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Revision 1.1 Revised August 2018







HRI 190 AND HRI 290

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OVERVIEW Internship Introduction 1

SECTION 1 Course Content Summaries 2 – 4 a. HRI 190 2 – 3 b. HRI 290 4

SECTION 2 Internship Orientation 5 – 6

Beginning the Internship 6 - 9 a. Student Profile b. Tracking Log c. Documents

SECTION 3 Roles & Responsibilities 10

SECTION 4 Internship Sites & Time Clock Databases 11

SECTION 5 Criteria Tracking Log 12

SECTION 6 Site Selection Approval Form 13

SECTION 7 Training Agreements 14 – 16 a. Culinary Arts 11 b. Pastry Arts 12 c. Culinary Management 13

SECTION 8 Learning Objective Agreement Contract 17 – 18

SECTION 9 Assumption of Risk Form 19 – 20

SECTION 10 Student Internship Placement Agreement 21 – 25

SECTION 11 Evaluations 26 – 28 a. Supervisor – Culinary, Pastry Arts, Culinary Mgmt. 26 b. Instructor 27 c. Student Evaluation of Internship Site 28

SECTION 12 Signatory Page 29

APPENDIX A Time Clock Database Student User Document 1 – 15

APPENDIX B Provisions and Specialty Clauses 1 –

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This Handbook will lay out in detail the intent of the internship for the student intern, the host site, and the

role Reynolds Community College programs play in the process.

Reynolds Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the

HRI program has a secondary accreditation with the American Culinary Federation Educational Foundation

(ACFEF). Each of these entities have specifics on tracking and how the internship should be conducted.

Additionally the Virginia Community College System, as a state entity, has vested interest and provides

guidance as well on tracking and ensuring a safe constructive learning environment for the students. With

these details in mind, it shares the purpose and need to be formalized and very procedural in the start,

training, and completion of the internship.

The following pages include all required ‘documents’ that need to be reviewed, understood, and completed

throughout the various stages of the internship process. This includes sections for the student and for the host

site, along with Reynolds Community College final review, signatures of approvals and holding of the forms.

Internships by definition: “the position of a student or trainee who works in an organization,

sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification”.


Externships by definition: “a temporary training program in a workplace, especially one offered to

students as part of a course of study; experiential learning opportunities, similar to internships but

markedly less rigorous, provided by educational institutions to give students short practical

experiences in their field of study”

Reynolds Community College offers an Internship in lieu of an externship due to the quality and value we are

vesting into our students and graduates; this often has meant the Internship may not be paid; to ensure the

educational focus for a strong learning environment, while also attempting to meet ACFEF Requirements. If

you and your personal situation require payment due to financial obligations, you should seek a site from the

database that is listed as offering payment; especially if you will need to change or cut back your work hours

and supplement that income.

Internship availability

Based on the site you select, they may have specific needs and reasons they are vested in accepting an Intern,

while still operating their business, they are also accepting to train in an educational lens, as an additional duty

on their part. It is upon the student intern to ensure their schedule is as open and available, including

flexibility in their scheduling of your shifts; additionally, that the level of professionalism by the student intern

is of the highest regard.

EXAMPLE: The specific site you choose may only be open specific times: Tuesday through Saturday, after 5:00

pm, you would need to be available those hours, which includes nights and weekends. This also includes

providing a copy of your class schedule printed from the PeopleSoft (SIS) system and providing them

information for their understanding of your course schedule (Step 3, page 8).

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Reynolds Community College and VCCS Course Content Summary

Course Content Summaries are the College and State’s form that lays out the intention and objective of the

course. The following are for Reynolds Community College HRI Internship Courses – HRI 190 and HRI 290.

Culinary Arts, Pastry Arts, & Culinary Management

One credit exploratory Internship

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Three Credit full experiential Internship

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Three Credit advanced full experiential Internship

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Programs across the country in Career and Technical Education attempt to mirror industry skill sets in

preparation for student and graduate entry into the workforce. One of the most difficult skill sets to replicate

is the connection between education and industry, while meeting entry-level position(s) job requirements for

qualification. Most businesses require previous work experience and often highly suggest or require

professional education to apply. These such programs address these expectations in two forms: 1. Via on site

instructor led laboratory classes and 2. Via hands on work experience in the form of an internship. Reynolds

Community College uses both.

