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Scientia Iranica A (2016) 23(2), 429{448

Sharif University of TechnologyScientia Iranica

Transactions A: Civil Engineeringwww.scientiairanica.com

Integrated collaborative tools for precast supply chainmanagement

M. Abedia, M.S. Fathib;�, A.K. Mirasac and N.M. Rawaia

a. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.b. UTM Razak School of Engineering & Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Semarak, 54100 Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia.c. School of Engineering & Information Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Locked Bag 2073, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Received 1 July 2014; received in revised form 12 January 2015; accepted 30 June 2015

KEYWORDSPrecast constructionprojects;E�ectivecommunication;Collaboration;Integration;Cloud computing;Context-aware;Building informationmodeling.

Abstract. Precast construction projects are associated with many activities, numerousparties, enormous e�ort, and di�erent processes. For e�ective communication, this requiresdelivering appropriate and up-to-date information to enhance collaboration and improveintegration. The purpose of this paper is to develop the system architecture and prototypeof Context-Aware Cloud Computing Building Information Modelling (CACCBIM) forprecast supply chain management. The �ndings of this research are grounded on theliterature of cloud computing, context-awareness, building information modelling, and,ultimately, the analysis of interviews with stakeholders in precast construction. Findingsdetermine that lack of integration, improper planning and scheduling, poor productiontiming, poor coordination, lack of good communication among parties, wrong deliveries,and poor control and supervision are the major issues within the precast supply chain.These issues could result in adverse consequences for the objectives and success of theprecast project. Eventually, to reduce and eliminate these issues, the proposed prototypewill support appropriate deliveries, e�cient monitoring, facilitation of coordination, andcollaboration with improved communication. It is anticipated that this research willestablish a unique perception in the precast construction industry, which will �nally enhanceits productivity, improve its e�ciency, and maximise its e�ectiveness.© 2016 Sharif University of Technology. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The precast construction industry is frequently charac-terised by complexities, non-integrated environments,and fragmentation. Since 150 years ago, the o�-site precast construction industry has become one ofthe core elements of the construction supply chainwhich consists of the e�cient management of variousactivities contributing to the ow of services, prod-ucts, and materials [1] among the suppliers, clients,

*. Corresponding author. Tel.: +603-2615 4706;Fax: +603-2615 4430E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Abedi);[email protected] (A.K. Mirasa)

manufacturers, architects/engineers, general contrac-tors, consultants, subcontractors, and developers. Ithas considerably contributed to improved productivity,cost savings, and decrease in construction time [1-3].Precast concrete, as a major prefabrication method,is a construction system in which, �rstly, concrete iscast [4] in reusable moulds (mostly of steel or wood)and then cured in a controlled environment (commonlyo�-site); secondly, it is transported to the constructionsite where it is installed within the construction struc-ture [5-7].

Clients in the precast construction industry aredemanding cost-e�ectiveness, lower construction time,enhanced quality, and delivery of up-to-date informa-tion. Hence, one of the e�ective collaborative tech-

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nologies is cloud computing technology for applyingin precast construction industry. As clari�ed by Chiet al. [8], cloud computing delivers the hardware (ITinfrastructure) and software services (applications) ofdata servers via only the Internet. Moreover, it sharesthe applications and services (available for 24h/365days/year) via the ubiquitous internet [9]. Cloudcomputing technology has been implemented in precastconstruction projects in order for its dynamic features,di�culties, risks, and information-intensive nature tobe dealt with [10,12].

Despite the current evolving technological tools,for instance the cloud computing implementation,managing a large amount of information among nu-merous stakeholders and precast supply chain partiesin precast construction industry is still challenging.Many challenges in the current precast supply chainprocesses arise through ine�ective and low-e�ciencyaccess to accurate information at an appropriate timeto facilitate urgent decision making. This challengecould contribute to negative in uences on the precastconstruction objectives, such as creating numerouserrors, rework, and con icts resulting in poor produc-tivity and reduced e�ciency [13]. Therefore, quickand appropriate access to precast project informationvia various user contexts with context-aware imple-mentation could contribute to cost saving, enhancede�ciency, greater productivity, and time reduction [14].

Precast construction projects are associated withnumerous technical drawings, a lot of information,change orders, and many approvals. Frequently, infor-mation is produced in di�erent and unconnected plat-forms which can be time-consuming and cause di�cul-ties in accessing, sending, and retrieving information.On the other hand, the latest collaborative technologieswhich have been proposed and implemented withinthe construction industry are evolved from BuildingInformation Modeling (BIM). Lati� et al [15] de�nedBIM as a collection of digital tools for achieving thee�ectiveness of construction projects. Also, Takim etal. [16] clari�ed that BIM implementation will help theconstruction industry to enhance e�ciency, increasee�ectiveness, improve exibility, and become moreinnovative. Meanwhile, the current enhanced digiti-zation, improving automation, necessary sustainability,and evolving technologies, such as cloud computing [10-12,17,18], will encourage the utilisation of BIM in theconstruction industry [19,20]. Consequently, overcom-ing the issues mentioned in this research will help de-velop an integrated collaborative (context-aware cloudBIM) prototype for precast supply chain management.This will be described in Section 9 of this research.

This paper is classi�ed into eleven sections. Afterthese introductory remarks in Section 1, this paperwill discuss the research scope and the methodolog-ical research concept. This is followed by de�ning

the concepts of Precast Supply Chain Management(PSCM). In Section 4, the cloud computing de�nitionsand concepts will be provided. The context-awarenessconcepts will be presented in Section 5. Section 6 willthen set out the de�nition and bene�ts of BIM. Thequalitative research analysis using NVivo for the semi-structured interviews will be described in Section 7.The system architecture of Context-Aware Cloud Com-puting Building Information Modelling (CACCBIM)for precast supply chain management will be presentedin Section 8. Prototype development of the CACCBIMfor Precast Supply Chain Management will be demon-strated in Section 9. The signi�cant points drawn fromthis research will be explored in Section 10. Finally,the conclusion and future recommendations will bepresented in Section 11.

