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Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY...

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s THE INTERIOR JOURNAL Yv t IVOL XXXIII STANFORD KY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8 1905 NO 54 J A Fatal Runaway Published by Kequost of Family Ono of the saddest deaths to occur in Columbia In many years was that of Miss Dollio Vunoy of Stanford Mon stay Sho and her slater Miss Mary had bccnvIsitinjt1hlr tmcle Mr Thurman near this place and at ¬ o tending the Fair Monday morning accompanied by Mr Twyinun Atkins they drove out to the residence of Mr John H Coffey to bid Mm Coffey goodbye before taking the euq O for homo MIIII Dolllo unit Mr Mary went In to see Mra Coiroy and during her absence the horse became r frightened find made a dash in the direction of town Mr Atkins clung manfully to tho lines und would no doubt have succeeded in Rotting the homo under control but ost his balI ¬ ance and was thrown from the buggy Feeling no further restraint on the reins tho now thoroughly frightened horse plunged wildly onward When near the rosldunco of Mr arsons it Is thought by those who S witnessed the nlTalr that Miss Vu ¬ noy attempted to jump out At tiny rate site fell violently to the ground just in front of Mr Parsons residence Mrs Gel CofTcy and Mrs Parsons and several other ladies ran to her imme ¬ diately and were horrified to lad life almost extinct They tenderly carried her Into tho house and dispatched n runner for Dr Grady who at qnco re ponded However before ho arrived S the gentle spirit had taken Its flight It developed that tiro young lady was Instantly killed by tho terrible full tier neck was broken and her right t limb was also broken just Above the ankleThe parents of the unfortunate young lady were immediately tele- phoned ¬ by Mr John IS Colfey and ar ¬ rangements for the removal of the re- mains ¬ made Many of Columbias no¬ ble hearted women laid aside every ¬ thing and hurried to the scene of deAth Motherly hangs washed the blood stairs from thu pure white brow and prepared the silent farm for its last journey home Motherly hands and voices sought to comfort tho pros ¬ trated sister while their hearts throb ¬ bed with emotion and tears welled up to their eyes Everything that tender hands could do was done for the com- fort of the grief stricken sister The remains were placed in a beautiful white plush casket and tho hearse fol ¬ lowed by tho sister and uncle and a number of friends from this places took up Its 65 mile journey to Stanford which was unbroken during the night Interment took place near Stanford Tuesday afternoon In tho presence of a very large crowd of friends and re ¬ lativesDeceased was n beautiful young lady about JO years of age and during her h visit here won a host of friends Next week she would have returned to Col ¬ logo and would have graduated next year Wt deeply deplore her untimely taking away und our profound sympa ¬ thy goes out to each member of her family in their sorrow What a vast differenco in tho nnttcl ntod home going und tho real ono I The former would have been bright and joyous Tho lat ¬ ter was extremely sad and created n sorrow in the hearts of her loved ones that time can not erase Columbia S Spectator To The Memory Of Dolly There was never a golden sunbeam That fell on a debolata places Hut left some traco of its presence That time can never efface On Monday Aug 28th the sad news t swept over the country that Dolly Va The pictures of noy was dead very health and happiness laughing and chattingwith her friends she was snatched away without n moments warning verifying that In the midst Death when of life we are in death p it cornea to the old und Infirm Is indeed sod but when it comes to a noble young woman how piercingly sad und heart ¬ rending it Id to those who loved her so It devotedly In life and they realize that the grim monster chooses a shining mark The light of tho household the youngest there Dear ones weep not but look forward to tho lloautiful t Some Duyor the song sho sang BO I much nnd when cares overshadow you k and hands arc your eyes are heavy your I tired remember that some day when you shall bo happier n day when rest I and peace and sweet content shall take and sorrow and wo pain I the placQof at the gate ¬ shall lay down the burden on the other side of which we all 4hope to find rest and joy in heaven Dolly loved her friends