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Internal Communication Essentials: Measurement

Date post: 05-Aug-2015
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Measurement denise cox, Lead Communications Consultant, Newsweaver Twitter hashtag: #icewebinar

Measurement denise cox, Lead Communications Consultant,


Twitter hashtag: #icewebinar

400 blue-chip and FTSE 100 organizations in 97 countries use Newsweaver Internal Connect to help them inform, engage and inspire employees

denise coxLead communications consultant, NewsweaverTwitter: @denisecoxWebsite: www.newsweaver.com/internal-communications

Twitter hashtag: #icewebinar

Claire Bergin Digital Marketing Executive, NewsweaverTwitter: @Newsweaver_IC Website: www.newsweaver.com/internal-communications


Source: Melcrum Use of Technology / Ragan Email Best Practice Surveys 2014

98% said measurement important

Just 16% are satisfied with their ability to measure

‘Email metrics’ would most like to have

Only 21% plan to invest resources email


Source: Melcrum Use of Technology / Ragan Email Best Practice Surveys 2014

Determine success Understand consumptionMeasure engagement BenchmarkTrendEditorial guidanceView across the organizationForward planningReduce clutter / Increase relevanceProve business value

What you’re missing



Opens Clicks Content popularity Channel traffic Device consumption

Should have access to real time metrics

What to measure

Audiences Volumes sent Channel adoption Campaign trends Social activity Multimedia activity Multichannel activity Levels of engagement Benchmarks Trends

Strategic dashboard

What to measure

IC benchmark opens and clicks

• Average open rate: 48% • Average click rate: 24%

Source: Newsweaver aggregated stats 2014

48% Opens24% Clicks


Measurement makes IC matter

Source: Melcrum Use of Technology / Ragan Email Best Practice Surveys 2014

Tools used

Source: Melcrum Use of Technology / Ragan Email Best Practice Surveys 2014

Outlook as measurement

Most commonly used tool

Most commonly used tool

Most commonly used tool

Most commonly used tool

Sub MyFirstExcelReport() Dim objWB As Excel.Workbook Dim objWS As Excel.Worksheet Dim objRange As Excel.Range ' GetExcelWB from Listing 24.1 Set objWB = GetExcelWB() If Not objWB Is Nothing Then Set objWS = objWB.Sheets(1) objWS.Cells(1, 1) = "My First Excel Report" objWS.Cells(4, 5) = "End of Report" Set objRange = objWS.Range _ (objWS.Cells(1, 1), objWS.Cells(4, 5)) objRange.Font.Bold = True objWS.Application.Visible = True objWS.Activate End If Set objRange = Nothing Set objWS = Nothing Set objWB = NothingEnd Sub

Listing 24.2. Apply formatting to Excel worksheets with range objects

Source: MSDN Library - Chapter 24: Generating Reports on Outlook Data

Today’s technology

Campaign real time metrics dashboard

Campaign real time metrics dashboard

Measure other channels

Engagement dashboard

Engagement dashboard

Engagement dashboard

Platform & Device metrics dashboard

Platform & Device metrics dashboard

Depth of measurement – by pay grade

View across the organization

Lead way in best practice Share with stakeholders Prove ROI Demonstrate value Help shape strategy

Access free How to guides, research and white papers


Next IC Essentials webinar – Wed, February 26th

Personalizing Your Communications