2. Research scope and method

This research has basically considered the applicationof context-aware cloud BIM within the Precast Sup-ply Chain Management (PSCM) phases: planning,design, manufacturing, transportation, and, lastly,installation/erection and construction of the precastcomponents. It should be noted that this researchhas selected four various contexts including user, lo-cation, information, and time for the context-awarefeature in prototype development. This research hasconcentrated on key parties in the PSCM, includingthe owners/clients, consultants, architects/engineers,manufacturers, general contractors, subcontractors,construction managers, and suppliers.

Generally, the research procedures are as follow:

1. Over 70 comprehensive items from the literature,related to supply chain management, cloud com-puting, context-awareness, and BIM, focused onthe precast construction industry were consulted.It should be noted that the literature review wasmostly based on the main world-wide expert pub-lications from Emerald, Science Direct (Elsevier),Springer, Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE-Xplore,and ASCE;

2. The system architecture of CACCBIM within theprecast supply chain management is proposed;

3. Based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews(n = 19) consisting of the 4 senior designers, 5precast technical managers, 2 precast specialists,6 precast manufacturers, and 2 executive directorswithin Malaysia's precast construction industry,the CACCBIM prototype for precast supply chainmanagement has been developed;

4. The potential opportunities are proposed in thispaper along with future research topics.

It should be noti�ed that the semi-structured

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interviews are conducted to help identify the detailsof the user's requirements and expectations for allthe precast supply chain phases, including planning,design, manufacturing transportation, installation, andconstruction. However, the scope of this researchwill only concentrate on the precast installation andconstruction phases for the user's requirements andprototypes development. Consequently, since thisis an ongoing research, evaluation and validation ofthe proposed prototype will be presented in futurepublications. The following section of this research willclarify the de�nitions, concepts, and bene�ts of PrecastSupply Chain Management (PSCM).

3. Precast supply chain management

The precast system is an e�cient construction tech-nique whereby concrete is cast into the reusable mouldsand then cured in a controlled environment, trans-ported, and assembled at the precast site [5,21]. On theother hand, Chen et al. [2,3] declared that selection ofprecast systems, compared to other construction sys-tems, for construction projects should be grounded onthe diverse construction characteristics and accessibleresources to evade negative consequences such as costoverruns and time delays.

Precast construction systems will lead to im-

proved productivity within the construction indus-try [1,21], design and aesthetics exibilities and energye�ciency [6], speedier construction [22], high qual-ity [23], design exibility [24], improved sustainabil-ity [25], lower materials wastage [26], a decreased needfor on-site labourers [27], a cost-e�ective process [28],and improved performance and e�ciency [29]. Fur-thermore, the o�-site precast industry (client/owner,consultant, designer, manufacturers, transporters, gen-eral contractor, sub-contractor, warehousers, retailers,customers, and suppliers) prevailed in 1850 [1].

3.1. Precast supply chain phasesThe parties involved with supply chain phases ofprecast construction, as illustrated in Figure 1, areclassi�ed as: planning, design, manufacturing (pro-duction), transportation, installation (assembly), andconstruction [30-33].

3.2. Precast supply chain problemsOne of the earliest studies in identifying precastconstruction problems [28] found the most commonproblems in the installation phase to be site location,truck delays, and project cost control. Consequently,inappropriate selection and integration of constructionsystems could contribute to the di�culties and com-plication of the construction process, time delays, and,eventually, overrun costs [30]. For the main problems

Figure 1. Diagram of the precast supply chain phases.

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Table 1. The major problems of precast supply chain phases.

Planning (P) Poor planning and scheduling [1].Poor planning, wrong choice and combination of construction systems [30].

Design (D) Poor communications among designers and manufacturers [34].Poor design [35].

Manufacturing (M)/Production (P)

Poor production timing [6].Expensive skilled labourers, resource allocation problems (e.g. crew ofworkers and equipment such as machines), complex precast characteristics,and dynamic features of the manufacturing processes [36].

Transportation (T) Large size (bulky) and heavy (great weight) precast components [2,37,38,39].Late deliveries and poor weather [38].

Installation andConstruction (I&C)

Wrong (inaccurate) components delivered [38,39].Poor coordination and activities management [37].Poor specialised contactors and lack of good communication among parties [34].

within the precast supply phases including planning,design, manufacturing, transportation, installation,and construction, see Table 1.

According to Table 1, the major problems as-sociated with the precast construction industry arecategorised as: poor planning and scheduling, poorcommunications between designers and manufacturers,large size (bulky) and heavy (great weight) precastcomponents, poor coordination, and lack of goodcommunication among parties. Moreover, the majorproblems associated with the precast construction in-dustry, including all the phases of SCM, are classi�edas: lack of interoperability between software used, lossof information and di�culties in communications [32],poor management of knowledge, poor design, lack ofinformation sharing, double work, and the di�cultyof tracking [33]. However, this research prototypedevelopment of the context-aware cloud computingbuilding information modelling will solve the majorissues in the installation and construction phases,such as poor coordination, lack of interoperabilitybetween the software used, loss of information, lack ofinformation sharing, and lack of good communicationamong parties in order to mitigate, avoid, or eliminatethe negative consequences arising from these identi�edproblems for the project objectives such as time, cost,quality, and health.