Gentle and unassuming she gained their love ever forgetful of self In contributing to the happiness or others Truly did her friends over her lifeless form tShe was n sweet girl i There is no death I What seems so is I transits on Sho lives today and stand ing on tho battlements of heaven she calls to her loved ones and friends to bo comforted Sho has left them but they shall meet again DBVOTEO FUIEND HUSTONVILLE Cowan McCormack want toil cur loads of good butcher cattle at once for tho Eastern market George Itoutt has rented tho Jenkins farm nnd will move us soon as posses ¬ sion can bo given him Mrs II R Oldson and children uc compunlcd byf Misses Maul und Dollie Williams loft this week for Roanoke Ala J G Weathcrford Co have re ¬ ceived another car load of salt nnd are prepared to salt down any competitors on prices W G COwan refused 1000 profit on the Wimthurford farm Gill wants to live on tho piko und convenient to the schools etc We nro glad to announce that W S VnnArsilalt has rerented tho Cloyd furor nnd he nnd his excellent wife will bo with us permanently wo hope Newton I1ros dusiro to return their thanks to their hosts of friends from Lincoln and Casey conntie who BO lib ¬ orally patronized them nt Somerset dur ¬ ing the fair Horn on these mornlg of the lnatcclip8e of tho sun to the wife of E A Itichen back of ML Salem an 11pound boy EA Ulchonbach Jr for which many thanks uro extended by the happy fath- er ¬ and mother to Dr Alcorn T J Robinson has sold his farm of 120 acres to F M Ieavyhouse und suns nt 75 Iossesslonin 30 days This is more evidence of what our graded school is doing for the fortunate owner of pro > erty within the Iwundary of the districtAn attractive home of iUO acres of all hemp und tobacco land Ij miles from town on turnpike Splen ¬ did Improvements well watered and fenced Must sell in CO lays or not nt nil Not nn acre of poor land in the tract Call on W It Williams Contracts have been let material taught and work will begin in a short while on another seven room modern cottage on the corner of Western Ave and West Main Street by Thomas Pea- cock ¬ The building is n model of archi- tectural skill and la to bo ready for oc- cupancy ¬ by Dec 1st The manager of the Southern league wired James Fro to name u price oal which ho would play the balance of the season und come nt once Mr Frye de¬ dined on account of fever in the South Ills record this season with the Frank- fort ¬ team shows he participated in 15 games winning 12 nnd without an er ¬ rorJ Sid Adams has quite a lucrative position on tho road for n wholesale house In Hirminghnm Ala Miss Isabel Ross of Dripping Springs was with friends hero this week Mra Inttio Williams and family have taken rooms at the College for tho convenience of her children who will attend the Grad- ed ¬ School A feature worth hearing will be the speech of Mr Chas Wheeler at tho opening of our graded school next Mon- day ¬ to which all are Invited Mr Wheeler is president of tho ward of education and has traveled this country from ocean to ocean nnd although ho hasnt u child now to educate in his years of trawl he has seen tho necessi ¬ ty of u bettor education so evident that ho is ready to give his time and means to help those who arc willing to accept On Tuesday evening at the horn of the brides parents Mr and Mrs J C Coulter near Middlcburg their hand pome daughter Miss Jessie was mar ¬ riot to Mr Jason Taylor of Lust Bench New Mexico After the cere ¬ mony by Rev J Q Montgomery tho 100 or more friends and relatives pres ¬ ent wore given u bountiful feast of all tho delicacies of the season Tho cos- tumes ¬ as well us presents wero elegant The bride und groom wore given nn ele- gant supper lit tho beautiful homo of tho grooms father Mitchell Taylor in Danville on Wednesday evening and left for their homo in New Mexico on the midnight train Are You Engaged Knguged people should remember that after marriage many quarrels can lag avoided by keeping their di ¬ gestions in good condition with Klee trlc Hitters S A Brown of lien ucttsvllle S 0 says For years my wilt suffered intensely from dys ¬ pepsia complicated with u torpid liver until she lost lace strength und vigor and becamo u mere wreck of her former self Then sho tried Klcetrlo Hitters which helped hOI nt once and finally malls lice entirely well Shb is now strong und healthy 0 L Pen ¬ ny druggist Stanford and Lyno Bros Crab Orchard sell und guar- antee them at 50o a bottle