. Have an introduction program and can coordinate the entire process of introduction and inauguration for new members of the Board Of Commissioners, Board Of Directors and Committees;

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c. Memastikan semua informasi mengenai kegiatan usaha Pertamina EP, berjalan efektif, efisien, akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan sebagai bahan informasi kepada pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan;

d. Memastikan konsistensi semua kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Perusahaan.

2. Bertindak sebagai sumber infomasi utama atas semua informasi terkait dengan kegiatan usaha Pertamina EP, baik di dalam Perusahaan dan afiliasinya serta institusi eksternal, di antaranya:

a. Memelihara dan melakukan update informasi tentang Pertamina EP yang disampaikan kepada pemangku kepentingan, baik dalam media cetak maupun media elektronik;

b. Memastikan dokumen-dokumen Pertamina EP sudah terdaftar dan semua salinannya terkontrol dan teradministrasi dengan baik;

c. Melakukan sosialisasi dan pengawasan pemanfaatan pedoman identitas Perusa-haan.

3. Membantu Direksi dalam mempersiapkan penyelenggaraan RUPS, di antaranya:

a. Menyusun agenda RUPS; b. Menghubungi dan mengundang Dewan

Komisaris; c. Menghimpun laporan tentang kegiatan

usaha Pertamina EP untuk dimasukkan dalam Laporan Tahunan dan laporan lainnya yang akan dibahas dalam RUPS

d. Menyiapkan, mengelola dan menyimpan dokumen risalah RUPS;

e. Menyiapkan, mengelola, menyimpan dan mendayagunakan dokumen Perusahaan, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada daftar pemegang saham, daftar khusus dan risalah rapat Direksi maupun RUPS.

c. Ensure that all information on the activities of PT Pertamina EP, is delivered effectively, efficiently, accurately and accountable as information material to shareholders and stakeholders;

d. Ensure consistency of all policies issued by the Company.

2. Act as the main source of information for all information on business activities of PT Pertamina EP, both within the Company and its affiliates, as well as external institutions, including:a. Maintain and update information about PT

Pertamina EP presented to the Stakeholders, both in print and electronic media;

b. Ensure documents of PT Pertamina EP have been registered and all copies are properly controlled and organized;

c. Conduct dissemination and supervision of the use of corporate identity.

3. Assist Board of Directors in preparing GMS, including:a. Prepare GMS agenda;b. Contact and invite the Board of Commissioners.c. Compile reports on Pertamina EP business

activities to be included in the Annual Report and other reports to be discussed in the GMS.

d. Prepare, manage and store GMS minutes of meeting documents;

e. Prepare, manage, store and utilize Corporate documents, including but not limited to list of shareholders, special list and minutes of meeting of Board of Directors meetings and the GMS.

REALISASI TARGET KINERJA SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN 2014Selama tahun 2014, Sekretaris Perusahaan dengan dibantu empat manajer telah melaksanakan berbagai tugas, meliputi:1. Percepatan perijinan Kehutanan (150 hari kerja)2. Pengadaan Lahan Sesuai RK Pemboran3. Penyelesaian Perjanjian/Amandemen PJBG KSO,

Sumur Tua, Sharing Facility Agreement4. Program CSR di Area Operasi5. Program komitmen lingkungan6. Terlaksananya kegiatan BOD sesuai dengan

Board Manual7. Menyelesaikan gangguan sosial di area operasi

REALIZATION OF CORPORATE SECRETARY PERFORMANCE TARGET 2014During 2014, the Corporate Secretary assisted by four managers have performed a variety of tasks, including:1. Acceleration of forestry licensing process (150

working days)2. Land Acquisition According to Drilling Work Plan3. Completion of Agreement/Amendment of KSO

Gas Sale Purchase Agreement,4. CSR Program in areas of operations5. Environmental commitment program6. Implementation of BOD activities in accordance

with the Board Manual7. Resolution of social disturbance in areas of


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PENGHINDARAN BENTURAN KEPENTINGANKomitmen Pertamina EP dalam melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik juga diwujudkan melalui penghindaran benturan kepentingan. Hingga akhir periode pelaporan, dipastikan tidak ada Dewan Komisaris, Direksi maupun pejabat tata kelola lain di lingkungan Perusahaan yang dihadapkan pada terjadinya benturan kepentingan. Termasuk dalam hal transaksi material.

PERNYATAAN TAK BERBENTURAN KEPENTINGAN [G4-41]Pada setiap awal tahun, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi menandatangani Pernyataan Tidak Berbenturan Kepentingan. Pernyataan memberikan jaminan bahwa Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi akan tunduk kepada seluruh peraturan Perusahaan dan peraturan yang berlaku secara umum, serta menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak mempunyai benturan kepentingan terhadap Pertamina EP.

Beberapa komitmen Dewan Komisaris atas benturan kepentingan.

• Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris dilarang melakukan transaksi yang mempunyai benturan kepentingan serta keuntungan pribadi dari kegiatan Perusahaan selain honorarium dan fasilitas yang diterimanya sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang ditentukan RUPS.

• Para anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak boleh merangkap jabatan lain sebagai Anggota Direksi pada Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD), Badan Usaha Milik Swasta (BUMS), dan jabatan lainnya yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan Perusahaan yang diawasinya.

Beberapa komitmen Direksi atas benturan kepentingan.

• Setiap anggota Direksi dilarang melakukan transaksi yang mempunyai benturan kepentingan dan mengambil keuntungan pribadi dari kegiatan Perusahaan, selain gaji dan fasiitas yang diterimanya sebagai anggota Direksi yang ditentukan oleh RUPS.

• Apabila terjadi benturan kepentingan antara kepentingan Perusahaan dengan kepentingan salah seorang anggota Direksi, maka dengan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, Perusahaan akan diwakili oleh anggota Direksi lainnya.

AVOIDANCE OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTPertamina EP’s commitment in implementing good corporate governance principles is also realized through the avoidance of conflicts of interest. By the end of the reporting period, no members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and other governance officers within the Company were faced with a conflict of interest. This included material transactions.


At the beginning of each year, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors signed a Non-conflict of interest Statement. The statement provides assurance that the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors shall be subject to all the Company's rules and regulations in general, as well as stating that they have no conflict of interest with PT Pertamina EP.

Board of Commissioners’ commitments on conflict of interest

• Each member of the Board of Commissioners is prohibited from making any transactions that have a conflict of interest and take personal gain from the Company’s activities other than honorarium and facilities received as member of the Board of Commissioners as specified by the GMS.

• Members of the Board of Commissioners shall not hold concurrent position as members of the Board of Directors at the Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD), Private Owned Enterprises (BUMS) and other positions that may cause a conflict of interest directly or indirectly with the Company under their supervision.

Board of Directors’ commitments on conflict of interest

• Each member of the Board of Directors are prohibited from making any transactions that have a conflict of interest and take personal gain from the Company’s activities other than salary and facilities received as member of the Board of Commissioners as specified by the GMS.

• In the event of a conflict of interest between the interests of the Company and the interests of a member of the Board of Directors, with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, the Company will be represented by other member of the Board of Directors.


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• Anggota Direksi dilarang memangku jabatan rangkap sebagai Anggota Direksi pada BUMN, BUMD, BUMS dan jabatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan, jabatan struktural dan fungsional lainnya pada instansi / lembaga Pemerintah Pusat dan atau Daerah, jabatan lainnya sesuai dengan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan.

• Anggota Direksi dilarang menggunakan informasi rahasia dan data bisnis Perusahaan, untuk kepentingan pribadi atau dengan cara yang merugikan Perusahaan.

• Dalam hal terjadi benturan kepentingan yang menyangkut semua anggota Direksi maka Perusahaan, akan diwakili oleh Dewan Komisaris atau oleh salah seorang yang ditunjuk oleh Dewan Komisaris. Apabila tidak ada Dewan Komisaris, maka RUPS dapat mengangkat seorang atau lebih untuk mewakili Perusahaan.

• Board of Directors’ members are prohibited from holding concurrent position as Members of the Board of Directors of SOEs, BUMD, BUMS and other positions that may cause a conflict of interest, structural and functional positions in the institution/agency of the central and regional governments, other position in accordance with laws and regulations.

• Boards of Directors’ members are prohibited from using confidential information and business data of the Company for personal interests or in a manner of harming the Company interests.

• In the event of a conflict of interest involving all members of the Board of Directors, the Company will be represented by the Board of Commissioners or by one who is appointed by the Board of Commissioners. If none of the Board of Commissioners, the GMS may appoint one or more to represent the Company.

TRANSAKSI MENGANDUNG BENTURAN KEPENTINGAN Melalui penerapan tata kelola termasuk pelaksanaan sistem pengendalian internal, Perusahaan memastikan selama tahun 2014 tidak terjadi transaksi yang patut diduga mengandung benturan kepentingan.

TRANSACTIONS CONTAINING CONFLICT OF INTERESTThrough the application of corporate governance, including the implementation of the internal control system, the Company ensured that during 2014 there were no transactions reasonably suspected to contain a conflict of interest.

Nama dan Posisi Pejabat dengan Benturan Kepentingan

Name and Position of Officer with Conflict of Interest

Nama dan Posisi Pejabat Pembuat

KeputusanName and Position of Decision Maker Officer

Jenis TransaksiType of Transaction

Nilai Transaksi (IDR Juta (IDR Juta)Transaction Value

(Millions IDR)


Nihil Nil Nihil Nil Nihil Nil Nihil Nil Nihil Nil

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Untuk mencapai visinya menjadi Pertamina EP Kelas Dunia (Pertamina EP World Class), Pertamina EP memfokuskan tujuan dan sasaran kegiatan dalam tiga poin, yaitu :• Operations: melaksanakan kegiatan operasi yang

efektif dan efisien dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang telah dimiliki untuk mencapai target produksi perusahaan.

• Reporting: membuat dan menyajikan laporan yang handal, transparan, dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan, dalam hal ini adalah laporan keuangan.

• Compliance: melaksanakan bisnis Pertamina EP sesuai dengan peraturan dan hukum yang berlaku.

Untuk memastikan ketiga poin diatas dapat tercapai, Pertamina EP telah mengembangkan sistem pengendalian internal (SPI) sebagai mekanisme proses pengawasan berkesinambungan pada semua tingkatan fungsional sesuai struktur organisasi Perusahaan. SPI merupakan suatu sistem yang diselenggarakan untuk menjaga serta mengarahkan jalannya perusahaan agar sesuai dengan tujuan dan program Perusahaan, dan mendorong efisiensi serta dipatuhinya kebijakan manajemen.

SPI dikembangkan Perusahaan dengan berbasis pada COSO Framework, yang terdiri dari 5 komponen yang saling berkaitan dan terintegrasi serta berfungsi sebagai kriteria untuk menentukan apakah manajemen risiko korporat telah berjalan efektif:1. Lingkungan Pengendalian;2. Penilaian Risiko;3. Aktivitas Pengendalian;4. Informasi dan Komunikasi;5. Kegiatan Pemantauan.

Lingkungan PengendalianLingkungan pengendalian dilaksanakan melalui seperangkat kebijakan, peraturan dan tata kerja yang tersusun dalam tata kerja operasi, yang termasuk di antaranya penerapan Kode Etik, dan pengendalian internal atas proses pelaporan keuangan (Internal Control of Financial Reporting).

Penilaian RisikoPenilaian risiko dilaksanakan dengan mengidentifikasi proses bisnis yang memiliki risiko tinggi, untuk kemudian dilakukan mitigasi melalui proses serta prosedur memadai, sehingga risiko dimaksud tidak menghambat pencapaian tujuan Perusahaan.

To achieve its vision of becoming Pertamina EP World Class, Pertamina EP focuses the goals and targets of activities on three points, namely:

• Operations: conduct operations effectively and efficiently by utilizing its resources to achieve the company’s production target.

• Reporting: prepare and present reliable, transparent, and accountable reports, in this case is the financial statements.

• Compliance: conduct PT Pertamina EP’s business in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

To ensure these three points can be achieved, PT Pertamina EP has developed an internal control system (SPI) as a mechanism for continuous supervisory process at all functional levels in accordance with organizational structure of the Company. SPI is a system applied for maintaining and directing the company’s operations to be aligned with the Company's goals and programs, and to promote efficiency and compliance with management policies.

SPI was developed by the Company based on the COSO Framework, which consists of 5 interconnected and integrated components as well as serves as criteria for determining whether corporate risk management has run effectively, namely:1. Environmental Control;2. Risk Assessment;3. Control Activity;4. Information and Communication;5. Monitoring Activity.

Environmental ControlEnvironmental control is implemented through a set of policies, rules and working procedures that are arranged in the operating procedures, which include the application of the Ethics Code, and Internal Control of Financial Reporting.

Risk AssessmentRisk assessment is carried out by identifying high risk business processes, to be mitigated through adequate process and procedures, so that the risk will not hamper the achievement of the Company’s goal.



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Aktivitas PengendalianAktivitas pengendalian dilaksanakan melalui kebijakan dan prosedur yang sebagian diotomatisasi dalam sistem terkomputerisasi. Pengujian pengendalian internal dilakukan oeh audit internal, audit eksternal dan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan.

Informasi dan Komunikasi PerusahaanEvaluasi atas pengendalian Perusahaan diinformasikan serta dikomunikasikan oleh auditor eksternal dan auditor internal dalam laporan yang disampaikan kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris. Melalui pelaksanaan pertemuan berkala sebagai koordinasi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, maka masing-masing pihak saling mengkomunikasikan informasi yang dibutuhkan terkait pelaporan keuangan.Perusahaan juga telah menyediakan saluran komunikasi untuk menerima masukan/komentar/informasi penting terkait efektivitas pengendalian internal melalui program whistleblowing system (WBS).

Kegiatan PemantauanPemantauan dilaksanakan setiap waktu melalui tindak lanjut atas hasil audit internal, eksternal maupun masukan dari pemangku kepentingan lainnya melalui program WBS. Komite Audit memastikan pelaksanaan tindak lanjut atas hasil audit maupun masukan lain dari program WBS.

ControllingControlling is conducted through policies and procedures that are partly automated in a computerized system. The assessment of internal control is carried out by internal audit, external audit and Supreme Audit Agency.

Company Information and CommunicationsEvaluation of the Company control is informed and communicated by the external auditors and internal auditors in a report submitted to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. Through periodic meetings as coordination between Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, each party mutually communicates essential information regarding financial reporting.The Company also has provided a communication channel for receiving input/comments/essential information related to the internal control effectiveness through the whistleblowing system (WBS).

Monitoring Monitoring is carried out at any time through the follow-up on the internal and external audit findings, as well as input from other stakeholders through WBS. The Audit Committee ensures the execution of follow-up on audit findings and other inputs from WBS program.

STRUKTUR DAN KEDUDUKAN INTERNAL AUDITSecara struktural Internal Audit berada di bawah Presiden Direktur, dan dibentuk dengan tujuan membantu Direksi serta jajaran manajemen guna memberikan nilai tambah bagi peningkatan kegiatan operasi Perusahaan. Internal Audit berfungsi melakukan pengawasan/audit keuangan maupun pelaksanaan operasional, serta memastikan Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian disusun dalam suatu sistem manajemen risiko yang sehat, memenuhi aturan dan pengendalian internal Perusahaan serta dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kebijakan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

INTERNAL AUDIT STRUCTURE AND POSITIONInternal Audit unit is structurally under President Director, and was formed with the purpose of assisting the Board of Directors and management in order to provide added value for the improvement of the Company’s operations.

The Internal Audit function conducts supervision/audit on financial and operational performance, as well as ensures the Consolidated Financial Statements are prepared in a sound risk management system, comply with the rules and internal control of the Company, as well as are implemented in accordance with the applicable policies and regulations.


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PENGANGKATAN DAN PEMBERHENTIAN VP INTERNAL AUDITSesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor : PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011, Pimpinan Internal Audit diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Direktur Utama dengan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. Hingga akhir tahun 2014, Fungsi Internal Audit dipimpin oleh Firdaus Bambang Saputra.

APPOINTMENT AND DISCHARGE OF INTERNAL AUDIT CHAIRMAN In accordance with the Minister of State-owned Enterprises Regulation Number PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1, 2011, Internal Audit Chairman is appointed and discharged by President Director with the approval of the Board of Commissioners. By the end of 2014, the Internal Audit function was headed by Firdaus Bambang Saputra.

















KEANGGOTAAN INTERNAL AUDITDalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, VP Internal Audit dibantu oleh anggota sebanyak 19 personel. Internal Audit bertindak independen dan objektif dalam memberikan saran/rekomendasi untuk peningkatan nilai dan perbaikan kinerja operasi Perusahaan.

Independensi Internal Audit dijamin oleh Piagam Internal Audit, yang antara lain menjelaskan mengenai struktur dan kedudukan, persyaratan dan kewajiban, tugas dan tanggung jawab, wewenang hubungan dengan pihak lain maupun kode etik yang harus dipatuhi.

Piagam Internal Audit yang kini berlaku telah disahkan dan ditandatangani Presiden Direktur dan Ketua Komite Audit, pada 24 Januari 2014

INTERNAL AUDIT MEMBERSHIPIn carrying out its duties and responsibilities, VP Internal Audit is assisted by 19 members. Internal Audit acts independently and objectively in providing advice/recommendations for the Company’s value and operating performance improvement.

The Internal Audit independence is guaranteed by the Internal Audit Charter, which explains, among others, the structure and position, requirements and obligations, duties and responsibilities, authority of relations with other parties and the code of conduct that must be complied.

The current Internal Audit Charter was approved and signed by the President Director and Chairman of Audit Committee on January 24, 2014.

FIRDAUS BAMBANG SAPUTRAVP. Internal Audit VP Internal Audit

Bergabung dengan Pertamina EP sejak Mei 2013 dan menjadi pekerja PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak tahun 1993. Selama kurun waktu tersebut, Firdaus Bambang Saputra menduduki posisi kunci: • Manajer Audit Bidang Pemasaran & Niaga PT

Pertamina (Persero) (2009-2010)• Manajer Business Group M&T Internal Audit PT

Pertamina (Persero) (2011-2012)• VP Investigation Audit PT Pertamina (Persero)

(2012- April 2013)• VP Internal Audit Pertamina EP (Mei


Joining PT Pertamina EP since May 2013 and has become employee of PT Pertamina (Persero) since 1993. During this period, Firdaus Bambang Saputra occupying key positions:• Audit Manager of Marketing & Trade at PT

Pertamina (Persero) (2009-2010)• Business Group Manager of M&T Internal Audit at

PT Pertamina (Persero) (2011-2012)• VP of Audit Investigation at PT Pertamina (Persero)

(2012 - April 2013)• VP Internal Audit of PT Pertamina EP (May 2013 -


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TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB INTERNAL AUDIT1. Mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi risiko

signifikan dan memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan pengelolaan risiko dan sistem pengendalian internal.

2. Membantu organisasi dalam memelihara pengendalian internal yang efektif dengan cara mengevaluasi kecukupan, efisiensi dan efektivitas pengendalian tersebut, serta mendorong peningkatan pengendalian internal secara berkesinambungan.

3. Memastikan sasaran dan tujuan program serta kegiatan operasi telah ditetapkan dan sejalan dengan sasaran dan tujuan Perusahaan.

4. Me-review kegiatan operasi dan program untuk memastikan hasil-hasil yang diperoleh konsisten dengan tujuan dan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan.

5. Menilai dan memberikan rekomendasi yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan proses tata kelola dalam mencapai tujuan-tujuan berikut - Mengembangkan etika dan nilai-nilai yang

memadai di dalam organisasi;- Memastikan pengelolaan kinerja organisasi

yang efektif dan akuntabilitas;- Secara efektif mengkomunikasikan risiko dan

pengendalian kepada unit-unit yang tepat di dalam organisasi;

- Secara efektif mengkoordinasikan kegiatan dari, dan mengkomunikasikan informasi di antara Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, auditor internal dan eksternal serta manajemen.

6. Mengevaluasi rancangan, implementasi dan efektivitas dari kegiatan program dan sasaran organisasi yang berhubungan dengan etika organisasi.

7. Menyusun dan menjaga sistem untuk memantau tindak lanjut hasil penugasan yang telah dikomunikasikan kepada manajemen.

8. Melakukan review secara berkala atas program jaminan kualitas dan peningkatan fungsi Internal Audit secara keseluruhan untuk menilai:- Kepatuhan terhadap charter Internal Audit; - Kepatuhan terhadap standar;- Kepatuhan terhadap kode etik;- Efisiensi dan efektivitas dari fungsi Internal

Audit dalam memenuhi kebutuhan para stakeholder;

- Assesment yang dilakukan oleh Assessor Independen yang dilakukan sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam lima tahun.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INTERNAL AUDIT1. Identify and evaluate significant risks and

contribute to the improvement of risk management and internal control system.

2. Assist the organization in maintaining effective internal control by evaluating the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of internal control, as well as promote continuous improvement of internal control.

3. Ensure that the goals and objectives of the program as well as operational activities that have been established in line with the goals and objectives of the Company.

4. Review the operations and programs to ensure the results are consistent with the goals and objectives that have been established.

5. Assess and provide appropriate recommendations to improve governance process in achieving the following objectives: - Develop adequate ethics and values within the

organization; - Ensure effective and accountable

organizational performance management; - Effectively communicate risk and control to

appropriate units within the organization; - Effectively coordinate the activities and

communicate information between the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, internal and external auditors and management.

6. Evaluate the design, implementation and effectiveness of the organization’s program activities and goals related to the organization’s ethics.

7. Develop and maintain a system to monitor follow-up of assignment results which has been communicated to the management.

8. Conduct periodic review on quality assurance program and internal audit function overall improvement to assess:

- Compliance with the Internal Audit Charter; - Compliance with standards; - Compliance with the code of conduct; - Efficiency and effectiveness of the Internal

Audit function in meeting stakeholders’ needs; - Assessment by independent assessor

performed at least once within 5 (five) years.

KINERJA AUDIT INTERNAL DAN PELAPORAN [G4-SO3]Dalam tahun 2014 Internal Audit menyelesaikan penugasan meliputi:1. Aktivitas audit 32 kali serta satu kali asesmen.2. Menyelesaikan permintaan 23 jasa konsultasi dan

melaksanakan pemantauan atas tindak lanjut penyelesaian hasil aktivitas audit internal dan eksternal.

INTERNAL AUDIT PERFORMANCE [G4-SO3]In 2014 the Internal Audit completed the following assignments:1. A total of 32 audit activities and one assessment.2. Complete the request of 23 consulting services

and monitoring of completion follow-up on internal and external audit results.

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PELAKSANAAN INTERNAL AUDIT TAHUN 2014 [G4-SO3]Implementation of Internal Audit 2014

No. Penugasan Assignment Jumlah Obyek PenugasanTotal Assignment Objects Keterangan Description


Audit Audit

Audit Operasional Operational Audit 22

Meliputi 8 audit atas aktivitas internal Perusahaan dan audit atas 14 Mitra (KSO/TAC)Covering 8 audits on the Company’s internal activities and audit on 14 Pertners (KSO/TAC)

Audit Terminasi Termination Audit 3

Audit Khusus Special Audit 3

2 Konsultasi Consulting 23

3 Asesmen Assessment 1

Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICoFR) 2013 dan 2014Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICoFR) 2013 and 2014

Laporan Hasil Audit disampaikan langsung kepada Presiden Direktur dan pihak yang diaudit (auditee), dilengkapi dengan rencana tindak lanjut dan batas waktu closing temuan. Kemajuan tindakan perbaikan dilaporkan kepada Presiden Direktur secara berkala untuk memastikan hasil audit ditindak lanjuti sesuai dengan kesepakatan.

Laporan aktivitas Internal Audit dibuat setiap bulan dan disampaikan kepada Presiden Direktur sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban hasil aktivitas dari Internal Audit. Penyampaian Laporan aktivitas Internal Audit juga disampaikan kepada Komite Audit secara periodik.

KUALIFIKASI DAN SERTIFIKASI PROFESI AUDITPengembangan Internal Audit dilakukan oleh Perusahaan dengan cara mewajibkan setiap auditor minimum memiliki sertifikasi profesi audit bertaraf nasional seperti Qualified Internal Auditor, mendorong auditor untuk mengambil sertifikasi profesi audit bertaraf internasional seperti Certified Internal Auditor & Certified Fraud Examiner, mengikutsertakan personil Audit Internal pada pelatihan, seminar, workshop yang relevan dengan tugas-tugasnya untuk mendapat informasi mengenai isu-isu terkini, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kompetensi auditor.

Audit Report is submitted directly to the President Director and the auditee, complemented with a follow-up plan and the deadline for closing of findings. Progress of corrective actions is reported regularly to the President Director to ensure the audit results are followed up in accordance with the agreement.

Internal Audit activity report is made every month and submitted to the President Director as a form of accountability on activity results of the Internal Audit. The Internal Audit Activity Report is also submitted to the Audit Committee periodically.

AUDIT QUALIFICATION AND PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONInternal Audit Development is conducted by the Company through the requirement for each auditor to have the minimum national audit professional certification as Qualified Internal Auditor, encourage auditors to take international audit professional certification as a Certified Internal Auditor & Certified Fraud Examiner, participation of Internal Audit personnel in training, seminars, workshops that are relevant to their duties to obtain information on current issues, as well as enhance the auditors’ knowledge and competencies.

Berdasarkan hasil audit pada tahun 2014 terdapat 314 temuan dengan nilai Rp44,05 miliar. Dan USD69,13 juta atau keseluruhan setara USD72,67 juta (kurs tengah 31 Des 2014), yang mengindikasikan kelemahan dalam hal perencanaan, prosedur, pengawasan, pencatatan/pelaporan dan pembinaan personil. Dari temuan tersebut, telah ditindaklanjuti sebanyak 281 temuan dengan nilai Rp43,56 miliar dan USD48,08 juta. [G4-SO3] [G4-SO5]

Based on the audit results in 2014 there were 314 findings valued IDR44.05 billion and USD69.13 million or total equivalent of USD72.67 million. (middle rate December 31, 2014), which indicated a weakness in planning, procedures, monitoring, recording/reporting and personnel supervision. Of these findings, as many as 281 findings have been followed up with value of IDR43.56 billion and USD48.08 million. [G4-SO3] [G4-SO5]

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PENGEMBANGAN KUALITAS AUDIT Mengingat fungsi, tugas dan kewenangannya yang strategis, Perusahaan mendorong pengembangan kualitas audit, dengan melaksanakan beberapa rencana strategis, meliputi:1. Peningkatan Kompetensi Personel - Perusahaan mengikutsertakan personel Audit

Internal pada pelatihan dan sertifikasi serta seminar, workshop untuk mendapat informasi mengenai isu-isu terkini, serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kompetensi auditor.

- Perusahaan memberikan kesempatan pengembangan karir bagi para personel Internal Audit.

2. Pengembangan Sistem AuditDalam rangka peningkatan kualitas dan efisiensi, fungsi Internal Audit telah merencanakan untuk menggunakan suatu sistem Manajemen Audit yang disebut Audit Management System yang mengintegrasikan seluruh proses audit mulai dari perencanaan audit tahunan, perencanaan audit individual, pelaksanaan audit individual, pelaporan dan dokumentasi, serta monitoring tindak lanjut atas hasil pelaksanaan audit. Proses pengembangan sudah dimulai sejak bulan November 2014 dan akan segera dapat digunakan pada awal tahun 2015.

3. Pengembangan Proses Bisnis Internal Untuk meningkatkan internal bisnis proses,

Internal Audit melakukan berbagai upaya meliputi :a. Peningkatan penerapan Risk Based Audit untuk

memastikan bahwa implementasi proses manajemen risiko dalam pencapaian tujuan perusahaan telah dilaksanakan secara efektif.

b. Melakukan evaluasi dan pengkinian Pedoman, Tata Kerja Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Individual untuk memastikan tersedia pedoman teknis pelaksanaan audit sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dan target yang ditetapkan.

AUDIT QUALITY DEVELOPMENTGiven its strategic function, duties and authorities, the Company encourages the development of audit quality by conducting several strategic plans, including:1. Personnel Competence Enhancement - The Company sends Internal Audit personnel

to training and certification as well as seminars and workshops to get information on current issues, as well as enhance the auditors’ knowledge and competencies.

- The Company provides career development opportunities for the Internal Audit personnel.

2. Audit System Development In order to improve the quality and efficiency, the Internal Audit function has planned to use the Audit Management System, which integrates the entire audit process from annual audit planning, individual audit planning, individual audit execution, reporting and documentation, as well as follow-up monitoring on the audit results. The development process has begun in November 2014 and to be able to be immediately used at the beginning of 2015.

3. Internal Business Process Development To improve internal business process, the Internal Audit makes various efforts, including:

a. Improve Risk Based Audit application to ensure the risk management process in achieving the Company’s goals have been implemented effectively.

a. Evaluate and update the Guidelines, Organization and Individual Working Procedures to ensure the availability of audit implementation technical guidance according to applicable regulations and targets that have been set.

PELATIHAN DAN SERTIFIKASI 2014 OLEH ANGGOTA INTERNAL AUDIT [G4-SO4]Training and Certification of 2014 by Internal Audit Members

No Pelatihan dan SertifikasiOrganizing Institution

Lembaga PenyelenggaraOrganizing Institution

Jumlah Personel Total Personnel

1 CFE Exam Review Course ACFE 3

2 CIA Review PPA Fak. Ekonomi UIPPA of Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia


3 CISA Review BINUS 1

4 Basic HSE Training Cluster Office PT Pertamina EP 12

5 Enterprise Risk Management Angkatan I – 2014 PLC - Pertamina (Persero) 1

6 ERMA Certification ERM Academy 1

7 Risk Assessment for Production and Operation in Oil & Gas Industries

XP Training 2

8 SAP Training PT Pertamina EP 7

9 Seminar TPK & TPPU dan Hukum Korporasi bagi Direksi dan Komisaris BUMNSeminar on Corruption & Money Laundering Crime and Corporate Laws for BOD and BOC of SOEs


Page 208: Integrated Annual Report 2014



PEMERIKSAAN KANTOR AKUNTAN PUBLIK (KAP) [IR10]Untuk Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2014, PT Pertamina (Persero) telah menetapkan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) sebagai auditor Perusahaan. KAP PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) telah menjadi auditor laporan keuangan tahunan Perusahaan selama 5 periode dan telah

PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM (PAF) AUDIT [IR10]For the Financial Statements 2014, PT Pertamina (Persero) has appointed Public Accounting Firm (PAF) PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) as auditor of the Company. PAF PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) has become the auditor of the Company's annual financial statements for 5 periods and has completed


Dalam memastikan integritas penyajian Laporan Keuangan kepada Pemegang Saham melalui fungsi internal audit, Perusahaan menggunakan jasa auditor eksternal. Kegiatan audit eksternal meliputi:1. Audit atas penyajian laporan keuangan oleh

kantor akuntan publik (KAP);2. Pemeriksaan bagi hasil migas oleh Badan

Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK);3. Pemeriksaan atas perhitungan bagian negara

oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

In ensuring the integrity of Financial Statements presentation to Shareholders through the internal audit function, the Company uses the services of external auditors. External audit activities include:1. Audit on financial statements by public accounting

firm (PAF);2. Audit on oil & gas production sharing by the

Supreme Audit Agency (BPK);3. Audit on the government share calculations by

Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas);

10 Seminar Nasional Internal Audit (SNIA 2014)National Seminar on Internal Audit (SNIA 2014)


11 Seminar FKSPI 'Combined Assurance dalam Menjamin Corporate Sustainability'FSKPI Seminar on 'Combined Assurance in Ensuring Corporate Sustainability'


12 National Anti Fraud Conference 2014 ACFE 1

13 ACIIA Conference 2014 Institute of Internal Auditor Indonesia 2

14 Drilling Essentials for Non-Technical Profesional and New Engineers

XP Training 1

15 Fundamental RBA Angkatan III – 2014Fundamental RBA Batch III - 2014

PLC - Pertamina (Persero) 2

16 Panggilan Peserta Pelatihan TOT VBDP Modul F-28 Plus M-30 Batch 1-2014

PLC - Pertamina (Persero) 1

17 Sertifikasi PTK 007PTK 007 Certification

Koperasi Bina Metro Mandiri SKK Migas 2

18 Becoming Effective Secretary Batch II PT Pertamina EP 1

19 Advanced Business Report Writing With Im Methods (Best Practice In Managing Information And Documents”

Indocita 1

20 POD WP&B FQR and AFE XP Training 1

21 Pelatihan Petroleum Engineering for Non EngineerPetroleum Engineering Training for Non Engineer

PT Pertamina EP Fungsi HRPT Pertamina EP HR Function

22 Upskilling GCG Champion Angkatan III 2014Upskilling GCG Champion Batch III 2014

PLC - Pertamina (Persero) 1

23 Assessment Strategy Leadership Ass. Survey – HuluAssessment Strategy Leadership Ass. Survey – Upstream

PLC - Pertamina (Persero) 1

24 Workshop K2 Workflow Tim Pengembangan & Implementasi BPMS Pertamina EPK2 Workflow Workshop of Pertamina EP BPMS Development & Implementation Team

PT Pertamina EP 1

25 Workshop External Quality Assessment - Peer Review IA Persero 2

26 Workshop Business Analysis for Infill Drilling Process (Program Pengembangan & Implementasi BPMS)Business Analysis for Infill Drilling Process Workshop (BPMS Development & Implementation Program)

PT Pertamina EP 2

27 Pendidikan & Pelatihan Audit Intern Tingkat Lanjutan I Angkatan 174Internal Audit Education & Training Advanced Level I, Batch 174


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Nama Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP)Name of Public Accouting Firm (PAF) Periode Period

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) Tahun 2010 hingga 2014 2010 to 2014

Penunjukan penugasan KAP sebagai pelaksana audit penyajian Laporan Keuangan Pertamina EP, dilakukan oleh PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pemegang saham berdasarkan keputusan RUPS. Penunjukan KAP oleh PT Pertamina (Persero) mempertimbangkan konsolidasi antara-induk perusahaan dan seluruh anak perusahaan.

FEE AUDITBiaya pelaksanaan audit laporan keuangan Pertamina EP ditanggung oleh PT Pertamina (Persero), yaitu sebesar Rp4,15 miliar.

HASIL AUDITHasil audit atas penyajian Laporan Keuangan 2014 Pertamina EP, oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) dinyatakan Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian.

The appointment of PAF assignment as the auditor for PT Pertamina EP Financial Statements is conducted by PT Pertamina (Persero) as the shareholder based on GMS resolution. The appointment of PAF by PT Pertamina (Persero) takes into account the consolidation between the parent company and all subsidiaries.

AUDIT FEEThe fee of the audit on Pertamina EP financial statements is borne by PT Pertamina (Persero), which was Rp4.15 billion.

AUDIT RESULTSThe result of audit on PT Pertamina EP Financial Statements 2014 by Public Accounting Firm (PAF) PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) is declared unqualified opinion.

PEMERIKSAAN BPKPemeriksaan yang dilakukan BPK pada tahun 2014 adalah pemeriksaan dengan tujuan tertentu atas Pendapatan, Biaya, dan Investasi pada Pertamina EP tahun 2011-2013 di Jakarta, Sumatera Selatan dan Jawa Barat.

PEMERIKSAAN SKK MIGAS Pemeriksaan yang dilakukan SKK Migas pada tahun 2014 adalah pemeriksaan akuntansi perhitungan bagian negara KKKS Migas Pertamina EP tahun 2013. Pemeriksaan ini mencakup perhitungan bagian negara yang telah dilaporkan dalam FQR tahun 2013 termasuk perhitungan cost recovery dari operasi sendiri dan kemitraan.

BPK AUDITThe audit performed by Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) in 2014 was the audit with specific objectives on Revenue, Cost, and Investment in PT Pertamina EP for the years 2011-2013 in Jakarta, South Sumatra and West Java.

SKK MIGAS AUDITThe audit performed by SKK Migas in 2014 was part of the government share calculation of Pertamina EP Oil & Gas PSC in 2013. This audit included the calculation of government share that has been reported in the FQR in 2013, including the calculation of cost recovery from own operations and partnerships.

HASIL AUDIT ATAS PENYAJIAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN Results of Audit on Financial Statements

Tahun Buku Fiscal Year

Nama Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP)Name of Public Accounting Firm (PAF)

Pernyataan Pendapat KAPPAF Opinion

2014 Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Rekan (Partner PwC) Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian Unqualified Opinion

2013 Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Rekan (Partner PwC) Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian Unqualified Opinion

2012 Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Rekan (Partner PwC) Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian Unqualified Opinion

menyelesaikan tugasnya secara independen sesuai standar profesional akuntan publik, perjanjian kerja, serta ruang lingkup audit yang telah ditetapkan. Selain melakukan audit terhadap Laporan Keuangan, KAP PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) tidak memberikan jasa konsultasi lain kepada Perusahaan.

its work independently according to professional standards of public accountants, work contract, as well as the scope of the audit that has been set. In addition to audit on the Financial Statements, PAF PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) did not provide other consulting services to the Company.

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Pengelolaan risiko merupakan bagian dari penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik tata kelola perusahaan yang dilaksanakan melalui serangkaian upaya meminimalkan risiko kegagalan/kerugian dan memaksimalkan perolehan nilai/laba Perusahaan.

PROSES PENGELOLAAN RISIKOProses yang ditempuh Perusahaan dalam mengelola risiko adalah dengan membangun infrastruktur manajemen risiko yang komprehensif dan efektif, membangun budaya risiko, memetakan risiko, menyusun rencana tanggap risiko (risk response plan) yang akurat dan melakukan pemantauan secara ketat. Dengan demikian tingkat risiko dapat diturunkan pada tingkatan yang dapat diterima, dan mampu menciptakan peluang menguntungkan sehingga menjamin tercapainya kepentingan Pemegang Saham serta memenuhi harapan pemangku kepentingan lainnya.

Penerapan pengelolaan risiko diawali dengan proses:1. Penilaian keadaan (assessment) risiko, meliputi:

a. Pendataan potensi risiko (risk register);b. Analisa risiko untuk menentukan jenis risiko;c. Peluang terjadinya risiko (risk probability); d. Dampak risiko (risk impact), serta akar

penyebab dan gejalanya.2. Perancangan rencana mitigasi risiko dan

pemantauan pelaksanaan melalui sistem online monitoring dan secara berkala membuat pelaporan risk response plan secara periodik. Penerapan risk response plan ke pengendali aset (asset holder) menjadi efektif, karena implementasi pelaksanaan risk response plan menjadi bagian indikator kinerja kunci atau key performance indicators (KPI) dari fungsi atau pengendali aset.

Risk management is part of best practices of corporate governance implementation. The risk management is carried out through a series of efforts to minimize the risk of default/loss and maximize the Company’s value/profit.

RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSThe Company adopted the process of risk management by building a comprehensive and effective risk management infrastructure, building a risk culture, risk mapping, preparing accurate risk response plan and strict monitoring. Thus the level of risk can be lowered to a tolerable level, and able to create favorable opportunities that ensure the achievement of the shareholders’ interests as well as to meet other stakeholders’ expectations.

Risk management application begins with the following processes:1. Risk assessment, include: a. Risk register; b. Risk analysis to determine the type of risk; c. Risk probability; d. Risk impact, as well as the root causes and

symptoms.2. Designing of risk mitigation and monitoring of

implementation through the online monitoring system and periodic reporting of risk response plan. Application of risk response plan to asset holders becomes effective, as the risk response plan implementation is a part of key performance indicators (KPI) of the function or asset holder.

PENGELOLAAN RISIKO [G4-14] [G4-45] [G4-46] [G4-47]



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PENERAPAN ERMSejak tahun 2009 Perusahaan telah menerapkan Pengelolaan Risiko Perusahaan atau Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), yang merupakan serangkaian prosedur, sistem dan metodologi untuk mengidentifikasi, memetakan dan mengukur risiko, menyusun rencana mitigasi dan melaksanakan respon risiko, memantau pelaksanaan respon risiko secara berkesinambungan, serta mengendalikan risiko yang timbul.

Secara berkesinambungan, kami konsisten melakukan inovasi dan pengembangan terkait proses, sistematika serta pemahaman (risk awareness) mengenai pengelolaan risiko yang melibatkan seluruh elemen Perusahaan baik para pekerja, Komisaris, Direksi, maupun para pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Sesuai Peta Jalan ERM, maka pada tahun 2014 Perusahaan terus berikhtiar meningkatkan disiplin semua fungsi terhadap pengelolaan risiko untuk menumbuhkan daya tahan organisasi terhadap risiko (risk resilience). Dengan demikian, secara bertahap pengelolaan risiko akan menjadi sebuah kebiasaan dan bagian dari budaya Perusahaan sehingga sesuai dengan pemenuhan tata kelola Perusahaan (Good Corporate Governance) yang lebih baik.

Secara berkelanjutan, inovasi dalam proses penerapan ERM di Pertamina EP terus dilakukan untuk memberikan perbaikan pada proses, kesisteman, serta pemahaman (risk awareness) bagi para pekerja. Prestasi Pertamina EP dalam penerapan ERM telah membuat berbagai pihak eksternal melakukan peninjauan, pengujian, maupun studi banding.

ERM APPLICATIONSince 2009 the Company has implemented the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), which is a set of procedures, systems and methodologies to identify, map and measure risk, prepare mitigation plan and execute risk response, monitor the execution of risk response continuously, as well as control the risks that arise.

On a continuous basis, we consistently make innovation and development on processes, systematics and risk awareness regarding risk management that involves all elements of Company including employees, Commissioners, Directors, as well as other stakeholders. According to ERM Roadmap, in 2014 the Company continued to improve the discipline of all risk management functions to build organization's risk resilience. Thus, the risk management will gradually become a habit and part of the corporate culture, which is in accordance with the fulfillment of good corporate governance (GCG).

The innovation continues to be made in the ERM implementation process at Pertamina EP to provide improvements to the process, system, and risk awareness for employees. Pertamina EP’s achievements in the ERM implementation has made various external parties to conduct review, assessments., as well as benchmarking.

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2009• Establishing an independent Risk

Management Function• First Risk Registration

• Risk awareness to BoD and BoC of Pertamina EP

• Updating Risk Register & Risk Monitoring• Start CRMP Certification• Establishing of Risk Management

Online System

• Continual Improvement of Risk Register & Monitoring

• Risk management Award

• Risk based Inspection• Development of Risk Appetite & Risk

Tolerance• Risk Based Audit

• Fault Tree Analysis on Risk Assessment

• VaR Approach for Quantitative Risk

• New Risk Register Format

• Risk Based RKAP (2015)

• Linking RM to Performance Management• Improvement of Risk Management Online

System• Risk Maturity Level Evaluation

Page 213: Integrated Annual Report 2014








Sepanjang tahun 2014, pelaksanaan ERM Pertamina EP telah memberikan hasil-hasil sebagai berikut:

1. Infrastruktur Manajemen Risiko, yang terdiri dari: a. Risk Management Policy: • Traktat Manajemen Risiko • Pedoman Manajemen Risiko b. Risk Management Procedure / Sistem Tata Kerja: • Tata Kerja Organisasi (TKO) • Tata Kerja Individu (TKI) • Petunjuk Teknis Pelaksanaan KPI Manajemen Risiko • Dokumen Risk Appetite & Risk Tolerance c. Komite Manajemen Risiko yang terdiri dari: • President Director selaku Ketua Komite • Production & Operation Director selaku Wakil

Ketua Komite • VP Strategic Planning & Risk Management selaku

Sekretaris Komite • VP Exploration, VP Exploitation, VP HSSE, VP

Controller & Partnership Financial, VP Legal & Relation selaku Anggota Komite.

d. Pembentukan Tim dan Sub Tim Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko yang mewakili seluruh Asset, Fungsi dan Project.

e. Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko Profesional: • Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP)

dengan 40 pekerja yang sudah tersertifikasi. • Enterprise Risk Management Certified

Professional (ERMCP) dengan 20 pekerja yang sudah tersertifikasi.

f. Sistem Manajemen Risiko Online (Web-based) untuk Updating Risk Register dan Monitoring Respons Risiko.

2. Laporan Updating Risk dan Monitoring Mitigasi Risiko

Output dari penerapan Manajemen Risiko adalah berupa Laporan Hasil Updating Risk Register yang disusun setiap setahun sekali dan Laporan Monitoring Mitigasi Risiko yang dibuat per triwulan.

3. Manajemen Risiko Proyek Telah dilakukan proses assessment risiko proyek

terhadap empat proyek utama Pertamina EP yaitu Jawa Gas Development Project (JGDP), Matindok Gas Development Project (MGDP), Pondok Makmur Development Project (PMDP) dan Pakugajah Development Project (PGDP). Keempat proyek tersebut dimonitor dan termasuk dalam portofolio investasi Direktorat Hulu.

4. Pendampingan dalam Proses Pembuatan Kontrak/Perjanjian

Aktifitas Manajemen Risiko tidak hanya mencakup implementasi ERM namun turut serta sebagai pendamping dalam proses penyusunan kontrak/perjanjian sampai dengan finalisasi/inisiasi sebelum kontrak ditandatangani. Kontribusi manajemen risiko tersebut diharapkan dapat meminimalisir Legal Risk, Potential Loss maupun hal-hal terkait dengan ketidakpatuhan dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.

Throughout 2014, the ERM implementation at Pertamina EP has given the following results:

1. Risk Management infrastructure, which consists of:a. Risk Management Policy: • Risk Management Treaty • Risk Management Guidelinesb. Risk Management Procedure/Work Procedure System: • Organizational Working Procedures (TKO) • Individual Working Procedures (TKI) • Technical Guidance on Risk Management KPI • Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance Documentc. Risk Management Committee consisting of: • President Director, as Chairman of the Committee • Production & Operations Director, as Deputy

Chairman of the Committee • VP Strategic Planning and Risk Management as

the Secretary of the Committee • VP Exploration, VP Exploitation, VP HSSE, VP

Controller & Partnership Financial, VP Legal & Relations as Members of the Committee.

d. Formation of Risk Management Unit Team and Sub Team that represent all Assets, Functions and Projects.

e. Risk Management Professional Certification: • Forty employees have become Certified Risk

Management Professional (CRMP) • Two employees have become Enterprise Risk

Management Certified Professional (ERMCP) from the period 2011-2012.

f. Online Risk Management System (web-based) for Risk Register Updating and Risk Response Monitoring.

2. Risk Updating and Risk Mitigation Monitoring Report

Output from the application of Risk Management is Report of Risk Register Updating Results prepared annually and Risk Mitigation Monitoring Report prepared quarterly.

3. Project Risk Management Project risk assessment process has been

conducted on four major projects, namely Pertamina EP Java Gas Development Project (JGDP), Matindok Gas Development Project (MGDP), Pondok Makmur Development Project (PMDP) and Pakugajah Development Project (PGDP). The four projects were monitored and included in the investment portfolio of the Directorate of Hulu.

4. Assistance in Contract/Agreement Drafting Process Risk Management activities not only include the ERM implementation, but also participating as a facilitator in the process of drafting a contract/agreement until the finalization/initiation before the contract is signed. The risk management contribution was expected to minimize Legal Risk, Potential Loss and matters relating to non-compliance with applicable regulations.





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5. Studi Banding (Benchmarking) Implementasi Manajemen Risiko

Pada tahun 2014 Pertamina EP mendapatkan mandat untuk dijadikan role model implementasi Manajemen Risiko melalui kegiatan Studi Banding Implementasi Manajemen Risiko. PT Askrindo yang telah datang langsung ke Kantor Pusat Pertamina EP untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan pengalaman implementasi Manajemen Risiko di Pertamina EP.

6. Evaluasi Kecukupan Penerapan Manajemen Risiko (Maturity Level)

Setelah empat tahun menerapkan ERM, Pertamina EP perlu untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan manajemen risikonya. Oleh karena itu Pertamina EP menunjuk BPKP agar dilakukan evaluasi kecukupan penerapan manajemen risiko.



STK PENGELOLAAN RISIKOPertamina EP juga memiliki sistem tata kerja (STK) pengelolaan risiko Perusahaan yang terdiri atas Traktat Manajemen Risiko, Pedoman Manajemen Risiko dan Tata kerja Organisasi/Individu. STK manajemen risiko telah mengadopsi Framework ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard.

RISK MANAGEMENT WORKING PROCEDURE SYSTEMPertamina EP also has a working procedure system (STK) of the Company's risk management consists of the Risk Management Treaty, Risk Management Guidelines and Organization/Individual Working Procedures. Risk management STK has adopted a framework of ISO 31000 on Risk Management Standard.

KOMITE INVESTASI DAN MANAJEMEN RISIKODasar: Pedoman Manajemen Risiko No.A003/EP4000/2010-S0.Susunan keanggotaan tahun 2014:

• Ketua Komite : Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP

• Wakil Ketua Komite: Direktur Operasi dan Produksi

• Sekretaris Komite: VP Perencanaan dan Manajemen Risiko

• Anggota Komite:• VP Eksplorasi• VP Eksploitasi• VP Health Safety & Environment • VP Kontroler• VP Legal & Relation

INVESTMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COM-MITTEEBasis: Risk Management Guidelines No.A003/EP4000/2010-S0.The membership composition in 2014:

• Chairman of the Committee: President Director of Pertamina EP

• Vice-Chairman of the Committee: Production & Operations Director

• Secretary of the Committee: VP Strategic Planning & Risk Management

• Members of the Committee:• VP Exploration• VP Exploitation• VP Health Safety Security & Environment• VP Controller• VP Legal & Relations


Manajemen Risiko yang komprehensif termasuk penetapan, dan persetujuan batas (limit) risiko baik secara keseluruhan (composite), per jenis risiko, maupun per aktivitas fungsional.

2. Bertanggung jawab atas pemantauan pelaksanaan kebijakan Manajemen Risiko dan eksposur risiko yang diambil oleh Perusahaan.

3. Mengevaluasi efektivitas penerapan Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan secara berkala.

4. Penetapan hal-hal yang terkait dengan keputusan bisnis yang menyimpang dari prosedur normal (irregularities).


policies and strategies including determination and approval of risk limit, both composite, per type of risk and per functional activity.

2. Responsible for monitoring the implementation of Risk Management policies and risk exposure taken by the Company.

3. Evaluate the effectiveness of Risk Management in the Company periodically.

4. Determine matters related to business decisions that deviate from normal procedures (irregularities).

5. Benchmarking of Risk Management Implementation

In 2014, Pertamina EP received the mandate to become a role model of Risk Management implementation through Risk Management Implementation Benchmarking. PT Askrindo had come directly to Pertamina EP Head Office to gain knowledge and experience in the Risk Management implementation at Pertamina EP.

6. Evaluation of Risk Management Maturity Level After four years of implementing ERM, Pertamina

EP needed to determine the maturity level of its risk management. Therefore Pertamina EP appointed BPKP to evaluate the maturity level of risk management implementation.

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UNIT KERJA MANAJEMEN RISIKO Dasar: Pedoman Manajemen Risiko No.A-003/EP4000/2010-S0.Susunan Keanggotaan:• Koordinator:

VP Perencanaan & Manajemen Risiko• Wakil Koordinator I

: Manajer Manajemen Risiko• Wakil Koordinator II:

Manajer Evaluasi & Pengendalian• Anggota:

1. Risk Management Specialist2. Senior Risk Management Analyst 3. Risk Management Analis4. Pekerja Pertamina EP lainnya yang ditunjuk

dengan Surat Keputusan atau Surat Perintah Direksi Perusahaan.

RISK MANAGEMENT UNITBasis: Risk Management Guidelines No.A-003/EP4000/2010-S0.Membership Composition:• Coordinator: VP Strategic Planning and Risk

Management• Deputy Coordinator I: Risk Management

Manager• Deputy Coordinator II: Evaluation & Control

Manager • Members: 1. Risk Management Specialist 2. Senior Risk Management Analyst 3. Risk Management Analyst 4. Other employees of Pertamina EP appointed

based on Board of Directors’ decree or Letter of Instruction.

NELSON SITOMPULVP STGC Plan & Risk Management VP STGC Plan & Risk Management

Mengawali karir di PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak 1989 dan bergabung dengan Pertamina EP tahun 2014, menjabat sebagai VP Strategic Planning & Risk Management.

Memperoleh gelar Teknik Geologi Umum dari Institut Teknologi Bandung dan Magister Manajemen Ekonomi dari Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di PT Pertamina (Persero). Sebelumnya, menjabat sebagai Upstream Strategic Planning Manager di PT Pertamina (Persero).

He started his career in PT Pertamina (Persero) in 1989 and joined Pertamina EP in 2014, serving as VP Strategic Planning & Risk Management.

He earned a Bachelor of General Geological Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology and Master of Economic Management from Gadjah Mada University.

He held various key positions at PT Pertamina (Persero). He previously served as Upstream Strategic Planning Manager at PT Pertamina (Persero).


jawab kepada Komite Manajemen Risiko.2. Menyusun laporan profil risiko Perusahaan

secara berkala dan menyampaikannya kepada Komite Manajemen Risiko dengan tembusan Dewan Direksi Perusahaan.

3. Mengevaluasi aktivitas atau kegiatan usaha yang memerlukan persetujuan Dewan Direksi.

4. Memantau posisi risiko perusahaan secara korporat, per jenis risiko dan risiko per aktivitas fungsional yang dituangkan dalam bentuk pemetaan risiko dan memberikan rekomendasi kepada Komite Manajemen Risiko.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT1. Risk Management Unit is under the supervision

of Risk Management Committee.2. Prepare the Company’s risk profile report

periodically and submit it to Risk Management Committee with a copy to the Board of Directors.

3. Evaluate activities or business activities that require the Board of Directors’s approval.

4. Monitor the Company’s corporate risk position, per type of risk and per functional activity, which is described in the form of risk mapping and provide recommendations to the Risk Management Committee.

5. Memantau kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko.

6. Mengembangkan budaya sadar risiko (risk consciousness) pada seluruh jenjang organisasi.

7. Mengembangkan kompetensi sumber daya manusia terkait dengan pelaksanaan Manajemen Risiko.

5. Monitor the activities carried out by the Risk Management Unit.

6. Develop risk consciousness culture at all levels of the organization.

7. Develop human resource competencies on Risk Management implementation.

Page 216: Integrated Annual Report 2014



TIM DAN SUB TIM UNIT KERJATim & Sub Tim Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko adalah pekerja Pertamina EP di Kantor Pusat maupun Asset, yang ditunjuk dengan Surat Perintah Direksi Perusahaan No. 045/EP0000/2013-S0 . Total jumlah keanggotaan Tim/Sub tim Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko adalah 26 orang.

