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Internet Marketing Personal Development

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  • 8/13/2019 Internet Marketing Personal Development


    The Inspirational Gold Reports

    Report 2 - Internet Marketing

    Personal Development

    The Inspirational Gold Reportsis a special series of reports for people who want

    to build their own online business, published by

    The Business Vaults

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  • 8/13/2019 Internet Marketing Personal Development


    "Get A MASSIVE Collection Of ValuableResources To Build Your Online Business,

    All For A TinFraction Of T!eir True Value And Get #e$ %roducts Added E&er Sin'le

    Mont!, (it!out %ain' Anot!er Cent"

    You can also sell memberships yourself - and keep all themoney, with our lucrative reseller program

    Discover The Business Vaults No

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  • 8/13/2019 Internet Marketing Personal Development


    Terms and !onditions

    "#G$" N%TI!#

    The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the

    creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or

    represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly

    changing nature of the nternet!

    "hile all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this

    publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or

    contrary interpretation of the sub#ect matter herein! $ny perceived slights ofspecific persons, peoples, or organi%ations are unintentional!

    n practical advice boo&s, li&e anything else in life, there are no guarantees of

    income made! 'eaders are cautioned to reply on their own #udgment about their

    individual circumstances to act accordingly!

    This boo& is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or

    financial advice! $ll readers are advised to see& services of competent

    professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields!

    (ou are encouraged to print this boo& for easy reading!

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    Ta&le o' !ontents

    !hapter ()The *ommunity $pproach of Today+s nternet ar&eting "orld

    !hapter 2)

    eveloping the Trust with .ocial /etwor&ing ethods

    !hapter *)

    eveloping the Trust with 0V Partners

    !hapter +)iving (our .ubscribers *onfidence in (our Products

    !hapter ,)

    *reating "in-"in .ituations and Partnerships

    !hapter )

    The 'ight entality when t *omes to ar&eting

    !hapter .)

    #thical /elling

    !hapter 0)

    mportant lements in Personal *oaching

    !hapter 1)

    /ever iving 3p4 /o atter "hat

    !hapter ()

    .ummary of the 5ualities a Popular nternet ar&eter ust 6ave

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    Though the Internet is considered to be a virtual place where customers

    cannot see the sellers and vice-versa the personalities of both of them are very

    much significant to the other.

    If you aspire to become a successful Internet marketer, you need to have a

    personality that comes across as affable and supportive to your potential

    customers. This is what induces them to deal with you.

    The best part is that the design of the Internet today is such that it is very much

    possible to proect such a personality.

    !ere is how you can do that build your personality to build your business.

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    !hapter ()The *ommunity $pproach of Today+s nternet ar&eting "orld

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    The Internet is a community a giant community. "veryone fends for the other

    here. #our personality needs to show that you will stand for someone in need,

    whether it is a business partner or a customer.

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    The !ommunit3 $pproach o' Toda34s Internet

    Marketing 5orld

    $pprehension is rife in the nternet mar&eting world since ever! .ince the people

    who deal with each other don+t usually see each other, it is only understandable

    why people are so s&eptical about dealing on the nternet! This is actually one of

    the first ma#or stumbling bloc&s that an nternet mar&eter faces! 6e or she needs

    to brea& through in this world by gaining trust and confidence of the mar&et that

    they are intending to deal with! $nd how does that happen; "ell, one of the ways

    to do that is to build one+s personality!

    $n online personality is much different from a personality in the physical world!

    n the real world so, we use =physical world+ then?, your

    personality is ad#udged by what you =loo& li&e+ whereas in the nternet world,

    your personality is ad#udged by what you do! @n the nternet, you have more

    liberties to promote your personality! t is because what you say or write here is

    what really matters! People cannot be #udgmental about you before you do

    something because they don+t see you!

    t is what you write in a blog, or what you write in the resource boA below an

    article, or what you comment on a social networ&ing site that tells about your

    personality! $nd since you can control these things, you can control the way your

    personality is pro#ected on the nternet!

    "hat is really important here is the community approach that the nternet has!

    n fact, this approach is so profound that the nternet gurus are forced to call the

    nternet world of today as "eb 2!! This is where people are interacting with

    each other rather than #ust getting information! They are as&ing each other about

    the products that they use, they are reading the reviews that other people have

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    posted, they are commenting on the products of other people and so on! This is

    what tells them what they should do!

    Things li&e blogs, websites, social networ&ing sites, video and photo sites and

    such are vastly helping them reach out and help other people!