The next section will present the de�nitions,delivery, and service models for cloud computing as thekey precast construction collaborative tools.

4. Concepts of cloud computing

The IT industry claims that cloud computing is thelatest e�cient and e�ective development which requires

the internet and application servers to function. It isapplied globally at anytime and anywhere via the inter-net network and does not require new infrastructure,employee training, and software licenses [18,40-43].The major key components of cloud computing are:ubiquitous network via diverse computing resourcessuch as various networks, di�erent servers, storagecapabilities, numerous applications, and delivery ser-vices [43]; integration of various technologies includingutility computing, virtualization, distributed comput-ing, network storage technologies, and parallel com-puting [44] for facilitating the implementation of com-puting processes and data-intensive applications [45].Consequently, a simple de�nition of cloud computingis that it is a selection of software and hardware thatindividuals or organizations can implement anywhereat any time via an internet connection. Hence,this technology could be more e�cient and e�ectivecompared to the internet (a network of networks) interms of delivering the computing resources, software,hardware, applications, and services (such as the WorldWide Web). Here, the internet is only the universalnetwork connecting various computing devices whichcommunicate and deliver the data and information.

Cloud computing delivery (deployment) uses pub-lic, private, community, and hybrid models. Cohen etal. [46] note that the public cloud is a pay-as-you-goopen system delivered to any user (public). On theother hand, a private cloud (business closed system)will be delivered only to the speci�c users assignedto the data-centres [47]. Moreover, community cloudimplementation is for a selection of organisations [48]which have shared pro�ts, whereas a hybrid cloudis the integration of public, private, and communityclouds [43]. On the other hand, according to Cohen et

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al. [46], Karamouz et al. [48], Goscinski and Brock [49],and Jiao et al. [50], the cloud computing servicesmodels which will be delivered to the users are classi�edinto: SaaS (Software as a Service including Gmail,Google Docs, Google Calendar, etc.), PaaS (Platformas a Service which is selecting a platform for developingthe applications), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service,for instance selecting storage features, processing types,variety of operation systems, etc.).

The major advantages of cloud computing couldbe signi�ed as scalable delivery for various computingresources and diverse services of Information Tech-nology (IT). Hence, this research has proposed theprivate cloud and SaaS within the system architectureand prototypes development. Furthermore, it is anopportunity to apply various computing resources anddiverse services of Information Technology (IT) in allindustries, particularly the precast construction indus-tries. Consequently, if properly applied and adjusted(Cloud computing is one of the main components ofthis research system architecture in Section 8 and fordeveloping the prototype of the context-aware cloudcomputing building information modelling for precastsupply chain management in Section 9.), it will even-tually enhance the e�ciency, increase the e�ectiveness,improve the communication system, and increase theproductivity of the precast construction industry. Thenext section of this paper will deliberate on the variousconcepts of context-aware technology.

5. Context-awareness

Context is an extensive concept which is used in variousindustries such as computer science or construction.According to Ntanos et al. [51], in the computerscience, the context includes all the quanti�able factorswithin the device environment related to its use orthe user. Moreover, the comprehensive de�nition thatcould be utilized within the context-aware applicationsis that context is any information which could illustratean entity's situation. An entity is described as anobject, place, or person which is signi�cant to the col-laboration and communication between the applicationand user [52].

After identifying diverse contexts, automatic con-textual recon�guration could be produced (context-awareness) [53], such as decreasing the monitor bright-ness, identifying the nearby Wi-Fi connectivity, anddetermining the nearest printer for printing a doc-ument [51]. Context-awareness allows applicationsto be delivered to the end-users to provide a richerexperience by improving the user interactions throughthe changing contextual information [54,55]. On theother hand, context-awareness is determined by en-vironmental factors which are classi�ed as location(where), identity (who), time (when), pro�le and spe-

ci�c activity (what) towards delivering the appropriateinformation to related users with consideration of thecurrent context [56]. As clari�ed by Afridi et al. [57],the main objective of applying the context awarenessfeature is to increase the productivity and improve thee�ciency and mobility of construction parties.

The feature of context-awareness will facilitate ane�cient and e�ective response by the tools accordingto the environmental changes such as the supply chainphases within the precast construction industry. Onthe other hand, the comprehensive identi�cation andimplementation of the context-aware feature couldcontribute to enhancement of human-machine inter-faces [51,52,56]. Hence, this research has applied thecontext-aware technology, as illustrated in the systemarchitecture of this research in Section 8. Moreover, theprototype development has applied context-awareness(user context, location context, time context, andinformation context) as brie y discussed in Section 9.It is expected that through implementing this technol-ogy, the appropriate information at the right time inthe correct location will be delivered to the partiesinvolved, thereby ultimately enhancing e�ectiveness,improving the communication system, and increasingproductivity within the precast construction industry.The de�nitions and implementations of Building In-formation Modelling (BIM) will be described in thefollowing section.

6. Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Building Information Modelling (BIM) developmentcan be perceived as the latest technology entering theconstruction industry, which could be implementedwithin the information-intensive precast constructionindustry to improve productivity of the precast supplychain [57]. As one of the comprehensive de�nitions,Eastman et al. [58] de�ned BIM as a digital methodof design and construction associated with various pro-cesses and numerous people to create, communicate,and facilitate the interoperable information models ofbuildings. It is a digital prototype delivered to the userswhich facilitates the visual simulation of the planning,design, construction, and operation phases within aproject [15].

