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Internal H.R. filings of sexual harassment against former SCMPD Chief Willie Lovett

Date post: 14-Apr-2018
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  • 7/27/2019 Internal H.R. filings of sexual harassment against former SCMPD Chief Willie Lovett



    Mayor anil AldermehStephanie Cutte\ City *^*", /'lrfu *

    Allegzitions of sexual harassment have bei:n made by an SCMPD police Olficer againslChief Willie Lovett. An iirvestigation by an orrtsido legal firm iS in gogress. tnieftovett has been notified of the allega1ion5 and investigalion. Upon completion of theinvestigation, Council tvill be notified ofthe findings.Please let me know ifyol have any quastions.


    Sexual llarassment Allegations20,2013

    P.O. aox ro27, S^VANN^H, G! lr4o2exoxE gi2.6tI.64rt Tott 9tz,6tr.67o?, Ej-r tr2-1t8.o872 sAVANNATTc^-cov

    City of Savannah Responsive materials to ORA of 9/30//13In rer Savannah Morning News10t2t13 ctTY000006

  • 7/27/2019 Internal H.R. filings of sexual harassment against former SCMPD Chief Willie Lovett


    CITY OX'SAVANNAHWorkplace Conflict Statement Form

    Employee's Name !sBte-S-s.e,-fNgg;- Dept. 1fu

    2. Give a briefstatement ofyour rvorkplace conflict including names ofall parties involved and anypersons who lvitnessed the conflict; (S!pk to,tje faSl9)

    L Datg time and location the event or discussion took place:

    Statrvhat you feel is a fair and just solution to this conflict:

    4, Are you willing to mediate this conflict through a City certilied mediator?YES Y .NO

    Employee's Signa oate: 'ilZrcl t3Please complete and return to the Hurnan Resources Employee Relatiotrs coordinator,

    Reytsed 5/06

    City of Savannah Responsive materials to ORA of 9/30//13In rei Savannah Moming News10t2t13 c1TY000002

  • 7/27/2019 Internal H.R. filings of sexual harassment against former SCMPD Chief Willie Lovett


    My nanre is LaPrentice Mayes and I am curently employed in the police patrol divisioncentral precinct investigations. For the past 17 yearq I have been in several assigru]rentsthoughout the departnrent to inolude investigations. I have worked under the direction ofWillieC Lovett for numerous years and in 2006, he promoted me to the rartk of Sergeant. Willie Lovettwas a man I respeded admired and always wanted to do a good job to make him shine. I alwaysthought we had a good Dear City ofSavannatqworhng relationship and I felt I was able to talk with him about anything.

    Captain Cedric Phillips is a man who I always respected and considered a true friend. Weworked closely together for many years and he was my trusted and dear friend. When he movedup the ladder and achieved the rank ofcaptain. I was there for lis special day in his lifejust likehow he was for rno when I was promoted to thc rank of Sergeant. He was the person who pihnedmy badge on my chest.

    Both ofthese nren betrayed all ofthat last week when my wife of six years revealed tome she had an affair with chief Lovett and Captain Phillips paved the way for that tragic event tohappen,Backglound

    On July 16, 2012, my wife and I were involved in a domestic dispute in our home thatresulted in the police being called, and I was ordered out ofthe !'esidence. The next day, we wereplaced on administrative leave so internal affairs could conduct an investigation. While out oftheresidencq Captairr Phillips who was a mutual fiiend to both ofus, he would check on each ofusto ensure we vr'ere okay. As tinte went ofl, the i[vestigation was lifted and we both wereremoved frorn our investigatior assignment and placed back in the patrol division. Upon myreturned, I met with chieflovett and told him I was sorry for all the bad press and rnovingforward, I will not let this type of stuff happen again. During this time, I would speak with mywife and we decided to work out our disagreements. Even though we had already filed fordivorcq and despite that, we wa$ed to give our marriage another chance.

    In January 2013, I moved back into the house and we continued our rnariage. A fewmonths had past, and it was tirne for the Sergeants assessmeot. My wife took the test and past,which nrade her eligible for promotion. During that time we both were baptized and gave our lifeto god and was living the christel life. I also tried gettiug out ofprecinct 4 during that timebecause I was not pleased with the commander. I called chieflovett and expressed my desire tomove and he said he would see what he could do and I was never moved. I then wenl to CaptainAdams and asked if I could come to his precinct and he worked it out with the majors and I wastrausferred to precinct 3. Prior to this incident, I rnet with chieflovett and asked hinr not to holdanything against my wife because she is a good employee. He looked me in the face and said," Ifshe doesn't get promoted, it will be because of her own doing". I mncluded my interview andleft his office. Merward, the promotions were annouced and my wife took it hard. She kept

    ,)-_-*q '\c-^,-\^\ \-^ O\,1\a-__.- qlzu IB XCity of Savannah Responsive materials to ORA of 9/30//13 \J C1ry0000030tzt13 In re: Savannah Morning News

  • 7/27/2019 Internal H.R. filings of sexual harassment against former SCMPD Chief Willie Lovett


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