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TIMES SATURDAY 12 1910 InterHigh School Champions I f rON ll of District Who Won TitleWithout Being Scored Upon Tft1 CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM L > RACING AUTO Two Injured in Savannah Grand Prix Event as Thirteen Cars Whiz on to Finish for the Interna- tional Trophy i TREE UPSETS ¬ Continued from First Page years blue ribbon international racing event over a course that was as nearly perfect as months of labor could make U By the time Starter Wagner sent away the teams the course was lined by more than a quarter of a million people Governor Brown and other dig- nitaries were among the spectators A gang of convicts worked all night- on the course It had Leen cut up somewhat by the ears in the Savannah Trophy and Tiedeman Cup races It is now the fastest course In North America It is 4152 miles long and all the dangerous curves have been eliminated About the track were 1500 national guardsmen under command of Col M J OLeary They were reenforced by hundreds of special ofnceyrs police and detectives Starters Get Ovation- As the mechanicians put the final touches to their eatS for the dealt away the crowds cheered the famous drivers Harry Grant who won the Vanderbilt Cup received the greatest ovation as he steered his Alto for the long to hold the honors for America Behind the grandstand were grim lines of ambulances and temporary tent hospitals had been erected at points upon the course Doctors were held in readiness to be carried away in racing cars if word of an accident were re- ceived On account of the fatalities in the Vanderbilt Cup race precautions- were taken to give instant medical at- tention in case of accident The weatner was clear and cool and by dawn the streets leading toward the course were moving ribbons of containing spectators Hun dreds of people came from as far away as New York and Chicago to see the classic Special trains arrived up to the hour of the start Everybody In Town There x The ovent was a gala one in Banks and other institutions were closed In time to allow employes to at tend the race Society was out in full and a lively touch was added to the NATIONAL SOCIETY Will Be Formed in Time to Welcome Argetine Visitor The honor of being the first guest of a national society probably will fall to Dr Victorine de la Plaza first vice president of the Argentine Republic when he arrives In New York in on an Argentine battleship Plans are under way organize The PanAmerican Society of the States and it is expected that the so ciety will be formed in time to welcome- Dr Victorine de la Plaza as Its first guest Director General John Barrett of the Bureau of American Republics has ini tiated the movement and a will be called in New York shortly for the purpose of organizing It is planned to make Senator Elihu Root of the society The directors will probably include former Ambassador Henry White and other delegates of the ITnited States to the PanAmerican con- ference in Buenos Ayres Patterned after the Japan Society to Japan and the Pilgrim Society to Great Britain the PanAmerican Society will be for the purpose of hospital- ity to the distinguished LatinAmeri- cans who visit this country It will have no affiliation with the Federal Government but will be maintained by the dues of the members It will be located permanently in New York Director is now out of the city but it was said at the bureau to the meeting as soon as he returned The plan is understood to have the In dorsement of President Taft Secretary- of State Knox and the LatinAmerican ambassadors and ministers PLAN TO ORGANIZE T o that he would issue a call for yes- terday automo- bile strug- gle auto- mobiles Savan- nah Janu- ary probably ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ multitude by the bright dresses and hats of the women Private stands were erected along the course and the tall beech and oak trees were tilled with men and boys As the starting hour drew soar wagers were made that the record made by Wagner in a Fiat car here two years ago would be broken New York- ers bet that Grant would be the winner The grandstands were gay with wav ing banners representing the various countries and the parking spaces con- tained many hundreds of autos Governor Brown gave the word to Starter Wagner at 9 oclock to send the cars awa Arthur Chevrolet- in a MarquotteBulck was the first to leave the starting point With a roar like artillery from his motors he dashed down the course in a trem udous burst of speed The other cars were sent away at thirtysecond The fifteen cars got away In this order Car Driver Country aiarquetteBuick A Lazier Mulford American PopeHartford RIo American Alco Grant American Maron Dawson American Benz Hemery Germany Flat Italy Lozier Haran American PopeHartford Disbrow American Marmon Harroun American Benz BruceBrown Germany Fiat Wagner Italy MarquetteButck Burman American Benz Haupt Germany Flat De Palma Italy Hemery of Germany and Nazzaro of Italy sped after the five Americans ahead of them at a deathdefying pace in an effort to wrest away on the first lap It was estimated that the winn of the Grand Prix would worth from to the 3SOOO At the end of the first three for eign cars were In the lead Hemer In a Benz was first Wagner In a Flat second and BruceBrown in a Benz third Hemerys time was 14 minutes 18 seconds He was traveling seventytwo miles an hour Four foreign cars were In the lead half way around the second lap Mul ford in an American car a Ixraier was the last American to be passed by De Palma In a Fiat At the end of the second lap however Arthur Chevrolet an American had wrested third place from BruceBrown Hemery was still leading covering the second lap at a rate of seventyfive miles an hour and Wagner was second YORK Nov 12 After a re volver battle with the police four strike breakers employed by the Adams Ex- press Company were arrested at JM5 First avenue this afternoon on a charge of stealing sUlks furs and other articles valued at 0000 SWINDLE ALLEGED- BY BROKER FIRM Petition to Attach Bank Account of the Man Impli Victimized to the extent of by Hume H West alias Henry Knowlton alias