As a result, this research has proposed BuildingInformation Modelling (BIM) as illustrated in thesystem architecture in Section 8. Furthermore, theBIM cloud software, as identi�ed within this researchincluding AutoCAD 360, Tekla BIMsight, AutodeskRevit 2013, and also Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i, has beenproposed for prototype development in Section 9. It isexpected that by accessing the BIM software from theBIM server via the cloud computing implementation,the parties could e�ciently send and retrieve theinformation that could enhance productivity, improve

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Figure 2. The NVivo nodes of the precast supply chain phases.

the communication system, and increase the e�ciencyof precast construction industry. The qualitative anal-ysis (user needs analysis from the user requirementsstudies) of semi-structured interviews with precastsupply chain parties along with identifying the majorproblems and the main software utilisation in theprecast supply chain phases will be explained in thenext section.

7. Research analysis

This research was accomplished by conducting 19 semi-structured interviews (n = 19) with 4 senior designers,5 precast technical managers, 2 precast specialists,6 precast manufacturers, and 2 executive directorswithin Malaysia's precast construction industry. Theselected number of respondents (n = 19) was basedon qualitative data saturation (the situation whereno new information can be derived from the dataanalysis), which eventually occurred in the seventeenthinterview [59-61]. However, for better veri�cation,the interviews were conducted up to the nineteenthinterview. It should be noted that most of these re-spondents had considerable knowledge and experiencein implementing precast projects through their supplychain phases. On the other hand, if the qualitative dataare managed appropriately, they can create signi�cant�ndings [62,63]. A vast amount of qualitative data isrequired to be prepared, arranged, and broken into areduced number of meaningful parts which are thenconcurrently organised and categorised into speci�cthemes [63-65].

QSR NVivo [64,65] was implemented for the

analysis of this qualitative research. This analysis wasdone in several phases:

(a) Developing documents for semi-structured inter-views (respondent's transcripts) and creating thefolders;

(b) Assigning the interview analysis variables to nodesin NVivo; and

(c) Creating the NVivo analysis modelling.

7.1. NVivo nodingAs shown in Figure 2, the nodes in NVivo are illus-trated according to the precast supply chain phases,including planning, design, manufacturing, transporta-tion, installation, and construction.

7.2. Problems within the precast supply chainphases

The major problems within the supply chain phasesof the precast construction industry, according to theinterviewees, are analysed in NVivo. The results areillustrated in Table 2.

Table 2 demonstrates that lack of integrationof precast supply chain phases, as identi�ed by 8respondents (almost half of the total respondents), isthe main signi�cant problem in the precast construc-tion industry. This is due to precast supply chainphases and parties (information ow, communication ow, and process ow) being fragmented and notwell integrated into a single process (an integratedsystem). Lack of ICT collaboration, including thecommunication tools and collaborative/coordinationmanagement tools (online meetings, instant messaging,

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Table 2. The major problems in precast supply chainphases.

Major problemsSources


Lack of integration 2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11Lack of ICT collaboration 1,9,16Inappropriate organizational structure 5,12,13Poor understanding 15,19Lack of budget 18Lack of commitment 14Ine�ective communication 17

time management software or online calendars, socialsoftware, voice mails, and video sharing) was agreedby 3 respondents as the other signi�cant issue in theprecast construction industry. Hence, this research willfocus on solving these 2 mentioned issues by devel-oping a prototype of context-aware cloud computingbuilding information modelling for precast supply chainmanagement in Section 9. However, as mentioned inthe research methodology in Section 2, the detailedissues within the installation phase (Table 3) andconstruction phase (Table 4) of precast constructionprojects are illustrated in the following tables.

Table 3 demonstrates that most of the respon-dents (9 respondents) claimed that lack of integration

Table 3. The major problems in the precast installation phase.

Code name (themes)No. of sources


1. Poor installation causes 191.1 Inappropriate organizational structure 31.2 Lack of budget 11.3 Lack of commitment 11.4 Lack of equipment 5

1.4.1 Equipment shortage 21.4.2 Lack of special cranes 5

1.5 Lack of ICT collaboration 31.6 Lack of integration 91.7 Lack of skilled labour 21.8 Owner's changes (order changes) 61.9 Poor competent contractors 13

1.9.1 Inappropriate selection of sub-contractors 61.9.2 Inappropriate sequencing of erection and deliveries 31.9.3 Lack of capabilities and competencies of the contractors 31.9.4 Poor material supply (material delays) 21.9.5 Problems of mismatched pieces and connections 4

1.10 Poor coordination 41.10.1 Ine�ective communication among parties 11.10.2 Miscommunication with labourers 21.10.3 Poor coordination 2

1.11 Poor on-site controlling and monitoring 111.11.1 Joint problems 61.11.2 Poor assembling 61.11.3 Poor controlling and supervision 81.11.4 Problems existing in the concrete curing 21.11.5 Weak surrounding concrete 2

1.12 Poor timing schedules 31.13 Poor understanding 21.14 Stocking issues 2

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Table 4. The major problems in the precast construction phase.

Code nameNumber of sources


1. Ine�ective construction causes 191.1 Inappropriate organizational structure 31.2 Lack of Budget 11.3 Lack of commitment 11.4 Lack of competent suppliers 41.4.1 Lack of competent suppliers 31.4.2 Poor material supply 21.5 Lack of equipment 31.6 Lack of ICT collaboration 31.6 Lack of integration 61.7 Lack of skilled labour 21.8 Owner's changes (order changes) 51.9 Poor competent contractors 6

1.9.1 Inappropriate selection of sub-contractors 51.9.2 Lack of capabilities and competencies of the contractors 2

1.10 Poor coordination 91.10.1 Ine�ective communication among parties 11.10.2 Miscommunication with labourers 41.10.3 Poor coordination 4

1.11 Poor on-site controlling and monitoring 81.11.1 Poor on-site controlling and monitoring 71.11.2 Problems existing in the concrete curing 2

1.12 Poor timing schedules 51.13 Poor understanding 21.14 Stocking issues 3

in the processes, information, and communication ow among the parties involved would lead to poorinstallation of a precast construction. On the otherhand, the inappropriate selection of sub-contractors(6 respondents), poor controlling and supervision (8respondents), and poor coordination (ine�ective com-munication among parties and miscommunication withlabourers) would also contribute to poor installationof a precast construction. However, this researchseeks to solve the most common issues in the precastinstallation phase (lack of integration, poor controllingand supervision, and poor coordination) by develop-ing the prototype of context-aware cloud computingbuilding information modelling for precast supply chainmanagement in Section 9. NVivo Modelling of themajor problems within the precast installation phaseis illustrated in Figure 3.