Ketua Tim/Sub Tim adalah pekerja yang memiliki sertifikasi Enterprise Risk Management Certified Professional (ERMCP). Adapun anggota Tim/Sub Tim yang memiliki sertifikasi Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP) sebanyak 40 orang.

Keanggotaan Tim Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko Penasehat : Komite Manajemen Risiko Koordinator : VP Strategic Planning & Risk

ManagementWakil Koordinator : Strategic Business & Risk

Management ManagerAnggota : 17 Manager setiap fungsi pada

Kantor Pusat

Keanggotaan Sub Tim Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko - AssetPenasehat : General Manager AssetKoordinator : Asset Strategic Planning & Risk

Management ManagerSekretaris : Senior Evaluation & Performance

AnalystAnggota:1. Field Manager 2. Operation Planning Assistant Manager 3. HSSE Assistant Manager

- ProyekPenasehat : General Manager ProjectKoordinator : Business Support ManagerSekretaris : Project Control Analyst

UNIT TEAM & SUB-TEAM Risk Management Unit Team & Sub-team are employees of Pertamina EP at Head Office and Assets, who are appointed based on the Board of Directors’ Letter of Instruction No. 045/EP0000/2013-S0. Total number of members of Risk Management Unit Team/Sub-team is 26 people.

The head of Team/Sub-team is an employee who has certification of Enterprise Risk Management Certified Professional (ERMCP). The members of Team/Sub-team who have certification of Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP) are 40 people.

Composition of Risk Management Unit Team MembershipAdvisor : Risk Management CommitteeCoordinator : VP Strategic Planning & Risk

ManagementDeputy Coordinator : Strategic Business & Risk

Management ManagerMembers : 17 Managers of each function

at the Head OfficeComposition of Risk Management Unit Sub-team Membership- AssetAdvisor : Asset General ManagerCoordinator : Asset Strategic Planning & Risk

Management ManagerSecretary : Senior Evaluation &

Performance AnalystMembers:1. Field Manager 2. Operation Planning Assistant Manager 3. HSSE Assistant Manager

- ProjectAdvisor : Project General ManagerCoordinator : Business Support ManagerSecretary : Project Control Analyst


implementasi ERM berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai target yang direncanakan sesuai dengan Kebijakan Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan;

2. Melaksanakan aktifitas Manajemen Risiko pada fungsi masing-masing;

3. Menyampaikan laporan tertulis secara berkala kepada Komite Manajemen Risiko.


ERM run smoothly and according to planned targets in accordance with Pertamina EP’s Risk Management Policy;

2. Implement Risk Management activities in each function.

3. Submit a written report regularly to the Risk Management Committee.

5. Memberikan masukan kepada Komite Manajemen Risiko mengenai besaran atau maksimum eksposur risiko untuk dimasukkan ke dalam RKAP.

6. Mengkaji secara berkala kecukupan dan kelayakan dari Kebijakan, Pedoman, dan Strategi Penerapan Manajemen Risiko, serta menyampaikan rekomendasi perubahan kepada Komite Manajemen Risiko.

5. Provide input to the Risk Management Committee on the amount or the maximum risk exposure to be included in the Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP).

6. Regularly review the adequacy and appropriateness of Policies, Guidelines, Risk Management Implementation Strategies, and submit the recommendation of changes to the Risk Management Committee.

Page 217: Integrated Annual Report 2014








PEMUKTAHIRAN DAFTAR RISIKO 2014Penerapan ERM melibatkan seluruh fungsi di Pertamina EP, dengan membuat Daftar Risiko (Risk Register) pada setiap awal tahun, melalui mekanisme pemutakhiran daftar risiko (updating risk register). Risk Register tidak hanya menjadi alat untuk identifikasi, analisis dan membuat rencana respons risiko, namun juga sebagai media untuk mengawal rencana kerja Asset, Fungsi dan Proyek sehingga mengetahui hal-hal apa saja yang akan menghambat tujuan utama pencapaian kinerja masing-masing. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemantauan mitigasi risiko secara berkala atas setiap risiko dimaksud. Daftar Risiko yang telah dimutakhirkan maupun hasil pemantauan berkala yang dilakukan, selalu dilaporkan kepada pihak-pihak terkait termasuk Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. [G4-45] [G4-47]

Berdasarkan hasil updating risk register 2014, jumlah Risk Event yang teridentifikasi adalah sebanyak 259 risiko dan dikelompokkan dalam kategori Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) sebagai berikut:

RISK REGISTER UPDATING 2014ERM implementation involves all functions in Pertamina EP, by making Risk Register at the beginning of each year, through the mechanism of risk register updating. Risk Register is not only a tool for the identification, analysis and planning of risk response, but also as a medium to uphold the work plan of Assets, Functions and Projects, in order to identify matters that will hinder the main goal of each performance achievement. Furthermore, periodic risk mitigation monitoring is conducted for each of the risk. Risk Register that has been updated and the results of periodic monitoring, are always reported to the relevant parties, including the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. [G4-45] [G4-47]

Based on the results of risk register updating in 2014, the number of identified Risk Event was 259 risks and grouped under the category of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) are as follows:



Pencemaran Pollution

Fasilitas Produksi Production Facility

Organisasi Organization

Potensi Kebakaran Fire potential

Sasaran Tinggi/menengah High/middle Target

Legal / RegularyLegal / Regulatory

Kecelakaan Kerja Occupational Accident

Fasilitas Pipa Pipe Facility Financial Financial

Kesehatan, Kesadaran, Kepatuhan, KeamananHealth, Awareness, Compliance, Security

Sasaran Rendah Low Target External External



Eksplorasi Exploration

Cadangan P1 P1 Reserve



66 39



22 23


9 17


8 14

2 5


Produksi Productions

Cadangan Reserve

Fungsional Functional






Page 218: Integrated Annual Report 2014











Grafik di atas menunjukkan bahwa risiko dengan jumlah terbanyak (Highest Number) terdapat pada kategori FTA Produksi dan Fungsional masing- masing berjumlah 107 dan 98 Risiko. Pada kategori Produksi, jumlah risiko terbanyak terdapat pada sub kategori Fasilitas Produksi sebanyak 66 risiko. Sementara pada kategori Fungsional, jumlah risiko terbanyak terdapat pada sub kategori Organisasi sebanyak 39 risiko. Dua hal tersebut menggambarkan bahwa Fasilitas Produksi dan Organisasi harus menjadi perhatian bersama para Manajemen.

Untuk risiko dengan jumlah yang cukup banyak (Medium Number) terdapat pada kategori HSSE dengan jumlah 41 Risiko. Masih terdapat risiko yang jumlahnya kecil (Low Number) yaitu terkait Cadangan dengan jumlah 13 Risiko. Hasil tersebut menggambarkan bahwa Risiko dengan Highest dan Medium Number dapat menjadi hambatan yang dihadapi Pertamina EP dalam mencapai target utama.

The chart above shows that the risks with the highest number are in the Production and Functional FTA category with 107 and 98 risks respectively. In the Production category, the risks with the highest number are in the sub-category of Production Facilities of 66 risks. Meanwhile in the Functional category, the highest number of risks in Organization sub-category of 39 risks. These figures illustrated that the Production Facilities and the Organization must be a common concern of the management.

The risks with medium number are in the HSSE category of 41 risks. The risks with low number are those related to Reserves of 13 risks. These results illustrated that the Risks with Highest and Medium Number can become obstacles that have to be faced by Pertamina EP in achieving the primary target.

TOP 10 RISKBerdasarkan data seluruh risiko yang telah dihasilkan melalui metode FTA, setiap risk event dikelompokkan ke dalam Top 10 Risk berdasarkan prioritas dan pandangan strategis yang menunjukkan risiko-risiko utama yang akan dihadapi Perusahaan. Berikut adalah Top 10 Risk Pertamina EP:

TOP 10 RISKBased on the data of all risks that have been generated through the FTA method, each risk event grouped into the Top 10 Risk based on the priorities and strategic view that shows the key risks to be faced by the Company. The following are the Top 10 Risk of Pertamina EP:

Potensi munculnya hambatan dalam pengadaan lokasi operasi serta penyelesaian terkait tumpang tindih lahan dalam kegiatan operasi.

Potensi pencurian aset dan produksi minyak baik di jalur transportasi, stasiun pengumpul, sumuran dan lokasi penyimpanan.

Potensi tidak tercapainya target penambahan produksi sesuai program EOR sekitar 20% (success ratio 80%).

Potensi tidak tercapainya target produksi minyak dan gas Sasaran Tinggi, Menengah dan Rendah tahun 2014 pada Asset dan Project.

Potensi tertundanya revenue Perusahaan disebabkan oleh hambatan pada kegiatan Lifting dan sistem metering gas.

Potensi tidak tercapainya target tambahan sumberdaya Contingent Resources setara migas tahun 2014 yaitu 179 MMBOE.

Potensi tidak tercapainya target produksi karena permasalahan Realibility & Avalilability Fasilitas Produksi.

Potensi tidak tersalurnya hasil produksi migas karena terkendala Fasilitas Pipa.

The potential hindrance in the procurement of operating sites and settlement related to overlapping land in operating activities.

Potential theft of assets and oil production both in transportation line, gathering stations, wells and storage location.

Potential failure to achieve additional production targets according to EOR program approximately 20% (80% success ratio).

Potential failure to achieve production target of oil and gas of High, Medium and Low Target in 2014 at Assets and Projects.

Potential delays in the Company's revenue due to the obstacles in Lifting activities and gas metering system.

Potential failure to achieve the target of additional Contingent Resources of oil equivalent in 2014 at 179 MMBOE.

Potential failure to achieve production target due to Realibility & Avalilability of Production Facilities.

Potential undistributed oil & gas production due to disruption of pipe facilities.

Page 219: Integrated Annual Report 2014










TOP 10 RISKS PROFILE MATRIXBerikut ini adalah Risk Profile Matrix untuk Top Ten Risk Pertamina EP 2014

TOP 10 RISKS PROFILE MATRIXThe following is Risk Profile Matrix for Top Ten Risk of Pertamina EP 2014:

Profil risiko di atas menggambarkan bahwa Top 10 Risk Pertamina EP mempunyai risiko Inherent dengan kategori Extreme, High dan Medium Risk. Setelah dilaksanakannya Rencana Mitigasi Risiko dan aktivitas pengendalian yang dilakukan oleh Risk Owner, selanjutnya diperoleh Risk Priority Number (RPN) Residual, seperti pada gambar Profil Risiko di atas.

Beberapa risiko Pertamina EP dapat mengalami penurunan dari yang semula kategori Extreme/High menjadi Medium/Low, dengan rincian:a. Risiko tergolong kategori Medium terdapat pada

5 kejadian risiko yaitu nomor 1,2,4,5 dan 7;b. Risiko tergolong kategori Low terdapat pada 5

kejadian risiko yaitu nomor 3,6,8,9 dan 10.

Risk profile above illustrates that Pertamina EP Top 10 Risks have inherent risk with category Extreme, High and Medium Risk. After the implementation of Risk Mitigation Plan and control activities carried out by the Risk Owner, Risk Priority Number (RPN) Residual is subsequently acquired, as seen in the Risk Profile picture above.

Some risks of Pertamina EP can be reduced from the original categories of Extreme/High to Medium/Low, with the following details:a. Risks in Medium category are in five risk events of

1,2,4,5 and 7;b. Risks in Low category are in five risk events of

3,6,8,9 and 10.

Potensi terganggunya produksi minyak dan gas akibat adanya hambatan dalam pengelolaan aspek HSE (Pencemaran & Kebakaran).

Potensi tidak tercapainya target produksi disebabkan oleh hambatan dalam operasi pemboran & Kinerja Services Company yang kurang perform.

Definitely-6Almost Certain-5



Insignificant Minor-2 Moderate-3 Significant-4 Catastrophic-5


5 2








PEMANTAUAN MITIGASI RISIKO 2014Berdasarkan hasil pemuktahiran Daftar Risiko Pertamina EP, untuk tahun 2014 telah teridentifikasi 259 kejadian risiko atau risk event. Sebagai tindak lanjut maka Perusahaan telah membuat rencana pelaksanaan mitigasi risiko oleh Pemilik Risiko (Risk Owner) pada fungsi masing-masing. Pelaksanaan mitigasi risiko dipantau secara berkesinambungan oleh Fungsi Strategic Planning & Risk Management, dan dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi. [G4-46]

Pemantauan dimaksudkan untuk memastikan bahwa Rencana Mitigasi Risiko benar-benar dijalankan oleh Pemilik Risiko. Pemantauan dilakukan dengan menerapkan penggunaan Formulir Pemantauan (Form Monitoring), yang dapat diakses pada sistem daring pengelolaan risiko untuk kemudian dilakukan pemuktahiran oleh Pemilik Risiko.

RISK MITIGATION MONITORING 2014Based on the results of Pertamina EP Risk Register updating, for the year 2014, a total of 259 risk events have been identified. As a follow up, the Company has made the risk mitigation execution plan by Risk Owner at each function. The execution of risk mitigation were monitored continuously by Strategic Planning & Risk Management Function, and reported to the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. [G4-46]

The monitoring is aimed to ensure that the Risk Mitigation Plan is actually carried out by the Risk Owner. The monitoring is conducted by using Monitoring Form, which can be accessed via online risk management system to be updated by the Risk Owner.

Potential disruption of oil and gas production due to obstacles in the HSE management (Pollution & Fire).

Potential failure to achieve production targets due to obstacles in the underperforming drilling operation & services company performance.

Page 220: Integrated Annual Report 2014



Selama tahun 2014, Pemilik Risiko telah membuat 600 rencana mitigasi risiko. Setelah dilakukan pemantauan ditetapkan status rencana mitigasi sebagai berikut:• Mitigasi risiko dengan status 'HIJAU': (telah

dilaksanakan seluruhnya) sebanyak 504 rencana mitigasi atau sebesar 84%. Status “HIJAU” mencerminkan bahwa rencana mitigasi risiko telah dijalankan dan selesai pada/sebelum periode Monitoring berakhir.

• Mitigasi risiko dengan status 'KUNING': (telah dilaksanakan sebagian) tersisa sebanyak 96 rencana mitigasi atau sebesar 16%. Status 'KUNING' diberikan apabila rencana mitigasi telah berjalan dan masih berlangsung sampai periode pemantauan selesai.

During 2014, Risk Owner has made 600 risk mitigation plans. After monitoring, the status of mitigation plans is as follows:

• Risk mitigation with 'GREEN' status: (entirely executed) at 504 mitigation plans or 84%. The 'GREEN' status indicated that the risk mitigation plans have been executed and completed on/before the monitoring period ends.

• Risk mitigation with 'YELLOW' status: (partly executed) there were 96 mitigation plans remaining or 16%. The 'YELLOW' status is given if the mitigation plans have been running and were still underway until the Monitoring period ends.

Terhadap Top 10 Risk Pertamina EP setelah dilakukan pemantauan dan dengan memperhatikan status mitigasinya, terdapat perubahan pada level risiko yang semula mayoritas terdapat pada Extreme Risk, maka pada akhir tahun dapat diturunkan menjadi Medium hingga Low Risk sebagai berikut:

Regarding the Top 10 Risk of Pertamina EP, after monitoring and taking into account the status of mitigation, there was a change in the level of risks that most were originally on Extreme Risk, at the end of the year could be lowered to Medium to Low Risk as follows:

Untuk menilai kecukupan penerapan ERM, maka kami melakukan assessment maturity level bekerja sama dengan BPKP. Hasil dari assessment tersebut didapat bahwa tingkat maturity level dalam Perusahaan kami berada pada Level Managed dengan penjelasan seperti table dan gambar dibawah ini:

To assess the maturity of the ERM implementation, we conducted maturity level assessment in collaboration with BPKP. The results of the assessment was the maturity level of the Company at the Level 'Managed', which is described in the following table and picture:

Definitely-6Almost Certain-5



Insignificant Minor-2 Moderate-3 Significant-4 Catastrophic-5



2 710


6 9



TOP 10 RISK PROFILE MATRIX RESIDUAL Top 10 Risk Profile Matrix Residual

RISK MATURITY SCORE & LEVEL Risk Maturity Score & Level


Risk Maturity Score 3.66 dari 5

Risk Maturity Level Managed

Nilai CapaianScore

Tingkat KematanganMaturity Level

0 Non-existent

0 < x ≤ 1.5 Initial

1.5 < x ≤ 2.5 Repeatable

2.5 < x ≤ 3.5 Defined

3.5< x ≤ 4.5 Managed

4.5< x ≤ 5 Optimised

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Dari pencapaian Risk Maturity Score dan Level di atas, kami telah menyusun roadmap implementasi ERM yang diilustrasikan pada gambar di bawah ini:

From the achievement of Maturity Risk Score and Level above, we have prepared the ERM implementation roadmap as illustrated in the figure below:


• Non Formal Procedure• AdHoc Risk

Management• Reactive to an Event

01 REPEATABLE2010-2011

• Establishment of RM Policy

• Establishment of RM Policy Process & Risk Monitoring Process

• Establisment of Risk Management System

02 DIFINED2012-2013

• Risk Based Audit• Risk Based Inspection• Developing Risk

Appetite & Risk Tolerance

• Linking RM to Performance Management

• Risk maturity Level Evaluation

03 MANAGED2014

• Improvement of Risk Management Online System

• Risk Based Work Plan & Budget (RKAP)

• New Risk Assessment Method

04 OPTIMISED2015-2018

• Risk & Lost Event Database

• Risk Control Self Assessment (RCSA)

• Continual Development of Risk Culture

• Quantitative Impact Method

• Risk Based Decisin Making


Page 222: Integrated Annual Report 2014




Pertamina EP telah menerapkan sistem pelaporan pelanggaran, yang dapat menjadi mekanisme bagi pekerja dan pemangku kepentingan lain, serta pihak eksternal untuk melaporkan adanya dugaan pelanggaran etika.

Hal-hal yang dapat dilaporkan adalah pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:1. Melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan,

misalnya pemalsuan tanda tangan, korupsi, penggelapan, markup, penyalahgunaan narkoba, perusakan barang;

2. Melanggar pedoman etika Perusahaan, misalnya benturan kepentingan, pelecehan, terlibat dalam kegiatan masyarakat yang dilarang;

3. Melanggar kebijakan dan prosedur operasional Perusahaan, ataupun kebijakan, prosedur, peraturan lain yang dianggap perlu oleh Perusahaan;

4. Tindakan kecurangan lainnya yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian finansial ataupun nonfinansial;

5. Tindakan fraud;6. Tindakan salah/ kelalaian kewajiban yang

disengaja dari manajemen;7. Tindakan yang membahayakan kesehatan,

keselamatan kerja dan lindung lingkungan.

Pertamina EP has implemented a whistleblowing system, which can be a mechanism for employees and other stakeholders, as well as external parties to report any alleged ethical violations.

Violations that can be reported are offenses that meet the following criteria:

1. Violation of laws and regulations, such as falsification of signatures, corruption, embezzlement, markup, drug abuse, vandalism;

2. Violation of the ethical code of the Company, such as conflicts of interest, harassment, involvement in prohibited community activities;

3. Violation of Company policies and operating procedures, or policies, procedures, other regulations deemed necessary by the Company;

4. Other fraud acts that can cause financial or non-financial losses;

5. Fraud;6. Malpractice/intentional negligence from

management;7. Actions that endanger the occupational health,

safety and environment.

Page 223: Integrated Annual Report 2014








MEKANISME PELAPORAN DAN PENANGANAN WBSSistem pelaporan diatur dalam suatu Tata Kerja Organisasi (TKO) No. B-001/EP6000/2011-S0/Rev-00, yang mulai diberlakukan pada tahun 2011. Laporan dugaan pelanggaran etika, dapat disampaikan melalui: 1. Surat elektronik: [email protected]. Situs: www.pertamina-ep.com/en/contact3. Short Message Service (SMS) kepada atasan

maupun kepada Komite Etika & GCG

Sistem dikelola langsung oleh Komite Etika & GCG dan pelaporan disampaikan langsung kepada President Direktur Pertamina EP.

Kami menjamin media tersebut di atas adalah independen, bebas dari benturan kepentingan, dan bersifat rahasia. Perusahaan memberikan perlindungan bagi pelapor, dalam bentuk kerahasiaan identitas, perlindungan atas tindakan balasan dari pihak terlapor, informasi pelaksanaan tindak lanjut laporan, dan sanksi minimum bagi pelapor yang merupakan bagian dari kasus yang dilaporkan.

Perusahaan akan melibatkan pihak eksternal yakni aparat penegak hukum, bila hasil pemeriksaan dari laporan yang disampaikan telah patut diduga sebagai bentuk perbuatan tindak pidana. Selanjutnya Pertamina EP akan menyerahkan penanganan tindak lanjut pelaporan berdasarkan hukum positif yang berlaku di Indonesia. Sanksi akan dijatuhkan kepada pihak yang menjadi terlapor, bila telah ada putusan pengadilan yang sudah memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap.

Proses pelaporan pelanggaran dan whistleblowing sistem adalah sebagai berikut:

REPORTING AND HANDLING MECHANISM OF WBSThe reporting system is regulated in the Organization Working Procedures (TKO) No. B-001/EP6000/2011-S0/Rev-00, which came into effect in 2011. The report of alleged ethical violations, can be sent to:1. E-Mail: [email protected]. Site: www.pertamina-ep.com/en/contact3. Short Message Service (SMS) to superiors and to

the Ethics and GCG Committee

The system is managed directly by the Ethics and GCG Committee and the reports are delivered directly to President Director of Pertamina EP.

We guarantee the aforementioned media are independent, free from conflict of interest, and are confidential. The Company provides protection for whistleblowers, in the form of anonymity, protection of retaliation from the defendant, information on the follow-up execution report, and minimum penalties for whistleblowers who are part of the reported cases.

The Company will involve external parties, such as law enforcement officials, when the investigation results of the reports submitted was reasonably suspected as a form of crime. Furthermore, Pertamina EP will handover the follow-up action of the report based on positive laws in Indonesia. Sanctions will be imposed on the parties reported, if there are court verdicts that already have permanent legal force.

The process of whistleblowing system is as follows:


Internal Employee of Pertamina EP





EXTERNALMitra - Vendor - Masyarakat

Partner - Vendor - Community



Page 224: Integrated Annual Report 2014



PROGRAM KEPEMILIKAN SAHAM OLEH KARYAWAN DAN/ATAU MANAJEMEN YANG DILAKSANAKAN PERUSAHAAN (ESOP/MSOP)Pada tahun 2014, Pertamina EP belum melaksanakan program kepemilikan saham untuk karyawan dan/atau manajemen yang dilakukan melalui penawaran saham atau penawaran opsi saham dalam rangka kompensasi kepada Karyawan, Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.

EMPLOYEE AND/OR MANAGEMENT STOCK OPTION PROGRAM (ESOP/MSOP) IMPLEMENTED BY COMPANYIn 2014, Pertamina EP has not implemented employee and/or management stock option through stock option program for compensation to Employees, Directors and Board of Commissioners.

Sesuai prinsip transparansi dalam pelaksanaan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, Pertamina EP mengelola saluran informasi yang dapat diakses oleh publik maupun dapat didistribusikan kepada pemangku kepentingan dalam kesempatan khusus.

According to the transparency principle in good corporate governance, PT Pertamina EP manages information channels that can be accessed by the public or distributed to stakeholders in special occasion.


PENERBITAN LAPORAN TAHUNAN Sejalan penerapan prinsip transparansi, sejak tahun 2007 Pertamina EP telah menyusun dan menerbitkan Laporan Tahunan yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi sejak tahun 2011. Laporan disusun berdasarkan praktik-praktik terbaik pelaporan berdasarkan Referensi Bapepam-LK dan Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Mulai tahun 2014, kami menerapkan IIRC.

Kami menyertakan Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi yang diterbitkan dalam kegiatan Annual Report Award (ARA), sebagai salah satu mekanisme penilaian terhadap kualitas penyampaian keterbukaan informasi yang disajikan. ARA diselenggarakan atas kerja sama Bapepam-LK, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, Kementerian BUMN, Bank Indonesia, Bursa Efek Indonesia, Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance, dan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia.

PERNYATAAN FINANSIAL Dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014, kami menyediakan mekanisme evaluasi maupun penyampaian informasi lain oleh pemangku kepentingan melalui Lembar Umpan Balik di bagian akhir laporan. Selanjutnya, segala hal yang disampaikan dalam Lembar Umpan Balik akan digunakan sebagai masukan demi peningkatan kualitas pelaporan. [G4-49]

Di dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi disampaikan informasi Pernyataan Finansial (Financial Statement) Perusahaan. Pertamina EP telah menerapkan standar pelaporan berdasarkan standar akuntansi internasional (IFRS), yang memberikan pengungkapan informasi secara lengkap dan akurat mengenai aktivitas keuangan Perusahaan.

ANNUAL REPORT PUBLICATIONIn line with the transparency principle application, since 2007 Pertamina EP has prepared and published the Annual Report, which later developed into the Integrated Annual Report. The report is prepared based on reporting best practices based on references from Bapepam-LK and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In 2014, we start to applied IIRC.

We enter our Integrated Annual Report in the Annual Report Award (ARA) event, as one of the assessment mechanisms of the quality of our information disclosure delivery. ARA is held in cooperation between Bapepam-LK, the Directorate General of Taxation, Ministry of SOEs, Bank Indonesia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, the National Committee on Governance Policies, and the Indonesian Institute of Accountants.

FINANCIAL STATEMENTSIn the Integrated Annual Report 2014, we provide an evaluation mechanism as well as other information delivery by stakeholders through Feedback Form at the end of the report. Furthermore, the matters that are delivered in the Feedback Form will be used as input for improving the quality of reporting. [G4-49]

In the Integrated Annual Report, information on Financial Statements of the Company is presented. Pertamina EP has applied reporting standards based on international financial reporting standards (IFRS), which provides complete and accurate information disclosure regarding the Company's financial activities.

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SITUS PERUSAHAAN Informasi mengenai Pertamina EP juga dapat diakses para pemangku kepentingan melalui situs Perusahaan: www.pertamina-ep.com. Melalui situs tersebut, para pemangku kepentingan bisa mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan.

Situs Perusahaan juga menyertakan kanal yang memuat Laporan Tahunan dan Pernyataan Finansial sebagai bagian dari laporan.

MEDIA INFORMASI LAINPertamina EP juga menerbitkan berbagai informasi pelaporan kinerja melalui pemberitaan media massa dan penerbitan majalah internal. Di beberapa Lapangan, Fungsi Humas yang dikelola masing-masing Asset juga menerbitkan publikasi berkala.

Informasi mengenai Perusahaan dapat pula diakses melalui media informasi yang dikelola induk perusahaan, yakni:• Situs internet www.pertamina-ep.com;• Media cetak (majalah) Energia Pertamina EP;• Media audio-visual internal PEP Channel.

Kegiatan penyampaian informasi Perusahaan juga dilakukan langsung melalui pelaksanaan kegiatan besar dan berpotensi dihadiri para pemangku kepentingan yang bersifat umum. Kegiatan tersebut antara lain pameran, sosialisasi dan seminar.

COMPANY WEBSITEInformation on Pertamina EP can also be accessed by stakeholders through the Company's website: www.pertamina-ep.com. Through the website, the stakeholders can get the necessary information.

The company's website also includes the channel that contains the Annual Report and Financial Statements as part of the report.

OTHER INFORMATION MEDIAPertamina EP also publishes various information of performance reporting through mass media news report and by publishing internal magazine. In some fields, PR function managed by each Asset also publishes periodic publications.

Information about the Company can be accessed through the media managed by the parent company, namely:• Website www.pertamina.com;• Print media (magazine) Warta Pertamina;• Internal audio-visual media Pertamina EP Channel.

Company information delivery activities are also carried out directly by organizing large events and potentially attended by general stakeholders. Such activities include exhibitions, dissemination and seminars.

DANA KEGIATAN POLITIK DAN SOSIALSesuai Etika Kerja dan Bisnis, Pertamina EP bersikap netral terhadap aktivitas politik. Perusahaan tidak memberikan sumbangan/donasi dalam bentuk apapun, baik untuk kegiatan partai politik maupun kegiatan politik. [G4-SO6]

Sebagai bentuk pelaksanaan komitmen pada tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan, Pertamina EP menyediakan dana guna mendukung kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pertamina (PPMP) dan program/kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (corporate social responsibility/CSR). Uraian informasi tentang hal ini disajikan dalam bagian lain laporan ini.

POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES FUNDIn accordance with Ethics Code and Business Conduct, Pertamina EP is neutral in political activity. The Company does not provide contributions/donations in any form, either for the activities of political parties or political activities. [G4-SO6]

As part of the implementation of commitments on social and environmental responsibility, Pertamina EP provides funds to support community development through Pertamina Community Empowerment Program (PPMP) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs/activities. Description about this information is presented in other section of this report.

Melalui Pernyataan Finansial di dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014, Pertamina EP secara terbuka telah menyampaikan laporan keuangan dan informasi mengenai kondisi keuangan perusahaan kepada para pemangku kepentingan.

Through the Financial Statements in the Integrated Annual Report 2014, Pertamina EP has openly presented the financial statements and information regarding the Company’s financial conditions to its stakeholders.

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Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan usaha dan operasional, Pertamina EP senantiasa memperhatikan ketaatan pada ketentuan hukum dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia.

KEPATUHAN PADA HUKUMSelama tahun 2014, Perusahaan tidak pernahmendapatkan sanksi denda finansial, sanksi administratif, maupun sanksi hukum lain, terkait dugaan ketidakpatuhan terhadap regulasi, termasuk di antaranya yang mengatur pengelolaan lingkungan, persaingan usaha sehat, dan tanggung jawab produk. [G4-EN29] [G4-SO8] [G4-PR9]

 Selama kurun waktu periode pelaporan, Pertamina EP telah melakukan tinjauan aspek hukum yang terkait dengan kontrak perjanjian, RUPS, pendapat hukum, dan kebutuhan lainnya. Uraian tentang informasi ini disampaikan pada bagian lain dari pelaporan ini.

PERKARA HUKUM PENTINGPertamina EP juga masih memiliki beberapa kasus hukum (litigasi) yang signifikan, meskipun tidak sampai mempengaruhi kondisi operasional dan keuangan Perusahaan. Beberapa kasus hukum yang dihadapi merupakan pengalihan atau berkaitan dengan PT Pertamina (Persero).

Hal ini terkait ketentuan dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi Pertamina No.Kpts-042/C00000/2005 tanggal 21 September 2005, yang menetapkan bahwa seluruh hak dan kewajiban PT Pertamina (Persero) sehubungan dengan kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi PT Pertamina (Persero) dialihkan ke Pertamina EP. Sebagai konsekuensi, liabilitas legal PT Pertamina (Persero) sehubungan dengan kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi sebelum 21 September 2005 dialihkan ke Perusahaan.

In carrying out business activities and operations, Pertamina EP pays attention to compliance with laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia.

LEGAL COMPLIANCEDuring 2014, the Company never received financial penalties, administrative penalties, or other legal penalties, related to the alleged non-compliance with regulations, including those governing environmental management, fair business competition, and product responsibility. [G4-EN29] [G4-SO8] [G4-PR9] 

During the reporting period, Pertamina EP has conducted a review on legal aspects of the contract agreement, GMS, legal opinions, and other needs. The information is presented in other section of this report. 

MATERIAL LITIGATIONPertamina EP still has some material litigation cases, although they did not necessarily affect the Company's operations and financial condition. Several legal cases are handover from or related to PT Pertamina (Persero).

This is related to the provisions of the Board of Directors of Pertamina Decree No.Kpts-042/C00000/2005 dated September 21, 2005, which stipulates that all rights and obligations of PT Pertamina (Persero) regarding upstream oil and gas business activities of PT Pertamina (Persero) are handed over to Pertamina EP. As a consequence, the legal liabilities of PT Pertamina (Persero) concerning upstream oil and gas business activities prior to September 21, 2005, were handed over to the Company.

KEPATUHAN DAN PERKARA HUKUMLegal Compliance And Litigations

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No. Intisari Perkara Lawsuit Summary Status Upaya Hukum 2014Legal Action Status 2014


Penanganan perkara atas laporan dari H Achmad terkait kegiatan pencurian besi di Field Prabumulih terhadap Pertamina EP.Handling of H Achmad’s case over iron theft in Prabumulih Field against Pertamina EP.

SP3 Perkara selesai Case closed with the issuance of termi-nation of investigation warrant


Penanganan perkara atas laporan Pertamina EP kepada H Ach-mad terkait kegiatan pencurian besi di Field Prabumulih Handling of Pertamina EP’s case against H Achmad over iron theft in Prabumulih Field.

H Achmad menjadi tersangka H Achmad was declared suspect

3Penanganan perkara atas laporan LSM terkait proses pen-gadaan barang dan jasa yang dilaksanakan di UBEP Limau.Case handling on NGO’s report over procurement of goods and services process undertaken in UBEP Limau.

Dalam proses In process


Perkara pidana dalam kejadian blowout di Talang Jimar (TLJ-25) oleh Kejaksaan Negeri Prabumulih. Perkara ini timbul terkait dugaan penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam penerbitan perizinan kegiatan pemboran TLJ 25 Talang Jimar, Kelurahan Sukaraja, Kecamatan Prabumulih Selatan Kota Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan.Criminal case handling in the blowout incident at Talang Jimar (TLJ-25) by Prabumulih District Attorney’s Office. This case arises due to the alleged abuse of authority in issuing TLJ 25 drilling permit in Talang Jimar, Sukaraja sub-district, South Prabumulih District, Prabumulih City, South Sumatra.

Perkara selesai Case closed


Laporan pidana Pertamina EP terkait penerbitan sertifikat hak milik oleh BPN Jambi di atas tanah yang dikuasai Pertamina EP. Pertamina EP’s criminal report regarding the issuance of land ownership certificate by Jambi National Land Agency (BPN) over land controlled by Pertamina EP.

Dalam ProsesIn process

6Penanganan perkara pidana di Polda Sumut sehubungan dengan pengaduan dan sengket yang dihadapi di internal kontraktor PT Marsi Aqli Utama. Criminal case handling at North Sumatra Regional Police in connection with complaints.

Dalam proses In process


Penanganan perkara terkait pemberian keterangan oleh pihak Pertamina EP sehubungan dengan proses perjanjian jual beli gas antara Pertamina EP dengan PT Mandiri Karya Sentosa (MKS).Case handling regarding the provision of information by Pertamina EP on gas sale and purchase agreement between Pertamina EP and PT Mandiri Karya Sentosa (MKS).

Dalam proses In process

Pada awal Desember 2014, Komite Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menangkap Direktur PT Media Karya Sentosa dan Ketua DPRD Bangkalan sebagai tersangka penipuan dan korupsi. Akibat perbuatan keduanya, Negara diduga mengalami kerugian Rp5 triliun.

Dalam hal ini, Pertamina EP sebagai salah satu penyedia gas bagi PT Media Karya Sentosa turut dimintai keterangan oleh KPK sebagai saksi untuk melengkapi informasi terkait kasus ini. Pertamina EP berkomitmen untuk mendukung KPK dalam menuntaskan penyelidikan.

In early December 2014, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested Director of PT Media Karya Sentosa and Speaker of the Regional House of Representatives of Bangkalan as suspects in fraud and corruption case. As a result of the two suspects' acts, the State allegedly suffered losses of IDR5 trillion.The Commission also questioned Pertamina EP as one of the gas suppliers to PT Media Karya Sentosa as a witness to complete information regarding this case. Pertamina EP is committed to support the Commission in resolving the investigation.


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No. Perubahan Regulasi Regulatory changes Tindak Lanjut Follow Up

1 SK No KEP-0076/SKKO0000/2014 tentang Mekanisme Pengadaan Tanah Skala Kecil untuk Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi kembali diberlakukan kecuali ketentuan sepanjang yang mengatur penggunaan dana panjar sebagaimana tertuang di halaman 7.Decree (SK) No KEP-0076/SKKO0000/2014 regarding Small Scale Land Acquisition Mechanism for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities is applied except the provisions gov-erning the use of advance payment as stated on page 7.

Berdampak pada proses administrasi surat kuasa pengadaan tanah oleh SKK Migas membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama dibandingkan ketentuan sebelumnya yaitu PTK 027 Tahun 2009). Untuk menghadapinya, proses administrasi pengajuan surat kuasa di SKK Migas dilakukan secara paralel. Direksi mengajukan surat kepada SKK Migas terkait usulan penyederhanaan proses administrasi surat kuasa pengadaan tanah.Impact on the administrative process of land acquisition power of attorney by SKK Migas that takes longer than the previous provision of PTK 027 of 2009. In order to address this, the administrative pro-cess of applying for a power of attorney at SKK Migas is conducted in parallel. Board of Directors submitted a letter to SKK Migas concerning the administrative process simplification proposal for land acquisition power of attorney.

2 Perpres No 40 Tahun 2014 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pengadaan Tanah bagi Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum.Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 40 of 2014 regarding the Implementation of Land Acquisition for Public Interest Development.

Pengadaan tanah yang luasnya tidak lebih dari 5 hektar dapat dilakukan langsung oleh Perusahaan/institusi dengan para pemegang hak atas tanah, dengan cara jual beli, tukar menukar, atau cara lain yang disepakati kedua belah pihak .Land acquisition no larger than 5 hectares can be carried out directly between the company/institution and the holders of land rights, by way of sale-purchase, exchange, or other means as agreed by both parties.

3 Perubahan Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan (Permenhut) Nomor P.18/Menhut-II/2011, P.38/Menhut-II/2012 dan P.14/Menhut-II/2013 menjadi Permenhut Nomor : P.16/Menhut-II/2014 tanggal 10 Maret 2014 tentang Pedoman Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan.Amendment to Minister of Forestry Regulation (Permenhut) No. P.18/Menhut-II/2011,P.38/Menhut-II/2012 and P.14/Menhut-II/2013 into Permenhut No: P.16/Menhut-II/2014 dated March 10, 2014 regarding Guidelines for Borrow to Use of Forest Area.

Adanya Pasal 52 pada Permenhut P.16/Menhut-II/2014 yang mana Pasal ini mengakomodir legalitas kegiatan-kegiatan di luar bidang kehutanan yang sudah ada sebelum terbitnya UU No. 41 tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan yang belum memiliki ijin. The establishment of Article 52 of the Minister of Forestry Regulation P.16 /Menhut-II/2014 accommodates the legality of non-forestry activities that already existed prior to the enactment of Law No. 41 of 1999 on Forestry activities without license.

Sektor hulu minyak dan gas (migas) yang menjadi bidang usaha Pertamina EP memiliki posisi strategis dalam ketahanan energi nasional. Kondisi ini menjadikan sektor hulu migas senantiasa dihadapkan pada perubahan regulasi yang ditetapkan dan diberlakukan Pemerintah, termasuk oleh SKK Migas.

Pertamina EP menindaklanjuti setiap perubahan regulasi dengan melakukan penyesuaian-penyesuaian, sehingga tidak sampai mempengaruhi proses kegiatan operasional yang dilaksanakan.

Upstream oil and gas sector (oil & gas)as the business sector has a strategic position in the national energy security. This condition makes the upstream oil and gas sector is constantly faced with regulatory changes issued and enacted by the Government, including SKK Migas.

Pertamina EP follows up any regulatory changes by making adjustments, so as not to affect the ongoing process of operational activities.



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Pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan (TJSL) adalah salah satu aspek penting dalam pelakasanaan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Informasi tentang pemenuhan TJSL oleh Pertamina EP termasuk dampak keuangan terhadap Perusahaan, diuraikan dalam bagian lain pelaporan ini, yakni Kinerja Keberlanjutan Pertamina EP Tahun 2014: Sinergi Manusia, Proses, Teknologi dan Lingkungan hidup, yang juga menjadi tema utama dari Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014 Pertamina EP.

Uraian dalam bagian ini hanya mengungkapkan tentang keberadaan para pemangku kepentingan Pertamina EP, yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung berpengaruh terhadap keberlanjutan bisnis Perusahaan.

PEMANGKU KEPENTINGAN PERTAMINA EPMelalui proses identifikasi yang dilakukan secara internal berdasarkan pada interaksi yang terbangun selama ini, diketahui ada 10 kelompok pemangku kepentingan Pertamina EP. Selanjutnya Perusahaan berupaya memenuhi kebutuhan yang menjadi isu utama pada masing-masing pemangku kepentingan. [G4-24] [G4-25] [G4-26] [G4-27]

Fulfillment of social and environmental responsibilities (TJSL) is one of the important aspects in good corporate governance implementation. Information about TJSL fulfillment by PT Pertamina EP, including the financial impact on the Company, is described in other section of this report, namely Pertamina EP Sustainability Performance 2014: Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment, which is also the main theme of the Integrated Annual Report 2014 of PT Pertamina EP.

The description in this section only reveals the role of Pertamina EP’s stakeholders, who directly or indirectly affect the Company's business sustainability.

STAKEHOLDERS OF PERTAMINA EPThrough an identification process, which was conducted internally based on the interaction that has been established, 10 groups have been identified as of Pertamina EP’s stakeholders. Furthermore, the Company strives to meet the needs of the main issues for each stakeholder. [G4-24] [G4-25] [G4-26]


PEMENUHAN TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL DAN LINGKUNGAN [IR2] [IR5]Social And Environmental Responsibility Fulfillment

Hal ini memberikan dampak yang signifikan bagi Pertamina EP dikarenakan, ± 70% WK Pertamina EP berada dalam Kawasan hutan sehingga banyak sumur-sumur peninggalan Belanda atau pun sumur-sumur yang sudah ada dibawah tahun 1999 serta menjadikan Pertamina EP Perusahaan yang dalam kegiatannya berjalan sesuai aturan yang berlaku. This significantly affected Pertamina EP, due to± 70% of Pertamina EP Working Areas are within the forest area, which means many wells inherited from the Dutch government or wells that have already existed prior to 1999, as well as Pertamina EP is a Company that runs its activities in accordance with the applicable rules.

Hasil signifikan sampai dengan saat ini sumur-sumur tua/eksisiting di Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur telah memiliki legalitas, dengan terbitnya Ijin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan :a. SK. 881/Menhut-II/2014 tanggal 29 September 2014

untuk Provinsi Jawa Barat;b. SK. 842/Menhut-II/2014 tanggal 29 September 2014

untuk Provinsi Jawa Timur; Significant results to date, the old/existing wells in West Java and East Java have had their legality, by the issuance of Borrow to Use permit of Forest Area:a. SK. 881/Menhut-II/2014 dated September 29, 2014 for West Java

Province;b. SK. 842/Menhut-II/2014 dated September 29, 2014 for East Java


Untuk sumur-sumur eksisting di Provinsi-provinsi lain saat ini dalam tahap identifikasi koordinat dan fisik lapangan serta dalam tahap Penataan Batas oleh Kementerian Kehutanan.The existing wells in other provinces are currently in identification phase of coordinates and physical field as well as in Forest Boundary Demarcation phase by the Ministry of Forestry.

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DAFTAR PEMANGKU KEPENTINGAN, ISU UTAMA, METODE PENDEKATAN, DAN RESPON PERUSAHAAN [G4-24] [G4-25] [G4-26] [G4-27]List of Stakeholders, Main Issues, Approach Methods and Company Responsens

Pemangku KepentinganStakeholder

Isu Utama, Metode Pendekatan, dan Respon PerusahaanMain Issues, Approach Methods and Company Responses

Pemegang SahamShareholders

Isu utama:1. Meningkatkan laba Perusahaan.2. Meningkatkan pemberian deviden.3. Menjamin keberlanjutan kegiatan Perusahaan.4. Menjamin pelaksanaan tata kelola yang baik

dalam setiap kegiatan Perusahaan.

Main Issues:1. Increase the Company’s profit.2. Increase dividend distribution.3. Ensure the sustainability of the Company’s

activities.4. Ensure the implementation of good governance

in every activity of the Company.Respon Perusahaan:

• Pelaksanaan RUPS.• Penyampaian laporan kinerja Perusahaan.

Company Responses:• GMS Implementation.• Presentation of the Company’s performance



Isu utama:1. Peningkatan kesejahteraan dan kualitas hidup

masyarakat.2. Pemberdayaan potensi ekonomi lokal.3. Menjaga kelestarian lingkungan.

Main Issues:1. Improve community welfare and quality of life.2. Empower local economic potential.3. Preserve the environment.

Respon Perusahaan:• Program pengembangan masyarakat (community

development).• Pertemuan, pendampingan dan dialog.• Survei Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat.

Company Responses:• Community Development Program.• Gathering, facilitation and dialogues.• Community Satisfaction Index Survey.


Isu utama:1. Menjamin kualitas minyak mentah dan gas sesuai

spesifikasi yang diminta pelanggan.2. Menjamin kelancaran pasokan minyak mentah

ke kilang Pertamina dan pasokan gas kepada pembeli.

3. Menerima dan menindaklanjuti setiap keluhan yang disampaikan.

4. Melaksanakan perbaikan pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan.

Main Issues:1. Ensure the quality of crude oil and gas accord-

ing to specification requested by customers.2. Ensure stable crude oil supply for Pertamina’s

refineries and gas supply for customers.3. Receive and follow up each complaint filed.4. Improve customer service and satisfaction.

Respon Perusahaan:• Pertemuan (gathering) berkala.• Survei Indeks KepuasanPelanggan.

Company Responses:• Periodic gathering.• Customer Satisfaction Index Survey.


Isu utama:1. Pemenuhan hak-hak normatif pekerja seperti

diatur dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lain.

2. Menjamin pengembangan karir dan kompetensi tanpa adanya diskriminasi.

3. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan pekerja, termasuk menjamin kepatuhan pada keselamatan, kese-hatan kerja dan lindungan lingkungan.

Main Issues:1. Fulfillment of employee basic rights as stipulated

in the Law on Employment and other laws regulationa.

2. Ensure career and competency developmen without discrimination.

3. Improve the welfare of employees, including ensure compliance with the occupational safety, health and environment principle.

Respon Perusahaan:• Pembentukan serikat pekerja.• Pemberlakuan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB).

Company Responses:• Establishment of workers union.• Application of Collective Labor Agreement (CLA).

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Mitra Kerja dan Mitra UsahaPartners andVendors

Isu utama:1. Pemenuhan pelaksanaan Contractor Safety Man-

agement System (CSMS) oleh setiap Mitra.2. Pemenuhan hak-hak normatif terhadap para

pekerja mereka, seperti diatur dalam Un-dang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan dan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya.

3. Pemenuhan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, terutama bagi masyarakat di sekitar lokasi kegiatan operasi.

Main Issues:1. Fulfillment of Contractor Safety Management

System (CSMS) by every Partner.2. Fulfillment of their employees’ basic rights as

stipulated in Manpower Law and other applica-ble laws and regulations.

3. Fulfillment of corporate social responsibility, especially for community around the operational activities sites.

Respon Perusahaan:• Perumusan kontrak kerja yang beretika.• Evaluasi pelaksanaan kerjasama.• Pertemuan koordinasi berkala.

Company Responses:• Formulation of ethical working contract.• Evaluation of cooperation implementation.• Periodic coordination meetings.

Pemerintah Government

Isu utama:1. Program pembangunan daerah dan peningkatan

kesejahteraan masyarakat.2. Pemenuhan kewajiban pembayaran pajak yang

dikelola daerah dan retribusi lain.3. Pengamanan aset Perusahaan dan fasilitas

operasi.4. Membina hubungan dan komunikasi yang baik

dengan pemerintah, baik pusat maupun daerah, melalui komitmen untuk mematuhi peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Main Issues:1. Regional development programs and communi-

ty welfare improvement.2. Compliance with obligation to pay regional tax

and other levies.3. Protection of Company assets and operational

facilities.4. Maintain good relationships and communica-

tions with the central and regional governments, through commitment to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Respon Perusahaan:• Kegiatan musyawarah rencana pembangunan

(musrenbang).• Koordinasi, termasuk dengan TNI dan Polri di

jajaran kewilayahan.

Company Responses:• Consultative Forum for Development Planning

(musrenbang) activities.• Coordination, including with the Regional Armed

Forces and Police.


Isu utama:1. Menyelenggarakan press-tour ke lokasi opera-

sional.2. Penyediaan informasi mengenai kinerja Peru-

sahaan melalui press release, advertorial baik kepada media massa nasional maupun media massa lokal.

Main Issues:1. Organize press-tour to operational sites.2. Information provision on the Company’s perfor-

mance via press release, advertorial on national and local mass media.

Respon Perusahaan:• Edukasi media tentang kegiatan operasi Perusa-

haan serta dukungan terhadap kegiatan media.

• Pemasangan iklan.

Company Responses:• Media education on the Company’s operations

and support to media activities.• Advertisement placement.

Universitas dan Institusi Pendidikan LainUniversities and OtherEducational Institutions

Isu utama:1. Penyelenggaraan seminar, lokakarya (workshop),

diskusi tentang bisnis, operasional dan kinerja Perusahaan.

2. Penelitian dan kajian tentang aspek teknologi, ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial.

3. Penyampaian laporan bersama tentang pelaksanaan penelitan dan kajian yang telah dilaksanakan.

Main Issues:1. Organize seminars, workshops, discussion

on the Company’s business, operations and performance.

2. Research and study on technology, economic, environmental and social aspects.

3. Presentation of collective report on research and study that have been conducted.

Respon Perusahaan:• Edukasi tentang kegiatan operasi Perusahaan.• Konsultasi dan kerjasama keilmuan.

Company Responses:• Education on the Company’s operations.• Academic consultation and cooperation.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability PerformanceSynergy of People, Process, Technology, and Environment

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Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi mencerminkan pola pikir Kami yang komprehensif serta

mempertimbangkan aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan.

Integrated Annual Report reflects our comprehensive mindset and considers social, economic, and environment aspects in every decision making.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology, and Environment

Sebagai perusahaan pada sektor hulu minyak dan gas (migas), kegiatan operasi dan usaha Pertamina EP dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Oleh karenanya, untuk mendukung keberlanjutan bisnis dan operasional perusahaan, penting bagi kami untuk mensinergikan semua faktor, baik eksternal maupun internal.

Kami memahami Sinergi sebagai upaya untuk membangun dan memastikan hubungan kerjasama internal yang produktif serta kemitraan yang harmonis dengan para pemangku kepentingan. Hal ini demi menghasilkan karya yang bermanfaat dan berkualitas

As a company in the upstream oil & gas sector, operations and business of Pertamina EP is influenced by various factors. Therefore, to support the sustainability of the company’s business and operations, it is important for us to synergize all factors, both external and internal.

We define Synergy as an effort to establish and ensure a productive internal cooperation and harmonious partnership with stakeholders. It is done to produce beneficial and quality work.

KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN 2014 SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPSejak tahun 2011 Pertamina EP terus membangun fondasi pertumbuhan berkelanjutan, sebagai kebijakan strategis untuk menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia. Memasuki tahun 2014 Perusahaan menerapkan strategi utama: First Quality Growth, then Strive for Excellence.

SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE 2014SYNERGY OF PEOPLE, PROCESS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENVIRONMENTSince 2011, Pertamina EP continues to build the foundations of sustainable growth, as a strategic policy to become a world class company. Entering 2014, the Company applies the main strategies: First Quality Growth, then Strive for Excellence.


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ASPEK KUALITAS DAN PERTUMBUHANPenerapan strategi utama meliputi lingkup Korporat, Asset dan juga Proyek. Ada dua aspek utama yang menjadi perhatian, yakni Quality (Kualitas) dan Growth (Pertumbuhan).

Kualitas Peningkatan return/revenue melalui efektivitas operasi pada area/Lapangan dengan cara penurunan biaya melalui optimalisasi penggunaan dana rasionalisasi yang tidak efektif, serta peningkatan produksi.

Pertumbuhan Menumbuhkembangkan bisnis hulu melalui pencarian dan penambahan cadangan migas baru meliputi melakukan pemboran eksplorasi, mempercepat manajemen portofolio lahan Pertamina EP, dan monetisasi aset Gas.

ASPECT OF QUALITY AND GROWTHThe implementation of Pertamina EP’s main strategies covers Corporate, Asset and Project. There are two main aspects of concern, namely Quality and Growth.

Quality Quality aspect emphasizes on increasing the return/revenue through operating effectiveness in the areas/fields by cost reduction. This is done by optimizing uses of ineffective rationalization funds and production increase.

Growth  Growth aspect focuses on expanding upstream business through the search and the addition of new oil & gas reserves, which covers exploration drilling, acceleration of Pertamina EP land portfolio management, and gas asset monetization.

MEMBANGUN SINERGIKami menyadari bahwa strategi utama bukan hal mudah dilakukan. Namun kami tetap berikhtiar dengan mengoptimakan sumber daya yang ada: manusia, proses, teknologi dan lingkungan hidup, serta mensinergikan semuanya untuk pencapaian menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia.

Hal itu pula yang menjadi latar belakang tema besar penyusunan Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014 Pertamina EP: Sinergi Manusia, Proses, Teknologi dan Lingkungan hidup.

BUILDING SYNERGYWith various challenges, we realized that the main strategies are not easy to apply. However, we still try to optimize all available resources: people, process, technology and environment, as well as to synergize them for the achievement and recognition of Pertamina EP as a world class company.

It also became the background of major theme for the preparation of Integrated Annual Report 2014 of PT Pertamina EP: Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment.

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Sinergi yang terbangun antara Pertamina EP dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) menjadikan pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) maupun pemberdayaan masyarakat dapat berlangsung secara berkesinambungan.

Sebagian pekerja Pertamina EP merupakan bagian dari hasil seleksi yang dilakukan PT Pertamina (Persero). Kami juga menyertakan pekerja-pekerja Pertamina EP dalam berbagai program pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi para pekerja melalui Pertamina Corporate University yang dikelola PT Pertamina (Persero).


Pertamina EP telah mampu memberikan jaminan kesempatan pengembangan karir bagi para pekerja dan pemenuhan kesejahteraan mereka beserta keluarga. Kondisi ini menjadikan kinerja para pekerja akan lebih optimal, sehingga bisa mendukung pencapaian target Perusahaan.

Jaminan kesempatan pengembangan karir dan pemenuhan kesejahteraan pekerja tersebut tidak terlepas dari sinergi internal yang telah terbangun di internal Perusahaan. Sinergi antara masing-masing fungsi di internal Perusahaan dengan Fungsi Human Resources membuahkan pembentukan Talent Management Team (TMT), yang merupakan mekanisme pengembangan karir pekerja. Sementara, sinergi dengan Serikat Pekerja telah mendukung proses peninjauan berkala atas kebijakan imbal jasa pekerjaan dan penyusunan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Periode 2014-2016.