Frank Bennet alias Paul West according to its petition the broker firm of Crane ParrIs Co today ob tamed from the Supreme Court cf the District a writ of attachment on tho Merchants and Mechanics Bank where the alleged swindler is believed to have money on deposit- A suit for 32 f was filed in the Supreme Court before the writ was issued No return of the writ was made today but an answer Is expected Monday The petition sets forth the allega- tion that West bought six States coupon bonds from the brokers- on October 1 and gave in payment a cashier cheek of the Trust Company of Newport News Va In payment It is alleged that the check was a that West has from the District The have been making efforts to apprehend the swindler P H Marshall represented the bro- kers in the action instituted today Inter als be to le000 to the driver In addition STRIKEBREAKERS HELD FOR THEFTN- EW cated tOO 00l eyed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ By CENTRAL TEAM Captures High School Foot- ball Championship First Time in Five Years KING AT TACKLE- IS STAR OF GAME Fritz Reuters Brilliant Run of Half the Field Scored Only Touchdown today the undisputed football champion of the Washington and incidentally record made live years ago ay Western by winning the title withou naving her goal line crossed The greatest crowd that has seen a game in Washington thus far this fall saw the game yesterday in which Cen- tral downed Tech in the deciding It was a battle in which was intense from the first kick- off to the very end and it was a bril- liant runof half the length of the kid by Fritz Reuter that resulted i the lone touchdown and gave Central the Victory Later the same speedy Layer got loose and clear of everybody nd apparently had another touchdowr In- sight when he was brought f m Both teams played really b nelass i scholastic football and both were threatening Tech four times i setting within the tenyard line but i time being stopped by a most stubborn defense which Central i e- isented whenever her goal was Utr t- The backiields were the backbones of both teams of the linemen King of Central was ar and away the star ills defensive work at tackle not been approached by a scholastic player this falL and atone he smashed up more plays than all of his teammates mbliied and was strong enough to pray it top speed to the very finish It has been many a day since the Washington high schools have seen a grander than was given yesterday by the nephew of the great- est quarterback Princeton has ever Central Positions Technical Dyson L E Parks King L T Warner L G Knight Stokes JC Bckendorf Rich H nie- MfcHck R T Halbrook Hunt R K Keliey Minnix B Gill Keuter L H B Sinclair Van Dyne RH B Morris Hamilton F B Tew Touchdown Van Dyne Goal from Gass Umpire Mr Kirby Field Mr White Time of periods minutes Substitutes for Van Dyne Thrall for Morris PRINCETON DENIES ANY READJUSTMENTF- ootball Relations With Harvard May Not Be Resumed as Expected PRINCETON Nov 12 Denial has been made of the rumor that Princeton and Harvard had signed an agreement- to play football together for the next five years Prof Howard McClenahan chairman- of the Princeton faculty committee on outdoor sports There Is nothing In it Princeton and Harvard have not signed any such agreement Tho rear has been widely circulated that Another meting between the uni- versities was Hir d some alumni have positive mid authoritative Information- to that effect- It is believed that of tho readjustment of the of both Princeton and Harvard with Dartmouth- The HarvardPrinceton games It ar- ranged would compel either or both to drop Dartmouth from Its schedule NATIONAL BEAGLE TRIALS SHADWELL Va Nov sport Is anticipated at the twentyfirst annual field trials of the National Beagle Club of America which began today- on the clubs preserves near here Some of the finest bred dogs in the country- are entered in events most Important of which are the National Challenge Cup the Somerset Challenge n the Cup and Plat SURPRISE SPRUNG For tine Ant time is years Central Is high schools j do n behind each erred e has Henry R G Q touchdownKing RefereeMr elly so far as say that DnU contest is btlng pending the 12Good mes b lqu led a con- test in- terests re- peatedly wt i I going taw they withheld 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < Baseball Briefs Business Manager Reilly of the Provi dence club said yesterday that work would soon be started on the new grandstand at the Elmwood Park He also stated that President Crowley was not letting the grass but was ne several players for the Wl Grays Pitcher Hess of the New Orleans team led the Southern League pitchers the past season winning twentyAre and losing nine games The Giants total of 715 runs lead the National League team in the number of runs scored during the just ended of the oM Pirates are due for the pink- It is rumored that a big shakeup is about to come oft ta Ptttsburg Severed When Jack Barry of the to his house IB MerHen the fans of that city gave him the time of his It is doubtful that Frank chance snail quit the Cubs and retire from the game Frank wants another try for the worlds bampionsbtp The Quincy 111 club wants to with draw from membership in the Central Association and become a member of the ThreeI League next season I I At leo oaating C season sit 4 re- turned Itte ¬ ¬ + + + + I Boxing Notes I PROVIDENCE R I Nor IT Leo Houck of Lancaster after breaking a bone in his right hand in the eM round won the decision over Frank aCanteO of Pawtucket at the end at fifteen rounds test night in the arena of the Rhode Island Athletic Cteb at Thornton Houck lad Mantett its m the tenth round and at tap finish latter was holding and rttnrhtng to Mm self from a knockout Houck Cossjfet a heady contest always holdtes KaateU sate Johan OXeefit the lieges middle- weight to make Beaton h Mme the an over from Promoter Manager Jimmy De arrest sag that Pal Haore its not casts nW Ifcht- wetght cms as be only weighs 12T tile wtIIM- ru xacaa to e A new white been found in Clad JiorriII of Okla tdant m said to be doer at tile rasa i C has agak tnrned dews TSssit box Sam LasEford is iptid o bone K the race has 