    (ou can actually gain from this! (ou only have to impress a few people within the

    niche! Viral mar&eting is going Duite strong in the age of "eb 2!! f there are a

    few people who are impressed by you and your business, they are li&ely to spea&

    out to other people too! /aturally, your personality reaches out to many more

    people who you never eApect to &now! 6ere, we shall see where you can use this

    mentality of nternet users to your own advantage, and in developing your owneffective online personality!

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    !hapter 2)eveloping the Trust with .ocial /etwor&ing ethods

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    $ocial networking is something everybody is involved in today, right from si%thgraders to se%agenarians and then some more& 's an Internet marketer, this is

    a veritable tool for you to hone your personality and make people understand

    what you are made of.

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    Developing the Trust ith /ocial Netorking


    6ave you been po&ed recently; 6ave you got a tweet; id someone scrap you;6as someone been following you; @r did someone send you a shoutout; on+t

    worry! "e are not going to get violent here! These are all terms that are used on

    various social networ&ing sites today! These terms simply mean that someone is

    interested in you and wants to communicate with you! "ith this &ind of lingo,

    you can easily get a whiff of the fun atmosphere that must prevail on these social

    networ&ing sites! For an nternet mar&eter, it could be a great idea to ma&e the

    best use of this fun-loving community mentality

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    them after gaining their trust, it is Duite li&ely that they will go ahead and

    purchase your stuff!

    (ou have to be active on these social networ&ing sites! (ou can mention that you

    are here for business, many people are anyway! Then spea& about what you do,inform people, give them reviews and they will be hoo&ed!

    *onsidering that social networ&ing sites are used by almost everyone today, it is

    not difficult to see why you can build people+s trust ama%ingly well here!

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    !hapter *)eveloping the Trust with 0V Partners

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    (oint venturing has been the Internet bu))word for a while now. *hen you

    cannot do things alone, you do it through a (+. In any case, going ahead in a (+

    collaboration is much simpler and easier than doing things alone.

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    Developing the Trust ith 6V Partners

    n the physical world, a #oint venture means a venture in which someone finances

    and someone eAecutes! (ou don+t have the finance for starting your own

    entrepreneurial enterprise4 you do it through a 0V! But in the nternet mar&eting

    world, a #oint venture is any business collaboration where people are helping out

    each other! t could be a collaboration of a team of nternet mar&eters that are

    promoting each other+s products on their websites!

    Today, there are various places on the nternet where #oint ventures can hobnob

    with each other and find out who is most suitable for them to collaborate with!

    (ou will find many people on the social networ&ing sites mentioned in the

    previous chapter! Visiting blogs and forums can help you discover important

    people too!

    But, the main thing is to stay in the good boo&s of your #oint venture partners!

    This is a finic&y lot! They will not want to collaborate with #ust about anyone for

    the hec& of it! 0ust as you are loo&ing for profits, they are too! 6ence, you need to

    put in some efforts in ma&ing your #oint venture partners stay with you! @nce you

    have built a business with their support, you won+t want them to ta&e their

    collaboration away!

    @nce again, we come to the same aspect! (ou need to build trust with your #oint

    venture partners! This is what ensures you stay in their good boo&s!

    $nd how do you go about it; t is simple actually! (ou have to provide your 0V

    partners the same things that you eApect of them! (ou eApect them to have a list

    for you that can benefit you4 give them the same! (ou want them to share their

    products with you4 you do the same! (ou need them to help them out with their

    &nowledge4 do the same for them! (ou eApect them to write on your blogs4 you

    have to do the same for them too!

    'emember that though 0V fol& will ta&e their business away at the drop of a hat,

    they also want to stay because this is the way they build their business! But they

    want to stay with the right people! eveloping your personality assuring them

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    that you will be useful for them is the way you build their trust and ma&e them

    stay with you!

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    !hapter +)iving (our .ubscribers *onfidence in (our Products

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    *hen someone buys something from you, thats not the end of the story. #ou

    have to make sure they continue liking you, even after the purchase.

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    Giving 7our /u&scri&ers !on'idence in 7our


    ost nternet mar&eters go out all the way trying to please people to subscribe ontheir websites! They leave no stone unturned till they subscribe! They blog for

    them, they send them informative emails4 they write articles particularly geared

    for their niche, etc! But what happens when they subscribe; 3nfortunately, a lot

    of nternet mar&eters thin& that the story ends there! They thin& that if they have

    got a subscription, it will be there indefinitely! This is the most lethal mista&e that

    nternet mar&eters do!