The next part of this research, as illustrated inTable 4, will explore the major problems within theprecast construction phase.

Table 4 demonstrates that most of the respon-dents (9 respondents) claimed that poor coordination(ine�ective communication among parties and miscom-munication with labourers) would lead to ine�ectiveconstruction of precast projects. On the other hand,poor on-site controlling and monitoring (8 respon-dents), poor competent contractors (6 respondents),and lack of integration (6 respondents) in the pro-cesses, information, and communication ow amongthe parties involved within the construction phasewould also contribute to the poor precast construction.However, this research will seek to solve the mostcommon issues in the precast construction phase (poorcoordination, lack of integration, and poor control-ling and supervision) by developing the prototype ofcontext-aware cloud computing building informationmodelling for precast supply chain management inSection 9. NVivo modelling of the major problemswithin the precast construction phase is illustrated inFigure 4.

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Figure 3. The modelling of major problems in the precast installation phase.

Based on the NVivo interviews analysis, Table 5shows the main software used within the precast con-struction industry categorised according to the varioussupply chain phases.

Table 5 illustrates the signi�cant software usedwithin the precast supply chain phases including: inthe planning phase, Microsoft Project Planning (15respondents); in the design phase, AutoCAD 2D&3D(18 respondents), Revit (3D BIM; 5 respondents), theTekla Structure (BIM Type; 4 respondents); in themanufacturing phase, STAAD.Pro (11 respondents); inthe transportation phase, Microsoft Project Planning(10 respondents); in the installation phase, MicrosoftProject Planning (13 respondents ); and lastly, inthe construction phase, Primavera (12 respondents).However, the BIM software within the precast supplychain phases which is selected for prototype devel-opment comprises: Autodesk Revit 2013 [15], TeklaBIMsight [16], Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i [20], andAutoCAD 360 [66]. It should be noted (see Section 8),that this BIM software will be delivered to the clients(such as the mobile computers and smart phones) viathe cloud server by connecting to only an internetconnection. The next section of this paper will explainthe system architecture development of CACCBIM forprecast supply chain management.

8. Architectural CACCBIM system for precastsupply chain management

Beside the features of lack of integration, poor co-ordination, and ine�ective collaboration, the sameinformation is transferred, processed, handled, de-ployed, and dispersed all over the precast constructionindustry. Accordingly, designs are redesigned, infor-mation is re-entered, reports are reproduced, mate-rials and precast components are replaced needlessly,etc. These instances of ine�ective work ows coulddecrease e�ciency and reduce productivity [41]. Thus,the main goal is to enhance collaboration, increasecommunication, and improve the initial coordinationthrough facilitating the parties to be in contact earlierwithin the precast supply chain phases, such as in thedesign/build method.

It should be noted that commonly in design-build procurement, such as for precast construction,the various parties involved like the contractor andarchitect should collaborate at the beginning of project.This will enhance the communication with better inte-gration and improve the e�ciency and collaboration.On the other hand, any change order which could becaused by precast parties can adversely in uence on theprecast construction objectives leading to time delays

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Figure 4. The modelling of major problems in the precast construction phase.

and cost overruns. Consequently, it is anticipated thatdevelopment of context-aware cloud computing build-ing information modelling applied to precast supplychain management will enable the precast stakeholdersand precast supply chain parties, such as designers,owner, manufacturers, contractors, consultants, sub-contractors, and suppliers, to have the opportunity toenhance their collaboration with much more accuracyand e�ciency than those of the conventional precastconstruction methods.

It is believed that implementing this integrated,shared, open, collaborative tool will eventually enhancethe e�ciency and e�ectiveness compared to othersystems, for instance, Virtual Design & Construction(VDC), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Inte-grated Project Delivery (IPD), etc. This collabo-rative system will contribute to improved e�ciency,enhanced e�ectiveness, and increased productivity forthe precast construction industry. Furthermore, amajor component in the proposed system, as ex-

plained in the prior parts of this study, comprisesCloud Computing (CC), Context-Awareness (CA), andBuilding Information Modeling (BIM). This researchhas proposed the private cloud and SaaS for theproposed architectural system and prototype develop-ment. On the other hand, the servers (context-awareinformation system server engine as CAISSE, generalapplication servers, general database server, cloudserver, BIM application server, and BIM databaseserver) and clients (such as the mobile computers,tablets, and smart phones) [10-12,40-42] will receiveand deliver the data and information via the cloudserver only by connecting to the internet connec-tion. Additionally, a user's context-awareness andBIM cloud computing implementation are the toolswhich utilise the central remote servers and the internetto retrieve and send various applications and diversedata.

Figure 5 demonstrates that the data is retrievedby application servers (including the BIM applica-

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Table 5. The main software utilisation in the precast supply chain phases.