8sbript a mooortlons and boxing lame >> r t The Shadow of the Sphinx By ALBERT PATSON TERHTXKK Copyright The Frank A Munsey Conhpaay i Through an error the thirteenth chapter of The Shadow of the i Sphinx was published yesterday I The ninth chapter which should have been printed is given there- fore today i Synopsis of Previous Chapters flunk Staadtefa and Ma arfead Ja k are traveling through Egypt te search of Pref who Stand I tab thtaks en help him MB- J mothers family travelers are by one rf whom myaterioue y spares Jacks life Qua night an the camp a tribe Standish sees a vision which cJ lr i c ii i B his dim of MB mother The girl of the dream him Shortly afterward b to haled e T t a council of the tribe h is accused of having insulted the emirs daughter and is put oa trial for his life To jail own surprise be finds hteaelf Arabic Upon striking down his young sheik Haft be te saved death by the Intervention ef a beeatt- lul youag girl An later a d rous attack bjr Haftz t by the doorway of the tent Standish ands Prof c and pre fessers daughter Hope Is discovered I to be the son of the emirs older steter to the throne Feudal the in lore with Jack and he with Hope Keyes CHAPTER IX For the Faith ENTERED the great tent of the emir paused just within the thres hold and bowed Basraoul was alone and pacing to and fro his head bent his hands clasped behind him He looked up eagerly at my en trance I was In an ill mood to listen to the rebuke I expected for my tardi- ness But it was not delivered Instead Basraoul seated himself on a divan close to the doorway and me to a at his side He clapped his hands and noiseless at tendants ran In bearing narghiles and mastlk the latter a colorless native liqueur tasting like paregoric When the servants had left us the emir sat for some moments in silence puffing at the goldbound stem of his bubblepipe I made no effort to open the conversation At length he said abruptly You are my nephew When the prophet calls me to the Joys of Para dise it Is you by the blood law who shall load the El Kanah The had been devoid of the usual preliminary compliments I rath- er wondered at this as I replied May the hairs of my head be white and few before that dark day He waved the courtesy aside with an Impatient gesture and continued In the earnest voice loved your father asthough he were the son of mine own mother To you too my heart has gone out as never to Hanz nor another It is meet that you should But ho paused i Kanah may not be ruled by an infidel- I am not an infidel I returned I am a You are of the faith he queried In surprise- Of the true faith I lyHe looked at me keonly then as contradiction or probing my he began the Mos- lem litany I I I Plan K trace attached I desert seat the of Bedouin frets I t I speaking I the- I lB ant men I I Key the He I heir KillS I I h reign when gone El 1 i i The Bedouins mem- ory sit where accuser fro checked commanding voce of a woman from the and en Irs falls mo- tioned cof- fee same Iar added the answered grave thou sincerity ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < COLUMBIA MAKES BASKETBALL DATES NEW YORK Nov I Fourteen gatmes covering a period of three months are OR the CohuaMa schedule All except tow of the contests will be played on the borne court the out oftown games being the return match is In the intercollegiate league aeries omen te back on the schedule alter a of one year as the Itfeacans have joteed the reorganized league The only new game on the list Is ono with New York University which will be played us Columbias gymnasium oa the evening of Washingtons Birthday The schedule follows December 2 Columbia vs Trinity at New York Columbia vs at New York Mth Columbia vs Pennsylvania State at New York 7 Columbia vs Cornell at Ithaca Utt Columbia vs Princeton at New York 14th Columbia vs Wesleyan at New York 17th Columbia vs Prince- ton at Princeton at Columbia vs Cornell at yew York February S Co lumbia vs Carlisle at New York 13th Columbia vs Pennsylvania at New York 11th Columbia vs Yale at New York 23d Columbia vs New York Uni versity at New York 28th Columbia vs Yale at Nw Haven March 4 Co- lumbia vs Pennsylvania at Philadel- phia I l Nth Jan- uary basket- ball pie George- town ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ God is all powerful There te but God I repeated the words after him with conviction He seemed all at once in- finitely relieved But with a sheds of doubt he passed on at once to the Mohammedan creeds second declara- tion Our Lord is the prophet of God I do sot believe that I answered Mohammed mar have been a prophet or he may not But he preached- the gospel of blood and the semes Not love and forgiveness I cannot accept him as divine The emirs face darkened You blaspheme he said I intend no offense to you or your creed I assured hia gently you asked my beliefs I gave them to you To tell the truth I replied frankly I have given the matter less thought than I should I have my own and it is a part of me Yet Im ashamed to say I leave never dwelt eeply noon it I that ease said he with some elation It will be easier for you to be- come converted My own priest shall instruct you You will soon rejoice in the true faith As you will I returned with slight interest I suppose after all is little difference in the two religtens You ane wise he approved and you justify my trust In you You have made me very happ And now be went on tracing something with his scabbardpoint on the sand in the door give a sign of your willing ness and I will make it known to your people Stamp on that He pointed to what he had marked In the sand It was a rude design of a- cross For some reason I could not define even to myself I to my feet So he urged misinterpreting my motion set your upon em blem Then I will make It known to all a of reckless No And a thousand times no I did sot under- stand before I did not think New I know He stared at me astounded at my vehemence You mean he began you mean No I retorted I mean that I hoW For such plasphenty men have died he warned me in chagrined horror died as martyrs then i I flashed back If I am to become one of them I checked myself a little ashamed of my outburst