The Internship Course is designed to address student learning objectives and to enhance connection between

classroom and industry. In order to ensure students, meet ACF, SACS and Reynolds Graduation requirements,

there is a formal process in place to prepare, acceptance process, start an internship, completion, and

evaluation process; which is three fold – Site, Instructor, and Student reviewed.

The following pages provide the guidelines, tracking criteria form, and forms required to begin the process

through completion and evaluation. Please read these pages thoroughly and be prepared when presenting to

the internship site to complete them accurately and in a timely manner.

The Reynolds Community College Internship course for HRI programs is a 3 credit course with a minimum of

400 hours; with at least 25 hours per week for the duration of the contract date. While the course aligns with

typical semester start dates, the course does not follow normal semester end dates. Through thorough

research and review to meet all parties involved, the course is extended to range from 18 to 22 weeks

depending on the semester. All interns must work through the ‘contract date’ for an attempt at successful

completion (pending other work and requirements are met at expected levels).

The following information in this section lists the order and steps for a successful start and completion of the

internship course. Please read ahead and mark any questions you may have and ensure you speak with your

instructor for the course.

Step 1a: Via the Online Internship Database located here:


Students will Edit Profile for review and necessary updating (or Create Profile in certain situations) for their

online profile for review and approval of their instructor by clicking submit. Once the profile is approved, the

student can then 1. View the items for the tracking log (if not enrolled in the course yet) or 2. Begin

competing their Tracking Log.

Step 1b: Prior to completing the tracking form, students should Search Internships from the Student Log-on

Landing page for available sites.

Step 1c: Students will click on Student Tracking Log, then the blue hyper-link on the new page, based on the

Internship they are attempting to complete that term (there may be only 1 or you may need to complete

multiple). The actual Tracking Log appears on the next page.

Step 2: Students will review the Internship Database and select three (3) potential sites from those listed

based on the sites acceptance terms (SU, FA, SP) and complete the Site Selection Approval Form. The student

should confer with their instructor for guidance on which sites are approved for their specialization, as well as

the best matches to meet their stated career goals (as will be listed on the training agreement). The student

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will complete the Site Approval Form via the Internship Database, from the Tracking Log that is created once

enrolled in Internship. Once completed, please email your instructor to let them know you’ve completed it

and for them to go in and review for approval. Once approved, the student must contact those approved,

selected sites to attempt arranging an interview, ‘try-out’, and securing the site as the host for their Internship.

The student will interview with the site; the site, solely, will make the decision on accepting the opportunity

for you to be an intern. Under no circumstance will the site be a current or past place of employment.

Step 3a:

Completing the initial paperwork items on the Student Tracking Log to be prepared for starting your Internship

Now that your profile is approved, and you have created your tracking log, and your instructor has approved

your sites for you to contact, you need to complete the remainder of the Student Tracking Log, once you have

identified and secured the site that will host you as an Intern.

You will choose the site from the drop down box on the Tracking Log. The Contact will auto-populate.

The Contract Start date will coincide with the date that all of the initial documents for beginning the internship

are verified as completed by your instructor. The Contract End date will coincide with the course end date that

is listed on your course schedule, which is verified from the SIS PeopleSoft system, via MyReynolds.

The documents that need to be completed will show as blue hyperlinks. Before clicking on them to complete,

you must ensure you have selected the internship site business from the drop down menu. **IF your site is

not listed, you must stop, and you must meet with your instructor to get the paperwork to get the business

added to the system.

Step 3b: While Step 3a is critical, part 3b is as important. In this step, you the student and potential intern

must complete the first section of the Criteria Tracking Log, the paperwork required to start. In order for a

student to become an official intern at an approved accepted site, they must meet with the site to complete

the paperwork, gain all signatory authorizations (can take up to 4 weeks), and present the completed work to

their instructor for review. If the instructor approves and verifies all documents are 100% complete, the

student will now be an intern at the approved site and may begin logging hours on the first day of the start of

the enrolled semester or the date of paperwork completion, whichever is the latest date.

