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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y

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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y CHAPTER 1 1.0 GENERATION X Recently, world is facing with a vibrant change of phenomenon of intergrating generation X (Baby Boomers) and generation Y(The Millenials) in various field of scenario and situation. The reason why currently people kept on concern about this issue is because to ensure the effectiveness of work done especially in corporate world, industrial area and workforce environment. To ensure the objective of intergrating this two generations become a reality, there are so many research on organizational behaviour, human resource, management and leaderships have been done by expertist and scientist all across the culture in order to understand the behavior of these two generations in details. To understand them better, it is neccessary to dive down deep into each of generations and try to find the point of intersection between both party so that we can match and suit them in order to achieve a sustainable bussiness or corporate achievements. Before intergrating both generations to acquire a maximum performance in the organizations, we have decided to segregates the explanations of each generations first before combining and joining their similiarities in order to achieve the corporate objectives at the last of the paragraph. Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is a term used to refer to a generational cohort born after the baby boom ended, extending from the early-to-mid 1960s to late 1970s (see Generation Y ). The term Generation X has been used in demography , the social sciences , and marketing , though it is most often used in popular culture . Generation X was originally referred to as the "baby bust" generation because of the drop in the birth rate following the baby boom. The health issues for generation X is HIV/AIDS. They will be born at the hospital where the doctor will set the birth date to ensure that their holidays are not interrupted.
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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y



Recently, world is facing with a vibrant change of phenomenon of intergrating generation X

(Baby Boomers) and generation Y(The Millenials) in various field of scenario and situation. The

reason why currently people kept on concern about this issue is because to ensure the

effectiveness of work done especially in corporate world, industrial area and workforce

environment. To ensure the objective of intergrating this two generations become a reality, there

are so many research on organizational behaviour, human resource, management and

leaderships have been done by expertist and scientist all across the culture in order to understand

the behavior of these two generations in details.

To understand them better, it is neccessary to dive down deep into each of generations and try to

find the “point of intersection” between both party so that we can match and suit them in order to

achieve a sustainable bussiness or corporate achievements.

Before intergrating both generations to acquire a maximum performance in the organizations, we

have decided to segregates the explanations of each generations first before combining and

joining their similiarities in order to achieve the corporate objectives at the last of the paragraph.

Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is a term used to refer to a generational cohort

born after the baby boom ended, extending from the early-to-mid 1960s to late 1970s (see

Generation Y). The term Generation X has been used in demography, the social sciences, and

marketing, though it is most often used in popular culture. Generation X was originally referred

to as the "baby bust" generation because of the drop in the birth rate following the baby boom.

The health issues for generation X is HIV/AIDS. They will be born at the hospital where the

doctor will set the birth date to ensure that their holidays are not interrupted.

For mealtimes, Generation X will eat dinner on a TV tray. Dads, and sometimes moms, were still

at work. They ignored authority, but quietly. Beatings had little effect. A more sophisticated

approach was required.

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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y

About dating and courtship, the girl usually start to flirt and end up with asking boys to dance

with them. If the answer is “no”, they dance on their own anyway with everyone else on the

dance floor. Dating lost what was left of its innocence as date rape and date drugs arrived.

Generation X began to use the internetfor dating. Popular musicians of generation X are Kurt

Cobain, Sheryl Crowe, Alanis Morissette and Grunge. They like activities where you can die

doing it, like canyoning, bungee jumping and white water rafting. This laid back generation like

an informal, flexible approach to the working environment. They want the environment to have

elements of fun and relaxation. They also like to have the flexibility to personalize and change it


In the early 1990s, when Generation X came into their own, cultural and musical movements

such as Grunge and hip hop came into popularity. To this day, Generation X's influence is very

strong.Generation X can technically be defined as the generation following the Baby Boomers.

Xers were born between 1965 and 1980, 1961 and 1981, 1964 and 1979, 1963 and 1979, 1965

and 1975 or since the mid-1960s, depending on which source you use. For practical purposes we

will say that Generation X was born between 1965 and 1980, now ranging in age from 17-32 and

usually judged by characteristics assigned to them by the media. Generation Xers were brought

up on television, Atari 2600s and personal computers.

Below are a few common characteristics of Generation X. The first one is individualistic.