You have spirit he commented sad ly I had hoped to make you a be liever Did my father become a Mohamme dan while he was the adopted son of your people I asked No said the emir with a slight hesitation he like you The faith ofmy father and of his father is mine I finished I stand or fall by that Is there more you would say to There was much more he answered- but I half doubt if now it may e said Yet he went on mora to himself titan to me why not Your father too was a Christian and my people accept- ed him and sorrowed at his departure They would have followed him to death Why should they not follow you Principally because they wont have the chance was on the tip of my tongue But I held back the worms and waited for what he next should say I grow old he continued presenter name k when I am gone My nephew the Sheik- i Hafiz would have ruled In the to I come bad you not been sent by one all e y me I white and speechless with thatNo I shouted finding voice In uat you refuse the true tOO I to It lIfe or death That pointing to the ot the cross Is symb i of I my The true faith The I I and l no son to bear my indeed they m I faith only meT Allah to- ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ take your rightful place us And for that I grieved For I do not wholly trust nab He is brave m battle and wise in council But his heart is the heart cf a plotter sot a ruler Jus- tice with must always be second self So it troubled me t think he should rule in my stead He paused once more Now that you are with us he went on wish and hail you as my But others will hesitate because of your Feringee Mood To appease three and leave a united tribe it is In my mind to make a move In this game of state that win turn all my peoples hearts to you and leave Hafts no foothold seat He sat ia thought with his head sunk on his chest The corners of his firm mouth twitched sad a look of absolute delight slowly creot Into his darts feet watching him and wondering what might be this masterstroke of des- ert diplomacy his mind was out Met chieftains I waited with keen Interest the outcome of his grapple with the present tough problem- At last he looked up eagerness and in his eyes Yes said he It to wisdom It Is inspiration And so it shall be The knot is cut The shadow of the sphinx itself has fallen across my brain giving it knowledge that shall make all wen I am dad 7 observed one less puzzled and expectant- It indeed means joy to you both be made answer Hear my words I havejHit one child my daughter Per idah She accounted fair even in our tribe of fair women What eaT you nephew It is this I have nlanswd Lad it is wise Nay a I made as though to break in excitedly on his words give no reply now but think it over in your mind this night Tomorrow at dawn I hold hUrh court Come before me then and make known to me your decision Remember meantime all it means to my people The ConttaHatlan f This Story Will Be Petted in TeaaerreTTaI- KSW of The Times I t ot my people win obey lIlY where- by De may seek to miss to high For years he had been knows as I I andmost of aUto I I I 1 I A 1 I I I 1 1 many your I sat matte wIi tee you 4 BASEBALL m Cincinnati and Phillies Ex- pected to Agree on Trade With a Few Changes It 1 than likely that some sort of a deal be- tween the PknUes sad Cincinnati will be closed m a day r There may he one or two changes in the conditions a arranged by 3aanas 4- Doofn bat K there are say changes they will be such as are satisfactory to Deotsv who win remain ia the post of j n gi for another season Frank EllIott one of the stock hoMers of the dub said yesterday The deal with Ctnciuaati must g through some way or soother It could of course be totally contested as i Doom although acting in good faith best Interests of the club had no to sign away the dub assets Son modification to likely Doom is a hard worker AM spier- Mhr last year anti wm assuredly be of the dub next season Asked as to the continuance of Fcg as president Mr EllIott said See FogL It is up to him I can say authoritatively that no one can sa whether he win not be president Tier year We have our annual meeting o1 the nth or 3 th of the month So far as I can see there fe ao reason vj- Fogd should not remainpresident Questioned on the same point Mr- I Fog said am president of 1h I have three Brooositions pending Mr Herrmann on the Cincinnati def and expect an wry soon STUDENT WALKING FOR YALE VICTORYN- EW HAVEN Conn Xor 11 Win K Clark a Yale academic junior ix Rochester X Y told his classmates yesterday that he had had a cream which tn its eascnea was that tf he rod into Princeton tomorrow Yale wouH lose He said he felt It his duty to walk t Princeton The combined Judgment of his intimates was that he owed it t Tale to do all within his power to help the unfortunate eleven In the afternoon equipped for a Jour- ney over rough roads Clark left Os borne Hall amid the plaudits of 310 class- mates and escorted by most of them t j team Frequent reports during the night told of Clarks steady toward the goal The classmates will I banquet Clark if Yale wins FOR FEATHERWEIGHT TITLE NEW ORLEANS La Nov 12 Fight followers of the Crescent City and vi cinity are on edge in anticipation of the bout between Abe Attell and Frankie Conley for the featherweight The to be a affair and is to be pulled off tomorrow afternoon under aus ices of the West A C Both fighters have been training fatthfuUv since the articles were and appear to be in excellent condition fur the go WILL BE CLOSED PHILADELPHIA Nov more two Oft S I far I am In rigs l I I i I I and will be next year I or scans bays me o Wit I I I the city line lair of the Tiger onward championship CODte t Side L and m as oothoeraed the f manager Phil ea unle drop dead all answer for the ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > I FOOTBALLS TODAY GEORGETOWN i J vs VIRGINIA tChrysanthernums I SPECIAL I 1 0 C EAC I i- i to You arent ready for the Football 0 you one more i ic or our They are the largest sad finest ton and are worth every tent we charge for themand more Gude Bros Co Florists AAA AAA AAAAA A AAA AA A AAAAAAAAAAAA AkA AAAA ji- c me unless have r is Wa- 4c 9 Phones 1tL 4 3 < < =