Atlantas only yellow ever case re suited fatally k INEWS NOTES is being wrought by forest fires about Wallace Idaho A nephew of Madame Witte killed a woman at Moscow and committed sui ¬ cide Aa a result of dissatisfaction over- the peaco terms rlotlnsfhas Begun at Tokio Kosguth Clubb shot und seriously wounded his brother Cash Clubb at Plensureville Three persons were killed and several injured in a wreck on the Burlington railroad at Brush Col fatallyhurt lightning at the county fair at Rich- field ¬ Utah Brig Gen Thomas T Crittenden Colonel nf tho Sixth Indiana regiment during tho Civil Wnr died lit East Gloucester Mass Clem J Whittemore noting for State Auditor S W linger will dismiss the backtax suits against the national banks in Paducah A St Louis has syndicate I just pur¬ chased flOOO acres of coal and tim ¬ ber lands in Leslie county the consid ¬ oration being about 160000 The explosion of a poanut roaster at a Labor day picnic at Evansville Ind resulted in tho fatal scalding of the owner nnd the killing of n boy oxpertfrom where has he found as good indications of diamonds as in Elliott county Ky An effort to obtain the Lincoln birth ¬ place for tho United States Spanish war veterans to be preserved byjthcm has been started by Louisville veterans The work of counting the money in the treasury at Washington is nearly completed About 35000000 in stan ¬ dard silver dollars remain to be count- ed ¬ N A Confederate veteran In his uniform of gray received an ovation at the G A II parade In Denver Fifteen thousand men were in the line of march Judge W M Reed overruled the mo- tion for n new trial of Mary Brockwcll who murdered her three children at Pa ducah and sentenced her to the peni ¬ tentiary for life Fearing mob violence J K Collins sheriff of Luruc county brought Mil lard Keith to Louisville for safekeep ¬ ing Keith is charged with the murder of Mrs Malinda Johnson Arthur Parsons 10 years old of Louisville witnessed u parachute leap Then he took a sheet and some ropes and jumped from n high shed He escaped with n fractured leg Nell Wolf secretary of n Philadel ¬ phia Automobile Company and Miss Mamie Hamill daughter of a prominent citizen of Germantown Philadelphia were killed in nn automobile accident at Atco N J Three hundred mail wagon drivers in NOW York city went out on n strike Tuesday They claim that the New York Mail Company wlilch has the mailhauling contract has failed to keep its promised agreement The City Council of Owingsville de ¬ cided to tax every business and pro ¬ fessional man to make out the 1000 taxes which will be lost to the town by abolishing the saloon The new license law takes effect January 1 Tho crop report of tho Kentucky Agricultural Department states that there is a full corn crop The yield of wheat is below tho avenge Oats and rye are above the average The to ¬ bacco which is being rapidly housed is goodThe storm on Lake Superior proved to one of tho most disastrous in- tn4iny years In addition to the steam ¬ er Sevona the Schooners Pretoria the Ingest sailing vessel on fresh water and Olivo Jeanetto were wrecked 20 lives and property valued at 00000 were lost W R Polk Fletcher who nar ¬ rowly escaped tho death sentence nt Russcllville for alleged criminal assault on Mary Gladder has made an affidavit denying any relationship or connection with any supposed bribery of N E Christian the juror who held out for n penitentiary sentence of 20 years Chamberlains Cough Remedy Aids Nature Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual Chamberlains Cough Uemedy nets on this plan It allays tho cough relieves tho lungs ulds expectoration opens tho secretions und aids nature in restoring tho system to a healthy condition It Is famous for its cures over a large part of tho civilized world Thousands have testified to its superiorcxcollenee if counteracts any tendency of u cold to result in pneumonia Per sale by all druggists This is a great country We have cholera in the Philippines bubonic plague in Panama and yellow fever in New Orleans Frankfort Journal MR CHAS F MONTGOMERY Caseys next county attorney lie Was nominated by the democrats of the State of Casey and what he will do to his political opponent Mr J C Lay will be n plenty Mr Montgomery is the oldest son of Eld J Q Montgom ¬ ery and lived In this county until some six or eight years ago lIe is u grad ¬ uate of State College and is one of the host lawyers at tho Liberty bar A year ago ho