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Internetworking Basics Study Guide

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  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide



    Internetworking Basics

    Heres a list of some of the things that commonly cause LAN traffic


    !oo many hosts in a collision or "roa#cast #omain

    Broa#cast storms !oo much multicast traffic

    Low "an#wi#th

    A##ing hu"s for connecti$ity to the network

    A "unch of A%& "roa#casts

    !here are two a#$antages to using routers in your network

    !hey #ont forwar# "roa#casts "y #efault'!hey can filter the network "ase# on layer () Network layer) information

    such as an I& a##ress'Here are four ways a router functions in your network&acket switching

    &acket filteringInternetwork communication

    &ath selection

    *witches create se+arate collision #omains within a single "roa#cast

    #omain' %outers +ro$i#e a se+arate "roa#cast #omain for each


    ,ont let this e$er confuse you

    -ou woul# use a "ri#ge in a network to re#uce collisions within


  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    #omains an# to increase the num"er of collision #omains in your


    ,oing this +ro$i#es more "an#wi#th for users' An# ne$er forget that


    hu"s in your .thernet network can contri"ute to congestion' As

    always) +lan your network #esign carefully

    LANs) which are use# when you logically "reak u+

    "roa#cast #omains in a layer 2) switche# network

    Internetworking o#els

    A#$antages of %eference o#els

    !he *I mo#el is hierarchical) an# there are many a#$antages that

    can "e a++lie# to any layere# mo#el) "ut as I sai#) the *I mo#els +rimary +ur+ose is to

    allow #ifferent $en#ors

    networks to intero+erate'

    Heres a list of some of the more im+ortant "enefits for using the *I

    layere# mo#el

    !he 3++er Layers

    !he Lower Layers

  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    It #i$i#es the network communication +rocess into smaller an# sim+ler


    facilitating com+onent #e$elo+ment) #esign) an# trou"leshooting'

    It allows multi+le4$en#or #e$elo+ment through the stan#ar#iation of



    It encourages in#ustry stan#ar#iation "y clearly #efining what

    functions occur at each

    layer of the mo#el'

    It allows $arious ty+es of network har#ware an# software to


    It +re$ents changes in one layer from affecting other layers to

    e6+e#ite #e$elo+ment

    !he u++er layers

    !he following network #e$ices o+erate at all se$en layers of the *I


    Network management stations 7N*s8

    9e" an# a++lication ser$ers

    :ateways 7not #efault gateways8


    Network hosts

    !he *I reference mo#el has the following se$en layers

    A++lication layer 7layer ;8

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    &resentation layer 7layer unctions

    !he Layere# A++roach

    !he A++lication layer of the *I mo#el marks the s+ot where users

    actually communicate

    to the com+uter an# comes into +lay only when its clear that access to

    the network will "e nee#e# soon' !ake the case of Internet .6+lorer 7I.8' -oucoul# actually uninstall e$ery trace of networking com+onents like !?&/I&)

    the NI? car#) an# so on an# still use I. to $iew a local H!L #ocument'

    !he A++lication layer works as the interface "etween actual a++lication

    +rograms' !his means en#4user +rograms like icrosoft 9or# #ont


    at the A++lication layer) they interface with the A++lication layer


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    !he &resentation layer ensures that #ata transferre# from the

    A++lication layer of one system can "e rea# "y the A++lication layer of

    another one'

    !he *ession layer is res+onsi"le for setting u+) managing) an##ismantling sessions "etween &resentation layer entities an# kee+ing user

    #ata se+arate' ,ialog control "etween #e$ices also occurs at this layer

    !he !rans+ort layer segments an# reassem"les #ata into a single #ata

    stream' !he term relia"le networking can "e use# at the !rans+ort layer'

    %elia"le networking re@uires that acknowle#gments) se@uencing) an# flowcontrol will all "e use#'

    ?onnection4riente# ?ommunication

    >or relia"le trans+ort to occur) a #e$ice that wants to transmit mustfirst esta"lish a connection4oriente# communication session with a remote

    #e$iceits +eer systemknown as a call setu+ or a three4way han#shake'

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    >low ?ontrol

  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    !he +ur+ose of flow control is to +ro$i#e a way for the recei$ing #e$ice


    control the amount of #ata sent "y the sen#er'