Sinergi internal juga menjadikan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi Pertamina EP berkegiatan berada dalam satu payung besar: Pusat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pertamina EP (PPMP). Sesuai cetak biru CSR Pertamina EP, PPMP bertujuan menumbuhkan minat kewirausahaan masyarakat setempat yang dilaksanakan secara bertahap dalam kurun waktu lima tahun.


Synergies that have been built between Pertamina EP and PT Pertamina (Persero) make human resource development (HRD) and community empowerment can be implemented continuously.

Some employees of Pertamina EP are recruited from selection process conducted by PT Pertamina (Persero). We also send Pertamina EP employees to various educational and training programs to enhance their competencies through Pertamina Corporate University, which is managed by PT Pertamina (Persero).


Pertamina EP has been able to guarantee the career development opportunities for the employees and the fulfillment of their and their families’ welfare. That way the employees' performance will be optimized, which can support the achievement of the Company’s targets.

The guaranteed career development opportunities and the fulfillment of the employees' welfare cannot be separated from the internal synergy that has been established in the Company's internal environment. The synergy between the respective functions within the Company and Human Resources Function led to the formation of Talent Management Team (TMT), which is the mechanism of career development for employees. Meanwhile, synergy with the Workers Union has been able to provide assurance of the periodic review on compensation policies and drafting of Collective Labor Agreement for 2014-2016 period.

Internal synergies also make the implementation of corporate social responsibility and community development around Pertamina EP’s operating areas are under one big umbrella: Pertamina EP Community Empowerment Center ('PPMP'). In accordance with CSR blueprint of Pertamina EP, PPMP aims to raise entrepreneurial interests of local communities, which is implemented gradually over a period of five years.


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MEMBANGUN SINERGI UNTUK PROSES [IR8]Building Synergy for Process


Sinergi dengan pihak-pihak di pemerintahan, baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah, menjadi hal yang penting. Hal tersebut terkait dengan upaya Perusahaan mempercepat proses pemenuhan 69 jenis perizinan kegiatan migas, penyelesaian tumpang tindih penggunaan lahan, dan pengamanan aset Perusahaan sebagai objek vital nasional.

Salah satu sinergi dengan pihak pemerintahan yang telah terbangun selama tahun 2014 di antaranya adalah sinergi dengan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Sinergi ini membuahkan kesepakatan prosedur penggunaan kawasan hutan untuk aktivitas di bidang migas melalui mekanisme pinjam pakai kawasan hutan. Sementara, sinergi yang terbangun dengan pihak keamanan, baik TNI maupun Polri, telah mampu mengoptimalkan pengamanan aset-aset Perusahaan sekaligus mengurangi ancaman pencurian minyak maupun penambangan ilegal.


Synergies with the parties both at central and local governments are important. This is related to the Company's efforts to accelerate the process to obtain 69 types of permits for oil & gas activities, settlement of overlapping land use, and safeguarding the Company’s assets of as national vital objects.

One of the synergies with the government that had been established during 2014, was the synergy with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. This synergy led to agreement on use of forest areas procedures for oil & gas activities through the mechanism of borrow and use of forest areas. Meanwhile, synergy established with the security forces, both military and police, have been able to optimize the security of company assets while reducing the risk of oil theft and illegal mining.


Melalui sinergi pada semua fungsi dan Asset, kami menerapkan Kebijakan Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE) dengan tujuan: Nihil insiden dan risiko keamanan yang terkelola serta mutu yang terpercaya sesuai aspek QHSSE.

Melalui sinergi ini, pada tahun 2014 kami berhasil mencapai total jam kerja selamat sebesar 88.455.377 jam. Angka tersebut meningkat dibanding tahun 2013 yang sebesar 87.694.324 jam.

Kami juga mensinergikan penerapan standarisasi internasional HSSE: ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001 : 2004 (Environmental Management System) dan OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System) pada seluruh Lapangan beserta fasilitas produksi di area operasi Pertamina EP. Selain itu melalui sinergi yang terbangun, sebanyak 14 Lapangan telah mendapatkan sertifikasi International Sustainability Rating System (ISRS).

Secara bertahap Pertamina EP membangun sinergi dalam menerapkan Sistem Sinergi Optimalisasi Produksi (SSOP) sebagai upaya mengintegrasikan pengelolaan seluruh Lapangan, Proyek dan Asset yang ada. Penerapan SSOP diikuti pengembangan aplikasi piranti lunak: Software Asset Management (SAM) yang memberikan akses bagi Asset sebagai pengguna untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai aplikasi GGRP Pertamina EP.


Through the synergy of all functions and Assets, we apply a policy of Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE) with the objectives: Zero incident, manageable security risks and reliable quality in accordance with QHSSE aspects.

Through this synergy, in 2014 we managed to reach a total of 88,455,377 safe working hours. This figure increased compared to 87,694,324 hours in 2013.

We also synergize the application of HSSE international standardization, ISO 9001: 2008 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System) at all Fields along with production facilities in the operating areas of Pertamina EP. In addition, through the established synergy, as many as 14 Fields have been certified by the International Sustainability Rating System (ISRS).

Pertamina EP is gradually building synergies in implementing the Production Optimization Synergy System (POSS) as an effort to integrate the management of all existing Fields, Projects and Assets. The POSS application is followed by the development of software applications: Software Asset Management (SAM), which provides access for Assets as a user to obtain information about Pertamina EP GGRP application.

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Dalam aspek teknologi, sinergi dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) diwujudkan antara lain melalui penerapan kegiatan eksplorasi sesuai Pertamina Exploration Way, serta tata laksana pemboran yang ditentukan dalam Pertamina Drilling Way (PDW).

Melalui penerapan PDW maka pengeboran dilaksanakan berdasarkan praktik-praktik terbaik sesuai standar internasional. Penerapan PDW diharapkan mampu menekan non productive time (NPT) yang berimbas pada penurunan biaya. Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014, penerapan PDW baru diberlakukan pada Field Bunyu, Asset 5.


Kondisi Lapangan Pertamina EP yang relatif berusia tua, menuntut semua pihak di internal Perusahaan untuk bahu membahu terus mendapatkan sumur-sumur baru agar mampu mengoptimalkan produksi minyak mentah yang dimanfaatkan untuk proses pengolahan (lifting). Sinergi internal telah menghasilkan berbagai upaya yang memadukan penerapan teknologi melalui inovasi penerapan pola stratigrafi (stratigrafic play) di Field Subang, Asset 3. Melalui penerapan pola ini, Sumur Jati Asri-01 (JAS-01) sukses menambah produksi migas Pertamina EP, menyusul selesainya program put on production (POP) pada 20 Juni 2014.

Menghadapi kondisi sumur-sumur tua, sinergi yang terbangun menjadikan Perusahaan terus memperbarui teknologi untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional, terutama eksplorasi dan produksi. Kami telah memulai ujicoba tahapan pengurasan lanjut lapisan tersier digunakan injeksi kimiawi (chemical flood), injeksi uap (steam flood), CO2, ataupun MEOR.


In the aspect of technology, synergy with PT Pertamina (Persero) is manifested, among others, through exploration activities according to Pertamina Exploration Way, as well as drilling procedures stipulated in Pertamina Drilling Way (PDW).

Through PDW application drilling is carried out based on best practices according to international standards. The PDW Application is expected to reduce non-productive time (NPT), which has impact on cost reduction. Until the end of 2014, PDW application has only been implemented at Bunyu Field, Asset 5.


Pertamina EP's field conditions Fields have that are relatively old requires all parties within the Company to work together to acquire new wells to be able to optimize crude oil production which is used for lifting. Internal synergies have resulted in various efforts to integrate the application of technology through innovative application of stratigraphic play in Subang Field, Asset 3. Through the implementation of this play, Jati Asri-01 (JAS-01) Well successfully added Pertamina EP’s oil & gas production following the end of program put on production (POP) on June 20, 2014.

Facing the condition of old wells, the synergies enable the Company continue to update the technology to support operational activities, especially exploration and production. We have started the trial of tertiary recovery by using the methods of chemical flood, steam flood, CO2, and MEOR.

MEMBANGUN SINERGI UNTUK TEKNOLOGI [IR8]Building Synergy for Technology

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Kami terus meningkatkan praktik-praktik pengelolaan lingkungan melalui sinergi yang terbangun antar-setiap fungsi pada masing-masing Asset. Sinergi yang terbangun memastikan seluruh fungsi melaksanakan pengelolaan lingkungan yang sesuai standar internasional yang terangkum dalam sertifikasi ISO 14001:2004 Tentang Sistem Pengelolaan Lingkungan, serta telah memenuhi kriteria dalam PROPER dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.


We continue to improve environmental management practices through synergy among function of each Asset. The synergy is built to ensure all functions implement environmental management according to international standards stipulated in ISO 14001:2004 on Environmental Management System, and has met the criteria in PROPER of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.


Building Synergy for Environment


Sinergi dalam hal lingkungan hidup dibangun bersama dengan pihak-pihak yang berwenang dalam hal pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Pertamina EP melalui masing-masing Asset, telah terlibat langsung dalam berbagai program konservasi sejumlah spesies langka, termasuk katak merah (Leptophryne cruentata) dan rusa timor Jawa (Cervus timorensis),

Sinergi juga terbangun antara PT Pertamina (Persero) dengan PT Pertamina Patra Niaga melalui pengoperasian stasiun pengisian bahan bakar internal (SPBI). Sinergi ini telah mampu mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dan pelumas untuk operasional Asset dan Lapangan. Secara keseluruhan sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014 sudah ada 17 SPBI yang dibangun Pertamina EP, dari rencana 19 SPBI di seluruh Lapangan.

Selain itu, sinergi juga terbangun melalui pelaksanaan berbagai program pemberdayaan masyarakat. Sebagian program/kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di wilayah operasi Perusahaan merupakan bagian dari program/kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial yang diselenggarakan PT Pertamina (Persero).


Synergies in the environmental aspect are built together with the authorities in terms of environmental management. Pertamina EP through each Asset, has been directly involved in various conservation programs a number of endangered species, including the fire toad (Leptophryne cruentata) and Timor deer (Cervus timorensis).

Synergy is also built between PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Pertamina Patra Niaga through the operation of internal fuel filling stations (SPBI). This synergy has been able to optimize the use of oil fuel (BBM) and lubricants for Asset and Field operations. Overall, until the end of 2014 there were 17 SPBI built by Pertamina EP, from the planned 19 SPBI at all Fields.

In addition, synergy is also built through the implementation of various community development programs. Most programs/activities undertaken in the Company’s operating areas are part of programs/activities of social responsibility carried out by PT Pertamina (Persero).

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MANUSIA [IR1] [IR5]People

MANUSIAAda dua kelompok pemangku kepentingan yang menjadi bahasan utama tema MANUSIA dalam pelaporan ini, yakni pekerja Pertamina EP dan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan berkegiatan. Sementara untuk kelompok pemangku kepentingan lain, disampaikan pada bagian lain dalam laporan ini sebagai kelengkapan sesuai panduan pelaporan.

PEOPLEThere are two groups of stakeholders who become the subjects of the main theme PEOPLE in this report, namely Pertamina EP employees and communities around the Company's operating sites. Other stakeholder groups will be presented elsewhere in this report as the compliance with reporting guidelines.

PEKERJA PERTAMINA EPKami terus meningkatkan kemampuan para pekerja untuk mendukung kinerja Pertamina EP sebagai perusahaan kelas dunia. Dengan demikian produktivitas pekerja juga diharapkan kian meningkat, seiring upaya mencapai target produksi yang ditetapkan PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku pemegang saham.

EMPLOYEES OF PERTAMINA EPWe continue to improve the employees’ competencies to support the performance of Pertamina EP as a world class company. Thus, employees’ productivity is also expected to increase, along with efforts to meet the production targets set by PT Pertamina (Persero) as shareholder.

Uraian Description 2012 2013 2014

Produksi Minyak Mentah (MBOPD) / Total PekerjaCrude Oil Production (MBOPD)/Total Employees 0.039 0.033 0.030

Produksi Gas (MMSCFD) / Total PekerjaGas Production (MMSCFD)/Total Employees 0.321 0.281 0.271


KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology, and Environment

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PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM SDM TAHUN 2014Melalui Fungsi Human Resources (HR) Services, setiap tahun Pertamina EP menyusun program pengelolaan dan pengembangan SDM. Untuk tahun 2014 seluruh program yang direncanakan telah dapat dilaksanakan, sehingga pengelolaan dan pengembangan SDM bisa berlangsung berkesinambungan.

IMPLEMENTATION OF HR PROGRAM 2014Through Human Resources (HR) Services Function, every year Pertamina EP prepares human resources management and development programs. In 2014, all programs have been implemented, so that the human resources management and development can be carried out continuously.


End year-people review (Performance Management)

AllPerformance Assessment Results

Promotion recommendation All Approved UKG-list

3x3 matrix mapping All Approved 3x3 Matrix

• Discussion on Hi-Pot employee Core Hi-Pot list + Action Plan

• Discussion on low-performance employee & Monitoring

CoreLow-Performace list + Action Plan

• Discussion about employee on the job assignment

Core OJA list + Action Plan

Discussion on Employee Career Path & Succession Plan

CoreApproved Succession Plan

Discussion on Transfer/Rotation CoreApproved RMJ (Rencana Mutasi Jabatan

Man Power Planning/ Staffing AllApproved yearly hiring/Staffing Plan for next year

Preparation of Training/Learning Matrix

CoreApproved training Matrix for next yea

Presentation of Individual Training Plan

AllApproved individual Yearly Training Plan for next year

Establish and Monitoring Measure process

Core Plan VS Actual

Kajian dan Implementasi Restrukturi-sasi Pengelolaan SDM (RPSDM)

High Performance Orga-nization

Pengembangan Competency Operator

5R Right Process, People, Time, Skill, Place

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PENGEMBANGAN SDMPengembangan pekerja sebagai SDM telah dimulai sejak penerimaan pegawai baru. Setiap tahun Pertamina EP menerima pegawai baru melalui proses seleksi yang terbuka bagi setiap warga negara Indonesia.

Keberadaan pegawai baru dibutuhkan guna menjamin kelanjutan kegiatan bisnis dan operasional Perusahaan, karena akan menggantikan pegawai yang pensiun maupun meninggalkan Pertamina EP. Pegawai baru yang telah diterima selanjutnya menjalani program pengembangan, sehingga memenuhi persyaratan keahlian dan kompetensi sebagai pekerja Pertamina EP.

Selama tahun 2014, kami telah menyelenggarakan program pengembangan pekerja, meliputi:1. Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS), Bimbingan

Praktis Ahli (BPA) dan Bimbingan Kerja Operator Produksi Migas (BKOPM).• BPS diselenggarakan bagi calon pekerja

PT Pertamina (Persero) yang berasal dari fresh graduate Sarjana (S1). Tahun 2014, terdapat 115 orang peserta BPS PT Pertamina (Persero), yang terdiri dari 111 orang alokasi penempatan di Pertamina EP dan 4 orang alokasi penempatan di PT Pertamina (Persero).

• BPA diselenggarakan bagi calon pekerja Pertamina EP yang berasal dari fresh graduate Diploma (D3). Tahun 2014, terdapat 30 orang peserta BPA Pertamina EP.

• BKOPM diselenggarakan bagi calon pekerja operator Pertamina EP yang berasal dari ex-tenaga outsourcing berpengalaman di Pertamina EP. Tahun 2014, terdapat 95 orang peserta BKOPM Pertamina EP.

HR DEVELOPMENTDevelopment of employees as human resources has begun since the process of new employee recruitment. Every year, Pertamina EP recruits new employees through a selection process that is open to every citizen of Indonesia.

The new employees are needed to ensure the continuation of the business activities and operations of the Company, as they will replace employees who retire or leave Pertamina EP. New employees who have been hired will undergo development program until they meet the skill and competence requirements as Pertamina EP employees.

During 2014, we have organized employee development programs, including:1. Professional Training for Graduate (BPS), Practical

Job Training for Specialist (BPA) and Job Training for Oil & Gas Production Operator (BKOPM)• BPS is held for employee candidates of PT

Pertamina (Persero) from fresh graduate with Bachelor’s Degree (S1). In 2014, there were 115 participants BPS PT Pertamina (Persero), which consists of 111 people for placement allocation at PT Pertamina EP and 4 people for placement allocation at PT Pertamina (Persero).

• BPA is held for employee candidates of PT Pertamina EP who comes from fresh graduate with Associate Degree (D3). In 2014, there were 30 participants of BPA PT Pertamina EP.

• BKOPM is held for operator candidates of PT Pertamina EP from experienced former outsourced workers at PT Pertamina EP. In 2014, there were 95 participants of BKOPM PT Pertamina EP.

Uraian Description Jumlah peserta Number of Participants

Eksploitasi Exploitation 46Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources 9Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Information & Communication Technology 5SCM & Layanan Umum SCM & General Services 14Fasilitas Produksi Permukaan Surface Facilities 21Keuangan Finance 16Jumlah Total 111

KELAS DAN JUMLAH PESERTA BPSClasses and Number of BPS Participants

Selama 6 - 14 bulan, para peserta program mendapatkan pembekalan dan On the Job Training untuk membentuk pribadi unggul di bidang masing-masing, ulet, pekerja keras, dan bertanggung jawab.

During 6-14 months, the program participants receive briefing and On the Job Training for shaping personal excellence in their respective fields, persistent, hardworking, and responsible.

2. Penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi para pekerja. Sepanjang tahun 2014, Pertamina EP menyelenggarakan 26.55 hari pelatihan, dengan rerata 10.04 hari pelatihan per pekerja. Indeks Pelatihan (Learning Index) tahun 2014 adalah 93.68 % atau melebihi target sebesar 3.68%. [G4-LA9]

2. The education and training for employees. Throughout 2014, Pertamina EP held 26.55 learning days, with average 10.04 learning days per employee. Learning Index in 2014 was 93.68%, or exceeded the target of 3.68%. [G4-LA9]

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N 2



Peserta ParticipantHari PelatihanLearning DaysPria Male Wanita

Female Jumlah Total

Operasi Produksi Production Operations 70 0 70 5

Perawatan Sumur Well Service 35 0 35 5

IADC Wellcap 11 0 11 5

H2S 23 1 24 2

Pembobaran (JB III) Drilling (JB III) 35 0 35 7

Pesawat Angkat Crane 92 3 95 2

Juru Las Welder 15 2 17 3

Sea Survival 22 4 26 5

T-BOSIET 54 4 58 3

Fireman (BNSP) 70 0 70 5

Panitia Pengadaan Barang & Jasa (PTK 007)Procurement of Goods & Services Committee (PTK 007) 35 0 35 5

POD, WP&B, AFE 11 0 11 5

Competency Based Interview 70 0 70 5

JENIS PELATIHAN Type of Training JUMLAH HARI PELATIHAN Number of Learning Days


Inhouse Training Inhouse Training 6,429 46

Sertifikasi Certification 1,355 10

Pelatihan Di Luar Negeri Overseas Training 967 7

Pelatihan Domestik Domestic Training 5,260 37

JUMLAH TOTAL 14,011 100

JENIS PELATIHAN Type of Training JUMLAH HARI PELATIHAN Number of Learning Days


Pelatihan Inhouse Inhouse Training 1371 47

Sertifikasi Certification 331 11

Pelatihan Di Luar Negeri Overseas Training 103 4

Pelatihan Domestik Domestic Training 1,126 38

JUMLAH TOTAL 2,931 100

PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI [G4-LA9]Competency Development Program

DISTRIBUSI HARI PELATIHANDistribution of Learning Days

DISTRIBUSI PESERTA PELATIHANDistribution of Training Participants

Uraian Description 2012 2013 2014

Rerata Hari Pelatihan Per PekerjaAverage Learning Days per Employee 6.83 6.93 10.04

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

Kami juga telah memiliki Talent Management Team (TMT). Keberadaan TMT merupakan perangkat bagi pimpinan setiap fungsi di lingkup Perusahaan dan Fungsi Human Resources (HR), dalam menetapkan program pengembangan pekerja yang sejalan dengan strategi bisnis Pertamina EP.

Secara umum Pertamina EP menerapkan tiga bentuk pengembangan SDM bagi para pekerjanya, meliputi Sistem Pengembangan Kompetensi Teknis; Dual Career Model and Career Planning Guidelines; serta Program Kepemimpinan.

We also have a Talent Management Team (TMT). TMT is a tool for the management of each function within the Company and Human Resources (HR) Function to establish employee development programs in line with Pertamina EP’s business strategy.

In general, Pertamina EP applies three forms of human resource development for its employees, comprising the Technical Competence Development System; Dual Career Model and Career Planning Guidelines; and Leadership Program.• Technical Competence Development System In 2014, Pertamina EP continued the development

of new competencies assessment software, which refers to the competency dictionary of PT Pertamina (Persero) and best practices of upstream oil & gas. The system automatically guides each employee to a particular type of development with particular themes that can support their respective skills and competencies.

• Dual Career Model and Career Planning Guidelines

Pertamina EP facilitates development of each employee’s potential through the application of a dual career model. This model allows a specialist to develop a career up to rank equivalent to the Vice President (VP) and the General Manager (GM) at his/her function. We also have Career Planning Guidelines as guidance for every management of function in determining career development and competence of employees to meet the needs of the organization and employees.

• Leadership Program To ensure the continuity of the succession,

Pertamina EP developed leadership program curriculum that refers to Pertamina Leader Model and several other modules. In search of talent of leaders, we apply three methods of training, coaching & feedback and job assignment.

• Sistem Pengembangan Kompetensi Teknis Pada tahun 2014 Pertamina EP meneruskan

pengembangan piranti lunak assessment kompetensi baru, yang mengacu kamus kompetensi PT Pertamina (Persero) dan praktik-praktik terbaik hulu minyak dan gas (migas). Sistem yang dikembangkan secara otomatis akan mengarahkan setiap pekerja kepada jenis pembinaan dengan tema-tema tertentu untuk mendukung keahlian dan kompetensi masing-masing.

• Dual Career Model dan Career Planning Guidelines

Pertamina EP memfasillitasi pengembangan potensi setiap pekerja melalui penerapan model dual career, yang memungkinkan seorang spesialis dapat mengembangkan karir hingga setara Vice President (VP) maupun General Manager (GM) pada fungsinya. Kami juga memiliki Career Planning Guidelines sebagai panduan setiap manajemen fungsi, dalam menetapkan pengembangan karir dan kompetensi para pekerja sehingga sesuai kebutuhan organisasi maupun pekerja.

• Program Kepemimpinan Untuk menjamin kesinambungan suksesi,

Pertamina EP mengembangkan kurikulum program kepemimpinan yang mengacu pada Pertamina Leader Model dan beberapa modul lain. Dalam mencari talenta pemimpin, kami menerapkan tiga metode yakni training, coaching & feedback dan job assignment.

Competency improvement program for employees is also intended for the security guard personnel. The program was held by Pertamina EP Asset 3 through basic training Gada Pratama for Security guards aiming to improve the human resources quality of security guard personnel at Pertamina EP, especially Asset 3. The participants receive various training materials that can support their duties in securing the Company's assets, including training on human rights and riot handling. [G4-HR7]

ASSET 3 GELAR PELATIHAN SATPAM GADA PRATAMAAsset 3 Holds Basic Training for Security Guards

Program peningkatan kompentensi bagi para pegawai juga ditujukan bagi para personel satuan pengamanan (satpam). Hal ini dilakukan oleh Pertamina EP Asset 3 melalui pelatihan dasar Satpam Gada Pratama yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM personel satpam di Pertamina EP, khususnya Asset 3. Para peserta mendapatkan berbagai materi pelatihan yang dapat menunjang tugas-tugas mereka dalam mengamankan aset Perusahaan, di antaranya mengenai pembekalan hak asasi manusia dan penindakan huru-hara. [G4-HR7]

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PROGRAM TRANSFER PENGETAHUANUpaya lain untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pekerja dan menciptakan aset pengetahuan yang memberikan value added bagi perusahaan adalah dengan melaksanakan program knowledge sharing. Materi knowledge sharing terdiri dari pengetahuan atau knowledge yang memenuhi kriteria success story, lesson learned, problem solving dan trouble shooting. Bentuk kegiatannya adalah melalui kegiatan tatap muka antara narasumber yang memiliki kompetensi dalam suatu bidang dengan para pekerja.

Beberapa kegiatan knowledge sharing yang sudah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014 antara lain :• Forum Knowledge Management Pertamina

(KOMET) dengan narasumber Presiden Direktur mengenai Portfolio Pertamina EP

• Forum Sharing Innovation & Improvement• Forum Sharing Development• Forum Sharing para Expert dari Direktorat Hulu

untuk GGRP dan Surface Facility• Collaboration Sharing : Forum Sharing kolaborasi

bersama Mitra Kerja dan VendorForum sharing rutin yang dilakukan di seluruh Fungsi Kantor Pusat, Asset, dan Field di Pertamina EP

TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMAnother effort to enhance the competency of employees and create knowledge assets that provide added value for the company is to carry out knowledge sharing program. The materials consist of sharing of knowledge that meets the criteria of success stories, lessons learned, problem solving and troubleshooting. Knowledge sharing program is conducted through face-to-face between the speakers who have competencies in a particular field and the employees.

During 2014, knowledge sharing activities that have been held include:• Pertamina Knowledge Management Forum

(KOMET) with speaker President Director on Pertamina EP Portfolio

• Innovation & Improvement Sharing Forum• Development Sharing Forum• Expert Sharing Forum of the Upstream Directorate

for GGRP and Surface Facility• Collaboration Sharing: Sharing Forum,

collaboration with Partners and VendorsSharing forum is regularly held in all Head Office Functions, Assets, and Fields of Pertamina EP

10.39%REALISASI KPI KNOWLEDGE SHARINGRealization of KPI Knowledge Sharing

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PENILAIAN KINERJA Penilaian kinerja dilakukan secara objektif, berdasarkan pertimbangan kolektif pimpinan fungsi dan Perusahaan. Penilaian kinerja dilakukan dalam kurun waktu satu tahun, berdasarkan pencapaian target individu atas turunan sasaran kerja Perusahaan, dan penilaian kompetensi perilaku.

Penilaian kompetensi hard skills (praktik Lapangan) dilakukan secara daring melalui program Self Assessment pekerja di tingkat Lapangan. Sedangkan untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi soft skills (manajerial & leadership), digunakan program Assessment Center yang mengacu pada Pertamina Leaders Model.

Pada akhir evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja, Perusahaan memberikan promosi jabatan, mutasi/rotasi bahkan demosi kepada pekerja sesuai hasil penilaian. Selama tahun 2014, 885 orang mendapatkan promosi jabatan, yang terdiri dari 778 pria dan 107 wanita. Sementara 4 orang memperoleh sanksi tindakan disiplin berupa Surat Peringatan. [G4-LA11]

At the end of the evaluation and performance assessment, the Company provides promotion, transfer/rotation even demotion to employees according to the results of assessment. During 2014, a total of 885 people received promotion, which consisted of 778 men and 107 women. Meanwhile 4 persons received sanction of disciplinary measure in the form of warning letters. [G4-LA11]

PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTThe performance assessment is performed objectively, based on the collective judgment of the Company and Function leaders. The performance assessment is conducted within one year and is based on individual target achievement on the Company’s derivative work objectives and behavioral competency assessment.

Assessment of hard skills competencies (field practices) is done online through Self Assessment for field employees. Meanwhile, soft skills competencies (managerial & leadership) assessment is performed by using Assessment Center program that refers to Pertamina Leaders Model.

Strategi dan Rencana BisnisBusiness Strategy and Plan


Tinjauan Pekerja People Review

Dialog KinerjaPerformance


Reward & Konsekuensi

Reward & Consequences

Target & kesepakatan Kerja

Target & Work Agreement

Menghitung Nilai yang diraihCalculating Score achievement


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Dalam proses promosi dan mutasi, pemberitahuan kepada pekerja bersangkutan dilakukan melalui surat keputusan dari manajemen. Bagi pegawai pada tingkat jabatan asisten manajer/setara ke atas, pemberitahuan dilakukan melalui SK Mutasi dan Surat Mutasi Jabatan. Sedang bagi pegawai pada tingkatan staf, pemberitahuan melalui Surat Mutasi Jabatan. [G4-LA4]

Secara berkala para pekerja memberikan penilaian atas kondisi dan ekspektasi mereka melalui employee opinion survey. Hasil survei opini pekerja tahun 2014 menghasilkan angka 3,06, sedikit menurun dibandingkan hasil survei tahun 2013 yang sebesar 3,22. Hasil opini menjadi bahan pengembangan dalam pengelolaan HR yang lebih baik di masa depan.

In the promotion and transfer process, the concerned employees are notified through a decree from the management. The employees who hold the post of assistant manager/equivalent rank and above, the notification is given through Job Transfer Decree and Job Transfer Letter. Meanwhile employees at staff levels are notified through Job Transfer Letter. [G4-LA4]

Periodically, employees provide an assessment of their conditions and expectations through employee opinion survey. The result of employee opinion survey in 2014 was 3.06, a slight decrease compared to the result of a survey in 2013 of 3.22. The opinion result is used to develop HR management for improvement in the future.

URAIAN Description 2012 2013 2014

Survei Kepuasan PekerjaEmployee Opinion Survey 3.01 3.22 3.06

SURVEI PENDAPAT PEKERJA (SKALA 5)Employee Opinion Survey (5 Scale)

JAMINAN MANFAAT BAGI PEKERJAKebijakan imbal jasa pekerjaan bagi pekerja Pertamina EP, diatur dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) dengan merujuk pada kelaziman di industri migas. Tidak ada perbedaan upah pokok antara pekerja laki-laki maupun pekerja perempuan. [G4-LA13]

Besaran imbal jasa pekerjaan juga mempertimbangkan jenis-jenis manfaat, yang diberikan Perusahaan bagi pekerja waktu tidak tertentu dan pekerja waktu tertentu. Secara umum besaran imbal jasa pekerjaan terendah yang diterima pegawai Pertamina EP pada tahun 2014, tetap lebih besar dibandingkan upah minimum tahun 2014 di daerah setempat. [G4-LA2] [G4-EC5]

EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SECURITYCompensation policies for Pertamina EP employees are regulated in the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) with reference to the customary in the oil & gas industry. There is no difference between basic wages for male workers and female workers. [G4-LA13]

The amount of compensation also considers the types of benefits provided by the Company for permanent employees and contract employees. In general, the amount of compensation received by employees of the lowest job at Pertamina EP in 2014 was still higher than the minimum wage in 2014 in the local area. [G4-LA2] [G4-EC5]

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

Secara berkala, Perusahaan bersama serikat pekerja sebagai perwakilan pekerja melakukan peninjauan atas kebijakan imbal jasa pekerjaan. Peninjauan kembali mengedepankan prinsip berkeadilan (internal equity) dan memperhatikan peraturan ketenagakerjaan, kondisi pasar, serta kemampuan finansial Perusahaan.

Periodically, the Company together with workers union as employee representative review the compensation policies. The review upholds internal equity principle and pay attention to manpower regulations, market conditions, as well as the Company's financial capability.

JENIS MANFAATBenefit for Employee

Pekerja Waktu Tidak TertentuPermanent Employee

Pekerja Waktu TertentuContract Employee

Upah Kerja Lembur Overtime Fee √ √

Tunjangan Kesehatan Health Allowance √ √

Asuransi Jiwa Life Insurance √ √

Tunjangan Kehamilan Maternity Allowance × ×

Tunjangan Pensiun Pension Benefit √ ×

Tunjangan Hari Raya Religious Holiday Allowance √ √

Istirahat Tahunan Annual Leave √ ×

Insentif Tahunan Annual Incentive √ √

MANFAAT UNTUK PEKERJA [G4-LA2]Benefit for Employee

Keterangan: √ (Ada); × (Tidak Ada) Description: √ (Available); × (Not available)

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Kami berusaha menciptakan paket remunerasi yang kompetitif, atraktif dan retainable di lingkungan perusahaan kontrak karya kerjasama (KKKS) SKK Migas. Setiap tahun, Pertamina EP berpartisipasi dalam Indonesian (Oil & Gas) Industry Compensation Survey (IICS). Hasil survei selanjutnya dievaluasi untuk mengetahui posisi remunerasi Pertamina EP. Kebijakan lain terkait pemberian imbal jasa pekerjaan bagi pekerja selama tahun 2014, adalah:1. Penyesuaian terhadap total cash melalui

mekanisme merit increase;2. Pemberian reward baik secara in-kind atau cash

terhadap individu ataupun field;3. Penganggaran biaya tenaga kerja terkait cost &

benefit untuk tahun anggaran 2015;4. Persiapan alignment single grade remuneration

dengan PT Pertamina (Persero).

Perusahaan memberikan fasilitas cuti melahirkan bagi pegawai perempuan dan cuti ibadah haji bagi pegawai beragama Islam. Pemberian cuti tersebut disertai jaminan penempatan kembali pada jabatan semula serta pemberian seluruh hak kepada pekerja selama cuti. Lama waktu cuti melahirkan adalah 90 hari kalender, sementara cuti ibadah haji sesuai ketentuan Pemerintah ditambah 3 (tiga) hari untuk melaksanakan manasik. Selama tahun 2014 terdapat beberapa pekerja perempuan menjalani cuti hamil dan 31 pekerja mengambil cuti ibadah haji. [G4-LA3]

We strive to create a competitive, attractive and retainable remuneration package, in the companies under production sharing contract (PSC) of SKK Migas. Every year, Pertamina EP participates in the Indonesian (Oil & Gas) Industry Compensation Survey (IICS). The survey results are then evaluated to determine the position of Pertamina EP’s remuneration. Other policies on the compensation for employees during 2014, are:1. Adjustment to total cash through the merit

increase mechanism;2. Reward of both in-kind or cash to individuals or

field;3. Budgeting of employment costs regarding cost &

benefit for fiscal year 2015;4. Preparation of single grade remuneration

alignment with PT Pertamina (Persero).

The Company provides facilities of maternity leave for female employees and hajj pilgrimage leave for Muslim employees. The types of leave are provided with a guarantee of reemployment to their current position as well as all rights to employees during the leave. The period of maternity leave is 90 calendar days, while hajj pilgrimage leave is in accordance with the Government provisions plus three (3) days to carry out the ritual rehearsals. During 2014, several female employees took maternity leave and 31 employees took hajj pilgrimage leave. [G4-LA3]

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

Sebagai perusahaan di sektor hulu migas, kegiatan operasi Pertamina EP memiliki risiko tinggi terhadap ancaman gangguan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3), keamanan serta lingkungan. Karenanya keselamatan kegiatan operasi fundamental menjadi hal yang harus dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan para pekerja. Termasuk pekerja perusahaan mitra, baik kemitraan Technical Assistant Contract (TAC) maupun Kerjasama Operasional (KSO).

KEBIJAKAN QHSSESejalan upaya menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia, Pertamina EP melakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan segala hal yang berkaitan dengan K3, keamanan serta lingkungan.

Perusahaan mengelola perihal kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, keamanan serta lingkungan melalui Fungsi Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE). Selanjutnya Fungsi HSSE memastikan setiap pekerja bertanggung jawab terhadap pencapaian operation excellence.

Kami terus meningkatkan kesadaraan dan implementasi pengelolaan HSSE. Pada tahun 2014 Pertamina EP menerapkan Kebijakan Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE) dengan objektif: Nihil insiden dan risiko keamanan yang terkelola, serta mutu yang terpercaya sesuai aspek QHSSE.

Kebijakan QHSSE ditetapkan Presiden Direktur. Kebijakan QHSSE harus dilaksanakan dan ditaati Direksi, pekerja, mitra kerja Pertamina EP serta mitra usaha/penyedia barang dan jasa.

As a company in the upstream oil & gas sector, Pertamina EP's operations have a high risk of threats to occupational health and safety (OHS), security and the environment. Therefore, the safety of fundamental operations must be complied with and implemented by the employees, including partner companies’ workers, both under Technical Assistant Contract (TAC) and the Joint Operation (KSO).

QHSSE POLICYIn line with efforts to become a world class company, Pertamina EP undertakes continuous improvement on all matters relating to OHS, security and environment.

The Company manages occupational health and safety, security and the environment through Function of Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE). HSSE function ensures every employee is responsible for the achievement of operational excellence.

We continue to enhance the awareness and implementation of HSSE management. In 2014, Pertamina EP implemented Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE) policys with the objective: Zero incidents, manageable security risks and reliable quality according to QHSSE aspects.

The QHSSE policy was established by President Director. QHSSE policy must be implemented and complied by Directors, employees, partners of Pertamina EP as well as business partners/vendors of goods and services.


Visi, Misi dan Tata Nilai Unggulan

Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Kebijakan HSEHSE Policy


• Komitmen Manajemen

• Keteladanan• Peran &


• Penilaian awal• Peraturan

Perundangan• Pedoman & Standar• Tujuan & Sasaran• Program kerja

• Implementasi 14 Elemen SMSHSE

• Audit internal & Eksternal• Pelaporan

• Implementation of 14 SMSHSE Elements

• Internal & External Audits• Reporting

• Initial assessment• Regulation• Guideline and

standard• Goal and target• Work Program

• Management Commitment

• Examplary• Role &




Pemeriksaan & Tindak Koreksi

Audit & Correction

Penelahaan Manajemen

Management Review

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Penerapan Kebijakan QHSSE ditindaklanjuti semua pihak di Pertamina EP, termasuk Asset dan Proyek, dengan menandatangani komitmen Peta Jalan Nihil Kecelakaan (Road Map to Zero Accident). Dengan komitmen ini diharapkan membawa perubahan budaya dalam hal kesehatan, keselamatan dan keamanan dalam bekerja, serta tetap menjaga kelestarian lingkungan sekitar maupun kualitas produksi.

Kami juga melanjutkan upaya pencapaian operational excellence dengan pemenuhan keselamatan operasi fundamental, yang meliputi tujuh aspek:• Kontrol masuk;• Surat Izin Kerja Aman (SIKA);• Alat pelindung diri (APD);• Analisis Keselamatan Kerja atau Job Safety Analysis

(JSA);• Log Out Tag Out (LOTO);• Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS);• Housekeeping.

QHSSE Policy Implementation was followed up by all parties at Pertamina EP, including Assets and Projects, by signing the commitment of Roadmap to Zero Accident. This commitment is expected to build a culture in terms of health, safety, and security at work, and preserve the surrounding environment and production quality.

We are also continuing efforts to achieve operational excellence by meeting the fundamental operating safety, which consist of seven aspects:• Entry control;• Safe Work Permit (SIKA);• Personal protective equipment (PPE);• Job Safety Analysis (JSA);• Log Out Tag Out (LOTO);• Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS);• Housekeeping.

OBYEKTIF Nihil Insiden dan resiko keamanan yang terkelola serta mutu yang terpercaya sesuai aspek QHSSE

TUJUAN Melindungi dan mengamankan setiap orang, aset perusahaan, data perusahaan yang bersih dan rahasia, lingkungan dan komunitas sekita dari bahaya yg berhubungan dengan kegiatan Pertamina EP dan mitra usaha/penyedia barang dan jasa


Mematuhi peraturan perundangan dan standar QHSSE

2. Integrasi Mengintegrasikan dan mengimplementa-sikan aspek QHSSE dalam setiap kegiatan operasi sesuai dengan best engineer practice

3. Latihan Meningkatkan pemahaman dan kompetensi pekerja melalui sosialisasi dan pelatihan

4. Improvement Meningkatkan penerapan aspek QHSSE secara konsisten komprehensif dan berkesinambungan

5. Harmonis Menciptakan dan memelihara hubungan harmonis yang berkelanjutan dengan pemangku kepentingan dan lingkungan melalui pemenuhan kepuasan pelanggan dan pengembangan masyarakat

6. Penilaian & penghargaan Menjadikan kinerja QHSSE dalam penilaian dan penghargaan pekerja dan mitra kerja

OBJECTIVE Zero incidence, manageable security risk and reliable quality in accordance with QHSSE aspect

OBJECTIVE To protect and to secure everyone, the Company's assets, clean and confidential corporate data, environment, and the surrounding community from the hazard related with the activities of Pertamina EP and business partners / goods and services vendors.

COMMITMENT1. Compliance

Comply with regulation and QHSSE standard2. Integration

Integrate and implement QHSSE aspect in every activities in accordance with best engineer practice

3. Training Improve understanding and competence of the employee through dissemination and training

4. Improvement Improve implementation of QHSSE aspects consistently, comprehensively, and continuously

5. Harmony Build and maintain sustainable harmonious relationship with stakeholders and environment through customer satisfaction fulfillment and community development

6. Assessment and reward Make QHSSE performance as part of assessment and reward for employee and partners

KEBIJAKAN QUALITY, HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND ENVIRONMENTPolicy of Quality, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

Menyadari besarnya risiko ancaman gangguan kesehatan kerja dan keselamatan kerja yang dihadapai para pekerja, Perusahaan bersama serikat pekerja telah mencantumkan bahasan terkait HSSE dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB). Pembahasan tentang K3 tersaji dalam Bab IV PKB, meliputi: [G4-LA7] [G4-LA8]

1. Pasal 39 tentang Umum;2. Pasal 40 tentang Keselamatan Kerja;3. Pasal 41 tentang Perlengkapan Kerja;4. Pasal 42 tentang Kecelakaan Kerja.

Sehingga sampai dengan tahun 2014 ada 14 Lapangan di Pertamina EP yang telah mendapatkan sertifikasi International Sustainability Rating System (ISRS) 7th Edition. Penilaian secara independent telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2011 oleh Badan Sertifikasi DNV, dengan hasil:

1. Peringkat tertinggi Lapangan Rantau dengan nilai 6;

2. Peringkat terendah Lapangan Jambi, Lirik, Limau, Cepu, Tanjung dengan nilai 3.

Untuk akselerasi implementasi ISRS7 di Tahun 2015 agar pencapaiannya sesuai dengan Road Map Pertamina menuju HSSE Excellent, salah satunya adalah dengan integrasi Sistem Manajemen Pertamina EP dimana pemenuhan requirement ISRS7 dibangun secara Top Down dan dengan melakukan internal assessment terhadap ISRS7 di Tahun 2015.

Recognizing the high risk of occupational health and safety problems faced by employees, the Company and the workers union have incorporated topics on HSSE in the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA). The discussion about OHS is presented in Chapter IV of the CLA, including: [G4-LA7] [G4-LA8]

1. Article 39 on General issues;2. Article 40 on Occupational Safety;3. Article 41 on the Work Equipment;4. Article 42 on Work Accident.

Up to 2014, a total of 14 Fields of Pertamina EP have been certified by the International Sustainability Rating System (ISRS) 7th Edition. The independent assessment has been conducted since 2011 by DNV Certification Board, with the following results:1. Highest rating was Rantau Field with score 6;2. Lowest rating was Jambi, Lirik, Limau, Cepu,

Tanjung fields with score 3.

In order accelerate the implementation of ISRS7 in 2015, so that the achievement is in accordance with the Pertamina towards HSSE Excellence Roadmap, including the integration of Pertamina EP Management System, in which the compliance with ISRS7 requirements is built Top Down and by conducting an internal assessment on ISRS7 in 2015.

STANDARISASI INTERNASIONAL HSSE [G4-15]Upaya lain terkait pelaksanaan Kebijakan QHSSE adalah penerapan standar internasional ISRS7.Pada 16 Mei 2014, Pertamina EP berhasil memperoleh sertifikat ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) dan OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System) dari BSI. Sertifikasi ini terintegrasi dan berlaku untuk seluruh Lapangan beserta fasilitas produksi di area operasi Pertamina EP.

Sesuai dengan Memorandum Direktur Utama No, 008/C00000/2014-S0 Tanggal 8 Maret 2014 tentang Road Map Pertamina menuju HSSE Excellent salah satu nya dengan menggunakan skore indikator ISRS7, target sesuai dengan gambar di bawah:

HSSE INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION [G4-15]Another effort regarding the implementation of QHSSE Policy is the application of international standards of ISRS7. On May 16, 2014, Pertamina EP managed to earn ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System) from BSI. These certifications are integrated and apply to all Fields along with production facilities in the operating areas of Pertamina EP.

In accordance with the Memorandum of President Director No. 008/C00000/2014-S0 dated March 8, 2014 on Pertamina towards HSSE Excellence Roadmap, the target has been set by using the indicator score of ISRS7, as described in the picture below:

Anak Perusahaan Subsidiary

Hasil Audit ISRS 7 (level minimum) Result of ISRS 7 Audit (Minimum Level)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020

Pertamina EP 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7

Note : Target maksimal tahun 2021, pengelolaan aspek HSE telah mencapai level excellent di seluruh anak perusahaan Direktorat Hulu

Maximum target by 2021, HSE management will have reached excellent level at all subsidiaries of Upstream Directorate

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APRESIASI PENERAPAN KESELAMATAN OPERASI SEBAGAI SALAH SATU ELEMEN OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCEPerusahaan secara internal melakukan penilaian serta apresiasi kepada Lapangan-Lapangan yang telah menerapkan Operational Excellence.Khusus pada tahun 2014 telah dilakukan penilaian terhadap sub elemen keselamatan operasi yaitu keselamatan operasi fundamental. Ada tiga aspek yang diberi penilaian terkait keselamatan operasi fundamental yaitu : pemahaman, sarana pendukung dan pelaksanaannya.

Hasil pengujian (assessment) dan penilaian dinyatakan dalam bentuk skala 0-5. Dari hasil pengujian dan penilaian selama tahun 2014, diketahui telah terjadi peningkatan kesadaran pentingnya pelaksanaan keselamatan operasi fundamental. Bila pada periode sebelumnya tidak ada Lapangan yang memperoleh nilai 3, maka pada tahun 2014 ada empat Lapangan/Fasilitas yang mengantongi nilai di atas 3 dan mendapatkan penghargaan “Implementasi Terbaik Keselamatan Operasi Fundamental”.

Optimalisasi produksi dengan tetap fokus kepada keselamatan operasi dan kehandalan fasilitas produksi sesuai dengan kaidah–kaidah Operational Excellence :• Keselamatan operasi yang lebih baik (Zero

uplanned Shutdown; Zero Fatality; Zero Spill)• Optimalisasi produksi tercapai • Kehandalan fasilitas produksi yang lebih baik

(Reliability factor 95%)

APPRECIATION FOR OPERATIONSAL SAFETY APPLICATION AS AN ELEMENT OF OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCEThe Company internally performs assessments and giving appreciation to the Fields that have implemented Operational Excellence. In 2014 particularly, assessment has been performed on the operational safety sub-element, which was fundamental operation safety. There were three aspects that were assessed on the fundamental operation safety, namely understanding, support facilities and implementation.

The assessment and evaluation results are expressed in the scale 0 to 5. The assessment and evaluation results in 2014 have shown an increase in awareness of the importance of fundamental operation safety implementation. If in the previous period there were no fields that scored 3, then in 2014 there were four fields/facilities that earned score above 3 and was awarded 'Best Implementation of Fundamental Operation Safety'.

Production optimization of by remaining focused on operational safety and reliability of production facilities in accordance with the principles of Operational Excellence:• Better safety operations (Zero uplanned Shutdown;

Zero Fatality; Zero Spill)• Achievement of production optimization• better production facility reliability (Reliability

factor 95%)

Lokasi Site SkorScoreAsset Lapangan Field Fasilitas Facility

Asset 1 Rantau HPCS 3.74

Asset 2Pendopo SPG Musi Barat 3.81

Limau SP2 3.20

Asset 3 SubangSP Cicauh 3.40

SP Bajongraong 3.35

HASIL PENILAIAN KESELAMATAN OPERASI FUNDAMENTAL Results of Fundamental Operation Safety Assessment

KRITERIA OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE:• Tanpa kecelakaan kerja;• Ramah lingkungan: zero discharge, zero

flaring, dan melaksanakan konservasi energi;

• Tanpa gangguan operasional;• Tanpa penyakit akibat kerja.

OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE CRITERIA:• Zero accident;• Environmentally friendly including zero

discharge, zero flaring and energy conservation;

• Uninterrupted operations;• Zero occupational disease.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

KINERJA KESELAMATAN KERJA Komitmen mencapai nihil kecelakaan telah meningkatkan kinerja keselamatan kerja Perusahaan selama tahun 2014. Total jam kerja selamat pada tahun 2014 adalah 88.455.377 jam kerja selamat, meningkat dibanding tahun 2013 sebanyak 87.694.324 jam kerja selamat. Sementara total angka kecelakaan kerja pada tahun 2014, yakni kecelakaan tambang ada 44 peristiwa, mengalami kenaikan dibanding tahun 2013 sebanyak 38 peristiwa kecelakaan tambang, namun jumlah kecelakaan berat dan fatal menunjukkan trend yang menurun. [G4-LA6] [OG13]

SAFETY PERFORMANCECommitment to achieve zero accident has increased the Company's safety performance during 2014. Total safe working hours in 2014 were 88,455,377 safe working hours, an increase compared to 87,694,324 safe working hours in 2013. Meanwhile, total work accidents in 2014, consisting of 44 mine accidents, an increase compared to 38 mine accidents in 2013, but the number of severe and fatal accidents showed a downward trend. [G4-LA6] [OG13]

URAIAN Description 2012 2013 2014

Jam Kerja SelamatSafe Working Hours 76,639,666 87,694,324 88,455,337

Kecelakaan TambangMine Accident 2012 2013 2014

Ringan Minor 11 26 29

Sedang Injury 2 6 13

Berat Major 4 4 2

Fatal Fatal 0 2 0

JUMLAH Total 17 38 44

JAM KERJA SELAMAT [G4-LA6]Safe Working Hours


Lapangan Jatibarang Asset 3 menerima Penghargaan Kecelakaan Nihil (Zero Accident Award) dari Kementrian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi. Penghargaan diberikan berdasarkan rekomendasi Tim Evaluasi Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) Kabupaten Indramayu, Tim Evaluasi Disnaker Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Tim Evaluasi Penghargaan Kementerian. [G4-LA6]

Beberapa program keselamatan kerja yang telah diterapkan di Lapangan Jatibarang yaitu Program Road to Zero Accident; penerapan Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS); promosi dan sosialisasi HSE; pelaksanaan inhouse training HSE, Optimalisasi PEKA Online; serta penerapan HSE Passport dan HSE Online Survey.

Jatibarang Field, Asset 3, received the Zero Accident Award from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration. The award is given based on recommendation from Evaluation Team of Manpower Agency of Indramayu Regency, West Java Province, and Ministry Award Evaluation Team. [G4-LA6]

Some occupational safety programs that have been implemented in Jatibarang Field namely Road to Zero Accident Program; application of Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS); HSE promotion and dissemination; implementation of HSE inhouse training, PEKA Online Optimization; as well as application of HSE Passport and HSE Online Survey.


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URAIAN Description 2012 2013 2014

Jumlah Insiden Kebakaran (Kerugian < USD10.000)Number of Fire Incidents (Losses) < USD10,000 6 10 5

URAIAN Description 2013 2014

Jumlah Partisipasi dalam PEKA Number of Participants in PEKA 16,035 22,008Tingkat Penyelesaian Laporan PEKA Completion Rate of PEKA Report 41% 60%


Pertamina EP juga telah menindaklanjuti temuan kondisi tidak aman (unsafe condition) dan tindakan tidak aman (unsafe action) yang teridentifikasi pada tahun 2014 melalui penerapan mekanisme Pengamatan Keselamatan Kerja (PEKA) Online. Kami terus berupaya menurunkan keberadaan kondisi tidak aman guna meminimalkan terjadinya kondisi dan lingkungan kerja yang membahayakan keselamatan maupun kesehatan para pekerja. Pada tahun 2014 partisipasi Pekerja dan Mitra Kerja dalam pelaporan PEKA serta tingkat penyelesaian tindak lanjut laporan PEKA mengalami peningkatan.

Pertamina EP also has followed up the findings of unsafe conditions and unsafe actions that were identified in 2014 through the implementation of Online Occupational Safety Monitoring Mechanism ('PEKA'). We continued the effort to reduce the unsafe conditions in order to minimize the occurrence of conditions and working environment that endanger the safety and health of employees. In 2014, participation of employees and Partners in PEKA reporting as well as follow-up completion rate of PEKA report increased.

KINERJA KESEHATAN KERJAAspek lain yang menjadi perhatian Perusahaan dalam penerapan HSSE adalah kesehatan kerja. Kesehatan kerja Pertamina EP terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu kinerja kesehatan yang ditangani oleh HSSE terkait kegiatan preventif, promotion, dan assessment, serta kinerja kesehatan yang ditangani oleh bagian Medical Pertamina EP.

Selama tahun 2014 Fungsi HSSE Pertamina EP telah mengalokasikan biaya sebesar USD184.437 untuk keperluan kesehatan industri. Jumlah tersebut 2,28% dari total RKAP 2014 bagi pengelolaan kesehatan kerja, meliputi evaluasi dan kajian, pengukuran potensi bahaya kesehatan pada lingkungan kerja di Field dan pemboran, pembuatan promosi baik

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PERFORMANCEAnother aspect that becomes the Company’s concern in the HSSE application is occupational health. Pertamina EP’s occupational health is divided into two parts, health performance handled by HSSE related to prevention, promotion, and assessment, as well as health performance that is handled by Medical department of Pertamina EP.

During 2014 HSSE function of Pertamina EP has allocated USD184,437 for the industrial health purposes. The amount was 2.28% of total RKAP 2014 for occupational health management, including evaluation and review, measurement of potential health hazards in the working environment at the Fields and drilling sites, promotion creation through

Pada tanggal 25 November 2014, peristiwa kebakaran terjadi lagi di pengeboran minyak tradisional di sumur minyak tua, di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Pihak Pertamina EP Asset IV langsung melayangkan surat teguran kepada pengelola, yakni Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Usaha Jaya Bersama (UJB) dan mitranya PT Cepu Sakti Energi (CSE). Insiden kebakaran mengakibatkan sekitar 4.000 liter minyak mentah terbakar serta kerusakan alat mekanik. Hal ini ditengarai murni akibat kelalaian pengelola sumur minyak tradisional peninggalan kolonial Belanda tersebut. Atas terjadinya hal ini, pengelolaan sumur tua tersebut direncanakan akan dikelola langsung oleh Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) Kabupaten Bojonegoro, pada tahun 2017 nanti.