    There are three main reasons why this could be professional hara-&iri on the

    nternet! @ne, a subscriber can withdraw the subscription anytime! Two, the

    subscriber will not come bac& for more products from you! Three, the subscriber

    is li&ely to shout from the online rooftops about the shoddy nature of your

    product or your service!

    (ou don+t want that to happen, do you;

    That is the reason you have to be particular about your product! t is not enough

    if you have a da%%ling sales page! t is not enough if you got an article written

    from the top brass in the industry! "hat the customer really eApects is that the

    Duality continues after they have subscribed! (ou have to ensure this!

    That means, you have to be as prompt with your services as you were before they

    subscribed! (ou have to give them products that are right in the league of what

    you promised on the sales page! f you promise them that your product has a

    particular feature, ma&e sure it has it and that the feature wor&s!

    (ou have to be very scared of viral mar&eting here! f your product is not worthwhat it claims to be, people are doing to spea& unfavorably about it to all and

    sundry! They are going to let the world &now about the shortcomings in your

    product! f that happens, you are effectively burning all bridges that lead

    potential people to your product!

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    *onsistent Duality &eeps consistent customers! The nternet world is very fic&le!

    t is full of competition! $t the slightest laAity on your part, the person is sure to

    ta&e their subscription elsewhere!

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    !hapter ,)*reating "in-"in .ituations and Partnerships

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    The Internet is the best e%ample of win-win situations. There are so many ways

    you can forge these relationships. et us take a look at a few.

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    !reating 5in-5in /ituations and Partnerships

    Blogging is probably the most popular win-win situation that people &now about!

    veryone has a blog nowadays, and most people &now how blogs can help each

    other! There is a close-&nit community in the blogging world, which is called the

    blogosphere! n fact, the blogosphere is the best eAample where everyone is

    winning and no one is losing!

    *onsider that you have a blog about coo&ing! (ou have a product that you are

    promoting too, which is a recipe boo&let! /ow, your blog can only get so many

    readers! But, consider the case where you go and blog on other similar blogs!

    Blogs are open to all and you can do that > you can even put your business lin& in

    the comment you ma&e! "hat will happen; n all li&elihood, that blogger willvisit your blog and comment on yours too! This is a win-win situation for both

    you bloggers because you have shared traffic with each other! (ou have easily

    doubled your prospects!

    The same happens when you offer a discount to your customers! (ou may &noc&

    off half the price of your product, but that helps! t will immediately increase your

    sales! But there is a better benefit > "hen you are selling products for a reduced

    price, there will be more people virally mar&eting the product for you out there!

    (ou gain more popularity, and hence ma&e more sales! 6ence, this is a win-win

    situation too!

    "e have already discussed how 0V ventures are win-win situations! ven if you

    get resell rights on a product, it is a win-win collaboration! (ou are giving

    someone money for their product > and they need the direct money > and you

    are getting a product to mar&et!

    f you thin& about it, any buyer-seller relationship is a win-win situation if the

    product is good! The buyer gets the product and the seller gets the money!

    But, there is a catch and we mentioned that already! The product has to be good!

    (our service has to be something that people will li&e! This is the way you are

    building that all-important trust! @nly when you ta&e care of what you give do

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    you ensure that it will be a winning situation for the other person too! $nd, only if

    one win-win situation is reali%ed can another win-win situation ever happen!

    .o, as in everything else, it all boils down to trust! "hich comes from your

    personality! "hich you can improve upon! f you don+t do that, your nternetmar&eting business will be dead sooner than you thin&!

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    !hapter )The 'ight entality when t *omes to ar&eting

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    #es, marketing needs a mindset a different mindset. !ere is what you mustcultivate.

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    The Right Mentalit3 hen It !omes to Marketing

    6ave you ever given it a thought why some mar&eters have a bad name; There

    are a lot of instances when people would say, I$h, forget him, he is #ust pushing

    his wares!J There are situations where people blan&ly ignore mar&eters! t ma&es

    you feel ostraci%ed, doesn+t it; $fter all, all you are doing is earning a living!

    But the reason why people have this impression about mar&eters is not

    completely un#ustified either! ar&eters are too pushy! But when it comes to the

    real goods, when they have got their subscribers or customers or whatever it is

    they are after, they forget all of that! They are not least concerned about the

    Duality of the product they give to their people! $nd the word gets around! t

    doesn+t ta&e time for a bad comment to go round the world! The mar&eter endsup with a bad name, adding to the general vibe that people have about mar&eters!

