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Page 1: INTEGRATION OF METABOLISM · PPT file · Web view2015-07-02 · Title: INTEGRATION OF METABOLISM Author: Raditsch Last modified by: Asus-PC Created Date: 3/2/2006 4:01:17 AM Document


PrasetyastutiDepart. Of BiochemistryGADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY

Page 2: INTEGRATION OF METABOLISM · PPT file · Web view2015-07-02 · Title: INTEGRATION OF METABOLISM Author: Raditsch Last modified by: Asus-PC Created Date: 3/2/2006 4:01:17 AM Document





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- Naturally amino acids : 300- Amino acids in protein : 20

essential non-essentialArg* AlaHis* Asp, AsnIle Glu, GlnLeu Cys(*)Lys GlyMet HypPhe HyL(**)Thr ProTrp SerVal Tyr(**) (**) from essential AA

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Grains : poor essential amino acidAnimal : >> essential amino acid Egg = 1 (complete essential amino acids)

Kwashiorkor : protein deficientMarasmus : protein & caloric deficients Essential amino acid : number enzyme to synthesize large

relative than non-essential amino acids(manufacture “easy” amino acids)

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1. Glutamat1. Glutamat

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2. Glutamin2. Glutamin

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3. Alanin3. Alanin

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4. Aspartat & Asparagin4. Aspartat & Asparagin

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5. Serin 5. Serin

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6. Glisin 6. Glisin a. dari kolina. dari kolin

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b. dari serin b. dari serin

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7. Prolin7. Prolin

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8. Sistein 8. Sistein

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9. Tyrosin 9. Tyrosin

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10. Hidroksi Prolin & Hidroksi 10. Hidroksi Prolin & Hidroksi Lisin Lisin

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Kepentimgan Biomedis - dewasa normal :Intake Nitrogen sesuai dg N yg diekskresikan Balance N (-) : cancer, kwasiorkor,marasmusBalance N (+) : masa pertumbuhan, pregnansiAmonia berasal dr N α NH2 asam amino : toxicDlm jar : nitrogen amide glutamin : non toxic

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Di hepar: glutamin , deaminasi amonia - urea (non toxic)

Fs hepar terganggu(sirosis/hepatitis)-[amonia ]darah meningkat Turn over protein 1-2% /hari dari protein

tubuh total

Dari 75 -80% digunakan untuk sintesis protein

baru 20-25% membentuk urea

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Degradasi protein dinyatakan dengan t1/2 : waktu yang diperlukan untuk mereduksi

kadarnya menjadi 50% dari nilai awalnya.

T1/2 protein hepar < 30 menit- > 150 jamProtein dg t1/2 pendek : prolin, glutamin, serin,

treoninT ½ 100 jam : aldolase, laktat Dh, sitokrom

Kelebihan asam amino tidak disimpan tp di degradasi

Kebutuhan protein orang dewasa : 30-60 g/hari

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Ikatan peptid --- melepas peptid---- as. am. Bebas

protease peptidase

Ik. Internal ----- peptida yang lebih pendek


Amino peptidase : mengeluarkan as. am. yg berasal dari amino

terminalKarboksi peptidase : mengeluarkan as. am. yg berasal dari

karbok sil terminal

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Nitrogen diekskresi sebagai amonia, asam urat, urea

Ikan (hidup di air) : amonotelik mengekskresi amonia

Burung : urikotelik : mengekskresi asam urat

Hewan darat, manusia: ureotelik mengekskresi urea

[urea] darah , pada penderita peny. Ginjal, suatu akibat bukan penyebab gangguan fs ginjal

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Biosintesis UreaBiosintesis Urea

1. transaminasi2. deaminasi oksidatif glutamat3. transport amonia4. siklus urea

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Transaminasi Transaminasi

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Alanin amino transferase I: & glutamat amino transferase II: mengkatalisis

gugus amino ke piruvat membentuk alanin/α-


piruvat α as.amino α- KG α as. Amino

I II alanin α as.keto glutamat α


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Oxidative deamination catalyzed byL-amino acid oxidase (L-α-amino acid:O2 oxidoreductase). The α-imino acid

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The glutamine synthase reactionstrongly favors glutamine synthesis

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The glutaminase reaction proceeds essentiallyirreversibly in the direction of glutamate andNH4+ formation. Note that the amide nitrogen, not the α-amino

nitrogen, is removed.

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Reaksi dan intermediet biosintesis urea

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Amphibolic intermediates formed from the carbon skeletons of amino acids.

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Catabolism of L-asparagine (top) and of L-glutamine(bottom) to amphibolic intermediates

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Katabolisme Histidin & alfa ketoglutarat

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Interconversion of serine and glycinecatalyzed by serine hydroxymethyltransferase. (H4 folate,tetrahydrofolate.)

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Reversible cleavage of glycine by themitochondrial glycine synthase complex. (PLP, pyridoxalphosphate.)

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Reaksi sistin reduktase

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Catabolism of L-cysteine via the cysteinesulfinate pathway (top) and by the 3-mercaptopyruvatepathway (bottom).

