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Internet Marketing In A Flat World

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Overview of the impact of Internet Marketing in a Flat World and the opportunity for businesses that embrace the dynamic changes that are happening around us.With acknowledgements to Thoams Friedman and Mary Meeker.Small businesses can now compete on a "level playng field" but most business websites and marketing budgets still invest in an out dated manner.
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www.proteusism.com “The global competitive playing field was being leveled. The world was being flattened.” Internet Marketing in a Flat World
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“The global competitive playing field was being leveled. The world was being flattened.”

Internet Marketing in a Flat World

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Flat World

Globalization 1.0 (1492-1800): With exploration the kingdoms in Europe pursued global expansion that included discovering and controlling

international trade.

Globalization 2.0 (1800 – 2000): Multinationals followed their countries and took over international trade.

Globalization 3.0 (2000- ): Individuals of diverse backgrounds

able to collaborate and compete globally

With Globalization 3.0, “playing field” has been leveled

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Marketing World in 1980’s into 1990’s






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Internet Marketing in a Flat World






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11/9/89 – The Fall of the Berlin Wall ......(and later change in China).....

Work Flow Software PayPal to (VPN) enabled faster, closer coordination among employees

Open- sourcing / Collaborative Communities, e.g Joomla Website Development

Internet Marketing in a Flat World

KEY Changes for New Opportunities

8/9/95 -When Netscape Went Public... ..fiber-optic cables.

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Internet Marketing in a Flat World KEY Changes for New Opportunities

Insourcing / Logistics


Wireless Digital, Mobile, Personal, and Virtual

Off shoring / Out sourcing

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Based on Companies Represented

We as Individuals “get it” !But

Many Businesses / Companies “don’t get it” !

This Time Lag provides significant Competitive Advantage

70% on Linkedin

80% Page Rank >5

40% on Facebook

25% on YouTube

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The Global Conversation - Internet / Digital Marketing in a Flat World

Managing and Coordinating the

New Marketing Mix

What is Available?

Where to Get it?

What are Goals?

What are Metrics?

Who is the Competition?

What Time Period?

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Internet Marketing - Business Strategy

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Search Engine Marketing(SEM - Pay Per Click)

Social Media Marketing(SMM)

Electronic Customer Relationship Management(ECRM)

Wikipedia: Internet marketing, also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, or e-marketing, is the marketing (generally promotion) of products or services over the Internet.

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Internet Marketing - Business Strategy

Global - B2B Mass Service IndustryConsumer BrandWebsites

Online RetailingEntertainment Private & Semi-PrivateArt Classes

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The Modern Sales Relationship Funnel


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Example #1

Marketing Challenge:Privately owned Hotel Group - Oxfordshire Hotels, EnglandVilliers Hotel in Buckingham, England wants to promote open dates for Wedding Receptions in 2011.Average Wedding Income $20,000

Marketing Activity Implemented: Pay Per Click Online Advertising

Media Planning from Cincinnati

Bid for Search Words

Regional / City Targeting

Daily Budget

Test Ads

Analytic Support vs Goals

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Example #1a

Targeting ▪ who live in the United Kingdom ▪ who live within 50 miles of Buckingham or

Milton Keynes ▪ age 18 and older ▪ who are female ▪ who are engaged

Marketing Results: After 10 days, 734,793 Impressions cost $285.63

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Internet Marketing

and Sales

Benefits of Internet Marketing in a FLAT WORLD

Global Reach

Specific Customer Targeting Low

Entry Cost




Niche ProductAdvantage



Competitive Advantage

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Latest Trends - Internet Marketing as Business Tool

Local Search Improvements Google Local / Places / Groupon

Local Market Potential 27 million small businesses in the USA? 55% of US small businesses have websites - general information / not optimized. Volume of daily searches will ultimately increase by 6-10 times

Mobile Access & Smart Phones4G will offer internet access at speeds comparable to broadband.

Social MediaFacebook 500 million registered users .YouTube is number 2 Search Site after Google

Cloud Computingbe connected at all times 24/7 at home, work and play,


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Example # 2

Marketing Challenge:Create a big image and presence for Freeman Schwabe, a relatively small supplier in Cutting Presses,

to big companies like 3M, Lear, Toyota, General Electric, Kodak,

Marketing Activity Implemented: Dominate Internet Search

Switch from “unquantifiable marketing”

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Example # 2a

Marketing Results:

2009 < 3 per month Enquiries Contact Emails / RFQ from Website

2011 Monthly Average 25+ Enquiries Contacts Emails /RFQ from Website

e.g. Search Results: cutting presses auto interior

Creating Authority with “Rich Content” in different formats / platforms

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Example # 3

Marketing Challenge:

Promote Rozzi Fireworks - Brand &

Rozzi’s Brand Image & Retail Store:

a) To Promote Seasonal Business for Rozzi Fireworks Retails Store (with change in Location)

b) To Promote Rozzi Fireworks Display Show at all levels

c) Improve Profitability

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Visits to Rozzi Fireworks Website Last 10 days before July 4th in 2010Visits 2010 vs 2009 + 35.8%

andMarketing Budget / Costs reduced - 20%

Website Activity

Internet Activity SEO

Internet Marketing Results

Example # 3a

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The New Rules of Marketing for the Global Digital World - International Business

- Target segments of one person

- Customer-Led positioning

- Global Branding now in the portfolio

- Consumers Choice and Input through customization

- Pricing Flexibility in the new comparative world

- 365/24/7 Distribution and Integrated supply chain

Xavier University - Executive MBA Program - April 30th 2011

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The New Rules of Marketing for the Global Digital World - International Business

- Advertising / Branding as interactive and integrated marketing, communication, education and entertainment

- Marketing Research is knowledge creation, no secrets

- Scale allows experimentation to learn from mistakes!

- New Business Strategy process and struggle .......where is IT?

- New Organizational Structure - brand, internet, website, marketing

“Chief Integration Officer”

- Dynamic and Global

Xavier University - Executive MBA Program - April 30th 2011

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Example # 4

Marketing Challenge:Build an Information base with Group Website, Join the Conversation

and Embrace the critics.....the customers!

Marketing Activity Implemented:

Positioning of Hotel Group : Village Hotels and Country Inns, more friendly than corporate and local knowledge

Work with Trip Advisor so Hotel Managers so know processes:(i) how to react to bad reviews

and (ii) how to promote the positive reviews

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Example # 4

Marketing Results:

Blog is now adding to our “Local / Friendly” vs “Corporate / Invisible” strength

On-going process.....Customer Service higher priority and staff quicker to react to poor reviews as well as promoting good comments.....focus on Customer & Service!

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❖Set Goals ...........Use metrics.......Measure Improvements

❖Focus on Competitive Advantage.....Point of Difference

❖Find the Best Knowledge Source.....

❖Find How to Help People...in Business and Social....

❖Not Everything on it’s own has an ROI......Total Picture / Holistic

Xavier University - Executive MBA Program - April 30th 2011

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Thomas L. Friedman

John Cullen - Proteus Internet Marketing www.proteusism.com