    A ser$ice is consi#ere# connection4oriente# if it has the following


    A $irtual circuit) or three4way han#shakeC is set u+'

    It uses se@uencing'

    It uses acknowle#gments'

    It uses flow control'

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    !he @uantity of #ata segments) measure# in "ytes)

    that the transmitting machine is allowe# to sen# without recei$ing an

    acknowle#gment is calle# a win#ow'

    9in#ows are use# to control the amount of outstan#ing)


    #ata segments'

  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    If a recei$ing host fails to recei$e all the "ytes that it shoul#


    the host can im+ro$e the communication session "y #ecreasing the

    win#ow sie'


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    %elia"le #ata #eli$ery ensures the integrity of a stream of #ata sent

    from one machine to the other through a fully functional #ata link' It

    guarantees that the #ata wont "e #u+licate# or lost'

    !he Network layer) or layer () manages #e$ice a##ressing) tracks the

    location of #e$ices on the network) an# #etermines the "est way to mo$e


    Here are some router characteristics that you shoul# ne$er forget

    %outers) "y #efault) will not forwar# any "roa#cast or multicast


    %outers use the logical a##ress in a Network layer hea#er to #etermine

    the ne6t4ho+ router to forwar# the +acket to'

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    %outers can use access lists) create# "y an a#ministrator) to control

    security "ase# on the ty+es of +ackets allowe# to enter or e6it an interface'

    %outers can +ro$i#e layer 2 "ri#ging functions if nee#e# an# can

    simultaneously route through the same interface'

    Layer ( #e$icesin this case) routers+ro$i#e connections "etween

    $irtual LANs 7LANs8'

    %outers can +ro$i#e @uality of ser$ice 7Do*8 for s+ecific ty+es of

    network traffic'

    !he ,ata Link layer +ro$i#es for the +hysical transmission of #ata an#

    han#les error notification) network to+ology) an# flow control'

    !he I... .thernet ,ata Link layer has two su"layers

    e#ia Access ?ontrol 7A?8

    ,efines how +ackets are +lace# on the me#ia' ?ontention me#ia

    access is first come/first ser$e#C access where e$eryone shares the same"an#wi#thhence the name' &hysical a##ressing is #efine# here as well as

    logical to+ologies'

    9hats a logical to+ologyE Its the signal +ath through a +hysical

    to+ology' Line #isci+line) error notification 7"ut not correction8) the or#ere#

    #eli$ery of frames) an# o+tional flow control can also "e use# at thissu"layer'

    Logical Link ?ontrol 7LL?8%es+onsi"le for i#entifying Network layer +rotocols an# then

    enca+sulating them' An LL? hea#er tells the ,ata Link layer what to #o witha +acket once a frame is recei$e#' It works like this a host recei$es a frame

    an# looks in the LL? hea#er to fin# out where the +acket is #estine#forinstance) the I& +rotocol at the Network layer'

    !he LL? can also +ro$i#e flow control an# se@uencing of control "its'

  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    *witches an# Bri#ges at the ,ata Link Layer

    Layer 2 switching is consi#ere# har#ware4"ase# "ri#ging "ecause it

    uses s+ecialie# har#ware calle# an a++lication4s+ecific integrate# circuit

    7A*I?8' A*I?s can run u+ to high giga"it s+ee#s with $ery low latency rates'

    *o) networks are to routers as in#i$i#ual #e$ices are to switches an#

    "ri#ges' An# routing ta"les that ma+C the internetwork are for routers) as

    filter ta"les that ma+C in#i$i#ual #e$ices are for switches an# "ri#ges'

    !he &hysical Layer

    >inally arri$ing at the "ottom) we fin# that the &hysical layer #oes two

    things it sen#s "its an# recei$es "its' Bits come only in $alues of 1 or 0a

    orse co#e with numerical $alues'

    Hu"s at the &hysical Layer

    A hu" is really a multi+le4+ort re+eater' A re+eater recei$es a #igital

    signal) ream+lifies or regenerates that signal) then forwar#s the signal outthe other +ort without looking at any #ata'