The following image is from the Student Tracking Log in Section 4; the items listed here and on the full form

are those required for the instructor meeting and approval prior to logging hours. 100% of these items must

be accounted for, before beginning the Internship.

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Step 4: Complete the Additional Documents, via the Student Tracking Log, as shown above.

Step 4a: Meet with your site supervisor and review your objectives and design a plan to meet those objectives

and a timeline of station rotation. It is upon the INTERN to ensure they meet the requirements on the Training

Agreement, as well as their designed Objectives.

Step 4b: Complete the Assumption of Risk form ensuring you provide the name and main number contact of

the person to reach in case of an emergency and checking the over 18 years of age button and clicking Submit.

Step 4c: Complete Syllabus Code of Conduct agreement form and click Submit.

Step 4d: Provide the host site the specified Training Agreement for your major, your class schedule, and meet

with your instructor.

Step 4e: Once you have completed the steps thus far, we also need to verify the supervisor’s resume is on file

with the HRI program office, as well as the business has completed the Student Internship Placement

Agreement form.

Step 4f: Last but not least, you need to click on the Participant Responsibility Agreement and submit your

signature and click submit.

Step 5: While you have completed all the portions of the Student Tracking form, the next step is for the host

business site to access their account to verify and sign off on: Learning Objective Agreement Contract, Student

Internship Placement Agreement, Verify or Provide the Supervisor’s current resume, review their business

information for accuracy, and lastly the Participant Responsibility Agreement. Once this is completed, your

instructor will need to go in and review.

Step 6: Finally, prior to earning permission to begin your internship and logging hours, your instructor must

review the documents submitted for final review and approval, but also enter the contract dates and sign off

on the signature forms. Once this is done, your instructor will let you know when you are able to begin.

Beginning your Internship

Step 7: Begin logging hours. The Intern has an online time keeping system they must use daily to enter time

they are ‘on the clock’ with their Internship Site. Weekly submittal at minimum is required, as the Supervisor

must also approve the time before it will get sent to the Internship Instructor for review and approval.

While logging time entry for end of shift, there is a text box below that days/shifts time, where you will need to

enter 500 words about the work you did for the shift. This will be done for every shift worked. This is used as

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the Student Log for Instructor review and will be printed and included in the Final Folio upon completion of the

contract date. College level writing and mechanics are expected for credit.

Step 8a: CLASS ATTENDANCE. In an effort to allow Interns and the Site, with the utmost focus of their intern,

we have adopted an online method to track attendance and ‘continuation’ in the course; which provides

necessary information in regards to Never Attended, Dropping, and/or a Withdrawal, including Financial Aid

obligations and tracking based on the colleges policies and academic/important dates calendar(s).

Discussion Boards are used for attendance verification This online platform is via the course BlackBoard Site

and the Attendance Tracking Button. There are a series of Discussion Boards that will meet the attendance

tracking requirement. Each Discussion Board coincides with the deadline of the college report dates for

student attendance; neglecting to complete these by the deadlines stated may result in removal from the

course and cause re-enrollment to meet graduation requirements. The standardized HRI programs attendance

policy is in place for both ‘class and participation work in BlackBoard, as well as with the host site’, which ties

to overall grade.

Step 8b: SITE ATTENDANCE. It is upon the student intern to treat the internship and site, including their effort

put forth as though they are a full-fledged employee. This directly represents the need to communicate,

request time away for potential approval by site AND instructor, showing up for all scheduled shifts, in

Reynolds Culinary Uniform*, providing proper documentation and explanation prior to a missed shift to the

site and to your Internship Instructor. No Call / No Shows are not tolerated and are grounds for immediate

removal from the host site and internship course causing failure and the need to re-enroll for graduation.

Step 9: Schedule with your site and Internship Instructor the site visit to occur approximately 4 weeks after

starting or the first 100 logged hours. (Attendance Tracking Discussion Board 1 is due by this date).

Step 10: Arrange a meeting, phone call, and or email to your instructor approximately 8 weeks after starting

or around 200 logged hours, to update them of the current status of your internship – hours, quality,

expectations, objective and training agreement status. (Attendance Tracking Discussion Board 2 is due).