    /ow consider a good product! Thin& about any good product you ever purchased,

    online or offline! o you thin& about it the same way; f you are really pleased

    with that product, you will actually want to &now more about that company! (ou

    will be eager to &now what they will bring out neAt! (ou will not brush that aside!

    The cruA is this > f your product is great, people won+t thin& you are nauseatingK

    They will actually want to spea& with you, learn about your products and your

    business and even become your customers over and over again!

    There is a particular mindset when it comes to business mar&eting, online or

    offline! $nd that is, you have to thin& about the value of the product you give to

    your people first! First thin& whether the product you are giving is really good or

    not! Thin& about the money aspect afterward! f your product is indeed good, no

    one can stop the money from coming in!

    The best way to do this is to thin& whether you would want to buy your own

    product! "ould you buy it for the money stated and still thin& it+s a good buy;

    This is a good #udging factor to decide the merit of your product! f you thin& it is

    a good buy for the money, your customer thin&s so and they will not mind buying

    more from your oeuvre!

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    (our mindset is most important! ndeavor to give Duality! f it ta&es you

    additional investment to build a better product, invest it! t will all come bac& to

    you! f you s&imp on these essential things, your product will be half-ba&ed and

    you will lose whatever trust you have gained in your buyer mar&et!

    (ou don+t want that! /o one wants that!

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    !hapter .)thical .elling

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    #thical /elling

    .imply put, ethical selling means selling with righteous principles! (ou are selling

    in such a way that no one is at a loss! Though the customer pays you, you ma&e

    sure that they don+t pay anything more than your product is worth! (ou don+t

    overcharge! (ou deliver everything that they have hoped for! "hen you have all

    these principles pat down, you are an ethical seller!

    But you need to promote your product, don+t you; .elling blatantly would do you

    no good, but there are several soft-sell ways in which you can promote your

    product and don+t seem too pushy too! The first important concepts that come to

    mind are up-selling and down-selling products! Let us see what these mean! Theydefinitely fall within the realm of ethical selling!


    3p-selling is when you go to buy a product and the seller tells you to go for an

    upgrade or go for an additional product that would complement what you are

    already purchasing! Li&e, if someone is buying a software application, you could

    as& them to also download an eBoo& that+s a tutorial on how to use the product!

    /ow, why is this ethical selling; t is, because the person who bought the software

    might actually be confused about using it or may not be able to reali%e its full

    potential! The eBoo& might actually be very useful to the customer! (ou could

    apply this situation to other scenarios and see! n a movie hall, when you go for

    popcorn, they as& you to buy a *o&e at a discount! This is up-selling but it does

    wor& in your favor! (ou would probably have bought the *o&e anyway later but at

    a higher price!

    "hen you up-sell anything to a customer, ma&e sure that you are up-selling

    something that adds to the value of what they are already purchasing! This &eeps

    it within the domain of ethical selling!


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    own-selling is trying to sell something to a person who is #ust about to leave! t

    happens in the physical world! (ou start to move out of a shop and the

    store&eeper tells you that he will &noc& something off the price! n the nternet

    world, when you try to leave certain websites, a popup suddenly appears that tells

    you they are ready to give you the product at a reduced price!

    t is difficult to tal& about down-selling with the same ethical flair that we use for

    up-selling! But it can be ethical too! $n indecisive person might get a product for

    a reduced price which they might have come bac& later to buy at a higher price!

    $lso, if the person is not clear about the product, they might be missing out on

    something that+s actually useful to them! own-selling ensures that they buy the

    product that will be of some value to them!

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    !hapter 0)mportant lements in Personal *oaching

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    !ere is how you can train yourself to be a great personality on the Internet.

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    Important #lements in Personal !oaching

    First and foremost, where and how do you train yourself; @ne of the best ways is

    through reading! 'ead about the biographies of successful nternet mar&eters

    and you will &now how they have conducted their business! (ou will understand a

    lot of things about their personalities and what made them reach the level they

    did! Loo& for =top 1 nternet mar&eting gurus+ on oogle and you will get a list of

    names that are roc&ing the nternet mar&eting boat today!

    But the biggest source of education for you should come from your eAperiences! f

    you have been here for a while, you will &now what wor&s and what doesn+t! (ou

    will understand what gives you a good review and what is liable to give you a bad

    one! mprove on your mista&es and focus on the positives! f you get goodtestimonials, use them! 3se them on your sales page and wherever else you can!

    t helps! @n the nternet, people #udge you according to what you show them! f

    you show them more of the good things, you are automatically IdevelopingJ your

    online personality!

