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International Statistics Intoduction. Let's get acquainted Anatoly Sidenko, Dr. Sc. (Ec.), professor...

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International Statistics Intoduction

International Statistics Intoduction

Let's get acquainted• Anatoly Sidenko, Dr. Sc. (Ec.), professor of the

Statistics Chair, Plekhanov’s Russian Economic Academy and Patrice Lumumba University

• Contacts• Mobile +7(925)502-36-48 or simply 502-36-48• Email [email protected]• Site: http://oknedis.narod.ru• Different files for students are placed at sites: http://ier.mylivepage.ru http://reameo.mylivepage.ru - for our additional files

http://oknedis.mylivepage.ru http://Sidenko.mylivepage.ru

Let's get acquainted• Email [email protected]• Sites: http://oknedis.narod.ru http://reameo.mylivepage.ru - for our

additional files; you can send your tasks to e-mail or upload them to the folder “International Statistics”. In the second case your files should have unique names and you should register at the portal www.mylivepage.ru. If you send your tasks to e-mail, I’ll upload them to the folder myself

Textbooks• There are practically no textbooks in Russian

on sale. International Statistics as well as Statistics itself was invented in the USSR by Soviet statisticians and as far as I know it is not delivered to students abroad with the same contents

Textbooks• My first textbook on International Statistics

was published in 1999 in co-operation with Valentina Matveeva and Boris Bashkatov

Textbook published in 1999

Textbooks• In 2000 it was republished without the part of

Mr. Bashkatov. There were other textbooks, for example by Irina Eliseeva published in Minsk in 1999 etc.

The book published in 2000

Textbooks• Now I prepare a new edition of the textbook

for my Russian students. Of course it is possible to make a textbook in English but the number of possible buyers is too small

Textbooks, Lessons & Exam• You should attend lessons, read

presentations and fulfill your personal tasks. We shall meet four times on lessons, on the fourth meeting you will get your marks for this short course

Programme of work

• As far as I have understood, you wish to work on computers, to be trained in calculations by Excell. Therefore we shall visit various sites of the international statistical organizations, compile data and calculate different indicators by the means of Excell

Programme of work

• Your final mark will be based on the results of these exercises. The students missing our lessons, should execute the same cycle of works independently, and during final lesson will present results of their calculations

List & Ratings

• You can find the file “MBA.xls” on my personal site, the route: http://oknedis.narod.ru/ => For my special guests speaking English and studying International Statistics at MBA  => International Statistics => List&Ratings

List & Ratings

Your presence at lessons and other successes will be marked in that file, in particular, the fulfillment of 5 tasks. To get the maximal final mark you should gain 100 points in your rating

List & Ratings

Since the rating is made as a countdown system you should eliminate 100 points and get a zero or make the quantity of points negative

List & Ratings

• You should download this file, find your name there and write me a letter with the Subject “Task1” and attached Word 1997-2003 format file by e-mail on [email protected]

Task1• 1. Make correction of your name if any.• 2. Tell me about yourself.• 3. Describe your knowledge of statistics, skills of work in the

Internet and Excell.• 4. Give an e-mail address and contact phone number.• 5. Reserve a country for investigation


• 6. Reserve an international organization to describe its site.

• 7. Tell about your preferences: lectures or practical work on computers

Personal number

• Each student has got a personal number. Each student sending me a message by e-mail should specify his personal number for easier identification


• 1. Choose a free country in the IMF list for investigation. Visit the site of the International Monetary Fund www.imf.org, the route: Data and Statistics=>  World Economic Outlook Database, April 2009=> By Countries (country-level data)=> All countries


• You can find the same list of countries in the file MBA.xls


• There are 182 countries in the list. Your preferences while choosing a country may be based on any reason, but you should take into account that most developed countries have better statistics. Tell us about your choice and Oksana will fix it in the List of students

Country of investigation & Tasks 2-3

Each student should have a separate country to:

- compile a national database;

- analyse the data;

- make a forecast (Task 2);

- describe the site of national statistical service (Task 3)

Country of investigation

The chosen country will be noted in the list of students

Sites to visit – Task 3• Within the course we shall visit sites of

international organizations anyhow dealing with statistics. The group of 51 sites is given below. Now you should choose one site and make its description at home. Maybe next Wednesday we shall listen your brief story about your site

Sites to visit – Task 3• If the site has a statistical part you should

give a list of non-statistical items and describe as much as possible the resources of statistical pages

Sites to visit – Task 3• Concerning statistical part of your site you

should mention the availability of statistics, number of indicators, years, the possibility to compile an Excell file by the means of the site etc. Should we pay for statistics or it is given free of charge

Sites to visit – Task 3• If the site has no statistical pages you should

give as much as possible information about it

Sites to visit – Task 3• You also should visit the site of the national

statistical department of the chosen country and describe it as much as possible. The description of both sites should be done in Microsoft Word Office 1997-2003 format and sent to e-mail [email protected]