Step 11: Arrange a meeting, phone call, and or email to your instructor approximately 12 weeks after starting

or around 300 logged hours, to update them of the current status of your internship – hours, quality,

expectations, objective and training agreement status. (Attendance Tracking Discussion Board 3 is due date).

Step 12: COMPLETION. To complete the internship for an attempt at passing the course with a 75% C or

higher to prevent re-enrollment to meet graduation requirements, the following must be done.

1. All meetings and attendance tracking discussion boards (4) must be complete; at a college level.

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2. Minimum of 125, 400, or 500 hours, depending on Internship course credits, catalog year, and if one or

multiple internship must be or are being conducted; spread appropriately (as listed by specialization)

over the Four (4) Training Agreement categories (as listed on the Learning Objective Agreement

Contract) logged and displayed on the Time Report Detail (as listed in 6. Below)

Students may also reduce the number of Internship hours conducted at their host site by earning and

logging volunteer hours over the time they are enrolled with the program(s), prior to enrolling in their

three credit internship(s). The link, is the same as the HRI Timesheet for the internship and is listed on

the main landing page. https://forms.reynolds.edu/HRI_Timesheets/HRITimesheetLogon.asp

3. Minimum of 4 Supervisor Evaluations are completed – One (1) per category as listed on the Training

Agreement (BOH, FOH, MGMT, and ELE).

4. Student Site Survey Completed.

5. A one (1) page (4 total) summary of each category section, written by the Intern, on how each

objective was addressed and ‘met’.

6. Time Report Detail with all logged hours, approved by Supervisor and Instructor, printed with all

required Student Logs per shift. (There is an easy button to use in the Time Clock System to do this for


7. Final Folio prepared and provided to the instructor. The Folio must be kept on file for ACF

Accreditation and therefore will not be returned. Therefore, if you include certificates or such, please

use photo copies of them. The Folio’s compilation is up to you in design and binding, however note 2

important factors – 1. It is for a grade and is reviewed to determine a ‘successful internship’ and 2.

Treat and prepare it like it is for a high profile job interview for a position you highly desire.

8. Lastly, the instructor will review the materials, the entire term of the course, conduct any

research/discussions necessary and will issue a grade and enter into the SIS system.

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Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Student

To maintain a minimum grade point average of “C” while participating in the Internship in HRI

To meet employer qualification requirements

To meet job related physical requirements

To exercise responsibility, dependability, and good judgment while participating in the Internship program; including class online attendance and availability and flexibility with Internship schedule

To recognize that the JSR/CATH Internship instructor/Advisor is available to discuss any problems you may be experiencing academically or on the job

Maintain 25 hours or more per week to be completed through contract end date

Responsibilities of the Organization (Employer)

To work in partnership with JSR/CATH Internship staff and advising

To be flexible in scheduling work hours which meet the needs of the organization and the student

To select students, referred by JSR/CATH, without regard to age, disability, marital status national origin, race/color, religion, sex, or lawful political affiliation

To assist and advise the student in regard to stated and approved Internship topics training and subject matter including the Training Agreement and Learning Objective Agreement Contract

To refer any questions regarding student behavior, research or Internship activities to the JSR/CATH Instructor/Advisor listed below (see signatures) by end of week the issue(s) occur

Responsibilities of J Sargeant Reynolds, Center for Culinary Arts, Hospitality & Tourism

To facilitate and coordinate the student Internship activities while on the job

To provide assistance to the student and organization on matters regarding stated and approved internship topics and subject matter

To provide advice and counseling to students during their internship experience on all matters pertaining to topic selection, research and investigation, training and final projects

To provide an intermediary for the student with the organization, as a mediator and counselor

To award academic credit to participating students who have met the academic requirements outlined in the students’ learning plan/training outline

To provide assistance in matters which may result in disciplinary action on the student worker

This agreement provides mutual understanding between J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (JSR) Center

for Culinary Arts Hospitality and Tourism (CATH) and your organization ________________________________

(Site Name) in matters concerning work, employment, and internship experiences of

________________________________ (student name), a student enrolled in the JSR CATH Internship, an

independent study course.

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In an effort to continue student and site ‘convenience’, we have developed and deployed an online platform

for student interns to track their time and to complete station logs. Overall Objective Logs are separately

designed by the student and should follow the parameters given, as stated in SECTION 2, 5.