Precast supplychain phases

Precast software Number ofsources

Planning phase

Planning software selection 191. Microsoft excel (excel sheets) 112. Microsoft project planning (MSP) 153. Primavera 6

Design phase

Design software selection 191. Drawings software categories 19

1.1 3D Max 31.2 AutoCAD (2D&3D) 181.3 Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) 11.4 Revit (3D BIM) 51.5 Tekla structure (BIM Type) 41.6 V-Ray 1

2. Engineering and analysis software categories 172.1 Concise beam 22.2 Esteem 102.3 Oasys 32.4 Orion 92.5 STAAD.Pro 5

Manufacturing phase

Manufacturing software selection 151. Manufacturing planning software selection 12

1.1 Microsoft excel (excel sheets) 61.2 Microsoft project planning (MSP) 41.3 SKAKO Planning 2

2. Manufacturing design software selection 142.1 Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) 12.2 SKAKO Design 22.3 STAAD.Pro 11

3. Manufacturing monitoring software selection 43.1 SAP Control and monitoring 4

Transportation phaseTransportation software selection 121. Microsoft excel 42. Microsoft project planning (MSP) 10

Installation phaseInstallation software selection 131. Microsoft excel 32. Microsoft project planning (MSP) 13

Construction phaseConstruction software selection 171. Microsoft project planning (MSP) 102. Primavera 12

tion server) and database servers (including the BIMdatabase server). Subsequently, the received data willbe transferred to CAISSE to produce the appropriateinformation. Moreover, the CAISSE will deliver infor-mation to users according to the chosen contexts viathe cloud computing implementation. Fundamentally,

the architectural system of CACCBIM comprises fourcore components which are:

1. Mobile client: This includes the mobile device(such as the mobile computers and smart phones)that is able to transfer data and information for

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Figure 5. Context-Aware Cloud Computing Building Information Modelling (CACCBIM) architectural system forprecast supply chain management.

the CAISSE via the cloud BIM. Furthermore, themobile client, through the cloud BIM, will get theinformation;

2. Firewall systems: Two �rewalls are proposed as one�rewall within CAISSE and BIM cloud, and the sec-ond within the mobile client and BIM cloud. These�rewalls have been proposed in order to enhance theinformation security which is transferred as well asdelivered via mobile devices;

3. CAISSE: After delivering data via the generalapplication servers, BIM application server, generaldatabase server, BIM database server, and mobileclients will be handled via the CAISSE. On theother hand, various user characteristics will beselected according to the speci�ed context, forinstance, location, time, activity, weather, identity,

preferences, site conditions, roles and responsibil-ity, network type, and accessible bandwidth (usercontext-awareness). However, it should be notedthat this research prototype development, as will bediscussed in the next section, is context-aware basedon four contexts: the user, location, information,and time;

4. Cloud server for BIM: CAISSE will transmit theproduced information to the cloud server throughpermission of the �rewall. This information isthen distributed to mobile clients via the cloudserver. As described in the previous section, thecloud BIM software identi�ed within this researchincludes AutoCAD 360, Tekla BIMsight, AutodeskRevit 2013, and also the Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i.

Developing the context-aware applications (for

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instance user context, location context, informationcontext, and time context) will enhance the oppor-tunities and facilitate the prototype system to deliverproduced information with various services related toand appropriate for stakeholders and supply chainparties participating in the precast projects. Prototypedevelopments for the precast construction projects willbe explained and illustrated in the following section.

9. Context-Aware Cloud Computing BuildingInformation Modelling (CACCBIM)prototype for precast supply chainmanagement

The prototype development is based on the qualitativedata analysis (requirements analysis) based on theviews of interview respondents. This prototype hasbeen implemented for two di�erent projects (projectsA and B) by identifying the two locations (locations Aand B) and has successfully delivered the informationand services to the precast users. In order to detectthe projects, the locations (A and B) of users (suchas the contractor and project manager) in the precastsupply chain phases will be identi�ed by applying GPS(Global Positioning System) assisted by Google Maps(detecting latitude and longitude). Therefore, the �rststage of this prototype implementation is the Loginpage (Figure 6). Figure 6 illustrates the �rst stageof this prototype implementation through which, forinstance, the contractor will log into the prototype.

Consequently, after entering the username andpassword in the Login page, the user identity (usercontext), the user location, for instance location A or Bwithin the precast supply chain phases (location con-text), the speci�c information (information context),and the time of activities (time context) according tothe time scheduling (MSP scheduling), for instance thesecond oor construction, will be identi�ed. Figure 7

Figure 6. The prototype development login page.

illustrates the prototype for the precast supply chainusers (such as the contractor) in location A (projectA) of the precast supply chain phases (installation andconstruction phases) in the construction of the second oor. Meanwhile, Figure 8 illustrates the prototypefor the precast supply chain users (such as the projectmanager) in location B (project B) of the precastsupply chain phases (installation and constructionphases) in the construction of the second oor . Itshould be noted that this prototype is context-aware(user context, location context, information context,and time context) and cloud BIM based for deliveringthe speci�c information, services, and BIM applicationsat any time in any place to the particular users withinthe precast supply chain phases. On the other hand,if the mentioned contexts are not identi�ed, such asthe unsuccessful identi�cation of location context (GPSdetection failed), then, as illustrated in Figure 9, theusers have to select their required information andservices, such as which project (A or B), which phase ofthe precast supply chain phases, or which level ( oor)of the precast project they want to enter in order toget the speci�c information and services.