InterHigh School Champions

I f

rON ll

of District Who Won TitleWithout Being Scored Upon




RACING AUTOTwo Injured in Savannah Grand Prix Event as Thirteen

Cars Whiz on to Finish for the Interna-

tional Trophy i



Continued from First Pageyears blue ribbon international racingevent over a course that was as nearlyperfect as months of labor could makeU

By the time Starter Wagner sentaway the teams the course was linedby more than a quarter of a millionpeople Governor Brown and other dig-nitaries were among the spectators

A gang of convicts worked all night-on the course It had Leen cut upsomewhat by the ears in the SavannahTrophy and Tiedeman Cup races

It is now the fastestcourse In North America It is 4152

miles long and all the dangerous curveshave been eliminated About the trackwere 1500 national guardsmen undercommand of Col M J OLeary Theywere reenforced by hundreds of specialofnceyrs police and detectives

Starters Get Ovation-As the mechanicians put the final

touches to their eatS for the dealt awaythe crowds cheered the famous driversHarry Grant who won the VanderbiltCup received the greatest ovation ashe steered his Alto for the long

to hold the honors for AmericaBehind the grandstand were grim

lines of ambulances and temporary tenthospitals had been erected at pointsupon the course Doctors were held inreadiness to be carried away in racingcars if word of an accident were re-ceived On account of the fatalities inthe Vanderbilt Cup race precautions-were taken to give instant medical at-tention in case of accident

The weatner was clear and cool andby dawn the streets leading toward thecourse were moving ribbons of

containing spectators Hundreds of people came from as far awayas New York and Chicago to see theclassic Special trains arrived up tothe hour of the start

Everybody In Town Therex

The ovent was a gala one inBanks and other institutions were

closed In time to allow employes to attend the race Society was out in fulland a lively touch was added to the


Will Be Formed in Time toWelcome Argetine


The honor of being the first guest ofa national society probably will fall toDr Victorine de la Plaza first vicepresident of the Argentine Republicwhen he arrives In New York in

on an Argentine battleshipPlans are under way organize The

PanAmerican Society of theStates and it is expected that the society will be formed in time to welcome-Dr Victorine de la Plaza as Its firstguest

Director General John Barrett of theBureau of American Republics has initiated the movement and a willbe called in New York shortly for thepurpose of organizing It is planned tomake Senator Elihu Root ofthe society The directors will probablyinclude former Ambassador HenryWhite and other delegates of theITnited States to the PanAmerican con-ference in Buenos Ayres

Patterned after the Japan Society toJapan and the Pilgrim Society to GreatBritain the PanAmerican Society willbe for the purpose of hospital-ity to the distinguished LatinAmeri-cans who visit this country It willhave no affiliation with the FederalGovernment but will be maintained bythe dues of the members It will belocated permanently in New York

Director is now out of thecity but it was said at the bureau to

the meeting as soon as he returnedThe plan is understood to have the Indorsement of President Taft Secretary-of State Knox and the LatinAmericanambassadors and ministers




that he would issue a callfor

yes-terday automo-bile




















multitude by the bright dresses and hatsof the women

Private stands were erected along thecourse and the tall beech and oak treeswere tilled with men and boys

As the starting hour drew soarwagers were made that the record madeby Wagner in a Fiat car here twoyears ago would be broken New York-ers bet that Grant would be the winner

The grandstands were gay with waving banners representing the variouscountries and the parking spaces con-tained many hundreds of autos

Governor Brown gave the word toStarter Wagner at 9 oclock tosend the cars awa Arthur Chevrolet-in a MarquotteBulck was the first toleave the starting point With a roarlike artillery from his motors he dasheddown the course in a trem udous burstof speed The other cars were sentaway at thirtysecond

The fifteen cars got away In thisorder

Car Driver CountryaiarquetteBuick ALazier Mulford AmericanPopeHartford RIo AmericanAlco Grant AmericanMaron Dawson AmericanBenz Hemery GermanyFlat ItalyLozier Haran AmericanPopeHartford Disbrow AmericanMarmon Harroun AmericanBenz BruceBrown GermanyFiat Wagner ItalyMarquetteButck Burman AmericanBenz Haupt GermanyFlat De Palma Italy

Hemery of Germany and Nazzaro ofItaly sped after the five Americansahead of them at a deathdefying pacein an effort to wrest away onthe first lap

It was estimated that the winn ofthe Grand Prix would worth from

to the 3SOOOAt the end of the first three for

eign cars were In the lead Hemer Ina Benz was first Wagner In a Flatsecond and BruceBrown in a Benzthird Hemerys time was 14 minutes 18seconds He was traveling seventytwomiles an hour

Four foreign cars were In the leadhalf way around the second lap Mulford in an American car a Ixraier wasthe last American to be passed by DePalma In a Fiat

At the end of the second lap howeverArthur Chevrolet an American hadwrested third place from BruceBrownHemery was still leading covering thesecond lap at a rate of seventyfivemiles an hour and Wagner was second

YORK Nov 12 After a revolver battle with the police four strikebreakers employed by the Adams Ex-press Company were arrested at JM5First avenue this afternoon on a chargeof stealing sUlks furs and other articlesvalued at 0000