Sites to visit• The United Nations Organization UNO http://


Sites to visit• The UNO General Assembly • http://www.un.org/ga/

Sites to visit• The UNO Security Council • http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/

Sites to visit• The UNO Economic & Social Council

ECOSOC• http://www.un.org/ecosoc/

Sites to visit• The UNO International Court of Justice • http://www.icj-cij.org/

Sites to visit• The Council of Europe • http://www.coe.int/

Sites to visit• The International Monetary Fund IMF http://


Sites to visit• The International Monetary Fund IMF• databases • http://www.imf.org/

Sites to visit• The European Union • http://europa.eu/

Sites to visit• The European Parliament • http://www.europarl.europa.eu/

Sites to visit• The European Court of Human Rights • http://www.echr.coe.int/echr/

Sites to visit• The International Labour Organization ILO


Sites to visit• The International Labour Organization ILO• Databases & statistics


Sites to visit• The International Labour Organization ILO • laborsta:• http://laborsta.ilo.org/

Sites to visit• The World Health Organization WHO http://


Sites to visit• United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization UNESCO http://portal.unesco.org/

Sites to visit• The UNESCO Institute for Statistics UIS


Sites to visit• United Nations Industrial Development

Organisation UNIDO • http://www.unido.org/

Sites to visit• United Nations Industrial Development

Organisation UNIDO

industrial statistics:• http://www.unido.org/index.php?id=4879

Sites to visit• The UNO Statistical Division UNSD http://


Sites to visit• Economic Commission for Africa ECA http://


Sites to visit• African Statistical Organization Afristat• only French language page available• http://www.afristat.org/

Sites to visit• Economic Commission for Asia and the

Pacific, Statistics Division ESCAP http://unescap.org/stat/

Sites to visit• Economic Commission for Europe ECE• http://www.unece.org/

Sites to visit• Economic Commission for Europe ECE,

Statistics Division• http://www.unece.org/stats/stats_h.htm

Sites to visit• Eurostat (European Union)• http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/

Sites to visit• Economic Commission for Latin America and

the Caribbean ECLAC• http://www.eclac.org/

Sites to visit• Economic Commission for Latin America and

the Caribbean ECLAC, Statistics Division• http://


Sites to visit• Economic and Social Commission for

Western Asia ESCWA• http://www.escwa.un.org/

Sites to visit• Economic and Social Commission for

Western Asia ESCWA, Statistical Division• http://


Sites to visit• The International Statistical Institute ISI


Sites to visit• The Federal State Statistics Service of

Russia http://www.gks.ru/

Sites to visit• Interstate Statistical Committee of the

Commonwealth of Independent States CIS• http://www.cisstat.com/

Sites to visit• Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development OECD• http://www.oecd.org/

Sites to visit• Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development OECD Statistics Directorate• http://www.oecd.org/department/


Sites to visit• Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation• http://www.apec.org/

Sites to visit• Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange• http://sdmx.org/

Sites to visit• Joint Vienna Institute JVI• http://www.jvi.org/

Sites to visit• World Economic Forum• http://www.weforum.org/

Sites to visit• The World Bank


Sites to visit• Inter-American Development Bank• http://www.iadb.org/

Sites to visit• Food and Agriculture Organization of the

United Nations FAO • http://www.fao.org/corp/statistics/en/

Sites to visit• Food aid (World Food Programme)• http://www.wfp.org/

Sites to visit• World Trade Organization WTO• http://www.wto.org/

Sites to visit• International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO

(ITC) • http://www.intracen.org/

Sites to visit• United Nations Development Programme

UNDP• http://www.undp.org/

Sites to visit• International Energy Agency• http://www.iea.org/

Sites to visit• United Nations Crime and Justice

Information Network • http://www.uncjin.org/Statistics/statistics.html

Sites to visit• United Nations Centre for Human

Settlements UNCHS (Habitat)• http://www.unchs.org/

Sites to visit• World Meteorological Organisation WMO • http://www.wmo.int/

Sites to visit• Organization of the Petroleum Exporting

Countries OPEC • http://www.opec.org/

Sites to visit – Task 3• The mark for Task 3 will depend on the

quality of your work and the number of pages prepared. English and Russian versions are invited. You can find description of most sites and scientists at my site http://ier.mylivepage.ru/

Sites to visit – Task 3• I recommend to follow the stile of most pages saved

at 3 folders there – “International Organisations”, “National Statistical Services” and “Scientists”. The Statistics Chair will celebrate the 100th anniversary in 2 or 3 years, we are planning to prepare a book devoted to this anniversary

Additional tasks• If a student misses any of three classes (I

hope that the final fourth session will be attended by all students), the tasks executed in the classroom can be fulfilled at home. You can also take an additional task

Additional tasks• Since the translation of my Russian

presentations is at the very beginning, you can help me in translating from Russian into English and in editing English texts

The end

• Thank you!