The precast construction projects can be per-ceived as information intensive which will requirestakeholders and supply chain parties to deliver onlyup-to-date and appropriate information with speci�cservices in order to successfully achieve their projectobjectives. Hence, as shown in Figures 7 and 8, thespeci�c information (information context) based on thecontractor or project manager (user context), locationA/B within the precast construction site (locationcontext), and also the time scheduling and activitiesof the second oor (time context) will be illustrated.On the other hand, the contractor, project manager, orprecast users have access to other features, such as theinformation related to other supply chain phases, otherprojects, services, project locations, search, issues, andlastly, the logout page. Consequently, if the precastusers, such as the contractor, wish to deliver otherinformation, services, and applications to the othersupply chain phases (Figure 10), then they will beable to deliver the information related to the precastsupply chain management. Figure 10 illustrates theother precast supply chain phases including the precastplanning, design, manufacturing, and transportationphases to which the precast users, such as the con-tractors, could access.

Meanwhile, if the precast users, such as thecontractor, click on the services, they will be able to de-liver various kinds of services comprising project teamcommunications, BIM cloud software, and weatherinformation (Figure 11).

After entering the delivery services page (Fig-ure 11), if the precast users, such as the contractor,click on the BIM cloud software page, they have access

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Figure 7. `Project A' dashboard for the CACCBIM.

Figure 8. `Project B' dashboard for the CACCBIM.

Figure 9. The general (non-context-awareness) dashboard for precast supply chain management.

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Figure 10. The precast supply chain phases ofcontext-aware cloud computing building informationmodelling.

Figure 11. Delivery services of context-aware cloudcomputing building information modelling.

Figure 12. BIM cloud software of context-aware cloudcomputing building information modelling.

to several BIM Cloud software programs (Figure 12),as identi�ed within this research (Section 6), includingAutoCAD 360, Tekla BIMsight, Autodesk Revit 2013,and also Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i. The following sec-tion will present the important points of this research.

10. Discussion

Precast construction is an e�ective constructionmethod in which the concrete is poured into the

reusable moulds and then cured in a controlled en-vironment (preferably o�-site), transported, and in-stalled on the precast structure. It is classi�ed intodiverse supply chain phases including planning, design,manufacturing, transportation, installation, and con-struction. This study has considered the main partiesin the precast supply chain management which are:the architects/engineers, consultants, owners/clients,general contractors, manufacturers, construction man-agers, subcontractors, and suppliers. Cloud computingtechnology has increased the opportunities to facilitateaccessibility of the information systems. It has createddelivery of various services and applications at any timein anywhere through only the internet without anyparticular requirements to develop new infrastructure,employee trainings, and software licenses.

Context is a single entity or an integration of en-tities: user preferences, user responsibilities, type andlocation of the device (tablets, laptops, mobile phone,etc.), time of activities, device type, Wi-Fi networks,and the environmental circumstances. When thecontext is identi�ed, the automatic contextual recon�g-uration will be created (context-awareness), includingidenti�cation of the nearest printer, brightness settingsof monitor, and detecting the closest Wi-Fi connection.This feature will help the users to conveniently accessthe services and applications by facilitating the userinteractions via the changing contextual information.On the other hand, the latest construction approachis determined by the Building Information Modelling(BIM), which will facilitate various people and di�erentprocesses within the construction lifecycle to produce,communicate, and deliver the building informationmodels. It should be noted that BIM utilisation willenhance communication, reduce waste, improve qual-ity, decrease the safety issues, and maximise e�ciencyand e�ectiveness, which could ultimately enhance thesuccess of construction projects.

Boyaval et al. [67] identi�ed valuable and real-time technologies, for instance the Internet, which willfacilitate the users to access the information usingcomputing devices such as mobiles and tablets, andthereby become integrated through cloud-based tools.Moreover, the vast amount of useful and useless infor-mation has contributed to the construction industryacquiring a huge information environment. Therefore,each user (user's context) at any time and in anywhereis required to access the proper information (context-awareness). Moreover, there are major opportunitiesto be achieved through the implementation of e�ectiveCAID (Context-Aware Information Delivery) technolo-gies.

Information Communication Technologies (ICT)are achieving their core objective which is to delivera ubiquitous environment within which everyone couldconveniently retrieve and send information at any time

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and from any location (cloud computing). Hence,further research could be grounded on how cloudcomputing can e�ectively and e�ciently manage thehuge volumes of data, such as by using AugmentedReality (AR) [8], Virtual Prototyping (VP) tech-niques [13], context-aware mobile computing [12,57],the Building Information Model (BIM) [20], hybridintegrated location tracking [68], simulations [67], realtime simulators [69], BIM RFID model [70], the modelview of the precast national BIM standard [71], BIMAugmented Reality [50], IFC for precast construc-tion [72], and virtual prototyping tools [73]. How-ever, several researchers are addressing this domainas the \CloudBIM" implementation will deliver theunconnected fragmented applications to more sharedand dynamic networks which could have the featuresof automated task allocation [8,47,50].

As explained by Aziz et al. [13], if context-aware mobile computing is applied, then there will beconsiderable advantages, for instance, the appropriateinformation at the right time in the correct locationwhich will result in e�cient decision-making during theconstruction lifecycle. Furthermore, Aziz et al. [74,75]proposed facilitating technologies such as Radio Fre-quency Identi�cation (RFID), location-based services,pro�ling technologies, ubiquitous computing, WirelessLocal Area Networks (W-LAN), and sensor networksfor Context-Aware Information Delivery (CAID). Fur-thermore, to facilitate the e�cient achievement ofcontext-aware capabilities, it is necessary to properlyselect the various user interfaces, localization technolo-gies, and mobile devices. Consequently, if the precastprofessional parties implement context-awareness, thenthey do not wish to search through a huge amount ofinformation within the precast supply chain phases. Onthe other hand, the precast professional parties willaccess information and services at the right time andin the correct location (in the supply chain phases)that will ultimately increase productivity and enhancee�ectiveness and e�ciency.