Petition to Attach Bank Account

of the Man Impli

Victimized to the extent of byHume H West alias Henry Knowltonalias Frank Bennet alias Paul Westaccording to its petition the brokerfirm of Crane ParrIs Co today obtamed from the Supreme Court cf theDistrict a writ of attachment on thoMerchants and Mechanics Bankwhere the alleged swindler is believedto have money on deposit-

A suit for 32 f was filed in theSupreme Court before the writ wasissued No return of the writ wasmade today but an answer Is expectedMonday

The petition sets forth the allega-tion that West bought sixStates coupon bonds from the brokers-on October 1 and gave in payment acashier cheek of the TrustCompany of Newport News Va Inpayment It is alleged that the checkwas a that West hasfrom the District

The have been making effortsto apprehend the swindler

P H Marshall represented the bro-kers in the action instituted today

Inter als

beto le000 to the driver In addition
















Captures High School Foot-

ball Championship FirstTime in Five Years



Fritz Reuters Brilliant Run of

Half the Field Scored

Only Touchdown

today the undisputed football championof the Washington andincidentally record madelive years ago ay Western by winningthe title withou naving her goal linecrossed

The greatest crowd that has seen agame in Washington thus far this fallsaw the game yesterday in which Cen-

tral downed Tech in the decidingIt was a battle in whichwas intense from the first kick-

off to the very end and it was a bril-

liant runof half the length of the kidby Fritz Reuter that resulted i thelone touchdown and gave Central theVictory Later the same speedy Layergot loose and clear of everybody ndapparently had another touchdowr In-

sight when he was brought f m

Both teams played really b nelassi scholastic football and both were

threatening Tech four timesi setting within the tenyard line buti time being stopped by a moststubborn defense which Central i e-

isented whenever her goal was Utr t-

The backiields were the backbones ofboth teams of the linemen Kingof Central was ar and away the starills defensive work at tackle notbeen approached by a scholastic playerthis falL and atone hesmashed up more plays than all of histeammates mbliied and was strongenough to pray it top speed to the veryfinish It has been many a day sincethe Washington high schools have seena grander than was givenyesterday by the nephew of the great-est quarterback Princeton has ever

Central Positions TechnicalDyson L E ParksKing L TWarner L G KnightStokes JC BckendorfRich H nie-MfcHck R T HalbrookHunt R K KelieyMinnix B GillKeuter L H B SinclairVan Dyne R H B MorrisHamilton F B Tew

Touchdown Van Dyne Goal fromGass

Umpire Mr Kirby Field MrWhite Time of periods minutesSubstitutes for Van Dyne Thrallfor Morris


ootball Relations With HarvardMay Not Be Resumed as

ExpectedPRINCETON Nov 12 Denial has

been made of the rumor that Princetonand Harvard had signed an agreement-to play football together for the nextfive years

Prof Howard McClenahan chairman-of the Princeton faculty committee onoutdoor sports

There Is nothing In it Princeton andHarvard have not signed any suchagreement

Tho rear has been widely circulatedthat Another meting between the uni-versities was Hir d some alumni

havepositive mid authoritative Information-to that effect-

It is believed that of thoreadjustment of the of bothPrinceton and Harvard with Dartmouth-The HarvardPrinceton games It ar-ranged would compel either or both todrop Dartmouth from Its schedule


sport Is anticipated at the twentyfirstannual field trials of the National BeagleClub of America which began today-on the clubs preserves near here Someof the finest bred dogs in the country-are entered in events mostImportant of which are the NationalChallenge Cup the Somerset Challenge

n the Cup andPlat


For tine Ant time is years Central Is

high schoolsj

do n









touchdownKing RefereeMr


so far as say that

DnUcontest is btlng pending the



b lquled a


test in-







going taw they









Baseball Briefs

Business Manager Reilly of the Providence club said yesterday that workwould soon be started on the newgrandstand at the Elmwood Park Healso stated that President Crowley wasnot letting the grass but was ne

several players for the WlGrays

Pitcher Hess of the New Orleans teamled the Southern League pitchers thepast season winning twentyAre andlosing nine games

The Giants total of 715 runs lead theNational League team in the number ofruns scored during the justendedof the oM Pirates are due for the pink-

It is rumored that a big shakeup isabout to come oft ta Ptttsburg Severed

When Jack Barry of theto his house IB MerHen the fans

of that city gave him the time of his

It is doubtful that Frank chance snailquit the Cubs and retire from the gameFrank wants another try for the worldsbampionsbtp

The Quincy 111 club wants to withdraw from membership in the CentralAssociation and become a member ofthe ThreeI League next season


At leo













I Boxing Notes I

PROVIDENCE R I Nor IT LeoHouck of Lancaster after breaking abone in his right hand in the eMround won the decision over FrankaCanteO of Pawtucket at the end atfifteen rounds test night in the arenaof the Rhode Island Athletic Cteb atThornton

Houck lad Mantett its m thetenth round and at tap finish latterwas holding and rttnrhtng to Mmself from a knockout Houck Cossjfet aheady contest always holdtes KaateUsate