    *oach yourself from the social networ&ing sites! This is where you are directly

    interacting with people! (ou are beginning to understand what they are loo&ing

    for! People are ma&ing some immediate impressions about you!

    The same can be said about blogging! $s you blog more and more, you build

    people+s trust in you! (our business begins loo&ing more credible!

    f you associate yourself with other successful people, li&e your 0V partners, you

    are automatically improving your personality! Their success rubs off on you too!

    $ll these things are instrumental in shaping your personality for the better! "hen

    you are on the nternet, your personality is largely decided by your actions! Ta&e

    every step with care, even ma&ing an account on a particular site with the name

    you use for your business! People are going to #udge you on the basis of the sites

    you visit and the people you associate yourself with!

    Be careful about how you conduct yourself and you will find that you do really

    well in the nternet mar&eting world!

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    !hapter 1)/ever iving 3p4 /o atter "hat

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    eing relentless is one of the biggest assets of a successful Internet marketer.

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    Never Giving 8p9 No Matter 5hat

    The various advertisements, sales pages and the li&e must have given you an

    impression that nternet mar&eting is an easy business! (ou must be thin&ing

    that it is very easy to be part of this world and that the gains will come to you

    immediately! 6owever, that might not happen! (ou may have to slog it out! ost

    people have had to, anyway! The fruits at the end of the day are very sweet, but

    the day is full of labor!

    @nly people with an unstoppable mentality do well here! f you give up after your

    first failed sale, you are never going to ma&e it! "hen you begin, you have to &eep

    in mind that the person you are dealing with is totally un&nown to you! This

    person has to have full faith in you or your product to do business with you! Thisis not going to happen overnight! (ou have to be prepared for a lot of

    apprehension, a lot of emails bac& and forth probably and several other such

    things before you can build up that trust!

    $nd you have to loo& at the larger picture too! $ll the strategies you use won+t

    wor& right away! (ou might use social networ&ing li&e you have never done

    before, but that might not bring the business to you right away! .o, what do you

    do; (ou try other methods! .ocial networ&ing will wor& too, but probably it will

    ta&e time! But, that doesn+t mean that you give up all hope and all the various

    methods you have!

    The bottom line is that you should never stop yourself! Failure can come even ten

    years down the line, even though the first nine years have been highly successful!

    3ps and downs will happen, but where do they not; (ou have to be ready to surge

    on and scout for your success!

    That unstoppable Duality will be the most impressive aspect of your personality!

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    the right strategies. !opefully, this eook has told you what they are.

    Good luck&

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    !hapter ().ummary of the 5ualities a Popular nternet ar&eter ust 6ave

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    et us now summari)e a few of the /ualities that an Internet marketer must

    have to become popular in their domain.

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    /ummar3 o' the :ualities that a Popular Internet

    Marketer Must ;ave

    t is beyond Duestion how your personality influences your nternet mar&etingbusiness! (ou have to ma&e sure you have the Dualities reDuired to impress your

    clientele and your business partners! 6ere we ma&e a list of the Dualities that you

    need to possess!


    This leads the pac&! f you are honest about your product, people are going to li&e

    you! (ou have to be honest also about your claims in your advertisement! t is

    essential that you deliver what you promise! "hen you do that, people are going

    to &eep you in their good boo&s! They will buy more from you!


    f your product doesn+t do something, you should be upright about it! Tell them

    that your product cannot do that particular thing! t is better to do that then to

    build eApectations and then burst them li&e a bubble!


    The nternet wor&s li&e a team! (ou cannot be a single nternet mar&eter and

    survive! (ou will need people in your team! *ollaborate with 0V partners,

    communicate with your clients, promote to your niche mar&et! o these efforts

    because if you need to succeed in nternet mar&eting, you have to do it as a team!


    *reate win-win situations for everyone! ive and ta&e! @n the nternet, either

    everyone prospers or everyone perishes! There are no individual successes!

    2nstoppable 'ttitude

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  • 8/13/2019 Internet Marketing Personal Development


    on+t let anyone tal& you out of something! f something hasn+t wor&, Duestion

    why it hasn+t! Try to change your approaches! (ou will soon find something that

    wor&s for you!


    $lways be a student here! Meep learning! Learn new tactics and use them! People

    li&e those who &eep with the times!

    - 7) -

  • 8/13/2019 Internet Marketing Personal Development



    ' lot about Internet marketing depends on the way you conduct it. #ourpersonal nature influences a significant part of your business.

    #ou have here everything you need to build that magnetic personality.

    To your Success!!!