married Miss Mary Car ¬ penter of the West End of this county Mr Montgomerys many friends in Lin ¬ coln wish him success In his race and would be deelighted to deaden over tho Casoy line and vote for him if they could KINGSVILLE Dr Bradford Warren opened school Monday with u good attendance Green Murphy wife and littledaugh ter Esther went on un excursion to FrankfortMr M Creighton continues ill Miss Sallie Walls entertained u number of her friends socially Thursday eve ning o Meredith Francis will have u G A R reunion at the usual place about 21 miles from Kingsville the lutter part of this month It has been suggested that the Chris ¬ tian church be converted into an opera house or concert hall It has long been without a pastor or theleast prospect of oneThompson Evans have contracted to build a house for Louis Watts John G Walls has traded real estate with Tom lIoupt and the former will build a residenceThe melon season hero is about over T R Taylor claims the chare ¬ pionship as he raisedone which weigh ¬ veryhest year Messrs McElroy Kirby Brown and others lire doing splendidly In the sew ingmachine business here They are very clever and popular gentlemen and lave been stopping at Hotel Walter for the past three weeks Mrs Manfred Chevolette spent sev ¬ eral days with her parents at Highland This fair young matron so recently made u bride has our apologies for hav- Ing ¬ written her maiden name in our last letter instead of the one she now bears z HIGHLAND i Sorghum making has begun Rev Strother Cook of Mercer held services at the Christian church last Sabbath J M Atkins has sold his furor to Mr Thomas of Lee county for 1200 0 G Speaks has sold his furm to a Mr Baughman of Danville nt 13 S M Young wife und baby of Old Landing have been with is brother G M Young Mr Hail of Putnam coun- ty ¬ Ind is visiting his brother Jeff lieu utter an absence of M years Mrs Chevolette of Kingsville was vis- Iting ¬ her mother Mra Faulkner Sun ¬ day Mica Moore of Durgin visited her grandparents Mr nnd Mrs King Dr Acton wife und son of Kingsville spent Sunday nt Cl1 Youngs lien Baugh nnd wifo visited the family of W H Graybenl at Eubanks Elbert John Eflie and Gracie Young spent sew ¬ oral days with relatives at Science hilt and Somerset Win Griffin of O K visited W G Acton this week Got oft cheap Ho may well think ho has got off cheap who titter having contracted constipation or indigestion Istill ublo to perfectly restore his health Nothing will do this but Dr Kings New Life 1llls A quick pleasant anti certain euro for headache constipa ¬ tion etc mow ut G L Penny drug store Stanford und Lyno Ilros Crab Orchard guaranteed The Russian and Japanese peace en ¬ voys left Portsmouth Wednesday and after brief stops in Boston arrived in New Yorklast night Both delegations were received with great enthusiasm at points along the line of their journey Y < Q All Americat I S3 SO AND S4 SHOESI Aro shaped like n foot All the seams ore deeply hurled in tho leather tho thick soft lining prevents uneven surface the insole which is next to the foot is soft and smooth tho stitches holding tho bottom of tho shoe together can not become uneven ridge because between them and tho soft insolo is n hard leather sole Tho It els must always fit because thecoun tor is curved nt both top nnd bottomj the eyelets are covered on the inside with n soft leather strip No matter how tight tho shoes are laced they can not pinch thofeet All America Shoes are good looking They cost 8350 awl 400 because they could lint he made better nt a higher price SAM ROBINSON STANFORD KY II u r iI J Buy your Superior Grain Drill Oliver plow Tiger Disc Harrow and Armour Fertilizer from W H HIGGINS STANFORD KY I I 250 NOVELS 250 I A 1Literat Summer Reading 1 Come in and buy three books for 25c and enjoy yourself WILL NCRAIGDru- ggist and Optician s The Gibralter of Rockcastlc County Financial Institut- ionsCITIZENS BANK OF BRODHEAD KY Ollerato the People n 1Allouulll Individual Firms and Corporations Solicited Give us your Iusiness anti wo guarantee a pleasant anti profitahle relation Pay S por cent interest on all deposits of 8100 or more when left in the hank and not checked upon for a period of six months Je W HUTCHESON Cashier s Hello McKinney I 11 When you need Roofing of any kind think of Aldridge also Mill Supplies Brass Goods Pipe all sizes Guttering Buckeye or Myers Force Pumps put in any depth S H ALDRIDGE Phone H83D pot St Stanford Ky 0 i




