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International Trade, Alen Delic

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  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    International Logistics Management

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    What is logistics ? SCM , What is the significance and what it

    consists of ?

    Why do we need to treat the customers well?

    Does internationalisation imply a universalglobal approach of the supply chain?

    Examples of Supply Chains and how it looks in

    KONZUM d.d.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    trade activity has an important role in socialand economic life, as it enables the mostsuccessful association of producers and

    consumers. modern trade is an increasingly active role in

    the preservation of the value in use and itsfurther adjusting final consumption, increases

    the production process and increases the valueof the goods.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Specifically, about 60 percent of GDP in allcountries of the world goes to personalconsumption and private consumption largely

    realized through trade.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    According to Council of logistics management:

    Logistics is the process of planning,implementing and controlling the efficient,

    effective flow and storage of goods, servicesand related information from point of originto point of consumption for the purpose ofconforming the customer requirement.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Demand forecasting

    Distribution communication

    Inventory Control

    Plant and Warehouse side selection



    Customers Service

    Time & Transportation

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    The magnitude of global business are:

    Increase in the magnitude global business.

    Business are relying on foreign countries to

    provide a source of raw materials and marketsfor finished goods.

    Fall of global trade barriers.

    Increase in Global competition .

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    - A supply chain is consists of :

    - Aims to match supply and demand,

    - achieves (ideal logistics system)

    Supplier Manufacturer Distributor Retailer Customer



    The right



    ProfitsThe right

    TimeThe right

    CustomerThe right

    QuantityThe right

    StoreThe right

    Price=++ ++ +

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Improve operations

    Increasing levels of outsourcing

    Increasing transportation costs

    Competitive pressures

    Increasing globalization

    Increasing importance of e-commerce

    Manage inventories

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic











  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic





  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Theodore Levitt said people dont buyproducts, they buy benefits

    Why do we need to treat the customers well?

    They are our bread and butter.

    They are the reason for my job.

    They are the reason the company exists.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    The whole purpose of supply chainmanagement and logistics is to providecustomers with the level and quality of

    service that they require and to do so at lesscost to the total supply chain.

    The perfect order is achieved when thecustomers service requirements are met in full.

    One measure of the perfect order is on-time,in-full (OTIF).

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    The 80/20 rule:

    80 per cent of the profits of the business comefrom 20 per cent of the customers.

    Furthermore, 80 per cent of the total costs toserve will be generated from 20 per cent of thecustomers (but probably not the same 20 percent!).

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Greet the customer with a smile. Dont use their first name unless asked to. You should sound energetic and confident. Compliment them for any special feature visible i.e a

    nice tie, watch, decorated office, nice voice etc. Be a good listener. Make customer feel important and appreciated. Make customer understand your product and system. Be ready to help. Apologize when things go wrong. Give more then expected. Thank the customer for their visit.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Do you know the inventory your distributioncenters hold?

    Do you know the inventory your fellow retailer

    holds? Centralised(local) vs internationalisation

    Centralised inventories

    All inventory is housed in the same way andhandled by the same people and methods oftransportation

    lower factory-to-warehouse distribution costs

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Push vs Pull System In Push systems, work release is based on downstream

    demand forecasts Keeps inventory to meet actual demand

    Acts proactively e.g. Making generic job application resumes today (e.g.: exempli


    In Pull systems, work release is based on actualdemand or the actual status of the downstream

    customers May cause long delivery lead times Acts reactively

    e.g. Making a specific resume for a company after talking to therecruiter

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Warehousing stocking locations of finishedgoods until they are sold

    Since holding of inventories can cost anywhere

    between 30 to 40 percent of their value, theirefficient management is critical in supply chainoperations.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    JIT - A production approach widely followedin the automotive industry (views productionas a system where all operations, including thedelivery of materials needed for production,occur just at the time needed). This effectivelyeliminates the need for material stock.