On November 25, 2014, a fire occurred again in the traditional oil drilling in old oil wells, in Wonocolo Village, Kedewan District, Bojonegoro Regency.Pertamina EP Asset IV immediately sent a letter of reprimand to the management, the Village Unit Cooperative ('KUD') Usaha Jaya Bersama ('UJB') and its partner PT Cepu Sakti Energi ('CSE'). The fire caused approximately 4,000 liters of crude oil burned and damage to mechanical equipment. It was suspected to stem purely from the negligence of the management of traditional oil wells formerly owned by Dutch colonial government. Upon this incident, the old well management was planned to be managed directly by the regional-owned enterprise ('BUMD') of Bojonegoro Regency in 2017.


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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PENGELOLAAN KESEHATAN KERJA 2014 Pada tahun 2014, kami juga melakukan program-program sebagai berikut :a. Peningkatan kenyamanan pada fasilitas

penunjang operasi yang berupa: • Penilaian kondisi fasilitas sanitasi pada

kegiatan pemboran, yang selesai dilaksanakan pada 13 Juni 2014 bekerjasama dengan Universitas Indonesia.

• Penilaian pemenuhan gizi pada kegiatan pemboran, yang selesai dilaksanakan pada 13 Juni 2014 bekerjasama dengan Universitas Indonesia.

• Pembuatan standardisasi sanitasi dan gizi pada kegiatan pemboran dan kegiatan operasi produksi offshore, yang selesai dilaksanakan pada 13 Juni 2014 bekerjasama dengan Universitas Indonesia.

• Audit Kantin Milik di Field Jambi, Sangasanga, Ramba, Tarakan dan Adera.

b. Program peningkatan kesadaran aspek kesehatan kerja berupa:• Pembuatan dan pemasangan leaflet dan

poster kesehatan kerja di Kantor Pusat dan seluruh Field yang selesai dilaksanakan pada 4 Juli 2014.

• Pembuatan kotak booklet/leaflet di Kantor Pusat yang selesai dilaksanakan pada 16 Mei 2014.

• Pembuatan broadcast kesehatan kerja rutin di intranet Pertamina.

• Pembuatan artikel kesehatan kerja tentang bahaya benzene yang diterbitkan di Majalah Energia edisi 8 tahun 2014.

c. Program peningkatan kesiapsiagaan terhadap tanggap darurat: Pelatihan first aider level 2 untuk Kantor Pusat sebanyak 4 batch yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 17-20 November 2014 bekerja sama dengan SOS International. Pelatihan ini dihadiri oleh 37 peserta.

MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 2014In 2014, we also carried out the following programs:a. Increased convenience in operating support

facilities in the form of:• Assessment on sanitation facility conditions

at drilling sites, which was completed on June 13, 2014 in collaboration with the University of Indonesia.

• Assessment on nutrition program at drilling sites, which completed on June 13, 2014 in collaboration with the University of Indonesia.

• Standardization of sanitation and nutrition in offshore drilling and production operations, which completed on June 13, 2014 in collaboration with the University of Indonesia.

• Audit on canteens at Jambi, Sangasanga, Ramba, Tarakan and Adera Fields.

b. Program to raise awareness of occupational health aspects such as:• Making and posting of leaflets and posters of

occupational health at Head Office and all Fields, which completed on July 4, 2014.

• Making boxes for booklets/leaflets at the Head Office, which completed on May 16, 2014.

• Broadcasting routine occupational health on Pertamina intranet.

• Writing health article about the dangers of benzene which was published in the Energia magazine 8th edition, 2014.

c. Program to improve emergency preparedness: Training of level 2 first aider for the Head Office of 4 batches, held on November 17 to 20, 2014 in collaboration with SOS International. The training was attended by 37 participants.

melalui media cetak maupun elektronik, pelatihan – pelatihan yang dilakukan secara in house serta sosialisasi.

Pada tahun 2014, kegiatan monitoring kesehatan lingkungan kerja mengacu hasil baseline assessment industrial hygiene yang telah dilakukan pada tahun 2013. Antara lain adalah :1. Pengendalian Bahaya Benzene. Upaya yang

dilakukan adalah : a. Identifikasi sumber – sumber BTX dan

diupayakan pembenahan open source tersebut ke Asset Holder.

b. Peningkatan pemahaman pekerja terkait bahaya Benzene dengan melaksanakan sosialisasi dan penerbitan leaflet tentang bahaya benzene.

c. Pembenahan APD yang digunakan oleh Pekerja.

d. Pelaksanaan Monitoring ke seluruh Field sesuai dengan potensi bahaya yang tinggi mengacu hasil baseline assessment 2013. Sehingga 19 Field telah melaksanakan monitoring kesehatan lingkungan kerja.

print and electronic media, in-house training programs as well as dissemination.

In 2014, work environment health monitoring activities referred to the results of industrial hygiene baseline assessment that has been conducted in 2013. Among others are:1. Control of Benzene Hazard. Efforts undertaken

are: a. Identification of BTX sources and attempt to

reorganize open source to Asset Holder. b. Improvement of employees’ awareness of

Benzene hazards by conducting dissemination and issuance of leaflets about the dangers of benzene.

c. Improvement of PPE worn by Employees. d. Monitoring all fields according to the level of

hazard potential with reference to the results of the baseline assessment 2013. A total of 19 Fields have carried out working environment health monitoring.

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Selain itu, untuk mendukung pengelolaan kesehatan kerja bagi pekerja, Pertamina EP telah melengkapi setiap Lapangan dengan fasilitas kesehatan yang terdiri atas:• Kotak P3K• Klinik (tenaga medis dan paramedis internal

atau langganan)• Pelatihan First Aider

Realisasi biaya pengobatan tahun 2014 sebesar Rp 49,27 miliar, yang terdiri dari Rp18,29 miliar untuk pekerja dan Rp30,98 miliar untuk I/S/A. Jumlah tersebut merupakan 37% dari total anggaran Medical tahun 2014.

Secara berkala juga dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan kepada setiap pekerja, terutama bagi yang memiliki risiko tinggi gangguan kesehatan kerja maupun penyakit akibat kerja. Tujuan pemeriksaan kesehatan adalah mendeteksi secara dini ada tidaknya penyakit yang diderita sehingga dapat segera dilakukan tindakan medis diperlukan. [G4-LA7]

In addition, to support the management of occupational health for workers, Pertamina EP has equipped each field with a health facility consisting of:1. First Aid Kit2. Clinic (internal or regular medical and

paramedical personnel)3. First Aider Training

Realization of medical expenses in 2014 amounted to IDR49.27 billion which consist of IDR18.29 billion for employees and IDR30.98 billion for I/S/A. The amount represents 37% of the total Medical budget 2014.

Medical examinations are also periodically conducted for all employees, especially those who have a high risk of occupational health problems or occupational diseases. The purpose of medical examination is for early detection of illness, so that necessary medical procedure can be done immediately. [G4-LA7]

Jenis PenyakitType of Disease % Tindak Lanjut Medical follow up

Berat Badan > NormalBody Weight > Normal 69.2

Fat loss program, Edukasi Gaya Hidup Sehat, Koordinasi Rawat Inap dan Rawat Jalan dan Medical Emergency Response Preparedness.Fat loss program, Healthy Lifestyle Education, Coordination of Inpatient and Outpatient, Medical Emergency Response Preparedness.

Dislipidemia Dyslipidemia 59.9

Fat loss program, Edukasi Gaya Hidup Sehat, Edukasi Gizi Kerja, Koordinasi Rawat Inap dan Rawat Jalan, Medical Emergency Response Preparedness.Fat loss program, Healthy Lifestyle Education, Coordination of Inpatient and Outpatient, Medical Emergency Response Preparedness.

Merokok Smoking 42.7 Edukasi Smoke cessation.Smoking cessation education.

JENIS PENYAKIT DOMINAN PEKERJA DAN UPAYA TINDAKAN MEDIS Types of Employee Dominant Disease and Medical Efforts

d. Program ergonomi yaitu pembuatan dan penerapan aplikasi work breakdown system (WBS) yang diaplikasikan di seluruh user pada 31 Desember 2014.

e. Program pemantauan area lingkungan kerja berupa:• Penyusunan STK Area Monitoring yang selesai

dilaksanakan pada 1 Agustus 2014• Pemantauan area lingkungan kerja di pilot

area pemboran pada tanggal 9-13 Juni 2014 bekerja sama dengan Universitas Indonesia.

• Pemantauan area lingkungan kerja di Kantor Pusat pada tanggal 4-11 Agustus 2014 bekerja sama dengan PT Petrolab

• Pemantauan area lingkungan kerja di 18 Field pada tanggal 22 September-28 Nopember 2014 bekerja sama dengan PT Petrolab.

f. Program peningkatan kompetensi kese-hatan kerja bagi pekerja yaitu dengan mengikutsertakan pekerja HSE pada Training HIMU sebanyak 2 batch bekerjasama dengan HSE Korporat pada tanggal 24-28 Maret 2014 dan tanggal 25-29 Agustus 2014.

d. Ergonomics program, which is development and application of work breakdown structure (WBS) system at all users on December 31, 2014.

e. Working environment area monitoring program such as:• Preparation of the Monitoring Area STK

completed on August 1, 2014• Working environment area monitoring at the

pilot drilling area on June 9 to 13, 2014 in collaboration with the University of Indonesia.

• Working environment area monitoring at Head Office on August 4 to 11 2014 in collaboration with PT Petrolab

• Working environment area monitoring at 18 Fields on September 22 to November 28, 2014 in cooperation with PT Petrolab.

f. Programs to enhance occupational health competencies for employees by sending HSE personnel to HIMU Training of 2 batches in cooperation with the Corporate HSE on March 24 to 28, 2014 and August 25 to 29, 2014.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

HSE BAGI MITRA KERJA [G4-LA14]Perusahaan mengharuskan mitra kerja/kontraktor menerapkan kesehatan, keselamatan dan lingkungan atau health, safety and environment (HSE) pada seluruh pekerjaan yang sudah ditetapkan. Kami menerapkan Sistem Manajemen HSE Kontraktor berdasar Pedoman Sistem Manajemen HSE Kontraktor No.A003/EP5000/2009-S0, dengan memberlakukan Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) bagi mitra kerja/kontraktor.

HSE FOR PARTNERS [G4-LA14]The Company requires partners/contractors to manage health, safety and the environment (HSE) at all jobs that have been set. We apply the Contractor HSE Management System based on Contractor HSE Management System Manual No.A003/EP5000/2009-S0, by enforcing Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) for partners/contractors.


• Pembentukan tim CSMS• Peningkatan keahlian tim CSMS• Sosialisasi CSMS kepada internal• Sosialisasi ke kontraktor• Pembuatan penilaian resiko• Klinik bimbingan CSMS• Prakualifikasi CSMS• HSE plan di dalam TOR• Pelaksanaan prakerja• Pelaksanaan WIP• Evaluasi akhir

• Formation of CSMS team• Improvement skills of CSMS team• Internal CSMS dissemination• Dissemination to contractors• Preparation of risk assessment• CSMS clinical guidance• CSMS prequalification• HSE plan in the TOR• Implementation of pre-employment• Implementation of WIP• Final evaluation


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Selama tahun 2014, Pertamina EP bersama-sama dengan mitra kerja/kontraktor juga melaksanakan pelatihan bersama maupun kegiatan lainnya untuk mewujudkan HSE Operating Excellence, di antaranya:1. Melakukan assessment penerapan SMHSE oleh

kontraktor Pertamina EP.2. Klinik SMHSE bagi kontraktor di kantor pusat dan

seluruh Asset Pertamina EP.3. Seluruh Asset Pertamina EP menggelar pelatihan

Training Basic Safety & Lifting/Rigging yang diikuti pekerja mitra kerja pemboran eksplorasi. Kegiatan pelatihan merupakan persyaratan mendapatkan HSSE Passport untuk dapat bekerja di Lapangan milik Pertamina EP. Dilakukan di semua Asset dan kantor pusat dan semua kontraktor bukan hanya di eksplorasi saja.

4. Asset 5 menggelar workshop bersama mitra kerja guna memastikan kesiapan mitra kerja terhadap proyek-proyek Pertamina EP pada Lapangan di area operasi Asset 5, sehingga mengurangi resiko kecelakaan kerja. Pada pelaksanaan kegiatan ini juga dilakukan penandatanganan Pakta Integritas HSE oleh para mitra kerja.

During 2014, Pertamina EP together with partners/contractors also carried out joint training and other activities to realize HSE Operating Excellence, including:

1. Perform SMHSE application assessment by the contractors of Pertamina EP.

2. SMHSE Clinic for contractors at the head office and all Asset of Pertamina EP.

3. All Asset of Pertamina EP held Basic Safety & Lifting/Rigging Training participated by exploration drilling partners’ workers. The training program is a requirement to get HSSE Passport to work in the Field owned by Pertamina EP. The program was conducted at all Assets and the head office, as well as at all contractors not limited to only exploration.

4. Asset 5 held a workshop together with partners to ensure the partners’ readiness for Pertamina EP’s projects at the fields of Asset 5 operating area, in order to reduce the risk of workplace accidents. During the implementation of the program, the partners also signed an HSE Integrity Pact.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PERSIAPAN PENSIUN PEKERJA Sesuai PKB yang berlaku dinyatakan bahwa usia pensiun pegawai Pertamina EP adalah 56 tahun. Pada tahun 2014 ada 54 pegawai yang pensiun.

Sebagai bentuk bentuk komitmen pada kesejahteraan pekerja, termasuk ketika pensiun, Perusahaan menyertakan para pegawai dalam penyelenggaraan pemberian pensiun dan tunjangan kesejahteraan hari tua, melalui sejumlah program pensiun. Baik yang diselenggarakan sendiri maupun bekerja sama dengan perusahaan penyelenggara dana pensiun lembaga keuangan (DPLK) sesuai pilihan pekerja.

Program pensiun yang diikuti pegawai Pertamina EP, di antaranya Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja yang diselenggarakan PT Jamsostek (Persero)/Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan, meliputi: [G4-EC3]

1. Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT), dengan ketentuan besaran premi 3,7 persen dari gaji pokok dibayarkan Perusahaan dan 2 persen lainnya dibayarkan pekerja;

2. Jaminan kecelakaan kerja dengan ketentuan besaran premi 0,80 persen dari gaji pokok ditanggung Perusahaan;

3. Jaminan kematian dengan ketentuan besaran premi 0,30 persen dari gaji pokok menjadi tanggungan Perusahaan.

Kami juga menyelenggarakan pembekalan atau pra-kondisi sebagai persiapan yang dilakukan sebelum seorang pekerja memasuki usia pensiun. Adapun bentuk pembekalan yang dilakukan adalah: [G4-LA10]

a. Pembekalan aspek health & psychological;b. Pengelolaan keuangan (finance management);c. Kewirausahaan;d. Kunjungan pengusaha sukses, usaha pertanian,

peternakan dan perikanan;e. Pembayaran hak pekerja setelah pensiun.

EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PREPARATIONAccording to the current CLA, the retirement age of Pertamina EP’s employee is 56 years old. In 2014 there were 54 employees who retired.

As part of a commitment to the employees’ welfare, including at the time of retirement, the Company enrolls the employees into pension fund institution and old-age welfare benefits through a number of pension plans, both managed by the Company and in cooperation the financial institution of pension funds (DPLK) of the employees’ choice.

Pertamina EP employees’ pension plans, including Workers Social Security organized by PT Jamsostek (Persero)/Social Security Agency (BPJS) Employment, are as follows: [G4-EC3]

1. Old Age Security (JHT) program with premium 3.7% of basic salary paid by the Company and another 2% is paid by the employees;

2. Work-related accident benefit with premium 0.80% of basic salary paid by the Company;

3. Death benefit with premium 0.30% of the basic salary paid by the Company.

We also hold an orientation or pre-condition as the preparation before an employee reach retirement age. The forms of the orientations are: [G4-LA10]

a. Orientation on health and psychological aspects;b. Finance management;c. Entrepreneurship;d. Visits to successful entrepreneurs, agriculture,

husbandry and fishery businesses.e. Payment of employee’s post-retirement benefit

PERSIAPAN PENSIUN PEKERJAEmployee Retirement Preparation

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PENYUSUNAN PKB PERIODE 2014-2016Pada tahun 2014, Manajemen yang dipimpin Direktur Operasional dan Produksi, bersama dengan SP-Pertamina EP telah melakukan perundingan PKB Pertamina EP Periode 2014-2016. Perundingan berlangsung di Batam pada bulan November 2014 dan masih dalam tahap finalisasi.

Terlaksananya perundingan PKB periode 2014-2016 merupakan bukti nyata kepatuhan Perusahaan dan pekerja yang diwakili Serikat Pekerja, pada peraturan perundang-undangan ketenagakerjaan. Selanjutnya PKB periode 2014-2016 yang telah disetujui, disahkan bersama oleh Manajemen dan SP-Pertamina EP, untuk kemudian didaftarkan ke Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi.

Keberadaan PKB yang berlaku akan melindungi seluruh pegawai Pertamina EP tanpa kecuali. PKB yang berlaku akan menjadi rujukan dalam penyelesaian bilamana terjadi perselisihan dalam hubungan ketenagakerjaan dengan Perusahaan. [G4-11]

Kami menjamin hak berserikat para pekerja, dan mendukung keberadaan Serikat Pekerja Pertamina EP (SP-Pertamina EP). Selama tahun 2014 tidak ada peristiwa yang diindikasikan sebagai bentuk-bentuk penghalangan pada kebebasan berserikat bagi para pekerja. Bersama SP-Pertamina EP sebagai perwakilan pekerja, manajemen menyusun, menyepakati dan menetapkan perjanjian kerja bersama (PKB). [G4-HR4]

We guarantee the right of association of workers and support the existence of Pertamina EP Labor Union (SP-Pertamina EP). During 2014, there were no incidents indicated as forms of obstructionism on freedom of association for workers. Together with SP-Pertamina EP as representative of the employees, management prepare, agree, and establish collective labor agreement (CLA). [G4-HR4]

CLA PREPARATION PERIOD 2014-2016In 2014, the Management led by Operations and Production Director together with SP-Pertamina EP has been in talks regarding PT Pertamina EP CLA Period 2014-2016. The talk took place in Batam in November 2014 and is still being finalized.

The talks on CLA period 2014-2016 are a tangible evidence of compliance of the Company and employees represented by Workers Union with laws on manpower. Furthermore CLA period 2014-2016 is approved jointly by the Management and SP-Pertamina EP, and then is submitted to the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration.

The applicable CLA will protect all employees of Pertamina EP without exception. The applicable CLA will be used as reference for the resolution of any industrial disputes with the Company. [G4-11]

PERJANJIAN KERJA BERSAMACollective Labor Agreement

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Di tahun 2014, Pertamina EP mendapat tugas dari PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku induk perusahaan untuk memproduksi minyak mentah sebanyak 128.000 BOPD dan gas bumi sebesar 1.072 MMSCFD. Kami mendayagunakan segenap sumber daya yang dimiliki termasuk proses dan teknologi demi merealisasikan target tersebut.

Keseluruhan proses yang meliputi kegiatan hulu minyak dan gas (migas) terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, dan memerlukan waktu bertahun-tahun sebelum diproduksikan. Demikian pula ketika tak lagi berproduksi, Pertamina EP tetap dituntut melakukan berbagai kegiatan pasca-operasi.

KENDALA DAN TANTANGANPada setiap tahapan, kami dihadapkan pada berbagai kendala dan tantangan, baik bersifat nonteknis maupun teknis. Hingga akhir tahun 2014, ada beberapa kendala dan tantangan yang dihadapi Pertamina EP.

OBSTACLES AND CHALLENGESAt each stage, we were faced with many obstacles and challenges, both technical and non-technical. By the end of 2014, there were some obstacles and challenges faced by Pertamina EP.

KENDALA DAN TANTANGAN BERSIFAT NONTEKNIS, MELIPUTI:1. Isu keamanan terkait pencurian minyak dan

fasilitas produksi;2. Tumpang tindih lahan dengan penambangan

batubara dan penggunaan lain termasuk pengelolaan kehutanan;

3. Penambangan liar pada sumur-sumur milik Perusahaan oleh pihak-pihak tidak bertanggung jawab;

4. Pungutan dan biaya sosial;5. Tuntutan tenaga kerja;6. Perubahan regulasi.

In 2014, Pertamina EP was assigned by PT Pertamina (Persero) as the parent company to produce 128,000 BOPD of crude oil and 1,072 MMSCFD of natural gas. We utilized all available resources including the process and technology to achieve the target.

The whole process that includes the upstream oil & gas activities consists of several stages, which will take many years before production. Similarly, when no longer in production, Pertamina EP is still required to carry out various post-operations activities.


KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPSustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology, and Environment

NON-TECHNICAL OBSTACLES AND CHALLENGES, INCLUDE:1. Security issues related to theft of oil and

production facilities;2. Overlap of land with coal mining and other uses

including forestry management;3. Illegal mining in the Company’s wells by

irresponsible parties;4. Levies and social costs;5. Workforce demands;6. Changes in regulations.

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KENDALA DAN TANTANGAN BERSIFAT TEKNIS, MELIPUTI:1. Sebagian besar Lapangan tergolong tua

sehingga secara alamiah mengalami penurunan produksi mencapai 18% per tahun. Beberapa sumur terpaksa dihentikan sementara (suspended) karena dinilai kurang ekonomis;

2. Infrastruktur operasi dan fasilitas produksi telah melewati usia produktif;

3. Kendala perizinan peruntukan lahan, perubahan topografi, dan teknis lainnya dalam pelaksanaan reaktivasi sumur suspended.

Tentu saja kami senantiasa berupaya mengatasi kendala dan tantangan yang dihadapi. Strategi yang dilakukan adalah melakukan koordinasi dan dialog dengan pihak berwenang maupun pihak-pihak berkepentingan lainnya, sehingga didapat solusi terbaik.

TECHNICAL OBSTACLES AND CHALLENGES INCLUDE:1. Most of the fields are relatively old, which

naturally experience natural production decline that reached 18% per year. Some wells had to be suspended because it is considered less economical;

2. Infrastructure operations and production facilities have passed productive age;

3. Obstacles in land use licensing, changes in topography, and other technical issues in the reactivation of suspended wells.

We continuously make any efforts to overcome these obstacles and challenges. We use the strategy by conducting coordination and dialogue with the authorities and other concerned parties, in order to get the best solution.

Pada bulan Januari 2014, mooring hawser Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) Cinta Natomas di lepas pantai Tuban, Jawa Timur terlepas yang disebabkan oleh cuaca buruk. Hal ini menyebabkan produksi Pertamina EP terganggu.

Perusahaan memastikan seluruh personel di lapangan dalam kondisi aman dan tidak terjadi tumpahan minyak. Proses perbaikan dimulai dengan mobilisasi teknisi penyelam untuk memeriksa kerusakan yang terjadi dan mempersiapkan perbaikan. Pada bulan Februari, mooring hawser berhasil dipasang sehingga pengiriman minyak dapat dilakukan kembali secara normal.

In January 2014, mooring hawser of Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) Cinta Natomas in offshore Tuban, East Java was detached due to bad weather. This incident caused disruption to the production of Pertamina EP.

The Company ensured that all personnel on the scene were in a safe condition and there was no oil spill. The repair process began with the mobilization of technician divers to check the damage and prepare for repair. In February, mooring hawser has been successfully installed so that oil shipments could return to normal.

PENURUNAN PRODUKSI KARENA CUACA BURUK [G4-EC2]Production Decline Due to Bad Weather

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

KENDALA DAN TANTANGAN NONTEKNISNon-Technical Obstacles And Challenges

PENGELOLAAN ISU KEAMANANIsu keamanan merupakan persoalan yang masih dihadapi Perusahaan. Selama tahun 2014 ada tiga jenis gangguan keamanan yang terjadi, yakni pencurian, sabotase dan unjuk rasa.

Dari ketiga jenis gangguan tersebut, pencurian merupakan kasus yang paling banyak terjadi, dengan 113 kasus. Kasus pencurian yang terjadi meliputi pula pencurian minyak mentah dan kondensat, pencurian dari pipa distribusi.

Kami menyikapi kondisi ini dengan melakukan beberapa pendekatan. Salah satu di antaranya adalah dengan memperkuat koordinasi dengan aparat TNI dan Polri yang akan diuraikan dalam bahasan ini. Selain itu, kami juga menyelenggarakan tanggung jawab sosial untuk memberdayakan masyarakat setempat. Uraian atas tanggung jawab sosial disampaikan pada bagian lain dalam pelaporan ini.

Beberapa bentuk koordinasi dan kerjasama dengan aparat TNI dan Polri yang berlangsung pada tahun 2014, di antaranya:1. Asset 4 bersama dengan satuan TNI dan Polri

termasuk unsur Polisi Militer (PM) di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur serta Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) Pemkab Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur melakukan penertiban penambangan minyak ilegal pada sumur KW05 dan sumur lain di Kecamatan Kedewan dan Malo, yang termasuk merupakan area Field Cepu.

2. Field Ramba, Asset 2 dan Kodam Sriwijaya berkomitmen mengamankan jalur minyak Tempino-Plaju, yang kerap menjadi sasaran pencurian minyak. Kodam Sriwijaya juga akan membantu pengamanan kegiatan operasi Field Ramba dari ancaman perusakan fasilitas produksi, intimidasi pekerja dan pencegahan penguasaan illegal sumur minyak oleh penduduk.

3. Field Jatibarang, Asset 3 menyelenggarakan koordinasi dengan Polri dan TNI untuk melakukan pengamanan Field Jatibarang sebagai objek vital nasional. Area operasional Field Jatibarang meliputi wilayah Kabupaten Indramayu, Cirebon, Majalengka, serta Kota Cirebon.

Upaya keras kami dalam mengelola isu keamanan terkait Lapangan beserta fasilitas pendukungnya telah dapat menekan angka kasus pencurian yang terjadi pada tahun 2014.

SECURITY ISSUES MANAGEMENTSecurity issue is a problem that is still faced by the Company. During 2014 there were three types of security disturbances, such as theft, sabotage and demonstrations.

Of the three types of disturbances, theft was the most rampant with 113 cases. The cases included thefts of crude oil and condensate, as well as distribution pipes.

We addressed this condition through some approaches. One of them was to strengthen coordination with the Armed Forces ('TNI') and National Police ('Polri'), which will be described in this section. In addition, we also carried out social responsibility activities to empower local communities. Description on social responsibility presented in other part of this report.

Some forms of coordination and cooperation with the Armed Forces and National Police that took place in 2014, include:1. Asset 4 along with Armed Forces and National

Police units, including elements of the Military Police (PM) in Bojonegoro, East Java, as well as the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Bojonegoro Regency Government, East Java to curb illegal oil mining in KW05 well and other wells in Kedewan and Malo districts, which are within the area of Cepu Field.

2. Ramba Field, Asset 2, and Sriwijaya Regional Military Command (Kodam Sriwijaya) are committed to securing oil lines Tempino-Plaju, which are often the target of oil theft. Kodam Sriwijaya will also support the security in the operations of Ramba Field from vandalism of production facilities, intimidation of workers and the prevention of illegal occupation of oil wells by residents.

3. Jatibarang Field, Asset 3, coordinate with National Police and the Armed Forces to secure Jatibarang Field as national vital objects. Operating area of Jatibarang Field covers an area in Indramayu, Cirebon, Majalengka regencies and Cirebon City.

Our hard efforts in managing security issues at the field and its supporting facilities have been able to reduce the number of theft that occurred in 2014.

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KENDALA PENGELOLAAN LAHAN Kendala dan tantangan pengelolaan lahan berkaitan dengan benturan mekanisme pemanfaatan lahan untuk kegiatan operasional Pertamina EP dengan kebijakan pengelolaan hutan, serta tumpang tindih lahan dengan kegiatan penambangan, perkebunan maupun penggunaan lain. Kami menindaklanjuti kondisi ini melalui dialog dengan pihak-pihak berkepentingan guna mendapatkan solusi terbaik.

Dalam hal pengelolaan hutan, pada tahun 2014 Perusahaan telah melakukan koordinasi dengan Kementerian Kehutanan (sekarang Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan). Koordinasi terkait pemahaman prosedur penggunaan kawasan hutan untuk aktivitas di bidang migas, melalui mekanisme pinjam pakai kawasan hutan.

Dalam mekanisme pinjam pakai, Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Kehutanan (sekarang Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan) dapat meminjamkan kawasan hutan untuk keperluan

LAND MANAGEMENT OBSTACLESObstacles and challenges in land management related to conflicting land use mechanism for operational activities of Pertamina EP with forest management policies, as well as overlapped land with mining, plantation and other uses. We followed up this condition through dialogue with concerned parties in order to get the best solution.

In terms of forest management, in 2014 the Company has coordinated with the Ministry of Forestry (now the Ministry of Environment and Forestry). Coordination on understanding of procedures related to the use of forest areas for oil & gas activity, through the mechanism of borrow to use of forest areas.

In the borrow to use scheme, the Government through the Ministry of Forestry (now the Ministry of Environment and Forestry) may lend forest areas for temporary purposes, which will not change the

JENIS GANGGUAN KEAMANAN Type of Security Disturbance

AREA OPERASI Operating Area





2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013

Asset 1 56 108 13 1 0 0 69 109

Asset 2 34 32 16 10 0 1 50 43

Asset 3 12 17 0 0 1 0 13 17

Asset 4 0 2 5 1 1 0 6 3

Asset 5 10 13 0 0 1 3 11 16

Proyek Project 1 13 1 0 5 5 7 8

Jumlah Total 113 175 35 113 8 9 247 288

Pencurian minyak yang dihadapi Pertamina EP masih menjadi tantangan. Diduga pencurian masih marak karena melibatkan sindikat bermodal besar dengan peralatan yang semakin lengkap dan canggih.

Menghadapi hal tersebut, pada tanggal 23 November 2014, Pertamina EP bekerjasama dengan tim keamanan gabungan dari Perusahaan, Kepolisian dan TNI berhasil menangkap enam pelaku pencurian minyak yang sedang beroperasi di daerah sungai Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan. Barang bukti penangkapan berupa kapal tongkang yang telah dimodifikasi untuk menampung minyak hasil curian serta berbagai peralatan untuk melakukan illegal tapping.

Oil thefts faced by Pertamina EP remained a challenge. The thefts were believed to remain rampant because it involved large capital syndicate with increasingly wide-ranging and sophisticated equipment.

To address this, on November 23, 2014, Pertamina EP in collaboration with the joint security team of the Company, the Police and TNI managed to arrest six oil thieves who were operating in the area of the Ogan Ilir River, South Sumatra. Evidence in the arrest was a barge that has been modified to accommodate the stolen oil as well as a variety of equipment for illegal tapping.


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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PENGELOLAAN KENDALA PERIZINANTotal terdapat 289 bentuk perizinan yang harus dipenuhi Perusahaan pada pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha hulu migas. Perizinan tersebut selanjutnya telah disederhanakan dalam 69 jenis perizinan, yang terdiri dari perizinan survei awal, perizinan eksplorasi, perizinan pengembangan, perizinan produksi, dan perizinan pasca operasi.

Banyaknya perizinan menjadikan Perusahaan tidak serta merta dapat dengan segera melaksanakan rencana tahapan-tahapan kegiatan operasi. Untuk memenuhi perizinan, dibutuhkan waktu lebih lama terutama untuk memenuhi segala persyaratan. Selain itu, mekanisme perizinan yang belum terpadu dan sebagian berada pada pemerintah daerah, juga mempengaruhi waktu penyelesaian proses perizinan.

Untuk mengatasi kendala perizinan, Perusahaan selalu berkoordinasi dengan pihak-pihak berwenang, baik di tingkat pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah. Langkah ini membuahkan hasil dengan terbitnya perizinan yang dibutuhkan, sehingga sepanjang tahun 2014 dapat dilakukan kegiatan-kegiatan sesuai RKAP.

Dalam hal tahapan kegiatan eksplorasi misalnya, terselesaikannya perizinan menjadikan Perusahaan dapat meneruskan kegiatan pencarian dan penemuan cadangan baru migas. Dalam lima tahun terakhir, eksplorasi Pertamina EP membukukan temuan 818 juta barrel setara minyak. Selanjutnya ada 1.250 miliar barrel setara minyak yang siap dimonetitasi, sehingga produksi migas akan meningkat signifikan dalam dua hingga tiga tahun mendatang. [OG1]

PENGELOLAAN ISU SOSIAL DAN REGULASIIsu sosial dan perubahan regulasi menjadi hal yang juga dapat mempengaruhi proses tahapan kegiatan operasional Pertamina EP. Isu sosial utamanya berkaitan dengan keberadaan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan berkegiatan, termasuk pelibatan mereka sebagai tenaga kerja.

Kami mengelola isu sosial melalui dialog dengan masyarakat untuk bersama-sama mengupayakan

LICENSING OBSTACLE MANAGEMENTThe Company must be equipped with a total of 289 forms of licensing in operating its upstream oil and gas business. These permits are grouped in 69 types of licensing which consists of initial survey licensing, exploration licenses, development license, production license and post-operations license.

With many permits, the Company is not necessarily able to immediately execute the plan of operational stages. It takes a long time to comply with the licensing requirement, especially to meet all conditions. In addition, the licensing mechanism that has not been integrated and most are processed at the local government, also affects the completion time of the licensing process.

To overcome the licensing obstacles, the Company has always coordinated with the authorities, both at central and local governments. This resulted in the issuance of the required permits, so that throughout 2014 the activities were able to be carried out according to RKAP.

In exploration stage for instance, the completion of licensing enabled the Company to continue the activities of search and discovery of new oil & gas reserves. In the last five years, exploration discoveries of Pertamina EP recorded 818 million barrels of oil equivalent. Furthermore, a total of 1,250 billion barrels of oil equivalent is ready to be monetized, thus oil & gas production will increase significantly in the next two to three years. [OG1]

SOCIAL ISSUES MANAGEMENT AND REGULATIONSSocial issues and regulatory changes can also affect the stages of Pertamina EP’s operations. The social issues primarily related to the existence of surrounding communities of the Company’s operating sites, including their engagement as workforce.

We manage social issues through dialogue with the community to work together to seek a mutually

temporer, yang sifatnya tidak mengubah status hutan. Setelah periode perjanjian usai, kawasan hutan akan dikembalikan lagi kepada Kementerian Kehutanan (sekarang Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan).

Apabila mekanisme dialog tidak dapat menghasilkan solusi yang disepakati pihak-pihak berkepentingan, maka Perusahaan menempuh prosedur hukum. Putusan hukum yang telah memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap selanjutnya menjadi dasar untuk dipatuhi semua pihak yang berkepentingan. Uraian tentang prosedur hukum dijelaskan dalam bagian lain dalam pelaporan ini.

status of the forest. After the agreement period is over, the forest area will be returned to the Ministry of Forestry (now Ministry of Environment and Forestry).

If the dialogue cannot produce any solutions agreed by concerned parties, the Company will pursue legal procedures. Judicial decisions that are legally binding then become the basis to be obeyed by all concerned parties. Description on legal procedures is described in other section of this report.

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solusi saling menguntungkan atas setiap permasalahan yang timbul. Isu sosial juga dikelola melalui pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan atau corporate social responsibility (CSR), yang penjelasannya disampaikan pada bagian lain dalam pelaporan ini. Perusahaan membentuk Pusat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pertamina (PPMP) pada masing-masing Lapangan di setiap Asset, yang ditujukan untuk menumbuhkan kegiatan wirausaha masyarakat setempat, sehingga dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja. [G4-EC8]

Langkah lain pelibatan masyarakat setempat sebagai pekerja di sekitar Lapangan pada masing-masing Asset adalah dengan melibatkan perusahaan-perusahaan lokal dalam rantai pasokan. Kami mendefinisikan perusahaan lokal sebagai perusahaan yang didirikan dan beroperasi pada provinsi yang sama dengan lokasi Lapangan pada masing-masing Asset. Keberadaan perusahaan-perusahaan lokal sebagai pemasok akan dapat menyediakan lapangan kerja bagi penduduk setempat, sehingga mereka bisa merasakan manfaat tidak langsung dari kehadiran Pertamina EP. [G4-EC8] [G4-EC9]

Kendala dan tantangan teknis yang paling utama dihadapi oleh Pertamina EP adalah kondisi sebagian besar Lapangan yang sudah tergolong tua. Hal ini menjadikan Lapangan yang kini dikelola mengalami kecenderungan penurunan produksi alamiah yang sebelumnya 18%, kini mencapai 20% per tahun.

Kendala dan tantangan teknis lain yang dihadapi adalah adalah infrastruktur operasi dan fasilitas produksi yang yang telah melewati usia produktif. Akibatnya, kinerja infrastruktur operasi dan fasilitas produksi yang ada menjadi tidak optimal, sehingga mempengaruhi kemampuan produksi.

The main technical obstacle and challenge faced by Pertamina EP are the condition of most fields that is relatively old. This caused the Fields that are currentlymanaged experiencing natural production decline trend that previously reached 18% per year, now reached 20% per year.

Other technical obstacle and challenge faced are operating infrastructure and production facilities that have passed productive age. As a result, the performance of existing operating infrastructure and production facilities was not optimal, which affected production capacity.

KENDALA DAN TANTANGAN TEKNISTechnical Obstacles And Challenges

PENEMUAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN SUMUR-SUMUR BARUKami terus berupaya mendapatkan sumber cadangan baru migas yang potensial dikembangkan dan dikelola sebagai sumur produksi. Upaya yang dilakukan sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014 menunjukkan hasil: [OG1]

1. Sepanjang tahun 2014, kegiatan eksplorasi telah menyelesaikan pemboran eksplorasi sebanyak 9 sumur. Besarnya realisasi tambahan cadangan (2C RR) adalah 79 MMBO dan 578 BCFG atau setara 179 MMBOE. Realisasi tersebut mencapai 100 % target RKAP.

2. Terdapat 123 sumur yang terdiri dari 89 sumur own (84 sumur produksi dan 5 sumur injektor) dan 34 sumur mitra. Total produksi sumur sendiri sebanyak 24.393 BOPD dan produksi gas sebesar 80,31 MMSCFD.

DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW WELLSWe continue to acquire new reserves of oil & gas that are potential to be developed and operated as production well. The efforts that were conducted until the end of 2014 showed the following results: [OG1]

1. During 2014, exploration activity has completed the drilling of 9 exploration wells. The volume of additional reserves (2C RR) realization was 79 MMBO and 578 BCFG or equivalent 179 MMBOE. The realization was 100% of RKAP target.

2. There are 123 wells consisting of 89 own wells (84 production wells and 5 injector wells) and 34 partner wells. Total production of own wells was 24,393 BOPD and gas production was 80.31 MMSCFD.

beneficial solution for any arising problems. The social issues are also managed through the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which description is presented in other part of this report. The Company formed a Community Empowerment Center Pertamina (PPMP) at every field of each Asset, which is intended to foster entrepreneurial activities of local communities, which enable them to create jobs. [G4-EC8]

Another form of local communities engagement as workforce around the fields of each Asset is to engage local companies in the supply chain. We define a local company as a company established and operating in the same province as the location of the field at each Asset. The existence of local companies as vendors will be able to provide jobs for the local population, so that they can experience the indirect benefits from the presence of Pertamina EP. [G4-EC8] [G4-EC9]

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PERKEMBANGAN PROYEK EORPenurunan produksi pada Lapangan yang berusia tua, tidak terlepas dari berkurangnya cadangan minyak pada lapisan primer. Untuk itulah kami melaksanakan proses pengurasan minyak lapisan lanjut, meliputi pengurasan lanjut lapisan sekunder (secondary recovery), dan pengurasan lanjut lapisan tersier (tertiary recovery). Melalui metode ini diharapkan produksi minyak pada Lapangan tua dapat ditingkatkan hingga lebih dari 50%.

EOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENTProduction decline at old fields is due to decreasing oil reserves in the primary layer. Therefore we have carried out the process of enhanced oil recovery, covering secondary recovery and tertiary recovery. These methods were expected to increase oil production in old fields to more than 50%.



1 Kawista1 Asset 5 5

2 Jati Ibon-1 Asset 3 20

3 Kenari Raja-1 Asset 5 Dry

4 Kuansu-1 Asset 5 HC Indication

5 Akasia Bagus-2 Asset 3 16

6 Benggala-2 Asset 1 8

7 Pondok Mulia-1 Asset 3 20

8 Tapen-3 Asset 4 7

9 Penyu-1 Asset 5 6

Evaluasi PSDM Struktur Donggi PSDM Evaluation of Donggi Structure Asset 5 49

Evaluasi struktur Louise Nonny PSDM Evaluation of Donggi Structure Asset 5 35



1 Asset 1 21

2 Asset 2 19

3 Asset 3 13

4 Asset 4 0

5 Asset 5 29

6 Proyek Project 7

7 Mitra Partner 34

REALISASI PEMBORAN PERTAMINA EP 2014Pertamina EP Drilling Realization 2014

Perusahaan memberikan perhatian kepada Area Papua, Asset 5, mengingat produksi di Area Papua masih terbilang rendah, yakni di bawah 1.000 BOPD. Untuk mengoptimalkan tingkat produksi, pada tahun 2014 Pertamina EP menempuh skema kemitraan kerja sama operasi (KSO).

Kami telah menandatangani perjanjian kerja sama pengelolaan Lapangan Monggoi Wasian dengan PT Petro Papua Monggoi Wasian. Diproyeksikan dalam tiga tahun akan ada tambahan sepuluh sumur baru di Lapangan Mogoi Wasian, dengan target produksi atas 1.000 BOPD.

The Company pays attention to Papua Area, Asset 5, considering production in Papua Area is still fairly low, below 1,000 BOPD. In order to optimize the production rate, Pertamina EP in 2014 entered the partnership scheme of joint operation (KSO).

We have signed a joint operation agreement of Mogoi Wasian Field with PT Petro Papua Mogoi Wasian. It was projected that within three years there would be additional 10 new wells at Mogoi Wasian Field, with a production target of over 1,000 BOPD.

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Realisasi produksi dari proyek EOR tahun 2014 sebesar 2.181 BOPD dari target 3.260 BOPD. Produksi tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan rata-rata produksi pada tahun 2013 yang sebesar 1.528 BOPD. Pada tahun 2015 ditargetkan mencapai 2.378 BOPD.

Produksi EOR diperkirakan akan bertambah dalam beberapa tahun mendatang, mengingat perkiraan waktu produksi puncak pada Lapangan dengan desain EOR akan tercapai dalam 10 tahun setelah kick off sumur pilot.

Realization of production from EOR projects amounted to 2,181 BOPD in 2014 from the target 3,260 BOPD. The production was higher than the average production in 2013 at 1,528 BOPD. In 2015, the target is set to reach 2,378 BOPD.

EOR production was expected to increase in the coming years, given the estimated time of peak production in the fields with EOR design will be achieved within 10 years after the kick off of pilot wells.


PENGELOLAAN INFRASTRUKTUR DAN FASILITAS PRODUKSISepanjang kurun waktu tahun 2014, Pertamina EP melanjutkan pelaksanaan strategi induk (grand strategy) pembenahan fasilitas produksi di seluruh area sehingga sesuai standar perusahaan kelas dunia. Terdapat empat program yang telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2011, yakni:

1. Program peningkatan (improvement) fasilitas produksi eksisting;

2. Program penerapan pengelolaan proyek fasilitas produksi (project system);

3. Program pemeliharaan inovasi (innovative/correction maintenance);

4. Program peningkatan perangkat, sistem dan sumber daya manusia (SDM).

MANAGEMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND PRODUCTION FACILITIESThroughout 2014, Pertamina EP continued the implementation of the grand strategy on improvement of production facilities at all areas to meet the standard of world class company. Four programs have been implemented since 2011, namely:1. Improvement program for existing production

facilities;2. Project management implementation program for

production facilities (project system);3. Innovative/correction maintenance program.4. Device, system and human resources (HR)

enhancement program.


PREPARING OF SECONDARY & TERTIARY• Advanced Seismic processing• 3D seismic acquisitions• Updating data• New Concept Applications• Modelling• Choosing Technology• Pilot Project

Monitoring & Update EOR Modelling

Monitoring & Update EOR Modelling

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment



• Assessment Static Equipment dengan implementasi di Field Limau dan Ramba Static Equipment Assessment with implementation at Limau and Ramba Fields

• Pembuatan sistem tata kerja (pedoman, TKO) Fungsi SF dan 6 bagian SF (P&E, Engineering, QA/QC, Construction, RAM dan OGT & SF Create working procedure system (guidelines, TKO) of SF Function and 6 SF departments (P&E, Engineering, QA/QC, Construction, RAM and OGT & SF)

• Pembuatan Pedoman Pengawasan Konstruksi Pertamina EP Create Guidelines for Pertamina EP Construction Supervision

• Offshore Asset Integrity Management Offshore Asset Integrity Management

• Pembuatan Pedoman Colour Code dan Tool Facility Pertamina EP Making Color Code and Pertamina EP Tool Facility Guidelines

• Improvement dan Penyediaan Metering System (Metering Automation) Improvement and Metering System (Metering Automation) provision

• Penggantian Loading Line Pangkal Susu Pangkal Susu Loading Line Replacement

• Untuk mengetahui kondisi kualitas dan kapabilitas peralatan static Pertamina EP To determine the condition of Pertamina EP static equipment quality and capability

• Pelaksanaan pekerjaan dapat dilakukan dengan tersistem, terkoordinasi dan terukur sehingga pencapaian target secara sinergi Execution of work can be done in systemic, coordinated and measurable manner to reach synergic achievement of target

• Memastikan pencapaian target mutu, biaya dan waktu projek sesuai dengan standard dan metode konstruksi yang telah ditetapkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasi Pertamina EP Ensure the achievement of quality, cost and project time target is in accordance with the standards and methods of construction that have been established to meet Pertamina EP’s operating needs

• Tersedia data dan integrasi asset Pertamina EP di offshore Availability of data and integration of Pertamina EP offshore assets

• Standarisasi penggunaan tool dan warna fasilitas produksi sesuai base practice Standardization of the use of tools and production facility color in accordance with base practice

• Peningkatan sistem pengukuran minyak dan gas menjadi tingkat custody dan dapat termonitor dari kantor pusat Upgrade oil and gas measurement system into custody level and can be monitored from the head office

• Meningkatkan kapabilitas dan HSE untuk Shipping loading ke Pangkalan Brandan Increase the capability and HSE for Shipping loading to Pangkalan Brandan

Project System

• Upgrading Sistem Proteksi Petir Lightning Protection System Upgrading

• Pengadaan dan Pemasangan Gas Compressor Kapasitas 200 MMSCFD dan Fasilitas Pendukung di Field Subang Supply and Installation of Gas Compressor with capacity of 200 MMSCFD and Support Facilities at Subang Field

• Pengadaan dan Pemasangan Gas Compressor Kapasitas 150 MMSCFD Musi Timur Field Pendopo Supply and Installation of Gas Compressor with capacity of 150 MMSCFD at East Musi Field, Pendopo

• Pengadaan dan Pemasangan Gas Compressor Kapasitas 60 MMSCFD SKG Lembak Field Prabumulih Supply and installation of Gas Compressor with capacity of 60 MMSCFD at SKG Lembak Field, Prabumulih

• Upgrading Instrumentation & Control Facilities Serta Safety System Facilities Instrumentation & Control and Safety System Upgrading

• Pembangunan jaringan pipa minyak dan Power Line River Crossing Sungai Sangasanga Field Sangasanga Construction of oil pipelines and Power Line River Crossing of Sangasanga River, Sangasanga Field

• Meningkatkan kehandalan dan ketersediaan penangkal petir untuk melindungi Asset Pertamina EP dari resiko sambaran petir Improve the reliability and availability of a lightning rod to protect Pertamina EP assets from risk of lightning strikes

• Mempertahankan kapasitas produksi gas di field Subang dan mempertahankan pressure gas untuk keperluan CO2 removal Maintain gas production capacity at Subang Field and maintain gas pressure for the CO2 removal

• Penambahan Kapasitas produksi gas Field Pendopo sebesar 50 MMSCFD Addition gas production capacity of 50 MMSCFD at Pendopo Field

• Mempertahankan kapasitas produksi gas di field Prabumulih Maintain gas production capacity at Prabumulih Field

• Pemantauan data hasil produksi realtime, operation dan safety dari remote area dan termonitor dari kantor pusat Realtime monitoring of data on production output, operations and safety from remote area and is monitored from the head office

• Peningkatan kapabilitas dan penghematan shipping loading crude oil field Sangasanga dan peningkatan pasokan daya listrik Field Sangasanga Increased capability and saving of crude oil loading shipping at Sangasanga Field and increased power supply at Sangasanga Field

Beberapa program/kegiatan strategi induk yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014 adalah:

Some grand strategy programs/activities that have been implemented in 2014 are:

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• Pengembangan Maintenance Management System berbasis program MySAP Development of Maintenance Management System based on MySAP program

• Pembuatan Jadwal Program PM dan OH untuk peralatan GAS dan alat berat dengan timeline Making Schedule of PM and OH Program for GAS equipment and heavy equipment with timeline

• Pembuatan kontrak payung LTC/LTSA untuk mesin dan pompa Asset Pertamina EP Making umbrella contract of LTC/LTSA for engine and pump of Pertamina EP Asset

• Turn Around fasilitas produksi CO2 removal plant Subang secara berkala setiap 5 tahun sekali Turn Around CO2 removal plant production facility at Subang periodically every 5 years

• Tersedianya sistem pemeliharaan terpadu dengan sistem pengadaan dan keuangan The availability of an integrated maintenance system with procurement and financial system

• Meningkatkan kehandalan dan ketersediaan peralatan gas dan alat berat Improve the reliability and availability of gas devices and heavy equipment

• Standarisasi perawatan/maintenance untuk mesin dan pompa, mempersingkat proses lelang dan standarisasi harga Standardization of service/maintenance for the engine and pump, streamline the auction process and standardization of price

• Mengembalikan kinerja CO2 removal plant sesuai kondisi awal Restore the performance of CO2 removal plant according to initial condition

People Development

• Pelatihan dasar-dasar Risk Base Inspection (Batch 1,2 dan 3) Training on basics of Risk Base Inspection (Batch 1,2 and 3)

• Fundamental/Philosophy of Reliability Centre Maintenance (RCM) Fundamental/Philosophy of Reliability Center Maintenance (RCM)

• Integrated Maintenance Management in Upstream Oil & Gas Industries Integrated Maintenance Management in Upstream Oil & Gas Industries

• Pelatihan “Offshore Facilities Engineer Program” di UK & Poland Training on "Offshore Facilities Engineer Program" in the UK and Poland

• Pelatihan “Surface Facility PetroFac” di Singapore Training on " Petrofac Surface Facility" in Singapore

• Pelatihan “Introduction Offshore Terminal” Training on "Offshore Terminal Introduction"

• Penyiapan keahlian pekerja untuk menjadi motor penggerak dalam implementasi RBI di PEP dimulai pada tahun 2015 Preparation of employee’s skills to become a driving force in RBI implementation at PEP starting in 2015

• Meningkatkan basic competency pekerja SF tentang safety operation dan maintenance Improve basic competency of SF employees on operation and maintenance safety

• Meningkatkan basic competency pekerja SF tentang safety operation dan maintenance Improve basic competency of SF employees on operation and maintenance safety

• Meningkatkan basic competency pekerja SF untuk perencanaan dan pemeliharaan offshore facilities Improve basic competency SF employees on planning and maintenance of offshore facilities

• Pekerja mempunyai budaya (culture) disiplin dalam hal cara kerja dan aspek HSE Employees have a discipline culture in work method and HSE aspects

• Pengetahuan tentang perbaikan dan pemeliharaan Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) Knowledge on repair and maintenance of Single Buoy Mooring (SBM)

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

REAKTIVASI SUMUR SUSPENDED Kami juga meneruskan pengaktifan kembali (reaktivasi) sumur-sumur suspended yang masih memiliki potensi diproduksikan. Hingga akhir tahun 2014, terdapat lebih dari 5.000 sumur suspended yang tersebar pada 17 Field Lapangan di seluruh wilayah kerja Perusahaan.

Berdasarkan perkiraan produksi terhadap rencana reaktivasi sumur suspended pada tahun 2014 adalah 110 sumur dengan perkiraan initial gain 10 BOPD per sumur. Total target produksi awal adalah 1.329 BOPD dari 110 sumur dengan perkiraan initial gain produksi sebesar 10 BOPD per sumur.

Untuk tahun 2015, Pertamina EP menetapkan target implementasi reaktivasi Sumur Suspended di tahun 2015 sebanyak 110 sumur. Sementara perkiraan initial gain produksi sebesar 10 BOPD per sumur.

SUSPENDED WELL REACTIVATIONWe also continued the reactivation of suspended wells that still have the potential to produce. By the end of 2014, there were more than 5,000 suspended wells spread at 17 fields across the Company’s working area.

Based on production estimates there were 110 suspended wells included in reactivation plan 2014, with an estimated initial gain of 10 BOPD per well. Total initial production target is 1,329 BOPD from 110 wells with an initial gain estimate of the production is 10 BOPD per well.

For 2015, Pertamina EP has set a target to implement Suspended Well reactivation in 2015 of 110 wells. Meanwhile the estimated production initial gain was 10 BOPD per well.

BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BPMS) Tahun 2014 Pertamina EP mulai membangun Conceptual Design Business Process Management System untuk mengelola proses bisnis Pertamina EP yang berorientasi kepada kualitas, terintegrasi dan terkontrol.

BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BPMS) In 2014, Pertamina EP began developing Conceptual Design of Business Process Management System to manage quality-oriented, integrated and controlled business process of Pertamina EP.

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Tujuan dari BPMS adalah : 1. Business Process tetap mutakhir agar mampu

beradaptasi dengan perkembangan best practice bisnis hulu minyak dan gas, dan juga perkembangan di internal Pertamina EP

2. Semua proses memiliki akuntabilitas yang jelas dan sesuai dengan standard yang berlaku, untuk mendukung setiap proses pengambilan keputusan yang selaras dengan target perusahaan

3. Pembuatan Dokumen Pendukung Business Process Model untuk memastikan bahwa semua pekerja Pertamina EP memiliki pemahaman yang sama terhadap Business Process Model yang digunakan

4. Peningkatan awareness pekerja Pertamina EP untuk memahami dan menggunakan Business Process sebagai panduan dalam bekerja

5. Business Process dapat mendukung identifikasi kompetensi teknis yang dibutuhkan disetiap proses

6. Peningkatan Business Process Maturity sampai dengan level 4 (predictable)

Initiative yang dilakukan di Tahun 2014 adalah Pengembangan dan Implementasi BPMS yang fokus pada Integrated Planning untuk proses Infill Drilling, karena 70% Anggaran Investasi Pertamina EP adalah dari proses infill drilling.