A Fatal Runaway

Published by Kequost of Family

Ono of the saddest deaths to occur in

Columbia In many years was that of

Miss Dollio Vunoy of Stanford Mon

stay Sho and her slater Miss

Mary had bccnvIsitinjt1hlr tmcle

Mr Thurman near this place and at¬o

tending the Fair Monday morning

accompanied by Mr Twyinun Atkins

they drove out to the residence of Mr

John H Coffey to bid Mm Coffey

goodbye before taking the euq O for

homo MIIII Dolllo unit Mr

Mary went In to see Mra Coiroy and

during her absence the horse became

r frightened find made a dash in the

direction of town Mr Atkins clung

manfully to tho lines und would no

doubt have succeeded in Rotting thehomo under control but ost his balI ¬

ance and was thrown from the buggyFeeling no further restraint on thereins tho now thoroughly frightened

horse plunged wildly onwardWhen near the rosldunco of Mr

arsons it Is thought by those whoS witnessed the nlTalr that Miss Vu ¬

noy attempted to jump out At tiny

rate site fell violently to the ground

just in front of Mr Parsons residenceMrs Gel CofTcy and Mrs Parsons and

several other ladies ran to her imme ¬

diately and were horrified to lad life

almost extinct They tenderly carried

her Into tho house and dispatched n

runner for Dr Grady who at qnco reponded However before ho arrived

S the gentle spirit had taken Its flightIt developed that tiro young lady wasInstantly killed by tho terrible full

tier neck was broken and her rightt limb was also broken just Above the

ankleThe parents of the unfortunateyoung lady were immediately tele-



by Mr John IS Colfey and ar¬

rangements for the removal of the re-



made Many of Columbias no¬

ble hearted women laid aside every ¬

thing and hurried to the scene ofdeAth Motherly hangs washed theblood stairs from thu pure white brow

and prepared the silent farm for its

last journey home Motherly hands

and voices sought to comfort tho pros ¬

trated sister while their hearts throb¬

bed with emotion and tears welled up

to their eyes Everything that tenderhands could do was done for the com-

fort of the grief stricken sister The

remains were placed in a beautiful

white plush casket and tho hearse fol ¬

lowed by tho sister and uncle and a

number of friends from this places

took up Its 65 mile journey to Stanford

which was unbroken during the night

Interment took place near Stanford

Tuesday afternoon In tho presence of

a very large crowd of friends and re¬

lativesDeceased was n beautiful young lady

about JO years of age and during her

h visit here won a host of friends Nextweek she would have returned to Col ¬

logo and would have graduated nextyear Wt deeply deplore her untimely

taking away und our profound sympa ¬

thy goes out to each member of her

family in their sorrow What a vastdifferenco in tho nnttcl ntod home going

und tho real ono I The former would

have been bright and joyous Tho lat¬

ter was extremely sad and created n

sorrow in the hearts of her loved ones

that time can not erase ColumbiaS


To The Memory Of Dolly

There was never a golden sunbeam

That fell on a debolata places

Hut left some traco of its presence

That time can never efface

On Monday Aug 28th the sad newst

swept over the country that Dolly Va

The pictures ofnoy was dead very

health and happiness laughing and

chattingwith her friends she was

snatched away without n momentswarning verifying that In the midst

Death whenof life we are in deathp it cornea to the old und Infirm Is indeed

sod but when it comes to a noble young

woman how piercingly sad und heart ¬

rending it Id to those who loved her so

It devotedly In life and they realize that

the grim monster chooses a shining

mark The light of tho household theyoungest there Dear ones weep not

but look forward to tho lloautifult Some Duyor the song sho sang BO

I much nnd when cares overshadow youk and hands arc

your eyes are heavy yourI

tired remember that some day when

you shall bo happier n day when restI and peace and sweet content shall take

and sorrow and wopainI the placQof

at the gate¬shall lay down the burden

on the other side of which we all

4hope to find rest and joy in heaven

Dolly loved her friends Gentle and

unassuming she gained their love ever

forgetful of self In contributing to the

happiness or others Truly did her

friends over her lifeless form

tShe was n sweet girli There is no death I What seems so is


transits on Sho lives today and stand

ing on tho battlements of heaven shecalls to her loved ones and friends to bocomforted Sho has left them butthey shall meet again