    .6am .ssentials

    I#entify the +ossi"le causes of LAN traffic congestion' !oo many hosts

    in a "roa#cast #omain) "roa#cast storms) multicasting) an# low "an#wi#th

    are all +ossi"le causes of LAN traffic congestion'

  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    ,escri"e the #ifference "etween a collision #omain an# a "roa#cast

    #omain' ?ollision #omain is an .thernet term use# to #escri"e a network

    collection of #e$ices in which one +articular #e$ice sen#s a +acket on a

    network segment) forcing e$ery other #e$ice on that same segment to +ayattention to it' 9ith a "roa#cast #omain) a set of all #e$ices on a network

    hear all "roa#casts sent on all segments' ,ifferentiate a A? a##ress an# an I& a##ress an# #escri"e how an#

    when each a##ress ty+e is use# in a network' A A? a##ress is a

    he6a#ecimal num"er i#entifying the +hysical connection of a host' A?

    a##resses are sai# to o+erate on layer 2 of the *I mo#el'

    I& a##resses) which can "e e6+resse# in "inary or #ecimal format) are

    logical i#entifiers that are sai# to "e on layer ( of the *I mo#el' Hosts onthe same +hysical segment locate one another with A? a##resses) while I&

    a##resses are use# when they resi#e on #ifferent LAN segments or su"nets'

    3n#erstan# the #ifference "etween a hu") a "ri#ge) a switch) an# a

    router' A hu" creates one collision #omain an# one "roa#cast #omain' A"ri#ge "reaks u+ collision #omains "ut creates one large "roa#cast #omain'

    !hey use har#ware a##resses to filter the network' *witches are really Fustmulti+le4+ort "ri#ges with more intelligenceG they "reak u+ collision #omains


    creates one large "roa#cast #omain "y #efault' Bri#ges an# switches

    use har#ware a##resses to filter the network' %outers "reak u+ "roa#cast

    #omains 7an# collision #omains8 an# use logical a##ressing to filter thenetwork'

    I#entify the functions an# a#$antages of routers' %outers +erform

    +acket switching) filtering) an# +ath selection) an# they facilitate

    internetwork communication' ne a#$antage of routers is that they re#uce"roa#cast traffic'

    ,ifferentiate connection4oriente# an# connectionless network ser$ices

    an# #escri"e how each is han#le# #uring network communications'

    ?onnection4oriente# ser$ices use acknowle#gments an# flow control to

    create a relia"le session' ore o$erhea# is use# than in a connectionlessnetwork ser$ice' ?onnectionless ser$ices are use# to sen# #ata with no

    acknowle#gments or flow control' !his is consi#ere# unrelia"le'

  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    ,efine the *I layers) un#erstan# the function of each) an# #escri"e

    how #e$ices an# networking +rotocols can "e ma++e# to each layer' -ou

    must remem"er the se$en layers of the *I mo#el an# what function each

    layer +ro$i#es' !he A++lication) &resentation) an# *ession layers are u++erlayers an# are res+onsi"le for communicating from a user interface to an

    a++lication' !he !rans+ort layer +ro$i#es segmentation) se@uencing) an#$irtual circuits' !he Network layer +ro$i#es logical network a##ressing an#

    routing through an internetwork' !he ,ata Link layer +ro$i#es framing an#

    +lacing of #ata on the network me#ium' !he &hysical layer is res+onsi"le fortaking 1s an# 0s an# enco#ing them into a #igital signal for transmission on

    the network segment'

    .thernet Networks in %e$iew

    .thernet is a contention4"ase# me#ia access metho# that allows all

    hosts on a network to share the same links "an#wi#th'

    Broa#cast ,omain

    Let me start "y gi$ing you the formal #efinition "roa#cast #omain

    refers to a grou+ of #e$ices on a s+ecific network segment that hear all the

    "roa#casts sent out on that s+ecific network segment'


    .thernet networking uses a +rotocol calle# ?arrier *ense ulti+le

    Access with ?ollision ,etection 7?*A/?,8) which hel+s #e$ices share the

    "an#wi#th e$enly while +re$enting two #e$ices from transmittingsimultaneously on the same network me#ium'

    9hen a collision occurs on an .thernet LAN) the following ha++ens

    1' A Fam signal informs all #e$ices that a collision occurre#'