Johan OXeefit the lieges middle-weight to make Beaton h Mme the

an over from Promoter

Manager Jimmy De arrest sag thatPal Haore its not casts nW Ifcht-wetght cms as be only weighs 12T



ru xacaato


A new whitebeen found in Clad JiorriII ofOkla tdant m saidto be doer at tile




has agak tnrned dewsTSssit

box Sam LasEford is iptid

obone K the race has

8sbripta mooortlons andboxing lame


r t

The Shadow of the Sphinx By ALBERT PATSON TERHTXKK

CopyrightThe Frank A Munsey Conhpaay


Through an error the thirteenthchapter of The Shadow of the

i Sphinx was published yesterdayI The ninth chapter which should

have been printed is given there-

fore todayi

Synopsis of Previous Chaptersflunk Staadtefa and Ma arfead Ja k

are traveling through Egyptte search of Pref who Stand

I tab thtaks en help him MB-

J mothers familytravelers are by

one rf whom myaterioue y spares Jackslife

Qua night an the campa tribe Standish sees a vision

which cJ lr i c ii i B his dimof MB mother The girl of the dream

himShortly afterward b to haled e T t a

council of the tribe h is accusedof having insulted the emirs daughterand is put oa trial for his life To jailown surprise be finds hteaelfArabic

Upon striking down hisyoung sheik Haft be te saveddeath by the Intervention ef a beeatt-lul youag girl An later ad rous attack bjr Haftz t by thedoorway of the tent

Standish ands Prof c and prefessers daughter Hope Is discovered

I to be the son of the emirs older steterto the throne

Feudal the inlore with Jack and he with Hope Keyes


For the FaithENTERED the great tent of the

emir paused just within the threshold and bowed Basraoul wasalone and pacing to and fro his

head bent his hands clasped behindhim He looked up eagerly at my entrance I was In an ill mood to listento the rebuke I expected for my tardi-ness But it was not delivered

Instead Basraoul seated himself on adivan close to the doorway and

me to a at his side Heclapped his hands and noiseless attendants ran In bearing narghiles

and mastlk the latter a colorlessnative liqueur tasting like paregoric

When the servants had left us theemir sat for some moments in silencepuffing at the goldbound stem of hisbubblepipe I made no effort to openthe conversation At length he saidabruptly

You are my nephew When theprophet calls me to the Joys of Paradise it Is you by the blood law whoshall load the El Kanah

The had been devoid of theusual preliminary compliments I rath-er wondered at this as I replied

May the hairs of my head be whiteand few before that dark day

He waved the courtesy aside with anImpatient gesture and continued In the

earnest voiceloved your father asthough he

were the son of mine own mother Toyou too my heart has gone out asnever to Hanz nor another It is meetthat you shouldBut ho paused iKanah may not be ruled by an infidel-

I am not an infidel I returnedI am a

You are of the faith he queried Insurprise-

Of the true faith IlyHe looked at me keonly then as

contradiction orprobing my he began the Mos-lem litany



I PlanK



desert seat theof Bedouin



I speakingI


lB ant menI


Key theHe






reign when goneEl




The Bedouins




checkedcommanding voce of a woman from the

anden Irs falls




Iaradded the

answered grave

thou sincerity











NEW YORK Nov I Fourteengatmes covering a period of threemonths are OR the CohuaMa

scheduleAll except tow of the contests will

be played on the borne court the outoftown games being the return matchis In the intercollegiate league aeriesomen te back on the schedule alter a

of one year as the Itfeacans havejoteed the reorganized league

The only new game on the list Is onowith New York University which willbe played us Columbias gymnasium oathe evening of Washingtons BirthdayThe schedule follows

December 2 Columbia vs Trinity atNew York Columbia vs

at New York Mth Columbia vsPennsylvania State at New York

7 Columbia vs Cornell at IthacaUtt Columbia vs Princeton at NewYork 14th Columbia vs Wesleyan atNew York 17th Columbia vs Prince-ton at Princeton at Columbia vsCornell at yew York February S Columbia vs Carlisle at New York 13thColumbia vs Pennsylvania at NewYork 11th Columbia vs Yale at NewYork 23d Columbia vs New York University at New York 28th Columbiavs Yale at Nw Haven March 4 Co-lumbia vs Pennsylvania at Philadel-phia











God is all powerful There te butGod

I repeated the words after him withconviction He seemed all at once in-finitely relieved But with a sheds ofdoubt he passed on at once to theMohammedan creeds second declara-tion

Our Lord is the prophetof God

I do sot believe that I answeredMohammed mar have been a

prophet or he may not But he preached-the gospel of blood and the semes Notlove and forgiveness I cannot accepthim as divine

The emirs face darkenedYou blaspheme he saidI intend no offense to you or your

creed I assured hia gently youasked my beliefs I gave them to you

To tell the truth I replied franklyI have given the matter less thought

than I should I have my ownand it is a part of me Yet Imashamed to say I leave never dwelteeply noon it I

that ease said he with someelation It will be easier for you to be-come converted My own priest shallinstruct you You will soon rejoice inthe true faith

As you will I returned with slightinterest I suppose after all islittle difference in the two religtens

You ane wise he approved andyou justify my trust In you You havemade me very happ And now bewent on tracing something with hisscabbardpoint on the sand in the door

give a sign of your willingness and I will make it known to yourpeople Stamp on that

He pointed to what he had marked Inthe sand It was a rude design of a-cross

For some reason I could not defineeven to myself I to my feetSo he urged misinterpreting my

motion set your upon emblem Then I will make It known to all

a of reckless No Anda thousand times no I did sot under-stand before I did not think New Iknow