The research analysis was based on the 19 semi-structured interviews (n = 19) in the precast con-struction industry of Malaysia consisting of 6 pre-cast manufacturers, 5 precast technical managers, 4senior designers, 2 executive directors, and 2 precastspecialists. It was accomplished in 3 stages: devel-oping documents for semi-structured interviews andcreating the folders, assigning the interview analysisvariables to nodes in NVivo, and �nally creating theNVivo analysis modelling. Subsequently, the systemarchitecture and the prototype of CACCBIM aimedat precast supply chain management were developed.However, the limitation of this study is that theprototype implementation is for the precast installationand construction phases. Nevertheless, this research isa continuous study that will implement this system for

other precast supply chain phases including planning,design, manufacturing, and transportation. It shouldbe noted that the future research will implement theproposed prototypes for the �eld test and evaluationtrails with the aim of delivering the real life prototypesystem for precast supply chain management. The lastsection will deliberate on the major points emergingfrom this research.

11. Conclusion

Unlike other main industries, the precast constructionindustry is enormously project-based. It is charac-terised with many parties having diverse objectives anddi�erent organizational cultures. Since the 19th cen-tury, it has been considered as one of the chief elementsin the construction supply chain. Precast constructionis identi�ed as the e�ective management of numerousactivities, including the ow of materials, products,and services, which has signi�cantly contributed toreduction in construction time, increased productivity,and more cost savings.

The major concern within precast constructionis how to facilitate, collaborate, and integrate variousparties and stakeholders within the supply chain phasesso that their mutual objectives can be attained. Theyshould accomplish the project using a collaborative ap-proach to improve e�ectiveness, increase productivity,ensure e�cient delivery and utilisation of the resources,and ultimately attain the pre-determined objectivesto ensure success of the precast construction projects.These pre-determined objectives are commonly asso-ciated with project delivery on time, at the speci�edcost, at a higher quality, and with fewer safety issues.

The increasing complexities of precast construc-tion will necessitate di�erent data and enormous infor-mation to be delivered and dispersed in the processes ofprecast supply chain phases. As a result, to successfullyachieve the objectives of precast construction withinthe allocated time, assigned cost, and at a high quality,applying proper construction collaboration tools aimedfor the stakeholders and various parties is fundamen-tal. Hence, this research has proposed the e�ectiveprecast collaboration tools as a prototype comprisingcloud computing, building information modelling, andcontext-awareness.

This research has identi�ed the major problemswithin the supply chain phases of precast constructionindustry in order to mitigate, avoid, or eliminate thenegative consequences of these identi�ed problems onthe project objectives such as time, cost, quality,and health. The major problems discovered withinthe precast construction industry are categorised aslack of integration, improper planning and schedul-ing, poor coordination, lack of good communicationamong parties, and poor controlling and supervision.

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Consequently, developing the system architecture andthe prototype of CACCBIM for precast supply chainmanagement is hoped to signi�cantly mitigate thesemajor issues.


This work was partly �nancially supported by Uni-versiti Teknologi Malaysia and the Ministry of Educa-tion, Malaysia, under a Fundamental Research GrantScheme (FRGS) (Grant no: 4F388).


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Mohammad Abedi received his BS degree in CivilEngineering from the Islamic Azad University of Iranin 2007. He pursued his higher education at Uni-versiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia, where heobtained his MS degree in Integrated ConstructionProject Management in 2010. Mohammad Abedi iscurrently pursuing his studies as a PhD candidatein the Faculty of Civil Engineering (ConstructionManagement), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. His research area is mainlyfocused on: construction project management, Pre-cast Supply Chain Management (PSCM), InformationTechnology (IT), Construction Collaboration Tools(CCT), cloud computing, Building Information Mod-eling (BIM), and mobile computing. He has publishedmore than 20 technical papers in a variety of journalsand international conferences.

Mohamad Syazli Fathi is currently a Deputy Di-rector in the Centre for General Courses and Cur-riculum (CGCC) and Head of Construction Quality& Maintenance (CQM) Research Group at UniversitiTeknologi, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Previously, heheld a post as Head of Civil Engineering Departmentat UTM Razak School of Engineering & AdvancedTechnology. He received both his Civil Engineeringdegree and master degree from Universiti TeknologiMalaysia. He then furthered his study after severalyears in the industry and received his doctorate fromLoughborough University, United Kingdom. His re-

search interests are in the �elds of decision supportsystem, construction programme, project management,context-aware computing, mobile applications, inter-locking blockwork system, building, and infrastructuremaintenance.

Abdul Karim Mirasa is a Professor in Civil En-gineering and currently Head of Civil EngineeringDepartment in the Faculty of Engineering, UniversitiMalaysia Sabah. He received his undergraduate de-gree from University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom,master degree from University of Newcastle uponTyne, United Kingdom, and doctorate from UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia. Previously, he was the Directorof Bureau of Innovation and Consultancy and Deanof Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti TeknologiMalaysia. He is also a Member of Institution ofEngineer Malaysia (MIEM) and Professional Engi-neer with Board of Engineers Malaysia (P.Eng). Hisresearch interests are in the area of appraisal andrepair of reinforced concrete structures damaged duringearthquake and properties and behavior of concretewith ultra�ne POFA.

Norshakila M. Rawai received the Diploma andBEng degree (with honors) in Civil Engineering fromUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia in 2006 and2009, respectively. Currently, she is doing her PhDdegree in Civil engineering (Construction Manage-ment) in the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Uni-versiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.Her research interests include: construction projectmanagement, project management information system,construction collaboration tools, cloud computing, mo-bile computing, and mobile applications. She haspublished more than 10 technical papers in a varietyof journals and international conferences.