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Mixed disulfide of cysteine and homocysteine

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Perubahan treonin menjadi glisin & asetil KoA

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Intermediates in L-hydroxyproline catabolism. (α-KA,α-keto acid; α-AA, α-amino acid.) Numerals identify sites of metabolic defects in 1 hyperhydroxyprolinemia and 2 type II hyperprolinemia.

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Intermediet katabolisme tirosin

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Alternative pathways of phenylalaninecatabolism in phenylketonuria. The reactions alsooccur in normal liver tissue but are of minor significance

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Katabolisme lisin

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Katabolisme triptofan

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Pembentukan xanturenat pada defisiensi vitamin B6

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Formation of S-adenosylmethionine. ~CH3 represents the highgroup transfer potential of “active methionine.”

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Perubahan metionin menjadi propionil KoA

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The analogous first three reactions in the catabolism of leucine, valine, and soleucine. Note also the analogy of reactions 2 and 3 to reactions of the catabolism of fatty acid

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Catabolism of the β-methylcrotonyl-CoA formed from L-leucine. Asterisks indicate carbonatoms derived from CO2.

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Subsequent catabolism of the tiglyl-CoA formed from L-isoleucine.

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Subsequent catabolism of themethacrylyl-CoA formed from L-valine (see Figure30–19). (α-KA, α-keto acid; α-AA, α-amino acid.)

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Glisin- metabolit & produk farmasi diekskresi

sbg konjugat glisin larut air asam glikokolat asam hipurat : dibentuk dr bensoat (bhn mkn aditive) Obat2an, metabolit obat, seny lain dg

gugus karboksil - diekskresi dlm urin sbg konjugat glisin

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Biosintesis hipuratBiosintesis hipurat

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ΒΒ-Alanin -Alanin - metabolit sistein , terdapat dlm KoA Sebagai - alanil (carnosin)Jar mamalia : membentuk - alanin drv

sitosin, karnosin & anserintransaminasi - alanin - malonat semialdGangguan metab hiperbeta-alaninemia --

[ - alanin, taurin, - NH2 isobutirat ] dlm

jaringan & C tubuh meningkat

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- alanil dipeptid- alanil dipeptidCarnosin, & anserin mengaktivasi miosin

ATPase, mengkelat Cu & meningkatkan ambilan Cu

Biosintesis carnosin dikatalisis oleh carnosin sintetase melalui 2 tahap

- pembentukan asil –adenilat - alanin terikat enzim

- transfer alanil ke histidin

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-alanil –AMP-alanil –AMP

ATP + - alanin - -alanil –AMP + PPi

-alanil –AMP + histidin karnosin + AMP

Hidrolisis carnosin ke -alanin & histidin dikatalisis oleh carnosinase

Carnosinuria : def carnosin & turunannya

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HomocarnosinKadarnya dlm otak manusia > [carnosin]Disintesis dlm jar otak oleh carnosin sintetaseDlm serum, tdk menghidrolisis homocarnosin

Homocarnosinosis- kelainan genetik- dihub kan dg perkembangan paraplegia spastic & retardasi mental

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- fosforilasi & defosforilasi residu seril, treonil & tirosil mengatur aktivitas enzim tertentu metab KH & L

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* * Metionin: S-adenosil metioninMetionin: S-adenosil metionin

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* Sistein - prekursor bag thioetanolamin CoA &

taurin yg berkonjugasi dg asam empedu (as taurokolat)

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Histidindekarboksilasi histidin ----- histamin Dikatalisis oleh dekarboksilase

(antihipertensi-aktivitasnya dihambat oleh α CH3 asam

amino-mengkatalisis de-CO2 DOPA,5OH


Dlm tubuh sbg:- ergothionein- carnosin-anserin

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Ornithin & argininOrnithin & arginin

- donor formimidin utk sintesis creatin Melalui ornitin putresin, spermin &

spermidin Arginin-prekursor NO yg bekerja sbg neurotransmiter relaxan otot polos vasodilatorSintesis NO dikatalisis oleh NO sintase , tgt

NADPH dr arginin + O2 menghasilkan citrulin +NO

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Metabolisme arginin, ornitin & prolinMetabolisme arginin, ornitin & prolin

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PoliaminPoliamin-spermidin & spermin berfungsi dlm:- proliferasi & pertumbuhan- faktor pertumbuhan sel mamalia yg

dikultur- menstabilkan sel utuh, organela sub

seluler& membran

Dosis farmakologis poliamin adalah hipotermik & hipotensif

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Triptophan Triptophan Hidroksilasi trp 5-OH trp, dekarboksilasi --- serotonin (vasokonstriktor, stimulator kontraksi otot


Katab serotonin - 5-OH indolasetatMrpk rks deaminasi oxidative oleh

monoaminOksidaseSel tumor produksi serotonin >>>

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Di ginjal, hepar, Trp --- triptamin -- indolasetat

Katabolit utama trp dlm urin normal :- indol 3-asetat- 5-OH indolasetat

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Glycogenic Ketogenic Glycogenic & KetogenicAla Gly His Arg Hyp MetAsp Pro Ser Cys Thr Val Glu

Leu IleLysPheTrpTyr