    Reverse logistics deals with the flow of goodsthat go back up the supply chain for a numberof reasons, including: product returns, repairs,maintenance and end-of-life returns forrecycling or dismantling.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Transportation is one of the most visibleelements of logistics operations.

    The role of transport in national economy is

    very crucial. Every business firm, regardless ofwhat it produces or distributes, requires themovement of goods from one point to anotherand, therefore, is involved in transportation.

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  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    The make or buy decision?

    Benefits vs costs

    In-house vs outsource decisions Sourcing is crucial. It affects efficiency

    and responsiveness in a supply chain

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    The environment in which international logisticiansoperate is quite different from the domestic environment.

    The decisions regarding international transportation aremuch more complicated than domestic transportation.

    The number of intermediaries involved is greater.

    The inherent risks and hazards of internationaltransportation are much more significant.

    International insurance is much more complex.

    International means of payment are more complicated.

    Terms of trade are more complicated.

    The crossing of borders represents specific challenges

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    KONZUM d.d. performs the wholesale andretail food and non-food products

    More than thousand stores in Croatia and

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Network Delivery value is composed ofcompanies, suppliers, distributors andcustomers who enter into partnerships witheach other to improve the performance of thewhole system.

    Power and advantage of Konzum is powerfuldistribution network that is, the dispersion ofthe product.

    This means - the task quickly blow up a largenumber of products by truck throughout thecountry.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    His network of stores, Konzum has spread allover Bosnia and Croatia, and operates inapproximately 1000 stores, which are divided

    in two formats namely Konzum shops (smallshops), and Konzum hypermarkets (largecenters).

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Konzum currently distributes its goods in twoways: through a central distribution andthrough direct delivery from suppliers.

    Direct distribution is the delivery of goods bythe vendor directly to individual storesKonzum.

    very intensively used

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Slowely but surely increase usage of thisdistribution in last few years .

    CD - done in a way that suppliers of their

    goods are transported to the main center,which is done in storage and order picking ofgoods for the way ahead.

    Road of goods may continue or transportdirectly to Konzum hypermarkets, and fromthese commodities transported further towardsto smaller formats of Konzum stores.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    warehouse logistics team in Konzum :- Required number of warehouses (almost every

    major city has a large warehouse)- The storage location (located in industrial areas of

    cities)- Centralization of storage service (one large center

    for small shops)- Optimal inventory at some locations (all supplies

    needed to power in one city at the same place, andthen distributed from there if needed)

    - Storage and order picking systems- The most economical inventory control - ABC


  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Supplies in large quantities like truckshipments are done with a larger centralizedwarehouse.

    Distribution center is a synonym for the stockwhich is collected, stored and prepared forretail sale in a particular area.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Many products pass quickly through thedistribution center, and often without exposure tothe shelves.

    With logistical standpoint, repackaging is justified,

    that is repackaged economically decentralized,because:

    - Lower transportation costs for goods in largerquantities

    - Lower transport costs of return of empty containers- Freer storerooms stable i.e. empty containers (boxes,

    crates) and occupy the same storage area thatholds when it is commodities.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    EDI system ( Electronic surveillance) - usage ofcomputer to connect stores with thedistribution warehouse, a warehouse with

    computers of a major suppliers modern storage technologies provide quality

    storage at minimal cost (better equipmentincreases the turnover of goods, and the lower

    the supply.)

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    This system was adjusted and controlled in therange of optimal cooperation betweenmanufacturers and retail merchants

    In Konzum they intend to optimize range andoptimize the racks (shelves) and using thismethod are performed:

    - Planning and control action sales

    - Direct product profitability

    - Analysis of consumer baskets

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    modern way to manage and control the costsbased on the activities in the process flow ofgoods on sale.

    By ABC method and calculations, do notevaluate all activities of the company equally.

    based on the fast, accurate and completeresponse to customer requests.

  • 7/28/2019 International Trade, Alen Delic


    Alen Deli