Generation X came of age in an era of two-income families, rising divorce rates and a faltering

economy. Women were joining the workforce in large numbers, spawning an age of “latch-key”

children. As a result, Generation X is independent, resourceful and self-sufficient. In the

workplace, Generation X values freedom and responsibility. Many in this generation display a

casual disdain for authority and structured work hours. They dislike being micro-managed and

embrace a hands-off management philosophy. The second one is technologically adept. The

Generation X mentality reflects a shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy.

The first generation to grow up with computers, technology is woven into their lives. As law

firms and corporate legal departments integrate new technological tools, Generation X has

learned and adapted.

This generation is comfortable using PDAs, cellphones, e-mail, laptops, Blackberrys and other

technology employed in the legal workplace. The third one is flexible. Many Gen Xers lived

through tough economic times in the 1980s and saw their workaholic parents lose hard-earned


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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y

Thus, Generation X is less committed to one employer and more willing to change jobs to get

ahead than previous generations. They adapt well to change and are tolerant of alternative

lifestyles. Generation X is ambitious and eager to learn new skills but want to accomplish things

on their own terms. The fourth is value work and life balance. Unlike previous generations,

members of Generation X work to live rather than live to work. They appreciate fun in the

workplace and espouse a work hard or play hard mentality. Generation X managers often

incorporate humor and games into work activities. A label attributed to people born during the

1960s and 1970s. Generation X are often described as cynical or disaffected, though this

reputation obviously does not apply to all people born during this era. This generation has an

increased understanding of technology, having grown up during the age of computers.

Generation X tend to build a portable career. They believe that team members should build on

each other’s individual strengths. This doesn’t mean that they are not team players. They are

great team players. They deliberately look for areas of differences between team members. Team

members are encouraged to share their difference in opinions, but consensus is not the goal. This

make this generation much more rugged than previous generations. Individuals or small groups

work on certain tasks, make decisions and are trusted by the rest of the team. They assemble and

change teams much quicker than the Baby Boomers, who first want to take time to get everyone

on board.

Xers are much more collaborative than previous generations. They don’t like to be bogged down

in political posturing. They simply get on with the work. They are also much more direct in their

communication style than previous generations.

They view rewards by saying that freedom is the only reward for this generation. And the

freedom they want is to have a balanced lifestyle. They value the times they spend with their

family and children. They are not keen to become the workaholics that their parents were. They

want to work in an environment that’s fun places to be in. Xers are willing to work hard, but

when the project is over, they want some time off. They are not interested in future rewards,

because they know that not even you know the future and how long the company will still be

around. They want to be able to take their pension and any accumulated leave with them when

they go. Some people call this generation the “now” generation. And it’s the same with

feedback. They want regular feedback at the end of every project. So, make feedback a

continuing process. They would also appreciate a less structured, informal approach.

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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y

They view balance as a right, not a privilege. They demand it. They will resign if they don’t have

balance. With the new technology where you can work when and where you want, they often

question why they need to be at the office at all. They are output driven. So, to them it doesn’t

matter how they look, when they work or where they work. They reckon that, as long as they

deliver the goods, that shouldn’t matter. While saying about loyalty, their attitude is, “If you

want loyalty, get a dog.” They know that you can’t offer them job security in uncertain times.

For them it’s all about contract. Loyalty and paying dues was like being a slave. They don’t want

to work hard, long hours for ten years and then get the reward of being fast tracked to

management. They don’t believe in this. The Xers and the company may not be around in ten

years. So, enter a two way partnership with them in terms of balance, freedom and rewards. This

will motivate them and keep them loyal. But don’t take that loyalty for granted. The contract

need to reinforce on a daily basis.

For generation X, fun is serious matter unlike previous generations, who believed that fun is

only on Friday afternoon during working hours. They won’t be motivated if they can’t work

cheerful and in happy environment. Besides, they also refuse to retire because they are

unaffordable. Attributes of Generation X leaders are cautious, creative, pragmatic, realistic, low

key, innovative, flexible, independent and adaptable for example Lance Armstrong and Tiger


Their dislikes are bossiness and corporate culture. Their characteristics are pragmatic,

individualistic, arrogant and risk taking, being individualistic, being with friends and change.

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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y


Generation Y, also known as The Millennial Generation, is a term used to describe the

demographic cohort following Generation X. Its members are often referred to as "Millennials"

or "Echo Boomers. There are no precise dates for when Gen Y starts and ends. Most

commentators use dates from the early 1980s to early 1990s. Members of Generation Y are

primarily the offspring of the Baby Boom Generation.