Cowan McCormack want toil curloads of good butcher cattle at once fortho Eastern market

George Itoutt has rented tho Jenkinsfarm nnd will move us soon as posses ¬

sion can bo given himMrs II R Oldson and children uc

compunlcd byf Misses Maul und DollieWilliams loft this week for RoanokeAla

J G Weathcrford Co have re ¬

ceived another car load of salt nnd areprepared to salt down any competitorson prices

W G COwan refused 1000 profit on

the Wimthurford farm Gill wants tolive on tho piko und convenient to theschools etc

We nro glad to announce that W SVnnArsilalt has rerented tho Cloyd

furor nnd he nnd his excellent wife willbo with us permanently wo hope

Newton I1ros dusiro to return theirthanks to their hosts of friends fromLincoln and Casey conntie who BO lib¬

orally patronized them nt Somerset dur ¬

ing the fairHorn on these mornlg of the lnatcclip8e

of tho sun to the wife of E A Itichenback of ML Salem an 11pound boyEA Ulchonbach Jr for which manythanks uro extended by the happy fath-


and mother to Dr AlcornT J Robinson has sold his farm of

120 acres to F M Ieavyhouse und sunsnt 75 Iossesslonin 30 days This is

more evidence of what our gradedschool is doing for the fortunate ownerof pro >erty within the Iwundary of the

districtAn attractive home of iUO

acres of all hemp und tobacco land Ijmiles from town on turnpike Splen ¬

did Improvements well watered andfenced Must sell in CO lays or not ntnil Not nn acre of poor land in thetract Call on W It Williams

Contracts have been let materialtaught and work will begin in a shortwhile on another seven room moderncottage on the corner of Western Aveand West Main Street by Thomas Pea-


The building is n model of archi-tectural skill and la to bo ready for oc-


by Dec 1stThe manager of the Southern league

wired James Fro to name u price oalwhich ho would play the balance of theseason und come nt once Mr Frye de¬

dined on account of fever in the SouthIlls record this season with the Frank-


team shows he participated in 15

games winning 12 nnd without an er¬

rorJSid Adams has quite a lucrative

position on tho road for n wholesalehouse In Hirminghnm Ala Miss IsabelRoss of Dripping Springs was withfriends hero this week Mra InttioWilliams and family have taken roomsat the College for tho convenience ofher children who will attend the Grad-



A feature worth hearing will be thespeech of Mr Chas Wheeler at thoopening of our graded school next Mon-


to which all are Invited MrWheeler is president of tho ward ofeducation and has traveled this countryfrom ocean to ocean nnd although ho

hasnt u child now to educate in hisyears of trawl he has seen tho necessi ¬

ty of u bettor education so evident thatho is ready to give his time and meansto help those who arc willing to accept

On Tuesday evening at the horn ofthe brides parents Mr and Mrs J C

Coulter near Middlcburg their handpome daughter Miss Jessie was mar ¬

riot to Mr Jason Taylor of LustBench New Mexico After the cere ¬

mony by Rev J Q Montgomery tho100 or more friends and relatives pres ¬

ent wore given u bountiful feast of alltho delicacies of the season Tho cos-



as well us presents wero elegantThe bride und groom wore given nn ele-gant supper lit tho beautiful homo oftho grooms father Mitchell Taylor in