    2' !he collision in$okes a ran#om "ackoff algorithm'

    (' .ach #e$ice on the .thernet segment sto+s transmitting for a short

    time until its "ackoff timer e6+ires'

    =' All hosts ha$e e@ual +riority to transmit after the timers ha$e


    .thernet at the ,ata Link Layer

    .thernet at the ,ata Link layer is res+onsi"le for .thernet a##ressing)

    commonly referre# to as A? or har#ware a##ressing

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    .thernet >rames !he ,ata Link layer is res+onsi"le for com"ining "its into "ytes an#

    "ytes into frames' >rames are use# at the ,ata Link layer to enca+sulate+ackets han#e# #own from the Network layer for transmission on a ty+e of

    me#ia access'

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  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    .thernet at the &hysical Layer

    .thernet was first im+lemente# "y a grou+ calle# ,I) which stan#s

    for ,igital) Intel) an# ero6' !hey create# an# im+lemente# the first

    .thernet LAN s+ecification) which the I... use# to create the I... 02'(

    committee' !his was a 10 "+s network that ran on coa6 an# thene$entually twiste#4+air an# fi"er +hysical me#ia'

    !he .IA/!IA s+ecifies that .thernet use a registere# Fack 7%J8

    connector on

    unshiel#e# twiste#4+air 73!&8 ca"ling 7%J=58'

  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    .thernet ?a"ling

    *traight4through ca"le

    ?rosso$er ca"le %olle# ca"le

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  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    >i"er +tic

    >i"er4o+tic ca"ling has "een aroun# for a long time an# has some soli#

    stan#ar#s' !he ca"le allows for $ery fast transmission of #ata) is ma#e of

    glass 7or e$en +lastic8) is $ery thin) an# works as a wa$egui#e to transmit

    light "etween two en#s of the fi"er' >i"er o+tics has "een use# to go $ery

    long #istances) as in intercontinental connections) "ut it is "ecoming more an# more +o+ular in .thernet LAN networks #ue to the fast s+ee#s

    a$aila"le an# "ecause) unlike 3!&) its immune to interference like cross4talk'

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  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    !he ?isco three4Layer Hierarchical o#el

    !he ?ore Layer

    !he core layer is literally the core of the network' At the to+ of the

    hierarchy) the core layer is res+onsi"le for trans+orting large amounts of

    traffic "oth relia"ly an# @uickly' !he only +ur+ose of the networks core layeris to switch traffic as fast as +ossi"le'

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  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    !elnet was one of the first Internet stan#ar#s) #e$elo+e# in 1K

  • 7/25/2019 Internetworking Basics Study Guide


    *ecure *hell 7**H8 +rotocol sets u+ a secure session thats similar to

    !elnet o$er a stan#ar# !?&/I& connection an# is em+loye# for #oing things

    like logging into systems) running +rograms on remote systems) an# mo$ing

    files from one system to another' An# it #oes all of this while maintaining anencry+te# connection

    >ile !ransfer &rotocol 7>!&8 actually lets us transfer files) an# it can

    accom+lish this "etween any two machines using it' But >!& isnt Fust a+rotocolG its also a +rogram' +erating as a +rotocol) >!& is use# "y


    !ri$ial >ile !ransfer &rotocol 7!>!&8 is the stri++e#4#own) stock $ersion

    of >!&) "ut its the +rotocol of choice if you know e6actly what you want an#

    where to fin# it "ecause its fast an# so easy to use

    *im+le Network anagement &rotocol 7*N&8 collects an#mani+ulates $alua"le network information) as you can see in >igure (';' Itgathers #ata "y +olling the #e$ices on the network from a network

    management station 7N*8 at fi6e# or ran#om inter$als) re@uiring them to

    #isclose certain information) or e$en asking for certain information from the#e$ice' In a##ition) network #e$ices can inform the N* station a"out


    as they occur so the network a#ministrator is alerte#

    Hy+erte6t !ransfer &rotocol 7H!!&8 to make it all +ossi"le 7>igure ('8'

    Its use# to manage communications "etween we" "rowsers an# we"ser$ers an# o+ens the right resource when you click a link) where$er thatresource may actually resi#e'