This system requires authentication of the student, as well as the supervisor, and the instructor, when working

with the system. Supervisors will be provided the needed information separately and training on the system

will be done through the instructor.

Students will enter time daily and between the end of a shift and the start of their next shift, they need to

complete the 500 word review of their previous shift and any learning concepts that fit within the context of

the internship. The supervisor and instructor will review these once the student submits their time for the


Once a student submits their time, the site supervisor will go into the system weekly and review and approve

or deny it. There will be an auto email sent to the supervisors every 8 days to remind them to go and approve

the time.

Once all line items are reviewed and approved, the instructor is emailed to go in and review the time and

station logs. If all is accurate, the instructor can approve to close the week or email the student that there are

issues. The student would then need to review and correct the issues – this could be time entry errors, station

log errors – missing, too short, not college level writing, ect. Then the student will submit again, and the

process will repeat as listed above.

The time clock is only accessible to students enrolled in the course, for the duration of the course. IF you are

enrolled, then dropped, you will lose temporary access due to not being on the roster, as the system updates

daily. Any information in the database system will not be lost.

There is a user document for students (and one for supervisors – directly provided to them) for how to use the

system. You should review this before emailing the instructor, as they will direct you to it if you have an error

arise. The user documentation is included in Appendix A.



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Name: Empl ID:

Email: Course:




On File Complete Date Initials

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No




Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Student Class Schedule Provided to Host Site

Contact Instructor - 12 weeks after start -

Student Arranges

Folio Submitted (station logs cumulative)

Student Attended Last Meeting - Review of Folio

100% Completion Date:

Instructor Evaluation of Student - Final

Instructor Name:

Instructor Signature: Total Hours Completed:

Criteria Tracking Log

Paperwork Items

FA - term start through Jan. 4th

SP - term start through May 11th




s th

at n


to b

e co







g In



SU - term start through Sept. 8th

HRI 190 -- or -- HRI 290

Supervisor Evaluation of Student

Student Attended First Meeting - Paperwork

Learning Objective Agreement Contract

Site Approval Form

Internship Agreement

Assumption of Risk Form

Resume - Supervisor

Resume - Student

Training Agreement - Based on Specialization

Student Internship Placement Agreement

Contact Instructor - 8 weeks after start -

Student Arranges


- it



d ar

e to






imum Daily Detailed Assignment Log via Time Report

Weekly Time Report with Detail - 25 hours per

week - minimum 400 hours

Site Visit - Instructor - 4 Weeks after start -

Student Arranges

Student Evaluation of Internship Site

Class Engagement Discussion Boards (class attendance is tracked

by discussion board participation and assignment submittal /

completion). Each discussion board covers multiple weeks of

attendance, so adequate effort and quality is expected.

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Site Selection Approval Form

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Training Agreements

These agreements are specific to the specialization you are studying and attempting completion by enrollment

in this course. The forms provide an outline of content areas based on category of BOH, FOH, MGMT, and

ELE., not every item must be addressed during the internship, but a majority is expected.

Culinary Arts

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Pastry Arts

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Culinary Management

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Learning Objective Agreement Contract -- Culinary and Pastry Arts Options

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Learning Objective Agreement Contract -- Culinary Management Option

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Assumption of Risk Form

The form listed here is an example. There is a specific form (with term/contract dates) for each term the

course(s) are offered. Ensure you have the correct form from the BlackBoard Site when completing.

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The following form is a State of Virginia Contract in conjunction with Reynolds Community College and those

listed herein through document completion.

SPECIAL NOTE: If the host site intends to Hire AND/OR Pay the Intern, they must initial and date items D. and

E. of section 6 (page 23) of this following contract (notated in bold and with _______Initial ________Date).

Item 8. must be completed if site wishes to review only when there is a change – SITE OR COLLEGE.

THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between REYNOLDS Community College (“the College”) and _________________(“Provider”) (collectively, “the Parties”) effective as of this ______day of ________, 201__. WITNESSETH: that the Parties above-named, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, hereby agree as follows: I. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Definitions. The following definitions apply. a. “Internship” means a program of study as part of a College course or degree requirements, conducted in cooperation with the Provider, whereby students receive supervised experiences and instruction in a professional setting. b. “Site Supervisor” means that person employed or retained by the Provider as responsible for the development and administration of the Internship affiliation with the College. c. “Intern” means a person enrolled in the College who is to perform the Internship. d. “College Supervisor” means the person employed or retained by the College who is responsible for the development and administration of this Internship affiliation with the Provider. 2. Purpose. a. The College is an educational institution and an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia with an approved program in (course or degree). b. As part of the program’s educational requirements, students must complete a supervised experience, such as this Internship. c. The Provider has facilities and professional staff appropriate for this Internship. d. It is to the benefit of the College that the resources of the Provider be made available to Students for the required Internship. e. It is to the benefit of both the College and the Provider to cooperate in the educational preparation of Interns so as to promote professional competence, and to provide maximum utilization of community resources. f. The College’s staff and Interns shall not act as the Provider's agents or representatives in any capacity, and shall not make any commitments on behalf of the Provider. The Parties hereto are not partners, agents nor principals of one another.

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3. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from the date written above to the Agreement End Date set forth hereinabove, and may be extended in writing by mutual consent of the parties. Provided, however, that Interns shall be permitted to complete all Internships that began prior to the Agreement End Date, and with respect to such Internships, all terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply until the last such Internship is completed. 4. The Provider’s Obligations. a. The Site Supervisor shall supervise all aspects of activities and duties performed by Provider in the normal course of business that are appropriate for Interns to perform including those activities or duties wherein Interns may be exposed to potentially dangerous situations or interrelate with clients or customers. b. The Site Supervisor, in consultation with appropriate College faculty and the College Supervisor, shall designate assignments, as appropriate. The Provider, in consultation with College Supervisor, shall determine the dates of Intern assignments for specific duties related to the Internship. c. The Provider hereby agrees to orient Interns to the Provider’s applicable policies and procedures. The Provider shall provide personal protective equipment when appropriate and agrees that no Intern shall perform any duty or participate in any activity of Provider without the appropriate equipment, training, or supervision. d. The Provider, in its discretion, may at any time exclude from participation hereunder any Intern whose performance is determined to be detrimental to the Provider, who fails to comply with proper channels of communication or the Provider’s established policies and procedures, or whose performance is otherwise unsatisfactory or deemed detrimental to the safety or welfare of others. e. The Provider shall contribute in the evaluation of Interns as may be requested by the College Supervisor on forms provided by the College. f. The Provider shall treat all Interns’ education records confidentially and not disclose education records except to College. g. The Provider shall allow faculty members of the College access to the Internship location for the purposes of coordinating, observing, and instructing Interns. 5. The College’s Obligations. a. The College shall be responsible for academic administration, curriculum content and programming, Intern recruitment, admission, promotion and graduation, maintenance of all Intern education records and reports, and final determination of all grades to be awarded to Interns for Internship participation. b. The College shall ensure that all Interns have completed all applicable prerequisite courses and any other requirements necessary prior to Internship placement. c. The College shall inform Students that they may be required to submit to a criminal background check performed by a third party clearinghouse or the Provider, containing such search parameters as the Provider indicates, to determine whether they are at a minimum listed on the “List of Excluded Individuals and Entities,” or otherwise have a criminal record. Upon the Provider’s request, the College will have Students provide, as a condition of their participation in the Program, the release of evidence directly to the Provider showing that a background check was performed and its results. In no event, however, will the College disseminate Students’ background check results of which it might become aware, including the fact that no record exists, in derogation