Objectives of BPMS are:1. Business Process kept up to date in order to

be able to adapt to the development of best practices in the upstream oil & gas business, as well as in Pertamina EP’s internal development

2. All processes have clear accountability and in accordance with standards, to support any decision-making process that is in line with the Company’s target

3. Preparation of Business Process Model Support Documents to ensure that all employees of Pertamina EP have the same understanding of the Business Process Model used

4. Increased awareness of Pertamina EP employees to understand and use the Business Process as guidelines in working

5. Business Process can support the identification of technical competencies required in each process

6. Improved Business Process Maturity up to level 4 (predictable)

The initiative conducted in 2014 was BPMS development and implementation that focused on Integrated Planning for the Infill Drilling process, because 70% of Pertamina EP Investment Budget was from infill drilling process.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

Sejalan pencapaian untuk menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia, Pertamina EP terus meningkatkan penerapan teknologi sesuai standar internasional guna mendukung kegiatan operasional dan bisnis Perusahaan.

Kami terus memperbarui teknologi untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional, terutama eksplorasi dan produksi. Penerapan teknologi terbaru sangat dibutuhkan mengingat proses pencarian dan penemuan cadangan baru migas serta proses produksi menjadi lebih komplek dibandingkan periode sebelumnya.

In line with the efforts to become a world class company, Pertamina EP continues to improve the application of international standard technology to support the Company's operations and business.

We are constantly updating technology to support operational activities, especially exploration and production. The application of the latest technology is needed considering the process of search and discovery of new oil & gas reserves and production process become more complex than the previous period.

STRATIGRAPHY PLAY INNOVATIONOne of Pertamina EP’s important achievements in 2014 regarding the application of technology was the success of the Jawa 2 Project Appraisal Team who discovered the source of oil & gas new reserves in Jati Asri well, Subang Field, Asset 3. Their success should be a record for innovation through the application of stratigraphic play. This play was out of ordinary, as most oil & gas companies rely on structural play approach to find oil & gas reserves.

Through the implementation of this play, Jati Asri-01 (JAS-01) Well managed to add oil & gas production of Pertamina EP, following the end of put on production (POP) program on June 20, 2014. The well which began implementing work-over process on May 26, 2014 successfully produced from DST#3 zone on TAF layer (interval 2776-2782 m) amounted to 642 BOPD (7 mm choke), by channeling oil production through 6" flow line along the 3,300-meter which is connected to the existing production facilities of 8" oil trunk line of Cilamaya-Balongan.

Jati Asri well is one of the wells included in the scenario or quick win status, which can be produced within a period of 1-2 years after kick off. Well drilling that began excavation on August 5, 2013, also produced oil & gas resources by 67 MMBOE (RR) and was the largest oil & gas resources.

TEKNOLOGI [IR8]Technology

TEKNOLOGI PENDUKUNG EKSPLORASI DAN PRODUKSIExploration And Production Supporting Technology

INOVASI POLA STRATIGRAFISalah satu pencapaian penting Pertamina EP pada tahun 2014 terkait penerapan teknologi adalah keberhasilan Tim Appraisal Project Jawa 2 menemukan cadangan baru sumber migas pada sumur di Jati Asri, Field Subang, Asset 3. Keberhasilan mereka patut menjadi catatan karena melakukan inovasi melalui penerapan pola stratigrafi (stratigrafic play). Pola ini terbilang di luar kebiasaan, karena kebanyakan perusahaan migas mengandalkan pendekatan pola struktural (structural play) untuk menemukan cadangan migas.

Melalui penerapan pola ini, Sumur Jati Asri-01 (JAS-01) sukses menambah produksi migas Pertamina EP, menyusul selesainya program put on production (POP) pada 20 Juni 2014. Sumur yang mulai melaksanakan proses work-over pada 26 Mei 2014 berhasil diproduksikan dari zona DST#3 pada lapisan TAF (interval 2776-2782 m) sebesar 642 BOPD ( jepitan 7 mm), dengan mengalirkan produksi minyak melalui flow line 6” sepanjang 3.300 meter yang dihubungkan ke fasilitas produksi eksisting trunk line minyak 8” Cilamaya–Balongan.

Sumur Jati Asri merupakan salah satu sumur yang masuk dalam skenario atau status quick win, yakni bisa diproduksikan dalam kurun waktu 1-2 tahun setelah kick off. Pengeboran sumur yang yang mulai ditajak 5 Agustus 2013, juga menghasilkan sumber daya migas sebesar 67 MMBOE (RR) dan merupakan sumber daya migas terbesar.

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PENERAPAN PERTAMINA DRILLING WAYKami juga telah menerapkan Pertamina Drilling Way (PDW) yang diberlakukan PT Pertamina (Persero), meski masih sebatas proyek percontohan (pilot project). PDW adalah panduan untuk semua anak perusahaan yang melakukan pengeboran, termasuk Pertamina EP.

Melalui penerapan PDW maka pengeboran dilaksanakan berdasarkan praktik-praktik terbaik sesuai standar internasional. Penerapan PDW diharapkan mampu menekan non productive time (NPT) yang berimbas pada penurunan biaya.

Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014, penerapan PDW baru diberlakukan pada Field Bunyu, Asset 5. Penerapan PDW telah diuji dan dinilai Komite Drilling PT Pertamina (Persero). Hasilnya pengeboran di Field Bunyu dinyatakan lolos passing grade 60 sebagai batas minimal, dan memperoleh nilai 72,27.

PERTAMINA DRILLING WAY APPLICATION We also have applied Pertamina Drilling Way (PDW) established by PT Pertamina (Persero), although it is still a pilot project. PDW is a guideline to all subsidiaries that conduct drilling, including Pertamina EP.

Through PDW application, the drilling is carried out based on best practices with international standards. PDW application is expected to reduce non-productive time (NPT) which may affect cost reduction effort.

Until the end of 2014, PDW has only been applied at Bunyu Field, Asset 5. The PDW application has been tested and assessed by Drilling Committee of PT Pertamina (Persero). The drilling results of Bunyu Field earned minimum passing grade of 60, and scored 72.27.



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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

TEKNOLOGI INJEKSI UNTUK EOREnhanced oil recovery (EOR) atau pengurasan lanjut lapisan terus dikembangkan Perusahaan, untuk membantu peningkatan produksi minyak. Proyek EOR dilakukan pada sumur-sumur yang telah melewati proses pengurasan lapisan primer.

Secara umum setelah tahapan eksplorasi ada dua cara pengambilan minyak dari perut bumi, yakni:1. Pertama, pada tahapan lapisan primer

(primary recovery) diambil dengan memakai tenaga dorong alamiah (natural flow) ataupun menggunakan pompa artificial.

2. Kedua, setelah tahapan pengurasan lapisan primer dilaksanakan maka volume cadangan minyak di reservoir menjadi berkurang, sehingga cadangan minyak tersisa perlu digiring ke radius pengurasan dengan injeksi air, kimiawi, CO2, uap (steam flood) maupun mikroba (microbial EOR).

INJECTION TECHNOLOGY FOR EORThe Company continues to develop Enhanced oil recovery (EOR), to help increase oil production. EOR projects are conducted in wells that have undergone primary recovery process.

In general, after the exploration stage, there are two ways of extracting the oil from the bowels of the earth, namely:1. First, at the primary recovery, oil was

extracted using natural flow or artificial pump.

2. Secondly, after primary recovery stage is executed, the volume of oil reserves in the reservoir is decreased, so that the remaining oil reserves need to be directed into the recovery radius with water injection, chemical, CO2, steam flood or microbial EOR.

In the secondary recovery stage, water injection is typically chosen because it is cheaper. Moreover, each well normally produces water as well. The old wells even produce abundant water so it does not need to be brought in from another place. The water is then reinjected. [G4-EN10]

As for tertiary recovery, chemical flood, steam flood, CO2, or MEOR are used. Selection of injection depending on the type of reservoir in each well.

Pada tahapan pengurasan lanjut lapisan sekunder, lazimnya dipilih injeksi air karena lebih murah. Terlebih setiap sumur biasanya juga memproduksi air. Bahkan, pada sumur-sumur tua produksi air berlimpah sehingga tidak perlu didatangkan dari tempat lain. Air inilah yang kemudian diinjeksikan kembali. [G4-EN10]

Sementara untuk tahapan pengurasan lanjut lapisan tersier digunakan injeksi kimiawi (chemical flood), injeksi uap (steam flood), CO2, ataupun MEOR. Pemilihan injeksi tergantung jenis reservoir di masing-masing sumur.

Pertamina Drilling Way (PDW) yang digagas PT Pertamina (Persero), merupakan strategi menciptakan pendekatan terstandar pelaksanaan praktik-praktik terbaik eksekusi pengeboran. PDW disusun lebih dari 100 orang dari seluruh PT Pertamina (Persero) di bawah koordinasi Komite Driling.

Dalam aspek operasional, penerapan PDW mengatur bagaimana perilaku pemantauan keselamatan (safety behaviour monitoring). Sementara dalam aspek non-operasional diatur koordinasi antar-fungsi dalam hal persiapan lokasi, penggunaan tracking tool untuk memonitor kesiapan lokasi, material, jasa, dan sebagainya sebelum pengeboran.

Untuk tahun 2014, Pertamina EP menerapkan PDW pada Lapangan Bunyu, Asset 5 sebagai percontohan. Selanjutnya untuk tahun-tahun mendatang, Perusahaan akan menerapkan PDW untuk lapangan-lapangan lainnya.

Pertamina Drilling Way (PDW) was initiated by PT Pertamina (Persero), a strategy of creating a standardized approach to the implementation of best practices for drilling execution. PDW was prepared by more than 100 people from all over PT Pertamina (Persero) under the coordination of Driling Committee.

In the operational aspect, PDW application controls the safety behavior monitoring. Meanwhile in non-operational aspect, it controls inter-functional coordination in terms of site preparation, the use of tracking tools to monitor the site readiness, materials, services, and others before drilling.

In 2014, Pertamina EP applied PDW at Bunyu Field, Asset 5 as a pilot project. In the coming years, the Company will apply PDW at other fields.

APLIKASI PERTAMINA DRILLING WAYPertamina Drilling Way Application

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Pertamina EP menerapkan praktik-praktik terbaik dalam pelaksanaan EOR, terutama proses injeksi, sehingga tenggat waktu untuk produksi puncak EOR dapat dipersingkat. Pada injeksi air, puncak produksi didapat dalam kurun waktu 2-3 tahun sejak dimulainya proyek. Sementara dengan injeksi kimiawi dibutuhkan waktu sekitar lima tahun dari saat kick off proyek. Air yang diinjeksikan bukan sembarang air, namun air yang telah melalui proses pemurnian dan steril dari unsur-unsur yang dapat merusak pipa ataupun reservoir di dalam tanah. Air dari kegiatan produksi terlebih dahulu dikirim ke tangki penampungan dan disaring. Setelah itu, air dialirkan ke kolam dan dipompa ke tangki-tangki pengolahan di fasilitas water treatment process. Berbagai bahan kimia kemudian dicampurkan untuk menghapus berbagai partikel dan unsur di dalamnya, sehingga pipa di sumur bisa terhindar dari penyumbatan. Air tersebut kemudian dipompa ke fasilitas water injection plant dan setelah disaring kembali baru diinjeksikan ke sumur-sumur EOR.

Pertamina EP telah mengembangkan EOR sejak tahun 1976 pada sumur-sumur yang memasuki tahapan pengurasan lanjut lapisan sekunder. Pada tahun 2014, kami melakukan ujicoba tahapan pengurasan lanjut lapisan tersier di Field Tanjung, dan kick off pilot chemical flood akan dimulai tahun 2015.

Untuk keperluan pelaksanaan EOR, sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014 Pertamina EP sudah melakukan pemeriksaan (screening) pada 20 lapangan, mencakup 168 struktur dan 2.323 zone pengurasan. Sembilan Lapangan berstatus siap produksi untuk injeksi air (POFD), dan lima Lapangan sudah berstatus skala penuh injeksi air (full scale water flood).

Pertamina EP applies best practices in the EOR implementation, especially the injection process, so the time for EOR peak production can be accelerated. In water injection, peak production can be reached within 2 to 3 years from the start of the project. While the chemical injection takes about five years from kick-off of the project.

The water injected is not just any water, but the water that has been through the process of refining and sterile from elements that could damage the pipe or reservoir in the ground. Water from the production activities is first sent to a storage tank and filtered. Afterwards, the water is flowed into the pond and pumped into processing tanks at water treatment facilities. Various chemicals are then mixed to remove particles and elements in it, so that the pipe in the well can be prevented from clogging. The water is then pumped to the water injection plant facility and after being filtered is reinjected into EOR wells.

Pertamina EP has been developing EOR since 1976 in the wells that entered the secondary recovery stage. In 2014, we tested the tertiary recovery stage at Tanjung Field, and chemical flood pilot kick off will begin in 2015.

In order to implement EOR, until the end of 2014, Pertamina EP has conducted screening at 20 fields, covering 168 structures and 2,323 recovery zones. Nine fields with production ready status for water injection (POFD), and five fields had the status of full scale water flood.

Salah satu sumur EOR adalah Sumur RNT-4INJ yang ada Field Rantau, Asset 2. Sumur ini rencananya akan ditajak sampai kedalaman 660 meter, dan dipersiapkan untuk tahapan pengurasan lanjut lapisan tersier (tertiary recovery) dengan injeksi kimiawi. Ujicoba telah dilangsungkan pada 2014 dengan menggunakan surfaktan yang dibuat oleh IPB dan UGM.

Field Rantau juga sudah lebih dahulu melakukan pengurasan secondary recovery dengan injeksi air (water flood) dan kick off dilakukan pada Desember 2010. Peak production EOR pada Field Rantau direncanakan pada 2019 sebesar 7.500 BOPD.

One of EOR wells is RNT-4INJ well located at Rantau Field, Asset 2. The excavation plan of the well is up to a depth of 660 meters, and is prepared for tertiary recovery stage with chemical injection. The trial had been carried out in 2014 by using surfactant produced by IPB and UGM.

Rantau Field also had already carried out secondary recovery with water flood and kick off was in December 2010. EOR peak production at Rantau Field was planned in 2019 at 7,500 BOPD


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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

TEKNOLOGI PEMBORAN LEPAS PANTAIKami juga mulai mengembangkan pemanfaatan potensi cadangan migas di lepas pantai (offshore). Secara bertahap kami berencana melaksanakan pengeboran pada Lapangan offshore.

Pertamina EP akan melakukan eksplorasi di Blok Glagah, Kambuna, Sumatra Utara, yang sebelumnya dioperasikan Salamander Energy Ltd., dengan status kemitraan TAC. Eksplorasi di Blok Glagah Kambuna akan menjadi pengeboran eksplorasi pertama di laut yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan.

Pengeboran direncanakan berlangsung pada tahun 2016. Selama kurun waktu tahun 2014–2015, Perusahaan mematangkan segenap sumber daya yang akan digunakan, termasuk termasuk pemilihan teknologi dan pelibatan pekerja yang memiliki kompetensi untuk pengelolaan ladang lepas pantai.

Pertamina EP telah mengelola dua Lapangan lepas pantai, yakni Lapangan X-Ray di lepas pantai Indramayu, Jawa Barat, dan Lapangan Poleng, di lepas pantai Gresik, Jawa Timur. Namun di kedua Lapangan ini, Perusahaan hanya bersifat mengelola kembali, mengingat lapangan-lapangan tersebut sebagai lapangan eksisting.

OFFSHORE DRILLING TECHNOLOGYWe also began to develop the utilization of potential offshore oil & gas reserves. We have gradually planned to carry out drilling at offshore fields.

Pertamina EP will conduct exploration in Glagah Block, Kambuna, North Sumatra, which was previously operated by Salamander Energy Ltd., under TAC partnership. Exploration in Glagah Block will be the first exploration drilling at sea carried out by the Company.

The drilling is planned to take place in 2016. During 2014 to 2015, the Company is finalizing all the resources that will be used, including technology selection and involvement of employees who have the competencies to operate offshore fields.

Previously, Pertamina EP has been operating two offshore fields, X-Ray Field offshore Indramayu, West Java, and Poleng Field, offshore Gresik, East Java. However, the Company merely manages the two fields, considering they are existing fields.

Selain menggunakan surfaktan, injeksi kimiawi pada proyek EOR untuk lapisan lanjut tersier juga memanfaatkan CO2, yang sudah diujicoba pada sumur di Field Jatibarang, Asset 3. Pemanfaatan CO2 untuk injeksi EOR dilaksanakan bekerjasama dengan Jepang, karena memerlukan pengerjaan lebih kompleks dan biaya besar.

Sumur di Field Jatibarang dipilih karena produksi gas CO2 dari lapangan tersebut belum dimanfaatkan maksimal. Jika proyek ini berhasil, maka bukan tidak hanya berkontribusi pada pengurangan emisi karbon, tetapi juga memiliki nilai ekonomi lain dari insentif karbon kredit. [G4-EN19] [G4-EC2].

In addition to surfactant, chemical injection in EOR project for tertiary recovery also uses CO2, which has been tested in wells at Jatibarang Field, Asset 3. The use of CO2 for EOR injection carried out in collaboration with Japan, because it requires a more complex work and large costs.

Wells at Jatibarang Field were chosen due to production of CO2 from the field has not been used to their maximum. If this project is successful, not only it will contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions, but also has other economic value from carbon credit incentives. [G4-EN19] [G4-EC2].

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Lapangan X-Ray sebelumnya bernama Anjungan Arimbi dan mulai diproduksikan tahun 1976 oleh ARCO, sebuah perusahaan migas multinasional dari Amerika Serikat. Tahun 1999 ARCO menyerahkan kembali Anjungan Arimbi kepada Pemerintah Indonesia, yang kemudian meneruskan kepada PT Pertamina (Persero).

Tahun 2001 Anjungan Arimbi dibuka kembali dengan nama baru: Lapangan X-Ray, dan dikelola Pertamina EP. Lapangan lepas pantai (offshore) ini awalnya disiapkan sebagai tempat pendidikan bagi proses pembelajaran pengeboran dan produksi migas lepas pantai. Karena potensi cadangan yang tersisa masih besar, maka Lapangan ini kemudian diputuskan untuk dikembangkan.

Lapangan X-Ray terdiri dari empat remote platform, yakni Alpha, Bravo, Delta dan XMA. Setiap remote platform memiliki sembilan sumur. Saat ini yang masih berproduksi adalah Alpha, Delta dan XMA, sedangkan Bravo tidak lagi berproduksi disebabkan adanya kebocoran pada mine oil line (MOL) menuju platform pengumpul di Alpha.

Produksi Anjungan X-Ray adalah 1.250 BOPD, dan masih potensial ditingkatkan hingga 7.500 BOPD. Selain minyak, Anjungan X-Ray juga menghasilkan gas dari Sumur 5 Alpha dan Sumur XMA. Produksi gas digunakan sebagai bahan bakar pembangkit listrik untuk kebutuhan operasi di sumur-sumur pada Lapangan X-Ray.

X-Ray Field was previously referred to as Anjungan Arimbi and began to be produced in 1976 by ARCO, a multinational oil & gas company of the United States. In 1999 ARCO handed back Anjungan Arimbi to the Government of Indonesia, which then forwarded it to PT Pertamina (Persero).

In 2001, Anjungan Arimbi reopened with a new name: X-Ray Field, and has been operated by Pertamina EP. The offshore field was originally set up as a place for education to learn about offshore oil & gas drilling and production. Because of the potential of remaining reserves are still large, this field was then decided to be developed.

X-Ray Field consists of four remote platforms, namely Alpha, Bravo, Delta and XMA. Each remote platform has nine wells. Alpha, Delta and XMA are currently in production, while Bravo is no longer in production due to the leak in mine oil line (MOL) to the gathering platform at Alpha.

X-Ray platforms production was 1,250 BOPD, and still have potential to be increased to 7,500 BOPD. In addition to oil, X-Ray platforms also produces gas from Alpha 5 and XMA wells. Production of gas is used to fuel power plants for operating needs in the wells at X-Ray Field.


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Lapangan offshore lainnya adalah Lapangan Poleng di Blok Madura, Jawa Timur, yang sebelumnya dikelola konsorsium kemitraan TAC: Kodev Ltd., dan CNOOC. Pasca-terminasi kemitraan pada akhir tahun 2013, Lapangan Poleng dikelola Pertamina EP dengan tingkat produksi 2.320 BOPD, dari target sekitar 2.412 BOPD.

Anjungan minyak di Poleng memompa minyak dari kedalaman 60 m di bawah permukaan laut. Meski Lapangan sudah dieksplorasi sejak tahun 1972 dan mulai dikembangkan pada 1978, namun peluang untuk menaikkan produksi sangat terbuka, karena dari 34 sumur yang ada baru 13-15 sumur yang dioperasikan.

Pada tahun 2015, direncanakan ada tiga pengeboran sumur baru dan sembilan pengeboran workover. Sementara target produksi untuk tahun 2015 dari Lapangan Poleng adalah 2.872 BOPD.

Other offshore field is Poleng Field in Madura Block, East Java, which was previously operated by TAC partnership consortium: Kodev Ltd., and CNOOC. Post-termination of the partnership at the end of 2013, Poleng Field has been operated by PT Pertamina EP with production of 2,320 BOPD, from potential approximately 2,412 BOPD.

Oil platforms at Poleng pumped oil from a depth of 60 m below sea level. Although the field has been explored since 1972 and began to be developed in 1978, but the opportunity to increase production remains open, because out of 34 new wells, only 13 to 15 wells have been operated.

In 2015, there were three drilling plans of new wells and nine workover drilling. Meanwhile the production target for 2015 from Field Poleng is 2,872 BOPD.


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Sasarana. Tersedianya layanan end-user computing

yang memuaskan pelanggan.b. Menjadi ICT Service Provider yang mampu

memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan.c. Meningkatkan kualitas Tata Kelola TI (IT

Governance) didasarkan pada best practice standards.

d. Meningkatkan infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi yang mempunyai keamanan tangguh dengan availability dan reliability yang tinggi.

e. Memiliki SDM berkualitas, yang bekerja berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip operational excellence.

TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI (ICT)VisiMenjadi penyedia layanan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT) berkelas dunia pada industri hulu minyak dan gas.

Misi 1. Memposisikan teknologi informasi dan

komunikasi sebagai pendaya strategis untuk mencapai sasaran bisnis dengan berfokus pada efektivitas, efisiensi, kerahasiaan, integritas, ketersediaan, kepatuhan dan keandalan.

2. Secara terus menerus meningkatkan kontribusi dan nilai teknologi informasi dan komunikasi bagi bisnis Pertamina EP.

3. Menyediakan teknologi Informasi, pengem-bangan dan pemeliharaan aplikasi serta memproses proses bisnis Pertamina EP.

Fungsi ICT memegang peran penting mendukung kebutuhan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di seluruh wilayah kerja Pertamina EP. Dukungan diperlukan mengingat wilayah kerja Perusahaan meliputi area dari Sabang hingga Merauke, dengan ribuan pekerja dan seluruh tahapan proses operasional maupun produksi hulu migas.

Fungsi ICT menjadikan Perusahaan mampu melakukan studi termutakhir dalam ekplorasi, percepatan proyek pengembangan, dan peningkatan produksi yang efisien. Selain itu juga menjawab kebutuhan komunikasi, proses otomatisasi, kemudahan akses informasi, serta pelaporan konsolidasi administrasi dan operasi.

ICT function plays an important role in supporting the needs of information and communication technologies in all working areas of Pertamina EP. The support is needed given the Company’s working areas spread across Sabang to Merauke, with thousands of employees and all stages of upstream oil & gas operating and production process.

ICT Function has enabled the Company to conduct the latest studies in exploration, project development acceleration, and efficient production increase. It also meets the needs for communication, automated process, easy access to information, as well as the consolidated reporting of administration and operations.

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT)VisionTo become a world class service provider of information and communication technology (ICT) in the upstream oil and gas industry

Mission 1. Positioning the information and communication

technology as a strategic driver to achieve business targets by focusing on effectiveness, efficiency, confidentiality, integrity, availability, compliance and reliability.

2. Continuously increasing contribution and value of information and communication technology for Pertamina EP’s business.

3. Providing information technology, application development and maintenance as well as Pertamina EP’s business process.

Targets: a. Availability of end-user computing services

that satisfy customers. b. To be an ICT Service Provider that is able to

meet customers’ needs. c. To improve the quality of IT Governance based

on best practice standards. d. To improve Information Technology

infrastructure that has strong security with high availability and reliability.

e. To have qualified human resources, who work based on the principles of operational excellence.


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ICT MASTER PLANPertamina EP telah memiliki Rencana Induk Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Information and Communication Technology Master Plan), yang tercantum dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) 2011-2015. ICT Master Plan Pertamina EP berisi Enterprise Architecture (EA) yang memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis melalui akses informasi, pemanfaatan aplikasi, dan fasilitas infrastruktur teknologi informasi untuk mencapai visi, misi, dan sasaran organisasi.

Pencapaian ICT Master Plain Pertamina EP pada tahun 2014 adalah:1. Surveillance ISO 20000 – G&G Data

Management Services 2014Pada bulan September 2013 Fungsi ICT Pertamina EP setelah mendapatkan sertifikasi IT Service Management System–ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 dari BSI (British Standards Institution) untuk layanan data Geologi dan Geofisika. Selanjutnya untuk mempertahankan sertifikasi tersebut, setiap tahun BSI melakukan surveillance audit dan pada tahun ketiga perlu dilakukan sertifikasi ulang.

Pertamina EP dinyatakan telah lulus dari Surveillance Audit ISO 2000 untuk layanan G&G, yang diselengarakan pada 8-9 September 2014. Pelaksanaan audit meliputi pemeriksaan terhadap implementasi dan perbaikan, antara lain: a. Review perubahan dalam organisasib. Rapat manajemenc. Internal audit d. Penanganan komplain pelanggane. Corrective dan preventive actionf. Scope/aktivitas yang berubah sejak audit

terakhirg. Penggunaan logo sertifikasi.

Pada tanggal 8-9 September 2014, ICT Pertamina EP telah dinyatakan lulus Audit Surveillance ISO 20000 untuk layanan G&G.

2. Pengelolaan Data Sub Surface Pertamina EP Meliputia. Assessment Sistem Pengelolaan Datab. Pengelolaan Data content:

• Pembenahan data core melalui program core reservation

• Digitalisasi data melalui program remastering• Penyelamatan data melalui program alih

media• Penyimpanan data di Pertamina Upstream

Technology Centerc. Data Stewardship

• Pembuatan STK Pengelolaan Data• Pedoman naming convention

ICT MASTER PLANPertamina EP has the Information and Communication Technology Master Plan, which is contained in the Long-Term Corporate Plan (RJPP) 2011-2015. ICT Master Plan of PT Pertamina EP contains the Enterprise Architecture (EA) that meets the business needs through access to information, use of applications, and information technology infrastructure facilities to achieve the vision, mission, and targets of the organization.

Achievements of PT Pertamina EP ICT Master Plan in 2014 are:1. Surveillance of ISO 20000 - G&G Data

Management Services 2014 In September 2013, ICT function of Pertamina

EP has received IT Service Management System-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 from BSI (British Standards Institution) for Geological and Geophysical data services. In order to maintain the certification, each year BSI conducts surveillance audit and in the third year requires recertification.

Pertamina EP was declared to have passed the Surveillance Audit of ISO 2000 for G&G service, which was held on September 8 to 9, 2014. The audit includes examination of the implementation and improvement, among others: a. Review of the changes in the organization b. Management meetings

c. Internal audit d. Customer complaints handling e. Corrective and preventive action f. Changes in scope/activities since the last audit g. Use of certification logo.

On September 8 to 9, 2014, ICT of Pertamina EP has passed the ISO 20000 Surveillance Audit for G&G services.

2. Pertamina EP Sub-Surface Data Management Coveringa. Data Management System Assessmentb. Data Management content:

• Improve core data through the core reservation program

• Data digitization through remastering program

• Data rescue through the conversion program • Data storage in Pertamina Upstream

Technology Centerc. Data Stewardship

• STK for Data Management • Guidelines of naming convention

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3. Pengelolaan Software GGRPFDEWebhosting adalah sebuah solusi sentralisasi sistem GGRPFDE, termasuk didalamnya aplikasi, data, lisensi dan hardware. Digunakan untuk melayani kebutuhan user dalam mengakses aplikasi dan data data GGRPFDE dalam mendukung kegiatan evaluasi sub surface dan surface di lingkungan Pertamina EP.Pada tahun 2014 ini, Project Webhosting sudah memasuki Generasi Kedua dimana sudah mencakup site Area Jakarta dan Prabumulih. Dimana fungsi pengguna terdiri dari Fungsi Eksplorasi, Eksploitasi, EOR, Project Development baik di Kantor Pusat maupun di Asset 2. Sistem ini sudah menggunakan teknologi GGRPFDE Integrated Data Backup.

4. Reposisi SumurKondisi saat ini data koordinat aset yang dimiliki oleh Pertamina EP belum semuanya terdefinisi dalam satu sistem referensi tunggal, termasuk koordinat sumur eksisting baik eksplorasi maupun eksploitasi. Sebagian Lapangan Pertamina EP merupakan lapangan peninggalan kolonial Belanda. Dengan datum dan sistem koordinat bersifat lokal dan berbeda-beda di tiap lapangan. Akusisi seismik dan operasi pemboran pada masa sekarang telah menggunakan datum dan sistem koordinat global.

Agar semua aset sumur PT. Pertamina EP baik eksplorasi maupun eksploitasi yang diukur sudah dalam sistem koordinat nasional DGN95 / WGS’84, dan sistem tingginya telah mengacu pada Mean Sea Level (MSL). Meningkatkan level of confidence terhadap data koordinat sumur yang valid dan digunakan dalam kegiatan operasi dan produksi terutama dalam analisa G&G, korelasi sumur, penentuan titik lokasi sumur pemboranPada tahun 2014 ini, reposisi sumur yang telah dilakukan adalah di wilayah kerja Asset 1 dan Asset 2 dengan jumlah sumur yang diukur sebagai berikut:1. Pangkalan Susu, 43 sumur.2. Rantau, 48 sumur.3. Pendopo dan Adera, 57 sumur.

5 Penghargaan Khusus• SAG (Special Achievement in GIS) Award.

Diberikan oleh Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI) kepada organisasi atau pengguna yang berprestasi dalam mengembangkan aplikasi bermanfaat dan inovatif dengan menggunakan teknologi Geographic Information System (GIS), serta menerapkan teknologi geospasial untuk mengembangkan dan memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi dan juga masyarakat luas dalam berbagai sektor termasuk perminyakan. Penghargaan diberikan setiap tahun pada event Esri International User Conference yang merupakan konferensi tahunan yang diadakan oleh Esri di San Diego – California, Amerika Serikat.

3. GGRPFDE Software ManagementWebhosting is a centralized solution of GGRPFDE system, including applications, data, licenses and hardware. It serves the user’s needs in accessing applications and GGRPFDE data in support of sub-surface and surface evaluation activities within Pertamina EP.In 2014, the Webhosting Project has entered the Second Generation which already included areas of Jakarta and Prabumulih sites. The user function consists of Exploration, Exploitation, EOR, Project Development functions both at head office and Asset 2. This system has already used GGRPFDE Integrated Data Backup technology.

4. Well RepositionCondition of current coordinate data of assets owned by PT Pertamina EP has not been entirely defined in one single reference system, including the coordinate of existing exploration and exploitation wells. Some of PT Pertamina EP’s fields were formerly belonging to Dutch colonial government. The datum and coordinate system are local and vary in each field. Seismic acquisition and drilling operations at present have been using global datum and coordinate system.

In order for all of the asset wells of PT. Pertamina EP both exploration and exploitation measured have been in the DGN95/WGS'84 national coordinate system, and altitude system has been referring to the Mean Sea Level (MSL). It increased the level of confidence of the valid well coordinate data and used in operating and production activities, especially in the G&G analysis, well correlation, determination of drill hole locations.In 2014, the well reposition that has been done at working areas of Asset 1 and Asset 2. The number of wells that were measured as follows:1. Pangkalan Susu, 43 wells.2. Rantau, 48 wells.3. Pendopo and Adera, 57 wells.

5 Special Awards• SAG (Special Achievement in GIS) Award.

The award is given by the Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI) to organizations or users who excel in developing useful and innovative applications using Geographic Information System (GIS), as well as applying geospatial technology to develop and meet the needs of the organization and the wider community in various sectors including oil. The award is given each year at the Esri International User Conference, which is an annual conference held by Esri in San Diego - California, United States.

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SISTEM OPERASI TERPADU (SOT) PRODUKSI SKK MIGASProses Pencatatan Data Produksi Pertamina EP mengacu kepada QAS (Quantity Accounting System) yang dikelola melalui Sistem Operasi Terpadu (SOT), yang dicatatkan secara on-line day to day oleh Operator. Data yang dicatat dari SPU hingga Terminal ini ini selanjutnya akan disetujui secara berjenjang mulai dari Supervisor sampai dengan FM.

SOT terintegrasi dengan SKK Migas sehingga dapat memantau produksi secara waktu nyata (real time). SOT menggantikan Sistem Informasi Operasi (SIO) yang selama ini digunakan. Dengan SOT maka sinergi kebutuhan data diharapkan dapat mengacu pada struktur data Pedoman Umum Pelaporan Operasi (PUPO) sesuai imbauan SKK Migas.

Dengan pemberlakuan SOT ini, diharapkan data yang diperoleh memiliki confidence level yang tinggi (auditable dan accountable) sebagai dasar untuk melakukan evaluasi/ re-evaluasi.

Dalam pengembangan mendatang, proses pencatatan data Produksi tidak hanya dimulai dari level SPU sampai dengan Terminal, namun akan dicatatkan mulai dari level sumur.

SKK MIGAS PRODUCTION INTEGRATED OPERATING SYSTEM (SOT)Production Data Recording Process of Pertamina EP refers to the QAS (Quantity Accounting System), managed through the Integrated Operating System (SOT), which is recorded on-line day to day by the Operator. Data recorded from SPU up to the Terminal will be approved in stages ranging from Supervisor to FM.

SOT SKK integrated with the production of oil and gas that can monitor in real time (real time). Replace SOT Information Systems Operations (SIO), which has been used. With the synergy SOT data needs are expected to refer to the data structure of the General Guidelines for Reporting Operations (PUPO) according to SKK Migas appeal.

With the implementation this SOT, data obtained is expected to have a high confidence level (auditable and accountable) as a basis for evaluation/re-evaluation.

In future development, production data recording process will not only start from the SPU to the Terminal level, but will be recorded starting from the level of the well.



Fase PenyebaranMONITORING PHASEFase Pengawasan

� Pemodelan Aliran Fluida � Parameterisasi Titik Pengukuran � Design Aplikasi � Design Mekanisme Implementasi

� Fluid Flow Modeling � Parameter Estimation of Measurement

Point � Design Applications � Implementation Mechanism Design

� Penentuan Titik Pengukuran � Kesepakatan Titik Pengukuran � Survei Lapangan � Upload Data dan Input Data

� Determination of Measurement Points � Measurement Point Agreement � Field survey � Data Upload and Data Input

� Go Live � Monitoring & Friendly


� Go Live � Monitoring & Friendly


Pertamina EP menjadi nominator dan berhasil menerima peghargaan SAG Award pada ESRI International User Conference 2014 yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 16 ribu peserta. Pertamina EP dinilai telah melakukan inovasi dalam pengembangan Geodatabase. • Excellent Category – VP ICT – Inspiring

Leader for Continuous Improvement Program Pertamina EP – 2014

• Gold Category – GKM Toner – Continuous Improvement Program Pertamina EP – 2014

• Gold Category – SS Semantik – Continuous Improvement Program Pertamina EP – 2014

• Silver Category – GKM Drama – Continuous Improvement Program Pertamina EP – 2014

Pertamina EP was nominated and successfully received the SAG Award at the ESRI International User Conference 2014, which was attended by about 16,000 participants. Pertamina EP was considered to have made an innovation in Geodatabase development.• Excellent Category - VP ICT - Inspiring

Leader for Continuous Improvement Program of Pertamina EP - 2014

• Gold Category - GKM Toner - Continuous Improvement Program of Pertamina EP - 2014

• Gold Category - SS Semantics - Continuous Improvement Program of Pertamina EP - 2014

• Silver Category - GKM Drama - Continuous Improvement Program of Pertamina EP - 2014

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DATA-DATA YANG DICATATKAN KE DALAM SOTThe data recorded in the SOT include:

Stock Awal (PPP / Terminal)Stock Awal Field/SPU

Penerimaan Produksi di SPUKirim dari SPU ke PPP

Penerimaan Produksi (Harian)Penerimaan Produksi (Bulanan)

Available Crude to LiftSupply Quantity

Receive QuantityLifting Quantity

Stock Akhir (PPP/Terminal)Stock Akhir Field/SPUStock Minyak di pipa

Dead Stock PPP/Terminal Dead Stock SPU/Field

Beginning Stock (PPP/Terminal)Beginning Stock of Field/SPU Production Receipt at SPUSent from SPU to PPPProduction Receipt (Daily)Production Receipt (Monthly)Available Crude to LiftSupply QuantityReceive QuantityLifting QuantityEnding Stock (PPP/Terminal) Ending Stock of Field/SPUOil Stock in pipeDead Stock of PPP/TerminalDead Stock of SPU/Field

ProductionSent to Transporter (Pertamina Gas)Directly Sent to ConsumerConsumerOwn UseVentingFlareGas Lift

ProduksiKirim ke Transporter (Pertamina Gas)

Kirim Langsung Ke Konsumen Konsumen

Own UseVenting

FlareGas Lift

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance 2014 Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PENERAPAN MANAGED PRINT SERVICE (MPS)Dalam hal pengelolaan administrasi, Perusahaan telah menerapkan Managed Print Service (MPS), yang merupakan penyediaan layanan print, scan, copy, fax dengan pengelolaan terukur yang efektif dan efisien. Pengelolaan biaya terintegrasi melalui konsep biaya print per lembar meliputi biaya device dan consumable serta memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan sistem konvensional.

Penerapan sistem ini memberikan keuntungan yaitu efisiensi biaya, produktifitas kerja, serta keamanan dokumen yang lebih terkontrol. Selain itu, sistem ini juga memberikan manfaat dalam hal pengurangan penggunaan kertas sehingga secara tidak langsung mendukung upaya pelestarian lingkungan, termasuk daam hal pengendalian emisi karbon.

MANAGED PRINT SERVICE (MPS) APPLICATIONIn terms of administration, the Company has implemented a Managed Print Service (MPS), which is the provision of print, scan, copy, and fax services with effective, efficient and measured management. Cost management is integrated through the concept of print per sheet fee covering the cost of devices and consumables as well as the advantages compared to conventional system.

The system application provides the advantages, such as cost efficiency, productivity, and more controlled document security. In addition, this system also provides benefits in terms of reducing the use of paper so that it in directly supports environmental conservation efforts, including in terms of carbon emissions control.

ARSITEKTUR SISTEM INFORMASIInformation System Architecture

International standard & industry best practices• PRODML/WITSML/RESQML Information,

Measurement Values• ISA S88/S95, ISO 15926, IEEE 61970/68 For

asset and physical hierarchy representation• ISO 15926, & Mimasa, for asset life cycle

management• GPX• XBRL• XML-HR

Asset OperatorsProcesses Systems








PENERAPAN DESKTOP CLOUD COMPUTINGMemasuki tahun 2014, Fungsi ICT Pertamina EP mengimplementasikan teknologi Cloud Desktop di lingkungan Kantor Pusat. Teknologi ini menggantikan sistem sebelumnya yang masih menggunakan personal computer (PC) meja konvensional.

Dengan penerapan teknologi Cloud Desktop, maka komputer meja konvensional yang digunakan para pegawai, digantikan sebuah perangkat thin client dengan dimensi lebih kecil namun berkemampuan tinggi. Perangkat ini berfungsi menampilkan sistem operasi dan aplikasi-aplikasi desktop lainnya yang terinstal di server.

Seluruh pemrosesan data yang biasanya dilakukan oleh pengguna di masing-masing central processing unit (CPU) komputer meja konvensional, sekarang dilakukan secara terpusat di server. Data yang ada akan tersimpan seluruhnya di storage server, sehingga menjadi lebih aman. Selain itu konsumsi listrik yang digunakan lebih sedikit, sehingga akan mendukung program Perusahaan melakukan efisiensi energi.

CLOUD DESKTOP COMPUTING APPLICATION Entering 2014, the ICT function of Pertamina EP implemented Cloud Desktop technology in the Head Office. This technology replaced the previous system that used conventional desktop personal computer (PC).

With the application of of Cloud Desktop technology, the conventional desktop computers used by employees were replaced by thin client devices with smaller dimensions but high capacity. These devices have the function to display operating system and other desktop applications installed on the server.

The entire data processing, which is usually done by the user in each central processing unit (CPU) of conventional desktop computers, is now done centrally on the server. The data will be stored entirely in the storage server, so that it becomes more secure. In addition, they use less power consumption, which will support the Company’s program in energy efficiency.

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PENERAPAN iADMSiADMS merupakan perangkat lunak untuk memantau data teknis transportasi oil secara waktu nyata dan terintegrasi di Lapangan. Setelah diinisiasi di Field Tambun pada tahun 2013, penerapan iADMS pada tahun 2014 masih dipusatkan pada pembenahan telemetering untuk integrasi pada Dashboard Oil Transportation Babelfish.

Kami berharap pada tahun 2015 iADMS dapat diterapkan di Lapangan maupun Proyek Pengembangan Pertamina EP yang lain. Selain untuk melaporkan secara waktu nyata, perangkat iADMS juga menjadikan segala permasalahan yang terjadi dengan proses transportasi produksi dapat segara diketahui. Dengan demikian, upaya solusi pun menjadi lebih cepat dan efektif.

TANGGUNG JAWAB PRODUK TERHADAP KONSUMENPerusahaan berupaya menjaga kepuasan pelanggan dengan menerapkan mekanisme untuk melayani komplain dari PT Pertamina (Persero) terkait produk minyak yang diserahkan. Komplain disampaikan melalui surat kepada Perusahaan dan ditembuskan kepada SKK Migas. [G4-PR5]

Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2015 ada beberapa komplain yang disampaikan kepada Pertamina EP langsung maupun melalui SKK Migas. Komplain tersebut terdiri dari komplain mengenai volume minyak yang diserahkan, komplain mengenai spesifikasi minyak yang diserahkan, dan komplain mengenai demurrage saat pengapalan.

Komplain yang diterima perusahaan langsung ditindaklanjuti melalui : 1. Verifikasi, bila komplain menyangkut jumlah

volume yang berbeda.2. Analisa di laboratorium independen, bila complain

terkait spesifikasi minyak.

Selain pengaduan melalui surat, secara berkala kami juga mengadakan koordinasi penyaluran minyak dan gas, gas coordination meeting, shipper coordination, dan workshop optimalisasi lifting secara berkala. Hal tersebut dilakukan sebagai tindak lanjut dari keluhan konsumen dan sebagai kontrol optimalisasi lifting untuk masa-masa mendatang.


The company strives to maintain customer satisfaction by implementing a mechanism of complaint service from PT Pertamina (Persero) on oil products delivered. Complaints submitted by mail to the Company and a copy to SKK Migas. [G4-PR5]

Until the end of 2015 there were several complaints submitted to Pertamina EP directly or indirectly through SKK Migas. The complaints consist of complaints on the oil volume delivered, oil specification, and demurrage on shipment.

Complaints received by the Company are immediately followed up by:1. Verification, when the complaint concerns with

volume difference.2. Analysis in independent laboratories, when the

complaints related to oil specifications.

In addition to the complaint submitted by mail, periodically we also carry out coordination of oil and gas distribution, gas coordination meetings, shipper coordination and optimization of lifting workshops regularly. This was done as a follow-up of consumer complaints as well as lifting optimization control for the future.

iADMS APPLICATIONiADMS is a software for real time and integrated monitoring of oil transport technical data at the Field. After being initiated at Tambun Field in 2013, the iADMS application in 2014 still focused on improving telemetering for integration on the Oil Transportation Dashboard Babelfish.

We hope that in 2015 iADMS can be applied at Pertamina EP’s Fields and other Development Project. In addition to real-time reporting, iADMS devices can also identify immediately all the problems that occur in the production transport process. Thus, solution efforts become faster and more effective.

KOMPUTER MEJA KONVENSIONALConventional Desktop Computer

• Data tersimpan di masing-masing CPU komputer meja.Peningkatan keahlian tim CSMS. Data stored in each CPU of desktop computer.

• Data rentan hilang atau rusak akibat kerusakan perangkat keras maupun virus. Prone to data loss or corrupted due to a hardware malfunction or virus.

• Rentan pencurian data, karena penggunaan komputer meja konvensional dapat dilakukan pula oleh orang lain. Prone to data theft, due to the use of a conventional desktop computer can be shared by others.

• Konsumsi daya listrik besar. High power consumption.• Dimensi komputer meja relatif besar sehingga memenuhi kubikal

meja kerja. Computer table dimension is relatively large, which fills the work cubicle.

• Data tersentralisasi dan secara periodik di-back up. Centralized data and backed-up periodically

• Data lebih aman karena komputer hanya dapat diakses melalui fasilias login pada sistem. Data is more secure because the computer can only be accessed through login facility on the system.

• Konsumsi listrik lebih sedikit. Less power consumption.

• Dimensi lebih kecil. Smaller dimension.

TEKNOLOGI CLOUD DESKTOP Cloud Desktop Technology

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Dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasionalnya, Pertamina EP berkomitmen untuk turut menjaga kelestarian lingkungan. Kami mewujudkannya melalui penyelenggaraan kegiatan operasional yang baik, dan juga praktik-praktik terbaik pengelolaan lingkungan.

PENGELOLAAN DAN PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPPerusahaan menyertakan setiap Lapangan maupun Proyek pada masing-masing Asset dan Lapangan yang dikelola secara kemitraan pada penilaian PROPER oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Penilaian PROPER tahun 2014 memperlihatkan bahwa kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan hidup masih harus menjadi perhatian bersama semua pihak di Pertamina EP.

In conducting its operational activities, Pertamina EP is committed to take part in environmental conservation. We realize it through the implementation of good operational activities, as well as best practices of environmental management.

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATIONThe Company includes every Field and Project in each Asset and Field operated under partnership in PROPER assessment by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. PROPER 2014 assessment showed that the environmental management performance should still be a shared concern of all parties in Pertamina EP.



1 2014 - 14 10 2

2 2013 0 19 7 0

3 2012 0 12 15 0

KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environmen

Pada tahun 2014, terdapat dua Lapangan yang memperoleh peringkat PROPER Merah. Namun kami memastikan hal tersebut bukan karena ketidakpatuhan pada ketentuan perundang-undangan tentang pengelolaan lingkungan, melainkan lebih disebabkan permasalahan administrasi.

In 2014, there were two fields that received Red PROPER. However we made sure it was not due to non-compliance with laws and regulations on environmental management, but rather due to administrative problems.

LINGKUNGAN [IR2]Environment

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1 Field Rantau Asset 1

2 Field Pangkaan Susu Asset 1

3 Field Jambi Asset 1

4 Field Lirik Asset 1

5 Field Ramba Asset 1

6 Field Prabumulih Asset 1

7 Field Pendopo Asset 2

8 Field Subang Asset 3

9 Field Jatibarang Asset 3

10 Field Tambun Asset 3

11 Field Papua Asset 5

12 Field Sangasanga Asset 5

13 TAC Pertamina Semberah Persada Oil

14 TAC Pertamina Insani Mitrasani Gelam



1 Field Adera Asset 2

2 Field Cepu Asset 4

3 Field Sangata Asset 5

4 Field Bunyu Asset 5

5 Field Tanjung Asset 5

6 Field Tarakan dan Sembakung Asset 5

7 KSO SE – BWP Meruap

8 TAC Pertamina Intermega Salawati

9 TAC Pilona Peto Tanjung LontarField Jatibarang

10 KSO Pertamina EP – Benakat Barat Petroleum

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PEMBIAYAAN INVESTASI LINGKUNGANKomitmen pada pengelolaan dan pelestarian lingkungan, juga diwujudkan melalui anggaran khusus bagi pembiayaan investasi pengelolaan dan pelestarian lingkungan. Besaran biaya investasi pengelolaan dan pelestarian lingkungan pada tahun 2014 mencapai Rp126,01 miliar, turun dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar Rp150,65 miliar. Penurunan ini di antaranya karena sertifikasi ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 dan ISO 14001 di Pertamina EP sudah dilakukan secara terintegrasi dan bukan per field serta implementasi operational excellence sehingga meminimalkan limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan operasi. [G4-EN31]

PENCEGAHAN KERUSAKAN LINGKUNGAN [G4-14]Pertamina EP senantiasa berikhtiar meminimalkan potensi dampak lingkungan dan mencegah penurunan kualitas (degradasi) lingkungan. Upaya yang dilakukan meliputi:1. Setiap kegiatan operasional di seluruh

Lapangan telah dilengkapi dokumen Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL), Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan dan Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan (RPL & RKL);

2. Mendorong pengelolaan lingkungan di setiap Lapangan untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi standar internasional (ISO 14001 Sistem Pengelolaan Lingkungan);

3. Penilaian PROPER oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.

4. Penerapan Kebijakan Quality, Health, Savety, Security and Environment (QHSSE).

Sepanjang tahun 2014, Fungsi Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) juga memantau kegiatan pengelolaan lingkungan di Kantor Pusat, Asset, Lapangan dan Proyek. Pemantauan ini juga dilakukan pada Lapangan yang dioperasikan melalui kemitraan TAC maupun KSO. Kami memastikan bahwa pengelolaan lingkungan telah dilakukan sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan, sehingga potensi dampak lingkungan akan dapat diminimalkan.

ENVIRONMENT INVESTMENT FINANCINGCommitment to environmental management and conservation are realized through a special budget for the financing of investment in environmental management and conservation. The amount of investment costs in environmental management and conservation in 2014 reached IDR126.01 billion, a decrease compared to 2013 at IDR150.65 billion. The decrease was due to the integrated implementation of ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 certifications at Pertamina EP and not per field, as well as the implementation of operational excellence in order to minimize the waste generated from operating activities. [G4-EN31]


Pertamina EP continues the efforts to minimize potential environmental impacts and prevent environmental degradation. The efforts undertaken include:1. Any operations at all fields have been equipped

with the Analysis on Environmental Impact (AMDAL), Environmental Monitoring Plan and Environmental Management Plan (RPL & RKL) documents.

2. Promote environmental management in each field to earn international standard certification (ISO 14001 on Environmental Management System);

3. PROPER assessment by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

4. Application of Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE) Policy.

Throughout 2014, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Function also monitored the activities of environmental management at the Head Office, Assets, Fields and Projects, including providing supervision to the fields operated under TAC and KSO partnerships. We ensure that environmental management has been conducted in accordance with the laws, thus minimize potential environmental impacts.

BIAYA LINGKUNGAN 2014Environmental Expenditure 2014

PERUNTUKAN Appropriation JUMLAH (IDR) Amount (IDR) %

Manajemen Pencegahan Appropriation Prevention Management 61,924,340,402 49.14

Pengelolaan Emisi Udara Air Emissions Management 599,800,000 0.48Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Liquid Waste Management 3,265,884,300 2.59Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management 45,706,061,680 36.27Pengelolaan Limbah Non-B3 Non-Hazardous Waste Management 6,446,482,437 5.12Perlindungan Keanekaragaman Hayati dan Penghijauan Biodiversity Conservation and Reforestation 8,076,002,116 6.41

JUMLAH TOTAL 126,018,570,935 100

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PENGELOLAAN PEMAKAIAN ENERGIKomitmen dalam pengelolaan dan pelestarian lingkungan juga kami wujudkan melalui kebijakan dalam hal pemanfaatan energi untuk kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi, termasuk proses produksi. Pertamina EP berupaya mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan energi dan memaksimalkan penghematan yang dapat dilakukan.

PEMBANGUNAN SPBI Perusahaan terus menambah keberadaan stasiun pengisian bahan bakar internal (SPBI) bekerjasama dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai penyedia bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dan PT Pertamina Patra Niaga sebagai operator. Melalui kerjasama ini, pengelolaan kebutuhan BBM dan pelumas untuk operasional Asset dan Lapangan, akan diserahkan langsung kepada PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

Pola pelayanan SPBI menggunakan sistem Vendor Held Stock (VHS), yaitu berapa volume BBM dan pelumas yang terpakai untuk keperluan operasional Asset dan Lapangan. Jumlah itulah yang dibayarkan Pertamina EP. Dengan demikian, Perusahaan tidak perlu lagi memesan, menyimpan, mengawasi BBM dan meminimalkan kehilangan (losess). Selain itu, dengan pelayanan SPBI maka dapat dipastikan pemakaian BBM dan pelumas hanya akan diperuntukkan bagi kendaraan operasional maupun keperluan operasional lain.

Secara keseluruhan, sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014, terdapat 17 SPBI yang dibangun Pertamina EP, dari rencana 19 SPBI di seluruh Lapangan. Adapun SPBI yang dibangun pada tahun 2014, adalah:• SPBI di Field Jambi, Asset 1; • SPBI di Field Papua, Asset 5.

PEMAKAIAN ENERGIKami meneruskan kebijakan penghematan energi yang sudah berjalan. Upaya yang dilaksanakan telah dapat mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan energi untuk keperluan operasional Perusahaan.

Laporan ini menampilkan pemakaian energi meliputi penggunaan BBM dan gas di dalam Perusahaan, mencakup Lapangan yang dioperasikan sendiri, serta di luar Perusahaan pada Lapangan yang dikelola mitra TAC maupun KSO. Sementara untuk volume pemakaian listrik, data yang disajikan baru meliputi pemakaian di dalam Perusahaan. [G4-EN3] [G4-EN4]

Pemakaian energi dalam bentuk gas pada tahun 2014 mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun 2013. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari kebijakan Perusahaan, untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan gas yang dihasilkan di beberapa Lapangan, sebagai sumber energi untuk menggerakkan pembangkit tenaga listrik. Pemanfaatan gas secara langsung mendukung upaya pelestarian lingkungan, karena sifatnya sebagai sumber energi baru yang menghasilkan emisi karbon rendah. [G4-EN6] [G4-EN19]

ENERGY USE MANAGEMENTWe realize our commitment in the environmental management and conservation through the policy on energy utilization for exploration and exploitation activities, including production process. Pertamina EP strives to optimize energy use and maximize saving efforts.

