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Integrating Social Media into Traditional Marketing

Date post: 22-Jan-2015
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My presentation slides from PodCampAZ 2008.
Integrating Social Integrating Social Media into Traditional Media into Traditional Marketing Marketing Shailesh Ghimire SocialMediaWiz.com
  • 1. Integrating Social Media into Traditional Marketing Shailesh Ghimire SocialMediaWiz.com

2. Sa.e.les = Shailesh

  • AzMortgage Guru.Com
  • AgentGenius.Com
  • Active Rain
  • Social Media Wiz
  • AIRMarketing.Com/Blog

3. Traditional Marketing

  • Deliver a targeted message to a segmented audience to achieve maximum conversion
  • One dimensional
  • One way communication
  • Shouting vs. dialogue

4. New Media Marketing

  • Social
  • Interactive
  • Dialogue
  • Conversational
  • Personal
  • Authentic
  • Transparent
  • Engaging

5. It's reached a tipping point

  • 60% of Americans interact with companies on a social media website
  • One in four interact more than once per week
  • 93% of Americans believe a company should have a presence in social media
  • 85 % believe a company should also interact with its consumers via social media.
  • Boston consultant firm Cone, Boston Globe, September 25, 2008

6. What they want from you

  • Companies should use social networks to solve my problems (43%).
  • Companies should solicit feedback on their products and services (41%).
  • Companies should develop new ways for consumers to interact with their brand (37%).
  • Companies should market to consumers (25%).

7. What this means.

  • Youll need to have a social media presence
  • Develop and execute an effective strategy
  • Ideally, social meida will be integrated within your overall marketing

8. Marketing 9. Pre-requisites to success

  • Exceptional product/service
  • Transparency
    • Willing to be open
  • Accessiblity
    • Respond to every social interaction in a timely fashion

10. The Three Keys to Success

  • Passion
    • About your company and industry
  • Passion
    • From your customers
  • Passion
    • About the new medium

11. Integration Starting Point: Where are your customers? Three Possible areas for integration Engagement:Remember what social means) 12. Where are your customers

  • Discover:
    • Where are they on social networks
    • What are they doing
      • Observing, spreading, commenting, creating, enhancing
    • Information seekers vs. Engagement seekers
  • Using:
    • Online surveys
    • Social Footprint (using eMail database)

13. Areas for Integration

  • CRM
    • Use tags, categories with analytics to drive CRM
  • Direct Mail (eMail too)
    • pURLs
  • Newsletters
    • Blogs into eNewsletters

14. Remember What "Social" Means

  • Avenue for connections
    • Post teaser links, articles, videos to drive traffic to your web-hub (blog or website)
    • Need to network and develop meaningful connections
  • Don't be like an Amway salesman at a neighborhood party

15. Conclusion Dont ditch traditional marketing in favor of social media Instead figure out ways to integrate the two 16. Questions? Shailesh Ghimire [email_address] SocialMediaWiz.com Twitter.com/Shailesh