This is Generation Y, a force of as many as 70 million, and the first wave is just now embarking

on their careers — taking their place in an increasingly multigenerational workplace. Gen Y has

been pampered, nurtured and programmed with a slew of activities since they were toddlers

meaning they are both high-performance and high-maintenance. Generation Y is much less

likely to respond to the traditional command-and-control type of management still popular in

much of today's workforce.

Much has been written about the challenges of managing Generation Y (Echo Boomers) - to

either Generation X or Baby Boomer parents. This populist classification, loosely based on

demographics, allowed for some unique insights into behaviour differences between generations.

Those insights may well need adjusting given the unfolding global economic crisis.

Generation Y is markedly different to any other. Raised during a period of unprecedented

prosperity, falling birth rates and little social upheaval Generation Y benefited from the full

attention of their "helicopter parents", better, more rounded, education and little financial stress.

Exposed to an extraordinary period of advancement in technology, the defining characteristic of

Generation Y is extreme technological savvy. Social networking sites, texting, instant messaging

and blogging have shaped the way in which they communicate. They're young, smart, brash.

They may wear flip-flops to the office or listen to iPods at their desk. They want to work, but

they don't want work to be their life.

Some of the additional great facts about Gen Y is they have financial smarts. After witnessing

the financial insecurity that beset earlier generations stung by layoffs and the dot-com bust,

today's newest entrants into the workforce are generally savvy when it comes to money and

savings. They care about such benefits as 401(k) retirement plans.

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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y

Thirty-seven percent of Gen Yers expect to start saving for retirement before they reach 25, with

46% of those already working indicating so, according to a September survey by Purchase,

N.Y.-based Diversified Investment Advisors. And 49% say retirement benefits are a very

important factor in their job choices. Among those eligible, 70% of the Gen Y respondents

contribute to their 401(k) plan.

Other than that, generation Y also saying that work-life balance isn't just a buzz word. Unlike

boomers who tend to put a high priority on career, today's youngest workers are more interested

in making their jobs accommodate their family and personal lives. They want jobs with

flexibility, telecommuting options and the ability to go part time or leave the workforce

temporarily when children are in the picture.

Change plays a very important point in generation Y’s life. Generation Yers don't expect to stay

in a job, or even a career, for too long. They don't like to stay too long on any one assignment.

This is a generation of multitaskers, and they can juggle e-mail on their BlackBerrys while

talking on cell phones while trolling online.

And they believe in their own self worth and value enough that they're not shy about trying to

change the companies they work for. That compares somewhat with Gen X, a generation born

from the mid-1960s to the late-1970s, known for its independent thinking, addiction to change

and emphasis on family.

"Generation Y like Generation X on steroids. They walk in with high expectations for

themselves, their employer and also their boss. If you thought you saw a clash when Generation

X came into the workplace that was the fake punch. The haymaker is coming now(Generation


In the workplace, conflict and resentment can arise over a host of issues, even seemingly

inexperienced subjects such as appearance, as a generation used to casual fare such as flip-flops,

tattoos and Capri pants finds more traditional attire is required at the office.

And then there's Gen Y's total comfort with technology. While boomers may expect a phone

call or in-person meeting on important topics, younger workers may prefer virtual problem


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Conflict can also flare up over management style. Unlike previous generations who've in large

part grown accustomed to the annual review, Gen Yers have grown up getting constant

feedback and recognition from teachers, parents and coaches and can resent it or feel lost if

communication from bosses isn't more regular.

Many of generation Y have traveled and had many enriching experiences, so they may clash

with older generations they see as competition or not as skilled. Employers are examining new

ways to recruit and retain and trying to sell younger workers on their workplace flexibility and

other qualities generally attractive to Gen Y.

Some conflict is to be anticipated. More than 60% of employers say they are experiencing

tension between employees from different generations, according to a survey by Lee Hecht


The survey found more than 70% of older employees are dismissive of younger workers'

abilities. And nearly half of employers say that younger employees are dismissive of the

abilities of their older co-workers.

They have been brought up in a world of instant access to information. With parents continuing

to play an essential role in their lives well past childhood, Generation Y is very family oriented.

Generation Y children are used to receiving high doses of approval and rely upon external praise

from authority figures to validate their accomplishments.

Not surprisingly, members of Generation Y have proved to be very demanding and outspoken

employees. Ambitious, and with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement, they demand high

rewards, fast-track career progression, active mentorship, regular acknowledgement and time to

pursue their own interests.