SPBI DEVELOPMENT The Company continues to add internal fuel filing stations (SPBI) in cooperation with PT Pertamina (Persero) as a provider of oil fuel (BBM) and PT Patra Niaga as operator. Through this partnership, the management of oil fuel and lubricant needs for Asset and Field operations will be directly handed to PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

SPBI services are conducted according to Vendor Held Stock (VHS) system, which is based on the volume of fuel and lubricants used for operations of Assets and Fields. Accordingly, the Company no longer needs to place order, store, monitor oil fuel and minimize losses. In addition, SPBI services can ensure the use of oil fuel and lubricants will only be reserved for operational vehicles and other operational purposes.

Overall, until the end of 2014, there were 17 SPBI built by Pertamina EP, from the plan of 19 SPBI across the Fields. The SPBI built in 2014, are:• SPBI in Jambi Field, Asset 1;• SPBI in Papua Field, Asset 5.

USE OF ENERGYWe continue the policy of the energy saving that has been running. The efforts have been able to optimize energy utilization for the Company's operational purposes.

This report displays the energy consumption including the use of oil fuel and gas within the Company, covering own operation Fields, as well as outside the company on several Fields operated by TAC and KSO partners. Meanwhile, for the volume of power consumption, the data presented only the consumption within the Company. [G4-EN3] [G4-EN4]

The energy consumption in the form of gas in 2014 increased compared to 2013. It was not independent of the Company's policy on optimizing the utilization of gas produced in some fields, as a source of energy to fuel power plant. Gas utilization directly supports environmental conservation efforts, due to its nature as a new energy source that generates low carbon emissions. [G4-EN6] [G4-EN19]

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment


Energy Consumption (GigaJoule) Within and Outside the Company

INTENSITAS ENERGI [G4-EN5]Energy Intensity

JENIS ENERGI Type of Energy 2012 2013 2014

Minyak Oil 54,302,336 52,580,199 56,459,175

Gas Gas 5,890,906,504 6,746,511,802 8,065,000,062

Listrik Power 846,841 165,282 158,265.74

JUMLAH TOTAL 5,946,055,682 6,799,257,286 8,121,617,503

KRITERIA Criteria SATUAN Unit 2012 2013 2014

Total Penggunaan Energi Total Use of Energy BTU 7,149,209 6,734,182 7,083,616

Intensitas Energi Energy IntensityBTU / Produksi BOE BTU/Production BOE

87,238.90 79,291.82 92,446.61

Intensitas Energi pada tahun 2014 memperlihatkan peningkatan menjadi 92.446,61 BTU/Produk BOE. Intensitas energi dihitung sebagai besaran energi digunakan per satuan produksi setara minyak.

Kian rendahnya angka Intensitas Energi memperlihatkan besaran energi dibutuhkan untuk proses produksi menjadi lebih sedikit. Peningkatan Intensitas Energi di tahun 2014 menunjukkan peningkatan upaya Pertamina EP dalam memproduksikan minyak dan gas yang diiringi peningkatan penggunaan energi, namun belum seluruh upaya membuahkan hasil, dimana produksi minyak dan gas ternyata menurun.

PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI SURYADAN TERBARUKANSepanjang tahun 2014, kami melanjutkan pengembangan dan penggunaan energi terbarukan yang bersumber dari panas matahari. Kami menambah unit panel surya (solar cell) untuk pembangkit listrik pada beberapa Lapangan, dengan nilai investasi mencapai Rp9,8 miliar dan daya listrik dihasilkan sebanyak 659.246,11 KWH. Listrik yang dihasilkan digunakan sebagai sumber energi untuk penerangan. [G4-EN6] [OG2] [OG3]

Energy intensity in 2014 showed an increase to 92,446.61 BTU/Product BOE. Energy intensity is calculated as the amount of energy used per unit of production of oil equivalent.

The declining rate of energy intensity showed lower amount of energy required for the production process. The increase in energy intensity in 2014 showed an increase amid Pertamina EP’s efforts in producing oil and gas, along with increasing use of energy. However, despite all the efforts, oil and gas production apparently declined.


Throughout 2014, we continued the development and use of renewable energy derived from solar heat. We added solar cell units for power generation in some fields with investment value of IDR9.8 billion and the generated power was 659,246.11 KWH. The generated power is used as a source of energy for lighting. [G4-EN6] [OG2] [OG3]

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Selain untuk kebutuhan internal, Pertamina EP juga mendorong masyarakat di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan berkegiatan untuk memanfaatkan panel surya sebagai sumber energi alternatif untuk sumber penerangan. Melalui pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, kami memberikan bantuan pengadaan panel surya bagi masyarakat, di antaranya:

1. Field Pangkalan Susu, Asset 1, melakukan pemasangan lampu panel surya sebanyak 10 unit di Desa Teluk Meku, Meku Kecamatan Babalan, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatra Utara. Pemasangan panel surya dilakukan pada 10 titik lokasi meliputi rumah ibadah, jalan desa dan fasilitas umum lainnya. Total biaya pengadaan panel surya mencapai Rp1,10 miliar dan daya listrik yang dihasilkan sebesar 659.246,11 KWH. [OG2] [OG3]

2. Field Tarakan, Asset 5 bersama Universitas Borneo mengembangkan inovasi panel surya untuk budidaya rumput laut di daerah Pantai Amal, Tarakan. Inovasi berupa purwarupa alat pengering bertenaga surya yang mampu mempersingkat waktu pengeringan. Keunikan alat ini bisa digunakan pula dalam kondisi cuaca mendung dengan menggunakan kayu bakar sebagai sumber panas untuk proses pengeringan.

In addition to the internal needs, Pertamina EP also encouraged communities around the Company’s operating sites to utilize solar panels as an alternative energy source for lighting. Through corporate social responsibility implementation, we provided solar cell supply assistance for the communities, including:

1. Pangkalan Susu Field, Asset 1, installed 10 solar cells in Teluk Meku Village, Babalan District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. The solar cells were installed in 10 points of location including houses of worship, village roads and other public facilities. The total cost of solar cell supply reached IDR1.10 billion and generated power was 659,246.11 KWH. [OG2] [OG3]

2. Tarakan Field, Asset 5 together with Borneo University developed innovation of solar cells for seaweed cultivation in the area of Amal Beach, Tarakan. The innovation was in the form of a solar-powered dryer prototype, which was able to shorten the drying time. The device was unique as it could be used during cloudy weather conditions by using firewood as heat source for the drying process.



2013 2014

JUMLAH PANEL SURYANumber of Solar Cells



JUMLAH PANEL SURYANumber of Solar Cells



Head Office 15 30

Asset 1 86 62 80,934.70

Asset 2 129 65 343,164.48

Asset 3 152 140 151,088.96

Asset 4 65 100 19,140.60

Asset 5 168 84 64,917.38

JUMLAH TOTAL 615 338,000 481 659,246.11

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PEMANFAATAN GASSumber energi baru dan terbarukan yang terus dikembangkan Pertamina EP adalah pemanfaatan gas bumi. Untuk itulah kami berupaya meningkatkan produksi gas bumi, sesuai target yang ditetapkan PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku induk perusahaan.

Selain menjadi bagian dari bisnis utama Perusahaan, ketersediaan pasokan gas bumi dan pemanfaatan gas bumi sebagai sumber energi, akan turut mendukung program ketahanan energi nasional. Mengingat pemanfaatan gas bumi akan dapat mengurangi tingkat pemakaian bahan bakar fosil, sehingga mengurangi ketergantungan Indonesia pada minyak. Manfaat lain adalah rendahnya emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan dari pemanfaatan gas bumi.

Pada tahun 2014, Pertamina EP telah dapat meningkatkan produksi gas melalui Proyek Pengembangan Gas Matindok (PPGM), yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tangah. PPGM memiliki lima lapangan gas bumi: Lapangan Donggi, Lapangan Matindok, Lapangan Male Raja, Lapangan Sukamaju, dan Lapangan Minahaki.

Hingga periode pelaporan pengerjaan di PPGM terus berlangsung dan ditargetkan on stream di akhir tahun 2015. Kemampuan produksi gas bumi dari Blok Matindok diperkirakan ± 105 MMSCFD, dengan kandungan kondensat ± 850 BOPD, dan air yang terikut diproduksikan diperkirakan 2.500 BWPD, dengan perkiraan umur produksi 20 tahun. Gas yang diproduksi mengandung CO2 sekitar 2,5%, Total sulfur 3.000 ppm dan kemungkinan juga mengandung unsur yang lainnya. [OG3] [OG5] [OG6] [OG8]

Dari volume gas yang diproduksikan, sebanyak 85 MMSCFD akan dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan kilang LNG. Adapun sebesar 20 MMSCD dipasok untuk PT PLN (Persero), yang nantinya akan menggantikan pemakaian BBM untuk pembangkit listrik sehingga juga akan menurunkan tingkat emisi CO2. [G4-EN7] [G4-EN19]

PEMANFAATAN DAN PENGELOLAAN AIRKami memanfaatkan air antara lain untuk kebutuhan domestik dan operasi. Selain itu, air juga dimanfaatkan untuk proses injeksi air (water flood) pada sumur-sumur proyek pengurasan lanjut lapisan (EOR).

VOLUME AIR TERPAKAIPemakaian air untuk keperluan operasi dan domestik di area operasi pada masing-masing Asset, mayoritas dipenuhi dari sumber air permukaan.Total volume air terpakai di area operasiyang masuk dalam lima Asset selama tahun 2014 adalah 10.328.795,59meter kubik (m3), naik dibanding pemakaian air pada tahun 2013 sebanyak 9.277.113,89 m3. Kenaikan total volume pemakaian air disebabkan bergabungnya Sembakung ke Field Tarakan (Asset 5) dan Field Poleng (Asset 4) serta

USE OF GASNew and renewable energy source being developed by Pertamina EP is the utilization of natural gas. Therefore we strive to increase natural gas production, according to the target set by PT Pertamina (Persero) as the parent company.

In addition to being part of the Company’s main business, the availability of natural gas supply and utilization of natural gas as an energy source, will contribute to the national energy security program. Given natural gas utilization will be able to reduce the consumption rate of fossil fuels, thus reducing Indonesia's dependence on oil. Another benefit is low CO2 emissions resulting from natural gas utilization.

In 2014, Pertamina EP has been able to increase gas production through Matindok Gas Development Project (PPGM), which is located in Banggai, Central Sulawesi. PPGM has five natural gas fields: Donggi Field, Matindok Field, Male Raja Field, Sukamaju Field and Minahaki Field.

Until the reporting period, the work at PPGM was still underway and on stream target was set at the end of 2015. Natural gas production capacity from Matindok Block was estimated at ±105 MMSCFD, with condensate deposit of ±850 BOPD, and produced entrained water was an estimated of 2,500 BWPD, with an estimated 20 years of production life. Gas production contains CO2 of about 2.5%, total sulfur of 3,000 ppm and may also contain other substances. [OG3] [OG5] [OG6] [OG8]

From the volume of gas production, a total of 85 MMSCFD will be used for the needs of LNG plant. Meanwhile, 20 MMSCD is supplied to PT PLN (Persero), which will replace the use of oil fuel for power plants that will also reduce the rate of CO2 emissions. [G4-EN7] [G4-EN19]

WATER UTILIZATION AND MANAGEMENTWe use the water among others for domestic use and operation. In addition, water is also used for water injection process (water flood) in the wells of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project.

WATER CONSUMPTION VOLUMEThe water consumption for operating and domestic purposes in the operating area of each Asset is mostly supplied from surface water sources. Total volume of greywater in the operating area within five Assets during 2014 was 10,328,795.59 cubic meters (m3), increased from water consumption in 2013 of 9,277,113.89 m3. The increase in total volume of water consumption due to the merger of Sembakung to Tarakan Field (Asset 5) and Poleng Field (Asset 4) as well as

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VOLUME PEMAKAIAN AIR UNTUK DOMESTIK BERDASARKAN SUMBER AIR [G4-EN8]Water Consumption Volume for Domestic Purpose by Water Source

SUMBER AIR Water SourceVOLUME (m3)

2013 2014

Air Permukaan Surface Water 8,155,016.47 7,654,483.39

Air Tanah Groundwater 1,082,128.77 1,133,350.12

PDAM Municipal Water 0 .00 44,001.55

Air Hujan Rain Water 6,812.00 902,156.86

Lainnya Other 29,756.65 603.00

Air Daur Ulang Recycled Water 3,400.00 594,200.67

Untuk kegiatan pemboran digunakan air tanah yang ikut terproduksi pada setiap sumur dan kemudian dikelola dengan sistem sirkulasi tertutup dan dimanfaatkan kembali untuk proses pemeliharaan tekanan (pressure maintenance). Total volume air terproduksi yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2014 adalah 63.493.554,63 meter kubik (m3), dan seluruhnya dimanfaatkan kembali kembali untuk proses injeksi air (pressure maintenance atau water flood) pada sumur-sumur EOR. Dengan demikian, seluruh air terproduksi telah dapat dimanfaatkan kembali. Tidak ada air terproduksi yang dibuang ke badan air sehingga mengancam keanekaragaman hayati di dalamnya. [G4-EN8] [G4-EN9] [G4-EN10] [G4-EN26] [OG5]

Kami mengawasi setiap pengambilan dan pemanfaatan air di masing-masing Lapangan. Kondisi ini menjadikan Pertamina EP tidak pernah menghadapi keluhan dari masyarakat maupun pihak berwenang karena terganggunya sumber air di sekitar lokasi operasi. [G4-EN9]

For drilling activities, produced groundwater is used in each well and then managed with a closed circulation system and reused for pressure maintenance. Total volume of produced water generated in 2014 was 63,493,554.63 cubic meters (m3), and all reused for water injection process (pressure maintenance or water flood) in EOR wells. Thus, all produced water has been able to be reused. There was no produced water discharged into water bodies that threaten their biodiversity. [G4-EN8] [G4-

EN9] [G4-EN10] [G4-EN26] [OG5]

We monitored every withdrawal and utilization of water in each field. These conditions have prevented Pertamina EP from facing complaints from the community and the authorities due to the disruption of the water source in the vicinity of the operating sites. [G4-EN9]

VOLUME INJEKSI AIR TERPRODUKSIProduced water Injection Volume

URAIAN Description 2012 2013 2014

Volume (m3) 62,866,351.29 54,783,605.33 63,493,554.63

PENGENDALIAN EMISI Pertamina EP mendukung kebijakan Pemerintah dalam pengendalian emisi, terutama penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) secara nasional. Kami melanjutkan studi penggunaan kembali CO2 pada sumur EOR di Field Jatibarang, dan potensi pemanfaatan CO2 secara komersial.

PENGENDALIAN EMISIEmisi yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan Perusahaan berasal dari beberapa sumber, yakni:1. Gas buang kendaraan operasional;2. Gas ikutan dari sumur-sumur eksplorasi

maupun produksi, termasuk gas suar (flare).

EMISSION CONTROL Pertamina EP supports the Government's policy in emissions control, especially the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction nationally. We continue the study of CO2 reuse in EOR wells at Jatibarang Field, and potential commercial use of CO2.

EMISSIONS CONTROLEmissions generated from the Company's activities come from several sources, namely:1. Exhaust gas of operational vehicles;2. Associated gas from exploration wells and

production, including gas flare.

peningkatan upaya pencarian minyak dan gas melalui kegiatan pemboran. Namun dapat dilihat bahwa sumber air tambahan yang digunakan adalah mayoritas dari air hujan dan air daur ulang, dan bukan dari air permukaan / air tanah. [G4-EN8]

an increase in the search for oil and gas through drilling activities. However, it can be seen that the additional water source used is mostly from rainwater and recycled water, and none from surface water/groundwater. [G4-EN8]

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

Sementara untuk emisi yang merupakan gas rumah kaca (GRK) terutama CO2, dihasilkan sebagai gas ikutan pada sumur eksplorasi maupun sumur produksi. Langkah-langkah pengendallian emisi GRK yang telah dilakukan meliputi:Pemantauan dan pengukuran volume maupun kualitas emisi untuk memastikan kesesuaian dengan baku mutu. Pemantauan dan pengukuran meliputi sumber-sumber GRK yang dihasilkan dari

Meanwhile, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, especially CO2, are generated as associated gas both in exploration wells and production wells. The masures to control GHG emissions that have been taken include:Monitoring and measurement of the volume and quality of emissions to ensure compliance with quality standards. Monitoring and measurement include sources of GHG

Secara berkesinambungan, kami melakukan pengelolaan sumber-sumber emisi dan pengendalian emisi dihasilkan untuk meminimalkan dampak terhadap pencemaran udara. Pengendalian emisi dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk memastikan kualitas emisi telah sesuai dengan baku mutu yang ditetapkan pemerintah.

Pengendalian emisi pada kendaraan-kendaraan operasional antara lain dilakukan dengan perawatan rutin kendaraan dan pengujian emisi secara berkala. Kebijakan ini dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan pihak independen yang memiliki kompetensi dalam pengujian emisi kendaraan bermotor. Uji emisi diikuti unit kendaraan ringan Perusahaan dan angkutan berat.

We continuously manage emissions sources and control the generated emissions to minimize the impact of air pollution. Emissions control is implemented through activities aimed at ensuring the quality of emissions comply with the quality standards set by the government.

Emissions control on operational vehicles, among others, is conducted through routine maintenance and vehicle emissions testing at regularly. This policy is implemented by involving independent parties who have competency in motor vehicle emission testing. Emissions test is followed by the Company’s light vehicles and heavy transportation vehicles.

Field Jambi pada bulan Juli menggelar uji emisi kendaraan operasional Perusahaan di rest area transportasi, guna mengetahui kelayakan kadar emisi kendaraan operasional Jambi Field. Kegiatan diselenggarakan oleh Fungsi HSSE bersama PT Succofindo selaku pelaksana uji emisi.

Uji emisi menyertakan 104 unit kendaraan ringan dan angkutan berat. Adapun parameter pengujian untuk kendaraan berbahan bakar solar adalah ketebalan asap atau opasitas. Khusus untuk pengujian kendaraan berat, hasil uji emisi akan menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk menentukan ambang batas kelayakan emisi kendaraan operasional.

Penyelenggaraan uji emisi merupakan bagian dari upaya Field Jambi untuk mengendalikan dan mereduksi emisi GRK. Uji emisi juga menjadi pemenuhan terhadap Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.5 Tahun 2006 tentang Ambang Batas Emisi Gas Buang dan Kendaraan Bermotor Lama serta pemenuhan PROPER Hijau. [G4-EN19]

Hasil uji emisi menyatakan bahwa emisi gas buang seluruh kendaraan operasional Field Jambi masih memenuhi ambang batas yang ditentukan.di sekitar lokasi operasi.

Jambi Field in July held emissions testing for the Company’s operating vehicles in the rest area of transport, in order to determine the worthiness of operating vehicles’ emissions in Jambi Field. The activities were organized by HSSE Function with PT Sucofindo as the operator of emission test.

The emissions test was participated by 104 units of light and heavy duty vehicles. The testing parameters for diesel vehicles were the thickness of the smoke or opacity. Especially for heavy duty vehicle testing, the emission test results are used to be taken into consideration for determining the quality threshold of operational vehicle emissions.

The implementation of the emissions test is part of Jambi Field’s effort to control and reduce GHG emissions. Emissions test also becomes the compliance with Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 5 of 2006 on the Threshold of Gas Emissions and Old Motor Vehicle as well as the fulfillment of Green PROPER. [G4-EN19]

Emission test results declared that gas emissions of all operational vehicles at Jambi Field still meet the established threshold.

UJI EMISI KENDARAAN DI FIELD JAMBIVehicle Emissions Testing at Jambi Field

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INTENSITAS EMISI GRK [G4-EN18]GHG Emission Intensity

KRITERIA Criteria SATUAN Unit 2012 2013 2014

Intensitas Beban Emisi Emission Load Intensity Ton CO2 eq/BOE 0.0378 0.0374 0.0281

Reduksi Emisi GRK GHG Emissions Reduction Ton CO2eq % 770,736.75 518,626.27 698,899.84

Dibanding Perhitungan 2010 (7,808,448.54 ton CO2 eq) Compared to 2010 Calculation 7,808,448.54 ton CO2 eq

Ton CO2eq % 9.87 16.51 25.52

kegiatan operasional maupun kegiatan lain. Total volume emisi GRK yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2014 mencapai 5,815,775.08 tonCO2 eq. [G4-EN15] [G4-EN16]

Pemanfaatan CO2 yang dihasilkan sebagai gas ikutan pada sumur-sumur produksi, di antaranya sumur di Field Jatibarang untuk keperluan komersial maupun materi dalam proses injeksi kimiawi pada sumur-sumur EOR. Melalui upaya ini maka volume CO2 yang dilepaskan ke udara dapat dikurangi. [G4-EN19]

generated from operating activities and other activities. Total volume of GHG emissions in 2014 reached 5,815,775.08 tonCO2eq. [G4-EN15] [G4-EN16]

Utilization of CO2 generated as associated gas in production wells, including wells in Jatibarang Field for commercial purposes as well as materials in the chemical injection process of EOR wells. Through these measure, the volume of CO2 released into the air can be reduced. [G4-EN19]

Field Subang, Asset 3 berencana menjual CO2 dari Stasiun Pengumpul Gas Subang. Kapasitas CO2 yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi gas di stasiun Pengumpul Gas Subang diperkirakan mencapai 30 MMSCFD, dari total produksi gas rata-rata sebesar 237 MMSCFD.

Keinginan memanfaatkan CO2 secara komersial didasari pertimbangan tingginya produksi CO2 yang berpotensi menjadi emisi GRK yang mencapai lebih dari 28 Gton/tahun. Selama ini CO2 selalu dibuang ke udara menjadi gas suar (flare gas). [OG6]

Padahal bila dicermati CO2 memiliki keunggulan, yakni titik kritis yang relatif rendah (suhu 31,10C, dan tekanan 73,9 bar). CO2 dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan industri, diantarnaya sebagai bahan pembuatan dry ice.

Tentu saja keinginan Pertamina EP untuk dapat memanfaatkan CO2 secara komersial masih memerlukan waktu. Namun bila hal ini dapat terlaksana, maka akan memberikan nilai tambah bagi upaya pelestarian lingkungan, dan juga potensi pendapatan dari insentif karbon yang bakal diperoleh Perusahaan.

Subang Field, Asset 3 plans to sell CO2 from Subang Gas Gathering Station. The capacity of CO2 generated from gas production process at Subang Gas Gathering Station is estimated at 30 MMSCFD, of average total gas production of 237 MMSCFD.

The plan to commercially utilize CO2 based on consideration of the high CO2 production that potentially turns into GHG emissions that reach more than 28 Gton/year. The CO2 has always been discharged into the air and become flare gas. [OG6]

Furthermore, CO2 has an advantage, which is its relatively low critical point (31.10C temperature, and pressure of 73.8 bar). CO2 can be utilized for industrial purposes, including as material for dry ice.

Pertamina EP’s plan to be able to utilize CO2 commercially still needs time to materialize. But if this can be done, it will provide added value for the environmental conservation, and also the potential revenue from carbon incentives that will be obtained by the Company.

FIELD SUBANG SIAP JUAL GAS CO2Subang Field Ready to Sell CO2 Gas

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PENGUASAAN LAHAN DAN KEANEKARAGAMAN HAYATIPertamina EP berkomitmen menjaga dan melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati, mengingat wilayah kerja Perusahaan tersebar di berbagai daerah yang memiliki kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati.

PENGUASAAN LAHAN DAN DAERAH DILINDUNGI Sebagian dari wilayah kerja Perusahaan, terletak pada lokasi yang berdekatan atau berada di dalam daerah yang dilindungi berdasarkan Undang-Undang (UU) No.5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya. Kondisi ini menjadikan rentan gangguan terhadap keanekaragaman hayati yang ada. Oleh karenanya, kami memiliki kebijakan untuk mengoptimalkan luas lahan yang digunakan untuk kegiatan operasi seluas dua hektar, dan meminimalkan area terdampak terutama perubahan habitat bagi spesies yang ada. [G4-EN11] [G4-EN12] [OG4]

Pertamina EP juga memenuhi ketentuan penyediaan lahan pengganti yang dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan operasional. Untuk tahun 2014, Perusahaan telah menyerahkan kompensasi lahan seluas 63 hektar untuk pelestarian hutan di Pulau Jawa. Penyerahan ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari  SK Menteri Kehutanan No.S.503/Menhut-VII/2012 mengenai persetujuan calon lahan kompensasi pengguna kawasan hutan seluas 74 Hektar untuk kegiatan eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi yang terletak di Jatitujuh, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat, dan Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur.

Sesuai Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan No.P.38/Menhut-II/2012, pemilihan lahan pengganti harus memenuhi kriteria:

1. Terletak berbatasan langsung dengan kawasan hutan, kecuali lahan kompensasi tersebut dapat dikelola dan dijadikan satu unit pengolahan hutan;

2. Terletak dalam daerah aliran sungai, pulau, dan/atau provinsi yang sama;

3. Dapat dihutankan kembali dengan cara konvensional;

4. Tidak dalam sengketa dan bebas dari segala jenis pembebanan dan hak tanggungan;

5. Mendapat rekomendasi Gubernur atau Bupati.

Perusahaan juga melakukan upaya pemulihan kondisi lingkungan melalui penanaman pohon atau revegetasi, yang juga dapat mengurangi keberadaan emisi GRK. Kegiatan penanaman pohon dilaksanakan bersama-sama dengan program yang digagas PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai induk perusahaan, yakni: Gerakan 100 juta pohon.


Pertamina EP is committed to protecting and preserving biodiversity, considering the Company’s working areas are spread in various regions that have biodiversity wealth.


Most of the Company’s working areas, located adjacent or within the protected areas based on Law No. 5 of 1990 regarding Conservation of Bio Natural Resources and Ecosystems. This condition makes the area prone to disturbance to existing biodiversity. Therefore, we have a policy to optimize the land area used for operating activities of two hectares, and minimize the affected areas, especially the changes of habitat for existing species. [G4-EN11] [G4-EN12] [OG4]

Pertamina EP also complies with the provision of replacement land that is used for operations. In 2014, the Company has handed 63 hectares of replacement land for forest conservation in Java. This handover was a follow up of the Minister of Forestry Decree No.S.503/Menhut-VII/2012 regarding the approval of 74 hectares of prospective replacement land for forest users in oil and gas exploitation activities located in Jatitujuh, Indramayu Regency, West Java, and Bojonegoro Regency, East Java.

According to the Minister of Forestry Regulation No.P.38/Menhut-II/2012, the selection of replacement land must meet the following criteria:

1. Located adjacent to the forest area, except for compensation land can be managed and merged into one forest management unit;

2. Located in the same watershed, island, and/or province;

3. Can be reforested by conventional means;4. Not in dispute and free from any kind of charges

and the right of land mortgage;5. Recommended by the Governor or Regent.

The Company also carries out efforts to restore the environment condition through tree planting or revegetation, which also can reduce GHG emissions. Tree planting activities are carried out jointly with a program initiated by parent company PT Pertamina (Persero), which is 100 million trees movement.

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PENYEBARAN PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PENANAMAN POHON 2014 [G4-EN13]Distribution of Tree Planting Program Implementation 2014

AREAAKUMULASI 2013 Accumulation PENANAMAN 2014 2014 Planting

JUMLAH Total % JUMLAH Total %

Kantor Pusat Head Office


29 23,993 6%

Asset 1 5 31,961 8%

Asset 2 18 100,350 24%

Asset 3 14 84,300 20%

Asset 4 13 57,000 13%

Asset 5 22 128,382 30%

JUMLAH Total 100 425,986 100

Masing-masing Lapangan juga telah melakukan berbagai program dan kegiatan lain sebagai bentuk dukungan pada komitmen Perusahaan untuk menjaga serta melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati.

Each Field has also carried out various programs and activities as a support of the Company's commitment to maintaining and preserving biodiversity.

Pada tahun 2014 telah ditanam 425.986 pohon, sehingga sampai dengan akhir periode pelaporan telah ditanam 818.573 pohon. Dari hasil pemantauan dapat dipastikan pohon-pohon yang telah ditanam telah tumbuh dan terpelihara dengan baik. [G4-EN13]

In 2014, a total of 425,986 trees have been planted, which brings the total number of planted trees by the end o reporting period to 818,573 trees. The monitoring results ensured that the planted trees have grown and maintained properly. [G4-EN13]

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

Field Rantau Rantau Field

Field Pangkalan Susu Pangkalan Susu Field

Field Lirik Lirik Field

Field Jambi Jambi Field

Field Pendopo Pendopo Field

Field Ramba Ramba Field

Field Tambun Field Tambun

Field Subang Field Subang

Field Cepu Cepu Field

Field Tarakan Tarakan Field

Field Sangatta Sangatta Field

Preservation of painted terrapin and orangutan of Mount Leuser National Park

Pelestarian satwa tuntong laut dan konservasi orang utan Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser

Mangrove conservation and plantingKonservasi dan penanaman mangrove

Mangrove planting in Siak River, tree planting and Nature Tourism program in Lirik, and Sumatran tiger prey habitat conservation

Penanaman mangrove di Sungai Siak, penanaman pohon dan program Wisata Alam di Lirik, dan konservasi habitat mangsa harimau Sumatera

Flora and Fauna conservation through ecotourism and creating the city's lungs while protecting endemic wood trees of Jambi

Konservasi Flora dan Fauna melalui ekowisata dan menciptakan paru-paru kota sekaligus melindungi tanaman kayu endemic Jambi

Honey bear conservationKonservasi beruang madu

Ex-situ conservation of Bentayan Natural Forest Konservasi Ex-situ Hutan Alam Bentayan

Mangrove Conservation Program (provision of seeds, training, construction of breakwaters)

Program Konservasi Mangrove (pemberian bibit, pelatihan, pembuatan pemecah ombak)

Javan Gibbon Conservation Program, Seminars and Workshops on fire toad conservation plans, puspa flower conservation

Program Konservasi Owa Jawa, Seminar dan Lokakarya rencana konservasi kodok merah, konservasi bunga puspa

Preservation of Timor deer (Cervus Timorensis), feasibility studies of operating location and drafting the site design for captive breeding of Timor deer (Cervus Timorensis) in KPH Parengan, Bojonegoro

Pelestarian Rusa Jawa (Cervus Timorensis), studi kelayakan lokasi operasi dan penyusunan rancangan tapak penangkaran Rusa Jawa (Cervus Timorensis) di KPH Parengan, Bojonegoro

Monitoring tower construction in mangrove conservation area along the banks of Pamusian river, proboscis conservation

Pembangunan menara pantau di Kawasan konservasi mangrove di bantaran sungai Pamusian, Konservasi bekantan

Continuation of Mangrove Ecosystem restoration in 'Salebba Mangrove Park' by rare tree planting, restoration of shoreline ecosystem of former community land and urban areas, construction of research facilities and nature tourism 'Sangkima Jungle Park' at Kutai National Park Sangkima Resort for research and tourism focusing on rare flora, such as Ulin

Lanjutan restorasi Ekosistem Mangrove di 'Salebba Mangrove Park' dengan adanya penanaman pohon langka, restorasi ekosistem bibir pantai dari yang sebelumnya tanah masyarakat dan kawasan kota, Pembuatan sarana penelitian dan wisata alam TNK Resor Sangkima 'Sangkima Jungle Park' untuk penelitian dan wisata yang fokus berkutat di seputar flora langka, seperti Ulin












UPAYA PERLINDUNGAN KEANEKARAGAMAN HAYATI PERTAMINA EPSebagai wujud komitmen dan kepedulian pada kelestarian lingkungan, Pertamina EP turut berperan dalam upaya perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati di wilayah operasinya. Beberapa upaya perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati yang telah dilaksanakan adalah:

BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION EFFORTS OF PERTAMINA EP As a manifestation of commitment and awareness for the environment, Pertamina EP takes part in the biodiversity protection in its operating areas. The efforts to protect biodiversity that have been implemented are:

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KONSERVASI SATWA LANGKAPertamina EP memberikan dukungan dan ikut terlibat pada program pelestarian beberapa satwa langka, yang termasuk dalam Daftar Merah IUCN (International Union for The Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources). Program dan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014 adalah: [G4-EN14]

1. Field Subang, Asset 3 menyiapkan rencana konservasi katak merah (Leptophryne cruentata) yang merupakan spesies endemik Pulau Jawa dan termasuk kategori konservasi critically endangered dalam Daftar Merah IUCN.

2. Field Cepu, Asset 4 berhasil menangkarkan rusa timor Jawa (Cervus timorensis) di lokasi penangkaran yang terletak di Kecamatan Malo, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Rusa timor merupakan satwa endemik Pulau Jawa dan Bali, dengan jumlah populasi hanya 10.000-20.000 ekor, serta masuk dalam Daftar Merah IUCN dengan status konservasi “vulnerable”.

3. Field Rantau, Asset 1 bersama Yayasan Satu Cita Lestari Indonesia (YSCLI) untuk melakukan pelestarian tuntong laut (Batagur borneoensis) di pesisir Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Tuntong laut termasuk satwa yang dilindungi berdasarkan PP No. 7 Tahun 1999.

4. Pertamina EP bekerjasama BKSDA (Badan Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam) Sulawesi Tengah, sejak 25 Januari 2012 melakukan konservasi burung maleo, sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap lingkungan dan komitmen terhadap pelestarian bumi. Penangkaran Maleo dilakukan di pesisir Pantai Bangkiriang.

5. Field Sangatta, Asset 5 sejak tahun 2011 telah dilakukan kerjasama dengan saja Taman Nasional Kutai di Kabupaten Kutai Timur dan Kota Bontang, melakukan konservasi orang utan kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus), yang merupakan satwa endemik Pulau Kalimantan.

6. Field Subang, Asset 3 dan Balai Besar Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) serta sejumlah pihak, melakukan konservasi dan rehabillitasi owa jawa pada tanggal 27 Maret 2014 satu keluarga owa jawa (Hylobates moloch). Konservasi dan rehabilitasi owa jawa dilaksanakan di TNGGP

7. Pertamina EP bekerjasama BKSDA (Badan Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam) Sulawesi Tengah, sejak 25 Januari 2012 melakukan konservasi burung Maleo, sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap lingkungan dan komitmen terhadap pelestarian bumi. Penangkaran Maleo dilakukan di pesisir Pantai Bangkiriang.

8. Field Sangatta, Asset 5 sejak tahun 2011 telah dilakukan kerjasama dengan saja Taman Nasional Kutai di Kabupaten Kutai Timur dan Kota Bontang, melakukan konservasi Orang Utan kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus), yang merupakan satwa endemik Pulau Kalimantan.

RARE ANIMALS CONSERVATIONPertamina EP provides support and get involved in some endangered species conservation program, which is included on the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Red List. The programs and activities carried out in 2014 are: [G4-EN14]

1. Subang Field, Asset 3 prepared conservation plan for fire toads (Leptophryne cruentata), which are endemic to Java Island and in the conservation category of critically endangered on the IUCN Red List.

2. Cepu Field, Asset 4 successfully captive bred Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) at breeding sites located in Malo District, Bojonegoro Regency. Timor deer is a species endemic to Java and Bali islands, with a population of only 10,000-20,000, and included on the IUCN Red List with "vulnerable" conservation status.

3. Rantau Field, Asset 1 together with the Yayasan Satu Cita Lestari Indonesia (YSCLI) for preservation of painted terrapin (Batagur borneoensis) in the coast of Aceh Tamiang Regency, Aceh. Painted terrapin is categorized as protected species based on Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999.

4. Pertamina EP in collaboration with BKSDA (Natural Resources Conservation Agency) of Central Sulawesi, since January 25, 2012 has carried out Maleo conservation, as a manifestation of awareness for the environment and commitment to the preservation of the earth. Maleo captive breeding is carried out on the coast of Bangkiriang Beach.

5. Sangatta Field, Asset 5 since 2011 has collaborated with Kutai National Park in East Kutai Regency and Bontang City, for conservation of orangutan Kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus), which is a species endemic to Kalimantan Island.

6. Subang Field, Asset 3 and the Center of Mount Gede and Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) as well as a number of parties, conducted Javan gibbon rehabilitation and conservation on March 27, 2014 for a family of Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch). Javan gibbon conservation and rehabilitation carried out in TNGGP

7. Pertamina EP in collaboration with BKSDA (Natural Resources Conservation Agency) of Central Sulawesi, since January 25, 2012 has carried out Maleo conservation, as a manifestation of awareness for the environment and commitment to the preservation of the earth. Maleo captive breeding is carried out on the coast of Bangkiriang Beach.

8. Sangatta Field, Asset 5 since 2011 has collaborated with Kutai National Park in East Kutai Regency and Bontang City, for conservation of orangutan Kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus), which is endemic species of Kalimantan island.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH DAN TUMPAHAN MINYAKKomitmen untuk menjaga dan melestarikan lingkungan, juga diwujudkan Pertamina EP dengan mengelola limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan operasional maupun kegiatan pendukung lain, baik limbah mengandung bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3) maupun limbah non-B3. Pengelolaan limbah dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan prinsip reduce (mengurangi), reuse (memanfaatkan kembali) recycle (daur ulang), dan recovery (pemulihan). [G4-EN23]

PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH B3 [G4-EN23] [G4 EN25] [OG7]Jumlah limbah B3 yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2014 mencapai 20.258,32 ton, sisa limbah B3 tahun sebelumnya adalah 1.633,58 ton, sehingga total limbah B3 dikelola adalah 21.891,91 ton. Pengelolaan limbah mengandung B3 dilakukan sejak proses penyimpanan di tempat penampungan sementara (TPS) pada masing-masing Lapangan. Setiap TPS telah memiliki izin dari Badan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) di masing-masing daerah.

Selanjutnya sebagian limbah yang disimpan di TPS diolah sesuai dengan jenis dan karakteristik masing-masing, yakni:

• Sludge oil dan tanah terkontaminasi diolah dengan cara reuse yaitu dipisahkan dahulu minyak yang terkandung secara gravitasi untuk dikembalikan ke tangki produksi. Sisanya disimpan di TPS Limbah B3 untuk kemudian diserahkan kepada pihak ketiga yang telah memiliki izin pengelolaan limbah B3 dari KLHK, untuk dikelola sesuai izin yang dimiliki misalnya dengan menggunakan incinerator atau landfill.

• Limbah pengeboran diolah dengan cara diserahkan kepada pihak ketiga yang telah memiliki izin pengelolaan limbah B3 dari KLHK.

• Limbah mengandung B3 lainnya (oli bekas, majun bekas, filter dan aki bekas) diolah dengan cara dihancurkan menggunakan peralatan khusus, sesuai izin yang dimiliki oleh pihak ketiga. Pihak ketiga yang dilibatkan harus memiliki izin dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Tidak ada limbah mengandung B3 yang diangkut ke luar negeri.


Commitment to maintain and preserve the environment is also realized by Pertamina EP by managing waste generated from operating activities or other support activities, both hazardous materials and toxic wastes (HTW) and non-HTW waste. Waste management is carried out with due regard to the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, and recovery. [G4-EN23]

HTW MANAGEMENT [G4-EN23] [G4 EN25] [OG7]Total hazardous and toxic waste (HTW) generated in 2014 reached 20,258.32 tons, the remaining HTW in previous year was 1,633.58 tons, bringing the total volume of managed HTW to 21,891.91 tons. The HTW is managed since the storage process in temporary disposal station (TPS) at each field. Each station has been equipped with permit from the Environment Agency (BLH) in each region.

Furthermore, some of the waste stored in the TPS is processed according to each type and characteristics, namely:

• Oil sludge and contaminated soil are treated by means of reuse, which is being first separated from oil content by gravity to be returned to the production tank. The rest is stored in the TPS for hazardous and toxic waste to be handed over to a third parties who have permit for hazardous and toxic waste management from Ministry of Environment and Forestry to be managed according to their respective permit, such as by using an incinerator or landfill.

• Drill cuttings are processed by handing them over to third parties who have HTW management permit from Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

• Other HTW (oil waste, cotton rag waste, filters and battery waste) are processed by demolishing them using special equipment, according to the permit held by third parties. The third parties involved must have the permit from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. No HTW were transported overseas.

9. Field Subang, Asset 3 dan Balai Besar Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) serta sejumlah pihak, melakukan konservasi dan rehabillitasi owa jawa pada tanggal 27 Maret 2014 satu keluarga owa jawa (Hylobates moloch). Konservasi dan rehabilitasi owa jawa dilaksanakan di TNGGP.

9. Subang Field, Asset 3 and the Center of Mount Gede and Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) as well as a number of parties, conducted Javan gibbon rehabilitation and conservation on March 27, 2014 for a family of Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch). Javan gibbon conservation and rehabilitation was carried out in TNGGP.

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Pengelolaan limbah B3 tersebut dilakukan dengan cara:• Limbah padatan diolah dengan mengacu pada

Keputusan Menteri ESDM No.45 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pengelolaan Lumpur Bor, Limbah Lumpur dan Serbuk Bor Pada Kegiatan Pengeboran Minyak dan Gas Bumi, yakni: 1. Ditampung sementara dalam cutting pit, dan

ditimbun setelah Uji Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) yang merupakan pengujian terhadap limbah lumpur untuk mengukur kadar atau konsentrasi parameter pencemar dalam lindi.

2. Diserahkan dan diolah oleh pihak ketiga berizin.• Limbah cair, terdiri dari dua jenis, yakni air

terproduksi (produced water) dan air bekas pakai dari kegiatan eksplorasi-produksi darat. Secara umum pengelolaan dilaksanakan dengan mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No.19 Tahun 2010 Tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Bagi Usaha Dan/Atau kegiatan Minyak dan Gas Serta Panas Bumi.

1. Air terproduksi dan air bekas pakai diolah secara fisika dan kimia (pemisahan minyak, pengendapan, koagulasi dan filtrasi sederhana), menggunakan sistem balong/groundpit dan electro contaminant removal (ECR) serta reverse osmosis (RO).

2. Air terproduksi selanjutnya digunakan kembali sebagai air terinjeksi.

3. Air bekas pakai yang telah diolah digunakan kembali untuk kebutuhan domestik.

• Limbah mengandung B3 lainnya (oli bekas, majun bekas, filter dan aki bekas) diolah dengan cara dihancurkan menggunakan peralatan khusus. Sebagian lagi diserahkan kepada pihak ketiga untuk mengolah dan memanfaatkan limbah B3. Pihak ketiga yang dilibatkan harus memiliki izin dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Tidak ada limbah mengandung B3 yang diangkut ke luar negeri.

HTW management is done by:• Solid waste is processed with reference to the

Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 45 of 2006 on Management of Oil Sludge, Contaminated Soil and Drill Cuttings in Oil and Gas Drilling Activities, as follows:

1. Temporary stored in cutting pit and stockpiled after Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test, which is a testing of oil sludge to measure content or concentration of contaminant parameters in the leachate.

2. Handed over and processed by licensed third parties.

• Liquid waste, consists of two types, produced water and waste water from onshore exploration and production activities. In general, the management is carried out with reference to the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No.19 of 2010 on Wastewater Quality Standard For Business And/Or Activities of Oil, Gas and Geothermal.

1. produced water and grey water are treated by physical and chemical methods (oil removal, sedimentation, coagulation and simple filtration), using the pond/groundpit system and electro contaminant removal (ECR) and reverse osmosis (RO).

2. produced water is then reused as injection water.

3. Grey water that has been treated is reused for domestic needs.

• Other HTW (oil waste, cotton rag waste, filters and battery waste) are processed by demolishing them using special equipment, according to the permit held by third parties. The third parties involved must have the permit from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. No HTW are transported overseas.



Generated Volume (Ton)



Third Party (Ton)

DISIMPAN DI TPS LIMBAH B3 (Stored in Temporary Disposal Site for HTW (ton)

Sludge Oil Tanah Terkontaminasi Oil Sludge Contaminated Soil

18,939.16 2,366.00 14,631.24 3,574.95

Oli Bekas Pakai Oil Waste 143.61 0.00 109.59 34.23

Majun Bekas Pakai Cotton Rag Waste 5.83 0.00 5.07 0.82

Kemasan Bekas Pakai Packaging Waste 21.69 0.00 17.24 4.74

Filter & Aki Bekas Pakai Filter & Battery Waste 26.99 0.00 16.87 10.12

Limbah Pemboran Drill Cuttings 1,030.64 0.00 1,030.64 0.00

Lain-lain Others 90.40 0.00 81.72 8.68

JUMLAH TOTAL 20,258.32 2,366.00 15,892.37 3,633.54

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH BUKAN B3 [G4-EN23]Kami memiliki kebijakan untuk memanfaatkan kembali limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan operasional maupun kegiatan pendukung lain. Limbah cair yang dihasilkan berbentuk air terproduksi dari sumur produksi, serta air bekas pakai dari pemakaian domestik.

Kami tidak menyertakan data kuantitatif dari volume air terproduksi maupun air bekas pakai dari keperluan domestik selama tahun 2014. Namun kami memastikan seluruh air terproduksi diolah di fasilitas water treatment process, dan kemudian disuntikkan kembali ke dalam sumur sehingga tidak ada yang terbuang ke badan air. Demikian pula untuk air bekas pakai dari pemakaian domestik, akan diolah di fasilitas pengolahan dan dimanfaatkan kembali untuk berbagai keperluan. [G4-EN22] [G4-EN10]

NON-HTW MANAGEMENT [G4-EN23]We have a policy to reuse liquid waste generated from operating activities or other support activities. Liquid waste is generated in the form of produced water from the production wells, and grey water from domestic uses.

We did not include quantitative data on the volume of produced water and grey water from domestic uses during 2014. However, we ensure that all produced water was processed in the water treatment process facilities, and then reinjected into the well, thus there was no discharge into water bodies. Similarly, grey water from domestic uses, was processed at the treatment facility and reused for various purposes. [G4-EN22] [G4-EN10]

Adapun untuk limbah padat bukan B3, dikelola melalui beberapa cara. Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014 volume limbah padat bukan B3 dihasilkan adalah 4.135,05 ton, sisa volume limbah tahun 2013 adalah 4.135,05 ton sehingga total limbah padat bukan B3 yang dikelola adalah 4.612,49 ton. Sebagian limbah tersebut ada yang didaur ulang untuk dimanfaatkan kembali, namun ada pula yang diserahkan tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) yang dikelola Pemda setempat.

Meanwhile, solid non-HTW is managed through a number of methods. Until the end of 2014, the volume of solid non-HTW generated was 4,135.05 tons, while the volume of remaining waste in 2013 was 4,135.05 tons, bringing the total solid non-HTW managed to 4,612.49 tons. Some of the wastes are recycled to be reused, but some are handed over to landfills (TPA), which are managed by local government.

ALUR PENGOLAHAN AIR TERPRODUKSIFlow Chart of Produced Water Management
























Formations Water

Settling Tanks






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PENANGANAN TUMPAHAN MINYAKKami menerapkan praktik-praktik terbaik dalam kegiatan eksplorasi maupun eksploitasi yang dilaksanakan. Pertamina EP senantiasa berupaya untuk mengendalikan ceceran maupun tumpahan minyak mentah, baik dalam kegiatan pengeboran maupun pengangkutan.

Perusahaan sedapat mungkin mencegah terjadinya tumpahan minyak tanah yang berpotensi merusak lapisan atas permukaan tanah. Selama tahun 2014 terjadi 490 peristiwa tumpahan minyak, dan langsung ditindaklanjuti dengan upaya pengendalian dan pemulihan lingkungan. [G4-EN24]

Kami juga mengamankan keberadaan sumur-sumur tua milik Perusahaan dari upaya pengeboran ilegal oleh pihak tidak bertanggung jawab, yang berpotensi menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan. Field Cepu di area Asset 4, membangun bendungan untuk menahan tumpahan minyak pasca-penertiban pengeboran liar di sumur-sumur tua di Kecamatan Kedewan, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Pembangunan bendungan akan melokalisir tumpuhan minyak, sehingga tidak mengalir ke badan air di sekitarnya termasuk Sungai Bengawan Solo. [G4-EN26]

Secara berkesinambungan, kami juga menggelar latihan penanggulangan tumpahan minyak. Pelatihan dalam skala besar dilakukan di Field Bunyu di perairan sekitar lokasi Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM) Bunyu, dan melibatkan 75 pekerja Field Bunyu dan dibantu tim OSCT.

OIL SPILL MANAGEMENTWe apply the best practices in conducting exploration and exploitation activities. Pertamina EP always attempts to control crude oil drip and spills, both in drilling and transport activities.

The Company tries its best to prevent oil spills that could potentially damage the topsoil. During 2014, a total of 490 oil spill incidents occurred, which were immediately addressed with efforts to control and restore the environment. [G4-EN24]

We also secure the existence of old wells owned by the Company from illegal drilling attempts by irresponsible parties, which could potentially cause environmental pollution. Cepu Field in the area of Asset 4, built dams to contain oil spill after the crackdown on illegal drilling in old wells in Kedewan District, Bojonegoro Regency. Construction of the dam will localize oil spill, preventing it from flowing into the surrounding water bodies including Bengawan Solo River. [G4-EN26]

  We also continuously hold oil spill mitigation exercise. A large-scale exercise was held at Bunyu Field in the waters around the site of Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM) Bunyu, and involving 75 workers of Bunyu Field and supported by OSCT team.


Solid Non-HTW Management

JENIS LIMBAH Type of Waste

2013 2014


Volume (Ton)


Volume (Ton)


Volume (Ton)


Volume (Ton)

Besi Bekas Scrap Metal 26.23 304.67 313.28 17.62

Sebagai bahan konstruksi bangunan As building construction material.

Limbah Organik Organic Waste 207.10 2,396.38 2,438.65 164.84

Dimanfaatkan sebagai kompos dan dibakar di incinerator Used as compost and burned in the incinerator.

Limbah AnorganikInorganic Waste 244.12 1,325.96 1,307.94 262.14

Dikirim ke tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) yang dikelola pemda setempat Sent to final disposal site (TPA) managed by local government.

Kemasan Non-B3 Non-HTW packaging 0.00 108.03 108.03 0.00

Ditempatkan dan dikirim ke TPA yang dikelola pemda setempat Stored and sent to final disposal site (TPA) managed by local government.

JUMLAH TOTAL 477.45 4,135.04 4,167.9 444.65

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

MASYARAKAT LOKALWilayah kerja Pertamina EP tersebar meliputi seluruh wilayah Indonesia, dengan lokasi Lapangan setiap Asset berada pada daerah-daerah dengan keterbatasan infrastruktur maupun fasilitas pendukung lainnya. Meski demikian di sekitar tempat-tempat tersebut sebagian telah ditinggali penduduk lokal. Bila tidak dikelola dengan baik, keberadaan mereka dapat mempengaruhi keberlanjutan kegiatan operasi maupun bisnis Perusahaan.

Sebagai bagian dari entitas induk: PT Pertamina (Persero) yang merupakan badan usaha miik negara (BUMN), maka Pertamina EP berkewajiban turut serta dalam upaya bersama untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kami berkomitmen memberikan perhatian kepada masyarakat lokal di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan berkegiatan dan berkontribusi pada peningkatan kesejahteraan mereka.

Komitmen tersebut diwujudkan melalui pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial atau corporate social responsibility (CSR). Pelaksanaan program dan kegiatan CSR disesuaikan dengan kebijakan Perusahaan dan PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai induk perusahaan.

VISI CSR [G4-56]Menjadi Perusahaan di sektor hulu migas yang berorientasi terhadap kelestarian lingkungan serta memberikan nilai tambah bagi pemangku kepentingan di sekitar kerja operasi Perusahaan.

LOCAL COMMUNITYThe working areas of Pertamina EP are spread across the regions of Indonesia, with the Fields of each Asset are located in areas with limited infrastructure and other supporting facilities. However, some of the surrounding places have been occupied by local population. If this is not managed properly, their existence can affect the sustainability of operations and business activities of the Company.

As part of the parent entity of PT Pertamina (Persero), which is a state-owned enterprise (SOE), Pertamina EP is obliged to participate in a joint effort to improve the welfare of the community. We are committed to give attention to local communities in the vicinity of the Company’s operations and contribute to the improvement of their welfare.

This commitment is realized through the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Implementation of CSR programs and activities is adapted to the policy of the Company and PT Pertamina (Persero) as the parent company.

CSR VISION [G4-56]To be a Company in upstream oil and gas sector with orientation to environmental preservation and provides added value for stakeholders surrounding the Company’s operations.

MANUSIA [IR5] [IR7]People

MISI CSR [G4-56]Melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan Perusahaan untuk pengembangan masyarakat, dan kelestarian lingkungan serta menciptakan hubungan yang harmonis, iklim sosial dan usaha yang kondusif serta berkesinambungan untuk mendukung kegiatan operasi Perusahaan.

CSR MISSION [G4-56]To implement corporate social and environmental responsibility for community development and environmental preservation, as well as create harmonious relationship, social and conducive business climate to support the Company’s operations.

Pertamina EP serius menangani kasus pengeboran liar yang menimpa lokasi operasi, diantaranya di Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah. Keseriusan ini dinyatakan dengan menggandeng Komando Daerah Militer (KODAM) V/ Brawijaya dan melakukan perjanjian bersama (MOU) tentang Penguatan Pengamanan Wilayah Kerja Pertamina EP di Jawa Bagian Timur (JBT-3) dalam Teritorial KODAM V/Brawijaya, pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2014.

Pertamina EP seriously handled cases of illegal drilling at its operating sites, including those in South Sumatra, North Sumatra, East Java and Central Java. The seriousness was demonstrated by cooperating with the Regional Military Command (KODAM) V/Brawijaya and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Security Reinforcement of Pertamina EP Working Area in Eastern Java (JBT-3) within the territory of KODAM V/Brawijaya, on October 3, 2014.



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KEBIJAKAN CSR PT PERTAMINA EPKami mengintegrasikan Program CSR ke dalam kegiatan operasi maupun bisnis Pertamina EP melalui CSR Strategic, untuk meningkatkan nilai Perusahaan. CSR Strategic, meliputi: [G4-42]

1. Komitmen menjaga keseimbangan operasi dan tanggung jawab sosial;

2. Mendukung upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup;

3. Komitmen penanaman 1.000 pohon untuk setiap sumur pemboran;

4. Instruksi penggunaan solar cell untuk lampu penerangan di daerah operasi;

5. Ajakan kepada anggota keluarga PT Pertamina EP untuk menggiatkan penanaman pohon dan membuat biopori di tempat tinggal masing-masing;

6. Memberikan manfaat sosial dan ekonomi kepada masyarakat terutama di sekitar wilayah operasi Perusahaan melalui program Pusat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pertamina (PPMP).