Danville on Wednesday evening andleft for their homo in New Mexico on

the midnight train

Are You EngagedKnguged people should remember

that after marriage many quarrelscan lag avoided by keeping their di ¬

gestions in good condition with Klee

trlc Hitters S A Brown of lienucttsvllle S 0 says For yearsmy wilt suffered intensely from dys ¬

pepsia complicated with u torpidliver until she lost lace strength undvigor and becamo u mere wreck of herformer self Then sho tried KlcetrloHitters which helped hOI nt once andfinally malls lice entirely well Shb isnow strong und healthy 0 L Pen ¬

ny druggist Stanford and LynoBros Crab Orchard sell und guar-antee them at 50o a bottle

Atlantas only yellow ever case resuited fatally


INEWS NOTESis being wrought

by forest fires about Wallace IdahoA nephew of Madame Witte killed a

woman at Moscow and committed sui ¬

cideAa a result of dissatisfaction over-

the peaco terms rlotlnsfhas Begun atTokio

Kosguth Clubb shot und seriouslywounded his brother Cash Clubb atPlensureville

Three persons were killed and severalinjured in a wreck on the Burlingtonrailroad at Brush Col

fatallyhurtlightning at the county fair at Rich-field


UtahBrig Gen Thomas T Crittenden

Colonel nf tho Sixth Indiana regimentduring tho Civil Wnr died lit EastGloucester Mass

Clem J Whittemore noting for StateAuditor S W linger will dismiss thebacktax suits against the nationalbanks in Paducah

A St Louis hassyndicate I just pur¬

chased flOOO acres of coal and tim ¬

ber lands in Leslie county the consid ¬

oration being about 160000The explosion of a poanut roaster at

a Labor day picnic at Evansville Indresulted in tho fatal scalding of theowner nnd the killing of n boy

oxpertfromwhere has he found as good indicationsof diamonds as in Elliott county Ky

An effort to obtain the Lincoln birth ¬

place for tho United States Spanishwar veterans to be preserved byjthcmhas been started by Louisville veterans

The work of counting the money inthe treasury at Washington is nearlycompleted About 35000000 in stan ¬

dard silver dollars remain to be count-ed


NA Confederate veteran In his uniform

of gray received an ovation at the GA II parade In Denver Fifteenthousand men were in the line ofmarch

Judge W M Reed overruled the mo-tion for n new trial of Mary Brockwcllwho murdered her three children at Paducah and sentenced her to the peni ¬

tentiary for lifeFearing mob violence J K Collins

sheriff of Luruc county brought Millard Keith to Louisville for safekeep ¬

ing Keith is charged with the murderof Mrs Malinda Johnson

Arthur Parsons 10 years old ofLouisville witnessed u parachute leapThen he took a sheet and some ropesand jumped from n high shed Heescaped with n fractured leg

Nell Wolf secretary of n Philadel ¬

phia Automobile Company and MissMamie Hamill daughter of a prominentcitizen of Germantown Philadelphiawere killed in nn automobile accidentat Atco N J

Three hundred mail wagon drivers inNOW York city went out on n strikeTuesday They claim that the NewYork Mail Company wlilch has themailhauling contract has failed to keepits promised agreement

The City Council of Owingsville de ¬

cided to tax every business and pro¬

fessional man to make out the 1000taxes which will be lost to the town byabolishing the saloon The new licenselaw takes effect January 1

Tho crop report of tho KentuckyAgricultural Department states thatthere is a full corn crop The yield ofwheat is below tho avenge Oats andrye are above the average The to¬

bacco which is being rapidly housed isgoodThe

storm on Lake Superior provedto one of tho most disastrous in-tn4iny years In addition to the steam ¬

er Sevona the Schooners Pretoria theIngest sailing vessel on fresh waterand Olivo Jeanetto were wrecked 20lives and property valued at 00000were lost

W R Polk Fletcher who nar¬

rowly escaped tho death sentence ntRusscllville for alleged criminal assaulton Mary Gladder has made an affidavitdenying any relationship or connectionwith any supposed bribery of N EChristian the juror who held out for npenitentiary sentence of 20 years

Chamberlains Cough RemedyAids Nature

Medicines that aid nature are alwaysmost effectual Chamberlains CoughUemedy nets on this plan It allaystho cough relieves tho lungs uldsexpectoration opens tho secretionsund aids nature in restoring thosystem to a healthy condition It Isfamous for its cures over a large partof tho civilized world Thousandshave testified to its superiorcxcolleneeif counteracts any tendency of ucold to result in pneumonia Per saleby all druggists