He stared at me astounded at myvehemence

You mean he began you meanNo I retorted I mean that I hoW

For such plasphenty men have diedhe warned me in chagrined horror

died as martyrs then i Iflashed back If I am to become oneof them

I checked myself a little ashamed ofmy outburstYou have spirit he commented sadly I had hoped to make you a be

lieverDid my father become a Mohamme

dan while he was the adopted son ofyour people I askedNo said the emir with a slight

hesitation he like youThe faith ofmy father and of his

father is mine I finished I stand orfall by that Is there more you wouldsay to

There was much more he answered-but I half doubt if now it may e said

Yet he went on mora to himself titanto me why not Your father toowas a Christian and my people accept-ed him and sorrowed at his departureThey would have followed him to deathWhy should they not follow you

Principally because they wont havethe chance was on the tip of mytongue But I held back the worms andwaited for what he next should say

I grow old he continued presentername

k when I am gone My nephew the Sheik-i Hafiz would have ruled In the toI come bad you not been sent by




y me


white and speechless with

thatNo I shouted finding voice Inuat

you refuse the true tOO

I to It lIfe or death That pointing tothe ot the cross Is symb i ofI my The true faith The



and l no son to bear my





faith only


Allah to-








take your rightful place us Andfor that I grieved For I do not whollytrust nab He is brave m battle andwise in council But his heart is theheart cf a plotter sot a ruler Jus-tice with must always be second

self So it troubled me t think heshould rule in my stead

He paused once moreNow that you are with us he went

onwish and hail you as my Butothers will hesitate because of yourFeringee Mood To appease three andleave a united tribe it is In my mindto make a move In this game of statethat win turn all my peoples hearts toyou and leave Hafts no foothold

seatHe sat ia thought with his head sunk

on his chest The corners of his firmmouth twitched sad a look of absolutedelight slowly creot Into his darts feetwatching him and wonderingwhat might be this masterstroke of des-ert diplomacy his mind wasout

Met chieftains I waited withkeen Interest the outcome of his grapplewith the present tough problem-

At last he looked up eagerness andin his eyes

Yes said he It to wisdom ItIs inspiration And so it shall be Theknot is cut The shadow of the sphinxitself has fallen across my brain givingit knowledge that shall make all wen

I am dad 7 observed oneless puzzled and expectant-

It indeed means joy to you both bemade answer Hear my words IhavejHit one child my daughter Peridah She accounted fair even in ourtribe of fair women What eaT younephew It is this I have nlanswd Ladit is wise Nay a I made as thoughto break in excitedly on his words giveno reply now but think it over in yourmind this night Tomorrow at dawn Ihold hUrh court Come before me thenand make known to me your decisionRemember meantime all it means tomy people

The ConttaHatlan f This Story WillBe Petted in TeaaerreTTaI-

KSW of The Times



ot my people win obey lIlY

where-by De may seek to miss to high

For years he had been knows as



andmost of aUto


I I 1 I A 1 I I I 1 1



I sat




BASEBALL mCincinnati and Phillies Ex-

pected to Agree on TradeWith a Few Changes

It 1

than likely that some sort of a deal be-tween the PknUes sad Cincinnati willbe closed m a day r

There may he one or two changes inthe conditions a arranged by 3aanas 4-

Doofn bat K there are say changesthey will be such as are satisfactoryto Deotsv who win remain ia the post

of j n gi for another seasonFrank EllIott one of the stock

hoMers of the dub said yesterdayThe deal with Ctnciuaati must gthrough some way or soother Itcould of course be totally contested as

i Doom although acting in good faith

best Interests of the club had noto sign away the dub assets Sonmodification to likely

Doom is a hard worker AM spier-Mhr last year anti wm assuredly be

of the dub next seasonAsked as to the continuance of Fcg

as president Mr EllIott saidSee FogL It is up to him I can

say authoritatively that no one can sawhether he win not be president Tieryear We have our annual meeting o1

the nth or 3 th of the month So faras I can see there fe ao reason vj-Fogd should not remainpresident

Questioned on the same point Mr-I Fog said am president of 1h

I have three Brooositions pendingMr Herrmann on the Cincinnati defand expect an wry soon


EW HAVEN Conn Xor 11 WinK Clark a Yale academic junior ixRochester X Y told his classmatesyesterday that he had had a creamwhich tn its eascnea was that tf he rodinto Princeton tomorrow Yale wouHlose

He said he felt It his duty to walk tPrinceton The combined Judgment ofhis intimates was that he owed it tTale to do all within his power to helpthe unfortunate eleven

In the afternoon equipped for a Jour-ney over rough roads Clark left Osborne Hall amid the plaudits of 310 class-mates and escorted by most of them t

j team Frequent reports during the nighttold of Clarks steadytoward the goal The classmates will

I banquet Clark if Yale wins


followers of the Crescent City and vicinity are on edge in anticipation ofthe bout between Abe Attell andFrankie Conley for the featherweight

The to be aaffair and is to be pulled

off tomorrow afternoon under ausices of the West A C Bothfighters have been training fatthfuUv

since the articles were andappear to be in excellent condition furthe go






far I am Inrigs






Iand will be next year

I or scans bays me oWit




the city line lair of the Tiger


championship CODtet



and m as oothoeraed thef


Phil ea unledrop dead all


for the








tChrysanthernums I





You arent ready for the Football 0 you one more iic or our They are the largest sad finestton and are worth every tent we charge for themand more




me unless have ris Wa-4c 9

Phones 1tL 4 3