PT PERTAMINA EP CSR POLICYWe integrate CSR program into operation and business activities of Pertamina EP through Strategic CSR, to increase the Company’S value. Strategic CSR, include: [G4-42]

1. Commitment to maintain the balance of operations and social responsibility.

2. Support environmental preservation efforts.

3. Commitment to plant 1,000 trees for every 1 drilling well.

4. Instructions to use solar cell for lighting in the operating areas.

5. Invitation to Pertamina EP’s family members to promote tree planting and biopores making in their respective residences.

6. Provide social and economic benefits to the community, especially those around the Company’s area of operations through Pertamina Community Empowerment Center (PPMP).

LANDASAN HUKUM• Undang-Undang No.25 Tahun 2007 tentang

Penanaman Modal.Pasal 15 (b) menjelaskan bahwa setiap penanam modal berkewajiban melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Pengertian tanggung jawab sosial perusahan: adalah tanggung jawab yang melekat pada setiap perusahaan penanaman modal untuk tetap menciptakan hubungan yang serasi, seimbang, dan sesuai dengan lingkungan, nilai, norma, dan budaya masyarakat setempat.

• UU No.40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.Pasal 74 mengatur tentang perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang sumber daya alam wajib melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan yang dianggarkan dan diperhitungkan sebagai biaya perusahaan yang pelaksanaannya dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kepatutan dan kewajaran.

• UU No.22/2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi.Pasal 40 mengatur bahwa Badan Usaha atau Badan Usaha Tetap menjamin keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja serta pengelolaan lingkungan hidup disamping juga ikut bertanggung jawab dalam mengembangkan lingkungan dan masyarakat setempat.

LEGAL BASIS• Law No. 25 of 2007 on Capital Investment.

Article 15(b) stipulates that every investor is obliged to carry out corporate social responsibility. The explanation of corporate social responsibility: the responsibility that is attached in every investment company to maintain a harmonious, balanced, and in accordance with the environment, values, norms, and culture of local communities.

• Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies.Article 74 stipulates a company engaged in the field of natural resources is required to implement Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility, which is budgeted and calculated as the company’s cost whereas its implementation refers to propriety and fairness.

• Law No.22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas.Article 40 stipulates that Business Entity or Permanent Business Entity guarantees occupational health and safety as well as environmental management while participating in developing the environment and local communities.

TUJUAN CSR Menciptakan suasana yang kondusif agar kegiatan operasi Perusahaan berjalan lancar serta meningkatkan citra dan reputasi Perusahaan.

CSR GOALTo create conducive atmosphere for the Company’s smooth operations and improvethe image and reputation of the Company.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PEMBIAYAANSejak akan memulai kegiatan operasi di setiap Lapangan, Pertamina EP melalui masing-masing Asset telah melakukan kajian potensi dampak negatif yang dapat ditimbulkan, termasuk terhadap masyarakat setempat. Selanjutnya dirumuskan berbagai program dan kegiatan sebagai upaya mengelola potensi dampak negatif tersebut. [G4-SO1] [G4-SO2]

Pembiayaan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial yang dilakukan Pertamina EP, berasal dari beberapa sumber. Penggunaan dan pemanfaatan anggaran dilakukan dengan memperhatikan ketentuan yang mengatur perihal tersebut.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No.79 Tahun 2010 Tentang Biaya Operasi Yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak Dan Gas Bumi, pembiayaan pelaksanaan program pengembangan masyarakat atau community development (CD) sebagai pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan diatur sebagai berikut:1. Biaya program CD yang dilaksanakan Kontraktor

Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) Eksplorasi dimasukkan sebagai biaya operasi (cost recovery);

2. Biaya program CD yang dilaksanakan KKKS Produksi tidak dimasukkan sebagai biaya operasi (non-cost recovery).

Pada tahun 2014, biaya investasi yang direalisasikan untuk pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial berasal dari PT Pertamina (Persero) dan CSR Pertamina EP. Penggunaan anggaran yang berasal dari PT Pertamina (Persero) sepenuhnya ditentukan Perseroan selaku induk perusahaan, sehingga tidak memberikan pengaruh pada keuangan Perusahaan. Fungsi dan peran Pertamina EP adalah pelaksana kegiatan yang pembiayaannya bersumber dari Perseroan namun dilaksanakan pada area operasi Perusahaan.

Anggaran untuk biaya CSR yang disediakan sendiri oleh Pertamina EP berjumlah Rp10,45 miliar dan telah dinyatakan dalam RKAP 2014. Anggaran tersebut diperhitungkan sebagai bagian dari kegiatan operasi pada Lapangan yang merupakan KKKS Eksplorasi, serta merupakan penyisihan dari keuntungan Perusahaan pada Lapangan yang merupakan KKKS Produksi.

FINANCINGSince the start of operations in each Field, Pertamina EP through each Asset has been assessing the potential negative impacts that may arise, including on the local communities. Various programs and activities are then formulated in an effort to manage the potential negative impacts. [G4-SO1] [G4-SO2]

Financing of social responsibility carried out by Pertamina EP derives from several sources. The use and utilization of the budget is done with due regard to the provisions governing the matters.

Based on Government Regulation No. 79 of 2010 on Cost Recovery and Treatment of Income Tax in Upstream Oil and Gas Business Sector, financing of community development (CD) programs as the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility, which is specified as follows:1. The cost of CD program implemented by

PSC contractor for Exploration is included as operating cost (cost recovery);

2. The cost of CD program implemented by PSC contractor for Production is not included as an operating cost (non-cost recovery).

In 2014, the realized investment costs for the fulfillment of social responsibility were from PT Pertamina (Persero) and Pertamina EP CSR. PT Pertamina (Persero) as the parent company fully determined the uses of the budget it provided, so it did not affect to the Company's finances. Pertamina EP’s function and role are as the organizer of activities with financing from the parent Company, but they were carried out in the Company’s operating area.

The budget for the CSR cost provided by Pertamina EP amounted to IDR10.45 billion and has been stated in RKAP 2014. The budget is calculated as part of operations at PSC's Field for Exploration, as well as an allowance from the Company’s profits at the Fields of PSC for Production.

• Penjelasan Pasal 40, ayat (5) menyebut, yang dimaksud dengan: ikut bertanggung jawab mengembangkan lingkungan dan masyarakat setempat, adalah keikutsertaan perusahaan dalam mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan potensi dan kemampuan masyarakat setempat, antara lain dengan cara mempekerjakan tenaga kerja dalam jumlah dan kualitas tertentu, serta meningkatkan lingkungan hunian masyarakat, agar tercipta keharmonisan antara perusahaan dengan masyarakat sekitarnya.

• Explanation of Article 40, verse (5) states, the definition of: responsible in developing the environment and local community, is the company’s participation in developing and utilizing the potential and capabilities of local community, including through employment of manpower in particular numbers and qualities, as well as improving residential environment, to create harmony between the company and its surrounding community.

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1 Bidang Pendidikan Education 1,304,000,000 1,259,456,000

2 Bidang Kesehatan Health 1,080,000,000 504,821,500

3 Bidang Pemberdayaan Empowerment 1,705,000,000 1,407,487,637

4 Lingkungan Environment 200,000,000 0

Jumlah Total 4,289,000,000 3,171,765,137


STRUKTUR PROGRAM TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIALStructure of Social Responsibility Program

Anggaran tersebut selanjutnya digunakan untuk pelaksanaan pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial di 20 Lapangan dan empat proyek pengembangan pada 155 kabupaten/kota di seluruh Indonesia.

The budget will be used for the implementation of social responsibility fulfillment in 20 Fields and four development projects in 155 regencies/cities across Indonesia.

Tanggung Jawab sosial & lingkungan TJSL Pertamina EP

Social & Environment Responsibility of PT Pertamina

Program CSR korporat Corporate

CSR Program

Program diusulkan dari Pertamina EP

dan anggaran dariPKBL korporat

Program proposed by Pertam-ina EP with the budget from

Corporate PKBL

Program dan anggaran dari masing-masing field

Program and budget from each Field

Program CSR Pertamina EP

Pertamina EP CSR Program

Program Pendukung Operasi Operations

Supporting Program

Program KehumasanPublic Relations


Program Bina Lingkungan

(PKBL)Partnership & Community

Development program (PKBL)

Program dan anggaran dari

CSR korporat Program and budget from

Corporate CSR

Program dan anggaran dari

RKAP Pertamina Korporat

Program and budget from RKAP of PT Pertamina

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

URAIAN Description2014 2013 2012


Program Kerja & Pembiayaan Pertamina EP PERTAMINA EP Pertamina EP Work Program & Financing

Program Kegiatan Pendukung Operasi Operations Support Programs 44,004,895,442 68,232,055,215 35,424,304,004

Program Kelembagaan Institutional Programs 3,918,643,932 5,983,608,338 25,961,254,893

Program Komunikasi Communication Programs 16,005,914,603 19,954,334,896 N/A

Program Media Media Programs 5,526,124,463 5,051,837,800 N/A

Pemasangan Solar Cell Solar Cell Installation 9,768,149,999 13,780,574,797 N/A


Infrastruktur Infrastructure 4,428,703,125 4,407,299,500 344,500,000

Kesehatan Health 808,821,500 45,000,000 863,200,000

Lingkungan Environmental 1,704,385,000 844,671,300 886,605,500

Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Economic Empowerment 1,557,487,637 660,000,000 770,951,925

Budaya Culture N/A 450,000,000 100,000,000

Pendidikan Education 1,589,456,400 965,550,000 N/A

Donasi Korban Bencana Alam Natural Disaster Relief 364,100,000 967,850,000 N/A

BINA LINGKUNGAN PT PERTAMINA (Persero) DI WILAYAH KERJA PERTAMINA EPEnvironment Program of PT Pertamina (Persero) in Pertamina EP Working Area

Infrastruktur Infrastructure N/A N/A 942,500,000

Pendidikan Education N/A N/A N/A

CSR PT PERTAMINA (Persero) DI WILAYAH KERJA PERTAMINA EPCSR of PT Pertamina (Persero) in Pertamina EP Working Area

Pendidikan Education N/A 1,325,753,875 1,242,500,000

Infrastruktur dan Bantuan Bencana Alam Infrastructure and Natural Disaster Relief N/A N/A N/A

Lingkungan Environment N/A 743,213,754 376,590,000

Kesehatan Health N/A 1,105,500,000 434,740,931

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Community Empowerment N/A 560,825,143 800,000,000

JUMLAH Total 89,676,682,101 125,078,074,618 68,063,772,822

BL dan CSR PT Pertamina (Persero) tidak dilakukan pada tahun 2014 karena tidak mendapatkan alokasi dana.

BL and CSR of PT Pertamina (Persero) were not carried out in 2014 because there was no allocation of funds.

BIAYA CSR [G4-SO1] [G4-EC8]CSR Budget

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PUSAT PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT PERTAMINASesuai cetak biru CSR Pertamina EP, PPMP bertujuan menumbuhkan minat kewirausahaan masyarakat di sekitar wilayah kerja Perusahaan sesuai dengan sumber daya yang ada. PPMP akan dilaksanakan secara bertahap dalam kurun waktu lima tahun.

Tujuan utama PPMP adalah menjadikan masyarakat di sekitar Lapangan pada masing-masing Asset agar dapat mandiri secara ekonomi pada tahun 2018. Dengan demikian, masyarakat dapat merasakan manfaat tidak langsung dari keberadaan Pertamina EP. [G4-EC8]

Sejak tahun 2013, Pertamina EP mengubah pendekatan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan tidak lagi mengedepankan program maupun kegiatan bersifat filantropi. Kami berinisiatif mengajak masyarakat di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan berkegiatan, untuk bersama-sama menemukan solusi guna meningkatkan kondisi ekonomi, sosial, lingkungan, dan budaya melalui Pusat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pertamina (PPMP).

PERTAMINA COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT CENTER In line with Pertamina EP CSR blueprint, PPMP aims to foster entrepreneurial interest of the communities around the Company’s working area according to the available resources. PPMP will be implemented gradually over a period of five years.

The main objective of PPMP is to make the communities around the fields of each Asset to be economically independent by 2018. That way, the community may benefit indirectly from the existence of Pertamina EP. [G4-EC8]

Since 2013, Pertamina EP has changed the approach in implementing social responsibility and no longer prioritized philanthropic program or activity. We took the initiative to invite the community around the Company’s operating sites, to jointly find solutions to improve the conditions of economy, social, environment, and culture through the Pertamina Community Empowerment Center (PPMP).

• Penentuan pendamping program• Kriteria sasaran PPMP• Seremoni peresmian PPMP• Pelaksanaan program oleh

pendamping• Proses seleksi masyarakat• Laporan

• Determination of Program Facilitator• Pertamina Community Empowerment

Center Target Criteria• Inauguration Ceremony of Pertamina

Community Empowerment Center• Program Implementation by Facilitator• Community Selection Process• Reporting

2013• Implementasi Program wilayah

masyarakat• Infrastruktur Menunjang Pertumbuhan

Kemandirian Ekonomi Masyarakat

• Program Implementation in the Com-munity’s Region

• Supporting Infrastructure for Com-munity’s Economic Independent Development

2014• Masyarakat Mandiri

• Independent Community


Cakupan Program20 Field

4 Proyek Pengembang155 Kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia

Scope of Program20 Fields4 Development Program155 Regencies across Indonesia


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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

Dalam perencanaan awal tahun 2013, PPMP akan dibentuk pada delapan Lapangan. Namun sebagian baru dapat direalisasikan pada tahun 2014, yakni:• Field Rantau, Asset 1PPMP dipusatkan di Komplek Pertamina Rantau, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, dan dilengkapi fasillitas pelatihan wirausaha berupa kolam pemeliharaan ikan, lahan budi daya jamur tiram dan fasilitas pelatihan lain. Sebagai pelaksana penyuluh pelatihan, Field Rantau bekerja sama dengan Kelompok Tani Nelayan Andalan (KTNA) Aceh Tamiang dan Bapelluh, serta melibatkan instansi terkait di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang.

• Field Lirik, Asset 1PPMP didirikan dengan konsep lokasi wisata alam di Kecamatan Lirik, Kab. Indragiri Hulu, Sumatra Selatan, dan dilengkapi fasilitas budidaya perikanan, pusat kegiatan olahraga dan perdagangan masyarakat, serta pembibitan dredan (Lansium aqueum J) yang merupakan tanaman endemik Pulau Sumatra. Konsep wisata alam sengaja dibuat karena di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu belum memiliki lokasi wisata representatif, sementara lokasi yang ada sangat potensial dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata.

• Field Bunyu, Asset 5Field Bunyu meresmikan Gedung PPMP, yang akan dikembangkan sebagai pusat pemasaran produk-produk hasil usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) binaan; serta akan dikembangkan menjadi pusat penelitian tanaman kebun yang dilengkapi fasilitas seperti rumah kaca. Adapaun program-program pemberdayaan yang telah berlangsung di PPMP Field Bunyu adalah: 1. Program pelatihan ketrampilan bahasa Inggris

dan komputer bagi usia muda dan produktif;2. Pembinaan UMKM pengolah hasil perikanan,

yang dilaksanakan melalui pelatihan manajemen bisnis, pemasaran, keuangan, hingga peningkatan kemampuan akuntansi keuangan berbasis komputer.

Secara bertahap, kami akan melengkapi keberadaan PPMP pada setiap Lapangan.

In the initial plan of 2013, PPMP was to be established at eight fields. However, there were only a few that could be realized in 2014, namely:

• Rantau Field, Asset 1PPMP is concentrated in Pertamina Rantau complex, Aceh Tamiang Regency, Aceh. The PPMP is equipped with entrepreneurship training facilities of fish breeding ponds, land for oyster mushroom cultivation, and other training facilities. As organizer of training instructor, Rantau Field has cooperated with Andalan Farmer and Fisherman Group (KTNA) in Aceh Tamiang and Bapelluh, as well as involving relevant institutions in Aceh Tamiang.

• Lirik Field, Asset 1PPMP was established with the concept of nature tourism sites in Lirik District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, South Sumatra, and equipped with facilities for fish cultivation, sports center and community trade, as well as nursery of Lansium aqueum (Jack), which is a plant endemic to Sumatra Island. The concept of nature tourism was created because Indragiri Hulu Regency has not had any representative tourist sites, while the location has a potential to be developed as a tourist object.

• Bunyu Field, Asset 5Bunyu Field inaugurated PPMP building, which will be developed as a trade center for products of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) partners; and will be developed into a research center for garden plants which is equipped with facilities such as greenhouse. Empowerment programs that have carried out at PPMP Bunyu Field are:1. English and computer skills training programs for

young and productive people;2. Development of MSMEs in fishery product

processing, which is implemented through training in business management, marketing, finance, to increase the competency in computer-based financial accounting.

Gradually, we will establish PPMP at every field.


Established PROGRAM

Field LirikLirik Field Asset 1 2014

Program PPMP Budidaya Ikan PPMP Program in Fish Cultivation

Program PPMP Pelatihan Budidaya Palawija, Sayur dan buah-buahan PPMP Program in Crops, Vegetables and Fruit cultivation training

Field RantauRantau Field

Asset 1 2014

Budidaya jamur tiram Oyster Mushroom cultivation

Program PPMP Pelatihan Budidaya Lele dan Budidaya Jamur Tiram PPMP Program in Catfish and Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Training


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HASIL Result 2012 2013 2014

Populasi Sapi Kelompok Group Cattle Population 2 18 20Populasi Sapi Anggota Member Cattle Population 99 132 152Limbah padat (Kg) Solid Waste (Kg) 654,480 972,000 1,114,560Limbah Cair (Ltr) Liquid Waste (Lt) 181,800 270,000 309,600Kebutuhan Jerami (Ton) Straw needs (Ton) 378 562 645Pengurangan Emisi CO2 CO2 Emissions Reduction 404,505 600,750 688,860

POTENSI PENGURANGAN EMISI KARBON PADA PETERNAKAN SAPI TAHUN 2012-2014 FIELD CEPU ASSET 4Potential Carbon Emissions Reduction at Cattle Farm Years 2012-2014 in Cepu Field Asset 4

*Asumsi 1 ton jerami akan menghasilkan CO2 sebanyak 1.068 Kg*Assumption 1 ton of hay will produce as much as 1,068 kg of CO2

Di beberapa Lapangan lain, keberadaan PPMP telah memperlihatkan keberhasilan sehingga mampu memotivasi masyarakat setempat untuk mandiri. Beberapa program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014 di antaranya:1. Field Ramba dan Field Lirik, Asset 1 serta Field

Pendopo, Asset 2 meneruskan program pelatihan budidaya ikan patin dan ikan lele bagi kelompok perikanan binaan mereka. Field Pendopo juga melakukan pelatihan budidaya sayuran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga masyarakat setempat. Field Lirik mendapatkan penghargaan CSR dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak sebagai apresiasi atas PPMP budidaya palawija di Kecamatan Kotogasib, Kabupaten Siak.

2. Field Cepu, Asset 4 menggelar pelatihan kewirausahaan melalui program pembiakan kambing dan kegiatan ekonomi produktif, bagi masyarakat di Desa Kalisumber, Kecamatan Tambakrejo, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Melalui pelatihan ini warga Desa Kalisumber diharapkan termotivasi untuk berwirausaha sehingga dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas perekonomian masyarakat setempat.

3. Field Sangasanga, Asset 5 menyelenggarakan pelatihan pengolahan sampah menjadi kerajinan bernilai ekonomis. Pelatihan diikuti kaum ibu dari Desa Anggana dan Desa Kutai Lama, Kecamatan Anggana, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur

4. Field Cepu Asset 4 bersama Yayasan Sekar Mandiri dan Yayasan LPKP Jawa Timur, telah melaksanakan program pemberdayaan peternak sapi di Kabupaten Tuban, Jawa Timur. Para peternak diberikan pengetahuan peternakan modern, dan pemanfaatan limbah jerami sebagai pakan ternak serta kotoran sapi untuk dijadikan biogas. Selain dapat memberdayakan para peternak, program ini secara tidak langsung ikut pula mengurangi potensi pencemaran CO2 yang termasuk sebagai gas rumah kaca (GRK). Pemanfaatan jerami sebagai pakan ternak, menjadikan petani tidak lagi membakar jerami pascapanen padi di sawah mereka, sehingga volume emisi CO2 dari proses pembakaran dapat ditekan. Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2014 populasi sapi yang dipelihara ada 172 ekor, dengan potensi reduksi emisi CO2 mencapai 688.860 kg CO2eq.

At some other fields, PPMP has shown some successes, which is able to motivate the local communities to be independent. Some community development programs that have been implemented in 2014 include:

1. Ramba and Lirik Fields, Asset 1 and Pendopo Field, Asset 2 continued the training program on yellowtail catfish and catfish cultivation for their fisheries groups partners. Pendopo Field also provided training in vegetable cultivation to meet local communities’ household needs. Lirik Field received CSR award from Siak Regency Government as an appreciation for the PPMP crop cultivation program in Kotogasib District, Siak Regency

2. Cepu Field, Asset 4 held entrepreneurial training through goat breeding program and productive economic activities, for the people in Kalisumber Village, Tambakrejo District, Bojonegoro Regency. Through this training Kalisumber Village residents are expected to be motivated to be an entrepreneur to help improve the quality of local community’s economy.

3. Sangasanga Field, Asset 5 held training on waste processing into craft that have economic value. The training was participated by mothers from Anggana and Kutai Lama villages, Anggana District, Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan

4. Cepu Field, Asset 4 in collaboration with Sekar Mandiri Foundation and East Java LPKP Foundation, has been implementing development programs for cattle farmers in Tuban, East Java. The farmers are given the knowledge of modern breeding, and utilization of waste straw as animal feed and manure to be used as biogas. Besides being able to empower farmers, this program has also indirectly reduced the potential CO2 pollution including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The utilization of straw as animal feed has made the farmers no longer burn post-harvest rice straw in their rice fields, so that the volume of CO2 emissions from the burning process can be controlled. Until the end of 2014, the cattle population was 172 cows, and potential CO2 emissions reduction reached 688,860 kg CO2eq.

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment

PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT CSR PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) Selama tahun 2014, kami juga melaksanakan program pemberdayaan masyarakat, yang merupakan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR).

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMPT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) CSRDuring 2014, we also carried out community development programs as the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR).


Expected OutcomeFIELD LOKASI LocationProgram pemberdayaan komunitas terintegrasi:Budidaya ternak kambing berwawasan lingkungan (Program Kampoeng Ternak).Integrated community empowerment program:Environmentally friendly goat breeding (Livestock Village Program).

Rantau Aceh Tamiang, Rantau

Pengembangan kelompok Srikandi Khayangan. Srikandi Khayangan group development.

Pangkalan Susu

• Kec. Pangkalan Susu

• Pangkalan Susu District

• Peningkatan dalam bidang ekonomi ibu rumah tangga dan remaja putrid putus sekolah.

• Menjadikan Pangkaan Susu sebagai Sentra Usaha Kecil Sulam Pita dan Payet.

• Meningkatnya pemahaman dan dukungan stakeholders terhadap kegiatan operasi Perusahaan.

• Mewujudkan PT Pertamina EP Pangkalan Susu dalam meraih PROPER Hijau 2014 untuk Program Pemberdayaan.

• The increase in the economic sector for housewives and teen girl dropouts.

• Making Pangkaan Susu as a Small Business Center for Ribbon Embroidery and Sequin Application.

• Increased awareness and support of stakeholders for the Company's operations.

• Achievement of Green PROPER 2014 for PT Pertam-ina EP Pangkalan Susu in Empowerment Program.

Pelatihan budidaya tanaman palawija.Crop plants cultivation training.


Desa Sengke-mang, Kec. Koto Gasib Sengkemang Village, Koto Gasib District

Meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat.Improved Community’s Economy

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Selain program utama pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui PPMP, sepanjang tahun 2014 Pertamina EP juga melaksanakan program dan kegiatan CSR lainnya, di antaranya penyelenggaraan Program Pendukung Operasional yang dilaksanakan Pertamina EP sebagai KKKS Produksi.

• RekonsiliasiRekonsiliasi merupakan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan kesepakatan antara Pertamina EP dengan masyarakat atau pemerintah daerah. Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan keharmonisan hubungan dan mengakomodasi kepentingan masing-masing pihak.

Beberapa kegiatan rekonsiliasi yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014, di antaranya adalah program yang dilaksanakan di Field Cepu, Asset 4 bekerjasama dengan Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Sumber Pangan dalam pengelolaan sumur minyak tua di Lapangan Kawengan, Wonocolo, Kedewan, Bojonegoro, guna meningkatkan produksi minyak mentah. Penandatanganan kerjasama dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2014. Melalui kerjasama ini, KUD Sumber Pangan akan memproduksi minyak mentah rata-rata 300 BOPD dari lima sumur yang dikelola. Pengelolaan sumur tua oleh koperasi unit desa (KUD) atau badan usaha milik desa (BUMD), sesuai ketentuan dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No.01 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pedoman Pengusahaan Pertambangan Minyak Bumi Pada Sumur Tua.

• Penyediaan Infrastruktur Adalah kegiatan penyediaan infrastruktur oleh Pertamina EP berdasarkan kebutuhan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan berkegiatan, dan ditujukan untuk mendukung peningkatan kesejahteraan mereka.

In addition to the main program of community empowerment through PPMP, throughout 2014, Pertamina EP also implemented CSR programs and other activities of Operational Support Program carried out by Pertamina EP as PSC Production.

• ReconciliationReconciliation is an activity that is carried out based on the agreement between Pertamina EP and the community or local government. This activity aims to promote the harmonious relationship and to accommodate the interests of each party.

Some reconciliation activities conducted in 2014, included the programs implemented at Cepu Field, Asset 4 in cooperation with the Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) Sumber Pangan in the management of old oil wells at Kawengan Field, Wonocolo, Kedewan, Bojonegoro, in order to increase crude oil production. The signing of cooperation conducted in June 2014. Through this partnership, KUD Sumber Pangan will produce crude oil average of 300 BOPD from the operated five wells. Management of old wells by village unit cooperative (KUD) or village-owned enterprises (BUMD), is accordance with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No.01 of 2008 on Guidelines for Oil Mining in Old Wells.

• Provision of InfrastructureThe provision of infrastructure by Pertamina EP is based on the needs of the surrounding communities of the Company’s operating sites, and is aimed to support the improvement of their welfare.


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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment




Field Prabumulih Prabumulih Field

• Pembangunan drainase Desa Tambangan Rambang Kecamatan Rambang Kuang Kabupaten Ogan Ilir.

• Pembangunan Jalan Setapak Desa Tanjung Bulan• Pembangunan pagar Sekolah SMA N 3 Tanjung Miring• Pembagunan Balai Desa • Peningkatan Jalan Nigata• Peningkatan Jalan utama simpang pinang• Peningkatan Jalan Modong• Peningkatan Jalan Desa Pagar Dewa • Drainage construction in Tambangan Rambang Village,

Rambang Kuang District, Ogan Ilir Regency.• Development Paths in Tanjung Bulan Village• Fences construction of SMAN 3 high school in Tanjung Miring• Construction of Village Hall• Improvement of Nigata Road• Improvement of simpang pinang main road • Improvement of Modong Road• Improvement of Pagar Dewa Village Road

Peningkatan kualitas hidupImprovement of quality of life

Peningkatan fasilitas umum Improvement of public facilities

Field Limau Limau Field

• Pengecoran jalan Tanjung Terang, Kampung I dan II, Lubu Raman, Air Talas

• Pembangunan Masjid Al Falah

• Casting of Tanjung Terang road, Kampung I and II, Lubu Raman, Air Talas

• Construction of Al-Falah Mosque

Memperlancar kegiatan perekonomian

Memperkuat keimanan dan keamanan

Facilitating economic activities

Strengthen the faith and security

Field Cepu Cepu Field

• Perbaikan jalan di Kabupaten Tuban• Perbaikan Gedung Kantor Balai Desa Sidoharjo, Kec.

Senori, Kab. Tuban• Pembangunan MCK untuk

masyarakat Kalisumber • Pemberian Closet / Jamban sebanyak 3100

• Improvement of road in Tuban Regency• Repair of Office Building of Sidoharjo Village Hall, Senori

District, Tuban Regency• Construction of toilets for Kalisumber residents• Distribution of 3,100 units of toilet

Peningkatan fasilitas umum Kab. Tuban Peningkatan fasilitas sarana dan prasana umum Desa Banyuurip Peningkatan fasilitas desa dalam menunjang kegiatan pelayanan publik Desa Sidoharjo Peningkatan kualitas hidup dan kesehatan masyarakat Kalisumber untuk tidak BAB Sembarangan Peningkatan kualitas hidup dalam program Open Defication Free bersama Pemerintah Kab. Bojonegoro Improvement of public facilities in Tuban Regency Improvement of public facilities and infrastructures in Banyuurip Village Improvement of village facilities to support public services in Sidoharjo Village Improvement of quality of life and Kalisumber community’s health to stop open defecation Improvement of quality of life in Free Open Defecation program together with Bojonegoro Regency Government

Field Bunyu Bunyu Field

• Perbaikan Jalan Pemuda• Pembangunan Baloy Adat Dayak Tidung, Bunyu

• Repair of Pemuda Road • Development of Tribal House Baloy of Dayak Tidung, Bunyu

Peningkatan fasilitas umum Improvement of public facilities

PROGRAM KESEHATAN CSR PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) DI AREA PERTAMINA EP [G4-LA8]Pada tahun 2014, program kesehatan CSR PT Pertamina (Persero) tidak dilaksanakan di area Pertamina EP. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tidak adanya alokasi dana untuk kegiatan tersebut.

PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) CSR HEALTH PROGRAM IN PERTAMINA EP AREA [G4-LA8]In 2014, PT Pertamina (Persero) CSR health program was not implemented in Pertamina EP’s area. This was because there was no allocation of funds for these activities.

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Expected OutcomeFIELD LOKASI Location

Pertamina Bright Lirik

• Kec. Koto Gasib• Kec. Lirik• Kec. Ukul • Koto Gasib District• Lirik District• Ukul District

Bantuan Peralatan Kesehatan.Medical Equipment Assistance Ramba • Kec. Babat Supat

• Babat Supat District

Bantuan peralatan kesehatan di Puskesmas Tanjung Kerang, Kec. Babat SumpatMedical equipment assistance to Tanjung Kerang community health center, Babat Sumpat District.

Sehati:Bantuan makanan tambahan balita dan paket perlengkapan bayi.Sehati:Supplementary food assistance for toddlers and baby kit packages.


Kelurahan Talang Ubu Utara, Kec. Rambang Dangku, Kab. Muara Enim North Talang Ubu Village, Rambang Dangku District, Muara Enim Regency

Hubungan yang harmonis dengan masyar-akat di Kabupaten PaliliHarmonious relationship with the community in Palili Regency

Sehati:Penyuluhan kesehatan balita.Sehati:Education on toddlers’ health.


• Kec. Tanah Abang• Kec. Abab• Kec. Penukal• Tanah Abang District• Abab District• Penukal District

• Meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan balita.• Membantu memfasilitasi akses kesehatan

dan pengetahuan tentang imunitas balita.• Mempererat hubungan dengan pemangku

kepentingan dan masyarakat sekitar wilayah kerja Perusahaan

• Improvement of the quality of toddlers’ health.• Helping to facilitate access to health and knowl-

edge about toddlers’ immune system.• Strengthen relationships with stakeholders and

the community around the Company’s working area.

Pemeriksaan golongan darah missal untuk anak usia awal sekolah dan ibu hamil.Mass blood type check for school starting age children and pregnant women.

Adera • Kec. Panukal • Panukal District

Edukasi dan sosialisasi pencegahan HIV/AIDSEducation and dissemination of HIV/AIDS prevention

Papua • Distrik Klamono• Klamono District

Penyuluhan dan pemberantasan malariaEducation and eradication of malaria


• Kec. Tolil• Kec. Batul• Tolil District• Batul District

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KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN YANG TERINTEGRASI SINERGI MANUSIA, PROSES, TEKNOLOGI DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPIntegrated Sustainability Performance Synergy of People, Process, Technology and Environment




1 Bantuan Komputer Computer Assistance Pangkalan Susu • Kec. Binjai Binjai District• Kec. Babalen Babalen District

Lirik• Kec. Lirik Lirik District• Kec. Ukul Ukul District• Kec. Koto Gasib Koto Gasib District


• SMPN 1 Klamono

• SMAN 1 Klamono

2 Lab Komputer Computer Lab Ramba • Kab. Banyuasin Banyuasin Regency

MGDP • SMAN2 uwukKec. Moling• SMPN2 Tolil Kec. Tollil

3 Bantuan mebelair Furniture assistance Pendopo • Kec. Talang Ubi Talang Ubi District

4 Perpustakaan lengkap Complete library Adera • Kec. Panukal Panukal District

5 Bantuan buku perpustakaan Kampung VI Book donation to Kampung VI library Tarakan • Kampung VI


Bantuan buku-buku dan rak buku untuk perpustakaan sekolahBook and bookshelves donation to school libraries

Papua• SD Inpres 55• SD YPK Eben Haezer• SD YPK Eucharista


Pertamina Peduli Pendidikan (Perpusta-kaan Pintar, Rumah Sakit)Pertamina Peduli Pendidikan (Smart Library, Hospital)

Jambi • RSUD Abdul Mataher Pojok Baca Pertamina


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Istana Karang Field Rantau Asset 1, pada 10 Desember 2014 menyerahkan Bangunan Istana Karang ke Pemkab Aceh Tamiang. Istana Karang merupakan salah satu cagar budaya, peninggalan Kerajaan Karang yang pernah Berjaya di wilayah Aceh Tamiang pada masa silam. Penyerahan Istana Karang yang dibangun pada tahun 1920, merupakan salah satu wujud kepedulian Pertamina EP kepada upaya melestarikan sejarah dan budaya yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Sebelumnya sejak tahun 1997 Istana Karang dalam proses pembangunan kembali setelah rusak akibat blow out Sumur KSB-54. Setelah diserahkan dan dikelola oleh Pemkab Aceh Tamiang, Istana Karang selanjutnya akan dijadikan museum untuk menyimpan berbagai warisan budaya Aceh Tamiang.

Ketoprak Kridho Madyo BudhoyoField Cepu Asset 4, membina kelompok kesenian tradisional Ketoprak Kridho Madyo Budhoyo, yang ada di wilahan Blok Gundih. Kesenian ketoprak yang berlokasi di Desa Wado, Kecamatan Kedungtuban, Kabupaten Blora, terbilang unik karena beranggotakan perangkat desa dan warga desa. Keterlibatan Pertamina EP membina Ketoprak Kridho Madyo Budhoyo, didasari pada pertimbangan untuk turut serta melestarikan kelestarian orang. Selain itu keberadaan kesenian tradisional ketoprak, dinilai efetif untuk menyampaikan sosialisasi program-program Perusahaan.

Karang PalaceRantau Field, Asset 1, on December 10, 2014 handed over the Karang Palace Building to Aceh Tamiang Regency Government. Karang Palace is one of the cultural heritages of Karang kingdom that ruled Aceh Tamiang region in the past. The handover of the Karang Palace, which was built in 1920, is a form of Pertamina EP’s awareness for the effort to preserve the history and culture in Aceh Tamiang. Previously, since 1997 Karang Palace has been in the process of rebuilding after the damage caused by KSB-54 well blow out. After the handover and being managed by Aceh Tamiang Regency Government, Karang Palace will be converted into a museum to save the cultural heritage of Aceh Tamiang.

Ketoprak Kridho Madyo Budhoyo Cepu Field, Asset 4, has been fostering traditional performing art group of Ketoprak Kridho Madyo Budhoyo, in wilahan, Gundih Block. Ketoprak in Wado Village, Kedungtuban District, Blora Regency, is unique because its members consist of village officials and residents. Pertamina EP’s involvement in fostering Ketoprak Kridho Madyo Budhoyo was based on the consideration to take part in its preservation efforts. In addition, the existence of traditional art Ketoprak is deemed effective to communicate the Company’s programs.

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INFORMASI LAIN PERUSAHAANCompany's Other Information


• Era 1800 : Awal Pencarian - 1871: Pemboran sumur minyak pertama

di daerah Cirebon. - 1883: Sumur produksi pertama: Sumur Telaga

Said di Sumatera Utara.

• Era 1900 : Masa PerjuanganPenemuan sumur minyak baru terus berlanjut.Pasca proklamasi kemerdekaan, seluruh Lapangan minyak dan gas bumi yang ditinggalkan Belanda dan Jepang dikelola oleh negara.

• 1957 : Pembentukan Pertamina10 Desember 1957 Pemerintah mendirikan Perusahaan Minyak Nasional (Permina), yang kemudian berganti menjadi Pertamina setelah penggabungan dengan Pertamin pada tahun 1968.

• Era 2000 : Perubahan RegulasiTahun 2001 Pemerintah menerbitkan Undang-Undang No.22 Tahun 2001 Tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Sebagai konsekuensi penerapan UU tersebut,PT Pertamina (Persero) tak lagi berperan sebagai regulator dan hanya menjadi operator murni sehingga dibentuklah sejumlah anak perusahaan guna mengelola usaha hulu.

• 2005 : Pendirian PT Pertamina EP - 13 September 2005 PT Pertamina (Persero)

mendirikanPT Pertamina EP. - 17 September 2005 PT Pertamina EP

menandatangani Kontrak Kerja Sama dengan BPMIGAS (sekarang SKKMIGAS).

• Era 1800: Early Search - 1871: The first oil well drilling in Cirebon. - 1883:The first production well: Telaga Said well

in North Sumatra.

• 1900 Era: Period of StruggleThe discovery of new oil wells continues.Post independence proclamation, all oil and natural gas fields left by the Dutch and Japanese were managed by the state.

• 1957: The Establishment of PertaminaOn December 10, 1957, the Government founded Perusahaan Minyak Nasional (Permina), which later changed into Pertamina after a merger with Pertamin in1968

• 2000 Era: Change of RegulationIn 2001 the Government issued LawNo.22 of 2001 on Oil and Natural Gas. As a consequence of the enactment of the Law, PT Pertamina (Persero) no longer played a role as a regulator and became a pure operator that led to the establishment of several subsidiaries to operate upstream business.

• The Establishment of PT Pertamina EP - On September 13, 2005, PT Pertamina

(Persero) established PT Pertamina EP. - PT Pertamina EP signed Cooperation Contract


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• 2013 : Organisasi Baru PT Pertamina EPDibentuk organisasi baru Pertamina EP, dari semula 3 Region menjadi 5 Asset.

• 2013: New Organization of PT Pertamina EPEstablishment of Pertamina EP’s new organization from initially 3 Regions to 5 Assets.

Selama tahun 2014, Pertamina EP melakukan kerjasama kemitraan dengan pihak berbagai pihak untuk mengelola kegiatan operasi pada lapangan-lapangan minyak dan gas (migas) marginal. Tujuan kemitraan adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi dan mendatangkan keuntungan bagi kedua belah pihak.

Hingga saat ini, terdapat dua bentuk kemitraan yang berlangsung, yaitu Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) dan Kerjasama Operasi (KSO). Selama tahun 2014 jumlah kontrak TAC telah mencapai 25 kontrak, sedangkan KSO berjumlah 31 kontrak. Namun demikian dalam tahun tersebut juga terdapat 3 TAC dan 2 KSO yang diterminasi. Sehingga pada akhir tahun 2014 jumlah kontrak TAC dan KSO menjadi 51 kontrak.

During 2014, Pertamina EP has formed partnerships with various parties to manage operations in the oil & gas marginal fields. The purpose of the partnership is to increase production and bring benefits for both parties.

Until today, there are two forms of partnerships, the Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) and Joint Operations (KSO). In 2014, the number of TAC reached 25 contracts, while KSO was 31 contracts. However, during the year there were also termination of 3 TAC and 2 KSO contracts. Thus at the end of 2014 total number of TAC and KSO contracts was 51 contracts.

KEGIATAN PRODUKSI KEMITRAAN (dalam ribuan USD)Partnership Production Activities (in thousands USD)

GasMinyak Oil

Existing: 15,156 BOPDWorkover: 1,505 BOPDPemboran (Drilling) : 512 BOPD

Existing: 28.13 MMSCFDSumur Workover (Workover Well): 0 Sumur Pemboran (Drilling well): 0

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MITRA TAC/KSO & UNITISASI PT PERTAMINA EPPer 31 Desember 2014, jumlah mitra TAC (Technical Assistance Contract) Pertamina EP adalah sebanyak 22 mitra, terdiri dari 9 mitra di Area Sumatera-1, 6 mitra di Area Sumatera-2, 3 mitra di Area Jawa dan 4 mitra di Area KTI.

Sementara, jumlah mitra KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) sebanyak 29 mitra, terdiri dari 4 mitra di Area Sumatera – 1, 13 mitra di Area Sumatera-2, 7 mitra di Area Jawa dan 5 mitra di Area KTI.

Jumlah mitra Unitisasi per 31 Desember 2014 sebanyak 7 mitra, 2 mitra di Area Sumatera – 1, 1 mitra di Area Sumatera-2, 3 mitra di Area Jawa dan 1 mitra di Area KTI.

Rincian mitra per Asset sebagai berikut

TAC/KSO PARTNERS & PT PERTAMINA EP UNITIZATIONAs of December 31, 2014, the number of TAC (Technical Assistance Contract) partners of Pertamina EP was 22 partners, consisting of 9 partners in Sumatra-1 Area, 6 partners in Sumatra-2 Area, 3 partners in Java Area and 4 partners in KTI (EIR) Area.

Meanwhile, the number of KSO (Joint Operation) partners was 29 partners, consisting of 4 partners in Sumatra-1 Area, 13 partners in Sumatra-2 Area, 7 partners in Java Area and 5 partners in EIR Area.

Number of unitization partners as of December 31, 2014 was 7 partners consisting of, 2 partners in Sumatra-1 Area, 1 partner in Sumatra-2 Area, 3 partners in Java Area and 1 partner in EIR Area.

Details of partners per Asset are as follows


TAC P – Prakarsa Betung Meruo Senami Jambi Meruo Senami - Jambi

TAC P – Insani Mitrasani Gelam Sungai Gelam - Jambi

TAC P – Akar Golindo Tuba Obi East - Jambi

TAC P – Blue Sky Langsa Langsa – East Aceh

TAC P – Eksindo Telaga Said Darat Telaga Said – North Sumatra

TAC P – Pertalahan Arnebatara Natuna Udang, Natuna – Natuna Sea

TAC P – Putra Kencana Diski Petroleum Diski – North Sumatra

TAC P – Putra Kencana Basilam Petrogas Basilam – North Sumatra

TAC P – Putra Batumandi Petroleum Batumandi – North Sumatra

KSO Pertamina EP – Samudera Energy Meruap Meruap – Jambi

KSO Pertamina EP – Ramba Energy West Jambi West Jambi 1

KSO Pertamina EP – Energy Jambi Indonesia West Jambi 2

KSO Pertamina EP – G.E.O Minergy Sungai Lilin Sungai Lilin

KEGIATAN OPERASI Operations Activities KETERANGAN Description

Pemboran Drilling 41 sumur wells

Workover 78 sumur wells

Operasi Sumur Wells Operations

Reparasi Repair 3 sumur wells

Reopening 18 sumur wells

Stimulasi Stimulation 24 sumur wells

PES 1,089 job jobs

MITRA USAHA PERTAMINA EP ASSET SUMATERA 1Pertamina EP Partners of Sumatra 1 Asset

KEGIATAN PENGEMBANGAN KEMITRAAN 2014Partners Development Activities in 2014

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TAC P – Goldwater TMT Tj Miring Timur – South Sumatra

TAC P – Pilona Petro Tj. Lontar Ltd Tj Lontar - South Sumatera

TAC P – Radiant Ramok Senabing Ramok Senabing – South Sumatra

TAC P – Indoyaya Sukaraja Sukaraja – Pendopo - South Sumatra

TAC P – Indama Putra Kayapratama Kaya - South Sumatra TAC P – Binatek Reka Kruh Kruh - South Sumatra

KSO Pertamina EP – Formasi Sumatera Energi Tanjung Tiga Timur - South Sumatra

KSO Pertamina EP – Techwin Benakat Timur Benakat Timur - South Sumatra

KSO Pertamina EP – Benakat Barat Petroleum Benakat Barat - South Sumatra

KSO Pertamina EP – Indrillco Hulu Energy Uno Dos Rayu - South Sumatra

KSO Pertamina EP – Santika Pendopo Energy Talang Akar Pendopo

KSO Pertamina EP – Cooper Energy Sukananti Tangai Sukananti

KSO Pertamina EP – Samudera Energy T. Lontar Tanjung Lontar

KSO Pertamina EP – Petroenim Betun Selo Betun Selo - South Sumatra

KSO Pertamina EP – Prisma Kampung Minyak Kampung Minyak

KSO Pertamina EP – QEI Loyak Talang Gula Loyak Talang Gula

KSO Pertamina EP – Gunung Kampung Minyak Sungai Taham – Batu Keras – Subang Jeriji

KSO Pertamina EP – Indospec Energy Limau Ltd. Struktur Seksi P, Q22, Q51

KSO Pertamina EP – Energy Tanjung Tiga Pandan, Petanang - Tapus


TAC P – Radiant Energi Sukatani Sukatani – Jatim East Java

TAC P – Pelangi Haurgeulis Resources Haurgeulis – Jabar West Java

TAC P – Ellipse Energy Jatirarangon Jatirarangon – Jabar West Java

KSO Pertamina EP – PD Migas Kota Bekasi Jatinegara – Jabar West Java

KSO Pertamina EP – Tawun Pegunung Energi Cepu – Jawa Tengah Central Java

KSO Pertamina EP – IEV Pabuaran Pabuaran – Jawa Barat West Java

KSO Pertamina EP – Axis Sambidoyong Energy Sambidoyong

KSO Pertamina EP – Foster Trembes Sendang Pert. Trembes Sendang

KSO Pertamina EP – Geo Cepu Indonesia Cepu – Jawa Tengah Central Java

KSO Pertamina EP – Banyubang Blora Energy Cepu – Jawa Tengah Central Java

MITRA USAHA PERTAMINA EP ASSET SUMATERA 2Pertamina EP Partners of Sumatera 2 Asset


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TAC P – Intermega Sabaku Sabaku - Papua

TAC P – Intermega Salawati Salawati – Papua

TAC P – IBN Holdico Linda/Sele Linda/Sele – Papua

TAC P – EMP Semberah/Semco Semberah – Kalimantan Timur East Kalimantan

KSO Pertamina EP – Patina Group (Bangkudulis) Bangkudulis – Kalimantan Timur East Kalimantan

KSO Pertamina EP – Petroenergy Utama Wiriagar Wiriagar – Papua

KSO Pertamina EP – Petro Papua Mogoi Wasian Mogoi Wasian - Papua

KSO Pertamina EP – Klasofo Energy Klamono Selatan – Kepala Burung

KSO Pertamina EP – Bunyu Tapa Energy Bunyu – Kalimantan Timur East Kalimantan

MITRA USAHA PERTAMINA EP REGION KTIPertamina EP Partners of Eastern Indonesia Region (EIR)

Untuk mendukung keberadaan proyek pengembangan dengan pola kemitraan, sejumlah studi dilakukan oleh Pertamina EP bekerja sama dengan beberapa mitra. Studi yang telah dijalankan adalah:

To support the existence of development projects with a partnership scheme, Pertamina EP conducts a number of studies in collaboration with several partners. The studies that have been carried out are


Oil Analysis Study KSO PEP-Ramba Energy West Jambi Selesai Completed 100%

GGR Study Phase-I KSO Pertamina EP–Formasi Sumatera Energy Selesai Completed 100%

GGR Study KSO Pertamina EP-Benakat Barat Petroleum Selesai Completed 100%

GGR Study KSO Pertamina EP-Petro Enim Betun Selo Selesai Completed 100%

GGR Study KSO Pertamina EP-QEI Loyak Talang Gula Selesai Completed 100%

GGR Study KSO Pertamina EP-Santika Pendopo Energy Selesai Completed 95%

GGR Study KSO Pertamina EP-Gunung Kampung Minyak Selesai Completed 60%

GGRPF KSO Pertamina EP-Energy Tanjung Tiga Selesai Completed 90%

GGR (Gas Certification) KSO Pertamina EP-PD Migas Bekasi Selesai Completed 100%

G&G Study KSO Pertamina EP-Axis Sambidoyong Energy Selesai Completed 100%

G&G and GGR Study KSO Pertamina EP-Pabuaran Selesai Completed 100%

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FASILITAS PRODUKSISepanjang tahun 2014, telah dibangun sejumlah fasilitas produksi untuk mengoptimalkan operasional lapangan yang dikelola oleh para mitra, yaitu:

PRODUCTION FACILITIESThroughout 2014, a number of production facilities have been built to optimize field operations operated by partners, namely:


Test Unit & Road Tank TAC Pertamina EP Putera Kencana Diski Petroleum

Upgrade Oil Production Plant, Flowline 3” (3000m), 2 Tank On Site kap.100 bbls.

TAC Pertamina EP EMP Gelam

Senami-Betung Road, 8m x 15 Km TAC Pertamina EP Prakarsa Betung Meruo Senami

Mini Station South East Area Kaya TAC Pertamina EP Indama Putera Kayapratama

Flow Line, Transfer & Injection Pump, Pumping Unit, Rental ESP, Genset & Baung Facilities

KSO Pertamina EP Benakat Barat Petroleum

Flow Line for Workover Well KSO Pertamina EP Techwin Benakat Timur

Completin Fluid Washtank c/w Gas BootProduction, Substation-II Facilities & Flowline PL-F

KSO Pertamina EP Formasi Sumatera Energi

Pipeline, Booster, Etc. from TGI to SP BNN, WIF sumur SKN-1, Upgrading SP BNN & TLI, Flowline 3” at Workover Wells.