Over-praised in childhood, they struggle to deal with failure or criticism. Raised to be team

players, with a great deal of oversight, they tend to flounder if left unmanaged or unsupervised.

And yet they resent hierarchical management structures. If their demands are not met, they are

quick to resign, often without another job to go to, safe in the knowledge that their parents will

look after them.

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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y

Over the past decade much time and effort has been spent on understanding and integrating

Generation Y into the workplace. In effect, employers have had to change their expectations and

management style when dealing with Generation Y employees. Tenure of employment is much

shorter. Performance management is more arduous and riddled with pitfalls. Patience,

composure and fortitude are key requirements.

Given the financial turmoil one may well ask what the future holds for Generation Y. The

answer is counter-intuitive. Generations are shaped by the events around them. In theory the

economic havoc should act to modify their outlook on life. In practice it is more likely to merely

change their short-term behaviour.

For the first time Generation Y is facing real difficulties which challenge their ability to make

demands on others. Widespread unemployment and financial strife will challenge any feelings of

entitlement. Where Generation Y has always relied on parents for financial support, the position

may well reverse. Faced with the decimation of their savings the same parents may well have to

turn to their Generation Y offspring for financial support going forward. Although not brought

up to be responsible and accountable, Generation Y is extremely adaptable.

Having low innate expectations of corporate loyalty, Generation Y will deal with the emotional

trauma of joblessness better and will adjust quickly to changing work conditions. Most members

of Generation Y carry little financial responsibility in terms of property ownership or savings,

and thus are better equipped to survive the crisis. They are also highly educated, adept at multi-

tasking and cheaper to employ. Hence, they may well face fewer retrenchments. Although spoilt,

they are not stupid. They will lower their demands and expectations.

It is thus likely that, in the short term, all that savvy, higher education and creativity can be

harnessed by employers with a minimum of effort. In a new financial reality, many companies

will look to Generation Y to come up with cheaper, more technology-oriented solutions. One

hopes that Generation Y will come out of the crisis more mature and more able to handle


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But, as they are likely to be left relatively unscathed, in it is more likely that in the longer term

their "high maintenance" behaviour traits will reassert themselves. Although Generation Y may

feel that their comfortable existence is being threatened by current events, the global crisis may

well be the best thing that has happened to its members. Undoubtedly, and gallingly for most of

Generation X managers, they will emerge as a more powerful force in the workplace.

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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y



After understanding each of the generations in details, now we would like to intergrates between

both generations. Actually, as we can see from the above explanations, even though each party

have their own characteristics and behavior, these two generations practically could be combined

and assimilates to achieve any of the organizations objectives by satisfying the needs and

requirements of each generations.

A study from the American Society of Training and Development shows that 76 million Baby

Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, will be retiring over the next 20 years, but only 46

million workers will be available to replace them, most of who are referred to as Generation X,

those born between 1965 and 1979, and Generation Y or Millennials, those born after 1980.

For organizations, it presents two situations to consider: how to maintain the needed number of

employees given the expected exodus of Baby Boomers and how to manage a multigenerational


To slow down the departure of Baby Boomers, companies are developing strategies to lure

workers out of retirement when eligible. Yet equally as important, companies are also focusing

to gain new, young talent. This will create a multi-generational workforce that will result in both

challenges and opportunities for employers.

However, regardless of whether the challenge is workforce shortage or age variation among

employees, one thing remains constant for either issue: to help deal with generational differences

in the workplace, organizations must strengthen their recruiting and retention efforts because it is

a competitive market for attracting the best employees.

Some things important to Baby Boomers may not matter to the younger generation. Therefore, as

Millennials enter the workplace, organizations need to determine their preferences. New

selection strategies and benefits packages may be necessary for attracting quality young talent.

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Integrating Generation X And Generation Y

For example, implementing new technology is important, points out from some expertise.

Millennials are already there, so companies need to meet their needs. They also sees work-life

balance as an essential factor; things such as flexible schedules and location should be


According to them also, organizations need to start tailoring their efforts toward Millennials.The

workforce is changing faster than what they have the research for.

At the same time, companies that do not consider older workers for needed talent will be passing

up an opportunity to plug any holes in their workforces.

Last but not least, what is the most important issue here is not about the different level of ages

between one generations and another gernerations. In leading and managing any kind of

organizations of this globalization world, the most prominent matter is about how you manage

the each generations properly and wisely and also the responsibility of each of people in the

generations to understand their neighbour generations in order to tackle them and achieve the

missions of the company together.
