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\\ /1 INSTITUT DE DES NATIONS ,/l' UNIES SUR LA DEFENSE SOCIAtE TEL: 65.41.610- 6553,01 - 65.74.37 REF. No UNSDRI 246 J , UNSDR,. U NIT E D N A'T ION S' S 0 CIA L DE FEN C ERE SEA RC H INSTITUTE VIA GIULIA, 52 00166 ROME iTAl Y I INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY .. \", i, ". ' ",', ,Z } " . .' , Telei;ifaPhic"i:Jddress: LiNSDRf ROME , on PRISON ARCHITECTURE MAR 111977 March 1975 Tele)l: : FOODAGRI UNSD /( \) If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov.




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