KSO Pertamina EP Cooper Energy Sukananti

Flow Line KSO Pertamina EP QEI Loyak Talang Gula

Water Treatment Plan 10,000 bbls, Trunkline Injector BK & SJ, Flowline 3” BK-342 (297 km)

KSO Pertamina EP Gunung Kampung Minyak

ASP Mixing Plant, Oil Gathering, Flowline for 12 Wells KSO Pertamina EP Indospec Energy Limau

Power System & Auxiliaries, Reaktivasi SP Tapus, FL Construction & Trunkline

KSO Pertamina EP Energy Tanjung Tiga

Rental GCP TAC Pertamina EP Ellipse Energy Jatirarangon

Flowline, CPI, Foam, Gas Engine TAC Pertamina EP EMP Semberah

Flowline 5 wells, Rental Tank & Oil Transportation KSO Pertamina EP Patina Group

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PERMASALAHAN DAN UPAYA TINDAK LANJUTSejumlah lapangan yang dikelola secara kemitraan juga dihadapkan pada berbagai persoalan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, Pertamina EP dan para mitra telah melakukan beberapa langkah:

PROBLEMS AND FOLLOW UP EFFORTSA number of fields operated under partnership scheme are also faced with various problems. To overcome this, Pertamina EP and its partners have taken several measures:


TAC PANatuna

Kerusakan Gas Lift Compressor Udang-A dan Kebuntuan Flowline dari Platform Udang-A ke Udang-BGas Lift Compressor Damage and Flowline Deadlock from Udang-A Platform to Udang-B

Pemindahan Gas Lift Compressor dari Platform Udang-B ke Udang-A. Melakukan pengasaman Sumur SS-1 & SS-3 di Udang Timur.Gas Lift Compressor Displacement from Udang-B Platform to Udang-A Acidification in SS-1 & SS-3 Well in Udang Timur

TAC Pertamina EP EMP Gelam

Produksi Sumur SG-16 & 18 mengalami pe-nurunan alamiah Natural declining of SG-16 & 18 wells production

Telah dilakukan fracturing namun hasilnya belum memenuhi harapan. Berkoordinasi dengan Pertamina EP untuk mengvaluasi kembali potensi Sumur SG-16 & 18.Fracturing had been carried out yet the result have not met expectation Coordinate with Pertamina EP to re-evaluate SG-16 & 18 wells potential

TAC Pertamina EP Meruap

Decline Rate diatas perkiraan. Hasil Workover 9 sumur dibawah target. Decline rate was above prediction Workover of 9 wells under target

Kontrak TAC berakhir pada 11/7/14. Kontrak dengan KSO baru telah ditandatangani dengan Program EOR. TAC contract ended 11/7/2014 Contract with new KSO had been signed through EOR Program

TAC Pertamina EP Prakarsa Betung M Senami

Hasil Stimulasi tidak Optimal. Pemboran baru dilaksanakan diawal Juni 2014 akibat proses perijinan PEMDA Jambi. Stimulation result was not optimum Drilling started June 2014 due to licensing process of Jambi Regional Government

Optimalisasi Produksi dan berkoordinasi dengan Pertamina EP untuk memperbaiki rencana cara kerja proses pengajuan perijinan. Production optimization and coordination with Pertamina EP to improve the plan of licensing submission process

TAC Pertamina EP Goldwater

Hasil pemboran sumur TMT-59 tidak sesuai target. RK 3 sumur terhambat proses Anggaran Pengadaan Tanah (APT) sehingga baru dapat dilaksanakan di akhir Agustus 2014.Drilling result of TMT-59 well was under target. The well’s RK 3 was hampered by Land Procurement Budget (APT) process thus it can implemented in the end of August 2014

Evaluasi potensi sumur dan berkoordinasi dengan Pertamina EP untuk memperbaiki rencana cara kerja proses pengajuan perijinan.Evaluation of well potential and coordination with Pertamina EP to improve the plan of licensing submission process

TAC Pertamina EP Pilona

Hasil 4 sumur Workover tidak sesuai target. RK pemboran mundur ke 2015 karena adanya perubahan titik lokasi sumur terkait kesulitan pembebasan tanah.Result of 4 wells was under target. Drilling RK was delayed to 2015 due to the change of well location because of land acquisition difficulties

Evaluasi potensi sumur dan berkoordinasi dengan Pertamina EP untuk memperbaiki rencana cara kerja proses pengajuan perijinan.Evalution of well potential and coordination with Pertami-na EP to improve the plan of licensing submission process

KSO Pertamina EP Santika Pendopo Energy

Pemboran 3 sumur dan Work-over 7 sumur telah dilaksanakan namun tidak memenuhi target.Drilling of 3 wells and workover of 7 well have been carried out, yet didn’t meet target

Berkoordinasi dengan Pertamina EP untuk men-gevaluasi kembali potensi sumur-sumur.Coordinate with Pertamina EP to re-evaluate wells potential

TAC Pertamina EP Patrindo Persada-maju

Produksi existing menurun dan pemboran sumur M-81 tidak berhasil karena kadar air yang tinggi.Existing production decreased and drilling of M-81 well was unsuccessful due to high water content

Kontrak TAC berakhir pada 11/7/14. Kontrak dengan KSO baru telah ditandatangani untuk meningkatkan produksi.AC contract ended in 11/7/2014. Contract with new KSO had been signed to increase production

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Kantor Pusat Standard Chartered Tower 21st - 29th FloorJl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164 Jakarta 12950 - IndonesiaPhone : (+6221) 5797 4000, Fax : (+6221) 5797 4555E-Mail : [email protected] : www.pep.pertamina.com

Head OfficeStandard Chartered Tower 21st - 29th FloorJl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164 Jakarta 12950 - IndonesiaPhone : (+6221) 5797 4000, Fax : (+6221) 5797 4555E-Mail : [email protected] : www.pep.pertamina.com


ALAMAT KANTOR Office Address



1 RantauJl. Jakarta No.1 - Rantau Kuala Simpang, Aceh Tamiang, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam 24474

T:(+6264131016 F:(+62641) 31944-45, 31010, 31941

2 Pangkalan SusuJl. Samudra No.1 Pangkalan Susu, Sumatera Utara 20858

T:(+62620) 51333, F:(+62620) 51385

3 LirikJl. Raya Lintas Timur Sumatera Lirik, Indragiri Hulu Riau 29353

T:(+62769) 7444106, F:(+62769) 41224

4 JambiJl. Lirik No.1 Komplek Pertamina UBEP Jambi Kenali Asam,

T:(+62741) 41938-39, F:(+62741) 42542

5 Ramba

Jl. Lintas Timur Palembang Jambi KM 102 Dusun Ramba, Kec. Sei Lilin, Sumatera Selatan

T:(+62711) 893324, F:(+62711) 893145

Kantor Palembang :Jl. Sukarno Hatta No. 2465 RT 40 RW 11, Kel. Karya Baru Kec. Alang-Alang Lebar, Palembang, Sumatra Selatan 30151

T:(+62711) 413966, 7077850F:(+62711) 351962


6 PrabumulihJl. Jend. Sudirman No.3 Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan 31122

T:(+62713) 382305, F:(+62713) 323273

7 PendopoJl. Plaju no. 38 Pendopo, S umatera Selatan 31211

T:(+62713) 384200, F:(+62713) 390442

8 LimauJl. Jend. Sudirman No. 2/3 Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan 31122

T:(+62713) 382958, 320010 F:(+62713) 321949

9 AderaKomp Pertamina EP. Field Pendopo Pengabuan, Sumatera Selatan 31211

T:(+62713) 391158, F:(+62713) 391158

10 SubangJl. Raya Mundu, Karangampel, Indramayu, Jawa Barat 45284

T:(+62234) 484112, ext 3055/3300 F:(+62234) 486007

11 Tambun Jl. Patra Raya Klayan Cirebon. Jawa Barat 45151T:(+62231) 2512356, F:(+62231) 2512354

12 JatibarangJl. Raya Mundu , Karangampel. Indramayu, Jawa Barat 45283

T:(+62234) 484112 ext 3064, F:(+62234) 484305


13 Cepu Jl. Gajahmada PO.Box 1 CepuT:(+62296) 421494, F:(+62296) 425119, 421329

14 Poleng2nd Floor Kawasan Industri Gresik Office, Jln. Tri Dharma No. 3 Gresik, Jawa Timur 61121

T. 031. 3984400


15 SangattaJl. Gas No.1 Sangatta , Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur 75613

T:(+62549) 22300, F:(+62549) 23592

16 BunyuJl. Dermaga No.1 P. Bunyu, Kalimantan Timur 77181

T:(+62551) 24729 ext 2801, F:(+62551) 2055501

17 Papua Jl. Ahmad Yani, Sorong, Papua Barat 98414T:(+62951) 323830/323851/52 F:(+62951) 332667/321729

18 TanjungJl. Minyak No. 1 Ngurungkudek, Tanjung Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan 71571

T:(+62526) 2021242, F:(+62526) 2021344

19 SangasangaJl. Dr Sutomo No 40, Sangasanga, Kutai Kertanegara, Kalimantan Timur 75254

T:(+62541) 671400, F:(+62541) 671487

20 TarakanJl. Pulau Linggitan No. 1 Tarakan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur 77121

T:(+62551) 32812-14, F:(+62551) 51093

Page 328: Integrated Annual Report 2014



LOKASI Location SP SPU PPP TITIK SERAH Custody Transfer Point

Sumatera Bagian Utara Northern Sumatra

10 SP - PPP RantauTerminal Pangkalan Susu Pangkalan Susu Terminal

9 SP & 3TU - PPP Pangkalan Susu

Sumatera Bagian TengahCentral Sumatra

3 Manifold 1 SPU PPP Sei KarasTerminal Buatan Lirik KM03 Sei Gerong.Lirik Artificial Terminal, KM03 SeiGerong.

1 Booster - PPP UkulBuatan Terminal, Lirik KM03 Sei GerongLirik Artificial Terminal, KM03 SeiGerong.

7 SP 3 SPU PPP Tempino

Sumatera Bagian Selatan Southern Sumatra

39 SP 7 SPU PPP Prabumulih KM03 Plaju (SPD Metering System)

23 SP 5 SPU PPP Pangabuan KM03 Plaju (TAP Metering System)

Jawa Bagian Barat Western Java 25 SP 9 SPU PPP Balongan Terminal Balongan Balongan Terminal

Jawa Bagian Timur Eastern Java 12 SP 3 SPU PPP Menggung - Cepu Kilang Cepu Cepu Refinery

Indonesia Bagian Timur Eastern Indonesia Region

6 SP 3 SPU PPP Menggung - Cepu Kilang Cepu Cepu Refinery

3 SP 1 SPUPPP Manunggul –

TanjungTerminal Sangatta Sangatta Terminal

6 BS 1 SPU PPP Sangasanga Terminal Bunyu Bunyu Terminal

11 SP - PPP AnganaKilang UP-V Balikpapan Refinery Unit V Balikpapan

6 SP 4 SPU PPP Lingkas – TarakanKilang UP-V Balikpapan Refinery Unit V Balikpapan

5 SP 1 SPU PPP KlamonoKilang UP-V Balikpapan Refinery Unit V Balikpapan

3 SP 3 SPU PPP Salawati Kilang UP-V Balikpapan Refinery Unit V Balikpapan

2 SP - PPP Menggung - Cepu Kilang UP-V Balikpapan Refinery Unit V Balikpapan

LOKASI Location SP SPU TITIK SERAH Custody Transfer Point

Sumatera Bagian Utara Northern Sumatra 7 SP 4 SKG Pada 5 titik serah

At 5 custody transfer points

Sumatera Bagian Tengah Central Sumatra 11 SP 7 SKG Pada 14 titik serah

At 14 custody transfer points

Sumatera Bagian Selatan Southern Sumatra 20 SP 14 SKG Pada 37 titik serah

At 37 custody transfer points

Jawa Bagian Barat Western Java 5 SP 1 SKG Pada 5 titik serah

At 5custody transfer points

Jawa Bagian Timur Eastern Java 3 SP 2 SKG Pada 2 titik serah

At 2 custody transfer points

Kawasan Timur Indonesia Eastern Indonesia Region 7 SP 4 SKG Pada 5 titik serah

At 5 custody transfer points


FASILITAS PRODUKSI GASGas Production Facilities

Page 329: Integrated Annual Report 2014








LOKASI Location PIPA Pipe JALUR PIPA Pipeline

Sumatera Bagian Utara Northern Sumatra

PPP Rantau – PPP Pangkalan Susu 64PPP Pangkalan Susu – Terminal Pangkalan Susu


Sumatera Bagian Tengah Central Sumatra

SPU Kenali Asam – PPP Tempino 24SPU Bajubang – PPP Tempino 32Tank Farm Tempino – PPP Tempino 2PPP Tempino – RU III Plaju* *265

Sumatera Bagian Selatan Southern Sumatra

PPP Prabumulih – RU III Plaju 102PPP Pangabuan – RU III Plaju 146

Jawa Bagian Barat Western Java

SP Tambun – SP Tegal Gede 34SP Tegel Gede – SP Cilamaya 65SP Cilamaya – SPU Cemara 69SP Subang – SPU Cemara 70SPU Cemara – PPP Balongan 25SPU Jatibarang – PPP Balongan 23PPP Balongan – Terminal Balongan 2

Jawa Bagian Timur Eastern Java PPP Menggung – Kilang cepu 2

Kawasan Timur Indonesia Eastern Indonesia Region

SPU Bunyu – Terminal Bunyu 4PPP Sanggata – Teminal Sangatta 19PPP Manuggul, Tanjung – Kilang RU-V Balikpapan


PPP Sangasanga – Terminal Sanga-sanga


PPP Tarakan – Terminal Tarakan 19PPP Klamono – Terminal Sorong 48PPP Salawati – Karim Marine Terminal (KMT)


PIPA JALUR TRANSPORTASI MINYAK DAN GASOil and Gas Transportation Pipelines

Keterangan: * Merupakan aset PT Pertagas yang digunakan untuk pengiriman minyak mentah Pertamina EPNote: * Asset of PT Pertagas utilized for Pertamina EP’s crude oil distribution

Page 330: Integrated Annual Report 2014



AUDITOR EKSTERNALTanudiredja, Wibisana & RekanJl HR Rasuna Said Kav C-3 Mega Plaza Lt 4,Karet, Setiabudi, Jakarta 12920 - IndonesiaTel : (62-21) 521 1134, Fax: (62-31) 531 4503Website: pwcglobal.com

BIRO ADMINISTRASI EFEKPertamina EP adalah Perseroan Terbatas yang bersifat tertutup. Laporan ini tidak menyertakan informasi mengenai Biro Administrasi Efek.

PERUSAHAAN PEMERINGKAT EFEKPertamina EP adalah Perseroan Terbatas yang bersifat tertutup. Laporan ini tidak menyertakan informasi mengenai Perusahaan Pemeringkat Efek.

EXTERNAL AUDITORTanudiredja, Wibisana & PartnerJl HR Rasuna Said Kav C-3 Mega Plaza 4th Fl.Karet, Setiabudi, Jakarta 12920 - IndonesiaPh: (62-21) 521 1134, Fax: (62-31) 531 4503Website: pwcglobal.com

ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF SECURITIESPT Pertamina EP is a non-listed Limited Liability Company. This report does not include information about Administration Bureau of Securities

CREDIT RATING AGENCYPT Pertamina EP is a non-listed Limited Liability Company. This report does not include information about Credit Rating Agency

LEMBAGA DAN PROFESI PENUNJANGSupporting Institutions and Professionals

Page 331: Integrated Annual Report 2014








INDIKATOR IndicatorsRKAP 2014 TERAUDIT 2014 Audited 2014

NILAI Score BOBOT Weight Value NILAI Score BOBOT

Weight Value

Kinerja Keuangan Financial Performance

Imbalan kepada Pemegang Saham Return On Equity (ROE) 29.91 20.00 56.14 20.00

Imbalan Investasi Return On Investment (ROI) 29.13 15.00 43.74 15.00Margin Pendapatan Operasi Operating Profit Margin 63.93 3.00 58.88 3.00Margin Laba Bersih Net Profit Margin 37.78 3.00 33.67 3.00Rasio Kas Cash Ratio 16.50 3.00 12.77 2.00Rasio Lancar Current Ratio 438.50 5.00 216.80 5.00Perputaran Piutang Collection Period 24 3.00 15 3.00Perputaran Persediaan (ITO) Inventory Turnover N/A 0.00 N/A 0.00Perputaran Total Aset (TATO) Total Asset Turnover 43.25 1.50 67.47 2.00Rasio Total Modal Sendiri Terhadap Total Aset Total Equity to Total Asset Ratio 70.96 4.00 51.27 6.00

Rasio Bunga Berjangka Time Interest Earned Ratio 152.12 3.00 117.31 3.00Nilai Kinerja Keuangan (NKK) Score of Financial Performance N/A 60.50 N/A 62.00

NKK Setelah Diproporsionalkan Proportional Score of Financial Performance N/A 63.00 N/A 65.00

Klasifikasi Kinerja Keuangan Classification of Financial Performance SEHAT HEALTHY SEHAT HEALTHY

Kinerja Pertumbuhan Growth Performance

Pertumbuhan Produktivitas Aset Asset Productivity Growth (ASPG) 0.50 1.00 34.44 4.00

Pertumbuhan Penjualan Sales Growth 3.63 1.00 (5.81) 0.00Pertumbuhan Margin Laba BersihNet Profit Margin Growth (NPMG) 1.74 1.00 (15.36) 0.00

Penjualan Kepada Total Aset Sales to Total Asset (STAG) (6.02) 0.00 41.49 3.00Pertumbuhan Laba Bersih Net Profit Growth (NPG) 5.43 2.00 (20.27) 0.00Nilai Kinerja Pertumbuhan (NKP) Score of Growth Performance N/A 5.00 N/A 7.00

Klasifikasi Kinerja Pertumbuhan Classification of Growth Performance KURANG TUMBUH Less Growth KURANG TUMBUH Less Growth

Kinerja Administrasi Administration Performance

Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Bulanan Monthly Financial Statement

≤7 hari kalender calendar days 2.00 ≤7 hari kalender

calendar days 2.00

Laporan Manajemen Perusahaan Bulanan Monthly Financial Report

≤16 hari kalender

calendar days2.00

17-19 hari kalender

calendar days1.21

Laporan Keuangan Audited Audited Financial Statement ≤Bulan Maret March 3.00 ≤Bulan Maret

March 3.00

Rancangan RKAP Corporate Work Plan & Budget Draft ≤Bulan Agustus August 3.00 ≤Bulan Agustus

August 3.00

Nilai Kinerja Administrasi (NKA) Score of Administration Performanc

N/A 10.00 N/A 9.21

Klasifikasi Kinerja Administrasi Classification of Administration Performance



Company Health Indicator SEHAT A Healthy A SEHAT AA Healthy AA

TINGKAT KESEHATAN PERUSAHAAN TAHUN 2014Company Health Indicators 2014

Page 332: Integrated Annual Report 2014


REFERENSI SILANG PERATURAN BAPEPAM - LK NO.X.K.6, INDEKS ISI GRI (G4), SUPLEMEN SEKTOR MINYAK & GAS (OG), DAN KERANGKA LAPORAN TERINTEGRASI (IR) [G4-32]Cross Reference BAPEPAM - LK No.X.K.6 Regulation, GRI Content Index (G4),Oil & Gas Sector Supplement (OG), and Integrated Report Framework (IR)

KETERANGAN / DESCRIPTION HALAMAN / PAGEUMUMLaporan tahunan wajib memuat / Annual report is required to containa. Ikhtisar data keuangan penting / Key financial highlights 18-20b. Laporan Dewan Komisaris / Board of Commissioners’ Report 62-67c. Laporan Direksi / Board of Directors’ Report 74-81d. Profil perusahaan / Company profile 26-41e. Analisis dan pembahasan manajemen / Management discussion and analysis 86-148f. Tata kelola perusahaan / Corporate governance 150-229g. Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan / Corporate social responsibility 304-317 h. Laporan keuangan tahunan yang telah diaudit / Audited annual financial statements 227-229, 304-317i. Surat pernyataan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi /

Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors’ Statement of responsibility84-85

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia / In Indonesian Language √Pencantuman judul dan keterangan / tabel Inclusion of table title and description √Mudah dibaca / Easy to read √


1 Ikhtisar perbandingan keuangan selama 3 (tiga) tahun / Summary of financial comparison over 3 (three) years


G4-9 Skala Organisasi / Organizational Scale 19, 28G4-EC1 Nilai Ekonomi Langsung Dihasilkan dan Didistribusikan /

Direct Economic Value Generated and Distributed19

IR3 Modal keuangan / Financial capital 19IR4 Modal manufaktur / Manufacture capital 19, 122

2 Informasi mengenai saham setiap 2 (dua) triwulan / Information on shares every 2 (two) quarters 213 Aksi Korporasi terhadap saham / Corporate action on shares 214 Perdagangan saham / Share trading 215 Tindakan penghentian perdagangan saham / Actions of stock suspension 21

LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM / REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS1. Laporan Dewan Komisaris / Board of Commissioners’ Report 62-67

a. Penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi / Assessment of the Board of Directors’ performance 62-63b. Pandangan atas prospek usaha perusahaan / View on the company’s business prospect 64-65c. Perubahan komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan alasan perubahan /

Change in Board of Commissioners’ membership composition and the reasons of change66, 168-169

G4-34 Struktur Tata Kelola / Governance Structure 66, 67, 169, 182, 184G4-38 Komposisi Pejabat Tata Kelola / Governance Body Composition 66, 168, 169

d. Komite-komite di bawah pengawasan Dewan Komisaris / Committees under the Board of Commissioners’ supervision

67, 184-191

G4-35 Pendelegasian Kewenangan Terkait Topik Ekonomi, Lingkungan, dan Sosial / Delegating Authority for Economic, Environmental and Social Topics


G4-36 Penunjukan Pejabat Pelaksana Kegiatan Terkait Topik Ekonomi, Lingkungan dan Sosial / Appointed an Executive Level Position for Economic, Environmental and Social Topics


2. Laporan Dewan Direksi / Board of Directors’ Report 74-81a. Kinerja perusahaan mencakup kebijakan strategis, perbandingan pencapaian dan target, serta

kendala / The company’s performance encompassing among others, strategic policies, comparison between achievement of results and targets and challenges


G4-1 Pernyataan dari Direksi / Statement from BOD 58, 62, 74b. Gambaran tentang prospek usaha / View on the company’s business prospect 76

G4-2 Uraian Dampak, Risiko dan Peluang / Description of Key Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities

58, 62, 74

c. Penerapan tata kelola perusahaan / Corporate governance implementation 80-81

Page 333: Integrated Annual Report 2014


d. Perubahan komposisi anggota Direksi dan alasan perubahannya / Change in Board of Directors’ membership composition and the reasons of change

81, 175

G4-34 Struktur Tata Kelola / Governance Structure 81, 175, 182G4-38 Komposisi Pejabat Tata Kelola / Governance Body Composition 81, 175

PROFIL PERUSAHAAN / COMPANY PROFILE1 Nama, alamat, dan kontak perusahaan / Name, address, and contact of the company 26

G4-3 Nama Organisasi / Name of The Organization 26G4-4 Merek, Produk, dan Layanan Jasa / Primary Brands, Products and Services 26G4-5 Lokasi Kantor Pusat / Location of Headquarter 26G4-6 Jumlah Negara Tempat Beroperasi / Number of Countries Operation 28

2 Riwayat singkat perusahaan / Brief history of the company 27G4-13 Perubahan signifikan organisasi / Significant Changes of Organization 28, 66, 81

3 Kegiatan usaha perusahaan menurut Anggaran Dasar terakhir dan jenis produk / Business activities of the company based on the most recent Articles of Association, type of products and services


IR6 Model bisnis / Business model 32, 364 Struktur organisasi perusahaan dalam bentuk bagan, disertai nama dan jabatan /

Organizational structure of the company in chart, with names and positions40

G4-LA12 Keberagaman Pejabat Tata Kelola / Diversity Composition of Governance Bodies


5 Visi dan misi perusahaan / Vision and mission of the Company 38-39G4-56 Nilai-nilai, Prinsip, dan Norma Organisasi /

Organizational Values, Principles and Norms38, 156

6 Profil Dewan Komisaris / Board of Commissioners’ profile 68-697 Profil Direksi / Board of Directors’ profile 82-838 Perubahan susunan Dewan Komisaris dan/atau Direksi /

Change of Board of Commissioners/Directors’ composition66, 81, 168-169, 175

9 Jumlah karyawan dan deskripsi pengembangan kompetensinya / Number of employees and description of their competency development

54-57, 240-244

G4-10 Jumlah dan Komposisi Pegawai / Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements

54, 55

G4-LA1 Jumlah Pekerja Baru dan Tingkat Turnover /Number of New Employee and Turnover


G4-LA9 Rerata Jam Pelatihan Per Pegawai Per Tahun / Average of Training Hours per Year per Employee

56, 240, 241

G4-LA11 Persentase Pegawai Penerima Penilaian Kinerja / Percentage of Employees Receiving Performance Review


10 Persentase kepemilikan pemegang saham / Percentage of shareholding 26, 52, 16011 Informasi mengenai pemegang saham utama dan pengendali perusahaan /

Information on majority and controlling shareholders of the company41

G4-7 Kepemilikan Saham dan Bentuk Hukum / Ownership and Legal Form 26, 52, 16012 Nama entitas anak, perusahaan asosiasi, perusahaan ventura /

Name of subsidiaries, associated companies, venture companies41

13 Kronologis pencatatan saham dan perubahan jumlah saham / Chronology of share listing and change of number of shares


14 Kronologis pencatatan Efek lainnya dan peringkat Efek / Chronology of other securities listing and securities ratings


15 Nama dan alamat perusahaan pemeringkat / Name and address of ratings company 21, 32816 Nama dan alamat lembaga dan/atau profesi penunjang pasar modal /

Name and address of supporting institutions and/or professionals of stock exchange206-207, 328

G4-16 Keanggotaan pada Asosiasi / Memberships in Associations 5217 Penghargaan dan sertifikasi yang diterima perusahaan /

Awards and certifications received by the company24

G4-15 Kepatuhan Pada Prinsip-prinsip dan Inisiatif Eksternal / Externally Charters, Principles, or Other Initiatives

25, 80, 112, 153, 250

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REFERENSI SILANG PERATURAN BAPEPAM - LK NO.X.K.6, INDEKS ISI GRI (G4), SUPLEMEN SEKTOR MINYAK & GAS (OG), DAN KERANGKA LAPORAN TERINTEGRASI (IR) [G4-32]Cross Reference BAPEPAM - LK No.X.K.6 Regulation, GRI Content Index (G4),Oil & Gas Sector Supplement (OG), and Integrated Report Framework (IR)

ANALISA DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN / MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS1 Tinjauan operasi per segmen operasi sesuai dengan jenis industri /

Operational review per operational segment based on type of industry92-106

a. Produksi, yang meliputi proses, kapasitas, dan perkembangannya / Production, covering process, capacity, and development


G4-12 Rantai Pasokan Organisasi / Organizational Supply Chain 111OG1 Jumlah estimasi cadangan / Volume estimated reserves 96, 99, 103, 264, 265IR8 Penggunaan Teknologi / Technology usage 65, 155, 235, 236,

272b. Pendapatan / Revenues 116-117

G4-EC2 Implikasi Finansial Akibat Perubahan Iklim /Financial Implications due to Climate Change

116, 261, 276

G4-EC4 Bantuan Finansial dari Pemerintah / Financial Assistance Received from Government


c. Profitabilitas / Profitability 1342 Analisis kinerja keuangan komprehensif dalam 2 (dua) tahun /

Comprehensive financial performance analysis in 2 (two) years116-131

a. Aset lancar, aset tidak lancar, dan total aset / Current assets, non-current assets, and total assets 122-126

b. Liabilitas jangka pendek, liabilitas jangka panjang dan total liabilitas / Current liabilities, non-current liabilities, and total liabilities


c. Ekuitas / Equity 130

d. Pendapatan, beban, laba (rugi), pendapatan komprehensif lain / Revenue, expenses, profit (loss), other comprehensive revenues


e. Arus kas / Cash flow 1313 Kemampuan membayar utang dalam rasio / Ability to meet debts in ratio 132-1334 Kolektibilitas piutang / Receivables collectability 1335 Kebijakan manajemen atas struktur permodalan / Management Decision over capital structure 1376 Bahasan mengenai ikatan yang material untuk investasi barang modal /

Discussion on material ties for the investment of capital goods136

7 Informasi dan fakta material yang terjadi setelah tanggal laporan akuntan / Material information and facts subsequent to the date of the accountant’s report


8 Prospek usaha dari perusahaan dikaitkan dengan kondisi industri / Business prospect of the company related to industry condition


9 Perbandingan antara target/proyeksi pada awal tahun buku / Comparison between target/projection at the beginning of financial year


10 Target/proyeksi yang ingin dicapai untuk satu tahun mendatang / Target/projection to be achieved for a year ahead


11 Aspek pemasaran atas produk dan jasa perusahaan / Marketing aspect of the company’s products and services


G4-8 Pasar Terlayani / Markets Served 94, 10712 Kebijakan dividen dan tanggal serta jumlah dividen per saham /

Dividend policy and the date and amount of dividend per share144

13 Realisasi penggunaan dana hasil penawaran umum / Use of proceeds from the public offering 13714 Informasi transaksi material yang mengandung benturan kepentingan dan/atau transaksi dengan

pihak afiliasi / Information on material transactions with conflict of interest and/or transactions with related parties

142-143, 198-199

15 Perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berpengaruh signifikan / Changes in regulation that significantly effect the company


16 Perubahan kebijakan akuntansi, alasan dan dampaknya / Changes in accounting policy, reasons and its impact


Page 335: Integrated Annual Report 2014


TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN / CORPORATE GOVERNANCE1. Uraian Dewan Komisaris / Board of Commissioners Description 168-174

a. Uraian pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris / Description of Board of Commissioners’ duty implementation

169-170, 172

b. Pengungkapan prosedur, dasar penetapan, dan remunerasinya / Disclosure of procedures and basis of appointment, and remuneration


G4-40 Nominasi dan Seleksi Pejabat Tata Kelola /Nomination and Selection Processes for Governance Body

168, 174, 175

G4-51 Kebijakan Remunerasi / Remuneration Policies 174G4-52 Proses Penetapan Remunerasi / Process for Determining Remuneration 173G4-53 Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan dalam Penetapan Remunerasi /

Stakeholders Involve for Determining Remuneration173

c. Pelatihan Dewan Komisaris / Board of Commissioners’ training 172G4-43 Pengembangan Pengetahuan Terkait Topik Ekonomi, Lingkungan dan Sosial Bagi

Pejabat Tata Kelola / Knowledge Development for Governance Body Related to Economic, Environmental and Social Topics


IR1 Modal intelektual / Intellectual capital 172

d. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya, serta frekuensi rapat / Disclosure of the company’s policies and implementation, and meeting frequency


G4-47 Penilaian Risiko dan Peluang / Review for Risk and Opportunities 1732. Uraian Direksi / Board of Directors Description 174-181

a. Ruang lingkup pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab / Scope of work and responsibilities 176-179

b. Pengungkapan prosedur, dasar penetapan, dan remunerasinya / Disclosure of procedures and basis of appointment, and remuneration


G4-40 Nominasi dan Seleksi Pejabat Tata Kelola / Nomination and Selection Processes for Governance Body

174, 175

G4-51 Kebijakan Remunerasi / Remuneration Policies 181G4-52 Proses Penetapan Remunerasi / Process for Determining Remuneration 181G4-53 Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan dalam Penetapan Remunerasi /

Stakeholders Involve for Determining Remuneration181

c. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya, serta frekuensi rapat / Disclosure of the company’s policies and implementation, and meeting frequency


G4-47 Penilaian Risiko dan Peluang / Review for Risk and Opportunities 180

d.Keputusan RUPS tahun sebelumnya dan realisasinya; dan alasan dalam hal terdapat keputusan yang belum direalisasi / Previous year’s GMS resolutions and their realization; and reasons for unrealized resolutions


G4-49 Komunikasi Kepada Pejabat Tata Kelola / Communication to The Governance Body

162, 222

G4-50 Jumlah Pelaporan Kepada Pejabat Tata Kelola dan Solusinya / Number of Report to The Governance Body and Solutions


e. Pelatihan Direksi / Board of Directors’ training 177G4-43 Pengembangan Pengetahuan Terkait Topik Ekonomi, Lingkungan dan Sosial Bagi

Pejabat Tata Kelola / Knowledge Development for Governance Body Related to Economic, Environmental and Social Topics


IR1 Modal intelektual / Intellectual capital 177

f. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan tentang penilaian kinerja Direksi / Disclosure of the company’s policies on Board of Directors’performance assessment


G4-44 Proses Evaluasi Kinerja Pejabat Tata Kelola / Evaluation Process of The Governance Body’s Performance

63, 78, 158, 162, 171, 172, 179

3. Komite Audit / Audit Committee 184-188a. Nama / Name 184

b. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan / History of job, work experience, and legal basis of appointment


Page 336: Integrated Annual Report 2014


REFERENSI SILANG PERATURAN BAPEPAM - LK NO.X.K.6, INDEKS ISI GRI (G4), SUPLEMEN SEKTOR MINYAK & GAS (OG), DAN KERANGKA LAPORAN TERINTEGRASI (IR) [G4-32]Cross Reference BAPEPAM - LK No.X.K.6 Regulation, GRI Content Index (G4),Oil & Gas Sector Supplement (OG), and Integrated Report Framework (IR)

c. Riwayat pendidikan / History of education 185d. Periode jabatan anggota Komite Audit / Office term of Audit Committee members 185e. Pengungkapan independensi Komite Audit / Disclosure of Audit Committee’s independence 184

f. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya / Disclosure of the company’s policies and implementation, including frequency of meetings


g. Uraian singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Audit pada tahun buku / Brief description of Audit Committee’s activity implementation


G4-57 Pemberian Saran dan Perilaku Patuh Hukum / Seeking Advice on Ethical and Lawful Behavior

155, 184

4. Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko, Komite Etika dan GCG / Investment and Risk Management Committee, Ethics and GCG Committee


a. Nama / Name 189

b. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja yang dimiliki, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan / History of job, work experience, and legal basis of appointment


c. Riwayat pendidikan / History of education 189d. Periode jabatan anggota komite / Office term of Committee members 189

e. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan mengenai independensi komite / Disclosure of the company’s policies on independence


f. Uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab / Description of duties and responsibilities 190

g. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya / Disclosure of the company’s policies and implementation


f. Uraian singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan komite pada tahun buku / Brief description of committee’s activity implementation during the financial year


5. Uraian tugas dan fungsi sekretaris perusahaan / Description of duties and functions of corporate secretary


a. Nama / Name 196

b. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja yang dimiliki, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan / History of job, work experience, and legal basis of appointment


c. Riwayat pendidikan / History of education 196d. Periode jabatan sekretaris perusahaan / Office term of corporate secretary 196

e. Uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas sekretaris perusahaan pada tahun buku / Brief description of corporate secretary’s duty implementation


6. Uraian mengenai unit audit internal / Description of internal audit unit 201-206a. Nama / Name 202

b. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja yang dimiliki, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan / History of job, work experience, and legal basis of appointment


c. Kualifikasi atau sertifikasi sebagai profesi audit internal / Professional qualification or certification as internal auditor


G4-SO4 Komunikasi dan Pelatihan mengenai Kebijakan dan Prosedur Anti-korupsi / Communication and Training on Anti-corruption Policies and Procedures


d. Struktur dan kedudukan unit audit internal / Structure and position of internal audit unit 201-202

e. Tugas dan tanggung jawab unit audit internal sesuai piagam charter / Duties and responsibilities of internal audit unit according to its Charter


f. Uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas unit audit internal pada tahun buku / Brief description of internal audit unit’s activity implementation during the financial year


G4-SO3 Jumlah dan Persentase Operasi Berisiko Signifikan Terkait Korupsi / Total and Percentage of Operation Related to Corruption

203, 204

G4-SO5 Insiden dan Tindakan Anti Korupsi / Incidents of corruption and actions taken 2047 Uraian mengenai sistem pengendalian internal / Description on internal control system 200-201

a.Pengendalian keuangan dan operasional, serta kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya / Control of finance and operations, and compliance with other laws and regulations


b Review atas efektivitas sistem pengendalian internal / Review on internal control system effectiveness (audit findings


8. Sistem manajemen risiko yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan / Risk management system applied by the company


a. Gambaran umum mengenai sistem manajemen risiko perusahaan / General overview on risk management system


b. Jenis risiko dan cara pengelolaannya / Types of risk and their management 215-217

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c. Review atas efektivitas sistem manajemen risiko perusahaan / Review on the company’s risk management system effectiveness (audit findings)


G4-45 Proses Identifikasi Dampak, Risiko dan Peluang Pelaksanaan Kinerja Ekonomi, Lingkungan, dan Sosial / Identification for the Impact, Risk and Opportunity Related to Economic, Environmental and Social Topics

208, 215

G4-46 Penilaian Pelaksanaan Kinerja Ekonomi, Lingkungan dan Sosial / Reviewing The Effectiveness of Economic, Environmental and Social Topics

208, 217

G4-47 Penilaian Risiko dan Peluang / Review for Risk and Opportunities 190, 208, 215


Perkara penting yang dihadapi oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, entitas anak, anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang sedang menjabat / Significant cases faced by Publicly-listed Company, subsidiaries, members of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors


G4-EN29 Sanksi Atas Ketidakpatuhan pada Peraturan Lingkungan / Sanctions for Non-compliance with Environmental Laws


G4-SO8 Sanksi Denda dan Hukuman Lain / Monetary Fines and Other Sanctions 224G4-PR9 Sanksi Atas Ketidakpatuhan Pada Peraturan Produk dan Jasa / Fine or Sanctions

Regarding Non-compliance with Regulations for Products and Services 224

10. Informasi tentang sanksi administratif yang dikenakan / Information on administrative sanction imposed


11. Akses informasi dan data perusahaan / Information and data access of the Company 222-223

12. Informasi mengenai kode etik dan budaya perusahaan / Information on code of conduct and corporate culture


G4-39 Pejabat Badan Tata Kelola dan Pejabat Eksekutif / Chair of the Highest Governance Body and also an Executive Officer

182, 183

G4-41 Pernyataan Tak Berbenturan Kepentingan /Process to Ensure Conflict of Interest are Avoided

168, 174, 198

G4-SO6 Dana Kegiatan Politik dan Sosial / Social and Political Contributions 223

13. Uraian mengenai program kepemilikan saham oleh karyawan / Description on employee stock ownership program


14. Uraian mengenai sistem pelaporan pelanggaran (whistleblowing system) / Description on whistleblowing system


G4-58 Pelaporan Perilaku Tak Beretika/Tak Patuh Hukum / Reporting About Unethical/Unlawful Behavior

155, 220

TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN / CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY1. Bahasan mengenai tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan / Discussion on corporate social responsibility 227-229, 304-317


Lingkungan hidup, seperti penggunaan material dan energi yang ramah lingkungan dan dapat didaur ulang, sistem pengolahan limbah perusahaan, sertifikasi di bidang lingkungan yang dimiliki, dan lain-lain / The environment, such as the use of environmentally friendly and recyclable materials and energy, the company’s waste treatment systems, environmental certification, etc.


G4-14 Pendekatan Pencegahan Melalui Manajemen Risiko / Precautionary Approach Through Risk Management

208, 288

G4-EN3 Energi Terkonsumsi di Dalam Perusahaan / Energy Consumption within The Organization

289, 290

G4-EN4 Energi Terkonsumsi di Luar Perusahaan / Energy Consumption Outside The Company

289, 290

G4-EN5 Intensitas Energi / Energy Intensity 290G4-EN6 Pengurangan Konsumsi Energi / Reduction of Energy Consumption 289, 290, 291G4-EN7 Efisiensi Kebutuhan Energi dalam Produk dan Jasa /

Reduction in Energy Requirements of Products and Services292

G4-EN8 Total Pengambilan Air Berdasarkan Sumber / Total Water Withdrawal by Source 293G4-EN9 Sumber Air Terpengaruh karena Pengambilan Air /

Water Sources Affected by Withdrawal 293

G4-EN10 Persentase Daur Ulang dan Pemakaian Ulang Air / Percentage of Water Recycled and Reused

274, 293, 302

G4-EN11 Lahan Operasi di Dalam Atau Sekitar Kawasan Dilindungi / Operation Site In or Adjacent To Protected Area


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REFERENSI SILANG PERATURAN BAPEPAM - LK NO.X.K.6, INDEKS ISI GRI (G4), SUPLEMEN SEKTOR MINYAK & GAS (OG), DAN KERANGKA LAPORAN TERINTEGRASI (IR) [G4-32]Cross Reference BAPEPAM - LK No.X.K.6 Regulation, GRI Content Index (G4),Oil & Gas Sector Supplement (OG), and Integrated Report Framework (IR)

G4-EN12 Dampak Signifikan Terhadap Keanekaragaman Hayati / Significant Impacts on Biodiversity


G4-EN13 Perlindungan Atau Restorasi Habitat / Habitat Protected or Restored 297G4-EN14 Jumlah Spesies Dilindungi / Number of Protected Species 299G4-EN15 Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Langsung (GRK) (Scope 1) /

Direct Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 1)295

G4-EN16 Emisi GRK Bersumber Energi Tidak Langsung / Energy Indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions


G4-EN18 Intensitas Emisi GRK / Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Intensity 295G4-EN19 Penurunan Emisi GRK / Reduction on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions 80, 276, 289, 292,

294, 295G4-EN22 Total Air Terbuang Berdasar Kualitas dan Tujuan /

Total Water Discharge by Quality and Destination302

G4-EN23 Jenis Limbah dan Metode Pengolahannya / Type of Waste and Disposal Method 300, 301, 302, 303G4-EN24 Pengelolaan Tumpahan Cairan Berbahaya / Total Number and Volume of Spills 303G4-EN25 Pengangkutan Limbah B3 / Hazardous Waste Transportation 300G4-EN26 Pengaruh Pembuangan Air Limbah Pada Keanekargaman Hayati /

Impact of Waste Water Discharge on Biodiversity 293, 303

G4-EN31 Total Biaya Perlindungan dan Investasi Lingkungan / Total Environmental Protection Expenditure and Investment


OG2 Total Jumlah yang Diinvestasikan dalam Energi Terbarukan / Total Investment in Renewable Energy

290, 291

OG3 Total Jumlah Energi Terbarukan yang Dihasilkan oleh Sumber /Total Renewable Energy produced

290, 291, 292

OG4 Jumlah dan Persentase Tempat Usaha yang Signifikan telah Dinilai dan Dimonitor mengenai Risiko Keanekaragaman hayati / Total and Percentage of Significant Business Area that has Assessed and Monitored on Biodiversity Risk


OG5 Bentuk pembuangan air / Disposal of formation water 292, 293OG6 Volume Hidrokarbon yang dilepaskan / Volume of flared hydrocarbon 103, 292, 295OG7 Limbah pemboran yang terbuang / Amount of drilling waste 300, 301OG8 Bensol, timah dan sulfur dalam minyak / Benzene, Lead and Sulfur Content in Fuels 292IR2 Modal alam / Natural capital 227, 237, 286


Praktik ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan, dan keselamatan kerja, seperti kesetaraan gender dan kesempatan kerja, sarana dan keselamatan kerja, tingkat perpindahan (turnover) karyawan, tingkat kecelakaan kerja, pelatihan, dan lain-lain / Practices of employment, occupational health and safety, such as gender and job opportunity equality, transfer rate, work accident rate, training, etc


G4-11 Pekerja Terlindungi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) / Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements


G4-EC3 Kewajiban Perusahaan Terhadap Penyediaan Pensiun / Organization’s Defined Benefit Plan Obligations


G4-EC5 Rasio Upah Pekerja Tingkat Awal Terhadap Upah Minimum / Ratio of Entry Level Wage to Local Minimum Wage


G4-LA2 Manfaat untuk Pekerja / Benefit for Employee 245, 246G4-LA3 Jaminan Bekerja Kembali Setelah Cuti Melahirkan /

Return to Work After Maternity Leave 247

G4-LA4 Pemberitahuan Minimum atas Perubahan / Minimum Notice periods for Changes 245G4-LA6 Jenis dan Tingkat Kecelakaan Kerja / Types and Rates of Injury 252G4-LA7 Pekerja dengan Risiko Tinggi Kesehatan Kerja /

Workers with High Risk of Working Diseases250, 255

G4-LA8 Topik K3 dalam PKB / OHS Topics in Formal Agreement with Trade Unions 250, 314G4-LA10 Program Pelatihan Ketrampilan Penunjang Akhir Karir / Program for Skills

Management That Support Managing Career Endings258

G4-LA13 Rasio Gaji Pokok Pekerja Laki-laki dan Perempuan / Ratio of Basic Salary of Men and Women Employee


G4-LA14 Persentase Pemasok yang Dievaluasi / Percentage of Suppliers Screened for Labor Criteria


G4-HR4 Dukungan Pada Kebebasan Berserikat / Support for Freedom of Association 259

Page 339: Integrated Annual Report 2014


G4-HR4 Dukungan Pada Kebebasan Berserikat / Support for Freedom of Association 259G4-HR7 Tenaga Keamanan Terlatih HAM /

Security Personnel Who Have Undergone Training on Human Rights242

OG13 Jumlah kegiatan terkait keamanan produk / Number of Process Safety Events 252IR1 Modal intelektual / Intellectual capital 65, 234, 238


Pengembangan sosial dan kemasyarakatan, seperti penggunaan tenaga kerja lokal, pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar perusahaan, perbaikan sarana dan prasarana sosial, bentuk donasi lainnya, dan lain-lain / Social and community development, such as employment of local manpower, empowerment of the company’s surrounding community, social facilities and infrastructure improvements, other forms of donations, etc.


G4-24 Daftar Pemangku Kepentingan / Stakeholders List 227, 228G4-25 Dasar Identifikasi dan Seleksi Pemangku Kepentingan /

Basis for Identification and Selection of Stakeholders227, 228

G4-26 Proses Pendekatan pada Pemangku Kepentingan / Approach to Stakeholders’ Engagement

227, 228

G4-27 Topik Kunci dan Respon Organisasi / Key Topics and Organization Response 227, 228G4-42 Proses Persetujuan dan Pengembangan Nilai atau Misi Perusahaan /

Process to Approval and Development Value or Company’s Mission305

G4-56 Nilai-nilai, Prinsip, dan Norma Organisasi / Organizational Values, Principles and Norms


G4-EC7 Pembangunan dan Dampak Investasi Infrastruktur / Development and Impact of Infrastructure Investment


G4-EC8 Dampak Ekonomi Tak Langsung / Indirect Economic Impacts 265, 308, 309G4-EC9 Proporsi Pemasok Lokal / Proportion on Local Suppliers 265G4-SO1 Operasional Perusahaan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Lokal /

Company Operation and Local Community Development Program 306, 308

G4-SO2 Operasional Perusahaan dengan Potensi Dampak Terhadap Masyarakat Lokal / Company Operation with Significant Impacts on Local Community


IR5 Modal sosial / Social capital 227, 237, 238, 304IR7 Penciptaan nilai / Value creation 304


Tanggung jawab produk, seperti kesehatan dan keselamatan konsumen, informasi produk, sarana, jumlah dan penanggulangan atas pengaduan konsumen, dan lain-lain / Product responsibility, such as consumer health and safety, product information, facilities, number of consumer complaints and their handling, etc


G4-PR5 Indeks Kepuasan Konsumen / Customer Satisfaction Index 110, 285

2.Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dapat mengungkapkan informasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam angka 1) pada laporan tahunan atau laporan tersendiri / Publicly-listed company may disclose information as referred to in point 1) in annual report or separate report


G4-17 Daftar Entititas / List of Entities 8, 325G4-18 Proses Menentukan Isi Laporan dan Pembatasan /

Process for Defining The Report Content and Boundaries7

G4-19 Daftar Aspek Material / List of Material Aspects 6, 19G4-20 Batasan Aspek Material di Dalam Organisasi /

Aspect boundaries within organization8, 9

G4-21 Batasan Aspek Material di Luar Organisasi / Aspect Boundaries Outside Organization

8, 9

G4-22 Pernyataan Kembali / Restatement 3G4-23 Perubahan Pelaporan Bersifat Signifikan /

Significant Changes from Previous Reports5

G4-28 Periode Pelaporan / Reporting Period 8G4-29 Tanggal Penerbitan Laporan Terdahulu / Date of Most Recent Previous Report 8G4-30 Siklus Pelaporan / Reporting Cycle 8G4-31 Kontak / Contact Point 26, 340G4-32 Indeks Isi GRI / GRI Content Index 5, 330-338G4-33 Penjaminan / Assurance 9G4-48 Pengesahan Pelaporan / Reports Approval 7, 84

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REFERENSI SILANG PERATURAN BAPEPAM - LK NO.X.K.6, INDEKS ISI GRI (G4), SUPLEMEN SEKTOR MINYAK & GAS (OG), DAN KERANGKA LAPORAN TERINTEGRASI (IR) [G4-32]Cross Reference BAPEPAM - LK No.X.K.6 Regulation, GRI Content Index (G4),Oil & Gas Sector Supplement (OG), and Integrated Report Framework (IR)


1.Kesesuaian dengan peraturan Bapepam-LK No.VIII.G.11 tentang Tanggung Jawab Direksi atas Laporan Keuangan / Accordance with Regulation of Bapepam-LK No.VIII.G.11 concerning Board of Director’ responsibility on Financial Statements

2. Surat Pernyataan Direksi tentang Tanggung Jawab Direksi atas Laporan Keuangan / Statement Letter from the Board of Directors regarding the Board of Directors’ responsibility to the financial statements


3. Opini auditor independen atas laporan keuangan / Opinion of independent auditor of financial statements


4. Deskripsi auditor independen di opini / Description of independent auditor’s opinion 345, 346

5. IR10 Lampiran Auditor Independen kepada Pemegang SahamAttachment Independent Auditor's Report to Shareholders

206, 344-345

6. Laporan keuangan yang lengkap / Full financial statements Lampiran / Attachment 1-5

7. IR9 Lampiran Laporan KeuanganAttachment Financial Statements



Pengungkapan dalam catatan atas laporan keuangan ketika entitas menerapkan suatu kebijakan akuntansi secara retrospektif atau membuat penyajian kembali pos-pos laporan keuangan, atau ketika entitas mereklasifikasi pos-pos dalam laporan keuangannya / Disclosure in notes to the financial statement when the company applies an accounting policy retrospectively or restates an account in the financial statement or reclassifies an account in the financial statement

Lampiran / Attachment 5/12-5/35

9. Perbandingan tingkat profitabilitas / Comparison of profitability ratio Lampiran / Attachment 2

10. Laporan arus kas / Cash flow report Lampiran / Attachment 4

11.Ikhtisar kebijakan akuntansi / Summary of accounting policy Lampiran /

Attachment 5/12-5/31

12.Pengungkapan transaksi pihak berelasi / Disclosure of related party transactions Lampiran /

Attachment 5/53-5/58

13.Pengungkapan yang berhubungan dengan Perpajakan / Disclosures related to taxation Lampiran /

Attachment 5/49-5/52

14.Pengungkapan yang berhubungan dengan Aset Tetap / Disclosure of fixed assets Lampiran /

Attachment 5/39-5/4

15.Perkembangan Terakhir Standar Akuntansi Keuangan dan Peraturan Lainnya / Recent developments in Financial Accounting Standards and Other Regulations

Lampiran / Attachment 5/12-5/13

16.Pengungkapan yang berhubungan dengan Instrumen Keuangan / Disclosure related to the Financial Instrument

Lampiran / Attachment 5/35-5/37

17. Laporan Auditor Independen kepada Pemegang Saham Pertamina EP / Independent Auditor's Report to the Shareholders of Pertamina EP √


Tanda Tangan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi / Signature of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

84, 85, 344

Page 341: Integrated Annual Report 2014



Laporan ini merupakan Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi Pertamina EP 2014, yang merupakan laporan terpadu untuk memberikan gambaran kinerja keuangan dan kinerja keberlanjutan Perusahaan. Kegiatan usaha Pertamina EP 2014 difokuskan untuk membangun fondasi pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial, maupun lingkungan. Kami mengharapkan masukan, kritik dan saran dari Bapak/Ibu/Saudara.

1. Laporan ini sudah menggambarkan informasi aspek material bagi perusahaan.

2. Laporan ini sudah menggambarkan informasi positif dan negatif perusahaan.

3. Laporan ini sudah mencakup seluruh isi utama.

4. Laporan ini mudah dimengerti.

5. Saya puas dengan Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi Pertamina EP 2014.

1. Aspek material apa yang paling penting bagi anda?

2. Mohon berikan saran/usul/komentar Anda atas laporan ini.

(Mohon berikan nilai 1= Paling penting s.d 5= paling tidak penting)(Please give score 1= Most important up to 5=Least important)

Sangat setuju / Strongly agree Setuju / Agree

Sangat setuju / Strongly agree Setuju / Agree

Sangat setuju / Strongly agree Setuju / Agree

Sangat setuju / Strongly agree Setuju / Agree

Sangat setuju / Strongly agree Setuju / Agree

Kinerja Ekonomi / Economic Performance Manusia / People Proses / Process Teknologi / Technology Lingkungan Hidup / Environment

Netral / Neutral Tidak Setuju / Disagree

Netral / Neutral Tidak Setuju / Disagree

Netral / Neutral Tidak Setuju / Disagree

Netral / Neutral Tidak Setuju / Disagree

Netral / Neutral Tidak Setuju / Disagree

Sangat Tidak Setuju / Strongly Disagree

Sangat Tidak Setuju / Strongly Disagree

Sangat Tidak Setuju / Strongly Disagree

Sangat Tidak Setuju / Strongly Disagree

Sangat Tidak Setuju / Strongly Disagree

This is the Integrated Annual Report 2014 PertaminaEP which is an integrated report providing an overview of financial and sustainability performance of the Company. Pertamina EP's business activities have been focused on building the foundations of sustainable growth in economic, social, and environment aspects. We look forward inputs, critics and suggestions from you.

The report has illustrated information on the Company’s material aspect.

The report has described positive and negative information of the Company.

The report has embodied all of the essential contents.

The report is comprehensible.

I am satisfied with the Integrated Annual Report 2014 Pertamina EP.

Which material aspect is the most important to you?

Please provide recommendations/suggestions/comments to the report.

Penilaian terhadap kegiatan manajemen keberlanjutan PT Pertamina EPAssessment to the sustainability management activities of PT Pertamina EP

Page 342: Integrated Annual Report 2014



Nama Lengkap Full Name Pekerjaan Occupation Nama Lembaga/PerusahaanInstitution/Company’s Name Jenis Kelembagaan/PerusahaanInstitution/Company’s Origin

Mohon kirimkan kembali lembar umpan balik kepada [G4-31]:Please return this feedback form to:

Profil Anda / Your Profile

PERTAMINA EP KANTOR PUSATBapak Datu Yodi PriyatnaVP. Legal & Relations

Standard Chartered TowerJl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164, Jakarta 12950 - IndonesiaPh: (021) 57893199, Fax: (021) 57946279Email: [email protected]

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31 DESEMBER 2014 DECEMBER 31, 2014

PERTAMINA EPStandard Chartered Tower

Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164 Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia Telp: 021-57893199, Fax: 021-57946279


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2014Laporan Tahunan TerintegrasiIntegrated Annual Report

PERTAMINA EPStandard Chartered Tower

Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164 Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia Telp: 021-57893199, Fax: 021-57946279


BBBLS Barel minyak Oil barrelsBCFG Miliar kaki kubik gas bumi Billion cubic feet gasBOPD Barel minyak per hari Barrel oil per day

DDelineasi Pemetaan suatu batas tertutup pada komponen tanah

Closed boundaries mapping of soil component

EExisting Sedang berjalan

FFault Tree Analysis (FTA) Metode identifikasi risiko dengan membuat panduan

berupa flow chart Top-Down yang memberikan informasi terstruktur perihal potensi risiko yang diturunkan dari Strategic Objective A risk identification method to create a guideline in the form of top-down flowchart that provides structured information about potential risks derived from Strategic Objective

LLifting Minyak/gas yang ditransaksikan dengan pihak ketiga

Oil/gas transacted with a third party

MMBBLS Ribu barel minyak Thousand barrelsMMBO Juta barel minyak mentah Million barrels of oilMMBOE Juta barel minyak ekuivalen Million barrels of oil equivalentMBOPD Juta barel minyak per hari Million barrels of oil per dayMMBOEPD Juta barel minyak ekuivalen per hari

Million barrels of oil equivalent per dayMSCF Ribu kaki kubik gas per hari Thousand cubic feet gasMMSCFD Juta kaki kubik gas per hari Million cubic feet gas per day

RRJPP Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan

Corporate Long Term PlanRKAP Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan

Corporate Work Plan and Budget

SSeismic Metode eksplorasi untuk memperkirakan bentuk, jenis dan

ketebalan lapisan-lapisan batuan bawah permukaan dengan cara mempelajari penjalaran gelombang getaran Exploration method to estimate the shape, type and thickness of subsurface rock by means of studying the vibrational wave propagation

Subsurface Berkaitan dengan aspek di bawah permukaan tanah. Related to subsurface aspects.

Surface Berkaitan dengan aspek di atas permukaan Related to surface aspects

Surfactant Bahan yang menurunkan tegangan permukaan, biasanya adalah senyawaan sintetik-organik yang memperlihatkan aktivitas permukaan dan berperan dalam pembahasan, pembersihan, perembesan, penembusan, pembusaan, dan sebagainya. Material that lowers the surface tension, usually synthetic-organic compounds that displays surface activities and serves as wetting, cleansing, infiltration, penetration, foaming, etc

Suspended Well Sumur yang operasinya telah dihentikan Well that has halted operations.

WWild cat Sumur eksplorasi yang dibor di daerah baru yang

berdasarkan pertimbangan geologis diharapkan mempunyai akumulasi hidrokarbon Exploration well drilled in the new area based on geological considerations, which is expected to have accumulated hydrocarbon


Keterangan:Rujukan referensi dari Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) disajikan dengan huruf dan angka dalam kurung berwarna biru, Suplemen Sektor Minyak & Gas dalam kurung berwarna merah, dan Kerangka Kerja Laporan Terintegrasi (IR) dalam kurung berwarna hijau. Pembaca dapat melihat rujukan lengkapnya dalam referensi silang yang terdapat dalam halaman 330.

Description:Reference of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is presented in letters and numbers within blue parentheses, Oil & Gas Sector Supplement within red parentheses, and the Integrated Framework Report (IR) within green parentheses. Readers can find out the full reference in the cross-reference section in the pages 330.

*) Istilah umum dalam laporan ini yang sering digunakan oleh industri minyak dan gas General terms in this report is often used by the oil and gas industry