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of § 19.2-389(C) of the Code of Virginia. If a student does not have a satisfactory background check, the Provider may prevent him or her from participating in the Program. d. The College shall inform Interns of the Interns’ responsibility to provide their own medical insurance, transportation, meals, and lodging related to the Internship. e. The College shall advise the Provider no less than two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the Internship of the number of Interns who are scheduled to participate and the dates and hour each such Intern will be assigned to Internships as determined by the Program curriculum and Interns’ class schedules; f. The College shall be aware of the risks associated with the performance of the Internship and inform Interns of such risks prior to the start of the Internship. The College shall execute an assumption of the risk agreement with the Intern. g. The College shall provide the services of a College Supervisor, who will: (1) Plan, in consultation with the Site Supervisor and staff member(s) of the Provider, the Internships and assignments which will fulfill the requirements of the Program curriculum; and (2) Meet with Site Supervisor and staff member(s) of the Provider to discuss the quality of the Internships and any problems which may have arisen in the provision of those experiences. 6. The College and the Provider agree that: a. The maximum number of Interns that may participate in an Internship will be determined by the Parties; b. The Parties will advise one another of changes in supervision and instructing personnel, applicable policies, student enrollment, and availability of resources; c. Provider agrees to provide emergency health care for illnesses or injuries that occur during the performance of the Internship. Emergency treatment of Interns for any injuries incurred during Internship must be covered by the Interns’ personal health insurance plan or their own resources. Personal health insurance coverage for the Interns will not be the responsibility of the College or the Provider. d. The Parties agree that Interns are not employees or authorized agents of the College or Provider. Neither Party shall be liable for the payment of any wage, salary, or compensation of any kind for service provided by the Interns. Further, no Intern will be covered under the College’s or Providers’ Worker's Compensation, social security, or unemployment compensation programs. ________ Initial _________ Date e. The Parties agree that the purpose of the placement is for the educational experience and that Interns will be in a learning environment. It is further understood that the student shall not at any time replace or substitute for any employee of the Provider; nor shall Interns perform any of the duties normally performed by an employee of Provider, except when such duties are a necessary part of assignments approved by the College Supervisor and performed by the student under the direct supervision of a Provider employee. ________ Int. _______Date 7. Liability. a. Neither party shall be responsible for personal injury, property damage, or any other loss (collectively, “damages”) incurred while performing duties related to the Internship or this Agreement, except for those

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damages that occur as a result of the negligence of the College or Provider or their respective officers, owners, employees, or authorized agents. b. The Parties agree to be responsible for the negligent acts and omissions of their respective officers, employees, and authorized agents. c. Nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver of sovereign immunity of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 8. Term. This Agreement shall be binding on the Parties on the effective date above and shall last for a term of ___ years. 9. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated as follows: a. For Convenience. Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason by providing thirty days written notice to the other party of its intention to terminate, provided that Interns shall be permitted to complete Internships that began prior to the termination notice. b. For Default. A party will be considered in default of its obligations under this Agreement if such party should fail to observe, to comply with, or to perform any term, condition, or covenant contained in this Agreement and such failure continues for ten (10) days after the non-defaulting party gives the defaulting party written notice thereof. In the event of default, the non-defaulting party, upon written notice to the defaulting party, may terminate this Agreement as of the date specified in the notice. To the extent reasonable, the Parties shall endeavor in good faith to prevent the early termination of any ongoing Internship as a result of the termination of this Agreement under this section. 10. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and construed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 11. Consideration. There is no monetary consideration paid by either party to the other. Rather, the parties acknowledge that the Agreement is mutually beneficial and is the sole consideration. 12. Assignment. No assignment of this Agreement or the rights and obligations hereunder shall be valid without the prior written approval of the parties. 13. Waiver. The waiver by either party of a breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or other provision hereof. 14. Anti-Discrimination. The parties agree that in the performance of this Agreement, there will be no discrimination against Interns related to race, color, sex, religion, creed, age, national origin, disability, or other non-merit based factor. 15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any previous contracts, understandings, or agreements of the parties, whether oral or written, concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. 16. Amendment. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and must be signed by the parties. 17. Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

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TYPE OF BUSINESS: ______________________________________________________

STATE OF BUSINESS REGISTRATION: ______________________________________________________

BUSINESS ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________

CITY, STATE, ZIP: ______________________________________________________

FEIN or TAX ID#: ______________________________________________________

CONTACT NAME: ______________________________________________________

DEPARTMENT: ______________________________________________________

TELE: ______________________________________________________

EMAIL: ______________________________________________________

LOCATION WHERE THE INTERNSHIP WILL BE PERFORMED: _______________________________________ BUSINESS PROVIDER: FULL LEGAL NAME OF CONTRACTING ENTITY: _______________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR FEIN: _______________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICER: _______________________________________________ PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICER: _______________________________________________ COLLEGE: BY: ___________________________ TITLE: ___________________________ DATE: ___________________________

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Supervisor Evaluations

Culinary Arts, Pastry Arts, & Culinary Management

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Instructor Evaluation

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Student Evaluation of Internship Site

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Roles and Responsibilities Signatory Document

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HRI Timesheet Student Documentation

The HRI Timesheet online forms/database were created to provide students the ability to enter daily

time to be reported to supervisors and instructors.