This is a great country We havecholera in the Philippines bubonicplague in Panama and yellow fever inNew Orleans Frankfort Journal


Caseys next county attorney lie Wasnominated by the democrats of the

State of Casey and what he will doto his political opponent Mr J C Laywill be n plenty Mr Montgomery isthe oldest son of Eld J Q Montgom ¬

ery and lived In this county until somesix or eight years ago lIe is u grad ¬

uate of State College and is one of thehost lawyers at tho Liberty bar Ayear ago ho married Miss Mary Car ¬

penter of the West End of this countyMr Montgomerys many friends in Lin ¬

coln wish him success In his race andwould be deelighted to deaden overtho Casoy line and vote for him if theycould

KINGSVILLEDr Bradford Warren opened school

Monday with u good attendanceGreen Murphy wife and littledaugh

ter Esther went on un excursion to

FrankfortMrM Creighton continues ill

Miss Sallie Walls entertained u numberof her friends socially Thursday eveningo Meredith Francis will have u G AR reunion at the usual place about 21miles from Kingsville the lutter partof this month

It has been suggested that the Chris ¬

tian church be converted into an operahouse or concert hall It has long beenwithout a pastor or theleast prospectof

oneThompsonEvans have contracted

to build a house for Louis Watts JohnG Walls has traded real estate withTom lIoupt and the former will build a

residenceThemelon season hero is about

over T R Taylor claims the chare ¬

pionship as he raisedone which weigh ¬veryhestyear

Messrs McElroy Kirby Brown andothers lire doing splendidly In the sewingmachine business here They arevery clever and popular gentlemen andlave been stopping at Hotel Walter forthe past three weeks

Mrs Manfred Chevolette spent sev ¬

eral days with her parents at HighlandThis fair young matron so recentlymade u bride has our apologies for hav-Ing


written her maiden name in ourlast letter instead of the one she nowbears


Sorghum making has begunRev Strother Cook of Mercer held

services at the Christian church lastSabbath

J M Atkins has sold his furor to MrThomas of Lee county for 1200 0G Speaks has sold his furm to a MrBaughman of Danville nt 13

S M Young wife und baby of OldLanding have been with is brother G

M Young Mr Hail of Putnam coun-


Ind is visiting his brother Jefflieu utter an absence of M yearsMrs Chevolette of Kingsville was vis-


her mother Mra Faulkner Sun ¬

day Mica Moore of Durgin visitedher grandparents Mr nnd Mrs KingDr Acton wife und son of Kingsvillespent Sunday nt Cl1 Youngs lienBaugh nnd wifo visited the family ofW H Graybenl at Eubanks ElbertJohn Eflie and Gracie Young spent sew¬

oral days with relatives at Science hiltand Somerset Win Griffin of O Kvisited W G Acton this week

Got oft cheapHo may well think ho has got off

cheap who titter having contractedconstipation or indigestion Istillublo to perfectly restore his healthNothing will do this but Dr KingsNew Life 1llls A quick pleasant anticertain euro for headache constipa ¬

tion etc mow ut G L Penny drugstore Stanford und Lyno Ilros CrabOrchard guaranteed

The Russian and Japanese peace en¬

voys left Portsmouth Wednesday andafter brief stops in Boston arrived inNew Yorklast night Both delegationswere received with great enthusiasm atpoints along the line of their journey

Y <Q

All AmericatI S3 SO AND S4 SHOESI

Aro shaped like n foot All the seamsore deeply hurled in tho leather thothick soft lining prevents unevensurface the insole which is next tothe foot is soft and smooth thostitches holding tho bottom of thoshoe together can not become unevenridge because between them and thosoft insolo is n hard leather sole ThoIt els must always fit because thecountor is curved nt both top nnd bottomjthe eyelets are covered on the insidewith n soft leather strip No matterhow tight tho shoes are laced theycan not pinch thofeet All AmericaShoes are good looking They cost8350 awl 400 because they couldlint he made better nt a higher price


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