Students will need to ‘logon’ in order to access the menu.

Enter your Student ID number (emplid) and press the TAB key.

A process will run to verify the Emplid entered is for a student enrolled in the current semester. A

message box will appear:

Click ‘OK’ to close the message box.

If a current enrollment record is not found for the Emplid entered, a message box will appear:

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Click ‘OK’ to close the message box. The student should check with the instructor before attempting to


If an enrollment record is found for the Emplid entered, continue with the criteria selection:

Select the Term from the drop-down list

Select the Class from the drop-down list

Enter the Reporting Period date range

Click ‘OK’

Enter time for the days as needed.

To enter a comment about the day’s time entries, click the ‘Add/View Comment’ button next to the

day for which the comment needs to be entered. A comment field will appear below that day:

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Enter the comment as needed. Click the ‘Add/View Comment’ button again to hide the comment field

or leave it visible and continue with data entry.

Note: Time entries for a given day should not cross midnight; if scheduled hours cross midnight, enter

a day out time of midnight and a day in time on the next day’s row.

Upon clicking the ‘Submit Time’ button, validation of time entered will occur.

If ‘In Time’ was entered but no ‘Out Time’ was entered for the day, a message box will open:

If the entry is correct as is, click ‘Cancel’ to close the message box and save the data.

If the ‘Out Time’ should have been entered, click ‘OK’ to close the message box and return to the

timesheet to make the additional entry.

If there is a missing Lunch In Time, a message box will appear:

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Click ‘OK’ to close the message box and return to the timesheet to make the additional entry.

If there is a missing Lunch Out Time, a message box will appear:

Click ‘OK’ to close the message box and return to the timesheet to make the additional entry.

If all time entry validation passes, a window will open indicating the data was saved:

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Click ‘OK’ to close the window.

The page will refresh to show updated ‘Rptd Hrs’ and the cumulative totals at the bottom of the

timesheet will be updated:

A message box will appear:

Click ‘Retry’ to refresh the HRI Timesheet.

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If you click ‘Cancel’, the browser window will display:

If you do not want to see the HRI Timesheet again, close the browser window.

If you do want to see the HRI Timesheet, press the ‘F5’ key on the keyboard and the page will refresh.

On the Timesheet, a ‘Print’ button will be shown:

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To print the timesheet, click on the ‘Print’ button. A printer dialog box will open:

Select the desired printer and click ‘Print’.

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Semester Report

This report option allows timesheet data for the entire class period to be printed. To generate the

report, click the ‘Semester Report’ option.

The Semester Report will open:

To print the report, click the ‘Print’ button at the top of the report.

In the print set up, make sure the Layout option is set to ‘Landscape’:

Click to print


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Click the Print button to print the report.

The report may also be saved as a pdf. In the print set up under ‘Destination’, click the ‘Change’


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Select ‘Save as PDF’

In the print set up, click the ‘Save’ button:

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Navigate to the desired location to save the document:

Click ‘Save’

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Semester Report Weekly Totals Only

This report option allows timesheet data for the entire class period to be printed with a summary of

hours per week. To generate the report, click the ‘Semester Report Weekly Totals Only’ option.

The Semester Report Weekly Totals Only report will open:

To print the report, click the ‘Print’ button at the top of the report.

In the print set up, make sure the Layout option is set to ‘Landscape’:

Click to print


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Click the Print button to print the report.

The report may also be saved as a pdf. In the print set up under ‘Destination’, click the ‘Change’


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Select ‘Save as PDF’

In the print set up, click the ‘Save’ button:

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Navigate to the desired location to save the document:

Click ‘Save’

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Provisions and Specialty Clauses
